• • I • • 11IV) - • • _TT R eir d er , , Im o you - ever 1)4iX91,1114 w r "PW been. I will tell you' the ewe, death. alt' Beriab W. - Boaters, of Ru.ex count s j i . Now was my physician. I stiqll.;ttot mime lam now. Time hie taught me that:kis batter teldeeh to ems. And I Ord, •bitbieigt my marled might be, that It moremiserable liaditiotrimie not poetibte to hint ibis' the tisiudnuenem he t& 'murderous muktonness must bring- upon 'himself, hardened as trim his nature is. • But let that • - , I will tell you the story of my death. I died at the age of tweets-throe. tiAbdoirirt mac, who.on my father's film o siohwed my stitlk or Itoad i my row with the lieit r iewnialletallelik hour I became the victim of the practise; 4-ineali eine which then prevailed, but which now, Itsppi. ly, s nearly disused. I bad some sort of fever. No doubt I was ill enough. From my right arm one day the physician took ounces of blood—bow m3 4 7 14 .1 . hu0im00t; certainly, in liquid m:asure, a of thitz . red duid Rowed. I did net mend that day; at !met, I suppose I did, not, for on the wit day he eat my left arm and Wok tbillee. a like men sure—the crimson measure of Ind( a lif e . I was a deed man then. . But a shudder or two elysie mist-Come before the conscious soul lets go its hold'apon the Was. With • the . ehpddera pare in the shape of cold sweat s.- There 'were three of team. By the clock--eo soma. one at my bedside whispered—the chill and best lasted six hours. Six dim, drit cen turies they were to me. The thlrd—dts common. cemeut,its deree ehifi , its dead cold, compared with which ice were i pleasing warmth-.-its dread slow match, I remember, but %Akin more. In the midst of it, I lost alt sease• of life and its pains. The great gates of the - valley' of death rolled on their :ponderous binges and 'abut mu in I do not recollect the eircumstancba of-fuotral and interment. In fact, Ido not deem that wag buried.' The weight I felt above Wet I knew wag no mere ten feet of earth, in a quiet ndok, with...daisies springing from it. The maintains were resting on me. I realised their weight. Straight up. to the light—if light existed—as tinder the centre of the central mountain 11a it waa marl miles through solid to*. I WM( not imbedded in tie rook, like a add toad naught in duriig the formative era of the geologists.' It lay upon me. I felt all its weight Sense had gone, but eonselousness ! was with me. Forty millions of millions 6f toils weight was upon me. Oh, how I suffocated! BUt, dead as I was, cost mionseteas still clung to Ore 4 I had died—why could 14ot cease to be! Time had passed away; there was no day, no night: But if mortal mea sure could indicate the period I lay alone, and dark, and suffocate, beneath that weight centuries might have town above my head. The silence was as dread as the suffocation Stu ceritible. There was no .found All was still, Will dark and hopeless. lied the mountain roared as it crushd,•it would have been en alleviation But it did its work without sound, without remorse, like Fate, grim and alien:. ' I have said there was no measure of time to tell how long this measureless weight pressed me mown. There came a relief. A sense of bear.; itg came tome, or, the internal fires of earth had rolled tearer to me. I heard their voice, distant as yet, like the wind in the leaves of ten thousand forests—like the surge of * thousand unseen oceans. I felt its beat. But it was far slimy. A new Manse of suffocation dame upon Inc. This suffocating forte now surronodell roe, came within me, and pressed me tut :Tile suffo, cation within was like some vast expanding force, but it did not lift the weight df the mouisin that was upon me. That still held its awful presura. But I heard the Titans breathing as they fecltbe fires. 'Phis state lasted—who shall say lao long? Then eame—wsv it true?—could I believe it? — a dim sense fir sight I saw, dimly a nd afar, the forms of those giants who fed the central fires of the planet. They moved silent and grim, watching their work; and when a rill of molten rock; glided apart from the mast, they staid it with their ponderous feet. and scooped it back, to its place with vast hands. Then he muntain began to lift and swell; It seemed slowly to rise—the hundredth - part of an inch. It might have been a year in rising that little spaceßut at times I could feel th*t it was rising Into the chinks that it made las it rose, pressed, hot and fierce, vapors of sniping, from the fires. These enveloped me more closely than even the mountain's weight I prayed that the mountain would again shut down and press them out. Its blank, dead suffocation, with all its eternal ,weight, was better. But the vapors thinned as the mountain slight ly, almust imperceptibly, lifted. Great God' I felt the Couch of a human finger—a live finger. It lay beneath my arm, in the arm pit. I felt it planly—the artery throbbed against it. Wsa there life? war it life? No, no! The touch died away I bud no arteries—no humir sensation. It was a dreitm of the sleep Of death. I awoke from it—awoke to eternal death, the 'mountain's weight, and hot fiery vapors. Unyielding, they pressed me still ;within and without. Again—was it again a dread dream!—l had a sense of light, veiled and clOuded light, as through a sleeper's unopened lids. The light, dim as.it was, was steady and motioned. I watched it long—long! Ages was the only measure, if mom: sure beyond the grave there could be. But so dim it wait that hope grew sick, .and died, and rotted ititbin me; and I fell back into the old, desolate suffocation—the eternal, unvarying prey sure of the mountain's weight. More ages went by. Theo all at onoevaa light, and a voioe, and a human hand. Light, wand, tottelk, flashed st once upon me ; Flow they mingled and throbs bed with the dead suffoestinn! It was too nxuoh. Now, to the eve of I bad my fames priyer answered. Sensation passed sway. I was not. Annihilation had Come. From airnibilation--or from as utter Wank of eonseiousnees—l awolte,'4ith pain, and fatigue and still the sense of weight unutterable, to find that there.wu indeed light, and touch, and hear ing. The touoh--:it was a live band--s impar t hand. God, the merciful and itied! it was ery own father's band! It wu his' finger beget*" my armpit. Now I felt it meet the erte6;ll . myself felt, in sympathy with biro, the throb. had come back to life. - Death was oveV.. Though .it-4Siks-tio -nreem, this awakeping 7 — through litioisr it-to be real yet foe bottne-I •*- but a state of semi-consciousness. But I knew that death was ever—l knew I lived. I reecesie ed the various members of my -family-In-my mom. I beard my father's voice, subdued but joyful, proclaiming his unwaveriog faith, dories all, that I was alive. Then the doctor came. Re - entered the:room where I lay. ' " The boy is alive, doe i torl" exclaimed my Mather• Noimemper wu the heartless knave's reply —this devil of a doctor. At flaws I feel I mum hate him, this doewir who had a college tuninutt on pftrobliest . W mtittler end bury bismuth mountain"; 14 He does live, doctor!" persisted my father. ""Feel 'beneath his Erna" The dgetor pat bis hand4-biii &hides', odd, skilless bdd, beneath my min. The little life there 'war In recoiled from the contact, fled back to its sources, and pre no r ' sponse to his Inurderous touch. There is no beat thmA" said be, oontemp. wanly, turning to my labor' eqt, was au your fancy." My father put hii band beneath my arm again Trembling, Wth•eliaken, warming—Ms tonal; told all that as be pressed the: artery long arid ne throb reepauded. The little rill of life tos *int and weak to Ow. Long he held hit linger there and through it I could feel his hope die away. He witbdwr it at last, and he psedsn the Igoe of hiszikedliono. Helooked long. wu a 'kind, girtiil I hoe* when the Fees grows above kis grave.