• I iMP II 1 9 I i 9 llliiJ. F. SILOAM, Editor. ILOLX $ Y 00,3111. Publishers tad ir t MIN News of the Week. 7. - —They an snilleg a low snide sf esesateres fres Lawmen ens* to Callilersia-- nen see less thee Bow The loareol Bays that slay sum hives wen skipped flea Now Castle last week. Mr. J. 8. Harbison, eelloessausdit *lb.' bad this is 0114 0; who , IS Mows his hsesiapirs port soma smagtai his Mass is a proper sass* sad laving the boss ley is their stook of provides he disk long joarsey. *veri,eoish la the Ws Windy suppened is its piss*, sad wan hive is natilstail wed severed with pasted seams, hi order to protest the hoes bon best sad rah. These gestieses s ieve mesh asperiesse is theiee lissiseer-are is feet du *seen is Goias a heavy !whine hi Lowness nasty. sad if isosess. fel will he die , piesoon Is the trade is Callterais. This we believe \ is the heaviest shipsint of iron over Inds to the It Dusk however, if in rooolleet, as attempt was made sew tine sisom4 but, Wed is soustseses of sot bevies tbsus properly peeked to pass through s trophel inmate. Yr. Haddon *Ms be has obviated this Med ty. It is to be Ispe4l alas these pinnies will be sae. modal, as so asiberessesiest seems too great fot thous to earamiat. A oohs, et bees la Califon* in are told, is worth about gill, sad them we my judge Abet If thaw gladrags sneered with this shiniest they say son rea lise • tonne with their lame. • —The Hollidaystiorg disadarel of • late date, relates the fell wing: "For somas days past there has bees a els. fhlhrltery afloat la this eosaninaliej. Wheaten tine or sat, we are set revered to say, het the %festinates 0011111 M from sash a reliable some that we kre free to say there seat be seinetihig is it. It appears that ass day last week a mesa is the neighborhood of Meant Uaioa, Bea. Wisdom ewasty, while oleasilig grabs, seddealy diseovered dist the weevil bad dletroyed the mayor part of it. This ea iiiss that Ito bkophomod the Salim ia nob $ wi malicious sod wiekod muter, thist will mot bier piffling to prlot H. left the bon, saittrost to the home, whoa he seated himself is a akar, when he had remained bet • few sleet« before >N termed to his sift, std asked her what she said. She spited that slithad set spokes. "I thesight," said be, "that I baud eater 'body say that I mast sit hero till the jadgitent day." It le sow alleged that be is mai silting is thmheir, usable to rise or speak. with kis eyes raids& sad totally laearoble of Elwin his body. His ftaily, it is said, hae left the boas*, where he still meatus& seated is the choir as Saturday last! What a terrible warming to blaspiessors who ester their pandas to ovorooror their ilmielms-" —A diwposty , U. 8; Marshal a few days 'Mae bearded she propeller Dorilopos hi the Detroit river for the pompom aimmislag /Arr. He had disguised bimodal, and caged pomp oa her way slows the lake when she tsselted at /bides. Attterolts . got well under wsy, he west to AO wheelessa and told hiss to tars her late Misdealt waters. Tie epWa, bowevori had "molt a sate," and oat the ohms. The olio's lb west to the easiseer, pistol is WA and ordered him to stop. Till *aglow allowed be would not stop until his bell said -stop," pistol or so pistol. Olator tiles tamed entailer, tired to "WI." but is deiag se "backed" mall be west ashore is the 4aees's dosaidiless—after which be loft, Wog thereto obllpd by the capes*, who did sot sekacwledge the ollear's joristlitt es that “growed." '-may dm arrival of lb. ;Pharos« as New Orloam we receive later sews fro. Mexico. It is &amount/ad that Prelident Orwarafort hu ak length sameedod M forming kis sew Ministry. Pros the political Madratelos of the members diodes, it is deferred that they will all favor the propoaltios to giro dictatorial powers to the Presidati white tba ?matt distal-bad state of the Repadie oostisser Oen. Alarms had routed the rebels at thol South, sad Fo stered cossounication barroom Acapulco and tar CapitaL Tasman was in palmation of Lb. resolutiosisits• The TOSSollige brought $250,004 in specie. . Affilward Walsh, formerly beggarp-smoter at ma i m. ;Port, Doan.. has eonfessed himself the marderer of a was named nasals Drew, to Waashara county, Wisconsia, la My last. The two wen started to look fur sad parobsorr hipd, mid after getting oat of eight, Walsh attacked Drew' sad after a desperate struggle, sartemdral in killing him, het not without remixing a snare wound himself with a roam After the Murder, Walsh eat the mace's head' 'lastly of, took his mosey, sad »ported at the sett stopplag gime that •tkey had be :tasks& by two sou with am Walsall; woolly awl read. is Bridgepeet, .Pd are la amp distress in ammot of his misdeal eowdeot. —.Valentine Bast, Rao , what has for many yaws edited a Dessamstic paper eailid the Daavilla ismilfarocer, patollibed at Dalmatia, Yeatoor twenty, died of pulmonary idlindloa, from whisk he had been mitering tar mesa math, oa Wildneliday sassing, October 28th. 11r. B. was an active politiciaii,saad ivied the people at hie toasty aid district ilk eirmori Important pests, avow wide! vas that of Mato Senator, and ° the last ass de. of his tens, ha pdinided ewer die deliberatioas et that body as lipealiv. Be was shoat fifty yews old at lb. time of kis dough. —The Lawns (kips of luf week, mate to a. with aloe 11411W 1 of closely Maid& Bborilro mho. A few years ago Morybody rerhed fat Laminae easily te sake thoir torus.. Is opal leads, sad almost errs foot of property antigens to the Delaware, Leekawarna and Dleamaharg lailremde tramlioaght ap at monams prime, (or meat • 'mama) to beitild for oat oi the proem& of the melee • •osl that was to b• deg therefrom The eptioalatime in areakinerareee lee proved a failure, sad sow tb. Illieripe reap*/ sherreet from the folly of Ms uposodigats.- Here la mere wid•aee of Over trading. —Doc Albert V. "41aallka sad hie nib, midway of lave blies Adm. to the (*Bowen of Noma Sahib Tbsy - were saitiomod at Yettegiser wiles the assay otmerreA, ea 1114146 of Ana. They were %MAW with boats by the agaves of that plate sad entered to bare, *bleb they did, but liebei they reselad their detisatioa, Ithiteer, Neat Clawapirs) wets Ind apes by order of Nem Sahib.— Keay is the vessel were lastaatly killed, tad w. the tea lb. mad Yrs. Johaatia —The Mamboed noses has aa easatet of a oboes views who weal ow beard the Newport hay' best (*skarn) asd weds a treads attars to draws himself. The ears tab sad now, thlokag tke poor billow leases, used their wawa attempt to sere his life, sad ea their arrival at the visit he was give. la charge. It tamed out however , that the wadi-be nisi& lived is Newport, sad kat; a het Hit be would cross tie river without wag a *sub is which he woo iairesesfil. —TM Postariebor Geseral has steed the Corperatlea of Now Tart two hisadred aaA thy thausead bolus for • bit la the Par! br a Pest Cillee site. The growl required le tore lasdrat sad Illy bet es Clambers street by we hundred feet Is depth. If the propositiou is eampted the week will a. doubt be eoesnesood wittiest delay, th atrNog eumployamat %I • large ashen of ieedigieile • 1 laborers. If it is Waited the natter•will be peapared fit spier for two. iii—Tha Law Arians ban bow losllowtag Wally for several week% aseasintlag the voila, at llaltapoo, la Lades, it ammo a tits sotalors stational tame. The gamy V rrraimrt, pablialisol at Irreaos,.ls oat la a two frawick, istsediag dal fled of the saldlees to vets, statlas. swag t etber rowan justify*, distr so d as , tbaf tlssy all voted "thy fres &ow fishier ?bas b tbs way Deeltaaaa sad Walks& (tweed slavery apse Kansas. -;-Tbs statensat la several joarsals that Goa ems has diee:4lbod WA the Its yeses' resideas• roqutived by lb* llslaeatltatio• laws wood slot be modem"' Is wholly to• fesitdod. The flowrotosy of Shoo has mode se! decision est Oho selthost, wide► Is owe that Woofs to the Cowrie to pose ulna. As set of Oosgroes passed ht 1848 deelbros dot tojtv• years' reelissee a•efrd .04 be emitisiosee. ;--Ilio lomildiog of tbo Soo am stoma