,YI L - "II 4 7 A- - ... gig s i t oo& MOORE, PUBLISHER& 1,011? 28. ERIE OBSERVIM:t 01./sffED if PERI' 3.17171.0011" ir ~LOAN AND M. At. RE 0 4 6 u a.. 4rL s: . cop..NLit or STATE AND FIFTH—STA --- it. F. KLOAN, Editor. If lAA in &drone*, oe within I winoths,, so, if 0,,,..11,/ will 1) , fh.v.i. iner lining to oe, within the r►r, the will and the account left with a peeper TER)L9 OF Am-intimShr; or Twelve Hues or less masks a squari. Acs A.m., op. wek, t Oue Pq pare 3 bpsiktis $3 00 • two " no (ls " • three " 125 Ooe " 9 675 J uana year, changeable st pleasure, $lO. mouth., month.. 9 9 1 9 months, 931 10, 1 or 10 Ktt 7tar, Sta:. 6 lib; nth', , P 0 ; 3 rtecl to the Hainan+ Dlrretocp at peleanuen. [for • 1104 over att,Atul ender ei.tht, $ titorial ontices,lo ovate a Noe ; but nu adverttwa. aertc4l among the Special Soft,' for leaf th.lo 04111 ets awl others requiring irrquent dangers to their wine/ a/lowed two sq mans, paper, mid mud, toy' $lll. maw, the charges tie tt ProPorii , "‘ ao l th. limit be strictly awaited to the legitimate initiefie ad".111"3"4.14.5.!11#44, lb!' tee stilvertlettot will be preeettee ban , .4. TO pee eeet. will be made on all exeept .ben paid in oelreinee. !NESS DIRECTORY. WILLI %II H. LUCK. ovcri,r, "clic, in Heaty'a Block, north gide of YuLY -tourc, formerly occupied by Magill k Co. an 1, 14r:202.41. Jt(uts - it. tIiANK; s r , .Los - J.rur returned from tbe Welk Irma. to Er , Ws the winter ?hose visiting kw ‘•:run JAW a: Lim ronderiee, center 3d and Frenebstu 1i0(. 1:•.11 114. r. I ware, CrOckety. ()kinglet?! In pi re litock, corner of Fifth sod „.• \ • •••••I 1, Erk LYTLE. na-cuo-E by James hill, Esq., aim r• of s; Murphy between tho Reed 11., tip CLAkK. , , tie. k: 11P1 RE 141:011.EA. aver A J and Itet.../1 Dooders to ever) dor iokt.c Dom.:Cie Dr: , Goods. ClirPetur4 Oil -.ode start, enrcorr of Fifth, ISrie.4l. BUFF iLU C STORE, t, -t awl ItantActurtit to brat quality Ready 0 .. n• orneit's famishing Gouda. A 0.7. Brown's ri., Ya P. A. SH(.7K.EII. it t , e lr of 4,,Prie• and Prosloonne, tiSan , /Le. Two 1 12 N -.‘tt4 street, et...pride, Erie, Pry _ . WI L LIAM THORNTON, A eerwelent Bonds and Undo .• , tentely andotrel.4lly drawn. (Mee on J. S. Sterrett. Groom Store Erie, P. cm 1111 1 0110 * SA Sir a•volsoa, Provialoos., produm, Pork, Tab. Solt, au. Nuts, (t 141..: Nene. Br , etter, Pails. Wooden. •• av Terms t' b. Prlcest is No. 4 floors eikee the Poet Oleo, Zeta, NRII,CR de WARREN. 'i Dealer. m 'change, N. I, Adnerimm Bleak. Col mad• on all the Principal thlitml of this Caged dtatee and and ptoomei promptly remitted. flank Noses, Gold eer twutht and cold. int.r..at paid on time depoitita.— remitted to Eanqa.. Land Warrants bought, mid and le ' the meet reasonable terms Ar LAW Ann Jnalatta es reit roam. Will palette. in ra: Courts of Rae Count", and rite prompt and faithful 411 laminar entrusted to his hand., either aa as At • Ariattste. °film in Empint Mod, earner of ,Il inn M., Erte, J. .Q. A PITEIRItM. !? aa4itell _Dreier. Ss +WA and Pry Groceries, dose, Amiga and douneele..l rank Wooden, 4 , 11- Ware, flea', Fish, Salt, Mara Nail; Powder, Fuse, he, he-French street, opposite the .00 u wpm miiigusas -- Cr. '- Al 0V1 . M•12 and American Marlowe and Cutlery. Lonll, Vices, Iron and Steel, No. 3 !teed Roam, = grogoottoliy otter UMW AtO %* eftifwW of rats IltMi ViCilll,7. Itopi• IMPtireik to otortetrits. ST Izlt & PAI NE. Commtssios' Mracamria, Niters In Coal. Plab, •t .ter Luau and Mauer. Public Doak, east of Suns Er. Pt ULAILIi -111,11VCALIV. .on v R•vnil BILOCIRS. RNs, Pa. Interest allowed on •-•.I tme and Sight Omits, Cheeks and Speck. un sni Land Warrants hoopla and weld, Collee , all the principal cilica in the United States inn! to Europe on our non responsibility. DR. J. L . wrzwAirr. jruot avriSnaoood. time,. Stewart k Sinelatea .rntr nt SUMP and Newsoth ornate. Raiddence, nue door cditt of Sassofnus street. W ;VIM altar J.,W.. Q Co., Jorkvis of large arsd Donwstic Dry Goods, Nos. ‘nfirl Wrirvon Arent., New I ork. .1 I CaKAIIII4/,' CIIANAJOI A. 111112TRIMID, ■ JOILVION, • C•RTICA A. lIACIFDIERIL ?!B LA HATO! 0t.00.. Una krtilt. Dr A LIIILI4 lo Finer and itaple Dry Goods. 'Lap, tni Ootiges, to. No. 1 Bravo's Block, Erie, ALLEN ft. (ALM iti. in fteco—uftwo 111 N Block corner of Poach le NOW slaws Vie ft.. E. 11. ABELL. Swum,. te Mahan II Sktrwhag,) IT ST, Publ'. Square, between the Reed Hodts and t'i , tor,,taken to the best style of the art sod to Wit. THOM CS M. AUF4TII2II. Lao of 1,14 firs of G. Lama 4 00.0 - N'rtcer. , Jewetr), Silver Sanaa; Masi& la - 4', 1na..., Lampe sad Faisc7 Goods wholesale KEPLER; 41;60., F. 9101.. Steam Hollers, Vadtt - arlf aura, and all kinds of If athlnery and holey Mw t. 31. CUAPIN. klaitqAT Odle. in the American ` , late street and the Public Square up- Prlcr. reasonable, and all work ruts:l:dad. F(IILD at CO., `. , .r, /tank Not.-, Certificate. of Der be. th" rrnn , tratritita constantly fora e. T. HEREON STUAKT. in the lOustom nou•e. R e, ld . d r . •••••'• Wm* • ULM of the old Apotheaul w . TewA, ll 7. 6-tai: -7-77 etal: il,4er• in raocY Wig .taill="4lllad lt.el iloJer and Brown • _ - t I•KIIU.LE U. _ •TLEU. - • kw, F mitt, Pa Coftetions mid ,Ea.es to vitt, yrnmplOw. Wu! dispaittL (=%VTKN q BItlITIl ER. • Lt,tl Ketal t tn 11”4., 16.1lemoin, Nazi* OSA. te t. n Howl Fne, JOHN 14WPSIIY. nt /11,- up-stairs, JOU", fIEARAt 4 CO., 0 and Lonumi.non Me rebant , ..l«alrra 10 00,11 , agvnt a ha. of C pprr Leave Steamers, • Pe GEORGE J. MORTON. ati f_otoransei,,c Wr.rhaal, Public Doi* ET* "kr rich. Flour sa.l hut, c• H. W dr CO.. non and Dealers to G.. 1.1 and Silver Coley usettr JAM tr4rrtnts arl.l Certificates of Deposit. Also. *l ,, 'be D.lneltal cities io the Union, Lad all ;arts of sat for sae. ilia. Basile'. &With% to the item hybrty k Cochran, Korth side tbe Park P P. 9 4/Lll. C. o OCVNIIIOII. R. Bl..41(13, en!holP:ale and Retail D•sler in "ondlek and .