Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, December 05, 1857, Image 2

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■iwa. P. •LOAN, i4lt•r.
t• •
5ATV1taA1f,.... , ..,
Mows (*the
*treads` I. noordoi is Phindolgebt
porn Os Tounday. a yang inn nun J. W. Cohn..
bon thaybeid„ via sat by two 'enpootslily &non sea.
tho sit of tko Ginn limn. who soften
haw rely. and ..bad him it is mini tondo a hot
bonnet dies. - Hi end not Ito fillOstioss, sit
Was non "nod to scooisysog non to s public boon
alisso-hy, ho did. Whoa no, hod oaten. on of
Asa inn s wain from his pookot sail sold Ito hod but
W hind that lio staid go around tin span ia hw Aso
tbrio basins, sod mind Mr. C. to bold lb. wain. Aft*
in snob bd bon takes In odd, "se y.. sr* satraagor
to no. !Anti This to ban yoor watch is onsrity that
7- will sot loam" its. Win. who bad so ...gums or
ay hiag wrong, at-ono hooded 01190 r hie gold boor aid
Os idiot bspsrul. 'The onveissisi *wisest No.
walked to no itne. owls; Ito did sot lmilion bit Monk
'aid go the filason within no time, as/ night he dn. to own the gin& one his. Is not oat tad
dos nails& sad - soigne rotandag. Mr. C. hops to 44
slowelonols. //sally, ki walked to no hinoolt n i
sad •attoiwaitlag eon elm. onoludod he wend go to a
misibmitseesasisisertals the ow* of the watch he had
get is exibesge fir his. He did ee sad lammed that it
use wit were Ire eeilare—within jam Shy Ire dollars of
ski 'wise el kb own. Strasser, in the city Mikis Um,
ihisre bet oat set for the "elephant," beta/weber tool:tel.
'eat spesiam, 7the giraffe." •
—Tut aimiks age a Dos Jam of bat aerostat* mamas
mmt to It. UM from lisseatise, lowa, and became ou r
wawa el a ties yaws iad7, tke eiterlaked &sem, ef
reermid permits Stalky, he won; her, mid they
sanatoria* \ The lamas gem Why and happily all a
bu dmr itisea,i when the food sulphas's psarrived boa
liviseatbis The kind parrot Moderiy assured hie eon that
he had rehab Missy years yet to live, and ought wisely
S. prepare fen a keg and prosperous life. To this end he
amardeed that the pitied of preparation fur the / Ws-loos
battle be eeepipsey and ihdepeadenee stoeld sot be
wisted is *sweetie endearmeoss, sad hi therefore Ash le
• his duly is me lit, parental authority in imiedas that bid
sea should ream to his satire town, leads% for • Air
years hie Owen, to hears a trash: The youth resioastrat
a, hat tlo • sire sea inexorable. He bat, therefurs, goes
home to beams • ma, a proms which, if we mistake
aM, will hi emplited in an nspreeedentdiy Mort paled
et time.
—Here is the 000 list ear of tablas a ease at his word
weever reeolleet to have nen in print. Two seedy.look.
lag isdividuale were show. into a pew is Bev. G. P.
Kzetere , riaarelt, lameaster; last Sunday, and toot quite
an outlet part is the sarvicse. The sermon was oe the
&sly of alas giving, sad de preacher urged that bogging
was mere manly lima that. After Oa arm asi says the
Arms, the Weister retired to the vestry r&ls. *At
ISO!, deoldedly the ***Most sad most eases& llohiag .l
Ike utmagere, followed in hill wake, sad pnweeting-himmAl
hittooo Mr. IL, dessamded of .ia to give a preptimi de•
meastatiom of the doetrioos inolleated in his wean.—
aliegsd his *urea, poverty, hod ma dada that it was
Caere magsanimoes sad Christina to beg Lima to steal, sad
as ho (Mr. E.) had publish summed the same poaltios,
Iseporded him se the very Mem Wadi epos for &Waimea.
The losamad geadmisa, nothing deaated, rumba la his
pedal and -sonspliod with the maa's roosiSt, who with
limbs Mimed himself oat sad departed.
olopemeint at Upper Alma, latiois, terudeated
rather oerioessip—A young man frost nortboron Dlinote,
PM ail Mart of a young lady mama Carta is that city,
avast the will of her friends. She got illUi ids baggy,
oat they were driving away to the nearest r iaagistrats.
wises tie farther started in pursuit oa horsekteit, sad mom
ovirook mild& The young lady ,itimped oat. The
*bee losollod • shooting Iroaat the yowl who
raked bieFoot sad era to AAA his We. The eotatoets
the gill or pistol passed throdei the foot late the wrist,
4sd • Fitt, of the toad watered the right *ye of the young
tau Watt the-pupil. A shot passed to the -depth of a
owspleaf lashes sad had not yet iseee rmstoved. tc4 loot
Mr had hose taken a the matter. and Ow ratae tso
mho* to Smut the old geatimeas.
—no 1141 saes" of &num are' la a fever of imam..
Meet. seeisesiar the reported defaleatioa is that eity of
*r. Suesel Lawrsaiw, tbe Haler MOINIber of the It. of
Lezereme, Stems 1 Co.. siesta of the Boy State Mils mad
s wasefsetariar corporations. Prom the aseseets
whisk isre rehashed of the aka., it apposes that Mr.
LIIPTIIIIOII was Treasurer of the Bay Stabs Mil* sod est.
*rid die swill el Compaq la his ereeelatises to
die ameset et half a manes dollars, or thereabeata. Is
fertliselUsWimppeers that the kaftans of s tarer dad
agist bevels this isetaaut bees.* se Wail tenstake
It sesewbet eatiertaia epos white Aloe tie alleged deficit
&said fall. It is *Asia, beeperr, that the stook of the
Osetruay wee !Amid ea Batenisi sit 121 i per eget. se is
par (BINS) without lialing Uraninite', sad that rasa
•-lieteriag gooks fa Maeseebseetts lave reesived *blue
Mum eV& awry adU sot sooa newer.
7—A Namhirnie paper relates a gory of a "roil' prong!
si apes ese of the " fair deserter?' of that eity the: A
gay /other% who has, fora sooth past, bees toddies is
ibsitity, /sr* wileh doe he had srutaised good elsezo
Oro, toposteded noisily Is pistil the alreetless ef •
leilky 0) who was steady slider "toads of rostslossy."
Oat s few weeks of salsorripted leappisees. ose ends.
lwrisii eyes lit apes soother Stir our, sad, aserillto
the s i re sikress. he proposed aa elepostesb het sot haw.
kisiberieetfa' whoewith to promote his pease heti
.as NO eesoitatel his imagist for the sale of • vela.
WS memo; with whisk perresode they coati Mika NON
—[-alai boos, when their Imprison would sot he la.
tirespied. Thereto was worths& made, sad our beam.
siolsessad of applyiag it to Its proper so, took " Dover
to 1,60 d deerospod yesterday siersise. 'rotas " Dewey"
Is. 3 lbws Ler siggir sad her lover. ire sorties no
Me Nieces an is permit, ans if leaght, the Aar
WI mdse. • boil isreetliatios.
Lip Grey Sails atteelied two nes la Bedford
erooty. reeroUy. It few rit hi threat of one of the area
tolicterse • abort distaste from the other. but the blow was
eared iC The *see tires souk hint timer the wriet
idth' hie dew, whoa they elseed sad fell to the grimed Is
• Metal orsgee. The ether sae fad hie gas with hi.,
hot sot prevested from Arias for fear of halloo his Mead.
No tea losediately e. hie essistasee end oat the throat
eI 1110 Web. It seemed nine feet borrows the tips of
Nit slap.
—The stamp •nalW of • pereok beim Soya (is, a
siiitari teats ill wiles by Obi twee of tits to le I'm a
Iraq sire sae is As sasari etrsareadiagepos tilopralriee.
Dudes a side viseell7, • beritessa, sermod Cy}st7u.
Ili witty ed th• Maw sad Reel Ltlaad Railroad, toss
bigots 600 Me stead es the platters as fteight sae wllkils
issaisig at adi speed, tite triode paselaf owe hi. aid
Mies his laataatl7.
--liisehoppeee on op% isakisig their apprevesee he
soppyisis is.Weetsrs Tina.
