- TIIE IKII, t)RSLRVEIt. SENJ• r• SLOAN, lidtt• r SLOAN & 111L0011.14 Publishers sad Praisrietom ------ sATIJRDA 1r ~ Nears of the Week. ' 4 ' —The Masco papers report the total wreak of she ossimitsa stivia Reindeer, Caps Patterson, and the loss of all bat twO a the lives *a board. The Raiodeor ran letwens that poet ma Montreal. She closzOd from Ckisago oe Frau', eha Illth tam.. with thirtoen thoesaod bashels of Asia, osmasigsed to parties in Montreal. On Monday night, whim a Great Point Be tsabta, on the Michigan shod, the was met by a heavy gOl9 and Caps Patterson labs that the woad not weather js, holotad all sail sad Vended for the sham The mooloot oho tosolied• the aroma th• oteamm oommebood rota( to plows, and owing to lb. Maumee from t he impaeb and riolersom of tbo surf, only two persons vocassded to reaching the load. Those are 'apposed to be firemen. All the others wore lost. It is timeght the suoLmer bad bat few if Lay peasearo* Th. again sod ever nuaborriirlas probably m an. we are unable to &Mien. Capt ?adman. .areas obtained to the mysterious mar• yAauS Bever, Seer Kohreville, - Birks eoantj.— _a chmeete Informs us that the body was again disinterred for the kw., of Clewing a thorough re-examination to be made. The coroner ooaeluded his duties on Wednu. day last. From the testimony of the physielans, we learn that the wound la the neck of the murdered girl was two larches broad and three quarters of an inch deep. No other marks of violence were found upon ber body. Only two. thirds of the throat, and a small vein, were cut tbrrugb, en that, in the opintoo of the physicians, it must bare taken two hours to bleed to death from this wound c Thu feet him led to the supposition that she might bare died of suifoaation. The county commissioners, as an inducement to estraordiart elrcrts, have very properly offered a reward of $5OO for the apprehensiorrof the murderer, or- for such information as will lead to We detection Bess Barer was a beautiful girl, and respectably eonneeted.. Her parents were David and Catharine Barer, and she was born in Sera township, on the 15th of May, 1839. She was, there fore, nrneteei years, three months, and twenty two days old at the time of her death. —John Schmidt lie German Banker in Louisville.- Be suffered a run, was Compelled to suspend, tAt did not close his doors, lie simplyiduak up a notice In high Deteb that be was going to has...some money soon. Two day, after be took down the notice -.and put up another stating that he had $15,000 on hand. There was another ran, and the $15,000 was soon gone. Ain pat up the old notice again, and neat day was again In funds, when, In accordance with his old plan, he changed the notice. At last arsosats there was no run on John Sehmidt, aid his depositors bad all some back to him. That was straight-forward Dutch pluek and honesty. —A shocking trareds occurred last Mooday, in Hallo well, Maine. A man, tamed llyen, of Farmington, had been paying his add to a young woman who worked in a factory at Hallowell. She recently declined to re ceive his attentions. An interview took plies on Monday, at hat boarding house, ,when he attempted to shoot her, end,lailing in this, turtied the pistol JO* himself, fired, and fell dead. He had aecidentally put both balls into one barrel,by whiob the young woman's life WSJ saved.— He reoeived both ballets his bead. The barrel he dim °barged at his intenned victim contained only powder. —Some eighteen years ago, say. the Readiag 'korona, a beautiful young girl, named Esther Fisher, left bLanayank oa a canal boat for Reading, but was murdered before reaching the latter place. The public excitement was very great, aad a large rewar d was o ff ered for the detecting of the murderers, bat with out success. This girl was a sister of the moth.", of Adeline Haver, who so recently has met a similar tats. It is possible that the murderers of these poor girts an saver to be discovered until the revelations of the groat day. —A few days rine*, a very pretty girl, tome ift44o years old, lathes seats reside on Wabash Avelino, Chicago, visited some friends, mid left their house about dusk. That fa the but Hat a known of her wheretu'Utts by her friends. The mains afteraoon, a girl of a oorresponding description was forcibly taken to a house of ill repute by two Mill and bit pleadings to be allowed to so bolas were beard by other inmates Of the house. The swat day the girl was not is the house, and au further trace of her could be found, although energetic measures are on foot to discover the perpetrators of the foul wrong. —du impostst named Robert Gerald, rep ring him self as * drummir for a dry-goods house in Philadelphia. semseeded In winning the aifsetions, and marrying Abe' daughter of Jab.. Howl*, of Montgomery county, Ohio- Hs brought his bride to Wheeling, and on pretence of business in Virginia,' dessrmd her. It was subsequently ascertained that he was not in the employ of Si.Vtilladelphii hoses. Heart-broken the daughter returned to her father's. —Mrs. Ruff, the wife of Abraham Koff, • very wealthy and !respectable °Main of Westmoreland eoutty, Pa., 4 .4:4 hanged herself on tit th inst., while her husband was yet sleeping. Mrs. up for the purpose of getting breakfast; having se nt or girls oat to milk the cows, she wiat into a room adjoining their bedroom, and fastened the rope to • peg is one of the rafters of the wiling. She was discovered Uttar, she was quite dead, with her knees *early tonakting the door, The only ration given for the rash act is religious excitement —A Gliiressu doctor 4 Urbana, 111., tam manufacturer of Nuke-bite medicinescpag - ht a rattlesnake on the prairie and took it home, and offered to let the.. snake bite him evet7 time any perm' bought a box of his medicine for one dollar. On Sunday of last week, while fooling with . his pet, it bit him in the - band. Ile applied his medicine withost effeet. On Monday le sent for a doctor, but too late; he died.the same day. —The Atiattoone Democrat says that operstioas ars *boat to be resumed at many of the iron works is Lobigh eeenty, which had suspended a few weeks ago. The Thomas iron Company aad the Crane Company, it is said, will Loth *oaths** their furnaoes to blast daring the winter. The Allentown boa Cowpony are going on aniaterrupted ly. Thls will &lord emploraest to sissy a teas aloog the Lehigh who would otherwise hare so idle, dreary wiUter bet . are his. —The letters of tourists to Black Republican papers, Ws season, are slush sore pleasant than they were last. Ia ISib tkey were filled with "Jobe and Jessie," and all Use uwapalga folde-rol of that period. Bat ti - ow they talk of saasets, winery, boars, blueberries, pretty girls sad pretty drivers. The reversed political travellers are very astable jest now, shad to not pray forthe destruction ilsatotesey,ssore alga half the Use; the other portion, snow of them lad sosnesary to employ is defames splint • eritairal pramatiose. --11Uver mimeo fa Canada is to amuse of preparatios. The Kestrels! ;open ammo* that the Goyersaest have espied