Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, August 15, 1857, Image 2

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UENJ. F. st.OA?4, Edlt•t•
SLOAN & ICOORE, Publiahers sad Itivicoriatave.
1011 CANAL 00,1111.18IONSA,
ma SUPREME 3.1.013141,
OF 611111.
News of the Week.
—The Piqua, 0. Reptster says that rumors of a case of
eeduetion and murder, of the most unmitigated character,
Wore bees rife on the streets of that town fora few daye
The whole facts as the Register gathered them are these.
• Mr. Bobbins, livingneer Patrick's station, Shelby
ooaaty, had I. the employ of his family a youig girl by
the name of Anne Hawley, whom be had *educed. In
fir to bide his own infamy be procured Some medicine,
Worming her that it would procure Immediate abortion,
hard then sent her to Marion is that State, with instructions
to take two dos., on arriving at her destination; she, took
arse and becoming alarmed hed a Phislotan called in who
Informed her that the tnedicike she took was poison, and
lie would shortly die. Being mode sensible of this
she declared herself the •lettut of seduction and gave
• 10,00100 t moment, of the matter, and the name of her
seducer. She died about thirty minatesXdor the arrit al
of the Physicitio.. An °Moor was dispatched for Roobios
and be Is now in jail at Marion.
—The Rochester papers give particulars of a shocking
affair, which lately occurred to Clarion, Yew Tort. The
editir happened on the 4th inst. A Mrs. Marshall, u'ho
bate been for some time deranged, being left alone
,with her eight children, deliberately attempted to
mord.; them by pouring hot water into their ears. One
tea bis'Y eerie years'otd, who, after the attempt was made
upon his life, made almost siperlinmen efforts to escape,
sad wall fortunately sneceesful, nu from his,tnother, broke
open the door of the room where be was confined, and
made good his escape. The youngest, an infant about
three months old, which could make no defence, and when
taken sp by its fethertt appeared to be dead, but it was
disioenrered to exhibit some sigas of resocery is
hardest. We did Dot hem the ages or rex of the other
obildrea, bat saderstansi there were thrre / whose lives
wire attempted by the mother. After his 'bootleg
sithempt to murder her staring, Mrs!..bC went to a chum.
breed hang berielf. When foetid, she was optima,
—The Providence Poet, of July 27th, save: Among the
deethspeported at the City Register's office yesterday, was
that of Charles, ego& shoat fire months, father sad mother
=known. This little cherub waif was, In the earliest part
al his exist/ono*, ;duet in the charge of a woman residing
rear of Atwiell's Arionue, with money to purchase the
care that perhaps the pelvises shame denied, but no name
was give* bet Charley. When Paradise reclaimed its
hoagie from the world that bad so coldly greeted his
ooralitg, the money for his burial was sent form the same
mysterious source, and Charley sleeps In *nameless gram.
Perhaps some one who reads this brief notice will feel a
regretful pang, if not the mon bitter upbraidler of re
morse, when the ; reflection comes home to the soul, who
mourns for Charley?
—The St. Loud* Republican says A young lady,
posoosood ethereal', accomplishments, and hiving St i i,ooo
in hard cash r jeposite at . St. Louis, started recently on
a trip to New York, in company with her aunt. Ste took
*sap on the Tennant,* Sell fr.en Keokuk to Cincinnati.
Oa the Rape Wet was a young man who had plenty of
isearytiting but money; he had importuned her at home,
and kept up his ardent courtship on board the boat. The
lady, however, was bard-hearted, and refused him the
lout hope. The'boat stopped awhile at Carrolton, Ken
tueky, and the lady sadttermuat ootithaded to taken stroll
ea ahem. As shi wag gotng down the gangway plank. it
tided, and the lady fell tato the water: she was drawn by
tie Mutant under the wharf boat. the suitor Damped in,
went under the boat after her, succeeded in catching her,
--Alnally rescued her. In two boars she wee perfectly
tar her deliverer, and a eterlsta
be ton and - othors. This Houghton is a
aotorknits Mend of " civilization" and "Diggers." Hs is
a oars merchant by profession,,but philanthropy i, his
trade. Thar* Is scarcely a subjoet on which be has not
writtan linters to the newspapers. He is exhoustless in
his potato: efforts to do good for humanity—for tits sloven
of the !Southern States, for instance; but when the famine
was in Ireland, this good soal Hanghton stored his corn,
kept up the price, dotty speschilled on the necessities of
the drags, and by night had to throw his corn, which had
pews musty, into the Liffey. Such is dwells( welcomer
of Heal Dow to Dublin.
eotemporaty makes known Ore following fact",
which will prove useful to many at this season of the year•
Poo pound of green copperas, costing seven cents,
la no. quart of water, and poured down a privy, will
effectually concentrate and destroy the foulest smells.—
For water-elooets, aboard ships and steamboats, about
hotels and other public Vaines, there is nothing so nice to
she..,. pianos as simple green coppers.' dissolved under
. the bed is anything that will hold water, and dins Fonder
• hospital, or other places for the rick, free from napless.
tit eamila Pot bomber"' nails, Ash-markets, slaughter
hosees, sinks, or wherever there are offensive, putrid gases,
dissolve copperas, and sprinkle it about, and in a few days
tie Meet! will pass away. It a cat, rat, or moose diet
Mont the house and mods forth an offensive gas, place it
when the nuisance is, and it will soon purify the atmos
—An official oorroopoodooco bedew Lori Clow( neon
and Lord Napier, founded upon despatches from the Brit
t& oosurat at St. Vincent, Clip* d• Verdi, goes to shoe'
that the schooner N. Band which left New York is July,
MG, with provirdoes for ) the stoning people of those
made her ben•rolent mission a cover for engag
ing In the tiers-trade. After lauding bet carps at St.
insiernt, het oaptain stilted that lb/ swim! was bound to
she Woad of St. Jago, 'sad thous* to am West Indies, she
was, koiravor, boarded off the Congo; in August, bywi
Britiat ereiser, thou !Mu sr, under eirancastanosa that ST
dad asaptaissa. but, toting been allowed to depart, It is
Waged ski took on bawl 200 slaves from Cobaca do Cobra,
with white she sar.al4o..
ladtanapoihs Ssarisost rotates Ibis case of bight/o
ft So death. "Mr. .Rohn Jaassray, no Bot.taismats, sad
• vary ropabsbla sitiasna, employed as suWor at Slurs'
Ilasseng sal. about 11 miloo senahweet of the illy, moo to
, kWh ate day last week very siagulatig. Mr .. . Jugos
lav was satering the oitg is a totiggit, when, sttka. srosS•
bog of the osethwest diagonal and the Tern Rants Rail
read, his hone took fright at lototenotirs, yak backing,
urbatied the vehicle around id the diree . tion of tles trade,
kieemostive, running slow, -was iastantly twos& to •
opted-atilL hat Mr: Janowey, ender the tirribis ides that
he' was shoat to be imbed by it, died—frightened is
—A queer Hoy{ it la eignolationin Michigan. The
obey goo that • iteeheol Omar ti oonisod, to the Suter'
hinge for tteatbV• child 14 that it died. • Reg lompriact
moat paditioasi, aid she is to be Meowed whenever
may you( teas will sail , Stan oat. Rer father beesi
risk has oared $211,500 the heroic he who will thus
meow this detnastoi . On the strength of this ro
lolutlo stag, lose ferty young gentlented Wive applied,
either by letter et is penes, at the &stem Prison., to as
sets* the reepeasillift d neubasay and $20,500.
—We are polaeCto bear, says the Nashville Vedas of
Testalleg, of the iodides death, by disease of the bears, of
the Mon. Sophia@ L. Tursoey.• He had _batted to welt
Mtn kis saes, is Wittettestior, to his reddens, err ties
lows, sod died before resetting it Mr. Teruq had beep
• reshot If both Braes of the State Leurieleturs, le was
usany years a resmiessitatbe to Oeuvres, tad far as. tan
oropoli the awe is the Slatted States Basta
serat-aaseal Wend oa the State debt, due as
the lee ism. "bra bees proatptly set toy the Buts ?mazer-
Us has bees thus walled to eased* the sorban of the
Cleasetesweellit by the dilterreeassaty Treepurers respond
hog Prowrikf W his Plia*thifir 1%40 tiMat
Were the Ist last.
