Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, September 19, 1857, Image 1

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.lot\ ♦ND M. M. 440084 E,
t h `rArk: AND FIFTH are
N - } % N, Editor.
Ira • in••till.• +1 "n 51
th. the paper will
aLth a pr
I•cr,‘ , ; • i
T.- ..111,• inak• • P'
m„.th. ‘.O
" h .. Yl
inniel•tnie nt $lO
n nb,atlnk, It• wootths, SU 10, 1
.1. I J Naar -.—our rr►r, VA) ruoutlks, $. 36 ,- 3
tie 17U•50 ,4, 11 111,,1crt% at /5 vor
.• • arkl, u.rr awl u nder !Wilt. Si
• , u4ilketa, 70 C.DtS a 1102 but 7‘ tar -
pried =out iat Net bevslor leps ou
•tul iktberx requirlug frequent change. u. their
!wallowed I+o .. Inertia, paper, and card, for Sib
the charges trill be la proportJon, and the
ttrictly confined to the legitimate bua.oee.
transient adrertinereente NNUire.l
ed,.ertleing will be presoak-4i
, re •er cent ...11l be made on all except emp•
paid in advance
gOt.EI . . & BEN "115,TT,
• • Le Hardware, Lrockeri, Maser are
•uptnr Black. aurner of 11th
J Vik.‘ LYTLE:.
b.! Jarats Sill, ,as a
MarplAy Imtireou thy heed
to fl
JO.f.Pti !.
1 I.r
k...11 • 11LE STORKS.
.nd )(.tall De afen to e ery deo
n the Ory Gouda, Carlietiugs, Oil
, I, strwq, eorner of Fiftb„ £r(, Pa.
:110.•( and 4suutact 'el . In first quality Raady
le< El oraren r.roiplung 1;4.4".. O. 7, Brown's
.t. t's
and erosistosa. CLicar , . kc
4 •-ret, Cheeps...le, Erie, I'. TWARNTON,
I.eetit, igivesenut Bonds aid
eLeerately rod earriully drama. OfSea on
~rer Ju zterretl, Grocory &ore Erie, Pa._
itiVeSll.. BA'NYAIRD.
. - . _ . _
Prsdotes, Pork, Y 1 h, &tit, Grain,
liroomt, P.a., Wootteu,
, rrices In No. 4 WriOt's
,? s t s.,rt atm.. u. Yost tiator. Ens, Ps. 47
NEI I.k: ki
h ',to I, Americas 111,0,1 i
0 .10 1 1 0•1 eitlea of the United States and
yr , •ELA ptir retattiod. Hank Notes, Gold
~. ma 0 , • Inosmat pan! on time &pont. 11.0-
1.404 Warrants bought, sold end bated
V. Irma'.
J. F.
• J ATWIt Or 71111 ht.h.rt. Will prattle/pi n
Lotioty, nod pre priiiityt and faithlul
Catruated to tun h ands, albs en
rir Other In Empiry .ck, corner of
,Erte, 1%,
•r and Metal Dealer ih Wet and Du Ilnocertu,
.tttco, Foreign and don:tootle Fruit, Wooden, Wit.
tot, Moor, Flak Salt, Mama, Nall; Powder, Wkot,
• .tc -Proneb Wood, bppo.lto ItOod
; . m.o. •ud • mem. n Harkisrars sod Cattlery
' Iran mad birel, Nn. 3 Kited Lne,
oltn, 141-,KHE A DICKINSON.
r...pertfullv ~itoc thei r
'he citizens of Erie. otnni vicinity Entrr
.. ci obwtetricx
MEKCHAVTS, Dealer. in (1461, Fish,
ku.l Nutt r Dock, ,ikr,t state
Battu.' as,, P.. intemat a11nat....1 on
Laid Sight Dnifta, Checks and Spec... 111,
~...and Warrants bought Laid fold. t uiketiona
e -.11._11"/ [Wei. to the Cotta, t 'tat.*, r
.•cur "Wu 111.1N11111b 11 ity 3 1
.sn ArlttlEON 0111 re 8 Sinelur'•
• ••! ' , tatty and Serenth .trorts ItAl.l..ner•
••• Nutt o rlumafrax rtrewl. 3.1
Arre.oll, J.4awa. 4 , C.
town of Motrirn •nA I)noireittie Pry 0in0.1%
tt so, n , trrotn, \ew York.
( Et /BIAS A ‘ncrftical,.
tali, t A. NACXUSIta
,18aU.., ILAYES & CO.,
AL1.14.1. Faner awl Staple Dry Gonda,
6, th, Ace., N 0.4 brnirn • Block, Ene, Pa
GILL dlr. CO.,
..ts• ' , int I nur thilr offline in Beat)'s Block
ter Public Square, are prepared to
Ott all other operators to pnerw, estina-
Su , ; 1.. 1 Ilr to Its quality and real value
Ile . - .111 eir Block 4-nriter 4.1 Prath
alt hat., , int ,
E. H. 1,11E1.1.,
tete.- 1 , . 1/ ittrl.l4ll , l,
nt VT 1%. ~ • • • veen the Ree..l Haulm ant
. rICTUT• LAIn 11, best style of Um. irt and
T 11 0 114% I. 11 4 TIN,
Late 'at In% e r Cu,,
•••%etrr, Nlll,l, Spootbs, Iltuattl lia•
A. • Lanuot kiwi I nn., llonftl, holwls
Itatitng &silt Do.m.
. ,at• 111. , InlOrr) sod Isoey I imit•
is M. t 11APIN,
+AAP ti.P , T,T—Htlier in the American illnek
»err,• state it/ref and the Publit. :square, up
- I'm m sraaduable, and all work warranted
liAnk sio•lein, 1 40 0 rtinratoo* of Ikposit, ke.
41 tnr ;an to k AI 4.11 Iv* ( . ..110.13th for ul. I Mk.
. •
T. altliktos tirr,
street • few - dorm" EaM ul
,rto •tr.rt, ..Ear .kor 1-at ot'tb• old
_ -
►od Staple Dry tioadoa ►ud
• '°;a' 4.4.1 la a Hotel
- -
Ps. Corlectioris awl
to with and dispatch :td
• i.••• 1.1, to Drurs, XrAtetn,i, 11. n G, (MIN
t 6 Reed tlnusle. Lric, 1.4
USlce itestts • Iltil•taig. IAR-stair..
JUILN II tR ( a.,
er. n Flour,
'• a . :are ~" - : • taritirti, PU WIC
1 :k:011.1.1.. J. )lORTON,
.I.alt.:Lru. ilerchamt, Pock, Enos, dealer
I uh, ' .r tad Y.a.ter 34
H. 1 V 1 ill:IIT &
and II ~ , / d and ntlrer Coin, uncut . -
Warrants and ertilleates of MI...St Alan,
ortnemal cities ra the Union, and all parts of
a•• Olnee, Begat+ w ftwldtne, In the room
xtty & Cochran, Sortb aide of fart
P 9allR , F Gr.vino..