Mr..Wyon, the Mebrated desigaert of the Royal Mal. to asks Magma fat a Claudia' silver Mane, whisk will be rimparri oa the adoption of the dollar sad esatlyeans es the la ofJassary neat. The obverse of ebe . ego is to be she Qweew's Pereelenv aad the reverse a wreath of ample with the valise of the Ma is the-astre. —Sy the Behis sea, barn that at the NOVIDIAII4 rapes the Cleserarith stakes, wernh $10,004, oars wen la gallaat style by the Aiseriatis MVO Prior**. eves thirty ompal tors. Very heavy bets had been made against her previ a'. to theday of tionteet The well tam* horse Imams*, also the property of Mr. Tea Broak, had Med saddest, of dale. Prior ha. beta ruled of (rya all his ',pr imate for the season. —A tam ia Brooklyn, N. Y., laid Saturday, Staring a &gimp , Beak le tkat etty would " bask," drew sat PS —ell ho Marred. Hs told. Ma tries& of kis geed Wets getifee Ike meow, took oevecel artoks, got "d 814." malted hi. poke' risked of every dolts,. H. au D ot asks midi by that operaties. —tikes bees dighttoly seesetotioed. after wend in. lay, Oen th• moonlike was • sandblote fee Gamest to tolonyteeod• apolinti Peeks,. ie monied 1111miee—David Wilmot: It I. imeateoteoll b W essoetatee that he ittansai le the repabliens potty, —Aa *ld weals& eased s 644 yeas' lasi *kiss ►a podia at vole& S►. made a hullaballoo, sad be )4144 Air saildsg Pirliss lbe Ritter, sUbtberr Bohn peril lava than be wee set hee sea, be had twasseed bok "sad Swam —ls Ilts Mania Comma at Jame* seamy, N. Y., a eardist d $lOl was readisted avian, tees Stowast. a esellaq Wow at Breirevels, to ewe at se septum M. Me was iMaiai by as idiot oaia by Stintert. at a astiay easeelso MS tall *mem at Vlmiaia, Is set is • haw Amy. halms oppassilis Sacitseests Isaastgekat sows it to Saws. • —A limn meal hagsas Mai Olibe Illsibesi albied Nita Is lost Tessiby miembig b bobs eta we by the WNW NIVISI ends. 1911 Oar Itepublieen brethren ben Itu•led O'er "bleeding Keane seat they verily believe, • part of dine. Omegas. "essi of all villasiter bee a home within bur horden — They ban misguided every private fetid into a political oettsge, they have tamed every private seetroverey that territory about bowsisites late "ottirsgro uPbb free dom"—la short they hare kept the country la se uproar for two years over the political isisdnde of a few bed mos epos the herders of eternisation. while Onlniloo spin the beillotheree, worse by far than any thing ever transpired is Kasen, have been perpetrated seder their very none. sad sever s word have they attired. They have been all eyes sad all min for "bleed's/ Kansas," bat have bad neither eyes nor ears for "%indite humanity soy sherd else. We have aam in point, wbieh, sow that our Re. publican brethren of the pram are rampant over pertain treads at the lets elestiou is Kassa', whiah, as by , Ger. WeLits has corrected by rejecting the »tares, we wish to telt their 'Anklet to. On the 14th lost., there was utarsempted singe* in the city of Saltise.e else say attempted, for it is simply w" rock say midrib atten.letat; rend' the ." I " abiding titre wee 4144* viotory which the . vas a Victory not o'er OCTOBER Si, 1837 pollee officers who sought to suitain it. This victory was beraldtoi by cowardly assaults sad murder; by each mag nanimlty as is evidenced by whole crowds atteektog • single man, shooting volleys at him or beating him to a Jells, with the butt p pd pistols. Bat, to make the matter plainer, we hillWrom the Baltimore Repel/di. *as the following picture of this attempted election. "The sitarnaltacommeneed the night before, when num bers of bouses'heliingieg to Democrats were attacked, and windows, doors and furniture destoyed., This wit a mere preliminary, to let the Democrats understand what was to follow on the next day. Abeordlogly. from early morn to mionight yesterday, the:city was totally given up to the armed radians in the hire of the Knew nothing leaders The vote taken will show *at the presence of those armed desperadoes kept from the polls more than half the legal voters of the city; fur it is notorious that, email as the vote is. a Large proportion of It was illegally deposited by the unprincipled horde that had eaciiiipsited sway at all the polls except the Eighth Ward. We hesitate not to say, in the face of the whole community, that the decent and tee- Feetablis portion of oar eitizens have had no voice in this so-called election. It is the work wholly and solely of rowdies and raglans. The men elected by this Know nothing party are not the representatives of the city—its interests sr its people; they are the cheese representatives of the Mises and outlaws who rule the city." Now, why don't oar Republican brethren "shriek" over this outrage upon the ballot-I:az—why don't they lift their vetoes, and ary aloud at the enormity of their Know Noth ing allies? Why don't Beecher howl from his pulpit, t., be echoed by all diking and little Beecher, throughout the land' Aye, why tion'rthey? Simply because it-is Demo brawl voters that are kept (rein the polls In Ltaltimort,an.l to make a hies about it would not add to their political stock io trade. An.l here is the whole secret, op.,' which eommiut is quite unneooesaary` Governor more popular strength, than the gentleman whoa. name beads this article Lsoring the campaign last year, as well as this, be was a most effective worker-- Every where his voice well heard in defoore of the consti tution and the laws, and although surrounded and boccie down by a tide of fanaticism which rolled resistlessly, not only over his owo . •couoty of Crawford, but over the entire north western part of the State, he contended manufully to the last from townshipto township, and now we can see the good effects of his work in the largely reduced majori ties in this portion .4f the State. But Judge CließClt'S politica! claims a the favorable consideration of the new Eteentfke of the State, are not stronger than his personal and legeJtlualtibtations. Added to a popular and pleasing 'Adm., he pone of the bet legal minds to the State. Upon the Bench and the Asir he has made his mark, sad An buts poeitione has secured troops of friends who, we base no doubt, will join us in urging upon Gen. PACKS' his appointment to the position named. WHY used 'MKT 1411111111111 IN thtvLralie aututurrer, but over law sod order, awl over HON. GA Y 1.011.1) CHUM& H to looting over the State for a man to 611 the positioa of Attioney °enteral under the administration of . Uoo• Pac[sa, 'bleb will be inaugurated in Jativary, we mu God no an mho has mere claims upon the party,—is a sounder lawyer—or that would carry to the support of the DOK'T LIKE IT.