N M* Own s.. AstesiN thew were levetwbor sit tb•
vellitliblee base lbws i. tbst oldies*. Hoeft wiembed
)1110 "• 11114 7 foortnisa • rte sow i - two hest..-
Alldillika~asft ilk's VIM diem "••••••." se It lOW
111011, nab ilwir seesswisee Is thst fogies two 7 mew
--41 le oda ist iliester Ohba is ptinietti* esti will
it is oily istfoisee hide eeigissisiv two sew Turf.
emise_viet e die IWO Illesstelso-4tisesis esd
elf eel, is pa i ls be matt tblo wreriesdissil
Mae is the wishes is slaw tiw asetere
beersksiet Oslikesis tit the Greet at the ustistelse.
—febs iteitassestly esesiesii et sorb* is the eased
trip, !it Itambiagles, es labs eta ass Aft-es*
iwst~ltp. The jar, *be eeseietell 'bist soil • Mriis,lbe Abner beve pedliewWl hie lie posies. go
esswishesebil le As pent tisiweiesompt i. tb Wooers
Asafeasads., jest .rased et lab.
ewe* ibiegkosh bettilrotglit wives, but be severddeme
war yti.ld.prets Arne Wit lobos be woo
is Ile Itilditilmi‘ esti AIM w pusebsse bet
is bie Wits* the mewl Wit
IWidsites theesmeas iestrelkits tM Mid 11•11
Pr. hwiltemilip war shortie tabor, W reshiessit Maw
lhasesieselilet. The We et tie immosethil wee.. wee*:
rust garrote/ WI ilewarde wirsase, with se purpose et 1
Awls re Yea
'Pod Ammer mow to tom Alum,. V A.
a i m wow*" Ihr seiripepwe midi sit soirees I&
ok uns i m Amoy alleg **edam, 'reit t;...'
pt ilmr“sweleie Wen 4ert 4 ,wese et the a.W .t
my riper."
—.llr. Sims St** 1 IWO& doe*, ihreitlesd Lit
sod! Soto goy wow falloir' lid woo off iriatia tie'
Ilitilapis. Obis a mot modesodfdol dO emoo otmt
Adlootiotooliorlboidololorliddi ot . • "
S t
' * Vbelldloilise es 6: whit aid 110' 'a- ' l it
SOW* Aft* *it* midilliklialeg ' '
iiiiiiiipil a. Vara COdlidillifiii." OrAte ' ".z:
raiz adolip Pod wilt! odghtli WIWI
disiiiilit 1 _
•, .
A? VW*.
Easeas. Prom
`implant the
•apes lbw Milk
. lodes to *ow
Wises, have made themselves yebilast ever her rain.
AllaiiiMoBllol34l4ll4...Why has tide bees PR "ft
lave the provisioss el &bill that. le itself, oestaised the
plait** *mil* of rams Demeessey—tbe right of the
pet*, to sell ipeveramest--reeeited the anathasite of
those who are' etersally pradag about "liberty" it the
ose head. sad of "Statearighta" *poi the other? The
slower Wee -* that he who rase may read. lied the
pthselphm al theitileem hill bees ameesdapard is irestral to
isr tembogisraritadAtst este bees established that the jive
ple of & isethoef, like.thate et 'a Stets, hare thi tight to
&aide the {*ethos of slavery for themselves—et that
stomest tie bosh of eratentios betimes the North and
the South iresidlbro bees removed, sad thus the spriog
from whew* hod aottlutes sad Soother* faaatieiset drank
tragitstios timid bate bees dried up. And bent* it Is
that theles ectlielN•braska-Hassas in their
tree late= meanies, have serer bees allowed to fruc
tify upon the soil of MIAMI. It would have destroyed the
seaspatirat raltimagognerand retreated in ,strosger links
the bowl at troths between the North sad the South._ It
would hove established a principle foe the alisiesioa of
sow States is the Wore that would bas• been the death
blew be 16111411109. 9 whether *toasting from Ilessousbes.
seas of South Carolina.
And here, we apprehend, is jest where the preeeet
sakp•'in regard to that territory nets. The misoblef.
taskeve,sileseed fors timely! the electiottof Ilr. Botitasiist.
have bees gals at work. At the last session of Congress
a hilt *as passed wetberitiag the electios•of delegates to •
Casetitattesal Congestion to prepare the territory for ad.
missies ea e State. A governor was sent l out TICk full
power, basked by die army of the Ilaion, to preserve the
perky of the belief boa, and time allow the people to de.
Our themselves the tomato's salsas. Bat the mis
chief makers sad deseturognea, tree to their misetioe. ad
vised the poop.* not to vote, sad this airs, oar heeded
tio L neehma *Maui that oat of a claissai vote of *boos
tifieseanii. hat abort two tbosaand went to the •polls—and
the result wee, that while the "free - State meg" claim a
large majority of the popular vote, a majority of pro slavery
delegates were returned to the Collimation. This was just
what the &publican demagogues of the Greeley school
- desired. Freedom In Kamera with them has been, and is
sow, a - isecoodary considered in. A theme to agitate upon
was wiled they wasted, and they hoped to have it furnish
ed by the pro-shtvety convention forming a State Count •
Mies enkrefesing 11 submit it to 'a vote of the people.
In__rtder to tacit* tho Causation to do ibis, the "free
State" leaders gems out in atratiee that, no matter boir
inobjeetiosable the Constitution framed by the Convention
might be, they would reject It- They were bent opal Rik.
*blot and deterialwel that the "vexed queetioo• of Kan
sas should be kept before the people. d tri hence it was
that the Constitutional Convention. assuming what Is an.
disehtedly fete. that the quiestiee of slavery was the only
*as et issue, determined to submit the slarery clause, hit
sot the entire Couritatiott. in this we think they did
wrong. They should bare met the qoestion
stearesen. cad sot like partlsens--6thoy shored bees said
11. the ••free Sumo" lea ler., here is the tloastitatioa—it is
• good one—there to vtiu.e lu it itlirattiteig statute",
which you ear reject or not se Jun see et —hat we dare you
to reject the Oeatitittition as I whole! thick a position
would have owateauded the notelet of the country, and
woe for the Coamitation the sympathy of *very right
minded Isms in the territory. It would. we think, have
moored Its adoption, for the people, ao matter what their
party predilections, admire boldness, and honesty, and fair
dealing, sod haw the poeitioa of feedlots opposition
I assumed 10)-• the "free State" leaders would iota reared
spun them, sad defeated their cherished hopes at keeping
Hawses fora political foot ball in the States. But, because
the Convention did not take this bold and multi ground—
did hot.% fact, folly appreciate its IlliSitiols, to crush out
demagognimet In Saabs', by doles right—ls that a go o d
and valid reason why the people of Kansa; should refuse
to accept the Constitution tendered them, cod remain out of
the Votes. We think not; and upon thit point cannot
better lay our views before our readere than by Rootlet
Gee following paragraphs from be New York Timm, a pa
pee that ever sines the Presidential dection, bas titalatain
ed a conservative position ;pot titte r question. Says the
1. It, 1. urged that teatime.* as dittekels Constitatioa fa
sot submitted to the People--la they most iroWfor all of
It except the Slavery clause if they ratite •Il,—they ought
to have gouda, to de with it. It certainly is • wrong and
armada". that the whole Cosetiastioa is sot submitted to
the papidervoie. By subsalttfag part of it, the Coevestion
reeopleed the principle that the people bad • right to vote
epee it, sued there is so good reason why they should refuse,
toile, these the opportunity. It is sadosittedly true that if
thrreatire isetrumest bad bees submitted te the people, it
would lave idea rejected; the Lagislatare would bare
celled a sew Coseestion, the whole elistroverry would have
bees rempesed sad the admiesioa of the State made the
sulkiest of reserred,ponteet add of proloand doebt. But this
len matter which the People had a right, sad sh o ed her e
bees &HAM, to &Nide for theeseelen. It is to be horse in
swish, however, that Obi mats potat of diferesee bus bees
the nistedo• of liFerorJr that this is fatly sad fairly sub
sited to th e ponder e . Ups ail other fa tuns of a
lgra:oastiestios there has been se vital oiiaagromaloat
the ishabitaste—ead we hear eves sow so serious
oseptaiste anthast them. Tbs whole eantroversy has
tented *mate niestion,of Slavery;--and it is sow di,-
testily itheelearly provided that if the majority vote for
the Cesethades wished Slavery, then "Skarn, Mall no.
lever exit is. the Aoki tfr lisoias,* Saab s voile prohibits
at Date and forever the seldom* of Slavery in the State,
glee so hit as meow the 100 or 150 slaves already in
the . The owners' right of property in these par.
