Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, May 22, 1858, Image 1

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• 4 'r..qs, Gallo.. 'or, Kihstbds, Hammers.
• Naas, le Mr • Bled. Mato
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•-•• likk%Hkr.V, CO.,
Mill Coating, Agrield•
• Ate , kri., Pi
While reading recently nu account of the fright
ful massacre of several white families by the Black
foot Indians. we were reminded of a thrilling event
which occurred in the-i Wild We.t ' a short time
subsequent to the Kevointion, in which it highly
accomplished young lady. the daughter of a di.
tinguished officer of the American Army. played
an Important part? The story being of a most
thrilling nature. acid exhibiting in rt striking man
uer the • Peril.. 01 theAkrietler; we have concluded
to give etti act !ruin it, as ol ginally published.
AM fdlikOgis .
Thu angle on the right bank of the Great Kan
awha. termed by Its Junction with the Obit). is cal
led Point Pleasant. and 19 a place of historical
;tote. llrrev the 10th of October, 1774. during
what is known as LorJ Duninore's Witt. was
fought one of the fiercest and most desperate bat
tles that ever took place between the Virginians
Hod their forest foes
Alter thed. battle in in which the In
dians were defeated with great loss. a tort was here
erected by ttce victors. which became a post of
great importance throughout the shilgUltlary scenes
of strife which almost iintneillately followed, ■oJ
which in this section of din country were continued
for many years after that establishment of peace
which acknowledged the United Colonies of Amer
,ica a free and independent nation.
At the landing of the fort on the day our story
opens, was fastened a flat heat of the kind used by
the early nu% igaturs of the Western rivers.
Upon the deck of this boat, at the moment we
present the scene to the reader. stood five individ
uals, alike engaged in watching a group of per•
11011 C mostly females. who woo slowly approach--
ing the landing. Of these fie e. one was a stout.
-ziel:k negro, in partial live y• sad evidently it house
ur body servant; three were boatmen and border
ers. us indicated by their rough. bronzed visage.
and coarse attire; but the fifth was a young wan,
some two and-twenty )ears of age.. of a fine com•
If:lauding person, and a clear, open, intelligent
countenance; and in the lofty carriage of his head
—in the gleam of has large. bright, hazel eye—
there was something which denoted one of superior
mind ; but as we shall have occasion in the course
of our narrative to fully set forth who and whin
Eugene Fail fax was, we will leave him for the ptes
eut. and turn to the approaching group, Whom he
seemed to be regarding with lively interest.
Of this gruip, composed of a middle awed roan
mind four teuiales, with II black female servant fo
lowing some five or biz paces in the rear. there ,
One whom tile, most casual eye would have to I .
out and rested upon with pleasure The i!
question. was apparently about twenty .-
age. of a slender and graceful figure. r
peculiar cast of feature, which, besid
tiful in every lineament. rarely fa r
beholder with something like a • i
ller traveling costume—a fi brown habit. high
in the writ, buttoned closely over the bosom and
' comingliown to her stnallpfetty feet. without trail
ing on the ground—was lksth neat and becoming ;
and with her riding-c 4 and its waving ostrich
plume, set gaily above her flowing curls, her ap
pearance contrasted forcibly with" the rough, un
polished looks of those of her sex beside her, with
their linsey bed-gowns, scarlet flannel petticoats
and bleached/ linen caps ,
• I ill Blanche,' said uao of the more venerable of
her female companions. pursuing a conversation
which bad been maintained since quitting the open
fort behind them, ' I cannot bear to let you go ;
for it just seems to me as if something were going
to happen you. and when 1 feel that way, some
thing generally does happen.'
' Well, aunt,' returned Blanche, with a light
laugh, • I do not doubt in the least that something
will happen—for I expect one of these day s to reach
my dear Lather and blessed mother, and give them
such au emlurotec as is due from a dutiful daughter
to her parents—and that will be something that
has not happened for two long years at least.'
• But I,dun't mean that. Blanche ' returned the
other, somewhat petulantly ; • and you just laugh
like a gay and thoughtless g;rl, when you ought
to be serious. Because ytti hate emne„safe thus
far, through a partially settled . mutry; you think,
perhaps, your own pretty f w, I ward off dang
er in the morelierildn wildei ue.b—but I warn you
that a fearful journey • before you I Seareely a
boat deceuds the Ohio that does riot eneourate
more or leas peril from the savages that *1 along
either- shore ; and sonic of them that ii n
freighted with human Ine, are heard of uu inure,
and none ,•%er return to tell the tale '
• But why repeat tors to we. dexr aunt.' return
ed Manche with swore ~rrtuua tiff, • wlien you
know it Is my destiny, either good .iy, tld. to at
tempt the %oyage ! My parents have sent for ine
to join them in their new home, and it is my duty
to go to them, be the peril what it may.'
• You nevertlid know whst it was to frai " pur
sued the good woman, rather proudly. • No,' she
repeated, turning to the others.. litanehe Herfrand
never did knew what it was to fear 1 believe"
' Just like her father " joined AU the husband
the the matron. the brother of Blanche's mother. the
commander of the station, and the iniclule-aged
geptleenan mentioned as one of the party ; of ' a
true daughter of a true soldier. fled father. Col
onel Philip Bertrand. God bless him for a true
heart' never did seem to know what it was to fear
—and Blanche is just like hiva.'
