Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, May 29, 1858, Image 1

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    : goo RE, PUBLISHERS.
11E *29,
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owl/ 1:11 S MAW r Y
40 0 AND M. X t . MUOILIK,
orh tiITE THE POST orricii
• .0 I N. Ildll•r
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to 1* althea the year, the paper e thl
o ut len with a proper om'er tot col
_ or Ir. MALY II 1.11111110 jr,l
g • , I Our rquare 3 mouths $3 UU
I 60., Our . !I •• 3UU
I 1 Our " V - 375
cantle...ll4e at pleasant, $lO
At. $ 0 6 utoulltv. P. V antattut, $ll 60;
yrnr, $6O months.. $36 ;
litlblLll.ll4 I.lltvetor) at f 5 par mauot
sod wader, $7.
iwtsra, IU ei tat 1 I Lu• „Jo* uu Ka% erti•••
the Spreiiti Notify.* for top. tL.n nor
th(' rtspitrint !mortal chant* In their
A n,,..K1 two riaarvw, piper, and card, for $l5
,LU S H • 11l kr tut propurtoau. tt.t.
*taro tit condor,' lotto. 11-v4f...ter ho 11,1
amot for lrautieut eavorttsasswas nyuire•l
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Oestrat lidoelk, over Nwuborierr
ann... OA Stat. 24Irwrt
4 " - „ - u 6th istryret, U.,
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Conker date •134.1 711 ! , t's,
:4“111a, Wass, lamp/1w0.% rokue
and Staple Itr)
ars Mort, opposite bewail !iota'
1111.4611 S JINNI". ,
+c..s z'tioe lading*, Iltr , Mart /tow
r4 L, L•a t r..
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101.. T I ”rtwe nowirsl cs•ruer
State Sue.' and I le hAbllte
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a:, io Kuartoo• ivies II lock, Not tk mt.!.
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Draser. m that! SAui Stlvvr Cow, auciar
.I.crui:e Awl C. r WYO./. pi lbrpwal Alois
l/A the I WA., au4 all parts
ID Kusettawrie• ISICKIL, corona
liwa SAL K...esmw rig kihtelt. Potith .4*
'or e"rnef in., PI. Interval .hoard
0.1 Night ['ran., l beats hod Sowed, au.
401 •reaskt• holaght 6.1 L.allee
prtuetphl caw* in the I uate..l Mat..,
pe r.O Ott UV. rpop.m.A.llll.
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were, Yoathlt Yywura, l 1/4•p
te e epm e ent, tiuld et t 14tlert ,
MONK k%% a MILAN: 4 4ON.
•.I.IIITII 1. 8.11 , 11 e, W t Oak,"
Uvrlll.l.ll nod ilkunertran Ilardwar• ILIA I tit ler,
*„ •14.1 m0t..4. `‘n 1 K..d 11‘....e
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.•., hawk Nate., i,rlah.l.,
,auirtpal ca.. L.a.tahlri for .air tinier
bbar NiaWV. Ivo.
Mod (11001 t
I.mrs ,‘"tinsh, Mors as4ha* INnacts .t
.-nipie4l.:i HoeLk J..tos.
Will HOY rs1"121110tT.
—Qom..., sI bill midetheo, Fourth oulopi,
4 ,....tbreary daft.
tot, .4.11,
A 44... 411..., ti••••••„ W
wti w. Tombs C.Abb 1.. 1.. 4
• ritrewt. 4 doors abov • the Yost
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Jaw an 4 Plaster Putoltr throet , *Apt ./:+tato
11.• Li CVH. I4 .
r.. .ifift• in kl.elly's worth sule
ra Nwarys luswarly Onosepbmi i. )4","1 Y t..
• arrant...l
61011111.11 t J. 144111[TONI.
.“.•1161.61u41 M.rehaoy rubbc Dock in.., dealer
.4. I t..ur awl haslet
.10.6EPH Mire% WTKII.
%maw tar ihoevrwa, Pru, sas.h., ship
• ••-•• he Sint." ,t t, F t
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JItMU N. Mit INit,
Wm retained trail LP. Weal,
Lne ,Ittrtry tL. tat.. Th.. • Wiling kw
"a at b, erntorad and IPirese• AY.
rankx •ITtl etta..
AadlaLl balk: la • I %ay aam
Nara, Dry Grids. Carla tkae, 011
Mae stark :arear Vill:16. hh.
as! Xaaalacturar 10 Ara wliq Road ,
a tanara •L. u tahiag floods To`, tiro • a s
tAmeaboot klurtirs
onzeug• Ami earedinilly drawn. %MOO Oa
•••• a Starni4, 4rroc.ry : 4 torw en.. 116
re• raAcc. Will practice to
Cursty, sod pv. prumpl .s &Abaci
.trusted L.. lu lamas, alliber as an At
,3 4.. r IL+. it feet, eonwr oi
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..c .a.:at...L. Umtata& eV.* of tba art sad
`Luit‘ib. l'OrLiiht.
"gall, Pa Collea - J.los, and
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lett% tiVAIN
• .14. 4... her• Loa Coal, Floes,
0 0 " , a* • Pabilt
GUI I l ettltk.
iwd Imports.] Wins*
I rua, I .A 1 UJ , ih4.lgeata
• ‘• talc &Owl lin*.
JOHN 11. t 1 MANI.
4 * LW toe, I krs,..r 10•1111
1416. azwl bears. No- 4 K.l
: ., 11 1\11.1•111 LI..
or• y 111611 ImslJhog,
LN. Will.. (IL
n. $ t....e•Lor •
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4.-w. I 111. .44•+••• t sad twt wow 10
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RUM a Ult..
`C.4. st t.ol.••tv %Awl. •t 10
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Kan La et...cert., !Amen..., &ad Prlak
East . r... I:awieuv Um Ildialdiag
'-• N• it.—,t Iloatw, !rum, It.
a to A ustoreark.
hart; n
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&kW ki kitoficutta.
sate, tirittsioats .at MM.!
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& r% KW
4, 11.-rs It est tia.lka 4..14 P.."‘"'
NoLturettl +bora, rc.4l, 04. „ •., ,
""t t __Pli tit otsi.ttis
sad Jr ., aladal• bad %dad
Freed' lad Aamiabin
" b..adtairs, Cisa bad aidellaMilds4
.Ib. dalbabo s
Au,., as Nebr *laid
tap, II •
A LEA V lellf lb tl Tkin itialliillbt% Ole A I.lEk.