1 ambit' glares la still iXeserred:—bat Skit all other proper
ty they may be razed by the State Legislature. Their num
Is ao small, thonover, that the interest they create
eleitteitert so perregulble inhume um the sods! or po.
tilikilli •Oliditios of Uth State. j p,
1. It le urged dud tbe whole , Iliarlitiliery of the *wo o d
is Owed fa the Marls of Gamed Calhoun. mod that the
Fret Suite am, If they. vote would °ortolan be cheated In
the result. This some ob was made to their voting
la Cletelier, but the lathe .id la futility. Gapers! Cal.
h em , moreover has sits tit* pow*, to OppoSt three
Coeusissiosere Is oath ty, who as to appoist the
election j , sad to outline the poll books that Sr. to
be »tars gto him. The recurs of the poll booka combs-
BAN is additional safeguard against fraud. Gerund C.,
has hitherto nethised the eistreeter of • fair-minded and
aright mac, sad we do not believe be will coustesanee
en whose of frandalest votisg. Boobies, after the popu
lar vote, theCossuitstios is to be submitted to Conned;
N A if the rAi've State oda eau establish freed I. the vote,
it may bit rejected by that body. With these various
mesas of preventing or remedying fraud, the Free State
,sea sae seareely justify • refund to vote by the apprebes
' thou that thin may be cheated.
At UN 4.t. .t tN %wad
IN. W. lasi, ,ihs setsstiscst thia6 4l 4A 4 *O9Oll
- silem#issorleibsrs Ansel *boa
GMT. , Us bei spies sods!** IsesS.
le fie* aurior, dm jpei*mOrt s Ira ibis swims
k ig :Amp* agidra9mOrt swaissal sass; 41*
e 4
. s st .16•11asstr &a dosses 1,11 . 1•
. lii . " immik AP iim I.l l llo4sosont
iiii is Si-11 Wasik. ma Alsikier,
As laly apse ssesdes Os pills Is ssia*,
OW Is Misisd.
L It is mod that in tritsurver form this goastitatioa
say adopted, it eanuot be stunted heti/ Asir Mt
This objection we Wiens to be without foundation. Tiso
lasgsage of the Saluda* epos this point is litho
Sac. 10. "After tho year one ti.aaawd eight hisildred aqui
riffVfis. wilesrete 1/00 Logislaitare shall Walt it soni c
sar7 to amend, alter sad ebony this Constitatioa. they
shall reopeusend to th l iirturs as Lb* neat geooral .0100
tie% two diva of Me bars of auk Imo* emesnits,
to yeti for tic again* hailing of a Coavestleot sod, if
dna& 0u400,1 of all timoitisono of the State have
fit a ilisaseculiss.the Lisidslatars alma as iu, nit
tKaty woke. I 5 a Cleavention."
This provisioisiv amorally eesised to soloodateots that
way be derirstifejtsr tip year 1864. Provioes to this time
the Ottsetitssies, ovettloy its own torus, will be 'stingy is
the bawls of the People. Isiteed this mast b. so is say
etas. There is se power whisk too bird the People of a
memoirs Suite sot to °hawse, alter or &mead Omit. Cos
vrltestiver they see At - Titis petal bail been tested
over sad over attain, by the Suite of Neer York aa volt as
etiterlitatee. The old floestitetios of this SW modern,-
Id a maw for Itp own sassedt, similar Is fora to ititt,
*wee Ii the Cessettetioe at sat the Lseisiswiwt''
snotty this previsies; esheaitte4 totitiripops
larala A 45 I. suedes whether they wadi bail •
Cleovestiee Wash* sow Cleeeeltutiee. wad Is wist voted
The enoweaties was sailed asulLtko
doe of 115411 was hawed. Presleek, tb• Salo
soured na be earned la lasses. The wag aart.wesh
afro a she Legielatare way seasso• Ws ilea*
te &elan whoa*, they wW have a au Coestratleeal
Coavesthis or set The satin mistral ever ;beta dogtee
th, sillebe lites passes late Weir eircluends. The Puiessl
Elsiverawieat bee se reaper Say pegstf for leterferesee.
mad this of iteelfsee be • miry great or tie missal
glitZtbs seis
r all Weed Waimirssees It slums to as pied, to
be /mired that the Free iltsteises shield vete epee the
Oserwitsties. ever as It is sabutitteel Tbey Nut stele&
slavery, itiii t t p l e sas mare antral ever Weir/owe stain.
What sore, or w leased at ea. Wei attests to as-.
eseasplieleby is sere? Use. will be aa Amiss
elimi the Pre dlierwry pasty will wets; If elsailreelbsetniee•
ehe ONNIONIUR with slavery wlll be adiseseil i .a
bs isheidse • slave Mats. Trio
*Sy WI preireettby yodels sad is *oder way. IF.
Ins tbswellens, tbst day will epos/cretins &est& sis
du %
no likooolools Itssaunat says that Ls. Lank
gibe sea asensatord with II" lin Taylor I. the Ina Lott;
liremaisis Saila
b monad es Mt hum In
Sitanantalan. Ira nods. bribe Sandusky papers tint tie
Zr., Las estsblisbeastom diet. Ms. Tyler Mal lt,
Vogt Oars at Soils, 04” w Um Wait up sad tbs
Itanstod irsetlinan has bus. to loam that
In iii!«.aapiat cal i fs
„,,,.. 4 00, thetas/W*om ► belts:stated
Aut. tM hrpoerietid tite;itompb r ief
m •brilliksrs 44 ,-is Kalamai' they Itot *it ow QM pair
Coaatittatko, boom!, +E . mei. awl Wink
led is th e people. le certsilly litiKsot kayo sesaped the
memory of oar readers ibat those demo men sailed a Coo
vattlon Is lassae„ without the atabority of }fay law,
framed a Constitution. elected Stots Ulcers, a n d went
through :11 t he . formers of oneself: State itosfentneat,
without the, work to w °to of the ps , .ptel Not
a Nation, not • Hai, letter, or comma, of lb* Topeka Coco
etitatitto we. Over sottotittsd to toe vets of the people of
1148.4'4.-4'nd yin, the num, 111 mid oat at gawhie. who
amotetod the Topeka iiiteramenit nab ettvlemietelad to Fires
her into the flaioa coder it. are this very sies-who now
complain Wiliam% sod towel biseause the legally relied
sad legally elated Cossiinstioasl Coarestios of the Terri
tory submit the way eqatroveted question—that ..f slavery
—to the +lle, asd Abbot* the balsam of ihe Caustics
tion tram ed by them. Ear be It from ad to "adorn this,
suttee of the OonettintlosalOosvestios—hat doe Nobriti
oar Yuma., sad the " slaitshors" oat of Kasoss.
ehoukt be the last to eorplais. They kayo no right sow
looms. forward and mosso the ohaapioaship of ** pope
lar icivitritignty" atter threw tag .very taipodliattat is am
way of Its snocesvial application to the territory of Lammas
—after, is fast; having tgoorod sad .ptt "ipso it, by 00-
do•vuttng to force a tloaoutottoa apes the people without
fret submitting it to toots tot approval or rejectios.
Again, the Triblose sad other papers et that ilk, eons.
piano fiat the aut Coastitatioa ooalotas a provisioa that
it shall not be amorided eaW 1844--sad spoil this ewe
pistol amuse that dm right et Om poop!, to sod gofers.
meat is takes frees shwa for Solna year!. W. do out
know whether the framers of the new ConstititrOn !stead
al to provost say smoi.liment to their work said that time
or sot—bet If they did, it is evideot they have mad* •
Waite, as the reader wilt ohtterre by sa satiate its • poi
tiling column. Ilse wimther they bare jade eat/stale
" skriekm," who oc,leavarod to fore* the
Topeka Constitution on the people of Kansa., should be
the /wet n u foseplato o! that provieion, fee th at itseltrosoval
'contained ti section, worded in struts'*, awl we positive
languor, prohibiting it. amendment audit 1885 ! ft Is thee
sheer hypocrisy for the ".briskets" who have always
opposed " popular eoverelguity," to isotoplato now that
its true Intent end meaning. as proclaimed to the Kansas
and Nebraska bill, has been tiyo.tre.l by the Catstittitional
Cetaveatios of KAMM,
Th. ansoersey, however. have a right to *impish', and
they do tsitaplal.s. From 4110 extremity of the country
to the Oilier, the Dentiosratic press, confined by no veetion•
al limits, bare denouaced the actioa of that Conception.
