Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, May 08, 1858, Image 2

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SLOAN a MOOR r.bitalsors and
ot mit° t v
DeummiltSe tmicet:
OP riyhmre co
News of Um Week.
—Tt» RicAssond.iminirsr publishes th• tense at mem
glades betsteeo lois A. Washiagtos, the proprietor of
Mount Versos, and the Ladies' Mooot Verooo Association
of the Ueda& They are, the mimeos ( of twe bee.
died thousand dollar,' for Two hussired &Ares Or lead,
in whiek an lanieded Wasaisgunes mallow* mail
tomb, soil the landing plan". Eightsen thousead
iloilars of this stun were paid oa the closing of the
eostraet„ and the reastioder of the otiatrata price is to be
paid la feat yearly iastalinents. Mr. Washiagton, bow.
ewer, will remelt interest upon aaj mass, not loss thaw- Are
dimmed dollars, that spay be paid befort the bonds are
due; sad A. rotator! the title to and powes.we of the estate
mail the priaripa/ and intern* are paid, except that le ease
the whole aaruat is paid by the 92d of February, 1859.
he will forego interest on ail the deferredinstaltnents pay.
able after the Ist Jasuary, 1359. A correepoodent of Cle
/..grin., haquir, in commenting upon this contrite%
'ays with vest truth, that "Mr. /ohs A. Washington has
got the butt,sind of the blrgain with the ladies pirates%
lag Mount Vernon. In the first place. he gets a thousand
dollars per acre for land not intrinsically worth twenty.
Au hundred dollars pet sore would be an extravagant Wee.
All the bsildings and improvements together are not worth
Ave bemeired dollars. Ile thee retain* poeseeeloe vidd ecee
pastry of the premises until the last dolisir of the parehase,
mosey is paid, and receive* iatereat os the amount unpaid
all the while. Bo that hs 4 is to tire neat free at the mss.
sios,dand, besides the outrageous price of two handful
thousand dollars,'aut perhaps fifty thousand *are in the
shape of laterest. If this is not trallioing is the stored
dust of his anseetor, I know not what else to tali it."
—As Mr. MILLIIIIO, of Ridgway, Elk Ooanty, Pa., Rae
gulag through the weeds about three miles froze that Ail.
lags, he discovered some elethothichitad bon a cleat, ' isad
under it some human bones. A party visited the spot,'wbo
examined the remain*, mid foetid in the pockets of the
garment a silver pencil case, watch guard, keys sal ballet
moulds, which served to identify the remains as those of
a man named William Reed, who was lost in the woods to
the whiter of 18.5.5. Reed and another man started ciht
oa a hunting excursion up'Elk creek on the 10th of Decele•
ber. 13.55. A short distance up the creek they separatid,
and Reed was never seen alive afterwards The 'soil!
were searched, but no trace of him was discovered. T'ie
manner of his death remains a mystery. i
—At an exhibition of-a school, bald at AllllllOll, 4 Mo,
on Friday evening last week, in the Town Rail, the llioor
gave way, precipitating the audience of some five kinnared
to the door below. The piano was broken to pieces, but
as by a miricle the lady why presided at it was tinixjareri.
A girl of thirteen or fourteen yeas old was instantly kill
ed, and one other person has died since. A large number
were injured, Gut to what extent we have been unable to
learn. The building is a round ;wooden one and hat bee;
built less than a year. The Luca Family had it engaged
for a concert on Monday evening It ja said a lad on the
stage, feeling the door give way, ran out of the building,
and a woman jumped from a window with a child in her
arms and waa unharmed.
—The Washington correspondent of tbo New York
/Weald, who appears to be well informed upon manors
and things at tho National capital, says that "the foreign
appointments yet remaining open will all ha disposed of
before the adjournment of Congress and as soon as the
Kansas isebnliio is out of the way Contrary to general
eapeotation, them will bo no change In either the mission
to Ragland or Franco. Mr. Dallas will be permitted to
remain, though it is probable had he tendered his resigns
don It would have been accepted. Be erAtl not be removed.
Since the acceptance of Mr. Mason', resignation all par.
ties in Virginia, molding the members of the Legislature
have petitioned the President to led him resnais in Parte.
and it is understood the ratimat has been asieedsd ta."
—A negro In Louisville broke open a box belonging to
cowed, containing throe silver dollars, and stblis one of
the piecas. Raving bees arraigned for the theft, the
owed plea of insanity was urged, the counsel ( declaring
that us sane man would take one and leave two dollars
behind. Whereopee the Cale, who was robbed, exclaim
ed with great emphasis "Massa, I tell you dat Diaor
alai army; be broke my box open and took de Via, out
Now, if be had broke de box open and pat a do t& is, den
I'd say he's crazy." His argument was conclusive, mad the
thief was sent np.
—Otte of the tax oolleetore of California mys that be
foaled • Norwegian In Hi Dorado eo•at7, who mode oath
that his vole earthly taxable AGMs were • church imrd •
school hoses. This Angular individual is • poor miser,
and has befit the abatis mentiated eetablishmonts with hie
owls hands, without •id from any one. His obareb is hue
for the nee of every sect of religionists, except Mormons
and Matrons Ms. He has a minint claim which be has
worked for tee years; and whenever his digging' will
average more than two dollars a day, be will ge out into
the highway, sad eoax some poor fellow to share thoproato
of his labors.
—Pour or Are females were arrested mid tried last week,
at Mom Versos, .oil., for assaulting s German Ilethodhit
eiergrnan. They waylaid hits as hews/ leaving the church
alter as evening meeting, and pelted him with stale eggs.
A brother of the chart& who attempted te shield the potsh
ot, was knocked dews and roughly bandied. The reason
alleged is exteatratica was that the clergyman had and.
sea sawarrantable inaeadoes in tk pulpit against the
charactar of his assailitats.
—Oa Konday of last week the New Tort pauses were
is • seasation about the "mysteries,' disappearanee" at a
young irw from Brooklia. Ile "was m Misty, sober and
intalliguat yonag saa, and mina have bees foully dealt
with." On Wednesday last, wank for his body was Els.
eeedinited, owing to tho fast that ebe ustiondy yawng aw'
had hoes arrested for databenaess, sad ' , seat up."
—William C. Iluunpsoa, of Elbalersville, Ohio, a war -
tiled man who had hitherto pastelned.sfair reputatioa, die.
west* last weak with a yang warms, after barrewieg
sera* three thousand dollars from ►b frlss and neigh.
hors. Not beiag expeditious soon\ in his movements,
he was overtakes ea Monday in Philadelphia, es reared:kr.
California, sad will be roamed to Ile sone QI hie dills•
—The Roston Traveller sate that a Sow days age *OA of
the ,(titers of the Provident Association at the West Sod
was applied to assist a man who was found to abject po.
•otp is a sainenible garret, withoat food or &went cloth
ing. !nod was provided for him and a thazip of clothing
by the bssavolsat deter. Only a few pars ago this Pal •
man was a Woo York merchant, with 41 least illlgft,ll4lo,
li•iag fa a splesdkl millrace, and riling in a priaaely
—Tito Lannilio Thnowerat Ulu 11, story of a mss had
dim war that city wits war moistly torrHtty . enraged with
kis trih proosatod him with twins, throwtoned to doehoy
the OsW mho. sod ',Wad bh Woo epos thou bypfbob•
las tad bemiring thou is various ways, .68d liow tots 6
terrible posolo* bosoms tie mother would male them.