"I auk waiting for the otor),'• I said to Uncle
Martin, as I sat, costly wrapped to dressing
gowu and slippers, facing au uuelu, who, for for
t) years, Lid iLd a single life, and who hid lair
to euritioue a bachelor "uuto the cud "
What storyr'.ls asksd, pausiug a moment
u his devotions to the souteuts of a pipe
bat had traveled from Stauitiout to America via
"Thestory you promised to tell use long, long
ago The roaboo why you are a bachelor, if
roust be mon• explicit, " 1 auswert•J
-Why and wherefore? Let we bee; the ques
tiou embractb au extent of twenty year,—alusost
your lifetime, is it not?"
"Within a lubtnam of it "
“Well, tt seems to me that I recollect some
thing about this promise to you, and I may ity
well fulfill it now, and he done with it But do
you know what you will hear'
"No, I do not; ezeept that it tiill be interest
ing, romantic, snd--”
I paused.
"Something, sew."
"And true," I added.
"Something more, still "
"Then tell we, for were I to guess f rom now
till the rising sun wakens Cherry a Blo s som,
and r. calls them from a canary's - dreautsland, I
0.111,1 not guess right "
You - Will hear what no other person has heard;
you will see what uo tither person has seen,
rn•rNt the one that gave it to rue—long, long
As my uncle spoke, be laid away his pipe,
aud, drawing up a slender gold chain that hung
about his neck (one ray of my first recollection
is that chaiu. When I was a child, and was
dandled upott his knee, it was my delight to
clasp it in my tiny fingers, cud try—all va inly
—to get it entirely in my possession,) revealed
a locket attacked to the end I looked up at
bias, and though there was no traces of a strugt
gle soil's on within, I feirsore th a t m e m ory was
bum', at tits Isestrt-etringst, cud that a picture of
other days was before bins
"I have not opened this since this day last
year Icia the anniversary of a day of sorrow
t m usr, aud— associated as it is with this picture
slid the story I am about to relate —this issins
most appropriate time"'
lie paused
Hardly knowiog how to :iniwer biro, 1 did
the nest best thiug--r.tuatn...l sileut, waiting
rot bon to ooltiuue Nay, a, I saw Itini attempt
to open the locket, awl thole pause , as If a-lam
ed it tuight causeemotions which would unman
him, I turne.l my eyes from hi•u for a triorneut.
When Belt toy glance rested upou him, the lock
et was qr.
"Look+at ii, Willie "
1 took it auJ glaneel at the face that met my
view It was a face which at first sight did not
seem very beantifol, there was nothing glorious
in the beauty of the pictured face Bu' the
more you gated, the more you became impressed
—were y 96 looking—with the sweetness that
shone, like Helper's light, from her dark•brow•
ed eyes A light scarf was thrrosu carelessly,
yet gracefully, over her shoulders, a lace collar
rested upon tier neck, and her lips seemed just
on the eve of parting, as if to utter some sweet
assurance of affection "to one beloved "
"What do you think of the picture!"
"The-snore I look, the more I, like it She
seems as if about to speak to me "
"Shall I tell you what she spoke to m.'"
"Yes please "
Uncle Martin took the locket, and touching
another spring, showed a Freese back of the per.
trait - from which he took a strip of paper It
was yellow with age, antl.erumpled, as though
tears bad fallen epos it I Jo not doubt but
that Learn had dropped upon it in days gone by ;
"How does it read?" he askel, as he banded
the slip of paper to me
I looked at it and then at him Thelt I
"Is there need?"
"Yes," was the low response
" 7%.'we wow; thine ever!"
The words fell slowly from my lir I knew
haw the sound of them would affect him, and was
not instprieed to see hint berry his free in his
heads, and give evidence of Jeep emotion
"Surely," I thought, earl looked at the face and
the motto, "surely it may bate beeo more than
a slight cause that brought about a dissealsion
among hearts that love as my uncle must have
loved; nearly a score of years have passed away,
and yet the wound has not wholly healed "
"Yea," he at last said, "that is the way it
reads, or did read, once. Now, I reed it-comes
what different."
"How, uncle?"
o mi me .? vino' Thine? never!"
1 °mild not comment upon the constructiou.—
I felt that it was a true rendering now, though
oat* it might have born different
'This is its meaning," added my neck, as if
divining my thoughts. The INK time I looked
al this strip of paper, the words seemed placid
to read so; hence my desire that you should read
thaw. It was an optical delusion, but the sense
of the senteuos is mal have rendered it She is
not mine: she sever will be mine."
"Slip back the paper in its hiding place," he
added, after a moment's passe. "Slip it back
mad close the locket. I must not look oa that
face again,natil a twelve moot, has rifled around,
until there wises a minunues for me to join that
caravan, of .hick the poet tells us. Tau remem
ber the passage do you not. If so, repeat it."
Is a low voice t eonsplied with his request,
and the noble thought of Bryant, in his "Thiap.
okapis," fell upon his sat:
Its% that whoa the
I • //11.114 a.
.761 insulootthio mosso. 'Aide loom
Ito that assisoisse roaliwoltoto age .101 l W.
ai..1..b., is tbo Moot bad. .1 alotb.
'Moo p too— tile do room do.?
flocooripoll to Wit dowse-4w sad soithog
-4111-- -
IT MN. 110011111.
Be' tin roes Islam of sprint,
Whot ptosoraro to .. tbsy bruit ;
From tlltir lusty roots lb. sordurs ohoota,
'TO Mb robin is on Ms wing
And tb.o tram Omar kaki. bowers,
At Yoe wand of tito AprU ammo
Ttot son woodinsind truoi szalinnt tbroats
Wttb babbling 6/snaking/I oat
He. the grams leaned spring,
What joys slam earth they Ittng,
To the cottage door, the house of the poor,
What buds of bright hope they bring'
There , * a charm In the laughing hours,
That Op book laser abbey hewers,
And the N... lona Woe, on their Wanes coureihro
A uti the .00 pours down on the Lioe
H„ ' the green leaves td /Kil!,
Where the thrushes end Ilitettil Pr tug,
lu the bright suubessts, by the Ittopol stream
Till the Lulls &tut the ,►tl,. 'tug.
How they s Zlll. In the freshet:kitty breere,
•od laugh ►t th, bkunennuun tees.
