0 N MOORE, PUBLISHERS. - i \lid: 28. El; 11: OBSERVER. LITURD4r Nr I1N1) M. I. 111001 th I=l .. I, 0 % •Ii . Rdlter 11=1 IZEMEI pay oritrtr.t the )rar, lhn iloqwer • • riet 1. rt prep.-r nth.. r• •1 I I) F.IITHINI: 1..1.. • molar* „ALA ne...NAM. 1 tapouthe vA) A , I ..1.• • (xl Clue•• 4 G :10 ....z.Able at plvennutr, $lO month• $' ill v. l 1 Ii• 11 $.150 ta.•utt., t.11.,t.,, at $. r I•1‘. au.l ttl. In right. 1114 e (rut n.r ad•t•r111. 1,41 C Sto,..tal Not., • for 1)r .1 , I. M./111011i c 4ane, It th.it .1 •ti • • oyAarc... •ti.l at nr•r 1.11. r.• n • ;Li pr‘q.ort ..... ski, I th• 1. , irgamml , •• I , r troin•wat 31.1%,rt ternorul 4•,,1r I • t, • I. rl,,ta k prow•tstrki lc. v. , • I.! 111 t.. ottssi. •I 1 • 1,. 1,1 irai I in .1% n/lt, EBB DIRECTORY E. I M. U. . • .•mr, Xuw.. at itos J orr.m... • 1.--i Awl Ninth i.no, • I. I) V E.,i14/MT. Ifl ertlar.6l Block, o.er k•rod.cre. r A . knlrf 4fr on `:Late llrwt .M. %.41.111tAITII. • . 611, r. II K. • 10. ,4 •Italt. ntt•l :th t auipb,str, % nuuTlt, 11,:k:NT. • tot, ••••I.laple •It.l %,a fli..ek Idtuuts 'Lae. qll I kit A. 111!\N l, „ - •• 1 / 4 • 1.. t. 4aul(r 4.11h,r, %%111 I ttl 1.. I.Ada. ,•I 4. 1 , 111 k.. . -..• i 4. k • ..•, ior no•et /awl lbr 414, HKl4.llt I 4'l, iCrke, 11. r. VI %la 1.1.. • • 1.../.414%1, • 141,...1 , rili •k•li IS %/ 1111;10 T. •11. ( 0., nand ~he r 10.4, 1111..4t • I i ertll4. ate, trl tle.• •l'.•11 .11 thr C 01.41. •litl all pail K.a...0n• •K 4 I \ Ith .t. tII6I.CAILIM .r nom, itty, (40111 rag n 81. , L, 11 • t.le V.rlo l'• r• t 111.,••••1 ..1 ...1. Oral's, I UV\ l• a. . Illi• ats.l I. \ .4 \. ~ 1 111, 1 il/• • I i oNt•F N .1,.. •+ll%\\ll\ lIIMIE .•t l t.- li= I I 11th H\1.111(11 (1. ( • \ ' 11=111:111:1=1:1:fl MEI! %UT - 4 M., It P,•nru, .t twl Uut a. %lAN% MUD. I ill. 's Br “aia. rail, .. • -11 All., So • I iiS• net. i n..' •• lie at,. I. I tl.• t at ~ 1 11 t r 1. it 11. .1.. 1 . 1, N . a 11.4%rn, e, !'ii•dt../ Vutt r.s.st 4•l -la %%ILIA I VI IL LI (' b. , in dvat I's 1:11. , k. tL ~k Il • • tort. ll) Ma, ••, "gr.! 1.11)14.1.h. MOICTON. , 11. r, 41•1. t, I.• 1. - . .• • JIP..t I'll lit ir lITEH• •tsot 'sr tnetlt., • Ate tte , t%t reel , Met IS Is II I.I.EItTOS. ki“0". k, • t4t ‘i 1111 11. , Mr= t' • Wllletell .1..1.,,z r‘or io. M t.,t. 111'1 It 1r ...TOIL LS. tat: r.• r) .• arvotitaiv, •. .• •, to, otl Fifth, II 142-t.irv, ILi lint mk.sitl 2 1,10, k1r,,•1. • • k.. , •-,11. ut H.. trap an.l • . . rat. I.a*, drawn. 1111.f•gr •• - • • ,tl, Irri•ly•ry 1,g1.-. J. F. 1/111$'N11,01:. r,.. Fro. W hi/ i .rsettre perau.J ,•- • • .t. 1... 1..4.1.1., tither a. Al . F ..1 N U. ICI J.Attototi, 4 t . • • •- :11 .nd Itiocue.tse lir) •t. ASI lb, A aill[i•Nol.l*. Sal II" Ls illtlt 11. v. H 4. liP4 411.: CO. • • •s. • F nary laud Dr, - A. • N.. 1 Krowu . • 84.. y 1 rip I• 11. H s►erwa• • ....r, between the li.-.I Ilastine and • • 'to. !mot ••( the •z! .4”.1 , •LOKI.I 11. l 1 TILER. • t • t., F. ao.I 111./ 2.11.1 tllls% V.VAI • • • •1•11 - }i, } te, 31111\ 111 li,‘ A •• C.llO. j` is kI At. 4te-sta.-I - Ik, 1%0 1,11..1111 A. ‘lii% nl\ v... I MK., , ..•14 an Ltti.l,....fraltr. ' • Iskir,, ♦,. 4 hei " " • I . 11%10.11%1.1 I N ill IN ..1. I:11 S 1• 1 111 ICI 1111.1 4 I• It 1111( ,'1 U. tat% II MI Art I. ;I I'• EMI . . rf IiBIIIIIIICR. Fro., • J %kit hi ItlMArlikil‘ la r , lirillalitgal /11.1 • 0 : t lieq i• 5t....410 rt, Pa. ==IMI • Ir Nett It.,1•• n. r,.» dor • 1.17,•rr, $t , N.. Ili I. II LNI.SI IS J►.. •, .14 , 1 Wita,lemalc an.l ..4 11tnertrao Atpoe K V....d0, Swim. Nor, Mork, Stat. \a... A • 111 k‘IIEI, 411., • • li. 11.rs.1111111:rsisiw • 4, t -r wr. Pa • . .; • • OF A MAN OF BUSIN I 1,10 tit.: tio` rue—, oget .0 li.••eur rice R the 1.1:4 word had died ..0 i p. 1 141-• nl the and pult.tug !he •I.,111.:. IA I ,1 da•h,d a w,,y holy otl, , II; s I )t II•.1 h. ip, i•S/ 11l 1153,.. Wad gaII p to, r th. 1.111-, ,inuliuL u., LI Ugh ,t tut till ol hit,. .1, -1..: la) Ih. w....,t11:g15t ••% • I lie ti. ,•11 ,l1;1 I -ole I (out,' ewt -II• , I•.P ,•••• :ell. ( . 11,:aur like. up..o the gr.... 0 Ai% u,i >WI a breath t -tirrtng—o tt 4•Ii• I , t thiMe rar. the ;ate 1 II gi‘^ tL. liC I.f r 111 , 1 wi,lt, awl luatv i ::,•,; ),t 1 ill IN II 1 , 11 I til.q.igh it- "till' 1/1. •• • • tth, SS I, f•• lilt .. ;..aI/ I ,y ,1) 1 .... -. 1 tug vi ,ile ror 11, o 1,1.0 Li I al .1 t irtti L at.lt. u uru L t g tt. tucel tug ,Jollik i i I ..1.• I it I ul.I. 14. k up. I, b. r .1.!: ! I) a 111 .1.. 11. • h. r ,U-1!!!i, I Li, w. I,,ic Ell= —IL I , .1 11,..tiLlat t • I w 1 L,Lr 'i I , ~, I,‘ the g.• .11..4 aVI t I r. trt• I• , ,1!1• . .1 hi • 11. .101' .r N tit., ' p,rtst,t lac, But 11 w 1,4 .1, 1,1,, ilt.t, •1.61,1 trr, r, 1,. X If, r: .411,111, I law% 111,2 to all tau., v,..11;41 - h, niert UI N, f tl.t giad elio, •cl lila! • IC , . .Wt r er than till the 1.1rd...1 11.. tor, .1• tu, :r.Eol•,•1 I eside toe Abaig the .4111, It,lll, C'4l(/ Igo in 1 k tip h• t. I •ta t'.l My 1-1.1 at 111. V, t 1 g It. Agmti tliAt ••• g p... 1., no au- of OW !II it, 1 kw. rh.,l olio gr , it &,n , _. r 4 •orr.vi t Ink. • ti. ot ti.• 111•11 1 e.t ..t IlLtlalg '.'t• • w how peart fni th , - b..w fartn-to•ww, att. r.,i and -t4in• , l It th.• wind. and r tin- i A . a C , 111111% I‘,..keillyiw, to th.. ilk,. a tit tlu ng, wary and gon , -wort went came frotu the almost 1,a11,-1,, , 14,..h. , of -Slat Liter the d , or. 1,11 , 114 pp t., It fr.w t . o• gale vi,r, Juttuliti —a.stors and r“tild e%,n =MEI 1:11=111 puisli their eci..r. It 'night have bet ip fit ininutp tic „ to shier I saw all tla•—l can u rt II - I) n tvice seemed t,p -ay to no ' li in there now, you wL , hay, 1, 1 1 1a ..' 