Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, August 08, 1857, Image 2

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BENJ. F. SLOAN, Belkitior.
_ -
BLOAN & 1100111, Publishers sad Proprietors.
POI CANAL 001‘10810112R,
I=II 311:11
o salt =
News of the Week
—Among the incidents resulting from the burning of
the Steamer " Montreal," the following, related by one of
ear exchanges, one of the most affecting : Some time
since six young gentlemen bid farewell to the lasses who
had won their hearts amid Scotia's blooming heather, and
/ought the shore, of America, in hope of being the better
able to prepare for wedded life. Thiy located at Chicago,
*here the remembrance of their "bonnie Anal. Laurier
inspired them to unusual and persevering exertions, till
taluse at last so favored them that they sent home to
Scotland the information that they were now anxious to
ime,their betrothed, mad accompanied the message with a
goodly remittaaee to pay their passes.. The girls, for
mutual protection and toolety, Came ever the ocean In the
we vessel, and arrived in safety at Quebec. Thence
they embarked with several hundred other emigrants on
a riper steamer to continue their journey up the St. Law
rence. That Steamer was the ill-fated Montreal, and of
the six betrothed maidens, lye found either fiery or watery
pares. The sixth—Miss Jeanette Pettigrew—woe taken
up for drowned, and only by falthfal and persisteut mitten
tion her life was saved. All her worldly possessions were
gone, bat kind hearted women at Montreal supplied her
abundantly whenthey heard her electing story. Ivestu•
ally she reached her destination, and to a late number of
the Chicago Tribute there is chronicled the marriage of
Mr. Adam Tate, of Chicago, to Miss Jeanette ?outgrew.
He alone reaped the reward of his long exertions; and at
the wedding there wpre precast two of the other five young
men who.. failittp, !when they contrasted the happiness
of their friend with; their own bereaved condition, must
have been sod increeil.
—One of *sr exeltanges asserts that at Fort Dallas,
Florida, misquotes are so plentiful that both officers and
men rave; the guard on duty pass their whole time under
ban. The sentry is provided with a musqueto veil, or
rather bag, thrown over the head, and kept oat from the
fees by a hoop; woollen clothes, boots and gauntleted
gloves protest the limbs and body from their murderous'
attacks, Persons who have not experieneed this hisauty
orsivergiade life will scarcely believe that horsiss'aild
aside are 'staidly bled to death in a single night; and
wcihote to that soldier or seaman who, by means of hippie
loses command of himself and falls to diagramed, helpless
aniti unprotected—these insatiable arepiree will fasten
their fangs upon him, and draw from his besotted body
what fevered Mead remains.
—The &deices by the duo inform us that the crops in
all parts of dontinental Europe, promise . harvest,
and that, as will be Seen by the reports lof the different
markets, breadattille Cre declining In ail markets. Is
some parts of Oseinatty, farmers have already begun to
harvest their rye crops, sod bread made of now rye Soar
was in general use, and pronounced of goat quality. The
tobacco plantations In &ethers' Germany have bees much
refreshed by late rains, and provide* a good crop The
grape nines is Germany have evened blooming, and sines
berries hays already resehed the We of small pw. If
the summer should soatitu• .as it has Imp*, tbli wine of
1848 will be Nadas* by the produet of ,1,07 t, both In
quantity sad quality. ;
—" Oat Weer aged to be the wee or all the sews.
paper jokes at the expense of the Judiciary—now Kangas
the theatre, and here is olio or : Doris( a word*
trial at Leavenworth nasally, a outdo& Jar *sated %o.
point involved m very important one, and rules that the
question will be admissible al a .4mere stage of' Om yaws!"
Ike legitimate internee seems to be that the "Court"..
knows bow to piny poker. During the testimony, the
lawyers segalged is the ease smoked u freely all if they
were in a 'Moon ermstructed esprosely for the
, parpowe
sad indulged in a freedom' of mparteetbat woqld be amus
ing but fur the gravity of the ease they were conducting.
—A prise fight between Dominick Bradley and Samuel
B. Rankin for $l,OOO a side, same off at Point Atm no,
Canada, on Saturday afternoon last at 8 &Sleek. One
hundred and flfty.eue rueds were fought, Smiley erasing
of the rioter. The betting sou $lOO to $BO on Bradley,
dad after the light toesammteed the friend, of . the latter
difermil sssSo _2 'Bah parties were severely punished
Both parties are *ma Philadelphia. Rankin ie now is
Baal°. This light lasted two hours aid fifty-eight miaow.
*boat d,OO persons ware present.
[ —The Warren County Bask, at Warns, Pa., Is calling
In and essoollbag Its old lamas, putting In oironlathin
stead new sad nest nom of the denowinatios of Aga end
11114 dollars. In aelowdance with a resolution of the Board
at Ditheters, ono hatsdre3l thousand dollars of the old bills
wars huvaides Friday week, in patioenee of the Dithotors,
Moors at the Bask, and saverai condones, loolodinS
Jade YerrlU the Notary Public, who gave a eertilleato
under seal, of the fact. Tile Mem and Direetors also
stood a eindhie earthiest&4 The Bank i& now soadaoted
spool stria) apti careful bstSpess principle&
—Chicago Ms been always isonsiderod.' a " fast" Al,
bat moot psbllellwrslopessers /bow it to hi, a Ws too
fast for its awe itssi. Last Mowday the !otiseshasts sad
bedsore art* wore serprlsocf to lad that their salaams.
spafa Mali *WOO MIN net at their plaeas of baldness.—
Aa logniryexplishwid the mow The polio' had the-
Maki beta* wide • ieeeent *pan the various .knees of
111-floe is tin elty, sad sobbed the visitors to the extent
of laity witty. They were al lodged in elm* quarters
over sigitipand fa lbs 151PITSiliti ib each sod coats.
—As widows of the osereitsess of the policy of the
Adoleistretkm in Kansas, it le a fact worthy of militias
that most of the old organs of the Whig party that gave
eltarmiter sad-dlgeity to 11 in Italian:7:days, are midair.-
tag both the twereetams sod pyiriotion of that polioy.—
Thas, the Max.., fateilipower Is oat with a loos and able
leader this ehameter. The New Tbrk Cbasesmcial,
Advertiser does the mom Mimi. The all proneasee the
presest delimit Mats& of Lea* sad his Topsaa party is
bantling*, a r3veiramosit within • government as is.tanlt
retiealloa,ll•l oily Goblet t h e lams of tido Territory, Mat
sjpilast the laws oi the United &stn.
• —Ws. Tose, fortiori, of $BllllOlll county. Ohio. was
'shot ostkWM sou ILsoltsk, lows. es the Bth, by Apdrs.
Tweedy, whim b• bad stet is a law sett, and who had on
eireseal emeidwwwwweSed Muesli by throwing down Tate's
bases. ,Oa the latter otemeamatiag, Tweedy Meanie so
exampetatel he dams revolver and firing
is bdilbsg kis *din, who loaves a wits sad foot slbil4reo•
TM stwimike is to aestedy.
—Thi Sado* Pow madontmadir that Waal Curia, Fag.,
aloe tor west tweeamdist eidp•bidlderr at Beet" has
eatehmill a seatswit to kW a sleasaer of VS toestar
theltudaa Oevermswitt. - dale is to be blare tit very
beet somearbil, sad we oft se look that eh* will addle
the biatirroputasisamt loor Widow, sad taloa credit spas
thw ollibletif UN Roam
wide awake roam of getout, west to
Jamey City is W wawa, the War day, sad diarist rob
bers, pat his theory (lOW is the imitates ot • imdfloadoeb
swan tweitidaimg Ids keno fired. At Us• few, be sew
poi met a eassurt. his loan tem away, Oho sari wars *U.
ed sad Poo stew with theta, sad bo low net toted is
704. •
—A rids kis boss iostitatod is Ss Maris* Court, /fro
Yost, iiphom Mt* Omutiagimai-Baroll, Am tb sea or
WO; so *promissory into V hint by tier to bar ailarairt,
for surriosi rombormt Is POW lit bar salts natal tbo
!tarsi" Burial. 111 m Ammastami o 6%1 4 '7 ism 034 law
sushi will mom oa.o Soptostbor.
Orissio'o limbos& Istalt diod of Actors. Ti
tko midst of the moot ante b.4DZ pidl2, altar Os hawk of
dootOta loaded him, sad 'kilo writhing Is airosy, Ab
pods wits aid to Ids, ` 6 llll. Mr. Griszlo, Joe iesdn't
Melt road at; sad wow all die shoots out , u , If you art
dybas t" .
Thome Camps has saispuct. as 61114061.0
d•Uvir as sad* ilbmiza. N. T, asth• gist of km*
01 dos Jemmies of the Ilzmaia's taussamit a( Au.
Ow. „. .