From tb. branches hqh, taw ►n Aprd et).
Where the ally tart ,• on the • ine
Ho' the veer, 6:1.0411 of .proof.
ti li.l Weeuog ate Isom tb,f Wu.,
The log Eh of U.. year Ittot the Wu. .4 he I
Wl,ru LIAM 111.1011 the whits e.t.g,
The rivers they roll to Lb. *ea,
Ply tar martin of woodland.. floe,
Awl the *saw deep heola,haloes sweep.
u.l 111041114110% W1LZ14.1441111
By an IND talt•riog treat, approach thy grave.
Like see who weer the &spay of his reset
About Ma. sod ties down to pheasant dreasets.”
"Wben that summon comes," he continued,
to the sound of my voice died away, "I hope to
be sufficiently sensible to be able to bald the
picture of Nellie Grey in my hand, and look one
last look at her sweet face' I have always lov•
ed her, though she veiled& dagger ill roses, and
tben sheathed it in my heart The odor remains
though the blood hiss been washed away by the
years whose *wilt tide has rolled over it, carry.
lug drop by drop to mingle in the ocean of the
past But if lam geeing to tell you the story,
it is time to begin Lower the curtain, awl eue,r
out the light It is a story tit only for the tires
light to ship° upon, and the ashes beneath the
glowing coals are a fit type of a heart,
which only the coals of memory glow "
I complied with his wishes, pad there In sub.
"dance, he related what fellows:
"Nellie Grey and I were near ne iglJseis The
fauns of our respective parents join. ti each orb.
er, or, rather, we were only separat e ll ley a row
of willows In those days, penes . - and amity
reigned to such an extent, that there was uo need
of fences tee mark the boundaries eef prep. rty
The laws of ileum apd Teem were as unknown
as that principle in mechailiee (see long eeught
for, and which will never lev fouud) I.) whieli
perpetual motion is tee it 0-talelisheal Nellie
was. a year or so young; •r than myself, and thoneh
not absolutely a.lieauty, yet bad , uffieeent
Inseam to turn the head,' and win the hearts i'f
overly all the farmer youths within a circuit of
ten utiles But none of the en were ree. itest ait It
the favor with, which she looked upon me; and
gradually it grew to be a settle! fart that her
presence was itumtevelely fixed, and, one by one.,
suitors dropped away, discouraged :it the grasp
that hung see temptingly beyond their resell,
leaving me the sole master eef tee field
how or other, I did not glory in thi- I felt
eenscious that I loved Nellie Grey, with a !eve
as deep as the ocean's depth, anti as changeless
as the immutable hills that have stood the wear
and tear of centuriea, on which the regal union
looking new, sees nee alteration since it- beams
first fell upon them, on the night after the ark
rested on Ararat And Nellie was I , lllSeli-tl4 oef
this, and returned the affection I had for her,
with all the ardor and i m p u l s e o f yout h I
credit her with sincerity daring the happy peri.
eel of our lives In the quiet afternoons we
would walk under the willows, and watch the
sun sink behind the western bilk, and, a. my
arms twined round 'her yielding form, and my
eyes met hers, as I made this sweet. confession
—"Nellie, I love: you," I never fatkel to get from
her the answer I expected Her brown eyes
would look up to mine, and her lips would say.
"And I love you," and then—how (-Quid we help
it? Our lips would' meet, and we would seal the
mutual confession with a kiss Ah 7 those by
gone hours beneath the willows! They mark a
bright era in the history of my life., and—alas!
that it should be so—serve also to reveal the
greater, deeper darkness of the days that follow
ed after Willie, I hare watched the sun rise
and kiss the lipn of stony Memnon on his ancient
throne; I have floated southward down the tied ,
of the Gsadalquiver, through the snotty valleys
of smiling Spniti; I have steeel lit tl.e siritiow of
St. Peter, in the city upon the seven Hills; .1
have stood where the three hundred fell at There
mopyle; I have bathed my face with the 'water
drawn from the *ells it 'Klima, and ceoloil my
brow beneath the shadow east by its seventy
palm trees; I have battled with desert sands, and
with 0et.211 . 14 storm; I have watched the .0111 sink
behind western prairies, and from the -14.,r.• of
of the Pacific, saw it clip its crimson di,- ill the
• cooling cave"; I 11-eve . 1.14 , n temp. st 41111
prieotaer; I hare lingered m the .ales reely,
and suffered utiehr ile• froze ce l'.ele; beet there
ue ve r mime a day, er hour, whoa the mentors
of ilieee sweet e e..e.le- 4.40111 try e.on.nutii sa
eft:teed from my mind
"lint I weary you, and alll lia.ten on All
tfirough flee •utnim r iee nleio r
eight. en th hirt Inky, Our eottlitalli ,, ll.lllp era.
?siert ender mud une,(utroll,l (tor parent
! were well pleased weal the drift of cur affeetione
and, I doubt not, often talked over the appal-out
ly approaching nuptials Awl we ' One day I
asked her to fix the time when a 11u-hand' •righ t
to guard and to cherish her would li• give it we
I She Aid that an the day appointed by the (lee.
I tenor 'of the State as a day ef g( normt thaukegiv
jug:there would be special cause for it in our
homes So it was agreed between us, and the
menthe that Intervened seemed tee eleewu
toalays as I lotiked hopefully forw ar d
"About tw& months previous to tier time we
supposed our-d . uptiale would take plaee, it be
came necessary for me to visit a town in a dis.
taut state, on business connected with our fami
ly estate I had a long interview with Nellie
ere I started Au artist mimed Sylvanus Os
borne had been staying in the vicinity, and her
father had taken the opportunity tee seetirt.
portrait of his daughter This picture—you are
holding it now to your band—Nellie gay,. Illt• at
that parting interview With it was the eef
paper, with the motto you have read I corn
forted her as I eouli, aced 'roared her that ale
pence woad but strengthen my affection fer her
She seemed distreseed beyond measure at the
thought of separating from; nee for the three.
weeks I would prubably be absent, and wilt,
long and bitterly, as my lips wet leer-. fer the
lam* time, until I returned "
Here my unelebpatused I handed hem ei,ifa_sa
of water, be just wet his lips with the liquid,
and then continued:
"I went 'way, carrying with me the picture
and the sweet assurance ntllie'4 loc.• I left
Syhranus Osborne behind me, and wh.•n I r.••
turned home--after a stay prolonged two weeks
beyond what I originally intended—l found that
be bad--
I started to my feet at the thought of wtrat
was oomisg Could it be possible!