Retat, Deaver fn Foreiro and
ArWieud Flower.. Rthbona, Star., Lae....
loa \ A Reed'. Block, Atm. street, Lno,
pa,.! to orders
ANY do eLlItK t
bvalers in Domes:le and Imported Wines
T r Fish, otl..snA•
" 7 Itntinell Itlnck. Alai's street I.:rie,
•M. ii+talllbralor in all kinds of Ironer
A'•z, —lie. and ' , intr., Chain, No 4 Ho,'
JA 1 114.4 C. M.Iiii4HALL.
""l'• .P - n Tht1211114.0 V llsll building,
En*. •Ps..
J. J. 1.1 'V T s.
Ilagazioes, Cheap Puhltes•
‘••rpairra, Go ld Pei., Pocket Cutlery, Re
•W. OLllot irOor.
Vrt.uhsce sad Metall dealers la Weil and Cu
' l ""''..stit,. the ehespest and Deal now in am
noir Peach, Erie Pa.
• ate: fur Wail- farm or mechanics
M. L. Len
P AL CltUry
„ XE% itooit. at v..
4adrh, floors and - Naas at
"I' ~ u ptr.l b. Hugh Jolt.
" 4 , b4,4 t In Double Hartilled Wiliolger, In Os.
... n ” 1 11.11431 PC: LANE,
,•T I .mr.--of6op Nortiomot Coro., of
- -
kkk BkLDWIN.
WeeAlSof t• :Boehm 4 Herreet,
:) • S ff.a.enu n Drugs, Modkipea,Piata,
,talk ary,th..4, Nempery. ripe So4pl
P. No t Ite•4l kfte. I *.
•. SALDI/115. •
, W. DOC( ANS.
on • IN •1 1.1,41 •11.1,41 Dew beildlag west of Mat*
od e of the Pork, over Clark k meteatr, sx•
scitirrogz u _
lof " l
r9itmit to tab unabooolms is lb'
. to
ms in thillireblo. Lira'
E 1 L ~......__.„ 7 • ~...../. l^
, . .
1 \
L-' ...
Cl, • •-' • .
. ...:. -. 7 - i : :'
- . •
.: .I- ' ' ....a . ' . '.' :t . - 7 P : ' i .
." 1':
' . . .-.''
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,: 1 ' .'T; .-..'
. : -4
;:; ':
.• • ..-
WI ..„ ,
~ k- •
• ,p ,
% • .., i ~;. .."c
1 .
. •
8 . , .. a
• ,
• • t• i• • C
/3 " lq. 1 v
,••4" V.r , 1• A ,
/ .
..• . , .
. , ..
• .
. .
, ' .... , ' '• a . nri. Lea . - i I L., Ab.
• . —
GRAY 41::
li'nona.l t °movies, and dealers In Wert Andra Goads, Powder,
Shot, Capa, &ditty Fuse, Tobaeoi, oil, ke., lee., N,
7, Liordwil BMA, State street, 'hie. ra.
nautiutoi at IlllTC'ffl' 0 , 411:11.
A rtnircrY4 AT 1 CIT OM* flyer Vnytin'• 1 , Are Story, Noith
We. t eon:ter of Hirt. Erie R. )4
.1 1r lIRIGIPI‘,
J I t
Mawr raeTtitia of Boots and .1.1 1V1,0,..0,1, Roo hymn
dealer in Oak and Hemlock sole: A-atiser,Prench and Aaeerlpa
Calf Akins, /dor owecn, IlioJiroca, Ripe and Finial, Thread
Webs, Cord., Laceta, Laminpa, Galleons, Ramada. Hummer%
Piqcera. }leap& Tack.% plp, American Mock, Altaor
Strict, Pro. Pa.
Laos it/C.\ I.Gli 1. Wholesal and K. t U Dralrr► In Stovra, hollow
Ware /L't , Ftateqnrert, Erie, Pa.
ArTORNIT r I %W. fillet aearlr oppnefte the n. Nan Flow*:
Erw,Ps. 42
wuoL.- „ t: a and He dealer In all kind* of Enema, German and
o Gard wan, Anvils, Vletia. Iron, Nana Mani , ko ,
' I. .rriage Trimming% Manion* Belting and Paaimg,
tbeßo.d Hoare, Elie, Pa , 75
- .
Fir* 1 , ..vT in. lax, to not (*clad at lb* Park Matt Alas. , : Stag.,
rruch P t r,e t Pa-, 13
J. G.kllAllitJi d CO.,
DE•Laas In Bn..t. and Shoos at trfinirsale and Rett.P.„ at No. 14
Brown a Mock Slaw street, Elia,
PIOOTOGRA •• AmstotTrit ARTIST, Mirk Roo, over Boat k
St.aart Fro., , l6
4 LARGE awl eortuaiodloaa Hall for Oonoieta Leeteiretoinel Pleb.
lielfeetinn sll kinds, Rut olds of the Park. Enquire .t
the Banking ulP ra of H. Sanford k Co., No 6, Read House, Erie,
Elie, Sept. 27, 144341. 261 f
3IKS G. 3 tt:1140: 4 1. Wholesale and Retail Xaauftieturer of
Cash paid for all Hada aif Grata. 36
Woorl,sidrille, Pa. J ERIE Pe.
A 1: "Men through the Yost. Othee at either piece will be prompt
etteridio. to and delivered to the city free of charge.
Fri , : ItS7 —ll
sstw 7XXX. 7
' , TURF, SEW Writ and BRAN. .
FLOUR of all kind' kept constantly on hand, which we will
se',l as low as any other dealer lothe city, and dellyar fret of
cluaraw within the city limits
AU Flour o rrunte.l to be as represented.
aor C Ault f.r Gusto— Wleat, Rye, Oats, Corti And Buck
En., Juts 2b, 1...L7 —ll P. CROUCH.
• • - •
Jmy ;:3, 1.41.7.-11
The Insurance for Town and Ooantry : !
rill li Less Cohnty Mutual Isosraneo Company obotinues to
A L.., • Inee .In every description of property In Tiii7a and
•,unt, ,nt ns I tilt rates as are consistent with security. Risks as..
die t iled uito Is classless, viz . the Farmer', is 'Oath sottan d i but
farm pr-ie rtt and dwellings, 60 feet or over ffom exposures, sea
immured, *ref Co , Commercial, iu which all kind of properly's'
Insured The fun I. in either department are not liable (below, in
the nt her.
Inmranee mad. la *labor Departirwnt st tb. usual
S. "int( n
Kt.!,le • ,
I!! M 3111!!!
I`. 43. r I 4 St•rrott*•, I , ,nen Mr.. I, in the
•11 n. I 4 Gnnnison k MK:lntr% , 1,.n• t obr,
I in.., I %no ISLA
; t iF Fli r t mpir. Block, corlior of elate mat Fifth qtr,l•,
t. door to the right, op etaint.