sloops-0 our boo be oodiood to Ivo dillorost oary-yards. - Bootee, Now Tdrit„ftibidodphis Gaper% sad Peafowls sash )aild nw Thu iloraraataltt W retreated from its Weed's at idatiag tha yards ma august of tits bard avail. Itapsaiitarar AI gain Moat aa oriel. ;--Abeet Aft pergola....!. sad NOW% irsiiik Owls. Mau, tribe *ire *ewe sin et eatpi email b She ilepper et s settee mires Putsees, Clam, Otero leek week lest blase he Omaha, ti the setherittse O Putnam. The tees wisely thou& It allots" to pal their pimp isms so otersll thou garbs; the mints,: • "..!4 —79 so blank mullions's mg eletillagto Iwo - stills" is lillisaa. They unollastod two Judi" fdr whestabstrnatdstin is or provision iv tr.'sapi, sa in after -"wry molt wignidelsi tbio. sireser" bed th e h e m e a M thawing. aid well'ivistarins." Waft sits Wok is boars, N. T., swarm Is dos sessail Airy lirer asi a imam *I. ass ger, set Mr What. WA* was assilit by • nu ,babouk, awl elm Mori mat•berosit—lks mass visa sobidsig bet I. Ids efts atom is mobil this Est ..4.lPiese *Mow b eirsidilod a pisid-platy It so • webs dessit•it Jrlllll.ginta tt swift usoult•dl, krilleim "WM ILIMILIVICI rovirrix. . That ite waits Basklag system of the canary mode • likm.oo:sarom apr this. bare the liardnimil. to and; aid the only gonstioa lseam to as, is whether ll* MOD will lOW be IFlniel ta Inapt • ?dons lamed *its ea** isholities. This, we aajr.is a psalea now be. lire OW pop% aid It ikon that wide have to be met.— Net that ire With the yam eight or will be abolished at ems. FTIOat le imposibia bat that it mast sad wit be ithonally Wig* Wind the eiligetry Woven beak to the spent iiinpetil by the foitadms of oar goveramot--that a sustain* enummy--it fortinadated .th the- seismal die. trod miaow ail anima et al - blade of paper roomy. W • apse with Prose that imelits which basks on. fir ups a **amenity are, to a great extant, more Magi. any that real. We agree with a. MOM paper that '4/11411 Midi. 1 e Wink does sot mate 14.51, it merely ma natiotee It to a pertiaalar fora The ditatimetkia of • beak dies am cheesy Om wealth of whin it was the rep. ?deride? anti depoettorp—it many romoves It from the *enrol *bask Minn. nil pines it coder the" shame of them who ore real issue, A beak la started by paytag la its sited. aad,il It ie beemily and misdeed, maimed It is wean op by manias that capital to those to whom it Wasp. The idea that bane OM evens wealth bp be.. a pronto minas of rola and adatiblef la this ematry. Ia gent may sew State sad Territory of the Ban the Westin of bathe hoe bees nest the fret acts of Letitia tuna. Wherever this lin ben done before milleint time had Maimed for eatpital to aosuitulate; Ulm has been bet ate malt--wide spread rata sad bankruptcy—the basks has blokes, the people have hem plundered, end honest inestry lee hen robbed of its hard earned reward. la. dleptadeet of the ..risks.. of banks as earmenient stoats for lambic the stealth holoagiag to one sot of porno* to those who mod that smith and are deemed trustworthy bemmess, they are eateemod maventeat depositaries for the losimenia the of the people, sad 'slant* is eletaaM la die tree aof wee from on quarter of the mentry to tthother,-pad to in colleetlon of debts. Tb. traarleallon of basiam aedoubtodly requires that them etas stead he Union by some instrumentality, but it is sot abeeletaly math/ that banking Institutions. similar 30 those sow In nisteme--ableb la mail all lostattate smite the piles to atiamapllah these petioles with the privilege of lesslair beak nomi—ehoold be ensued solely for these purposes. Banks of deposit, private bankers, uprise sompanios, sod vayloas other spark* may be, ad are every day, advastagems'y employed to accom plish the lam objeeta. The firers for banking institu tions, sod the sageness with which they are clamored for at the Ws afriegislatioa, sever Mime from • sore desire to ocwoosplieit either of the objects we have enamerated.— Bask abutters an past/pally sought for became of the power they ander to lame Loam which pass as a noels deg and in memory time answer the papaws of money. A eurreoey is manifestly a past oonvonlesew."„ Bat s smeary, tan as the Bookie( system, a• at pra m* organised famisass, Le no eoevinslowse• at all. Toe easel bay • meal of vitaals with a dollar bill of as Mi. atolls bask la the State of New York, see can you dolt with • New York bill is the State of Dllaois. Now, it Is plain to be seen that • rystanothiolt briap forth such results is salt to exist. Bat we moot better illustrate ear views ' of the question tbars by quoting In talk the following path' graph from the article le the Pool !Fos which we hare already eoploasly plated: 'Bo far as the asefelness of beaks consist to siamdeetar lag • eurreney, the question may be debateable, whether *Or exercise of that power le prodeetive of more good tires-aril. Individual Warrens of moo give amend color to their docipious upon it. There ere MEN who are, donde'', greatly bulked by the lane of bank notes ea a caramey, sad may wbb are Wand. Certain it is that the power - to arms paper notes, sad to pea theta olf upon the ematasity as mosey, is 16 very 11■1111Mea me lo be eawialtted, as it le, to the little elasters of INS who centre round tbrodiermin hoodred hobbit oetehliebateats of the Baited States. - Webster tboaght that, of all devices to rob ladustry ail. just rewards, sal to transfer wealth horn the hoods of iteprodoeins to mare mbemors, that had ever bath /immoral, the tereatioa of paper mosey Was the most legating. The robberies that have lien Owned is this ecoatry by paper cosy are of hseakotlable maga. tad*. Al the petit sad gran laratidia, highway robber ie., and swindles whin have ben eommittail, sick away Into suer isidgoileame wpm mamma with tho Mash* ntich the Amnion people amebas subjected bypaper 1 mosey. Not.-bolds? have lost many millions; co hive depositors, so have stockholders. Violins of a paper matey system are to at found entyinere, from the losers eta few dollar, to those who have been bereft of handsome fathom. The mount of them direct leases is swelled to • frightful Want by the fearful 'feet of the alternate am. traction and expositors@ (or which paper money affords enthirdittary facillne• Bat it is ntmeriessary ben to dwell apes evils-which are is the lambs of all, and which thi napossion of the banks of the twentry has rendered =pereepd blesod grievously panful at 'hit jone. to imps la • Whoa It has broken down. - All Molt that it bt as evil; sod as are beginning to ales tioa nether. sifter all, it la a asormary evil. We arm not dinned to thincalin sp.s this subject. We will do all in our pussy to same ta bridging over the chaste that pima beam we. Bat the hediestime are that pm timeis approaelltiz y whea th e whole basking system must either he pomp reformed. or swept wet of existent*. If we are to have It at all, it mast he la an improved form, with sew safeguards, and sow gommateee, sad sew rostrietioos. Let is bare safe bean, or go back to trot_micriples sad have ao banks at all, and either a send end iikeetly well sawn paper earreaey or ate wholly 'titanic." We mold bare quoted the whole article, hat oar span forbids. Tb. twain however, ea NS from the atom oar views oa this qnetin, sad which we doubt not are eon- Gonna is by ainatooths of the eentesanity, no imam what their political OE ?HE 1..42011.