By this time the parties had reached the boat ;
and the young man already described—Eugene
Fairfax. the secretary of Blew:he's father—at once
stepped forward, and. in a polite and deferential
manner. offered his hand to the different females,
to assist them on board. The band of Blanche was
last to touch his—and then but slightly, as she
sprung quickly and lightly to the deck—but a close
observer might have detected the slight flush which
mantled his noble". expressive features as his eye
for a single instant met hers. She might herself
have seen it—perhaps she did—but there was no
corresponding glow on her own bright, pretty face,
as she inquired, In the calm ) , dignified tone of one
baying the right to put die question. and who
might also hare been aware of the inequality of
position between bersell and him she addressed :
'Eugene, is everything prepared for our depart
ure 1 It will not do for our boat to spring a leak
again, as it did coming down the Kanawha—for it
will not be safe for us. I SIR / WA. to jouch either
shore between the different forts lead trading-posts
on our route, this side of our destioation,—the Falls
of theDbio.'
No, indeed !' rejoined her aunt, quickly; ' it
will be as much as your lives are worth to venture
a foot from the main current of the Ohio—for news
reached us only the other day, that many boats had
been attacked this spring. and several loft. with
'all on board.
• No one feels more concerned about the safe po
ttage of Miss Bertrand than myself,' replied Eu
gene. in a deferential tone ; • •end since our arrival
here. I have left nothing undone that I thought
might possibly add to her security and comfort.'
• That is true.. to My personal knowledge.' joined
iu the uncle of Blanche; 'and I thank you. Mr.
Fairfax. in behalf of my kinswoman. There will,
perhaps.' be pursued, ' be no great danger, so long
as you keep in the entreat ; but your watch must
not be neglected for a single moment, either night
or day ; and do not. I most solemnly charge and
warn you. under any circumstances• or on any pre
tence wbstsoevor, suffer yourselves to be decoyed
either shore !'
I hope we understand our duty better, Colon
el.' said oue of the men, respectfully.
I doubt it-not,' replied the commander of the
Point ; I believe you are all faithful and true men,
or you would not have been selected by the agent
of Colonel Bertrand. for taking down more precious
freight than you ever carried before u bat still the
wisest and the best of men have lost their lives by
giving ear to the most earnest appeals of humanity.
You understand what I mean I White men, ap
parently in the greatest distress, will hail your boat,
represent themselves as having just escaped from
the Indians, and beg of you, for the love of God.
in the most piteous tones. to come to their relief;
but turn a deaf sew to tbem—to each and all of
them--even should you know the pleaders to be of
your own kin ; for in such a case your own broth
er might deceive you—not willfully and volointari
-17. perhaps—but become of being goaded on by
the savages. themselves eonsiealed. Yes, sueh things
have been known as are friend being thus used to
lure another to his destruction ; and so be cautious,
vigiieut. brave and true. and may the good god
I keep you all from harm r
F. 1 IP l k 111•1,
As he finished speaking. Blanche proceeded to
take an affectionate leare of all. needs ii;; many a
tender message for her parent+ from th.i.e who held
them in love and veneratim : and the ii,e4l
out, and began to float down with the eau rent. now
fairly entered upon the most dangerous poi t ion i,l
a long and perilous journey
The father of Blanche, Colonel Philip 11.rtratel,
was a native of aunt deeetidattit of olo• of
the Huguenot refugees. who tie,i from their itatiie
land after the revocation of the e,h, t
1663 Ile had been an officer ..1 . 11IIII • kIl • during
the Revolution- a warm politital met per , otril
friend of the author of the I/eclat-item ”f I 1.1..p.•11
dence—and a gentleman wl. h.. 1 alw
high in the t esteem of his assoei Iles mil m ia,t
Though at one time a Mae of ucaltli. Ciiliiiiel
Bertrand lied lust much. MIA MLitt . Mach.
through British invasion; mid a lien. shouts after
the close of the the war, he hail Met oath a for,
more serious reverses. he had to en fain to accept
a grant of land, near the Falls of the 1 )1110 now
Louisville. tendered him by Virginia. which then
held jurisdiction user the entire territery now con
stituting the State of Kentlicks.
The grant had decided the Colonel upon seeking
his new possessions and building up a Ilea, hom e
its the then Far West/and as hi• wife hail insisted
upon ace/imps) rug liiin on his first tour. he had as.
stinted to her desire onyondi.ion that Blanch
should be left sarong her friend.. till such time as
a place could be prepared .1111(11 'flight 111 •,111y 4 de
gree be considered a tit strife fir one Ito c„Wefully
and tenderly reared.
Blacehe would gladly heye gone is I,lfl hei par
ruts ; but on this point her fattier beim em s
orabl. —declaring that site would ate to nal/ all'
at the East till he should see oiler t bind for
her ; and as lie was a men of po toe character. and
a rigi.l disciplinarian. then nisi had been -"It led
without argument.
When Colonel Bertre removed to the West.
