d the Postmaster General jt iato for courtel of our Pot solidesnoe oopy of the first /kn. Aaron V. Brown, Postman: Regre tting that oar apace does hot lay it before our readers in full, we , ,wingsynoNiB by. stating that the dor Genii* bee ventured oat on tor stiempisil soy 'sawmill". on oern e stablished by his prede, It otoetited himself with endesv iobu power, to perfect existing sod extend its facilities equally w er a) po rtion of our widely extend year there have—been e. ew ah ei l, and 704 discontinued, mo w of 1021. The number of wr ,,,ord (luring tbe year was 8,680. 7, ta yntA 4,767 were to fill r am ,- by resignation ; 1,681 by remelt et Ji b ; 269 by changes of names • ,d 1725 by tke establishment of The total number of offices at this 1.0. of which 36S are of the dans lential, their incumbents being A atuieat by the President and om misbioas of the higher Maas from the date of confirmation, the lower are not.limited. /STATION STATISTICS. d June last there were ineper- routes Tue number of con 16 The length of these routes at 24'2,601 miles, divided as fut 24430 miles. 1644110 " to rsi transportation of mails wag st y a ,tosting $6,662,046, and di - !Or, g 4 4 miles, at $2,550,847 t , and live wind • mile. 4 518,119 miles, at 1991,998 tad live mills a mile. 190 930 arks; at 11,410,826 ,is and (our mills a mile .27,0'29. 0 84 miles, at $1,669,• I LE Ceti In a 11.111 1 c. • with the r.ytaiee reported on the is an addition of 2,959 leapt of wail routes; 3,598,170 total ionual transportation—being I I; and of 8586,572 to the east, length of railroad roatea Via ,207 miles, and t he annual trams i 2,458,638.t0itet5-11 2 10 per of 8249,458, or 11 8 , 10 per of iiksabosi routes is greater by th• an ou a I trs importation by 277, tint $l3 1 ,248 additioosi, Or lorturiou, sod 15 2-10 per nest, 4 rho. species of service wailn kw nlutne, $28,200, without any . that is, uwing to the failure of the New Orleans and Key West tionireas 57,200 additional between Bainbridge, .Georgia, Florida, witLoa additional Note was put, in operation on the the ist . of June . lest, at $85,000 neluding side Wails by horse or ;tiler land eervice during the sus: lavigattion Steamboat contracts between Paduob, Kentucky, sod ~ at $OOO6 per annum; and between I Iley Part, Florida, at $7,000; and a I ! trip commenced between New St Francisville, at $8,823. On a reduction of $15,719„ per 4.11 b' discontinuing service be • .k h. Tennessee, and D !eater, ling the Nashville and Mem um' at Cairo, Illinois, Such anent change@ in the ateam- coach routes has byes reduced in.l the annual' tranlortation 24,• th,,expeuse has been itibreased tut 5 1 per ownt , ($lO,OOO lasi >lca from comparing the cost on with that reported on the