THE ERIE OBSERVER. SUN.,. I. 8140• N, gdllt•r. SLOAN & MOORZ. Pabliabera and Propdataan. MATtIMIJA V 'Democratic State Ticket. FOR SUPILLIIK JCAGE, WILLIAM A. PORTER, OF PHILAJ;IELPIII A FOR CANAL CONIVISSIONER, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE CO Nessrs of the Week. ,!. —lt had been intimmeted by the Berea/9 Poet, that the set taut end In failure. It charism that the intanded at.. tempt at retying it is a mere pretext to keep the' Mock at selling mark in market; and that it was dlreovered, at the last attempt, before the rablaparted, that all electrical ram manleation with the land bad embed; and, to prevent this fast from becalming generally known, the cable was seder ea te. break. It further sip, that on lead no circuit over cix hundred macs in TiUnt has ever been eueeessfully worked. Certainly it will be &failure. The matt who expects to me •tellegrspitie connection between England sad Ameri ca before be dies, in oar hatable opinion, will have to keep oa living aatil the end of the world, and then die disap pointed. -Th Coroner's Jury ittAhe cue of the Ranquoit dims tsa,ma the New 'York Central road, the particulars of which we gave lent week, have agreed on their verdict. The tunas of the jurors is understood to have been unanimous at 064. The verdict le; "We find that the persons whose bodies have been viewed by us, came to Miele death by the giving way of the bridge of the New York Central Rail• read, crooking the Bsuquoit Creek, in the town of Whites• tpers4,oneida County, on the:morning of the 11th of May; and they were all passengers on the Cumin:tett Express train, coming oast. The deathr were t•su.o.d by the inst.. aunty of the bridge, owing to the same being decayed and rotten. A portion of the bridge wu constructed of inferi or timber, the same being bastard elm. We and the deaths were caused by culpable neglect on the part of the Central Railroad Company in not causing this bridge to be proper ly examined." —ilia: Phoebe Westlake, a widow, residing in Orange otesty, N. Y., was arrested on Friday, on suspicion o( polemist several persons in the village, and on the rot {mist night destroyed herself by taking ironic. Bofors esictide, she confessed that she had administered poisons at diettettAinies to Mrs. Fielder, who died about two weeks Wm"' 4 soddenly. Bbe also confessed that she had admisriffered poison to ffr. J. B Tuthill, a merchant, who US recovered and is doing well. Mrs. Charles Tut. hill wed Mrs Derrick are eery uswell,witb every ryinrotem ellistWing Seen poisoned; and as Mrs. Westlake bail lately mot them wine preserves, whichthey hArl eaten, it is sup posed that they were also intended by her se victims. —ln Middlesex, Yates County, on Wedesday afternoon, Jots Frasteisoo, aged about 15 years, went out into a abed attnebed to his father's f bant, and suspended himself by the meek with a rope. He told some litge rbidren who were with hint to ran Into the bowie, as he was going tolling himself; and from this it Is supposed he did not intend to a gm egait faleide, bat expected some one would come and relesee bite. He was a very bright, active and intelli gent boy, and for one,so young, was a perfect prodigy as to the amount of law/ he performed, and the really talus able assistance be was constantly rendering his parents. Tbe father was nearly frantic , with grief on Boding his son dead, and declared repeatedly that he would not long sur vive him. His family kept watch over him to see that he did not also put SO end to his life. —T!e St Lotaia Demswrot, one of the most yobecoon 8124 Republican mere in the Union, advises the people of Liana to reject the I,e6orapton Land Ordinance, ea ..„atiansied by Congress, for the reason that, if they wait, they will gat twenty millions sore acres of land Uses is pro- posed by the late Katmai adjustment from the next Con gress, which It predicts will be Black Republican. In other words, that peeeliarly-boarst party, through its or , gins, offer* Kansas four times &I much land as is usually given to •ew States, if she will reject the &tampion Coustitation: This ought to abut up the mouths of the 'Blank Republicans about "binary." —The trial of Isom, L. Wood, for the murder of his brother's wife, at Dansville, Livingston Co., N. Y., in June ISM, was ended on Saturday, in the conviction of thi prisoner , sifted being protracted for several days. The eireumetamths of the murder are briedy these. • David L. Weed was as spleen citizen of Denim(lie, benevolent sad well to do in the world. Nis wife was equally es teemed as a co-worker in every .good work. Isaac L. Wood ease from Raw Jersey to Dansville a few yew since, in quits indigent cireamstanoes, and his brother aid. ed Mu to purchase a lot of land, and afterwards, by en dorsing and otherwise, when be entered into • produce qmsealatioa business. About the 10th of June, 1845, dur ing the absence of Mrs. Wood at the east, David I. was taken suddenly ill and died in a few days. The cause of his death was perplexing to his medical advisers, lout was 'sally pronounced to be cholera Clothes. Mrs Wood Im mediately retained home, and was appointed administra- Iris of bow husband's estate, la eonneetion with another brother. A few days only elapsed when Mrs. Wood and her abilities were attacked with similar symptoms attend ing her husband's death. The children recovered but she died. Suspicions were excited,. but no stops were rakes to solve the mysterious fatality. Isaac L. Woad became the guardian of the children, and administrator of hie brother estate. The sequel disclosed that he was Ad• mule-rreetter to the trust replied in him. The books of David L were mutilated, and made to bear false witnes s is his favor, and co-incident with these discoveries, pa pers of arsenic were found about the premises of his late brother. Suspicions gave birth to action, and the bodies of the ssardered husband sad wife were exhumed and large quemtitles of anomie were found in their stomachs. Issas L. had gone to lire in New Jersey, but was paneled sad at length found disguised as, and living like a fans laborer on a bleak prairie of _Weds. lie was tried for the murder of Mrs Wood, at tienesero, last January, but the Jury disagreed, and now his seeoatital has closed, media{ I. his miaviotioo and,:sentericeie de executed on the 25th day Of June next. The condemned is described as a Mail sae, with Moister features and unflinching nerve, as after the death of MA. Wood, he lead in the family devotion". After the redeem of Wood to New Jer tray, his owe wife suddenly died, a victim ter his fiendish passim., It is surmise& lie was attended during his trial by relations from New Jersey, who express their be lief in Vs laameeee. While the sentence of death was WU/ proamtaired, W•od was convulsed with grief, and NW he was entirely lenoeent Of the charge. Hie counsel Wised applying for a writ of error and stay of proceed-. lap, oa the ground that a portion of the testimony admit. ted was irrevethat and immaterial. —no Brassard; Clipps• gives en instance of the mit nentoss *seeps of a boy of that place from instant death, which is almost without a parallel. A somber of boys were playiag hall la Brownsville, when the ball falling lo is a well, a little boy oboist tea years old, son of Mr. Sam uel Campbell, west to look for it, and toeing his Wane*, Wi te the bottom, a distance of fortp6ve feet, there be ing sheet Moss feet of water in the well. As be roe* to the iserfasals *aught bold of the rope which hoed to be levered, with one hand and with the other *red op the ball sad pet it lab, his pocket, he then seised