It is *swat to add list ow* of btr nofgbboow toot; hie
is Iliad sad tbreabod bawdotwooly.
—A ,out hotly, who is pasta Is alt dim flashiesue•
hie Utmost* of the day, tieides Byrom, zed Tees Keore,
sad vests blue tatted dogs is sty *dared ~midgets to
Pordeettee, laseeesdy hstraired of a yoga( geollosse the
ether night who the ft. Lesomptea Was, who 110 4 041 / 11s
shoed so moth tremble at Wasilogon!
—A Kr. Kukla, proprietor of s heel al Deleepert,
ta ws , as aged pathanna, and lb* tutabaad of a rather
goal looking wits,* few dap, ago laddeol Kt* lady to &S
-tead a ball, sad vials sts ass lbws Ms posted aphis sal
asides, sad with his wife, Wow west oil. They otanolbt
lowed, arnotod at Keoltak, 8.0 brought bask.
—Die citizens of Defile.* a public? smells& Imre em
powered the Vapor of the city to appelat a emomlttimi to
laviteproposah forth. eremite" et the leterwatimeal arldge
over the Niagara River, and W eikreepead oil the valdeet
whit the °News of Naafi* milirapp leastnatiag of Fen
—Tko azoostioa of W. ![.Der, fir lb* loorillir of Goo.
took ply* la Wilkesboro*, Pa., May. Sibs
stordor vas oataaktod, on Ik. Ikot of Dooaraborioat as lb*
Seitera Tariptko, Milos frost Waked's:re aid die
Mill woo paikoopostly tboowilato t *di. ifs* sop,
lama *at b aimamittottica isordor:
wasati g ibk Wok Isikarloto
Moo boo obtabood a mop promo *do
dooteoyed by a look at St Cloud, Ittasoooki, • akoliiliao
paw, aid will moo Woo the noieop
eoeirteralit Kum. tine reamed to
ty us Wm meek. reputed by , thc
haeimgwasseil bo th !mamba . d
00 Fe y- afternoon of last went
-in the Senate by yeas 31; hays
oy 112 :o 103 Speaking of this
Pftlidiedill&AMMl/M-hel,erfege which bee *Wiled the Les
eampton Constitution from the unmet, says the Crittenden
Montgomery bill submitted the question to the people of
Kansas whether they would some logo the Union with the'
Leeomplon constitution or not. The Calderone* bill sub •
mhe precisely the same question to the people of Kansas. I
The only linguist difference between the hills is this: that
by Ow foram, if the people of Kansas voted against id,
minion with the Lememipten ormsetitation, they wore enabled
to proceed it ones and Three another constitution; by the
lather, if they rots against admission with the Leeomplon
oonatitation. they are enabled to melte another constitution
when their population ruches the Federal ratio of repro
agitation. This le the only material difforenee between
the bill/ The Federal ratio of representation is 93,520.
It is the opinion of Secretary STAaTOIII, recently expresstat ,
tbat the population of Kansas during tog present emigra
tion season will reach one hundred and twenty thousand?
Mr Cox, of Ohio, stated in the House an Friday that hi
had conversed with Oov. W , and that it was the
Ootertior's opinion that by next fall Kansas would hairs a
population equal to the Federal ratio of representation
If Munro. WAtAta Lod STANTon do not en' in judgment,
there it, practically no inat•rini difference beturen
des Mettaynatery asid the Conference Mlle; for., by the letter,
Kansas mill he able to get into the Union, in say event,
jut about soon as she could hue ne by the former, had
It passed.
Bat while it is the fact that there Is no material difference
between the Wilk—which fact forecloses the black republi
can* from assailing the Conference hill, since all their
members of Congress voted for the C.ritteadeti Mootgurnery
Wll r "eternal slavery and all,"--while, we say, this is the
fact, the Conference bill is none the more meritorious on
that acoouct; for, it IS entirely within the discretion
Congress to say when Kansas may come tato the 1 ait.n,
and we hold, and we have all the while held, that it is a
wise eserctse of that discretion to slit that she shall not
come in until the has population enough to entitle her to
a Represeotati•e under the r a tio It to what Congrei•
ought to say to all the Territories, and we beliet e it is
what Congress will hereafter say to all the Territories
We are told that if Kansas is admissible now with the
Lecompton constitution she ought to be admissible with
any other constitution that she wants Were this stated
as a general rule, applicable to the admission of States, it
would be eminently correct. When a State is &Irbil/Able
she Is of course entitled to any constitution she wants .
provided it be . republican. But, and thu is the grand
point, remorse is not really admiseible. Since, however, a
eneetitution has been sent to Cc ogress, made In pursuance
of the forme of law, and since an unfortunate controversy
has prevailed to Congress and throughout the country over
ibis constitution whether Kansas ought to be brought
in with it or not, it has been concluded by a majority of
Coogreas that, for the purpose of settling this controversy
amicably, the matter of the population of the Territory
shall be overlooked so far as to admit with thut constitu
tion, about which there btu been so much tr..uble, if the
people by their votes, at a fair election, shall say they want
to he admitted with it. If they do not want to be admit
led with it, they haver-only to say so, wed acy sdl road
jra seders tkey would /taw stood f A. /crampon raucous
lion new lad teen funned.
has been asserted that it it not upon " the iluesitun
of ndmission" that the people of kransu will rote. We
answer that assertion by coottagthe bill. In the firit sec
tion the reader, will find it written "That the State of
Kansas be and is hereby admitted into the Union on an
awl fouling with the original States in all refpedti what.
ever, but upon this fundamental condition p!eeedent,
namely. that the Or snuissium, with the follow
ing proportion in lieu of the ordinance framed at Lewomp
We shall be told—and over this the black republicans
will shriek themselves hoarse—that by the bill Kansa s
ran come in as a slave State with fifty thousand popula
tion, but that to come In sea free State it must have ninety
three thousand. Let on see what there is .•1 thi.. With
the 1.-eotapten constitution Kansas would be Ilelave State,
to be sure—os paper! but is feel, it would be a free St atq
Nobody is so insane, we suppose, in any part of the country
as to apprehend that there is any longer any doubt about
the slave question in Kansas. It is settled. Mr. Sewaan
said so to the Senate little while agu. Rut the black
republicans do not mean to disclose tears that their bre
three in Kansas are going to vote themselves into the
Union with the Leoompton constitution, "eternal slavery
and all Whatever their (ears in this regard, and what
ever may be the event, Katmai has but one destiny; she
will be a free State. There is, then, no subalanoe in the
shriek about fifty thousand population fur a slave State
and ninetysthree thousand for a tree State.