—K great may very latellipiat people think that all that is seesseary to keep the solostry fell of spode is to pat • high tariff oa masfeetarn. They rea son icusetkbag la this wise. GM u • high tariff sod dogmas stassfasterse are protected—hese* we ill lot bate to go *broad for osassfutared artieles, sad rot hat lag top abroad for ausafsetsted articles, we will sot be impelled to seed the specie oat of the mostly to pay for tins. We WM, this is • fallacy. We believe that gold sad silver will go jest wiser, there 6 the most demised for ohm, Bad where they will brio( the most. Thu, if la this etiastry, as to already the case, we sake paper a sit ealsdag or partially so; we to that *item lessen the Maud for gels aid silver; sod helm. as they eater were largely Ipto the masa of eirealstloa Is Europe them they do here, It follows as • matter of goatee that share is greater demand Mire thus with es. Praetically there is eery Mae titanium isehresa gold sad silver sad wheat sad sere as articles if emiserse. Both low Qatar ally when them is use east diesesd. If the crop is Bums le Awn, the Wheat :sad Apra of the States p to Europe fee a Whet; if oar gold crop is Mental sad there lea better dumed,tber• for it, either to maelsetere Um plate or Jewelry, or 6 roma eirealatieg main. It will as eertealy go as oar eons and wheat. This Mary is *widest fres meat events. The " Peak," ;ad the cm sequat fallen of the Basks. his discredited Bask piper, sad beau to 11l ap the mesa gold sad silver is la de mad—red eusequatly we see Usti steamr that en t ree hem farm briap is the precious metals. Bat we did sotjet dews to " Dore" ear toadies with • prosy Dolma oil this brash of Mal ofteepy, but merely to lotto. dam the foil g well eoseeltet ‘ lptieltr from the Preen: Wit tut Bracts use herbals ?—filsee isms, 1104. the • of specie from the United &me has twee op et thne Modred mil sdasiO ins asillioes of dollars. • ,373.9114) assameeieg is keel year with eight millions, sad eliding ia the Isestiyear 11168 7 with sisty rise of dollar.. The 'turn of specie late the matt, at Ilifireet time, edible the same ported_. sleety-we Maims, (11112.0841,184.) so ibis our set of specie Mee less , 1844. whes our resist step ot= credits had jail legs. to grow, bas bees two hurdled sad arty-Wee daises .1 Mists, (112811.317.0141.) Why has the gem gees a b road? That la the grist gauges for the proust criele—tha question of piestioes —gteksart. This spade his (owe abroad, listuase, like all other immils,46 roe store it I. met wasted, bad whom people are willing to py tie highest pries let it. Opens, is the ausaeres of the world, 6 like goods pat op seder the seetieseet's bassisef—lt goes to the highest sad best bidder. when say Battu really waste It, sad is able sad mules to pay well for it, to is jut as cartels to pi. ipscie is It 6 to get pale, or dry gents, or Ma, or say lease hawed article. Twill hare a greet deal lees to do with 11l expertatioa trees, or Its Importation 6te, a onsitry, Chas . say mamma weaN have the people believe. Der lag the last year the tariff of 1842 was is °parities, the sums et 'spode tea the Baited States was emideeshly greater Ma the hmortif it. And the ant par the tariff of 1848 was is apeestieia the import of spade bite the assatry was grestentim It had ewer hue before. The nteprolesties *t! geld I. Califersis reedited it plenty eaustry. sod 1•d as te Mime lees valise Is It Ma other &Mem tiki. It Umirefereueat shroud. The labs paele,ll•lreesit, misted as Seti•ll domed for it her; sad. amrithetsaffluff 41197preiset ten, d esesiderably borer dm Mt of /Md. the uport istmekteke step. pad, tied every liar AMOK that arttrea Magi spade late this ealeatry: The Ude tensed the imam the Ma ud Imam, greater here Wm shied. owe ,w. edge damn ta eaßteg Abe dent of our teedetste tlwadvettisesestet &Wisteria's • " this leo Wag Ws. tb• best nee*, peristlied it A* Mad ji.the emati7, sad m &rafts., prilser, ut herded led* should tw witbeetA. umber eattelas iklr. Iii" 0 1 1 0140 Wit* Mo. sad as the plies is eery low, we disk It the *spat pedalled peldiahell.• Read the adia M • a Nei IS year Reller. • 7 .711* SOW i l ia liiislasitrablie slated vibe dates, j as • tad, ibetalvasidttleills lilies: win meetly NM if esseteleMiliemier, bed me if Me kg. •le sack a state pailis Cite yftplesdal immeemet J it. Tire Mee rw eafif thir timed essmadoe isit vita the ttW aimmeisi t ageeMity beam* tweimers. ' - • • • .-1 1 1440 11 it 1 111.101111kpi.. Mos Mester a slam 11100.4 11 111 11 114118 _ uI et bet Atosareit WM emit iliaglas ewe artili a awe. COarrrsomado,lie• of "h.. Time, ?kw.* imit. The aus•Als of our Omit erastil gradually dyksi away. and peoplosOrro begianialZattont {hem, to, see bow they stool With the wort . vestetelb . ►kik base fol lowed each other in regasocoltesioiiiNtalle (PAM of the Ohio Life and Trost Ca., wero so Wish* unoxpieted sad apparmitly impossible Gem gaol .4 tier,, that the whole eolamenity was stunned sod our insamial history daring this disastrous period seems like a brief and bitter droata. Bat bent we its. Throe mouths ago we were prosperous. We lire by trade, not by production, fa Mil city of ours. Trade trim OIJDIPiiitOI4 that is the grain sad oottoo growers awe wall "applied with the mesas of ruts lag mossy. with as prospective dillisaity la rabies it. SO4 therefore were disposed to bay largely of the foreign mid domestic levities whisk this isartet elms to the molar, at large. Our onetry has boon broken am domestic it clasps are paralysed; people eta soldier bay sore aer pay for their last KlllllOllll . lll pllllll4lllllll. lir • who live by trade are of mums thrown out of employment when Wade' eerwee, mat thaw Who have easissulatea nothium, or whose aowasulatioas are looked up la monitions" regarded profil iste investeseets but now temporary vistaless, this etas' sr; looting the gripes of poverty. &onomy than is the order of the day la Gotham-.-is feet, it is pjtiag to be "fashionable," sad wham bailie speaks all her rotaries obey. Al an iadicatioa of this the papers nodes the fast that lir. G., • great sloatestie drj pods dealer, has offered his hoes* and Mogul establish Mont for rent, sad moved lute hyoid* quarters. His hor ses and carriage hare psoMmiaied Breadway for some days, with/or sale placarded on thew. John The'spoon, • prominent beaker, and well knows all over the United Stases, is Dow employed is soperieteadiag the easadie making operation in tireenwieh street, which mesas to el aa a mach more boaorable histsistoes thaa shaelag aunts or establishing "wii cat beaks" wherewith to swindle lb. oommunity. A trial for houtieide, which theft*. no Hale interest, is now going on before.the Court in Hudson eerily, Hew • Jersey. Th• accused is a young Cuban named Frederick Owes, dad be is indicted for 'billies' Omar Inlrsaval; in Hoboken on the 11411 of Jsnoary that. The oltimmetenoes of tb• homiekie w4ll be remembered to be bristly, as fol lows: On the evening in question. Mineral. after • .all at the residsnee of • Kr. Claris', in Hoboken, was assail ed, on leaving the premises, by Caere. who bop& to best bits with a small cans. A struggle minsed, la the pees. seaof ladiee of the Charlie family, itt the emirs. of whials the parties fell to the Pound. immediately afterwards according to some of the whites's., Caere drew a pistol and and at D'GranraL the ball taking effect, to that he died shortly afterwards: The difficulty imtwaist the parties originated at aboardingtichool kept by D'Onsaval's broth er, and from which roars bad been expelled. On the evening In question, prior to the collision, they bad met and exchanged some Meeting expressions, *bleb appear to have boon the Immediate provocation for the assault.— The ease V very bad one (or tits defaces, the theory of which is that, when the two fell to the pavement together, a pistol in the pocket .f Ott Abeeesed, amidestolly explo ded, and killed the deceased ft was stated at the time of the homicide. by Meads of the arcusswi, that the pistol went off accidentally in CIIIIVIed poeket, and Was not fired by him with the intention of wounding his autegonist; but the line of cross•examinatlon pursued by his counsel would Now to indicate the purpose of merely •smansitiag tb. mime, by showing sowers provocative by deeeseed. The amused is only 17' years of age, and his appearance would indicate anything else-than murderous inclinations. His parents are present at the trial. The weather in oar '4 bias bees eiteesstirely shabby, but to sag rillaiaeas s daring meek of the last fortalight.