the rope 4itk both bands and was draws up by his complaions,— Be We set Wowed exempt by a slight broils* on the hood, issued by Melting on the bottom, sad in half an hoar he was again playing ball, quit* forgetful of his remarkable swage beim lastest 'loath. —A Fest szeitoseeat was created in the Deigbborbood of Sixth sad Via. streets, Pbiladolphia, oa Thoinday, h 7 a fah el tragedy, which took pleas la PraaWs Square, A s um *Week la the merging, la fall riem of a merry group of Andrea, sad ponces who wore saantortag beneath the - ,Alsade tress. The Tragedy was etuteted almost beaeadt the spay of a Massifs' fountain la the centre of the park. It resaked la des wield* of a man and the soikadlag of a woman. both malts %slag seeoeipPlidied by a - tevolving pistol la tb. Meade of lb. former. The sums was )4Mo/say the part of the maa, aad the pantomime are too lengthy far ear sebum —The seediet la the deposal Tulip Coast Martial is roportet The .hart Mid that oleos sulky of "issuer alludes," hat la view of his thstlaguishod services sad the assalipeas reemsoadatiaa of the eons% Ma maestro "that ha ha ropeimiadod by the President," is seutittad. —As easonseedy fat wmaa, who was ozhibitod about tho anstry, has bees aanl.4 at dt. Loafs to a nags a 4 sea as imp as herself, mood gagers. The happy cos * weighed teestbss Pearly twelve bus/red pounds, awl V dads bagglaess opals their Vas they roast sajoy mar . Aid IV. prediglearl7. —hart Dateber, Mall Apst oaths Catawisse, Lampert sad Moire Balk. , war messed at William. irmagerk„ b Oel. D. W. Moore, Ikeda! Mail Ageat, oa easplidsa ribbing the lean. Mr. D. has boss released es ball, sad will bs triad at the Joao tam of the 11. a ?Wit Coen, at Willisauport. RUT *3.161111. I=MIBI stsrusucast kICPUDIATION. ._......4. 40 ,—._ TII• ioloduistooay of Ow proetioos owl profouionA of Rapalalaw IMAM base/14ns boos omowsolOtod no in uer colonse, lilt Dever hull butt u duriy ond antlmitita lively prelklmed is ll# those leviers themselves in their rouse os both the Semite sod Home Leessopt..e Binh ?be HEM tit Ceogreeltio 000trel tbs Territories la their admission as Slates, la all t►at mascaras the institution of slavery, was the cardinal weasure,—we will not .ay prin eipie—of the Repabliesa and daring the god against the, national party 'bleb prerenteti, in the person of dailies Buchanan. the popular candidate for the Presidency. Their doctrine of centralised power was not ••nly officially propounded in the sectional enevention that nominated John C. Fremont, on behalf of the Northern Stator,. but was ratified in every county and State Coven tins that t►e Republicans could assemble, and was ex• pounded and loudly proclaimed by their apostle. on every Republican stomp in the country. "No more extension of slavery," whether the people of K 11.0111 H want it or not, was the cry of the Republican rank and Ale through the length and breadth of the few State' in which the party had an existence. They not only distinctly and uuegvir• leaky maintained, as their party pokey, this measure of Federal restriction arid control of the affairs of future States, but they went back the length of two generations to search among the musty ',steeds of political eonventloas and the private cabinets of Jefferson, Henry and Edmund Randolph. fur a careless remark or expression, bower- et irrelevant, that by either misrepresentation or distor tion could be preveed into support of their dangers's. does we beard the issue more clearly put (ban by Howell Cobb, in his able speech at this place, during the Presidential campaign; when, after stating his position on this particular question, he asked the Republicans pros- eat if, other condition' being the mime, they would admit Kansas with a slavery coostitutioa as readily as with an anti slavery one. To which ournigger worshipping friends immediately responded that tkay would not; sod this tame answer would have been made at that time to a similar in terrogatory by every white and black Republican in the few Republican Slates. So much for Republican profes sions, and now for Republicau practices With the Lecompton Cunstitstion }Causes came, for the first time, in an authorized and responsible manner be fore Congress; —she came there with a Constitution adopt ed by her representatives—by a convention which was presided over by one of the first settlers, in length of residence. in the territory. and it containing among its members citizens wire, before their arrival in the territory as emigrants from the Northern and Southern States, represented almost every shade of political opinion. On the presentation of that Con stitution, a disaffection as temporary in effect as it will be in duration, was created by two distinguished members of the Democratic part;—one of them repudiated by a Legislature strongly Democratic, when a candidate fur an office in its gift, and the other, a disappointed as , pliant for a higher position, who, when bn failed to ob tam that post, sn long and in unsuccessfully sought by him, attempted to control the appointments of the Admitaltratittn lust come into power, with the view of securing to his interest by the strong tie of of ficial patronage a partisan band who might peck county and State Conventions with delegates, who, in their turn. wottlit Pend representatives to Charleston in 1.160 power. ful enough to elevate him to the, Pzesideney. Thwarted in this prostitution of places of trust by our new President; the senator from Illinois became alarmed hat the extrifirdinary efforts made by him to subsidise the party to gift personal interest would excite such dietrust among the Democratic =tapes of his own State that his place in the Senate would he filled next winter by one in whom the party could safely repose eon fidentie,—who instead of turning the Senate Chamber into a she/tea:ward on which to play a game of personal ag grandisement, would attend to the objects of legitimate legislation, and restore to the great State be n presented the proud position she had heretofore held in the Nation. al eonoeils. To protect himself in such a eontlngency, and with the hope of carrying the party with him, Mr. Douglas fur his own special advantage, assisted by Col. Forney whore fail• are to secure a place in Kr. But 's Csbinet, and eon trot hie Administration, made his opposition still more ma lignant, presented a fictitious borne to the people in and out of Congress, and in opposition to the unquestioned of ficial authority which sanctioned and neoompanied to Washington the Lecompton Constitution, they pretended that though it was produced and promulgated in precisely the manner legally required, that ft;rsooth, is was not also presented to the people, intermediately before its presen tation to Congress, and hence was not the ant of the pee. pie of Kansas. Now, assuming this groundless and illogical hypothesis to be correct, what should have been the action of our Republican opponents ? Douglas, Forts.," and the other mutineers, insisted that the Lecompton Constitution was not in accordance with the spirit or letter of Popular Sov ereignty, that on the contrary it represented precisely the opposite doctrine, and that if it was recognised by Congress it would establish • precedent of Federal restriction or ratification of the conditions proposed by a new State for its admission. in the Udion; thus giving to Congress the right when, if ever, such might be the case, the anti sla very party shuuld be in the majority, not only to resist, but to prevent Ike r-ft...skims f.Guvry by rejecting a constitu tion which did not either interdict it, or at