• Arlad.ial Flowers, Ribbons, IM Lam, *l4. x o b . Boro(r• Block, Stab sttett 'tmeca.r. &meow). paid to Onion. ttrIIIHRV h CLARK. • • ''' .411. • tn.! D.al.nt o Dotewitle sod Importid VIM* ••• i* sera?". Tnbetcrn, Fruit. r6b, OLL and Al. \n. 7 itk.rnpa Block, Stst• .treell= JOHN Mr: AY RIP 4. and Dmitrr let ill kings of Illasy. (.tees and Dining Chair; No. 4 1 •7 .6C Pa, • jut 1011 `C. MAIR.4IIALL. LAP ---,fu g le -win la Tanuosay Ran bundle% • J• I L !NTS. ' :" ( "Ir J 001 7. blncliel, Marsala.% Clomp Pitatar. sa^, Onl4 Pena, Pocket Cialairt,'“. th• R. 4.11 Oic L. W. 0L1).4 A; CO.. all 'chows* aad %Kai [ldeate" to Wen *Mate , " ° ;""lor qeeUty, the eheart Ad beat sow to stmet nest Pereh, ►ties P•. "I kr exert lag water for fatally, liana or thaebbol for tale ebeap. P. AMMILLIT. 'llO of Raab, Deers and altadi,Pera it T tberapied by High Joules. , IL Car Real LL. ikalt.r in Doubt* Beatified Whisker. to ft* Fnnch ft CLAIZX it BALLWIN. ' /warier la Evian /310 , 00 Rnml tk.../ws is Dm" Moncifin• Pliwta" D frittllNa. Rant" Piet asmay, Pim gasp 1 ^ 6 Reed Haw, Erie, Ps. t.A.SaumPOL J. W. D * w —4114$ s• 29•101141•4 Rut 4 , 16 t 8• Put, gm Chat s • . . , i 7 • , . , • • , . . . \ , . . ..... k f . 6 , . 7 . 1 r . - l e' 6 • i''''''' ' ~ • • ..., . v _ . . .. • • . , . , •,- .., .: • , . e . .44: i. . ~.,tv•,..:. , ~t , , . . ~ , \ ... ~...5,., . : ~. ~ ..„ 4 , , ,... z ,,,_ . ,.... Jr. ,. ,_, ....„, , .. t.11 , ;4, „ .7., 4 . .. 4 . c./. ... , ,, 7 7* .t. - ::: ''''t:fo o. *l7. 7 '" , " ... .. , 1e't". ,. . .- ," ..r'k' s : . 1 .. , - ; ' " f -- ;' .... , . , . . . ~. , ...., $.., . . ~,.............-...... ~ ___ ~.._—_,........„... • ~ . - _ ~. . .. , - .. ~.. . , . . . • • • ' ••'• • • ~ .: - 1r.7..- - : .--- ~- ......".', , if: ' - -'---- 1 _,,-.. . ~,. -.• .00r7,,,. ~ . - .: r ioaag•Tel • • 'f 11 7 .4(f() arsll 711 IT ..., : ~. , t- ' t ;- . ' :i, - . - Pf ,6 . - ; 1,1. I .:-.l' :.• , A. ' - - ge. : . • 41. . ' v .;:.:, ' t : ' t . .. ' ' 44 ; * - .1 '. ; 1 i , . . 1 N ' - - ,i i i,r .Ntt. 1 1 . • . 1., : t- ~ • ..... c t • - .' ' ' ' ' . "' 1 1 -,.-, rt , I i,r. -, a t jta ,: :: -. - .-40.. % • '- t • ....•"'"- 4, z_ : • 2 . - •'-''''' ifr - 7..:•: - . - 1 ' f 4.: : ' , 7 +4 -. ...4 1...614 , ,f,. 4 0., .6„. fa hi ....... !I b :4 , •,,, i 1.1.4 II .1 . ~.. IF V. fa „ , t - tl; ' ,. • -, 4 ' •••• ~.?. .:• ..4 alio. vit i--r ias „ •?.‘ ~,,; -: :h. -%.„,, • ... !, l• . • p a ~ t., , , • I pliet I 1, / :i, ' .i. . . `;., , ' .. t •• • ' t -t , 0 A 4, :r . .....1. ' . i . \ I. Ji . • ;44.41 A 4." am - ' '-,.. ; 114 -I. S.: , '.., ~. •:I .... :i YR N • • 'l / 4 . ‘. ••"5. .W.l, ..=. -. ~... 4 . :fa , !''', ; "s, •-• ; 6.4 . • ••• ' 7 jt . f. : ,41 i . 1.3.2 . .. .., _ . .., . . i • "t .^. ... ":"' . • *,. i" f• 6 Z. . 4 . r .., 'it _ 'ill ••:- .... ' ''.: - • • .. ..., _. . - - . • til V* • - .5., - , t.l Li • • ......, • ..74 Tilt... . - ..: . 4 , illikagor# ...In. •• • "M . ': • . - , N.,..., .. OA. ' 1111.11 . N. • -,..• • -- "--.' 7L--. ~ UM. , V" • • f: - , -,• ~,,, - , Liel. . I. , . , . . V. - ' ".4-.....^..r.-• i. -. ~,.. . • N L. t J. 4 IMIE:133010 I= EMEESEE! X. J atrzlL U. L LAN . . "•,-, • 4 i" r-41 El - 41/. in. WSJ 'Savior, aliv l iSso i r** l.ll4l 4,:y , Per. .4 DLL tasit; Angel WS% LOOM A Ate, le- A r listebek . Mai, BUM dic" dreamt an Cannum k o RR. .41 ..evekeist ditude , 4 UN, Public 81 par, 44./ 1 - Reetsitazy amens. ~ • .' - P. . • . .. 0/611;endes, 2 7 4 0mtiV . SIMS 161a4 . .1...-...,.; • , 1114, Rg7 Ike" Xsj 7, Sleek tat. •+ , • % L. ~ IL CILLY• • • • ' v.*. M. . ._ t_' ," ..._t_ ._ . " alitunielt4i 1 . t . 111010110111**' ' ' Janne& 0 Ley. ,--011ee Ant nidure-nineillten, 'S a n k Weeteeraer et Yam lAN I% J. w. Immix, I ' .1 Yeereveartiara Ileateadd i M - Sided I Tie=gbe dealer le Oat sad Stenzel' Venn Cali Skin", Illonvenn, Liplat i cl mid 80111 7 / 1 616, Cods, ligrota, testa - R M . TulT. fta. tille I,' 11 , “ eisto lit 'vet. Erie,' MANXlMPiosasewrrANl hog PIXINDZIOL, Whaiesaleaatbdlillakarn in IllieA,Zotlair. Ware ke., Stab sinbet,.l26.ikk.., • - Arrowiti art Lay.-414100 7 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 11 " 68 . - - &lab witousura ask A .;., 11*r. l and Aaserielui Ran! ft.:Wary and Ca rreneh ° P/ . . b. t . •-: :14*:k no : 1 7 41 ; ' .:11.6113279.1 ., wit ',wit wirkiame,• • aII.IIIDIST WEIIICIANj tale lomatair the Plat Han Marra SUM Frreell strr.t, laria, Pa., \ • DicaLtas in pool. and Mum al awl astilt K 30.119 Brown's Black State .beet, grir, C. & RAWSON. Purrantartte eato Avian,' Merin, Park Sas, aver Booth Steikares Fate, Pa. rum HALL. A t.mast eed Posnrosikfts4l2lllos , Coessrtssod Pstal4 Wpottsys sten ktnets, Best of the Pu t. ltsgsbe • &midst .Oleo of ti. &stilled Sit*, No. i, Bond Nees., art., Ps. CAUL Lams a. J maramr, 111"bol,o4e and Wan Kaaairettinor of no Corn. * Mail, KIJI-feed, ergo,; , AA, Co\ paid bean kisdi j et OK Elia, Pa. , .1. C. EICRIPTUICI‘ nAartalisAy ARTIER, isrolleall, to take .per to tit* very Wet idyl* fbr onelkaat" Room to the new eseent. Pier* nest /enter of the efhlk. ' Z.. THE ERIE !L LS. TES unbaertbittaitblfi I:=' - ' t aw ni.whi - i*i ow, meets on • ' obd oroOtod 6 =lZ= 404 sod ottoprortot topiendl tie 1W s la, ti Ibre, rowed to do 4114 WAIII OFNi ara. Wag in 41 2 0 r. Ma line Novo,' nai4_ 712 a _ 4o:4:rialing AIN ta anierolail tho mer arkat mat . GINN Tia• IMI -tains la aa *meth); pa aqii yoke as gay: now am aay sill la MO AIM slaty to give osibiactioo, h• solicits& si or p L I i m umb o a r , . op- - nom and al triode den to Yu pott of Oa oil. for ad aims% / Ens. Oot 11411F-ral? _/ KEYSTONK. MOIL tirtiJOHN IIt'IIaTIONE, ;tea, ALSO. ALSO. CUMMISSION DIEM; ANT, • FOR MS PURCEUSZ lIIb SALZ 00 rag ICITSTOIVI. MLR, t non NO. WM NALL. Noortmutyfflo, f • MN PA. All .ram throw& the Poi! Olio at gam& atlelmt prompt ly attoadod to; *ad 'Wawa la tba any lk•• dine. Kris, July 2-S, 115.47.