NM* lbw, int, eft of WI tats Mrs. !Coot, ese
..“4.a►s ems" Elm Massif dead with w . pletol is
cisolia d at, es sb. ad la 4 Ho was jsailst so, NO fon •
'"aarsetaltted love."
B; Aitor, s6ra 4 . 1 I• 44000 & 414 17,
sad of w►om a Mead said b. woodd aako :away by
board* lia at US • Top*, loft Now York oa
amy with kio dormer, V awl Nowa" Ads, for Um'.
AQv miortars poll "ix r % illus. .:..t it %vk Ludirtillitot A ' 13 .101t: r•-t,t.
There Is a questitdrilature the tea payer' of *OP 'hit. I ilicad, a r „,, ,,i ,4 its „1,,,,,,..,, ~
which shoed(' not be isellf f—
eight oand whiff', as it ic•iow '' t ~,,ra O niiis a 14tblut 41 die 7 'the pgill anticcdimi•
at.)ut time fur the various political parties, in the state to land present ;alit* a W 4467, ihi Itt`ptilahin caudidai ,. .
Make their nominations fur the Legislature, it would list for iierl lour ofihintaie. * i et taking ,dttie peel trca , d• -
well to call their attention to. We allude to the tonage tax on .•n of this penitential demagogue, that paper says "it re•i.
the Pennsylvania Central railroad. The Cambershurg with the Democracy of toe Rey Stone State to determin e
Spirit, printedin &county which, like our own, has received' Whetter he 'bait tenelltrett by bts ireinstery or nat."—
few benefits from the rystem of pubhe with', to pay for I hi- i• mi. it ti,.e,.. r, -t with the Itertiocracy of the Key
which the state is now saddled with debt, reflects our view. ..1 or, and w. are happy 1. to wit(:st they are fully aware
exactly, and at the same time states what is patent to the . of the responsibility, and will .is ready to give a report in
observation of every body, when it says that this tcnoage U i ,i'n.r tLut will decTrify 1.,,te6 whole Union. They under
tax is now "in important item of income to the State; and 'trod WiltuoCs tactice,/have understood ?Iva foryerl.
is yearly' becoming, more important. It has swelled They ran see with th Cuiiia that the Kansas breeze bas
tepidly, and it will eiontinue to swell if not foolishly re- I died away—that, e wisdom Mid Kudence of their own
llnouteheti. Probably In ire year, and certainly in ten, honored eon in e Preedeential chair has restored peace .
It will amount to half a mil'ion dollars per annum. The i i and tranqu •y to that distracted' territory: and that, al-
Company are extremely anxious to get rid of it, as well l i though e agitators at the wonderful city of Lawrence
they may be for it is,a heavy charge upon their treasury, i war or4aslonatly make a opannodie'effort to create aeotb
although it does not prevent them frutn dividing eight per I, er ever, Pr the purpose of helping such demagogues as
cent. of profits on their stock, or two per cent Inure than ilmot, or Pa., and/Banks, of Mitss.,)ei the .sober second
the established rate of interest. The fear is general, a thought of the people." is about to eonsigs this whole
doubtless well founded, that the Pennsylvania Its cad IKansas humbug to a dishonored grave, in the person of
Company will 'unitedly besiege the Legislature twit / repeal Wilmot•
of the tonnage tax. They can pay filly or,- hundred 1 The following concluding paragraph of the tillh* N . a arti
thousand dollars every year to be relieved the tax, and elm, showing as it does IC ilmot'slaet attempt to "crawl tiro'
still make a heavy amount by the open , i.,n There are slime to office," is so apropo that we give it entire --
very few who believe that fifty thou n dollars would not I "Amalgamation between the republicans and knew.
p u t a l most an y measure t h rough . Pennsylvania L egi , i ",things in Massachusetts had g iven Mr. Banks hopes of
.UCCelf. In this dilemma , Mr. Wilmot referred to an old
lature. Our opponents in that / bodly habitually vote to I letter from a know Dotting committee, which, from pen
favor corporations, and tlyir seductive arguments of ex. ). dential motives, he bad for more than two months delayed
pertenced 'borer& saldanyfail to convince a few Democrats 4 to h answ i e d r-
a W ke he n n s P , Te r P s a r
w t i i s c h e h wo w u r l i d tar d * . a ri n v iter m ed ex th a l i t i
—precienly enough.tiaarry the point—that they ought to
ho ' pes of receiving cee the e know nothink vote! Bat they had
vote with the opp6iition. The retention of the tonnage not duly estimated the effect of inkopient despair or his
LAX is of the irrehost Importance to the people Of Peon. avidity for office. Knowing that there was !mother means
sylvania. lilac tax alone would pay all.our Oldie debt, b a y efe w a h t i : b h u t a h t e i v u e
twceso.e.vnet°, to
crawl t r possibilityo.g h
clime, ore:citatroinnt
not including interest, in fifty years' Beefy county in the hand upon the black republicat treed and the other upon
State ought to sustain it. and above all, it should be to.aght I the mummeries, obligstioes, sad oaths t ot know-nothing
fur to the last extremity by Erie and the adjoining counties, an a h n a d, in wi k th eye b s li inte r n o t fe ly ssi ga ini si o n f g a l c ir ere n
m a:
t ree , executive
which have been heardy taxed on account of our public i 2:- '
1 whic h 1* and e h% " polt e titil friends fn Penstrylvania have at
AUGUST 13. 0437
tuiprovements, from which we have derived little or no
advantage That the Democracy of the state a. IL body
are revoked to held the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
to the:terms of the bargain under which they obtained
their charter,..caanot h.' questioned by any one st all ac.
quainted with i their vtewe Their tnavir, we are sure, are
made up on that score. - Now, as the Republicans at Erie
county ate in a large tn4grity, rn I can send whoever
they choose to the legilatnreL , aand as there is no local ad
vantage to be gained by reutoiing this tonag tax, but on
the eokttntry, every tax payer of 'the ronnty is directly in
terested in having it retained—may we not hope 1., cLe
them select men to represent us in \be legi.lature wbo
will pledge themselves to co-operate with the Dem iersey
upon this question"' Let us have en excreter the of
The (inserts thinks that Rollins, the Atneriitau cand..lats
fir Governor, is elected in Missouri, and say.
this news be c.infirinad be the aotual rJsuli, it elli cheer
the hearts of the friend* of .ue,n.i.ii are,
country. Rotsskg avowed himself on toe stow,' to t
of gradual Emancipation to Missouri." We west MiT
llRlghbUr is a " little previous" to ft an
emancipationist." The /alai/tracer, hi, organ in St
Israeli, repeatedly charged Cul. Stewart, the Dora ,eratle
candidate, with being in '' league with the Bost .n
tionisis"—a ebarge it would net IA Ity e it its
own candidate had •• avowed himself , r the stump in
favor of gradual emancipation." But we have better evi
donde even than the position-of the faretiiveacer to mate
us doubt the claim set up by the Goss i p— ee have Rollins
himself upon the frump, and Rollins as a Slaveholder—
fo" It is a notorious fact that he is a Slaveholder, while
Stewart, whom the Gazette would fain make us believe was
oppiasing him bedews ot him "emancipation" views,
ss,sr Our owner of • single "human chattle " Thi• in itself
is pretty strong evidence that Rollins due" not entertain
any very earnest desire fur immediate emancipation. But
that the real truth may appear, that " etwancipsition" was
not a glaciation in the campaign to the extent the Gazette
believes, though Rollins may had been voted fur by
people professing thou views, and to show that ha really was
not the represe ntative of such• policy, we matte the fullow•
isg *strut from one of his speeches
"These are my opinions, my friends. I hi( • them
from nu one. I do not wish to war with a man however.
because he differs with me upon the subject. I d. 'Of irieh
to war iota a sum &Reneee fie en ionaiseifpatiouisr. Trost
the better and the wisest policy. My opinion is. that,
in consequence* of the agitation that such a questlou will
awaken in the State, and in consequenee of the fact that
the disproportion between the white and black races is be
coming grisater and orate; and of the fact that in course
of time--in ten, twenty, orfilry years, most probably,—it
will become the interest of the sierebolder himself to stay
the current of slave 'population in the State of Missouri,
that it in batter to do without this institution, I say that
to consequence of all these laws, and considerations and
causes now oprralicig, it nonld be best to let the question.