1 . ,' in and look upon hrr beiare she do - Wipe tree pli ate mwp at from her forelicad, and is , k her to f.prgice you, n , w slim i• gilt ; savior. th- i ich and the pi.p..r .hail al; be alike'' I turned, but LW one was near There Kg' LI. , thing round me but the mtiline•• of th.tt beautiful nigla; only, far off, from anioug a clump tir fret s in a distant e-rner of the yard, came again the Last words of Ow sentence. sighed out like the low refrain of •pptue tune • Trowful, yet frt. uwphant: \Vhere the rich ~r.d the pop t .ball all I, alike " My Lem t gate one wild, tbreb of anguish I pushed opt ti the nt. r alreAdy ajar, and went in Iler mo:Lt 1 titt't In , at the font of the Matra — nut weeping, but with a pole, speechless sorrow upon her writ lave, wore pitiful titan any tears - I know tlw wa>. I ~!et ILO g to her alone •t,- ',ad In. yorte.l Klnes Agrnlg state. otoe , et 01-te She did not Teak—she U toe a tuotion toe to proceed quick al, thought 1 rpeti up the and stood w;t bin the room where Lilian lay It was lightrd only by the W .. , n-rays I eouol ht i how like be Nail of leuked—pure -and was, and %tr.), %ery t She was all alone. I ni—ut up to her and would have npukeu, but soniethiog to her face Atop[~ ure-- A smile net upon it of tuetfable peace Ile rolark hair fell heavily over the pillows r were closed, and one hand lay out-tretched upuu the eirver'et Tremblingly I touched it. Oh I leaveul bow cold tt wa' , . Those lng, 1 , •• that hid bei':u wont to thrill at toy lightest t,itelt Jay like ice in my clasp 0 God: wa, I Or: u too late*: In all the anguyab of that weld uight role tilt. wont fear had uever &ice rime to Me .7 4.141.11{40 !IC' k , ~,h..,i• It. •oit u..• .11 b. t'a EMEND TS !EMI 11:1E1EIESMIIEI:1 =I! No need now to rain repentant tears—to press throbbing kisses upon that warble brow; and yet the tears fell, and the ktsses—wild cut ugh almost to have awakcned from the lung deep of death her who bad so loved we—were aropped upon her torelit ad; and yet she stirr.ll not CruaLcd and broken was may illy, drooping iu this world's cold sod; and the great Gardener had only lifted her to bloom forevtr in the fields dale upper country But it availed tue nothing now to know that she was gone where the world's cold breath could never again obill_ht. I would have given wore than may life but to have seen those Fait tips uneluse for uue momeat—but to have beard Ler voice say just once. "Harry, I forgive you!" WIZ= '''''. i From Cho Atlantic Monthly, for May- .] THE LIVING TEMPLE -... I=l in it s of 16wht a!obo, tt hon• t 16.1 leto built h,. Idumr tla.to. Woo tot slots« lu earth below, W tth beltetlseas that eosneasd And outb, ea ulna of +unlit gfrerU, I. all tht Slater • trio., f••• =1 ra, • ills pul.r iat 14 •. e V;. nil • mum. r. tlar,igh a. Lol.lr. a. , •.t t , rielltrumg %,tk n no 14 •nd L. ri,rr blu.lt \‘1,11. , .411 Itirtr bunl. a,.t elriottag ar,ut •rnt IIII!= UM BM =le 112!M!rell11 18",IIII=IIII MIME= lIEEMI I= P I . mi. I. ~ r •blen .Illt = I=l =I =I En!l=11111111111 1 • ti• • NO I ..irl es I=l I= EMT 1”..1 tfa•6. •I. rill 11. I-..,.-.-. ME lE=El=ll InIIONIM %%It. le , I.• 11 . 1. .1,1" it II" r . 1141 I .• ,t-1 r 14 t , !..1.. r„ ME 4 loved Lilies Hunt. Standing this moonlight the tones of ambition hushed it into anemic - 7 night—just such a night as that one was, twenty Tauntingly, they maid.. a years ego—standing in memory by that death "You have aeon love and poverty in the home bed, I tell you 1 hived her a,. I never loved an- of your childhood. Did lave make poverty leas other—s 4 man seldom loves woman And yet grimy Did it keep your mother's eye bright my cruelty broke her heart God forgive in. and her cheek young? Did it shed a silken I can never forgive m yself' lustre over her faded calico gown? Marry your She and I were children together Both our pale, fair Lilies, if you will, and see her eye parents were poor We had walked to echo )1 grow dim with care, her bands grow coarse, her through the flowery hues in summer, and in slender figure bowed and thin; and then look in• winter I had drawn her upon my little sled to thaw eyes and try to recall , the bright young When she grew up to innocent and beautiful 4,ihni of your love till your tears come, at the tonidenhood the love of our ehildhood bad strength- very contrast Or, marry Okra Barton; be rued with our years I saw in her the ideal Judge Wentworth's partner and adopted seo;',be woman who was to vrown my life A purer cum- I the husband of a wife, rich not only, but mild% tore nevewitalked forth under the light of heaven; rated, graeefnl, negamplished, fairer than any of n tuore b , autiful woman, I think. I lod never ere- the , houris in Paradise—loving you, too, with all atol than I.lllh , hunt, in her glad, innocent the might of her tropical besrt. Leave Lilies in youth I loved her, but I never a.ked her to maiden peace You do not know that she loves ttrtrrN in. Bud a- I atu, I tie%er could have you—you have never asked her--and by.and-by itly plight , d troth My parent-. bud con' I some other will woo and win her, one rich triv..l, by 0.-I.cre toil and Anti ecoul.uly, U, as. unough to set worthily the gem of her bright 111•1 CM \til now :• , ir Hi h , r . I,y way of woun , l your vanity will get 1,, I -.Linn take the very Fettle:4 one, 6 aild you will it in your inorning devotion.. h. Ire the mirror!" I -111,tnittell lativkinglv to her illii.tratioti of , and I vr.lit away with her tre.t. ~; hair lying elo.e t my 1!, art I have intell MEER I= - 1.1..• I would will a naill•• anti a it I would cow)) back to my dove. rep).l Lelia All my struggle)» hlwuld be cum) 1)10.11 1 . 