Eugene Fairfax, as we are been necompanied
and coming of ages ortly after, lie hail accepted
the liberal offer of is noble benefactor, to remain
with him in the lipacity- of private secretary and
confidential • hi taking 1105MP/44 lOU of lila
grant. the onel had almost immediately erected
a fort, ai offered such iuducements to settlers as
to sp• .• ly collect around him quite a little corn
wuu —uf which, as a matter of course. lie be
ca e the head and chief; and to supply the wants
his own family and others, and increase his gains
in a legitimate way. he had opened a store, and fil
led it with goods from the Eastern marts, which
goods were transported by land liver the mountains
to the Kanawha, and thence by water to the Falls
of the Ohio. whence their removal to Fort Bertrand
became an easy matter. Tu purchase and ship
these goods, and deliver a package of letters to
friends in the East, Eugene had been thrice dis
patched—his third commissir also extelefiug to
the escorting of the beautiful heiress, with tier ser
vants, to tier new home This last commission had
been, so far executed at the time chosen for the
opening of our 'dory, as to bring the different par
ties to the mouth of the great Kanawha, whence
the reader has seen them slowly floating off upon
the - still. glassy bosom of ' s ine belle of rivers.'
The Jay, which was an auspicious one, passed
without anything occuriug worthy of nous, until
near four o'clock, when, as Blanche was standing
on the fore part of the deck gazing lit the, lovely
scene which surrounded her. she saw a seemingly
flying body suddenly' leave a liiiih of a gigantic
tree. (whose mighty branches extended fur over
the river, and near which the boat was then sway
ed by the action of the current.) and alight with
a creak upon the deck of the boat, not more than
eight feet from tier. One ghince sufficed to show
her-what the object was, and to freeLe the blood
in her veins. The glowing eyes of a hugh patitlnq
met her gaze. The suddenness of the shuck which
this discovery gave her was overpowering. With
a deafening shriek she fell upon her knees and
clasped her hands before her breast The panther
crouched for his deadly leap. but ere he spiting.
the hunting knife of Eugene Fairfax (who, with
the steersman. was 'the only person on .1. bc!
sides Blaze:he.) was buried to the lidt iu ilia side,
inflecting a severe but not fatal %V lain I File 111
furilossd beast at once turned upon Etigui.e. nod a
deadly . ; struggle ensued But it was a , h,fi f -to
The polished blade of the played back and
forth like lightning nautie.. and at every plunge it
was buried tb the hilt in the panther's both., who
tl• aal fell to the deck. dragging the dawdle's La
gene with blur thi seeing her protector fill.
Blanetie named another Rime's and imilied to hi,
aid ; but assi,t nue troll ,t after arms %V 3.4 :it 11311.1.
The t i siatmeii gatherefll ioun.l, and the savage
monster was literally hacked in pieces with their
kn I Veil and halcheta, Red Eugene. co% tired with
blood,; was dragged from under his e
Suppoliing him to be dead or mortally wounded.
Blanche threw her arms around his neck and give
way to a passionate burst of grief. But he was
noi, dead—lie was not`even hurt. with the excep
tion of a ft.w slight scratches. The litiod with
which be was covered was the panther's. not his
owe. But Blanche's embrace was has—a priceless
treasure—an index of her heart', emotions and
affections. It was to color his home life. as will
be seen iu his progress of our story.
Slowly and silently. save the occasional creak,
dip. and plash of the steersman's oar. the boat of
our voyagers was borne along upon the bosom of
the current, on the third night of the voyage. -
'Ube hour was waxing late, and Eugene, the only
one astir except the watch, was suddenly startled,
by a rough band being placed upon him shoulder
accompanied by the words, in the );ruts' voice of
the boatman :
.ady iu
year* of
od of that
being beau-
As to affect the
.1 say. Capen, here's trouble:'
4Wbat is it. Disk!' inquired EUgilie. atm ling
to his feet.
'Don't you see thar's a heavy fog rising. that'll
soon kiver us up so thick that we won't be able
to tell a white man from a nigger r replied the
boatman—Dick Winter by name—a tall. bony.
muscular, athletic specimen of liislass.
'Good heaven ! so there is" exclaimed Eugene,
looking off upon the already misty w.tters •ft.
must have gathered very suddenly. for all was
clear a minute ago. IVhat is to ne dune now?—
This is something I was not prepared four. on such
a night as this.'
'lt looks ttoublous. Cap'n. I'll allow.' returned
Dick;' but we're in fort. that's sartits, and I
r'pose we'll have to make the best ou't.'
'But what is to be.done?—what do you adviser'
asked Eugene. in a quick. excited tone, that indi
cated some degree of alarm.
'Why, of you war'nso speered about the young
lady. and it -warn't so head agaiu the orders from
bead quarter.. my plan would be a el'ar and easy
one—pd just run over to the Kaintuck shore. and
tie up.'
•No, uo.' said Eugene. positively; 'that will
never do. Dick—that will never do ! I would not
think of such a thing fora moment! We must
keep in the current by all means !'
'Er you can,' rejoined the boatman; •but when it
' Fits so dark as we can't tell one thing from Vother,
it'll be powerful! hard to do; and et we don't run
agin a bar or bank afore morning, in spite of the
best o' us, it'll be the luckiest go that ever I had a
band in. See, Cap'n—it's thickening up fast; we
can't see eyther bank at all, nor the water nyther;
the stars is gettin' dim, and it looks as if thar war
a cloud all round us.'
'I see! I sue !' returned ugene. excitedly,
'Merciful Heaven ! I hope no accident will befall
us here—and yet my heart almost miagives me!--
for this, I believe, is the most dangerous part of
our journey—the viciuity where most of our boats
have been captured by the savages.'
flaying this. Eugene hastened below, where he
found the other boatmen sleeping so soundly as to
require oonsaderabte effort, on his part, to wake
them. At lastz getting them fairly roused, be in
formed than. almost in a whisper. for be did not
care to disturti the others, that a heavy fag had
suddenly arisen, and he wished their presence on
deck immediatel.