— He peed long, an turned away 06 owe who beds farwell. An hoes pessgi: canebook towhees, dauntless in hie eye, as if some inspired filmy ' m 1 M . ' . dtepp . oind into the . preArn ir. He toughed :iigeit t Litery b. Heath toy arm. ' , felt the ibtib. *lt was fuller and firer, se *lope seism' and &ululated me and him together. , , pulse was elear—small, wesk , as it might , ~ it wasitill marked and clear. He (atilt, and Ee w lu t taaney : . . ie.? , • I. • _. 0 0 put litibsirpoug Mid With it to tor n" . The palate and nostrils felt the sensation. They s lightly moved. Theahadow of a color same in my face. He knew I lived. 1714 recovery was slow. For three flays my sustenance was bait a teastiboofol of wine pitied to my lips every two hours- • After that they fave . me a whole spoonful at the name intervals. gained strength slowly. At length I was able II:lost e_p. w asu i - Atii ...-- . 14 i 9 " 7 71' `. 7 1 Bid I forOler. 'Flom the hour wen life name back to me to this llStir I have not been ahle the my right , arm from my side.— Below, the elbow the limb is powerless. My left baud I cannot raise alipiiiiiny Ldad I was bled fro either arm . . Sometimes, without thought, I make an effort to raise one arm or the other beyond the line whieb the . lyeirof either bas Pen. on a sni)(l 4 l grdwa4ark before inet rat bad switas,l for sY instant, I feel the mountrin'e weight upon me. The spasm passet spay, and I live again. • commenced no seCiou for damages against the doctor. Aside from the fact that he did not then pewees means to reaivisivio the posei6le ierdiet, my friends, with the prejudices of the time would have dissuaded me from suing him theit law. Courts and "faculty," in those dirt • belixt i c h V, etteeferelHtlt Do not deem, reader, that the foregoing is any tale of the imaginal ion. It is a titorr• of the .baldest fast. ! I live in New Jersey, betwelia 'Plainfield and Westfield in Union doriperly Essex) eouncW) ois (No o.l4lpart is John R. Miller Thirty-four yews have passed, but the memory of eve3y hue 'and' sir. Catustanse of those dread ages of death is die tinot an 4 vivid still. For often, even now, a thoughtless movement of either. crippled limb k it nitek* Witpreimi tout on don Ora rl , 61711,11,111111.1' toe --1 `,hating and pressed beneath the mountain's rei• InoreeleSs breast —.Pettnsaie's Mag:inc GRINDLI,"S ANCIENT AND CELEBRATED JAPANESE LIFE PILL& NATURE'S OWN REINDIET. A p u t=erro for Liner ampluint and littiats4 Dropepein, Billeimasatiene an4i Gong. Sivrajlisia,,L'lstaaeoot Difewee, Pow and Apse. Cootivessest, Pi ressler/ and LharrAcva, Worgae, Seppres. *ion of tke Meson., Nervous Debilogy, Fe., et., and a pure Prevestive ruLmemotr giumnwilivears • • • In introducing this sewed: mats geseqiLty Ls as la Wine al public, we 000I a rse our deliatte Mina, thstsibooac so to le: before the pee e that are recommended so highly, yet powwowing itx real • due. Indeed, we cannot blame the patient for being skeptical. We otter the Amore JAPAXZHE Lies PILLS en a more extensive scale, after we have tested them in the worst forme of darnel; and alter having been urged to dein by eminent physician", who have tried them to their satisfaction. Performing curet where every other remedy had failed, we feel it our !solemn duty to spread the glad intelligence to every family of the globe. We shall mina ret:rare them in linspetwo quantities, to meet the demand shrch le facing I .1411 win of the, country. They pewee ant drops fir, renetride e swerve sseisievas r rest ride ql , WeireigtfdlikiPlu. reanweil egrarars on, and taws eradiated GO (f False Isaring f ie system is a aimed amodifien, mai lees pre le award Haws alas , eJ whatever kind. Poaseiwing ineersetratlng and beating virtues, their success roust be fuer 't able. We crow iT. We can read it in the now glowing failures of the ones pal* and propitiated patient, we can read It In Out friendly ipso of {he Nthpia bawl, sadda the amber's warm tones of joy, salary ise that, darliwg child snatched bom the' clutolyee of firth by thek pen idgi ailltsali so as read It Is thrOrsitist twee gayety, sod ta •ol man's vigor and "God bless yob;' we can mint la the hisshassiliaad plititade, sod l pram.; wg c canread it away out upon the boom of the ocean, In the aprigfiWy tread and invigorated system of tide poor marioer.— Tea, and we sometimes fancy we can almost need it fa up in the bade ea*opy of heaven, in words of living fire—Diszser is v rr- Qorwtcrrcl TRITIMI II 001iTtXTIL These Pitts hare been used is Japan for orottirieli, and It is as eitahllsbed fact among the Faculty of that oountry, that it la for *Ps reason that Cosorrarrion is never known to bet people. They erg • pure preventive of the Aereatis dsossos I/ so Amoy Alf parifir• sar W MUM List st cosset ilipeett corrupt mailer is 11s. he" siedeaferme theZilliscir. The plants lkyen _which there Pitt ate made are found einlikscloul 1a preserrtng the system in a healthy state, that the natives chew the leaves and swallow thejilte; and when they grow neglectful of this habit, and contract disease, they need to the Pills, which has veer proved a sure remedy. This. ANCIIeNT Pius are *he au areadseshis remedy for females suffering from suppression of this menses, the cause of so many declines and female weaknesses The various disease that attar tedhltlimarelalVsly•testhlhied by their beating virtues. indeed, no family aboald lowwitheut them, oscine othewisange upon the action or a moineet About all the diseases that afflict humanity are rapidly cured by the searching properties of thew Wosnaarri. Amour! , PILL, which purify and cleanse the entire system. In re lation to our GILIAT MINDY for consumption, doe trial has proved hat the MAGIC COMPOVXD and the MICIM Jar lArs PILLS act In harmonious eonjuction, and they should always be used to tether. Every hos of the PILLS you purchase, see that our signa ture on the wrapper is a frae-rissate of the one on the directions.— if you have saainsinnOnelana tbs wrapper to es, and you will be info W genutis far Any penes who may behapes ed on by a counterfeiter, will be handsomely resissded by not lees than ens Mudd dollars, by communicating to me the particulate of the same. Cholera biorbus, Dysentery and Diarrhom, Ship, Typhus, Yellow and all revers are produced by foul humors of a pntsooour and InaDynan character, which endangers the existence of life while i i the least particle o this corrupt matter retains in the bowels or vital fluids. ; The • Lila Pills ham cured them frightful diseases when all r hie tidied; and we hare abaudaot insie of the het plai:tig, as well a others. In deed, lit la unwise and trisprudelit rMy vessel to go to am with out a good 'apply' of them fie . Sailors lied others who travel to those porde whom t h e gory-sir is paitaid with conaptien, should by alrmeaai hare them In their chests, ready for any mum- gooey whlchimay arise. The Dual, malignsb* matter—that ilimth agent—within them, is forced to leave Its stronghold, Is driven out from the bowels, blind, and vital fluids, and IN-placed with the rich aid healthy principles of life. In all malignant diseases they must be used In powerful and frequent dome. Perms who hare passed the meridian of life well know the peculiar itualltkui and life principles of the Magic Compound and Ancient Japanese Life Pill. for restoring a lively sense of youthful invigoration and a safe-guard against the infirmities of old We candidly believe thaisit the veinitddrive oat the poison ous tremors, sad parlfritheir iii•o4 the" mondial, mid halo* ap the treatment at labsemial throllib life, they would all arrive at the ripe aided" of as ihmadboilkamrs, mime taken off by accident. TIMM PILL. are already Eitioling with aIIOOMI unprecedented is the history of medicine. Thousands are being gavels/nun linger ing diseases which were more terrible to them than death Itself.