SORRY TO SMIT.—Wo are very sorry to see that
General Houstonintion, relating to the establishment
of • protectorate over Mexico, noticed by us last week,
has been laid on the table of the Senate. The condition
not only of that country, but of the Central American
Btatu, is such as to require some action on the part of our
government. We bays ever been among those who ads°
gated a bold, and decided policy in our dealings with the
petty nations on this °endpoint. We would have prompt
ly pi:sighed the outrages upon our claim's at Panama, and
we would have tolerated no interfersnee with our rights
in Nicaragua by English agents. The Transit route
should have been free, and our trade uninterrupted by
either native or foreign emissaries. Oar country has
way, been too lenient in its foreign policy. Mexico was
allowed for many years to insult our flag, rob oar citizens,
and violate all ter treaty obligations, until she 6 oally
tame to think that we ocorld not be kicked into a war--
So vEth the old worn out despotism of Spain. Her agents
al Cuba have repeatedly insulted and maltreated our
sena, and our government has been content to negotiate
* and palaver with her diplomats, instead of promptly de.
mending and exacting reparation. So also with the pretty
states of Central America. They have been instigated
by English emissaries to commit outrages upon our citi•
lens, to trifle with their rights, and to violate the •eknow
lodged law of nations: All this has been overlooked, and
our government has apparently been much more anxious
to protect them from private enemies, than to protect our
eitisens from their rapacity and lawlessness. We hope
this too indulgent spirit is drawing to a close.
gis. We hue the authority of the Philadelphia P re's
for eitylog that Gov. PACK,'" regards the tut dodge of the
Leseourptoailies— the "Ifitiglish Babstitute"—as er ea "moil
strocioai than the Senate bill."—Gaserk.
Poor authority, that ! The Press has bog since become
• kind parasite to the ►tew York Tribune, sad ob all goes,
thous LlN:tag the integrity of Democrstio useu and mew.
Bare, as little relies.* should be placed upon it as upon
that paper. Whatever Goy. Pacura's •hews may be of
that particular ■■easars, we reature to assert A. hue not
oommooleated diem to the Pres..
WORN Or TlifAIR STRILYOIIf.—Tb. Compromise
bill of Mr. English, which passed Congress Mat week (it
Friday, aid bat been signed by the President, has shorn
the Comp Masers against the Administration of a large part
of their strength. The Chicago Times and the Prose me
tkie out, two papers leflore bolieve,profeeeing affiliation with
the Dillitoolllllo party, that still plays into disbands of the
Black Republican party. So far as the latter is concerned, its
mares Is not at all singular, a. it has already proclaimed
AM • 'take with Black Republicans has no terrors for
M.° Le contrast with this, how numb more honorable is
the mars* of the Detroit Free Prom, the Ohio Btateewttm.
the MacLeod "chamfer, and the Looirrillc Deroorrot,
heretofore violent opponents of the Lecompton Constittn
t ioa. They eordially endorse the Compromise, thereby
showing that they have heretofore been mitigated by prin.
apt, aid not faction. Gov. Walker and Secretary Stan.
s on, it appears, both favored the Compromise—that loom
ittg toiling left of the Conspiracß bat Douglas, Forriey,
and-0 rad"
W. The Troy r.. sneaker to the Jodi / mitten awarciag
etweatly held i• this eity, to pretest agaiast the Lose* p•
tea Coastitation, sad alias op with the fullowiag sitriet:
Altar calling on novels' gentlemen, at last a speaker
was kit upon and took the stand. His speech gives spree
indication of the tutensity of feeling In the city Oso
tiliname,' said name% want to talk—l'm not a /pooch
inalter--PMI nothing particular to say—bat if you want
anybody to swear shoat this infcrnal swindle, swear
like !"
The Black Republicans are just - acne in the cooditiot
t%abAignant son ofTroy— they can't sp•ak.bat they "swear
Hite 6-1" over the passage of the English compromise.
Let 'eat semar, say we t
—Win. K. nenbatt. 1110 gagliehiaan, who stole $10,840
from Xt. Jones, his eat,Aoyer. a Toronto, in Qotober last,
bas Past been arrested at Debaque aad taken hest to Can
gja, 'llorbert bag beets doiag bossiness sa "hanker" In
Iportaig the Artesian wep le Stilettos. Oagots* the
*set Ore* • red weed stamp 354 feet !Wow the siooree•
Atha gm,* sad ewe thee SS het holey itrt•l o(
Oth Pestle Osseo. The earth elate and Itehw was of
gigitiO4.l44l l , NMI Nte.ll4 width bed appereatty mot bee.
4111elthei Mese It. ocishkal diapeettias. "hide clamed se
bed, kiwis whim, petit/spa toverel lotedrods of atomism&
of years ego. This le • tough e3A Amp.
its.. it I t t!. be
t`iers••eill e.•unty tylitgiatee lee et 0 •
geese Bill Mar • - • II
the grievous* them s.
•' -end lb can welltillt.rd 1.04101.1 be el of
tn. , . at She apl•onehteg#l4oion al/frAP
N'uhoni desiring to "Isislis" at Ala the •Marigeineuts
of our op7ponentsi yet as a '•lioiler on ;* we imanot egitenia
from saying that
. se doubt whether say such arrangement
as a indseatee shigiesi is "gemenally MUM*
bete or in entwford County It may be "generally under
stood" in the ilium. office, but when the cards con.v to be
dealt and pbsysd, and the game counted, we shall be meek
mistaken in our <bunt, if the prevent member of Congress
will not 1.. able to Ponta yaw.' lie his beau staialliscllse
card. for such a result for some time—he bad two poitti.
cal Week-Ina in this Dewily ready to help him. -ewe
hoping in tbni event to get the nomination f Senator—
and besides ail this, it u evideat to every ob f the
past that the republicans of thiegrouoty will not be
a unit as to-their candidate for Congress. Ctiold they go
into the field with an nobroaen front and a popular can
didate, the fact that Crawford County has already bad
the member three terms would be • powerful argument in
their faros, but every body seem that this will not be so.
Lowry wants to be Senator, and so does Kelso, (by the by,
did any boJj ever see the time they did n't want to be?)
and Welker wants the nomination fur Congress. The sue
cees of nie latter would be the defeat of the former—there
fore, every effort will be made on the part of the two opt.
rants for Senatorial honors to give the nomination for Con
grees to Crawford, and our amiable friend Gen. Ibex is too
shrewd a potitirian not to avail himself of the chance to
spend another two years at the Capitol. And, as be is •
pretty clever man, barring his politics, awn/4h the pre.-
rat state the distriet we must be represeoted by a Re•
polities°, why, we shan't mourn much if be does succeed.
are indebted to the Publisher, J. W Da•oi.nv,4B. N. Fourth
street. Philadelphia, for a Copy Of this interesting work.
There Is no depertmeot of our literature that has bad so
many rich contributions of late years as that of geography,
and none that promises co much for civilisation and christi,
anity as the explorations or Dr. Livingstone Ills work,
whenever read, has'awakened the liveliest interest in the
undo' eloped resources of Africa. Especially is it so In
the country, for here the question of the capabilities of the
oegro race for a high Jerke of eultivation Is constantly
being &primed. It has entered into our polities—it btu
- beeome chronic, as it were—and the body politic is infret
ing therefrom. Any work, therefore, that reveals the ekes ,
trier of the negro in his home, exhibits him as left by the
hand of nature, meets with eager tenders, and interested
thinkers This is just what the work of Dr. Livingstone
does. It shows that Africa bas immense resources, but
that the hand, sod energy, avid brain of the white man
must be used to develope them. The condition of the
African may be bettered, but it will require the strong arm
of a humane race to do it. The Book is issued in good
style, contains 440 pages, and is very finely illustrated, and
is offered at the extreme low price of $1,25.
AN ACT Or JU.VTIOE —Not many weeks ago, says
the Philadelphia Jourvio/, Edward G. Loring, of Massa•
cbusetu, was removed tram &judicial position, by t h e
teat. party of that.abolition locality, fur haying faithfully
discharged his duty in the enforcement of the federal laws.