'A fog. Cap'n !' exclaimed one. in a tone which
indicated that he comprehended the peril with the
•Hwh!' returned Eugene; 'there is ue necessity
fur waking the ethers. and having a scene l'p !
and follow we without a word :'
He glided back to the deck. and was almost,
immediately , joined by the boatmen, to whom he
briefly Made known his hopes and fears.
They thought, like their companion, that the
boat would 1$ eafeitt if made fast to an ovesbang-
Mg limb of the Kentucky shore, but frankly ad-
milted that this could not now be done-Nwithout f i person whatever will be allowed to interfere .sith
difficulty and dengor, and that there was a poase the judges. during their adjudications, nod when
htlity ol keeping the current. I 1111 V jekige is interested he shall withdraw, and the
•Then make that possibility a certainty . and it I tot l dinee ,if the committee bhall decide on the mer
shall he the best night's work you ever pet formed'' t of the article
rejoined Eugene, in qaiok, excited tone FAT CATTLL.--The judges on fat cattle will.
'We'll do the best we can. l'ap'is,' was the r/-'' before awarding p'reiniums• require of the comp!-ti
spouse, but tin nom can be cartin of the currey‘ of I for full statements in writing es to the inatmerouni
this here crooked stream in a fuggy night / cost of feeding It is believed. that all her
A loug silence followed—the .onager slowly things bring equal. those are the best cattle who
dialing down through a misty darkne impene- lia‘ii the greatest weight in the smallest superfices
treble to the eye—when, suddenly our young Fu hri Pan es. —`statements in writing to be fur
commander, who was standing ne the bow, felt ' tii•lied by applicants for premiums on Farm crops.
the extended branch of an oii•rw elmlng limb si I Irt Statement of the I reS ions crop. it in%
Willy brush his face. Ile star with an exela I liovi 'nattered
waliun of alarm, and at th same moment ow I 2tl The kited rind condition of the soil. and_ tho
I.soittinen tin the right called tit: ' local ion.
'Quick. here, boys ' w re !Tin the ai I 3d. The quantity of manure alt the crop the
sure as death'' wanner of its application, and the quantity and
Then followed a uo of bur, wil awl anxious j kind of seed used
eounisiou, the voi sof the three boatmen tnin k rl 4111 The time and manner of siesitig, planting.
ing I,) gether in ud. quick excited tones harvesting and cleaning lbw crop, and the actwil
'Push off th w'' cried elle I y sell. by weight
•Quick ' ogether. now ' one' with tier" about- I oh A detailed account of the expense of colt.'
(41 another vatiou.
•The ell's in it ' she's runuin4,_ around here ou 61.11 A sample of the grain must bizPrementeil to
a y bottom !' almost yelled I; chit J. the Society. ►
aiititne the laden host was brushing along I :di. The land most be measured with chain or
a li. I pole. and the person who measures the same. shall
certify to his survey. The applicant. and one
other person who assisted in harvesting and meas.
uriog the crop.must eeretify to the quantity ufgrain
raised. The entire crop upon the piece entered
for premiums to be harvested.
Any deception in statements made or attempts to
obtain premiums by unfair pretices. shall forfeit
the premium otherwise entitled to, and will al,o
preclude the offender from beiog permitted to apply
for premiums in future.
Any article exhibited on which a premium is of
fered, although the beat that is presented to the in
speetiun of the judges, yet if in their opinion it is
odt of that quality or kind worthy of premium,
none shall be paid.
All competition for premiums on articles of pro
duction depending on the statement of the individ
ual interested, shall be accompanied by a written
account of the particulars, certified by disinterest
ed respectable witness or witnesses.
No article exhibited shall be entitled to two pre
miums, as for instance, the beat acre of grain re
ceiving the premium shall not be included in the
best field on which a premium is offered.
All premiums to be demanded within six months
after they are awarded, after which time they
shall be held as donations for the use of the society.
Committees will report by the number on the ar
ticle exhibited, and in awarding premiums to be
governed by the printed list ; with the exception of
the Committee on Miscellaneous Articles generally.
who have the power to award discretionary premi
ums on anything of special merit not enumerated
in the premium list.
The several Committees appointed to assiird
premiums will be required to report in writing the
premiums awarded by them respectively, with such
remarks relating to the merits of the animals or ar
ticles coming under their official examination and
such suggestions regarding the departments to
which their reports have reference, as they, may
think proper.
Every statement of an exhibitor is to be accom
panied by such evidence of correctness and accu
racy as shall be entirely satisfactory to the
filiirst projecting bushes and overreaching hobs.