-11. THE ERIE CITY MILLS, =NIX* 1-41 It Kam r= oliii[pß, WaloLllll4ll4 ANS MUM maws re ''LOUR COIN, COAlf MIA, Rrs, csgwawai.arraz SHOR - ii - IXD lIIIN. FLOM of all !dada key* ateplastk, es boad, labiaws wilt aell ea low es sew otter Peeler la the eltmoddediow lkoool sharp within the au Unita. Ur all Flour Ponsated to to ea Wlr CATh Paid for arate—AnlSPZlclSCUrptxxidselt 'blot 1 dB . , • Thelmatauce fir . . rIiIII . imi t Erie Cassoty NOW immao• C • . y to wake Inanranca ea every thaesiptioa BI paellas"? la Cnal% at LP low rates Si anieenelMwat aftti asamitt. sze c di dad Into too clawing, vial tie laseares, In which nothing bet noln property and' dinned% Oho* or - tam taprooms as • lowed, and the Conone t I. ariihgooll Iliad ad pi, age i -tared. Thetands la lather dopardstai are net 11 kss ta the other la" Cash Inserasee trade in elder Department at , the meal ■tnc talcs. DIEZOTOBS Saone C. Marshall, 1 JI C. if. fthieb, • W. 7. Riadeeseett, th ohieffibeveveleri lee. 711.8Serrett, S. 7'. Kepler, Thos. Neeribeed, _ Jeesiblieeees, GoOret A. Eliot, 11,.*Babbil4, Xl i p, Mien, J. X. Jeilleit OFFICXXX, Jos. \I. Sytruurvv, Pre& • . Theta Ocuffitetee, Sea Ceimas X. Tuffitiffiyihtee. Office, over J. I. fiterrett's Obeli itieet,-lii the foam occupied by trews ancalsoa ii 1 ase Lew ear. Elie, June 21. 1856 - , ERIE CITY GENERAL EIf9MULINIE AIM= °MCC In Bawl,* SloelL, the eons*/ of and sirm44, $ door to rlglil,22n Ike WM 4 4 Aiegst -11, Billteer.24illtathe4lorlng tinlidiqiial Moak jR, her, cAartersii Ikots Ada Pheseadir HO WASS ' Mg and MARINE Insureads friaoausy of Philadelphia. Fred:llw Astirke t s, Po. 412. Mir' ta Strad. CAPITAL, 1111•41,1100. The QuakerCitylistrance Co OF FILIZAA ELPHIA. Office, franniw Iltradtp, 408, , Wahnst area. Ca* Diehall ilar ;1. • anufacturers nal:trance iimpany, OF PHILADILPHIAI et W No. 10, Near CAPITAL, . 1" . 1a _M L." Erb, August 1, UM. . . - GREAT • • - • - Insurance and ThiSt Company. P II I L A DIU; P II I.A. No. MIL (Jade la) *Waal amen, i rti CIEWITER PIUIMICIVAIm Motbstind Clitlik a te i llelL On Illeratiludito poseser Par rots INNITRANCIL laililt%=r6 ihmthilukapi. Limi r • ' LIRINE INSM ted INtZ re "Mild" 4 VesNio to Ow NNW bp Momemit% Lola sad INLAND IMURANCI 1 Jailed , Olive, I. all' OD% If tlia Diamityi - • - ° DIRBOTORS. , timime. LAthry . •.. novo: t wo sows. . ! , mexisior whadia...____/4_N7 a t itervi . Haary D. 1100148, • arwmasr Phil 0. fluter, fist el , * Cs. L !!' E , Tracy, Am of' Tisey 1 i" ; nip*. L. Git'l !es tiOtt *Mk ! e', attlittall 11. Me ff Pippo is WM* aulteit, N' ‘'' 1 C - base Ilitilibetos, AAR* Of J . R. tirgorly, inn ASA, */** . **Malft John 1 .11"1" " " rioltb James H . milk, itit'of film. Aro% , Theo. IC Haw, GetimiNW.. ffalit„ .... • . . _ Beta 01 Wetnell._ Ma wr. pmed=l,l4. ' - - 51„ Vim j j =2=l2retrrrYJil tr i ne -, B. K. &tawny Sermon • 4. ' 4l Uri% ars% Met r& - Astaist it, n0r.....4 . fit ,;- ... 4 • - , I , TUE 1:111LAIWAIS liattilit • : r'' 7 1 lIIIIVILANgIi COMItAT. 0, / lit i L A1" , ,,i r .., _a 113 naw.= „o to tic nmia , z i a lmi lti A stataa la lia_ jaillila it, , t Wills, Waal the_ paa4ipt /W. . ; _ . . Rib apse lbw &aft sad 011 sr toms, Laws atil bp Pit. Asks cot emorehisibilL .. • t 1111101.• ar atatary. far a ) Umtata Om - -.. • - D : -I , DD, • ~,- , SANWA a• &ale anlia . ..., • tl=eiall t .. aVg Sha ltila il T , swieo j ' — Oa* blikillb ' „ =0* "."414 11 'tit i IfW,P De. B.llaitaub 11kt.,14 . •' , _lll4 l. .- h r "! NM mirma =la =1 mum rlocux lIMIMMEI , sChrt N • rr N .r, 111;1 4.. 7 n /1 Y elttilytta the shadow, r.. . an& aid Ildr, the Ghia the valley MI pesrywbare— PL{e her ebb* pale lbw tentibea, Titae—yoga` and hi*, and the shadow trove lb* . valley Darkened all her golden bait. klueltwaid sionisti 04 gray ittotaimirs. Lit with wnahiw Irnitywharo. Asadowikof bar Orem' igirtbood. taiiir—young. mild Stk. Loan she waited to the shadow, ./ ?aids—loon mod ddr, Psoyiag .ilawsew loth way soosidos. Thourwholaderodtliod ro them" / t y Lang die waited—pa yearning; Takla—raring wel r, Looting towards glowing aplarda. , .; lonian wrof lit Idel tie etuid.rothered slower, Dimmed her eyes, tied bit hewath. Shadow from the lamely valley. Cruet shadow! Death— tondeouhodcnr! so it. pinions— Through the billowy air, Plotted up to Heaves's brightoest , tilds—yourqg and NO. Qijotcc lsrcllani. THE BE4GAW. .t TRUE TALK. Ont cold, windy morning, the last Sunday of December, 1847, a half.naked man kniselted timidi t y at the tessement door of a fine 'substan tial mansion in the city of Brooklyn. Though Ae,weather was bitter, even for the season the' young man had-no clothing but a pair of ragged' *loth pante, and the remains of a flannel shirt, which exposed his muscular chest in many large rents. ,But in spite of his tattered apparel and evident fatigue, as be leaned heavily upon the railing of the-basement stair, a critical observer 'mid not fail to entice a conscious a ir o f dignity and the marked traces of cultivation and refines meat in leis pale haggard countenance. The door speedily opened, and disclosed a comfortably furnished room, with its glowing grate of anthracite; before which was plated a luxuriously furnis hed breakfast table. A fash ionable