THE ERIE DINE lIACNJ. F. K SLOAN a MOOR r.bitalsors and ot mit° t v DeummiltSe tmicet: FOR SOPRRIIR JCDOC, WILLIAM A, PORTER, GP PitIt.ADIILPHIA.. • POE CANAL WESII*Y FROST, OP riyhmre co News of Um Week. —Tt» RicAssond.iminirsr publishes th• tense at mem glades betsteeo lois A. Washiagtos, the proprietor of Mount Versos, and the Ladies' Mooot Verooo Association of the Ueda& They are, the mimeos ( of twe bee. died thousand dollar,' for Two hussired &Ares Or lead, in whiek an lanieded Wasaisgunes mallow* mail tomb, soil the landing plan". Eightsen thousead iloilars of this stun were paid oa the closing of the eostraet„ and the reastioder of the otiatrata price is to be paid la feat yearly iastalinents. Mr. Washiagton, bow. ewer, will remelt interest upon aaj mass, not loss thaw- Are dimmed dollars, that spay be paid befort the bonds are due; sad A. rotator! the title to and powes.we of the estate mail the priaripa/ and intern* are paid, except that le ease the whole aaruat is paid by the 92d of February, 1859. he will forego interest on ail the deferredinstaltnents pay. able after the Ist Jasuary, 1359. A correepoodent of Cle /..grin., haquir, in commenting upon this contrite% 4c 'ays with vest truth, that "Mr. /ohs A. Washington has got the butt,sind of the blrgain with the ladies pirates% lag Mount Vernon. In the first place. he gets a thousand dollars per acre for land not intrinsically worth twenty. Au hundred dollars pet sore would be an extravagant Wee. All the bsildings and improvements together are not worth Ave bemeired dollars. Ile thee retain* poeseeeloe vidd ecee pastry of the premises until the last dolisir of the parehase, mosey is paid, and receive* iatereat os the amount unpaid all the while. Bo that hs 4 is to tire neat free at the mss. sios,dand, besides the outrageous price of two handful thousand dollars,'aut perhaps fifty thousand *are in the shape of laterest. If this is not trallioing is the stored dust of his anseetor, I know not what else to tali it." —As Mr. MILLIIIIO, of Ridgway, Elk Ooanty, Pa., Rae gulag through the weeds about three miles froze that Ail. lags, he discovered some elethothichitad bon a cleat, ' isad under it some human bones. A party visited the spot,'wbo examined the remain*, mid foetid in the pockets of the garment a silver pencil case, watch guard, keys sal ballet moulds, which served to identify the remains as those of a man named William Reed, who was lost in the woods to the whiter of 18.5.5. Reed and another man started ciht oa a hunting excursion up'Elk creek on the 10th of Decele• ber. 13.55. A short distance up the creek they separatid, and Reed was never seen alive afterwards The 'soil! were searched, but no trace of him was discovered. T'ie manner of his death remains a mystery. i —At an exhibition of-a school, bald at AllllllOll, 4 Mo, on Friday evening last week, in the Town Rail, the llioor gave way, precipitating the audience of some five kinnared to the door below. The piano was broken to pieces, but as by a miricle the lady why presided at it was tinixjareri. A girl of thirteen or fourteen yeas old was instantly kill ed, and one other person has died since. A large number were injured, Gut to what extent we have been unable to learn. The building is a round ;wooden one and hat bee; built less than a year. The Luca Family had it engaged for a concert on Monday evening It ja said a lad on the stage, feeling the door give way, ran out of the building, and a woman jumped from a window with a child in her arms and waa unharmed. —The Washington correspondent of tbo New York /Weald, who appears to be well informed upon manors and things at tho National capital, says that "the foreign appointments yet remaining open will all ha disposed of before the adjournment of Congress and as soon as the Kansas isebnliio is out of the way Contrary to general eapeotation, them will bo no change In either the mission to Ragland or Franco. Mr. Dallas will be permitted to remain, though it is probable had he tendered his resigns don It would have been accepted. Be erAtl not be removed. Since the acceptance of Mr. Mason', resignation all par. ties in Virginia, molding the members of the Legislature have petitioned the President to led him resnais in Parte. and it is understood the ratimat has been asieedsd ta." —A negro In Louisville broke open a box belonging to cowed, containing throe silver dollars, and stblis one of the piecas. Raving bees arraigned for the theft, the owed plea of insanity was urged, the counsel ( declaring that us sane man would take one and leave two dollars behind. Whereopee the Cale, who was robbed, exclaim ed with great emphasis "Massa, I tell you dat Diaor alai army; be broke my box open and took de Via, out Now, if be had broke de box open and pat a do t& is, den I'd say he's crazy." His argument was conclusive, mad the thief was sent np. —Otte of the tax oolleetore of California