The eighty ef the Emmet* heed fir. Chow
be- , m 1 Iht at HAMAN% are shoat te
elm*Mt pebetimbla bow The *as nit We
lomumemeed opereitois h the latter &either •
•' -i l ofillesclittiEtt'a tarit o' e r ~
A1in4.:.5. - TT
everyllader of oewspapiers has reed more me
less dhoti "PM*cis' Life BASK" and " 1.014 Car," ail
means alriati ife in ease i t shipwralk; bat fest ark
aware 11, As that tide lationtion of irestaels' wan
n 144
pliglitimlOoat nifitt: of our own 411403001-04$: Douglass
Ottenger, of thole-H. 8. ilisiseatto Service. Tot such Ls the
fact,: as the following statement, which we derive from
stsboisioalwarsats aillahole. la /548, Capt. Ottenger, of
the city of Erie, was directed by the Secretary of the Tree.
sury to carry into effect the first law of Congress appro
priating money for the preservation of life and property
on the coast of New Jersey, between Sandy Hook and
Little Egg Harbor. For this purpose, he repaired to New
York, and alter investigailagLhe subject, and the intention
of COngreas in making the appropriation, he set to worts
aisa constructed a "Life Car," pried:illy tike that et
Yrnalcis, except that is pirating paps. Olterigor's inn*
don, Francis has made addition, which, it istone4: 4 17
competent amtherity, elfeetnagly destroys the asefilla of
the machine. Of coarse, Capt. 0. is nut a ateetiaa ic —bete*,
in carrying oat the ordersof the Secretary la 1948, and in
constructing his " Life Car," the mechanical skill of
others had to be resorted to--iiad Mr. Joegre Francis, who
now claims the "Life Car," and "Life Boats" Is his
own in's:sties, was thus employed. Under Capt. O's
direction he built the Ant 'if-L' r eCar," and under his
direction he also built the trot " Serf 80at.," •fter a motel
constructed at the Captains request by a Committee of
Surfinen After the Life Car and Surf toots, were finish
ed, they were stationed along the Coast, betwee ‘ ii - the point,
flamed in the aet of Congress--and after they had been
fairly tried, and proved successful at the wee k of the
ship " Ayshins," and others, 'apt. Ottenger, ming his
services no longer required, asked and obta . Ices, to
visit California, the golden treasures of which, were just at
that time the al: absorbing subject of people's thoughts.
As his invention bad been made while io the service, and
for the use of the Government, Capt, Ottenger did not
deem it necessary or proper to tittenipt to patent it, in
order to protect it from piracy la this be was mistaken
—for no sooner was he safe upon the Pacific Coast, than
Francis stored ripen it, and, atter making +owe sight
alt. rations, not at all to its beatific., has used it to advance
his own pecastiary interes' and fame. These facts, we
understand, are about to be laid before the Commissioner
of Patent,, and at the seat session, will be brought to Ow
notice of Confreis. Wo csanot but hoPe that is bath
'dares justice lilt be dime, and a truly meritorious officer
restored to the rightewhich have, as we have shown, Leen
taken from him.
. AUGUST !3.1!1.37
We cannot agree, neither do we Lenitive the Democracy
of the State will agree, with the reasoning which appears
to have influeneed,the State Central Committee is refusing
Gen. Pars en-the privilege of meeting Wtisor upon the
stump. - We appreciate as rtrongly as any, one the reason
ing of the Committee—we are ready to agree that a can
didate for Governor ebould b. selected for his admintdra
titre abilities, and not for his oratorical powera,:esciti.ive•
ly—w• are folly aware, also, that the tesues an.i privet ,
pies of a campaign are foreibly set forth to the reioitations
of the Convention putting in nomination our eaaiiiiiistee
still we cannot thereby arrive at the corclusion that it
would be improper, when so have a candidate like Gen.
PACKII/i, who it able and willing to meet his opponent up.
on the stump, to nach, him the privilege of .tvicapttog that
opponents oballonge, We are aware that some of our beet
and most talented Governors h-ii a it I, orators--but
we apprehend the day, when a WAD can be Governor
of Pennsylvania who cannot: when called upon, address
the -people on all the political uttestlens of tn. day, has
paaaad. We would not have this so, if we could help it
but the fact it patent to every observer of events that there
We growing ill/To/Dior on the part of the people to
compel' those who seek their saftraget to appear before
them, ant white showing their own qualliOcatiose as
orators and statesmen, at the same time define and Wail
date the principles moon whirl, they prone*e to oondoet
the public trust confided tto theft keeeping In abort, the
people don't want to tilt} a matt cie trust, even when en-
Mused by a legion of party editors, or a party Convention.
They want to rte what manner of men be is—to hear him
speak—to take him by the hand sod converse with him
upon topics of interest to them and to him. Fur these
reason,: and many others that are not necessary to men-
on, wo think the State Central Committee dee made a
mistake.. Wirwere a member of the Convention that nom- I
limited li es, P•CLX ft, and it seemed to as then to bo the
Imirmial wish and understanding that If Withor, or who
ever the Republicans should Durmasts,should chalidge
isiodidate to meet him, the shallenge should be ac.
Prow" t0w.... N. yawl-m.lw va. iounrrity. ins weetty
will be commenced to-day. The daily Is a lazy, hand•
some, welFfilled,sheet--partaking of all of the ebarecheria.
-ties of the Editor's versatile mind—and is bound to rank
at ono* among the permanent and leading journals of the
eountry. The Editor explaius the object in starting the
Peers to be "to 'apply daily and weekly a cheap, trust
worthy and intelligent medium of popular Information,"
and to this end he has invested in the enterprise "all he
bas in the world," and promises' that every effort and en
orgy of which - ge is capable, shall be enlisted to render
flue pacer deserving of approbation and support We are
glad to see that the Press is not designed as a "mere
partiwn paper," because we have long thought that a
paper to be infiuential, and find readers,' must not make
polities its sole aim—it ;moo. rather make it a secondary
muter, while news, onlighiened criticism upon passing
events;tesetber with commercial Information, mast be
filet. It Is by adhereing to this idea, we apprehend, that
the leading New York journals have obtained such wide
spread popularity and circulation—and not because they
are hostile to the Democratic party.
nnrtam ttle
In regard to the course of " The PI NM " toy/fatal the
Administration, the following from the first number is
d*cia e
" Toe Pates will opaak for itself on all the great, goes
boss of the day. I have already announced (what, in
dead, was universally and Justly anticipstadi that the
political department of my. paper should as eondneted
'upon Demoeratic principles. It a equally wellAnown
that the measures sod the men of the printout Administra
tion at Washiagton have my heartiest approbation. I
hare known the great statesman now at the head of the
Chcreortinseat, and acted in eoeeert and coolidence with
him, ever since my lint youthful associatioo in pulluea
and editorial life. The most agreeable Servicee which it
his fallen to to my lot to perform, whore those given t.
his cease. My attachment to him grew nut m.,te from
admiration of his pure sad upright character than from s
profound regard for his intellect, experience and patriot•
IL was my good fortune, with many good men, to
assist, not obscurely nor lasidieleatly, is crowning a It% of
%Nastiness and distinction to his country sod himself with
the highest honors in the world. The fruits of that result
are already ripening for the Future. The wisdom of the
pepalar choice is being daily vindicated by the quiet and
eontebt which hate followed the survey trainee of last
year, as Oa sweet sunshine follows the destructive tempest.
Had Mr. Buctiati•N not been, as he was, my first chdice
ter President, and yet approved himself worthy of the
high trust confided to his hands, by regarding, respecting,
and protecting ilia-right* of the citizen and the rights of
the States, I should have done every thing that one men
(maid do to uphold and to etrengthen him, and to gather
amend him *united public opinion. The periormanee of
that ddty berwcaes a proud Istisfaction, however, then the
eousistency, dignity, and shinty of hi. adminkthition, srs
so many proofs that he we I deterred the n,•rw►eriug and
eatbusiastio preference) of those gallant men who hen
gang to his forte out through good report sud through
evil report, daring so many tong years."
No reader of wrspapers eon fail to observe a out tn.
+areeee of ertiniaril 1111/1. Eves oar owe journ4, though
doirotaid .comparadvely to the Promulgation of ;ocal and
political intelligent**, gives evidence from week to week of
• feudal inereass of *rime. Not only have offenses of
the ordinary type fearfully multipliekbat (to quote from a
-writer ors the sahieat) " we frequently meet with i ostracise
erica of the most revolting and actuators' singularity."
lln OUT 0Z011041114 of the same day we re a l ofhusbatids
wiret and wives k / illirog their hughamia—of
parent' killing their children, end,childrea theist parents.
Wit see instances of brothers, sisters. Ull, lovers slaying
swab other. Of common murders there is no end. Carol
of bleverty, arson, burglary, and common pilfering ars of
eery boar's occurrence. Conjugal inAdellties and detest
lauserslitiesainiost rival is vember barroom lights and
aidsightlietts. Is this increase of crime the teeth of an
dareeel4 depravity In niatiltind? We think am. We
std ha, the result of *areal other causes. Bat ere
sea foremost, we think it resale from a mistakes bodes
desditiey ed the part of judges sad, }erase} sad this Soo
lidded dlspoiltion to Rake taartyeasid hereto of great
Orisalakis. To tied teases, togetheretth tho tam, that is
many of the Slays, the judge° be" 01 °.""1" 5 ""
the pewter will, we we instilled' to think may twa traced
Saab or the laxity of 'nerds sad the erica with wiaiek
the seinpaper press dieted& T here dad* to Ise a remedy
for this, sad thee probably is. There la se se' for penal
lowa mien ibey are fiddly entered; sad that eoaatry
which - has petal laws that are sot Naomi& is it. alai
were validities thin is would be U it had no peed laws
at an. ,
Or if ttis "Moe to sly that." la Rag Lead, "rho
will eel allow the iew to woreltip Jehovah be/Jading to
tits Arita sod ordlosoossol bah peat law-girer." whoa
If he *loos so worship, sad retooss , to **lra lie figiik. 144
room* °soapy • seat la PorttaaspaS.T-heir wish truth is
tints la Sistrossortios tkot 0 solprodou of , ro4ooas opinion
ospli worship is sr positive is gogiood masons as ?"- Wlli
the " Manly afill Ostiloolhosess" ;Woe. di ih. Ckoi - si"dis..