Y. DOWNIIII6, 4 .4 41 4.
It 1,1•111.: 4 1.. 3 Z 'TVG Bk. r••l In,rie,r Comma" of the 4 ithrof lewd
tor, Oletlered lur Mete of Prrorrsrfressit
Insurance Company of Philadelphia.
Pro rki w Besibit*spe. .Af.. 412. Walleet Street.
CAPITAL, Pieearety lareatel t 810100,000
The Quaker City Insurance Co.
o .l fi. Buildings, 409 Walnut Preei
Cash Capital Rail rt.amplas, 92511,11,0
Manufacturers' Immrafice Cpmpany,
dam. So. lU. Merehatola Extskompa.
CAFIT ), L. . . . 33 00 , 000
Aavurt 1,184? /3
Insurance and Trust Company,
Ns. Mil (late 107) WALWT STB.R.HT. I understood quickly enough • .1 ,
ctt.tHTLlt PK iI.PETCAL. Asthonsed Capital, 11841410911141. ," --- liad either iit my cider slaterS been ; at the
I no M.eehsudiae reiterant', Household Feed: ~
Lin , t ,,, t of :his declaration, in my place, she
1- iiti IN , t . II.INcE / niture, oo Stoma, Dwellings, kr , Limi-. 4
) ted or Perpetual. would, Ido not doub., have forthwith put bet
IfAiti s. I: I N:-t HANCE I ( "nrF i n,.l t r b r ,r ftstn. d and VeiwbS to
ill arms round ileyoitne's neck, and conveyed her
) 00 Goods he Biters, Canals, Lame COngratUtatiOtto to her with much affecticassa
I NI., VP / Yet R.ttiCE > and Lend Carriage, to a.ll r uets ~f ,
) the Country tossing, and prolably sums few tears. I grins
DIRECTORS to say that I in no manner approached say bush
...aeries C. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut Street. demonstration 1 simply expanded my black
A lowider W bilidta, 14 North Front Street,
Heart D Moore, Farquhar Buildings, Walunt knot, eyes till CariAtutt's blue ones sank before them,
.1..h0 f Heater, firm of Wright, flouter 6 co.,
and broke low one sburt sentence whichl fear
B Trim, finis of Tracy k Baker,
rho. L Gillespie, firm of Gillespie I fellow. was neither affecting nor consolatory.
oil . .lwell et Bebop, arm of Ilitatesp, Simons It Co ,
W Mum Darling, ewe of Kolutillad ' Her loecr was in the house, however, at that
Isaac Watieharst, tttorrwr and Goansellor, ; moment, and I had to go down stairs and see
J. R. Ji Cardy, firm of Jones, White& al*Cardy, -
John Rica, 110 South Fourth &,..t, him, as to.nn as I had smoothed my hair. I
Jaen B. Smith, firm of Jame* B. Smith li Co,
Theo W. Baker, Goitisnuthgfiall, found him in the drawing room with my father,
I I-orr C. Wetmore, New Yo rtL and my father pre4ented me to him.
c. C. LATHROP, Protdisat,
WM. DARLING, vies President . "Hallam, wy daughter Anne."
JO•Mele J I/Mut, Secretary and Tleasoner. "M dauhter Anne"put out her hand, and
II K. it/Cli AMMON, Assistant Secretary. y g p
Li a: Batutrix, Sarveyor. " it was enclosed straightway between a large pal*
J. J. Lulls ' Itais ' Kile i P 6. 1 and fiegers-4enclosed, but not grasped. I was
small and cool ; Mr Hallam, on the contrary,
large and nervous What to do with my hand
when he bad got DorAthoiou of It ! or what to rest
spout' to the salutation that I made him, he
seemed equally at a I.sta to know. He stood
high above me—a tall, handsome young man.
looking into my face with a strangely-startled
gaze, fluttering my hand up and down with it
feeble irresolute touch .
"This is our youngest, our little school girl,"
said my father : "abe is not mach like Carry, if
she T''
A U4USI A 166i.-16
(. 9 , Philadelphia,)
4 RE now Joint business on the Mutual plan, giving the ID.
!I. eared • nartieipatinn in the prehte of the Company, without
llobi.tis be) ond the premium W.
Klee; u the Lakes and Canal insured on the most favorable
Mews Lames will be liberally sad peamptly adjusted.
Flrertsa• en merchandise, buildlmpi and other property, in
town o$ c •antry, for a limited term tly,
Joeeph II '.iii, James C. Hand, Edmond Alondeg,
Theoph it um Paulding. John C. Darla, H. Jones Brooke y '
Robert Horton, Jobe Garrett. Jobe B. reareas,l
Hugh Craig, Sauteed Edwards. George Sorrell,
/teal,. LAw nen , . David B. Stacey Edward Darlington,
Cherie* Kelley. lame B. Davis, J. G. Johnson,
William Fo;eall, William Hay, John J..Strelin,
Dr. il Thosiss, Dr. R. M. Reiston, Jelerelior, Jr.
Spencer illoilvans.
IN. llama, Preet
Awn ono 4 N Invocul, goey;
AgipiLeattoo aut to amdo to
J. IC 1LL.L.0441, Erto
T Apnt
Erie, A ion 4. UM.
Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!
Gq TOG. A. BENNETT, loeuraaeo Mee earner of Stite
end Fifth street, Wrighre Block tip dabs sod pt tom
property lasared- 11. repreameta Mu following relieble Conefu-
VERNIAVN' FIRE AND WARM mscitaxer cowndlirT
of lquiedilptus. Aetleorimed Capital $lOO,OOO. decarely lavected
ford Co. Pa. Capital $2110,000. All paid up sad securely tar Bled
Rates as low as security to die laeurod
Erb., Dec. lJ IdIAL G. d RES3II2T,
irnowaluat t vomit
No. b .Regol doom; Brio Pa. i
hoe Wow ort H .ll.lljr, 4. 1 ",
W. would call the attest an of tir to Imp sag pen
neleeted stook of DitCB3.ItEDIODI he., w o hem nu
hand sod ...awn at the lowest 114paroa. Conrail? Mw
chants would do we: m aitre. i i euisa fa
our Ilse at Neer Tett All the Potosi &ado. of
the da ll :bolenie Rata Pti."..„.. 164 1. 1 4 10 . 1 ,
their de. Mai 'aging tare, sad --Ith so
Wire. no matter from what MOOS It *utak weMAU atikr i & L l•
nether tbaa be led. PlowswA ss e as • woo kwark by
=Lto &miaow to omit liberal patroa•he wild&
IM oatowdoel to oar
Cr* FA. Cl.lsli. 41.4.
elm taIILLONN Pete Lite on Ibr ell e z i ri et
the littg
4,teu Eton et it 211.1111-
I*. limb 14. lUT •
AkchtAltallo, Mesa ealerke header 20,1 " 111 a " " -.114
Shad sad Harris.. as rye iir
Y.. 1 21.1 1 M •
MPS Oreeeey
rPOIZ I O etellllll6l et - ,
i Asyut IL \ •-• —.OIIIIIIWIII.
