THE ERIE OBSERVER. - _ ■&l4j. 11. 6LOANI, LOAldlt•r SLOAN a WOOILIII. Publishers sad Proprietors. eITIIRDAY, DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION& TOR ooviamos, HON. WIT T TAM F. PACKER, :Or LTCOIIIIIIO. TOR . CkNAL COMMIBIONIR, NIMROD STRICKLAND, . Or *2111811 , 1111. NOR SIIPILIMI JUDOCB, HON. JAMES THOMPSON, Or tilt. HON. WILLIAM STRONG, Or BERCI'. News of the Week. —Quito ii seasiAloa was created to St. Louis the other ip,. b as aim tau dry goats house lo +dad', of *own, a lady higataL It apron that a Jim Wildey, armed with • ridl•s whip, mid settompanied by ber basband, wbo was termedy a member of the polio*, entered the more of Mosplesty • dewily sad alter asking Mr. emonelly if he had Mated dist the was a w—e, to which he replied allinaatilrely, the consenood to lash ►ls d• the bee. Casual* ra•ebed over the oos•ter sad seised Mrs. Wildey's ba•d, apes which Wilde, drew • bowie k•lfe wed revolver, •od attempted to stab Camay, wbo ran to- wards Um task pert of the store, followed by Willey and kM We. Ms. Haggerty, a partner la Ms mtablishoont, *ea imatettrod, sad bo with OmaseHy, attomptod to take the halts beta *Very, dories which Haggerty reasimd two stabs is the bask. Countable Miami sad kis depety peastag the MIS at tat time of this otteuramos, *awed sad arrooted Wildey, asd took Ms Wore Jamie* Waite, trite lamed a warns; epos telloh he was emassltted to Jell MM ink wee erresced by the pollee, sad was lodged Is the saimiteme. It ►eppsesd that a day or two ago, Mr• Oewaelly had made mate amortise is regent to Mr.. Wil der, rellestkeg apes her ohmmeter for virus, which, °ma ims to her ears oho amarmaloated the feet to her husband. He leamedisiely lammed her that if ah• did not go down mad Cosa*, he would sot live with her. It was la ettedismose to this commead that Mrs. Wilde) , weal to Um more. Wilde, sad wit* wen admitted to bail. —No lean from tin Week*roe Cotes, that early on Mislay alliessoms„ a piing sea eased William' Richard sea, a plater, (a aopimme of Wat. Carey Joan' Baq.,) .11 a pressrun and &booking twit. lie was with several emapemiese, at the bombe of Kr. Jobs rut, me ?oath street, when be bad Put takes room, sad the parties Wen lammed, paring till boars, who. Yr. Rieliardooa pleated ap a revolver, a staple-barrelled pistol, sad a knife, sad, beidlati them at ants' ingtb, Kr. L. A. Baree p'sy fally eztemiod Ids band, sad obtained pimientos of tito pin* sad as Um bra-arm was demseadiag„ In a rage seedy Ida lilisleardsea's .tease►, It accidentally explod ed, lb* ball material' tbo body of Ms reopeetod sempaolos, mita see. benne spooebless, sad algid la the °oars' of Meaty attamies Don .tbe *Soots of ibis vresad, nor/ride. stmainag the prompt sundae', of Dr. Dirrows, who is vela semipla for lb* ball, with p view to =tract it. —lt lowly; bees afutooneel by isiegraph that Miss Madeline dull►, who was tried for the fourthly of K. D'Asgelier, at Wabash, by poison, sad acquitted, mm• 6116111111 of whit& will b• foetid on ear outside, was a pas sage, of lb. Asia, mock cariosity was manifested on the fieriest elf that vowel at New York, by a large natabor of peresmo, anzimos to see one wh. had Woos* as famous in Swops as Mrs. Chtanifigkam had in Americas, but on in quiry it was bald that the lady in question had not left lagiaod, or if lb. had she ow smartly did not some on the Aria. The •rrar . arow from the fast that • Gorman lady named Waikiki' Schmidt, nos among the pasaengfors, who hued rafabfr_ismoog themselves, sod indeed believed it until they-Minted among each other during the ' , Oyer, that this was the o•lebrotsd;Madelins. —Governor Bachford, of Wtsconsia, of coign• a Block lispublieaa, oft the 9th instant, issued a commission, is notary public, to H. Nolan. a person of nut-brown com plexion and n•gro extraction who has resided is Madison, Wisconsin, sway years as barber, ice-eream-saloon boil - or, mid leader of a ootillon bead. ae also iaventiod the "capitaloviate" and " trieopherous," two varleti•s of ''dog waters" la general um and (imitation for Lb. hair. TM ecomoilasion is Weed with all the proper formalities, sad the hood required by law is sifted by Wm. M. Nodes aad by Ws. S. Jarvis es hoodlum'. Bat the Soentary of State, Coloool loom, rehear to Sloth* hood, and on It has put the following endorsement: ''This appointment is in violation of the coastimition, and therefor* void." —Vie paps?, give an ammant of • retreat difaaity is Loalista* Wires' Geo. D. Prentiss, editor of tire Jtornai, and R. T. Durritt, editor of the wrier, sad maw that P'ren. ties waylaid Durritt as M passed along Jedseson street bun diatom, and slot at him dove times. Dania realm ad the trompllmest, and shot twice at Prentke, bat nobody was Mt or hart Puiatioe, 1/11•1 ha made t h e attach, wu surrounded by a crowd of Meads, all armed te, the teeth, tarpapered to book Ma. 11111 parties conerrned itr the atm were arrested on Wednieday,.:aad held to bail in 111,001 each t. keep the pease. —A few days age a yeang Jody got tot board the steamer (Wand, at Bacheeter, in coespaay with • patleinaa.