And every moment getting unite and more entengl
(.1 while ; the long poles and sweeps of the boat
men as they attempted to push her off. were of
ten plunged. without touching -bottom, into what
appeared to be a soft, clayed mud, from which
they were only extricated by such an outlay of
strength as tended still more to draw the clumsy
craft upon the bank they wished to avoid. At
length. scarcely more than a minute from the lira
alarm. there was a kind of settling together, as it
were, itad the boat became fast aud immovable.
rhe fict was announced by Dick Winter. In his
characteristic manner—who aided, with an oath,
that it was just what he expected For a moment
or two a load silence followed. as if each compre
hended that the matter was one to be viewedii
very serious light.
get over the bow, and try IQ get the lay of
the land with my beet.' said 'loin Harris; and
forthwith be set about the not very pleasant un—
At this moment Eugene heard his name pro
nounced by a voice that seldom failed to excite a
peculiar emotion in his breast, and now sent a
strange thrill through every nerve; and hastening
below. he fouud Blanche, fully drefisetl, wale light
iu her band, standing just outside of her cabin, iu
tb,• regular passage which led leugthwi,,e through
the centre of the boat.
have heard something; Eugene.' she said
•enough to know that we had met with accident.
but uut sufficient to fully comprehend its nature.'
'Unfortunately, about two bouts ago.' replied
Eugene, 'we suddenly became involved in a dense
fug; and in spite of our very precaution and care.
we Imo run aground—it may be against the Ohio
shore—it may be against an island—it is so dark
we can't tell. But be not •larmed. a Miss Blacbe.'
he hurriedly added; 'I trust we shall soon be afloat
again; though in any event, the darkness is suf
ficient to conceal us from the savages, even were
they in the vicinity.'
.1 know little of Indians.' returned Blanche: 'but
1 have always understood that they are somewhat
remarkable for their acuteness of hearing. and if
such is the case. there would be no necessity of
their being very aear, to be made acquainted with
our locality. judging from the loud voices I heard
a few minutes ago.'
•I fear we've been rather imprudent,' said Eu
gene. in a depreciating tone; 'but in the excite
His words were suddenly cat short by several
loud voices of alarm from without. followed by a
quick, and heavy trampling across the deck; and
the next moment ,Seth Harper and Diek Winter
burst into the passage. the forme( exclatning:
•We've rim limn into n red nigger's nest. t'ap'e.
and Torn Harris is already• butchered and scalp
el "
And en :1
e% e 4 he spoke, na i:- i
f n confirmation
ut his dreadful intelligence. there anym a series
of wild, piercing. demoniacal yells, followed by a
.lend and ominous silence
fur we have folldwe i l the lovely heroine and
her friends in this adventure: but the forwroing is
all that we can publish in our columns. ,'!'he W
illie(' of tho narrative can only be found in the N
ork Ledg, r, the great family paper, which can be
ol,t allied at :ill the periodical stones where papers
sold. Remember to ask for the 'Ledger.'
.kied May 2:211.1, and in arm, will get the con
tinuation of the tiarratke Wm: where it leaves off
here. If there are no book-store. or news•oflieua
convenient to where you reside. the publisher of
the Ledger will semi you a copy by mail. if you
will scud him five cents in a letter. Address.
Robert Bonner, Ledger (Mica, 44 Ann street, New
York. This story is untitled. 'Perils of the Bor
der.' and grows more and more interesting as it
nir mid TII RBI/ T, the ..:9th 1111(130th of Septem
ber. .
Vice Prebidents. JOHN DO DG E and W LL10;
Recording Secretary. ParaL► r ARBUCKLE
Corresponding Skeeretary, WILLIAM KELLI.T.
'freastirer. J. C. SPLICER.
Chief Marshal for Fair, Capt. J. W. Mc L.
txi: i rl\F. cum %IT rEE.
Elibu Marvin. John Burton.
Robert Evans, Robert Jewell.
Calvin Leet , Samuel Chambers.
Robt. G. Dunn. Wu'. W. Eaton,
Wm. B. Weed, I►. W. V orse
S. P. Beecher, Win. Kelley,
Samuel M. Brown.
All articles and animals for premiums. must be
entered and brought to the Fair ground on Wed
nesday the brit day of the Fair. The names of
the Judges will be called at '2 o'clock on Wednes
day at the Secretary's office ou the ground, and
they will immediately proceed to the discharge of
their duties. Persons refusing to act as judges.
are requested to give notice to the Secretary as
soon as possible. and such as serve will please be
prompt at the times mentioned. On Thursday
(the last day of the Fair,l all articles and animals
will be kept upon the ground for general esh ibi
lion, and those who have articles and animals
which they wish to dispose of will then have an op
portunity to do so—the same to be continued,
however, upon the ground until four o'clock P. M.
That all articles entered for Premiums shall be
manufactured since the last Fair.
'fhe report of Judges will be made at 10 o'clock
at the Secretary's office. on Thursday morning,
so that the public can have an opportunity to com
pare and judge of tbe correctives of the decision
and the awards.
Members of the Society, and all who may 'be
come such at the time of the exhibition, by the pay
ment of one dollar, will be furnished with a badge.
which will admit the person and his wife, and also
children under twenty-one years of age.
Single tickets. 15 cents, admitting one person,
will be ready on Wednesday morning at the
Treasurer's Office.
Exhibitors are required to have their article:sea
tered at the basineea office before they are placed
within the encloare.