— We are driving all mar din whishModiater so much sorcery, fram the market—thos e which leave their horrible t upon the emuitigution, mars they have been used. The device furaPANKSZ We PILUI are sent by mall, from the Ifroprietor only, to any part of the country, on receipt of their Mi . e. 4 The postage In the Culled States, not over 11,000 mile" is Sion on ire boxes, and nine cents on two boxes, old must lia Maimed isi stionsy or igampa if we have no put yoar place,The lOW !ay Is to seaddirood to us by malt buissia the prin. Desseldelble fingstifite egad dialers supplied with the AMMO? J•raliliall UTZ ru.t4 at he usual compilation, and aaq acme* tamasdiatelif opined . gl• them; provided they send In it ? certificate signed by tin of .moni MS of good Mending stotlagt tbefr diameter, rimpondblifty, hr. =OWLS CARTICH A BRO., Agents for Kris. And for sale , TI dru and dealers In medicine throughout the U= " Staiell• Cmiidsellexiss r South ititarifla to • at 2 8 mats% *ova order 'boxed for $l, Josuit S. oßtNoull, aro Do" Sag Ifreprietsa, to whom all sio us must be addrinsid. Also, Sots Proprietor of Dr. 'it Chishratird Nape Ompearad, the great, remedy Ito Prutothawi Citireoserttair. vr for a history of them Pith, sad an explanation of the above eat,/se Directions which sotompany each box. Prioripsi Depot. Mb. SO Wit Wm 1y.,--4. Niiir Broadway, brlitllwill.s;tlK 1 4 I 1 1 -11 H APPONTIMM, "arm. fr. AL CIS. 01 7117 . Om he texthetted id the filkomissir plates NARK THE TIME AND DA Y. lirte Pa. ftrzgi Hotel. .. oishobsr. ZS. ^ ' meat& Pa. Wayaiutil, • .rri altarsocm, " 27. - Cossesebd%Ps. Parrs Hoses, NI IC IlialidA l l4 ft. =, Weettisid. N. T . . 4 12 6 =14 Nosseg-,.. 11day, _ ht. Dayville. N. T. Hanns.md Esasse . • 1 ,tOOO. - osril " .=. I r ig .s . , lir -11 L • ~ Barer Covet. Los' owes. Wednesday eltunisgs ,"' 'W. J N. Y. Ansa Bosse, - ..fs U. a nindof , IP di* ‘ Wa"teThan": : , ' l‘L -11aar agar Gra fl'a,ngar Qrs. asap .. 1 . L Dr. JACICHON aeselarse Ma isedietnes hens , the wUdenees• of t oss hr west. in. iAcisow ass. op adOssallkstmes. . . Dr. LICKPDP does not tear dews to bead sp. Ds.LIPIOIOI 4 eteripoasmis his ems medicines. Pr. JACI3OII Name ewe every pithead b. mots. ps..japiplON will sot perecolhe without yinteleset of essestfo t patients. Dr. jomp oie We soe St ss diewoes sdh ossese. of the Lewes &NO *best by see of . . Dr. laws wil l with ble andlefrinalall In I ; r 4 • use Nadi balm as hav i lstrlds With Saw% or the laws of J oao R ms Men. MirAli.* Cr i t i :gel! . 400101-DoWli, Mt: shoild - ..du . ' 'We ,brit i ti I trir , ad ••••• . e&ii ho ' orderisr moDelasississidd relied , with •• OsY Istril rfilllll4 lioell liordi bs Polk* as. mat 1 ....... k: ~ 4. .• . • . t I& A. C. a Oist. U. lible-11. bid= Eli Wr idinr. BOinr BWILIIS9B7I4BSTe! Below awcimmite , tkolAsioNt immti:Asse:iiibot Ib • • • 7 Pmt Opts.: - We beic immrt nop.etfolly nal the Wootton al toyer. , to our vory l i' rot holy_ oolodipil Morn of WNT AND DRi GROUNRINS, Snug* fot CASHarom lita I M. , fot OM Jobblog Trod, to Ude at .3 tki; • - •1•4- " valli tt l". "; • , • - .1••'•• t i ritlitos= p action, which lima byre than is P.astera ntarkipta. It la obvious that that we ow senoiy thularakallan of AWORTED STOCKS OF GROCERIES, ft* Paha. VI lion priest that Us. elle M liblAised trim Mashing etas& !toying near horns SAVES time, SAVES Viirnitini expaisull• SAVES Intawskinii rid ES blidamilif -dr WA 00010 sod large liabilities, SAVES I sica`e, waste and depreciation SAVES vemativios delays and hangar& of drown; canals, takes, railroads sod ounsdrous other contlawanien wbt& ovisi7 good badness wan ■adiMtands. To this, oo laeutg . nuopsi i s i • spegikacot irnoi fa ailoctlogoi with t nor fa of per- Erik, J•se 13, 1367. GRAY • FARRAR • Liar, ARRIVAL. 1.0111311 S Is now °pontos a choke stock of Gold and Silver Watobee, High Gold and Diamond Rings and plea, tine Cameo Ear dimple and Brunch.. Ituuntried Painting Ate, Gold Stud. and illative but Afthfcbtell, • Seiseleto, 41014 sod other Spectacles, MS. find liked artety and beautiful attire' of' Cadens; Ts seals, connpuulon Furniture, both plated and Sealants; LnokiagGlaaars mad Glocka In abundance Lady* Keticolie and tags and variety of Fancy articles that cannot be aausuarated conveniently to this Nutlet. mysrl,l ISS* I CALL AND SKIC. Lifelivfnitot - Cil-R6C)41=141111:1XIIUS IN 47E1 TIT BLOM P 1 idSS &ED: a E "tk t LiOAR A peril article Or ‘ll az now 6411eqr at 10 orate per pplatidtq W. F. 111/1111LRNItetfr. WI 11. LOW auoraiim AT HAS 61 ETA, at August 8 - JUSTICE'S. to yp...4 ...1 310j.ASA*.S. a nice artlelo, at ! A ,- JUSTICE'S. I v T_T - otrefil W,..,11? 11. - --- - ----- - - Li august S. JUSTICE'S. .. _ - WCKRREL. coml.!!! ,„A t ifi t i rK rt. . 0 .4 in , August 8. JUSTICE'S. '7- , ......_ U Aki ',AMMO/ lad , rkritS , lit . 4 1,1 Au rust S. .rUmicrA. COFiritre. ito.vrED, (7.14 i WM) and GREEN at .. August 8. . JUSTICE'S. - - Bitic acr irris um S. PM" TIOLS and Ciltiltfht ' . 14 3 : 1. 1 ,4T - Icrs FOng, by Harrot, Hag or Younll, at • August 8. • JUSTICE'S. i4aint, kAiitmi, - ONMA xlstiad lißtr/it g --- - 7;0 --- 'August 8. JUSTICE'S. Mks • Sui,ortor ankle to be found at , 4. 4ouguat a JUSTICE'S. Hand ItHl o. to ItegE at Auaaut 4. . ../ATICICA. . -•' ~- : l .e lditrititi6l4443- 11 . t . • MILIIIIIIIIII toimait num. • SOUTH NAST VOIRNWR Or • SEVENTH AND CIIINNUT STREET", • szoomo AND 7W/RD &TOXIN& Numblisheil siepielisber, Jose ...—klasifie•r of Pbasdelphia Bulk. FRANIt I P ..... ....... AtiS Market Street. H1.X 1 .••• - thcoaps H, 9TGaii l --- JOHN NPAN,llfirk, D.crill li. Snows, laLtO HAreso. . ..... ...SOO Smith =ghat Street. A. V. PAILS1)1114. .... ^ . Chemin Street. Pliebtuice KROWIC. N. K. reestar Mb sod Chrenut Street. JoseO.s. Lirrizoorr, Jr, .... TO South Front Street_ It W. . ../ ........ South T'hird Street. S. U ITTNN DEN, IMIUSCWAt.„ retkalating Accoasibuss, owl hestrowlet is TiII:WAS W. MIOOIIIII., F4ofrasor of POMEIWNII . III4dI • • GRAMM M. THRASHER. Professor of the Science di accounts sad CommereLsl Cakulatioas JiGll5l 04LORSBECK. Itreafyatal OEO. SHAItSWOOD. L. L oa Commercial law mid the duties of liminess tien AUGUSTUS SIIIOM, l'rofomor of A netrat and Modern Lamtmitea• Kart student has inditithild lastroaden, rein tompetent sad attentive Machen, under the immediate oupentaima of the Prinei pal. or Calabows will be Omit to any addraaa, en application by letters idttIITENDEZIPB 811o1K ILEEPIIIII„ on Monipt par mai prim, $1.40. Key to mme, 80 eta. the matter of the partition In the Orphans Court of of the Best ErtstaaL iin r d it i v Daniel bfrOkniakAla t • e sr ,.. , Writ for Perilfled Webs Eita to and trtiong the legal heirs and representatives of Daniel Me Medea, deed, late of Millereek'Townshlp. to wit: Situate In Mlllereek Township, in said county. known and designated in the plan of the rtverre_atAilarentler , the Loma of Near, by the number 1 , 141, two, (e,) %Wiwi britftlat4 letirtherardly by Labe Erie, South war4ly br reserve tract No 41, South-Westwardly by reserve tract No. 43 and North Kastwardly by lands lora:wily ked ofask Mc Nair, aa4 eoetatatagiancsit Monty-tare awes e m aw y/ et lofts T., Jelin 8., Elise,-boe, Very., Rebecca Grier and Benjamin, Xlliteledi