1 11).1 nic.moryr—should have her 14 a r. warl ICI =II the 111 libtaltlillg a very god etilltlllloll and at Twenty I left home to study law with ,11-turgui4hed, attorney in a neighboriug county )1 v parting with Liliaa was painful, and v..t in my heart, yea. tht hardest struggle 1 bad ever timlerg.me I had reaolve.l not to tell her my ''yet tt -peme‘lalm.e.t nalree.ible to leave 11..1 Wlltigllll J told her -he wu-t give me a lock 0.4 I,er hair —a keepanko f,r the memory 01 the ila) • Alter litt:e entreaty she von• -tinted, :tiol Ilium a laughing toile, 1 I knew IT wa e.meerl deeper t.. a' IMEM 1-okinv or it to du) It 1.4 dark, and soft, and. ;Lough Ih,• white brow round wt 0.41 ti ii-rd t watt hat L••rn Yttll and pulse- I. ••• I r tw.•t.ty year, ander th, bhc fuirch 11'h.•n I 1.11 ltlayto•ld that utorningZde-pite no sot r ,, w, lover'• hop., lay warm acid ..itroug ..t tut heart 1 Wa+ y , ung, vigoratpi, and p,i,,y,•re , . , mrr ..1 Lit ut I was um tttteceed, I ‘s as n w.,ti kr tlilt I m.l‘lo rapid htr (I,s. 1 Judgy \Voitworill,waA plew.l4l with rup.— ilt. 11:..4i -II II me that my twirr certain, it I vg-uld but hold out as 1 had begun I have told you That I was poor. I had neither lime nor inou.l 1,. spare fur frufluent vi4ith It) May. 11. Id I had rei , olv..ll t.. rcuiatu 'ix months in 11 in•iliani lict..re going home, ,ven for a day In the intim time I did nut how myself the luxury %.1 writing hilias It wetild not be I thought, until I could ask Ler 1.. share .nv life, Sire bad never said that s:ic ;•ivid we; I,iit I hail seen her cheek flu,h and her tt eye kindle at toy coming, and I knew that I ct•ttlii tt it.t het I WAX eGutent lei Wait • Thr. a trit , httt ut my absence had pa,,ed away; when one morning, Jude.. Wttitwurt h "Vto - t t.:1%0 hi ird t un Elk Clar, i Barton . ' 4‘,1 Talk rth uxl I have long ct , .ustdt retl tier 34 .f.tett Sit.• ha- taKeh lhr elott.lrt God saw lit t..) St.. I: it , tII ..11 , ,•1tt ittl :I Vi-It • r. r bl/: \ ~111 I= In r Lrrti. .11 , i I V{ 1.1. r It?. • 11.1 r LI tri .111lat:1, :I ro ats in: .1 !,. Yris. 1. LI I -11. Ito all , ' 11.111*, ME I , ji.•!, 11 , rjoi 1)14 a , - - r r .t. ',Kato) I o , uld hardly . t t.• h. r.-e. fir! I, ir.l V , WI 4 I....rinv Was V..r) ':UI - 1 ,, U , ...•‘• lat I .1 i.• r t tiom ever, lia•I !a Vern: r. Itp• I 4" %1•1. , 11 itilltil gre..to:4l Ino v . , 1 0 . 14 r.•Il .111,1.:, rarlor 1111••111 1111 11,. u.. 111011 1 1110.- I t. r up .t I lot. 41• • r it 4 1 , 1'3 i'..111../11 '. . 1t1,1a4 wa. quite .t bu: 1..1w. pu tilt tu Wl+ 3 dlfferellee t u Ito.' t 1.1:l . 1/ t.1.1`1• b.1211.1"n st wild r",te, .1.0 2 ,ai 14,r :11111 trail.llll 11,1 14. q. I.lllla ,low tap panto 41.1 1404 rt-g•il LI 1a:q.I111.1 cite Iropio., 1111111 .ls pr..t}d lased to luo.ly gnat tb•or under die fiery lieatur4 of --utliern ?mu", and lo ;tug ate uir with a fragrauve. eubtl. , tututicas ring, daugt•rou. I At.xilor a moment at the fiirgetlul ul 'eiiurten pmpriety, and look ed at her iva+ Y. —luau not inueh inure than twen• ty, but her form was 4 ull, mature, regal Shy• was r,huvo• di* medium height, and yet not ex uctly t til Sh, wore a plain white (frt., with ' IJO ornaments Save a hand of ouriously wrought Aft wan gold on eioh rounded arm, a bunch of Cr1111` , .41 rosy s upon her bosom, and another drooping in her Jet black hair Fier fore. head was Pow and huuuoth, with fhe black, ',hi utng liairlwaving away from it, and gathered, recta ti fa+lnou, to heavy coils at the back or her neck her complexion was a clear, dirk 01 lye, with a rich crimson tint that came and went to the cheeks Ile mouth was small awl proud th.‘ town my own luxurious carriage, with wy He r lace i uilicuted a strung and positive will, 1t.0.1e me going slowly along a well and her great black eyes were full .if slumbering' kuuwu road, I met Lilies Hunt and her father, ore and power Nothing, I repeat, could have face to face. They, too, were riding in their been more unlike Lilias. In cultivating the ac- i bumble, old fashioned wagon; and as they slow. quaintance of this haughty - beauty I apprehend , jly ,drew near I could see them distinctly. 0 ed no tiaugvi to wy heart ' I Gud, that white, white face! Was that my She did Interest we exceediugly Her coo LiliasY As she rem as,, she crimsoned to her versation was brilliant beyond aujithing 1 bad fiery temples, and then turned pairs as death.— ever le lure listened to, tier thonghte vierit..th Slowly I saw her beautiful head sink sod sink, an d orig i a3 l, a nd she riarervt.,l must el them for till she lay, like one dead, across her trembling .-eidoni *edit% herseit t.r talk much with I old father's knees. 1 would have given all the other—a tacit cumparent to which no mitt', world but to have snatched that fair head to wy vanity is s cver iw.eosible bosom—to have covered that pale brow with my The history of the eveuts that followed, in kt•sese but I was a slave, as is every man or wo• our blind, dizzy whirl, toy brat introduction to man who sells heart and heed for wealth and a Clara Barton, is so incomprehensible; even to name I drove on, and left Lilies Haut lying myself, that I despair of ever making it clear to there in her father's arms, without one word. aeuther. I loved Lilies Hunt—God knows I Poor thing, I should think she had the coo -I“ved her :—and yet—but I will not anticipate. sumptioul" said my wife, carelessly, as we pas -4 had not known Miss Barton long before I sod along. "Do you know her, Harry?" discovered —how, I cannot tell to this day, for Ido not Bunk the finest alchemy of even the she never descended foe one moment from the most jealous lover:maid have detected any change pedestal of her own dignity—that she loved me, in my voice as I answered, and wss resolved to Li my wife. I was flattered " I used to, her name is Hunt." by her preference, as, I think any man would The next day we left Mayfield. Oh, how glad have been; but for a locig while every beat of my I was to go back to busioess—to drown, or strive heart was faithful to Lilies. I was daily invi. to drown, in the great turbulent battle of life, Led to the Judge's on one pretex tor another.