— Clouds over bead ail the timo, and rain 61 "drisitie"-ar tor rents 18 hours wig of the,24, bare beim the order of both day and DOI, until we really begin to sympathise with tb. Londoners who commit suicide it‘ November. Of comae these perverse And anotonfortablo dispensations of the weather clerk bare sadly interfered with the shoppers by day and as amesealiat seekm by 'Wit, and the re peipts of retail dry goods merchants ead*satrim,l tram rerr bare ditainisbeil In proportioe. Portniustely the new opera season did sot commence last task,-` as was antici pated: and, if it bast there eat be Ittea qualities that It would have been absolutely drowned oufi The Basks were somewhat isoliviliberal Ia tbeltdianstuata last week, but as they bare already broken bait the heel. Ross emnelluility or foroed them to an entire of partial sue. pension, there are fewleaden whore paper they can safe. ly accept. The eredis of the dealers in fancy goods is especially ooptomisiat. • The vales of • rash couritoßlititte as fancy milks sad °tar dress goods, eau and anions of ornament depends oo Mon being disposed of daring ths senses for wide* they were expressly prepared.. Whin they are out of fumbles they are worth b 0 per treat tees, or are often utterly unsalable. Largo sucks of this kind of goods had boon maaafmatured ►ere sad imported for the Pall trade, is the aaticipados, which eireausstanoss three months ago seemed to justify, that trade would be brisk and extensive; as things are the lees to this Mass .of trade will be very heavy sad many houses eapged in It will be broken up oltollotior• The gossip and Asada mongers hare a nice tit. bit jut now In a cue before the Courts of this city. I think I mootioood in one of say letters some time rises the fug that &KM Caroline Woodsman, wife of 0. 0. Wooilaiaa, of #ow Orleans, and lir. Gardiner humble, of Now York. were direorered by Mr. Woodman la a room to the Now Tort Hotel, ander eintantstaattee which left so doubt of a criminal latitiney. This Mammy, it is said, began la Paris normal years ago. After the detection is New York, Mr. Woodman took his wife away and bad hula/mud is &priests Issas* asylum, called Sanford Han, at linaltiag, L, it being alleged t bat she was suffering Ws a aer. roes mental disorder. Her Wee, Mr. Pirates, tram said out a writ of lesSeas seisms, sad for several days tie aryl'. ration •lios bees argued before tin Uprose Curt. The proceedings of Saturday possessed eoasideuble interest, the most extraordinary feature betas the precludes of sertais letters venue by the lady from the Asylum to Pantie, imploring him in tents of latish tenderaus to facilitate her escape. Altogether it is a meet disgramd'al affair, sad ezktbits the morals of upper-teadoes is se very unable light. We are likely to have a moat supply of breadatige this stater. The stook is this and all dui &stem siths is ro. dosed very low, and the Western rumen mew boollued to bold on to their praises, the balk of it at least. is the espeetatioa of realising better prime is grin. Ist this Soars', if perewod, will be dlosetrows to the prosperity gibe osantry, sad cannot therefore fall to ra4mit untarerialsty upon the tamers whoa they really wish to dispose of their stooks. The east farther will its to raise tit* prises of au inanafisouired goods by next Jidy ae Asyut at Wart tO per cost, as ispostaalas sad bone sulaufsetsre will be out dews to the severest possible ottisL. Nth* sad wool .ay he Stier, sod probsbl will ha mesa knew, it so do sot get the bulk pf the grope leeward this fall; bet who bar the capital to go as saashabariag good(, eves at tke lowest priori for paw wasorialf The Leans Mum. faetorios coattot *yea ratio torraiy to pay their 'wads, aid foreigners will get their Mager* burst is **verily this fan by dm tailor* of their Swedes* ashlars that they will be very shy of ootiviguisg goods here, for tho asst tiro sea. eons. Aid sethlog hardly will epee est to ardor, that is. oa AmerWaa 1111116 u SA Sr the seasiest TWOS that the par- Ike generally trugurod is tiot Walk bays lest oat Ulf or wboliof their' espied, by the isortheie t save bora obliged to web* this Fan to meta* their credit. Boboitea oat the *so of a and Whiz ea ilataralay ato/4". moos. A party of diva alma, maimed Mirada Myst*, Boa* sin Parson. Thomas Gallia, Janos Mornay, sod WEL IL 8. smirk, west from New York is t beat to a rath et tin. ber 17tag bear the Ityaias Pls toe the puree of fa. tag, sad while thin bonne se hateainitemi that they were oneneeten, and tine of duos lahidowswpoo the POL— O", side at the raft Noted spas the hose is ash a air. sot that It weitid 11• I *Pali SO W114._ _ 611 7 Win biK Users se evert... by *lir peauses that they were inseeeible at anything& the this rot" awl *air pen eons bemire nearly submerge& is water. Is We eat& - they were (peed end reed 1e the Sebeliss house. Muskiest *steal saes alba is tau&aM s sod, after Lb* epplieatioe of reetetstives, two et Shea revived; hat (With was resod to be berme' the peesibility it re. terrery, and be died dories the emboli. Tien le a (Ude hasisid seveseel sums poiltildaas, but tho woos of thim eosiatindli is sot mat to he lakwat, Id. Voty Ira viettliaato wilt go out of their witr two blocks to morrow to east a Tots. The Cbildres'e Aid Satiety, of tt4 gig, 1J a ebistbilde assoviatioa. widish, for several years bd. Pedilog oh destitute little oast, and toned thesoaeomp $ ras a b a g_ the all over the wintry, 'bete they eat twist ad. vantage which advareeleetaie bad dialed theta. NIP Way lam& gered;bae heed dam Thelosieds of se etildree shells pomade ware warsallbsa dead, hem: "mooed tram isserasee. Mae, sat isirmy, sad im p growler; boo good sad metal eithasit. Tbia , visa et Is elidier dietseeei bridal dallertatme te ea. tang its mestslmese, by aadittiddagthaamoseetelispeey is behalf of the Sheens& of servied ;Wiltt j a . throws mit at 'outplay by the perstgag ts gismo ter One le MONK 11141104- 411eNstis alidli 4 77:7 6 gresilam„ end fry helpiag doe Is Or fames tit toz them Tile atomise elabioady issuers palls easearteglosat. awarisareada are bay. Ras Wt Tire galleries Ihreseh pahologs Mei teleaskY Vold b this The Crystal Pelee* Thar apes parlememease eat Iberalsoir aftsa lb** UMW§ name lofty joB WO s WOW , $ 0 YOU ( ammo es di JOB YOU Joe WORK SDITOIUAL CHISCHAT 11. doodt all *lap weir s. hiss meet lonatifolly Wsth. Pont mann Melee. ad wit 'Oaf ollebearteaed ewe &wane sad wade this tidak for a than that " mai as sad lemma' wad& mer nowt but the Psis' as; of J. 17, load Anew. awl &phonier, ilnipat a& their Owe sad at the one inn nal their mania Inn • loesatifol leanest. A$ this semalsie uof whin sogratefal simian we ar*--all et as—ao natter what woe onolon Poolthnetnepoeta or spreirsim lb* Mar pronblan If hi. ditsitibin dos% pop—es If thq ds o this then an so "few soot tar mamma." no Pendia grumbles at the Mita Nei tin rows thatehe. Imams of SW wan of anew la elealalag a hare of the Nino loose and two bine The ormadassi smithies id th. " tied ties," and tbs issoksais at lased, fter an wan/ I& atteatioa when yeses to are other protaeloa. The law yer Maks he le Ulnae& If he loons • hes la Court sad the limaillidas Wiwi, of hie leapprosiatel labors--while the fastasw, most nagratend of grumbles at the rata, ant at the sus, aa4 thew, Ines his sap is fall, Weans his prods* does sot beteg the same prises it has for two or three yews peek nip *mild To. Dullest that "He death all Wags wir — dNll If H. owlde u to* sash rata is the aptsg, er too wash heat is mid" summer, then le a wise provides* ia it whisk, although we era net see it. Is far mar good. oease renirgrintinag, the.; all ye ens asal daughters of issu—dio Akin of life are alma as won regahmod as they would be was they pined is set owe Philadelphia diurnal thee disseurosth es • a qualm of heaps s" Jaime 0. Brume, me of the Mum of the Memo Democrat, hoe he.. eestsweed to fetes yeas hard Weer le the poulbealotry for parkin* WWII hen the Post Oen, as war mien are already swam &me St the pniers misnomer* to show that the easidommod isdieletol has a maids for stealing whish is patiostly lerselatiblig nail ewe of them quotes the egiskesto Jets plkomehigieefiat litsyessoro Wisp 4 seeretivesere ialwerliautely large. The insresse ts, that lhey thin B. night not to be held respossiblo, he eimos he tiewldet kelp delag what ha did. The is rather as improves** ea the te ow* tosasits plea." If do modes is admitted to have any lateen, la ear Cents, we shall be Uompolled M noose meaty phraseologist. te deckle questless of leapt is ariadital mom. Bet tioessameitr eta lordly afford to SUMPS moo foe steallag, deeply be. canes they have a propoutly for theft Baden let pul monary labor Muse the sandy snaps to their proper tabbordtaatioa Is the " iiistretted ladyt who has uadeubtedly "ben through the dbonientes after this Whin, ia owe iff oar ozeiespe, all about kisses: .