No articles or animals can be taken away from
the ground before the close of the Exhibition.
except by pmmisaiou of the committee of arrange-
On the entry of articles and animals at the bus
iness awe. cards will be furnished. with the num
ber ss entered at the office. to be plaiiii3 on the an
tic kw and animalr to be exhibited. 1
Winter premiums will be awarded on the third
Wednesday of January, 1859.
lvvrancytorm TO JUDOI3.--The Judges an an
imate will have tegard to the symmetry, early ma
turity. size and general ehaneteristies of breeds
which they judge. They will make proper allow—
ance for age. feeding and other circumstances on
the character and condition of the anunabt. They
are expressly required not togive encouragement
to over-fed -animal. premitunz art to be Wid
ed for bulls, cows, and Leifer* which *ell Appear
to bare beet faftmta for the botcher i the tbjeet
being to have superior animals for breeding. No
orricEit-4 volt I'(.
Including Stud Horses and Stud colts Judges,
Curtis !laidler. Perry G. Strannahan, Vm. Hui
ton. Thomas Lennon 1111 , i 11 intin Tiffany. ~1
Westfield'. N. Y.
Best stallion for Draught
2d • do do
3d do do
Best stallion for carriage
2d do db
3d do do
Best stallion for all work
2d do ; _do
3d do do
Best four year old Stud Cult
2d do do
3d do do
Best:three year old Stud Colt
2d do do
3d do do
Best two year oh! Stud Colt
2d do do
3d do do
Including Matched. Mingle and Farm Horses.--
Judge,' W. C. Braley, Wm. Bracken. Shines t;.
Arbuckle. Franklin Willis and David Mallon, ~f
Warren Co.
Best four year old Ge ding
.2d do do
3d do do - ;2 00
Best spau of Farm Horses I)ip & I 00
2d do do 3 MI
3d do do • 2 On
Best span of watched Carriage Dip dz. I 00
2d do do '; 00
3d do do 2 00_
Best span of Farm Mares " Dip. &, $4 00
2d do do ; on
3d do do 2 00
Best span of Carriage Mares I)ip & .1 00
2d do • do .; 00
3d do . do
Best Saddle & Car. Horse ',f any age
2d do do
.1,1 di, do
Hest Saddle & Car. Mare of any age
2d do do 2 110
3,1 do do I 110
:.; WF:F.PSTA ii EL- 4 . •
Best stallion of any breed or age, commendatory
Brood Mares and Colts of every description,
except Stud Colts of two years old and over.—
Judges, James Dunu. John Eaton, Frederick Zim
merman, George Fritz and K. E Fillmore. of Ash
tabula Co.. Ohio.
Best Mare and Colt 5 00
:NI do do 4 00
3d do do 3 00
Best three year old Gelding 3 00
2d do do 2 00
3d do do I 00
Best two year old Gelding 3 00
2d do do _ 2 00
3d do do 1 00
Best three year old Mare 3 00
2d do do 2 00
311 do do 1 00
Best two year old Mare 3 00
2d do do 2 00
3d do do I 00
Best one year old Colt 3 00
2d do do 2 00
3d do do 1 00
Best sucking Colt ander one year 2 00
2d do do 1 50
3d do do 1 00
Judges. John Dodge, notion Dunn. Henry
Strong. John Strannaban and Hiram Betts. of
Crawford Co.
Best pair of fattened Oxen for beef
2d do do
Best fattened animal for likwf
2d do do
Best pair of working Oxen
2d do do
3d do do
4th do do
Best pair of trained 4 year Old , Steers
2d do do
3d do do
Best pair of trained 3 year old Steen
2d do do
3d do do
Best pair of Unified 2 year old Steen
2d do do
3d do do
Best pair of trained 1 year old Steen 2 00
2d do do 150
3d do - do 100
Best trained Call* ender , one year old 1 00
9d do do 50
Judges. Win. W. Enron, Henry Gingrich, An
ael Leland, Thom. A. Beenins and Daniel Lott, of
Warren Co.
Best boll over two years old Dip. & 3 00
3d do do
Best.Thill mos year old and under two I)ip & 2 UO
2 , 1 )1.) do 1 51)
3 I do do 1 Ou
WA Hull Calf I►ip A -1 Su
Fie.t Heifer lilt
lit \I ilk
13,,t t )Itl Heifer
I{.-t Y, Ifi if
do do I Ou
0( It II %'I No (yrimit BREED:4.
Judqts. Robert Evans. Eli I)uneomb. Thos.
ElhOtt. lion James Miles and N. L. Chaf f ee. of
Ashtabula Co .
lirnt Durham Bull ii%er i•strii old Dip & 1.)0
‘l.l do ilo
Be-I Ihnham Bull 41* 1 veil( and under 2
& 5 00
4 00
.2d 11.,
ham Cow
:2 , 1 . do do
3.1 do do
iie.t old Durham Wife.
Best It:ailing Ourtiatil Brae!