young men in a !woos& dressing gowe and velvet slippers, was reclining in a soft few testi!, busily reading the morning papers. The beautiful ypuog wife be! Barred at the table, giving to the genital, in waittug, her orders for the household matters of the day, when the tim id rap at the door attracted her attention. She eosusanded it to be opened; but the yang mu ter of the mansion replied that it was quite use- Aces—being so one but some thievish beggar; but the door was already opened, and the gym ipathies of Mrs Maywood enlisted at once. "Come In to the fire," cried the young wife, ;impulsively "before you perish!" The mensliciat withoutexhibitieg any surprise 'al inch unusual treatment of a street beggar ; elowlT•ntered the ream,. manifesting • painfial wifaltoess at every step. On his entrance, Mr Maywood, with a displeased air, gathered up his papers and left the aitetrtment. The compassion. ate lady unwisely placed ibe half froaen man Dear the fire, while she prepared a bowl of fra. ;grae• coffer which. with abundant food was !placed before him But, noticing the abrupt de. Partare of her 'husband, Mrs. Maywood, (with a l ic a ou d e d cout o, easiugo , l e tt the room whispering ion the servant to remain until the strengsr should Asses. She then ran ha tilt' up the richly mounted loftiness., an.l pawed ly.fore the entrance of small laborstory mad medical library, and occu pied solely by her hu.ban , l who trio a physician wed 'model!. ehemigt She opened the door and entered the room. llr. itillyWO Id was sit tiag at a small table, with his head resting on his bands apparently in deep thought, hEdward," said the vnungwife, gently touch iing kis ann "I fear I have diapleased you; but the man loCked ao wretched, I.eould not be ar to drive him *way." and her !tweet voice trembled le As edded l —"Yon know I take the nommen' to day." . "Dear Mary," replied the really fond has bond. "I sppreciste your motives. I know it is pure goodness of heart whisk leads you to die. obey me, but still I must insist open my' for. met commands—that no beggar shall ever be phrtnitted to enter the house. It is for your *defy that I insist upon it. Row deeply you might be imposed upon in my frequent absences from bowel shudder to think. The man that • cony below may be bat a burglar in disguise, :end tamed,' in your abwreee taking impresions in wax of the different keyholes in the room so to eater some night at his leisure. Your lints sited experience of city life, makes it difficult fur 'you to eredit so much depravity. it is ikn ehar- Ity to give to street beggars, it only encourages vice, dearest." "It may be so," responded Mrs. Maywood, 'whet it seems wicked not to relieve suffering and 'want even if the person has behaved badly—and VP I[llo, ItT But I will promise you not to ask ,anotber beggar into the house " At this moment the servaut rapped violently at the door, crying that the beggar was dy lie& '.Dome *dwar) your 'skill can 'nave him. I know," mid his 'wife, hastening from the tool. The doctor did not refuse this appeal to - his ,psehatsinual vanity, for be immediately followed, her lying *waters, as they descended to the basenteni. ; Bitty fouttd the itentlioant lying pale. / :sad uneouvemns upon the carpet, Where he bad slippedi in his weakness frees th e A s i r w h ere '*a Maysieod bad Bested him. "He is 4andsome fellow." muttered thedoo )toe u Ilibegat over him to &Sultan-the:sate of Ail Piths- 1 • .And he Might Irbil say so. The glossy leeks of raven hair had fallen away fret** Imied white forehead; kW elmed eyelids were bnedereti by rtiveu lashes, whit* lay like widiltes trim ups /04 pitte bronzed' °Mike. While* deficits oidne.. 94l e. Smi • nous tans ies obis displar ' - liatia . el at *anti' biiiiii. ~ '.<, ' • . : "NTs': belekgrKeskost lii. yologvift mrsiessit• —ob,so Nis !sly a l = a k a lt, Wawa - by e 11116.44de* alitiffeCor " . Allt,Per4P l 114'irat I,pre et 'sterestinsP rep' theidet ; ter7, U. ka1111 6 ,80_46“ toe i . iilB4 ilam"tdiet • - a A, I ' t., EitlßO' :DAY ~« )4 T yr 141 it. Pam*" ~ ,:: ~ iiliVelf the taste and 11l • &fettle 'GU' ..1 its irealth amid proem not one Anna ~ : :. aid heathy the, . orphi bride of the dir . 1 :' -"u2' Her tall Pi- it Vire wig; lit; . ' ~ ,ii'xieitst silk, that on, heighttitri by lea with dm 4E4 , 0 'ail@ happiness; yet here was a touch of sin their droop log lids that wend* • . one every behold er. Jbe meaty ,nradnetepalßlit which protected her foci' the piercing-wind. rivalled bat could not ourfue, the delimbeaginaty of boo complex. ion.. Many admiring Mt followed the faultless eruct of Mee, Maywead,,es she owed with no. eonselone grime up tholentiodsisle of the Church. but cone wit/venire becetialt-sievotion than the yoang wayword e lmstiveldrase situ, gibe bad re. costly. wed Iberia spitelellbbr poverty and the sneers of his eristoerstlit .. , ranee* . Thirstately organ .. fr .1" Its - last rich notes which' totititt still faibtly .. oft ib Multistate Irehetl, , when a tarsi_ - . • . elepetit, who hulfreitonily 'tidtelf , ',• ., ' • : *Mhos 'of the altar' 00610 Win ' _ . , - ' text, the oft quoted, but seldom COMO ,ir . M . the Apos tle, "Be not forgetfitlitiinitAkin stringers, for thereby some have ehisaained angels una wares." _ Dr. 