"Nay," he continued, after painting R moment
looking at the astonishment depiete4 upon my
countenance, "dint wonder, in my absence she
had found a consoler. She had listened to oth•
er words of love, and, under the willows, had
, e a mew 6outession. She had given ate the
picture the skint punted, and had given herself
to the artist.
I will not tell you of the hours immediately
succeeding the discovery of Nellie Grey's deceit.
will not undertake *to describe the anguish in
arbith I was plunged as I listen.d to the glory of
her 'betrothal, and the approaching bridal. I
asked if it was sanctioned by Fanner Grey, and
was answered in tbt affirmative I questioned
no further in the matter, though my brother—
your- father, Willie--Ove me what information
be bad gained daring my absence It seemed
that Mr. Osborne was very wealthy, and that hie
so as artist w a freak of fancy.—
e ft%at 'at rationed into our vicinity, and the sweet
bee wad engaging manner of Nellie had eapti.
ted kii. Few ate I could not blame him.—
Had sot otbers keels at her feet? Had he known
of any prier engagement, hithionduct Might have
been diltereat, for be seemed to be a man of bon•
or and fetnrity. My absence bad not even hur
ried bb proposal.' lie knew only what common
mart mud, and pbea be confemed his love to
Nellie Grey, be found that rumor had=as usual
—played hire Ulna, for she smiled sweetly upon
Iris, mud nest bile sissy with a happy heart.
Yaws cites wandered if, st tbst hour, any thought
if me stowed her mind. Perhaps ber loree
inuslth *mind bar sy., and no eaptirsted bet
asa••• k. ,lois
l ..."
heart tnat she /thought only of the future, and
eared nothing for the past. Perhaps—but con
jecture is "nu. Ler ism return to actuality
"They ere married; but I did nut stay to
witness the ceremony
" I lefty home and country, and became a wan
derer upinu the face of the earth I carried with
we whe4rever I went, the picture and the prom
ise of false Nellie Grey I schooled my heart
to hate her, hut it would not learn the lesson
Niylther could I forget her. Her image was 1•.•_
fyn me, night awl day, whatever situation I war
jin In my dreams, her face time to me, awl
once more I walked under the willows, and mid,
a sweet confession; 'Mee more I said, Ilse I
love you,' but I ever awoke before she gars the
answer Was it not singular? Just as I bent
tuy head to haiku my dream wouto lel, and the
darknesii and eertaiuty of de.pair wade my heart,
"S.. the yrurr, ton, fifteen year.,
'flit•ti i returnoti hottm to linfl Von a Y"tithflerg
k,ing nu manhood, auti--sotnettong more--a Arty..
l in Ihe ellurnhyartl, nn which was onierilied—
/. /otos.?
Once again l started In my Ceol,
" Vett," replied my 'mole "het me 'imp tb.
name Osloofa. now, (or the disguise is no longer
tireileil Ito not blush 'hen I tell you Ihni I
know r f our seer.t; hut I thnt Alin is
unlike her mother in owe thing at Jew She
will keep the troth she has pli f hte4 to you; I
know she will
" Anil now I have tnl•1 yin m y•tory They
thmt Nellie lived happily with her husband
I irtvv met him several times sino , I have been
Fern, what little I knew of him confirms me
in lielieving that -h.• rli.!
Nnthing, eteepl
lifer wlll t.) my nephew V 411.11 NI MO Wa.
mit in nip, faithful and true, L.
In May there is n bridle ',Steed I t,•11 y ou
%dim... 7 As we puts through the portals of the
church, after tire minister his joined our hands,
we wilt go by a grave, over which the myrtles
blossotn—at it
. we will pau-e a moment, and, if
Martin drops a tear there, who I+ there
that will chide hire
A Tout or TERROR. —The following story is
told by one of the Vienna journals: As a farm
er of Orsinevi, near that city, was a few nights
sine,. returning home from market, he stopped
at .1 road-id.. [midi(' house, and imprudently
showed the ion keeper a large sum which be had
reeeived. In the night the inn keeper, armed
with a poigeard, stole into tire farmer's chamber,
and prepared to stab him; bat the farmer, who,
from the man's manner, at supper, coneeivell sus—
picion of foul play, had thrown himself, fully
dressed, on the bed, without going to sleep, and
being a powerful man, he wrested the poignard
from tho other, and using it against him laid him
dead at his feet A few moments after. he beard
stones thrown at the window and a voice which be
recognized as the inn keeper's son, said: 'The
grave is ready!' This prove,' to him that the
father anti son had planned his murder, and to
avoid detection, had intended burying the dead
body at once lie thereurn wrapped the dea4
in a sheet, ',ad let it down Prow a eindow; he
thee ran to tiie (gcntiuuterie,' and stated what
had occurred The gendarmeries accompanied
him to the house. and found the young man busi•
ly engaged in slioveliug earth into the grave.—
'What arc you burying?' said they. 'Only a
horse which has just died!', n..ue mistaken,'
answered one of them, jumping iota the grave
and raising the corpse, 'Look!' anti he held up a
lantern t.• the face of demised_ 'Good God!'
erred the young man, it is my father!' tie was
I Iwo err, stud, and it otox confesses! all."
%lADE —Eng6o4 rs a pure ariatocracy, gays the
Allmlay 7 noes It priAie4 itrel( urbi.h the legiti.