Be•t Durham Bull Calf
Best Durham Heifer Calf
S.l do du
Rest Devon Itull over 2 years old
2,1 du du
:Id do do 4 00
Beet Devon Hull over I year and under '2
Dip. & 5 00,
- 400
Dtp, die 00
t!d du do
3d do do
Kest Devon Cow
3d do do
Best 2 year old Devon Heifer
do do
31 do do
Best Yearling I►eron
2d do do
3d do do
Best Devon Bull Calf
2d do dig 2 00
3d , do do 100
Beet I)evou Ileihr Calf 3 CO
2d do do 2 00
:d do do 1 00
Beet Hereford Bull over 2 years old Dip• &C 00
2d du do 5 00
3d du do 4 00
Brit Hereford Bull over I year and under 2
Dip. & 5 00
4 00
`.).(1 do do
3d do do
Beat Hereford Cow
.2d do do
3d do- do
Beat :2 year 'old Hereford Heifer
2d do do
3d do dol 00
Best Hereford Bull Calf Dip. & 3 00
2d do do 2 00
:id do ' do 1 00
liet Hereford !Leifer Calf -,-. 3 00
2d do (In 2 00
3d d,. do 100
Best Ayreilure Bull over 2 years old Dip. & 6 00
Dip. .\ 00
(, 00
3 tifi
Dip. & 7 00
6 01)
fi 00
& 7 014
3 III)
Dip & 110
4 00
'; 00
& 4 00
I)ip & :i 00
.2 110
I 110
Al (11 I do 5 00
3d do do 4 00
Rest Ayretdzire Bull over 1 year and under 2 5 00
do do
3d Jo do
Beet Avreshire (ow
du do
3,1 Jo do
Bog ) ear nit Ayresbire Heifer
(1 do do
WO. Yearling Ayreshirc Heiler
Sri do
lie t Ayre4ire Hull Calr
.2(1 dodo
.S(1 do do
Heat Ayre.loro heifer Calf
.24.1 do do
3‘l d o do
.I,olgo- .13Iiies R. Hall. John McCord, :qr. "'rood.
Nola. I; 11mm and A 4 Whipple, Crawford Co.
Best Milk ('uw 3 00
2,1' (1,) ' 0,, - 2. 00
~1 do do 1 00
Best 2 year ~Id Heifer 3 00
9,1 do do 9 00
:1(1 do do 1 00
lie.t N . ear hog do- 9 00
2,1 du do 1 50
.1,1 110 do 1 00
Best I 1 eift•r l'3lf $2 00
12d do do I 30
3.1 do du ' 1 00
11r-d poi tr,i,o, , d 3 year old Steers Dip. & 3 00
2,1 do 00 2 00
3,1 0 e
~ do 1 00
Best do ..? year 01,1 Steers Dip. & 3 00
!.?•1 do do 2 00
3d do do - - 1 00
Best do 1 year 91tI Steers 2 00
20- do do 150
30 do do 1 00
t' t 11' I'I.F. 111- MIXE') BREED.
11,4.,5t Nlitk Cow 3 00
24 do do 2 00
34 ' do do 1 00
1104 '2 )i• sr% old Ileiret 3 00
20 do' do '2 00
31 de do 100
Best yearling Heifer * 200
94 do do 1 50
3d do do 100
Best Heifer Calf 2 00
90 do do 1 50
3d do do / 00
Best pair trained 3 year old Steers 3 00
9d do do 2 00
3d do do 1 00
Best di, 2 year old Steers 3 00
20:1 do do 2 01
3d do do 1 I
Best ' do 1 year old Steen 200
24 do do 1 I
3d do do I 1 i
(Yip. & 4 00
. 110
3 00
J udges, Philip Osborn, S. C. LOS, Francis Lamp—
, John Cave and Noleou Gorham, Chautauqua Co.
Best Leicester Buck
Qd do do
Beet two Lsieestet Ewes
2d do do
Best three Leicester Book Lambs
2d do do -
Best Merino or flue wool Beek
241 do do
Best two Ewa of tine wool
241 do do
Best three fine wool Buck Lambs
2d • du do
Best three fine wool Ewe Lambs
2d do do
Best two Cotswa Id Ewes
4 00
3 00
3 00
2 00
4 00
3 00
2 00
1 00
Yd do do
Bost Cotswold Bock Lambs
2d do do
Bost Cotswold Ewe Lambs
2d du do
Bost Soutbdown Buck
Id' do do
3 00
2 00
1 00
3 00
1 00
Bat Boutbdown Ewes
litd , do do
Best French Merino Beek
2d: do do
Best three Trench Merino roost
411 do do
3 00
2 00
1 00
Blot throe French Mich* Book Lamer
2d do do
Bost throe Entomb Mao Ewe Lembo
2d do do.
Boot two or rows shaslidempa =Wm
Idd • do •
Beet Bluth of say Diploma.
Best breeding Wool, I 7 DiOommi.
I .
Judge., Jame. Chamber., W. A. Begley. Presley
McCreary, George Bell* and Jamie of
Warren Co.
Beat Boar over 1 year old (tatt designated be•
2 00
Dip. & 3 uti
'2 01)
3 00
Dip & 4 00
Dip & 3 00
1 00
Dip. & 00
5 00
1 00
Dip. & 3 00
3 00
Dip. & 4 00
3 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
4 00
'; OU
Dip. & 4 00
3 00
1 00
Pip, & 3 00
2 00
1 00
3 00
1! 00
1 00
Dip. & 3 00
2 00
1111 .1..
Al d„
Beet I•Treliu g mow
211 4110
:Id do
kir3,lSufrolk Boar
Best :.3utlolk Sow
Y.l do do
Bort l'loder ('ount)
2d dv do
Bost (.'brulei County Sow
2d do
Best Pigs,loAw .441 6 nod 9 months old
Mod lerivi..tifi 2 mud G tu..fiths old
2 , 1 do do
Bred Si.o and Sucking Pig,
2.41 do
:44 131.
1 UU
1 50
12 00
1 50
lodges. Ehlu Marvin. liobt Smith Johnston Ea—,
tun, Juhu EMiiii., Jr Jas. 1). McGill, 4;rawfurd C.