arissutscierit a (be state. It is true that be also pro
claimed himself 1g emigration from all
quarters of thee in the course of events,
it should apps r 'ger the iisitrerir of the
people of Minton slave State, he war in
favor of " lettine will be teen, that he
amply favors the i question to the deter
mination of time, and of permitting future create to decide
a matter which he thinks al present had " best be let
alone." That this (says the Pittsburgh eeiiss) is an
drance upon the earlier state off i things in that State, is
true, and it is inch an one u mon prove most gratifying
to every northern man. But more than that, it is only
orb as ,was contemplated by the framers of per national
Constitution, and what we had a right to expect, had it
not been for the pernicious regults of the abolition and
sieve-stealing crusmiengainst the Southern people, which
harvulutinated in a northern, sectional or abolition, Re
publican, party. Rad it dot been for the baneful teal of a
misguided antfffenatiral anti •laveryseentiment, we would
not at this late day have been celled upon to rejoice at
snob manifestationsos this in Misaouri, but Cu would have
doubtless been portnittesi to beholds gradual emancipation
going on is several of the Southern States Northern
abolitionists have no reason to exult over this work au the
South, for it haegrown up sod strengthened, notwn ti•trad •
tug, and is confliot with their eff airt•, rather than as their
result. Thu wholesome public sentiment has had treble
work to perform, and has bad thousands of difficulties
oast in its way by the conduct of the very persons who
should have 'ought to aid and advance at. - We rejoice
that at bar not been altogether erusihed hut by the faratt
corn of this sectional pohtleal organisation. but that it wail
Housish despite ate eatateoce and iu proclaimed purpoies.
Any effort to place the Democracy, as a party, an antago
nitm with this sentiment, u u absurd aa tt u baseleu.
The emus* of the Democratic party on this subject btu
ever been past such se that proclaitned by Air. Rollins—to
allow time to maktithe tleceston,.atid by submitting it cu•
timely to the will of !tote who are 010.1 vitally interested
in its determination, to reach the preen in the aols
era* way, and the only one in perfect consonance with
the tune honored policy and practice of (Le party. All
this is to well known at this (lay, that any effort to create
a different impression will only exalts contempt, and alti.
mita,. recoil spun those who have the tohodectly to
attempt it.
OHIO NOMLNA TIONS.—Tho Demooreatc State Con.
•ention. whist Mot it Columbus laic week, noinioatell
/lon. 11. D, PArNi, of Cieveimaii, on the Ars' hal/A_ His
principle competitor wits Judge Rooney. Of the tomitiee,
the Cincinnati Enquirer says:he Lai for =way years enjoy
ed a high position among the able sod popular used in the
State. His political fidelity is unquestionable, and to
private character is pure and spotless. He is emphatically
• new man, in a polttioel sense, having never before been
• mudidste tors Rite ofroe, or been known 'ay s seeker
after patronage or plate. He has &ea Mayor of Cleveland,
and has had other high local honors bestowed upon him by
Age neighbors, although a majority are opposed to him in
politics. He is a fine and elotenent 'pea:ter, Is n. tlin I rime
of hre, and is just the man, In every respect, to hoer the
Deniceratie etandard in triimph through the Suns at the
milt 'lactic's. He will receive an immense vote on the
Western Baserva, and will but Satan P. Oases badl7
la the isetatert, IS the Dintaisereiey wilt only 00148 up to the
work with that spttad rigor vibioh are in aiseorriaom
with the present as. ti sacral Lytie, of Cno inost , ,
win Pet is the field Set Liantausat•Governor. Judge
Rsutaa, of latrield, fee the Supreme Swim lie a jail.
Moue sad popular nomination. The candidate far Tree
war, Mr. Mows, of Monroe, is a now man. The Sects.
teq of State ItatNitaairt, is t. milicrof the thrums
Dastaucratio paper at Cottumbos, d has done good service
to the cause is past. contests.
' „11Gr Two et President P rcie • Cabinet ollioers—Messrs.
Mares and Dobbin--hare • "ea within silt Motto orbits
retireisent; his Postmaster General has also lost his wife;
sad General bask, of Texan who Wile 10/vied President
pre airport of the Beast*, at the close of his term, 4 also
among the dud. Rarely do we Ind sh large an amoost
of mortiditils so short time in political family,
ledio It le_stalad that no N. T. arrield is genii to stars
• sew weekly, easiarnitly for fowl, reading, sad the
sotatents of Ow &Ist member wili ratline* doe Plasgow
poison an, Mrs. Coaahathaat's shad seroacluartat i
the Neweratak warder of a iambi*/ Palatable food for
the family entre table that.
all times betetelore professed to repudiate and spurn witb
disgust. He answers every unit of the qoestdeas proposed
plumply In the affirmative, and, if 'course, adopts acid sp•
proves of the midnight-lodge contrivances fur seeming
surionss, from the will plesiging blind obedience to lead
er.", which an honest freeman would detest and scorn to
!Oka, to the "plug ugly" dsmonstrationi of violence, blood
shed and murder. He enneents I... Amorally to degrade and
treat as au enemy even the guod, beciatise they may have
been burr/ on the north instead ethe south side of a Finer
or imaginary line. Although the c'i.inetttutlon and allpour
i p stittaie sm state a nd De t inn al , toieraba.all religious aerie
and creeds, he consents to wage a seryiie-war upon ima
woose (maim and errors remained undiseovereb , ky hint for
near hada century, and are now. first ilevelopbd to his
affrighted •istun by the polittealneoessilles under 'kelileh
Ms is writhing in agony of a deesaitid defeat. The eilnetity,
with whOh be virtually o•ictiew , his termer professions
and hyper-clumsily adopts a ...cis. tenth must disgust those
whose support be Courts with such ?emir and skeet mean.
DOSS. They know that be only wants their voles. and if
there are candid men among them, titer must dispise
craven spirit Andrei:recent.> object•. What will his black
reptiblican.froodi lay? Are they Po humid as willingly to
follow him into an enemy's camp. and to bold kits repssbil
can nap and cloak while, sin his betided knees, - be prays
fur know nothing votes? ' Are thiy prepared to iarribee
their political professions and join/film to a erosade against
those deemed to bare been born la the wrong place, or
worship God erroneously, to enable biro to gratify an am.
tati9n that neat er Ws nor their past political' creeds could
secure to Lim? Will therhonsent to engraknightebade
or benison, upon their boasted tree of dim to tocsins
ins I, unworthy amb,tfon a higher *eat' In a word, are
they ,inceke it their prufessims 7 II so, they cannot eon.
Pent to, SialOigt flAft who has no special claims upon them,
isaderhoSias slsdZenly ea as to ioftagtheireaetaies for his
~war purposes—apessioe wiseve merits for lung years neither
he not they dusecriered. This last step of Mr. Wilmot, it
properlfuedersti4 sod appreciated by the people, will
so sink biro In the emtinsition of all parties as to sees»
the delpoeilicy ao user, betsoliNg triumph."
While the general restiin Kentu:ky -dein •ostrating
at it it. • It last ie th Jroughly r),tl3 , .critle -
it Vne t rejoice of, nn the le, gratify k Fig incident
coon lied S-I , ro Attu tho ma ..!f Jam .•• Tley
C .ogres" froui the Ashland Districi lie was, of enure,
thc •lcal csndolate, to which party be has firmly
attached himself ft was his illustrious fattier who do
clared that when the Whig party should become a ecru
tempt,iiic ith3r.tion party, he would leave It, raid join that
pirty which should be devoted to the Union and the eon
stitutl kir. CIO has acted as Ilia father woulnd . have
dune When the wing Party teesituo • • imotemptible'abo
lition party, be left it. and time be has pined himself re
that party which Mope is diseased to the Union needs no
to be asserted. 1.1 e: has segued his election against an
opposition litres seat was desperate—an opposition such
as only know nothing de•poratii•ti ran 'wage, stopping at
the employment of *no meant proruirdig injury to the ob
ject of its hate. The abuse of him has been moat
vile -so vile that it hes doubtless aided rather Man igtur•
id him, exeiting the sympathies of Lb* old neighbor, of
his fattier among whiten be was born. It is raid of hum
that there was never a man who came before the people
••• "K.. • ...r••••••. Allll* Wail
be has lees of the clatuagoee than any man who /MI er
won a victory before the people of Kentucky agains a
strong adversary. Indeed, Mr. 01 ) portiere., a blunt,
direct, honest, straightforward manner, which is rather
calculated, at first, to repel than incite conAdence and
kindness. Ile has none of the arts of wheedling, hum.
bugging and deluding. In Lee, be is no politician. but
a. out. sturdy, independent, high•toinded Kentucky
gentleman, who sustain' what he believes to be right and
just, and wouldn't flatter Neptune for his trident."