tioo Bumf ?
areraLte.av 4. :ton fes . NEII4I
reef e IVilialitakti ill it suit pitek wh
t44it is awaitin g * notice • " • f 64 tear I,4 **.".ur V•ri•Oto ,
Aar 3.
the .14bolition oittl Re. pries •e r Poll
cal 'Mart le lifeassebVi rtain in t• I T ty yawns with *Quid; It 1 / 44 had •r i
• • of a -
tot aid elsewhere. at kis uoo •I. bitt seen "" excitement any
• The obeegnien of the An a
tattoo that. dassith mbar thee_tled to 001 "
Immense concourse, bu an
of a bogus Legislature, a p .rtion of the people of /EllOllll
deptiyed stf_the , !wrtuttity ... of expressing
may bP their
1 -bein a crowd of respezre_ble +Leto our streets. Anderson
will oe the question of slav,ry Tory alleg e that ble es rfi du
Lien of the tu.stofiii. eituten.hove ti been registered, and
may out, for that reason, fed permitted to eit.reite the high
sad sacred privilege of voting for or against the State
Constitution. They say the adoption of an orgartlgjow
the htghett right of sovereignty —.a right itteeperOfetso4
the people, and, therefore, every citizen, wick eeper quail -
fiestione. lifseidi be isiesessed4s
these paulotic papers lists "Of% 141611/4
. 411 alai; ale •
oration th e party that woshiproduise Bo greats wrong
upon the people, se te deprtire I,fingle tone of tlsie b L
.4 Maim that justice sod fate plekydeatied a rar word oa
the tioa of elsvery.
Now, ii - o.have no veinal iliteritne ilia their
Tee litnnocrairty ore le few of a Wised' fell . •012;
tt is a cardisal festu f tharitietri fah;thit the pee*
ply shall enjoy the high ilege or asset:fine ligerttnit
their declaim', whatever It may - mat be - entectedre.— '
But it Inuit strike all, that thtbgrt nieetbe'itspre
hoosions that purehancu a portten of the • aright' •
se', by dosign or mistake, ally be depriv 4. raelf rtitest,
come. with en iii glace tr , lol the Repebtlestrprirse •
are now distresse I that aui am late Ow eppetritinity
e..ttng on 1110 qn•lftiati eatabtfottletsr pro ~ttytshae..
ry, ao I
. rt the on•re.tfrtli•t potitiml•Will.tecasenam6te
tlyes only a short year sine. (bat piety, in 00111/11111i011.
bid It , 111...r0 at a priweiplswe their treed, sear The peaphs..
"it a a s itt,Nth , r Pervti,nes .tiould be tee
privet of that rkgb4---thaa a it a particle, hat nil arm id be
iv romeet. that sot owl, thepaople of lfissesti. betaltuse-i
ui M essactinteette, Swath (WA's& sad sit the uthateBthiste
eh .old sotto in notrpkw Om high Renovate" of this pee-'1
pie of iCansas The Fremeist C.isseotios lad dove be
.1 uri n e tom 1 , ••••• • • II I • 11 p eople411614 1•41111F11140
iateltion of etarery is Keove , &Oa so V Isll l , r , asow-.1
ing air I , ,netple that the cittwas of the sewers& Ststi's
who itol wot go to listi• .4, iMoutel ka+ea q 4 4.4 the sub-
Joel, Lot tit it those who tied yo to alai, Terrace! s t atiald Dot
btt he t.r lon the t to 11014 f know thatl 4 TeFritorsal
doiegato he. au rot , , wh.let the tn4mhata frees &tin Stake
bare it ,• Sieve rAieo. y toievi tie pmaer is tieterutsoe ',lle
.e4autry Jar $l4/111411, skould be ji;staTteevic priers
as: ie Ili 1 a usdi &totes, wept to al reeriV'ory. bar.
tog failed in the Pre, leuttal struggle toeitabli;lx a ‘1,..c.
tune 1611 w I have rolitte./ all the Peoplt; oT 014 .scrod
right tiet..riniiitog the oharatter of the lawiandit Which
they .hout I live. those politidat trimuvre f now herb the
impu.letute ti *Hag.. that it it A. polielltif the Cierniterattc
party In the Terra .ry io deprivelCporflod'of ffili people ofH
a fair opportunity to el,re;te that high privilege Palling I
in a bold attempt to deprive all of tliiiright, they shod
crocodile tears over the bare'...peasibelli,- Obeli ebbe may
thug he wr mgel. Here is eungistenefirth * vengeance
Whet fry... • will next - 141 , 4n tb•ltelhati :ma - irterttpt
to predict, hot au should not be ea prised i erwe - tirey to
claim to have been the originittere of the fEereftwiihrbrao.
It a hi 11.
MP ICI DS OP PilliMAlrOp.. Likikt.
The telegraph from Sete Ottosat birtempt ma, the pi metal
a /leonine nuaat that u. , Utt 4 0.ep atpre (non
setae, cootraitted tatictrit en We illtrth Jetixakt ifotee
in tho , ...tats, by shunting hiabbialf throttin the latteri 4 ,,ith
Geri. tt •tit ate matt armasetioitalAy une r " , ll the .
airiest rreci of the bireetbat tiooB4, mod also out, eta raig the
mna eit , •etned oalkettperttoi.l 4,011 hz• ashoettite•- Attar
the unnetstioci oftegae,tisthe Joao& y,orhttti/ita of Ceu .
area,, the aleousg au.t lh,ipoutencl,his meta ,4
tt,n rrf tfoseer. tyior sm.! Polk, au.l,the tatspi.nor f;t•
Si tot, tie Cewn .a ♦ :4,1.0 , , /Id *l4lll .i 0.11.; 1 vat ti
Senatert from the mew State. is initaicona
mitten 00 PJ.II, Udieo. 114.1 Pest ftostis, be loscaao,i 'very
prominent In Cotigreso, and gain • note Sleiost to the
proeot,lttigs of a committee, iteiretaore enainered of but
lottle importetoce. Senator Frnoli a isocatia tiff possaa•
malt tacitotta + oa tha ocean in,( on CU lainitj urged the
a loptiou cheap'postAgo%tan , i is SIT Mini/ Anita hits
self a liberal and eulightened LeCelaiot: White thiswas
hteartaraeter in a national petal of view, the "pecrphs of
TOIL" found in hlm a Edon ("Utast earl ittentrve Senator,
entt no men could possibty hare fought mare gultandifer
her interests, especially on the (tontine of boutdaiy:and
i n the passage of tbe 5t0,660.001) Bill. The - tatfele Oiser•
raeresatirl Math .......r.....-
tnutaactivas of lire, and vas too great al Min to commit
embattle frnn mere pecornlary ermiturrummteubl.:- Dairies ,
the recenelsabermaturiat nausea Imlllentseriesitus lakes
no part vdmite.w. neeotrainly refusing tai' tralta the field
against his aid oonirado - artri oareitifite,fien.i;ata
Li is p,,,rible that thin posit/oft maybe.* fird'arristraurtmr•
nosing ausoyauseri, but matrabotlite that. they alioald hate
he , t may Ihnl..US effect upon a ohaa et bat fang exporters
is path , Life."
The reeelt We State Wass% greeltAig. _the Los.
gresettmal detegatter seta oast pee¢ sbtp Deo.
ocrats tr, two Aiseeteses, thaaajein aconefilniegibstr_ pus.
era pettiest. W. hare igloo reetteit the atate.hy 7,0..000
majority end have the' Legiabiterneejelet. - A1004.:. Res
t %trey to indeed ref ohticedzad, Whei ..thietta• tie Atte*
or this broach of die Beiattateut /Ptt ihe Agit.
land (hoarsen. no% PAM/ Sim edniditt titioi44.l l 6 the
dean of,JaLlt, Chile ta y meet pro**. 4,Adt
about 1%. Thfie $41.414.41* i eth1444111. elf ,Ire.ri
Democrat ',brae at
bored idea et the gentseasinhla *WA" LV/A4,
gave 1600 N, pi jerly, 41;4 (ma halAe!er; 600 lot
adore, the malt tit pastienitr‘y Arse.
lige-O n u nr fourth paxe"the read* trl4l Mid • letter
Crum China. to tie New 'fort Time, *Mete iiesuilieslaisf
affairs in die Utiferitiall ittsplre,*fiti relistiatit ASV' "alb.
hailed in the Tone.. several tailiatilurallaiiii. laeliglait Air U.
S. Cenral at nag. Kern, Bes, sieka. drilhislleele, This
letter IS written by Dr.l l l l ooehaUthisrlday, Stisseser.ot the
S. Flea to the Chßsiseterse. Wait Avid thallnihe
British uteri( oft Cimsems, Sur OosastraeotAsiosstssAlex
ried the A series* tag at AS hesi-ot els eshassise, *ad
did other sets to eassprersiss.esr.Disiteedity4ritit ilk Chi.
DOJO ?bill Japer flatly aectesillete Woe **UM and
gives as ertnestleost a Chisels frspets. poicipicitress6...ot
, ltlferent face nettle sastteir. As, Ott imiiiiimmt q( e 4
to is well knave is We Mass !so spreesse
.sksje *sot
will have especial allieffilikePAWKW ferVie.rfleide" eee4 we
trllt fur it a eareful perusal. ides* 600 lllHrplaeflp bare
sad elsewhere to Peoultrireolut t thtfhaire Published the
*seek eisdeleJStslyellcrae!iiZp . . *gm!) aniPa 4 -
veriskis on his Verge &indult.,
aimpte act of este% IS_Ora: 4l 44 *tot 149. to Orter read- .