MeDernifie, Inforwarrfai with James Cold well, (the said JIM. Caldwell and gush o se. his wins, Wag ria coaor4 Lased Mr/Annel, Mary McDaniel, intermarried with James Caldwell, Jr., Arany McDemaii, ialermartiod A. F. Caldwell, (the raid A. V Caldwell haviscglace Joint McDaniel and Heart r Walters and Charles D. Walters ritiblrvu awl brio of Jane M. McDaniel*, intermarried with C. L Waiter; (the at - gr C. L Walters aad Klicebetb, his atilt being de cikb eeil,l it c et ) r...tg i.. the i. said deceden .t.. t, and to John Patin and Chas- Notice Is limey alma that an leiltdeilina wink* held and takes upon the premises, described In the above mentioned writ of Par tition, In the Township of Itillereek. Erie County, on the 4th day of January 4 liiitt i At o'clock. P. X, ter the parpoie of making a partition of said I Estate, as In the aid writ commanded, at which time sad place you ran If rim With Firer*. Erie, Nov. :11, 11147. JOHN EILLPATEIC Siert" In the matter of the Partition In the Orpbana Court 9 Of the Heal listate of Erie County, Oyer Loomis, &canard_ No. 18, August Term, 1837. Wnt for partition of the following described land. tp and among the heir' and legal repreoentatires of Byer LOonGl - Stin, late of North East, in said county deceased, to wit: Situated in North Pant township, Erie County, Pennaylranla, bounded on the Smith by land cif tleorle Hunt, on the West by a mad leading from the Buffalo cm, to W. W. sad .1. Loomis., Sawmill and land of Thos. J. Falwell and Johnison. On the north by the Butte° road teat— Tuttle, and og,the out by land of Hector Town and Ben jamin IL Tattle, contaibingalaoty-tbroa sorts more or less. To Cbaatar L.. 9194, andia t =h Loomiserons of Lyman Loom* dee'd., and H. H. Tuttle ad /aural of Elisabeth. Dyer, Jane Itliza t 'and Nary' ane minor eluldren of the said Loomis let 4., Sally LooMie. Henry Williams guardian ad loam mid %trail W minor children of Hannah Loomis intermarried with Henry W the said Hannah being now decumed, X;r y Loat i t g, ' WitleneUitrodil lallarMarried with John C4.llirre, Elm Looshis intermarried with Georg* Gilnian Henry I Loomis, Mary I.oita,iu intermarried with H. J. Glidden, William Loomin and Hiram Lapis sad to all others in terested Notice is hsrsby given, that an lapalsl6lolNßl be held and take* nn th e prentises deoseribed in said writ o ram., situate In Hs township of north Bat and County of Brie, on the 6th day of it S. at 10 o'clock, A. IC, foe thoparpoes of iambi tition of said Beal Estate as in the add Writ oolareantlell, at i ft= tune and Asp rat cen anted Urn Minh press. Kri., Nor. 28, JQI4. jI.I4.I,,,PATRICK, MeV, DR. JACtOt H. PRANK, .11 A c l o . 1 1 " iliven "k gr 'i ne in rs t t e es ei t ty 01 tote ion to 21 fad nn y ear and ams pea hail trous, would my tee the public tart he tuts thOlOeurnswill is awls that h. lus and tan erne all Moe diseases to WNW, **Heat% that no 'tits aniroal,4o suhleet, each a. Rinshonee, Spartan, Wrench In the Cohn Jelni, Wrench In the Shuttle Boat, Wrench la the Stifles Poll Est est Iliesula, Dropsey to the Cheek Skin or filowd. rounder Thrush a .0 Heel, Sweeny la the Shoulder or Flip, ke., he., dia • !, returned film the west and to bleMod to " 31 .4 0 1. '"• : •• • • • the Mt, wool4,lnforat those wirhian his servile, that hr usee• be found at his residence init i 4 Comer of Preach sad and that will endeavor- to gas setae ealletten gt who 'may favor ME with their petro Dr. YFLOrZ, having ha l punt egomania In the was of ihs-vari ass realtakille seed as aedidaetiwouidasy to tboseallieted by any of the Mimeos I. which the lama badly aro table, that he ie mak the Syrup& which have proved hly oscessael le the eure of Dropsey, Lair Cessleinla. att.* Heart., Lung /ever, he., also CA NOUS M. cared without Wary to the pa bent, nr prepay. He is aiso supplied with Salsa, Sbengthen los Plasters. Lotions, anti Lthistenta of all khan. Dr. Y. has rtillcathe ens pumas residleg in the dillereat States and elites, shnsrms the heeelito arising frost hiciassof his polestar Red Wittily assail uisdiedtwa. Cali sad sire IWO& charms to MOO few. tree, October 86,1667. JACOB IL !SANK. wARC FOB &tall ITHJI, stillbirths, offers to NO HO MOM of homtittheated In Har i "beecriek, Itrie Co. Pa. Mend 2.14 tulles south east of Harbor creel, Depet., the with east et the biabodist Chereth Skid Dim barn about 300 NOM under good improvement, good bialldhars well watered, Ye. 11 eordsdne roe MU, daset lead librettist ram or grab in tho couatim, Y will be mead low, and OMNI et made cur: ashlar - CILAUNCZY C. WAIZE II.SI -. Asir. 19., 1 .--161 f. Einthosersek, Byte CO. P. PARK ROW BMIC____EITORE. NEW ARRANGE=NT. - J. LiNrik - breamiidet Mr. Rabat' Maiiiiiir via klm Le J. it.' Book and Siansem aillsess, mil kikullttlb:itiores•- ed tot:Mune to ogler still isirettersonatab thimimeineg Wale. Particulai~op i 4 alltd_to thstrig4S4=ololll= AIWoo I,4looll4olllohLwourikoeito MA atiaceliosmitto Wftii TabeiFit as soon as Mho& Boo* of wary Wad platter wary latteshty im Mal 5e1, 1 7 sod for solo snowiest cash prim'. PsPdr haDdlniff c to vartstr. /4 Foolscap, Littor, taw' Pl.l. nod FonafNoSto ,Savidorl and Blank Boots of inns" Gads . RAO doarttptioKi tli am . lbw CIO *ad we. No dhotis for - .. . : .47 FOR BAL IaU E. 4111:1C100 As this 1.4 Praibytqua Meath of tlib ety. Tat tinsak.adOess Boy X" P. O. 0ct.j.:041. BOOTS AND 'SHOESv AT , REDUCED RitITOES PO*, CAM 1 I AT • Na 10 asowre attic[ CU mu OmsM ; 1 0100f'6040:1 4.lriath sluiprss sfti T NA% Nov. i'll, 1001'. ,r ~. ,-.. I c i t ii 4 4 . - 1 ", _ 0 - L . TOR - •,. , 4 - 0 WRATI'IIe EffAo2l4,:gr e lta - • , OtINFLISTE Salt oielk of Pasellitwo A, 4 ,. ~ sod blatedies. • ' • I N:qaslta i litalleililaci4 ks. Or ow slopping sail EWA" Rama • 1 i 4110111 m, A , F. , S. ril i lro k • Oct. It. latl . iNelflit baba Clalie l lalmbiborsia,_ weary Sat mat sap. qba ll l ,Kl'. - -" 1 ",""" -1;" 1 ; 4417112% Jude:;?"' .. ' si; %., J. 41. as bra 40, Rath BOARD OF TRUOTEIO.4 29 Chereh Alley. .....Book 9tre.t. , 19911iiiket argot. = ll' A. (.3 111" Y . NOW IS YOU& TIME TO BUY Steam 8 and Door IoeITILDA. ____ mat __ 646. _ . ... i. PP st. bedew* Mk Pew* AU Hada aftellgeg Luelecesies IA erehaage ter welt. Any q motley et . liarleseber waebeCies,mll4) the highest meeket be peid le ma& - . . . ..., JANIS P. 1.. B. Me 2/Ar'' Lie. PLAN 98. 18 TH: • 'HMI FR, "IT: IF TotiT3l AND- MATURITY. efisot' Gross ; the 25th Thrietaait '7.. w• . di- WORDS ON tHE RATIONAL 711111oW ultlri without liedletne, of illatamillierha or M . hatael oir of et . . Spars. ~. . soh baradbitteg D / 1 , b * B. 1 111% .D, Th. InqoaDtthert Naftali orgy varmint oomptab i to, °do tal! aed attitude of you . anay tat easily Namrred iatb ollolPN 6 le. In We .raall elesiiy dem onstratadragd the ty imar addl% instilment AM adopted by the dathor, folly et by =mad 0 f trltlish t:Z su Oito I. NI 51 4 50 01111 RIIISE as h ekt the lama 1 east, theribit avoiding al the r `Doatrtnne of the dal. Sent to any adttelakfraabo and pool fres to smite(' Govettope t hy oentittlog twospoollasChootpo to Vv. Dg LAWRY, 17 Lloptnata itrurt, New York. 1721 New Arrangentiiita. T SteCARTZR, having purchased the entire interest of D.'S. 1/.2 • Clark of the WO firm of Ciot * Cut% in the G ro cery sad Provision lialeimiss, the Bolama will hereafter be oontinued by Ida at the old stand whew be will be ready and willing to wait all the old Customere of late firm and will be pleased to see es many sew ones as Will fa r him-with a call. June 27, • It E . Now is the fists to boy Keteitawis Celebrated Mossin Maikioes and Carobisted Mower oid Reapers. • AVING obtained the Agency I can supply the Farming 11,„ Community with these Machines at Meauftcturs Prier. ad ding transportatioa Vibe ail sod • :sada Sample /Lachine at No. 6 Mongrel Bloch, State A. grin, Jose 21, 1427. - J. MUCARTER. - 110 7 V0 SCIRLPTUREIS NEW DAGITERREAN GALLERY, FOS YOL7R DAGII MINIATURES OF ALL KINDS! OVER AUSTIN'S JEWELRY STORE, N THE NEW BLOCK, NoRTR WEST CORNER OF THE PARE_ FALL STYLES OF Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, /44. la RS. CURTL4 ham returned from N. York wi'h • foil assort- AI motet of JULLINDIIitY AND FANCY GOODM, Coexisting, of Beenete, ktibbeem'llenrers. Head Deesseopa, Neu TriiiitsrihChenilkes, Lace Tette, 'doorsill Cellars, French Cornelia, Gloves and Hosiery, kt, Humes Bloomers and Riding Hata, Ladles colored Straw Bosioda and Straw Gimps of every derseriptim nr KiLusicaa will had a fall and well selected stock of all Boole is their lias, which ern be iold low at wholesale. Kris, Sept. 19, 1967.