— Joe weak woman's voice, whose tones must haunt Sometimes it was a book 1 was to bring; a song me forever; to bury myself in study, closing was to practice with Clara; a rare flower I was I doors and windows, and shut out the gleam of t‘i examine; and sometimes I went because it I one pale, still free. And yet there were hours had become my habit to go, nod I was lonely when memory was omnipotent—when I looked sway After a time I began to listen to the on my wife's proud beauty, or listened to her I voice Of ambitioe I was proud and poor Next words as one in a dream—mad my heart kept its to love, arubitid was the pregnant passion of my sorrowful tryst beside the lilac trees with Ully nature; for a time it overpowered even love its Hunt. All that summer I sere, beard (roil her, -.elf. 1 bad known what poverty was From I except that once thitrbrief sentence, in the poet. toy childhood it had stdog me, crushing out the script to one of my mother', letters, filled my warmth and light from my lite If I married I heart with a wild, vague haw of dread— Lilies we must both suffer its stings together.. 7 - Hunt is very feeble, and they doubt Our children must grow up to struggle with it will ever recover." as I had &inc. No leisure for the a u ithetic part It. was the lam autumn Woes I again visited of life; no means to surround one's self with Mayfield. This time my ado did aot acooapaay works of art., choice bouts, rare pictures. And me. Ile old farm bogie sae serer =soh Sober in return for these privations what should, I taste, and I was willing eaosib to hare hor be have? A low, soft voiee t like Lilies Hunt's own, i hied. spoke in my heart, antianswer ed—"Love;" but t , Almost my brat inartiry . was for loilias Hunt. $1 50 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ERIE, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1858. )eung beauty—to make het happier than you pvcr could " Alv4 ! even then the thought that any other should ever wake the happiness of Lilies Hunt smote wy heart with a sudden ' deathly pang 'l'o it. I went out of the house—sot: walks ed hurriedly cowards Judge Wentworth's. I had purpose in the visit, beyond the wish to di r! us) wool from unweloome thoughts; and )et it must have been fate or Providence which led my steps there at that hoar. I pushed open the door without knocking, as was my habit once I had become such a familiar visitor, and went into tli parlor Clara Barton was its on ly oecupaut She raised bee head from the arm of the sofa as I went towards her. She bad h en weeptug A bright red spot burned on either cheek, and round, shisiog tears still glit fere.' upon her heavy lashes. Her eyes gashed, and her voiet was full of pride and passion " 1 di.' not want to see you, Mr. Lincoln Yen had no right—you of all others—to come • -sealing upon me thus—to surprise me in my sotkn,•44.” Ws.: it I, or some demon voice within me, s. hie!) answered her? In that hour my soul fell from its high eslato I sat down beside her, and put my arm around her. I said, "Give we the right—me of all othere—Clara, to share all your narrows—to shield you from gritf, a- far as iit me lies, through the whole of ,tr two lives." " I had vr..ssed the Rubicon. There was no' I,,nger auy room for repentance, though I might •-ecii tt ever so wildly, with lean and anguish. Iler answer was a burst of paasionate tears.— 'llat proud head sank upon my shoulder—that 11,0,1 hand, flashing with jewels, was laid in mine alwobt befbre I knew it, I was betrothed to Clara Barton. And yet never had my love for Lihas surged in my hearttmore wildly than in this very moment, wben I had raised up be tween us an invincible barrier forever! I saw lirr then as I had seen her lag, standing in the shadow of the lilacs at the farm-house gate, her tender eyes sad au misty with the sorrow of parting; her sweetfpale face uplifted to the sum. In r :ky. Bat she was my Lilies no longer, even in hope Forever and forever must roll between wi the inexorable tide of a destioy of my own creating Ab, I wonder if Clara Barton felt the I , ,,tvtionate heats of the bean against which her ht ad was resting, and thought they were for her' Well, iu three months more I was a married wan 1 nevtr knew exactly how this happened. I certainly had not expected it myself I think :t ail irigivated with Clara, whose influence with t.. was unbounded. At all events he •ulcd in.• uu the subject, and gave the plan ...silo appruhatiou tie did not believe in ;• aucuts, he said; Clara's furtuneitould em,ugli fur us both; I might as well be mar -11. 11, ~I.ld CIAILIDUC my bindles afterward. And ~.., one a arm Nov, tuts r day, I walked up the church ai- with a stately figure, robed in brill AI ...rill, lip m my arm, and went out husband I wonder it there was a single hour it real happiness in the winter which followed? I had stri‘cti to east theiremory of Lilies Runt out 01 my hear•, and sometimes, with my wife's surrli head lying upon my breast, looking into h r tuatebless eyes, toying with tier magnificent hair, l elleated myself into believing that I was happy My ambition was satisfied; my taste for stealth and splendor was fully gratified; I was no I. uger the p,.or student, with his uncertain way to w..rk nut alone Ri di and influential friends w, r, at , ,uud me; power and fortune were in my gra.p; and for these things I bad given up love and !Alias I think Clara loved me truly, but it was with a pa.,im like her nature, self willed and imperi "us She had little in her character of self ..r silent fortitude I did 11,1 carry her to Mayfield until the next 8111 lug My parents did not rejoice in my good fortune a, earnestly as I bad expected In ea = 111EZEM=1 to r ii EMI peetal, I could bee something of disappointment iu ruy mother I think she had suspected toy love for Lilias Hunt, and she would Lave far rather seen me married toe gentle, loving woman in my own rank in life than the possessor of Clara Bartou's fortune. Still she received wy wile lovingly, for My sake; but I could see that my bumble home was but a dull plat.