—Tb• Buffalo Cometerria/ says that the news that Guy. Walksr has annulled the return of votes from Oxford, Johnson county, where • pretended majority of sixteen hundred was scored up for the pro, slavery candidates, is received with little satistivtion by the Hamletslimn leaders, but with sincere pleasure by every true friend of the freedom in Kansas. Without stopping to &a miss the motives which have induced Gov Walker. •nt ion, we regard it as decisive evidence that all intention to make Kenna a slave State is abandoned. Tire contest is virtually over, and it will soon be time to write a history of that strug gle. When it is faithfully written, it will show a degree of reekleunsess on the part of nominal free state mon, acting is the interest of the... Republican party, which is astosisb lag. It has boss th ei r game to prolong and embitter the difleettiee which have prevailed in that troubled region, until it has tied at time. as if their factious conduct would loony °needs the triumph to slavery. Bat we tenet, that the danger is past. LEOLYLATURIC—The next Legislature will be politically divided am follows: Democrat'. Oppoeltion. Sabato, 21 13 kluaaa asprosegatativaa, 89 31 DM/ alai. ma joint ballot e Among the Diutocrate elected this Pall, says the Clinton Democrat, are Judge 1311 ILL, fortnerty a judge of the Su preme Court, and a gentlemaei of great ability; Hon. C. BOCICALSW, one of the brightest intelleou and purest statesmen In the Commonwealth, and W. P. SiEGLI-, ta ming,' Speaker of the Howie of Representatives Amongst those holding over are Judge Witch's, formerly, ratted States Senator, foreign Minister, member of the Cabinet, ie.; and G. W. Burnet and W. H. Wsuse, bright lights of the yeang Democracy, who would adorn soy legislative body. The present Senate will compare with any of its predecessors to point of intellectual ability and high repu tation tot personal integrity. THE "STATE FINANCES.—There,Is a vast difference is the 000dttioa of the State lessisary now, from what at was when the "hard times" of 1317 came on rice, the Butte was laterally bankrupt—she Gould not pay the toter est on her bonds, nor the debts contracted fur work on her internal improvements; and before she could get out of her diMonities, she was turned to the desperate extremity of taking stain of over two millions from the Banks In the "roller notes which afterwards became a rack offence In the nostrils of the peep's'. Now, however`, the State Treasury has plenty of funds testiest )01 the demands up on it, and a handsome surplus besides. The books of the Department show that the Wave In the Treasury on the 35th of September, wa5—5480,62 . 2 72—nearly half a snit lido of dollars. This •zosas, so soon after the half yearly payment of the Internet doe epos the State debt, shows that the fisaneee of Poamoylvaaia are to a Gooriabieg eon. &UN. The pressor, has ant elected them, and they ao Initiative toilet orrlso IT UP AT LAS I—We else that England has at last abandoned all idea of interfering with the Crafted Stales is the odintrol of the ?hearsay/a Transit route. This is a wise wove on thif part of the Riitish Goversaseat, bat it would have boos still wiser kid it been made at as Helier day. For several years we hare hose squabbliag with oar cassias over the routs between the two amass. and ow» or twice, were la lanninent danger of a oollisioa with limo trims the sauto , nause. Ragland, with that thirst for territorial aggraddisesent tot which Ow has always bows distinguished, ot up • alai= to this portion of Ote Amides' eoatiseat; Vast' was unjust 10 the blgtHret degree. Tin ridieulbus tam of dressing op as igaiersiat sarrio, , bodowiaga regal tide upon him, and pleats, tho dud* awe as s stuattiliag block for hood. sae eaterpries, was mesatedig of a great nation like Rag haat, had It Is des it diplo4 bo abasheaed. Bat fa shot. &Wag Is, we are mpg htiklawl to mooed to the British IM MO, vehistary salmi I. the premises. The freebie ja ladia, whisk Is seer lady ossapytag tie rasearese et that Otninsist„ iM 4osbelese brought the matter to a laid eoosiasies. fideravar, Let us be ahead [al tees toe that, tee the goat* has bees aa epos we Isag- easegit, sad to have It edited hem earoartss, is a owes of patillea. do. . , riur: atass.—Spleklag the guise of the " liked tieesa," 'ewer p Age is so Slob meals& ea easbaege trely says that • very lame of the saes who bare faille 4 is ditsreet part theioestry, We, or sew dew plat, hese Itiriagrie vision* of wealth. They hare bees able to get 'a lame credit Cop ever before is their lives, NA thereto* heeled they were getting richer, Mai daily salami themselves larger &boon, sod dirk bre poorer: Now the babble his dusk tied the elates has le,ftkuud Of* 2014•114 avid eoarpletely three. whole simusetity thee env 1,11. taws. Biteptielase ea to iseestsies Is as wale sad easessive as the soellawseellos dwessety Imes., Credit le wiped qt, eel he who sires tent property, W b wet a teeth et what be stem le tar Ay tally perm kr reeds& perywom thss the au who owes *Cheat. -1114 hollims-Imue at P. Dsrda. at essitiVea by esiateat vl o,ll —lmet 113.04. Cotoottirr Pac it tit. WILiluT, HIALLIIIIRST . Dem. ken. . Am. Adams, 2363 1900 SS Allegheny, 8810 7688 "tSd Armstrong, 2409 2106 . 1 1 1 ••• Beaver, 1557 v 1999 20 Bedford, 233'4 158 S 398 Berke, 8722 2 750 874 Blair, I s L 9 I At, FRO Bradford, 2052 5642 6 Bucks, 5747 4 , /1 • 101 Butler, 2361 2831 53 Calubrm, 2379 1042 ' 165 Carbot, . 1567 672 153 Centre, 2883 2145 35 Chaster, 5388 5269 424 Clarion, 2132 987 23 Clearfield, 1459 72., 235 Clinton, 1464 1083 IS Colombia, 2410 1114 30 Crawford, 2576 3514 Cumberland, 307 , 4 2486 58 Dauphin, 3109 2656 600 Delaware, 1598 1624 609 Elk, SO2 276 3 Erie, ?,. 1985 3305 ' 143 Fayette,] 3104 2520 SO Forest, rk -, 79 Frentlte, 3186 3058 91 Fulton, 317 570 i lirooo6, 2034 1000 43 90 43 MEM N 14: -ARK rttnime of he Wt. Plest vor.) tt'o New Than. libilb lin, la*. shdotWespotmewahr:ohb.glifise;elbalirlsi ; h i e e t p t it ' oer r ba r k.jle'll:forawite4t*bnedivettlaule„t"olgef hiiiiii"lei:t:hyglneetsittft shalt the brealstairs with, butte question It whether the ~.et get it in flaps to effect e t Mt° in^teill" , I fr om i f, " 164,ar :liratraPoceerbo:rat.LhPudel.P:ddecterTaret..u'bahnnar.letrdentbdyhiPt;:444tin.l7.‘g.leael,i4lo°T:eehyalii.;yr'ws.lo6.‘..s.tradth:rl:::::2;e:te,us:hbintat::::wl;b:hr:chteittbbitiaeu...6o::::.:lirlort,:4ol3,:ft,"l::o;lie s ti ro ..aiiBldoetlids r a r i o .e v ... ti r i . 4 i s u lll 4, ; ( l . i i tv i h t e i e ein u e t isk uo' , l' i t i l a_ l q. k 1 " I " ... . r h ''t i l eu s: ::- 11 . i i::: ' for the cotton sod breadioio y,e data eonsiderable an" “0/0 failed, sa.pepded or obtained extension.. T ithportAire have IV.e to cirri the .th do mats of the jobbery unpaid note., and they cannot .tand the pressure mush longer. Nearly all the ermlLol.ll.,el paper honors in the oily Nave gone Under. The wholesale elothinK busi ness me killed for the nest season The dealers In produee aad money are thd only elites who carry on and trade at present. Anetl ,, n sale* are th- Krell (+inure of the day in the retail trade, and all kinds of stock nut especially f.oey alleges, are offered' et 24030 per cent under the cos - Auetiont are imprierieed on a tonsil Neale in front of many the relpiillihop. and the Mere. desert .heir quiet position behind thl cotinter.anil clamor their wares in the ears by pa • with mare than Rohrer velieinenoo anf o• rt. witigy The Dr.,adtrey retvt rnuree rr.