mys that be foaled • Norwegian In Hi Dorado eo•at7, who mode oath that his vole earthly taxable AGMs were • church imrd • school hoses. This Angular individual is • poor miser, and has befit the abatis mentiated eetablishmonts with hie owls hands, without •id from any one. His obareb is hue for the nee of every sect of religionists, except Mormons and Matrons Ms. He has a minint claim which be has worked for tee years; and whenever his digging' will average more than two dollars a day, be will ge out into the highway, sad eoax some poor fellow to share thoproato of his labors. —Pour or Are females were arrested mid tried last week, at Mom Versos, .oil., for assaulting s German Ilethodhit eiergrnan. They waylaid hits as hews/ leaving the church alter as evening meeting, and pelted him with stale eggs. A brother of the chart& who attempted te shield the potsh ot, was knocked dews and roughly bandied. The reason alleged is exteatratica was that the clergyman had and. sea sawarrantable inaeadoes in tk pulpit against the charactar of his assailitats. —Oa Konday of last week the New Tort pauses were is • seasation about the "mysteries,' disappearanee" at a young irw from Brooklia. Ile "was m Misty, sober and intalliguat yonag saa, and mina have bees foully dealt with." On Wednesday last, wank for his body was Els. eeedinited, owing to tho fast that ebe ustiondy yawng aw' had hoes arrested for databenaess, sad ' , seat up." —William C. Iluunpsoa, of Elbalersville, Ohio, a war - tiled man who had hitherto pastelned.sfair reputatioa, die. west* last weak with a yang warms, after barrewieg sera* three thousand dollars from ►b frlss and neigh. hors. Not beiag expeditious soon\ in his movements, he was overtakes ea Monday in Philadelphia, es reared:kr. California, sad will be roamed to Ile sone QI hie dills• queardee., —The Roston Traveller sate that a Sow days age *OA of the ,(titers of the Provident Association at the West Sod was applied to assist a man who was found to abject po. •otp is a sainenible garret, withoat food or &went cloth ing. !nod was provided for him and a thazip of clothing by the bssavolsat deter. Only a few pars ago this Pal • man was a Woo York merchant, with 41 least illlgft,ll4lo, li•iag fa a splesdkl millrace, and riling in a priaaely awing& —Tito Lannilio Thnowerat Ulu 11, story of a mss had dim war that city wits war moistly torrHtty . enraged with kis trih proosatod him with twins, throwtoned to doehoy the OsW mho. sod ',Wad bh Woo epos thou bypfbob• las tad bemiring thou is various ways, .68d liow tots 6 terrible posolo* bosoms tie mother would male them. It is *swat to add list ow* of btr nofgbboow toot; hie is Iliad sad tbreabod bawdotwooly. —A ,out hotly, who is pasta Is alt dim flashiesue• hie Utmost* of the day, tieides Byrom, zed Tees Keore, sad vests blue tatted dogs is sty *dared ~midgets to Pordeettee, laseeesdy hstraired of a yoga( geollosse the ether night who the ft. Lesomptea Was, who 110 4 041 / 11s shoed so moth tremble at Wasilogon! —A Kr. Kukla, proprietor of s heel al Deleepert, ta ws , as aged pathanna, and lb* tutabaad of a rather goal looking wits,* few dap, ago laddeol Kt* lady to &S -tead a ball, sad vials sts ass lbws Ms posted aphis sal asides, sad with his wife, Wow west oil. They otanolbt lowed, arnotod at Keoltak, 8.0 brought bask. —Die citizens of Defile.* a public? smells& Imre em powered the Vapor of the city to appelat a emomlttimi to laviteproposah forth. eremite" et the leterwatimeal arldge over the Niagara River, and W eikreepead oil the valdeet whit the °News of Naafi* milirapp leastnatiag of Fen lkin —Tko azoostioa of W. ![.Der, fir lb* loorillir of Goo. took ply* la Wilkesboro*, Pa., May. Sibs stordor vas oataaktod, on Ik. Ikot of Dooaraborioat as lb* Seitera Tariptko, Milos frost Waked's:re aid die Mill woo paikoopostly tboowilato t *di. ifs* sop, lama *at b aimamittottica isordor: wasati g ibk Wok Isikarloto Moo boo obtabood a mop promo *do dooteoyed by a look at St Cloud, Ittasoooki, • akoliiliao paw, aid will moo Woo the noieop eoeirteralit Kum. tine reamed to ty us Wm meek. reputed by , thc haeimgwasseil bo th !mamba . d 00 Fe y- afternoon of last went -in the Senate by yeas 31; hays oy 112 :o 103 Speaking of this Pftlidiedill&AMMl/M-hel,erfege which bee *Wiled the Les eampton Constitution from the unmet, says the Crittenden Montgomery bill submitted the question to the people of Kansas whether they would some logo the Union with the' Leeomplon constitution or not. The Calderone* bill sub • mhe precisely the same question to the people of Kansas. I The only linguist difference between the hills is this: that by Ow foram, if the people of Kansas voted against id, minion with the Lememipten ormsetitation, they wore enabled to proceed it ones and Three another constitution; by the lather, if they rots against admission with the Leeomplon oonatitation. they are enabled to melte another