Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, September 19, 1857, Image 2

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    UM O 1
BENJ. F. p4i.tltN. Eglltior
SLOA.DI & btOORE, Pub Waxers and Proimattli&'.
siATVILDA Y........
z) :5 k•Is) :TIPP s IJ-10 is) .A -1
or ttroxiio
OP C 112.71111
MR 1 / 1 7111.11XE JUDGES,
or SRIE.
News of the Week.
• —Franklin and llarehall College, at laseastes ir , mai
'Ow* by lightning some time during the present Ofjiaticen.
the feet net having been discovered imeediately, owing
to the building being unoccupied. The Barren, aye,
"Although the charge was apparently heavy, so thissige
wisnicerar was done to the building, onto; to lb. umpiew.
nese of precautions taken to guard against injury frogs the
electrie laid. The building is guarded by three Beanie'
cede, whisk were erected under the ettpuisisndswee of
Professor Porter, upon modern pleas and the most approv
siosiestiAis principles, and the test to which the building
has been entkieeted proves the value of the arreagemest.
Timis they; Tod, all converge to a given point, and oom
issnicrate-Witl the bottom of the well sew the building.—
The lightulag .cruet the point of 01.'14 above the tower,
slightly beading the iron, followed the course of the rod
In hi various turnings down and over,the building, knock
ing off one or two of the fastenings, and spending its
fore. on the water in the well. This Instance shows the
likporume• of having lightning rods properly eanneeted,
prehibly of those pat up In the oonnbry being
welt* owing to the (*rebus manner in which they are
nonueeted with the earth."
—On Briday last, a man who registered his Pam/ at the
Hotel, at Niagara Falls, as W. T. Allen, committed suicide
by throwing himself over the Falls. The Billowing
are the particulars. He rams from Montreal, and while
embalm! the Suspension Bridge inquired of the driver if
any Oen bad ever been known to go over the Palls and
live. The bit* replied that no snob clue had come with.
la his knowledge, and that the probabilities, were very
werolagly opposed to the coeurrenee of sack an event. The
pmerger assured the driver that lie should aosompltsb
the teat. Arriving at the Clifton Howse, the man register
ed hie name, called for a room and a bottle of champagne.
'sod, alter Imbibing the wine, 'addressed a letter—• nacre
owearl—to his sister, and another to • firm in MoatreaL---
Me than west to Table Root, walked into the water Near
dm edge of the preelpioa, threw kis bat over, red immediate
ly made a similar disposition of himself. Of warm, the
body of the infatuated man has not been recovermE The
Ilestreal Arm to which the letter was addressed was ha
mediettely telegraphed, and the reply was that on. at the
members would Dome immediately to the Valls.
—Details of sew, from Qtalt have matted New York.
The P arsons are firing utters/me to dim threatoolep,
drown forth by the approocb of the troop. towards the
Territory. Brigham Youitg hos triads two ineseasnatory
oplieettee to the " Saints," declaring ft to be the ditty of
the loltkitul to resist the efforts pat forth by the Cheers
moot for thoir extermination; and stating le politic* Mao .
that a separation of the "kingdom" from *very ether
kingdom Is close at—in other wonis, that the set of
Gervirnment in dispatching troops Itgalast Utah, Is to
be ccmaidered fair ground for »Wang to yiaid
obedience to Federal laws. Brigham, moreover
.nests that, atioeld Geeernantat ettital other olleitar to
Utah of the *IMO stamp as tho l s z e/who hare her e tofore
boon commissioned , "it will ream' mom thou twereli-Ace
handred soldiers to protein think fromidonsion fury." A
significant article from the Dearset NCIC4, evidently from
the pea of Brigham Young. disousses the relatbuns of Utah
to tho United State' in ill their bearings.
—A badly residing in South Elerdem, Mw., were re
cently poisoned by eating meat after it bad bees stubs by
a wasp. The portioning are as follow. —The lady having
boiled a pieta of corned beef, placed it is the window is
nal. It had been there but a few moments want she
obeerved a wasp had lit on the =woad wasmakiag every
exertion to serape, bat in vein, the meat being so hot as
been his feet and legs so that it soon died. She thought
nonilag more of the event, however, work* two or three
don afterwards, when her family,. (consisting of herself,
boatload and three Angliten,) after having botakfieted
off the moat, were taken with violent vomiting, the sick
nen lasting one hoar sad a half, with the exemption of one of
the young ladies, who partook of the meat sparingly, own
lag a slight nausea. The siekneu was CO very pecolia4y
reolUANded her of the wasp. and she thinks when the meat
burnt him he mast have stung it by way of revenge, ■od
this imparted sueeinot poison occasion the nektons.
It will be reoollected that some time age we pnblished
as amount of • woman pimping overboard from one of
the American steamers, near thoketts Harbor, sad drew*.
lig himself. It will also be recolleeted that a pntleman
nessampanied the lady, and it was unspotted 'at the time
that a criminal intar3oarse existed between theca.
%wog° raw stem that it has just malted a letter fres
Mr. B. McGee, of Blaok River Falls, Wisconsin, BMW%
that his wife ran away with a Methodist minister cm the
Sid of July last, and be rupees this was the mbrt per
sow: The minister is described as a tall man, 6out six
feet high, and Mrs. McGee as a small sited female, "with
• white silk bassets, and a Meek silk mantilla, beaded at
the edges." She was 26 years of age.
—la the Su me Court of Now York ou Tuesday,
JadgiPeabodyeidoil to admit Nrs. Cunningham to Mil
spa the charge of producing a surreptitious heir to the
110.4•11 mtato TM Judge throught that her tank la life,
bar sm. and the position of but obildma, might warrant
Mt libetitios. No maws bad been mom rigorously dealt
with than aim had; and he was 1M to taw oonolasios that
OP lid of pabilejastim would be rubserred by admitting
Mr to bell is the sent of $5,000. Immediately attar
Jodie Peabody had rendered itiodoelsion, Judge Remo
♦ett groaned a weft of oertiorari t 1 review the promedings
►stns /dig* Peabody la this ease, at the taut *Wag of
the Osumi Term of the flaprome Court. This eptioratrir
doss abt restrain Mrs. Cunningham of her Ilbfay.
—A fen days sines, a yomig man of respectable appear
mos sunned the Baak of Baltimore, and presented a
shark parportimy to bare been drawn by a wqt know'
boo at that eity who hoop sa actioaat Is the beak, for the
son *Ciro thousand dollar. As the pulsars who was
uo paytaig taw at the time, was gales bevy. avid
apllmilasa math la the jedirseat et alipiataree,
be sashed the e It yea au ling, I however, before
the reel clumsier of the docamset was iliseenared, bat all
sitlinif. Oa discover the forger or his sesemplkoss, if he
beim, have ) paived easaeuestel.,' Thla.eseerreeee will
hareet tusibmwey is sub beak teliess more eersial elm
Vow ire shawl is pay away tarp seas.
—The I,or nW. Jottroa/, the greet orgies of floashers
Isomaetithigisa. hoe node tbe diseerary'ihst 1111 with
estp eta le soziesely terrifies whip it to be dam
The at the ILaew-Tothisig pang bee lea
that pager Wake oast I. Med i pr the eiestrp lea
ge to rah. It Maks diet "the ass Sae the eirgeshaass
eta great esseenottreporty" t. et WA, sad seas spas
theellasmtaree orate pasta to essariee the wait. Tie
salt asholit Weerk tit. Jetwoot sew It Mat gholliNa
latiggliastas. Its roast le•eorteirly Rosh asimegi sis
la plelmt assocattlea with oak a !seq.
Phillp Qat, terimagy et Lows tag. reerrseg to
MS lbw s week at toe doss tram Osalhesio. saw Ns
ohms* Weight yews. Be lea a wihk,ohalites, esa
filtrate brat, when Is west to Clettforaio. He Saab as
lat areas. Wattlewit& i me beg ohm aestisi o hr*
lira resseed a &twee draw *fog het the lira
tap bpi sweat. Tad ' bee bees osia rail le owe Is
ettritr /oak sad la balm will is Is esse ellorpeel
the sate!. •
, --Mer. 'serge a Deese, eee; of the Illpieespel I&
et New Jemmy, was es Vaalay loot eedialset a plot sr
dor Memo Ostbella ebereb; r 111 ItteeleVe estbeired.