TO BE VITIATED.-1t has become so much the
fashion for pulpit politicians to insist upon the propriety
of eau vertiag the Temple of Clod into a ward meeting boom
and devoting the Sabbath to tap room essays on the
science of government, that it is quite refreshing in them
times to find a clerical orator who entertains the good old
fashioned sentiment of our Saviour on this subject_ Bish
op Kip, wit) ' , poke at the late Protestant Episcopal Con
vention at , hacrameuto, is, bower, one of these rare excep
tions. Alluding to the political contest in California, and
its excitilig effect upon the general mind, he said•
"From all these excitements our choreic stood aloof- Its
inigtere contented themselves with dieing their Master's
work, and inculcating the truth that their duty was to
Preach the thispeit that "thereunto were they calked;' not
to carr y tutu God's house the engrossing topics of this
world, but rather on the day of holy rest to remind their
hearers that all these things must pass away, while for as
eternity is waiting. Un no one act of any of your number
has the gainsayer been able to fasten, to throw discredit
on your holy calling. When urged to take part in these
irsciting topics, as all of you at times have been, your
voodoo' has shown the tame spirit which actuated Nehe
miah, when his answer was, 'I am doing a great work, so
that I cannot come down.'"
We wiPb every ether church had as good reason topside
itself upon Its vtrictly Cbristain deportment under such
"STATE POLITICS."—The Press annonites that tie's.
IV. F. PACKZa, the Democruie candidate for Governor,
will thottly addreFs people et various points. lie will
appear before them under the most auspicious mount.
stencre. fin every scene Do will be impregnable. Begin.
Ding with the federal administration, ho can point friend
and foo to the general welcome that awaited its induction
and has accompanied its calm and constitutional progress.
On the Kansas question he is armed with the weapons of
truth. soil with the results of experience. On State poli
cy, he can polnt to the banishment of • worthless paper
eurrency as a triumph' of Dertmeratie statitantannbip. On
the 'Torii,' question. l'e can refer to tb, settled sad weari
ful experiment of impartial and mend iiiiiiiatieti.—
Himself at all times, the champion of dorsi and e a ligitt
coed . system of public improvements, • auk louse ever,
friend of the great lines of railroad to • standard. Tbess
Sr. the sabstsodais of the feast he will spread before big
hearers. Tilers will be none of the pereidap• 91 • mere
rantt, nn his ***Area sou, of the nail, of, aa upload
for public favor who has nothing to risf4l to bat peouitnin a
melding to offer but professions. Ws felicitate triennia
Pause 444 the soar trigunidtWOro hint.
n New Tort Watt sweet Broker, a loaetaliti
jonruel. iettived be Mr. par., sootutos a enicmonleatios
fres the spirit of thillite liairtet, through Mot. Porter, a
mediate, it. which-be ma" the cols recastly tuned. is
Watt street is a esweeseopy ofshore with widish be waft
bribe(L team , hay on teeth wutild be entitled to resolve
noaesnantiontioa tree Asko. It cietainly is a Well &nese
Broke.; eel hence,, ertth thrift Wt a* view, sod a tendfssn
so well acquainted w}th the fitets4we do sot see that there
is further room to doubt the genSthentais of the copy se.
(erred to. Judas states be betrigia bit Minor for fb
stoney tepees.. be was poor and needed ii, further the# be
received it from the high priest spout eleven evictd It
evening; that be was born , in Jerisalow, 1852 years ego;
Sheba tired lee yaws after the *Tacit:ion, and was then
cloaked epos a ehao:. *
jig' The Leglnsturet of Tensemee, Virginia, Takes,
Kentucky sad Alabama are to else" Bolted Steles Bsnaiont
at , their next teillifrel.. Tossoesee has to oboe*, tap.—
Renter sod Win are prom/peat esedldasos In Virgin/h.—
: x-Dovoreor Penult, ex-oecretary Chino* 808. Goo., W.
Jelseos, Boa. Wm. Prestos end Bon. Jobe W. elevenses
ate bpoken of is Kentucky by the Democratic eat.
liethannexh. the Texan easier, will probably he non.
Reek'. cutuemor from Texas.
.141, TLe sew. has been leading Its readers to believe
that Fox:ober. Democracy were di organised by Oar.
reit over Gov. Ir.' ■ and his Kathie pone,. Rossetti
,kesto ni , buster's., shear that homer IVA they May
differ as to the ss --.— ursifwerrying oat inesaarls, they are
always a anit in opposing a ammo* toe.
ovvi4 h.
Oar B
nngbte. The trot horror of bloodstains has worn of
Irvin l i pd we see only a bad, woman entangling
herself every day more deeply in the meshes by which
unlit U ewer sneireled. Counterfeiting balking', is not an
entirely new dodge, but this last master stroke of Mrs.
Cunningham is hideously novel. Everybody has revived
all the old Internet in No. 31 Bood Meek and the *pet".
ties of Pollee Commindonens, and a the other tai/es wiib►
have occupied our attention, are hustled into the back.
gravid. Apewpssm of Me fletittose baby silmtr—yee, of
tba"rwret disMiete 4 cultackt 1411 7 ltPid.cislA the 12 "."
excitement which it has "kicked up." Never did mortal
baby, in this repuistican country, suite so mach in
a* this sweet.iittie blue-eyed stranger, which Mrs. Bar
den Cunningham, amid her efiCellieber -iambs, persisted
in calling "ber dear innocent baby." Nero did Alms
Rouse progeny before evoke so mach interest from "all
the world and the rest of mankind." Belles and beauties,
, Sspper.tendosa. and lower-tendons, up-town and down
town—Editors and Lawyers, Priests and laymen—all, are
le a fever to see, kiss and fondle it. Verily, it is a "child
destiny." But while this is going—tits metaphisleisnas
sod moralists ere busy discussing the propriety of the
source of the District Attorney and Dr. Did, who so clever.
ly laid,fhe trap Into which the "Witch of gador" of 31
Bond Street, so nicely fell. For our part, we conies. oar
morals perceptions are altogether too obtuse to see where
in either committed an error—and hence we cannot agree
with those who denounce drat course as 'undignified and
unjostiffahle, - -Win cannot perceive the dishonor In it, al
luded to by those who always sympathise with a culprit,
when his or her criminality is startling in degree or ro
mantic in citaritteisr. On the contrary, we etiatiolre Dut
trirt Auorney Sill entitled to the thanks of the eorommti
ty, and a respectable physician, like Dr. Uhl, worthy of a
pablie testimonial of gratitude for haring the moral coat•
ago to set aside the rigid ales of kis prefeaskm, to east
away all eonsidweatioas of person:id opprobiews, mid lend
hie high, his scientilkir scam's, his time . and ifs
popery:tut= aid the law's representatives in their
labor to probe to the bottom this new mystery.