constitution when their population ruches the Federal ratio of repro agitation. This le the only material difforenee between the bill/ The Federal ratio of representation is 93,520. It is the opinion of Secretary STAaTOIII, recently expresstat , tbat the population of Kansas during tog present emigra tion season will reach one hundred and twenty thousand? Mr Cox, of Ohio, stated in the House an Friday that hi had conversed with Oov. W , and that it was the Ootertior's opinion that by next fall Kansas would hairs a population equal to the Federal ratio of representation If Munro. WAtAta Lod STANTon do not en' in judgment, there it, practically no inat•rini difference beturen des Mettaynatery asid the Conference Mlle; for., by the letter, Kansas mill he able to get into the Union, in say event, jut about soon as she could hue ne by the former, had It passed. Bat while it is the fact that there Is no material difference between the Wilk—which fact forecloses the black republi can* from assailing the Conference hill, since all their members of Congress voted for the C.ritteadeti Mootgurnery Wll r "eternal slavery and all,"--while, we say, this is the fact, the Conference bill is none the more meritorious on that acoouct; for, it IS entirely within the discretion Congress to say when Kansas may come tato the 1 ait.n, and we hold, and we have all the while held, that it is a wise eserctse of that discretion to slit that she shall not come in until the has population enough to entitle her to a Represeotati•e under the r a tio It to what Congrei• ought to say to all the Territories, and we beliet e it is what Congress will hereafter say to all the Territories We are told that if Kansas is admissible now with the Lecompton constitution she ought to be admissible with any other constitution that she wants Were this stated as a general rule, applicable to the admission of States, it would be eminently correct. When a State is &Irbil/Able she Is of course entitled to any constitution she wants . provided it be . republican. But, and thu is the grand point, remorse is not really admiseible. Since, however, a eneetitution has been sent to Cc ogress, made In pursuance of the forme of law, and since an unfortunate controversy has prevailed to Congress and throughout the country over ibis constitution whether Kansas ought to be brought in with it or not, it has been concluded by a majority of Coogreas that, for the purpose of settling this controversy amicably, the matter of the population of the Territory shall be overlooked so far as to admit with thut constitu tion, about which there btu been so much tr..uble, if the people by their votes, at a fair election, shall say they want to he admitted with it. If they do not want to be admit led with it, they haver-only to say so, wed acy sdl road jra seders tkey would /taw stood f A. /crampon raucous lion new lad teen funned. has been asserted that it it not upon " the iluesitun of ndmission" that the people of kransu will rote. We answer that assertion by coottagthe bill. In the firit sec tion the reader, will find it written "That the State of Kansas be and is hereby admitted into the Union on an awl fouling with the original States in all refpedti what. ever, but upon this fundamental condition p!eeedent, namely. that the Or snuissium, with the follow ing proportion in lieu of the ordinance framed at Lewomp ton, SHALL BE Ni BEITTED TO TIE VOTE 01 THE POOPLIt Or KANSAS, " &C. We shall be told—and over this the black republicans will shriek themselves hoarse—that by the bill Kansa s ran come in as a slave State with fifty thousand popula tion, but that to come In sea free State it must have ninety three thousand. Let on see what there is .•1 thi.. With the 1.-eotapten constitution Kansas would be Ilelave State, to be sure—os paper! but is feel, it would be a free St atq Nobody is so insane, we suppose, in any part of the country as to apprehend that there is any longer any doubt about the slave question in Kansas. It is settled. Mr. Sewaan said so to the Senate little while agu. Rut the black republicans do not mean to disclose tears that their bre three in Kansas are going to vote themselves into the Union with the Leoompton constitution, "eternal slavery and all Whatever their (ears in this regard, and what ever may be the event, Katmai has but one destiny; she will be a free State. There is, then, no subalanoe in the shriek about fifty thousand population fur a slave State and ninetysthree thousand for a tree State. SORRY TO SMIT.