— The make% of both parties made it slowest to those who observed thee *at they bad be. quarreling; bet of 'seam de sodas wise taken of the fast by their fellow ?anew& Whet the stearaertleft Oswego for Beekett's Harbor, the yoga" lady saddest , " walked to die side of the beak, plowed ever sad was drowsed. The captain took graeaseekoa of her baggage, sad letters fosad is bur trunk meal a Sib of arks*, sad baptism* oa• or sore persons la hebeiging k r te dishonor. —Jolts Oral* the editor of the Helmer Courtly Re. pieliwee, • violist Repabliese sheet, has been arrested on . Amp et rebeiag the wail. He has bees iadieted by tie greed Jerry. He headed a letter to the postmaster Gestate lag SU to be mat to Ciseiaaati, sad while the Aides bask was terwrd he ezelusagoi the letter for me aisles the mosey. The. P. K. .dia•ov semi the alai, sad Caskey hardied ever the Niglio! letter. —A M. Uwe, of Lamastet, Pa., has obtained letters West ea a seedy dieserered primmer for preserving green ears. It souk*, la tamer* the pith fro. the *oh while yet gresalead than dribs( the ear. II is stated that this prewesis the asessalediee of Reald, and reader. the work .1 peeprebg the ears very trivial. Cora the. preserved is mid WNW* its paeans, lIMUNS.S. ••41111 Thlliellikr, a edgedwasas, reddiag ie Baltimore, /Asiitykeid, whale seek*. dieser, used fur one of the sep pert. of *a kettle, ea *id beashekell, which was not keeps te seakeiciliky pettier. best, however, • load exploeios Seek pies, seadisg the dialler sad welds( ateasils sky idgft, aid Olottarlag the westaa's left kited very badly. --JehaVeswfak, ea illagiisinawa, sad said to be a brut al creaked, bee hiss emoted at liarietta. Oh* for the murder et ids wife Illiesbetk. After kaoekiag her it the head with • Wet of weed, he lug her es the Ire sad sewed the iiswieterwe et esighhers te lay her oat, them she had haw is the ire *ad twat herself to death. —Orr llhaamoisozsimagm swims Wel with soomisu I si the romps@ el the gramhopporo limo booms it. rstospiass am softy lath of yoestatiosi from Northers leissiitsols. TM Rt teal Timm say= Ws spook aditioaddy whims we my that sot though of Gera mid the anal path will be mind mirth of latitude 4.1 to food tbo N thioat popaistla.' —h 1 1 / 1 2401, ab. a law km slam, b party dowsed is toss's sloths., salmi a ran girt wood Nitsimill, shaved the bait Dom her head awl other ports of her body, sad app id tor sad bathers Ss her, all booboos sae was sot as good as she siimild be. Did they reosombor the work el Wm who otigamod that tit. Rummest Await throw the but Mead la lase moos ? —Lima. Amoy 11.. loam, of the 11. & Navy, died at thomthrom N. J., m fortirilig lost. Limit. Tobin bad boos la the Dairy lir about Se yaws, dodos width Um* bo wow edit* employed. Hs wood with Wilkes to the IL S. Sopkitag laxpothdits, sad usosmoodod the Lt. sosamm Wrier Widish, dories the Dashes war. ithill• el Chimps, has eves Ids lauds for MASS, m aid yams saes is prapantioa for the mialatry, sal WAN to widow heisessesidps la the Timis/MO Doparismosto. A. beds ties. to be ailed the lied UM. molt& b bs be Mated la th• vtfl p,ellW Lake Peceed. them bashes mass Daso abbess. —Wag John Woodworth, Mayor of slaws, leas both Mid lisr ammobt aad bteq sa a lawyer, mimed 0..8. Osomomb wham be had /oohed up ea sko Amp of raes lab as /Ma. It is. Mama this WINIWW/h was freak at the Ilan. —L. nal" Preeidomt dim vesebres MON esur wham W. ummedbeig tb• iefet "lab ifierse, NOW blot mirk a larrit•rapa wawa bastwee nottry. he mead pee" a Eska of WM* but bit swiped bie pt"' he sere yeslibblis sompiermise —So vie meek' ter bs eteby Is NM a km at deb Ibmilibm-1166 yenta tbatribt the op will sot sedinalbe MIN, Mew The Gavle.' is very seek pleased that there is a chases or a row is the Dossocrstio rooks, sad halls with delight Mos hotloss /pewits's of a hir oltritiowlhoss joowssis.— It says Suoltsoas is _rpledplf ho the [toady" sad timeless this South is set satisfied 'Ash his krises poll. op. We thisit it will troubis oar neighbor ossew hat to pot its Saw as Mot "pledge to the South." as a soettos. Mr. ..AVOUST 1, MU. Beekanaa "pledged" himself to the petit & of the century that the ialiabitasts of Kansas should Lave the protection of the Government la framing just Inch a coastitation as the, eight desire—and that pledge be is nobly redeem , . lag. During the campaign the Gamine, and kindred pa per, Insisted that he would hot inaugurate any mach poli te, in Koalas; and now whoa he has falsified all their prophesies—whim he has restored pates to the territory— instead of giving him the credit, and as good °kisses sus taining him, we And the black Republicans of the North and the "lire eaters" and dinaionista of the South joining hands, and making war epos the administration. But the combination will not sneeeed—tbe bops of such birds of ill•omea as the Casette wilt be dashed to the groundfor the ow:Q.