'Maywood felt bislCrehead flush painfully; it appeared to him for; : che moment that the preacher must have lump bin want of charity towards strangers, bud ITifed to give bhp a pub lie lesson; but he soon's! frowtio tenor of bid remarks, that his own guilty eoaacieoce had alone made the application in,this particular cue. I have not space nor the power to give soy sy nopsis of the sermon, bat that it combined with the incident of the morning effected a happy revolution in the mind °tat least one of its bear ere. So much so that mike return of Dr. May wobd from church, be repaired at once to the room of the mendicant 40 odier snob medicines as he might .tend in natal. of. But the young mato teemed to he mush refsenhed by rest and ontrini ono food Wel eomeseueof gratefully thinking his how fer •the.:kind 'attendees he had received, wbieh without doubt, bad saved Isis life. But T witlineompeutw yrnivell,.for, thank God, I am not the beggar that [Appear. I wuethipwreek ed on Friday night, to* week on my return from India, And 'my' 'owns is doubtless among the list of the lies—for I escaped from the wave %1y a miracle. I attempted to make my way to New York, where I base ample fund * in bank awaiting my order, but I mast haie per bated from cold and hunger bad' it act been tor you and your wife's provident charity. I was repulsed from every door as an imposter sod could get neither food nor rest. To be an exile from t ine's native land ten years and then after ito•naping from the perils of the ocean, to die of hunger in the streets of a christian oily, I felt was truly a hitter fate. .' "?fly name it Arthur Willett," added +he stranger • "Why that is say wife' family same. She will be pleased at her mew Oa Tour recovery." "Of wbst State is she a native?" asked Artber Willet eagerly. - • "I married her in Ole town of B—, where she was born." At this-moment Mit.% Mt.wo-a entered the room, sarpriped at the bong Aimee n? her hat bend. Ardour Wl!let gatalatjerwi!ta a 1 nob of wild "Ti cannot h+—it cannot be lam tialiriont to think an." Mra MI.-Awneo gasA4 with Ertl. leas went "Whet psinfttl mystery i. cried Dr. Mayw. lo d, ez6te.ily, virlre...ing hi+ wi:s r —ergo then beeame a m.eions of the aingalarity of her fennilnet. "Oh. on nivalvry," sht replied, sighing deeply, "only thti -stringer is the jmage of my bloc lnat brn•her. Arthnr." And Mrs Maywood, wlt?i , w ok,n tlllll‘l to levee the room. "Stay one inument," ptoad••d the stranger, drawing a mall mourning ring trout his finger, and holding it up, asked if she recognized that relic. "It is my father's gray hair, and you sr,—" "Elie son. Arthur Wink, And your brother." Mary Willot Afeywctod foil upon the mendi cant's breast, weeping tears of sweetest joy and thanksgiving. Dr. illsywool retired from the room cod left sister and brother alone is.tbat 'Aired boar of re--union, essiirg to bimedf: "Be not forestial to entertain wearers, for thereby some hate entertained angels unawares " v., A NAUTICAL Dooan.—We heard yesterday of a move peepetrited bra hnotnenne eaptaio of one of the die New Orleans steamboats, which . should entitle him to s degree in the order known u the "Wide Awakes."' it seems that some sixty !showers, all from the "Oem of the Sea," were in sestreh of a boat to take them down the river at the lowest possible charge. After inquiring the price of the clerks and captains of severe) of the boats downward bound, they visited the craft over which our weir presided, and who bid been attentively watch ing their movements Advaneing to'the clerk, who was'at his post in the of the spokesman of the party inquired the fare. lie was told, but the figure appeared to impress him as an enormity. for, throwing up his arms, "Holy St. Patrick,' be ejaculated, "and by the powers there isn't so much money in the cfmnthry." At this stage of the proceeding the captain stepped forward. "Mr. --,—," said be addreeeteg the aka. 7 . 1 have obilerved that there Imo orient Know *kb , Inv among the crew of tititt 'bont.antiLtr i aut you to settleVittrand dielterte th em y." "What's thlo folr, Ceptaltir - repli eke clerk, who undorsiond the souimpanyi g • wink What's it ff'ir?"yeturned the rid ant Qiptain. briaging his 4qt down upon tb desk with the forcelef an excited auctioneer' siPmer, "What's it fort" why it's for blond d murder to be sure! What's it for? Why it' , their shooting peer innocent, harmless f 'goers down in A streets of Baltimore, just f they were s ) many wild wolves. What's I fort Why it's ffitYtheir gracing the en' era) Aitterken eunn, 110'k what'll' for, 4r—bringing lie let entre with , another int . ty whikelt- - uT Woad Ithikt that's ' comet, ' nt it?" The eeted sixty ptiiisa 460 the Captain with 6 °Minks" iodeeeribable, when Weir spokes. 7h.oetiveneed: sptsio," ssi*-be, tireer gentinsike. every 'enf yeg, nod the.devii taw sway' with the *WI etas Vet tent h& and fittleterer nesneisieg eitt'senther'brat fee the tete of-ir Ihnr • dirktii dollars Ossis lads." he esutioited:itt the type. trio thAlfltt test hie 'ant* Wp Irk the baptaten nfleq - ppol oettlic.Aidtill*PAPPO wittfertber.i' 44 sepostleasieesi..bnewin ttleF Oapteier blame, iteweet - - lima the. Chielidpag: Ins II Ms aosactois., Ana: *nu tbee'vels Yibe 1 i teeletiT isthlitykierUtiliiit 4zWirr Ave' exareiti• ',boacbik a eprins• teliag j 1 1 4,et etle irreptii!tiodef)tallik 501 4 • viii4roVin 'reissA ne v i Bey italiart, sad -Rattliab: oat stioret,lketwoiosUrr theti "steer-• tinny "eitiireir#Vijo btAtiareli P em 0100111104MINV" Or' ,W .. &atm, : Mo s i I len Isar- ME MEM ... I ,S OVEMBeIt 14,185'x,= Mom MermaMMat Ataiseasma. Then a quiet, loaels ,, aspi hilly read, ii the portly:ern pert of the township of Jerusalem, is Yates county, the notice of the penis; traveler is attracted hy a very large sad very odd looking three, 'troy bones, whose led retinal- brown sides, and eztetteine proportion, as but dimly discovered through the branches °Cabe fruit and shade trees that eurrosad it. This the bone of Jemima Wilkinson. The dwellers in that