.„ lit ' '1:30 lit TitirtlN INDIAN' •PH'YOAN, (Lots of St. Louts.) Are_ i ftT E Ze--if r uTf i r - lt Ma, Pe cI PPA II IIOI V.i.. f g. l oo l M-74,7 90 f Char g e rata&tuctith,iltAlita North tido INDI4i B9TANW la trastoost of diesarret the I.uac Lii•r,fittemarl, m ene .* abort, Nem* akte, genia l .* Batt 114.1.0, Ilfrympriaa, or any .lad all dlammes aria*: from Impala like o l, xame.d Female Doimaitaamfalfaimari Aap.oll or animate la kie stanates , Jiereek kaw 4/10•• Q1.1•••ort • Wert/Fria. repataboa PILIEICifrI:rta.4II.IEL Dr JACKSON will mike regular .idts to • !Aire 102 mber ..f prtocipal Towns in Otin. Penanyinanxia, We l/ York. 4!idieni. ow this bars the ski otlogo of oroubulting focubtrly, ono* in norm ono to throe mouths--a Mono/ in Tory away onion Intlispetoonls iu joulfo l lning a ensn. It I.ll4ifitenft /Of any Pl 4 v.esan a. pro...writ/. t oars* of a:bodkin& by only on...Sot:lug los p.t.oot, to ravel • por t...aunt and Wen care. INVALIDS should lIABIL WELL the TIME! And CALL &MT so possible. Tim 14w. Y rttsluol sod ON; appoint monis arDlbo punctually kept as &hove If sick Yrik any CHRONIC •Ilaaaners, W.I. T, ai tun• toads to eMno, sod render • erica mom protracted in. .11111 cult Dr JACYSOS Will make ossunesiwoo . 4}ps Longo aro: a tar, bJ the use of Om STWIIMICoPI4 ~ 1 CNU Dr. JACKSON, will not prescribe without prosper( of lometit tint hI. patients. No false prolamin will be made., or .apps.. mft camel, Withrulsenvirpoodiar prospect of mover, -•-• JACK3O2II doss not tear doles to Vold up mud hior. n.. Ininer allrolowa 111 Say elms Dr JACKSON prueunre his foetid°es t n .. ] tb a and er ...a, of for Fair West, Limb am and tompousda them himself Or JACKaoY ...LaMar It di.ttnrtly undaratomt teat be regaed Cameturrius AS A CCRASLS DI nndl. ailllus that his rlarru: to yukalc eonda•Dee may br estimated t.) the success attefellac his tnestateot. Dr +JACKSON, although paying erIMIAL ilitentloo to Lr:so, Taboar, filtAltr and Irtil•Ls DIMLAittl, also tur(teM to con/tette Lions to ALL CHRANIC Omen Incident to the hualaa s) stein. - Seeing many thousand caws every year, be to .ell pr;•pared to give to opinion ss to the euribilit) of any ease Da JACKSON, wool d also saw to all perstru wishing to tOnelyil Dr. J by letter should direct to Ede at Erie, Pa, giving him a Atli stet went thelS ease, sod If they design to hive tne , Ltehare spot them by Ittprren or otherwtee, erten. a rteurormbtr Iw Itr.tL with toetalo Hon.. f-rr their i6•Owl attrico, A ill N. pt.•..tt t • br warded. Dr J has In th ear trtuted • let s .- e•ittut4 r veoosemiully Lome of whom be seen fice to teee—but 14 101 treullsot he wroitid *Setae all to comsat! hboTetosaaiti, NO CHARGE ROR OONSUIIIATION .0* March, 21 ISM - 40 ' BUFFALO and ERIE RAILROAD. NEW ARRAGENENT I)N and after Monday, Jam In, Passenger Trams • Ili less, Erie tJ u follows 2 13 A if., tilipplax 44:tvggl i t AV a ve, Cask, atPultlß i 011.41 11 g Ea lama Than Si* err 'York 1 25 P M , Etnaw bloal stopped at nil Maki Stattnn• and eon . . . beefing at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Exprwan Train for Nww, York OD P. N., Cloctositti fames, stopping at Weatfirld, Dunkirk and Sliver Creek, twatietting at Dnogr arid Buttala Limns Trabasllbt Nov 144 F. „ d 30 A. Way Express/ if:Zipping at all way state.ne TICKET; for sale at the utine of the pronetpal F.ant,rn towns. April 17, IUL A . N . BROWN, Supt CLEVELAND 4 ERIE RAILROJD /AN and alter Monday, Oct. linh, 1861, and it nth rtinbcr 1,3 Passenger Trains will ran as tollnws, nr LEAVE CLEVELAND. iu •. M. Mal Train stop at all Wq Stations siedyt Winklat e , Perry, Unionville and Saybrook, and arrive at kne 12 .i 1 IL, Dunkirk -3 t 5 P M, Buthan S 30 P M 4 Lai P. M Cincinnati Express Train steps at Painiville. A.btabula and Girard, onl y ~ and arrives at Erie 1 50 P . Dunkirk e bb B M.; Bublalo // 301 . II lu to P. Id Night Expra•s Train stone at PILIIIPISIII4., hingsrllle, Conneaut, and Girard, iinlN,•nd arrives at Eric 1 Mullikin, II 00 A. M. LEAVE ERI E 4 20 A M. Night Express Train .trap. onheaut. Ash tabula, sad Pasneerill• only, and urn re a Ur.rdand d Lai, A. 1 04 pY . ateig4ell Way Statusus scrrpt Ss, br.ak, - Cnioavtlie, Perry, r andWinhllltin and arr....rat( 1e..- - last at a 06, P -41 S 10 P- X Expremi Train stops at Girard, l'unneaut, Assitsliu I. and Painesville only, and arm.*, at CII,PI&M.I 9 IXI , P AU thethrongh trains going Westward, eminent at Clierelsud with trains for Toledo, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati, Ar d, , All t i ne through trains going Eastward, eonnert at Dunkirk with the tuns of the N T k Ens Railroad acd at Buffalo with the!, Y. Central and Buffalo and N Y Citr Railroads NOTtliNH•li, elupreint.Mlrtit (level/L.4, net. 11', 1661 Prof. COLBY'S. core —t_ ' ! PICTURE GALLERY, HAS ILSRISaIairED To the ilk? Llght Rooms lb R0063.11,t4'D New Mork, where be to proporod to execute Plat e. of ell st;fles Reis, April IA IBM _ _ PROPELLER WA-BASH VALLEY. BUFFALO gp: GMF BAY. rpaPROPELL&E trAint V4W. . apt. J. MCA. conmetiewi re lar , on the opening of navigation. between Hof- . falo and Green Ea , regularly Ptopplug at Erie, L'lmdand, Detroit, and all Int,rmimliate po nta Way of malting will be annononedbervafter t;Et) J MORTfIS A o rept Vrlt• DAYitTIPrIIAS, Agvq.kie gm, MaiFebi ' - - ---- CS . AI% T OATS HUMUICLM Oats wanted by allareb, 27 MSS Wm F. RIXIMINECHT _ ow Arrival of — )- Ilia ill HUME, ea A: 4l L UST nicsxygn Ns. 2, Hoed Hass% w AAR evw a lovpa _stock of MUGS MEDI • van* are wafnuated to ho of Lb, Ant quality and erldeL we are *Abair to =44oral very low toms, FOR CAW. , Pipeline ; • Selph arra Morph. LOW' POI CASK. C6lcareiona he. Mrs. Allan's Bar Etestater, Melia Anti-Rithees Mister, " Zylobelia's:min, Rooßeed'strade Cordial, Wears Asir Restorer. lietabold's Emmet Raabe, Imessoo's Heir Restorer, Thoiopeoe's Eye Wster, Thelon% Hair larivrator, Roman Eye Water, Je n , whites Moir Meetorer, u.Ae.'. Arabian Rears Rsawly, Lyon . * Laths/don, he-, he. Ban Y . . Trlcopheroost, Turk', Magnetic Ointnaot, Bagle's Hyperion Fluid, w . Climax WM. Oebern's Golden bleiJlLster's " Rogers Liverwort Ter, Tanner's " Sherman's Olamesian, Holloway's o Ayer's Cb.n Pectoral, Sloan'. " Tilden's Fluid Retract Beth.. Russia Salve, Rusbton's Cod Liver Oil. Dane's Pain Extractor, - Aloan's Condition Powders, Kennedy's Wadies' Discovery. Original Dandelion retire, 4.,„,,,,Wh1tc0rri Yrs. Asthma Remedy, Fempte's AerodyneAerodyneCordial, Y. Wleudow's Soothing Syrian, end other Standard Medicines which we will sell at wholesale as loW as any honer weer of New York. Give • ua • call lietere pun. ammAng ehewbere I. I BALDWIN Dl., April 10, lebS. Mebolas P. Mie S. allld. A. maul... MIMED STATES GRADUATED Laili D. -- ma mum MR Locating Government Lands, , , AT 12} CENTS PER ACRE, ; AND LAND '' ‘77 . .Aißal..A.l.rr s_ N. P. STEPILENSON, & CO., No.*, ?warn rovirrn STALN/rf. OPPOEUTE PLANTI3III liotrial. LIT. LOMB. MO. g WOULD loopecUak Inform the Pubile. th at he Is prepared to Wats or toter iiitised throaroloont Land. Mi. Sh, 44 NM 71 mate pee acre, La Ilhotemi Nth* Miami and rob Lands. Cleo, locates, hope sad sells Load W th Amigo assegla of Land Wananta amoutad, .:noised and no lostions Ismitibly misAi from scam! lasmottea; Mincisaliy Adm • aid to the ebartend Ilnes of railroads whisk are nodes pram of construction. Competent Surveyors constantly Methseld, mak _ tag sumlnationa, and famishing this Mice with t result. Per who hove not &mated th emselvey of the toned of the Gosh, _ Mita Act, approved August 4th, 11144, tan tweet. rom the G. li m enment of the United Stases 11:10 hues of Lama d • Mom grad uated prima by mating the rimistred slideNte asA appllottiotm which allirlaytte and applications me ba proposed So odd hatched land, end the entries made through allures". • Basta( I thorough knowledge of the coantry, en latimate ao ssaistaaos with the Mod system, mad it unompermeed experience It this badness, emblem use to make dindrable mid valuable km:a lkali cr semis Thokaatirs most KAI/um wen. WM attend to the perdu= and stiessof Lim tad Lando of til '.Tamp Tamp goidsea land la say past of We Oda. rooms ssuistlos gives ta all assessuakstieas. mid 'Mist tattalistbsa ipurreatater , Is all imairsas astrussosd to Ude trim, POI= west some withim this State to make appliestion. Ammo Piot Patinae ber laadameemsl, ma here their staimil attended to, by laming their DepliattoCortlAcatts. - BXPRILWAINCIN • Col. ALUM I. a, lommiy Reg. Lard *See, st.. I.oakr, Yo Col. D. C. Toro, lets A. • VOL Jai B. Dooosszti, hock P. Wow, Roe. L W. Damn, St. Closios, Mo.. Ca( Va. Desgrgms., Warmertara, Ys- Dr. Jana A. l'Aiagr t Cbreirs, Ya Drs. Sash I Usu . . A tiarr 11111011•• Bee. MOW Alum Wererates, Yo WedC. Wrgeor, IS. 15611.