-19. HRS. M. CURTIS. Errua ,91i MEW. HAILIN6G p rm o onred the t t errest ( 11/141.277ht, of the Pro vision imminent, the beldame will Mahler -he rondo •• • _d by meat the old stark, life. 2„W.1110111111 CZ witenel wffendeavin to be found .t ell floes ready and willing to supply the *ante of eba~ of y and the nahlte, who will her. me with a call, and will at all time bare on band FINASIL CLKOC wale% I willemalier Otolle or exchange for Rodeos U= l i4 oft. ?LOU*, 111111, 'WA% PORE, IIAYSI, CRUM% be., and, d, aboantionni thing to the Groettry line will to found &Clio. 211ritehre Block, Mate street. Ow H. 11.—All "de delivered free of charge, at all times, within the city limits. August 8,1887. J. 11. JURTICIL - - OMILD TO LAMES. PEHCIE PILLM, Foss Floats's. 1 The importers of this reliable and lab remedy for female eont pedals would respectfully call the attention of the Mies of this country to it, feeling assured that in this, they will and a safe and vie% et. &Wog remedy for ail dinessas seising from a deranged and disordered yrtem , such as Ark headache, mipltudoe, of the heart, Townes of aptrthi, 'annum &Sections, ltneorrhea, or Whites, kr., In removing stoppages or ohm Tettods of the menses , from what ever mass, they are infaUisble. The 11110prUlllieli, speedily relieved, and there will be no recurrence If used accord- Wu to direction. They Mx Pdtp.kally adapted to XARKIICID t•russ, y et should not be used under certain eirenenetsnoercifor particu lars see inn:Mars, to be found in sash box. with directions)— though they are en mild as never to came. Injury to the gc.....ntl health. One peculiar feature of thesefilla la the repudiable effect they have upon they eye, imparting to it etwengtb, elearntem sod brll Haney, (which is not transient or injurious, but highly benetrial and luting) increasing its power of (Urination to an eminent de gree; and this fact, In connection with their certaget, a .prig eashylutseas, hidispotably proves that they 4:steatite properties and produeeetiocta sower beton, obtained. None genuine without ties signature of 3.M11.R MOUTON, pro prietor. 27 Rue St. Honore, Faris. Munatu. Ursa, Importers. Men, $1,26 per boil; halt bomb 70 mute, Sold by all nespeleteide a In the United SllstmeallOanadaa. ni ellr'ackages, pot up In cloudy eraled double envelopes, hoeing ths appearance of an ordinary letter, pries 61,00, sold only by our general agents, V. 11. ALDEN k leveland, 0, who will tend them poet paid on receipt of the Co., wriots and to whom all orders most be addrowed. FOR 21ALF. BY CLARK it BALD WIN, awl sit WART k Amcunt, Erie Pa. Nev. 14, 1867,-21.17. AIiLAGE OCK OP CR OS II !M n, snit , i, , i s.iiir 8. SMITH, No. 4. ehespride, 1 - 6 receiving the largest Stock of GOODS in his lie* ever offered os Erie. Purchased for Cash at lowest rates, they will be meld. holseale or Retail, coneepoodlogly Inc. Call sod see the goods: for showing. al' lllr uiri rris City Bonds taken in exchange for goods. April 26, ISE New GroOory and Provision Store In 13ea1ty'r Block, West Park Row TII DOW reeebring an entire Fresh and New Stock of ORO CERIKS, direct from New York, which I offer to sell to the public at prices that can't be beat by any other establishment la the City, I shall also keep on hand a ge neral supply of all kindr of PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, YEA/ETA IiLW, he, Its. Having had tome experience in the Grocery and Proriaion Easiness, I eat er myself I am fully capable to be up with the times April 4, 1857. WM. Y. RINDERNECIII . (Ilia/UM" Blackberry Brandy, Ginger Broady, Wild Cherry 10 Brandy, Lavender Brandy, Catawba Brandy, Holland Gin, London Porter pot up in bottle., just received and for sale at the cd=Drog Store of CLARK ic BALD WIN, Sept. 12, 1867. Ne.,6 Reed House. Ma or POUR Ladies or Gentlemen na sad arat rate semi; T modationa or Boarding with rooms furnished or unfurnished y addressing Boa Ell, . Pa. Oct 114867. W ill naug ai rt n t Erie, eared: 7. li b 1 1* arl;;;:erlLrtperietordof large tat YIBH, on sale by the half barrel or retail, at Erie, June 27, 1857. if Asq()S'S Grocery Depot. " Gentlemen of the Bar I" Fourth and Revised edition of Dunlap's Book of Forms, K containing over two thousand limns for practice. Also, most of Kay k Alto's Publications can be had at LINT'S' Book Store.— Call and see. Erie, Aug. 32, 1551. QC P : :—C ie) TAW SOAoncentrated Lye. A "P"ine "t? I . r 0 insoulacturlng Soap, the cheapest the world affords, just re Sc ad at No. 6 Reed House, by K Sept. 12, 11167: CLARK k BALDWIN ?FLOORING! FLOORING! Ammo, 200,000 het of good WHITE WOOD and CUCUM BER YLDORING, I:ti inches thick and from 6 to Salm-bee wlat onr Plante s Mill on Eleventh street. T i r St* nob. 26, 16.71. CARTER k MALL . ___ I tlßVT '=— Karocaliiitio. at No. 6, Reed House , the rollout:as .0 valuable Medicine:—lielmbold's Fluid Extract Buck; Helm boles Extract tinrimpatilla: Dr. Sanford's Invigorator; Norvall'a Fewer and Ague Bitters: Sloan's Condition Powders; itloan's 111111- tly Ointment: Track's Magmatic Nutmeat and many otbers too no inorons to mention. CLARK k BALDWIN. Jails 27. 1 115 7. HOBEMIEINT: :—A feu u Laurie of the geouin•articiel on onnsignment from Cioeionstt, ror sale by the barrel or re tail, et _ ,May 30, 1867. ' HANSON'S Grocery Depot. . 310:111X$ and Panes, Aided Totreco Dozes, (fine qualit y .) Call and boy of 1867.-11. O. WOW& WOOO PEET HICKORY LOCW I%%Westboro Istil twohighest market price In enabler 000 feet of Maker, dellserpd at their Yard on Sixth on the Coast. The timber most be good, tough sad dean at for bonding. Knotty Brasky timber will net be *ken. Zs* August 0,11107.-11 SELDEN k MATIIKR. FLOUR FM NEW WHEAT. AFIRMIT estaartiele et Floor rem New WIIIIII Ki.XII7CIT WILT, out be bind et the Mow Store ottbe Keystone ICUs, e 2 Part MIL J. W. IlettNit. it Se, stag. 12 Mt . .‘ Tan 'LADUBS.--Dr. James Anaoa's Celebrated Female PUla, for removing obstroettoos ke., from whatever mum.