• nel!lng I high prtoe4 fancy at re'. Klee, I draw ut•n, eto,. touters nut only frilin the e.untry lielghii.priin: rifle., where the panic h t• 11.,:•floete , 1 purees Po Kenernlly , 00, eI abe 'tour.... in tlits hue. look In title day thi• week, sl,olo in . 4 pI4, bond.., bill• by the half peek Our lahortii4 1/1011 tiro, )1,1( or the u at least. toto:ly out of Phil pbtyntent, led an ail, are w•F, n,4 Lou •Ii there is no I.par hr •.1 s.t.to o , tl , ng .ensihle muss In England, the., rytt are to.. Itatita whenever work ill stopped in the fitetivriet, hocauoe the operettas, as a elite., live from hand to to ,uth. liorti one City 'setup Batik hold,. $40,000 01.41. r-i- li•looging t.. the worktug . ()looser, and held tit 0 , 11 , 11: 4•1111 , the tieraaaus as a hay., 1.u,1 up In •• I. 'I . 4. 4,,,r411y Ovo Iri.h populatt..n N r one ilmbto t`Litt w -'i Li; hLI • t •it l SW1111;si, but lli reality WI I prohntOr pr e f irimJiMe then oisr feer• The city leitog .leplete.l Artionn. Alm .ttli in root their little .tit In a piroerir t • the `'oiirtb nr Wi•io let...re they - wry-bope to obi tin at le •.t a ;tying c.iinpen siation for lino, go. 'l4 i'4 r 4 iike a iie during the sprlll4, • , •14 ,t 'tin.; hot e incole thetnseireft by the oriti •ipett nt tint next Fill will he excellent, ie.' the mee -o.l, ' , 4:Temil one if the h-. 1 liu.tnoiro th I. .mr nx• ever T'i. to t o . reason th, fly n••.xt ./11' V .1' 411,1. ae fortheot, the 11:010.1111 , ot ps of the e . m ntry . West hare been turned into gil 1, owtax• t ii,iippr i te• at mill. an I the new emir .• 0.. n ..r I.top irtati to..re will be a scarcity of ma litho :tare) Ito i4o. the r ii renionneA, lusurto. and ~le,ta,u i a of Id. with *holt p.m. ple are HUN disp.11•11:14 Will be in xiwiee demand et tiith prices. Amusetnears are dull and Ittersturi hag gunk helo* par. People buy the nnwnp,pnre they cann..t gut al( r ng without th-an, lair b ..• a•t.l even laagasmee err unsaleable st..ck Cue htur rant weekkets have Ittat immensely In the ata•nant ..1 their •alea.au that the nets buyers hardly think La Itarealirl4 10 that 11:14P•Id4 or pruper -17, which twu w ~ itho Lg. pa.l Ohba balker than anything, else Tbu weather i• rather nut I f OW 11,11,1 are buying for a rolA allay .A fr..t, pe•pla to rotue with iiii,dn.t L.r ui k•reLotto, Aharol% and all klnit...f pr..te , tive 4:01:14t It I , II paititu tact that our city t. weartng out its old clothes. THE FULL VOTE FOIL INOVE.ELYOII. %% a IlAve el length received the official returns from every county of the State, and subjoin the vote for Govern. or t o rut; Huntingdon, -1749 1678 248 Indiana, 1438 2650 26 Jefferson, 126$ 1125 54 Juniata, 1108 1035 20 Lase/meter, 6486 7690 1236 Lawrence, 993 1992 - 50 Lebanon, 1980 2664 182 Lehigh, 3805 2957 9 Luserns, 5268 3536 214 Lycomiog, 2424 14E4 317 McKean, 49% 565 Merrer, 2539 2926 ..44, Mifflin, 1b32 1217 - 104 Monroe, 2254 604 5 Montgomery, .5449 1609 1386 Montour, '" 1030 S6B 71 Northampton. 4066 1111 1010 Northumberland, 2821 974 490 Perry, i. 1965 1667 161 Philadelphia. 27749 10001 14335 Pike. 754 ,190 12 Potter, 495 957 4 5989 y 3079 Somerset, 1741 2277 Snyder, 999 989 $1 Sullivan, 494 265 Susquehanna, 2419 3224 24 Tinge, 1193 3284 2 Union, 971 1275 162 reD.ll3lO, 1900 1790 '416 2 Warrea. 399 1369 V Wailalogtuo,„ '3752 3614 142 Wayne, - 1992 1691 :al Westmoreland, 4364 3448 24 Wyoming, 1226 995 12 York, 5314 1776 1332 Tidal, 188,890 148,147 28,160' Packer over Wilmot. 42.743 Bucker over b0th,14,583 _ Aye do not think it neeettrary to 811 up our eblumne with the vote of the coun ties for the rest of the State ticket, as ii•arie• hat little from the vide for Governor. The total vote for Canal Commissioueri Supreme Judges and en the amendments to the Conetltntbn Is so follows: CANAL 0011.X.ISSIONSIt. Nimrod Striettland. D., 187,196 William Millward, IL, 144,428 John P. Linderman, A., 26,638 SUPREME JUDGES. W(11140a Stnsog, A. 186,823 Jawed Thospvii. 4-. 187,023 Joseph J. Lewis, U., 142,426 Jaime' Veda*, IL, 142,1177 Jacob Bross, A., 27.246 Jasper S. Hardy, A., ' 20,954 . ANIINDYNNTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. Ist 2d. 3d. For. 122.658 117,142 114,666 11 4 05 Agninet. 13,653 21,412 24,896 14,382 Maj. for 109,005 VI. A serrespeadeat of the Proneybeitioi -fequirsr asses the re ergoaisatiesi et tie Whig Party as "lb. any Amiss ofesitiag tbeOpyesitioa N the weaned Demeataily.', The Notiorel hitsiliymesi. is Wanda, the woe queetioe , sad the etas, day it bad • two-solemn editorial article is tarot of a Baited States Baak. Timm ere algae Wield. lag that tit,, Hopubilesa pert/ bar &light its last Nude.— tbat wises mot tka Demeeraey ars called to tile geld, 11 will be to oppose mate ether ergoniatlea I EDITORS Sallee that quite • suishir it ilditorial fraterodty is this State bah* bees sip before the "Bovereigs pecifile" far theft switispie tide Pali; sad, Ito on gisd to odd, obst at. pee is, For is. stases, Hocitars, of the yawls'? mar, and Sara/aim of the Uniostows Genies of Liberty, have beim elected protbaraotriries of thipir respective ecutatiee; KIM" of the Hresisubstg ihisocrits, was oat of Us Ight Register sad Keeorder of • Hestutersised—while thete are half • doses ether Oredire• of &slain who have bees sleeted to verve the people at Harrisburg nest whiter, sad who, we doubt sod, will prove thelaselves at capable &Ottawas u thq have SLAW pehliejoirsallsts. Is labia; over the Geld, ever, we sled's that two whose maces we were la h 'thetas able to sisoruees,ltave bees defeated—though by very ssrall ersjorides. 'Cot Nowatuou, of the Barrie. burg pied, I. Wasted Is ilia Ilasphis sad Lamm ills. Grist, Sir Sesster, by only !'vita-wbils set Mead liessoyeet the Folios Deftveris. Is folleothi is mai ith been by low Aim a hawked. We eyagaiddis with both. ECM 95,730 94,271 103,873 `pat, PB WORK 44 JOB PH WOR K CaRK/Pfit this OPIC '. JOB Ili& PH WORK .f' JOB RI PH WORK K uurosuAL clirr•couT. I third T i mes!--everylxdy cries lid tidies! No money— °. credit—no confideuoe:—is the plea alAtkithtiestia. newspapero, the apology of the &tor when called upon creditor, the gams of IWO& eonsidtdies, and' lipi'to::::::•oo.4oo,6oetiaLttoprsesx,tythierte ss i bjec iaqua t ed isat fitirsaih ts iii ba t ti, o o:l 7 ist r imsk y to , if ti. " tw o, -.1 1 9 thee be pay tor— Is hard tdmes for the -.Aka that hovels/used moo "protasala par lima filmy have specie to-pay them with--its hard times for the 'sty lout, who has laid nothing uvr a rainy day, sad, in fact, it is bard times for every ily that has lived be yond his means. And here Is te secret of the whole thing. We have been going too fa—We have enjoyed • too high rate of speed, and now tit we are on a "down grade," the "breaks" pat upon s by the banks only saves to give us pomace!" a waling that them Is dan ger ahead, without averting the gni catastrophe. And it always will be so under our preset' flancial system. A period of prosperity and expansion musts. followed by • period of contraction and depresaba. Pn"Pls sailing an der a cloudless sky, and upon an enraged sea, will not look for the coming 'norm, or prows fee battle with the ,tart and the breakers. But when be storm and the breakers appear, however--altheurl at first the cheek limy blanch, and the heart tremble.