& men of the country every where are rallyin g to the support of the President and his cabinet. Upon this point, there is great truth in the declaration of a eotemporary that as the clarion voice of the obis and io trepid Wise turned back the tido of Hindoo fanaticism and enabled the Democracy of the old Dominion to achieve one of the most brilliant victoria known to oar party annals, so the Bichniend Enitrtrer, a "leader that "has paver lett a battle" in a continuous warfare otlf.nore than half a een• tory, now rebukes the fanaticism of the Southern altruists, and extends its magic woad to allay the threatening storm. It is putting forth a series of articles of eenriseing logic and tremendous power, the burden of which is, that every oomiideratlon which should weigh with a party regardful of the Constitution and of its own principles and pledges, imperatively requires the Administration to pursue the very policy in respect to Kansas, which they are pursuing. These articles, and a corresponding series in the Washiug• ton Cition,as well as in many other southern journals,fore is h the most cheering omens the Democracy have known far years. They prove Incontestably that the cooservative, State Rights Democracy of the North soda the South are not merely forwato, but really and cordially, one in principle and purpose. They perfectly agree on the rent practical question of the timer and the Administration brought into power by their joint labor* and sacrifices, putties forth its most vigorous efforts to give effect t., the policy and principles in respect to which there is such a happy and oomplete concurrence. We cannot better appropriate a portion of our Apive,that by quoting the Ensurer somewhat at length, and we would specially invite attention to the earnestness of the Eutpitrer'. language—remarking that the mark sot empha sis are all its own - . the United /States to tier. Walker. We approve of them ecodially and in every particular, and we with no better platform front which to defend the administration from whatever quarter the assaalu may colas. If the whole publie life of Jmtis BUMS/JOAN did sot furnish coneintive sad irrefutable evidence of his dad» to maintain the Coettatution, and to protect the rights of all, thete instruc t-teas would at 0041111 satiety u of the rectitude of hut in tendons. " Whilst no State has done more than V irgtaiato defond the letteresU of the South, yet it, Ix gratifying to remember that when satisfied of the honesty and iniegrtty of an ad ministration. her Demoorsey Imes never prim encourage ment to the dangerous and frequently iinprlcileaLle ultra time of South Carolina and other extreme South e rn Statee. When she east her vote for JilllL6 Bt nig vt and hailed ►is election as a temporary guarantee of the safety of our institutions, she did not expect him to enlist as • partieas la the Kansas ounrovarey which was menacing the per petuity of the Union. He was supported and 'transit by the National Demurs's', not for the purpose of centlgaing the agitation of the slavery question, but for the purpose of healing the gaping wounds from which the life blood of nations' harmony was rapidly ebbing. Those who ex. peoted hues Hoc AAAA to enlist for a long and 11111 1 / 1 11 nary 0021111ot under either the colors of Jill LA'S or of Svatuarud.ow, have of course been disappointed. Those to whom the perpetual agitation of slavery was more pleas ant than peace sad prosperity, have nothing to hope for from 'lto present administration. There is ao hope for extremists, either North or South, in the ranks of the National Democracy. When the President surrounded biuseelf by national Union loving statesmen, he called to his ald men in whose bands the interests of the South are as secure as they would be in those who are now rejoicing in a sectional and Sala mander atmosphere of tire and dame. "The instructions to Gov. W•ttr.a breathe nothing but conciliation and harmony. Thee embody, they aro the menace of all and of every argument which has ever been made in Congress, or on the stump, in favor of the Kansas bill. Tan ADMIXOTRAVOII DESIRE THAT THE PEOPLE or Kass*S IRLLL, wITRUCT I#OILILIGN I cc. or ANY £l5O. RE 4.I.uWEL. TO DECIDE CPUS SHIER °SWANK LAW IN THEIR OWN WET. No sounder doctrine of States Rights than this was •ser proclaimed. It is that fur which CAL HODE, UPIIIICE and all the lamented leaders of the States Rights party would have contended, were they now lir. ?HERE 14 NO / 16 1PROIMLN 111tEWINIIN" 'We publish below the inetruetions of the President of ing. "Ts prevent foreign interfrrisnce with the et harm, of Kamen, to prevent all interference from New England and Missouri from brow beating the leipit voters, the President in his instructions authorizes sod in instructs Gov. Walk sr to call Ont the military. All that Walker, all that the minsinistration desire is, that the people of Kansas may have the same right which other States hare, of saying whether they approve of, or disapprove of their own Con stitution." From the above, the (Josette can see just when, where, and bow much the President was “pledged to the Sowth," and also how far the South is disposed to exert the NlSl meet of those pledges. JUDGIC THOMPSON.