In doing this, they mate so war upon the Mitainistration,
isotwtthatatilliag the ehneitling of lb* appoaeute of llr
Sect mita and of :he priaciplee of the KAMM! bill. Oa the
contrary, la the language of Forney's Prose, they '• have
lll'srigtogsst coolidetee in the sagacity and patriotism of
Joitilli - Boomonu. It was his name that eared as (rote
sectiotelham is Lftbli. It was his, rooeervativa character
that shattered the Kopabliena oakum. It wee hip kaoste
latlisationda favor..( fair play in Katmai that enabled as
to saris Pereylvania from that abyseLli which she mast
Lesvitabiy have &Des had we faltered dot a moment la our
saboroneo yes • ILI, Of Tie onJoturF." But units
tbe Democratic prase and pang. with a niiialatity ettereoly
over *quilled say ibis, they catgut sod do mg target dm
fact !het, u Prcindeut, his (worse is a plain one. It is to
refer the Kansas Cotistuntion, in wbeleVer shape it reaches
him, to the 50.ousideratioa of Cosigreis, for,--to adopt the
language of inotbor—it is cheer nonvgise to itielawato that
►u Administration is compromised by the dooms of the
Conititutfoonf Co tins in rohtsing to submit
It, whole work to the people. The quota.° did not grow
out of the Adwini•!r mon, nor it it referable to It. The
Administration did ? not create the question, nor cap it
esttß /t. Its opinion. of c carer, ts entilod to all respect;
and that opinion hes been spread beforulte people. rb.
Kaosse question emanated from Congeries, and to it must
it be roturood. Congress and the pimple of ILIUM. aloes
eon teeth it upon the ounotraotios put upon the Nebraska.
Kansas act.
ex,vro.N RIGHT. ON ILINNINO.—CoL Benton
P•b 1,11, •• • lougthi tommunieMiou let the National
stiligetwer, oe tho Comedy Questios, whielt is attrastlei
ennsidorabl• attention. We have eddy room for • inlet
abstract, bet it is suiliciont to show that upon this goes. "old Bullion" is Mill himself. The Colonel sets out
with a motor of the policy of Goa. J 110114013, rowdies the
etamtley; tgotanothig It with the experienwe wf/reeent
you*. This policy, he rays was,
I. To revive as
aeons standard of
Jt. To omits a
esclnely comma)
S To make sore
(ma tr./wain.
4. To 'approve
lam by the lopol or sump .
S. To wind tj all defaaltisg boobs by so equitable
bankrupt law,
He coogratulates the eountry upon the worthip •of the
first three of these inesearee; and urge? arguments sad il
lustrations in behalf of the to* ',Unwantede in style and
(ores of thie-ovigiaal writer and thiaker.
^ Le regard to the practical iiensetice of the sulliebraey of
epode for the mutts of the civilised-world, and partieelorly
for Aar own canary., be 'masts that we bare received four
or five dole as seek as tins busbies. wants of oar comes.
shy moire. There still remains bore S3H,lloo,llo4,whith
is fifteen time. as midi as was her. Is Wth.* of die
Hailed States Tweaty wig do whole
amount. he aye, in ettaslatios at that slaw, sad that ill Is
sheer, there Wag no gold tbs. Is us.
Air It Is said that IProsidout Bucata.►a is very bash
1111,1a the eowpally of laid's. wad that he has two stirso
fypodpilrase• with whiub be estertales his hoots of (minis,
visitors. Tboy are atom: " 1164 eat is this your Are
visit to ifsshiugtoor " Madan. I would adviso you to
tick the Ssithsouisa lustituto 1 N Now, If we wore La
slimed to imitate his llsoollearry, we should way is our
°wool eoulaa, witio they ocias to-tho sky, Nadia, is
this your Ares visit to Brit/ Nadas, I would ads iso you
to visit BARN A BNOTHERIS STORNI for titoy haws tits
Asset assurtssout of root *gory tared to "bard up"
ail, Our neighbor of the bass has foaled smother
rise's amt. Be generally lads *se every week. hat tide
is Al. Iset—aamely, that the preseat masa of Yawns af
fairs wdl awe a division la t h e Democratic make, sae
dietsioa to he led by the President, and the other by
Beamor Douglas; aid hem, as we her. "always professed
tt a most ashosaled admiration" of the latter, he Wake
la his wisdom that it will throw al apes oat or the other
lion of the dilemma of sastalsdag ate Presidia; and op.
posing Dolgtaa. or wistalaiag Daisies, sad appals; the
President. Bat be thinks *pow the whole that. 'Nos ae.
&mot of ;be Nave* sad Mire be latter will remise ear
support. Now this, la view it the feet that this same Soak
Dam preeetal that we wiDlto Nnetsted" owl of siesele very'
untied. to my &s law et IL Why dm* the speedo* tt
"Peril eurfeee4 tkelmir disk to is beregaimpft Why es
robe to as vestal natives la Mama* if Sew head la to well
ii ltr. De ehastairweataAes bask& "Tarily, I oey
you." 'peak ao mil 1 4 do deal. The Abeam has. U.S
sad again prodleted our death at the *aphids* .of
air preeekeemseiseba, and yet it helm set that. "ea
ammeat of oh tame said haw" (wit* we an Dever I.
see. aboteliag to Mee* go will baba the Presides% sad
tl sse,lfr. Deeglas. Verity. sew tosighbses iaeta is 4
/Cog Awl Him the old bay's wab ekes lee soils ••-4t is
kytiwg rased Iteteel
la" The Beale Oomatereial ma that ea flatathay a
*thaw *beat meaty Jean of age, of than good Isopetsr.
sato, stopped at a imam 1144 V a itT. Oturhed. se 0011111-
wereial,stremot to that (Oils whittillg to ""eases gun fee a
few dais. Moe bits babe skeet three weeks ell 4, whisk
the replraasted es bee use. hue math thiap etftieb es•
owed darleg the "teeing swel"l"s win meted that the
MU was est her eve. Etettiaidee sitglet tie AIM &led.
Oa tire eterelarabe to, to is. a dether, bitpiair that be
*add erste the elsith ire Rte. Shoe then the troths big
set bees Wee. stress say tease et Mr he 411seeeeeed.
to. We esU thweasesise et sit laity melon to the
settee of Brass's *peels( at lols saw Wanton Is 41 1 * Psi.
sere Bellehrp. Is window w the hesdsosest sad bad
oilseed stare is the sky. be wilts:Wok ti his widowers
to di, perhaps dw lout simistateit et redo Is Ms Use
ewer Wend is this dry. Wow& swiss that It is set jut
th e tun to soito di* Ladles to were evasive Was thew
herd Ihses—hut thou, 'Psalm odps Is bed so well as
good detse—se so is set least &.tzi, It yes dealt tl
se. Ti. Bptiagiaa4l).-11raviatal, la ambits a Ulla'
stalb at ears WNW stun* at ear Very rasa sams.
pearlia, alas alp Iha amidst' Mar at Or Olawaar."
Orr 6W a( Ilialigalpiata ram maim a waive misaillie
I. Wo—aboaa Wars jpaara sip is 1104 fail Saul*
dolma* aoal milk" aline" dor swell fir abbr.
es are icas team ora tho teat of Illwbarylaisil
•u5,.1914; • la trin
Mat. an. 11. $ ad'? is limo-o
"visage's fit eCor Vitikegoe. .
Ms tea* blew of Ms
, - • s;
(Cownweritewettlmiltilaillhielier.3 . _ -
Noe 2111 t. Ittee, 10 •
To a sae efeest4ea leneethis howpillwhe besjeit
hi. &brie mieresillie drolly the walk of wiehr y • -
swots trot ender haw is dm m1.1'111164 Be eirfv. N. grab , ,
ammonia levitates te theebsirielhg awar e of lees, vac
wools Übe a iniseditated Isiah. let war "Daniel's'
la ' bar Plat" nfAnitAr listitarat In** sass vary N..
peinablie srewbs etewelert set et thspiserst meet et the
pew three ameba. Tim leading idea seemed In be alum
is a rapidly ihwelopithi 'buoy. wisakihe ore libtolotol7
nreassary; aim is tbey are ale sweng now saw ad.
Ineearees tad tassiesa 19trinelakil eedestakee new eater.
passe oe talth. SOON pekoes,. Rost fall baton
as. ha mated; wise bold wriest., mu* mks
tine assalms net before bia seeleteer eon Isere hew to
avoid 11.
