THE ERII.: oItsERVER. SENJ. V. "4 I. tPi • it•l4• r •LOAN t 311.00811, Publishers and lorsveastoss. SATURDAY, DEMOCRATIC NOM: NATIONS. FOB GOVIRNOA, HON. WILLIAM F. PACKER, OP LYCONI/10. 7011 CANAL OOMMISIONIA, NIMROD STRICKLAND, OF C RRRRRR . POI BUPIIIII2 JUDGIS s HON. JAMR3 THOMPSON, OP III!. HON. WILLIAM STRONG, OF 111111tO. News of the Week —We learn from the Philadelphia papers that at an early hour on Su day morning last, Mr. Gee. Heltabold, the first teller of the Western Balk, Philadelphia committed suicide at his re sidence in Washington street, above Tenth, by cutting his, throat. Mr. Helmbold had been coolnedtoithe home for a week by an affection of the ayes. On Saturday night a friend who visited Mr. H. found him in unusually good spirits. He said that thiseyes were nearly well and that if his physician would give his consent he would return to his duties at the bank on Monday morning Mr. Helmbold, who was un married, lived with his sister After be had retired to his room one of his sisters heard him walking the floor and she went to the door and asked him if he was ill. He replied that he was not, but that he was restless. At an early hour in the morning his sister again went to his room and receiving no response to her knock at the door she entered the room and found the unfor tunate gentleman lying upon the floor with his throat out It seems that Mr H , who had not been in bedduring the night bad stood up before a dressing glass and after deliberately inflicting the fatal wound he laid down upon a piece of oil cloth upon the floor where be was found s He was still alive when discovered, but be died in a few minutes. The deceased was forty-nine yeers of age. He had been engaged in the Western Bank for twenty-five years. During this timi he bad enjoyed the unlimited confidence and res . - peat of all who knew him During his boyhood he at one time gave evidence" of insanity, and was for a period placed . under restraint With in _a year he has been unusually nervous, and his impaired sight has, at times, caused him to appre hend that he would come to want There is no doubt that the sad act was prompted by insanity. —The Fredonia Censor relates a bold burg. lary and robb"ry which took plane in Hanover, Chautauqua county, on the ith Fuur men entered the dwelling hoise of a gentleman named Smith by bursting through an dater door which was bolted on the inside, the force used being sufficient to split off the door casings After entering the house they proceeded to a bed room in the front part of the house, in which Capt. Smith and his wife had formerly been in the habit of sleeping, but finding no one in that bed: roam they proceeded to another, in which Mr. and Mrs. Satith were; Mr. Smith being at the time asleep Go a lounge near the bed., , and Mrs. Smith being in the bed, having just awoke as the burglars entered the room. Two of the burg lars inumeraitaly snimail %Cr Amick Ayr hi. 11...... 'and oontmenced choking him—be misted, when they began pounding him with a bludgeon over the head until he was rendered insensible by the blows, and could make no farther resistance One of the burglars also seised Mrs. Smith by the throat, and pointing a cooked pistol at her, demanded she should inform him in what part of the house the money was kept Her husband being entirely insensible and literally covered with blood from the *rounds inflicted, .she gave theta the informatioa desired, when' they went to a desk in the - room and took out $l5O in tam • ey, and notes to the amount of about $6OO, and after getting what silver spoons they could find, left the house The burglars were disguised.— Mrs. Smith says they were small men. No ar rests have been made, and no clue has been ob tained as L the identity of the burglars. --The wounds inflicted upon Capt. Smith's head are very severe, but are not ensidered dangerous. The burglars left in the room an inch chisel and a club skint three feet long. —Mrs. David Parcel!, of Niles, Cayuga county, wifira wealthy and highly respected citizen, was killed under distressing circumstances on Tuesday of list week. She drove her horse and buggy to her father's house, a short distance from her own residence, and as she got to the door, while her parents and sisters ran out to, **looms her, the plank platform of the horse broke. The horse took fright and ran: and one of the wheels of the buggy coming in contract