INCON SIJMYCY....."The Osi,ata teitempittstamt
dackledly. After the iomistatiov ed 16.2rocutiat bat
yelir. it dri,gittod So. regresetati log t h at. S. Alma/ •eirt_,
true to the Allegan/ of the Narsti.stjKaassa spit ttisma,st
largely, if we remember Tight, fro" tbo fit Q. Deiret4eid
other ultra &Misers Joallosios Wilmir 'hit Mud lam
entire Deutoemeee patll7wara. Sal &war, et fonljass sisivity
into chat territory.. 444il hesoutotaf.obt mpaiffist* i , that
ouch wvnld be the eaeS it "ahaiskoall far (readout" !hit
might sad mac, aatta the bat of tattputopla *so forts,ta
November. Weil, half a year ima Ramri—the coarse of
fh. A.4,atnialroo towards Kansas lasi been prsaistly
what the,kaoosesq. 444 i -sued it !radii - Val . -4i aow, pm . so
rimiugr, it asp - iam . otas frost the., ib li k
sit ft snail last tali wee a tie, ac i d ~tai SPitt4 las beau
betrayed. sad is als mit tai ite V ~.
Again, re repeal, die Meador ieiiiir*beilterit. In ps
Imilearori to show Mar Wei* ii i 4iabt ofbald j betireea,
the Demo.- rrii•or trurtVtaitiis 4 tit* 'fatal
pore plainly Tai putt dtottot4lolbi tie vittattettlet ;bet:
tstoti.m. Be,..,tte, it tits Ireliitgelitili ptcreatiftinteli Apr.
lby in regard th'Kttae>fe 1q iretiVhaiet - ta•tittritiirtli,
and wilt Tab ctie'llt.taiNblistailtaiiif
In the nun.. of Paitiothiritktiqtai4llll/11 1 aliolita, Pelt 411 , r0.
sa l sayi truly Niiste fag IrsiadbOViAllt4li petty bt
iS.Aupltvrt OW* Ileltgithaittni*L-14, 41014+ , 404a
imar peso the "treat* at aslasisy Wm llrarslayi LNir
Nati, strearaus elierirtrais a< tttd Reirideurie• elk& 'bit
Seethe?* erisiulth4s4llsaldlie dear assassoptaassifly? • *ye,
grtsy oat? tbolutits
41+ pati7 + , Moll,ll WOOS* MOS gibing% that +.
few "five" Onnigmett. mairact gaidioidiebaLorgaier.
44 arum the abottbolit Ill4tbellimintsge velobilitii,
&Anglo. do, tbsoi.l ei44 itabatr 10t.% somor+
but hams MIA, Mot raw 00 114444119buta4
&ad provait lef 1kiai. 1 0 4 4 4 4 .4 9i0m 1.4. Per
' a im •Wang" *141 4 *“..*. oho
'Swab. 0.4 ie** 41 14,8 4 .1 NO: thottli.o,
. 1 , w 1..1.. • -
TO PR 1W1114 , --W•air sat+ atlit
pssl Moodie tbialsll,lll.4* elailouitaka
Woe-tar tisoweategt erM► RiY
&Adria' the peeptemf•utiesems* bpribtposiii erallmraikr
mall% September 4sir.: kiistialailaiNgtlikabd, sip
day for theatmembibm HI 'Mud taeMitL Jollo4kierh
the time I. rery frilemp., it viil•emAis viimigimm
.to readiUdi sets miso.,ba'imiiitivk .mitivt — „4 ,
W itswww. Ist mkt 0004 . 6 11 OAP,hitik Aw d olPAP-00 OwSk
pipatampaddioliWav i1i.:444011k: Te
,-- •
corp. They age thoptlyAmtehtles, eons!, a reams
fah a dash ofisei44l4lo4, ill% I...l+pit.f a ail. a
brawaka-limbed,fre• handed as fa loy them u
Aohilles by the Greeks. nerds a vod deal of poetry
b a i g . a ll U G M . H lN iv *
i * ob i A
ahr.oy aepp'4Wp *4prfo.rbo4
performed for the per* love of iiset for leers, bat for the
of • teo.hrt bidiftram
Pelle* -111hadties- win a wret stupid than °Tsr."7:
Inausesaaats are at a retbarly Oh, Tim Sri Of
aroaseuesest, art Skit Newer, thers,have.o# town, U.
lestruainad chi* by itio 801040Westeonserahahts s
wha are aye ia townsgoloo i g stook. Bat i lnes, is
... . .. .
slut/Pay% but pretalege pretty ipp, as the town fun of
haps% • Theo is Tag /ittle dot; folio way . of Phipmentl
as beinslaufs have sank too to the getorna markets
to be exported with prolit. Trisity is is very, ood health
44 the wet weather has done Dior . cleansing tor ui than
armies of 'tree t coursaksidoneri - could aecatiptish, ilia
this Will be favoratile to a good - n's trade. - &b i
kubitositton in Wilhite - islet ill' n itook,tittl'othat day, tal
fat up a little ezette . ment by re rtiag a 6441 of- yell..
it, which tamed oat to be leselhing else"; "The Wil-
ii;ois .•,. h sheet Probably sold Waltz, extra rep.
.: .
I •s, and tti slowed enoOlgt byte etkostien to keep its
bones together a ew days Watt: The Philadelpitleas
were busy with aDo de sue k the lame time, se that
wd aro spared the ostaota vierslabY of some "Illms?"
ohil journals egret !tonality, tie-ftsvekt not bell' I °"'
tad piece of exellistreinformatioi theientoir awning rela
tive I. trhorrid murder oupateurelsad - kkieb peeved a.
greater trot: than the yellow %within's.. -- '''''., -
Apropoe of the Herald, tot yeesievrespeedswa . •
mice to ware thee. of year liseywasursesiers who
occasionally tempted ti ems; bt matslassellialtisheertims
meet" , Inst ter 4na," that and. oporatlema easiskwutily
gale ea noplasessak publish). An ashrealamilsmt In the
fferwid, coma-due ago, praporteg to hisktui prOdwatiaa of
• rasa, Soothes& planter, deltas at wacrpag a Ntatb
wo lady ammo lberarliaste,aatd abiiity, come
ander the eye of a young lady cio 4444 8 444 • little fit
arary reputation among her greeds ja the city by some
clover Jester, plibliaiwile a N. V. regimental paper, over
'Wittig** eigimizure- Sb. repiild to tists seathera inch
videal is a very Mir boast. any tioah+ag ettleith Fee
tioning, al a proof.ef the desire,. "literary &laity," that
ohs was favorably known to the ptblia ortera certain . sig.
aware, which sise was so indiscreit $i to give . The iettes
was hooded to a Mostisira parr f l pithlisestios:sdad foutid
its way to this city, to thel aitcpCo44.l:lle chagrin
ci the young lady's relatives, whore of the "biin
+,u.l to the stair extlegnishinent of the imprudent !Lothar,
eve. These matrimonial indicted aarerthiets sotherfeniii
t paid in their own coin bowel-es In a rase which Melt
to our knowledge the other donna &deletes,' was request,
sd td station sEmie rat the censer oT a attain rtteet. ab
surdly ornaniehLed ? *herd he Po* bo met by a young
1.47 dressed idearsfinst to rpeellicstfont. The lady came,
bui without Me %Misty by Which the was to berrereptlsed
wok a surrey of ternosterTLecthlg sderer,••sind avowing the
street stationed•herself at the wiedew of a friend, 'Willem
she enjoyed the diaaPpeletmewlef th eoeceited
who' ou r entaili ng me eltelteehseus somas,* for sow time
went-boomer voider and I Wilterlllll6 Betas/ sicaisymioni
flay whet they Witt, there will always-be feels scsimagh th
it's 'world to file sow owspatian-to stansisaohial Adm.
Herr, and snook autism& Ina last..Brachway dodge it
therheife melbas *Mime. The bayer gyp into a email
citaMictiment and sees men bidding for OM of tin helves
es a card. lia.bidi for sae krtif• aall bamitaut mats,
when behobk be u proseated with a bill of -$44) 00_ fir a .
down grow of ties eacite.cesditY! licaweebicef 4 14•11P.4.
the stool pigeons ammo their victim that ibis is a 0461,
sale auction C01)416 and tikes he is ItoYe hotiati to take the
lobo!s bill or pay co forfeiture. W. kyow formal sountry
clergymen who hero been saddled • ith this way,
sail have been glad to *case op the payttuant of Es to $lO
i .