least refuse to recognise It. Now there was no equivocation in the understanding or this position of the Leeompton Constitution, by either the bolters or Republicans. Each wing of the opposition viewed, or pfofeseed to view it in the same light; Douglas men cried out that Popular Sovereignty was being sacri. seed to Federal despotism, and the Republicans, East and West, joined with enthusiasm In the clamor. Blare was an admirable opportunity to attain the two objects which so violently exercised the ingenuity of Re publicanism in 1856—the crushing out of Douglas and Pop ular Sovereignty, and the establishment of a centralised government at Washington, with plenary powers and as despotic a jurisdiction over future States as Rome ever ex ereised over her conquered provinces. But instead of this expected position of the Republican members on a ques, Lion which they professed to regard as they did the Le• eompton Constitution, which side do we find them en pooling? that which would give them an establishment of the policy they sough•to introduce by the election of Fre. moot, or that which insures the rejection of such a policy, and with it the entire Republican creed, and the ratifies. tion and maintenance of the political hydra which they claimed to have had slaughtered in every Suite election, just previous to the National elections in those same States for President? hook at the Senate Lecompton Bill, and at the House English bill, and then remember that in the Senate and House the Republicans ail. laced with Douglas moo, and joined in a cry for the ee. tablisbmen t, as a national doctrine, hers and hereafter, of what was claimed as pure and staquatifirit Pteputur SUM r. eigaity. Let it be Slavery,—let it be Polygamy—it mat• tared not what, provided only that it was the wish of the people of the State. Now, if it was a compensations regard for the will of the people that impelled theta to this unlashed for :Tours.. we respect them for it. and bope they may hereafter be as persistent in maintaining that prineiple, which is the besis f of our Democracy, as they were before in opposing it. But viewing their course In the light that we tin, we regard them as only sustaining • fietitous popular will, born in disaffection and opposition to a pound national measure, which had its certain aim In the defence of pop ular rights, and the restoration of peace to the country; but as !Ong as Republicans insist that their opposition to the Lecompton Constitution was in defence of the rights of the people of a territery,to frame their own Constitn .tion, and to govern their min dawdle affairs, se long do they stultify themselves and repudiate the doctrine which was inscribed on their banners, enunciated is their sonven• lions, and defended by their speakers, and through dell press in 1856. ••• fit" Mr. R.., of Lundy, LIMO, is this swam. ty, Is very extensively engaged in patting up that wary aeosesary appendage to every beildiat, a Liabralag Rod . Ss 'Oat op one for us the other day,' and we are pleased to reocuasead his to all who taay want dud r dwolliags pre • tested is this atatser. Since the fins of Fraakllia, the properties of and laws that revers eloutrielty haye bees pads the subjects of study with easy of the am saioattdo ism of the world, the result of which has bees to obtain swab iaforatatioa relative thereto: sad although there are dilrereoees of opinion so to lb* best protectors, eettala lest principles are agreed upon. sad ws tblak these Fria , eiples are as seestrely carried oat Is the leaser► Mr. does bhp wort as It Is possible to do it. Give his a WI: Tim Posuaseuor forams tie Baiter at dm &wow and the "ooessiosal" Wasblegies !Ilovrespoodest of Fer sere Pram, his sinews thanks frit tier very eilleient aid 'boy bay. gives bin to ooeuriag bit re .apyolatoneat.— Witioaletbeir aid, ha feels tint his &voiles to ha an, osiosures, sad priseipies of the Lissooratis party onyir bays boss overlooked at forintes by tbe at Woshinston; bat with two sash Worthies esatiaaally "liariplag apse my dinifeder, • --eattlanally iparading be• fere the President sad &We his lidetity er • potty mas— a Callers to mortise his dolma to se.orpahwatent was tapossible. Senthannsobo Postwasise }moires yow hi. eosepBoest+4 whoa yes west is do ban rim, "good War" Pah "Pilch is." ._,,, *._..:•.....• I, TUN MSS WOJIAN „AgA/N IN COUNCIL —We none**, the New _Fork pmples. that the moo-wines,—or as they choose to gall thnesseives; the Wesame. Rights Advoesitee—ltesse again beditholS* a graft/ pow, wow is that city. .The eonventioeilms prffir‘ded ovitielsy Susan B. Anthem,. and tb rooms, ifilbieh *is a hop one, erns eroWded to estop* t as ae4lssee sethipoesd, of the leaders of the woolly lamid-ltensaalaiirieltingsparty, together with many of the Abolition agitators, church haters, and Con.. 'Wagon careers, who figure as ..cession requires on uk• hoards of the Stag Memory 411611101111018114111011. ON the pia& form were Fenny Gage, Ernestine L Rose. Borah Hal , luck, Lacy N. ('o!isian, Cordeli. Smalley, aid mast' other of the old stagi ea. rile proceedings oommenced with a speech from Mr„or Miss?) Anthony, bemoaning the ditto. Linty under which women istour,follnwed by Wag address , giving a history of the too, enieut from its beginolog down to the present time. Nest a series of resolutioas were offered for dtacession, affirming the claims of the fair sex to the right of suffrage, to reeeive:oeilegiate oduseation, and land- Mg the "glorious misority” of Kansas, who had almost saftweded is erasing the word "mile" from the statute book. Addresses were subsequently made by Mrs. Fran. cci'D. Gage, Mrs. Rase, Wm. Lloyd (ionises; the Moons tionist, Mr. Moore, of Await, and Stephen Peal Aadrowir the Free Lover. Some of the morning papers announced that Lary Stone Blackwell, being detained at home by do mestic duties, would not be present; but that was a ale. take. Lacy was on hood, sad pitched tate the "horrid men." In her usual savage vein. Now, all this would be vastly naming were it sot disgusting. There has al ways seemed to us a sernidaess in the name of mother, wife or sister, that shields ape bearing that relation from the rude contact of the world—and besets, when we see women wines themselves, and become moatetranks, and political brawlers, we cannot refrain from entering our pro test. SWILL MILK —Our country readers, who enjoy the blessing, of pare milk, rim hardly realise, we presume, the truth of the exposure of the swillamUk enormity with who .b one of our New York Illustrated papers—Freak Leslie's—Just now abounds. And yet the half has not boss told. Once a cow enters these peat-houses, she nes er.breatbos pure air again, nor receives whole/mane food; and disease soon begins to prey upon them, till they di*, as we might say with the "rot:" their tails drop off pinto• meal, and lungs, liver, heart, intestines, and every other , internal organ, becomes affected with loathsome disease' Serb is the recoil of hot swill-feed, which is the principal if not tie only, article of food the vow receives. This is proven by a post-mortem exmnination which was made on the hody of a diseased swill-fed cow, on Wednesday last, at Forty fourth street, Esau River, to prosenoe of the City Inspector, and several other gentlemen. We will not Mi ter into the disgusting details of this ezamination—eulli c edit is it to a proper understanding of the enormity.of this traffic that the examioation demonstrated that the milk secreted by this animal, even months prior to its death, mutt hare been of the most noxious kind, and cal culate." seriously to injure the