neighborhood always speak of it as "the old Friend's place." Undoubtedirsent have pass ed is—as did some years king the glorious beauty of the sourrenditeg landscape and the peaceful seclusion of the lovely spot, with little thought that it was once the home and seat of religious fanaticism and delusion. Having recently made $ visit to this neigh. borhoad, and bet_ lig pretty welt "posted up" coneeraing "the Prind'i" bistery,thave thought hat perhaps your readers might be laterested is an outlive of the cireemstasees which made the name of Termini Wilkinson famous, or, if you please, infamous. She was born of respectable Quaker parentage, in Cumberised, R. 1., la 1751. Tradition re ports her to have been "a spoiled child," and to have grown up a wild, wayward girl. Wheo, boweeea, she was about 25 years old, her die• position suddenly changet4 and an became as reserved, quiet and studious, as she Iris before noisey, vain, and thoughtless. These sew habits grew upon her until her 25th year, when, to all appearance, her health gave way, and she sunk into rapid decline. Friends watched nightly at her bedside, and were often startled by her strange stories Of supernatant apparitions end revelations, which, however, they only set down to the account of a mind disordered stu d enfeebled by illness. At last, one night in antum of 1776, after an apparently quiet sleep, she started up as the clock struck the midnight hour, arose, called for her clothes, and from that time was to all appearance perfectly recovered. She asserted then, and ever afterwards, that it that &alien boor the soul of Jemima Wilkinson departed, from her body, ad that the spirit of the Nord . h a d t a k es its pine; that she was now fullillieg tLe second coming of Christ, and that she was to jiy e a p e the earth a thousand years. She styled herself the "Universal Friend," and immediate. ly, in spite of opposition, aonsmenoed to preach in public this declaration Shy son collected a small baud of followers in New England. From thence she wont to Philadelphia, where her preaching and claims attracted wondering crowd., and occasional proselytes. Is 1784 site gathered a aneiely of followers is Worcester, Pa. In 1789 she colleted her disciples from New Eng land and Penusylvanis, and came to Yates county (then a part of Ontario eawaty,) where she par chased, with the gains of her shrewd ileespoion, an eligible farm, and built the m'a'uls' of which have spoken. She gave the ulnae "Jerusalem" to the township. Her followers settled is the immediate vitiniq, and she ruled over them in both temporal and spiritual things. Twice a week she held meetings in her man sion, when she preached in a style peculiar to herself. She had Ito systestathod dostrineei and no &materials by whieb ;bet faithfil were governed; her own FAA, will ad her eoe reniendy Inquest noPPliing the place of these in eiery entergeney. She esereieed tbe most unbounded Ininenoe over her followers, who believed implicitly in her claims. She died at low reeidesee in Jerusalem, in July, 1819, ageld 68 years; or, as her followers long persisted in: saying, "She left Time.' Is her will—s curious doeument-•••41SO bequeathed her property to two inside%4Sms, who were her favorite disciples and members of her bousibold. Both bare sines died.' The meetiogs, which were kept alive !mg after Janis's'. death, have eessed, sad the estate :bag passed into other bands than Jemitsa ever dreamed of.• Bea is a mere outline of "the/Friesd's" veer( Many are the stories of her deep laid sehimes, of her ettempted and pretended mira cles, and many the traditionary suspieions of mysterious erinses planned and truism/tad under her roof. How far these are tote believed Ido not know. The old story of her attempts to walk on the water, and that of her pretence to ratio the dead, are perhaps apocryphal. Another story, not in well known, but perhaps more an. thentio, is that of her attempt to proselyte a band of Oneida Indians, who went, upon her invitation s to bear her preach. After having addressed item, and asserted her skims, one of the Indians arose and spoke to his brethren is their own langn . After he bad finished, she turned to than i ter sad inquired what b hod been saying. • Observing this; the entitles savage, casting upon hers look of proud o,ntempt, sneeringly reniarked. "We think you no God; you no Au demand what I say; God utuiersiand /*dials as well as anything." With this the oonfinenee broke up. At a pleasant !arm house, where resides a worthy old gentleman who was formerly one of the Friend's Hinman, we were shown her por. tnra, It is a good picture, of life sine, and rep resent*, her at a esrpalest but good-looking wo. man, -rayed is • loess bleak 'silk robe, with white ete-it and bends. This - was her matsl preaching &rm. We were also shows a arias. son silk robe end two beaver hate with broad briar% which foraged part of her simpler ward. rob'. /I can htrdly deseribe my varied holier es! oohed upon the life lilts picture, and bandied thearticles Of dress which its original bed wars, and sair the , old riot soder 'blob so such of her life was spout, aid the trees wbiob perhaps ber owe bands bad planted. Palatal &oughts o f ti l e lerstaiedsess i of tbi basun beast, sod its pratieseia tit iseeption, took 'away' dihe pleasurable scenes of cadged putiosity. And as I turned away frost the spot and set st face boateratd, arose in ley Wad the 6a of our blesiod /AO. "Iktbsir batiks' shill know *eel, .and with all I could not bat rejoin is the reflection that, the sad delusion lad so soon "come to pasta," and tbat:sow throughout region and tittighbotkood lb* oomfortsbic Gospel of Christ is UAW, sad &bandied" disposed. • "Mart Slam* *a rod L.M dua ban at bag* Itia alga tree band& am% Ts eballassalat Otirlat lala Wasp. billowitirtarlati 111111116."' 