Park Halt
That is honest Indian, 'call at
e. X. Tibbetts,
John Ziminerly,
Thu. Anoritosel,
E Babbitt,
111 Julptlair.
I`n at JoN•. Grrltiso•,
4clett Vottru
T. P. halL4ll.,
b,otct 'siscellang. •
I was the yiuut[c.i of a handsome family
i)ly three sisters, each in her way, were very
p,rett) ; but 1, the youngest, and with a natural
right to be the pet of the house, was never either
a beauty or a favorite. My rights in the matter
of favonter.ut were,,and from the first day GI her
existence bad been, entirely monopolised by my
third , ister,'Caroline. I was not, however, en
tice, of that ; it, doubtless, suited her better to
be mad, a N et at than it would have suited me.
My lark id beauty l did regret.; but., as that
want c onld not be remedied, I endeavored to be:
come reconciled to the facie and figure God hid
given we. These were both all, and the first
sallow and thus. It bop , however, sad
boasts still, of at-liteitt one riking feature, a
pair of large black eyes.
My two e:dest sisters were married while I
was -tiil a girl at school They both became
the trite- at military wee, and both, within a
bayear t th,ir marriage, accompanied their bus.
nds to laths. I have never seen either of
them I.ll.lett My third sis‘cr, however, remaiead
st-houie, and tiler.: I joined her when, a girl. of
seven: , n, wy school life ended.
I was laid of Caroline, and she too, I believe,
of mt, yet her affection was by no means that of
an elder slater for a younger As I said before,
she, and uot\l, oonupied the realties at postage.*
in our honeetiottl She was spoilt, while I woe
left' nn4tiettrd ; ,tit,•• was flattered mid admired,
while no (1- 1.. •ke4 it, lip spoke of, me;
„h e aeouraged led almost compelled to lean
on other pc.title, whi'e was left to deprod upon
I cane from .scho .1 (ull of a happy plan of
lifit We hid with, T. , end our father was a
)%% 11. I , au l i• r bows rash day away
from Ti, I.,•e“als, w 1.. u Cleroline and
I should : • 1 4 it. r, I meow turn to
g rut ne. nut i • fmter .41ueate.1 thaa she
we-, and I meant to give h.r Ire:mtl. I °end
IT:duly, Jill 1 u,r.utt to tuake her learn with
rue al.. re I Ka. 111.)-4 Iglii or/1W I came hom e
rime I with itt ) and the first docomitio
tiding. I reri-ivel was the news that ske was to
WY Rmetsrossehr
Jos M otern•tt,
Josol. Hanson,
WV R. rt. ) ~
be married within six weeks.
„AShe give Intl 010 information herself, as I stood
taking, off wv tirditett iu my ruoat—gave it me
with tt, , i.t , • blush , ' to the world, with the
tiotiile.t VOlt`•'—NJ softly and shyly,is•
eti, at th , first telling I osither beard nor
comprelapthleil what she .aid. But, for as; sym
pathy that st,e gut, .1 wa+likely to get.frow me
"No, certainly !
His eyes turned to Carolice's Ws milk, le
quit's, beaming, pleasant look ; his ilagirratz
ped fr. , my hand, and I retreated to my
er'a side, taking to myself the massaintion that
if my t own reception had been neither ektput Dot
cordial, my sister's future bitabaad Gould, at least
in regsrchog, her, wear a look of manlistm,
A. fur we, 1 thought it likely enough abscise
uld take littlelurther notice of me. JA this,
however, I ("mid myself rather singularly min.
take". He dissid with-us that day, and daring
the whole time of dinner I was cesegions of thit
condoned movement of his eyes towards me. I
becatne aware, too, 'that each time be detested
-my gaze upou himself he became strnagely dis
eoucertea to all extent that amazed we j he stem•
mer, J and grew eunfused in what be Midi Yti
even more than ouce abruptly broke off his if ,. 07,
ti um... I gr, w both surprised and perplenl
yet, escept f.,r this singular nervonsalss.
iik..l him I preferred hinvideoiasally to
of my other limiter. to lac, and no`,l ioh OA&
line to fore we slept, for my coassignee smote,pg
for the umouer in which I bad received Ilte:
announeetueut ber euipstairot;
orntliel, for auldocia appeared to Of Milk
for •
, • -.
"Your lin/bead will have iaori(in
either Jane'', or Wirt-tees, \ b,"
its must!, it la a 03 be does not uy biesk himilif of
Get .
'nersou tosauelr."
artist you think him terep¢sr
..; I „ A deaf sad bliattf,.l . lll4r
[me It, when he if tosi •
pDtl , 7 Be @twin Done °fit to rin or Wily
~:i_{•~.~:i:~-4~.i iii :'
•t W 13414111 OCUUE
flac) err stooping two Ha naithed
In nos littletoo.l Ossetia's
On/) sci • ab 4+1,1
On the Noonan eti All soother
Hashed era now in plaektsleolasr
all Owir merry shouts asol luneaSes.
woods .4 susubols out a number
Echo stall trona U.ll, and mites.
lantana big head with-arena eietwitaing
WWy 16-a, bye eyelids parted,
So that through the Lobos slatting
Pardee rare are rtraotely darted •
Be same elfish, Woo troubled.
A' saes hi. brow a rho& doilaatt,
Battling, etch his anger* doubled,
Witutril grey or cruel giant.
J 0011) II (114 a, 11nt lathe . Lee teems
Flo the loosely twatieweti
Au i out little Lull preemie
On the tins %bait pattered
dove the birmsileet lably ;
Ltogbter mood her esomtb ettli Uft,pere--
no i rolibir, sod yet sedately,
nu bar Hp* two diesileir gegen
ilwlth r, kitppr, they elooplag
klab)'l dice oci roaad mod
Iltnough oft from recast twooplios,
Has aantilo in oral dimple.
All la Inv. and oaco lariat them,
Woofoi ors to Nob oannoodogo.
God I what were , tido world irit.liout
Moo to Um* Moo for Um' bloootoso !
: sj r :V. p
- $1 30 'klFiat,
ettn, SATURDff MONINtIi"SrrEMBER 19,1857,
"Bay. Mat, f Aiirs, said, is at I
sever saw ear treee-of sash -a thies is him be.
"Did-yea wet/ Theo 4. suppose / mom vie
,misily diesempese his. , Lam softy /or abet ;
jWumes, itTbe bogies wisir-astrov dislikolto me,
las probably noseirwswvvyWHir •
oftfy dear, be does nteraillilm you." -
liflottito yew taw r - •
' "41 a 1161/641 WE so, Ankle - B e . a g soff t, me
slot diorite* ; mei' mid that it must tidisuat i
oniidort me me Mohave rale ospewitir ft now
tbet t eiAsllFlNiftypios ; aid be i hatred as
if I did tett:equity undermand him—Alr Indeed I
aw sot—fie said quietly, "I`ofran, Anne, can't
roa free on- b&? 'don't you like her 1" '
1- Itithgryon' said,whe,' Carry 1" - '
-twit 'Ma *id the yoliarsti and it teemed
stria - 'to of losittifl You -
'f 'lrlim the o'er which tie bad
;BM tit aisi t wihed: ' " t• ,
e wip ,
ael a iroirr i r bo oil ..