When that staple pare otirtatain, old Joke Vf•sleh
foaniled the Chetah, not kawan u higthodiat, end (auto
ens of its most attractive dogmae, a aimplicitVn all out
ward adoromouts, it nu IL!. L ..../Mmarmil Vlr thoughts
iilie tro9"liliitl ittip,lfiriVta either- Ito !level. the
founder of the s e , but still, ern insniot lint bavo"a Irani
rids be any thin" Mai haunted liaeparspii 3 Or'ootittibittes
to swell the•atimisiti — o7 heitilltial ireklteethieit fleilgeth
which adorn our . ciry. *e are Ted
,td hose red:Wks by .
noticing that a splendid tie* Miura edifice haat - trod coin.
minced at The earth Wit caner oT nett,b' awenue• and
Twenty .sheohd street for the use 'of the 'Nutbarrr 'tuk
Yettiodisrelaileoptil eattregattou, who previtraely wor- 1
ettlpe4 It Stuyvavnitt lb stitute,ltroadway. t t reespecatid•'l
that'd' un fest ante 4t. 'elm net bialburrreoegregskloei
will Like *ear, tad that boll wfR worship at the SOW
illiotuairrwhire evrerptetait hewn • eureerywairtualime.
df the palette bieeldant that the *society purpoosto setetea.
earibitaill stritehars, ue•beitsty the west ugly oseurshaillita
this rale* fto llos 41111111ftilbeitillay I bait. plume
vire Ants ofesukeer:
befog mein" . !be beading ern la Atle*
marble heft etweetabutted quinties al L Chealli. halite
, a4reitet ow twesek arsate.othil filet.. it wait NEM* fMt
• 4eep.• naiades e( Die towee,irhich, With ilase **fa Will *O,
141 - feet high, einwooledi iv/ ei tke.leguer 00104008,41.
. the commas's:Gift 16a atistiptikeukrwowb • .411 U, 4s*
wmedbiliesilliwwws siiiiim., ow 14outopee.vo..104 PC.
aratiettesw Wine 1401/94t .Ik 6 l4 o •Pr. W:10 1 16 Vi'litYhe
Idlk be tb. itierni Ili .$4•43Y t TI6 Ri alig k i ! lL 9" ll.l4 " 4
Ow of 4 P 4 sseilliiiO4.o l :4!" ! i l l t? 6.,441°1 Madre
0 * lie I ' lo o l l, / i'W 111 Piefilmiat4"?..; 2 ! 9 P e '"" Yit I ' -
1 asi 'lmeonvenienee. A lecture tooth will be united to the
ehurch tsarina' Iso L TFeety.stetiond street, Rise , Z 6 feet ju
gs hest, and two modes t ialib.. the bandits' ,when .. sinia...„
*teat leftist,* itti4:ooo, a,ud la expected to - be finished In
Assist, 1b413': - . - '
. . - ... .... - 1
Larder, sub** sosiother Lesser moss , robAieno la be
gm order of Abe : cla,r ee d night in this atty. So much in, 1
that it is attelyy, Ati i p e siOU for your cortespinsfut to). no. i l
Ano them in, 441001. An can *AV rstit; r .1 10 * su4 Your ' rit. -
ere to the ‘11,7 psfars,for illedetnilsi,if yon are pointy:4oy .
4niapf tin ee. Th . ,.itgast tetra of the Court 441e0:'
evaiilessiolus eituatnenosi tortley. City tilde in 141407 7
delimits the'bot Lanni:fir ' months in this 4Oort, Wit The'
present term will be one of isiore than orillt i tary inteieSt.
It is the int.i4ten of the District Attorney to try the par
ties arrested fol'a'pitrticipatido in the fate riots, antra Hee
1, time may be expected. Cangetui, the murderer of the
policemen, Triode A(dsraod, wad Aisils . !Pied duttorthe
preset( win. - . ' ''' 7i' • '81x28.•-
/ ...• ..... ............... —....6....-1.... .......r , ;,,:.
. Am. Wks lileneus eve 1 t. obese& straratmeobn slape.thai
'Weelet-taniervited hie opoosest b moat hint 'PM it
i r
quip, sad tleukttws olmerrwr:ao4 !KW* le ~NI
IWebollesibd .tike efelltsoleut l ' , l_,:lit , 4 4 60 11 10.!!.
Willis It. huff eto doutistallet Ik e rat it, the iim it,
was meat ,wie.iiii l ie"—N r yttt i a4.
.144 ms to Pasier. is -
1 .164fd J. 0 . 1 Y “: -webeg We 4'0.41 4 ' 4 ° "144,f Is trots this
absorge. We think we bare .nototeotinood Ute.amater, fur
lint sheipie nests.nt that Fe.teave arm. mimed, ihe suialiscd
of very greet importance—soteeneairh, at least, i 9 matte
oistaseff at all unhappy over it. had we shalt not in the
i r..
OP' 2 • m'lttintiry Ilea 01 leetollasonair Edna* of 41*
4114414 thst acdastierat tits B•uti la totting
ti:Ji• ti t tetra,' sad *ow do** cma the practiaa
asamthkitY- Thin ts-all eigbt-441sprsailetaka bad ono.
. aid tr• like. t• eta JCilsaisivese4—aia It mese to actiet
la t's 'Magi to be,* Wad fame tt is, it liaatitsp•atiop
beim . tbass Vit. wits et imdlook trogoiy. ao4Spopsi to boo:,
- s A e lt .. f - '.. -4..--. ' -.-- : . . •
, - A W 06 , 1 /dn ay Om qmo l boni 0( tho legal
Itc.. - , lizikiilr, E wAse . 0 1. 11 "!M i1 ° 1 . 1 ,.°7 14114
T. , - .TEL• riLisas fil f that pe• tfititiajtala4isplitsaa,
" Iti . 1f . t . f,.4r . 111 lialtiwo - or 64: taut 'dig*, *hit iotl
- 14,4 . ? a etfo''prectikets; , •` :- - . . :
vL. .......__..;_:_ —.....L .- i . ..
2.4. - Tka7Ra.ll4it. CtiCtotasae, Harms meirerssoliair with
Aka aolodra talellatitei; Panel Wendt kat ailoalmt
Ante Baabookre Aimee trieekvememaaelhbiktititoi airs alaileo4t
• gr. 161111411111R0 7sthe osiboot.quelisa n sol*
lbstoo•til %ewe. . ,
Irma stilly oaf ale 1
- matt ati S al lie
I=dto tti' sitaaf colts.; or mak i Ira* au bald
ijf•Oige Mire ritAiitt, of i'r3re*Or W0.341* Rik
Itootaitti4, portiiait46 Ott trtrabw
tiohis ariai VW, Thr itreAppautir in lathe
*or of yolet6, wearing their dark flowing looks, el*.
jliy Real Sadist feud Weletiel4l6toneri.-4-iodlaoilia.
. . . . • . . .. .. ,
_Pitt Veer lia.” iisse M , • 41, Mom
Pau ihfogr, 3.por• 01l
er bo boyol 0 1a, to toi las 144
Woriii/ itgialay.ittorli • io,
tonal 'or. sbey& bin
11 1 . 44‘ 1 ,441e. fit* grobt4Slooloba s Keil boiAnt
l '""""r i i 41 Wmhai but. ito Ito Vutts op " 4ji i ti ewied
lb go" to Warm., ' 'III. ollod Ad b usable to
Moist. mark basstobits Ipoomoles 4Olt bobli. , as&
AI t0:4 ,1.. 0 1 4 1 174
Flat 1 7
please to intone we atyour
lam ho same so that we may visage MIMI
artplaces of meting, order: otspoilthai, dke.
• own*
Wmumeirroas, July 18, 1867
gum. V. R . lIC [ 4LSI~r h if
. Chaimom of State Committee :
Dew Sir—l have received the inclosed letter
from one of the opposing outdid:no for the Guber
natorial office, and inuring& as it peptises a plan
for die "conduct of the campaign which has never
beforiticen practised in Pennsylvania, sod as the
suedes* of other candidates, bairns myself, is in
volved the election, Ftiove thought it my duty
to submit the communication to the judgatent of
the Stan, Committee representing the Democratic
party._ If it is thought to be a proper mode of con
(Jutting the canvass, I shalt cheerfully accede to
the propcsition.
Respectfully yours,
MITT Itit.
PHILADELPHIA, July 25th, 1857.
flow. Ws. F. PAL LEK :
Dear Str-1 have laid before the State Commit
,. . • stetter signed D. Wilmot, dated the 14th
isstalt.. and am authorised to say toyou that in
the opine of the Committee you ought Dot to se
cede to the Proposition it contains. The reasons
fbr this opinion I' 'IyI proceed to state :
w tten.
• ' The slavery ques ' , which it is possible your
opponent proposes to t ss, bee very recently
been thoroughly conside rs sod passed upon by
the people of this CommonwealM-- N TlAlste fres
ideotial canvass involved the whole ject so far
AS it,wes proper for considerationhy our people. can perceives° utility hi its re-discussion
.at this time ; nor aoy other good reason for reopen
ing debate upon,it. The positioa of our party is
weft naderstood and.requires no viediestion,at lesat
by ally extraordinary proceeding: tike that propo
A joint canvass by candidates for the Guberna
torial office has' volidunted in thin State.
nor.. Lbelieve. in fty herherntomb and may well be
gnssgiened on grounds of public policy. If the
practice he once adopted. it will doubtless continue
and party noininationt tie uniformly made with ref
ereoce to it. -1 1 10 party will -venters to Ivied a
cfliffidate for this office who is not qualified for the'
'stump ; and aptitude for debate wilibence become
to be administrativeability. In short
-the vomit will be to confine neadestions to the
clens.of talkers, and to exclude all Mims. It rule
of party action which would prevent such men as
*mi. Franklin, ,Simon Snyder and Francis K. '
Shank from filling the Executive chair of this
State; must be a bad one. aril to be denounced
tathir than adopted.
• We believe there is a consi4raide public opin
ion Against the propriety of executive candidates
appeariog at all beim* popuhuibseetings to solicit
votes. This was tint prat:o44 by Wm. F. John
ston in leen. and has beets to acne extent followed
by eandiAstss since. It did not originate with the
13exuacratic party, not: has it ester received any for
mal popularor patty sanction- t It may therefore
be considered an open qiiestlo4 ifi future practice,
`hod at alt ev'ents as forming no art of the duty of
a cutulidahrimposed -him 's' , his nomination.