The city is now empty of eitisens end lull of strangers,
southern sod Western merchants crowd the hotels and
theatres. A few amusements are kept up for their benefit,
the thief of which is the series of promenade eoncerte
cbutmeueed Abe Academy of Mask by Mr. Stuart, the
lesser of Willaek's Theatre. Timm are oondsotted on
monster scale, and beat Zelvien hoUow. Business is get
tkog brisk. Cotton is up and cottons are down. The
senlskroay be remarked of all raw material and mai:Sufic
tired falickes. This state of things results from exeessive
tnanufeetarnd importation. Sage newspapers advise
toc mills to sto‘.o : uning or diminish prodretion, when
toy hostiles+ man iihows that half the manufacturers its
the country are neck deep in debt to the COMailliol2 mer
,haists ohs seiltetreir goods, and are obliged to keep mak.
tog and sending on goods, even at heavy lou, in order to
vtaio their credit mid •void failure. Reports from pri sources speak toogt ocierierningly of the condition of
II tfir slo,thein cropi, with the exception of oorn, whioh
lan. tvitdly tamed the caner yet. liemp, sagas, *hest,
in the South sod southwest, to said to be In splendid
~, tviit %on
ft is not often otie sees, erea in tbU moral pest house, •
refuter female "Jeremy Diddler," and hence, when one is
) 1 t
b roug ht ap before'the oistreed lows, you veracious oor.
reepeedkett tPlbilimultio "maws a tote" of Sheik being
the ease , then, let as premed to my that attar morn-
ine. there was brought to the Ninth Ward tien house a
fra , l, but fair daughter of mother MVO, ithilied with prac
ticing upon the beuevoleut people of that dietiieta series of
impositions by which each and every one of her victims
were made to "bleed" to a tale of woe to the lane of $5 or
S 10. She was, tooth to say, very winning in her manners,
an that romantic age of lotooteltwo, to whielt erste
par strings, it is supposed, open most mail Her name
is said to be Fanny West, alias Wee, alias blazon. alias
something else—perhape Smith' One of her brat calls was
some days since, on Mr. Christian, of No. 22 Bank street,
to whom she told a pitiful tale of the sufferings of her sig.
ter, who was ill, in want, and threatened with ejeetment
by her heartless landlord. Her story was told with such•
candor sad feeling that Mr. C. believed it, and gave her
.fivii dollars. She afterwards called on sorstal. residents
atilt obtained sums of fire and ten dollars ender similar
repettpeatatione. but by rushing the busineas too extensive
ly, she was detected sod caught. She was committed —s
sad romance sad female rascality.
Year c o 4ii il\
pendent doom not often indulge in theatri
eels, yet be e
ld not resist the temptation the other night
to visit Burton'sNyor the purpose of seeing what progress
"darting littlite. Mitettell" bad made in the, historic
artsloe. tier ap &mica before a Sew York abadienee,
~,,....\.., t .g. .... ponce. reins,
I jewel of a lass, born in Saw York, and brought upoo the
'boards" at a very early age by tier mother, after vainly
endeavoring to prevezt her atioptiog the uncertain and
and dangerous profe.•t9o of an ,letre •. as before re
marked, it is now some fire years +ince she ant appeared
Isere, and the interveniag time has beign 'pent in the South
and West, where her nieces" has been 'sat..-fully Jana
tying the opinion formed when ebe lest
that she would become the cleverest comma
f t+ge• On the *maim% of her ',waren
ereeleg ehe emetataod the fevoratdi
*floated years ago, and was welcomed bac
a fail and discriminating audience. As
what else wee capable, when else wag put to the test, stile \
appeared ist the four dsreniArd characters of Mathilda,
ilemri St, Alma and the Arab boy, in the exciting drum*
of the French Spy, and as Katy O'Shisi in the Wee of that
name. Her rendition of the different characters in the
Preach Spy wore at ore. spiraling, thrilling and natural
and at times we observed a dash of originality that proved
her an &mate, droidadly entitled to the high opinion she
engendered when a - wee seta bairn."
o A "pretty kettle of GM' was c ,iked and *erred up, be_
fore Judge Morris, is Brooklyu, on Friday. One John
Peter Feca l) , a swarthy Spaniard, made complaint against
one John li. Stereos for the seduction of hie wife, and
Maimed the nice lint; min of $5400 as (Images. This
history of the of ir is somewhat Instructive, as it shows
that e•dplritnaliem" was at the bottom of the whole tionblt.
Some fifteen year. s, uce Stevens established at expensive
match manufactory in Forsyth Street, New York, — and at
one time was reputed to be worth over $BO,OOO. It is
said that he squandered the most of his property in chews
teal experiments, and after becoming reduced in his dr.-
cutosuinces, mowed h.. family some fire years sine* to
Williamsburgb, mod then went to to'Llifornla. lifeettn .
with poor suedes, he returned to hie family and became a
e troeg %avocets 01 Spiritualism, Mt/tough not generally
countenanced by them, being generally tronsisiered
sound in his ira *bout wear siuce Mrs. Stereos died
when Mrs. Pecan and another woman who resided near by
tendered their services to prepare the remains for inter'
meat. By Ws means Stevens became sequnistiod with
Mrs. Peutti and visited very frequently at the house, and
boll,' it is sille,:rd, indiseed her to leave her husband and
tale up her abode .v 61114114 after going thrtingli what they
called a marriage ceremony. Stevens, is arbour/Ay years
of Op, and Ctrs. Pecan shoat forty—both old enough to
know better.
The Poitue Clotnetteebusers have reached the 599th bel
loutig without cooties any wearer than before to Ailing the
vacancy. Scrianwittle every thing dangles by the suds.—
The eityltatlf ie becoming stoatantaolouk and refuses to POI
the bills swindling contractors present for apprival,
god, pe constlaenee, such of the city Hall property a. is
otoireale is earted off every day by constables. Thursday
Ooe. Stittarill and Seek Have portraits were taboo to the
onetime room_ Ail this part of tho world seems to be rap.
fey obtaining the Aerostat of a don of thieves.
All kinds of "esonrsions for the :Anton^ Rs Just cow
In fall cry. Barge shaped pr li sts, the "Itattitelppi
croft, are polling about lu all d dins, loaded with ititta.
he foreigners, capering to the mule of Idiom violios.—‘
Ost of town houses, it Yorker', or 411 along the North
sid - Isserfee re , are beleagered all day by ezeuraiatlint,
who took Ipso the reentry to pueral or a kind of epos
lota erktob Slay be passed epos by aoybotr•uutil It is
Crave up with brteartattoogiola l'aueoettbarbaa tosidemos
g o d i t *wa y s ward to aßorapt trait raising as thole op •
Om, peon sod pooches are tarried of "la the trees," to
be buirbagto t aagb the g in Patio at"twoottuts a quart."
Allies/ at ours who had lissa bringing forward, with
toil* eiccurti booing. a live oars lob of early potato**
soot malls fora laborer the eater doy to agitator the
mealy **mum and gather theta to, Patriok touted that
T lil a same oat raze*, " 1 / 4 7. 4 • 1 % the hills iMd all been
'leased. oak filled at bola, acid the rootless riasersiasert.
ed. so chassis oasoal observer masa di•oover nothing out
ti the rah, though the whole Ave aides had been dug over
darisig several might* provides and totally despoiled! Thls
way proves the truth Sam.Pateles bandy remark that
"Soma things can be dose as well as others? ERIE.
TEE DEAD - RESTORED TO LtrE.—A faw years
ago d eras generally inepseed that gray bait could 40t bo
tailored to is original solar, or suds to grow en bald
beasts; bit sissy Lbw &Asset of Professor Wood's Salt
Restored's, nosy waits Who dyso years . ago sup sow
aria daily in the various walks sp(life. appearing ia all tba
vigor of youth, wearing disk own dai'h foirlag loch. if..
plyime. from having used did great Rastoradvc—Losiewille
the 00Wid4 at Halifax
we hue Law news from
treial intelligence brought
__ found under the appro.
priate head.
All ttia •wale oesaprieliag the expedition for
laying the Atlantic Telegraph Cable had arrived
at Cork.
A telegraphic despatch from Cyrus W. Field,
at Queenstowu, dated 31st ult., states that the
able bad been joined the evening previous, and
a message sent through it. entire length in Ica
than a second,
The shore rope its to ho lauded,.agi the Tee
eels were to 00111100000 sinking Lbw cable on the
3d ar 4th instant, if the•weather proved propi
The Royal assent had been given to the bill
incorporating the Company.
The ram for the Goodwood cup came of on
the 30th. There were 14 entries, including the
American horses Pryor and Prioress, who came
in sth and 6th respectively.
The details of the Indian news reached Lon
don on the evening of the 31st.
A letter from Madras dated Jane 27th, stated
that Delhi had fallen. The last authentic ac
counts, which were to June 17th, stated the
Delhi was in possession of the insurgents, but it
was generally believed in London that it mid
The mutiny is wide spread and appears to
have affected the whole Bengal army. 10,000
additional troops had bead ordered to India.
Grdat alarm prevailed at Calcutta, where it is
feared the Masseltnen population had formed the
Besign of rising, and taking possession of the
city. The inhabitants kept themselves armed
and the hotels sad prinepal . places were garrison
ed by sailors belonging to
° gaps in the river.