-1011,14. Nstr Wisdom Studs', aim Awe Piatawa Cards so 4 Tape at J. U. SILDE44. At:: New vittuarit,..4 whit. 1: — ITI - 11141•1 11114 at the Part 'Review& ',fare am ild e =a, Tel. 4. Aho, a ley bort*, ftioe c r,,.Dtad, OM Ilde.101•44 a, 11115 t FOR • IV=• 5 springtime, at tba 7:JuattaxasaatOaliaaute. • lapue_ AND 4240.000. WTI t inniatur sar y t a , UI. above piptisl J( imp "Kiln AI ACliinirßi i l itilrameirora p las. toiler," htiatimod hereto ork follgi4k 4 ft.J.,s•_ll.rdirlftion & also the Illoatspiuser, St Yonkers, on this floideips, oast this city, and with the rA. perismee and &edifice crinthfinedi In Its omaliation an prepared to tarnish machinery or all kinds sit moor 11621111 Mira than Lasevor been offered at any other estaishisbmwaL THE COIIISINATkIIt S&Wil (Aiwa. taitsistaid 4deb a ls e r. I b'ift and I. now renewal." seksosiliadant to h. tin eissopest, moat prat and .rheient Waiter isanorat tarts( ntsehroli is tb. world A Irmo nalsiwr of them art in eueeetteeni operation in .1114,,tat ...elk.. a this onuntry. Cassaale, Cobs, sod - Rooth Ametica. sad wherever their merits hoe• Islam tested they are being adopted h. lumber truundieturers ha phelfermer• to an other mills. Messrs. Kmaaticisr • Co.—Gentlemen I hay. tried tilt. saii purchased id you, and will say that It porfonos w.ll, l aud 6 ' r. this* uwtamy eapectstioes - lam sell pleasat wit h'ils =MM. I set it lip on s aosi U straws that aduritod constant sat. r about its thick as mr ritise gage ,r which oar 1 1 / 1 .1 . 11 lin o wAlfeirient to supply th• bolter We are able to rot 3,000 !eel "1 beautiful lumber to 12 hours, with something leo. than Ohs cold .1 it L. th e ywq thing w• hairs PO much tiereted in ou rebuilt, f o r long tins, With a little tenable and expense, we ars. stile b. imps it *NO rent to las OoUes pat day. and Pat it up to the heart of the litnArr, which safe" the goTtl• harden of Imo 1.•., • un i t distance 11/ It.. unll A. C. JAl'Ksl►\, /014...... iladdar4 Pkyinnan =Dr= _ COMAINATIOX PORTABLE :3TEA 11 SAW./.111.1. Yours, renpp.aaeUoll r. Ifti3L KLHft, fit, I... Murillo, Tennessee The Comiatuy Loire. purchased LUND'S PATRNT FILM) Mt RANt:RL62it e Viteill la Illostnard bad delvik.ii in tb. Aisrenam to. October a Thi. adds tlir mtimemet oj the mill THE Ctll l / 3 1gATIoN 1111 t. , Vkt ti all t 6.• rr.wnt unpr• rwu.yl. anal sham .ownl of 1 . L.,. %. .. I.lt rao • ito, rr,n ".Y.l 4.000 t•ret to tw.lr• 6uura , and I% ..dal for $1,6:,0 TIIK SEW YORK CIRCULAR SAN' 6 inanaretur.4l , ...l, b. litlA euult.A. It u.. 1 oupg.ri, rtruction, snit .444 rut 14 per sent le.. than otl,r taill• • 11• 1 vystar eitp9sty A roltt with .4 thell RAWeau to ... . I b., *WSJ lk. $0014). and with A M hOroll Itol,llir •11.1 tmeitrr 14 $.1,4' • 871 E F.VMNY" , GIN F:S ortn.in I. Ir• horsepower, I.IIItAfriTICE. TI HI I. I, CY1.1!.. Dint DOILF.IOI ru rniohe.l at great' t nduo.l pri 1.• In to r•,rta, ~auta tivas. I)rs.lntt., •ith 1144* *4Ol .1.0.115*wt. .la. L.. I.ull•huvr 1111..1 uw•?d twrt turul.l/401 gent. to. U.S. 1 Mr! , • l'untiorteut ntecha.uhs aft.. I 1..01 1.. put up ~, 4.1 r Imro requinftt N.• al. manufactory MIIIN.Lh 111,11.111Nf4, • elllp/P4,Alifitit-1111.L.4,xuA MACHIN IS I:10.1,R U. !fractal stfauli..l2 0.1.1 to fretUog up SHAFTIAii owl 11. I 4.1 1- 1,, martutf so.l all 1.1, WR.II7IIT WORE romvon% •ra metllog_ip grout ouroh.r. 14F I 1:A1.131'1(11-ST 1 0!4.F Int 11.1 hr. re,ro waft!. Arid att reod, *Web No pronounerll puller., hot!) ro fl o• 404 Purr.v. MI 1 I. EVER I'lIN.Tlil 1'7;1. It *lll groin 11.• tl. wine (101 Ar..i .I'n 1.11 th. .4 •11, 11.111 I.i "(1... lorias IA 111.. 111/Lt Art We ale° fur6o4 utitrr 4tyleA of I;RIV MILL." Ah. u Th. u.1..1etai.,..-4 a..c •Iw publishes, .1 . THE UNITED STATES JOURNAL, A large Aud ruientlieent moothli newspaper, devol, an MEC,/ ACRIrrI.II,:RE, I ITFR ITritE ,tnci ANUS/. MEN? In inhiltion in its usual attractions, which ha., a ki•sa v ,iien it a circulatlnu of overt Y 100.000 Cu PIES per nn.oth, ii will here after contain a complete record 01 ell to, and salmtbie 11F111 \ AIL and ACRIer I.TURA /11pRov YEN esna)r•ii nit • lar,rr aeolliat of peltetlral inhumation from expenene«.l aria r• ro thr., eperetelttee than any other petylteation to th.. o .rrNf. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS A YEAR Seamen ropio. mt graft.. J. M. EIIigURON S dl., Pnbanbet•, And Airrnta for Ow N STEAM A MILL and MACHINE ANYCOMP , an , Broadway, New York UNRIVALED ATTRAIITDINS" Emerson's\ D Magazine A PUTNAM'S MONTHLY, I= Siu,tmo COPIES THE FIRST MONTII MAGNIFICENT PROGRAMME FOR 1868 10 20 , 0- 0 - IN tIPLRNDID WORKS OF ART la%ii DOLLAR E.MiitAVAM.4 to ere: .fiebwiriber 1111 GKE4T I.lllltAtil (,11.1.12 AL:NNW kik. - 171 St; WWII nut*: .f 111.4,6AZ1N1. sod Pt INAL -1 11. Os HL Mu Oven to the eosiolittateti work • circulation stood t o bot o ne similar publication ui the country, and ha• cured for it a combination col literary and artistic talent pruleld v ounvaled by any other magazine in the world. During the hr.' month, the male to the trade and demand from *absents:moat...rd.-I 110.(11JU copies, and the numhen already issued of the eousolodato.l 'work are universally conceded to bare au passed, In the richness of their Utarary contents, and the beauty sot profueeners of their pictorial Illustrations, any magmine *ter bet re loaaed f , nm the Amerman press Reopened by theme evident., of favor, the pub 'Lahore *Re Sissteresuiesi te miesteece the Dit vellum, in January with An altreeti..se, and se &rev 1.110/1 letlecoonvevits to aubeenber* so cannot fail to place it, iu circulation, at the head of lAmrrtran magazines With thin view they nos minim nor the fi.l- 10. mg splendid programme. they boor I,u...hinted that .uperti costly Mg t SUPPER," and VD% = resort a copy of it to every three dollar sahveriieer, for the ye a r ..M It oat engraved it a toot of over sB,ouo, or the late orlehrated A. 1.. Dick, from the original of Raphael Morahan, after Leonardo Da \ Inch and to the largest steel-plate engra ving ever omerated to this country, being three times the Mae of lb. ordinary Mare dollar ertgrarings The Arid tin prerialeas of this engraving are held at $lO. •1.1.1 It was the iehmation of the artist that none of th• enigma' agyv should ever be offereal for a In.. mom than s.a, being richly worth that *maim' This es ery three dollar euterriber wPI terrier the Mac min. one year—cheap at $3--land the eplendid WiersviSic. richly *oral $6. thee rifting for $$ Misvalue pile. We shall commence striking oil the engraving onutestiiitel), v t it can hardly to expected that impearaloss of on large a plats min lee mien ae but ae they wi/I be railed for by eoheerdere We obeli., therefore, frfrohih them to the ordre td which rob reiiptkole are recall ed. Those •ho desue to obtain their ea sr, • in early, sad from the Brat lasprerdmix, should mind in their. euhelepflang willbad Baby. eaigesivingg ean be went no r oil,- ' err, h 4111, nriliMay other manner, as mibrerftverr ghat! ord. r $0•00,00 0 lfil WOILOL.IO ON, AHT Iu 4.1.11tial to tHi !input/ bolt - whit of, "TRK LAI HI Pll.ll, - which will be present,' to every throe dollar rulieeri 11.01, _the wadi/Mom hare completed arrangemainta for rittistrltoltora 1,1,e 2411, dikr INCIPIXI•tIt of &Ammo. of vide r urts 14 ke‘iaoosiaGog„ ROO" hundred rich and ram hl PaltGlegps, vela," fms, WO to LIMO each. Alan, 2.olVmagnitlce lit SUMO Plate. Err ' gravinwr from $3 to $2 each, and Limo Moe.. Detidav Hooka, trilm $ll 04, slaking, la all, 41, K rki Ftf• THOCSAN GTPTS, worth TWENTY i 01.7 F ANTI I o INCLOSB $3 TO THE PUBLISHERS ANL/ ILI Cult• 411 1 (CR ItTeErynal THE itioAzna BY ItETHHIN MAIL. - for' WILT. ALSO RFXRIVR W/TH TRH 1411.tT COPY A •11.11 BERM' SUBSCRIPTION RECEIPT ENTITLING . 