a lle y of the bl o od ~1 tt• royalty and nobility It
eontrntn. the Ora that base blood has ever been
permitted tat enter the veins of its aristoeraey.—
Rut not all the laws of men can prevent the
course of nature, nor can the utmost safeguards
avoid the chance of a eommine.ling of bas t , na
ture• with high born tastes and tnelinations
The record of the geocology of its nobility may
111)(4 a pretty clean record and a general freedom
from the admixture of base ingredients, but now
and thou history and tradition point to a ease in
which the rule and law of high words ha. b.•en
broken in upon and violated
The following cordons and historical (set
strongly illustrate. his point A•idr from that
consideration, the case is one lull of rouranee:
The wife of the celebrated Lord Vfa ro d on ,
the anthor of his•llistory of the Rebellion, was
a Welsh pot-girl, who being exeremely poor in
her own country, journeyed to !ream to better
her fortune, and became a servant to a brewer
While she was in this humble capacity, the wife
of her mailer died, and happening to fix his of
feetions on her, she became leis wife Ifi nis elf
dying soon after, left her heir to hie property,
whi c h tti said tv have amounted to beta/eon C:20,-
eNlle , n .j A . ,, - 40,000 A m ong those who froliv•wt
ed the tap at the brewery, was a Mr Hyde, then
a poor barrister, who ismeeived the project of
forming a matrimonial allia - iee with her Ile
si lect e re j e ,i, slid 4 0,1 u led tile brewer ' s wed.ew to
the alter Mr Hyde heirig roelowist with gr-at
tabor and now at the iseminanel A gt a largo for
tune, rose in his profession, Ise:awe the bead of
the Chancery lieoeb, and was afterward die Hyde
Karl of Clarendon The eldest daughter, the
offsprtog of this union, won the heart of James
Duke of York, and was married to hem. Charles
II immediately ,lent for hes brother, and having
tiro plied him with 'some very sbarvailery on
the subject, finished by saying: "Ja - ine4, ae you
have brews, so you most drink," and nummand•
ed that the marriage should be legally ratified
and promulgated ' [fru the death of Charley',
James II mounted the threw., hnt a premature
death frworated this enviable dtleheom lief
daughters, however, were Mary, the wife of
William If, and Queen Anne, both grand-Ail.
dren of the ride-roes pot girl from Wales. and
wearing in succession the crew° of England
work called "Notes of an Army Burgeon," records
the following incident as having occurred daring
the siege of Fort Erie, in the war of 1812.
" 1 remember one day, in =skis% nu hospital
rounds, a patient just arrived, penseated an- am
putated fore-arm, sad, in Akins so, aciahl hardly
restrain a broad laugh; the titter was oonstaady
on his face
•' What is the matter? This does riot strike
me as a subject for laughter "
" It is not, doctor; but excuse me—l lost my
arm io so fanny a way that 1 still laugh, when I
look at it."
" What way?"
" Oar first sergeant wantNl phavieg and got
me to attend to it, as las eorporal. We west
together in frost of the 'teat. 1 bad lathered
him, took him by the nese, and was just applying
the razor, when s'eantion ball name; and that
was that the last f saw of bi 4 head, and my arm.
Elam me doctor, for laaghing, but 1 never paw
such a thing before."
sir A gestlestsely iadivideal, who had bees
deprived of s very minable sasbrells, posted up
the tiluerieg eotiee: "Who was the gentleman
vibe examined usteellasmith me the otherdey,
sad forget to tem bier'
ORNING, MAY 29, 1858.
I feet a mew Ilk I orrery Oh,
Tho winds that fan the llowirm
Ana with their wekonw breathings all the sail
Tail of sennter hours—
or hours that glide unfelt away
Re nroll' the sky altar.
The spirit of the ratio south 'del mils
From his him throes of air,
And when. his whisperler mime In motile hills.
Remits to lesilasur three;
The bellskrt awes el the valley Weak
Their slumbers eat awake.
The inarotent vioninno milks ambit the Oath
Aladdin. arida. %wood ware.
T.. Inrawn* tort Ha pisyfol mates narnao.
A canopy of 10111VM;
And fnotn at+ 4arkoning Ando+, s a aat•
A rub of tremblinn emirs
Falter and larightrf eon& tb« reign of Hai ,
The 'resoles of the lerood.
With Mr light &lb of of the 11,-.t wind plinv
And the bringing Mod•:
gladly to their red they rya.
Had the returning man.
My upaniog Neese lays is a wen weAt of the
Aiirgliany range--s town more famed for its
Itrauty titan its rise.
The blast of autumn swept the lettvee from the
Ilket and they stretebell nut their bare and
quivering limbs to implore winter to cover them
with its icy sheen The poor were ithivering in
their hovels, the rich enjoying life se beet they
+orrounded with such etanfarts wealth
slat sys commands
Ina neat cosy mansion iu the said town—or
rather in a parlor thereof—sat two person.; one
.2 young man whose almost beardless f l ee and
ynnthful appearance did not place him above one
nud-twenty years in the records of time, if so
much !lad it oat been for a rather recklete, and
di.e.ipated look, be would have been considered
hand:gone Ile had a dark, flashing eye;
hair curled around a high, fair br.)w; his features
were regular. bie figure good, and his dress was,
in the fashion, and elegant.
companion was a modest and lovely blonde;
small and plump in figure, with auburn hair, and
those tender blue eyes, which, while they speak:
net of fever heat, or tameless passion, still con •
taio a world of deep and constant love. lier
age was evidently two or three years less than
jam that era when the girl is merging lend
womanhood; when, with new thoughts, new feel,
logs, pew passions, and no experience, AO
eniergib from the bud iota the tower, hanging
upon the thorny bush of humanity, at the inert
cy of every breeze, and in danger from every
daring hand.
'What do you say, Annie?' asked the youtg
man. 'Will you not be mine without his cowl
'Oh! Charles, bow cats I?' replied the young
girl, as she clasped ono of his bands within both
her own "Hoe can I? I love and fear my
father; I love you; but is it mot my duly to heed
'And 100 marry old Pre.nderaat, the banker, for
whom he intend" you!' maid the young man, bit
'No Charier that I will never do!' lobe re'
plied, in tears the while; 'it i% eruel in you to
nay it'
"And yet he intends it; be taunted me with
it to-day, when tasted your hand-of him, while
he called me nothing bin a lievarly lost -office
A change came over the rung girl's face, as
she beard this. The tears seemed of themselves
to dry ups ber burning cheeks. Her little
form seemed to enlarge, and her plump bomout
fell like waves on the lakelet suddenly aroused
motion. The oolor on her .ebeek grow deeper
and the light in ber eye more bright
'He has spoken to me of that old wretch,' said
tle, 'and bo is invited hero to spend his Christ.
tear evening '
'Then, Beare t, let him come: but do not let
bite find you hem IA us Hy. • Disguiss for
both are ready; the can pass in two hours; I
have plenty of ready money, and in a few hours
we can be in another State, and you shall be my
wedded wife. Then we will send your father
word, and a copy of one certificate of marriage;
sod though he way storm and rare fur au hour
nr two, he will soon see that it is useless, and
call us back to his love and home again! Coate,
Annie, comer
She hesitated—there wis evidently a struggle
going on initer young heart—loge in one scale,
and duty in the other. lie saw her iudeeisiou.