146. iitt gigitirf a ,_, tly.r v '
''lt aertoitls did appear qt llr. Hallam was
444 imprpulea *iftithe Hero( oky
i4olll PI & PlikPottl'for we ll' . not bees acquain
ted for t couple of days before I perceived that
be istanded ,to Use sto not oaljt. to prop up Car
olio, but ititlistlf, A** Q S L Wet /tar Ina'
dared bow they had ,eerw,wit Co before tame,
DO oototiot now mere tko-111,1011 to ins, ma earn
the lineltic.4* , `.` W bakiicoolionght ?' 6, W bat
Anig lAtiiii,4 r —ithestio4B, however, test were
.mrely sited fraukly or chestfully, se though iny
ryinioo wits mod for bsatissmi myself was liked,
Illicalwaystratige as it seemed, it IMO sertain
ly so—as it in a kind of continual incomprehen
sible fear of me.
Is many respesse he
e ns manse au, sod
as time west ea 1 wee iPy ao mesas heartily
satisfied that by should Barry ay sister. He
was subject, I we* foasd, to its of gloom sod
low spirits, which had, veto already,w'inost de
modal; Aloes upon her ; the more that, fond of
Ma it she wu, she was Seo dead a creature ever
;it these dome to be ill 00 ill 611111110 be mover
e1414t0 watteirps to West him. sbe was
,boisieVer, was Ant ; sod wboi could
not iscostuutp her to hiterfer4 with- hits, I at
leagth teak that wort upon myself.
One day, when be was 'sitting inoodly over
die fire, I came into tbe &vox - boofietted sod
"Frederiekrl said, lit up' and Coins out
with me Look how brightly the sun his bro.
ken over the snow." •
Ile looked up, not upotilha sunshine, but on
me. Ilia expected a retinal to my re ,
quest ; . ituttead of that; wi I
nervosa huge bq
rose; ICI two.winates I hint ie the open air,
tramp . 4l64 frosty ground besida me. More
be pa,, for two long bears, gloomy u night,
yet obedieet to Avery word i *poke. Where. I
went, hek,ielletual Ate l
• ,wiii4 i bide hiniAlas he
did. I brought him iiesuo;sia the. sue woe sea•
tins. sod I waist up wars , aiad shot sayealf in
el own roots, with a stamp Chill heiseg of
dismay. What was I that this man sisenid so
obey me I—doing my slightest biddiag with Ibis
wipers of spiritless fear 1
After this day I made esti Moen effort to pre
vent toy sister's marriage. llakike both to my
fatter sod se her. Her llovetieely
ebbs by oboe areatto... t' , /eropieeer
witionmegli soziety alsree to isdnee him
to ' , pest fOrtbwith le Mr Hallam
I was present et the isterviear betweet diem,
an d i o m it an t, quickly fort the ghastly took
of pain tbat tame to Mr. llam's facto; is my
father told hini oorlears of troAtisi Carilloa to
his keeping fie was standing 4by the fire,
and, grasping the rmantel-.hell with one liand,
with a clutch that brought the to every
vein, he list tied. Whnu ay fat 4er eeese.i to
speak, be mold only, pit4,lm;ty c. 4 1,
"Yoli pIYO We your proutk6e..
"I did," my Whet. 'aid; "but I gave it in ir
norance of what I harp .lute ?cps, mid in
'peruses of,ithat I have heard from Wien."
"Prom whal other:?" be deniandmi, fiercely.
I rime forward mid, said, 4 Froul um."
"Prom yois, antic:"
He looked up wildly 'soy Wm; iimmmiddes•
ly his head dropped, Le /aid is dews opals eke
tassels shelf, sad burst into tears.
laespramihly - aboaked, I tame beside him.
"Froberiek, for God's sake bamaim."
Brakes with auk his voice wise nig
i&Asee, have teeny oa.reet Do wet take bar
free Ise! She, is all have ia the wide world!"
The tears were manting to my eyes My fath
er silently toot Inwood pm metre= they room.
He wu a foft-lisartal maxi mid he meld not
stead the sight of Mr. ife.lara's misery; bat be
bade sew of his Uwe dignity Mee, mid, in emi :
Mammies et' it, 1 suppose, be Wined me tint be.
fens be yielded.
I avoided Caroline, and west fo lily own room
Half en boar afterwards I was summoned thence
to lay fittier'd study He addressed me as I
entered at oboe.
"Anne, be hits bebaved very well. lie bas
promised to use every effort in Ms power. Things
will go on better now, I bare no doubt "
"Then he is to hue Caroline'"'
"I cannot break their hearts, Jana. Thai
may have aconething to bear topther, bat they
would Wave more to bear apart.'
I saw Mr. Hallam so mare that dap. Oar
seat meeting was ou the following aftersoon.—
/ OW bin then by *bane* for a few moments
What his fesdiag sireardsims saightha=l *mild
sot tell, but I moot woo Wu muss! sod t.z.
tended my hand. At 01100 Ise took awl grasped
it, in both of his
"1 wen 44, to sec jon," 6e raid, sagerly.---
"Alme,7 he ;OW, "d - o
not Ak4}. par!, spinet us!
For God's .tags, be swa r m, ,
"I did not set yesterday out of eamit r y,"
Hip hail& dropped from mine, lie greiir even
gbilidy falai ikfted me:
'Tojou aims!' to repeatlid yes:
t sboai okyllesd: I said "1' 0!"
1:114VI.,111 of joy.
agOdblr Ansel"-,
Ti:p warm sot.a pained so ? jzid, 4% 4
enough-- . • t i
"Ircolitauu s hai mai As, Wow inergred,
aitia - JRAV•httlikip& hieset
• lin/ila t immd•WiertiogiUt tea• eine*
uoithuily„ I Wine that, inieuthedie buraelne
OA••• : I • ..tx-• 1 • '••• :r•
. riseisigis smsite4arikso4 for thoir
marimig4 Ilboshitikatt, , 4hilm
alkt aikasessawwkimisliPailakVlll4 11011anli
fits of
giassa3lisaitas, sit&
el N!* . Gl l4 l l ' :l eitiVO•4 0 110 1 alled
alt 011111 ,_ A.
41x , aketW,1111:
bragbs erisp Febroorj moroiog, sod saw wo wawa
of them for Moo mambo. •-•- -
Irtm Tr... 1 i N.
L Sa
‘ 44 4,f
did aoceomo. t bad to room myself !lieu, sod
gave din/milieu for what be dorm. A
sawed, sad a third, and a fourth day elapsed,
and I was mill aloes. On the itch tworaiag,wheo
I wu Licked utterly alone, !er ths house wee
empty sow, I at length remised a letter from
Caroline,with the post mark of a ommtry plot*
ia Devoihire, whither they bad gone, she told
tee ' oe isor husband's aseasot, for nest sod air.