There is some anxiety about the Miasma
country, as the Ist regititent of cavalry had
tontined, and great attroeity bad been committed
Mbilanzie and Elopat. Many Europeans °soap
Further details of tberwar in China state that
on the 27th of May 13 junks were destroyed,
and-on the 28th, 27 heavily armed junks were
capsized by the English.
On the sth of June 2,000 British captured a
fort, and took or destroyed 127 junks, mounting
over 900 guns, with 9,000 men.
The tri'il of the Italian conspirators was to
take place on the 6th or Bth inst Labtube,
the famous Italian forger, is dead. It is stated
that the harvest in France surpasses expectation.
St. Patti dates to the bth are received. In the
Democratic Convention, dodge Sherburne offer•
ed a resolution providing for the appointment of
a committee of conference to wait upon a similar
committee to be appointed by the Republicans,
to make compromise for the submission of but
one constitution to the people. After an animat
ed debate, it was voted down by three-tnajority l
The subject is to come up on Monday, and the
resolutions will probably be adoped.
The Little Ceow band of warriors returned
from ap expedition to Beach for Inkaptitah, hav
ing found the Comp and killed the four murderers.
Little Crow brought the scalps of the slain to
the Superintendent of the Lower Sioux Agency.
A band of fifteen disaffected Chippewas were
plundering tbe.settters fifty miles north of St.
Sr. PAUL, Minuesota, Aug. 10.
The Republican Convention to-day unani
mously passed Judge Sherbunie's resolution
which was rejected by the Democratic Conven
tion Saturday. The democrats will probably
pass the resolution to-niotTow.
Fart Laramie dates to the 22d alt ;dates that
Col. Balmier arrived at Bents' Fort, and would
leave ou the 12th for the head waters of the
Republican in pursuit of the rheyennes The
California trains all passed Fort Laramie in
good health.
liol - I • t mason:lmm ry -itaricncdr,--rutP 13pefreer s
battery, for the Utah expedition, met tags hunt
dred and twenty.five miles west of Leavenworth.
Another regiment from Rook Creek, Captains
Van Vleit and Cottonwood, with Reno's battery,
were at Big Blue.
The Cheyennes were scattered along the entire
route between Laramie and Kearney But lit.
ale damage was done to the train; the Indians,
fearing an attack, were is large parties. A war
has broken out between the Crows and Sioux.—
Several surveying parties have been seen, but
nothing has been hoard of the murderers report
ed last week. There is nothing from Utah.
Warta Sour —The first warning the peo
• of St. Eleazor, Canada, had of the water
spo, in that pariah, was a noise like that of the
sea in's", storm, proceeding from a large and cleric
cloud overhanging the " place. Soon the cloud
seemed to burst, letting fall towards te earth a
train, somewhat in the shape of a funnel, with
the email end turned downwards, It revolved
rapidly, hissing like escaping steam, and swing
ing to and fro, and imitating the contortions of
a, snake. When the small' end reached the
ground, it lifted and carried away in its revolv
ing impetus whatever it come in contact with.—
Boards, timber, stones, and portions of houses
were whirled in the air and thrown a distance
with fearful report. Several houses were thus
razed to the grouted. One horse and three cows
were drawn by the power of suction to the wa.
ter-spout, and, after being raised high in the air,
were let graduaßy down ; they escaped unin
jured, and were only covered with mud. Five
carts were carried to a great height, and thrown
across some field into the woods, being smashed
by the fall. Lugo trees were uprooted and re
moved a considectible distance:
Congress Binoe the foundation of the republic has
exhibited a tender regard for the interests of
actual settlers. The legislation of half a cents ,
ry has guarded their rights and secured them a
preference in thd purchase of public lands which
have been imprcived by them. The justice of
'etas policy is sparent, and its benefits to the
Union are felt id the wonderful development of
our natural rears:trees and wealth.
The'Pre-emption eybtem, howevet, in emulous
of speculation, is not unfrequentlyi abused, and
claims preferred to the prejudice at the actual
Neuters; and whilst the Executive has, by proper
regulations, from time to time, interfered for the
secuttty and protection of the bona fide settlers,
the remedy is with them to protect themselves
by si resort to their local tribunals, and to punish
unlawful speculators, who seek to establish claims
under Color of the preemption privilege.
It is indemtood that a circular is shortly to
be. ismusi from the General Land Office in which
the whole aystem of preemption is to be discuss,
ed, and the principles upon which it, is founded
are to be explained in all their bearings. This
'will be, en important document, and the more so
because it has been so long needed.— Washing
ton ,Stater.
ham. The Couocil Bluffs Nonpareil says that
cOtapany of returned Mormons are now encamp
ed sear that plaoe, and that they intend to make
the Bingo** future lime. They have tried
the "land of promise," sod found promises mot,
peaty than deeds, or at leasti than good
The fait and oheering promisee made to them
were all worse, than broken, and they subjected
to restrictions more rigid than those of slavery.
At the risk of their lives they made good their
Cent.s.--Xt tarns out that the two elections of
the Atlantic Telegraph cable have imam mann
factored op u'to form opposite iftwists" where
Chef join in'tbe middle of the, ocean; but the
of stake le not supposed to be Important Great
oliiddened wad left in England when the Falken
Left, in the eanommof the enterprise.
by the CANAL
CBICAOO, August 12
Latest from the Plains
Sr. LOUIS, August 12
(411A68110PP 1 3 1 1 IN itplNlts; .—These little
winged trillions have "sitssmed, 'and,quitted the
Vrtile fields of tin Up* , Mississippi, having left
thousants of lOW a detect wail% and buedreds
of fan/cies withi*ot the-slightest prospect for a
crop. The Monticello Times is inclined to get
facetious over it, and after telling how the set ,
tiers had broken the prairies, planted, sowed and
prepared a magnifieent array of luxuries for their
long legged guests, thus describes the festival
and the exit : "MI things being thus prepared,
our hungry visitors 'pitched in,' without giving
us time to ask the blessing. Pitched in ?—yes,
bodily, flesh and bones; tore up the earth and
took everything, root and branch. Not satisfied
with .the gnaw tree they went to the dry, and
devouredtenurially skinned the paint o ff houses;
they went into the he , nut into window cur
tains, gnawed up the ts, took possession of
wardrobes, cat the very t off and eat the
pockets out of our coats ; devoured our women's
skirts, hoops and .all. In short, they acted as
though they were drunk and bound to raise 'nerd'
generally. Thank heaven, they are gone. They
took the air •fine route. When we saw them
last they were about half a mile high, their
bright wines spread to the breese, and glittering
in the sunlight like snow flakes in a cloudless
sky Their direction was south, southeast."
G ZRILI TT 8 MITE(' 8 LAND (.4 JETS —Gerritt
Smith, in a recently published letter, says that
his expectations in regard to his gifts of land to
colored men have not been fully realized lie
"Of the 'three thoneand colored men to whom
I gave land, probably less than fifty have takefi
and continue to bold possession of their grants.
What is worse, half the three thousand, as I
judge, have ei ther sold their land, or been ea
careless as to allow it to be sold for taxes."
In a dense throngs' the Presidents' gardens re
cently, the States reporter of items bad occasion.
to apologise to Hon. Howell Cobb, Sec. of the
Treasury, for laving, in ignorance, made a desk
of that gentleman's back, in writing a minute of
some pining event. Mr. Cobb,riving that
his friends around him were amuse fit the ludi
crous incident, replied laughingly that no harm
had been done; that a man who-was backed up by
twenty millions could scarcely be expected to feel
the pressure of a crisis like this.
MANY have: been lead to cultivate the acquaintance
aod friendship of Da. Lizsraann, of Rochester, N. Y,
from learning of his extraordinary NUM MI In the treettoent of dis
eases of a prints stature, See advertisement in oar advertising
eoltanne /mg. 1,1%51.-12.1w.
bold's Gentune Preparation of Fluid Extract BuchrLia
otge i rsa specific. Read the advertisement headed "Hembold'i
Genuine Preparation." Iml2.
SI:BATCHELOR'S HAVE EYE.—lake a big Ann,
broad end deep and Strong, the reputatioo of M. A.