Nimark. IL J., is tbe peewee bt a vele, ben* eeeseesee•
et epsiesters. Mr. Doer reeetity returied fres
Bono. Wien gest • yeas pima be booboo • amen be
tM Mieblei
;Mbar seedly.lookiag %Orient, bombe Se use!
see Mb d Vaaki Pratt. jr., alleseale M glaif v. 41
Aso frivoller ad oadoeal reoelesto err tau Prreliersity ti
11161Mbolli efertalAllefee rarereekkr R. lint
freely Mr i rebel RON of liloyo and maid, he *nada et
headaiwar ist - • r :•
Willem P. Moll, of 1101441 7 mei* 10014 or
(.1 Ili. Mum d itdpadeadalmse of 1 del c haflona lied %
Rase ar die Shia lid is fry th• Deadadeavi ad %IP
414 iluithigilP sad isadoma Aida.
wrimagrel ex Tsui
: r
ill. PM. 1:41 , 0 WuJout, god, Isio„fiilittoo
oth him fide Gouty as liatardaY. ft anon& maid
4 1 0 1— ' 1001 .4iilts ow, hit'lingeoretr --for he are
opkient, aid wiAsslit if ts-41li1 thin Is ess sass la a
tltimmand Is tho elgisty that As eall to mind a eines
thisaillli, iataide eft& negro voodoo, that he linpesseed
mike the popain islaff. A most+ ateritarria of thought
cc id”
outside pf sivadoia we do sot recoiled to
save over &timed to. Had be beta editorials( ea nil
taco to Houma sad askiag for votes to elect him Govern
or of ;bat fatten State, he matter of his speech, sad the
sophistry Of his reseosiss might bore leas ozoomokolik,
or - at least had We appenomoe of applicability to lb. mat
ter to bon; but talkies at be was t'- $ Peessylvania
sadloaasipos Peassylvaais soil, sac stoking for Pens
sylvan* `nese, to eiest him Chief Miliestrute of ths
State of Pseasylvaals—it was entaisly s barns feast to
be invited to, where the oaks dish was a “nagiro„" and tie
oily eases his ems obsolete and repiedisumi “proviso."—
Besides. se * Speaker, DAVIS Humor has bees vastly
over-rated. His delivery is aeWser &aimed mot iffeetiva
he is *either *lomat, witty nor asetliseatal—sal witti
est on of those goalless a political speech is at say
time as intolerabli bon. Of hi he matter of his effort,
vs ban loss it all said, sad better said, a dinned limn,
in a thousand Merest ways, In the Ilitpahlicas papers of
the ciosstry. Take the l'-Gate for dm last year. for ex
empla and ail that Wean said ea Satorday oveniag ran
be found la Ita oilman at feast Iffy timee, sad what la
better, It will be frosbr sad acre isteneling.:aati attract
the sttentios of the reader more closely!
Bet if what !fuses/ did say on Saturday oriels' Ina
not now and laterastlag, the pooltioa oecapied by those
who surrounded his, certainly 'andel food for thought.
And Ivo doubt not the staid and sobek I ladge himself
mast hay. anialtod the "Maeda( hie sines"
*it& a good deal of 'rootlet' oath. thought, looted back
in kis mind to the year 1846, when the very mot who of
espied the platform with him, lin posting set their
anathemas system him for "notice for the free-trade
British twat. Ne when la the State, outside of Me
mining and otanufsemeng easaties, were the protective
wide, of that day, who sow tors the ulnae sod slime' of
the &publicises of this, more lantana* le their hostility
to the revenge tan/ than in Erie ooaaty. It wet no coo
start them* of their ditoosna it tarnished gall. sod
Walker, and Hobbit, and the Brie Ossetia, the seat and
drink out of witch they wand politically fat sod sattey.
Bat, aa Gov. Bums said is a :vent spook at Clerks.,
"lot that per; we will leave Ow ilistloguialin adenine of
froo-trade is the embrace of thew proteetionists, and awes
protectionists sodas the leadership of the dlotingaishod
Inc trader. The sew Wines only furnishes another
verdication of the homely adage, that p. 111,0111 aocesonty
laskloa swinge bed fsitows."--as adage, lot it. add, that
was eeeee more forcibly Illostratod than on Saturday
night, when "political necessity" had liticideii iota Obi bag
the political fathers we have seined %novo; sod they, nice
like dm slaves over whose eoodition Aboliti.ottiom mouton,
have been forced by "political astiessity7 to become the
MOM "goblet Imams" of Iffilatot't liestonaot in Brie
county who, likeihis Oat chief, bet mend; left 'hit rarty
for his party's goolt.:".
Bat, the most amasiag part of this 'gore, was the elkitat
dislike the speaker had to be rossidered ag, Abolitionist.
He protieted, la the most emphatie masses, that *Albert*
nor hit party were abolitiosists. This must be mmHg§ y
gratifying to the NO lialeisia of 1851, who are
the top of "fortunes ladder' is the Repablican ranks. lye
saw a few of them oa the ground, and we trait when they
went home their dreams were pleasant, and their reline
d**. is the montiag were sot turned to the lastabilitrof
Mom Impite in • political point of views.—
But did Wilmot "tell the trot►, the *bele troth, and aeth•
leg but the truth," to abeelvieg his party from A.bolitlon
proelivitiee? The history of the last easepoign, s well as
of the presets' one, to far—the poet and present position
of thelnee who direst•sed control pablie oplaioo is the
ranks of the Sepalsileac party--all poiat to a very direr
eat ousels:toe. The Rapalalima party of 1164 aod
the Biraey sad Hale patty of 1844 aad '63 relovisated sod
reinforeed by the defeat sad dispersios of the Whig party
coder aeon. The beet and Fairest part of the Whip of
'6.2, ander the lead of the Clays, the Prostate, the Reeds,
and the Randslls., **listed adder the banner of the De
asocrsey la 1866, and eontriboted their votes to the eleva
tion of "Penney'math's favorite eon," while the spoiletnen,
the-fanatics, and those who seek in the politleal 11014 a
thanes to gratify their long mood hatred of the listoso
evade party, joined the abolitionists to forming the Repub
lican party. We need Sot addaee proof of this, for every
one has the evidence before his in the tisolarstione of their
Fables wan, sad their !subtle journals—la their speeches
sad editorials--la their talk upon street 'orators, In the
hotels, as railroad an,—la the harvest field sad erosnd
the social hearth stool—every where, In short, whets WU
inot's party ha an advocate, that. you will lied proof that
his dais that has is not ea Ibolitloo party, le aatrue in
feet and in inference.
Again, Vln.nor laid great stress upon his own 00111111111011
ey open this starevy qoastioa, sad sa in oostruit with
himself, esidevorel to show that such mot as Goa Case,
Gov. Milos, sad Broodbeed, bad ehasgedl.—
Ho said that wises bo istrodseed his celebrated " proviso,*
Goa. Cass *proved of it—Gov. Bigler approved of it—
Broodiest& approved of it—sad lastly, that the entire
press of the State, without a siagis mossiest. approv
ed of it. So for as lb. press is soseersed, we
know that, is this, be staled as ut wth. This
paw sever approved of Ike " proviso"—the fooryl_
smogs sorer did, sad there are Others that wet* sassily
"right os the resort" Bat suppose t h ey did—sappose
Gem Cass, sad Bigler, sad all the minims Destoeruts,
whoa be measure was first spratig •spos them, gene It
aoasumassee sod support ? It proved nothiag, escape that
they had not eissaisod the question, sad that, spas la
vostiptios, they abased diets islads. Lad is skis parti
cular they us sot very dissimilar from DAVID WILDOT
blouse—as, for osampla. .In 11147, hr says, Geo. Cass
bops to he sozions for the nominatios for Prosidost, sad
to please the South, he " oommeneed to read the Clousita•
ties," sad then he ropsdisted the "proviso," which ho
bad approved they's, before. Asd yet is 1848, • Year after
he says Gem Cass sold himself to the South, vs had this
seise Dsvro Whagor dows a Badman worklag with a
will for the somiaation of this sash Goo. Cass—and what
is .on, he pledged himself there to his support.' Bat he
chained his mist heron November, sad oestributed all
be geoid ter give the -Heretics, State to Goa. Taylor. He
did set vote fee hiss. it is tie.; but he arrived at
the same malt, by - throw's( his islassee for Vaa
Bares. Ueda, lading that this last semerest did'at
pay, be prefessod ki.selt poshest, sad as a sew
jod§cial distriet was sheet to be formed is his
loasilty, he west so Marshiness sad b.gged the Demoorats
to mats it to salt him, la seder that hi night he sleeted,
sad thus, as he said, "got oat of polities fora while" sad
&hes come heels *gals to the DOIDOOMItiO party. ?lie
district wee made for kin, be was *Usual Jadgs, bat he
did sot "get oat of potitioa" on the oostrary be his bees
"getting le" eves oleos, Rohl sow be is stamping the
State foe Goversor. Or David, David; you are sal
Demogogse—bat your mei is ints--ead altbosgh 34a did
"stamp Praha," en weather mos* you will
tally ' vtry 014“--41 dead, is fast , anyone owe "proviso,"
or Jolts C. rasatase !
PlllO6lllllll or 29111,411U1V0LT.
The nopebiteses a( Waterford sad vietaity, held s mime
Omits"' oa fisteriev sad rewadliseed the aseelastioa of
Jots /1.• Oeehreo. *teat thee' trio partielpstal, were
Wirer efthr etyma lw.oarrh,......lilt.oslbia he see
emiaeted, aid N sortiasslaa that thwart- twat{ sere at
loot el those eta who grapathito with this atoomest.