• While your orpiment holdall tbe office of Presi
dent Judge, there ;as a•imeetaiistoection to the ac
eeptatice of bis project, The propriety of lew judg
estaking part in political npltings is denied by
.oin party. and is opposed by spond public opinion.
no act whatever ought we it° sanction 4 be
comparliciptinfii in a proatit*tion of the judicial
lt ... f ah/ .1
to elect a successor the present year.) and if a res-
Ignatiou.shiould now take place, it would obviously
knhwilbAn.iiiiitesttion of resuming the office after
the deftist,for the pod, to width be aspires.
The proposed mode of conducting campaigns
bratpossibly be steed' to 'omit of the Southern and
finuth-Wistern States, where it: has been practiced,
and whose population an& prifltieal conditions differ
*ma ours e; • bet its introdactisin bete 'would be a
gainst solid objections, and without any conceive
blesood is. therefore. a proposed •• Southern
.pweseeme . upon the practiol and policy of part
, ins in Perussykvania. which capuotbe at all accep
, tell or permitted.
'llls well that this questioiihnis arisen when we
Aare a c.iddrifatectplAtle wade for any discussion
11 -Wiirt d_r le e ropf toot when die decision can be pia
.eed. syr Abft imbarressmerst, upon public grounds;
.which control it. • •
I.ton very sespeatfully.
Your obedient serysint,
C...I4..BUCKA I LEW. Chairman
Ml' ILLlAllsrotir, July 27 1857
ri • D• 3iVudrot :
, t trhour . letter of the 14th inst.. was
.recnivetk, mid as iii.priiponert &plata for conduct
be iktiecruisoria s i Carn_paign which had never
hitherto twert adopted 'in Penhayhtania, and as the
A t
Interesii 'of - other candidates ere involved in the
wirtot, V did hat ftel lit lihe to accede to your
toils/position wlthoilit fitit moat 'ng the State Com
mittee-to. wMfli the Demooralie Convention has on
isa part•frpeelally eon dad thisOontrol d manage
ment of the Oanvesa. t . •
' You, will zeoieve herewith` copy f myt lette
to 1):le Sommitiep, also so heir r 7. by which
yOu will perceive that your sugges o does not
• tireet te r approval. and that, for rpasoos stated
- at - feni oisirhl'uorto accede to yolh , proposition.
libteftrie. respectfully dii,clittert.
I am, yours. truly;
•,• , - ' WM. F. PACKER.
ritelft hale bera lead to et:Marto the eorustattaee
etoiltrilebithlp of Da. We reettue, of goettester, N. Y.
Croat touglaat efl . ttok eqtapordisary atiaseee to the totettaeoF
atm of private nature. Soo etli-rmeat la oar Mrs
•• • Avg. 1,11167 -
-- - -
Nehbl rd 13130114111441 , 00111
td WM' V I
i. itagal.
la d allre 6 - -r bait '
• - 1117C1F111160111,41 M SIM
PS YB.—Like a big river,
Sr Wad end deep sad stank, Übe earetstion of WY A.
lELEWirIi NAM DYE lions and onward, burying imita
tors, sottleerieg ep pretenders, dkereing all learportitioa, casting
rpe *won and.oppo %ha toast of boasting puffery
d thedeed dogi of enappreelsAtraah-nsogers. Nadi, sold or
Apple* as 233 Draseinsy ..Yr_w "P 11, Coanterlbdts are offered,
menid all exempt !Mambos liall W isa Batchelor on.
LIM' . A. ealClEfilLoit,
m Hroedny. New York-
All other" ere cosinterf . eit."--Bold y Stewart it einclalr,grle, Pa
, - Irrfilkaar of an mart? tow Ind "D. Bstobotor's Halr Dye,'
i OfUtitlh N. T.** basked by Tuttle & Bosom, of Auburn
Ittliamso( ffealersyrtio melt It are nos! basic obtained, and will abort
it<be fliblialOt 'Lail&
MeV lINVIDEVIIITTO ET Ira 1gn 020114 ID the etteetion at our, tomato radon two
whirl ap pear to be at .4settng • good deal of attention
1 at.the tensest thine in rarlerue pe ~ of the &sentry sod Wily ta
t troduholtio thielte — arl Ole" Leader's Aatipeostive
der air rental' loriatire.'" edging from the letter; that
I MOOMplally -se esanot hot • thou poontsoott et more
than ordinary [writ, and calculated to afford relief to a
i ma
member of lemon suffering unOr complaints pmenUsz to
*Orem, Sesei Weak tlistordinegg gloms yinil to reach.
' Soo aaft=ent and lett.rpt n relation thin medicine, In
Sinother • • - •
-i-lerta. A .
Ata thin is the season fu which dais
are 0
t 0,1611.-
, 1 6 1 1.--
- -- — 1 Com
41 freirainitly treahled with Bowel
votab. w• 44 for pulsate to know that Ws/we ere • fruit
lisVlnsi • beiluant chase of Mee derationnentsi Lad that •
r ar i". llo4l fraad sisiglarbrominat reasonably he
o expected to
l at=grom .rt ge=a li bi ti l e t . ta . tlo ti n a r the o =noe
ellawriat:M/ laia? dams al-the OIRMAY WORM
ay, wbloh removes a e worms and the .Asa la which
h ip lialloall 'tad Ittiutalowa, rst libaspatabb‘ tribal& not
bat just the aoatrat; p
t0 4 P4 14 .17= kagh and racOlcbto at ha
atlate Sbi Una, eamllkal; •
z 2 •
‘ Ol/ nt
botrtee ribre erletleg eider telt tore sadtrel et Ro•
4 ii tere 4 - 11b Weeereity le this bo eteteal eeeseut—the
be mediae& breatobere by ROGICRS SRN
MT, Aro WM mettle en ts dee to or IbtrLtbst . o r ,lbbr 113716
• •
' - rtICIZDT.
alsolgit o :- Lot 4 for flalo.
r ik,.l ll. ,at n a tl . % at Um Harlon trome, on
[ - SITU .1 ' . ,06.10 °Week A. X., la LIGHT
ea. &
ii Pm AVIS - t worfka Guiana position nt
Go, Sou th - W cornet of Square. trio, now oornolod
its tam , . 3,
. .
of tior Wawa money will SOPlris ea War
kottiZeriki of tioS ru ilow iiiirrbi; era tie bit
/Pools twituldwolis annuna inotshnonts, with bilar-
Anti& 11, HlSt—lll'ilw. '' ' • Hy WiItAINITIT, Aired.
torlattll - 1 Atraluitr.•
- - -
Rirt - an. Dosisos nazi Csoanry, Glainnire
s‘ 11 anti" MO* Nosh, come foe nu soli
481 iirSog il
OWN gbh" Ps.
S . Aran% N. A. MUM
• boeinews will hem._
times ready arel willing to supply the wants of
h ad the public, who will favor ow with • gal,
• Jun ort baud INMAN 011100
Cash or *ethane for Produce at lb. 3o
SALT, POLK, 114118, Cams, be.,
thing in the Grocery Ito. will be found at No.
_ loth , -.Ate street.
N. goods delivered free of charge, at all times,
within the city limit&
August I, flitler.
W E brie.r4 re=lttlsidli."2l.4l" rlOeß .w
Loam, Door Bsadllos, atts, Sow% &e.
Suitable fur Lwow, Boggles, sod a lbw vespown. Syslogs,
Ask OM. age•
r4alrlD WILMOT
AU kiwis ofijoitwas and COrd ago TrUoratop; also ilitott Baird
ware of owl doscriptioa, too Naaaaroar to osoaarrito
amid ry Glass Ware,
(2 1.4 1 47; at ve km Iwo
LAT 6r cash
Castors, Cake Ibakerts, Batter Diabas,Caa4l•Btteka t epoosia,Posta,
Batter Knives, fro. Also, a largo moortooont of Briquets 11
Erie, August, A, 1861.
•Lt. /CCM: •
Cash Paid for Lumbar,
cry.. At4r tw 4
S ' '"" 41.
karat& ,
SYRL Pe and MO •• " dee article,
Aura,. 9.
HOPS nice and Froth, u
August 8.
SALT:Co/awe and Pint,
Augutt i.
AuvaBt. 8. InFOCTL
August 8 . rt-mem.
Angast 8.
/signet S.
A _LI , persons en bonny motioned wicket trading !be s Note
gtren by the undersigned to lords C. Enghtad Ihr (PI Mote)
Serenty-Stx.dollsee sad Ifty eon* pesside at the oflthe of C. B.
Wright k Co. to &IV days from taliAtli alt. The moment of
said note will be resisted as fa int oftsined under Improper mom
natant lona
41j: oyliWrill
• 11
ASK- .87 ORE . 1
G.• W =LOT :Proprietor,
TO Hotel sad Wean Keepers, Parties firraistring, or %boss ear
amusing Furniture, for tkot of newer Dodge or Otero Pars&
slue, for basoidiste Sale, tali tea tempest, beer pries, me work
swoothip, *ea plaris Ndir for your...`,
3111KAlia=11 11 2 1 00 CIINCT:PaCiIeo
Ks as, Inewiewni ewe* of lirsa ester experiensed • end
trek winked Sleek et lfaxistak, kirks ignit% wm ios.
=lllEx tension Dinky Tablas, Book
1 stews Mein. Creassises and direer Caws.