* for Clara, and I determined to cut our visit short. Thc day before we left I was driving through I WU told that for some time she bad been con- ! soldered in a decline, but, my mother added, she' thought her MOM, was of the keen rather than , the flesh. I bad been bogie pnly three dayk when thatneatenger came who told me she was ding Bbe had heard of toy presence is the village—she wanted to_see we I have told you of my mad night ride over the hills, and how, %ben I blood by her bedside, it was too late I could ugly kneel beside her, and rain my repentant tears on eyes that would not open— pour out my agonized prayers fur for giveneas to ears that would never again listen -- And yet sometimes I thiuk atilt she heard me, even then, my dead Law; that frktut heaven she has forgiven me, and is waiting on the other side of the river for my cowing hod knows: When they robed her for the burial, her mother found, lying upon her innocent heart, a locket such as her small means could pureham‘, cocitam, ing the curl she bad Aever,l from my to •id the ' last time I ever heard her voie, They kr, it there. Twenty years have passed sinee then Ilouor and fame have come to me My .tstely, lash iouable wife bee walked or at -by toy site Merry children have sported round my knee, and grown up to manhood and womanhood; but Li has has slept on through the years very quietly, with willows waving above her grave, awl to) hair lying still on her virgin breast Ali, I have sometimes thought they buried toy. heart with it Statistics of of Insanity -..... It is of comparatively modern date that the in sane have been treated upon correct and scientitie principles, and statistics of insanity, as pre pared by medical wen, show MM. curious facts In England where great attention has been giv en to the subject, it has been ascertained that the liability to disease is greatest between tw, i l ly and forty years of age; that the liability sexes is in the proportion of fifty-four per vela of males to forty-six of females, that the agricitnr. al population is...more subject to insanity than the manufacturer; that nutritious food is more beneficial to the insane than a low fare; that per sonal restraint is hardly ever absolutely neeessary; and various other facts, alcassietiqg more or les4, to reduce 'the proper treatment of insanity to a positive sciatic*. In an interesting article upon this subject the ledger states that the statistics of our American asylums agree, with these In one respect, how ever, the English statistics exhibit a striking dif ference from our owe; we allude to the vast pro portion of insane anion the pauper population. In England and Wales, in 1' 4 27, one pauper out of every fifty was insane; whereas only one out of every four thousand of the non-pauper class was so. In large towns, such as London, insan ity prevails to a great- r extent than in other towns, owing, it is supposed, to the greater sere bral adtivity of the inhabitants. This fact has its parallel in the United States, where the larg est proportion of insane is found in New Eng land, the cities also having Ain ire ineine than the country It would seem tlikt the wealthy class• es, who are comparatively free from anxieties, enjoy the greatest immunity; while the e' which is most subject to it is the (bleated per, whi:se whole life ofteu is a constant struggle lu• sanity is increased by civilization, forwiug a cal. treat, in this respect, to idiocy, whiela is rather the disease of savage Life. A fertile eau +e of in sanity is religious excitement. The causes of insanity ate varieu- lu roiled numbers, about ten per cent, are hereditary physical cause-: about sixty two per c ent, moral causes; and the remainder unknown N.tirly half those insane from moral eau-es nee:time in sane from grief. In insanity from moral eittces, about fifty-one per cent recover; but if b.•:1 insanity is from physical causes only thirty fetir Nearly half those who recover have a -re .r.. 1 at tack, according to one authority :knot h, r -t mates that of ten persons attackei, five r e .v , r, and five die, not more thanawo coutineie weal ler the rest of their lives; the other three sustain Alb %fluent attacks, dnring which at least two of them died At present there are feurtevu thousand in , .anc, patients in the English coutity asylums Towsrds them Imt hardship is practised that, townr,l4 scholars in public schools Not n or-tlOit jacket it is believed, is to be found in -my ~ 1 these institutions This is wore, alss.' thin r"Til he said of the United States - - - sib_ A gentleman of Norfolk Va , lhad tiro L oegro to whom he gave the privilegts iif hiring himself out, and keeping half the wages A short time since the negro emur how,' to his 111.1%, ter, to tell him that the man for whom lie bat?! been working wished to buy him and would give thirteen hundred dollars fiir him " maid his ina-t,r hw hat ~ 1 1,.,t' I 1 .f,'t wish L " " But, you .ce •4a1 , 1 Sato, 1,1 cough mow, tittle, and 'IT et 4 gwin d. sumption. I don't 'npret I :11141; two or three )e:tr , 4, and I' d lik 1 cskr •111 mln in!" NORTH CAROLINA --Tram hug ou the , •sru from 0— to Si , not lone !