Jimeag the 0611, pmesike et this Noah% they resolved
that 'his Wools* Is at outrage epos the liepahlissa
patty, sad titer seissedy implore the emservetive Meads
el law sad odor to express their dleepproliettea at his
sossiassisa b eassisog their reale assiset him at the
belles hoz." /Jaw thee repadlatisig the leadenbir of
"Lowy, Kiss I Oit," they sesiaated Darn HMOS., seq.
of Waterford, as as laderodeat asatildete for Ow Lep.
hoar% Se lamb brae preemie of this malt la tie
la the Wiss, h. ladleadiseis more .Wl_
seat that tits sass if the party de set watt tsarina" the
tisobsedea - • ef Gediest. The Girard it, ./olikaa, la s lead
awl pelaw isfaist, mellow his, sad &skies that the
swat mere* will be permed 1,7 tits mitre peril to the
Weems lawaidpe„ This till leeks well tar a hide Ara It
Ii tree, hat edit Ilepalifiesse ant kvey maatels ram—
loam we assileat be at all sowirisell to me theta wheel
hake 11110 Sad pre bliamatedlivided seppertai the deities.
The bet is, Athos bas the WWII tree!— he has the
pregame if a asailaatiea—be le the whorietse amadilake
athiellogir di. Mgoo-11 1 4 Whoa ate aid to this the
that, tk.a therelera three lessees is the air:r Pot MOO mad
0 1 at 14U beshasd wed, ispesber with lelleeteallii.~ll
all erowtheawasto wire er met sigh se Wm the ilk**.
sue etsitagoistriwer of Ilska esestlgy = itallissaiso. Mein
he N. that tleta mail Ms b se moo aseased the
ch'e'wier of a es yet. Shame, as the boy
said trim him Wd r . O le mem/ ow bassak
OP' Loot Co Boat & llmnrom'o mrlo et k . Mobs
M tit MO Omit, Apia*Mel PM:. •
Jigr.l%. &M.. for Ihroo aides pf #bdi Ihr.
wee Bigk el Ito emu of PoemMmais v UK
of eio Limo Omen firm% mi Irodomity led. 'no
woes !IV olooloi: Prolmlok Vodo. M
• Arai. bum Me, of Ido, ee4 ham Ilk
/ 11 * tebslibio. ' •
Pat: z
mivatifyruit ti h
&der lat Gore iv is tits
portiemi of the Mlle. 1 . , st er t d ry
thing that pollitletaas s • eat w '*
the filine
dhste ptoltimets of their , In rsl elltanalesm,
however, there is a degree of reitpeeet portage we should
say aeries, for the perm of
,the man, very rarely dis
playel fie ie amessepeitsiag there who Imam him
art intimately. flaaeral Peticas'e appeandies, addrose
and conversation would rake a deep impression anywhere.
He would be regarded by those who aw him we the Arid
time, se a gentleman 'of contested smatters end pewter
knowledge of the world. A nearer apprwiteli would show
him to be a man of frank, getievons 6a4 slimly ebstmeter,
with nothist to roams! either in his life sr his sentiment%
but those only who know his best, know to what as et
teat he i. a masa of elme.:thoeght, whose .phlegm ere
amde op tor himself from semi *sportiness and relleetios t
sad with what Writ sad eloqatines ha le impair of iSe
feadiag every emeleadoa whit* he has. adopted
As a madidate for Gerona, the Dementede party Yeti
hoes peeeliarly forte:nate is Zia.abrtlon. There la per
haps not a mast is the Beate Issuer informed as ovary
question COM cameras her intoreets. His labors es as
editor sad his iservires es Kgieemor sad Ilisproommiblis we
Speaker of the /10.011, as Aetditee esseral,—.sal Cow
*bedew*, At,, have sivenisim as mama et iafermatlea
Os every .object of putslieCODOOM not to be obtalaok from
books, sea not td be itegairtii abort of a reamoudity long
life. He amid, we will venter. to my, give from memory
tbe history. ed't. &testate:ea, sad disadvantages of every
card sad railrird improvement Is Penasylvania. In re
plating oar hanks and curiosity at Merest periods Is
the Commonwealth's history, he has takes a promises'
and sueeeselal part. In proteetiog her laanafsetariag la
ureate he his always two toremost, widomt advuestiag
any principle Injurious to the welfare of mister Suttee.—
lhe vexed question which his opponent has boon dis
oolong for ten years, in nearly the isms limo*, amoral
Pacam hat at all Uses held the views estorseleed by the
great Demo-emit.. purr of the 'Nation, sow fast iwooslag
the sentiment* if ad rational men. fit the garden of
tropersoes, an effort wk. made in the present easapeign
to eresto acme ezeiteninfil' tnltht operate to the die
idvaamge of the party. but it we. found on inreetlgatioa
that altiniatirh eseeedisgiy temper's In We life, General had simply said av a flossier that its was wittier
to abide by tray deolvlou trate', the ipidople by a vets might
reader oa the bottom. of the eels of ltroons No demote
oof Deinderitic prineiplee ••. , o;•ilisvo soil toes, end so hottest
man timid have molder sore.
It hi. tio•ociplirbuirmt., lldr. tarsus bus
few superior. Ile p.0.e....5e as a writer a faeility and
ruudese i o 'Wet It in *OW Ha bet asusaired oat of so editor'.
chats What. hit 940.11. 1. gain Ns "pleluett with esattos
and with a reprd to the msverart laeursey, hit style of
exprossiag thee Ist-tear. ovarai sad bold. A. aapeellter.
ha unitise with a amiss 1.11 es premolar sad a envious low
of language, • is bringing bia rosoatece b as
attack or reply, which rostleir haat most allioisat advocaat
sod a very fonaddiabie adversary. Desist hie tars is tie
&sate, ha web rusk so tail st fibs ablaut &boom is that
body. As the speaker of •iialibacstivo assembly be wee
otiosity dadiagalehed Said q yours& politisisa
la lb. lobby ditriata stomp debate I. am Bow* afar
which ileaered PACZAR was presiding. "That man sem
bad his equal as Speaker ezeept in Haunt Cult." AA
legistator l he bad soothes quality which la thole Mass
ospailatly siould loos pus anootiaid. Beery ass haw
his to be pare, A breath of saspielo• never fell upon
his mime. ?tie thought never aro** I. any human brawn
that he bad betrayed . trust er f.rfe.tisil a noolidatioe
poe.d In his. If. ha/ yet to exhibit these qualities is a
higher sphere, and to that ha will be tratielerreS by the
popular rill on the second Tuesday .11.0etoner. —Penaey/-
HUN. J. °taxer JOHHB.--n• generous (steads
of this gentleman will be pleased te Mira, as we do fees
tie Waablagtos Unica, that, although his same has lees
prominently brought farmard is maneeties with the
Speakership of the awn Cloagrees, he will set penalt its
‘ ll.r
that purpose. TM Speaks/Alp is justly roessider.
ed high tad hominid' polities—it is. is him , a stark of
a probatloa ipsat saymaa might wall feel pros* of—edll,
oonsidering the Italians religiose *hie* aims hawses
the President and dm reprosestatne from "old Kirks," It
will be nee at can that he caa be of groan, berries to
thsresuntry by maintatatag his moist's apoarthe tom, as
the Chairman of sans lgaportaat eemistrtea--thaer Ware
and Mesas for example. A.s the C . /.0111 justly ehearree,
then are iuntioas of sash gray* import whin' any ear
befor. the pea Coupes& and will regain epos the floor
the employment end diratiou of the ablest latest sad
largest saporietioe, that to choir pradeat sad sweenetal
eondoet a oo Ms enduring and an ansurpasoed repatatioa
may be founded. Ines a. add to this that the eosin*
taken by Mr. Joon will assist to prison' hammy la tb.
domoeratie *sake, we think we may say that it will aunt
the cordial approbation of his friends. This spirit of for
hoarsen and disinterestedness should fora the ease"-
atom of our streagth. TM 'maniple Inlaid sot acme from
a mom appropriate 110112214 than that of a loading Mead of
lb. President, who has taught those high qualities by Um
practice of them through a long life of patriotie dievodea.
We ars truly gratified that Kr. Jones has takes so misty
as means to prevent say use a his ammo "Melt night
bars the slightest teadeaej to disturb the harmony of the
' . .. Til4 truth is, oar emits; ha remind a peculiar
sod important crisis. W. have no deals that by the vies
palsy of the administrates we shall pals through It Wi
ly. sod with augmeated strength to OW Isetkutises. But
to this end it is lit and proper that awn et our great Mane
tees who is la pennon to as should be emote M assist,
by his 'sample, to preserve the ashy of tboipany. This
doss, the looting triamph of mastitatfoaal Principal, will
be eertaia add onderiag.