We see by a telegraphic despatch from Washington that
President Koehanan, with a graceful appreciation of the
fidelity of the Judge, has nominated him to All the cacao ,
oy in the Court of Claims, occasioned by the death of the
lamented Gilchrist. Mr. Loring is an old Line Whig, and
bas always been a political opponent of the President--
We are confident that his appointment will be cordially
approved by the country Whatever may have been the
consi-deration which determined Mr. Buchanan's action in
thl cave, the majority will give him credit fur this act of
jurtice. The removal of Mr. Loring was an set of fairiatt
cum, which would nullify the laws of the land. It wee
due to the victim and the outraged majesty of the law that
the federal goverodient should of the seal of Condemns
tiNt upon the infamous deed.
IA Y.—The month of "smiles and tears." blooming
May, has thus far kept up its reputation. The sun, genial
and warm. has ever and anon peeped down upon us from
behind a aloud, and then, like a eoy maiden, has bid her
face and wept "dere, tears." We do not know, not being
versed in the mysteries of poetic inspiration, but the idea
bas just suggested itself that the rrasun poets so often "sigh
like a furnace" over the month of Kay, is because, like
themselves, it is very, very—green' The very earth and
air smell of greenness: the gre., sprouts like ■n incipi
ent monstachie on the upper lip of a modern Byron ; the
trees deck themselves in the most elaborate vesture, while
little calves and lambs, like little poets, draw Inspiration
from lowing bards and bleating flock a. Verily, If we bad
nu mooch of May, we should have no country Byron*, and
without those useful articles, what would our Matilda Anne
and Bash Janes do for album poetry, or the
newspaper fsr "our own eorrespondent."
Per The Western A yw, of Westfield, makes the
announcement that its nett number will be issued at
Dunkirk, and we see it stated that the paper is there to be
called the " Dowkirk Democratic Press." The Arra did
good terries at Westfield, sod we suppose It is be "roll
on" in the saute direction under its new name in its new
locality. Success to IL
JIIIr• It is a trite remark that one half the world does
not know low the other half live; and here is a ease in
point, as related by a Buffalo paper. A family named
Rom, living in a miserable hovel, was arrested in that
city for vagrancy. The hovel would hardly admit a per
ono mending upright in it, and was in an oirtreetely filthy
Condition. No food but a morsel of dry dour, no furniture
pf any sort but' a rickety bed, covered by rags, upon which
was a drunken mother and three children, &linearly nude,
•and no fire or means of making one. The husband and
father was at work, bet as his wages went for run, he sad
his family were arrested. Ile was sentenced to the Penis
tentiary tor two months, and the woman and her offspring
were sent to the Poor Boos.. We are se eding every year
missionaries to convert the heathen ; but-it seems to us
welted better retain some of them to convert the "heathen
at oar ioors."
flir.J. W. BRADLEY, Book Publisher, No. 48, N. Fourth
Bt., Phil's., sends us one or T. 8. ARTHUR . % excellent moral
tales, entitled "Ter A DORI. AID THR Dccov." The great
;wirer oT Mr. ARTHUR is the highly moral character of his
productions. Ile never takes up his pen but to amuse,
instruct, and make his readers better—hence a parent can
place his Books in the hands of a child with full confi
dence that tt will arise from their perusal benefited in in
tellect and morals. "Tux ANGEL AID rni Damon" is no
exception to this rule. It is onn of his best productions.
APPOINTED —h. Punta, Esq. hp been appointed
Peat Master at West Springfield, in this eounty, •iee
Giuliani. fit an, Fay., resigned. Mr. 11. has, we under.
stand, removed to Clinton County, lowa, where be propo
ie. to engage extensively In farming. Our lowa friends
will find him a straight-out bemorrat, and a gentleman of
energy and ability.
lir Thomas J. Keenan, Esq., late of the Pittsburgh
(Jujus, has been appointed Prothonotary or the Supreme
Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, •iee A.
B. MeCallama, resigned. The rause of Mr. MeClamant's
resignation was his appointment as Chief Clerk to the
Attorney General at Washington, a plane he I. admirably
qualified to fill.
Air We are glad to bear that Got. Pscana has signed
the supplement to the oboes" of the Pittsburg and Brie
rood. It places that mammy in a position to at one*
leeilM. operations, and push the road through to the Ohio
Ins. The Dunkirk Joorool lays a moot haul rending
easuality ominrrod in that village on Tuesday last. A
twin daughter of a family by the panto of Young, residing
on Front Street, was loft by its mother for • abort time,
4shen its elotbee took fire, as is supposed, from a slot• in
the room, sad before assistanee arrived the child, only
about a year old, vas so severely horned t►at is survived
only a short Ulna
kts.. A five dollar counterfeit bill on the /tattoo Bank
of Buffalo, has wade its appearance in that city. Look
out for tbiut
AP We notice by the Gaz,tre that the "editor of the
" Ths gievaior," a monthly paper issued from the Tree
Amertrmi office, in this place, proposes publishing a history
of North Western Pennsylvania as soon es be can collect
the t ecemary faces." A capital oontlowsticy—" fads" are
a 'very necessary element of history.
—Dr. Wm. Ms xwet.t. Moon, U. S. N. returned to ►ie
family in this city on Wednesday, after an - absence of throe
years, as fleet Samson of our But India Squadroa in
Claws. As a swatter of coarse bis sumeroas limited. gave
him a hearty welcome.
This "Sootier% Larnoy Messeager," for May, is ea
oar wile. Tits contests, as anal, are varied and fumes'.
iag. The *swain paper is a review of Partetes Life of
Ban, sad a ri`►t mastic sad rsadoblii paper it is, tee.—
the writer sot oaly slays Parton, but ►e serves his her*
la the woo way; Is awortt, ho soaterisos the What . . the
book, s ad the hero , with all Cho test of a IbUlbsboorpow,
sad lb• mum of 0 "Scotch reviewer." Than are
articles of merit, bonito; vols poetry k► above tbat Imlay
Toad la Mapaissa. llartarlaao, Fergueoos •
Co. pablioli.
ors, Itioirsood, Va ; tom $l.
PRUIDENT BUCHANAN—Tien is • mow dist
ForelWet llissbassa seatewpisiss Okla( dm primal*
sides of Ai West, slum Gavin bee all)oweestt. W. hops
Ibis s s b• so. Illsilkstiww friss& will he glut is web.
other Saws his awes, silmasslwas.
- N
,) a.
inw YORK, 3, 18*.
Well, IN en teem it* lets th is of 11es
teen 1/11 'S i table h , hoe 000ssiltwith
peals pots end blts of well paper, *hes ems owes elks,
easels.' rasotorusa, is weeded brsaltes whitewashers awl
onalilillieg sit rePthli; k iiisli• IWimilli . t•Tdraysima, rot
01 k , lst treat lb '.d avenge bet sit/ plenty of hansom
at that. Movies, is short, least premed priaeipal %whims
as well as 1111111191101004 Stores are moving as well as
people, Sat Outeoptiessolf ettebessito hiseieses Asap
their lowan snowshoe wpb t let of ills 7.