-ibee, the night, we happened by good fortune t get the same box with a regular blue devil extertuity ator, by whow, let it he supposed, our draw-y optics were kept expanded Tbir intik inual answered to the mane of "Bat;" and hi.s desetop tion of "Nnrf Kerlin'," her manners and cus toms, gave the listener any thing but a favora ble impression of the tar and tdrpotitino .tats thus: " Why, gentlemen, a dug with a long t a il in North Carolina would be as great a show a. a nigger with three head's." " Why se' asked eeveral. "They cut 'em off to prevent them knocking off huckleberries when they are chasing foxes and rabbits that run through the woods " "Pehaw!" came from a listener. Fact, certain as rain; and you never see a man or boy there with buttons on his pants." " What then?" asked one. " Pegs,"/ replied the ever imperturbable Bat. "Wear buttons all off climbing after persimmons.' " Go it, Bat," cheered an sequaintanes. "And I'll tell you another thing," he eontin ned,"they have to bell the little Diggers there just as we do calves." " What for?" " So their owners can tell which gopher hole they're in."- A general scream follow(' this —the engine squealed, sod we all jumped off st-M YOUNG AMZBJCA.—A certain Doctor in this city has a bright little boy,- three years old, who is a general favorite with every body about town, and from the fact that every person "makes mush" of the little fellow, he is very prime to slip up town contrary to the will and advice of his "wields." One day the Doctor found him up street and commenced driving him home with a stout brush, which on the way be occassionally administered to the youngliter's rear guard. All at once the boy stopped abort, and turning to an about face, and looking his father full in the eyes, said he, "See here, old Doe! I -tint no cow that you should use snob a brush as that to drive me through the street before everybody." The Doc tor weakened—dropped the brush, and allowed die young bopfut to go home alone —Placerville hidex. pus trrea AurD va A letter to the New York flaws, isietatie of April 19th, from Leavenworth city, eostaise much that i. of interest We give a few ez- OEM It was my fortune to meet here Frederick Lobs, an ex high priest of the Mormons, who escaped recently from Salt. Lake with his family', and is now in this city. Ido not , know when I have heard ur read a more intereatuig or remark. able history than his, and within a few days I shall be able tai lay it before you in full. For the present I *ill only lisy that he is a native of Switzerland, a man of great intelligence and liberal - education, and accomplished linguist, and posse, , ing rare conversational powers. He has travelled over and is familiar with every part of Europe, was distinguished in his own land and in Russia for his scientific attainments, and was formerly a prominent. official in his native tows of Lausanne But notwithstanding all this, be tiornivio 3 victim to the strange delusion of Mor monism, and attested his sincerity by forsaking his high, honorable, and independent position at home, and journeying with his family to Salt Lake in ISSI, in the confident expectation to find there the Zion of God towards which his cultivated . nthusiasm and intense religious zeal had tarry with the highest and holiest aspire- If .w cru-Ling was his disappointment when he leached the touch longed for "Valley of the Mountain.," to find there the theatre of I u.t. and crime, of every description and the most di4guatiug eharacter,..perpotrated in the name of religion: Ilia I.3ci were speedily opened. Woe in the eiti' of the Saints be awoke from his delu sion, t .1- Dis educeion and refine:Kant were proof a g.si last ecru religious fanaticism and superstition. From that hour his attention was turned to plans for isqtipe from the Valley. Foreseeing, bow. ever, that this would be impossible if his porpotie shouid tie discovered, he was compelled to con. cal Lis true feelings, and oppear to join with heart and soul in the ceremonial mummeries from which his judgment turned with intense loathing. iltstscaped finally, ia April last, and arrived Lere , altar suffering incredible hardships, broken down in health, hie family all sick, aid with•Mt a farthing left of the ample means with which lie 4tart.c.l towards Salt Lake. No one who talk.. with Mr Llba can doubt his sincerity, holie-ty i, .tampe , l in every lineament, and truth beams out from every line of his eloquent ly simple narrative V . course, then, his testimony in regard to the condition end resources of the Mormons at Salt Like •.f especial value, for no man could be butter qualified to speak intelligently of the frets as they arc. I have questioned him closely upon thew points, with the following result: He says, ' unhesitatingly, that the Mormons will not attempt to resi-t the United States troops if they go out ILI a holy, instead of scattering along the road :11 ...n.11! .111,1 eareleas parties, as did the Go‘,.ruuleut wagon trains which were destroyed upon the I,a4ti3 last season. Mr. Loha met these ou 1,1, way in, and earnestly cautioned their eon j duet.o., against ticir careleasilesa, itinuring_thent of ill. tr Jaug,r, and urging them to concentrate :said u,ove forc.kra El a body, but they could see ury, w.r .I,prd/end any danger, failed to • toll” 4, the fri,•tpliy 34% ice, and were cutoff and )661141 Mr Litort baNes his positive opinion that-the m ort z, n s will make nu attempt at organised re s,..tan(,•, upon hi, personal knowledge of the feet th,y h a yr no means of resistance. They have very little ammunition, DO gunpowder fee tory uo material from,whieh to make the powder, n ,r. of t.i , • appliances essential to that purpose, u -ongle man who knows how to make an xpl.,tuve material, even if his life de pcu,l-:_il up ,u it Nor have they any artillery, v.1:1, iii , . exctiption of a single piece of °amok., a LVili -one of a pair given them long stns True, th. re le an abundance of iron ore three hun.inal IDltel or [Ware south of Salt Lake City, but it 1.4 hiet:llV magnetic, and up to the time when left, although large sums had t4 , •lt exp. tiled in experimenting, all efforts So n...;• ti .I..we render it fit for use bad failed. Nottlwr aro tit.. Mormons any better toff is the matter in innfarturing small arms. They 113 v.