To young sea startiag b busiewe with repetathese yet
to sate the prissat posture of stairs aords emesordinary
Wastage. The credit of the old impended hawse as
set. however aaavoldthie their thisfertasee may hare ben,
ewer apie M nogarded ar hilreillable• • Peat sal
then. small traders have pee through the crisis safely be.
oases they bad lathing or seat to Oaths to pay, slag m e
*nu* will as a pascal thiag stead higher with these who
hare assodilles to trust la the heads of others, than the
widely estaided hese** w il l t t s. ast espital wee not seSedee
to (tarry their water obi when the withdrawal of
Isaias talkie& had thrown his entirely upon their owe
resoierees. X largo part of the *steeples& thalami by
sash bowies bare beat tor periods too Unkind to allow of
Indorser they will sot be 11111011 wee able to pay than
uow, oath out Jetty or Anna, when the whole product/
of the eciaetri Isiah**. moved, payee!' sad' a the pro -
duce( aid dm by bin to the theretthati The ability. of
the fleet to pay wUI be still farther redeem& if the sea
board aides *bald be obliged to import Wheat from Oda.
ma; as saes sot laspossitls shwa if seated*. 'Wes early
and prim, keep up is the martets of the loader to their
resat point, there will be a shilling differenee between
po own of importing a bathel ofjthest from Cbtaago or
ba•ipaa, in favor of the latter port! This is reekoning the
wet of transportatios by railroad.
if reitstarats sr* at • premium. The Anomie men
from Nagiand ruled the feathers of ear importing houses
eonsiderably, but no failares have boon imported Among
tlas elan, Omagh assay have sulfered heavy lames. The
eleatioe.fur Mayer of New York does attract nose attaaatiata
trots a oboe of men who wasally repo.. to sublimes half
ferunce of the moverasets of politicians, and who ate *sly
waked asp to laterfere with politics by purely total sad
l.otter eoasiderations. Sat money is mon valuable; than
it wee • year Of two age when men would cheerfully pay
a double tai rather than muddy their brains 'with the
affair. of the City Treasury; tow they can and to sea
A. roe antaromeats, we an loss abundantly supplied
thee Is amid at this season of the year. The Opera is
m oierately enesessf al. Literature, with few sitooPllces,
I. at • heavy &aeons'. The Appleton. have adopted •
ti.,rel expedient to force some of their nasalarible stock
upon the market. They furnish uarsaploped respectable
female. with copies of their owe publications at • very low
rates to sell from hose to haw sad appeal to the public
to airtain the enterprise as a work of nervy. Never more
emphatic than at present would be that malediction of Job,
.0 that sloe enemy wadi weds • look?' Or you might
have said "publish a book" Job; either lloPer•Alls weed
bare been a "settler" for ykaridvoreary. The city dailies
seem to stand the pressure remarkably well. The "sae/S
-licing" dodge has applied as almadatioe of "taming ad
aad the patronage of sabecribere is fatly as
largo as ever shies so on., at toast no Now Yorker, oyf
live without serwspapers initliese stirring time,. Kai to
be "posted op - is one of t h e seven mortal sins in i thls eti
Last week was the opoeleof inarder•—ero 'Mrs a little
es,setioa for the last few days. This
,kitter cold weather
however is adding to the desperation/Of the desperate, and
soles our Pollee fore. Li soon arriutanted oonsiderabij, 111
frightful fireman la bold ori most be the result. To
morrow, the da i y of 'lead promises to be one of riot and
'zees. tatlairaoes MX at work to products an outbreak on
that day which arty not porker,' be quelled without the
intervention of riiir eitises soldiery Who wad , ' such an Ito
poling display late Wedneslay. EMIL
f Br. Louts, D. 3.
BOX lANSA3.—At a meting held at Leavenworth
os the 21st all, resolatioas were adopted similar to those
published at lowest ea the 19th; and speeches were
made by Vanillas, Phillipi, Ifiteheas imtk , ethers. Yr
Phillips advised rallyimr mussel the nodes esessManies.
Gallia; it the Niagara tauter ei Isamu Marty.
A vigilassea tseasitte‘ is beim farmed Ibrestihmat the
Ow aro.
salting it the
A /ever to tae Democrat. &tot& "Unwise', R. T., Ns*.
27," states that Gov. Walker saldhe .odd sell an extra
session of the Logislatiuu providing the members would
sign a pledge, toeing thatxbei world not go Into
general I on.
mg it in its
A seeds' was held at Lewresee. R. T.. oa the 19th
Inst., far the purpose of eonsideviag the action of the late
Constitatiosal Conviration. Resolutions wersiedopted de
cluing the Lecompton constitution a gess violation of the
expressed wishes of the people' of Keesse—a fraud be
gotten of fraud—nod solemnly pledging themselves to re
sist to the last all attempts to thrust it upon them—re.
peatiistiny the election prepped to be held en the 17th of pee.,
suggesting that if the Territorial Roseville* does act Im
mediately well a special motion of the ?territorial Leeds
tars, Gm Robinson shall ea/I a special wwion of the State
=at the eariieet aseeselst.
oat, reteasamendieg the appolatmeat of a vigil.
Lao. oommittee,aad to east's the action of the committee
were almt adopted. B. B. Whitman presided. Sprain
seers seeds by Gen. Lens. Gov. Robinson endoderm. Beret
ta pre•slavery papers In the territory have takes strong
grenade against the Constitution.—Tekgraph Reports.
The above news from Liam is signile•nt. 'bowleg as
it does the position which the "free BMus" mss intend to
weepy. Aid la the time which is thus thrust upon the
conatry, it will take we *Ostia emu be tell that the Dem.
eerutle party will meet it naltiodly. Whatever sympathy
may have heel eaproseed for the "free State"
,the new asastitutku is not folly submitted to the
peopip—orilistmew denusei•tiou may have been uttered
&plaid the Lecomploa Casemate' for Ignoring, la part,
the PelootPl° 4 of popular sovereignty,—we east readily see
will he suppressed When the Democratic party is called
epos to take a position in favor of the lepltq and the
pieties of Topeka Coasticadoa. When the Free State men
make that lame, we know whore tc look for • sifted Dm.
Gomm. Whoa Smote, Douglas, sad lbw Chia'''. now,
the Detroit AV' Amu, the Buffalo Courier. and Forney's
Pries, are asked to nibtaln the omelal preisations of Om.
Robbins. sad lib& side by aide with GEL Loos. they .111
most asqaestioaably ask t 6 be fi emoted oat." Ism word,
the signs" ars slipaboant that when all the farts ars
kaowa, the position of the administration will be found
• comma one!
IT STILL OOKILS.—Tb• Prow says that besides •
roise/A, smug° of Preset merchandise, ttte Felton Ia re
potted to beteg $200,000 is 'peels from Bailee& Tb.
Daaliel Widow his arrived at N. Odious frees Pava n s
with 004,000. TllO Neither's Light, from Asplawall, had
arrived at Harms, with $1,006,000 of gold—ladepsodesi
°I what la aim& rl liwalitin, mli net listed Is
the isseifeet. Uwe is as imported°e of over $2,700,440.
If ratters .Denali. time, the &fealty will be is Imes"
whit is do with all lb. gold
e aim
with Our neighbor et
etthe Observer is perfectly delighted
th version the maripturee prepared by the
Jassesseera Desergra. • wi•Ol• • reel IMP• 1 to
match bis polities. Jest like Ids. A ear efforts to ba
thos lilt to take a "pen amide bare bees itaavaillag.—
N e i " " Obit gok sad wall promo it. leat war pelitlee
se "pars sa artiste et Deleaeriay as ever palest muter
la Tammany Hall. or die Potent Capitol ? Lad ass.
diteet to• motile?. «old 'Mier," that k pits artiste you
sows, $5 to babas, jut to keep you oolipaoy, dews Is
1s- will. liaos Idiom I So IP tot ltha osr "s
-omas that yea rim% sons a " to take a pare artiste.' ter
yoit w 1
- an who to pt the watt of tholr ahreey
soil nom too, otriU Ile well to look It tar adierthleateat of
Into t% dot peat emit&
. fibitylintrat aid toy dealer, to
modem' *llona. • rem Oases for bawds. should aid
M overlooked to Uses like these.
Air As on ',tier at is beriams of Oa tiros Is
/kid^ Us Ossapap l i ItssAir ist a try, di*
rib at" varripestare sastaira, was repalksa I* par
a Sa• paid rib as SOO al the Prapatry sir% to rise tbs
wry 1" not anise yrs is. /be rash was a widen
II" The greatest Masai esseetest le the Musa
Ihes divise," b sagauthwahly i hat tasarlia Meth/
raw* of Wm. It bee tom se esteemed i• all are of the
wee* Wad maser all aimisas wiser sad drifted. Maee
die radian heave sere& the weir et his sassy ,as his
greatest trophy. Tee a Medlar Mad. the tasabiaside
We Asa diespdsai t i Taiga 'et wealth as well ea has
Woe phseasiermil elm with beirewed leeks.
whe shield dissiewe a use& et tag the hair
ilses New* the talashast oarless Time by tarsiag p...
mbisid7 rms. a ummehra hy wrieb it *add be restored
whoa hillagwit K trait wits. *IA a way of Pwaeibid •
itaratiasmid twati pew*, woad be *sty wad
ded te teak arm tb bombast+, et the baps twie,—.