-the danger is met reso lutely, anti the Anal struggle conoeteid with inn lip end .iraightened muscles. And so it Is nth our present troubles. When met manfully they are harconquered, for half the troubre lays within ourselves. Hard Mos and a winter are before us it is true, but beyond the Spring looks forth •iniling and hopeful. Let us one sad sil take heart, then, and while we prepare for the future--while we curtail our rip , and meet our liabilities Ike honest men—let us not forget that there are many blessings left which neither the failure of Banks nor the suspision of railroads Can deprive us. This is our philosoptr. And while our readers apply it, they should look About them, anti seek out the pour and the needy, and out of the abundance who-h we know some of them to passes, lend a helping trend to their less fortunate neighters. "It is more bleu lied to give than receive," saith thttluek. "What has been gorse can 6e taken away;' is the language of the came .toihority! Remember that! If yia have an abundance I this world's goodq, redember ,hot It can be taken away, .o 1 to .t s. ili•triliation of a portion of i t to the needy will give great ,iatistactiot in days of adversity i.nould they come upon you. around you. opentour and see if you cannot gladde, some heart by making .infortable some poor Ludy ere tie winter's storm and wind shall penetrate the miserableeseuse for clothing that partially covers some of tlod's dor. Look over your w.• 11 tilled wardrobe and gather at what you can vp.ire, and judiciously dispose of it. Dor't say you pay a po,.r ,so, and that there are person, appointed to look after the p ,, • , r - You are your brother's keepw, and an account will mare to be rendered of the talent aid Mean.' placed in your keeping. Therefore increase their wood or coal pile, send them a bushel of apple, or potatoes, a bag of Ilour L or a peck of meal, a partially worn coat ir a warm shawl. If the world know* it not, it is all Om lain*. The recipi ent will know it and a blessing will follow you. Oise and give freely, while yon liar° an opportunity.-- 'peaking of the Owen, and to tore "from grave to gay ," the following is about the best thing in its way we have ...en for • lokkg time: It is entitled the "Last crisis:- A gentleman dior.l with JI friend one day, And aboae, he hoard weloblng 141..1 cry.,, Ile loquan..l or bin friend Ln an anxious +a' "If then. waa Any our Birk or dying' " 1 1h, PO, - lie replied, and mauling his Beat, they were dtacusatnitthe wee, q't e just refitawitlielen a new oak dreee, . And protturvii ► financial cry --eta Speaking of "good things," our readers loos all beard of Major Pooe, the man that, to pay a bet 'ant Fall, wheeled a barrel of apples some twenty miles Into Bost, , n. well, the Major was at Louisville at an agricultural ban quet lately, and being toasted, responded that "In Old Kentucky ererywhere, i ir , bare! been greeted by gentle men, with their hearts in their right handv—their right hands in mine, and I most say it, with bottles .if uncut:lol led 'old Bourbon' in their left hands. . Long, I..nit he mi heart with dill memories tilbel, Like a tape in which ruara hate onoe been thata,he!, You may brelk—you may ruin the r•se If you .ill, Rut the .cent of rAer will linger there Atilr • ut a call that "good, better, best," eepecisoi l ,he 'out es.._. bon."—And while we are upon good things, that war • capital toast drank not long since at the meeting of the "Dismal Owls" of a neighboring city; "Tun Pangs, vile Put.Prr, AND rue Pirricoore—the fist spread the news, the second the (Impel, and the last spread—all over the sidewalk." It is said this finished the "Dismal owls." —An item of news, which will prove interesting to those who delight to ape royalty. is a report in the news. papers that the Queen, being present at the inauguration of a new bridge over the river Dee, drank a glass of Irish Whisky on the oecosion. We trust sod hope it did her good. The Toted, Iflatite tells the follwing of one of the modern writers of rhyme who pester Editors with their effusions:—"We were conversing with a young lady some few evenings ago, st a literary reunion, and as she had been introduced as a poetess, we, of course, touched oh poetry. It was not many minutes before she had run through the stereotyped list of favorite authors, when she concluded with Byron, asserting her conviction that be was the greatest poet that ever wrote. We modestly hint ed that we preferred Shakspeare, upon which, with an un affected laugh at our simplicity, she cried. "Why, Shalt,- pease wasn't a poet; Itu plays ci , ,n't rhyole."--A t a lki ng match lately came off at New Orleans for five dollars a side. It eontlued according to the Adrect.evr, for thin teen hours, the rivets being • French Man and a Kentuckian. The bystanders and Judges were talked to sleep, and when they awoke in Cu morning they (mind the Frenchman disid and the Kentuckian whispering in his ear. THANKSGIVING —Guy. POLLOCK has issued a pro . olamation designating Thursday, Nov. 26th, as • day of thanksgiving. In noticing it, the Gowns intimates that, "to view of the want and misery which stalks through the land" • day of fasting and prayer would lee more appro priate." We 40 not think so. We agree with the Chaster Roistibliecsia that the oridoary mercies of good government, sunlight, pure air, freedom from war, and a thousand otbrr things that we never think of, are all sufficient to make op a special day of kbenkagiving. But these occasions hove been set span from year to year, more especially to render thanks to Umd for the fruits of the earth; and this being the case, there never was A time when our whole people were called upon more eloquently for thanksgiving than at the present time. A more magnificent season never riled Its benefaction, upon the earth. The rain came when needed, the run shone smilingly, and at the wish of the husbandman. Our barns are groaning with the products of the ample harvests, and the farmer hears the cry of distr..s coming up from the half silent cities, bat it does not street him, save as his sympathies aro artosed for men struggling to scold the stigma of bankruptcy. There is so abundance to be devoutly thankful for, and the usual day of Thanksgiving is not inappropriate. The pulpit will have a fine bid for practical discourse. The poacher can point to the glorious provision made by a common Father for all hi. manna, while at the some time he noarges then' fur their sins. Mercy and wrath are nigg led together just in that prOPortiell shoold atalte us weep and rejoice at the same isogoeit& Thonseads of true ton are at the priatent moment suffering keenly fur the reekleaseees of the abandoned add probigate speculator. and doebtless mash will an enjoy the special occonou, un less they are able by ao undying faith to look above and beyond the portantions aloud that wraps them in its gloomy folds. Won. Edward Everett. wile chortled every body hers bet the "mitMal" Molitor of the "Literary" coins* in the Cleamitution, angoesess his Wadies te make a Win. tes toes throsili the Booth eat Ikethirem, agisepting.vart. OW invitations to deliver kis whitens on Washington. IRIS CITY RAILROAD.