Xes,leses is tine as geed es me weld 'sped it to be
dories ".'oriel weak." Cotter eoatiesos to be es the
tie'; hreartstaili are low; lussesse qualities our wallies
is Chicago for bettor polka, whine eutsisly seeeet eon*,
u the sew spring crop to be Pat us top of the fail rose is
en rmionolleve• of the
likely to be large wed abeadaat. Bat many gral■ balder,.
who are indebted largely to die ea", eoattaae to gramblo
aboot pliant tad wilt riot iron till tbey are famed to do so
by as *zee sale..
Consequently they win tiolsy Paying their coquetry
storekeepers; their storekespors wUI pt esseasleas from
tb New York Jobber; Um tailor will get eateasioas from
the Coransiesisa morehant, who in tare will ask 'suasion'
of the maaafaetaret, who Mavis( ramsived no sash for his
goods sold will be tumble to afford saaployenont . to his
operatives os now work, osiers he Mayo &hood:ries of
capital—sad faith.
The Vitriol mita is again oe the walk—this time in the
'hope of a colored waiter, named Froasis Diamond, eat •
ployed at the Everett Roam. Dkonmad, Whig jealous of
smother eolored man, mud Maria Rodeo, whb was par
tial to a colored girl, for whom be had affectionate regard,
throw • large quantity of the villainous staff in the face
of his rival the other night, as be was pealing through a
dark alley way, burning him in the moat frightful manner.
Diamond was coussolviki to jail this morning for ',lamina.
The course of the Mayor towards the lottery and other
swindlers, meets with general approval. Ha is in constant
receipt of letters from different parts of the country, from
Individuals who hare been fleeced by lottery agents in ibis
city, thanking him fur making the mauve disgorge their
spoils, and acknowledging receipt of the returned
Capt. George Greettwol the American ebip " A Z." wu
was placed on trial in the U. H. Circuit Court, to-day. He
is ablated with musing the death or a young Scotch ma.
man named James Riley. The evident* is very eontredie•
tory. The defimee deny tweet Outmost, and allege that
the deceased was to poor health from the time be shipped,
until the time of his :death, which was from asters'
Great excitement has been created in Brooklyn by the
annonacement of the disposer) of a taus, near the Green
wood eat:mica Thousands have already floated to see it.
The discovery was made by two boys connected with
Public School No. 2, who were playing on a hill near the
entrance to Greenwood, when the embankment gave way
and they fell, and discovered the opening of a cave. The
boys fled upon this, and informed some geollemen, who
prooseded,to explore the place. About 100 feet front the
out r they foetid a large room, with shelves all around,
upon which were numerous bottles, some full of liquor and
some empty. ro the middle of the room was a table, con.
taming books, and a yue lantern was sospeuded from the
ceiling. After being is ahe cave a short time, the gentle
men heard a horrible noise, as if prosseeding from human
beings or wild beasts, whieh mated them to beat • re.
treat.' Here is • due obese* for speculation and romance
PrOpided It don't tura art to be a bra x
Tie religious antilversaries of the season were luau
gusted last evening by the meeting of the American
Board of Foreign Miseions. Owing to the finatieial loud.
close of the peat winter • &Hitch in the cash aceounts of the
various religions inetitutioas of the country is generally
anticipated; but the balaisee sheet of the American Board
shows that its expenditures daring the past year have ex
ceeded its receipts to the latousiderable sum of 11,186
only. Rev. Dr. Dabney preached the sermon before the
The Plymouth ehureh, Brooklyn. (Rev. H. W. Beech
ex's) was yesterday the scene of more thee usual interest
oa 16001141.131 of the lamisheriag of a large ember of per
sons who are the friths of the prevaillag revivaL Ooe
headred and Dimity peruses were admitted to membership,
Afty of whom were baptised. Of the whole number only
some twenty-Ave wens admitted by letter, the rem^indiic
uniting epos a professicia of faith. They were mostly
youthful Pasoan, though there were among them many
!made of families, business and professional men, sea
resettle and others.
One of the ismates of the Lunatic Asylum on Black•
well's Island died ow Saturday, from being struck on the
head with a crawl by sairthert leases. The Coroner held
an investigation yesteaday in the case, when the medical
testimony showed that the mental derangement of the
assailant was of sash a nature as that he should not be
held responsible for bit acts.
The partisans of some of the down town Are companies
came In collision early last evening in Chatham street, and
fought for a time in their usual way. A few were injured.
During the excitement three men were run over and very
badly lajured—oni of them so seriously that it use thought
be could not recover...„.
In the way of swinerients we have nothing beside the
Ilusarel Concerts which are only sawing from their its
beollity. This paersi opinion the New York Press had
been bribed into suppressing, until Porte?. Spirit of the
Times rune out with a oaadid criticism. That brought
down the numnager of the Academy on a new tack ; he
was determined to stop that and accordingly ordered the
reporter of that paper to be excluded from the betiding,
" pay or trm pay." But thr legal authorities interfering
he was :obliged to give up this point- Last night the
oratorio of " Bli,lah" was magoUlestitly given by the
liermeouie Society of this city.
The weather has grows warm Bed delightful owing a
great blossoming of belles along Broadway in the vicinity
of the " Spring fashions." The taste is dream Is less gay
than anal, following the spirit of last winter's mew'.
°holy " rouge et seri," which trammed for the departed
wealth of the bankrupt metropolis. KRIM
ji " Belle Britain," who is writing some pleasant
letters from the Beath to one of the New York papers, is
down on artificial bead dresses, as worn by some ladies
she has met with. Bhe says " there is so ornament for
the bead of a woman like the 'natural glory' of a clean,
soft, simple arranged bead of halt. If I was a MO, I
should always feel as if I would like to put my band on
sorb a head, smooth it, pet it, kiss it, and ask a Wessling
00 it. But a hags mass of braided eoneelts, stuck fall of
pins sod artificial dowers, looking like a spread eagle in
Croat, sad a spread pulsar* behind, smelling of grease and
eurliog tongs—ugh I" Now, the ohs of all this is that
" Belle" w a man—" the great h•tshl"—being no less •
person than Hiram Fuller, B.sq., hate of the New York
—We sill attention to the &dominant of the "OA
Boot State of Q. 0. tetra. Philo&lphiii, One of oat
eitebatigee, the Jumbo,' Dameeret, says of this Beim,
wbot wireoppeee eittoot be sold of al violist establish
hierat/4-'''fthitit-itose fleet as it voodoo"! Mist it "peon
taw tea be sees by petetelog le sootier eohuss.
JIB` Bachelor' are *or rackety lest Ili lb* rerlassoat
of seatiateat, for tks following toast was gtvea by ono of
thew oa a meat oerastoa : " The Ladira.—ewset briarf
to tbe lards of MIL" That 1101110011144 seratek, (should
be added) says a Mead N estr album!
Ws, "whisks/rase is the asale,gives to tie " belie
sombre onus by tilt girls *is sprit% far the leek of
whiskers, siosatosbes or pew*. Tb4o7 are mod* by
drswist doers little tofu of bait from Ike isuPles sad
twain tires bits sosikops.
Gazette says 'lt is isfsivaid, hoc •
soave it seasiaers 'stingy eillabi•t 111 • 4 1b 'mot (11 Om
Basher; and iris liallriad will he rasamed issiftedbuily,
sad 'Dietetically tasked forward matu it is soaplsted.—
Is with Ibis, we see by the Laura* Union Iltat
a propos/Asa hat hies made by a Ciwipaikp, audit the
WI, of Wills co., to tabs lb. North Brooch Canal
frost tits bobs* Quospiay sit s ssitwou soda hallo( &-
Wes. sad the (Alio" add* that It has his. seeeptid. If
this is se. 11 will Awe swam la the heads of the Gawps"
ny to at Goes oompliti Om &aura sad Waters divisioas
of the toad.