1•101 TII TII ENGRAVING GB "THEr LAST SI;PPER,"-s and a etianne to Iralaone of thape"7BßEE THOV; A NO PHI Z}7o. =I -• EMERSON'S MAGAZINE for 1858. First. ihoosigoo iii literary coatenta will, 'luring the rear, rio• Vraoe cop tons from over Oil lIIVXDIUID different writers nod thinkers, nahntrertng among limn the moot divtluguialte.l of Aux, Ino antliffia 4 s . .. z ., Ure itr o rl i I , ! zze w la i l zlepaz b z,:neats,::.ur 4tioini . ,' L le - ipi liii ,. r 'all antlinak thin varlet, and ricknoon iillitii ...Morin' mu say other roicatine. Thal BeCalll4l. It will contain, during Ow ~ ar, near II .o. lot 11- drowd original pictorial dluatrations from dewy. by Or hot Amer. zeta lirtiatt. - . 114.1110 e fur the Foul 413 you will meeire this op.r ii.hd moothlyonote richly worth that auto than I.V other ma t ndne, moil the superb there.. log of "CHF; I-AST SL: ITER,' • orths3. AVM: Because you will eery likely aw ou. of the three thou sand prises to be diataibuted on the 25th day of December, perhaps one that f< wort $l,OOO Notwitbirtanding that throe extraordinary ludoremeota eau Lordly tniV l ." "entordi.h the objtets of the publisher. without fur ther efforts, yet they tiara determined to mntion• through the year TEE GREAT LIBRARY OFFER. To any person who well get up a club of twenty for enbiwrs hem, either at woe or more post-offices, we will presents spiendie Library, camaisting of over Forty Bowed sdumes, embracing the most poptliar works to the market. Tile club may be finned at tylob - prios, It 2 year, without the •ograving, or at the tall , witirtimmegraying of the Last Supper to rub subvert- Liskanci description of the Library, mad sp«eituen eopy of the 'Magazine, rill he fermented on receipt of 26 cents. dyer 200 Libraries or 15,00 u volumnasliave already been distributed in sr cordauce with this offer, and We should be giad of an opportunity to furnish a Library to every clergyman, to every richool tearher, or to come one at every post office to the country MAKING MONEY. The mimeos which our agents are meeting with Is almost salon ishing. Arming the many evidesees of this bet, we present the following from one of our agents already in the Geld : .1 twee now been at work esavaasing on your ileAgisdne one week, and am delighted with the basinent. ft is dialyse from canvassing bar any thing elm I e'er tried. lam cure to get • cab striker la every really biters they can rake together three dollars. I em Dever reeeived with leidllferenee anywhere, for the first thing I do is to enroll my engraving before I let anybody know what I ma agar, sad lbw I get then interested before they know what • apissirbil egrr lam going to make them. flometinies they ask my prim for the eagraoing and 1 Mil them $5, earl wheal °ger them the engnivting and llairasi De nos yoll for three dollars they tue perfectly astonished I dad not get to going well ("rt the first two or three days: The lit day 1 got . . .. . . ... ..2 subscribers. The 211 day I got .. . . 7 subscribers The 9d clay 1 got .. . ..... ... ... sso beentwn. The 4tb day I got. . . 1.1 Iku bow rl ho r. .... The 1112 i day,' got , ... .. 9 subscribers , The CM day T got . . . 17 subsenber • Flrst i tweet . " . ..54 Autocribei • i 1 shall do muck, bettor best week. It I. the ..agraviog that 444 be business. Beery body .an•a the engraving You may ruleu late upon from one to tyro tboanand aohaeriberr from me tiu. Winter. Ima getag to make enough out of she tonne•, I HMI a farm in the With such isesereneme aa we wear, anybody can sldal p.itven Dem. We invite every gentleman out or emplbyment, and ewer) lady 'rho &elms a pleasant ray-making tmettpation apply .t once (or an agen CT Applteaste should inclose 26 rents int a now:Wan am, tioo nn villa' will alicat• be (Wa ar.1.41 with smarm to application by ?flank malt SPECIMEN ENORAVINO As Ire desire to plan. In the hands of emery person who prop..* to get up • club, and also of every i r i e ct u ,z ropy of the engraving of °W cc LAST SUPPER. - • i4rf", um as will receive Oa neva poet paid by ~turn Enral, L iss smeimena of our publications aod one of the tineelvered ettii pi rwastpta, entitUoir the bolder to the Swaim DIM year and to • °bassos in the diatribe/ion. This offer ia made only to those who desire to set a. agents or to form el üba. /Adm.. OA Kl4llllTlit 0111. No nt firrerativay, New AFEW enpa;• of Parton'. LIM of Arun n Hurr, at the Park ion Beek etora. Wl.A.TUtpAnaraatti.l U. Silo. the tabu ot of a err, •11 (Inge of therrier YCIMIN old I arch 13. Aliffli a. Rho v A . . . r Vtdia Two 14.5l WING ES!' im . on as: Theis Water, eons, Nth and %Andra* Stet'Wl been /appointed Agent law the *ale of these tralleilldhuAlha the poblie to .al. sod . avane one In operation at her room. befoni luvrettng tanner In other Moe Madlehmes sperate on an eattrely DAM priOelph.• -saint no Shu_ ...k.,L_ ttle but one Needle and tan Thavado. Th ey have been before the netA Imes been ussepuillt deride+ to t ante ilrfTe4 td Alf kT44 or YA W 1 /.1 ' Mk W. trofhint eq• 1 4 1 1 wen sat Lottuo. :Mk sod Woelon ilisliminglintNng, Toothy , and Gelherlitg with a Leant, and sUength unequalled by any other Illaedaiwa y Asmara the ;undoubted advantages that they poesery over all others are, Ist illsainty and linapilehiag d soadilietwitton, as l avibm• Rimmielhodom Rom demingemumt and mad of mum, * 1.14tm tarsztizkrid l auf Alta ft . 14 4 no l t ib a Chi M 1 S lob, bat • MLA um bath . every Oita. ing orb .4, it CAMPY! lr An simagoaßen asephre of tbilr ,o r k 1. J•n. 28 1868 Yd, 90, pp wtor &reale re Lior grimo - 08 AI ip ise, Just rodqved at No. s, L geow . L lI _ B . g fitio Ilarekl2. El P 11.4 T TlLlWinsAMl9Stejlte I'll EA I' t 1 II .I.X$4/N :1 I'ILACIIRS, I hernia., CUrralib 11.1141 I .olt/41.K., . as (raft as Nee feliii, preiterv«.l in 4ir Tight CROCIIIRY Clunk fol(ul TT q• - ~.a . 1r: re .furl I, i 'Xt.:, . " au -.. rate. e Iteitt ea.( in iii , A TII i si4tiNt 4 it 11..HAl 1,, t nun of Tartar, C•ritinnated u.. 1 'tat ....la, Durk., - nail Babbitt'. lislilng I.tivr•r I. 01111 Ilai cartatii, N ertairilla. F. , rib.. I W "*, U. tier'. itbooiligla anti Rennin., Sage ..., 1..11....1, ,• HI it. 11:HY &slad lin in Irv. and *mall &it U., Vicklaa. Priam' 'all., I a.m.q., l:, I t vut...,•t, 1 n -a,,... and la,nring A T H kN , ..V" , Is 101.1.1 \ I:1114 I,k. 1 . ... r11,4r 14 Coffee, war.. ..... tod ist a pound l'art or by 1b..u.i1. Hit, and other • I 'A1....a.l H. 41 4 0110+; losnertal Gun 1 ' 0 11404 /004414 t pp's% *ld if, aun, Hymns. A T !' tN 4 ' IN • '4111. 11 .44 , 11K Ind nflit Rfack Tr.*, annerior qualits, bw the tow II( 11/13 - ruN14...1, “renulated Po•otenoi A hit.. and Yellow SIIIN Orleans, and P.o 4.. Rte. Auger. " RCP , A U'II.aASKS New lirleana and 1 Pert. Ilk. !boluses and Sagas 11 DUMP Syrup. T. At'll • —Superinertne lut Cheering and `ookiog, e•vanwhph and S•cyral Leaf, Ander- A 1 It 1 k 4 "., won • 4olarer, kr, , but ae nood atop—the Prin ter reu't siford ur ;nom wean. nor - but the part tota flat tarn 14.1.1 t ..11. Per im!. aro way nrao me the auturct twat west, A I . 1 1\ but don t •a it lot' tioal but come. and see, and with t!,« Qw•att of the %tooth you wit' lod t. .a..a.m , "The Lad Lao unt been 1114110 , 5 • T kf11111:1CT TIIB PLACIY• I ati 14 04 -- Dr. P. Hall's Celebrated Cough Remedy. TUE !ail Id s. F( pH cLiti *RI AND 1.L46 VAtElli; lid SC rwawri gyE • A )wiximmtw: MEW tirirRALD;(; 111WEWX , E EXplittr 111" A Howl* Jr. WELL KN(IEr (MD:4 f IMIZIEM i dun meth. to. litia Iran u.r.l .1111-114( Thu lard thirtern Iran, • i , It ‘. urges hoot 4.111.11( 1 oughx , t 11/11111.1.1,0,., t roup at tiattlart, lirout-bitta, %/stills. or Pbtlitair, start Whotoptt4 l'outrtt ruts tht• ttttt through ta It. 14 Insult thousand ta r outito.u,latl to It , . itolrlo argat«, ittaaaatat, atteartly 11,1 01...g0al rttra, for tilt. Ot•••••aa it 11.. e•I I all a t : ot sod ottratiottoot. I root t-nr I t infant I to to- moat aol stray. It Is aquallt allocatattol ttertaon• •„u , mo t , (rain ,„, tool ,00trao teal oltratm trill 1 .11r great t..h tot trout o- 11 /1 ala.akars 111 1, abr. hr re. 14) fLh u• LI: Itoorot lot, sand •Irettgllting that? 1 , 11,11 AN 1 1 y.