'Prendegast is a hateful oiti wi.4err maul he
The scale turneil in a moment
'Owlet,' maid sbe, and her tone was low and
solemn, and ber look touchingly earnest in its
tnuiling innocence as sha spoke, 'Charle4, I wilt
go with you; but 1 ray God to treat you as
you tio me; Ihr nii honor, my very life, is in
your hands from the very moment I leave my
father's protecting roof?"
' kitten, my dear Annie,' mid he, a. 4 he ki7o , ell
her tenderly 'Yon need no.. fear wrong f r o m
me, for I love you, av I do my very lifer
And he seemed in look and tone tiet.i. sine. re,
h e ..r e ike tlinve words
'He with me its an hour, at the eirnt•rnf Blank
and Vypher ~treet, dearest,' he continued, 'awl
from throne we will r when• we can disguise all
that nereiisary to escape recognition at the
.1, v.; anJ then within len hours more, yoga will
s , much mine by the laws of Ci,si and man,
that no power on earth ma drag yon from me
I hate arranged at the *See, and got leave to be
absent for a few days, so that I shall mu lose my
situation by being away from my post.'
will he there, Charles,' replied Annie, not
in a wild romantic manner, bat with the quiet
firmness of one who , seetwed web td know what
-he is about to do, awl lino in deep, calm
was willing to risk an for him whom abe loved.
Attii now the reader 'my as well be told who
those young peoplo—ao bent upon an elopement
Annie was the only daughter of the worldliest
man in the plats—the diughter of an honorable
but ambitions man, who was stem in his man
na, and haughty, while she was winning a
June morning. Tet. Mr. Rivers wsi !whod up
lo with great reverence on orery hand. Annie
—young though she was—bad many suitors,
some attracted by her beauty, but more for her
position as an heiress Among these—se we
already know--was Mr. Pleader, et, who ranked
meond only to Mr. Rivers in wealth in the place
and who bad run into grey-beaded old bachelor..
ship berme he thought himself rielt enough to
enjoy the luxury Of a wife.
Charles Aibro was the only son of a mast res
pectable widow, who, with but a small Income,
lad supported him through ha youth, and so
educated bins, that he was capable of IRfing al
most say situation with credit, which be amid
reach at his age. His manner was easy aid
graceful, aid his address winking. . For two
years prior to the date of this story, be had held
a reifies in the post odes of his satire toms,
mad had bees promoted thereia only a few days
Tbere wag a large Ober* at the boons of
Mr. Rivers, on Citron*, mein, for be woe
Ao w rlly is his hospitality. Asa se they
is, essay Imamd wily the love=
Die Irma sot there as sisal, the kit to
her fither's risitois. Bat all that the simian
tether mad tell them, was that he sarted her
in every otonest—all that he knew about het,
that which a servant told hint--*She bad gnoe
oust early in the afternoon to sake s call, 'lnd
bad not returned -
The boors sped on, and his anxiety inereas
-to fear! What bad become of her? Had she
been deeoyed away and murdered, or doomed to
a fate more horrible yet? The excitement of
his guests was almost as great so: his own; but
when the clock struck nine, a man. Presented
himself at the door of Mr. Rivers, and asking an
interview with him, banded him a nese which
aecounted for her absence. It was jointly from
herself ind Charles, giving no clue to Aluir des ,
tivation; however assuring him that as soon as
the knot. was tied, he should hear from them, and
when assured of his forgiveness, they would, rr•
turn to him.
.Why was thin note delayed; it i* dated biz
hour* ago!' altouti. - 11 Mr. Rivera
"I liras paid to deliver It at Wile o'clock, and
wA, a minute Liefurer said the man, senteuttotkily,
as he turned and It ft the b..use
'A thuueatsi curies fin the uugrateful ;furl!'
cried Mr Hitter., its he commuoieated the farts
to its friends Forgive herr soe It, r rot
first! .11e—the begw.trl) upstart--asked tue for
her, and I refused him, sod Dow he has stolen
`Had endoritemene. My cake's all dough:
mattered Pretidegavt, as be put_ on hi• yellow
kids, and bade, hie fiends end night
Other (nerds, particularly young men who
had been on Annie's traak, sympathised with
him and left; and soon he was left alone in his
wrath Left 111.600 to roma and fret, to rtirtui
and to writhe, for be was not one of that .net to
takn 'the ills the sent,' and he thankful
that they were no worse
At hat same hour, Ihe pnatmasler of the place
was eloseted with Mr Holbrook, the great Uni
Led States sewer poet ,ire deteetive—in 160
line the very flottche of America, and a terror to
111 delinquents who dare to lay their anwa-h•.l
hands on Uncle Sam's mails, or the ronteut.
R ece nt heavy robberies had lwe•n traced to
that office, and now they were, in the night, when
all the clerk+ were away, engaged in comparing
notes, sad looking for evidence whereby they
Might, find out the guilty one And though be
Would he the last one of all whom Mr. Basecomii,
the P M , would have suspected, yet, in the
private desk of Charles Alhro—the lock of which
they picked--was found sorb proof as left no
doubt of his guilt. ?envelopes of letters which
bail been described to the agent u containing
money; drafts which, without endorsement, he
dared not try to g et emitted; fur Charles had not
got quite so bold in crime as to add forgery to
his other faults
This came crushingly upon Mr. Bascomb, for
be bad not only been Charles' warmest friend, but
he knew bis mutable mother well; bad known
his father in life, and be knew bow fearfully ibis
blow would come on her
'Where is this young man?' asked Holbrook,
who in the sternest discharge of his duty, knows
no sympathy with the criminal; nor were he fit
for his office if he did'
'I don't know,' replied the P. M. 'He ap
plied yesterday for a few days' tense of absence;
but he was in town to-day. I saw him this
'His arrest must be effected as quickly as pos
sible, and then perhaps we can recover some of
the money he has taken. The hope of &soaps
often makes my most hardeaed oases disgorge;
if I act , too roughly, they keep all to fee
lawyers and bribe laryases with.' •
shall leave all to your, said &scarab, sadly.