PHILAMILPWA_ItierION.—The atutielpel oleo
ties itehl le Philadelphia, 0. TOSOiSY WI, melted if the
Meade. of Atm Stintv, the stoasiled "People, Candi
date,' by smalltime over 3001 mistily ewer iticsatte
Vacs, the Ihmeeerette osodiAshs. Ibis remit although
fieplesolikroses trot .spouted. having bees bras& sheet
by woes net seeessery at this ties to Wade to, hitt roost,
ly other than *WO. Netwithetahilleg this, prepare
tot Dee greed "shriek."
• Essesat pm nage sp. Ms loamy &Alen of
Pittsbargh es Zuni*/ laist, ••• Om limbers of it; 411.
Mist lino was awalisi.
114A444AWBILL AT iiliistintsrrommAresaw n
00 the !localise of the pangs of the lamas Eat the
*Moos of Wasigagtoa had a ittand tarn ma. sad vireos.
did the Presidio& and many of the principal members
Viongraft. Ths•satiosml asthma was mg, sod shearing
and eoagrataktiag 'wets the order of the day. The mul-
titude was addressed by d. Pre/idiot is a few eloquent
and appropriate words; by Beasaora Toombs, Ulan and
Bigler; by MOWS. Clay, Lowlier, Stephenson, J. Glancy
Jones, of Pennsylvania, Greene, of illssouri, English, of
Indiana, sod Brown, of Miesiesippl. Senator Hunter, of
Virginia, nod lion. A. EL Stephen*, of Georg* were also
callodlipon, but the one was absent from home, ittl the
other Indisposed.
The follow's( are the remarks of Mr. Bigler :
Fltt.L.Ow CITIZZais : I am exceedingly grate
ful for this mark of your attention. lam truly
happy to meet you on this auspiciolis occasion,
and to mingle my congratulationi with yours and
those tof our common countrymen, that a goes
tionffruitful'of controversy and strife amongst
those who should be friends, and amongst those
who have bees friiinds--a subject which bad for
a long tune engendered strife between widely ,
separated sections of our great country, and which
for four months put has occupied almost exolu.
sively the time of Congress and interrupted the
public business—bas been finally, and, as I trust,-
most happily disposed of and adjusted forever.
[Applause.] I congratulate you on this happy
event : and, I trust my fellow citizens, that the
measure adopted yesterday by Congress for the
final settlement of this Kansas question may ex•
ereise, as I believe it will exercise, a most salu
tary influence upon the future 'peace and pros- I
perity of our common country. [Applause.] I
regard it as a measure of peace not only for Kan
sas, but for the whole country—a measure of
Union for the States and union for the democrat.
ic party [Applaupe ] When in Decearber last
this issue was first presented, I little anticipated
all the difficulties which we have since encoun
tered ; but I adopted the course which I have
since pursued from a high sense of duty, and an
abiding belief that the admission of that Territo
ry as a State was the best means of settling this
endless feud which was agitating the country.--
I adopted that policy, I say, because it accorded
with my convictions of duty, and, in addition to
that, I was enabled to cooperate and sustain our
wise, prudent and sagacious Chief Magistrate
[Renewed applause.]
I rejoice, my friends, because that' policy has
been sustained by Congress I have no spirit of
exultation, and I know you have none, because
those against whom we have contended on this
subject have been defeated. No such contracted
partisan policy brings you here to night; and no
such motive moves we in what I have to say to
you. A far more patriotic impulse moves you
and me—we are gratified because the right has
triumphed—[cries of "good "good !"] —be.
cause principle has prevailed—because a mess'
ure just and right in itself, and fraught, as I
believe, with blessings to our common country,
has been adopted I shodhi weary you were I
to attempt on an occasion like this to discuss the '
measure itself. That 'I will not do, for it is fa. ,
miller - to you all. This much I may say, how
ever, that after a controversy of four months,
the question has been settled on the broad basis
of principle, and a principle which the Demo
cratic party have maintained—to wit, that Can
greet lists no right to interfere with the institu•
Lions of a Territory—that Congress had no tight
to judge of the constitution or State government ,
made by a Territory, but we must take it as it '
came to us That principle has been maintain
ed, and at the same time we have paid due re •
spect to the wishes of the people of Kansas on
the question of becoming a State or remaining
a Territory, by placing within their reach the
decision of that question. [Applause ] Con •
gram has disposed of this feud, and all else that
remains to be done belongs to the people of Kan
They came with a constitution and State
government and asked admission as a sovereign '
State upon terms of perfect 'etrality with the
other States of the Union. It e accepted that
government without qualification and without
criticism ; but their demand for land was caul-.
bitant. It was such a demand as was never made
before, and could not be granted by Congress.
We accordingly struck it out, and said to the
people of Kansas, if you take the same amount
of lands which we gave to Minnesota, than you
are in the Union, and the controversy is over.
If not, you must remain a Territory until your
population is equal to the ratio for one member
in the House of Representatives. In all this
Democratic principle has been preserved, and at
the same time the will of the people of Kansas
is to have unrestrained sway as to whether they
will become a State at this time or not. (Cheers
Fellowacitizens; permit me to say here, that,
when we reflect on the mighty influence which
the Democratic party has exercised in thitecoun
try ever since the organization of the govern
meat, it is difficult to determine which we should
most rejoice at—whether-it be that-this measure
is to reunite the Democratic party and secure its
future ascendancy, or whether it be that a mea
sure that has so long divided Congress and in
terrupted the public ;business has been perma
nently disposed of. - .For I believe that- the sue
(seas of the Democratic party and its liberal prin.
ciples involves now, as it has done for years,
the stability of our national confederacy—taps
plausel—the progress of oar great country, the
rights of the sovereign States, and the interests
and rights, religious and political, of all classes
of the inhabitants of our wide spread country
[Renewed applause.]
On this °catalpa it would be unbecoming in me
to go further into these topics. 1 feel deeply
that nothing which I have done in this struggle
has entitled me to the attention which you have
extended to me to-night. I feel how much I am
your debtor for this call. What I did was from
a sense of duty, coming from the State of the
President—the first President which Pennsylva•
nia has ever furnished to the Union. While I
was fully determined to act conscientiously and
vote according to my convictions of duty, I am
fieeto confess that I should have deferred much
of my own judgement rather than take an issue
with that venerable and wise man. From the
first of this atingle I felt a pride in sustaining
Pennsylvania's first Irreeident. [Applause ]
believed than, as I am sure now, that no man in
the land understood this question better than Mr
Buchanan, and upon no man's judgment could
the country more safely rely. [Applause ] In
a public career of forty years, beginning in the
I.4olifture of his native State, passing through
the lower house of Congress, and through the
Senate to a foreign mission, and finally in the
Presidential chair—in all these positions we have
seen the evidences of a calm, clear, disinterested
judgment and patriotic will ; and in them the
country had a guarantee that his action would be
governed by an anxious desire to do just what
the best interests of the whole country required
[Applause.} tederday was the anniversary of
the birthday of the American Government, for
George Washington was sworn into office on the
80th day of April—the day on which this bill
was passed. [Applause.] And I believe that
few measures have been adapted by the Congress
of the United States relating solely to our do
mestic affairs so fraught with common blessings
to the entire country as this is. [Applause )--
With these remarks, fellow-eitisene, which are
entirely impromptu, without reflection or *fedi.
ration, I return you my sincere thanks for the
Compliments yon have extended to me. [Cheers ]
EXICCUTION AT Cinc.Cao.—Albert Staub, the
murderer of Mr. Lauermann, was executed at
Cblcago on Thursday last. Staub was a Swiss.