—Wo are very sorry to see that General Houstonintion, relating to the establishment of • protectorate over Mexico, noticed by us last week, has been laid on the table of the Senate. The condition not only of that country, but of the Central American Btatu, is such as to require some action on the part of our government. We bays ever been among those who ads° gated a bold, and decided policy in our dealings with the petty nations on this °endpoint. We would have prompt ly pi:sighed the outrages upon our claim's at Panama, and we would have tolerated no interfersnee with our rights in Nicaragua by English agents. The Transit route should have been free, and our trade uninterrupted by either native or foreign emissaries. Oar country has way, been too lenient in its foreign policy. Mexico was allowed for many years to insult our flag, rob oar citizens, and violate all ter treaty obligations, until she 6 oally tame to think that we ocorld not be kicked into a war-- So vEth the old worn out despotism of Spain. Her agents al Cuba have repeatedly insulted and maltreated our sena, and our government has been content to negotiate * and palaver with her diplomats, instead of promptly de. mending and exacting reparation. So also with the pretty states of Central America. They have been instigated by English emissaries to commit outrages upon our citi• lens, to trifle with their rights, and to violate the •eknow lodged law of nations: All this has been overlooked, and our government has apparently been much more anxious to protect them from private enemies, than to protect our eitisens from their rapacity and lawlessness. We hope this too indulgent spirit is drawing to a close. gis. We hue the authority of the Philadelphia P re's for eitylog that Gov. PACK,'" regards the tut dodge of the Leseourptoailies— the "Ifitiglish Babstitute"—as er ea "moil strocioai than the Senate bill."—Gaserk. Poor authority, that ! The Press has bog since become • kind parasite to the ►tew York Tribune, sad ob all goes, thous LlN:tag the integrity of Democrstio useu and mew. Bare, as little relies.* should be placed upon it as upon that paper. Whatever Goy. Pacura's •hews may be of that particular ■■easars, we reature to assert A. hue not oommooleated diem to the Pres.. WORN Or TlifAIR STRILYOIIf.—Tb. Compromise bill of Mr. English, which passed Congress Mat week (it Friday, aid bat been signed by the President, has shorn the Comp Masers against the Administration of a large part of their strength. The Chicago Times and the Prose me tkie out, two papers leflore bolieve,profeeeing affiliation with the Dillitoolllllo party, that still plays into disbands of the Black Republican party. So far as the latter is concerned, its mares Is not at all singular, a. it has already proclaimed AM • 'take with Black Republicans has no terrors for M.° Le contrast with this, how numb more honorable is the mars* of the Detroit Free Prom, the Ohio Btateewttm. the MacLeod "chamfer, and the Looirrillc Deroorrot, heretofore violent opponents of the Lecompton Constittn t ioa. They eordially endorse the Compromise, thereby showing that they have heretofore been mitigated by prin. apt, aid not faction. Gov. Walker and Secretary Stan. s on, it appears, both favored the Compromise—that loom ittg toiling left of the Conspiracß bat Douglas, Forriey, and-0 rad" W. The Troy r.. sneaker to the Jodi / mitten awarciag etweatly held i• this eity, to pretest agaiast the Lose* p• tea Coastitation, sad alias op with the fullowiag sitriet: Altar calling on novels' gentlemen, at last a speaker was kit upon and took the stand. His speech gives spree indication of the tutensity of feeling In the city Oso tiliname,' said name% want to talk—l'm not a /pooch inalter--PMI nothing particular to say—bat if you want anybody to swear shoat this infcrnal swindle, swear like !" The Black Republicans are just - acne in the cooditiot t%abAignant son ofTroy— they can't sp•ak.bat they "swear Hite 6-1" over the passage of the English compromise. Let 'eat semar, say we t —Win. K. nenbatt. 1110 gagliehiaan, who stole $10,840 from Xt. Jones, his eat,Aoyer. a Toronto, in Qotober last, bas Past been arrested at Debaque aad taken hest to Can gja, 'llorbert bag beets doiag bossiness sa "hanker" In cativo. Iportaig the Artesian wep le Stilettos. Oagots* the *set Ore* • red weed stamp 354 feet !Wow the siooree• Atha gm,* sad ewe thee SS het holey itrt•l o( Oth Pestle Osseo. The earth elate and Itehw was of gigitiO4.l44l l , NMI Nte.ll4 width bed appereatty mot bee. 4111elthei Mese It. ocishkal diapeettias. "hide clamed se bed, kiwis whim, petit/spa toverel lotedrods of atomism& of years ego. This le • tough e3A Amp. va.valtiiro its.. it I t t!. be t`iers••eill e.•unty tylitgiatee lee et 0 • geese Bill Mar • - • II the grievous* them s. or •' -end lb can welltillt.rd 1.04101.1 be el of tn. , . at She apl•onehteg#l4oion al/frAP N'uhoni desiring to "Isislis" at Ala the •Marigeineuts of our op7ponentsi yet as a '•lioiler on ;* we imanot egitenia from saying that . se doubt whether say such arrangement as a indseatee shigiesi is "gemenally MUM* bete or in entwford County It may be "generally under stood" in the ilium. office, but when the cards con.v to be dealt and pbsysd, and the game counted, we shall be meek mistaken in our