—The meeting on 'Nei*/ timing. of the cilium's favorable to the building of for Brie City Railroad was tolerably well attended and eon eiderable tamest imaalhieted. Pros the facto elicited in refrms, to the preeent proepecU of the road it seem that by a reasonable *Sort the wort may be anon troianoeseed bad with a certainty of eosoodetloa. We are glad to noes. any favorable ladies/dons in eaaneeticas with an enterprise an important to this oltp_asid °aunty. Committees were appointed to solicit oubeerlitlear and to prows the right of way. ININBLAUGHTIM—Aboat three weeks am there vas e row on Passel' street. in which John List% the keeper of Groesey, was swath on the bead by a brisk, and fatally Woe & Ho lingered until Monday, when he died. la the man tithe, as it was *eldest be amid not more , , e, warrsat was lenseLsiad a nun Daiwa She. buy who was suispeeteil .f havint'threnn the fatal was arrested and atter a North, estnniltta4 toe th e A m ,. Ire,vaderetanit the *widows against kiln is very streng— th ethelnebre ladeed that Justice Craig 414 not dim it math I. swept Mil o bat eoithsitted bias flelly far the tame& The eit , aak. so we eedlerstassil !freaustaases, we se. invoked sail Wriggly, sae we uese pildir Isw4esk wet t. she piasipal as well as the abetkws at the Grim! piii:Tbee Iblve eissoi lays sreheek ot en meth iimake wits experienced to that vicinitron hiday after._, ation l the k 3 led, at about 3 Vetoek. flt jarred many littildings,gOme $ severely as to cause slimy Is the Finds at the therthe.". In one instastes the Censer bas beard of :book at w jarred} from a piano by be chock. The jaui t a eiseritir eta minute, sad Val &need ed -with a heavy rumbling sound, like that produced by the passage of a heavily loaded wagon,. The Rana shock lira Mt erPereetvith, and Mao at MAIN whitey u we notice by the Espies., walls were cracked and chimneys thrown down. It was felt here but very gli g htly—probably not more than one in a hundred feeling it at ail. Jack Frost, that "arch and terrible destroyer," is 4nroad almoet every night now, frolllzking among the treesOstanipping vagetatioa. dad a right jolly dale he if having, too; look, see how red the maple appears, bow yellow the otteatarrt, and him brows tle oak arid the sib —.all becitese Jack ha e hinted them ri ht before the face sod eyes of the man in the cooon,!' Aye, a terrible fellow is Jack Prost—he comes in the .night, but his foot prints can be saga plainer and pielner every day. He comes es the lit herald of the near approach of his grim sad tyrant king, the frozen Winter. oar The Westfield Aryls, announcels the death of John Law, a rest lent of that town, from the accidental dis charge of a pistol The CireurnstanceS are aa follows.— Abot - 13 months ago, whsle living in Wisconsin, Mr. Law had o'o , -0100 to make a joureey in a boggy, While 'Me. tag along, hue whip fell to the ground., lie got oat, and is stooping over to pick it up, a piet.ll which' he bad on Ithperson, d.rcharged itrelf. Tha bell with which it was loaded, entenng his right broad', and eoming out en- ' der the shoulder blade. If.. has been iniffeeing from it since, with alternate expectation of fien', and regained health, unui la.t ".tturdty night , When he expired. Mr., L. was well An wa here, And leaves many young friends' who will ,inc•r••ly regret to hoar of the fatal termination of the a••et ie•a r••l,t-ti The erawl.,rd iksivec.it states that on Thursday the 22 I m.t , 'Tr Fllenr I I, ,, lehridGl, aged 411, was (quad dead n ear W 1 ;1,,,,r, %Varner's, some Nor Ishii.* east of Mead ville. thtt examination, Mr. L.'s nick was found to be broken, and his hes I sliichtly injured. It is supposed, rum) the p nhich he was lying when found, that he hn I fa, ' to that ran brat the-e, we 13r1Lr fr , qn thou, //LC • 1 I r Itcpulrano carry l'onn.yl, at 'UPI , tu.,•tt.v, arc a. f Mow, In l'onn-y1.4%,.t th. , 1•11tcor• I Tnt r,,to MlnTp.4to th, loin , 4.4 C4l^ An e .r t• 1.1 I ov, I,ren .n the m•utto, •u -t • '1 kittare, al 11•• et•untty (tor prrl qUit• 1 tar ;“•y. .• 1 r• i• :1..t a Muoratine ap.l. h..ra, • zt, rd.. ••‘•iit w 1.C.1. . !6r 1,4! &b` It 00,11” that the In [be last t%.•er the hot n the ' i named "13 ewe. , 1 , 1 i Sndrlcr, nen, - OA • market place," ha! n .10011 L/11.11.` 011/ ••• I/ /I rr.luiro uoy „great tr,.;or,uity 1 , ti. .1 "Air- Ws nsties t6.rt th• r.. t• br to stuns and tes east, west awl south •,) few flAkes, there bas boon • les.ti app.•aranor of lee tit. A child Ths I oal ~f Leboeuti, in ' this county, way dr••ndfully burned. last week by its rletl falunz tir. , that a dted;r•,on 'trier Dr Ja0k., ,, , ia , ii n I:•tlinr , Phyoician, will b. at Brqwt.• , 11“ tel, to th, k,ty, . Sea hi adeertiae- CM —The Bank Of Lawrence . .eltlty, at New Castte, la now to operation end bas .t.retily Televised it contiderable amount of the 01 i Tor new Bank teems to here the etanlidettee of the people is thtit vteiciity. Ifie" iioiey'e iy' , 13—k doer not reach us now' ,What t•'the t,..ri ' Tho steamship I;ratiaiia, from New Orleans the . ..loth, vi II ivana. the_ 14th lust , arrived hero this morniug She brought 6356,000 to specie, but it t new.' of i ut e r es t, The Times of to day,' states that the British government is ab iut seuellng a special minister to the United States, empowered to settle all matters in relation to C4ntral America at issue between the two cluntries, and that. Sir Wm OuvOey will pr?bibly be the man A gang ot ?unshed Urn last night attacked the inhabitants of St. l'hritotts street, who are mofitly Irish, iii au indiserimin tie manner, killing cue awl belly wounding a dozen others There is no clue to the.asitassins or their object. Gov. Ligon 14.4uei1 a .proclamation this morn ing placing Ow city under mArtial law, and or dering out two divisions—ionic 7,000 men, said their comm ending officers, who are ordered to enrol at once and report for service, and hold themselves in readitteis to preserve the peace on Wednesday next, the day of general election.— The Governor takes this step against the deci sion of the Mayor, but at the request,• and on representations made by responsible citizens Considerable feeling was aroused this morning by the proclamation There is great diversity of opinion in regard to the measure, many consider ing it justified by the existing circumstances, while others look upun it as most unwise and calculated to inervase tba< difficulties-apprehend ed on election day. Fritz AND Lois or tart: —We regret to learn that the dwblling house occupied by B. G. Hoover, on the Beckwith place in the north•west corner of this town, was consumed by fire yester day morning about 4 o'clock, and sad to relate, Hoover, and one of his children, a little girl, perished in the flames. We have not learned how the fire originated. Mr. Hoover was a blacksmith by trade, and VP .1.4 a hard - working in dustrious man. He brmerly worked in Munson, and subs,quently at the center of this town.