Sists Led neither received my message nor my
letter, our amid I write to bar now, for she gave
is. so address.
I waited -patiently, in my lotoly house, for s
long fortnight. One evening, when that time
rp i=
was e i red , at lest Frederick came. He name
into the ere I was sitting--the blithe,
bridegroe b I had parted from nine months
age, changed into a wan, worn, haggard nito
I beard his entrance, and rose up. He utter
ed my Mime is I approached him, then seised
the binds that I extended to him, and held them
in it convidelie grasp.
'Too have been alone," were the only words
that bast from his lips, "along through this
wkole time."
"It eonld not be helped; I knew you would,
have cense if you had known."
"Alone!" he only repeated, shivering,
out a creature near you! How mold you bear
id I could not lice one dry aloes."
"Frederick, you have tired yourself with your
journey. Yon are not stroag. Caroline told
me' you had been
Ile raised kis eyes with a sharp, suspicious
look to sly face, but they stayed lifted only for
a moment. Suddenly changing into the old,
iscompreheesible expression of ',objection, they
dropped. Come He did not speak $ word.
" to the fire; I will order supper for you.
Come, and take this seat. It is cold to.sight."
He ewe and eat dows; I seated myself be.
side him; sad asked for sews of Oarolittik He
bad Sothis* to my but that she was well. I
tried to make him talk of other subjects, bat thr
.fort was vain. His stied seemed entirely fitted
wish that strange haunting horror of my loneli
sees. Again and agile, is we sat, like doe who
bad no self.eostrol, he broke out into the 'game
trembling ezelasostioa--"Good God! bow amid
you beer it?" •
I sat at last qpite silent, in deep wonder and
distress. I thought it was well I had been
alone. I could ill have stood oompanionship
such as this three weeks ago. With $ woman's
instinctive love for manly courage and strength,
I began to feel a strange i pity and contempt for
this weak mature—,they unstrung nerves. I
gave him food and wise, but they did not restore
him to himself. lie came back when he hsi,i
eaten, and (wont:bed again In silence over thy
It grew late; the clock over the chimsey•pieee
struck else's. Ties I area awes more.
"Yes most be tired .IProaseleit, after your
joanhey,,, yes had better to slid rest"
He looked erased with a sold slater.
"No, no; the house is so lbeely," be said
"Let me easy bore. Stay with me, Aline "
"We cannot stay here all sight."
"It would only be for ouri night" You will
be reedy to eoms_to-morrows•
"I out sot going back with you, Frederick."
"Anne!" Be looked me wilsily in the face;
ettos—uAuso, you must emote!" ho cried. "All
our hope is in you. If you will not come to ue,
we 'ere lost."
Re seized and grasped m hand, his rummer
was excited in the highest degree. 1 drew back
and shook him from me.
"Mr. Hallam, what do yoO moan?" I demand
ed sharply. "Sit still and weak rationally."
He winced strangely, apd shrank back--
There was a few momeota' t pupae; 644 in a
voiee, entirely subdued, he imbed me—
" Di d. I spre you a letter' There was ens
from Carolina."
Ha searched w his breastepookur,riod brought
"beg your pordbu; you ought to bite had is
I. took it to the Bast , sod raid is. She bad
written mostly, about her father's death; hat- it
:be said of the letter aims thaw words:
"Frederick will ask you to Penni' with him.
Aceie, do woe refute him! Oh, Anoe, if you ever
loved me, do sot refuse to come."
I 'foldri up the letter, and vent back to the
tiro where he was attics. I. laid wy haud upon
his shoulder. lie looked eligerry round.
"Amer' he cried, "you will come "
"Yes, &theeyou both wibh it."
Ga!" be ejaculated; sod the first
look of composure I had men came to his worn
"ate !WV that this is settled, Frederick, go
to bed."
Ile rose up in ailesioN, but the ghastly pallor
of cheek and lip, as be prepared to obey me, so
&hooked and startled me, that I abruptly check.
ed bis departure. Uatasaly and pitiable as it
was,,tbere Mil 110 atistakiag,his latent* fear of
solitude; wad it his weak and uaatruag state I
didseot feel that I dared to torso it on him.'
am not going away yet," I said. "If you
proles. to stay bent, I will wheel this sofa for
ward, •od yosesa lie down before the fire. -
He accepted my offer eagerly.
"I am not used to Omar rooms; I am afraid
I should not sleep," he muttered.
He laid down, and I threw a cloak over Lim.
rut down in sight of him, and read: He was
in reality weary and worn out, and before half
an hoar bad elapsed he had fallen asleep.
We set out nest morning, and reached Lou.
don by nightfall. My sister met us at her own
door, and I looked spin oa the Loa I bad not
spelt for nine ara& I scald have pawed her
in, the street uncenssiotta that she was kith or kin
of mine
I rostraisod my serprise sad pain until we
were togetiew s in -y room. This I stood tip
sad fond /ww. .
aflareNsa, Oa at,.. tide mese'
Bhp bailee* trying .to talk and smile. At
2,06id0i art t igtlid soinrs pro way .-=.:
Writ itrte *kr% Ins'. Imigbt
bassit. She was breaking her heart
over the es. shi ed osea is ber hasband.
1 . (iiiiesatosser sakind tanse,,bncall day 101 l
he terriisaassi" aim. sobbed. I dare net leave
',him—he will never sit aloud for taw inimica l
'from morning Int tit. ad- wrelobed
14 1 110014DtrA pa to ND
AbsweLsabsa is the malted--what it the , stater
with bine
i I triad itbs lay test 'followtat "to' 'ilia.
,Olicar tibithititirerttalbliteittotittlii. Alas "rhea \
:II ibtitgliilii &MOS ibit T hair abtoovere'd JO
tali* attain* dit4 Terods! telt Ms lac tvery-
Atat TIM. tafif44llo4a 'OOtiiietiOh ibai tW i l
':tiftbillis triiiikititni.. tir . .:lTalfaio's mina wee
*bed . :i faiii)egnl. .N. bj fuj thia ,tlrrible
fi lt wi
i plati . og am Tao more I Wed to far.
aita . - Itbacii, tba)pkore. tilt,i * "Neatly " 14,
i a to live under
. bongo. Y 4.
We never left Wilk. far hir sertmgwat tem*
:woo that of:solitude flay - and eight Clastatest
or I pat witlitilei • Ili hod 'been feed of mak,
and teams' yet he iteenteeP ttr 'take ststahhic -Me
pleasure Wit Heavy -ws 'Cur bearta p =l
therefttre often played, ind'his Oates% s
es to content 'seemed dating the momenta that bit
sat listening to - into
A fortnight^pairied thus: at the end" of It one
evening this happened
It was' dusk, hitt we' had uti; tilt 111*
was burvitigtrightly,' 'rind bad . rlll4
piano, g rad sat 'tbeee playing. Mr. IF4auf
ritwo Ms 'seal' and WWI rang the mom
• •••
Caroline liad come to nix,
I wan playing sottl.y, end sAml,y frousiOy
sister's lip 4 a cry rung tiro, igglat
fore I cook' speak, white with
terror, and, yrjth
out4trctand eraui..4e, started Crow her mei
4Pruf up too, -1, - txsld see nothing: Os nowt
aJ ite 112410 U gupng ant bar , 1464
, ' baud's game, aimilownrd ens etap - Istwardts bins
••. d thew fell. Before she reached tke grated
"caught her in my arms, but abs bad fainted.