GO .t VD DO LIAVWI33.—VIZ acknowledge the
rtmeipt of a number of new subscribers, with cash is
advance, from that wide awake Deimmestie Peet Mousy,
.1. C. C . . E.q, of Plates. He says, "I am gels;
to spar op oar Denmentts, mid make thee support our
musty paper.' This is tight, mod is Jost what every
Post Master in this, and every other bounty, might to do
They ought to make it their special lutshiese to urge their
Democratic friends to take and pay for their toasty wpm
With oee *respites, we de sot teem of a solitary Post
Masser in *de Comity wire hes ever made lite Wet seer.
tier to ezteml4l, tisealatiea of the Oleover. And yet
there is ample nos fur eillest-anbere are et least twenty.
sit hundred Demetwatie velem is the Musty, sot ese
(earth of wafts take the Odessesm This *mad set Ise is,
and would net be se, if OM Peet Masten of the esnaty
were half u ready to serve the patty se they are to have
the party servi tispi. The P. X. inflates intemitnasseed
right, sad we shield like ie have ahem go sad do like.
COUNTY PATE.—Our readers ass( sot Alert our
Celerity Fair. whiff& eases off, "swords* to the Mils," es
%redrew* sad Thursday fast Viet. Last year, arias
is part la the Aselosiesey of the weather, sad to • short
erop, there was ea extreesety poor show, fir well as • very
limited tars att. This Night set to hefts *see the pees.
oat year. We We had a very hosstilal hornet, take
every thing togetbor —oar limos sad relissies mist a
day of reoreattea, sal we how el so taper way of tali*
it dim J 1 sanding and esatrilostheir Shaw eased Casio
ty his. At the Pak theseWila Mos slisk, and those who
raise grate, eau meet sad maws seise, while the wa.
shar* sal the siereireat ens "meet tifek atellessees, wed
all beams intuit sequalateil. to ftee, Ossty Taira are
of great basalt, le slops ways Asa alie, sad If may as
&et pt a Peffielsa So &WIWI* 01111101. If the hams
oat, eveyhedj will bssamcbmitariiimplips4 sord awls!
• hollilay. fki rime fate the Ns* Ifirissolag
Tharollof Nu: sad . 14e the 01016 sag year oily
Vs, Lot its Lain is* •• thee la Wads. A*
altearls fir &slat eat Maw fres Both* Illemeena
whole they as Bei the eltelamWeeetit 41 No* ever
heeught 11 Oda Mts.
Wsuke is As lasyte—Jusist ILO & a/ Obis., has
`4lseilsd, s• all ispplisstior 16t wireeraii, that Mr
ismer haw basil' 14•4&wwit obi kink Mo. dsmossisdlisk.
Voiotia nog" rowing oworarbst OR, alai= of
or. of dm lopolotloin emoitikomOor • L's —s is
ado mow. H. toiliorgodtorith bootleg owe shot do
aonorod logsbiii* prioill*o•oo mum olgboosineedio
ego. To sib Y Oise . nolift—Aossooo t rsr M.
woes'..m..- t ohollOpoWeso wit woe*
la oxioloose bow ••••10 uto
*ph Is a will two, Itoook doors. sod Illok Wu 14 so
Isiah," aotibor M lc a oohs. Is to or dmi s plods( 011100
if is Ropoßicas. 1144•7• >IS 41111 PIO
VS. Yea ea MA' 01010314
Pisa L. .g CIAUMMI. ma Ina* weal Onals, d ati
'II. lie Weidell A/14 bik's taw !Ski*, 'bin la
.at sally • Pot Joil% bat 464
'TM tot WOW jots Ws ban Mod No mass es
Weal se es soesdas. et Moe DIM Illissies spossb
it iris As Malmo vb. Awl thsessi Minsfitsly Is
hise asa o4 te Is a 6141 .24 Sio*44. : Air oh e r.
David' reed a
r. mt Imo th• , •'/lall
vim is lie - russitatig Mr fieemmtit.*; lit
UMW 10 far 'ISM, al"
Veld. ia Ilaili 1111t4ii , g1 filf , , 41.
of gamma, to aid her digastios, bet faggot to undlow as
meal timidly' Ot Waft !tee ofrANION. Is aloefielvv
able foist of asoalisomeiald Islithiat mid 60 ibmisa
up ofl ...roar Mia4 4 l , ' Oas image dry goods
scsaiheiam bums Wl* 0 1 $ 1 "ft
. 11 , =
of SIMIAN, mostly lie Wassail MI 1
tuors, *boos magi mall .es be esaverteti late mosoy.—
This melt= the elity-gtettalleri dllhe IMAM Vairallr
pee of the henna %sem bad earaiseci a amp ammitet of
oash is "Gossip Lames meaketa," mkt* me So be mow
lastingly "bushy' ur ounewhers. Author very lesiv
a"; gaited. arm Iwo all its immsass ?Mary hogs& op at
real easey bey* ee apseelatima There heft insW_ne
hoary taliarie of parties' eseiolig thimmeives to abrit
legitimists Waimea. This is a slipdaseat fast. Tb. In-
Unseat is ail as peat is leaselal Wean as it wall last
week- The &aim Land is as misty anamtelaty, bat a
lug asitmetced netter. V mosey dose eel: pen •imao
pinky Ware tin tostaamig of semi soatk, bale tka ha&
asoopos se DOW Ts* will bo obliged to moo in. R.
kaow of a dal& moo 'MA a Maw VW SlidddrNd
"salami aroma," a aka. day. awwww.laitoroala
of the wkotowitk to pay a sots 411004 'IM very *ll
n.usee is die lower pat of Brogway an tilwoomod ore
'be ward at Ma% pat oat per woutkl ire,owpapatioa,
particularly that .f tin eity retallows, hell the figthetkil
.4 sash. Everybody As en, kid atty now bas boot
tempted to Wed it, TIN smith of ovary harp hewn, al
moot, has bets attacked at Mast times.St ia : o r• hors
had a fair Took of butane. Rear nal 'gm Am
ward, Mt eon* Is gait* arm Dry got sisal flit
prmeero bower than thity Sr., MA Whew as . Imparts. I
clogs Imo ban 4weawevely light, sea tie amass& ra t
deetios Is ash idabig is accoist el tam high scat of set
-1011. NM Wooten Woken an la the oltywall lapin well.
Al mat Now Twills fan of wimps mad ammilities, as
the mamas 0 the J:11011•We AIN *els lest Sweaty. feat
boars 'ANL No len thee two wow of wader, two of
bow of Wiloide, booties a iwalmw at abet wan-
all owaplai the attoadia et tits Caravan eta Ilatarlay.
A Ins ran silk eased Was Chilleobee, is slid to I
bow of
limes ..need fee liii ollwelb Tan dewy lrlo 6
f beano. t h e bray Boys sal Dead %Mb', Is
coital stmt. wow It nesting with melba, rituasn a
tomics, sod. bat far du proMpeitige Of ilergseat Lase
out a small squad of tat sixth Ward Intim, it trona
sue Uwe a serious stair. It togas by small boys be.
losing to the gni parties, @toeing sash Maar. Tao lit
tle Way lobblat bong Mom bask. were veinapreited by
burr yentas sad men, pal them were four m Ire Pm
dud is mak side envied, Tao Asses oe endwise at
the spot, espesrod tame imitividembh wane SU lb* roil le"
NUN** towards the bowery, or sum* Destro strait.—
TAM 111 maw wail tar Pre days, bat .till urn mean clam
this ofmmor without willing to it tao Mowng item et
41 1 01 c7. TM am. sera that a bangle! Troia AM, who
is doseribed pi wiltiliesits and raw," is taking Owes lb.
beam of Mr. 0. Rowilsean, llesmodyef bow Oriones, bat
now of ebb atty. ilas bed bon mat 'from Maas to the
on, by momma, oat was dewed is short by as.
11 reamitaise, raw inikaPirs. Ilb• Si musty years of, em‘
sad ber same la Voile tam*.
Mutant Posner Iwo Mires the man body of tbopleavere
**skies beak to Mira eggs. To-day sad yesterday, how
vrsr, are slides saws.* days sad a was depteiabee is
pro:listed by tie know* ease. The promenades grow
gayer daily sad with the Mars of tits fair, aNINIMIDINS
aro owing at la Ml last Tao Opera Is la its glory sad
nest week Thaw, gine ova of liis auksl feints to
whin au mantilla mania aid On stall lover of
wimple bannewy nay segottier sit digs sod ersaidlitgly
While the Book Us& so a puma Ibtat lo Isaguiskimi,
the leprom &so lko Molds, ltoik skolltal OM Is N.
is kw; Uwe to mono motivit7. "The imvois• of
Bibles frost Kamm. /mow Hair A Boa., of Maid.
Phil., osompiod all TI mmoky altormoo• sad a parties of
tb• ermine mg G. A. Loseluo A Oa's. litowitkommodisir
th. demos !a as' wary souk" k to patUpisoi to
'mow that, tot tits IkW, the btlidlog moo spititact, do
ompotittoo way., so 4 rime telly lop to lb* ookoiratios
of the Nuatkootormo. no proses& of di* miss et amt.
eel ashen.. of the Ms by this Pillhadelyitia b..•% es.
oasis& so shwwwwildriblas. Sara Ibudisee,ll am., la
their sphere, are leis( s alatiommey weft at home which
suet help, is a Islet way, to weevils* Ws world. Tea
timassaad dollars' worth of Dibble le as laysetwcwit which
dose areal to tite trade, sad it good moo way to show, tee,
that had as we an, all ear spare sub dole sat go law the
bandbox of 'flora llonateey,' of Sadieea Bonn."