• Kin*, says she, are an acknowledged lastltattoo: It Is as natural for "folks" to Ilk* Asa as it Is for water to run down hill, eseept -when it is so mid that it freezes and met ran at I& MUM, like hens of philosophers, Tory. Some an hot as seal ire, some as meet as honey, some mild as milk, some tasteless as long drawn soda Stolenc kisses are said to have atomisation sad mom than other sorts. As to warned kisses they are not liked at all. We hare made It our business to inquire among our friends. and they ague with us that a stolen kiss Is the most sgeosbio—that is, if the theft is made by the right per d"... Talk of Abysms and /1311111111 V DO wonder I whoa some bipeds approaa, it Is asinseulass that ladies do not go into eonruisiimu. That is so--espesially those " bipeds" that don't let the hair grow on the face where it ... c m to. Speaking of hair and kisses,—twin subjects, by the always thought the reason Tremont was so popular last Pall among the ladies, was hie /medal adornment of hair, and hoe* that if the "other Tremont" that Greeley fond, had been equally adman, the " on terrilod" would have been whipped, bone, foot, and ere g,,,,ns._____lllaey of lb. papers persist in bbylog a part of the eau, of the hard times to the extraragnos of the rentiaitor portion of humanity. They nay, what is un doubtedly true, that Ruder the sway of modern fashion the expenses of a lady's toilet has increased many fold over that of as isamelleos. Bat all snob grumblers shouldreo *Beet that if It does east more to dross a lady now than t efotofore, the *Lin expense is made op in the beauty of **attire; sad also, that while our wives and daughters cultivate a passion for laces, ribbons, silks and satins, oar sou and brothers are not behind them ; in scattering the dollars in payment of such luxuries as tobbaeoo, cigars, spirits, wines, oysters, cards, billiards, And In two many eaIIIPS, far worse *sari*, that would perhaps be too bidet ' les,* to mention. Ilene, while we admit the charge of sittrurspeoe against the ladies, we - think it can be brought home with equalWers. N eb.lees ot the goatimaaa.---.; Speaklog of the IMiss, "Oelloroin'osproesee her .feltax" and at the same doe *gets her waste he knoint" be the following pestle measure: My dear Mr. Mailer, ones more I ask • Amor of you. Weald tt boa great task To And sr an ...tort to take tee away To Chime.; to-marrow. or oar the next day Tye been waiting to get one for three weeks or mon, AAA It wade net sowprirs ow to balm to wait four. 4. owed Ise an • • eet4,ow who will take ears Ola tidy, no matter u homely or far, 'rpm gout ow this bet% eo thowddal rp be That if yokels drioadloariart eall epos lee. Appnestles. asp b• sack is asides orery day b tili the ears start.:---...Pltpers ys boos Sled is tlis State Do psatmost proofs; a Sartai la n Qaskor goatlonias is l b . State of liaise to los satassisaly mimed is tie slave trade.— Th• sm. gosthissas is stioli as abolitionist tbat b. »loses to sae saw rabid by skins labor. TM' Is soothes .vi- Ones that slims that it is not OK loads* "shriskor for hastios," that has the elaaaok mord. pr. no "Memo aal slobellaseoes" Editor of tie Cboweitatioo Woks we aro both "exalts' sad aabappr— a feet tbat 'bows low may, ma for \loused otitis% to be nistabsa. 8. fat bow *Wm, to tee lb* laaisage of muter illawrioas "Wpwary" otitis. sa we are as happy so a elom," aad wOO% loollibe lib of wows bow wiwaa iambi b. to "'pulsar as foliates to Um ologaisteo. of so Evetott °alp for lb. papaw of plaiting limn with th.l,proarstda ties of lb* liaised ender. OUR NS 1, oolasorox—Tbil nines, sotieed by as two weeks Awe, oC tN sppoistissat lioe. Joan Bases. LW, Oellester ot Ms Port, bas bees seatirsedi sad the Joke has *stared apes ■is saw 1.d.& Jody B. is ass et ear oldest eitisess—havisig bees bars sod raised in this eseaty—and has bee. Wattled with tee Demoorstis par ty ever sloes his najority, Be was appointed as. of oar Assosiste Judges by Gov. Peru, whisk Position be coo %lased to held to &be satire satieditotios of the people, sr tee sake was oak eleitive, sad it* hay* N ikabi he wiE postern his sew distills with equal satiate d». ice. Vs lave us air to oar amiable bat sorioasosigii bor of ate Gaseas. It Is this. If be wOO% tors out "oar Postmaster" oar more is MI paper, 'ow Postmaster' solenalp promisee to make , dossattoo to Ma of tits fret *.bsogtees sapper" I. Sorb feestag about to Its Porridge Ask. "Oar Postmaster" maims ibis offor to good flab, borrow it barb bit "Mee sessedfogly to be reminded Avery week dist be bee got to walk the plata to satisfy tbo eery of tbs 6.10,11.14 Ms hatred of. ".weer" of tie Ofarraes pony. A GOOD ONZ.—The iat ad 0211 legal offer to bet we ever Mead of was made befall Judge Qartyts. the other day, sad as It Is to good to loop we are bowl to tell It. ♦ toes was up la which our old Deelearatle Mead. Capt. D. was is the stoat! as a lasportaat Whoop. By btu t o re mussel far owe of the parties bad proved that a aortas apses • the Public Doak was thirty-slz fist; sad the be we basoded over-to the opposite emotet for mos extualeatteu. "Dew, you say, Oaptata," said eraselor M., "that this epee' is gaudy ddrty.ats amt.". •• Yes,* I say it le thirty-six 1.14 WAI, sir; bow do you boom It Is thirty-els feet t—did yea seamy it r " ! I d-1.41-1)4 a..aa-ee.r.e i. t—hut I'D tin you what rn I'll bet yea the oyster, it is r It Is seadleirs to say tilt the swig at tie Nowt use upset, sad that the learaol eon sal aosaiwilad hie twesoostiabatutioa weld a peen, Otter ef kis Imams el; the kr. o• re display of rich goods at Mrs. Curtis' fubioe•- bie adillolisbarest to-day will, tleidotleaa, attr•et the wood" of oar lady readers, aotwlthataailog the *hard dam" Asa it es& te, if for motile( etre than • eemplimeet to the good taste of the, lady who presider over that estaidishemat. ft. Ma me the seam of tbe seseebees sleet to the Iwo losigleloters, we modes tbat of Job■ P. Desooolor, Seq. in devoid sad estbaslaidle yang Degasses; forseely of We 'ly. Ws 'lab there were mei such be ate sass body. ho, The literary and mintsburseasw Vili t tor et the Onmehesiee thinks we to sot, at an um., tracts certesdi boa tin BM& Perhaps that Is se. It is nutay.years, Ante tae Sabbath WNW aye were even eta we appre hend Ire rote as eareeelly as ear astatine esesesparsts panther lir preespb—sadleertataly As might set ask sure then limn ‘." —Moe w.( Beeay IL Gm, etilbeasillei. is. et two wedge op wish hiallaibees meat *Oa Tbe man et a toe bus bow hewail et shwe, eat She bet ogaa eel pas sir la *pia et his; • 1 pp- ts. eamilis bad • WillrePhia AIWA. wbk SOO Vga , Ts* by "111111. To no id* a gild& parr thethaims I* ...lase Wails: 4' Pak ton* UOl, dandy. Judguent nand, *ad record noiatiri for haiber prisemtlegs asesedlogielowas-4. Havoistick n. Um DU Gm Co. Ns. 1:1.1111. DM Coady isdpeat ravened sad a saw trial ararbsil. OptaMs by Lim Ms, J• McGrew *ltd. M. Galbraith. Na 31‘ VW. Ede ',meaty. Jody Caßili mast renew; sad seirlirailherarded. Opinion bp Lam* J. se. Tervrimi. Etta. 1167. Erie Comely. Jedraarmet reversed aid sew trial awarded. °pinker bp Lew* 1 . amid is. likalia. lio. 1I Mt. &to essaty. 