MOB'S HAIR DYE Low* on and onward, burying imita
tors, swallowing up pretenders, drowning all competition, resting
upset the elsorespad opposing rocks, the foam of bsisting puffier.,
and the deed doics of turappteniated trash-mongers. Mode sold or
sOPßokili 23G nasteny New York Counter:kits are 'dewed,
mulct all ancept tire ban has irna. Si. Batchelor on.
239 Broadway, New York
All nthers axe coowterfost.—Sold by Stewart LSinclair . ,lirle Pa
i g
Beware 01 s IIIIIT•TION called Batelielor's Hair &re,
ofrca, it
N.Y., and hawked around blTuttlo ai Moses, of Auburn
Names of denlorsertio sell It are now Wing obtained, and will abort.
ty ha pobilabseL 1146.-
We coonnemd to the attention of our tamale readers tea
winch appear to be attracting* good-neal of attention
a presentsime in various parte of the country, and Lately in
troduced in this place—we-allude to " Galileo anti-Costive Pow•
der sad Female Restorative." Judging from the letters that
aceoturmy them we cannot but believe theta possessed of more
than ordinary merit, end calculated to allord relief to a clt
number of women *taming under complaints peculiar to t
lel'ret, sod which Abe ordinary mean,. generally fail to reach
Sts infrertiement and letters in relation to This medicine, it
another cairn:nu.
TO rtitiorrs.—Ae tbia is the season In which chats
dam are Isnot frequently troubled with Bowel Cons
ist; it may be well for parent. to know that Wo►fa ate a fnatt
eourceland a frequent cause of these derangements, and that a
return to health and regularity ratit', reasonably tee expected ao
10114 , 14 the •. stew is kept in a state , 4f irritstion by the presence
of these entitle Their expiation ,s therefore a conditinn of health
This can Le readily done be a few dotes of the IiERMAN WORM
CANDI", t hicn remove,' boils the worms and the +lime in which
they ar e bred and oonriehed, i not diva, ',sable, instating, not
hnstimg to the stomach and how. - but >nil the rontrar) . pleas
ant to the tette, allay. fever. punt , • ti,e breath and rcgs oat,' the
ash, of the Leer and bowel.
thilley's 311stgleal Pala Extracter.—.ttramirattain
an I pain ire.. inseparnal. ut FIRE and HEAT Inflam
ingon produ p.m and pun p 1 , 3 ,11,•• IlliiilSlls4ll l loU. Wilert•ltt
lig i r ren
there Is unnatural heat, throbbing , redness, no mattes ettether
it I. eau •e d by • fewer, s hurt. 1 Dor+, p0{4013, 11111111:041.111121, pikfl.
scald, burn .r .I,n`. there Is inflaminatLon. A hundred boo.. or •
thousand sermon. cannot alter or stump the conelsmion T. no
here pain, and restore nature. inflarn.......
__ ~,, ,
~,_ ~,,,,..- .• .......bwwinerl little Tina. and 1:1301t
E . IIrIVIS persons wbn hart toed RA LI.E Y 3 MAGICAL. PALY
S ritAcroic, are convinced, and admit that its control over In
flammation IP more wonderful and unm,hat r , inatantiy allarn g
the pun. nbutrultrang palson. eztrucung mortod obrretions sad
forcing nature to nausea her swarm, renewing and healing tin
burn, mild, sore, or aLltaimt, to too serer* to yield to Its soothing
and caring influence ApplT a grurooduktole tad lb. cure has
I , :recti box of GENTIVI 11ALLICT . 1 Pros Erra•CTOR bs upon it •
Steele Plate F.ograce•l L•bel with the signature; of C. V. CLlClifet
E\ ER & CO., proprietors, •ml iitsßr DALLET, nnnufactursr.
All other' •ee counterfeit. ?nee 2.5 cent, per hi,
cir All orders 'honk be addreaseii to C V. Clickener & Co , 70
Barelay,and 222 Greenwich sta., N. Y.
Sold by all DruglyteU and Medicine Dealers thronghont the baited
St etre 3init •
111 McKeon, July 1.3 d, by Rid E. C. Rogers, of Edinbo
ro, Mr. SILAS CROUCH of Franklin, to Misr ARVILLA
If. WRIGHT, of McKean.
On the evening of the 7th inst., at West Springfield,
11. B. Ausroi, wife of Job• A. Austin, Priieipal
of the Meat Springnold Academy, aged 11/ years,
August I,st, of putrid sore throat, at North East,
,BAMCBL JUSTUS TA.L'.7OTT, only sou of Samuel and
Betsey B. To/cote., aged 1 years.
In Past Washington, W is., July 31st, km. J ANE, late
consort of Isaac C. Loomis, of the above place, and for
merly of Springfield, in this county, aged 4:A years and 7
PMT rate article of Flour from Ycs rrNITE Kim cz
Wear, eau be had at the Flour Store of the Keystobe
2 Park Hail. J W ticLANE.
Erie, aus. 15 ta4;
voTHING has ever yet been discovered that so effetteunly ri
West', and mita. entuely certain to news e them, It a neatest
dangerous or disagreestee to person* Try .1
Eno, August IS, 1557.
FLY P.ll. PER, very sttrsetare rim Ants, is: ous sheet of
*bleb Is solßeiest to kill • quart 'Fru,. 64. seats s 'beet, to
by bad at the Ma* of
E IP. Augunt /5, Is,; CARTER is BRO
_ _
WILL be °piped for the receptson:pl student's on 31et
Atiguet, at 9 A Y. hotter the 4trectom of the Ardloerrag Board
of Instr.:Woo
Pry:top/a, sad Teacher of lAszigua4u.
Toaebar of LAMA and Nord Soissoe.
Teacher of Natbsomolem sod Notosal P 1110144.
TealtalB 01? ADINDNISON,
Aeqoa.tataaee with the fundamental ruin at arithssetio he able
to read with ewe aad darner ; be able to write ; have
MOWS 111 , 10.104 V or Geography • sonata a good moral ehararter •
W dlicard entirejy . the Iwo( Tobsiox, Ilam
ILAVitut o r ~ul.rtar ateisinto Meet.
Asithmetie, Geography, Hater), LO
Mlotattntary Algebra, Physical Geography, Engligk Gab,
mar, Latin atrazums.r atni Reader. 00
ater'Geometry, LAN'Ome*, Notipl Pb o PeoPhr ,
stakro, Buts - try , 43 SG
Thl4=7, Surveying: Rhetoric, look; aeokrot
. hattonomy. Mantel and Yong *mew , 14 00
Modern Languages each trn. $1
Tuition Bills are made oat for quarters and hair (parte" onl.
Th. Academy ballding Is cow audergoing thorough tatmenal re
pairs, awl the Ladles' apartment is being Ltted up with new and
elegant Furnitu% making this renerahle Soot of Learning at gem
eut unusually attract - try.
GPO. A. LYON, President
P naseczur, See'y
Elea, August LS, 11157.-14.3 t
Ins Saber-Aber will offer at Pahl* Sale ea Wedenedny the oth
day ot September nest, at 2 o' crock, P. M. on the prewasew, the
belonging to fete Rem. Wale*, Witlson, Late of Frani*,
Township, miaowed Ceetaartias 30 scree of Lead all Ineprored.—
Terns nods known on day et bele.
Fairview, Average 14.:, 1837.=-14.13t. ISAAC WEittriEß, Agent.
/fa 410 and Sib Vag's and Doable Threaded
Empire raxi4.l7 Sewing Knotine.
A N Agency for the agile cf them Soldier Naehine‘ ow be er
ourid on move' Pernes, fur the county of Enec` by a personal
apps to_the subscribers at thetr office, S. corner Third and
Alt% Irtretete, Philattrlphtit.
Ito one weef apply without Cs tai sufficient to etenduct the
Badness prop—weiy, and without ea to teliabllity and ow
tide poothwely wart that these liactuuse, for all purposes of
air by fez supetior to any Sewing itachlne in
matter at what east of conwarobtkne4 Led they will,
oOsrsd evassuind a ready and indlialted Ode
JOHNnoN t 900 DELL.
In the teener of the tedatiutatnitos OC- } 10 the Orphaa's Court of
teneut of the fatale of K. C. Lelia., Erie Com a. Comfy. No. M
AWL TIM 107. at.
eatteset e, 11 4 5 7.--Aeootut promoted sad Ned 104 int•ptitmit
=aft the tame appotatedifeatPtioia Great, toe. auditor to
and report oe eueptlooe Mad. We Curbaat."