constitutions of thaw par taking of it. This is horrible—but the horror is increased when we reflect that most of the milk dealt to customers in New York city, as "pure country milk," is tie product of lust such animals. With one of the SalldaY papers, the Atlas, we wonder the people bate submitted so long to the imposition and outrage. We wonder the swill-milk *stab lisbments have not, ere this, been visited by a mob, the cows killed, and the buildings burnt! It is impossible to estimate the lull extent of the mortality among children, within the last few years, produced by giving them this poisonous milk; but from time to time they have received words or emotion from our medical authorities, whi ch should have had the effect to put parents on their guard; and certainly we should think parental instinct, if nothing more, would precept mothers to guard their offspring against any and *eery danger which might Jeopardize their health and lives. pas Every body in this county recollects Judge Ri.naan, who presided In this Judicial district me dam years ago,—one of the most noble Pout it, and upright Judges that ever lived; —well, the Harrisburg Herald re, late, the'following story of him which hi too good to be lost • "A ease of some interest was pestling, whew a wit. nee, by the :lame of Martin was called. Whoa epee the witness stand, he was asked by the Judge—'What is your same. slur 'My ammo le Knott Martia."Well, what is It? "It is Soon Martin.' Not Martin again ! We don't oak you what your name Is 11104, but what it is. No con. tempt of Court, sir!' 'lf your Honor will give me leave, I'll spell my name." Well, spell it.' n o double t, Knott, Ad a r Mar ti n, Martin.' Oh, very well, Mr. Mar tin; we see through it now but it la one of the most knotty eases we bare had before us fur some time,' said the Judge:, //Oh' LA W.--ChiefJastiee Shaw, of Nassaehusetta, has decided that places fur selling liquor in violation of law are common Deis/three, ant may be abated by anybody.— Ile therefore expressed the judicial opinion that a mob of men and women who destroyed a liquor store at Salem, were justified in their action. Law in llaassiebusetts seems to be a strange contrivance for costuming the rights of property and imperiling the peace of society. It is easy to see the consequences of such judicial diet," as this. It will lead inevitably to repeated riot, outrage and blood shed. $411" The Gmutte thinks that we misapprehend the ex. te.i of the recommendation of, the Grand Jury In regard to opening the Court House for the use of political parties. Perhaps we did; 'het it !Mel to ns that If that recommen dation mean* any thing, it means that the County Com mi,viioners shall throw open the House for public meetings whenever it will pot interfere with the bossiness of the Court. Now, nine out of every ten of the political meet ings held in this county, are at times when their convo cation in the Court House would not "Interfere with its ase fur Court purposes," but is that any reason why a building, erected for a apecifie purpose ' , with the money of the people, should he prostituted Meths use of political leaders ? Certiinly not. And then it is patent to the ob servation of every man that the old Court noose never went through the ordeal of a publie meeting that it did not resent, in its interior arrangements, the evidence of the vandal spirit which more or less animates that class of "Young America" that compose the majority of such audiences; and how long would it be before the intetior arrangements of the new House would present a similar spectacle should the County Commissioners listen to the pleadings et the Gazette and the Grand Jury? But the Gnaw& intimates that it was not the intention of the Grand Jury to recommend the use of the House being given to on political meetings! This is worm and worse! Who and what are to be excluded ? Is the Dslooeratio. party to be shut out, and the disciples of "Bleeding Kansas" ad mitted 1 Is Fred Douglass to perfume the seat of justice with bin presence, while some disciple of a contrary faith is sent away' Hardly ! No, the true course is to reserve the building for the purpose for which is was erected and let political parties and political meetings take care of themselves ! PK.V.VSYL rANI A A P POINTM NTS. —Tim follow ing appointments were made by this President last week, and confirmed by the Senate on the lith 6 ti. Westeott, Postmaster, Philadelphia, vice Miller whose eommtasion bad expired. John II Bratton, Postmaster, Carlisle, re .appoialed; Wm. 11. Hatter, " Easton; vies Horsier who.. commission had expired. B. F. Sloan, " Erie, re •appolated; Jas. R. M'Farland, " Meadville, " Wm. M. Stewart, " Allegheny City, •ice Pu ley, *lmre continitwion bad expired; lea. t 3. Campbell, Mush*ll al the Western District; R. Riddle Roberta, I" 3 birtriet Attorney for the West ern Diorict. "-The Boat and Shoe Munn of Mit.t.nt A HENRY, in Rosensweig's Block, was broken into early on Wodassday morning, through a aide glass at the :trout door, tad a pretty 'roe haul mule in the wsy of boots and shoes. TIN Assistant Baggage Master at the Depot, on hie way dowa with the mail, met lb, thief on the earner of Peach and itighth Streets, with Ma burden, sad suspecting that be bad not honestly ease by each a wawa of propaety," at. tempted to arrest him, but failed, after moolving moral well directed blows on the side of the head with a hoot. The fellow. however, In scampering elf left behlad a por• Lion of his "booty." He i/11 1 41.710114011, EMI will probably arrested, very speedily, and breathe to instleo.—Gosette. 11l VINO LI TB AR Y INSTITUTR.—At a meeting of the 'members of Ibis society bald last week, it was rem seafood by the et/petiole of the followiag °Leers : Geo. W Gesoisoa, President; W. Laird, Viee President ; Ludas Rau, Seerstary; A. Klee, Tremens; J. W. Dosirlam, Librarias; A. M.D. Lyo. . Aulotaat; sad W. A. Galbraith, A. A. Craig, Jae. °Must, J. C. Belden, We. C. Warm, Jao. C. kleCreary, sad A. H. Citasboy, Eseestivo Co. {um ha. Antony the appointsosto toowstly wads by t►a Governor, we notice that air a toighhor saran tam Wryer, Wit. M. Caraaay, of the Ina et Mighty A Chart, so Flour impostor far this ray. l'wittleagy, Mr C. wu as "old Li.. Whig,* het as h. hot "►fi Oleos Pusher last nen, we guess tbo twattor Is all right. At say rata, mad a our a aseplo of betties of HoW doh, sad we'll asks It all right la the @Flag. Tie biN athaittlag Om's, tato As Valeta as a Rats, p.m...4 tbe Somata ea lb. MIN, by a vats of 7/5 yeah to 17 says. It will doabtlata rats UN paw Wind* saloaraittat. 7716 GAZill'a AND TIM POOl HoMl4l.