His victim was a German, a fanner, and had for
merly employed Staub. They, met afterwards,
when both were intoxicated, and in a quarrel,
which suddenly sprang up, Lsuermann was shot.
Staab was 22 years old.
"8111111TVAL" ADVICI.-A lady in Boston, who
was induced to partake of a prescription for a
disease, which had been prepared with the count
sel and aid of a so•ealled spiritual medium, lwas
nearly fatally poisoned lately by the dregs given
her. Immediate application of remedies by a
skilltut physician alone saved her from a horrible'
death. The victim of misplaced meadow* is
sow in * fair way of recovery.
PI .0 OIL/ I :ii irki)
Washington, - May 5.
Housx.--Mr. CJingmen, otji. C.,from the
committee of Poreign4ffairit,*ortc4n bit, for
sa - tisfaction of tie 140,0 Brioltioin - 4i.gaw
exact copy of theeneretoed yrTresident herce.
He bad been instructed to silk for postponement
of the subject until the 19th of Say.
On motion of Mr. Shorter, of Ala., the coo.
sideration of the subject was postponed until the
first Monday in January next, by 60 against 60.
Mr. Clingman addressed the house on the p•ub.
ject of the report which ho made yesterday, con
cerning the capture of Gen. Walker, maintaining
that the arrest was without authority of law, as
we cannot introduce troops into a foreign juris
diction. The act of Com. Paulding in Its effects
was calculated to aid British and not American
He held that we ought to exercise our influence
on secure the right of way, and
trusted that the treaty making power of the
United States will not allow any regulations to
be made by which our interests will be damag
It is stated, he said, that a hte ambip company
in New York has a sole right to earry passengers,
and Yriesari has issued a proclamation that per
sons shall travel in or to no other line Could
any such restriction be placed on American eiti•
sees, and were they to submit to an enormous
monopoly granted by the government of a country
containing not more than half a million ‘,f people
and they mostly negroes and Indians?
After speaking of the nen fulfilment of the
Clayton and Bulwer treaty, he said that the Lest
mode of getting rid of all attendant difficulties
was to abrogate it We have been engaged for
eight years negotiating with tireat Britain, and
have obtained nothing from her a-. to who
control Central America, Great Britain ,r the
Ilnited States lie argued that we had the be-t
We have now on the Coast of Africa a squad
ron in connection with Great Britain, to suppress
Slavery, and yet Great Britain is transporting
other races to other islands under the pretence
of laborers is not this mockery"' We might
at least protest against this .)stern it a.• are pre.
pared to stop the traffic.
He was mortified at the fact that American
citizens of San Domingo were protected by the
Brttish Consul Was it difficult for the Secre
tary of the nary to get a ship to send thither'
It was had enough to submit to the insult of
white people, and worse iu those of tree negroes
lie hoped that the example set at liTcytowO
would he followed iq this case, and that there
would be a reform generally in these respects
WAstimuTos, May ei
The President bas not yet designated hi. ac
ceptance of the two volunteer regiments, nor is
it probable that he 4 . 111 uutil rongres.sliall
make the necessary appropriation for their -up.
port The estituati.s are not yet wade
Thia determination if t tie l'realtkut. l,a, eau l ed
great disappointment to nortlicui *en, who were
led to believe that the regiment.< would ay
ceptld as r.ot) u as the deficiency hill pasa< d
The Colorado, now fitting out at N9rfolk ea flag
t•hip of the flume Squadron-, wilt roue!' at Safi
Domingo, for the purpose• of inquirin t ! nit. tioc
condition of our affair. in that Nand
nie Senate have confirmed the following sp.
pointmentli :—S' \V. Dearborn, Marshal of New
Hampshire; M Deady, As.ociate Judge of
Oregon Territory; I Banister, NI . Worea-ter,
Mass , and .1 .1 Assistant Trea,ur , •r
Assay office, New York
In the democratic caucu• of the lloii-e mem
berit on Tuesday night, Mr Stephen+ off e r e il a
a reeolution to be made -the ,if a bill de
claring that hereafter nn State -hall be almitted
into the• Union until it ha 4 a population 4uffictrot
for oncrepre•entative
Mr Clarke offered an amendment that K 11 1 .1 1 ,14
be excepted This amendment was opposed by
Mr Stephens, and others, and strenu,wsl) sup.
ported by two majority Mr Stephens then with ,
drew bin resolution
The anti L.•eotnpton d.•tm.erat+ who ..toOd oUt
to the la•t, are preparing an adds••+ thy p....•
pie in vindication of their courqc
OF ILLINOIS —The Chicago Tribune which is
one of the most radical of the Republican papers
of the Northwest, reads Mr Burlingame a lesson
for baying called upou the young wen of Illinois,
to "stand by these men (Mr Douglas and the
Ants Lecompton Democrats) with all their young
enthusiasm The Tril,un , expresses in the
plainest terms its lack of confidence in Senator
Douglas, who, it thinks, has abated not a whit
of his 'hostility to Republican principles, and says
that if the Republicans of Illinois should now
sink all party differences and reelect Mr Doug
las, their party would be so disintegrated that
the State would be lost to freedom in IS6O, or if
saved, saved only beceuse be ( Douglas) allowed
it to be saved It predicts, in conclusion, that
his friends will be utterly defeated in the No•
vember election.
The Cincinnati (i'it.ette says tliat since
the religious revival Las been in progress, the
number of drinking ships in that city has been
materially lessened Within a week, two or
three establishments in the immediate vicinity
of a church where union prayer meetings are
holden drily, have been compelled to close
ACQI ITTAI. FOR K11.1.1N11 A SEllleltß IN KY
--The trial of Hardesty for the shooting of
Grubb, occupied three days of last week, at Bur
lington, Boone county, Ky , It will be remem
bered that a sister of Hardesty was seduced by
Grubb, and that Ilardesty told the seducer that
he would give him six months in which to make
his choice between marrying the girl and being
killed The six months expired, and Grubb not
having married the girl, Ilardesty met him, and
on sight Itiot him. The evidence showed that
Grubb watt armed also in expectation of the
attack, but was shot in the act of drawing his
weapon The trial was ended last •Tbursday i
and the verdict of the jury was not guilty The
following is the substance of the judgment pro.
Bounced by Judge Nutall upon the verdict of
not guilty by the jury in behalf of Ilardesty•
SIR : You have been indicated by the grand
jury of your county upon a most heinous charge
You have put yourself upon your country anti
your God for deliverance You have had a fair
and impartial trial before them, and they have
both pronounced you tilt guilty, and to say I
Ft may not be proper for me to express my Penti
meats, yet, nevertheless, I will do it Young
man ! bad I been wronged as you have been, I
would have spent every dollar I had on earth,
and all that I could have begged and borrowed,
and then starved upon the track of the villain,
but I would have imbrued my hands in his
blood. Go hence without delay You are acquit
ted !