•Irlito rend? tsr delivery. Walnut, Cherry.
thier Wardrobes, tioarterts, Wharsols. Boot, Book, Mill, fiat,
and other Racks, Mate, Bnicketta,lkaloset Inraihane and Flztares,
at a, kw days both*. With tie Medi kept daily
didesind eoeseentien, O. W. X. has with piper
1 Manufactories, Wholesale Tinders, he is la • r.-
1 Rom to sopply and furnish Throasheut stooky
Ia We day* netios, with weep oviesasty for @Manor 4.0101161nK,
sad din regard will be paid to rewasikabla andscate charge% with
out saarldee of Quality, Nrweity, hasty of Newt, end essekense
of Material
Texas Strictly Cash.
-Furnitur. Prvorli ralistiod. anti maimed Lo.lll4Giortia,
re-platad and no-trazatd, Portrait Jrod
other frames tis.d to *Nor,
ke lbw
Tho w gz ivaa
The trade they wood to Ileum of prize. .
hisw•ver, to a. t4atigt,l446 bias ;
11l bt4 4b - thlt soldbrl %um bett•r— - •
Thesoaa who swot* I=
j os buss.
tir W. xLLsuicy Is for the
opining. of s : 4 ALE AND COSCEISSIOAT=E I i r s tfie reception
of Household Furniture, Stork in Trade, and other property, nut
fop quick disposal. Those sendiugGooda a reiy on his exertion.
&kitty, painctual orttleownt. The above will be condwatiad by
®► *„.1„, a powerful, siol well tuned 6 1 .,, PIANO, In Re.
served Cu.,
on Salo,lirEkrillElit with Pillows and Rand.
souse Coverßdo. '
Salo, TA111.04 AND NTANDS,, with Glass Wasik
Abio, NSTALIC-PAINTIN CM In Gilt frames, at
G. W. eusars, furniture Store.
Kite Am's**. IL-43.
200,0C10 - MET - 11 1 080RY LOGS.
TILK isheerile` etil pay the highest mhairet prime lu Cask fn
tou,oloo het or Mekoei Dlre derivered stlksfr Yard oh Stitt
.qs the Canal. The timber must be good, lough and dew St
for behelisg. •Yhotte Brolly umber sin got b 6 eaten.
• Erie, geemetS, SELDtpf k MATHER.
To the 'escheats of the West and Horth-west
PHILADELPHIA MARKET being warily MCCeisible, your attar
'llion is called to it, as possessing lacalities and advantage!, worthy
of your consideration.
Among its advantages Mar be enumerated Its location, haring
shorter liner of communication to the intelor, its proximity to the
Iron and Anthracite Coal diotricto of Pennsytranur, the large and
varied extent of Us EllatifaCtUrca, being far to adrunre of any other
city in the United States, the moderate expenses necessary lbr
carrying un business, Re" ac.
The market pow:saes nartrelbel 11,14•1111telei tat the sale of many
kinds of produce„ such as TiOur; Wheat garter, Wool, Butter,
Cheesy, 110, walls the chervil toe& upon galas bad attendant el
armee, ere were andante Due aelettliatert ember! neatens.
WOll W. rikui,, Wholesale BOOT, STItiT and STRAW GOODS
W AREtiOustdip.jtjiLitutot at
nowfiLL . lillttchitotuthetttrers atTIJEWS HANG
INt,z62a Cheated St.
J. C. FREIMAN D (with) IL LIM R ClUOL r fmtwrtera
of WLE.RY and FANCY GOODS, N, W. earner
... wadi
matte all
23111,000 FRET .11 LOGIFINdiI For Solo as
Also a bug* Stock of
r - viT"T!rW7rMiTTI■ I II
Bag or 'wpm.%
AS • Superior article to be fOuttd at
es,. Work Shops on :ills street, above Engine finnse
Philadelphia Advertisements.
At Mere:Male Hotel, North 4thBty Plidladelphus.
Sth and Market its.
JAMES BARBER, Whol.ina• Doti/. in CLOCKS, t for
of fine GOLD Flll- S K. °stow SI and Cloodent-ota.
RANIMAPIIWWW & 00., Wiligundo Diego isPORILION
and DOMESTIC DRY lIMM% k a. ISO 'dada* afraid, above 413 L
YARD , unArilloale is lionAti and 41111otthad terust,
laipurtsru sad Jobbers o f 51 RIBBONS. DRUM
GLOVES, WITIS.,ko. Alin, tousaologas. wain asmi c tin
90006, and UMW. CAMBRIC Hamra.
Ad!. 0412,11111TELIL, Allier* US as" Wow Aro. Thais
pals Isuilor bu STRAW 900013, SILK, SATIN' and TRIMMED
BONNETS, FRENCH FLOWERS, moans, 111;CaR8 and
MILLINERY 06008-81 MN OZ UM 0411/.IOH.
CA a lime* a. maim as 00.,. Wholoorle Dusters is CAR
YARN, Amu, Vo. SIX N. 3d Street- our Carpet Chain Le put lap
- Sall voted, *Dhoti% Plots Roords.
LYE for soklog,
_BO4 NSllalletikrOd bs the Nun. Soh co, I
T,,,, ,in5v ...... , imltty, ?sm. llususlmstsd Br LITILTIL,..
JAE . . .
N 417''',: cito m al y,. ...e .t i t Nishes Rs. vori
21 Delors" Aiso. low. - • ' •
B. L. 111,Ti 41:. roirlirAilA 4t ell;: mill
Con too ral of - "Ort - ri ' and
ordors , fiT oriluo4ll WIPB I OOI OW AS Nadia
N. 4: Ga i ram ft.OIPIIIIII4 • Fill iliN
PLAT 2,11 . 150 N, Itle
L. JO db 00-
No 0 Signalitilli 04 4ko andly now
stands is Bitul.. *Ohl sibreMLBIL Thou irea..
URNSPPI ' •' • : • .
He- •
ater Lae no iboVial la tine emintey—te all met iron, mil w
mese, AO Kr. Gent more heated alr with the tame imerent et fink
than any other furnace In ale. The Itertge him two mime flat
kik* uniformly at the Name time. Them ineemeeme have we
equal in tee market. BIWA Tor Was for all meta= of the
I Woo.
PMEWI, 7031:18 e CO.,
-importers encl•Joblwor to
British & American Dry. Goods,
2.15 / arszket, th roo ir kto 204 Chi m& Alley ,
in7Nl Orreeparavell Notes.
IP4T-411111111111. d KRA NOEMEN T-1857
iyit s lttlre S t Ei c i TU' tardier =bee, Pamarer
• 960 A. It :WI stow se ih ray , tom s :apt
i errob,
T . 11. W.P. M PaallMe 6 69 P. 11.
4 26 P. X. Th6l6 Mope at Paibbowttes, Maar
'MR *MA may, bad deriver at Ilet• '1 IA P. IL
Da 9169'.*a WE P.M.
9 66 P. IA - 115prekt P 6160111% Aab WM;
Pal sad olives be Dew 1 3*
.. SUMO 6 Lot h, *A'.
=kV* Phil,
12 * /.. .16:E it ll=tebia jtopa It Wm* ;
and Palma% oily, 111 arthigisg
mfo. A. IL Maitles i t bit Way Slatione " P t Bab
bitt:4kDam mad Mali& and
MS 30 P.ll. an'
1 45 T. 11.1= ?Ma Mope &Mew* Colassat A*Sabala
NW PahritsiJi. oily 6366 antivild (111•01664 6 116
D.. X:
All of Um eltrebill bolas pen 16.elosed awatm** '
vita Waellarlataio, Mono. Colwabab, C 1
gyp/walla tips tra ui teslab gob% 111:6sew ai6 46
oak the N. T. E.; sad at Ilsak6o
it.... 1 9 .6166 Dow
1 Teri Obedial awl bad Dog Yetireley •
Oise del le D. 16.. D. 1 FL 77- 611166.11.
"vas U. INT. DO ' - 1.9461.
lbeldednme art •
titian km
Tba rto
rt ratt j i t m aild Premolars., it
to works aestild
TS* Kxhibitloaa eonalot , rd sorb ayacirwo, of 4 ,
siontloord, or allided $o la lbw an hat sad th. Mr
Pouninots not oppoidt• to th• kind oprciarrno
aoudad by dm Jade"s naiad below, r their initualt,
saaaaaalat oarapotltort ; sad oath baba Prtaili ,
paid by the Treaaarar, at the arar, claw of Itzbitdifew
;il l s tine eartilleatia, dyad by iontr
eadark rsO
or a larm*
litionelipanntriZ i r
It Tk
4 •
• die Onnounaabil
. it'.— " "
recr ank "
ark Jr ,
VI —Tim Klarallanooun Dapartarant.
&Nit Hatoriool or droop Pliantly( in 0i1.....
bid boot
.... ..
tad boo
Dist Portrait " .. . -.
ald beat, _ . .
bet Painting of i 11... Harbor of Erin ~.
and best "* " . .
Dean isney Pointin g In OW
1d boa .. ..
best Beolpture (human Ileum, in mi.1i,10.._ .
2sd '
Boas acialgifora. farm, -• , ... .. ~
tad o i.
---- , • •-•.. . • .
Bilit be goki in Clay Mumma Stun , .. .
Said peat . . ... ,
Da te d ad 61110eriftYP•• .. ..._ .
S toot .
B as t " tramAnevd oa:loatart.... . .