—Thi l e "wile Prdioiltkritsuia to the of the late Gragel Jai in its attempt iii athlt•- was h .d massammmet tif the Poor Ilense.Ze did not hat ray any thimilheyesd OW remarks week 1111 tegalkihs this loser; ifiet the course of ont•istemporary learitilts so *Siam TM Ga• sea, aye we Nhould We emelikty inquies Into the facts of the as hedore giviettearreale to retain Is Mond to this muter. We beg leave to omen ear moaner that we have sham made "easeful tawdriest," sad we lied that the Gruel Jam at the Mei Nemo tare of oar assert, also made • repeat in regard I. the Poor Boum sad Jell, from wine& we quota the fellsolag. If the Gioia will read our extracts carefully, it will coaelede, we apprehend that "madam resat is at sue\ a eotorions old liar" u it at first suppseed. We kayo *sty to add that the foresaw of the Greed Jury at the /Owesicy term was Lot_ Wee ms. Seq., of Pairelose, that • more upright geode moo, and competent was ,doses sot live in:the twenty; and alas, that the charges here made agalast ,the massommit of the Poor Home an mien* sot gemaki; they have not been set sad atstorered, sad we suspect menet be. Is regard to the Jail, die report aye— " That the jail is saute sad badly ventilated. The eon strtedota I. bad sad the riatilatien Limiciest" Is regard to the Pear Howe, It says : "They lad some of the rooms oteepled by the paupers la •filtny ecodltlats, mad the Malting in *early of/ the pow foals Abu aloe. lb. abahlag of the paupers filthy. That the female &aerialist b Is a very napleaseat and offeasive esmilitioa„ eased maul; by the anongement of the rooms. sad • veil &espied by a deranged pauper, the door of which opts& lialt the eommen hall eituusuoielttng with the rooms. The door of this cell Is closed by a grate, and the deranged parses whoa smelted will throw the con tents of her chamber vase& irtulestly against the door, or at say one passing the doer, emasieg all the rooms open leg into the ball to be filled consteetly with a very offen sive odor. In soother part of the house, • deranged per son Is &eased in a similar meaner ) the grated door of her apartment orioles late a roes *tempted by • number of Amain and children. The deraaged pones appears ee -1 Only Indira!' of preserving her personal dominoes's, her clothing and bedding appearing to be eentausiosted by her own ezeitaleets, and modern, ' the a dj o i n i ng apartments very offentive. Complaints are made by a large number of the inmates of the lack of illieient food, and a want of diserisailtatkin in the kind of food given In perm confined by rickseas to their rooms. and a want of proper attention to tie waste of moos 001136111114 by sickness. That In order to the proper management of as establish. went embracing as large a number of individuals, tech'. ding in their number every age, from lbw infant to the man ct fourscore, infirm and every variety of character, the idiot, the imbecile and the maniac, those degraded by flee and those reedited poor br misfortune, the manage ment should be entrusted to person, only of large @ape rient*, sound judgment and discrimination and a thorough knowledge of hums* nature. 11 diffeeence should, to a certain extent, be made between those lelfrin Through mix fortune, and those rendered poor by vies." Comment oe the above is unneeessary —it speaks for itself; at least, It speaks tot WWI' an,. when Ile attempt of the Gazette to white wash the Poor Iton.e has.compelle4l us to fish it up from its meaty corner to the COlift House, where its plain truths had induced some of our Cnaoty of titian to bide it. to rTae Waterford govern, favors the re election of D. A. FIRNMY, Esq. to the Senate, aid J H WALKICIL, Esq., to Congress. It begins to look as though the bar gain of Dick, Lowry, Kelso d Co., to return the General for another ter*, and put Erie off with a dish of Seastori al "pop," would - find "Jordon a hard road to travel " Wait till the bell rings, then look out for fun. 14". The ..Aeserieen Merchant" tr the name of a new monthly, publialsed by News. Bryant t Stratton, the proprietors of the Philadelphia, New York, Buffalo, Cleve land,Dettoit., and Chicago Commereial Colleges. It is issued in New York, at 12 • Tear. The °entente of thelSr.t oat° • her are rar ia4, sad interesting. Igo, At anawstlag of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Cotamsres last snook, C. M. Tibbs's, Esq., WO4 elected a Direstor In plus) of J. W. Douglass, Esq., resigned. This la a good soloctioa—Mr. T. it one of our most substantial citizens and seacoastsl merchants, and his selection will add to the confidence of the eommnsity in the solvency of that institution. —Tbe Colutiartios, 1n imitation of several Black Re• pubileaajourasila, ouserisgly calls SenaOr BlGLieu, "beef Bigler." Why them papers should eall him thus, unleps it Is because to =ay lumpy Black Republican peppic+ delight to bark at Ws, is more than W • eau is.. "dr The Coestirorion wanti its party to go Into the waitress this Fall and "whip the Leeonsplonites ow of their boots !" If we are not mistaken in the Arts of the timer, that will prove a booths. draft. be. We cull the attention of those interested—and there ere a great many in this vicinity that are interostc.l— -t• the land law published in another column. From Waohlogton. WABRINOTON, May 19. The President of the U. S. has formally asked Congress for - anthority to contract a loan of $15,- 000,000 for s term not exceeding 10 yow' The Senate oommittee on finance has the ma er under consideration Mr. Loring_ enters on his duties to day as Chief Justice of the Court of Claims. The documents transmitted to the Senate in chide a letter from Gen. Cass, May 13th to Sec. retary Toney, asking that a vessel of war be sent to the Cuban mist, with instructions to render prompt protection to American vessels. The Secretary of the Navy wrote to the Presi dent on the 19th of May, that the United States steamer Fulton had been ordered to cruise active. ty on the northern coast of Cuba, and take such measures as may be deemed necessary to protect all vessels of the United States. Orders have been given for the preparation of the Raze., Savannah and Brig Dolphin to join the home squadron for the purpose of cruising in the neighborhood of Cuba, and that the steam frigate Wabash, now fitting out in New York, as flag ship of the Mediterranean squadron, has been directed to show her flag in those waters, and protect at all times the property of Ameri'. can citizens. Secretary Cass in a letter to Mr. Dallas, May 18, says: When all the facts have been ascer tained, proper representations will be made with , out delay to the government of her Catholic Majesty against this search of American vessels by the naval forces of another power within the territorial jurisdiction of Spain. The govern• went of the United Sinter) is satisfied that the government of that country will adopt the most efficient means to protect their vessels resorting to Spanish ports from lawless violence, such pro tection they are entitled to, and if it is not secur ed elsewhere it must be formed in the power of our own country. Secretary Ow says he is not informed wheth er any injury was sustained in consequence of the proceedings against those vessels. If there were, it is expeeted it will be made good by the Spanish Government, or by means of its inter. position with the government of Great Britain. These flagrant outrages against the United'States, he adds, have excited deep feeling through the country, and have attracted the attention of both Houses of Congress. Their continuanoe cannot fail to produce the most serious effect upon the relations of the two countries. The President confidently believes tire British Naval Aeon, in the adoption of these high band ed measures, have acted without authority and have mistaken the views of their government, bat it is not less doe to the Urited States that their coadnet be disavowed,..and peremptory or dery be issued to prevent the recumnoe of simi lar proesedings. Yon will communicate to Earl Mahushary the reasonable expectation of the President, that this subject shall receive the immediate attention of Her Britanio Majesty's government, and that the officers who have been guilty of these outrages shall be held properly responsible for their conduct, and that where pe *nullity looms hew. lw'.-n emobtait:. A, the interest• ed cats shall recue“, just consideration. 