--- 4 1 . - -
ALL SORTS OF PI R PLasirs.—They alre getting
sharp down at Lafayette, It , under the influence
of their great mineral water facilities A horti•
eulturist advertised that he would supply all
sorts of treem and plants, especially "pie•plants
of all kinds " A gentleman thereupon sent
him an order for "one package of custard pie
seed, and a few dozen of mince pie plants."—
The 4-ardener promptly filled the order by send.
iag ham four goose eggs and a small dog The
Courier vouches for the statement.
ser A Correspondent of the- Spiritual Tric ,
graph writes from Philadelphia that the fatuous
Dr. Hare is experiencing manifestations in his
laboratory of a very extraordinary character. It
is no less a performance, according to this ere,
dulous - gentleman, than the fulfillment of the
dreams of the days of alchemy. "A common
ntanifescation," he says, "is the transmutation
of copper pennies into gold," and be calls ibis
a fact which will "force conviction upon the
tniud," Probably—when it is proved.
air Two elopements took place in Louisville,
Ky., last week. The son of a wealthy merchant
ran away with a married women, who is said to
be very pretty ; and a clerk in a dry goods store
has carried off the wife of a dagnerreawertist.
Hon. Samuel S Co: and Gov vilt4
(From tie YVN•ilinfle•n
We g i ve place t.. tla)
RtOberi Walker to }Liu
Wiji.,Lawrenee,. ftl6,, ha%
tiii'eetifhtince bill which 6.44
Friday afternoon We hs‘e
world of reopening the•Ne.!l
but we shall not be andenou l l
policy suggested by Gov
the reception of the act of ad risr, i
ple of Kansas ()a the canin e ,
vinced they will promptly steep s ,
ordinance, and eon into the I' ll ,.
Lecosaptou coustituuon. Nur eau
a (1:= the people agliu-t t 6,
Pr by Congress ' sod thou'
fusel to come into the Union, 4..,u
as an endorsement of Governor \Val,
ou the subject of popular soveri
construction (dale conference 1 , 11
the ca.p is referred upon the pr
we are disposed to Jesse it for d cc ,„, 4
To the editor of the nl.Oll. I
u i
lisp the enclosed letter of t; ,vertel
'notification of my vote and that (dm ;
Mr Lawrence, to day in rov , ,, ~t try ;
bill. The letter explains it.. it 1,
vindication of our much al , us,i
understand that it meets with I; ,c
prim) I hope so !t seems -, cot
his view* and experience I , r, rtai ,
full weight in determining ni) v
a quoktion With re.p(rt.
SAMI },i, s
WASHINJTON ern, \1 . ,, ,
DEAR Sias: Your letter .t It,i, Iv
been received, and I hasten to wa v :
judgment, the conference Kann, r ,
adopted I expressed this opitioa tt
tog the bill on Saturday last, and
it, although, if the bill had mien,
resented, a submission of the or(
should have sternly opposed it
interpreted by me, is in precise co t
m y views and course not only to
since my return, and, in following IL•
duty and conscience bade me, I tu n ,
I must be permitted, however, t d,
a way as will cast no cenimre IA
who honestly oppose this bill,
struction of it diliers from my ~ wn
bill maintained my views as to I,p t ,
ty, it would, if adopted, save the 1
mineut peril If the bill p,L•
compton constitutioq, burn in fill!
in perjury and forgery, witl
overwhelming vote of the p , opi,
demonstrating by practical
my interpretation, that ill,- Lt:l &
mit the constitution to th- p , r
ratification or rejecthm, 111.1,1, i s
quired With such t , ;Ji an , / •,1,4i
that people, under I. f rtrid4b,
ever be again made t sitMiol,l ft
of inchoate States, a tot.. •igai
fication or rejection of tip
and the iiligarehive doetrite. .1,
eignty will be abandoned Ix r t.
rod will, at a future pert-1.13r.:
fully in a letter for publican ti
ou r tccetit conversation
Yours truly.
S S Cur and II r,
- - -...-
The Isle of Perz.
The r.. hit.:;
11w1.. Fn.!, r.
r. k .r t h.• ntrin.• ~f tt,
Lh t Perim ,
..1 .1 . r, z.i.t..ttwz a• a I.
It 11....tikts TUrkt 1 . , .• I
curled and t- , ho,ne. Ito d 1 , , E.
st,, and tlioneht th 4. 1,1
her retn•m%tratte , , 311.1 t,.
np before the next o , ant
that the guarantied integrr
fled ou the part of England
the apprehended part whiet•
the aggrandizement of (iirev vat,
llow so? it may be a 4;•
Gibraltar It enmmah,l., th
Red Sea r• to be the ts
intercommunication .1 . Eur ,pe
*xigeaciies of eiviliziti .s dearan,
Of (the Cape of II t • t
au4 part of the pa'-engtr trsi•
China, now goes by SUC/ an i tat
sootier nr later freight ruu.t ;-
route To provide r ,n
commerce many selo•m• • hit , a ,
by ingenious men of tip d0z,,r,. 5 .
ccrned in the event En, , ,and. tc
interested at the pre.,..nt c,rn,
discovered the utter 3 , 1b1 11
the Isthmus of Suez, lias ft!on t
road, which is nearl, Guist, and •
Perim a.s a landing p and pr
steamers and vessel?. drily pahsin.
the Red Sea She !ay: the
an iuividual one, neck—Ary for
and of no concern to other Eur
France, on the other hand, is
vinced of the practicability ~t
which will shorten uninterrup
tween Europe and India
applied to the Porte for a
the enterprise Thiq Nun t r
on the ground that Etelan , / .I'r , a
rim. Thus the partit , :al arraye
It will at one fi....coa that th
consequence ot zreit zhaisuiml ,
of Paris is a mater .tr p 111,7
Turkey fr m all ivr mg Franca., f •
to commence the canal, and
to give the practical •• ivcroicnty '
to England, in Ca :w th nill.
rightfulness is uot clear
It is certainly in apparent vi
*titled integrity of th••Turki•li
justified only ge f •
national plea which e• -nine
fate, 'and sometimeq 1
every impulse of iore,t r aL
Leavenworth I,fhlgt.r
Utah reached the fort ..n
a reinforcement and girio:
wish between a guerrtila
a bsly of troop:4 (oda
which three fourths of t he 0 00. it
cp on both sides. A ootspant
artillery and a compan)
diattly dispatched frtm 11,
is discredited here
The free state cons entit n
cers met at Topet-,.., K312.J.
El J. Adams was nomina:A
lioniday for I_icut i;
for Congress,
Tbo foPowing of the
here:—Gen Saint), ii:o Hire'
M) Marla, Nl3j
and Cara Pleasanton
51r+. Empy, in it
from her husband I . •r
up for deed, reeently ruirr
800tt after the ruarrlage
"turned From l'3lll,.rots. ith•
oast when he .Itmn,v,rt,i tnt. ',••
come into pernre wn••
sued for bigamy )Ir
physician. tifcy )•
and 2 are now at .a..rds
arc settling the difficti:ty
Joseph A Wood, trbo hat dr
Quebec twenty p.ert n I , '"
broken in Soul Car, ito3
New flawristikr,: 4WO I'3is rc
tbe stairs of a hot, I In
inidant, when he -lipped l"'
fourth time .‘fter
it cut off, au 1 a•
Without taking taro to' "F'
that Mr Woo.)
fortunate ltmb " •