—A Know Nothing, Wilmot paper in Center County, misnamed, has been, ever linos the nomination of Judge Tnoursos, engaged in manufacturing and circulating the foulest slanders against I. The Editor pram*s an aoquaintanee with the edge, and thus pretends to speak of - the matter ehrwged —druakeness—of his own personal knowledge. Now we aaaaa re to wort that the Editor of the Center Democrat bee ea littlCknowledge of Judge Twoursom u we have of him—and we never saw that Editor. We do know the Judge, however, and have since 1842. For that time, a period of fifteen years, we bare met him daily, except when et Washington on official business, and we know, and every citizen of Erie knows, that the charges of the Democrat are falesthooda. The Judge is by no Mesas total abstinence man--bat he is as far from being what the Democrat charges aa any public man in the country. And so 'yodels', is this—end so nojist are the accusations of the Center Democrat eonsidentd by the Judge's political opponents hero—that the Gamow of this city—the organ of the Wltatot party in this county—has deemed it due to a worthy citizen like him, to .,L oome out and denounce the coarse of that paper. In a long and , and put article upon the course and charges of the Democrat, this week, we And the following emphatio denial of ail and silage's: of the allegations of that paper. This ought to satisfy even the Democrat, and we trust it will • " With Judge Tuotosoe, politically, we have had the slightest sympathy; we have always stood arrayed in opposition to him In the political field, and contributed our utmost to the defeat of his political aspirations. We are wow opposed to him, sad shall evert whatever of illfilloDoo we may possess to soicomplish Dia deal for the nice for which he is a esedidata. Bit at the sometime, we cannot, and shall not, Wad oonatesanee to the efforts of the Dews* erai to detract Brom his moral standing add good name. - He doubtless has his faults, and who has not?—he doubt less has ran into elecesoes forbidden by the code of morali ty, sad who has not?—but that he is now, es charged by the Democrat, a debased " drunkard," and roreenesreitly "unlit for a Hat oa the Supreme Beech," we poot,ceiy said empAsticaUy dewy. At least such is not his reputation at home, whore be is °honest seen sad best known. He is doomed a gentleman in social sad personal intercourse —a good lawyer and worthy rides*. This, we believe, is the 00.0100 estimate of him among even those who differ trent him on quo/done of politiesl policy, and who fro. qs•ady have octession to speak harshly of his political sets." A FAXILT QUALII.II26.—Tbe President and Col. Forney bare bad a regalsor qaarrel over the spoils, and resulting in the Colonel's establishing a new paper is Philadelphia to give the President '•partionlar eta." and to &dreads the elaints of Dosgtas to the Prostchisey.—Comiseat Reporter. There is not & word of truth In the above. Tile Presi dent offered CoL Forme the Cassabas at Liverpool, which, for reasons of a personal nature, be declined. As *dim new paper at Philadelphia. " The Prose," the pros pectus, which we published a (maple of weeks vise.. Is the bet evident* in tie world that it will ion, ''give the Prerd dent partloalar Ate." In it, the Colonel distinctly declares the Preis will support the National Adettoistration. In deed, how onf.d a paper soda the Editorial notrol of CoL Poessr do otherwise. For years be has been ut. warm, the dented, the entbuintie personal and political friend of the Presides*. For years ►is pea has labored :to place the bele of Government In the steady grasp of the " Sago of Wheathisti." and heal* It would be as morally impossi ble to tiara that pesigaint the Peasishat, as it would be to ton the hand of a son against &Father whose elevation he had epees years is anosplisbing. The amain of Kr. BOOKIJIAIt nay represeat that Col. Poeurr is &bout to army himself assess fusionists awl Minimisers, bet we know better. As the Conool, ►imseif resorbed to a Mend et ears the ethos day, w►rb►edd be °ppm the adainistratioa whoa eventedy, unapt a few feetioadets is the Earth and la the fleetly an sustaining It. There will be no " nastily quarrel," thus—mark that! The gene of the "fins, win be directed whist the nowise of the Desionstie patty, sad set its &testis! —As lapPok mot gives as unseat of • tea party of misty olot tromea, olio won dot Bothers of olgit bombed sad misty-slat &Urea! rimy nut bars had •••••thias. to talk about at that too party, so should Wok. " —A Berme paper Nam OW • young awl re isartably bradiarmar WO boa boss arressed to this deg ter *brawn. kg di* Albs imps ier tor pest s Airplay et irissilas. Mb* Isity war Awl Ike &Wes and milk wlldrik ibis OA. HAD 1114111111elt MK I IRLAVIL Tb• Roektestior Ad. , re..., relates the liars of a ywer Ow*. Itappears