The politicking are all eat of tows etteadiag tea...-
does, sad, owing to the shames of the.. levers of the
amuse weal, we save had a relearitaily ptiet west.—
hiss has yeas eat os bell nobody %awes
where, sad aohedy lIIIIOWS the ma who balled her. It
she has some chide lift. Thereby lamp the tall,
whisk If pawl eat, ia orreaas, would • tale Whit.
The halt sadist pumas a non satiedschory Nuns.
Mee to-J 7 this It hue doss heretefore. Glad peeshos
have bees very some sad high; POW per lftsbol; ye"
am maim dews a HOU, sad loprerlag Is quality.—
Armpit are haeltward I. ripealag. waist to the emboss of
the seaeos; it is lewd that the frost nay eat shirt • port
of this sou, whisk is a ilsvesibt sad ezteseive.fes is oily
Isaltreoth Apples are as yet; the sapid, from Jer:
ooy wiU be smell this year. The lower, elutes of Wow
York maladies rely priadoilly ups ispersmil felt
do sot they am* is prier huh a. beastishe or
Plaistaith. dew Ida mum. The aims ef Masses are
• berdhis satsuma muds. os cue is outvotes* to •
of the auto (Mendes they are as usoltjao,
disable bait, aid famish a grist deal of asap provident
to the 'Glues' who deep seder did torte sad sat any.
dales they sea fares dole teeth through. • very short
life is the mikes et this city miaow a hash. Wig te
depths et degredades of which the sultieet multi hover
hare sestoolveL We heard owed" of as aged wow
of sixty six years MU, tagged frost her &sakes ON is
• Tire Potato gutter, hy.her pod, as Bignatteda. mast
• geed lust is Kelso. She ease to this. city at Ow age
of misty, with , her talidiSa. a rearrested* sad modest !tro
uts. The sea left dui eity; the soother sad dassdhers
gratbully sash la the social sale. the daughters died
prostitstse, sad the media was dragged W 44 frail the
gottar, eendag has aareeegaised as ben whoa she had
parted with weevils' my six years Ulan! BM
or no Oradea! Jeered setestoeso' 1 1 / I litet's "say,
tap eadl tletage to Itsadville t win Ito stsitltoir lafients
tin not then Inn "MO IaVOW 011 ser ed _
reabse le at Mmes/ s Mlle; le tria•St the
r ow "prods` WWI MOM teetaesto Is Wane to OtowArd
dna to We omestr. Rive sloe* wen's tine lieseetred to
bear litaa—res, 1.0•411. ektlarem, Itspabliessa sad DooeS 4
noes, nothin4l silistte Almeeesse l heil as Islanri4k—
irse Enke INK as omit& s *psi—emel loft htollkholle
nislostly ileercia tle seuds.*
R• . inwes sztreately plase•tt sad *sal sarplasd
Is amintstas time latp sew Stook el Ottaislast setivid at
Semi it Illattatta IMrtflu ar• Revile* Airy &drab*
awl Woo that Willi is pods, psis slisse win M will
t• aN Piss a tall. •
Asa Dawktert la dos West met ha el Shen
*basal %he. !Items by Ks Celbseers Ls* gum,
some lr M hese Styes, of T. Pearrers $ll,
°MAW It., s sasebeelid La.
IL led "squseri Ss plotieher le has; sped Iblal
hr ear Messrs Is pelmets; ay bat .mamas
sad ash** tea Is Beet hrs. Belts* 11e1 "Pas
Desibter; Ibis esteem WA sal b malt d bar
se sal se be ease. airWsls. Wel% by remit
deg the pets* se he weep—amselyp Si*
Ito mime Lass vQI pub bbe • liw hey*. /Ms SW.
1 . 001 0 111 eerlikainhallbesesilhe bast
MA as& Mg are issipe, heel, MO* tbs mield•
maMalad Asselebe ire asst dee amiss. et 11111 a WS; a
smile* , bear hewer, sad r•mihsig pat Mt dm
veiaseresime pap, sad
be delleASlMd• me; GeV
pad rlMo liaised less, aft ell 001 11 1 1 011 1 • 0 4144 de
pies, Seim belembibiamdmaelase .
r. Teatlesithelyalhetilliellie NSW; us baba
al Digo asy tlNlt/sawti PA. M lied
all at etos ;wok amt Gam geetetoaa Mr M 4 41 "Nab
a pod.' z •
JCS! Lltl lIM-110skiai me So meet ~tea.:
dye f 1 Jude ChmOi. d lb. *pow Ow% Obis
p toilio
ft probes that doe Dime ligetiliese
**lobs * woorart knowdeold 'WM -bait
NW gem wpm the V&A' et Seweirei . 'ol4 Wei Of
mimeos of tads ode*. • !hat sWihmilidi g iadi
imakiddi eim is as efidemeid, • , Apir
meimed, epirssl le mosaisist o dot ,ibe
/.SIN MlN** sessprolp Chiedi weir
Mad "
is of Erisr e a 'e J t se
the faageria4 pos
itaseetc.: ,
bead > OTTINIP
diatflietive patr
ol' resolatiles, off*
d aU other parties,
oniy esidgiag po
.e aid maintains those
rprinciples of public policy by wbieb the ligbt end
iptrit of the IteroluUonary straggle ate truly reflected
Sand by which the Pother of his country sad other great
sad good own of his time were gabled in their wise and
patriotic fa rt. to lay deep and solid the foundation of •
gfidembla Apt &said worthy of the respect( acid vest
• 41 1 •6 sad osligetiosed people." Tot these
demagoguse poen Aserleans to support David Wilmot
.aaliaDatkriassihilsisl 014.ablum 'Wm i. thy laaaht
his. Booth A iltowaru i• the 'dam to bay Shootis
Conant "Week Mashed Sheeting, Denims, Strip's.
&basks. Ticks, and all kinds of domestic goods, also Cotton
and Wool Tara and Batting at lb. kwest
131111 Mo Dowaerciel states tbat • valuable
bone was shipped in tba4 ably, s few days sloe., for Dan
Nee. During the passage to Albany be was so neglected
that Yr. Itbse. Agent refused to metro lam. This will
probably lead to a law salt, as tho bort* wu worth "."
—We acknowledge the reestipt, from B. W. K.evee, Esq.
of this city, of a quantity of Pilules. He Ras, we think,
Use only tree of this kind of fruit in this vicinity. •
—On Monday evening last, the Dunkirk •:press train
on the N. T. I Erie road, ran over Mrs. Maria Martin
near the Sheridan crossing, shockingly mangling her body,
sod raising instant death. It is supposed that the de -
ceased had either toll asleep on the track, or vas too mach
intplieated to obserro the approach of the train.
)04," Who will doubt that Booth k, Stewart do not
MU goods cheap whoa they eau boy a good Black dro•de
Inds, Silk for Gas dollar, mad all other goods in propor
tion. •
In. The RepoWeans of Ashiebala eoonty, Ohio, have
nominated oar friend ALIA), of the Conneaut Reporter,
for the Legislature. As some one of his stripe has got to
represent that county at Colambs., we think the party did
• wise set in selecting him.
or The tollewtog essesotiod.esee ha. been headed us for
pubikeetiou It explalsie Ihestr,
r. Doc:. T. d. Steuart, Dept. Coiled*, al Ousteese et tke Past of
Presque bk. Ptak.
The undersigned, a committer on behalf et the Captains sad
Mahatma on the Lakes to present to yourself a proper and suitable
metbnonlal of their esteem and regard, would beg leave to tender
terjramik• immenusiagias Dag o which wu rude from the contri
butions ethose who are especially interested in the proper roe
duet of Custom Deese °Seen. Folly appreciating the manner in
which yea Itirre'diaaharged the duties of the poities you eecwpy,
and tho important services you hare rendered the Marian in year
rapacity se Deputy Collector of Commas, we cannot refrain from
giving some tangible expression to our Lapp, and therefore me
sent to you Ws token Moss /event and eatestet, with the best of
withers of oureelme and them whom we represent.
Conn BOCIM. Port of Prouiorr tiw
Satz, September 14, 11/T.
Is Goa W. Bess, W. Yea Netts, A. Yes trantalb 4. nosullik 4 .
NNW sad Q. P. Tracy.
*atoms-4 bawl reeeired yourmit gift, • Dag, and
with It your letter ocue.hed landttoMeetoss of what yes
an pleased to ell, the important enema I ban rendered lb.
neeriatr in my espacity as Deputy Collector st Customs.
Gelation's', this testimonial I accept with gratitude, sad to As-
Band, I SW such au expression of your appreetatiop of my sere.