'Aillemesil Wad. OPWoe by Laws* J. Cabe re. Inio. DreetallieUleaesen Thee ONO welity. Tee jodomoost tithe Coortimiliurlo invenst, and kilipoitod tent nattered In &ror or J. csrakikte ;pee tae....... Opiates teee, J. Clty tilt ... Klapp. LOW to dm Caul enelmeeta PM. of tiro Coooty. The jadowoot Is nnoroul—tbc stim&damit M eat aside, lad isthmoid la Savor of the duet Wis. probes" tae ewer Opbsie• by Lbws. t. Milken es, lieshoy 4 et. tires to tits Comoro Rosa of Itzt• cooody. Judos's% toversed mod swim Jo Raw Op&iida by OA; J. Mid Jests" Loofa disioatlog. bur* idabilitraten. IS. the Stabs It shoal ha Co. ;,Lb Ca Jedlibons aimed., Opinion by Lam* J. 4 40 011 fig DY“ 1406 0 bi. iron to trio amp. Itsa« tamed at mob of was's& OpiWen by Maas. J. TO ?HU CITIZI2IO Olt EMI 000022. Ma. =►weep—l usgermaad there bee bees ea aloft wadi i• pe south part of the easily for the eiptiblasest et a. Normal 11 •e. As las a friend to tin aloes *owl Laterals of line omit", I offer a few suggeedese through Maisano's' of your paper ia regard to the eater. prime. Through the medial et Jou paper we have bees favored with the resales of those weetlags, la . park whisk skew that they fine relied six dinned dollen, ear thawed over half the animist required for thi above ateatieeed lastltatloo, besides holding oat other indanants, it said lastlwitioa be located at ltdiaboro. Por,tlia *pedal ►eaedt et Use eitiseas of Bdiniten kalif had the sweaty peoestly I wake than seggeetiess laasesace as the 'Ulnas et ibiaboso base wade the het soweessitable effort la rate lag the above sew of mosey, f ergs that, it be Waged at that place, if , eanabla to the wishes of a waleittg of the people of the sweaty. I offer then smeetieas tot several reasons. First. because ltdinhon is well Instal for a Normal &boo,. taring all the natural Mesabi.' sad Wilhite that a place mild reasonably have, being of easy seem to other portions of the sosaties Walvis( to this Polatational District, namely, Veneto, Crawford, Law• twee, Wanes and Brie, this being the wen* Dietvied. Bat la this article I wish to speak, in short, of the %melt to he derived from a Normal School, Dula ether words, the newessity of oaw. First, it Is 'woman/ that we have bless persniaint Institution In this county where a 'Weal say obtain a practieal education wit Din ter teaching, Is this we wish not to be understood as speskiag &spar: agingly of the schools or Meehan is the evasty, pet it 14 apparent that it is impossible to obtols • practical alum tics in our common schools 1411 miy be obtained in a Nor mal School established on the right basis. With these views befote the people orthis county I leave the subject, hoping that they will take an active part is the matter and raise the bananas of the looney required, if need be. at themuiiest period possible. H. KI.RTION NEW'''. Nett/ YORK, Nov. s.—The Tribune concedes the State to the demoeratirby 10,000 to 20,000 wind the republicans. It thinks the Senate stands 18 rep's., 18 dam's. 1 Amer., Assembly, 65 dem's, 60 rep's, S Americans. This, how ever, the Tribune says is but an approximation, being but a partial estimate. We believe, how ever, that tho Senate is pretty surely republims, and the House democratic. The Times still thinks thu republican state ticket is elected. MAIL IILAND EIL.OOTIOIC DALTII4OIIB, Nov. 4.—ln this city, the whole American ticket is elected, ineluding Harris and Davis, from the 3d and 14th Congressional die.. tricts. The American majority in the city is over 9000. Kunkel,-democrat, gains in the Congressional district.• Nov. s.—The returns are received very slowly. The city is not complete.yet, but the Amt maj. will reach 10,000. Baltimore co. shows a gain .r the Atnerimins. Hartford co. shows a gain .r the Democrats. -- --- -0- - - MEW imaptur muurriolt. TRENTON, 'N. J. Nov. 4.—Tbe democrats have elected 6 Senators out of 8. The Legisla ture will stand 15 dew., and 4 Awn., I rep., mid 1 fusion. In the !louse the dews. 35 sad oppe. sitiou 25. FOR NSW ORLEANS. Nsw ORLEANS, Nov. 4.—N. Y. Exchangix.s 'a 6 diet. At the election in this State on Mon day, the whole Detnocratie state ticket was sleet: ed. The Members of Congress elected are Miles Taylor and Anthomy Slidell, and Geo. &Wes, Amer., reelected. In the other, two Slidell democrats are probably elected. The Legislature is dem. Nov. s.—Tbe Chinas' Bank has resented specie payment to day Considerable specie came in yesterday and all its engagements have been met. %Islam affairs look bright. The steamship Black Warrior from New York, via Havana, on the 2d has arrived. A lire occurred at Brownsville, Texas, on the night of the 16th ult., 85 kegs gunpowder ez• ploded, killing four persons and injuring several others. Loss SNO,NO. N aw• YORK, Nov. 3,---The gold and remit. Moats of Messrs. Taliant & Wilde, of Ban Fran elm have been banded over to Mr. Robert W. Hallett, in consequence of the late stoppage of payment by Messrs. Robt. Hallett & Co., who will, however, continue basioess soder another name. It appears from letters from Central America that Costa Rica bas seised and blockaded the San Juan River, and probita Nicarauguan camels from passing ap or down. An official proclama tion of this sot has been already promulgated. 500 Costa Rica troops mere about to take pox session el thtFort Tim (itu*ic Eusults.—By a notice in the New York Journal of Commove we perceive that Captain Ericsson has again bronett forward his pet scheme of a calorie motor. Ever since the grand failure of the ship which bore his name; some three mid a half years since, be has been inventing various farms of sees", tzt meeting, and trying all aorta of modes of ing the calorie to the necessities of civilisation. It does not appear, bowever v that. be bas moat ed to,overcome the ,difficulties which lay in the way of navigating by caloric at Ale required speed; and the machine he has now been show ing to the editors in New York is a small model of a domestic pumping machine, to perform a variety of work. ordinarily done by hand. On trial, iris described, as having worked very well; bat as the New York editors said the same thing abont*is calorie ship, which turned oat a dies*. roue failure, wo must wait until it is examine by scientific judges. • It should be added, however, that the calorie engine may be very useful in instances where water is inaccessible, even for steam purpmes, as in many of the dry diggings of California. -WHAT TOM Pattooss AU AT.--401111 Van Buren ' in his speech at Tammany Hall, went ed for the falling off 'in the New *island Parson force as follows : • "Be wishes to sty one wordto them in reiptid to the position assumed by Mr. Buchanasin his -recent letter to the forty persons. They recol lected that last yesi there was so addretw to Con by-threo thousand parsons; sad he was sure they would agree With him that it was a subject of eentrstmation that that member was sow re dueed to forty. "laughter.] We had some down in the Kansas excitement from three thous and to forty. Thi Bev. Mr. Kallook and two dimmed une hundred and fifty nine other par. 110111 seemed to t hare taken to otherbusiiees than having °berg. of Isaias- (Laughter.] ' Forty menh in their address to Pfesidest Buchasen, took him to task for the coarse ha hid sees fit to Pursue is 'regard* Kailli t 4esd be tidied' a Omni 10 Jet* whit* . hrieforse eos ehniii-tstunassWetable (Mi. Van Bar- Is's) *pest; is 'tidy diction that bad *Ms 'etty 4 Wattemnitt - Alain thi piiasat NEW 10,000 74.AATOPLITY FOR MI DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. iiiiituus =arm Sixty-bar Dassostier Anisablynea. How are the Mighty Alien!! Balleieat retains have been rewired to war seat the sonehmies that the Democraey of New -York are triumphant. That 80,000 Fremont inajmity has bees evereome. ' The legislative ussipatkiis of last whiter have been rebuked.— The Republican party, hamiliMed by its own conlessicms of crime, has been repudiated by the people. 'Politiall fanaticism and corruption have received their just and swift retribution. A despatch from Comstock £ Camidy, of the Argus, dated at Albany, 5 o'clock yesterday af• lemon says; "Thirteen democrat Senators sleet ed; chum for threi more--sisty-two democratic members of Assembly, and live Americans. Our majority in the State TEN THOUSAND.