'I wish i) be as little mizod in the affair as
pirteitile for hie poor mother's sake:*
It was three days later. In a quiet room
to a small hotel in a retired town in Pennsyl
vania, Charles Aldro and his yang wife sat
waiting an so answer to a joint Letter which they
bad written to Mr. Rivers, announcing thew
whereabouts and their union, and asking his
sanction to tbe same. Both looked happy—An
nie supremely so; for she knew of net aloud o'er
hanging; felt no cruel sting of eooscieneo in her
pure heart;
A heavy knock was heard at the door.
(Inme in,' said, Charles, and a shadow c hill
and dark reeved u. fall upon hi. heart w , he
spoke, for lw telt an evil hour was at heed
A most Ft:idea:ill:lly looking mem followed by
another more rude in his apixerranee, entered
I tiqlieve I have the lionor to satires+ Mr
Charles All t 4" said the gentleman.
' That is my name, sir,' said (7harles, who did
recognize his visitor/
I have ,ono private businc.4 with yon,
eau I soe you io another room?' said the latter,
bin 111101.1er though pohte, on firm that it implied
a command rather than a regneut.
' 1 knew not of any bushiest. which I enrol
attend to in the pretence of my wife,' said Char leA,
rather etiffiy.
' My-name in Holbrook. Intl I Inn an agfnt in
the II S Patt.ntSee Ileparitnent,' Raid the ME
blandly pregame I newel gly n t mnre
1,,r you to underatami my l.a.imme.!'
Charles stood for an instant as sf he had b.-.-n
',truck by a thoodetitolt—lll , Moot, left to.
eheekt.—hi, :all frame quavered like an mrn in
the le- -then he grsu-sl: 'I, .4—loot rsr et. r!'
. uthienly, as if .troek by the hand 4 .le.tit,
be 41 sewed..., 1.. the lissor lie hail been ton
P lid ieoly awakened from Li, drwaau rif .t•eurity
atoll of blissi
. ,
'Ph! Iseavr w
a. sir, hat is tile nastier? You
blau, kidded toy klusbaotE screamed the young
bride, as *he sprang to his aide
' No, madam, lie tii only io a swam, front
Which be will ',too recover - II ass sm-ry. fur
your sake, that I must do this, bat Ise os oar
prisoner, and I mind secure bun while hest I eats!'
said the officer kindly, while he dipped a pair of
steel handcuff. upon the writ of the !senseless
A pr:roner! For what crime? Oh, be ie
No good, too noble, to commit a crime! Of what
do you accuse him!'
Of robbing the United State* mail! raid the
officer arvieting her to ratie Char,les to a chair
4 Oh, it is Iblre--1 know it itt—tell them a...
my husband—tell them so!' robbed poor Anni,,
as Chocks opened Lir eye* otter more.
A groan that seemed to tome up from amid
the wretched fragments of* broke. heart- ii look
of indescribable agony—wee her only answer.—
His tongue eouhl net utter the word which would
Char his fame before her.
What did sbedo? Mastic, as other friends after
wards did, tars from his with sudden score and
ksatkiag—friends, too; whe bed abated the pro
ceeds of his guilt? Did she do Nisi No; she
placed her bead ispon his, and said to the officer,
'Lead on sir; we are ready to go wherever you
deem it your ditty to Goodies mar
Hut, lady, yes are. Dot anise week'
r I sea his wife, sir; sad where-he goes 1-will
go. Bees though be be sonsisied of the arise
of which you amuse hint I will lot desert him. I
es his wife, hi widowed mother's deughterr
The dim took the away, sad sow bad he
a duty more sod to perform.
* * * *
A hat ease, he had been tried--etmovicsted—
senteneedi There is no used that I Amid haie
wooled tineegh all tint is is this aketeh—ite
main iseidesta, Wee as dm ally and the moral
they Nanny, the lam- they inculcate to the
young sad UN tempted—ere all due I reposed
to lay Wore the render.
r • • ,
`hire•• r, • •
V. SLOAN 10 • .
''....,t.';' - t:z - i. - _ T.
An ehltrly 1144, ilrwt r iiell in deep nir(uring
tretubling with 3gi tintl !patio! upon the arm tit
Annie had botm utterly tliartwne4 by
Iter pron.! tattler. It wet Ihn oftlharleri,
and 'bey Ut the 1 ;r 0 31.1 414:r. 4 tr ,
take a farewell of the wretch, inviet, crc the
sheriff Loire Lis away to the distant State's prir t s
Hu came, pale, a f.hadow of Ills s'ormar self,
snarly aloa..eil alwott heart Ino4?; sad a
&s era was on almoin 4tVerf. faoe limy placed thrt
yoeuff COM it:t lei t 1,.• eur, \t.l a look tia.t w aa
put e. tl.l ur. •h.. Irl.ll whir l t)o.ll**.i hi.. itaadr.
ceps. lite glad.-.. of sitar r s. s& ante
Wife, ‘..un t , , *i,•l early 4.tian , ll sorr-w . p
1.11 t.• 7 %. wltely In I Itivtiokflt 140 nor.
I.enr lip grille a rnatili heart: said
si4P 'W.. are t.t te- .41sirstt..1 itoom, sit 1•
liar, tint I will till yonr Mar • it Imme: and whoa
pas 1.0 0.• more are free,' I be ready to go
w i t h y, ri i n ..r ne t!i+rant I .7-I vettPre you Nen
win an Iffinnral , lo name. It.. t. 4..41+1'4; R•• are
rming yut, nty trinti"•
IV here timx R. tr th• r- ..! the n , Frirrtleri
crowd ‘‘ll , . ti 101
.0:!• , 7 01 .•• T• ... t o n n u oy nn th e
tirmett',.l 1 . .. f. 11, %ch. r.• th, , y fiettA
(hit Igi%.,y and 11 , 0•1111 - 01•11 , 1 .01h miittPr 1
log call him iTe3k of t fu
ture tirt t.i bright. n f..r him gip! her!