with a tree in front of the house, 'Mn.i Paroell was thrown out and 'killed. She leaves It hus band and three children. —A brutal murder was perpetrated in Roches ter, on Sunday. A man named William Taylor, an Irishman, killed his wife by beating her over the, head with a catil,ltt The American gives the following borriblifienident, occurring after his arrest. ‘.411e was subsequently taken to the home, and on seeing the murdered woman's teepee, he shed a few tears and exclaimed, "Oh my little duck!' He was furnished with some food at his own request; and made a hefty meal In the same room, sad not font feet distant from the *apse." —Mrs. Robert Schuyler, who during theLlifi of the Rail Road King, went by the name of Spicer, sad was not known at ill as Mrs. Schuy ler, until a short time 'before his death, is now , according to the Philadelphia Ledger, erecting • magnifiesatbasteUsted cottage at Saratoga, about half a mile from the Lake House, which has a *bagel near it that oomasanicates wlit the main building by as nadmirouad passage. The work pen seem to think that this is a very suspiciou s eirenntstaitee, and will have it that Robert is not deed, bat is to be brought toAhe new residuum, which is thee triaged_ for purposes of dodging. —A dispatch from Dubuque states that quite as eatitemeat was eroded in that place, the other morning, by the attempt of Mr. Mallen, Posenating Attorney, to shoot Dooley, Editor of the Efpress sad Herald, who refused to Nudge retract/as Of an offensive article published Sate. day. Man= fred twice, neither shot taking Amt. —Najo f tee, We United &star Omni at Basle, tiled of looks, in Weabingeon on Saar: day last. He bad-ben saaidentally woluadeil is the foot by a pistol in bis own bead. His raiaaisa won aonvoyed to Virginia. M. Ow mead. eel. A-Dm' Wrong. the Brie a.. start*. was le tows 144$ Brisk. lie report,. OW Brio sir . I Pr allrero MA Brie o.MllJpod for 4,000 ity Ist Wilmot! Ige. Watea's obeireeter 14..4~4 loos slabs boob eellibiloblo.l "Ireyoad Iseetioil,ra deolit."-Liforditeki Joitrord. AVIGICWIr 11%, Of course we have no disposition to east A shade upon our ootemporary's "character for Veracity" —but, it is "beyond tge question of a doubt," that the actual ;result is October will be fai short of the above estimate. Indeed, we are inclined to think, that the Republican 'majority in Erie county last Fall was muck larger than it will ever be again. The ;suit, then was in excellent trim—now it is not. It then bad enthusiasm upon the one band, and the hopes of the "five loaves and two fishes" upon the other, to give its devo tees strength to labor—now its enthusiasm is in its "scar and yellow leaf," while its hope of the spoils has "taken to itself wings and flew away " These things are evident throughout the entire country, and there is Certainly no reason why the Republican party of Erie county should be e: empt from its due share of the depression which they unquestionably exert over pasty sucaes4 We do not speak at random, or without cause, in saying this, as a brief review of Republican prospects throughout the country will demon.- striae. First let us look alassachtusetta--the very focus of sham Republicani4m. There Sum. ner lives, and shakes his gory locks—there Banks is nominated, and flutters his banner of "let the Union .tide ;"—and there, too, all the isms that go to make up the pie-bald opposition to the Democracy, under whatever name or form, have no difficulty in finding ready believers. But even there—upon a soil thus congenial—we find that the Republican party dare not go before the people single - handed—they, therefore, gat up a mock "American" convention to nominate BANKS as an American first, (though the real Americans had nothing to do with ii,) and then tbey followed in the wake of the pretended American convention and nominated BANKS as a "republican " This provcs they are not con fident of the,- atreugth ac "republteaus“ to that State" though tt..y bad an overwhelming wsj tr ity last fall Then bow is it in our itwa •tale David Wilmot dare not come before the people simply as a Republican, but seeks, though thy• shallow pretence of a "union" ticket, 3 nil a let ter oL"soft sa*der" to the Americau,, to realise his Abitioui hopes of being Governor lie will be disappointed Pennsylvania has uotx.•t been abolitiooised, and more thau that, it uever eau be. As that excellent paper, 712, I