00.40, tut astrifiTiftwi suitably - et Pau :mobsiases— ~, l awl it_ j titittk: • ...A.4 CM MERE DEMME .. ) • 1 =I MIMI M:l=lMMM==r= l'.M•11 7:11/1 sr, 01404 DOM At IPM•plporipareemblinefaisil siddre. Wlibsd, see lboirw tawarsold. • • Talmo Mpamossrillibril &km BOOM 16, itsit-idled "nun ft% 4sliky abliaistalbal firs, T• Il.t iY. lierreitotails No Int heowell tbRI mar kW.. Idollne.ldeissi pod. CiimAssetwalirge liumelibmmaliso sink I. Ii • mid beolal o Now seeks Us aeOuplit Opens." Theo Mat OM aged Imot as Mei As our ot sett whiskikr doe. • AMI meg WA.* *Pm Mt /Pa HP Hi as WOW OP!. ,Cip item the knot Mutt! 4 skoo or Moro Terkr Mel Smog wstb a May votl, the Old* A. 4 iristdststi ONO ; • sash% Air sasaa.A. Al. Art Li Fees soil Tito* is Sotto& oat hoorto tioisigit stoat awl loam 104 illtoinillod dross, an booths !canal moieties to do girs.—Loomm.w. Tree l--4servous—very, very dreadfully ner vous I had been, an am; but why- will yes say that lam teed ? The dimes* had eimpesed ay reuses; sot destroyed, not dulled diem Aimee all was the senie`of bearing mute. / heard • things in the beeves smile the earth. I heard many things is hell How, then, me I madl-.• Hearken I and observe how healthily, how m/mt• ly, I tell you the whole story. If is impossible to say how fret the idea ester ed my briar, but, OW, connived, it henatedmo day and night. Object there wan nose: Per sine their was none. I loved the old man. He bad never wronged me. tie 'lied sever given roe insult. For his gold I bad so dada'. I think it was his eye—yes, it was tbir t He bed the eye of a *utters—a pale blue eye, with a filet over It. Whenever it feltupon me my blood ran cold; and so, by degrelitt---.. very ratimll7—• I made up my mind to earths life of tho.obd man, and thus rid myself of the errlbretter., _ Now this is the point` Tea fumy se not Madmen know nothing. But you should 'Mee seen me. You should bars seen bow wisely I proceeded ! with what caution—with what fore. sight—with what dissimulation I went to work I I was never kinder to the old mss titan dating the whole week before I killed him. And every night, about midnight,l turned the Isiah of his door and opened it -=-4, so gently ! Lad thee, when I had made nu opening sufhtsieet for my bead, I first put in • dark lkoterk ell olimid, set that no light shone oat, and then I amp' iniey heel. Qh, you would have laughed to see WV cunningly I thrust it in. I moeol it al= very, very slowly—so that I might not the old man's 61twp. It took me Au hour to place my 'whole. bad within the °patios solar that I amid SOD *sold mac as he lay upon hiabed. Hal, 'malts mud man have been so wises* this .? Aced thee, whirl bead was well in the room, I soda ellkoJeeilect — t. y--oh, so celtiouly 1-..foir she. Ideate - I undid it jest so tame that aisles thin y fell upon the vulture eye. And,eltiml,, did • Meg atighte—eosey isighslnet at midnight ut I found the eye always shoed; sod so it w impossible to do the work, for it was not the Id men who mud me, but his Evil Bye. And morning, *lwo,ibe day broke, I went boldly into his eimmberstad spoke enure: pronely to him, calling him by same is • hearty tone, and inquiring bow be bad passed the sight. So you see he would have bees a very mad 1 old man, indeed, to sweet that every n just at twelve, I looked in upon him wale , gaps. Upon the eighth night I was mere than um ally cautious in opentng the door. A weleh's minute hand moves more quickly than did pips. Never, before that night, had I felt the wins of I my own powers—of my sagacity. I amid seer eely contain my feelings of trialepb. TO Aka that there I was, opening the door little by little, and the old man pat even to dream of my meet deeds or thoughts. I fairly chuckled MA, idea. And perhaps the old man heard me; for he snow. ed in the bed suddenly, as if startled. New pa they think 'llic I drew back—but se. His room was as blank 'as pitch with the think, dark ness, (for the shutters • were elan fentesed, through fear of robbers,) and so I knew that hp could not see the opening, of the door, and I kept ea Bing it steadily, steadily. I had got my head in, and ins about to oyes the lantern, when my thumb slipped epos the tin faetesiog. sod the old ass, sprang up in hod, crying ant . RIO there ?" . I kept quits still and said nothing; foe es hoar I did not move a motels, and io the mean , time I did not hear the old man He down. He ms still sitting up is the bed listeolaz just as I have done, night • after sight, hmritiothog to the death watches in the wall. --' . Piesently I beard a digit; groan, "Da I Isar that it was the gr . vesta mortal terror. It wee note groan of pep or of girtf. Ob, 40 l it WU Lba low Mined .on*d tilai raise. Qrom the, bottom of the soul when neereberged with ewe. I knew the sound well. Stays eight, just se midst, when the world illept, It has swelled, P my own bosom, deepening. with its dreeUg ea*, the terrors that di trot me. I my' I has. it weri.. I knew El* the nW men ish; dad pitied Ms, although I ehteiteled stltesat. I knew that be bad been' laying awaits ever Mimi the first slight noise lobes 'he bad tamed His fears had, beimtever sinselpowistspea bin. He bed bees try* teltivey thew esomdees bet molt sot. Be bad been lea to is nothing bat the .tried is thu ebbing; hie only a moue erossiegthe beer or. e9l itre ly a wicket Ala *eh toe made s slam Yes.. be bads bees trying se essiset ldammdf * with them sepposideur„ , rtme be 'fermi, talks: mds. All is