Sel4llllMi ClOll.O
e 1 Ifiatlage sebum of the wastheell
kat lassifteestponilgosts "Tialsesse *Jade*
iittA bes ireiVishiC*
this.-41.1111 t 41411
ble sausesse of owes see itesolsed wraigvaitids r umd
that there is no room for the shadow of a doubt
but that the Mormons were cognisant of and
instigated this horrible bacillary. The 'lodises
in the vicinity of Fillmore, Parowan, sad all the
southern settlements extending to the Virgin
River, are entirely under the control of the Moir
..nows; the elMe are Teeogaised weeebere it de
Mormon church, and isissionorlatare 001111111111 Y
residing with Sheet, Re farther llama is that
it would be impossible for the Indiana to plan an
attack upon even a single wagon train, without
knowledge of theidoraiee's, and that for yeais
no small party of Arnerfecsas•ltal ever been safe
in traveling this route.
As a getter of necessity, all small trains have
aesumaf the name of Mormons to travel safely.
These Indiana; are well armed with rides, aed
supplied with ammunition by the liformoss, and
at the time or the passage of the 11 a Troops
through their country in 1855 every effort was
made by the Mormons to induce the Indians to
attack them—and they were only prevented from
so doing, by the superior strength aid great . pro.
caution shown by the troops. Th is feat was
communicated to the War Department at the
time in an official report.
nos., Mary Mulligan, the young lady, whose
good name was slightly tarnished by reason of
her having been in the employ of Mrs. Cunning
ham and Dr. Burdett, in New York, recently
went to Cincinnati where she engaged with a
Mrs. Ruggles to learn the dress makingbusiness.
When Mary was "out of her time" Mrs. Bus•
gles quarreled with her and said some ye*
naughty things about her which me do not wish
to repeat. The result was a suit at law and a
verdict of $4OO for Mary.
tap. THOMAM WILI f IM4 well koowd aid lagkly MI.
teemed says:—lir. Carter—Your OwAx Wean CAA
DT is certainly the t o and lodged the only Wee
ever liedieireop:
I er found, and Mare tried quite • number, eillectoal is
lag the Smaller Pia Wend. They did Just u you sold: dini
world, and you Cr, at liberty to use this statement."
trie, N T. li, 1857.
110 ,
CLERGYMAN, restored to health la 6nr "06 after
many years of great oerwous solltering, Is to isaho: s o o t ,
the mesas of core. WIN *rod (Sr..) the4neseriptieut toped. Di
rect the Row. JOHN U. DAIN ALL, N0r:484 ruhos stmt, Brook
lye. N. Y. Raz=
larA PERFECT s4l.Bs7riv7z FOR TIM: LON
CET, LEECSE.s AND aLisTrits!
I.:toTE i.. 1) of being a / panders for all maladies, it has isludirel
over but ONE DY4—has bet ONE Allt—sememplishes
but ONE THI NG, te(wit; wants tart.aultairoar ossaasus..what- I
einpf be its formr6r lessen in the_ hen 414 1,,imo Z iming. S i
abdomen. exlivelaties or Every fern V
no other Mathew) is outdo 'by it as molly at ire is
by wile Lit naked, APO 1 does this ?—edemly br tees the
I t cv,.. ee between the 11 ds and solids. Swat is It. potency,
Its modem matter, it requires merely whist adhere ho the
pOll4O of a quill dipped into a isolation of it, to abet the satin
is. Of its ialriasfe rosbat. fie exiigh Vold eoeutheirly, and
not as disermerer, must be are jorir.l2lll
PRIME COt T„ $1,60 Pt R LIBACMI—sfitICE SE PIER Drumm.
tow months ago, this neystsrures Medisise wee seibmitelsi to
the tribunal of an intellioU public In that she poried,=
fige kandred editors and pubilehers (la the U. IL, Chasess,
Provinces and Itnelandj have personally WOW or witnessed he
elleacy in iOsmiewudeery tisseeem, and have pronounced it Emma*
valuable me di cal discovery of thin Arany preceding see. This rair
lightened jury of five hundred reliable mu, by their, unbiased
verdict, have the fintiphlogistichalt an utablishedaharsetee,
as will bs seen by the. following brief extracts:
From tits Roston Trn rater.
" We think the following testimonials from pnblishrho tit,
wired the Belt in psysnedt for advertleing, entitled to
Calderation and more confidence, than the cortilicat==
attached to advertised medicines."
Lyme /Werke Nees —"The Dew medicine, the Antiphlogletla
Salt, is rapidly working its way to popular favor Le this city—hate. fag cored Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Bush of Blood to the Head, Chimp
sod Bronchitis."
Lamm Seetweel, Meat.—"ltis• sure remedy for Ingwerrestery
om pia iota"
Ihataarter Journal, Pc —"lt stands unrivalled in latiemesehory
Diseases. "
/fumy Advertiser, Na—" All who have used the Balt have
derived tie most teneficial Obelus from It."
Mums Junta, a, edited by Urn IL S. Deuter.—+W• eta say
rota experketes, It is as excellent remedy is ileedriekkNearalgia.
Up, and Palpitation of the If reers—ladied, we are oats 1$ will do
oil it and wary God speed the saw uedleino."
.he Doescrat, fad.—" It has cared several owe of
IllosawAkerk EtreeekitiatEeysipslieueleseher."
Lasiesem lirdereuts, Alfs..—s Chulminnrymese erasures& et seem
Nutralais la dee west.'
Phikehisela Herrad, lt Is goosing very poplar here."
liberty-Tae Brawn 1161.--" It has eared u raison sad Inikem
oratory Cadmium) Diseases."
Waraiwille risior 0.—... Re know It subdues Tesoro, floodsche.
Toothache, and local psine—workipg whet / bet Allbsfeettp."
Another editor, Ity, letter to Dr. C says:-1 know °tumoral who
are acing It with great benefit, but ;Anemia to their family physi .
Jana, whom they do not wish to .feed ""
Another--• 1 bare bees a dyspeptic for 3 years--ban taker the
Salt four weeks, sad am entirely cured."
Anottret—•" A ma of min., subject of Fits from boyhood, need
the Salt one mouth, and l well."
Mm-prude 71nmesesea. tr u st—" It Is a valuable substitute far
Vaaesectims and Blisters."
Boremeills tidenser, o.—" In Fevers and lallaussatory Itkoaner
then, it is Invaluable." •
toPwst'anittate Timor Mies.—" The editor eared °Muir of Blood
the Head."
Western Ciremick, IPA—. Every mar anoald beers It ha his
Dap-Easter, Alit.--` Dr. CereprerolTs Belt has wrought tress
Headatta."mericale Zack fee L—ft It has tees mad sumoadally to Hernias
Another editor, by letter:—" Oae of our matoositors hos taboo
it for Morley and Heartburn, sod le loud le Its onaka."
Another— o• It is wry popular with the ladies in Hamm sad
Female Comphtiots."
Another;—" It la the best remedy for Ferrer and Arse over goof
to the West."
Another.—" My wife has long been 'Meted with lallasuratbat of
the Leap and • hard Cough; she has used the felt kw than. 04114
=meth, sod her complaints are wholly reourrod."
Arnotber:—One of our ehysiciaas ferns it he ors at it, la the
fare of a Neuralgic ears iron my own family, which Le trammed.—
Ho says,
AAA wrought the
she I told him, Stith or so hint, the
Salt has done the amid t do.
Apothem—PA child of mine dluesagosalysie.k with %seat lerer,
was quickly cored with the Salt.
Lem* 4. Barearr, A. r.--u We know It is or It probers to ha."
Smart Times, 0 —"lt is an 'umlaut nimody for N
Eleadiehe, lodamed , and Catarrh. It is imbed a gust
arrery; sad we say„ h as
Another, by lettar.—"kly trial been euritr=... of
the Womb and destreesimr Mee"
Another—" Our town siert ass bad the Setae Complaint Ow 41
=au used only ode box and Is well—ead a maseber of his
Twee mired of lallamation tho DTs hem the same
Asother—" An seed Secrichosset • compositor is oar aloe, was
cured of the Vearreal of 14 years' stondiag, with two bum sad a
Anotber—" A ease of Charente Rheumatism eared la three weebs."