that a ilreetraar, es. ter ersodered "stray deem Soo* i • A " and not hating "free paperteleith and sold. Thirf bat gaming M lie ears it Fie eNlilierse b eater, Mops were taken to raise won" to ell* hill . Boot( • • ration to "freedom.: Suf 6 eiealtl4llo.7, W OO"' * lli *li aise. of the oer's right to "la, Midl the pariah of happiness," au forwarded to some attorney,. in Dixota's asighborbood s , who, in aceordenee with their instructions, =d to the "boy" that he was charged with the deity of parehasing him and setting him at lib erty. The "bey' thanked his liberators and their agent: bet "rerpotfully declined" the proffered boo• The Rochester philanthropists were mobbed of the fail ure of the "mission," and the same tact mu published In a local paper, whose account of the matter was republish ed to fur. by ;be Advertiser. Bat the Cristobal the"boy's Henry were Incredulous; they naturally suspected that a bop," "Henry DiXon" had bees got up fur the occasion, who had played the part domiciled him to a ascot admira ble manner' The Deau,rat, the organ of the "Prism& of liuman Freedom," according to custom, assailed the Ad rert,ser for giving currency to the account of the matter which it copied from the Alabama paper ; and ciarirerbil accused it of some sinister object or design in so doing. They were determined to probe the affair to the bottom and show up the gone of fraud that had been played to the name of the "buy" Dixon. So Kr. S. D. Porter was selected for the pupate, sad (advised to make a itrin lo 7 "way down in Alabama" I. lad the gensioe Heart Dix on, and redeem him from • creel fate thrice wane than death Well, Kr. Porter lhas now mistimed—bed he brought lan Henry 1)lion. He found the "hey" witleut dl enity— the genuine Henry Dixon, whom misfortune bad evoked so much sympathy. Kr. Porter *unversed with him about Docheiter said Rochester people, till he satiated himself that the Henry who stood bafbre him wee so coast erfeit aoti, then be proffered him his liberty. Bet the "boy" re fuski to accept his freedom ; thought be was better off where he is; and no SHlSisonll estreaty sealaiid le change his sentiments on that point—bet stay in Alabama he would' He had Itvd a good part of his bleu a free ma cro at the North : and hie eromparatively brief experience as a Southern slave taught Alta that the Isabel' °audition Is the best. Strange as II may appear, ME YAKa is now es tablished beyond all question. Fur Mr. Porter, goys the Aditevfmer, is a man of rare intelligenoe, and an abolition ist in prinetple Were it possible to bare induced Henry Dixon to exchange Slavery for Freedom, lir. Porter would have done it. Hut be failed ; and thus many a speech, full of chains, and stripes, and horrors of the slays pen, which the Altolltionisu about Rochester were preparing themselves to reherse ur or the "buy" Dixon, has been spoilt—and all by the perverse conduct of the "double" himself. Altogether, it is a strange case. FACTS F Olt WINE DILINILKALIA. Dr. Dixon, in a late umber of the "Smalpel," explodes the popular Hies that most of the Champagne disposed et 111 the country is nothing but "Jersey Cider" drugged.— Ile says there are thirteen establishments in New York that manufacture chouttligne, or, in other words "'woven still wines into sparkling ones—since no process bas yet been disc,irerel for producing an erulietel wine which possesses the flavor and other qualities of the grape." A light French wise, and out "Jersey Cider," is used, it seems, fir the purpose. It is prepared by the precipitatiao of all substances which would, when charged with ear /ionic acid, be deposited in the bottle. Tt is then suboet ed by machinery to a high pressure of the acid, and pres t,' we have champagne. Dr. Dixon assures us, too, that this wise is good, a feet we ere very glad to hear. lie insists that it is pare, and when properly manufactured is not inferior either In darer or propertier to the imported article, while it I/ disposed of et half the price' We have no doubt It is almost universally imbibed for the foreign article, end it is a gratification, at least, to know that It is "one of the least injurious of wises," possessing "valuable properties as a restorative," berthed of holed, as popularly *apposed,' liquid extracted froth apples, potatoes or tur nips, and drugged up to the necessary standard for the public taste. We breathe more freely, mad so should all those who are convinced that they must he egregiously humbugged sometimes when Headeicked by their best friends with the most honest intent. The odleafpel," adds that an additional ingredient is put into this wire whoa intended for consampueo is certain places more alittadast that select in New York—an ingredient that, &feet* the in• telleetaal portion of the brain and "intensifies the motive power in the animal region." Young gentlemen whose passions run away with ththirjudgaisint should remember this fact, for while we hays read of scores of cases in which young women hare been