este; 1 esgiOresdipAlP ins the aid men, had neirwitik his Week shs• dow bears his. sod the shadow bad new ressit. ed sad epselbped . tbe - *do: Sint it swells moerafsl Isis se of thi soperesividow that mused him troteel—ehimegli be neither saw nor beard ute—tobt.the preasse of my -head within the room. . Wbse I had welted a hog ti.., yin patina ly, vithoot barite dot eld Re ems, IN. eased to epee o*d o. alloy, very little seevios Ipis looters. I opened semseit glee bow 40410BOyerioril,, todemie di. rey, like tbe tideedt ettlist 4:t h =to sot or the MA!, Jeld !44 Ur. .4al; w.. open. ifhgtog .114,10.. ti time es I lined tgetiA,`,4,4lo/ it - win petihet; distieeteese—ell doiLiolue v itith bidesetivil seer it bat skilled thellbritikkm is in! bess•V het I mold 940 intbinfreini , iii-tiee. aid meg flee or poen, for rpOltritSted eke ray wit by blitilHAJM4t 1 1M*tbi !hailed °Pi 4411 - P91rrA1441,91 ,101) *44444111i.r Est mel., 1400 ....041000t' r , A; , V 4 PAP Ai .11P;LAIIIM art% /i El •:!ke " , , .tr :, 15....~1+~i wsstMdit+ itY UlPslrtiNPOP‘t 4 ban issearoth.• hada sttd issewevvili isrterist browbeat cannel Asuewhesd. ar o I ' 1 : taidiarThriimusiga4 'sink ad I nide add . 101 , tioa toatitomait-.- do X tut Add loor, "at lialloadlaapitod4o 4004.1 - ,slid ale thoodfol dikodi mtdika 4*/ ill 't doh* ultiediditaltae to 1 0Wintik.' Vdt 4 foto lOW Wasted loosdr i kibriiim isa %slew ionut o lordly, lode*. • . A. 04 01, 11 0 scos4 walla siEth low hatiPlitt 5u.. 1 440•=4,..ad 1 4p0i 0440114.4.0,-4347..; , daird Wm to lb' bed pre r OW I 44:4 1 4, iktc.iowa aliassok i Pk* 11-111 Iii Askais4 lalfa is awed. The semi the bed mad is vas stfeet'istou ipso the Await and There was aspeleaties. The old aa*wis mow deed.. Reeve would trouble me soliallay If yea still;thiek me mad you wily disk so us logger when I desealbe the toreesatioastiook bibs etmeesimeat et •• the help 11 , Ilite sight weed, fed I worked-Wilily, !bet of eli I dismembend thetampsa • fiat off the bead, shilriud leg.. I tilde took arebrsei plumb. Mai the floosie, of eirmatier;- sad '64bsd all between the seilliittp.• • rasa zlseed the boards so cleverly, iio milmaim eye—not even his—Weld base demoted esytb Ig - Wrong.- • There wee iseithilkg to lash out--ao stain of as; tied —no tkimPitpots wiestirell. I -bad been Vito wet fergiab' A tub, had et lot aft-1111 ba 1 • '"".• s/ Abed 1 Ma made an end of Abe it was 101 l o'clock, stiff dark as midnight' ' 4 lB the bell goaded the host, there came a g at the Aram debt.. Drill doilp t 6 'op'o, - a Hike belle ; *hit bad t 6 f4r *stared tires me', who introducerttetimelvee With; podia sellity,as officers Oftki e j iiik A shriek bad been heard by a neighb or dpiiiyig the night; suspicion of foul play bad Mien, loomed ; isftiestion been lodged at the pglici aloe, sad they ( the dicers ) had been deputed EO M ca d the premises. , sailed, for what bad Ito tear 1 pal the regimen willow. The. shriek, —I said, was my awn is a drama, The old matilmeatioesd, was shiest is the esuntry. I twit .Day all ewer the Loess. I bads them searsit.asereh well. At deed slew to his cesebes. I showed them Isis immures, seettru, atedistarbed. • ILa the ambulates et atufatenat4 brought chain lute Aba nom and desired them hare to 'wet but their Wiese, while I, •in .thaviki sodality •of soy perfect triempti v plseed.ser owe seat upon - the eery spot beneath which pelmied ellpie of the "imam. • • Tlii offmenr yen Padded. My mall* . bad tioasillal theia. r was singularly . 74. 7 .. t, tisk 11119 e I" alumered 61tetfill4thd .1441411511E Mrstitti ll!it)° 4 2 . 4t and I rancid a ringitig in my ears f but 111 they pt and still skAW.. The rhea; hemp . taore* 4166134; I tailifid'inore Bally, ?? get rid of the flelleg ; but it oinilteued and gF aid m i until t jeectatouad that t,he .uoise,aes apt teithi 4.97. Witit• . No doubt, I sow gAw erel 4 00 •' INAS II" ineatly,wd wi th a beightellideoloe, a Yet the monad lloremsed-pmad whaVeonli4 dal It was a istaikillyquiek 41011111111111d1 'whammed ass wait imams whets enveloped is omen. I gasped for breath ; and yet the officer. .4as* it sot. I . talked more quickly, sore vehemently; bat the noise steadily ineremed., Inezes sad argued tam, in a high key and:ill i th, vio lent • bur the noise steed* , in. welled. Why wield they mot be gam? 'I paved the Goer to•ead•fre e iwiti. small, es it weited-to fiery 1!y the' • ettheounr bee Mlle: Weia essedily4aereased. -O God +es bll add i otio ? I ftleated--r reved , -1. sways! I swung the chair arm which 'tad toeti aid gra. tad bap= the bards; bet the noistiemee above sLL sad seatiesally iseraised. It goat= , billar—imehr , dad still the met, =lit sad mailed. Was it_ poepihia j 4, sot 1 Almighty God .I—eo l est 1 heardsepeeted—ethey &se a. were making a-meeker} of my horror k. alibis I though; sad this-1 thigh. But wythiagestter than this *my . I Anything was more tolerable than this -riolla 1, , 1 amid. bear those typo. allied smiles see .beget. . I felt thaaniust .seam or die. - der sow--agelasilioad sr f bider 1 lender 1 loader •ss o llidielle," u dimellable •110- mere+ 44.2411 it the desti bar ap the Flasks I—here i.9016.is the bellbird hits Meow . heart ?" • <.hitie• •• ' ' 14iii.:—Theie is Vossa l `" lag testy - - - Qabeff - irk died iltliof Oetober. o n .i l iE "a bolas t. fit' 4iiwiell . 1 04., I g o No iraii:okiii, geserili 11i 44 all t e e: 1 4 : ' 116 0 ' 4 . ItAlinit iletift. llibil SOPeriil, 4, ti 'ftiiiiito .4 MinVOSe 'lrev tics latbarjthos - 11 66 10, ii '10 1 0 4 . 11 1 i 41IP°11' t V )9S ' =iIEMEI ,inditi evA SlOULAlllidgerieg, Minty, kidesk Aoleard wield .at Ill = "4"1" Aktookas M vas 114-4arlifspasil I. 'mired of, i