— Bwfalo Cam* fey' of yesierrkay. gji. Holsv, yo eugest sou of Orin Odom, of Loam Mgr, Idaes.,lied a few days ago from *whits of a midst. On Wednesday mom* w tonqpiaised of pain in his mouth, whisk mode it quite diflionit for .him to ni— t:boa a iximiderable swelling was observed upon one aide of his tam, and this, extending to the brain, ere long produced aberration, and at Tait mortification set in, and finally death ,followed. The products of the California mines the last six years an put down at $448,891,000 ; those of Australia, since their discovery . , at $2943 813,000 ; or $789,904,000 in all--an increase of about one-third, wording to the best statistical writers, On the value of precious metals known in 1850. The total value of gold and silver in the world 4 the present time, then, is upward of $2,000,000,000. SPECIAL NOTICES. IDS. Pref. Woo/, the renowned discoverer of the level sable "Hair EmnenathiN" still matinees to labor in behalf of tea snide& Nis medisiues an aniverially admitted by.tbe American press to be far superior to all others for ' sassing the hair, oa the head of the aged to grow forth with ss much vigor and luxuriance as when Blessed with the advantages of yoga. There can be no doubt, if we phase credit is. the ismounerable testimonials whieletho Professor has in his possession, that it is one of the great. ' set discoveries la the miedieal world. It restores, perma nently, gray hair to its original eoleir, and sakes* ammo • heastiful au texture, which has been very desirable in all ages of the world. It trmiasatly halves' that old men marry beautiful and ensiable young ladies, end not unite gamely crafty old maids make violaints of handsome, good.. *stared yoweggeatiemea, and by what process it has never b e en determined, until /manly, when it was tatributed to the mie of this lavalsable Nair Restorative.--Lasalle Journal. Said is Erie by ell Draggisu. fr.pri TO 11121/11011.70 OVHWILILICUsIic—A REMO) CLIZHOTHAN, restored to heath in s b. days, after sesay yews of great nervous linfiertng, is anxious to make known- Um mum of ears. R i ll seod (free) the prescription wird. Ul na the Rev. JOHN Y. DAG?: ALI., Na. 188 Fulton strcet. Brook - in, N..Y. WO. . WAAI ?WWl' 311113/yrore FOR TM: L4N CZT. LYLCBIs 4,11/1 ALISTIERS' D el being a plumose for ail niaLdire. It haa:e^ntrol Mel' 'but ONE MALADY—him bat ONE bat ONE ThillibVto wit; WIBOCIU I on.A2111•TOIT 011144•11—w h•t war be It. fora or locatity—whethar in the h throat ; chest, abdomen. estromittee or skin. li'oery fain (bat so other dimes.) as staidemil by tt as molly es 1111. V imting.t.6.4 by warm. Is it sited, him it does this 3—simply by restoring the leet Masao betimes the luide art 4 solids. Stich 1. its potency, that like ramie* matter. It requinie nasty what adhere to the point of a quill dipped into a erdnUon_ of it, to rasa the attire sysitent %Se 0/ intrineir sales, am enlipidereci comaseisiry, marl yy not the discoverer. seem est Ad jorig*Mllll MOM $l.BO PL& DRAcHm—PRICK $B, PER DRAt 1111. riimr moathe age, this war:nose medicine was submitted to the Itibezel of an intelligent mails. In that shortlariod, nearly fire +.+s.«4 editors and publishers (id the U. S., Ommdrot, Brit s. Proitmes sad Buiteadt hare penonstly tested or intimated It. agency In laß awwaßwp Tswana, mad have pronounced It the most ,minable ed illaeseley of lb Orley preceding age. This en lightened Lary of Eve hundred reliable men, by their unbiased verdict, heresies* the Antiphlogistia Salt ad established character, will be tees by the knowing bele( extracts : From de Boston Traveller. " we think thelfellowins esettetosimie hem pohltebent, who rel embed the Batt tomosailke satartlitalg, entitled to higher eon- Celierstio• and am* embalm% than the a:wittiest,e ordlnart attnebed to adveetLed sesdletnes." Zsyso ni Seasr. oew audition, the Autipitiosisti ildt, is trading its env to popular Ibrec is this .oity—hatr hie clued isattem, Rearisy, Rosh of Blood le the HOttk Croup sad lkosiktqa." Lamson It Ina/aro rinnedy fur Inesznmninry Pia.- 0 Panrive,lied in Inilanima,tory Nergew 44111/0$111111", 116.—• All who hare used *lll gait have derived dee twat hemedsial Ablate from IV logere Aurae& it edited by Ya.l. 8. Rester _.- 1 / 4 ) cam say beg garriosee, it is so esosibut Restðentlwidia. amd figyiebbem et the Sestet-. ere are sure tt will do eh it= eel was God reeiml the Dim medicine." t ded-.."1t has eared enurai eau. of Illheogatisms. Brseehitis. sad Canker." Laspistara .Adeumte, arjouraermam woe eared of eggs Ngraimis im ear rash." Plassitde im illeubl. R growlem easy popular hem" g aIIIONW es g , Mkt—. It has eared Ranges ledge. mmtrratiagem Diseases." /wiser Iloilo" o.—" ire UM It eabdoes Fevers, Headache, %adage. god Weal paime--eroridamy Mho* bet efeetwaig." Aziotleffe giber, by Wig to D. C. , eels :—I know of several who are adott It with greet basalt, but ;ambigua to their family physi dams, w they do mot wish to 1 1M Asetbot-- , " I have beets a dy,s3dde for Span—have takes the Salt bug weeks, aed an e wed." Amottore—m A sea of talea, ..West of Tao from boy deal, weed Ye Salt owe month, mid Y wen? Narrring 21fteesemela rese..- 4 It Ia a veggie sabstitats fur Vuompsetlas sad illthers." Assmarilie alesrmr, O.—A hi /Myr'. mid hdisimastory Rheum. time. it is lavuluabis." Mi•drYMo nook Misa.—"TM editor nand °Mush of Blood to the Brad.` was. airfield', 14.--" Wm, arm ohoutd bury it In ha badly." Dayt-Szatar, Ma.—Attr.'Ouggsmirs Salt Ma wrought gnat otres." 4.119401M1 Zee; itti,—" It bee bees sied sueesettelly le Severna Another alter, hators—othao of oar asammitors km taloa it be Plowlay and and to Mad le lb 'name," Another —"lt la rosy popular with the ladles In Noricum mad AIM& Complaints." naothorr-"N to tho bout mad* to Firm and Ave urn used la the West" Asmotho web bas long bass &Meted ,or Ith lailawmatioa of the Law sad &bowl Osoigh; she Woo wood Ibs Malt toss than ono neat, and her lavellaints p a= op SN nonnowsd." Assilbort--One our nano nos al it, In the Soso of a Noneakis airs .7 owe ausdly, which oribissrel.— keltage. frith wrousglot tin wan. !tote hint, faith or no faith, the flowtookine boo soold ern do. Nt+ Vofhars—"A skiW of wise daegennosty doh with diarist Fever, wee welddy awed with the Wilt. Law ch. amair, If. We know It is di It protease's to be.- Siowark Those, (Z— Is ea esselient moody for N Boadbehs, ielasesd mad Cl ass It Is ladled a fr et = anew: and we esp, ye dteritoke itsculapins.' Another, by istliet—A My Tiff has boon tined lalaawflon of the Womb awl diebewieg Mee Anetber•—*Our to.. inert has had lb. 8064 Complaint for 6 1: use only woo bow awe Is veil—and a wombat. of his eared of lidlwentiott of Woo ittioeyo, from the same box. , Another--"Oa seed Soidahmaa, a stu or d citerio our Mike, au mood of the Ifeameal of 14 rears' ; with one bolt and • Anotbei , —. A moo of Chrosie Rbenothrient eurvid in three ...ay." Sentinel, N. )".—"lt has *tired the moat virulent form of Salt in." .141lworn Cla. Chasm, N. Ir.—.,N;try family houbt liave it at hood fbr thostedthie ow" / Gaee (Y Triesat, attended here trite /real wasose• 14 come lo the views of the Traveller that thew ofttarial verdant; seder the eiroarnotannnt, are entitled Ite Non than nettal ooneideranion." . - lir 1n,157 nootirturoasbees vittlinho the rood-natured pill-tbiden 'clay evisalig "from nix to a dozen bows or Walls, to en ow mlaYdy," tbs. &Boomer is happy In being able to stator hat the serreeart Mow among tnilaromatory Mover., are oversoote by sr Angie poolows,and this east obstinate and long ittstand) owes, by ~Chronic .It doe s just what it datum to *ids, by rensoring free tar oil =rdIatINIIINNI ikliermitier. 0 Awe To the conrostanlty front insposi • on by witiesuploy No boort, and has amide eyrie,., that he wad send the Aphlogistre Sok in say quantity. fry IlLiggitrThitaft, to any of the United Stater, or foreign wonittrieNtrlTEWitt expo to be parch:seer. It I d a top In deaths i relf for *esteat S2--shrouds lipaattlayons‘ for woe. at its 11f..