drugged, to their ruin, here we hays a regularly systematised process for treating the male sex to a similar outrage. We do but think much of tbe utorality of the chemist who can thus lend the aid of science to the opsigne of the lineations end suserups loos. The oily safe plan, in fast, is to pierchars• °ham pugne of respectable and responsible dealers in whom I good faith you are entitled to place confidence; or, perhaps, what is much safer and better, let it alone entirely. al UOTIt Y TRi MA MIMI' WILMS. Bigotry and intoleraoce are the some everywhere,— Whether they Amish on the soil of New England or old England—whether they originate sad Gpd victims !alibi the shades of St. Peter's at Rome, or sprout and grow on the "free soil" of free Michigan, it matters not— they are essentially the same. 112 the latter locality, the Church—or rather one branch of the Church—has recent ly expelled • member for exercisiag the right of a free MIL and voting for Mr. Burs/Jae at the last election.— In England, bigotry takes another form, and exelades the Jew from all hooor and partnership in the affairs of govern ment. Thai, for many years the Citizens of London have sent Baron Rothschild as their representative to the Commons, and as often as he had been returned, the door has been shut in his thee by the pertinacity of the heredi tary legislators of England. ree same spirit which ones fawned the flames of persecution, therefore, is not yet ex tinct, bat utters its Yoko audibly in the votes of the Eng ' list' House of Lords at the present time, la excledbig the Rotbsehild, as it did in the time when his tribe were ex posed to the gibes of the populace and the extortions of the nobles. The Norman nobles who voted for and semeded in retaining the old formula which compells members of Parliament to take the oath of fidelity to the existing Sovereign, "on the faith of a Christian," show that they have inherited the principles as well as the blood of their ancestors. The commercial classes of England appreciate bow much they are indebted to the capital and talent of the persecuted race, but the descendants of the Norman barons still hold out. They can sympathise with the necrosis, arrest the slave trade, plot and Intrigue against African servitude in the Limited States, bet they VIII not allow the Jew to worship Jehovah seeording to ute statutes and urdiananoes of his great law-giver. It is trite the Jew can trade in London, his ships may enter her docks, and be may buy and sell on the Exchange, became iodised • pillar of that institatiou, bat sot all the golden rotas of ± the city can send him to the Mouse of Commonanalms he renounces the faith of Abraham' and the law of MOIDINL— And this is boasted British philanthropy and liberailty! In point of principle there is little advance over the days of Front is Boar and lame of Tort. AS^ Let it be borne in mind that the troubles,in Kansas have grown out of as attempt to oedema the taxes that were assessed wider the Borderlima Laws of the Bogus Legislature, sad not ma the Observer tad like prints would hate it appear, oat of a spirit of rebeUlos ageism the authority of the Federal Goverament.—Onsette. There i ..not a word of truth la the alone, as the Gamete mast kaow, if the ltditor has take* the trouble to read Ger. Walker's proshimation. The muse of tin premed estitemeat is simply this •—Tit• people of Lawrence summed to frame a city charter he themeelmte, repadiat. log or ignoring that granted by the Territorial Legislation last winter. They preload not to reitagaise that Leglike. tare at all, but hold that dm sham &ma Governmeat established by the Topeka Cenveatiou is the raid legitimate government of the Territory. Tley submitted their charter to this Topeka goverameat, hat /shied to ramie* ems its saamtoa Ito is had, then repadiatlag Ws authority, as they had repudiated the authority of the " boos legislator.," as they call It, they weal oa and framed, aid adopted a charter for the city, sod proceeded to elect Amu under it- Thai they were, to all intents sad par. posed, sot only in rebellion spied the legislature rmog- Mood by the " Federal Government," bat la rebellion against the Topeka legislatarti, aloe; so that, viewed in the most favorable light, their settee la voting upon the charter, and preesedisig Se Meet odlosee seder It, was utterly irregular Ned rmelatiehary. Governer Walker tailed their attention to Ibis, mid showed them in the clearest possible mamas, the seatailen that would arise if they were alimemi so p ee std mosamate their folly.— Boat at the mow* time lmk sesured the. that they wad est tarry their robeiiiest wpm, late meet without easing bate reaveidahle and epee eeedtbet with the troops sad germinal of the Wilted pir 0.1 . Maras L. ham, is a Caadidats far bats Treasurer to keatasky. n. it t arsat,-"attiatapa sad to sta amine of a mast travail add: olrbers tits folds an breadset, UR paeans greeasit, tea seat asabeagass aka& treas. tbio Gaon bosses, sad the leapt' ad/ arsseak, this" Asasriasalsis Is UK nog pdespareas.' ,X•vertba. lan, C.L Jern will tad that'Ametrii4Cli ass try Ilearisktag to Ireseseky at the Avid d yet well bat his • barn{ sle "ipplfgalost du sum suseest 11,841•," Wit satesiophi* dogma NEW TOIL P. elornee the Krisowl 4 I 1T.P1910 real. . 