—•tI rot Ceti • . tor te, sal,, thlt.l.l Ito r,1u.1, and curry 414111. 111.•toof air • 419 e. I to that Settle. awl often fatal tt masa , sseoad keep tits. rsoledy to them Istospe for lashitnt ass, s heu rwtyt r wl A IS utla honk .4 tlos reased7 has cured Mahar' t • toll, t ear. atritottufr, and all perstons sulkies.* to that tedious ,tor flux uFa•lit.stte • tens' I . ..rioUtupllon it 1.4 mi•e,•llly Lunt, •nd ;11r lAA • • Ir./11. in (Ali and all et. Atli nit e4 , i. 1 , . •rt t.. .rt. iii• tio , h . .k •1111•.“41.1 t 1.• Erie, tool% b. HAI 1., at Ili. Drug (pa 4 1..24. ft,'" I, a I , A ,lA,rAAtail.lt ..1 Publ.. Naar.- E rte utplenopte.l cittset. nt Erie City and .I..iatty, liar. at..l Lr. P. Iletd:a Celebrated dicyrb Remedy .ttb greet ilecores L5l ...rill, ./1.01111•• nt Oa- Tbrnet and lAny r e. end rake fi t ew ine e re,analeadiaw 0.0 t.. the sttltetvti so 1 ap,r , ll airy.? erawetila) r ~..ire., pupa. • uutl,S... h.. • Ti, 01.1,.. n 1400 non ...Ito-1,...,4, 1 11 inrlrll, J.W. Hrool, • . Inns... 14 loilulai. h 1 11.411...1t, Jolin H.-1i.,0t, lo `burl, 4 vsi•iin,i, J.. 141 A Ir., % I ~ li•rol K...-• 11 14nier, Joh!. % 111x1.- .1. T. Cu*. J I 111111, .101%11 %% II y 1 i/, 'limit' Hiner, J*., ii,,binm.u, Al' John K 4 .41,rint,, 4 K R3l,ltot 'lla. H F ILIA. Joollit K lounaart, I flo.uvor, I to Huotoll. .11 - 1111 /I Warr., 1 H 1 lli/11 ' I I .rat.,, J.hn .. Brwor 1,, 1111/ H Mat J 11 hull, ..I.ltft iikltirsiitti, II II i otoprr, 1 , 1-, tole mulatto, 11.11i. , w !home , ii 7...1 b 1)..1,. r 4 Doman+ J. 11 . KTan, 11.19 I.ruilt, 11 11 Rot, !tam, 'tint-, I.iii•lii• t Iliiii 11 ili.iin King, I tiiibi,i , ii. I tt , Amm flek , *, II I' Fletuitle, , 1 4,a../ bevol J, 11 It Gall/wt.., Dmitri Miner, 1% I Kin I, rip OW I he. W K*l... . II 1V rwtit. I' F. liqrt.m. D P Knsigt., 11..t..rt Cochrs., I rt.., Jan J. no, -- ,_,- 4m NEW COPPERSMITH SHOP. tN) di tl,at •rr *ant of Copper - .1 Unit, Kettio., H,rnn hyttly•, 10.rtiv , 4, I...ters tor Totatiyrt a, In It. t all rbmg to thy t opiwr line • IJ! mad.. 1.• an 4 w•rrantoil. lift.• hi. a eall uu 11.•111.41.1 rt 1.-two,. 4 an 4 .11,, 1tr0..1,•t oly nhol• unit..tl.(l ,nor. N B.— 01 I Coil*, to 14..4 I—Nrght selneisagioVfoloor •nrk • R nrscry, 11•41auti, Strort 11111311EBEI Land Rollers 4 r w 1/It, . and • 'II rva,lv V al ERIK I ITI a_ << tat -le.—Ar - Thor Erie County Mutual Insurance Company 'I In, 017,01 0 tied in 1' 4 3!1 I 'ha rb.r l' , r ‘ N 111411 I rr.Perrx iliptined Avdp.' Iwo. Otifti ft? way Terme irr mit striedisit led rift ..• . T ar r 04: 4 a 1.4 tbv CU nankui Will i or el . all or tip u.u• I , IS Li MANI!" Wrio" L. 15 131ty nia .608.14 , 1 e ' lout =whop. ' one ..ai 4 oelf*rli it+ll.lollelebr...r isit i t _ tlli couvey."Tias t .,6 1.4 i'lliblitql lll trap. dr eirtir . 4" 1 11 .POSP.' 1) r it E C rt .lam.-, r 11, r. 11411 CM. 111.6414, Wm F Rtn.lernerbt, ..inkth, I..hn Limn...rt.. JoR '. .It.errott, S I' Ket,F,r, Th.,. M....1.1,..4.1, Jacob HII.OO, 4 ;•"..C. A I 111.. t F FtabLitt, Wm Ft FisF., .1 M Juntle.• , . I. I I 4 i Y.. • E. It 1 Xltll r, f hi\ S• 551. 4 . , .'" I /I "e 11.11•1.. ire 1. -rat - I ,41,r, 1 Iteapsid Erte, l'a 4n. A p , ERIE CITY GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY! ..tF'ItI . 11/ 1 1111.1, 441..4 k, .4.1. t• km! i ,fth nnt • +mt. D kPlit -Oita; r. ha*: of II". Mirk. 4µ41 ."4" . . *Ow 1•14 4.1 - -ITO\CARD FIRE an, 11A`ISE Insnrence Company of Philadelphia. /.,,pid,s,je, .1 9 ,3 4 12, 11 Nine. (ct Pi T 1 1.. Mecagro47 llowirsted, 10130411,000 The Quaker City Insurance Co. OP PHLL Ftemh.lfit• Bait/Julys, 403, Waistui Nfreet 4 ash Capital and Marylou.. - • irZSO. O 4I6O* Matuufacturers' Illsurauce Coy:pally, OF PHILAD ILL P A. OjJl.v .Y IU, ..11/treinsets "-PA its 7 e, %Pi TAI., - • - • , lizau,ouo. Ene, Augiml 1'4.7 11 - - • F ire : !!. Fire!!! 0 TO 4:. Inournooro tiptoe, • cwt., of Litt+ and fifth atteetril NOW, Mork, tip sawn, an.l ,o-t your enured 11.1 repreittuta the lollowtog roloado I oltllA - Uiro NKR( 11 IRE AND ItAR.IXE IN- 1 1 II N - CV eliMf'A Y rf Plithadelphka .101.0ritt..1 &ON t 1400,000 Seenr,-Ir In -4417#1411)0,0041) 1 ARMVI.I-- I \ \ I\ V I ~ M 1'k5...1% Att. nit, firsol n.l,l , k r aal 0)490,000 1.1 p.m up an./ ••••••uro.lr fGb. ' , PI the I tspli r•••I N.ll I. 11111 t 4:11, Iw, I ol I, A AK THE DELAWARt; AIL TL AI. SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY 01.' PHILADELPHIA, A RIK Tom Ames , maner. on the Mutual plan, Outer The in no ml • part telpattos; ut the probin 0( the Lumpany, without habillty beyond th•premium paid' Hoe*r upon the Late and Casale Insured on the most rat ;wattle term. Lour... •,11 he liherally and promptly *Ajotted t ire rt•lt• o.; oterrtottoltra. huddling and other pt ',pert v , .0 rtttro or ttt.untrt , f., ot limited totrru 1...nun...Mt it IRECTOit: 4 loottpll II ...al, lame. I' Hand, f .1110.0.1 Attutler, Tbot.ltfoltot l'ata t•ot t e, .1,00 t bat., II Jot,. ftroolte, itottort Horton, John Garrett, John Ii Pettit..., If Ugh Craig, -.Mtel Ed•ranl•,tt•ilt I rirt• 'ACTT.' I, Henry I.• r....., Itavol B Starr. I.. : .ltttrd Itarlineton. XI:K.IIe,, Ittaart R Bay Oh I GJohnson, ini lie 11, Rll halm :If 4. , 1m 4. New tuN, 11 Or. .Thointes, ,r:De. IL. Y. too, tinh n Tiier„Jr. • 1' 1 4 014/WP `PIM., itieweri •,: NeClrbortt, S., r ErApplication can be mail.. to . April 1, 1 , 457 .1 KE1,1.111;1:. Airent, Eli! ' KEYSTONE MILLS. JOHN W. MoLANE, 111$1rFACTDREI1 AID DEALIR 13 .";: 1 --177 " .- FLOUR, GRAIN AND FRED, ALSO, COMMISSION 741 RROII AM% FYII2 THE P(.'R('HAS F. APID SILIC OF THE SAME KEysTi)XE SToRE 11, PARK MALL 11 oorbeadville, Pa FAIR P• All order" through the Pout Uttar at either plum. will tor prompt It atten4.l to. anl.lenwered In the rity fret, of .Large EIIP, Jul) 11. i, /e 457 THE ERIE CITY MILLS, diiIIIrL.T.I3I r , IIIIVIV. IiIiVEIRSTICK A CRUTCH, I=l=l FLOUR, (*ORM, CXIR,v ME .41 SHOR I's AM) RRAN FLOUR of all kinds kept constantly i.n haw!, which we will rll .1 low AA any other dealer lo the cit,siolgiellArr fret.• of change wlthio the cit.' firnita. Er. All flour warrante.l t,phe a. CA II 1.1,1 for l.rml I ',As, t out and Buck En•, /tilt 2L, A stratori Not.toeJ - of 1: d p, : 6 7 .4 " r•rtw 7"b"".7, granted kurNt %t 1 ponies: toneb;o.l to ftld •r• In mak, haumooll.tt, 41 7 0 07. , ••. 1 'h. " ". ' ln laid." nr demand agenst the Eolatt. .4 •.t.l dere.frot .111 msk• known the ..nn, Irltir•ut 4prll. 10 1044 -611.4 Administrators' Sale. ruf.i. eolel at 10,1.11. .ale on S'atortiav, If," 1, a( la 1 y n rlork, .4 V., at the Market In the ell. of Erie, the following thrierihrtl Real Kota•e, 'vine and hmeig ritilut• fu EA." 1.10" the pn.pertv of A etths I:hret :erne th..atn. by Aced frnm Jonah fi •i I • wyg to Iliririi‘n 6u.maul, Anil b•- i g i1q 04 4.1n1 tat rthout an firg„,lo w4 r . T Aitinnlng mo Pr.nc t ilbeelvehut *pa fUiptitS4 k at starerrrt distance wahllt from t.: themes running north-wwiturarilli pur . tillel • ith raid Third St. slang Our line of Into Nori 3..'t30 t :TI:31, 145 feet c., an ails, theta.. by right angles with said aller =fret tiortweetwanilt thence noutburring• It •t right angle soil parall.l rah Third ' , tree( aforesaid 11.5 hatt I , rvnelo Street. then, .....tl+ eastwanllr raid strewt 23 fart to the ilLsrw. oi Leginnin*. he,ste the worth or .outh at cad *1 E 111 ,S; 4 411 E 1 1 k,t. 62294 ind 3r2.1 T. of kg. um, 1,416. .1 t ß t,,,e ur . • KAY. Eck, 1,111 10. 146Z,N 1858. kalatatoldrators. 18511. : i'RESVE /SLF: /( 'A' C(o.ifi , .l 4 v) - . 1E t I.IRS n tur ry.lal lay , taken from l'reeque lalmillAr a y one la• It mile *a a Neu Reed's Wareloome We Are pliaa perm' to furtilaah Funnies, iletele, laaalmanr, kr., alurir t iibe sermato w, Ape etyma Sam. oteler Atoll *pakillake All Orders addrelamal t4ifto, lkaa 139 or 1 .'44; Post r, rival be promptly •tteroileal I , %MI LlF e all can nr mapplballik* Wert, .4 Immo or burolred alfkre ki & Henry • ' , low non, Boom, at eag's Mork, where all orders will be promptly klterele.l to grill. April VLIIII.I.F.R k Cat 2,5 looms. 