1 Morrow, thanseombe and Winehell, commiseioriers, appointed at the sett !,,ra mass convention in Kansas, to procure a postpone ment of the land sales or procure a loan fund for the aquattera p have had, In company with Mr. Parrott delegate from Kansas, an interview with the president, who intimated his willingness to :=the sales till October, if they thought 1. clanked them to NB on the Secretary of the Interior. The latter stated that the policy _of the gov erment would be to sell all the public lan& possibb the present year for the purpose of rev.. nue, bat oonsented to defer the sales in Kansas until Nov. Ist. and 15th, when they •ill take Om.- Viammvevon, May 18.—Tbe Government intends keeping a large military form la Ask Lake Valley, and wiU make Bait Lake City a de pot of atom sad sipdpiseatii, elm if the late MA infelliiptiee . prove true. Tifre . seoply trains will be pushed on i end oommo*Strospostablish , ed aid maintained between !Oh Leivenworth and Sat Lake City: s' Neither out out Government u _) -. - Papier have enemata informed/ors eon , ' tatioa of Americas vessels t ! ash cruisers. It is - supposed that the latter have ; ceeded their instructions, or the published accounts have been very much exaggerated. If the transactions are as alleged, it is not beleived that they wilt be justified by Great Britain. Our Government has addressed a letter to Lord Napier, Ind will, by the nest mewls r, forward instructions to Mr Dallas on the subject. - The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. who have the matter under consideration, will further all measures necessary to prevent a reps , tition of such outrages. The Presitieet will short: ly send to Congress 'the few documents in the possession of the Government, but not with, as is reported, a recommendatory message, as the facts are not sufficiently authentic to justify such a communication. The House Committee on Elections have de aided, by one majority, in favor of the admission of the Minnesota members, and will so report on Thursday. The government has not yet received confir mation of the late Utah intelligence Tbere seems to be little, if any, doubt that Goy. Cumming and other Federal officers, have gone to Salt Lake City, and, judging from the circumstance that Col. Kane. a few dip previous, had reached Fort Scott, after having, probably, an interview with Young Kano had no written instructions but a letter from the President, in which be ex pressed his confidence in the discretion and abili ty of that gentleman, and recommended him to the friendly consideration of those to whom the letter might be shown, or something to that 1- feet lt is supposed, for the government heard nothing-from Kane, that be bad such a converia tion with Young as induced the latter to invite Gov. Cumming to Salt Lake city, with a view to • conference The report of the Fo r t S ne lling ~,, Committee is the special order.tosmorTow, in the MSS Judge Porter and Lecompton --.0.----- The following article, from the Ilarrisburg Herald, we copy -and adopt as our own senti ments. The demands made upon Judge Porter to publicly define his position upon the Lee rmp ton question, exhibit nothing but a factious spur ii, and we cannot too highly commend him for taking no heed of them. It is not iu the least probable that be will ever have the question he fore him for a judicial deeislon, while he sits up on the supreme bench of Pennsylvania; but if he should, it will be time enough for him to give his opinion upon it then Head wlett the Het aid says. It will call forth a response of appro val from nine hundred and ninety nine out of every thousand Democrats in the State: The opposition, as well as some unruly spirits in our own party ranks, insist on Judge Perter giving his views upon tile Kansas• We will not stop to discuss the propriety of a eaudi date for judge giving his views upon politieal issues—but Judge Porter is already a joke ~ f the highest court in the State, placed r.• 1.3 a Democratic executive, nominated afterwards for election by a Democratic convention, rind has all his life been a Democrat. This is sufficient political proclivity fora judgeand certainly makes him sufficiently partisan for the most fastidious Democrat. The policy phicb prevail, so getter. ally in New England and New York, of judges taking an active part in political affairs., has brought the judiciary even there into contempt, and that amongst a people who care far le , s about the fairness and the purity of the adminia tration of justice than ours do. The effect of a similar policy in this State would be mast disas trous acid deplorable, and would result in des, troying all respect for legal authority. If Judge Porter may write a letter on Lecompton or nth er partisan point in issue, then it will he his duty to take the stump and sustain his views there. If he must promulgate his views he must also defend them. Who desires to see' a of the supreme court on the stump? Who tie. sires to see the other judges, his associates, giv ing publicity to their views on partisan issues?— And if it is proper for one it is proper for all We object to the whole system, and we are very much disinclined to support any man for such a position who would go from a hotly car: weed political election, in which he had been an active participant and champion of a party, to a seat on the bench of the court of last resort— the supreme judiciary power of the State. Mr. Porter has won golden opinions from all parties, and we have the authority of several of • his colleagues, for saying that be Is one 14 the ablest judges on the bench, and gives high pro mise of becoming one of the most distiuguished. The liwyers who have practised before him, of every party, speak in terms of highest praise It is absurd, then, to speak of mere political opinions about aide issues, controlling th.• judge meat alone of voters. More Outrages on. American Vessels. The British cruisers in the Gulf are still act tivo in their domonstrations against our coin inerce. Two additional instances of outrage to American vessels are given in the New York of Saturday. The bark Glenburn, at Havana from Antwerp, reported on her arrival that she bad been boarded by a British naval ofs ficer, who asserted that he bad orders to board and search all _vessels sailing off the Cuban coast Capt. Crage, - of the bark. W. II Chandler, which arrived •at New York on Friday, reports that while lying in the harbor of Segue la Grand, his vessel was boarded by the second lienteimii of the British steamer Styx, who mail a thorough examination of the ship and her papers Ile also boarded and setrAed all the othi r vorsels in the port, cloven of which belonged to the United States This conduct around the indig nation of the authorities of Sagua la I irande, and the Port Captain drew up a protest against the action of the British naval officer, to which the masters of the selrebod vessels affixed their sig ntstres. The passports of several passengers on board the Cortez were-kept by the British com, mender, who refused to return them Annexed is a brief record of the operations of the British in the Gulf during the past three weeks:—Ship Tropic Bird, fired into, and snitched; schooner Cortes seised and now detained at ingna; schoon er N. B. Borden fired into, and searched; brig Robert Wing fired into, boarded and searched; bark Glenburn overhauled at sea, and bark W. H. Chandler boarded and searched, while lying at anchor in the port of Sagua la Grande. These things cannot fail to demand and re ceive prompt action on the part of the American government. The flag of our country must not be openly and impudently insulted by the com manders of British steamers, almost in our own waters. If our vessels in the Gulf are to be thus overhauled