Painpro Revise!, F. Y.—" It his surest the mad virulent fora
of Bait
J Uri" T. livery badly &mkt bare it at
bsod for inactitite
Ono-O. 71i1s s, Mei —" It is attended hero ert - 61 real
Berko Tneettript—"*We termer in the Metre of t h e Traveller
that Mate editorial verdicts, under the eirememetaaoss, am osittled
to mon than tonal octoeideratlen."
a r While many Mietrum-ma rietbnise the decd-natmed
and pill-riddie pablie, by ordering " hem Os to • dome Moor or
bottle• to ear, ear malady." the &coverer le happy la beins able
to state, that the severnet Memo ammo inftmesey Meenas, ere
overcome by is. Ante package, and the most ~Mate mid low.
Aiming mom by ewe Cbconie primer. It doccajwit what It elahm
ta do— to mon, so lea— u+ tie Aside M reeesederfircem fie
gam AU arterial end mama *Metes:Mom
NO Adl.lMuLler To protect the omminnity front
Non by ceenterfalte. proprietor will empley No Acme, =
node en& arrangenwete, ttot,be can send the AntlphlogbrOc Nall
Is any quantity, by MAIL or Ensues, to arty pert of Ow Untied
States Or fordin countries, without memo to the parabessem It
Ist up In dractbm ih itekaire for mute &sass, at 113—throata
do. It laieol)canted MNI a history
of its discovery, sod Moieties. for ass.
N. IL—Re repotts—cer person la the Caltirt States err ehowlime,
ban been spotaasoi agent by him for the saleof dross
who an annonmeed as Aiwa* are only eel thr oe illethilrks
received tiabllebere In payment thr ad .So that biro
after, wy • recta, the Antis Salt eau
bad by° AIL, ( her Of *sprawl therm Box 121 Post
Bodeadiasa, or at his Ofi. 2O WINI ER OMR?.
OarAU lenses with money should be ocricierof at the Pad
wbers mbstlikt, as it roots bat ire cents, aid will Wen* that,
sae anloaL is. day, (bead' cam calm) 317 letters want to
seireil,,comtly for Chronic Pewitairea.
Beaton, Naas, ISIR. Disoosierer and Proprietor.
or. We awing all to eat out mid Pave this rest diecovery.
August 22, ISM—Wm
os the sak tat, be Mum thdthlY. Val, hie. V. W.
TOY, of et the km of thumeertou k tamely Nies lip", sad
ci Whamodpg the Mk ult., by the Rair. lad
Uwe" I,
13011811111OLL. Ebb 'Murk, Mho* lad Mat YAW.
daughter If lAA 8. Outer, fah of Ws City.
At lie net/bete tb illlltweek, on the 240 f Ostehee, roan
BROOKE, sired U rem% II :Goethe sod Id *roes Otte" emboli
emit oast efteeeedettlaeGe et the ciptiety.
le.this city, on the 2ssb of Aoteiaberott the reelbses of hot
see 3. O. our. lies. MCLINDAAteIa. tysd TO ran tad awe
Loot. eti
oit= tin !Ott alt. steal r muse ro, •
sar thrskslallanistilla
N. t Rost Eau&
Ufa, Des. 1,1161.-1 t)
k settle Won of mei* the oarillrlse,
will be liMd 111 Eft. essaresibe 40.
, 11313 DAT TUT 95% DIKWII9II ins"
and impatiaulag sod dories , the 1.1 Id harm MI
GRAND eearetsir,
be Wes seeeTestwiest el be t esd bl ireeles t
J. prombeee be eves Is MAI boZ giiiiii zziNelest Nagai
ot bum, to Buil, tb•
lerts. ....b.
AU thir paws Uhsaty, midis)44l64 gad, 16irs
; NEW c • • ) • .- GOCXDS' t -
has iieetrie r liailihra oillie
T 14.1.11 salusaatja gobogi l ie, ,
miaties eummin • at airlittta a
assomosaa se 14= Badge
ohms! dim Gay an WI 11100
= g art. arn uag
T ••••,. ,•••
W al i l i ra • nal mama"
Oa Saturday, Dooseber 6, UN,
the West Psi% -Ene, Pa.
Ifs "Nis w riqpiettislif ionise&
T. it, lIILASUIi b rrogafiessr.
eat figpmer
WI ale ise r m a =i4 o rerpoi airewlieset Et Ger
neer ewe t• this ear
tah al ain t a l i t e tat=r i t " ghl Z
U 1.14
smirk Cue. 5.4 mili_fbit row.
_ _
0 4 IMO 064
• 64
Cli "
Lenri ciV , Pew alheyt a rat il =
• • DM slimurs.
171/02'11E'R ARRIVAL
wpm Lvai rest; THEY au '►oars.
/Woolbawls, idol addes
dis aw
at '
ai ni ed tor
IMO Wool mad Why Mi him
Ix riser L
iltasititel Width at
100 Mows last Make, Mots ULM** at' lS am so de
DamaoUs With rttsta, 8 Imam alder tluitt Nattiatats at 10 eta
4000 stla Nodes $l4OllO boot Otoleta.
SO Pisessll4 ,Cllatks and Cassfasres all Colon
Nara sta. to 1 011).
100 dos. Ladies a$ Misses Heavy Winter
Hosiery, 'Ribbed and Plain.
Ladies and Gents Winter Gloves.
L awry eolieeivab4 variety. •
Basques, Ladies and Misses Gaiters, Armlets,
Ohilds'Mut&tees, &e. ke.
Is all Colors from 25ots. up
Gents Knee Rugs.
As the above Goods : bare been bought for CasA
with direst reference to the wants sf the cash
buyiog public, their attention isTirtiettlar.
ly solicited. TIBBALS, HAYS & Co.
Nos. 1 and 2, Brown's Block.
anigh, Dec. S. lhet-41116
groom oilldarto ifilpromalbeir Wawa boars •
aa einatakororld do well to call ea IL /1. lama
, leads, Short *sic whore they eau await thearaileam
oe Ure apaortamtty learable all pieta leavipsloa,
4 4 Mere', of an apes trade frost time
LAING to Zara" sad Use West bodies
AD the parts oflNavicatioa tiaabt, haeladlag Whig
tbe Loaalarebroamarbr for Ille; witt.Lasars Tama
strictly la advance. Thee aalialitod.
Ma, Doc. 0. 1108.730.11••
rill iod " 61121 11." y a miviethilly Ul3Ollll LO tbe IMMO of tbs
laapaspes and 0 Ib that be
Wands, astek"= "k giving? ille•Wir 14444, Wahl/six an ~dug
elms, Ibr the instils:4km iii F,.0 German and Spanish.
Moos who wish to alas* will plisse call at Bowman's Aonissay
Boma. Monday arming. Nroashio the TUN for rho purpose of or-
Wiss botulism 11 awl il ectsek, P. L
asstaismis " I ' 2 " 4 -
?MIN t fbr attseilanes at his dam
"'rag% (per ces tr " .Lrmak) $6 Ge
2 OO
To 14 psid half at abet -half coarse for •prirate
isssoas 5a4161~14 A kropuipesiiss• saws for private
OM 1m Ily riswilint
„ wheat,
ii = ll l:4a 6, MT 1 I t O. NO SS,
triumpher of Ura abase=
lAinpub 7
Bowman a A .
— ll:l7Biszs OTIT as -0171eMIZErr—
szta. ors
I • • 0- • Oral NIPTCI4:7IIF. CO2l°
rumns, !$0110N11„ TOTS, GANDY.
Wbohasle Priam fix CASH OXIX !
This is no humbug 1 Oall arid see 1 !
Dee- 11, 11167.-30 _ _ _
MY fallow atatata aro hereby oottfiad. that I base Soft toy an
fialobad Whom tai the 4misw at J. am Tioupeow. Lg.,
who vitt snood to It at %hi aka ocoaptod by ow, and the trial of
ear it air sum he will pie wadt ornwpowat as will ho istisamr
lorf to ay ahosta. No to alio hotbastowd to ottfit ligestists and
_ Ittio, Doe. 1161.--30.
iteasoood to tie Near /kora ream* Mai op . by Ain lo
eke " P...* Boadiap," oppoitibr &a' Woo Park.
'WN be
Mere et will emai keep ea baad • large sasertmeat
try adobe Serelf
Paris ilarlinstry & Panoy Dry Goods.