"Froderick, help me!" I called.
Re was standing before an open drawer, look.
log wild and excited; but at my call be came.
"She has fainted: rains her up."
5 He stooped sad raised he I badishim follow
I nte l , and I went towuds the door; bat when I
6eaebed it he had not snored. Tuning round,
SSW him still standing, wildly gaming upon
and passionately kissing his wife's white fate.
I did not ,peak, and in two or three moments
'he came and j•dneli me, and we left the room to
!gether. We went up 4tairr, and be laid Caro
line on Ler bed Then I rang the bell, and sum.
oned help A t'rvant came to me at ones:—
•rbade her see tr,),,ber mistress, and, leaving them,
hurried back down stairs
Mr. Hallam had gone a secood or two before
me. I found him agate in the drawing-room
when I noiselessly re•enterea, before his cacti
toire, wherC he had stood when Caroline fainted.
Ue way stooping towards the fire, examining the
muzzle of a pistol by ita light.
I stole up behin4l him, and before be was eon
imious of
,my presence I Lad caught Means with
the strength of bath my bands. Ile tossed
round, wild-eyed and furious.
"Let me slow:" be shouted. "Dew' let
me alone:"
He tried to shake hianaelf. free. I do
know whence my strength came,but,ageineilis
power, I kept my bold
"Lay down that piatoll - I eried. •
He kept it clutched hat
"Lay down that plata"
j Our eyes were full met, and stayed so for a
moment; then his dropped. I mooed owe bawd
r from his arm. and laid it on the •pistpl; he let
me tetra it Re stood before me, his wild knee
nerds gone. ghlking and shivering bite s And.—
I Imbed the ipin in the drawer; then I could
land bo r I tank into a seat, and we
neither of us •pr.',P agAin
SOME' "noun niA do nut Lwow bow
. many—and a hurth.l hand was hid upon the
donut The .errant I had loft with Carltioe
"Mi-s King," she said, nervously, "would you
cOU3C Up stair;! I d,n't. know what is the mat.
tvi-with my mistress."
I wade Mr Hallam accompany we, and we
returned to Caroline's room. She .wasi z atill al
most urteonseit)ns, but =waning in pain. ta half
an hour two physicians were at her bed-aide, and
that night she ws4 delivered of a dead child.
It was tow 'p'ebruk ie the morning, bat Mill
dark se guidoiglit, for we-were in the midst of
winter. The eouimotion of tke, last hours was
racer. Caroline's room was bushed, and, nistiem
lees and almost insensible, she lay between life
and death. In another room, sloes, with its
wbite limbs emnpused, rested the little form
whose eyes bad never opened to the light--tbe
human body that newer bald a Hying spirit:
Over the stilt burning drawing-room ire lust
with Mr Hallam i bad tried to haute btu: to
retire to to t. but he would not' go. Ittinisbed
ever check and lip, tri4 eery teen" - Ithattbehtg like
a man in deadly terror, be sat beside me, holding
my handle his with a force that erusbett tale
" Row firm the eyes were closed," lie kept
tretattinucly mattering "Did you noti s e t. ' Attu?
—and slienehed handp, is if there had bees
a atrugOe! Cuul3 it hive fongbt for life? Ob,
the thirti!—the third!" be gasped. "How many
to ore?' '
Ile obill , d ea,' with his wild whispering, anal
nay bout greyr feint, I asked him at last,
" What do you wean? '
31y .question ignught a scared look from Win o
but Liu resp Hose He canoed, however % to insi&er
to himself, and fur • moment we wen both silent;
then, touched Ly the half contemptuous pity
that, constantly awoke in the when I perceived
him quelltli by my voice or look, I said, mom
geotly thee I bad spoken at first
Why do you keep whiopering these chimp
to yourself , d
lf, Frederiek? What yo in
esti by
t bete?"
Re turned his fkee round to me - ts I spoke,
and a wild, fierce light .prang to his eyes.
What do I mean by them? Do )on want
the to tell you?" he cried
Ilia changed aspect startledrne; bat I eoneesled
my fear I said, calmly— t"
liTes—or I would not have asked you,'
He held his gaze stedfastly upon mi face As
he sat gazing at me, something dawning in that
look made my blecai-eurdle.
" Shall I tell you?" hi said, sharply.
That fear was creeping over we with no will
of mine. Trying to crush ito=aoswered %tisk;
in eontempinensly—
, 4 Mr. Hallam, we are not slink' sit thiNhient
If yen base anything to tell mertell it atones.
Do yen mess to- apealtr'
" Hush, - Antler •he said. "Anne," he
whispered, "bend nearer. Oh, it is horrible to.
tell your'—he wint shisering front bead to foot
—"but I must ten who one. I Cadent biailr
huger! Are yaw riat?" 'Ander' he eried,
"I hare sfied blood?" .
Mr. Hallam, pen are mar'
I leept to my feet as 144
sway 'ir , yo me. high :a l l)4ivi Vie vm Wm%
cry, and he an i sreredAL with w Ji li s etA
".9h, 14t, r x rem iar. cried i 4,0161.
would hiestpilywrog Dame„ !al=
A.nythiog, antlowg,A 4 Ltuwiipktop i
burp, our A4,0r1ii;•,046 , 144,1* ALM,
with,, lbws 4 , 4044 cps! _Tod boyi -
wow, Have metes
..n am, harps.. MIMS WWI
siptV, •
WWI limb. sbat warteuralairiwiltitatwawpwftb
pelvis thWlESlßlNUOlSliettelosas;49neolk pits
orgobodowavillmovialt eniewbwi ecoleantrafra‘
Widened\ iwtiseatttliautierabierwat EtedWlN
borrorr) itteett iliarepertkr iii abbi
not allelfire* 4 l6llu,lutietider bdt
read lay face, tat to ‘ calair aftel! ryiblioe'w`
bow ifiktry''-` ' - iee)tw
If, coat
sesegb.— .
• I%lost bir
jlll i bAr
Its ezi=jo
e x:
it l i f
flaw lauras
ir • t
JU ♦ t , tba
not libisetesed me. put my tso
kande mad her tbroat"—he looked op, sad lie
eyes we likes deed gleibilid toe from the
Vlj e r a g ied Po I AITI Migr
It *TAU MO word Am, kaud. Weak*
had eiiiP#o tfihi4elr. • "TitiSi to moeVad Sy,
I fell. A mist was vier my eyes and bras , sad
tfedilleet se saw.
We were WU it cba idol ilewaai~ether whit
I wafted. Be had raiseditod Wd Me to dip
taro; bo a ttioself, croaebieg like a wild ; gptikpal,.