by British cruisers, i is "a bout time that some of our own cruisers should be put there with orders summarily to chastise all int sults to the dignity of our flag. If the govern• went of Great Britain has given orders "to board over vessel that panes up or down the Gulf," atieb - orders sould be met by a prompt and manly resistance. _This nation will never sub. mit to this kind of action from any power Our flag must protect all that it covers. We are glad to learn by the papers received yesterday that the President has taken prompt lotion with reference to the outrages committed by British vessels of war on our commoroo in the Gulf. It is stated that there is reason to believe that orders have been already issued to the Home Squadron that will effectually stop the outrages complained of. The President will to day oommunicate to the Senate his views oo the important subject. A special dispatch to the New York lleroki says: "The President will communicate his re. ply to the Senate resolution as to the outrages British cruisers on our vessels, on Tuesday. e Government is in possession only of the facts which have been published in newspapers. There is reason to believe, however, that orders have already been dispatched to the Hoes Squadron, which will rspder a reption of the outrages*. the part of Ito Bag&h eti uoplesient. "It is uaderstood Lord Napises attention has also been directed to O' subject. The result of all this will butbat *We British embers will find American gitimhot*vo amitur tiaer • cbautmea. Up* DO situneet •.. .gewernment firmer tbia 11114 utte i rtepedis' tion uVthe ifght of seareh. It is believed the outragem are more numerous tbao the public has soy idea of." The New York expr.s. train on the Elmira, Canandaigua and Niagara Falls milt lad, which bad left Suspension Bridg.• yesterday evening at twenty minetes to ,ix o'clock, ran off the track half a mile west of Pen Van *tattoo. The acci dent was caused by the (:palming bar on the tender breaking, which fell (41 the track, tilt r•by throwing the baggage and passenger cars off the track, stripping the . latter of their seals Tbo following perwtns were injured: Mr W. B. Bird of New York, badly cut in the face, but no bones broken. fie is on his way to New York to day George Waters, brakeman, cut above his eye, Mrs. Hurd and Mrs {Vinous, mother of Mrs Hurd, slightly isruised. A phy• sician from Illinois had his wrist dislocated. A lady from Addison slightly cut in the face. All the injured have returned to their respective homes MAR : lED. In Elker...k, on tb. 111iu.t, 1,. It.. C. It Chapman, Mr NA. TtIANIRI. ft It kNVIIRT, V. 111.. V.1411.Y . J A K Kitt: both of tbe former plane. In Gbrard, on the .Ith inat., by J M r M. MODEM, b. Wino K elttiliCH, both elf atritel. . _ Ity Uo. no tb.. 9U Mr KIP.% N AR, to Mate I I ey 1,,,t14 of Erkcr•.k tp DIED. 4,1 a Sunda, the 9th ineL, to We'd I.llllcreelt, KVA JANE. dattgh ter of v S nod -hansom , instrol I )..e.r. and 4 months. At the r..../1•11f , ( , f her father, in ICller,k, on the 12th 'not., Ii ARRA KT, daughter of .1 K. cahleeS, ,n the lr:lb ,enr of her sic . In I.• thwutt, n the 'dti tilt ..earlet 1e,..r, ladd ~f Joel v and FI V_l Porter nor.' II•oot J , ear, 1111N1 STRAYED OR STOLEN, .1,1 110711 Or • onirwribri-, litiftW MI I%mi-h. trtmera r 11th a/.1 I'2lla rrrorts. Itrbe, Pi.,1113 M0t..1ri.1.14 17th {hot., a fr.-oh ankh Co., 10 a .11,1 ruilrol..t, r itli •Ilste along 44, r _br c k an. 1..111. Intl orbit« rt ripe.. running Irrnits lb. lur 150 LISP i..lll.l . 'Art or am hip. arid iitiii - uliler.r hrur skrui . oprinlling of . Lite in the fiteri, has taiii!Alliug 1 1 14 , 1 615111.1, use ri r lush ha. be. a 3 .s , u N -4 al .4.111 e bin.. and pr.. til • ii rough. Iterly rrprarraer -• An , ~,,„" m i r , r ,r, ~4 , 1 ....• 11f . if It 11, cd....mstard of lia gr herr rlo•Litr,•11‘111.- gptif rto.l • trw.llll.-li ' IA a 11 MIK% , Err . Ms% -'I. I's , 1:1 litatlrattills 1 0. s. m. A3II:ETI - Nt• ~f l'• rry f,,r If .aturla‘ • etiontf at 7 "'LI". .1a.,.. "1 t YrmMn t• rsgiestrwl Ma) ‘..t....0N WANTED ! A ht n . r t hsti.l Inning Itac:m Fornittt, A./ CONFECTIONERY' ICE CREAM and SEGAR DEPOT J. B. PERKINS, Agent., Irriqiit's /am - r , , Sir, Ero . e, , tnform• 11,4.10- moot IV. po nh. th•t h.• by now on bawl • larg• oft O.S i• f..CTIoN Kit I F.S. TOY., i• \ t 1 40.00 4 , •••birla 1. , offer% ,Lt mdue..l rat. A. script for Moitll.l.: Q 411,041 FMK WO llr prrpnr...l to tpl.ll ,114 MIA i r t l .S t l 1 ne .r 1 • Ith 4.( .tti., t rl. 11. V+rti.. Nu - ill.. 1 Ifht Mr HOllO MIN tl It Iwo ni,t1..1 .1u no: TL. rs.nsilk4 to w Loot. Ile in..(.. thy. ..( I.or, ..1 llsal aau le 11. w tit lonep o to , ti,.. ..ofirr and will rttrwi•h 1.. (*ream to 1.11 , of wwwl.l .anal,. lift • or., k. to a. I •vr •tar• 13.4 will I. itx re.e.elpt of .ITIV\WHICItttIE .4 . PINK arpt.Km, 1/m I . T ., liansroto...n.l Car% t. of Pnraten aril asaty traits !Its arrsnratnaniN a till t inclunatt an I . 4...utborn t• lout to on. r ‘Elaf,T4lll.llo 4 OF %LI, ItINIM. t' 4 .,umlwr.t, 19.10.0 le ttar.. 0 ... wevk - Mr) ran I. 1...1 n - to t, •I).; tr• tr.—% a. Y. la n taken he NI. , 1, II 1- ...00% Flll NT4IN aU. •atr•t ill. and U lot prx tint , .1..• • • • ...ill al, 1..11 C . •-• • ti... • 41.1./..tionent. I.OINTICIN, 0 V (' I. ' .1.11.-sei Y,,rk ma/1,1 %IT 1 • *lto.r tr.t nottr, k, an i IVI IV ItT El) .4/1.1:.% I. tart, at, eeattprittett omen' hratel rane.ll7 In frvttn t. $25. T., thnevanth th • hiell Ite tante. the ^tarot+. liapt, 1 antl :• keeper', atu ! the own al the are•ett $1 nrrslll tItTI fa 111.11411 wt 'bort nolle. with ire Cr,trn.qtrawl.prrir., Cx1,14 of r, or T rriptioct, and tnwry rarity tb. markets Affor.l. Public pttronsi rrotirecthdly Mar'_, 1.048 Patter Of tivr ‘rft. , ltit II sr let, tro o loa op' 1 cyjrt ~r , n sh r rwau, P.,'r 1.1 .lor (~ OW, derrawd No 4. 1.17 The autiresign•••l *tighter. ‘1.1•••••11,1 1,41 Ituttr•hati the :worts In the h.nd. of the r on the xt•••se ewe., sin Snead to the do tire of I. st.pmittntent at ite• ..ttio • In th• elt Erie nat the yqb thre of flay, IP:A, at 2 k, I' 11 • here and • hen sIl par tie. intererited ran nth ii.l W.:N./AWN GRANT, rie, Way - It The *bore slidit cootinin .1 to lone 1, at 2 o'clock. I' , BYNJ.I.IIII I I GRANT, Auditor. THE I. VaT .4:1111 BEL*4"l".eaLet thoao who ',tab to pntettee 0.1 . 4.114111011 111 al , ' t•r Raba, tr,, the ilreat Coal Oil and Lattipt There in SW rNalrecation nor nio.tak” in the repreaentatoma roe eeratna theft. tampa nod ill. They an , ell hati4raMase, ler) Jean. tort cheap and entire') r.. a. e tI. in the true light wall at the atom. ni I Mar 221 CAMTiIt k vorters. Wheroax.tny wife Barbara Molyer tau left tor tea/ 11 and boar.' without •13 5 . just eau.. or provocation, thin i• ttorrrore to lorhol all parsonn liartootng or taunting her ou my nreorott,a• I tutor no Arta, or hr r ,ontrarting after thin date ',tins Ewa, May 14th 1. 1 .4 a —.l W DEVIS MEN 4 Ft _ _ THE UKE.tT COAL Oil. I. (MP Tlv Chertpext am/ mos? Liyht errr In imgiticetl !—G AS NOT 11.111+ I~ml. rill Lire .110 It equal to throe Fluid lAnt}ix. of tvr wok.each. at hall Use coat. `lna oil la NOT F.XPLIP•II and rill not gum up iikr other and ran 1.1 hurioki in tht• lam without Ame.ll nr For rhurrikra. Fmnillra, ke tt.o lamp cannot N. e.,111.0 N. no. prrparo•l to auppl, [la lan, ~. Sha.lrti elmunot., w o•hot ard oil to any 'vim:ltal... Kn., flay C tRTEft • tilto. f=t, p. ma - _ (t 1•(N)1111 01 has re1....0 his 11lOek W ES, 11:W RY .pd FANCY to h. 4 tore in the Nrw Block, -v-et :stre•rt eller. he will he happy to Der h. (mends and et.tnno re. and r ill reolrAyor to pro, Ide lot tbetr wan. In ISIS line •.11 HP III! a greet Tenet.