1 The prophet who predi cted tids witaM .taly /old nietater, has Spreases. *el et,sewbere aad should *volved ban Thersday sight was eemwfb weather of the week has reaol,7 bees it _ with thunder showers at latairvate. '11144 staying la LIMO Mont moletely than *lst. Busieus is tovivist••• MtWad geode to Swift& art Irma have fairly eommeseeli cotton good' oedema is the mos* and sassalleturin am looking portimbity bloc r The importatioa of dry goods somas lik•ly to be oessidevably less than lest season. Wool Mope at • high bpro sod prosaism to maintalailOPoll Mess. TM Tall isilhiem df bullet dress wtfl h• is 'bent eaten sad tarp Seisms ; geademen's opposed IW/If be wesallad by the labvidweflas of the old long waisted amt, sad eettarliss teats as well is rests will probably be la Term As te sees tist soberest of deseolis will be oldiged le go sathisied is military style, with a Tmorpeadiralsr stripe traversiag their netbor extremities. Young Anseriva will abetted in stripe, of Um meet extravagaat doteriptlea. The Pollee imbroglio has hem mixed up with several sew lagroditsats, and the singes to mom premises to be as spicy aa anything which bag preceded It. The iodisa tion of Mr. Draper has gives Mayer Void a fair champs of regaining his position as "Cock of the Walk." The mur der of a rimy popular Metropolitan policeman by a bu gler her smiled seal sympathy with tits listropolitau among a slam of the population who hare bees their bit terest. enemies. The next Will he with the oossale. Atmore of Emigration. who me likely to get late trouble for Kissed ease eons operations la the /11•11111•1111•1111 of the Emigrant Depot at Castle (laden. The facts will be de veloped in a few days. Anieumments are rather •A • low ebb, since Madame Lis Grange departed wi th .. Chevalier Feller's crown of gold, or galvanised metal, open her charming !professed. Butosi's promeaade concerts are very popelar, sad" are a taking feature to warm weather. There is nothlag new doing is a literary way; the book trade is eueeediney dull, as the high price of beef hae diminished the oonsamption of reading matter, and four.eent newspapers are more salsa. hie than deodeseimos. Mrs. Gmhell's Life of Charlotte Brunt, has been one of the seemeedal books of the poet season. Kin Catherine Beisieber's mew illiseeleglieal treat ise, a rehash of very old heresies, is rweeived with general constcreettoe by her Meads kin. One of the Soeday papers—the ?Tense—declares that appor.teedom le in • flutter, aid goes on to say that Co pt I 11114 been taking aim at another shinisg mark, sad with an arrow from a dramatis, ceniver! Alythe japan ina•werki was agitated tie the occasion of &time between a ' , rang lady of the lima soft sad her f oe, easehasse; but what will it say to the divorce from his wife of one of the tabooed Glass of the green roma, is order isi wed the dank ter of a victimise ono' high is positioa lm the charelif— And yet, if gossip fib net, that is the seat piece of tater eating intelligence with which events intend to favor as.— It metes that the fascinated young woman, like many others before.her, fell to lore with an Adonis upon the stage. By salad means she became acquainted with him, which acquaiotance ripened het fondness into a passion. Subsequently she vet him at a dinner party in the boss teoei4, to which he bad been introduced antler a fictitious name. He Will supposed to be a Yr. Smith, or Jong, or Mr. Something of that elegant sad cOntmenplace sort.— But walking up Broadway afterwards, be was met by one of the ladies who had been at the party in question. fibs returned his salutation. "dateless heavens!" eselaimed her horrified male companion: "Joe are not ariquaintod with that man" "I am," slos replied; "it is Mr. Jena. met hun at So and So's." "Impossible! meet him am-I.f Why, it is Kr . *Moe eseh-imbel.maela theatre! eersid a t mamma* to Intruidsess,kbuself to pool aseim ty." Tot, it was true. And what is more, the late 're lated daughter is resolved to marry the btor aforesaid, and insists upon big discarding his wife for that purpose. The sensation in certain fashionable (Smila is intesse is conseqnsineis. There is s very "knotty fight" gottig on just sow be. tweet the "city foams" of Brooklyn, and the "free and independent" cities/as of Jamaica, growls. out of tae lotion of the '(ethers" aforesaid la pesetas SS ordinance dialrariag thous. of motive power on the L. I. BeWend, la the streets If Brooklyn • "nitisarecs." Thas at would ap pear that a railroad is a "nuisance," oven in tIA opinion of other. betides your cattails. Bat this aside—in passing this ordinance the of. Brooklyn dad not roast the eost—or rather, they forgot there were people (asid* of the limits of their bailiwick