1., lowan L *lore kpilaTir pale ki — Jlll3 Eylar, April 17: ;il. 8. SUIOLBIII. • 4941.-.4M li, For which wUI h. Ora PLAIN AND FANCY Boots sod Moos of the Latest Styles ffi: witbout luortiog "" to rr ai sd to . Haring • iltit Orwortsrivot ol the Mart Notarial; 1 MP preporrd to do work ,hl will Satisfy the wi,st hirliknosa. to - s , L NM, EA*, Die. 12, AV. No. 6, Roars Block. 4511TRAW MVO —Sim* add Hay KW tar Va. by 0 Nov. 2L .1 C. sktar.ii, ALL ki.4 ut Costars Prodsoe. tor silk& Uri kligkimA lashes pear will palli BARR k BROTIMIL Der 6 Hugbos Sark. WE offer fur your lu.poetion, • apirrodid 6411411611 of Bliassos, Cloak*, Huo.i., G10w..., Trimmings, ke. kr. Dee A. • BAUR & BROTHER. WE otter for ouriiispeeidos, the lamed ambortammt of (3.43 tiro:rens ITRNISHING GOODS, sum brought to this mar ket, ikiigesw tit Weappiim Doman" Bbir_ti, Collets, ke-, {Viridian/NA NI kaikeinld th• ma. Qin sad ma ll* TOUR. 1/01•00. BARR k BROTTIEE SODEEN LANGUAGES. loctietti sespeettally oars his services as teseher the French. German and Brash Weimar Instruction gli«o at the Student. residences desired G. hilklS. Teseher of shone Lanituaires, at Bowman's Academy. Iltrtc, Dee, 19,184. lar - • Please style at Rev Yr Bowman's, or Y. G. Ito", P li PAPER HA.NGVINGS, A r PARK . ROW' ROOK sToi •. Asa wire Combas ". • • • I uow newbring an txteuair e and or:: ler . ' L ••II 'sleeted Stock Wall Pata.r, Win do. Paper, Am, for the Sptiogg Trade, whkeh •11l 1.. sold cheaper than ow l!/ Rd In *di city. Am illash nation albs k and pricy.* le aelletted A 1..., the roleorated PEND' IA LI CURTAIN FIX TI He, far SI/ peril., 1 , . as, other now is mar aid equally aa th4sp, Kn., March a, 114nIt R I. N k:4l/\ H. on band a tars* sad complete taaortaseut el House Fur ulabing Goods 1 J present two new patent Elevated t/vsu C oo k Stu yes, the CENTURION and GOVERNOR, a/entirely e new rincipal vr Melt man Della stalled. Reverstuf the damper, total ly eteludea the entire heat from the Oven, which has been au oh 1 - ertiou to the Elevated oven Stowe*. The Style of oruauteut t. ti Ye and beautilea. eamtir•g Neal to any la motet The largestind best assortment of Cook and parlor Stoves West of New York. Constantly no hand, among which are the Self-Hopilators, than suer, Brilliant. Persian Loa Violet open Parlor Stores. Also the Ruby, the litadom, lb. Lady Franklio and Gothic Coal Stoves.- For Wood, the Cottage, the Nubian and other Parlor Stores, too numerou. to uumtiou Cooking Storm, Om Forest Oak, the Royal (ink the Korai Conk, the Km ire Cltz and Black Warrior Low orru Stores, ohm lb. Vootal, Parlor Look and Fanny limo I o "aid call yen rotteistion to my stook of Tin, Copper and S hoot it,... Warr 1 Also, a lams amortorent onlutlery, Ivory Dom y and Wood Handled Table and !horn Rohm. and Forks, Pocket Ha..., .11wkro, Flemoork Brittanis Table Castors and Teapot..— .kiwi, Tea and Table Spoons, firma, Copper, Porcelain and Ground Kettle. awl Pump of nil dew-Animas. Load Pipe, Sheet Lead, Pump Chains, Tabing, Store No and Elbuw• on band at all timer. Alan, the largest and brat assortment of Japan Ware la market /11w Lanterns, Tea Trays, Corloe Stikls,Corn Pomona, Seines, ebop. Ong Knives, Flat Irons, Shovels and Tonp, Pokers, I 'on! Hods, Washboards, Rost Ciatersand "woe Adam. Jobbing done ou the shmirkid notice. Oepper.Anaga.hilfier and BriNgatakon to et change for roods. Pismo oall and esansino spy stock, and natkey y ouriely.. Brie fleet. 4 h. hand. Yours N. firRYll NEW JEWELRY BYO - IE4 - FINE GOODS' CHEAP BARGAINS.' JARECKI BROTH:MA A niuca N BLOCK, BTATE BRUT ERIC, ?A. i, AY Mown returned from the empire Cite where thee hare selected a Sae and rich Stock of JEWELRY, WAft:HKS, t: WI. SILVER, Plated and Gold Specteeles, fillv•r, Britannia and Plated Wars, Pocket and Table Ciatk.ry, LOOKIN(3r GLASSES, Toys. too, atiar. 1a falatl4lll to tha are lootiey time, sad toy ivy/ cash ' we .rur asp& shut, per rent cheaper that, they wiirt ears boan height liollhOit With ropuur to our Mae essawifootorirta , , the Public Is Inform. 4 that or hare worked los the part aloeyam u. and supphod AU ordeal J•weilry sod liogravtog, with the meet mat pkg.. satialuction In @reel instaato. wW" • DON'T FORGET THE PLACE:—AKERICAN BLOCK lie J ARUM EIROTHEIts BUFFALO CLOTHING STORE ! ! Ratlitta, 111. n a Olercoats, Boys orsreosfs, Mea'a Quist Costa, Ilny'a Usti*. Coats. lien's Vesta. Boys Vesta, Ilso's Pinta, • Boy. mats, of Myers load and Qualls... Also a moral asaorlowst of (faollamea'• V.nalabing 4)004a. tow..tuag In Wrapper., Drawers, SToruk, Conan., ete. .old at 1... P ews_ A. FALK Er.. govt. 19 19. Vcr IN, Prviit R1E,.04 . T5, CH( ip s TuFl, 11 11 11AVIMSTICK CItiATH J Alt FA MARTLK, Adminlirtestor , °tens °Agin °Atm W A N' D ! WANTED. 1 IA kill IL Mail VA 1.-OF N. muitrint. A T TAE OLD STAND!? Between Brown's Hotel and Need House. - _ • - 4:311014017:7110. Elle, Ir. 24.,1M7 .724_ New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ITEM No. 7. Brownea Stock Er; DOUBLE laseroutto. WARRANTED PU kR, IT S. R. CHUCHILL'S REED HOUSE ON FRENCH ISKANDY, at CHURCHILL' s, Cherry Cnr mediesi see, at t.7/10R136/LE' 8 - Lipman of all kinds, at CHURCHILL'.'. Wines of all Mina at - CHURCHILL' s Gip 01 all kinds, at CHURCHILL'.s. Nam, • pure artitie, at Pure SOM., also for onedietnal pompons, Pile, No , 7, ISM Itind Noose on Vrenet, 1.11 - ILW BOOKS) AT P4f RIC ROW ROOK STORE ar 3 CASK IPS PENNSYLVANIA REPORTS. Wharton's Prendetits Wharton's Criminal Las, iiresley's Equity. Firm's Justios. Punnets Digest, YLLler kyle is Lien Lair Craydinfi Forms, lirlghtley's Equity. Erie... Woe 11, 1147. D EAtitrtm Plated Calm Baskets, cups, spoons, fork saint. 1) kin Rings, New Paterns, Just reoeired by Nos. 14. T. Y. ACTIN. Corn Sheller's. CALL and p 4 • toad Corn Roller for ONE DO ILIA It. Aloe largo . ones fur a larger prlele at the Erie, Jan. at, 1&M. WOK CITY IRON WORKS. MACKiiii..—Nty I A 170. 1. gankenol, in quarter ierrela and kits, anel nn retail, at— ..._ Dec. I& HANSON'S. PARK ROW BOOK STORE. Change of Administration. milk: subscriber, Lasing frumhased the Patin. Stock of BOOKA, I ST CfIiINERY, Am., of Lints k Huston, would respectfully announce that It is his intention to keep on hand at all times a large au.' well selected !Keck, tor Um' atoeirimndation of the old friends of the elottnr,ll, and u many 0•11, Othile as may me lit to eX • tend their patronage on the CA.NH system, and also hopes by a doss application to business tad a desire to plea,e rreryimmly, to merit a liberal share of patronage. Connected with the abore Is the BMW BINDERY ander the management of Br. Cote, who .111 furnish Blank Books, of all descriptions, to order I.:rle, Jan. 'a, in*,-.27, 500 Doz. freab Eggs for sal* by RCN. F RiNDERNEciiT l -, P b la, I flaß Zinc Paint °"VF.ToN I'EVN•A And I.l.liNal just reetv...l July 11 sTKWANT a SINCLAIR. qilo K PtIIIOUL PKRI4.—A quantity Just rooklvlnt foom the wuth ~f ...ry Dire rwt.et fat Fhoulderk,rhooper than Pork 3,1,14 Lumber Yard. _ _ DILIV4IIS D Flooring and Siding, Lath, Shinglfai, Fence Board', Building Lumbar, kn., always on band and For min by Erie, Jan. 90. LIDDELL, IFICESHBY k Co. A LARGE Steak of Merrimac, Philip Allen t Seen, mei Con A estop Pnnte, to be sold eery low for Cash at Erie, May ta. BARR it BROTHER'S. TLLINDLe AND WISCONSIN CURRENCY taken at par In et. Johan'. for Goals or on bebia, by Krie, Dee. la, 367.—EL HOWARD ASSOCIATION; PH'ILADELPRIA. A Benevolent histitatiors, eetarlislied by .pone/ endow mind far die relief of the sick and distressed, elided 'via Virbreat and Epidemic diseases. all persona afflicted with Sexual Diseases, seek cc SPIV: I ATORRHGCA, SOHN Al. WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, 61 diORRHOLL. GLEIT, SYPHILIS', the Vice of ONANISM„ or SELF ABUSE, lee, ha. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION' In view of the awful destruction of busies Ilk, caused by Sensed fflosmoo, and the deceptions prse timed upon the asibrbias victim of rush Memos' bl OtoteeeTatnl years ago directed their Congeals( Surgeon as a CHA RITABLE ACT worthy of their near, to open • Disponisey forth. treatment of this clam of dismays, la all their forma, sad to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRAM total wbo apply by latter, with a deesiption of their eobditios, (ago, otropstioo, habits of Ilk, key and In cases of extreme proverty,to PIIRMISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. It Is needless to add that*. Association commands the Metes Medics' Mil I of the so, =thrill brodsh thuoglot approved modern treatment. _ The Dhootoni, on o goyim of the PA . hd marled ibis their Wean to this at Mate alma effort. have been of EMI benefit toseespecially la ibe ming, sad they Imes resolved to &sett yes, with texaed ma, to this verylarportant but Moe& despised same. Just Putgishad by the Aaoselatk.o. a Report on Sparmatorrhera, or Seminal WeOuses, the Vise of Osammen, hasturistios or &D- Allow, and Ober Diemaises al lb.B.zusi Orpsa, by the Coma:dims Surgeon, widett will he mot by mall, (to a sealed letter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on meet t of TWO STAMPS for pastime Address. I* Report or 1, Dr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Coneolling Surgeon, Howard Amociation, No. 2 Month Matti rbiWelpb la, Pa. By order of the Direetors. EZRA D. REARTREII.I., President (AIL FAIRCHILD. Burglary Net. 12,'6?. -31.17. LIGHT I LIGHT ! TORRE 1101 IKK VOK UN *C CENT! KNAPP'S PATENT LAMPS, For Bari tbq wasil•in IllyarerCeribilli OW, envoi a „ Roelig. Reradiewl, Le. Tis certainly the chaspek salset, modt Mao.), and 1. . o ft portablo I.Jot eirer babfire slimed to UM public. Tht. L.wp Na eceived a ulna at the Annual Fair of Ow Abareieeß lusts 13sa York, oirwi• at tie l'enosyleanis mut Net "ill irar eiIrYTIPICATTS. We, the undersigned,. take pleasum in certify lug that we are rum, using and have thorooghly tested the Ilarning and lighting quali ties of In apps Proms= Paoli Plop. light produced by It trr:r:lf=ritrg alt°lnettilaaa. a gt B. Lovir7, A. Mal. Lyon, James U litrillap, • J. O. Barr, P a. Flan, K. A. Bennett, IL .* 44 .1.. 1Z11 64 0Miti0 theldhoeobt- %ORM* ..iincrreFt Erie. Feb. 13, 13611. _ _ (14411Pi115,7 11 E O at Drat apse 5, Wed Hotta., ot _ , Au t omm. 11 . t - . I . i . LI. tud.filwlSl d - c --- rCre . _ . - r and Timothy ffeed. A nice elseot of Clover and Timo th y wale cheaper 11:Pci su , ." at lall illne Varril b .4 CI it Save Your Wormy! D „ OLLAM/II arc be isytri by ever, mall'' ill this conaltY, by porbbasibe Ohm Groceries sad PreriMone tat cash 14 the theyCsslll ban al WY. F. ELKINIIINION. 3" . AIN* =11:11 ' ROGERS & BEZINETre - HARDWARE and IXIUMEIT SPOR TO the but pleeet In Apiaries to bay !reediest', Creamy, igliebi Looking eilissee be. Iron, Nails, Springs, Axle- Arms, Steel_ , Malt; Plebi, Presto" Ifstueette, Cotter 4b brute Itou. Shovel's, Yogis, Asimp, As vlla, Vi Itellowa, Skirdvok, tore / 610 . 0 PUIL ISSe4 nem - Mo., Min Seem. Viso Cut Seim Mad Si... WbfpfkaTili Moles Stale Bow, j nib" Teeta. Cu = I l ls' Bette, Senses, Se. tit • Wakes, sad sn ktude SHELF HARDWARE Saddlery Harmer •od Carriage Triounkgre of all kiss at th. vrry lumina potribler rates. Crockery and Glassware.. A largo ►aaortmout winch will 1.• old •t • vary wall ►dv►yaa Silver Plated Ware. Odor Baskets, es.t.,n. Butter Candle Sticks, Spi,nne, Forte, Knievel, Solt Slueland Mpobtr., ke., Warranted to he the beat'. uality otanyfseturlNl un the t niteel States king Glasses. lye can 1111131061 t.at thw orl.l on I,llok int 41 'WWII'S. It If un.. ler to talk about rompe.tation tau, nolo n( New, York. Urn la lbo. Own Po kap Laekt. GM•oes rAs op We *hail spare no path+ 10 ktnong op our asok,rttnent. 0( G..od• to +apply t/ar tlierenalflic Jrman•l ~(..or au meryuaonstomara Ede, Pir.7 ItUIIEAS k SKS ETT . . Gotta Percha Belting. Ato .Urflor Art.. 14. Ito 1.1.!tION:olwr Reititig ti,r malt. 1 ersr.v y, Very Valuable and Meek weededlin irAvelllAllll. L. B. WHITE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS, AN entirelt neu artielo iu the Trues line, dißering radieitlly from amand all others In the world, and Is really the only Instrument of no kind r orthv of the tisane A abort trial of Wk. ?MOODY Oho.. that ha, e .1.411 the .14 or ordinary kind, will full, prose the truth of this statement Thor are very light and eeryomall, and the pad nun be readily adapted to at any perwonAnd the pressure Badly oditoltotl to !wit the ron ertIODCO or oreviodty of tbe Thuwe • ho an. so unfort o na to as to require the aid of ouch se inatry maul will do 01•411001.•• A A favor r., •n nano/010111i. arfrrl., a fro which are left with the sotto...etre.' Agents in Eli< ot CARTICH A Witt I AMES AND GEN TI.LbILS'S and Iton•ry, the 490,1 j to.ortiroor,l to lb,. I a • to,* otter,/ at uoprot,P , l , ol Loo at IIAHH A. littuTHEH'S, Dwr Hughes Block _ _ - - _ Ye Bootless Crowd, comeeaAbit BOOTS FOR " , BOOTY," And Shoes for Beauty Unsurpassed!! Orw oust. an.' trade oil all ',wool.' clothe* and w et new Throw off your old mot wOrti alit r artoroho with r' 'theold wear," and romp once 01.4E3 rr new rear with now and ,E 3 riesu clothe 17 '1 usw,ga nr., s alidot Soaps /nil wawh 4,3 Ort'olllE4ol 1 . 4 r 1•• H,kk A {lgo and yet title. anoint 1... Le•• 1 rirand hrwotiful Vonke to /411 k AL HAWS and et • SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HOODS, COMFORTS, &c and be comfortable. Cow. tr. HARR L Elmo e and m•ltirt tow I.luVell /row the Large* anal Lineal I,nottyht listo um/lA.ld awl appeut gem feel COM.. 1.11.1 du ‘ourwhe. juatiov sod e5.•,91.1ne 1..0 flat Come i Countryr.. sl ill poet gre with • d u_ P and exchange for merchandise Coma In your caret' gra, r..uo r. or buggies, COON on burr. bark, coma by fiulruati, ,111.• .. , 1 t.. BARB k BRA(Vrt amt "swap" lour Ca %11 fibr • hot ,•.ii lordl get roar money Geri Come one, come all Ho. until,,,., and i, 1,., and Marna - are Olt sr • •••• baud forget BARK k BltraffEtt'S STuRF. Lair 'greet., Huger' B 1.. k 11111 LOOK 11EllE EVERY BODY! or Ready l'ar. firocorini at Ow i;roi,r, Wi r. of Wm P flin 1,nr0 , 1,t, on 'gat.. I. following nitex 'son (Irlean• ci.nt• lar pound Cuff. Sugar. It for I/ A for 11 4 ,, Crsuitiwd Anger for Pulrertsid t liroinulstiol tiond Rio Con... Bent 11..1an.0• t. Brat Heat N . ) rup, N.. Bun !Lwow ow Currants., 1 uun r llywou Tra• truth Sir to 7. rta per all viuk. Beat Salelatoo, " per pound. Carbonic /81.1 n, 141 •• ebiltia• A n.. 1 r*e I•1•.ou propourlooto . Call sod Dow lime, nett week. WW. Y HINDF.KNFA HT 1:33 1L. 1 11 4 .4 of an Atzen the in - u¢ Match 11. 1.. 11A1,1,V. 11UK ktrilloor r tif v• up in resr .la, .1 Call and req.& TF I.F SCOPE at the at..., 1 01 I 26, 11437.—U. Wm. Biblet, Himself Again. mine stabweriber wi;ul.l Inform hui friends as J the pul.) r gr. I ally that h. h* 111U1lned CABINMNIAKINti BUSINESS. (IN ULM (iWN 11001 i, at the nl. ...lama on the Corner of F ntts.lJ strert•. intruding to a. re to It vrlioly time awl attrotom.,..4 mpary , n.• (.11*.riotn Hord sattalhtion, ha restwethilly Is toeral share of toddle patron& All kinds 1.1 work ' ur rash, and rrpalrlmr promptly Wino li. ord., Eno., NI , Ftlill E r WEEKLY ARRIVALS at SELDEN'S. The tintoti Depot for .41se11 Ilordwore. Hardware, Iron and Nails, Saddlery, Carpenters Tools, REIMER BELTING & PACKING ! SADDIJ R. •11.1 natters= Ilaket‘titr..ugh..ut the... no st tartlet' try call at SA IEI MA 1:1 N 9 ggi and examine one nl the larres awl best selected atom It "nd , :,• and Swildlers Toni. market Sl.li-DEN is 00 t• ready 1.. hl/n.b with any to..i r,grilrell in their line It " Y. Payers Hoot. to pre.erse rmin Hll, 13C)11.44,.A.11.5, Punch*** true of Lillw's Iron Sintro, wl4l by VAILMKRPS you can bring WATER to sour tivirov Lv r • th« little FOXE% et,.