Beat Painting In Waiter OW*,
Ind tWe Diaintal" in PITA, enyfilin, or arionecttromat.c. -
Dalt " "
by pelloll tinder le risen ofige.., . , „.
Dar Seebieartneil Des .
Jcsata. --Gen. C. IC.M t Wes. AA:coma EN, lie, I'
on, Dr. thmaidas. Her. S. Z. arrester, X. It. doom, Ka i
got Ss; an of
nii lstronoudeal Agitestus . -thy
. ee• cal Itunnnent ... ....
" E o-irearianle machine_ . ........ -..
Dust Names' PtillimoOlior appTielea.. .. __Gi l ,
Chemicail 2
" Geographical .. .
7.: .1 L NAL —Dr. ru N. Staitrt, Bey. G. W. Gtssisok be
land, D. Y. Ensign, IL BMWs; Geo. A. I:l2latt, Ee l
Best Spectrums o (Jewelry In G01d..... . Inpli
•• " ?flyer .. -
" . 0 Dentistry . .. . .
.. .... 4..
i , Men mid °rimiest:l . W Painting to I.lhl.
' epocinnlin of OnismainSel Shea Work
• .. • . Cloth or Par;r
i• D e ei g s for rani: H0UP11,.... .
.. .. . Barg..._
. /.... ' Cirriage Boom tad itabi.. •
~ - *• in 'Roam.
. . .. - Poultry doom ..
hixAct —Dr. Wm. Willem, T a. Blatt', P Ni! y,, ,
Bur 11o4st of • Bridge . ... ...... .....- .th i p.u.
" -
lßambe. .. .. ..... ' ..... -
Saito. spa or over, sr.
let dear 12 feet {oaf
- " Carriage . . „.- .. .. ...
Beet Bade suit of Gasislesaierr elotlame. -
+• 'Celt made tic • lady
.. Paola " " . .
- .. ,Huth dip '' -- - . . ... .
“ Specinio of Otustavalal Printing
i , addle 'Lod Bridle . , ~ _
" Side .4•04 L. .... . ... .. .
•• 1104.1 Mao gatia4 - - -- - .
H.eite for i:entlerfeen..... _. _ . .
• Led r
. See eland% of fetretisig
Jeteuits. -ANA Via& tag:, A; A. I:Mi. lam., J..w.
V. —DEPARTUrrrOr Nrent.E w..P.K
Bart Hertwriuiu
• •
F Muni Haim**
t aster this' head the judge* may iswWs., s 5 a esta
hot mentlowed is the ottwr Iwpartiondi
Jt isoca.-4,. B. Goa, W. A. OW, John tarter,
Daviaittort. Ides. W. Be Lan*.
Thatiztiibitioc of the Art Cl2lOll Win b• 'seta is
"Bowman Adodwoq," and " Scripture • ts•-tery
of the Arh, la the askysit Ida*. on Tbsuaday ittoi F•
sod Sod. days to Offaidblik pod. Wag aft It. • .att
lriirfreSpir; Whitt law elitism? may dinars to I
ate oust hate the p• rice marked.
All article, pressaied for estatless wad passe LW,
Hell (Alt the dose of the takatittaa.
The Joftes aqua** taw* ilaidsaso ko a Mavis.
o f jlt e g ..t day, ud Oh. awsoonomokt tsitt to mad
ape MakAhltistas will pa Opeowrifrea &taint., w+a
wish* tame .111 be wow:leak tosharoselts
The Y'hhthtdauss willehomehealtlldraws raw
said coo it. cnitturisi that day sad *eat... :./Ser
day and eireauss; aM the ithdkeaci • stit,tut.
portion of the time with iscatig,katth soca. sod ilistrut
All nubs of with tb.A.f lansthes
with :lemma r
Stolle tickets, adva(ttlot y had ilsntleam Tat
At the doss of the Eskdbatassaaa 11.014041 rJI
Maim of met articled as tlasandahlaors hay to :mi.
Persona dos sue Missals. lodonsatu , a .5 thew:
apply to *aromatics,
a *" . J O HN A DOWMAN,Pres.leiti
• 7 C gatiriVita. Trilliallr sod serr.u.)
T :irvaay, 1)
8.6 • iIIVAL,IL,
S AIM. • . Daysoroder,
Rer POW* A. 80 1 / 1 1411,
I C. Seataireaa, F
l, 01:11•11 t.
Mrs. (Laaa arwrfa,
Mrs J C. Rh*,
Ina, August 1, 1037-16
&'W - m - ft. -- ii. --
ART ---...
~„...... , I. , ti„,
...,, .
the Awarding 01 Prim..
tan ; and UV. 6.14 m, 14 1 L
It efona ! sad Attietee., 1,,
"""."-.4 wteollesiee ara.l
at t.. tb.t Treas,....• ~,
entitled to. the 1 • I 1 . I 1., es '::.
Spontorn or oery
[lmes Yoking._ : .
Oreouroula Montle Work
crotbot Work ..
Lamp :otao,S klar nr,l rushrothr.r.d
pnt t ikroxli Qtilii.. -
•• slt.,criog• ;knit _ „
Jr Mario Mond, Um l O
Lawton. Mr, ABM.. Lyon, lira Ir.kui tat..
List of Letters.
D EiteiNosta to th. h.,. odio, . kale, iJ.
11, Phrayae calling for Orr* hotter. r.. 11 Kira., a
A ul.cobacker 1... r •t• Htaketaaitgb, lima HJ t Pala. ,
•u•trra• K J Haskins ikasalria Pato
Anthony . * thaclict PL.
A utboay Jar•iraa Ilautpao=ttiLia It s
A naorsou blab* tiop•oduc Mrs bate tc. ,
Hark In H Jar.' Hatch & algae C C ' James Mindy ilev-
Ilurwelt Lyman Halley T. lAttcla
Hu,. Wilikm Hewk il
r blerary
litho. Alesatoter Jones lila. teetretaa
lieunatt Jam.. II J s. 'AI Lama tto
Beebe S le_ Jewall Veanktta 2 Itrys
kkaiter Copt Wu' Jinpru. iestura. Ittare
att, Tbespons bags Ina ••mie
baciar NW Vary g donbilltal Nth so ~nu '
ftsagolottar K D bass K 13
;Dow a U W Jiarias44b :...oat
liral?gesgige Aanavw 111407 Mtn --,, Flall
Browne itta . Hills i. as`
move 6 • PinneyJolot '4/!
BrOvr D John T Soda Donis ...a
Conway Mn Lundy fart Tb, A.,, sal
Carter Albert hoed Wee hilt*
Conolon Uarnet Lew* Illagsaso
Coegibro Allen Lausgdota 11,
CRII li II Lane Ilanjamo ,
Can e taws torifergi T. Y
Cook Mae. Ca salts J /way rattart
Nat Jona Lee I a
001. ttarar Illten Alm
Onkton *L.. atlas ll=y Naltara -.
Mill Mal A 1... r .1, ithetna Aga* 1/...r,;..... , ...
OhaltlantA _ ilwea• beeryC7bKda CC Jr ' gloansAtlaittAstelna uskt
Dana Maw LOMA. Saabs 4.644 e Na'
D.,* lit i a Alma, t
Moo leictumi
•Dwer Jobe. 2 thetiter V A
Dancing Joy *ink Jan/ova
Lktrant grMian, hall:! MIPS
Proatt Nue .6) trot Manllbelt A L
thietwon Kilo L....JAM...0w Wm .
Davison Joan A
Damper, Psoara gleCwwary Yrs Ana
Elliot ars k• li lic.Astigla.Msebne4 N
gado , Yew Seterty fileUeggatt lissaAnsa E '
rooter Juba ,' MeallillNAt
I Fertownt loan MaCgwary Atiga •
Gorton Hurt '
„ __,_
0 lA`
alOrao , Igehattand two .
Ileaaanel Jusepn H.
gellaaisse W W lge .
tettattl Audi.. a.
Uesat lint A /I Ntelanta A 0
item Nisi Nancy Noaribion tied... 6 w. ,
tit inane Kra Satan !gewgaws Wilts star t. go
Gs/bert Ulm Ibilf Nottbrup N J 4,
Seer I. U ' Nagaut Janne
Gills hmue , V ?gown Jamey
lalalloy_riarsek Weary loan J ~.
Grubb AvanalA K. lAlka Jere
OM lags SOW* gt Oliver Jacob A
kicarey Georg* O'Coanel Luba
Bowlantl Ka:nabs+ Mortar Ylaa J.
Mato kt W ey ue II Ls Hum.
Badge K K Yak Haute -
11arlay tiargot
tivelmoCeti or all Math, at
.A. Lariat K. _ _
ALAMB. maimmiesent sad Intak wirs,
['Want", at prier. tar below eh , .
itgd IPWldne .toot aad slow lastmd i"
I lar ge ... I:lChorraphi ,
P."*. , ku od *tars., net. rie..." , • •
Jkiguat I. Itsj7.
ralE -- CITY
OF FIQK Ip kni v ire k, enrwr • ,r
t the tight T' •
J. k
Rneop.-EsTiv.; the
kor. sl4as ft/ know
Insurance Company of
Awaati. - tha/ltoge. " 41 %.
CAV*V.&L. swemeary 100,4404'
The Quaker City
Cimh mid *rialto. 4 4
Mantifacturelf Insurte
UF Pllll.ogt4 litt
• 4.. k,
' -
lt t
ICON Mirka )60
rriftUlhilio.. • • •
I wont .t lb. duct .1
12-110.7.1 baftikiEr;l.-
l) July U.
-tre ov