All hitereeted. will *tee take sottai thee the' under
will attend to the 'lathes of to appoiatatest, at Ws oas,
hl the City of trig, oo the ales day of Anima, ea 2 tocbooe, P N.
whoa sad 'deers they nap to heeryL
Avast 10, 1537. U.N./AM QUAY, Auditot.
Jeasthria Keith la Common mity
mon Floss of Fate Co •
Artso: L W. goal Al. FL Is Nu 'lB August.
arid IfssulKoitri Tony len.
'And now to writ, Aup et 7, liti.7. Om 'Outwit rho Cutlet %p-
Pau Porkisimili Grunt. Dig, auditor to Militit distribution' of this
Smug mode on 'boss writ. Per Curium."
.An iutis will please Me seeks that ibis Twin
will attend Os tios Wks at Ido' 11. st Itts t ake.
muds oar*
they tbe first day a IWO4 u Stqclock.
mites where they may be heard.
Ilhia, Anne. 10, UP. BLICIAMDT 13.11424,, AtvittOr
VII 4 Intolitan.lort . ,
I tit..
PINE ANI) i .I ? ,
By ina•ao aal ,
N 111. 6 1 ,.. Oa* aurroasatul
RIMII to artist.,
Artillorm, M ~ 1
ad vocations.
way pupas. Ity Use pay m u 1„,.;
owl became lowhir.or, 4.4
•b*, MWA*w. , yrs .
bri e .-r/ree .1•011,,,
fahlbltioes o 1 the Art 1".4..
hut —,Preemouttioa of speraw.,„
titAnnl aotd Premium.
The la to ootapeto for Prty. ,
to •o am'euted by th Iskomt.r.
Tbe,gehibittotta o r
useateune.l,4m anuftett,to to to. 1,11,
Premiu t oppooto to th•
renhaded y th. legyps wird tRe4.,
meemalai entmetiture . awl
pt id by ties Tie miter, at the is
petition Use eettitleat.t,
La math 't
The Specimens pneeut..l .11111
or abaft* • rim :
I. l)..partsub..,l
L L Tta. ituoeilatbro
Best Hkotundid dr Group Parrit.4
2nd tyr.t
dig Landorapo lu ou
2nd bola
Bea POrt 114 t
2nd lost
Beet Paita,ug
2nd 10144
Beet Pawl raln '0
, ttn‘ in 0
2d ktem
Bent ` 4 eulpturii hew.
204 trOot •
Sint Sienalpturii, faro , "
2n4 toe "
Beet Yodel in Clay human lienre
Beet Ditewerripnt no ,
2xid best "
Bat Ambroty yr
tpd bast "
Beet " trutsferre.l
Bast Pau:Mug is Water cc,iert
Bed Drawratir reseti,
lad hest "
by person !
Beet Arettitoetotsi :) , seuhr
Jc - sosts.—Mn. C. It ne.4, wm ,
oh. Dr Brawls', Bow. 1 t. "mo w,
Best ;yea sMm of Astroaoadeal
Optical tartrameat...
Electra-galvanic t05.rb.,....
Best Satural Ph,losoptie.
" tksigeaphical .
Jcmgcs —Dr. Th.ll. Stuart, Ft.,
land, 11 Esuira, %limp, (4,,
asiit Sykioasa o r fJ . 4nreir• In bald"
Miro and 11rtiatnental Paititni
" specimen of Ornamental ettetl
t 10 •eri La Wt,
"ClOtt •
" Destizi s.,r Fars., Hoa►, ..
•• Barn
t ►rt tar Hour•
" lee Hoare
3en.mus -I , r Wm W•twe
Beat 11.4•1 Bridge
" Fit= GC,
Bridge. '.!'n) rl 7 „,
del not ,
" Carriage
Bent Made ao,t of Goat,rtaeo ha
- %eel wads be a 1a4 , -
_•• ramie
(-loth Cap • •
'• Specimen of Orn&o
44 4.1d1e aa.l Bridle
" S4de Saddle.
' I ernage Baran.
. Guanine .
. Model Steam Engsne
. of other blaelikaer •
:Apecioseo of Bran Work
•• Ek,otn for Gentlemen....
.- T eueneek
Jcuota.—Alf Yaw, Es s ,
Cklee Ater, P. Yoldealf.
v.—DgPARTNIT's 1
Sett 2perein.en of k1t...4r•
r Dress Making
" Embroidery
" ornamental Nerne A
r.< <AP( tV, T v
lam'• "tan 1 Mat
" Psirirvork Qv lit
" 4 10 lour 'kin.
oGsa :
Las - top, Mrs . .r.,
V.— II cCEL LA NE4. , Firma:llm.
tht •
Dot !L.
yulte t It %%
Paseakport, W
It. Eshthatt..c of tb. An 7
"Buena. A ex/Pao•
ka the r.A, to the t..
sad _ad dens tu Oet..her
•• .1110.0
to artlelee fof
prnucht th the Lahtatuea
b,11,,n, that tale t..huattlee 6114,
All aartithra artiteks the 1.1.
rnhett i tta•• the
- Att artle Pe preeente.2 r..
i. ttll tbe of
of the
E 4
• lin,oo D•Ule
TL. • r .0 ,leL I
duntkg tLflt ass lad
day awl .• re, tor
portion 0(
All . t tut ` .•. •t..,
with Swots t.;..t , Th.
tirlAt-....tro.ttin, •
at ttot of It. Fsxl-41,0k,
$llll, rti tkuett arttrio , toe rth-
• Perna• ••• -,•ue or tlif
ipple t. thr Treteures
ii•er JoEIS A. bki.
rk<HIPTURE, Treuu,•
r. Ater. y n
SAE. A DAnc.roat,
R. - Jmout BOVVA
J C srairrres,
Mr i LAa. AL ST
Niro. J C.
Erse, Aurist 8, 1457
riroßAcOcrjos &Li
u, uwt
Tra it ,:„.7partzionhip euntmi
coerinosi, is than t,
bunnonn wilt be eon tacte.l n•
NEM • settle n,
Ersa, Augsust S. 1 RST —l.l
Valuable Buy
vrty. BE SOLD,
LOl. l a tw,pntr Iwr tr.r".-^.
ltrr gnu th• Wirt r .roor P.,
1 . 01011 H..te,
TMM% —A portkon of ttue yut
est dumag tit* Itfrnme of tnr ‘ l _
lance in hand, and r-oidue
• xi
4, u4cu.t 8, 1847 --Li
FitENC 11 SIR,
Ilptei and fa1,.0., ~,,•^Tj
dn.. i ytiEn . wtar, (...r •
curs, ta r to
to Sal, L.:
sualaship, then tej.ole
MAC .A.,43 E `,
-Sr en uwetee me d imp , 1 1. ,4
well elpiocura Stock of t,,
Wanes, Ell/anon ,a.
011irwete1 store ts, O.
Glazed kr. ready t dattre,
sal other Wantobea tkaart
awl nth.l. Rbeiti. Slab, H'
Aid" au,
/IPlMF a huaufaet,o••
• few dare notice, with
eweitni will be .. •
owl lawribee 6114'811{1r.
sd Mettwei:J.
Itork :above A'
ar - I uniltat• Fri.l2 , t4
tti-plated and Re-fewin,t
he. le ,
This ahall b,. f ,11 n • •
an to COLOitl, I.lll' t ...
cheaper supp.i-d -
411• V
•111 I
11 , ,, to w• •}
I II out t.,/t • '
EP' 44. . 1. 61
opwmQ of • SA I NO 0
of Ilexuoh ,, l4 1,911,t•r“, •
for quick
fidehtv, art.! ptin, No.
On .e, •
araN.4l Cast
On Nate. t Fi ITi
tow. real.rl,.
cr. T. 3 OLE'.
tr ue.r.kut.
S tie,
_A uo rt n -
200,000 FE:
E quk., • Ire, , •
tr2l7u,Ocou t.f H
, 1.11. I rt. t
her bending. ne, ti, drerti
Erie, Assam -
La ~ a Zs) 1 MAA
2:01,110i. r 1..L1
k • "4-0
FR., DO4
Cash hid
s[lw •- •
tt. .
t ...•