• 1 t targr and email at Septemlwr LI !IiRREDOII, wire, h; lb,. I,ut or iu truss quantal., l ARTEH 1 Elt (.2 ATES' c g l Chem, .t 11. n awl llov. , •.1, all saw .1, for alb. J i %El FARM FOR,SALE, Imine roborriher odor, to MO all,. land eltuat.,l Hoi j bnrereek, Erie C . ,. la. about 2) notes south east of Dart., creek Depot. and .otot of Ilse Methodist Chureh: Said farm has about I® acres wide, o.oti unproyeroeut, guogi kc It rontaino .note of the lior•t laud for altlio r or ram in the count, , nil' .old law sal terma .4 pas toy, t made rase. Adders. .II AUM..1,1" I %VALI,. Ang IStl7 —lCtf lisrborervvk, Ere t u Pt. Protect your lone' , and Valuable Papers. tYrtiir.K lot of 1-111taa celebrated Firs and Burglar pro, r A Salvo, now arriving for exhibtto.o and sal, Thew Safe. arc superior to any thing of th• k ct,r ollerect to the public Priam eat-y from $4O to POO July 4.11t57 . F 1.. NAS•,SI FARMER'S HOTEL, F.FLIF., PA. J. J. Duncan, Proprietor. T Ulti E.tal,lisliineut tuts just been noirt thoroti.A. ...••••••• DEVITI'ED AND ILEFIrItNISIIED. aid the Proprietor respectfully 64,lieatri a Mil from hiM tr eo.l• •1,4 the travelling public generally, feeling ns.Or. I t tot • • atmost satisfaction ettasgss model-its Ene, Aug. I, D 1.58. t,_, incinuati !Lai, a Ronne' Block and for sale hr Ene, June 27, 1‹.7 lloPlits —Fresh Hops to Pape, Dee lu J. lIANSON,4 FOR THAT PARTY. - 1, - NXIARACTSF of Raspberry, V%trstt, ..fl , triturt..tr,. r, - Nectarine, ... PlIn• Apple, 4 anala, ',rig, of I PTIO 11, •• 1111% Or. Orm.nue •• 1.1•MoL), ..ktastit.errl , " •• Hitter Altn..a.a.. ll' 4 ~t,...,, _ .." 0 Howe. Rom, Sup•rline (litre 1111, Row Wat. r. I: , I kat..., mad mans . ,h. • tin oecesaaney I ARTER & BR , Erie, Dec. 19, 1857.- X.l . - J. C. SI.LDEM T_TAMA.—A very ohmic artn le of ('uMurbatt. , situt ,re.l rused Halm, now .rening soil tar oak at May 30, 1%57 lIANsioN'N WILY LET YOUR HAIR PALL OFF. tig become Dry, hand) and Fro.l•, when lot) gad po , eol sl Ruch unpleaaant eifeets by arou mug .4oroe enr of the b• I .» g long tried and higble o .(.cored prrp•rtltioa inifra. Allen**, Worlds }lair Restorer, do 'At lo Baboon), Woods Hair Restorer, I , s 1 Phalon's Invigorator, BM's Trleopheroos, • • I.yon'aiCsAberion, Noble's Bair Gloms, Nortslag Dew, All to be had at the ...tar of CARTER k BR.) Erie, Oct 31 BAT I)ANI EL'S Straw sail Stialk Cutter', the onl3 niarhtne the purpose that nLaltea etery body Ilanutarturw.l and 5..111 hot...ale and Itet^ll,-hy LIDDELL,L, HERvlll k t••• Cultivators. MAMMA patent Improved Cultivator te..th Alan 0111. • C/ tura, an excellent ankh It the lino, Jan 20, 1658. -ERIK CITY IRON IA HORSE BLANKETS.- tild nano blankata, tbat will ault in prime and quality J C grt.rrio. N W STOP New Goods, New Prices. I AM row Tyrol Anti a tar& Stook of WET AND DRY:F MILT taROCKIIti !bottle at the "%ductal ptura, and am aids to exul logic than bought sweller Call and WV at the New St... /11/ AM' , and }gib Streets -row. tat, MEDICAL NOTICE. rrio IR undersigned would rutpactfully inform his thew's awl Public generally, that he has Resumed the Practice of Medicine and Surgery, and 14 dl kltNruxn PROMPTLY 10 all calla in ,the line of Li• 1.,f. alnu tidier at Lis new Drnit Stow. Wattsteiny Nov ..91, 1k57.-eVi _ W. H. WILLIAMS. M r Uhl, SPIRITS TETRPENWNE for aide by t.. 11 July 11 STEWART & TO PTJACHASIIRS OF Milt_ _LIMES AT TICE PIMMTURE'STQME OF GEORO/C W. ELLSEP Ku' N. PA. ruitaty lb LOC W. WICATE I.,XTUIIET. ' 'UAW ran but Furniture ;lit priors lower than Lisewherr, for CASH. At thin Sun* in find ran dale and dhow Rooms for all ile orriptions of Hood Iloneehold Furnildre, clean Feather Beds, and e ther Housekeeping requisite.* sent for Exchange, trade or on Sate,ler Qua Furniture Maker, and Iluneekoeporm piTing up, or eel ling elver oat, and reineetni, bring on your furniture, tut quick Bak on easy terms. 1110Aey adrance4 call sold, Planarian. llannhectured aid Hopi/J*oy C. W RUSHY. ouporier article at NO..l,Ht*Jaro - use -- . 101 H Drug Store al L 1. BALDWIN twcak par44rm. 41.43+4.-stagittp • :1,516 1.4X1' I- fall ,t 1 I. r pain I “ Lot).111` EEMOIIIM =MEE I=l Stalk Cutter. WM. V RINDKRNFcIiT Erie Oity °collie ArsuallfactorY• Messrs. YALR — if B4BESE Wmp•ctruny autsounoe tot heir frieodp Lo.l the pla lot le itraerally, that tiny. bare leseod the eirtabikahmont fintrirri occupied by 1. WAttbeh, oat tilata street, war Sestoet L Co'c. I m uscle sod have cum Oh ham' a burr sod Utter asiburtmarat of all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c. than ever below, whirl., fur style, Aarabil It I sad ologanov of booth, are superior to anything horetufore offend in thto city They employ a numbs' of the boat wort,. in cool and .rois that the country previous*, and from their long osberteur• w tb. 4.1- swoon, are satiallesi they ean offer the beet quintly of wort Sloe BOIT HATERIAIo of all kinds that 01111 In. hod sr pot into all their work. ltapalring of all kinds Invinding PAINTING AND TlllllllO, 'lose on abort native and reasonable terms P..ronsitt rioting orders may visor. d of haring them •itecinteil to thine iroUnt matimboett ~,,, 31114 1111,4.1,4 rd in every fagetien lar a* well u if they attesolt.l to verrion in rI aiii! durable wort IS And It to their ailriass•a ii i a Erir. Mar io. 1556. VALUABLE R ESTATE FOR SALE. 1141/VMES .1; LOTS iu Tiounea, Lot at Barn d. Ltatititog Lola e=ri!!=l I Farm :AO arms 140 Llaata.l 11. map A. !kr, I..ar .11. groin North Faust, for Fat.. a I F•rm GO arr... 2% mules hull Er,. I.otft Cif) of M o I.ola Cat,. of I.so /1.• Z..',oo(laelys of %el., .1114, .or kJ& ISt+ Litt A. 418.., My ...tab:LA...I lol•oofa. t.11,0x • Nlll.l. I,r• •ol I h.. aoc hn•run.uttug iFf trriAotwr. • ixrr- 11 oi 1.4- , Ilse ~11.•. 111.1 Iris J• t. •.••,•• its 11•011.11:111 lill/110 11, • • . s Ts-rutl•t IMir« • • 's st• tss • All t osit• .tut,,,: r•••I I U/1 kt 4 , •• rt.. MlLtlll6lrt.or, sbn,r ~ti, •t• tss•tos••••••••.I•• , . • o i•lvon tf 1,, offer...l, log one ••f •••4r. -I, • r• • , .1.•1 o.• • 1, •filal.••• •tiregtini•fitA th.t c.. 1•14 !net, TI,. auhorntwr rlil ...II t1,.,f. rl. hla 1,11 tits Il• •t favor/Ad. , terwr Jowl 'or« n....t ,11. •OP 1.1 tourchl.« ua , to, I I I .t,t, , Vit ,l 3.11;1 parlilent • KIN , . „~• • fit. nr WHO MADE YOUR COAT IT FITS MO T %\I) IT I• A p. rfo. • •. ail Wht W 1.• Ut, kw' $1.11.. .1 1..11 . 1 •I, fit" a, I t.,,...12,14 k.okakl.• to itit• 1,4 r tt, In tow al IT you waut Teat, a c..at, pant., .0 , el r•tal .•r nay art tel. ter Furashin g Goods, Ca 1.... %t ay.,. toe or tll fIW (In anr , r 1 , ,,1 1.1 1 % i.. r•-• - •-tpt aupett, 1 .1 1'1,0T10%. 1 V•10.11311Klim AND •,I\llllo,*l tor oar.* 1,1, a. II 1. to/e , ins , b•rvel It,. plat, 1.1( ‘Nk N ‘i, yr.. 4 i I 4.1111, , ; • TiPY.I. 4..1, to 141...\, , tot. *t Lr r, .1,••••1 - JY ) IT . P..•• • , 1101••••••••• • , LEI , . 11 BF 1.1-• 4 —Sing!. .1,01 1.4,11,1 r, tr••lr , 1,••••1 ••.1.1 in.,' • xi bale, in if,* 1.1 let r , •• , E1.147.2V: 4 fUFk B •• ~,,, 416•1 • heap, ..f Fats, Iqt I••••,: I IRTER k BRII 7 1 t. : 1 .; r ., :t.a.e .., Julr YI 1k1.7 —1 I, I ••• .111 4 ( it LOTTE ititONTI . r..,.1 2 • 11. r .tran•l2l, •.7 I hat 11 1 leotro la.. •.1 hit elos , , i;okt-P1 I, 1' %Rh 1:i 11\ I 1.0 t KE i n a 1 ' ": 1 11 " I ' . " ; " •••., I• .7 • • • , : 1(11thi, t ' , in. .G • ti...pt 12. thrilt A 1'it“i111•1: F OR RKYULYEKvIaud 1,111.,rr ••u Jul, 115.57 .11 1. I 111,111: , WIND4LIIW (:AK.. A- t.t, al tl nine and Ikrat...B I. ••••• No, : • 1` , 57 • ,1:IF1 A 1:1,11 Not Infallible. yI.T i.. 11.,11clo,• t lost s•r .I.lto $n ro inv IF., • *to:, or Pi w I AM 1••• 1.4 rrt. '.in %%..rni I prolatr...l In 14. In - . t {{tll 11 3: 1114 1 . - T13.1..1 /II • ti. • • n„t..f'.lln•l In till I: 'sal, L., %1 I hiNtlEtt!,:vrT ht. 13.101,1.... jor April 2.3. J .1s)11, 1%) s 4 BR• r • 1114)(1111.ATIK, -Vr.l.•t• •1 I .5. I I • . nr, J 5"..•:.:. ,7 11 1 / 4 \ ()1.1% I 5. 1.1 rat..l Ctsrr 410.e111.,•.f 111.• I Fri«, Jun. 1.1, 1,7. t \i{TF It A BRIJ ( SI POI I e 11.• 111 t r . ... 1: 1 -- . • . -SI a . I - A F T., "1 1 1 7 . " " ; : %7(rY K r k F , ttl I 11 0. , M , 3i 3 0N , t f w J. ll ~re; " .1 IMO F.t , M., 11 \ •• 141..4 I )01CT 3114N111,..11 1%.70 .1 it•. , em. t 1...C1!, • . I 111111 Iul.J••• 1.••••7 I I '• I •..•41- 200,000 FEET HICKORY LOGS. ri ; 1 .,, r... . ••••• •-• • • • • ••• x-ir ._•rn,rirou le. 4. lor, 1t... (4..1 Th. - tint. • ••••••.t , r r••••••••••• • ;h.. • I Ittna.Al,, - W ll ITF :, 1.% 11, !mall ..r Fr i Jtll, Look Here! • • „,......,„ .t,,, ..114:••• ta•rtter t•I Nti vo I r.h• r, ra Ft l ta. anti A thwat • f axiaattiatt..tt ‘,l "ttt• .1 time c0.1.1,ng. —that r, 11, ...unit., 111 1. 