Coarerthog la Straw, SIN Village sad fraacy CM, Moron,
Mbar" Lima OM" ; Hoot Name; Ikeda; Jodder,
Wreaths, Raabe", Vet Sadao, Mika, Yealarra Kat imams sad
listerlais, Soak mot Coy sot ono, odor Moto of /leads
too somotom to toontioa, to 100 *obi at.Wboloolo cad Retail, for
Co* ooly. so Moo as cal be boogial to say of the Ifostoro elttea.
IFlLLlMlllookilloboo wad 4 at wtoloolo picot.
Old 114~. Iblitired sad Ptormato* voloto4 rim, only
IS costa.
II A1i.741111111 rt.CIoCIMILIIIII.
PAnrsinvaa. Olso,, TWA, IPA.,
111 BB JOABa N' l'Ult.' NM CLA RA A. IrLLARD,
peritendest. Belerla*Dderit.
T. B. BLABS" Prepi•tar.
lais, Deo. A. 111$1.—*„.
OakLIM preposala din lie ndelved at the dike 101116=as Meer
la bead, to ate to Jto•dadyr. IL of Saturday. Jaasory t, Ms,
for Plrylietaa to tho dm beam of 11, Is Coast,' star 0411 34oar.
whoop dor It win ba lb Wad to the tamable of add bows. asd
stoat soar polyps 14 um Cdp , at FM. audio, I dishier , of *WA
whs. la MI illteeded. frost ebb et" Watt% lad to famish his
ows MOUNtetipatale dlll Werwrolove , at thir odor thee
tar gibmw a s . ma Baas% the aoplimats, is addition
Liprias...... atil Oleo tie, amber el their Family, 4.. The
reity siga to Mr of tb• Madre aiorttiotthe
diWor. WO* !tidy ata i =t e slid decide seeordiaey.
lte *wise of 40 board of el the trd aanhr.
bd. Deg.!, 1117.--110.3 v. O r s IOOI.IIZAD.
(Met Clop
• .
nava DAYS.
1-3 0096 vet be amid C.111111 6 =0, tbeit vats* sir last,
af 6011111 IT SWIM
Os. t. [ryes 16•41640 eggposits Me het, Le* h.
4. LL it. Itaitor tomittestl t. Blakeo %..t Boone
mei plow poi the somo 'Atli* sad Ilhe mots.
T. R. LAX", hopriotar,
• Duna • to ttoo Pa.
At tits litgatOpeadOltalr 3.& Rat
. tram . • :Loddis elms Stark
randloda,iii.ris ssd Chaim la
Wu me Ma Wow Boidaa &wan=
Kum Medan sad ClOdrea's Claim •
.addlad : MMwM tar S2I sash. udi saw
riasa, sad daltrael .dial* Use
Salliiire oil
s* law
( NM 0 11 1111•7 '
Joey lOW IV Mir
Rai sew swieistiss' libms
' ibralyamtiremessisedie veleh
I 410114111 ♦. MU T.
1711111111 '.
. 'IS T
lAil l t itaiti,"° lll4
Swim .1/Wit.
ghseil islistkes Digivres,
a. &a.
IRAMIt s 11110111ZIL
10. to IrlS 00
Zle 300 end Sle
We Irish you to on silo
Sacrifices we are
Oakfords eelebrated $6 Bilk Hats at
Genie's " Bei felt Hats worth St
Platters wide brim " '! " $4,50 fir
10a. Caps selling fur
18$. a 44 CI
40 DOZ. PLO= O 4
Worth frutu, 75 eta. to
33 117 3P IP .A., Z 8 CO Mt
No. 1 Robes 'wort& $ll selling for
N o. 2 4 4 $9
Gents. Furnishing
NLidc Liaeti Shirt* word' $3 selling lot
Neck Tie* 1
Gloves, Hosiery, [Tiviershirts,
and Muffler&
Cr., Doe. I.
TT Is with pleasent that ire the trustees
I throne: oar Prom sad doe_ that we oil
lags completed and mill oyes a wheel ea
Dec. next, seder Os directio a.l L I.
by compsteet tedmiien.
The whim+ bleb molt hoes Three
most tet mated is adrenal'.
Tbe extras, also, audios male oe The ?tun
t 111 reettiva their tall share et attention.
' Xr. lierrintaa's poet mica. la Macho( is
sulltrient &manna+ for the merit of ear Wind
The °peeled of onr teen will le attended en,
enneequence of tie Dedicatory service!. ehid
day the dna day of the term. onr 1411/Fr.'
lag being nee, will give great adeltatse
oar school.
Ealabor*. Kris Ce., Pa.. Dee. 1.165
liffisitY DAY AND %m{ ss* iorrit.
NBW TflAs.
600 Prises, valued at
la. rainuars unicioawee to th...ito
. Wawa to asaldad iworwii, tan
Lb* colitbdoya aosotowao soy lbw
ataeMPtid b rrlq *m eleah a
tbamordwoo tot to, Slaw Cookoolowo
**doe goloous. la oddities to b s.aYd ,
Catilbetiotatioaltosiwww, Sy rap., (Mum
for dol., wboirwalo dad at n1a..4
plea vtouctin) pawl
whieb eoottia lrlvi 111111MRES MU& '
oatbosor a collection of snick. 0.7 6
&moult tibia% an a amber of ..!M 1.4
Freapth Joswitry, Moo; To ti
61b owls at for time
d 1
Saab pogibogo will be mold for to ets. of
giiieir tie name of the prim drawn The
telbuted oath the Ist elJaa. For list of
will be thetnketted neon as the •-
Bartow suds ample peretratte• t
a him variety d Plate sad Fury
respectfully anttchts• till, herb% to
tict%le in bit Ihre.
Erte, Nov 6, 1657.
List of Letters.
a PX r %En
I&NGn l ehO w Peet le t O t n erle e n . a h
Andrus Mies Mary A W blinked Min '
Boyle John Whiting J J
Bann The Maria thaanne Jtobo,,
Brant Jolts 3 , Hale Win
Bcceccie, ii if 0 Rennin 111 Dins
Beane C J Huts
_hinson Joseph
BeenrJ I. Hill Mrs 11l 0
Barton Joseph i= Ohs
Ball MI. May Mn Mu!
Baker lire Sinatra C ThAdenan John
Barrett Wirer W Han rd Moines
Brindle Jobe 'I Elausdlo Mira Ass
Brown 1111chari 14. *a Bar 9;
Brady Patrick , Haabot hark*
Black S r Hauls Mies K
Blake Jason!. It Jolson A Ir
Colleen Harry Jot* 0 II
Conner Mr. NJ Senn Mrs Mary
Clithrr Wm 0 Johnson Mn tee
Cola Seth *.l - Keller Mn yearn
Caen* .O H tart tr (coats...tort
CAABUT A J Kenyon Martin R
Cartorn John Ittenper Cvnmeltons
Chandler H V Claw XelltDiros
CU* Me Actuate Long , hiss Jane
Cook LI IP Unship When
Duman Copt A Lathrop J P
Nevus Andrew Linginisitre .-
Illthie Jarvis J Mom OW 11
Lecinda Miller H T
Natkaale MiSebilCont Ilrell Ai.
BY lir illteuell ROW(
Darts Mims Gary 4 NIIIIrr ten
Dargborty i 1,1 , 1 re Jabal
Douworth &bunt I Malnsky Illtelsx. l
Evens Mrs AVMS ii 1111110011 haw* P
Vaal fire Mary Gabcoly Thaeibl
Freakier lire Jar M Marilli MUG Mary
rex &sae J Wary Jo.niii Yr,
realaia lire Gore ilea Aiwa. ,
/raw drawn 3 Lark James If
OWN R 0 Illartber Jr is
filaiiiihrr a *Gant , Jeou4
Gilbert assort Mulaarlie Nue ,
lieges Gobi
( =a i t .
"re A li eI.:WM.4ImM it 6
--40 rood. rite wood. did , "
ItAWI up by the subscriber, Osiris
i l is r i ' the 13th inst.; deep red ...awl
SO artificial marts. which the ."ser
I"wilig Pr
G . by &MI ist u Omptou's Corners ou
NO.. 14.11151.--49.3 t.
Er=C CLAN lECTA.-100 Hone
AAA iteatity.
Nov. 36..
S.T It Y
Stray Hiblans voarlate
ral=t Zaaglaren, la ralniaor Mar
Krrambe4 lou» teND et Ws 4.0
*diem tbe belly; the Pelt a..lbsi
eimokra imeitris nuns; as await •
Sadie rove property pay diar
rairviert. Dim