— He was between 35 and 40 years of age.—C/tur• don Democral We are informed that an alarming encounter occurred yesterday in Franklin conoty, some where between Chambersburg and Shippensburg, on the cars of the Cumberland Valley Railroad. Hon. Joe. C. McKibben, son of Chambers McKibben, RN., Naval . Offeser,of this port, and member of Congress from California,,met acciden tally, is the car, with Isaac Craig, who is son.in. law of Chambers Nleß . ibben, having marrieirthe Alger of Hon. 3. C. McKibben. Craig is well know to have incurred the enmity of the whole family, by en irreparable injury that he commit ted several years ego upon an unfortunate young sister-in.lsw of his, who was deaf and dumb.— He and kr. McKibben, of Calitorola, have not met since then till yesterday. When they en. eountered one another, pistols were drawn, and Mr. Craig was wounded, but to what extent we are not informed. There was a report that Mr. McKibben was also slightly wounded, bat we have not mamived any confirmation , of this r. port.—PAil. Bulletin. NEW YORK, Oct 49 lIALTimoEtE, Oct 29 %THU Vito3l IgEVANS ARRIVAL OF THE STELZER PERSIA. - -4.- Niw Yoax, 28 The steamship Persia from Liverpool 17th at. rived at noon today. She brings about 42441, 000 sterling in specie, and 211 passengers. Breadstuffs at Liverpool quiet. Flour steady, except (or inferiot qualities, prices of which were 'freak Wheat steady—red closed buoyant.— Corn firm. Western canal 29(9,30s fki, Ohio 82(0335. Red wheat 'Flute ii9C493s. Mixed yellow corn 376 rid, white -1163a42s Provisions dull. Beef and bacon steady. Pork and lard dull. Sugar heavy-2(93s lower Holders pressing ou the market. Coffee dull and lower. Tea inactive bul, firm. Shipments of specie were going on up to the departure of the steamer. Full &dykes by the India mails were cheerful but had no news of importance. It is raid that President Buchanan bad written to the American Minilterti in Europe, pledging the American government to support international laws There ha been a large arrival of gold from Australia. The Spanish ministerial crisis bas ended in General Miners forming a new cabinet. There is a fearful financial panic at Vienna. The banks of llolland and Belgium ( advanced rates of discount. Mr. Ten Broeck bad won another race at New market, with his horse Belle. -lie was unani mously elected member of the New Rooms, New market. Queen Victoria and the Royal fami.l7 had left Balme;ral for the South A public reception was given them at Aberdeen, where they were the guests of the Earl of Aberdeen. A Circular had been issued from the Colonial office to the Governors of the various colonies calling on them to look to defences of their pro vinces, and not to neglect that reasonable amount of warlike preparation, which it is desirable should be everywhere maintained. A report was current that the c hol e ra bad m ad e its appearance in the village ut Stratford, near London, and that within a few days 17 cares and 7 deaths had occurred. litittruciAt, —A financial crisis had manifested itself at Lisbon The populace were aissati-fied with the salutary measures of the government, and an outbreak was anticipated Robberies had already commenced Ausittt —The resumption of relations be tween Sardinia and Austria way be shortly cx: peeted The panic iu Vienna exchange was frightful. The national loans, bearing 54e, in.- tere-t, payable in silver, fe:l to 'qt.} RUSSIA.—TiIe. Itus4ittu naval division fur the Chinese waters had left Cronstadt. A letter in the l'resse tear it is perfeeitly tru- that the Russian vverrimont t fn I nntirinz t.ueoeede•i to t tW".• Artl •i, .upert Any 13 , ,F In tile, An 3 tl L.. 1 It 1- int ) •n I •rta' ivery--rt. a.lvertto hit lIA.r ••t t.i been rowyletei) sa..,•:.•sful 1.1 ei....00,z 14i. •it ht. gray larks, remuving dandruff, it,hiii,:, , anal,, it% It res tores the gray-headed to more than the original beauty t , vi adds n•er lustre to locks already luzurus ; hang the effect on coat se, h w•h h a ir t render it g 1 0.4 y and watery, tastens permsnently hair that if loose or tat g, and many other qualittee which will I.ec.man known as soots as used. The pride of mankind is singularly deselepei in the keeping and arrangoment . of the hair; perhaps from the fact that it is the ouly p•trtom of the human la•••ly that' we can train in any way wo eho•sse: hew important then, haring this portt••n lott t our •sr the; in • 1[1 , 1113 11,5 all th moans science h.as pieced in •oir Ilan 14 to render it beautiful and permanent. If y”ti would hive bOa.llartil hair, gins , / he.r. nth it, natural hair. permanent color elegantly pro4orvell t. extremo old ago, don't fill to purchase (lair Rem. 0.'.;, -b,fy /our,. Stare 4 Sold to Erio by all Druggists. JOY TO TOM N'OKI. U.—Th. cr....trot 11.oltral Utoonrrry nr Us. th..l...rtiortn.rat hea.lo.l rialttaltritro Gottntitiv I'rri4ritton." frar'Nll Mitill'Ol . "4 14 1'N'Plilt6ltS.— RETIRED LERGY /I A\, metotekt to health t n da ) ., nanuyeass of gust narrow, oultertn i c, to ma (~ umj,e k nown . the [(Wind of cure. read ,tke«, the f r wertpttotl Danl. Dl rert the Itey. 'OLIN M. DAG Nr A LI., No IvA Fulton street, II rd•k yn, N. Y. 3m2t2. Ir. A PEAFECT S Un.sTl TETE flat TIU EAI .v -cur. LE.ECHIex A Nll 111.1.vTER s: I , sTEAD of being a panacea for all maladies, It has control ...,..b., iiNli: MALADY-4111A but UN F: AN—Wetotripllotb.l but ON C SIR Sili, to wit. ;it'lltu ...I IV rt. tae 41.010( DIMIAIIII--. hat. ever be its tanujor krimalty—wt,th,r tot the head, throat, ebest, abdohien, extremities or skin F.. ery form su intlussuitsesi i but no other &move) is subdued br It no easily as fin, is eat oturtsiehe.i by water. Is it asket , Aose at , tiire this •— simply by rrsimring the lost balance between unite and 1, ..1uLt. Such is ita potency, that lite ...teeing, rotatter, it regulece merely ri ti ..ibere to the point of • quill dipped into a solution of it, to rot the entire system. ille. Of its i*tri nsie ralifie, ffis eiillglileoeil common it y, mod nal the dieroveter. mut be the ilidg e -ess PRIME CO: , T, 81,50 PER DRACUM—PRICF. 8.!, nit MtACHM• Four months awn, thla mysterintis medicine nu submitted to the tribunal of an intelligent public. In that short peniol, nearly fell Uswillrial editors and polonaise,. tin the l . s., usassiss, British Provinces and Ragland) have personally tesird or witnessed it. ellicilmy la islif Linisimits, mod bate pronounced it timeliest valuable medics! discovery Of this or any preceding sice. This es, iiihtssissi jury of Re. Eundried ',pliable men, be their untliavini verdict, hare given the As Uphisigiat I e. Salt an established diameter, as will bs seen by the following brief 'struts: Pros the /fork' Traveller. oFa shish the yailairing testimonials from pablistiors, who re wired the Salt In payment for adrrrtirioir, entitled to blew eon. ..d ration and more eoaddeeor. than tha metilloatea ordinarily attialiad to advertised medicines." Lima Ibsporter, N...