1 1,•• 11.atlr , *1- ,• raplt 1:11•11 ht•.h.d..•rrt6 (L. nta at att.ll,•l, "arfl• •t . II •.r. • - rx r, I at, ' It rt la , 1 •• htlth ivt /t n 1 I UH 11 I T iii. FOR RENT. gnu sTOlt 1/0011 ,t`J ~.) 1 , 6n.1 'tat« .trrret. Moo Gm, ton, sy. Br k RI,H 1 k.r,yukn• • Planing Mill. 14 1 II Rex ).-.1 1 . 1 . „ . „ 1,...r 1 , • 4 w) 14)1..1)-4 I •.; y• •to 1".. • I st..l ••6 .t ‘l } tI • t.,•..,,.--•1. I< \ ro• . I I GIFTS ! GIFTS ! ! GIFT'S !! ! \ 1 1.1/1' 1. , E\ F.1:1 1 . 1 I .11‘ , .1 I -$5OO Dollars worth of Gifts , rws-Nri,o, 1)1 - \ .-11. \ Ft Vreli ~ , 1 U.:WELIti, \\ it: •,,), r K /1 , 111 - •. 11 \Vo.1:111 );..11 I. WI AGENTS WANTED , li. II IV I) .v TS ti I' FERE I). rw• • w•rwlww• ..n..•,w , t , i , r I 0 0 1. h . ,/ ,1 u rk • r ww .1 I I. furnw•h .1 at 1,01.,1ww r • I n.., V. 111, 1.11. I. root. w w wwwi r r w a, 10 Bork, r...11l wnit.w•www 111 el trln with that PnAlwtre wa• •, w wlt•, •••r !I k 1,1 k\ I 111 - 1.1 , 11 N, 1 . 111,11. h. r w ww .I%T. will. 111,4 `I w I Iwwl t•t. 11 ' ta Erin PROVISIONS. a 11Nl'IN:N. tTL Sup, oro.l Ulm., .1.. hrnd 1:•.1 11.. m n..0u% orn. 1110. 31 , 1. 1. prt imr•,l the %kens, Cbetor, 1-ard, But t.r, r, Corn 114%1 TRl\ —f;tUiniz Sem., lir.,k, r 1. 0111110. -Halter It. Te. lie.' I .1 , :•,11 ,, 11 , .. I in. •A' • I AGE>. In grnat ~r. hi.... • .t.l 11 , 06 g Omit. t /LEW, • sl.• I.IIIEII Fitl'lT ro, f arrant., , it =ME NEW TIRE AT THE ERIE CITY IRON W ORKB. the 31,4 cif 0rt.,14:A, we, tlaa satmacnioers ta , ogiet ttro PITI K Y •1141 "ft 4)1,, ~1 the alio‘e N ork from I 1 4.1r11, Kepler at co., and aaolortat...l oursrlyea in bumorr• and., Illy Imanw of Id 1)14:1.1. 11F.H.,11EY atol are 1.% Aappllkllg lla• a alit^ of a hew, 11141 are ready mud w Illtot; to do unted.l awn• m our ho. "CALIErr'IIV vr•SB," A, ,h 4.1 111.1.10 LIN 1.1% of a •tipm - wr quail*, f., "M A_ C I-1 I IN; 11. - 57 ," Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow Points, &c A. It le toopeombif to ma. good Ca,pt rnr Magqhmery Mures at tho 10107 W Ilene. we ha,* tlrentore hollt • now etspnlib and Foundry. and melt 11011_ o‘elumvele for IllsehtnerN We are ma.l, ••• that rr ca 11. 11.1 . 10 In IWO hue Thornt• n. eoune on au ‘e that *ant groet Steam Engines, Boilers. Mill Geering. Agri cultural Implements, &c , AT A I.OW PRICF. Fun !MAW PAN I.4llllhorr, lAtb, all ►lt.d. or Prodooo. Slid 1,1,4 ('oyp.•r, Itria•• • I • ••I, k• t•kv.ls .«.. 113ove, b*t 'rut fu M►orFkt soh, hr %rm.! to Jel 4 A U.llll .1 1 1.11t1014 14. N I,IMI\ lIM 10 , 14 N. .IiIIIN %lAA \ INEZIE=I New Arrangements. Met' %%ITER, lt. ng pt. reita.ii tho j ..1 [l . ♦ rigirk, of the tato teren of rtark k Mee•rter, in th. Gr.w•r•rr and. Prow Won litaignogo, the. ilrel.twes will her. after Igr . Ire him it the. old atan4 VI h.q . .. the will he. .Ie 1e.n.1 Io wait .mall the old 11uat0n..•...1 tit. late firm mod In .ioe a! many row 013. 111 I. ll' (trier trim 3 1311 3 rail 'Krilt, June 27, 18:4 )_ KR gIiOKS. otar ..t tho largelkt alti.brt d ut tsrf oorrat thin (or FARMERS. Vow t• fAe tion•hrAoty iii;frAmovi (WeArertra' A ipa mui t'omfthined Mower ~n, l /Cr./pers. LT AV 1: 4 11U obtain.' the Agency I can oupply t 1 Vanning ComNuulty . 111th the** , Mae-tmeant Matiutadusa mires ad ding trunspbrtatlenphases rail am! ••anou `' angle Vacbitoe at so. Bowel Block, State. at Erie; June 27,1857 J Nct.'ARTER I.YS IYIITICK .— That thr eiomoott tlrog :attire is at .6, Reed Hoerr where every Alien( in Drug and ileafisitia• line eass be I,ol4Al:eat eta - lila& aO. co March /1. }:ta4l.lo ::,,o0 111.0 4. $3.4, L 2121 ISEINZIIIIIII lee e. t tmr • (wt ',tit, MI to. .11 nit!, = t I 6n1.41.1• f .11.1 • , ,.1.• , 1•• %•••t 1 F \T- 1 4, /10 41 , \% II r \ • t• fall .111,111.01-F., ,• r• 11111 h .,. r \ I.l:ne r I VEIN Iten rt II ERR k RIWTHEIL. L. I HALDWIN URE „Kim,ISrIMED Al4l/T1ATT1;1.."14115.., ULOIII. Llt ni :1I•RN ITCRE n's varl.l ) . r Sob sod show litnonw t o , Bkda sod othor dale fur rash un Connhni", Molars, woo sairtnowo of newl rdotritnr of t or reopo, 16 and d..end Nnt.i '• • Sato sod Cuultailsoou t March 13, MR, WEEKLY ARRIVALS FT_TI , LER.TOZz. B Mi - MI lx7 Boot and Shoe .0 '2,111 I,ll*. tv - 1/TWIII4. I T 1s:111N11 u . A. .141 town •11 It•• I. •, tnfaney 1 , , .4.1 there, .• CH$l4l• RIK/ 114 AND $1111V•• ttbarttl4 , ‘ laaa • on. ~11 the at..l shut city. To prove thao ritteat at.ll • • I .• • Bfqta, 40.11.10 •nled, h..• , from 112,,,k1 to $.3,:00 t••••• 11.. n 412, , r•Jf fr..sl. SI.SS t.. $1 - IW4r..at fr•,ts, t. 4 111.,;•• I* LIA q o u al It t... at t.mark•i,l • ; 10.4' rm. 1.1.,x/tx,4lturs, 1••,• • .to. • W•••• 110.. t., with 11..1.. fry,' elwl Root. at 10 th,1111.44t ,'• .t 1,,..'.. .1044, t;,.,, „ , ti•lter• Isr• meat, •t Ph« 1..0 i.r. I ..test . 1K1.2 ' - .1•.••••, Al 14,c 11•••••••• KI Hlll- ft 11 ,,, it 160 lowest rat,. II is It.nk Lai tag ~,,, ~ f market liard AVM* Lair .4111 , 1 . , r4,llir I , V •taki in' h• “ifor. Mid 01 tilt' •„n,,,, .1,." tholr tra•lr hi, I, •;t4r.-. •1 r•• 1. 'l , , . 1 1,i7 BOOT AND SHOE - N3EINAT Wholesale H AT NO. 7 891111/E1 ! ; BLOM S 1 ..1a . ritli ler% resrilekrtlii ‘ , ...Ur lart and -• •• it"67' .1 I)1; r.... t •11 r , rt. 11.•••• • City lielre‘,at 1:, rt • • •It, •,tfr r hp e the Trad, rtr•l kl.l. , prie.. There sr, z4ugovr... krt. . • , Weetera preutrietr,ro, I. he 1. It it Obi tow theta that we en In • in., nee ASSORTED SD )CK s r „ at tin.. iresat., kt :••••• pro r • Baring near hi... 1, • k P-A tntor/mt and g.•,11-111 • • sod lame liability..t l•-•./.‘ vrtattuos a and haul r :- nutrwrv.un .rt her rr.n I and.-ratan.l. T.. th.• margin, wit that a• n.• pain% or with ur,ri sti I -haawr• IIIIIM=111:111 ?////1 / fl I Bnffalo. N cor Maine anc;:.>:.: Albany. N Y., 446 and 448 13:-.)41-rc; Cleveland. 0 cor• Superior ar:i Chicago, 11l . 48 Clark stree: Detroit. Mich . 70 Wooownr.: At • 11 1 I t: I 11.. . . -• I . 1.1 •-••!.. 1..5•11i. cv.• ts. yo..nts a te . 1.• , ..i. vt r%. 1 ,•;. The ceihrici.u. 1 aur. NM lIIIM t la t! Manyllartur• .1..1111Z, 171 rtpr.-001• t r '.1% The V. T • 1, , T.1. • , inn mi.! .!` . Tbe ta.o, i• a•ur. ,(11,t tl,st cr it, 1,0 • -I •'''!• 7.0 t• pr..• I=l iri, s•op.ttrat« t it 110111 . 01 t .00 .0_ A.. 11,re. In • / c.. • Hr til nrratiretrwlti • , N • •••• - - T -- 11%11:1 '1 T. I , k. M • r., 1l 111 .4 Iv," 11 t MI IL•tt eno4 lo•rs •••• • • THE !..11 ITE llk 1(011 1 1 Th. R.a , •y, .1, (~l 01,11 ne . • ro,n. I.4rlnwn• Lir For I,,rtlwr D•t•I t,uttlto • •!! I.lrrA. 1l :• ‘• MAirl 11, Ai, 1 . U.14 • BOOK BINDER EXCELSIOR ESTABLI- girt E t•kon U.. pls.. the beta All f..r BOOK BINDING. %Dg liln nl. Rook ‘lanuinettirln s u I In tII. tnorl it 7; knit it {{meek a. and t t •.• F.ditl.al. id pr. • 4.ICOUr est-104611m. ~ t , • ImplenWtlt• found th• Iv' • Paper Killed It , .•r r•,1. , r .1..1.1,4 ll‘‘.n. world, th.•♦ J.1,m1. • tortirroin4 ark t t rut. on Its !wino; olton• rootni the. Park Hp.. wprk, Ilpt St N 1 ri., gar, 1,, ALL I'. r...... ..,.1.1.i.•1 • 4..c01in I, will 1.:•••••• 4444,14 tro or t...forr the tir•t ol tpril, ~- E ri.., Mar. It 214 I'o.. .0 2. s rMOVED NN , • . . 111 Aila 1. , DENTV.T : . h n.ons, 111 1i,..4 ur..., • .lori I , tkti.lll4 .- boor, •I, , •' . ...1 .1 . ..tati. , ii.•,1..... II.• 1.11... tilarets 21), 1•10. - 4.. . . TEE VERY BLS ' rimi÷N*4---tlwo tan- 1.. .=. -•- -- --- -- i l'art....'s I '0n5i...1.1 I.' . • rt.' t.l4.A•rot to lA., i‘ ( .. •il • I . 1,, U1re...26, 4.• .• A an 1. ,t.„ k yowl& of ago i toe pi•ly to s .r*, March 'X. Ism 1 CORNICES A -N. I I LAIL4:IIf. mot tootutoo • 4 4 1 tna• • than ever Sold tu tto• on•rt• 11.r113, stunt.... pr. pe r t IJ 'nit. 1111. K 140.1 It 4 . tOrt • betg•rt ht. milt a¢ ••?, a - Ent-, libirlb 4 41, 4 1 - 5 4, 01 4 HIS, CIPS .%I,!111. talc tlir V 1 Ito 1.4.1.... r Lt.!, U, 1.7 - line City ii ,•„ !. kpr THE LANGuAct r5 , I\HK utttler%lete LI rtuds ..t u aal.le truly. elapa, litr the inetr,t 'ni1...11 .0 11.1,11 VI °oak',r.. pal tiling twt larntiomtru • THU 3/S 1.n04% 1.. lPe 10111 1.11. .0 It.r.llls att tttlt tit". 4 tt. 110111. t. I wit Ito V.. PO rir t IttV. 2(1( ot ,e r 1 , 1 . 1 h. , 1 t =MI I=l I=l MEMMII lEEE= I= URI %\ I A NOTICE WANTED =1 FOR SALE