• ~ e•• .• , v . un tinkers among them; but, as 1.11 ..V1•11 . U.. , 'ti ir utter incompetency, he men •t ; .• t.,•1 tl it on cue of them was able to tualt • him, to replace one which be heel hl-t 1, on V Vl' rof peculiar oonstiuction. L ,lia ..I:ll.ate. the total population of the at :',2,01111 ' , all:. Of these, counting every mil • u t.. ‘ixty years of age, be esti in it , are not to exceed 7.500 capable of 1,. a 'tug inn-, while Out 110.4.1 than 3,500 of ti t • v. . • ou.ate•r. In his opinion, would make I, 1.,1•11,..r., under drilling by skilful w••ii Not one in t-tt of the entire male popuLa• t i •.e Liv.• any description; and a 11rg..! pr f. lu of Llvihe they have are out of repair w has DU CODfitieDolo is ti. • ter, Le. ii tLat. the Mormons have forti6sd •t., t' .e .u, , xe..pc it may be by digging ditches, awl !wt.:Y.4 r..eka to be roll-tl down from the 0v,., liaLyglii a cliffs Their boasts of mines seder „eu I all that sort of thing, he smuts as le short, be considers the !dor us4,ns (I, , titute of any effective power of resit. tanre ii, t•rt the small force already under eouimand of tlieneral Joliustoo, and maladies that lirig,hatn Young's entire reliance has bees big- , 1 upon hi+ hopes of being able to deter the I from attempting to deal with hint by West.; of his ability to wage iincomeful resistance lie believes !that when Brigham bode his brag gsdoei iris failed, and that the United States authorities are kieterauued to pursue him, he will have a "special revelation from God" instruct, Ing him lo retire before the Philistines. Is obe dience to these directions, ho will go off with his 2,500 Danites or "Destroying Angels," sod, when the troops arrive at Salt Lake, will befitted missing They will probably go northward to Vancouver's Island, or possibly to the Russian poAsessious, which they can do easier than go southward to &more, as they are without Maas of sustenance while crossing the desert lyitig is that d;rection. Mr. Lobs naturally feels very deeply the misery and degradation whiob Nor monism entails. He had witnessed every gm* of outrage and crime heaped upon men and wo• men in the name of religion, and feels that it is a stern duty of the Government of the United Stated to go to every extreme in order to prevent the sacrifice of further victims Perhaps no single incident in oonneetion with Mormon history presents more of horror than the history of hand out trains, which you say remember was fainted in such lowing colors by some of the Mormon missionaries whose haran gues I reported at one of their meetings in New York last summer: I asked Mr. Lobe to give me an unvarnished statement of the facts—for. it was evident from the story told by the Nov moos themselves that they were hiding important details which would not bear discovery: It ap pftrs that Young sent Franklin sad Baal. D. Richards, tw3 of his shrewdest and most =mom palms minions, to Liverpool, to superintend the emigration thence to Salk Lake, of the numerous proselytes made in Europe. Thane man collect ed a large sum of mosey from the faithful in sums of £53 each, Which waste pueblos and other rafts for the from New 7 r ee .rk to Utah—sash sum of presiding far family --or if the man Itsdnone, for khneeif mai too I= 111 I itunviiminficel . . on 'Writ .40 0 Irif pfliboar mitt opd thiese dd. atiegbajstObet irititheqi fr ete ees twwwwi "Sm." Os 111* 'ink! oo thelrootier they were Wormed that 13rother Brigham had roorived a rothiatiOrt dirmskig LVaI 10 order to try their faith, ad thus test who among limos were worthy the tumors of the faithfol, they , amid jimmy. to ask Lahr io had ern West lleeordiagly, their pilots sad leaden—tilled with the genes anor&ed at the feet-of their Pier pbet Brightim--kindly parehased the hand earts for them et s east of eight dollars 'sib, and generously pat them at the disposal of the nfW ly arrived brethren at smelly doable that sum. Of mune the enure party were empelled to go oa foot, six to each heed oars, which' they drag ged along olth its amitosis, consisting of feet. tees pounds of l ttsestsh person Alt the property of the l er i punts,ever and above this, they were compelled throw slay, of course, thus lotting the little mama of their savings after having been most religiously rolled of all their cash. Now dissension& 1/000 'mon thetti,sod the result was that they did tot resch,the Limits of the Missouri, from whence to start sit-ateard s until Abe La of September. Here, 'Lea, they stood, with twelve huittfred miles of weary travel on foot before. them, asd the merciless rigors of a northere wittier outring them is Am fees. The cometuueat humanity would have inspired the leadoffs of the .deluded bead to stay their mope until tie opening series. Bet they seem le have been oblivious w nay such sentiment. They got upanother revelation from on high, I. which the travellers neve bid den onward, and assured that the sage's of the Lord would he upon their right hand and upon their left, sitaddipg them from barmy providing