— or sale at No. S. Read HOW" by CLAIM • BALDWIN. Krip Nareh Animal Most of the Laws of Pennsylvania r, 11441'9r - the pen 1624, 1865,1666.1867. Ju.t tecipived• Most WX ROW BOOK STORIL • " 41Ig ph Stook. on aux—a 81 1134 4, 111 MtVvoe v e ff ,a stoa t J. c. FICRKINbr Ks, Jabot, Mt Aeolians. rail 8 •1 8 / 8 14, mostpalatable sad maids mac- Ay for seastliatiou cre bowofk over ofsted 1014.. i t k, Boot Bohai. CLARK k WI N S BALD I THE PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE CHEAP! szu xo. a. Jump m y . , allolasey. & igenrcirr. WRAPp - ma. "PA.PEIL. • AT PARK ROW BOOK `TO= maaartmaal and b arrival et all airs. kiwis sad IA-= at peaces tar bigot gar Wa i n, bi r beard of pri Imam Q 1I madam masa sot m (of ream. siaN e r r _ by pasted sad sua -4111161. J. J. UNTIL • V you art la vast LITINEL et J AILS, Cali at SLIMY it ,astuuNICETII whore. you atll Sad • MI Bloat. Jut Powi n A Lacks, • • • TN &at ail !lads at au, SRg RAIIDWARII dim m er& at N o t;O Ant Mod Haar. I 1 TO OM'S, 11110 0 Mimi to this City. tpL i LlitS SIIIMIP-Bagar anurod, auivessed and as-aurnusi rosokiataaill tor oda lho Orasory Depot ot ft ‘-' llair Ina. J.IIIIIIIION. Q0410E4 Mad at .4MlTtall• Ilarraror nroat I ihr Nat .1. JOIMSTOII 4 laol. b i gasaa risadi fftW ami m?. --71 au. = 7 • = AXBROTTPES, ri PLASTER = XD CO. DEW - Ow • !bribe • • • aai viegli s r — 4ol6lllinuil pu bair beepollyStlmpasep Nialitell hued Plaster to ti k artful* of the heet+lol2= iir=b4 gejlal Yeal oa aiee iv the time • DIME= YOUR OROPI 7 . ' by Lug plonk ettblitiortlllolog woo. It mill pay your nose back with, bap peseta Mao the Blacksmith or House, ('oat! Opt eosstaady es head; summated to giver mathamothms. or Named. eed pee ea all hoed% mieellthe earl tho ll a thou for a Gold Irani ts tha imp 4ors thy; Wog oft • 'Ulm the lass, there to brag tortioloop bma ilwimosoler hauling. Eighth Street and the Canal, East of King's Walt soon, Lathe plane to buy your Coal, where you eau have it weighed on a pair of Fairbanks Hay &ales, mid save one Handbill BB.OOIOEIELD & o'B eseLla Rept, sad is other, ilia are the best the nialett.— OIVIC V'4 A CALL. Oriels can be *NW through the Poet Once, or to the Coil Once oC , RAI, Marsh 7, ,v. 11l TROSIBBBII. snore Altbiftfb) or BOOTS AND SHOES, NOW OPENING At No. J. Reed', Week, Mimi Strata, Brie. Pa. S. z., shorn, - egfiraocolvirifrolt Left-sea well - selietia Stack of BOOTS AND SROES! Direct from Eutern Manuflualcuiss, which will b• sold an low sit at way n et el thincity. Hisibtwaltioastste LADY'S CONORaBastITBII3, PLAIN AND TO-XEDI _ SLIPS, TIM WKDSTPS =St Gouts, Patent Leather. OWN.= sadCOSITIW• 'Gaiter , Oxford Ties, Slips; :ilYes, 104 TWA , , Calf, Kip and Slop Bdola , Ol{ 'a 810,s; of • every description, together with *very usually kept In a Boot and Shoe Store. r AU ktnds of work made to order on short itenes. 1300 TS AND SHOES JOSJWII lIICHNSLAUB, MANtvAcrvnint, Wholesale and Retail Dewier in Boots, :Ganes, Leather and Findings, 4th door solltbl! of the Put, American Block. State Street, Erie P 6,, has Just retshiod treetbe eastern eitieo with the toot PIPILING AND taUMMOR STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, That was ever offered in this city, which will be mold Tory low for cash, thrower than the cheapest can sell. Among his stock will be found Gents Coif, Morocco find Piteot Leather 8.G., Coop's. Ostlers, and rem varistroef lobes Galfers, Buskins and RN* and all ki oda. of Chfldren'al Boots, Shoes and Kips, and in abort, every new ,style of Boots and now la market, without enteeptioo. Custom work door in the neatest style of the trade on the AGO est pollee/. Leather and Findimrs, Oat and Hemlock We Leather, Truett and Anterkaa Calf althea. Patna Leather, noteetai, Linda& Sitsii lag, Kips, and Slips ; Threads, Webs, lastlap, Qaoolllll. Pinchers, 'Tacks, Pees, Nails, &e. inf r Don't forget the place , Erie, April IS, IG+7. otii I 1 1 tin I VI 1 0 rpllK .toharrilwr le opening up a now ard os Lath street, a j few rods East of the Piiblic Square. whore be reeplAand pay the. 111611K.4T NA &lOU PKittlf, for the John kinds of !Anther, delinrred st his Yard or Dock: % inch Whitewood Ltoard„ 12 fest mg, 4-6 do do do 12 • 4110 1.14d0 do Chair Plank . ' 12 dei 2, 214', 3k 4 inch Whltewood Thick Plank, 12 . do 5 by 5.6 by 11 by 1 and 6 by II Whitowood Columns, 12 do 1, I , ‘, 1 3 2,2 X, 3& 4 Inch White Ash, 10 to 111 do h. inch Cherry Boards 13 in. and upwards, 8 do 4-4 inch Cherry Hoards, 12 de A I and 4-4 inch Sycamore Boards, 4-4 and 1J inch Black Walnut Boards. Pine, eieaAnd second quality Boardi. 1000,000 l 4 ki inch Pine Shingles, good thickness. 061ce, at !tehien'a tiorilware !4tore, Erie, Pa. En«, rwlo. 24,1457. WILLIAM SAKBORX. rdetalio Paint. wv....ffer for sale • Lire quantity of this Haut, massafeetered lir the Pretque laie Paint Works. Persons ash* aay paint ntherlt ham what, will find this the most durable an 4 they can ma., as It twosomes in holy, Depth sod Itielineet of gbada aay eolnrrd Paint In use. The following variety Of color asear,bhas ma to suit the Giotto or a H Mark, Umber, lirsuire Doh, Dark Drawls, wire flr”on, Wine Color. Eris, May .30, ISLT. STRWART k FIWCLAIR. Lumber Wanted. WE .111 pay the highest market priot in Cash for 40,0n0 feet It, thick 10 feet long 30.000 " "lln" o 60,000 " • 116 to 14 " " 6n,000 " White Oak, IL. " 12 " " 50,000" " " 1 " 14 " Sawed tArreark from rood, tough - and straight rifted lava Alan, for 40,000 feet of etraLrht rifted and tough White Oak and Hickory Ur. 10 , 12 and 14 feet long delivered at our yard to Erin. Erie. Feb. IN, SS& 40 BELDEN it LAXPPIIRRIL_ GEORGE GRAY E. GRISTLY, House and Sign Painting. unix subscriber* would adopt this method of informing their Mends and the public generally that they have commenced the tomineas of l as~ a; Slits rnAntlieg, Glazing astiLlNener Hoatg on 7th Street, between State and Poach, In the Shop formerly oc cupied by James Cummina, where they are prepared be receive and promptly execute all orders in their line. Intending to devote their whole time to the hoidoes—a bunnies in white, from booing been engaged In it many tears, they trust they excel—they hope to meritand secure a Metal Ouse 4pf public patronage. °outland of their ability to itnisart entire satisfaction, they nmpeetfally Policit• trial. otoßar GRAY, Rote, March 22.1, 1 5.10. —42. 11. GRISTLY. Lumber Yard Removed I THR Subscriber hut removed his Lumber Yard to the foot eif I. French Strei4,—Fast of Janes' Dock, where he re prepared to pay the bigheiet market price In CASH far the following kinds of Lumber • X in. White Wood Boards, 10 5( 12 ft long, 1 " "Chair Clank," 6X5, 6X6, 7X7, 318, white Wood Columns, 10 it 12 ft. L Si in. Sycamore Boards, 10 It 12 feet long. 4.4" " 13 kl 5 inches vide 10 kl 2 feet long, 4-4 " Cherry Roam., kl 2 feet long 4-4 inch White Wood ii. , ' 4, 4 10 It 12 1-et long, 3 k 4 tn. thick "thick Plank,"" " X, 1,14, IX, 2, 2 X, 3 t 4 in. thick Ash, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 1$ lest long. Erie, Ja.n 17, 12.37. E. L NABBI4, -- — SOW - KA BOOKS. Park Row Book Store. AVicki. hugs stork for VrhoLreals and Retail Trade, of every kind, dust rccelved and for We cheaper than ever, by Nay 1451._ _ J. J. LINTS. • ENGRAVING. rpHE enberribor to pre red to execute all kinds of DRAWING I and Mit/RAVI:V. ON WOOD promptly, and upon the most reaeonable terms. BUI Wads, view, of hoildiaga, WastArisT , landscape, umrspapti• !wads, ko., seals, stamps, dlos, henna figures,. on wood, Waft ne *teat. Orders soltellod, Fredonia, April, 18. 1857.-Iy. 40. N.B. PILITIT. LAW 800 AT PARK ROW ROO MORK. • , - - -- 1 '1 dr a CAKE Y 914 PENNSYLVANIA iUtreitiftk, 1 9 Wharton's Precedents. Wharton% Ortednal Law, Greyley's Piquity. Wads lustier. Pardon's Inert, Minty k Sergeant's Lion Law Graydon's Forms, BrigitUay's Comity. Krt.., Jane 6, 1867. Cart Loads of Beltool , Books. ehli all kinds and diseriptkise, ter all shapes Gatti:dem I. 10 lame or small qiusatitiss,lust vended and kept forage by Jai. 4, 1867. I. Part Row Boakataea X Tillll.—Staffoort, Olive Tat inach.taiebrstod of tato aa O a . taro for Stowe* of the Langs. ikaa. Jane 11.1667. cur= k IMO. tilfti PlitiN Sept. 12. CSR k SRO. lily lefor 'sandals; beak notes, mad llpsetwelis - Aar erery vi r will befouled in ahnosianor at the Ness of lily 21 Int . 