ON thorny semehly es it came to me uneollettod, 'whits engaged
fa Ur humble, and I true faithful Us-hate , of the dada of my
I thank yen, sod thole you repreemssforthis testimonial of ter
peed, and Irbil, I remain in my present position this 31st will be
Mb sl l / 4 *Tee the Custom House of neeque lele to mambo
when the Mariner's *lead me be toned. •
lnin Gentlemen, very Baspeethilly Tone*,
T. 11. STUART, Deputy Collector
advertising eolunins is to be , found ■n advettisementof this
popalsir restorative. We know nothing of its merits save
what we read, bat•that is sufficient, particularly when we
see such tntimonials of its efficacy asthe following, which
we clip Goat the Ottowa arr,e Trod,,'
"Hewing tried suceemively sundry highly recommended
Ileadee oar own half demand crown, we about
Isaaai wasidiesios is nostrums of that loft, Until a week
ago we met la.distleguiebei politician of this State +bowl
me had sawn three yearn ago with thin hair, and as 'grey
an a rap' het now boasting/as hue a head of hair as one
maid wish. We demanded the secret of his improved
appointor*. wheel* readily accounted fur it by ascribing
it to the Viruses or Prof. !d'ood'it Hair Restorative. We
shall try that nezt, , --irt.-k, Rtrer Deroucrnt,
A. MISS tionvention or the free State men of
Kowa i w .ts hell at lrA++hopporlls on the
213th ult., at Which it wh4 re-salreg /hal the free
gkett meet would r•ito at /4.' o,•tober election.
The election, oar re itlcrs Ar • awsre, is fir the
legislature ani deleg it,. In ('43;re++ Our ne-•
cloacae of the c)nveutioa ar • ail thr itqlt &Loh.
tion s3aroes, but it seatui that the resolution to
vote was strenuously resisted by the more iutease
abolitionists, such as flo,twar, Patna e, &e. A
telegraph dispatch twimr tbra dip agl advise]
us that free State democrat+ Ware largely in the
majority at tho aileting nererthele++ we ob
serve that Romsos an I I,INC were iu favor bf
"though," by tht, ab aeo2unts
"am without many misgiviugs " We appeal
the resolutions aloptel by the meeting :
Whereas, It is of the most iital importance to
the people of Kanaa4 that the Territorial govern
ment should be eontrolled cy the bona fide
stet thereof; and whereas, Ow. Walker bas
repeatedly pledged himself that the people of
&sans should have a full at(d fair vote before
impartial judges, at the elecOon to bf held on
the first Monday in October next, for delegate to
Oongress and members of the: Territorial Lillis-
Ware and ether officers': theeefore,
Resolved, That we, the peiple of lambs le
MSS eouvention resembled, atee to participate
in said election.
Resolved, That in thus acting we rely upon
the faithful fulfillment of the fledges of Guyer.
nor Waluly and that we, u heretofore, protest
against the enactments forced upon us by the
Tone of the people of Missouri.
Rushed,' That the mass convention proceed
to appoint a committee to wait upon the ferrito•
aial aintiorisies and urgently insist upon a revi
don and eorrecrtion of the wicked apportionment
eadeavored to be forced upon the people of Ken•
au, to govern the selection of members of the
Territorial Legislature. •
Resolved, That Gen. J. H.' Lane be author
ised and repiested to tender no Gov. Walker the
tome organised by hint under the resolution
by the convention held at Topeka on the
rfi sa :ti d of July last, to be used for the protection
of thrballon-bozes.
Reseletsl, l "That this mass convention express
eheit unaltelable determinatiO to adhere to the
Topeka watetitatioa and goverument, and that
all our amien shall be pointed toward setting
that government in nwtion, in a legitimate men
thol', at as early day. '
These resolutiont would 'Seem to make it very
doubtful whether free State democrats were - in
the majority at the meeting,' Subsequently to
the mass meeting a blaek republican convention
wee held, at- which M. J. Pskuorr was nomina
ted for delegate in Congress.
Tuanti Aooutztrr.—Oi Sunday a pirti-c,
ash apd *mei from this vicinity made is evi
ihmeitni a few miles into Pennsylvania with a
hand bir; - and towards evening when returning
boss Sad about three miles east of our village,
tie Own of ale of the ladies--Min am=
Banos, daughter of N.' B. tiannoa—eccibt,
Os the 14641 and drew ber instantly beneath the
body qf the err, indicting a number of frightful
mostly abont,the head, tearing the 14i
Seise the boolimd and extending along the
top io the amok part of the head. The forward
part of the ear was thrown from the rail sad the
of the ear resting upon the person of Id*
0..1 One ether lady was thrown from the ear
a collar boa* braise. Mies H.UURAS
from ander the: ear is an inseseible
and °leveled to her bow, where
id was ealimi. She is yet living. 'with
hullo of reetweep.—Cboaretar Arm-
A. MAG , I.L.
0. W. BONE,
0. F. TRACY.
Tim OAMXL EXP/aninArrg.t Auf its ieuiog
report has been receive& b 5 ,1 tits lAlaivb,part
meet from Mr. Beale ; Surristendent of the
wagon road, ezpeditiou4rom „ITortllanee.
The camel experiment jr pronoupoed artee( ssful.
These animals Aikrried.'4even IhnodreC pqnsitis
burthen, prints' . Pay provender or mules They
eat little exeept bashes, preferring grass.
Mr. 11-eoweeivesi it easier to tomage a of
twenty than one of five mules. Their h•toper,
tractability, capacity for bearing burtben-. and
going without water, while they live on food
upon which other animals would starve, reuder
them valuable for transportation on the prairies.
Every unshod animal reached El Paso lame but
the camels, not ono of which even exhibited fa.
Cotorma CONNIZY Orrnortz.—The Indian
apolis Journal is publishing a series of sketches
of early trials and occurrenees in Indiana, some
of which sre particularly rich. The following
called "Coroner Connery Outdone," is "one of
'ern." A man was found dead one cold morning,
with his skull broken, lying in the woods. He
had been seen the night before considerably in.
tosicated. The body was frozen. An inquest
was held before noon of the same day, before
Coroner Cliflbrd. The jury formed a hollow
square—the body in the centre. Coroner Clif
ford—"Gentlementif the inquest, there are three
things to be considered when a man commits
suicide by killing his neighbor. First, Did he
come to his death by incidence° Second, Did
he come to his death by accidencr? Third, Did
be come to his death by the bands of the inecit •
diary? Look at that body, gentlemen, and re
turn your verdict." The jury counselled nearly
five mintues: "We,
the jury, find that the de
ceased came to his death by incidence, having
put too much water in his whiskey, causing him
to freeze last night."
JOB WORK cilEAr a „ hi . °Fri t z .. JOB WORK
Erie County Agricultural Pair.
Through the linenlity of the Bail &cad Co., frau Buffalo to
arrangements ham peon made by 'which an extra train will
be run from Westilebi to Krie and bash on the 24th inst., stopping
at ail stationt, to arrive et Erie almost 9.30, A. it , and leave shoat
440 P. Y. Also tickets will be Issued et one hint the Arnim mime
of fare to be good 011 the tiles and other trains of the 229:1 from
stations wham these trains stop.
ArtielA for exhibition will be carried free. The freight to Ens
to be prinsii4 sot reloaded on the preeentment of a certlfiette of
the atom of the Society that the articles were exhibited and,ifot
Ede, Sept. IS, MT
aroPlOTlCE.—'fhe subscriber ua native born citizen of
Eris County, and considers himself eapibls of doling
the dation of the office of Prothonotary of the serretal Courts of
mid Comity, and would offer himself as a eandrdate for that °face
flubteet however to the will of the umiorlty /of ths voters of .11 , 1
Fairview, September 5, 1657.17 ,/ ISAAC tt C.II.STLit.
CACTION TO THIS. 'PUMA c,—_uthp r ess, ris tin.
mem* demand, and'just merits which Dr VaeCe
celebrated medicines for Fewits treszoforitics, or ribigeretiori aj
(As siostAly proud, hare attained (together eith the lissom)
ty onAs's Pair ioorFitnatx Pnernotors, which is isweiwthie to
ladles who through ploYslcal deformity or inclination do not desire
as increase of family,) Wire induced unprioeiplea men to repre
sent themsalresoi our sonsti;entong whom is one TBONSA LI:66C
who is now travelling and peering upon entrunnnity worthless
nostrums sod base eountorhnts, therefore we ration tic pr bite
that thine medicines., and instrument, ranted, be obtained on ap
p/fatten by letter, or personally, tq Pm Va.% o.t I tin t :`l,lh
Hose, S F Itumeneary, corset of iisoolrPr k
Main, Buffalo. S T. of Box MI, Pout Office
As oar demands &re equal toyer mesma 4 f auppl, we app..'
no eirmas taw part of the Union.
rir doe advertismosat to another coiuma
September Stb, 11147.-17. en
JOY TO THE WORLD.—The greatest Medical
Dteeneery of the day Read the adeortlseeneot b e ed e ,i
Helsdbold'a Genaint PrepezeUoo."