% or Rich and rashionable Goods, th. t...t e‘verteneed ,horktnen to repair and mannfartnre. Partwutar attention paid to the rep►irinr of Watehea. and the moat ...Weal Jot* done In the moot sei.,Qtitae and worktuanhke manner. ',her Spoona and nil other Stir., and 1;4114 Work done to order and in the beet .trle Kr.-. ila‘ Hats, Caps, Shirts, Furnishing and Straw Goods, at the Lowest market Prices. T A Ntits M. WRY ANT lin Hos all In ritH nn him. who want 0 Gonda In Ilia line. I hares lame anal Fat/Allowably attack which I .111 .4.11 law. I'APB AND TI MAUR TULOKIIKR. (lowdown who want a GOOD F ITTING SHIRT made from the boat materiala awn warreettreal to 10. wall plow. ,all, BEERITS PATENT SWEAT SILK HA TS on BIAVANT, N.. M, Brawls'. Mack, May 21,111g1. Erie, I'a. __Elliptic Spring Bed Unrivalled. CI HE the numerous teetine.nini• in it,. favor S reenenmetel L leg Minn OA making Ward Tltttn Kass, others, 14ssentbil to health. Gives perfoot mums to every part of the Loa, Reonnsuicol and Luxurious. Klllptia instead of Spiral. Prom nem bolos, anti not mills pot out of oiler Ulm valet sloop and plearvistt dreams. etimp, durable, and suppott heavy weight. Prelbralde to tboas in a hot, post hunt S2U t• Tbettprifog s ,E ra n i and ..4 local. No harbor for as others. Badly rernovird one beadalead to soother IDeotrasto no mold to damp weather. No saphemant esparto Wu occupancy. Invaluable for the I.lllirded. It. Ittastlatty ID Inershalastible and It 's an todlspruisabte &co to Umiak* Moen, u porsoiaa can change their position ant wholly or pedlially'reellsurat pleasure and la lb. easiest peaelble manner. clime. IN tio, Cash brawn &Seery, sod to by obtained tbroagb tbrxonly apoi*abot *pat for Ws State 1144 eits, , i• W.kll. iv Paraltur• Be 4, and Matteis Store. State Street, bytween Pro re Blodi bad INbi sheet, Krts, Pa. UMg lit NW rliitargahliin all Its btaoakea detail wlib w th i www , awl quiet dlspateti at lower ebonies than .wally vale. Ol i _lollll. Stifildb‘lie•••llouroitiire male lad Al,, &de oa RAN KLMIRA, May 19 c=:mli O. W. ILLLSEY L AUD . IA la N ACT to rely mad -- "'W aphodnatlnaread Abe Comamboavealta,—.: caseaaaml I ntemat the.rriml. ISSOTtox I It.. u tabu a( the Ceeeeneee.aaj, ales anal al le hereby reart r d , fralian4 liter lta. potry, tkirritrur deathe on tart' other , monk Or on actual folk/oleic rates of intere.t, tool parehae. Ise,ey . teem, ttairty•thres indoor Wird per SODOM ; on lands Inaord at th. irofly-tthe dollen en.: !lon, per soot pet wantons ; 00 1.144. (twenty-Mx dadlan and ~at. • 01 pomade, lIV•Ot)•foiar dootar. , lan& lluneti at the rate of n., tar. and twenty-too and au.. rate oftwroty dollar. thee.. amt on laud Waned at the rat. of G , thuty-three and OD* a Ord r, ate /ands ironed at tas rate of ally a z, sad two-third tel s , chanted on lands loaned r.Ot to no fora, either of eanam., other tad rnyht, shall tuteryst soky of way of the aiareaa..ll,, m y, tereen the *mood day of and seventy-alt, and tar , Defeo hundred and eighty-o.n. est be chanwl on and hinge b „,., Alterbelley, sod Cwwiran i t v one tboessad seven,..f u. where patents me issued upon U smut, t 0 soy actual settler, no LL yeses after Web iliapivw.nuent 11114 Premeleni neetraueleus, That tb.,„.. who la actually occupy of the act, passed the %calla day of dried and thirty -nee, en - money Is duo and uupael mad the supplement ther-b., Unnamed eight handr..4 11114 0 :1 • miaber, , ODC thOILIPLO4i Vtglit EM2EBNIIM Thal ,ft Ian!• •,tuat.. Kw?. 2. formerly in the county a Lor.ern., have been certified to the tou t ... t „..• idoners appointed in pa rime ne. Act for offering eompeneatii)e certain lands within the eeTHAPPV,. [erne, and for other patio.... t h,, t following ennui of intereet, tiaowij Cotnadiaionere as toamben or., t•., Wend at the rate of two p, , IA r. ourabin• four, to pay mix prr rest p „ Sort.. 3. That all the lb Int. tukl in and adjoining the town. Rear. arA Warr.a„ winch hare hittevta art of Assembly, an d upon w tort 'gam. runnel du«, aball par at th. lor the Dn. .4 0 11001.11 u the set and that all law, IT9131.1 . 11:141 eq above mentioned reserve tract", be eel &mooted, That the in tote, ont-1 honed an titan fee tee, *high ape , provided for in the set mintire ht. hey a April, Anne Itotedni one th., ty eight, shall bars been nr mit t. 'minter tau, may be patented ~n rheae money dee thereon, wall the eel until the aloresaid ant •Is, Ow:JAW elitikkaadred rift, Atte 4 That an mtleh of • are hereby alteenl, be and 111. Net T 5 That on ally pal r u,,, ommouureftith ou Lend rll leer, and convey.' hr Intel sheath may bars LOY 14 A., • county, under the pr.,l toll. Inc .of tl. and t i . thirty hoar, bnlerrat at the en lee Sod Iliee A ~ ...A.rr , I. •••11C11111.111:1•1/, u, • f I'ENN - VI c 1% i t, • - I •la l.eret,l rt., •4.1 eneTnet ef.p, ~, 4 amine an the 1 7n t 1,•• T and ratt.rd =MI I=ll3 iM r• , •••rr PROPOSALS FOR N =II Ih: 11.1,11 PIIIIIPIPIIII..I • t•..•. 1 , I, +J. .1. count Iw att,10t...-,1••/4,,,,, (*.oaf/racial.. 4e." that 111.1 ,a itu•tocaa lettota. Tha material. , aa,j, ar t, ~. yartscularl) .1•••••,111-.1 , an•tant• • 111... 1,, therat•, and tal Si I Tl, i•• • ...244 • :..tl4. 111 IAL,I k,l ••••.• •10• .. t , . , 1,1 ~- , in il. I= Ikr thertut {t.•i•l• r• rr..l t 1., k ia •u olio r Utitt, te It ttt t m . Aer...l utaith' • I.‘ ery offer, .. MOM" wud to. 1.151,0111141i4rd by IlefeY tcts en. rho. only IA ht.f.• tviTtr• time elvatrmet +ill be forwa they rill be ewe rt , t iht et the pool Oil - -orb ties in the ful tract, and ttwir , jukr, t nitrel Stat.- .. Ie arn 'id' os t n ' t . plete•lt and etzl • by the roinntao nary ascent at the ;L r. - Ve , !. !LI stipulate. .n • • L. patios ..r the lir , IA 021.13t1,4111,1 In an. .1 • • • St the. •n.l 1/. •, •, enotrsetor an./ 1,2. a" r• ',v. Stat..% a pl.,' of o i.t lo clam., which mn. ••• ••• •••1•• •••ir J act loony.. ho , Claws... Nos I, -.LA, IS`forn• the 13th NOP fourth part 1, ,• lot It.vemh.r, 1.1 1,4 'S. the r. before LbC let Se! t.,1: Ow • JO, IPKIIItIer oett, on•• I.** remainder on or et" with a notice of tr. • ;proportion of each at quantlt..* of sot : s they arr to he furti - terl the e‘piratlo4 of Ito -lat. front We , •, • - ,C,To. to fu ruoth luk.l4eliter, tc the extol..• named itt the the phtvirdotts of the stehett.•• the uirertieetuent of the It of car t t s. Shoal., to, ,Iresetel or to Clete., The offer, tad each the lortte.ivie t ; siren-ale I ten in It o• 4er n, • t, Is% •an =IS 1139111 al I, Do. •- 1 Ikerrbt zur b fit., • I I.mte 4irt net 11MIIMEil TN. n 414,1111, rant. MEE Claw. No to N • t' 'alma sod eltrrrt 2.1. TIU(.111.1 I \ Mr. Nil ,1.1 Moo. Ittrt, slap, anit otl f''N• Mk . elattr \•. 1 %V timber. No 10 tt h IlieL"rr butt., r So Id BINA /cad, taut, It; Prnt-, 0 :10 I • Is, su•l • 3.1 lie., No .1 , 4 • Pilch, tar, noon S 44.) Mat ~,,, tot I 1111 1 .. •h NA , bwr o %, 1! A. 11., Awes... l d 1.1 tattl... No 1., N% I, •. . IN,, Lead. :toe, All , l Paints, ‘, 91% 1 Fla% and 1. Sto I. • tar, A. • ' No 40 Statiou,,N ' NUL klIEl.l'llll CIwo• N 0 t 14 . What•-••*1 I r' " " fIOIC4 ,• 71 •• prep*, • I \••II 0 t• • •I•ruct• 1.• I mak. \ • 1 / 4 ..•• • •41 cl4Oll 414., %., N lit 111/4/0 \ 410•1 nOlO 1 / 4 ., •It •• •1/ ICASIIINt , T \• 40 Phr': 1111 EIN 116.10. N. 10 11 ~•:; 1, ••• N. 16 11161. •;••••• 1.4461, *llli, 311 P. • 1 . 311113 %WI • s •• • t • ine • •I i n / i, • - ••• BEM ,„ \ 1.. ',' ,-•14, • Censor, col-di , RT I tr •sk Ve. 141 µ \ • k )11 + N.. , • li•r• ot % I .1t.,,, C 3.„, •$k 10 4 ex, r \ - 4 .'. Ef. , \ • W 1,00 Mr \ Dr y . CI Ir rr MIEI 011 k, JL• 44. 14, INS', ME =II El MEI ET = ME