0. LOOM& 0 KADiATAIR COAT 1 TT SITS 80 NEAT AND IT IS A pellhst thes m 1„ Why of worse PRANK OrAONKR, Aseeists sicit state-st Don't you know hat the Anent and most Iherk kiniAki reads in this market sue; beelidem Is the lest pstler In town. Ifyou want wet, nicest. pines, erne -seat or way article of Purnishini Goods, COW on IiVMUOt, he will sat J ••41 artiler• you Ata. lan wow Is roadet of a superb stock of CLOTHE; CASSIg rB AND bra.. TIIIBIMiIIGNA as nallon of his stock I prime piebillis SO w. 31 as Wo teresting. Don't forret the • • • "SANK 01.4M11N0 Ikt. Atheethes Erie, 4WrIl la. 1530.-40. W 100 kegs Maws Pore. so kegs Attic Piot BO e. Benocrtire " WI " , • • 40 s " New-York "In re and br i e. ; i term S .. 1 4=1 Erie, My 11, SON. .. Corner sad Mr ATIT 21841,1 1 , Pearl 'Kriel — rake. Hessinewy. co Week • I.J Sr* Jose 27. ISM kuLACILSWI vi l la want iiik.likk47p. ea d l i 4 r eian n ith4 l4o.4ac mi tsolo An idwell itl 7 Z es Ea, so they aan'Sp Sal to sell Y k • *III tilli ,k • Anig. St - / 1 No. ; j llm . timmoica or la. tingelit o pretkosity re stewiletl Apr these ofthe bow* wadi ; --. lii theeasnwer, for this s No, limed Miss./ a . — -- fa - ' 7- al% 6 Autniiir. i , T JURD M I - I Na.V . • tot : • TI A N biki n i I , , JU Oat. R. 7 • k. I — nfillaJot wirrusts4 up, . , lad , 4,,,, 1-17 r...._ IPA B+e= Ilia Who ass bs • 11* ambw MOIR mod for W. by .w .!. , , in , • 13, 4 A. i;.f., P~ A nil, 121111 DY - POL. ) ASO /MAST • , 4 0 , • - VMS% minovn • • UM • 10X11 IMIZE i e ilna ri Z 3l33. ill . crithsetMilrtost alhaseiMalciciatt aud anti& gal, I=tyllll ll l.4 1 1 / 011160 memos imism ill megftwowarea M CM ircei Mori It Mama oostracbod mmobm ma mango - Wort. their vested proronit Me proved K adin iiiac=rllMOMMl Milkmaid nomity..imeb Risirms. Mad llMlZforisa,s=t gazier ameinoun6 Micidkommio w ad& hm =lP 4 1 % I r yes ham beim madvita Ur ass et Ulm ilitoluit Sat. l l a a l111611.13" 4 :=Z t e or " Z . mos mem It is lass dad Yoe Maio lids tatrady vas tut tatrodand to Pa aatia• 010 pude. aail la WA abort U. It la a galiapd $ tar Wien Oat maks It asittog the vary boat of all ortatnal Boor diat. It boot, boworm tbo Aroptiatott 4aufga to blue aameriaid proilarapea %dr Lbsimat; mar de btu blood to booty. lb. public lo salving to that Ansedlestiles which It dos sot tr :uly pogrom It too roadirod, ‘ It ha. hots Lotrodammt, watttba b aao xtp, l i Fd approbation of an aad weds apiy to ,to. lb 'ow puma that It potaialoo an Lb* bh• It. • of fhb thttiord 'brit add saw italbertadob 10 It sits tEt "Ig rawbot Wok It oasommasay, aa It has Woody Its 10aa, watacnrot bowl% sod mode thanton of tba fort. 'Thous vim arc sot , aidated with It INT het lto ir—the prim I. ally lasiarave etads—adi ext.& blot wilt coat bat Itttlaotad the good malts af fts ase may b atm& Ptoparat sad sold trbaload Mall hy. 4 6 ;00 ( 41 ; 4 2ANC. dr 1.111.111 M; toJ. H. Ihnioa di Co.) .; Wialosala sod artsu muati— i.... b. 11 0- 6 ! Art Hourearais• • ar mama borammi lIMIMASTIIIII . - 1101ili 111QVAI le Aar, latit- I r y 111 cal l Aill le Nowsost A 34111. num Fold toy Drantataltad daidoni is 'medicine.. , -.. 17 1 ,- ,____ . wrcrLD nispeettally iliamoassee to their !newts and the ;abbe retainal Mel they have Lowed the estegallahnenet formerly entapied by F. en State street, near Bennet k Co'c. Fur nace and have sow on a law and better ainortment of all blab of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c. than nor before which, far=ll4 : = and sleganee of finials, ars superior tooanythier in this oar. Mr soapier • musber of tar beet winters to wood mod iron that the sonstry snit from their leer experienos In the bind ..ll4aqneillitiWiLesa ear the butt quality of work. TIN af all kbals that can land are pot Into all their warh. lhosialrier of A ID lapis Including PAINT - ISO -711IXING, done on abort maim rat nissoinebl• temp. ur Persona onelliogg, motets mar rust scouratt of having thous einnatect to their entire natiadrethot, and finished In *vary particu lar as well of if that attended in Poilne. Mole wiabing neat and datable wont fill Gad it to their advantaged tors Theo • coll. sets. Mar tit MIL Z a ; • 00, Irßi anbarritair rooki lama tba paha* that he has rassered to stout oa the some of Eighth and Mgt* Stzeota 'bete may ha &sod TM Groatotom, ProUst„ and thesulialarep"Ples. la expestation of the 'good gene midair —that la, the tienbary and Iltrtoitailros4—ho lookout to zeplooish his shelves etti the Wisest. aodbeed,"and eaaseeaty beidnie".....f body and «rery body'aciald,^ °titre tibe esIL H. 'BALDWIN.- , =Si Erie Jewelry, Wstahei, - Mateo Notim. - .t to * would regretfully beg 'weer to retro their aka to their &larder the la =1"1, for the tlberl ia genage heretofore es 1p tbstraultaser tint on kw" rillinZl e lo elle ***l =liduensusents than ever, In the of 'WATCHES-41rd and Stier Patent bream do. Arbor do. Cylinder do. In JICHELRYWar liter consists of a full vui= Beerebes, Ear Drops, Flags Rings, Geste. Pius, Keys, Guard Chair, Feb do, nbables, Peril Cues, Brackets; Spectacled Gold Pena, kr, In or stock of " SILVER WARE we de& trapardenh WI to Glees who parches* Silver Ware of our travellingOgg= Relnater's pare coin:* we guarantee the mane to areas To Nerchaattend Mak, Are eta 41.1111 as well saluted a stock enure Notions Jewelry se can be found west of New York city, and at prime that caret be boat. Engraving and Watch repalrin done la the neatest possiblemanner. The willalso to sellgoods gift eyrie t to twenty-re young uses o business habits frown Truer HO[ LISTER k CASE, Arad 2. H. P. Stoektesda Old Sear, Park Row. tele, Pe- N. - AT THE OLD STAND!! Bohm" Brows% Hotel and RNA Rowe. ' Cook ITit ..bend a lame sal cootidebe anortuest et Bow Far nightu tioads_iggi . met Iwo au palest Elevated Oran Ste eiee, the ON and GOT=NOB,atentirely a new =which an not be ueetted. Bruning the damper, total dee the nth* heat Non the Oven, which bee bus an ob ligation to the Dlinsted Oran Stores. hie style of ornament is line sad beagaiL The oriel . The lez&rea gusting d best to ant humane of Cook and Stores West of New York. Constantly osi Me among which me the Self-Regulators, three ghee, highest, ihralaa and Violet open Parlor Stoves. Alto the Roby, the Madam, the logy Franklin and Gothic Coal Stove/L.- For Wood, the Cottage, the Nubian and,other Pastor Storrs, too OUlail•TOOS b lalletiOS. Cookie/. Stores, the Forest Oak, the Royal Oak the Royal Cook, the Empire City and Black Warrior. Low Oren Stoma, also the Pastel. Parlor &Mk and Fanny Piro. 1 would gillroar attention to my stec.k of TM, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware Also, a large thoetment of Cutlery, Ivory Ebony and Wood Handled Table and Desert Loire. wad Forks, Pocket Eaves, abeam Scheme, be, to. DRUMM& Table Castors and Teapots.— Abe, Tea and Table Spoons, Brews, Copper, Porcelain and Ground Kettles and Pump, deseriptthis. Lead hlpe Sheet Lead, Map Chains, Ta , Stov e I Elbows on hand at all times_ the largest sad t of Japan Ware in marke Cko t.— t Irons, Thou= Temte,% 4 7 , thatCattere end J 4 0 , 1 xe the aborted settee. Owl" Ihrehr,l and Day in ex . • for roods. ell sad engandnebey eteeis t and sathfy yroarselves. Ooet. 4th, Your, KURPHY. HOTEL IN/7., PA. J. J. Donew Proprietor. THIS has just been most thoroughly cleansed WWI BD AND REFINLNDDIND, sad the Proprietor Dyadic:its a eat! fern idstriends and the tre.lliegL pubUc ly, feeling sithred that be can give the at ion. moderate. Erie, Aug. 1, 1856. CONE TO Tr la searcel3 I. WM* consul discounted ft eouragezusat assay old mato! tag for bettor peddle that we • Hew Jest from Noy w• will well chew, pothies of • reset tir=with howy7 Erie,April 4, N. 11.—boo'r • " MUSIC. TVST received soil for na i. at the Park Hall Mimic store 0 Coming Out Watts, iiralleeited to the I.adle. of Priv City by Wm. Willing Chaplet of . Peeria. 