CrBLACK 0111,01ROWN HAIR pr,itiiii,ed in hve
minutes, from the Grayest or Radice Hair, Or the ap
to defy detection, and never to injure the lair skin, no matter
how often applied or how long esiontinned. lse the genuine and
00 liana emus possibly ouOr. Yank—Abe steal ougra , lng on the
box., and William A. Batehelor, 21121 Broadway on the four sides
Ask for Wm A Batchelor s Hair Dyp when you pureha.,
233 Broadway, Now York.
All others are , onnterfelt —Soldby Stewart k Sinclair. Erse, Pa
otErßeware of an :NITA? )0X called "D. Batchelor's Hair Bye,'
tlea, ST Y., and hawked around by Tattle k Ito**, of Auhu..r
SIVINP110( dealerwartho sell It are now being obtatorol, and will 1111,1
y be plantain!.
EtD of beteg a panacea for all maladiew. it Ina nmarol
over bat ONE MALADY—boo bat ONE alY—iiceotoplishow
but ONE - LEUNG, to wit. Broncos israaxwaroay DlSlABE—what
ever be its form or loeslity—whother in the head, throat, rbest.
abdomen, extremities or skin. Every form of twutswasattme o.ut
00 other disease) Is subdued be It as surlily as ere Is mature tubed
he water. Is tt asked, Mr tt does this !--sunply by restonnir the
lost balsam between tb. fluids sod wilds. Such is its potency,
that like Yaecioe matter, it requires merely what adhere to the
point of • quill dipped into • solution of It, to elftet the entire
mi. Of its insmsere value, the emiighteved
ow, the discoverer. meet be the jseige. -ein t ,
Four months no. this nrystenous Tuedirips ass submitted to
the tritssaelpf in lnMlllfent pabhe. In twrf abort period, nearly
firs Asmara editors and publishers (Ln lb.' U. S., Canada., Mush
Provinces sad Imelda!, bare personally tested nr isituriusei its
eillesiey in ftliamisetarp Liesteassa i sad hareprononneed tt the moot
valuable wisdLisid diairorery of this or any preueding see. Thu to'
lightened jury of flee hundred reliable men, by their untioused
eortitet, hare giver* the antiphletie'dalt an established ,111 ruter,
u will be seen broe Itillowiag bile( extracts:
From the Boston Trnreiler.
. 4 we flank the folio wiatic Itetalmonials from publisher*, who re
ceived the Salt In psrusenffor advertising, entttirei to higher eon
adoration and mere conlldeleor, than the rerttfient. , ordtourtly
attached to advertised medicines."
1.4•01 IT, MOM —.rho 'now tnedlettw, thr Anttphlogutir
Salt, y workbag ita way to popular favor in tblu eitr—har•
lag tared Plearisy, Rai& of Blood to the Croup
and Brouchltla."
Larreact Statisol, Matts.—" It in a sure mug., c for Taaritumstrtry
iihmtimyrtime Jaws/14 It Mandl in In Um au torn
Norway Aber time, Ni.—" ALI who have asowt th•• Asti hare
derived the most Z,eoedcial effects from it."
Piketwews Journal, 0 , wilted by lirs E. P. ll.,ter —IX r own may
from experience. It 1$ an eteellent remedy for Headache, Neuralgia,
Ague and Palpitating' of the Heart—indeed, we are sure It will do
all it rams.", aid we any titoill spend the new medicine. -
Js Dersaerwt, lit—"lt has cured several esi.e. or
Rheumatism, Bronchitis. Erysipelas sad Cankwr. -
Lresstawa Llaecate , Me.—tuur journeyman was cured of ere
Neuralgia in one wink.' 4.
Ps.—" It I. growing 'eery popular be
Liker Th um Biumsr, li
It as eured Rumor. and lu -
oratory Cutaneou s Dirmort."
WM/myWe Mellor o.—. We know it =Mum Fevers, Headache,
Toothache, and ideal palm—working sitsally but ejfketoatis "
Another cantor, by hither to Hr. C., says know oreeveral who
are mint It with great benefit, but unknown to their finally ph, - at
clans, whom they do not wish to sired:
Another... I bays been a dyspeptk for 3 tesm—hate token the
Salt fear weeks, landaus entimly eared "
Another—" A anti of Mee, askielet or LI is from h.n hood. hood
the Salt one month, and lo
Wergoats Tkaassarena 'Asa —" It la a valuable auliatitote for
Venemeetkm and Bllstavi.•
Itimmentille Uisiwver, Fever' and Inflammatory Rheum
ti, It la ittystuabilt."
Pose- Obeietidio Thou, The «Moe ea tett of Rasi, of Moo.)
to the Iteol."
Weeders altroaide, Ky.—' Every outi.guould hare it iu hut
Oseterissear. Comoretra Sett hae wrought great
R American Earle, b 01..—" It bu been used sucressfully in Nervous
Another editor, by utter.—" One of our ootoposttore has taken
It for Moor* and Heartburn, and is loud le Its praise. -
Another —" it is very popular with tha. ladles In Nervous and
Female Complaints."
Another:--" It is the best moody for Fever sail Ague ever used
in ths West."
Anothar. , .." Wy wife has long been afflicted with I nflammationwf
the Longs and a hard Cough; she has used the Salt lam than one
mon, sled bee eomplaints arewbolly removed."
AnOhrf ysleismi of our ph Wen up ass seer as d, in the
ton of a Neuralgic cure in my own funny. he
Fie says, MA irrolaght the are. !told him, faith or no faith, the
Salt has done what be could eel do.
Another:—"A child of colas dangerously sick with Scarlet Fever,
was quickie eared with the :alt.
Lewin 0; Iktaster, PE T.—" bra. it he WI It 'rehires
AMP* Thema, It is an gnarling remedy for Notre,*
Ilsadachs, Islamised Sr.,and CaUerh. It is indeed a groat die.
artery; sad we ya &Wiping of Illnenlapins."' •
Another, by lettor.--' Yi wikr has been cured of indignation of
the Womb sad illotreosisql Mies."
Anotbor- Our town dint kw bad the Spine Complaint for 6
vemos—lma , and only one box sad is well—nrid a member of hie
was oared of Indainatioa of the fidoeys from the mine
Another—" Al need Sootebeas, • torepoetor to one oats, was
carted of the Venetaal of 14 rem standing, with out box and •
Anotber—N 11 nue of nem% none lane mired In One* wrote."
Pativ et titird, N. Y....A It has fond the most virulent form
of OW
./41reencb. Mies, /4. r —"Entry family should here it at
egad Oar enteadlsie we"
Clow-Ca. leafiem Ifeekl'll 4 afiredni bees with treat
/wins Trunikrtil--x We wow .is tits viowo of the We
sh o s taw __ sassing verdict; soder tin eireseestasest. on ftatiald
aV S
Iks d asowootowasee . etetbstao tlss good-naharod
wo g
1 141
t 4mliitt to a n itraX s es or
aseetteoll avowal isiossiataty diesels, or.
erotism Ity ow Owata c =ge, sae the own obstinate and long.
Simegoli lognis. It doesjost *bat it SWAMIS
to dis—fte loom as Woor-osweltiurt iligel ;to towohyritiin it
NO yam el ~el ami amiss
AID 117" Asohm the ematenaity from impost
hos b owetioylite Use proynNow vff employ No Amor', audios.
Ns& sash swasitomote that be too Mad Awilibb4iwie San
bi say tionatily k by AAA or twain, to lug part otitis Vatted
*Was or soostaioa, without mows to the outshoots. It
t ea
up la
#6...and too do. t roil Do sods
is diassos,
.61. it ocoonspented wit i t rtor l y e
lie sot directions Toe Ito
I. 8.--iletsposeros soma la the Thillbletatei siairwhoro,
bo o b o o s s n ow.' wit lo Ws kw the Woof kit tiode--oisd those
=aosolusiod spot% us f , 14 =lra SI ~..byes
ed Bo that bort
after swim tos, eadabiolohilis ash au ea& be
hot by
or ab i tai=loi mai MMO Poo Wioo,
AD with eaosey t INA
GlVlNtuto issilod. as it Iwo* Mt live ilea% s otgid oKl wo ii i a the
soh anted. la sr (bobisoallho mho) RI Wen veto NO
osivai—oasolly baamide
rem. VW, / 11 1.
AIW • Ilyepolor sal logepettkoe
i& osillatesat owl OA awl UK plat themstow
Oe W..thbondity •••ning. th. itu.,
Mint, intstagairfark Prvithytertan tt..
to Midis SARAH 4. 0 1 4..4 4 seigh , . , W, .
L .'
At North mt , on the 4th trot, i,fb p .
and /1. F. COSNER, th• former v
vortul, t. Mho HARRIET .4 41.14 n
er Op#Rtbrd Cu., Ha.
rig. WILLING ha. been suck.
Gray kG , the great Plano
at• 9rten. he.,
will mate money 1,, caning' sod euman, ti
Erie, &Ili. 19, 1847.
QTR ..% VIM from Ow sabsertbet to thi,
14th, cwt , dorit Brindle Coo, torae.l
on the 1,111 and tall, medium alas, and is
has a cat nor or *pm win time
to tba animal way be left at the
Shop of 11.14b1. teal will be suitably r.•
rie, Fopt 111,
FALL 11 I T,
BCl3l3llltel Ribbons,
CrRTIS hoe retoroad lroa V.,.