*MAY (40 • . •
= 4l
14 ,, Awl' up, • aati 44101. a d
thaleeellirtios of what I bad Wird, tComit v i
obo.4l4solas„ assati/,iike thm.aseampabill•
Lsose p I pressed way hilailivele
ar doreiread, and, .tried to altar mairlaiMasit
moue homed sad steed Adana Wm: • .!;:r4:4-1400
'4 1 112m - yon madr I halals asked him o •-.4oeatia
what pr home miaow weer -
11111 , 4ifiwilirls haggard fees, asicheekawawil
lasgum hie voice— *maw
a I stand before God, it is treat" • •
I stayed to how so more. Broakieg
1 Sad from the room and through. the asligYeed
hall, into which the dim winter dawn was stemil
My life, 'shank God, has given amtno ateel&
eipermsee so terrible as that of the week •Sksik
f3ilowei_bir. Hailent's oonfession. 1-wetakiselt
live it again for a king's ransom. - • .. 1
Ihwus4 that week, I had him with MIL ay
'Liter's. wait .room for the greater . pOloi , e9 t
du, sad kir the whole of every 10114 tqi
he slept he only lay down, on a sofellitbi info , '
bed, and be searoely slept three hours oat of Ike':
twenty four. But yet, wake f ul as he us, Pria,
mon wakeful still. Fear gave me as nnostarat
strength. For seven days and 'tights IWC
ieilsy eyes for one entire hour. Wills
; readers, feverish, undefieed terror, , ergelm4
pm my. sister, driving sleep from me. .Jllm,
iiiallea seen came near her bed, ammr.lmgmi
rat her, never spoke to her, bet my toes 11111111.11111
bias. He knew, too, that I witched him, tonli,,.
paseeseed as I was of his secret, the fear hell&
wieters bad et toe became this week 11231ditalibilid \
B et .1 re j o ic e d is that fear saw. It pee me
stredgth. IP.'
This misery, I my, I endured for sevewthsym
At the end of that rites the tidings went ;Mow
me that my sinter was out of danger. . • ,i—
-, To me they were glven, not to Mr. name,
fdr out her ilium, by tarit.ooneent, all
eosin '
dons from the physieian who atisided
her bail heels made. to me. Mr. Hallam hell
seereely sou him. Yet to day it happesteLehist,
while Dr. Kite talked with me, be for a momeat
entered the — risoin in which we wee, - . • .....
Dr. Hasa bad - hisass to the doer,. sad bo.
perceived his estange sad west forward to his:
" Mr. Ballets," he said, eheetfeily, uweissito
good news for yon I think ire oiwzwall
oar patient out of danger."
Mr: - gains steed still. His eyes-glanced - yr
and &abed " Obt of danger--/wbor he Mid.
Prederiekr I said.
He looked at me, seemed startled, pressed Ids
hiiad upon his forehead. o ' •
" Ah, I forg4. I beg your pardon. I)at at
&nor -4 slier'. be said.
Thera wag a moment or two's straaga poem
Theo, with as effort, I Yarned Dr. Bane's etaw
ties beak , to am I trusted tbat while we spelt.
Mr. Ballast would leave as and be did. ,
' Dr. Hans took rp his bst—bis band !au it.
tended to me. Soddenly he bronettAis eyes vp
tomy_ We.
"Mr. Hallam is not well," 'he said abruiter
felt my odor lading over obeek and kat .
but I answered ealinly—" He does not odic
"Is be in good spirits?"
trenabled r<t that question with a sickening
dread;the horrible, terror of disoovpry that Ws-
Ostia Ily Ranted me. My eyes MI befofe
answered; .they could not hear the keen pas ,
confronted them. . •
"Be has not high synths "
Dr. line looked et mei' iherplr. He 'steed
still forsevertl moments, bet he spoke to mere.
Ifii land was seals extended.
" flood morning, Miss King "
He turfed from me; and I breathed apW.--v•
Abel, he was not Tot gone! He twitched the door'
then paused, hesitated, finally &the back; Otl'
again addressed me. -•--(
" Miss King," he began abruptly7—andli
color 'had come to my cheek before, it lefitt tit
as white as toarble—"l de not know if y$ illy,:.
pent— I half think - you do. I Pal, is asy ego * ,
that I ought #o speak. to yo /about what j
may be force 4 to hear soo;r. My dear young
lady, r am afraid it will sck be possible' ta, It
it concealed much longer., if, indeed, it is eo - ;:
ed now . lus vory Bch afraid' some,
must soon—" )/
Be 'far, as I st”d frozes, he spoke; hat his:
sentenee reache#wo teriutnation. L :
" aline!" suddenly shouted Mr. Hallam`,,
veil* from tile door--and I broke from Dr. Kam
I tried 40 rush straight upstairs, but lit, bow
ther stead in the hakand aught me•by the asem.i
He eaught and shook me, his foes whitey •*he
Wildest fury is his ere, ~
" Y4s-sen betraying me!" he kismet isle my
" Larocuot, so the* God!" - •
" if that, to a IEI.I
His foes vas gime to mite; be had
round toy aloonao A ory—a wet of
from ous, and in: another utosuutt , 71 4 1 reavele
figure woe inseam ow
"Mr. Honour • •
With a rutty start the. fingers voleesearsta
smog Mrs dab held said rushed nrotalmeid
bur sessile Ammer& the haWdoer was aped* ,
and closed, and I heard Dr. Male's earderritiatel
I mast bask mem* ma was able to vatafelma
ream, sod test beidirber medieturbed fotamemill•
boon • Happilylatyr tali efrad
meths' eigial--1 amid • Itipprele, l
bamr belayed: g themethisiti
Whme-Bli. (Wiwi' didlitiglkio. 24o 4
-It was pest•mhrilii; it‘edN'tiAlor :‘ ' '
thrinitti the Aroartharetts hoe ditittis .-; ~•
ear latairlit'tleirialiiiirollf trafele
the bath--The ieliiiriftitt ' r 4 : s !
ise4 it did nal wait; Ibutiteeditaatrliamellt,-fm
timasaLleauft, withiait the eciesei Dram*
.tbsel •up iiii•nay, upi-emps
z a.14,6061i thesesia mitilespinotti=
e#myeeiffirleoliedl dyad. • I mairMaGt•
sus Ii tbirtallicamimittiblehtfab
.et i m a bu i r i
silo bad admitted theta, but theparlerfirit
"ost 0001-ThileglJ94l4, tkiee gastle.
Ain afel 4amiol6/4"gligt 443 4 ,41 toltisest
Impalmcauasieschiefees.aliet doer, thisiimidt.
flawlmiliothav De: lb wadi* , ammedi ,
They °meted the room, tint.
1111 14. 40 ) P Olll . O . Artr..o4 , 464binvolog
4 .11 1 41 I* Wage
t AM'
„..apeab a . wait 0.-
, penal. A. moist
... 4. 1 1 •
grati7i .e•.tl