I'ntii,ll• ri' ar: and nutty a heart Point
op 1 ft.- 3 , Thai trim r..11e4 away
fr of tfi.• 1.1 . n l• • %thra to
on . c. Ji-tnal v.'l
- - -
WM, A 4/Itl (MI Trig Thin
Some}••.r- I a,- In t htiu•_ hronso IL
. • •', 1 r t t• the oxtnte of
far.. In ti.. .laic -n,', r were rnri i ir fid
r • TI.I T,:,. 1 . r the ete rs of
tile unit, , win 1101...•, „nthat any
.u.. .111! v. .• .1 c- ".? ..pacity 42 Vet -
tur ..r a The r , I t..r . 1,, !1., later capacity I
fsTund trirelf•. n 1. , n the door of
1 1„ n • .1.14 .• • ; • .:,.• !4an tiag,
11.0 —.mot *. ,r,l ;•1 ' ,T cf Ow checks
ru,TI rlt I • . was plact
Hi t ! ~tr .10 . !., • t•-.. 1 tall, raw.lanned,
o..unir% ! k!ti , 1.1 t -rat
tt ront and
ok.n . p Il.• ualkt .1 .1 1 t ho.nnly vacant
play.. af f 1.,• .I.' , I ,lr .nr.; -Mr
.111 11- Of -kin cc 11;e , , which lank
r,l as If it nt,glit Tntain -1! ! thous:sm.') in
amt t.• 11,4 he ati.lf. ••• I !!
`• Loxik I'm goiug to fight this
Ttger up to thi witie•! r,t3ti.l me, I s u er ,
fight to the death. ; th..l I. unit' I break ynu or
y•iu break mi• •
•- ry g s "aid th, ,i.• r, •':,•iiu are one of
th,ise wo like to deal fir km; his eyes fairly
glisteneil th • ecrtaint3 ting the pleth
oric Ictukiug p itiket k
"But uuder:tanti my, coutinu , ml the rough.
looking eu•touter, "there !, ow; thing you must,
do, twilit irif you site•uhl bleak; we, you must give
me enough t" carry me hutut.t.''
" du it. ..taid tki,!
" Yev, es, yes," responded the entire party
Here a darkey announced supper, and the
keeper of the "tiger" announced a recess for
half an hour. The crowd went into the good
things prepared, and ltuugh was not a whit. be
hind the rent. He dived into the Venison, the
oyster pie and the "chieken.fisens," until be
could eat no more with any degree. of safety to
himself—not forgetting to wash down the whole
with liberal potations of brandy. .„ -
• 'RefresbnPutsover, labor bidtair to commence
in right good osroest The dealer took off his
coat, rolled np hi , gli .eve.. -end dated himself.
Rough :•quared hiln, it tit" t and again
drew the ponderous wallet Atl eyes were DOW
turned spun him; fur spe patrons of the
establisatesent, and eve it the bankers themselves
looked for a tali gam.. R sire drew from out
the pockets of tilt! capaet,.u. wallet a greasy and
rather snoiptcton4 look tire dollar lull, and mil. ,
ed for the worth of it to
After .erntineritit• it a few/went, the denlor
tostied it into t h. drawer nn.! ptwtsefi over s "tank
of ten chit++ to re ct , I,ne the cards
sundry .etentilie rtie•l theta in a box, and
aunoi9eed -.111 ready " plleed hi s t e n
chaps to the nee, anti the' Heal went on Scone
eight or ten were drawn out, when the awe tame
io view • rn) t I/I • top ,‘1" the I ,tx, a nd the dealer
braitt4l'iltfitn'• the otttle , thee waited
a few mithetntf. in exF, that norigh would
op en the pocket I.tolt hot that infinities!
continued ref tint! hitt coin ,11 the palm of hit
hand, and and zazin;_f thfenelt•tlly on the see
" Welt" said th •-•;in't yen 'amp to
b.t any nyirt?"
"Nary r•-.!, m t.r 1 • ft ,• - ii•l 'Rough
The 'log. - : 314 1..“.1, in 11;, In.l inn roar
of n.i.t. pr.t•un•l .n.t , nt•ti , o• o•. :.•I:
"Th.. dor, Ir,l I r. ,, Agoli lurelf
la' give yin nwrry niinct7ll errrt' Vou borne, in
ca— , y,,tl gr,,r
You .11. t
" , lis, "*"
up tt•
th. pr,••• t, • ♦, r, 1 tiritik Cll9
E• t tip trz Corr i 'lrr•
Such n -I, ,1 tit;• jitorturo ira:l
. ..1 P.trn rnont!
t.,• 'kg" vow.' liv.l
bolig r I.' ;
vrbi',, moll
"kit 111 , 1"-urt.• :
fri ! t.• r • "it i 4 not
r11;•r ) .1 ..1. v;, wtti, r .1: like you
aud L. 11. )our-rlt, .11..t1t,r (Intik of brandy
and Virl, r, ail ! t clri .r W' ..tte r )oci con le
tklin 114;011, uften—yi
nil; flu,' I wi•lt you a safe
j.,urury. ti re, ) ,,,pr wife and
0,844,..n Is, l.}v •
R bU,rl ii•Jri • .11611 k, ..•it ir , •111 big railer'
hitt t.o,k p r. 41 IT t!l%, 0 . 1 i Vigla
t• I .1) •od Ur, I. 1 i the (14 , ..r
wt 4 1..11 F w 011 Ils• 11 , It grecli:l4oltinig
eustout r rr.s. • .',,,f, 1! ; t,tit (ire you make
such a ttsr,ietar_e ju ..e.v.ais where he
an d his 4 . •;1,' ti,tl .31fito* he
d...stopcareti amid the gu11.146 N f lb , crowd, in
whk:h ikartitj,
Tux Titini . \ -Seinebtxly
Haven bas tweti pia? in : : Off !I wieked sad unrest.
jo g hoax eo the New I:nrk rribwite Theiesiep
writ • as if he were a ilergyrean, and Wen hes
trap by telling the Tr;/•une folks be reads their
"religions intelligence" to his “charge" instead
of preaching, ink! that it seems to do them mere
good. Hiring ilia. by flattery got the beef
the editors be etpatittes upon a wonderful work
of grace is New llaven Almost at*, college
and all the member, of the bar are reeveried;
a judge is said to lead off in prayers the Inert
room, and some of the leading lawyers said
to tome socetwively preached from' agrof the
church pulpit.. Of course no one need be told
that all this i x utterly false, and that the PreTnnte
is completely veld brawn Journal.
sor A negro man, black ass' do
same of Azoirow Jackson, Vag arned is asdge
port, Coen., last Tuesday, by Julies Cad, to a
whits sows,' by the DUNG Oi As 011111t...-+
iodises stated that he was thirty years date,
'widest of New York, and a satin eLrirgor
ia. Milo* Augusta stated that she was _treats
Este of win also a resident of the city of New
York, add a satire of . Germany. .