them samessause sad protection, and coodueutte them rejoicing into the valleys of the numeteiiim where dwelt the glories of lessees God'. Thus twenty live bemired bowie, simple smile, full of basest faith sad he men and. yetsag, gentle women and tender childteo—ptuageei in to the wilderness, never doubting the moth Sad to relate, of that entire band, only about two hundred frost-bitten, starvitig and etnecieted beings lived to tell the story of their enfferiep ! Mr Lobs himself witnessed the entrance of the survivors—many of whom were cnmpe!led t r , submit to the rudest. kind of sprgery for the sin potation of limbs already frozen to death! Tuve tystbree hundred of the devoted band bad fallen by the way, tortured victims of hunger and cold, some of them indeed torn by fsiniqhed wolves, while life still straggled fir the victory over fate ishment and frost ! The picture is toe horrid to contemplate—but my informant states that its truth is well attested by many persons who soon after passed over lb.. scene of this march of doath and found it strewn with its thousands of ghastly human skeletons ! Hs says, too, that among the Indian tribes of Utah, hits children are now liiiug wh , . picked up from the' stiow - by the savages, and thus rescued from the death which their par, ut.. had failed to escape. Mr. Lobs well asks whether it is nut the pm,- ince of Government to take notice of such events as these, mama; an effort to prevent their re ourrenec. It was far from safe, however, to sug such an idea in Salt Lake City A London friend of Mr. L's, named Jarvis,, stung to the quick at the sight of the miserable remnant of the hand. end immigration, rernarkedAhat if such an event bad occurred in England, Brigham Young would bus bees called to account by the Government. For the utterance of this sentiment Jarvis became at once the object of cruel ptrse• cation. The Destroying Ange's burned his house, robbed him, and dragged bins out. by the hair of his bead. He Isola obliged to fly for his life, abandoning all his priperty of every deacrip , lima The condition of the temale portion of the community at Salt Las is represented ar most deplorable. Large numbers of them feel deeply the degradation of their position, and look for ward with joy, 111Tri tools:nab, as a means of rs. lease. When she army shall have reached the VaUey, Mr Lobe believes that the greater. por tion, of the female Saints will avail them:l4lw of the protection thus afforded ahem, and abasidou Mormoredom. Incomes--No one is less respected than . a, maw who muddles away a large income., nolp.Aly,fitto as how. For all eapeaditare there aiitiohi be some thing to show, and that smoothing ought to have either usefulness, or dignity, or permaneuee- to recommend it. But every mice and thee we meet with cases of expenditure perfectly topieri OWL A man of princely inheritaisee or wider. meat does nothing, aiskea au figure, heir nobody, kiss no expensive taste, yet out icily apes& every,sixpenoe of ituxune, but get, lam dillealtiee. His, douse mis ooglusted, his boom ill-fisraished, his equipages shabby,, his servants ilkpaid, his subseriptioas iu %resent...M. hospitality mesa, his sons 'timed, ht. dsughler. portionless, his estate encumbered; io Loit„ev fay thing goes to reek and rani about hull. homed of performing his part in suatmotag the Ivey fabric of society, as far as his isflaivoe e rtrwls, there is ems vast dilapidatioa. Re may he void to crumble and crash is avec, directoim Nobody win say where the mime, is gone. - It has nut beaefited frit/anis, assisted depeadouts, eharsbes, feuiliseil the soil, orosisonted the ciosaitry, delighted the town, us dons easy ttalug that a man can lay his hand open. li his oil been tribbisd and fribbled away on bodes pre sumes and petty occasions, without either system . or object; it has won aeithergrattiu'le, Cur ad. tainting', sot respoet. A IiZZOIC MAIDICI4.-A few day+ a occurred at a cut on the Pittsburg awl 13onnels- Tills Railroad, at a point on tin Youghogen), above and opposite to kllC.cesport, where there is a sharp curve in the river, anti the track is laid wholly ea the cutting. A large ruck fell and remained directly on the track This was observed b a daughter of Mr John bravo vrlpi resides on ata oppoette aide of the river Thu male portion of the family were absent at' this Aimee, and abe t knowing it was about the hour when the ears wodd pass that point, and that there was no time to be lost, nu .to the river side, ualeosed her father's skiff, rowed across with alispoesibie taste, sad ran along the track in the dirtied= of the approaching train, waving a rid handkerchief, and succeeded in attrectiog the &steatite of the, engineer, in the very nick of time. The brakes were applied, the train stopped, and the danger pointed out. It was the opinion of the atoms aboard that nothing bat the timely warning given by Mist bravo, saved thelives of all on board the cars. The ~earn in the read 1141 so sharp that a collision would have thrown the ears off the track down the maimument into the river. The Company have shown a proper appreciation of the boccie cooduct of the young lady, and the invaluable servim remtimed, by presenting her with, a_ptm over the mad for way years to some, and Or dered the train to stop at that point where she an most readily NSA her residence, wheuver she happened to be on board the ears—a oom pawls* and estrogens* at the same time, as it a a eimmidembie ilistease from her father!kbonee to the awed stashes.--Pita. 14xadt. "I slee its soy use te swinge for mall pair t maid a beakwoods lessoiden, ((ter Wks elild mauled, sad be tell - 64 of a whatow isi was Wed le la thaa a week at, llMlgni 22