-wrog re l, to aososoptok with a history a jr. 11..;•4110 110111111iF-00 person 4 the United States or threw here, by Win Waited writ by hits for the ado of hi. Salt—and those g r r i = amionsend as artar are 0 117 l•rtff 711 wine st ir t r oi re• bie lmire after, bY NOM is =r 4 lli t rl likle&Z . Salt ean wily bo bwil lry Oriro of wiper* tannin 14% rei r Twot Oinor. Hostea. or at his 01110,..1111 MISR STREET. leAil letters with maw should be regigoverf at the root where mailed, as ft waft but aro cent% and will Insure their rath wind. hi one dap. (boaldata When mass) 317 Wiens were re asistsd--aaostly for Chronic Padova. I. COGG3 WELL ii. D., Boston, Maas, 1337. Dlosoverar and Proprietor. •L • Weadshatan bir ont eel sod save ilia root du every. oft is„ von.s—vara. MARRIED. at *old but., by ibe lerr. Dr. LA Mi. MULLES X. BHIIj- I/00D, is Nis* MAT JANZW ' . -.• .101111 dads elty. . - D 1.2 , . .., ‘ bip At Use el Ms beim fa liblelsartos. N•w ?.,t, Mr. allA la % °I M. MY, alt about a 4 ri ~ _ s _. 'Oa Uri i ' Vieille. lenrs, . AUL rums. Ibisur• 17 et si = l : o4 . NE orb* aim, Oa W : li tab lastammar at lain .a. -law e5r,14%.. lira 1U1ILLOSKI„ mother el Jesiali 1111110 db: ara grtTaz.• GRAND OPENMG . ctratiitis O4 SAITRD A y In. the White, Styles of onets, Cam Raid Dregiet, %lath whe Ily Writes tb. Laden to aui _ JICIf it D ! El Prarmicratir ! ! T ti zg r = wm .. eit No. i t i td . :7l & 4 1 E eC Vitae,*nal, lark*, Chl4 . • liodyorioso i C 4 P .6._ klesi. 1 Po . Aisiito, T cm,"ite l givroot verloty sad sboodasog 5 a .,., No, /I Nowar, — _ ___ Drug /goer of Erfo, Nor. t 116 T.-36: CI. 0.1 4 STRAY CCM. CAMR to tleiy,fsna of tiro subeerlber, Hying I. 'meek, about CIA seeddlo d Odder, • Iwo *boat $ or IP years old, wed iitots aellk. Ye.., Yogooletad to MO EMMIT paVerty, lay dm)" tale II sway. Nov. T INIT.-21L21. W. K. leActu., Denim Mee la Beatty's /4 111115• th. .14Mat.-411. BOOTS AND S REDUCED PR - POR OAKS ! 1 aumol2l, ♦XD WISCONSIN, XONZY TORN CVI? Orr. Sr* Nov. 7, MT. VVIECIi DOUBL IE I RZOTIIED EEI , WARRANCany TED ' T s. R. CHTICHILL' I lUD 1,01,1 Z O,V lUEgRY BRANDY, at Marry for /Somiliesa ass, at Moodie, of aLI Mods, at Illose of all latotla. at Eta of all Ida* at Snit, a pure &KW* at Faro Spirits also for loo•tietsal pal-poem HS. lean. , Vow , fL,Iod flow 100,000 Agents Wanted A RARE CHANCE FOR EITHER A upasp., „clean ( stamp, MERCRANTE• ADVERTISING 241 Dock S 1 NoLI,UMt STUDY OP LANGLIA rIN Wire cad Gentarin - r dEric, wpo Irish feet know ledge of the Franck, Spuds!' and G , r knowing of which eon acurcely be diapnband education, w Mob la *goal,' fora trot u the origin and llormatton of the lob longaap Wormed that M. 6. NIOSII, dim hI. oto+toou ~ above Languages and LitorMares. Having bre. odi of tho hest Colleted of Prawn and Germodur. ea.l dos of oeurtinealos Unseat, boring Woo bad ..ey.oor la throe branches, ate ,Clar For a None of Tare.," One person porr lauwange. One perwow.earo Longaiges. Two person ops Language, Two person two Languages, Thr.., tour or wore persona together, turtem in variably to be paid half at the first l.uum, nn tktirterroth.) • tretwrst dews will be tr.ruatrt I .r sr WIIIIw redueetl. Applhmtem tole made early through the ally at Hrotre's Hetet, Reference and applleatloa may al.o ter met. t, flown •N =I 111 X TIN I :11l: made mai by the urs of Will fur the Asthma, PlAthimie, etc, Ht , U. b. lad Erie, lin. 7, 11467. WINDOW CILJDOL -As very larg• .air and Retail by Nor. T. lan. List of Letters ItscitAiiviNti In the Font Olien, it Kt.., N.. Porpoo• calling for thee. lettorr. wlll e1r......, Antieronn Kopy I. rar•vr Jacob Il:•'.cc I.Ltins Mn ?iamb rtp.e•raltl %dm.: 11. K• S. Bog.. I. Firmleg Mr• kit. r lh, Boy ot.,is 4; (' t.th !I 11. , r„ Ilonnett Walley GOP* lilies Haligot 2 ~ 1 .... H.•rry ninepin a I.lsiewber Uri 4 ur• '4.9 , 1: Bell W V ur N I Ur.. Bettriaig 1 Edward Grittla Mum H•rr 4nu "Ply, I Benham k t o Gray Mist 11.1:,, r 'rut Hotm..tt 'William Greett Ittot t ltr•ttna Harlot Mita Irvine Hann K - /Ist: 11 lirt.tra Mho saasattakkHerato, liturr. t` Rumen I Brown litaa Mary I. Hill Jobtt IMM tem Brown K 111 Happ Tat lar 1W hot. 1,444.444 m Wm ' Hatalton John H...... Brown Mao C t: Hall Sylrett,r t it Brown Ftlrtottol 4. Hackett l'atnet -, HryteoGoorr W Ilart Capt Win Black ttl Fr 2 Mira Lamm. ONE=ffl Conan You Hil,•n Johtio.nn Hair =1 l'osoor Hews Joirsil Harrison At Castanht Mrs C Kiekny Maarten Auk Carnahan Wadi :4 A Killlawarr Jur*. "ml Carson Kiehard 2 Ks* Mina Carry `i or' Church S V Kelly Junes Macho. i Clary lirs r:athsrlmr grosolv Mrs Wm Crag► A ti Karon n alt• s Clandler e fl Keifh V S Cleland David I.y-i-II J ..l 11 n Crarelonl Ait! Co I..th le Duncan James Loral Nathan J vt rl 4 Dlnn , nrh...• !tennis I.ent litllisin IL o Cimn Iltlie oorsin 1•' la.tbr Mreha.•l , II 11(1.10 ' 114.1,. John Myer. nu A ttikir Ih. Haas Moo 1.11. hr MalleT Mn. Mart u•vr.t Domoman Jacob Mitchell MnM•rt 2 Naos, llonchertr Pat Moony Thos Want I k7Aidir .1 1# M o ran initn C I% tr. Yrs,' 11 Joseph Monroe J/11M11C lr.sios Fort Hun Elizabeth Maasell S Who, Voot Mrs Miry M►rtiu J Sion' France Christopher Marian Jo•ei.lt Franca- itt.naNt, Manuel lame. Yr.mt John Nazar J P Frazier Andrew 2 Mapes Hahn' Ii ; .:1 SOUTH EAST CORNER-'+l I.4DVDNTII AND CHICSNUT SECOND AND TIIIRP EsteeSobel. September, Isll4, 404 Iti&S. Houtz) op ?IwoTß► R D Coruna, ... Hoomiya, riArio Guam H. STU•II4, Jolla SVAILDAWII, DAVID D. Baowm, . ii/Je A. V. Pinsnxs,. Fir.IIICIICIL Raowi, J...teit ♦ Lirrtscort, Jr E Ci •IIC, . .s. H. CRITTENDEN. PHlNcfrAr., Consult-Ow Actoostarat, sod lestrurot tr THOMAS W. MOORE , - Professor of Plats sod Oromof -GEORGE M. TEIRA3I Professor of the Setesses of Accounts .01 of JOHN GROE2rBEcE., Pro/lessor of Pula sad Ortmarrool HON. GEO. 80,illSWOOD, hero rer oe Cottuserehal Pilaw and the det/e. AL;a1 . 311.78 SIMON. Professor and Seders Each sturleui bee kedlvidsel lostrut Sola attest for teachers seder the Imasedlate "open, tatalootes will lases* to eel letter Also; CRITTENDISN'S BOOK KS.E.PIN4., of UN, priee, .54). Kay to Name, 60 eta. 3a426 American Agric DASD T1311Lt.4.1 II BAE Eldaring/081—F F.A'S DOZEN. The Stet la !be The Cheapest lu eireskaus to esel Every Ramer bow At.., ever, Malan DtKER's Li is atN. , that ha b as literammi the mt.. tr,u4 L ERI4 ijournal IKIZF:St , Aleartl amaterr hrnaft , t ‘ilrisarte ipages,llll.lnitli r" L1•11L1 information, of extrorolinf who cultivate+ s Farm, a ilaniet.. plot of .d. irA rash rniante ot the ' l 4 ll l linttrlftrthi °rattier:lent prtert n AKER'S tttiarttnent u IN -Poona...* I.IIIIOZF.N, itwitiro formatting the ;arr.; onrfool information, prriornol I; r•artiral 11"1.11(1114: t ml I% now tha hat swot Jo a, o".• tho .rl.l, hot owing In lIIe mow. can ottll ha Afforthrol at IM flt . - .4 41 11 evida rich to dui. Z 8A K KR'S Di "r 14 ay./1411a will brut for tb• tit guifteritom for ISZA, I ,t 43 riot, .talarril•ro for I,a, . 1. i • 111 rerittre the two rot" trrlnnb' ... sort Iterentutrot, trf th r MI ( aut,'2.• AK Kit'S 1.; MKS, BAKER'S 1/OZKN. To TA Tr tvr 4 A large IzA of 'AI LlShir t 1.4.4 4 ."." 4,1 •DI bo rvt•ent...l le. tlw 17 , frdm shied rrrrr belrrlbrl 01 , ...e fibre 'lockage, inti.rt4r . 1 1 1 north BAKER'S pon,„, d ,, "" Zr3r • r:,04 'our uinnie at m.v• ""' "'"bor, :pm road., rt.! thr • promptly up o n for ed,4 di, a" rod ..r lIGEL 4 I -11, 1 The lurid mamt.l% Arum from the 4,1'. 4 ./ftr 4 " 4 LI t ur t AKirjr3 D°ZEN . kirrAs.m o P. 11.-TO The Rosoirit.... Fors itearril ba. h... uaa Arrieughl....., d Vlmr ..4gnealt... 4 per Ibr Nang 'viola know& ME ( - WOW IS YOUR TINE TO BUT J. O. SARA Is COM. NO 10 BROWN'S E)!=IM = to) : lii tai 1 0 M 1 1 0 S-Zlizi IS sad 40 , .. "Ako 5...• L FACULTY TO NW' the lac, eared •,a, .0, ~t th. “Hard Imre. I 1 : 90,1u . cm, Awoct• IF wr V ‘I.I . 4ISLIC SEEP =M for 1.70 a 4)11N4;t: Ji lOir it dry r ...n..1, 7,,J. r Ad 1 tl., % •.,, Ntht N h the. Yoe ui.*