IVI n.•-nt
coma., ay, ..f Booads. Ribbon; nolum,
Dre•R Con., boas Trielfesa,Ctuallits, Lae. Tot
Carrara, ~r.nel, Cur.troo, Gloves and Ronan,
%was illonsoars and RiollooK Fiat; Ladle., en.,
and Straw Gimps of slimy Jimat• pt.o
t ar MILLINERS Will And a 101 l aa.l
Goelf• in tI lr Una, winch oil 1 ..1d Inr
Ent, +I pt. 19, 19:4 -19 1
Pall Styles of Millinery
I3LAKE tug put returned from Nn, Sort
with a WO and auks , Met of Bwisg-r
aeriptinti. Ribbon*, Bowen,
Roches. -Ilkoo, Satins, F t b r‘,
ants Caps and Joek.ra. with a min, ar at
MIS trn mention, all 8. be .. 14 I . o l* , Coal
MILLINZRB aappltari.o oust, at .1
1141pe Old Bannata lifloactuta and Promote
25 mot,.
Dr Qnlle7 Block. wain v,
P.i.rsactAts, Onto,
cug a
7T I E. sum,
Eno, :opt. 19, 1117r-49.
!Jew Arrival of Pall sad '
nr.Wll . O En, hi
tr„• .11 ~ yt4
Ones r•vrropah,
Neu'. Urdu Coats/
ttey'a Cadet C to
Morro Panto,
Soo Panto,
or Dir.
♦IM. • g...cmnal
Shirts, I.*.
wE bsee lust received a tarp rout% )
ru I table. foroverboinal purposes, emyst
hes, Messershil, H•1[1.4111111 sod Oh Rev
Mhitira, Shall% Poet Clierti .ad Malaga
sad The Earlevut Risses, asscpears• A-r, •
tiger-e. NllO9l vishlog to get the
vv. en a call twfutt pa/within eight Lest
1 'LA FM
.... I ,t 10, IS:.;. X,
la kilitS (1)
% host .ands of life an* nand) ,
the Feat ludtaa, seater& sire for C.
ehitia, Coughs, Coida„ sod &weal
mid by bias .hro hie wily child,
In dr. H. ha.l heard much of the -
heal tog ~, 1 111 / ..••. 01 preporatioria made
and the t h•,u,ht occurred to Ihn that .„
for sue ehil..: Ho e:crlied taint and eureeen,
es. Hie chili eta cored, and ie now any. ~.
adtalmetrael the wonderful remedy to thous:
parte of the world, ant be has be. er fa -I ..
f ?
pletel, l...altht and v. Wishing to do
' ale, he will Bend to h of his Whirled fe
it, this recipe, with I sad explicit directi
up, and auereadially eial 1 , ., He emotes
tadpole him oetthllfing,—, th rioe m e e c
age rep tit. recipe, and the remainder .., ...
meat of tLie advertisement.
4.14..1 , Dr. EL ~.
Lne, 19. Sept. 1/47 Jr
Tum tesciwtm of Erie o0u01,) are rvq‘
font, Monday tire 12th of October
purpose of oriatittisair • Teachers' Instant..
pectin il the services of the Hew. J. C. tioret
• Y t oot , mn d 6./oimbly lemma a• a pre
teethes. Hr. tlrMe., la a traduatm of tla• Sim
• Y I- able, be hie thorough too ,
of 04 / m•I imarve-tinu, wed hie essesame es
o f v t . me k, ot , to render tier emeeieve petrel
them a (hamster calculated to elleeil
discharge of their ardooda and respenaib'
strums* will tie formeachiedy feet
Disottaristabo• Isetta•••boost
H. C Hickok, State Se
J IT. Burrnees of the Pa. school Joe,
deem/dry] to careful and tborteigh rev of•r,
in the school: IeCtUTTS,V.IIII , I and
innings A programme /lithe t• •11
a. t... %Mk Orel:11043U as he perfected.
thst tPeetterr, attehdtai the Institute e
aimommodatompa valenefely nominal prove
to outer n ibetl nteentaory en/Meet, .1e
%ma! :wt wirl fee It Web otll to no
lb. attendance is hood will not saint.
e.ont It may not tie hoverer to th
pert t employed as Instru r• in the
duribe the COttlitif tear, a. especially
It .• that ail • Id be present at
Sergi , kii will ...MIMI& our %rt./. hut nil ,
Option or the n.
1 'nonti pane , . are ',quested to pi+ the 1
pie. , Ili I ; J ....4r coltimni, and Mt-ward tot! to.
%,..aritst,urv . 4 ~t 9, 1a57
fi DI GO %1 /arra/Avid and gualit%
apt /2
rABDER 001,11'01 . ND. the WWI
in SP,' I
riOl'lll INE •mt oniutiou of Tin.
uovritAcT or
■n•! ►ll le,.- of I' Nt.tas Ii
CtI'P&RIOK lilackhorrf tlrsoid•, Wax , r
L:11 !trawl , . firattely, estawo.
I.o. 4 onl`..rtar put nip iu hottln.
C6.'11110111, "tore At Iko7
maknaariurint rirmy, the rbeirp.rt 11, r
ceir.l 31 N. 4 Rec. H. be
Erly, +q.t. 12, 11167.
P10414 - arulort;;ni Ci , ml., elf .1
4 .1. nerd 11.441 , .
Sept 11,
L. S. Chapin, lu Common Rasa ..' Fo• , area.
Jam. , Wilson, roe& tr. 37*. 11 . 2., I Up' r .. " .
.. .1 nd no to tit Sept 3. 145' R fut. PC
ktor, , 10 tleotrttette the tooreey sm.:. e -....e •
A:1 f..r.ons intereeip. we 11.1... me . moue,
segued will ahead Unties dude-. d ha apt
the cit A of Elie, On elm 2Gth .i.,, k 4 4 40
P 'll 81'N.11.1
i r.«, .:..I.t, e. 1347.-le.
__ --- - --------
Ccuairenigasace and .
A VKItY trO.4, eenironient sn,l elwal
.11 Aqilltic I , not Itrti, to he he. , •,
:4 eft 12.
Cllal ‘l,
for Fruit Cat; etaJac . at
t0.p1.. 12.
All 5- I — StIC RO—Ver
JJ.11.1 STA his isiliiimisted MI, Robot
the !took •od Sletloommy Ihsotoeoo.un
ed i.dht tr. to alter Ihrtherladueptoroh
Nrticular eAtcotion is culled to tbeir gird
All the heeling istandard Whet% kopleettota.
adoealltdrooft Rooks procured so sem viA
Sehonl Kook. of every kind wad for am
lad for ash. at !own% rash idiom.
Priv, banging" ILl:great Fa,
Mahe and rathey !+:role Paper. Lortiftioka../. 1
.leseription. in . at every thins aloe leth
cbArg, I ,, r.ah , brrina Goods.
F.rie, Sort 3:1?., 1807.
-1111 AID
G. W. Ellairybr Ifierviture
M marmite. asorinserit of r
tuned Illapta Itoommwei. Irs/Dat atm/
mg cane :lint and tlarkiktnakimr and
Spindle Grecian, BlaTop.Goric
Mme Gilded and Ornament* Paint,
Illititoom Pattern, Roekint, tont ak
Coanker Stonia,arl Lookinitairunira.
Ind ntber Vl.ol,ling for Looking ilia.*
other furniture and harniatiing maul 4r.
nevem of patters, teapot b. surnmartd.
at a smaller rant. and core.iderrbir I
price. -
is. Work Shopr on Sty Wert, . 1 ."`" •
Terms Strictly
17 Forniture French Polished. st.
rir-piated and He-framed, Porteeit ami
This shall be Mewl ► Store ter r otet ,
as to courier" purehaerts Usei
Ilasaper supplied.
• Oo sale, a powerful. aud wet: t
" VP Ou a,tr, 6 %TH. It'. II 81:111 04 . •'
SOON 00,111 .)•.
(T'o. TABLE. 4 SSD 41:s
ur Alas. 31 liTa LIC Pt I NTIN
ininfirruax traded far ;Clem.
A usage!, finitstr...baut WO 4
HamraWort, a v ... 4 Tnat, to Oa,,
Ln forgrardrd A 1...aa,
letlse Anl
Trade aOl.l "
111 r. fiActelr h ans
IJI • Sole, • Tiler www.rtowalt of w ell
Twilit, of hoorf. ke W.O
ruenfoue Yurniwhiug a•toslAi
OH Sae to trSple
Aepl. IDS:
LAt:ICdlll PIP io riot __—_,
Bril•vi ,
*mew Mel Spriof.
Mot, carriase
vo t o mu en no, 1. they are be•- -
dreamt 4.0031
.RD nt *be
(may 41.4
aof 1812 I' l
pllde nt 'l4- ( 4
Ai* tartlet*,
1, elt/tr v
rAt r.rtillybryw