Best and largest .entity ut pure bred Fowls
owned b).the exhibitor
2.1 111, di.
Best pair or trio of Shanghais -
•_'d d.. du
Best pair or trio Cochin China
2d do du
Best pair oi trio Brows Pootris
2d do do
Brit pair or trio Dorking*
241 do du .
Best pair or trio Spangled lianthurgs
Id dii do
Best pair ur trio of Gantt of' sllY calietY
2d ' do do
Beat pair or trio ol Poland
2d do do/
Best pair or trio of'java Foals
tit do • do
Best pair or trio of any mixed Breed
2d d.. do
Best pair,4'r trio of Turk's/
2.1 do do
Best pair or trio Guinea Foal,.
2d do do
Feat pair or trio Docks *
24 do do .t. 1
Best pair or trio Geese
241 do du
i 00
3 00
'2 OO
. 00
I 00
1 00
'2 00
3 110
Judges, Stewart Chambers, Ai,lx. Taggart, Wm
Dunn, Samuel X Brown and Shelby Smith, Ashtabula
Beat mete of Winter Wheat Dip. & 3 00
2d do do 200
Best acre of Spring Wheat Dip. & 2 00
2d do do 1 00
Best field of Wheat (four to ten acres) 5 00
2d do do 3 00
3d do do 2 00
Best Acre of Barley Dip. & 3 00
2d do do 200
Best Field of Barley (not less than three ao_km-s, : 'e!
td do do - 2 00
Best Acre of Corn
2d do do
3d do do
Best Field of Corn (not less than three acres) 500
2 00
: 00
2 00
1 00
: 00
2 00
2d du do
3d • do do
Best Acre ul Oats
2d do do
Best Acre of Rye
2d do do
Best 12 ears of Seed Corn
2d do do
Best bushel of Seed Wheat
2d do do
3d do do
Best bushel Spring Wheat
2d du do .
Best collection of different varieties Seed Corn 1 00
2d do do 50
Field Crops other than Wheat, Barley, Oat!,
Corn and Rye- Judges. Joseph McCord. Urieh
Skinner, John Brecht. Reuben Fields and James
Yunie. of Warren Co.
Best half acre of Potatoes
2d do do
3d do do
Best and greatest quantity of BOMB Pi
one-fourth acre and not less than twesi
ty-five bushels per acre
Best and greatest quantity of Peas on
2 00
3 0•)
2d do Jo
Best half acre of Ruta Baga. or Russia
`.! 00
:3 00
2d do do
Bast quarter acre of Beets
do do
Best acre of Plover Seed
sd do do
3d do do
Best bullet of Clover mead
:!d do do
3,1 do do
Best Bushel of Timothy seed
2d do do
Best quarter acre of Carrot■
2d du dO
Best half acre of Flax Seed
2d do do
Greatest quantity of dressed Flax on half
2 00
Best quantity and quality of Flax Seed on
2 00
Be 4 sthalf acre of Broom Corn 2 00
. .!t1 do do _ 1 00
Crops being equal, preference will be given to
those yielding thdi greatest profit.
Jonas Gunalo.a. Elihe Marvin, navel Boyd, Mrs. B. P. lisetber,
11.4. Jam.. Duna, lira Thom., Wilkins, /ad Jams Heed, Aatit
Best 110 ul Rutter
tivot Piritin M Hatter of 50 IF. mt,n h Way or
3.1 do 4o
heat Ch.....
24 do do
3d do do
Best Honey lo the comb got kw thou 10 lbs.
2d do do
3d do do
Best to Ild of Strained Honer
d Jo do
3d do do
Boot Maple Sugar Dot 11041 than 16 lb.
2d do do
3d do do
Heat Hop yeast Bread
24 do do
3d Ito do
Best milk yeast do
Y.l do do
3d do do
Best loaf of BMW from loam Meal
3d do do
34 do do
Beet loaf of Bread hos Rye
W do do
3d do du
Bret Apple Ratter
Best boom pads Hord Soap 1 00
id do do a°
Best soft Soap 100
2d do do 60
Best speeimen of Pickles 60
Samples of Homer to ►e ateoapsaiid ►)) a stat of the en-
Um arraogemeot of Apiary. Brood sad Saw to be soossapaabod
►y a statement of the proems of mamtisetara.
Ju4goa, Capt Wm. Moto% John Burton, Omar Dun, K. Beim,
and John Gnus.
The owner of team and Plough who Ploughs ooe eighth
of an acre of green award beat 3 00
Sit do do 200
3d du do 100
The owner of team and Plough who Ploughs on. eighth
of an acre of stubble ploughing 2 00
2d do do 1 JO
do do 100
Seat ploughing by boy under nowentaen 2 00
2d do do 100
The depth of the furrow net to be le n than screw Indies and the
to drive the team.
Bert Pl~ia e gh lbr turf ground Dip & 200
de ElubwoU Plough Dip * 1 00
do Plough for stubble ground Dip It GO
infer, and Z. C. Um, Chest. Co.
Den Harter
de ore hone Caltinaor
do two borne do
do Straw Cotter
do SUM Cutler
do 'non Dill Ist 2d 3.1
de novel Plosib
do Cam Mal*
do Sono We
de Tontheg lull
do Grela Cradle
do Dona of Broom
do Churn •
do Cre Take tied Bows
do New Warm wages
do Balm log Firm
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