12 graceful metodlea for youag 'animus. SONGl4.—lfor thee I IA ray native home. (kid save the Union of the ittladea.:, U. Nelly gone home. Friends wig econe—Quarleette. /Nolan* of thou whom wounded bootie Bettill my heart. Stars of the summer alight—tlrorna , le. Sweet memories isle. The falling tide upon the beech. • The New Trips bolls. - Tbe heart, the heart -I.l=ittittirmown. 10,--Sereoade. Buy mein the Moen, imitb•r• Illetenes fiermsarle. From the dose shut window*. Sweet Keay Gray. Some one to lore. Die, Jell 1.1.1861. • NKlll 6...l M t iot —llsl rwese rier or c"—Ate HAVING just mama • leiripp la of Paper Hiungings, I would invite the aisnUos any old en4,ooon 41 vein ne• and T 5 1 7 ra sty ble les al No OWIli ohlreafran Armor. for zI April 28, 14, low priers _ Ity J. C. 81.1.D101. m, • Look Sere! TAM Albito _ ONN TON RINWA sad WIWI Just merml. July 11. STEWART & SINCLAIR. 4.714.---A very stator atitata, .e.4ll'.sattiSegar Cared Cab versed Heared, seyr optslng ruidfor We at lbw?" ISt?. lIANSON'a j va d itlllllll WUll o l ard. ws, a era aaaartanat Baas* /teno n at • e7qIBIOONPIPat . 1 " Clusleasil eased el Boxed Meek 444 tor Wit . Cris, Jane 2T, Mt FOOLS. joi;et — roc — salini — r the wet! el very udee sweet PA Skouldera, cheater than Pork Its. Map 1111. VIM - Vitetmet Papers. rapv - si& ir vi raf — Sobel Lil ortobrated Me and %rusr lama duke. Bow iniTlag mattffiale.! Mae Wee an is= is = s4oWig of UM kisd firer oilscod to the public. to MS." Jul., 4:a. c - Charity. loara Chit Basel G al Ak 7,113 , thkepor l t 4. Wit 0, i ROW BOOKSTORE. .( 1 1 7, 1A11 reif lost adowuristrit Jana Makry 'over °fared la this city cask be semi at • SAM? k WeCONICIMS. Sagas' No. 3, Reed Roues. rJoc. EviatiriNto st. Ntrik4 ado ibr (kik as Ma t cribratylleads. isquars of im 'ffliWkWr k SINCLAIR. ANAL rielliAL . useax of Penile/ Rodanuoiro Ladjadipd la tho lwraid Cowie of Pommy 1 with ea A goo A patella. of cues ~- or to sit optikatlon. mod 3d ilumy ri a. jut nod b , RN* Joao 27 y ,1111. . J. J. LINTS. 4119 R Moak of Iliserisees. nap Atka .11g Rom, sod Coo IZPr RI ohh; to Mmold very Wrier Orb IA HARR k BROTHER'S. —Bo ihelemTh — li - 1 ii‘Wiiii i:iretiiiia Al 3 A No, * i rrito Mon. at RANSOM 5 ii. 110W.1: ROBINEION'7 F Lg a lTtattp.SE A L tla / . 1121, at atik Sal 111.161.6 u. • Itaraasoit marratar. =OW T T I-1-nr ' ' *op sas be WI of Mo o OA. 11111.-11 L 615111*. N . ? WILLIAN WILLING WI 00 J. nechireut. .1. C. 111cLDMS IX:3M CT ART A SINCLAIR. • • 1. 4 "• • , - I'ariFv l (ill s. -1I• IBM C 353 fir ‘ Nnc p lily) ; OA 5v.,„,,," yarn." oitrthil theta Waken , e=antiattat, rad the Proptheare as a cartels Ream* fer LIPILLLING WORMS now They eoutaka es CaWad Weary laJarinos lovedieata, and nay he OTIS' veriest wooly. liar %Wm, aft ha. tr, ether Venetia/wise they we PURA! dreo wlll est thew ma readtly as rhad ! The have tees Were the pulite lei that Uwe here waa tertbnowelwo ai the annals of shedielne. 114.0 1•••4 , rase POTIIIOIIIIII and weft remittal& wariird reeve's. _ _ Er Prepared did wad, Wpolosia• CL dieeriese irbelei sk. and ( Xe d 140 Chsentsers Stmet Price 24 Ceuta per Bu*. „Moms. awl Radian —Gloirto-4 Mem prom-NW/yam u 4tatlmhaiark ID my Leer male 1 hate Dever ail haat, mla moody for Worm, the Wile/ e'sumetily rricomesoalim them to am happy to lily to area Mame, They bare mar felled, fa • shad. ea adults af ! t hey harp tbe lag so "phiamint to lb* taste that ohtl as moody.” Ilan palimony mamma unhositatherty proloootiee them the b e es and h f in be sitaidelabord to the anuerom misty. toast oinhautly repomaiobt thela the Forl. .1 ata Ottani by J, A Whim mid to by Copp ik Curti.. &Debora to pampa; Mtlhotelt by S. N• McCreary; Mod Wm. T 3 ler; Albion to Ihr•oport pay:,4prtogfirld 11101•01ibr Wm. T." tg , Riley Potter; raltttro by IL Paola ' Jnw , tt, and by Dragglojia gormatio. - j) "- -----R 7 '-- ili t ll4 _.., ( -/• j . , 4A ALBANY N. Y. strisrezo, a - CLEVELAND, 0., CHICAGO, - - riumErosa. Hoe. \I lion. A. a. 'rue; L. a. thuinao., 0 Goo. W. Curve", L P. Clan.ssra, " Tram. IL Yours, o G RttJoss " nal= L Rios, Y. R., Wo. A. hmut A.. Jon* R. I.RI, P ev 114.416. R. gotten, -r. EL B. BRYANT, D.onor `Arlit Ar TTO • J. 11. oo , LLOODTH, W. 0. 11 4 11.12fiTat . Instructors In tbo Selena, of Aocooas. oopo.fustooso. Y. It Armes, J., V. Low, Wmucas W. :41.v.0sst, Inisiructors,lo Boolosio - and Lectarorjooo C r ommbreist Romig Iion.I3OO.ACR MANN; Hoo.o#o. toren: lion. Judge MARTRN, A. A. BLANCRAA on rounnerrial law. Joan It. Lan nod otLrra La:Wow oo Hank, Rory J. lila?? tSturg, IL B. 1111[121. I em) 1t..., I. N. It. P Twarpoper, 12. W. nom" Lerta rine fru Mirrebatillot SWtaa OLI rlra 414,1 T, X. . o Assui., LC. ) . 01111111110Y, mecutul CraispoSatiossi. ' Pm. fall co arse -7 1111 232Me l o il i r e Book go4n n g, all lookers; Coomorelol deal Ponmasikitp, For mop course is Indio' Departomult, Person. taking Nesassurblp alone, will oco.rat Costincato sufittiocgtho itoidor to instructora Is Penman.hlp, daring/ the apses of one r.,0, for Torimas MON. of toitaamostol Potunaorlup -• upon The Mk>, Of the ioultteetto io to eked ported expeditious taco r, thetnoth knorke, ~rood Art, ea prilealy renplorrli and F.11...0nes purou rtoerully. TUB MOIL - KEEN YU DM, 1. ontirr tL. pemnal nil tredve* of the ACCONIIIIIIIOIIII mod sad it o tel onntlle nr Crromerrrial Coilegr In thr 1: nite4 et or. ninuitagn. fox Isipatti us • thomMitt. TUB WIIIINTING DEPART' r.“nitornatton al talent haraught to bear a ern guarantee thatlhe instruction rill the highest nr4.•r. TOE LICINVILEIKS An all dolowle.l with the seeettet me and can h.- prod:up...4 THE COLLIMATE f Mrrohanafo Beek. of roarv . - Csabealneenta Beaks, i5. , 11,111 lag of FIT' aeons. arranged fer Oepy-fighaesenerai. Illanntastereen Efoodb 1h is the sel Baseking u•skios U the iwt. cop, rogues & rumbriksig B•imqb $ in the the exclostre use of Silo Collor. Hotel 7le the eet. Cepy-rlsitit 110•111 - Steam Beet Siu the mt. t:opy-nil Kell Bleed Baska. a complete set of Books. right Seen rrcl TO TEACHERS. Teiteher. of Arvideatiee. Union sad Public their •lieStlOtts here very lemant o ll .nd peeiltabi] THE S ITE NCI , UOO/114. Th.- It.s.uss .1 . 0 large, airy and arniuged for pursuing Mety frrartmeol catims THE L.A DI HS' DE PA INTERN?. V ootkrri) orparata from the Gientkmio's and ir Warta II Throacli the cfrasive barloweem aaqamikataate 'of man% ,wf the 41,340nts tso graduating ary'plat.l rjr farther ininrunation send for Cirealar Jain pn Maned, which trill be prompti• arn•rattlnl Address Bit VA AV F.rie, Jan. 3, 1/157.-1e A :00K FOB THE XILLIOL 242 Page.. The awl Popular Morknrr bterwe• of ti.Wookal Orgasms. is Pr larail , rod Pr,roie Animal aside Anionbuil adapted t rare, erlakb drerruen to V, that la nboteaarr to know the ceeraeragrr donordrra - Out intaglio, ta r , pr 0414 both—bwff all and If any are so - contracted Meek goody sad Ina reany=taln oand 1111 , VIridelibity to t ellthrlidal errs gab) %logo, of Ikluipan 116, wpm. -.tepee and Harr onnstderatOr er disease, 01 vt or, kferr, topire, are tr tai.. « ~l.•mam kbr . si ningleal will to: mailed in insied exc..•im IT low price of T~P022 — Or air. - — 434, AOENTR WANTED, la ever) :Male. the Utiltrd.Statriaaad Canada Dr I.ISNZ-Ni ARP Ontttlatieli to dutiosse to those afflicted 'kith iteeret eritou twenty poem of personal carotin. (elution. Nolte letter his treatment lull the heet .1 eatishiettom Oessorrhemillect. 4 nall , premion of the blettme ia f he., .uctung4l , Yonne mOll, rhn by indulging In evert Imkatt, that soul-subdahaft, mind penotattng, apply to De Ltarasaati without delay. Ito se, no veil as other cater of a prl,ate tat AIM