—" The new medicine, the Autiphlosisti Sal% is idly wortlne its way to popular furor in this city--tier hag mined Pleurisy, km& at Blood loth, R• 44, Caiop sod Brombitts." ltosltitti4 woe.—" It lit a =Ft remedy for lade tun Compittlota." Mint.widis Amrssal. —" it At.‘110..11.n.%14, Nem./ Ahlirrertreer, Mc —.Ali derived the word Logielitial effect. fr ~,,, " Pantamen Jon sal, ulitud Itos exporienon, It a an exent4nt r"3""IY; 4a. wad ralpitattlno ter the Hemet— Latent , tt nod ere say tied ep.P4 th. , Jejsr.w.ttte DRlOstrdit, Rbormathast, Bronchttis. Keysipelne and t Neu digriorekl ~ Ourj no.) nur raieln . ln nae_week.^ Philadelphia Homed, —" It u wro•iny rr r , Laster- Them Beiraer, 1161.--. It bai cur, Iles sabiore Cutemintis Dissiais " Weliserewslie nailer o.—" We know it suiet.o., Toothache, and :oval pidna—worieleg Weal!, t, w t Another editor, by letter to Dr C. , says tL are tieing it with great benefit, but unknown hi tr. chute, whom they do not wish to elead Another--' I have hewn • dyspeptic for 3 va st ._ A. Salt four weeks, std am euthely eured " A4I,tIIPT-- 4 A son of min., 110bAct of Pit, the Salt one month, and le Sell " Maryodla Draasansa. TINA. Veneewetion and Misters.- Ilseareelta Oiserser, fa rovers suiet I oaken , Jima, It to invaluable." Pow-Oltriotteo rtaiet, Mu —"The ~ of to the Head." Western Clhromucte, Ky —" livery u [nosily." • Alma- F..aN.w, N. deft." .110.-ties P:trele, Isl.—"lt has been iiegiAsehe • Another ~ft tor, trr letter--'• (hie of our It for Pleurmy arviNeertbarra, &wit. loa4 is Another —•• It tot very popular with the i v h,, Female. totnt,hturta.- Another —" It is the lost rosto-4) 4 th. W..t " 4,, o tt wr - • W y e. ifo has long hpon alttouoi tkw and n Lard Cough, Rh< has th„., mantle, and her routplasoh, .r wholly r ,.,-„„,„, uother ~ f " , ir ph yttmao• t.,•• soy (we ..r • Seuralgte tare eu my own too, r, li e ... v ., fella wrought the cure. 1 told lano, !}alt h ae done utast ho could aat to Another.—"A child of rain. •tanger.,ou• to ,iturkly rolled with the Levu ileaster, --•• v, • ,Vemar* Dists, () ^lt I. a+, Ilead.nehe,lotbizn. , l Eyn, snit ratarr , •• „Oyer,. and as , say, .rmtnio., of Li. Anoth-r, by lettkr ad. , r . :' the Womb land di•triniaing VII.. • Another—" Our to.o r-I.•rk hal La! tL. -I.e„ as ,l only on- and • larnilv wan curl •„ toot." A n„Lher_o A a aße. l Ka.tehm.sn. • 1..1 , 41 of the V ...Del *al of 14 y. 41-1 tam,4l,, .Ith ob. half" A hot b,r A oaae. d Cb,. atu In a padavra Nrvissosi, N. r - n %is rao.t .1/ Salt Htteatal All - ergo+ Go .v 4 .111 0 4..14 411111• I 10, .N4l/.4.1(r ye " ( 44.0- • ao Thino • , Mir -- maw. • R. 101.1 I'ra/uremia —•• We oar I WM% 4 • tfr.l them.. •ertheta, under ‘• I Lan t...ual ounnidoration r -r- VI btl. uiant 11 ,, strum-ntairt, and 1,111-1,140 n foutdir, ?tr nrdortn, .„ tun- ass/ " th.• tn. ••at• , zlott tit. I"...rnu tt‘t r• :In hs , atart Acute package., and th e etag,.l.",c cue., LI a.. ellt\n‘c yap loa.e. It to du—nn More. un I. , a—tqtruat:rts faulr trivia air orter.al earl roarottrolhalractsmar 4,NC/ tleltniT!.......rr t.t..t r••••••••fsd4, the propeteet, • arrau,retnenta. that lo ran .. , • • „. In at paanltt,, Hon or area.. s•r Po" Igo rolln , ro4, Ithnt.l • • t. 1•55 t np In drartlin pi. t.airr•ltt ft, tat.lv .1., pl. It lef It • •11.1-0 S• rT, nod lull ottrtretint..i , sr • \ II -It , • repeals—no prrat•tt ,r s, • ha- n airtn.ll.l.•ll4rnt I, WI. t..t. • • ..hewr , nnottottr,..lA.A Ar.• ..• . • • : 1,1 lothltrltt r. to pa. tro.nt a(/r• till pablar ••••iwe rtt •rt ttso• t„ 1,,•1 i v 011.. • tree 111 .11.1011 IN 11,...,01. tiw.a, tsr at Iststrtlrr, • J.. sth ravt Itgrt. .t . ..) I, rt. nta.l. I, as. it rttata t.tit • Artl‘l! fa OAT rfarr, -. fr I‘. •t -tn. ...t t I,r Ctrrtortir racka, POO7 •• It t».1411 t— emit /I.' sn -1.. 441 N In I "llthe 1 4 01 by for U' It -tll, \ tie. tarn (.r . „; rn• : 21. t in•t , bs II %I:1 - H f Pr -n•, t., Um* LIZ 7:. •IC In FF •I fp . both. 1, , e Rev T T . 1 1r FF F kl,. f Itlaebb.my "tat ,Kane, ),!.. k l t 1• .11 1-• t bkrtnrr In I . t.ru tt. on clnrsobtv, it. , I I1:I F •n -11 r NI hi DIED. . J..- IL • .1 •rn•r% art , . 1.. at ~,•• • R\ Photograph & Aimbrotype , 4r, 01, lilwah N 1 , 0 .1 • ERIE I'\ 1)1( Tl HI I ramtrrn•d 1., • • a, cutio - ..,r• t/irs •-itra p. , stav ;•,:r, sr .1••••11loa .rilett to tab. r 1 , ”` , .•T „., WHY LET YOUR, HAIR (gt'h .... n. I , rs sdk.i ritly, Whell *t.r proeanaz ur nr r , ..1 sv..l ILI z pr..; , r• 11.. n Wort•I• • t.. lialmbm s t• Holgtoror, 1 . 1,1 1 ., • Inv tz. , ratnr. Han • Trinph , 1 •o, • itAti.• \ ' , hi. , • rune It -•r. A :••1. 1/1..1nt F • t 11.1.,: rLi9l•' . INDIAN ki OTANIC Or J \ekA.IS Or tCli 4 fls: ttAl, 111111.. , lir I LeIC.4 I. nor r.. • lir J rotnito4n/hi • •• J U hair rononot •11 , • r . 1.1111101 pr• 1111 luktwir. II J .•1 the Strth. .1 sek.vn 1. ill ...•rry wit . , with niipt.won t'• that bar Iv t-ti .., e" Vnr lwr*on wishing to ems- re. tt . I.ILI 41 En.-, N., ,cir Inc him , . •-,' nll.l if II t-s 4... ken to VA., n...,ttrit,e .. W. 1•••• • ,. tie Inf.' IS IVILII , IO/11A•i• tr. Ai 1 / -.% • rio.l ng a h-• angt ~1.1. r t..r attel : l , ll,l.- I •!,,111 Li. I.") n turn 1.01.1.?". S. 6 • , Yrr. ,I il• 14417.--24. NEW JEWELRY !INA' GOODs. , JA REcKI BRO' AUF.P-ICAN OLtN k, %T• I-I'l YE: jtolt rot urratq . 1.• selottool 1116 e Awl rich • • I'oo NA, .41. V Eft. hate., an i 4 - • and !Int. d Warr, York•-t • 6 • LO K 1 IS' (; 1 31 01 .4 C"lr Toy., tr., tf . In regal 1011 ti• tl w e Nought our ti.. 411, ?kir, hare bo.” N.ught W ith rnrard t....0r 4ww. a.....•....teru1t that Ir. havr worked 1.." ' Puppliemlail "Meta w Jewelrt an I 1 ":"," sattuiftett.at I , IItIIETtIIE t. K 24, CHEAP AND SAFE NIL'WKLI's Safety Lamp and wAtte %wan to pr. tr }'tent K • that I hqt•llt.10111 N• &ppdtnl t.. entylli. n 1 , lampa. I.o.tup pt , ttfulh lent. CI.. ;4 • PRO% ifl/ dill %It 11,1 11t .011' Flame, 11.. swan rt t.. liu that' hi• •' or tournmt. Grit,: ...II) 0% I. - 1% 11144. M, Inthp Wirktn.r. t tSr. 11.1' : At.e 1".., Asir, ,1)1.4.1.• Xritt, Oct. 24, 1447. Tug eubeeriner , e , t l h"' the public generalli, a. , i'.444134. ;nor. "it two Los 4 r ti snit tat b.f. " 4. ' 4 r•-• ". ..S ae ak pn par. t. ] • d. hie lino prlriliti. analto • ••t S. wrier, an tin. Hi 4, 04 Wo r i d P'"" behalf in an parellerit noingliti,n, be Ott gOO4 flout u any mill in to. giv• Ito wh, it..l.liors• . 40^ and AN eit, (K. of Erie, Oct 24, t'457. Poi( 4.4 rim In the • let, Pmat. tes. ° term*, &lame* But 33 1 0. i' .' Oct. li, ligs: "It •• a v%. m.w. "Dr rogiontrell . ••. t lIIITI ) • MARRIED vo. 1.E.t1! , : E 1 Jt WYT: V CIE= 4~~rfiß APPO / 30 Zqt- . 1.7 AL C" 33. al • be ewitiogil. d 44 . tl. ..4 rilE 171 n 1111EINIMIIII2 1111=3MISZ Prl•las srt. otiti•xttl, 01, ra, I I hqr.l.s. ^nor , \up ',an EIMINEII IMEMI 11. \ H. Monalat, ‘1n,%1110, N 1 11411t111 111 • it I.t .las ~,,, \ Thumlß, ere,k I.••• W.-1.104.11r t • I IsnoAtoorn, \ • TA1..11 la PA I •n, . • I= lEEE • W..uito• halm"• Wit h Vature, the la. • Wtth ..ur hands poinon MOO to MP. " lIIM THE EINE • liiiii 1111