somewhat interested in the matter—so they woke op one fine morning last week to the fact that the citizen! of Jamaica and vicinity bed held a meeting and resolved that if 'Brooklyn persists la stopping of ties locomotives, Owe , will stop off the water which mast pees through their:town from Iles fresh strothas la order to supply Brooklyn. One spaskor ~poetic enough to eialse—"lf the people of Brooklyn persist in this listless course, not one drop of water shall they have to cool their parched tongues.' This is a dilemma, we tansy, for which Brsoklya is wholly unpreiparod. Waite else must have. Elbe has ventured upon a great iszposse to obtain it, t• import it, to reservoir It, and perfect its distribution. To go without now is impossible. Yet Jessie*, sad the other towns along the lin•of the railroad, must be sipped's od in their wrath, or water will be sou ens! Verily, the railroad has taught Om Common Conseil en the hip this time, at any rate, and taught the Brooklynite' that this Is a world in which the:play of "give and tab' prevails all round. A movement is being made by the friends of the eat grant in this city, to establish a "Labor Exchange," on a sew prineipla It is proposal to furnish a large ball in which women, while receiving the visits of employer*, can be garaged in a remunerative ocespatiott, so as sot to be ebliged to lose all their time. Some of the barge clothing homes will supply work fur the eeriests waiting to be hired, wbieh will furnish them a suflothat remanerstion to pay their envenom. It b found that the large intelligenee *diem hove have beets the roam of prooemesee for itheam of bad eharseter—who, loader ilgitanee of seeking employ ment., sit with the nosaspeeting emigrant women, and at tempt (with frequent moms') to decoy them into evil Dour rtes. The ingleetece of iteresstlis ►oases, who are tow retort ing from their Westward trips, speak very eseewrogingly of tb• litateial eosditlot of tha West, sod the proves" ei the crops for the cloning Pall. EMIL D YING POR AN ISSUE.—Our Republica* fries& are gettleg extremely weak is the knees for an issue. Kansas has fulled them. The hope of a rupture in the Democratic ranks, beeline of the course of Walker is that Zerrttory, is Celli's( Man by degrees, and beautifully lees. A few ultras at the Booth are disposed to raise their "bristles" be• eau* the Administration sad Walker favor the satuniseion of the Coustitation whoa framed to the people—bat the sober, reliable, conservative men of all parties are rallying to the support of lb* President with a unanimity unperol. listed. Hers again, then, we find the gees of our Repuhir , elm Meade spiked. Where next will they tars for hope? We can't ouligioso them, mad therefor* tare them over to the Trlimos and its lesser echoes throughout the sentry. lea. A W utile ghte Messiah in the Carrier end Stt sntirer states that Gee. Cass has entered en the settlement of the New Orsaadiaa didtheity. The depatathss of the Peaams Allarorid Company, sad Mows. Noise arid Bow- Us, late Ministers to N•* Granada, have had eostermthee with Goa. Cass, sad the tams of settlement will. probably 'abase* the eerie& of ?oboe, sad the adjasuaest of privileges to the Railroad Clempaay. *be thatratathais to Mr. Forsyth relative to the Tebasidepee sod Graisserelat Treaty, will go by *seta messenger t►is week. 13esseof Bealastin's mission to MAW is sseasseeted with Geo. 11411111011 i. Pr' The BoMao papers Mato that on Zombi night, about half past too eelook, Mrs. J. C. PArnis SW from a third story wiadthr of dm, United States Howl, to t ► a Found, Wiest her so badly that .h. died 'tartly aftor ►.fag tattoo into the hoses. It swan that slat was to the habit of Molds( sadism socorwbot istatiosted at tea time. A trivollor who slepno .o wkiolislog roam to that towspiod by Mn. P.* sod bar bestowal. heard bar &hu las Mr. P., saying that it she bad taw strict/ph of a Joao she would /pill his hearts blood. tkito Quota his boots sat of tbl window. Bb towed ak. wind.: twice sad Mr, Puts* 'bat it; whoa elm "speed it ago* this wittiest hoard a carcass, sad also Mr. Potts* esalaiss "My God. sites pool" sad ran down stairs. TIN bar hoopoe heard ths Adi and assisted to brtag tar is to tho Wm. pr. ft is said that Some Peabody, tie fin Loaded Beaker, has gives sisyodadag his 'VW be this otatatry, rebid' boo lasted li. ideal a yaw. alma Ulf a sinie• •Ir isibars yet mob is es moat *Ms Miaow be aid Meet hie imams dada' die same period Sae aspidod tide assoaat. Lam rr Sum—am Willits. limartii. $ a St Naribatmeldrild se Wise.* is aild b Lys an tolluriti agriseires ward blip %be Odes le A& se prodielm.' Whoa N mow of Mg /*Arita totabtoti art that wq. soya tin *WWI Peat Ire Amer sitt.iloodi toooool ropooll. It Weed sot lo Ma sk: to _, that inaly dot awl ha as lateral la tie pooipillig ki pliable% mai that Wallin is GO, rit b 4 P dm" . that otiestoloonto 8. itog: a jor qtr blithe Nast 7 ; seattesso% ' le, 1111 tot *geld be Mow atY labeirg A SIGN IN NSW TORK.--2M Cash RAMS, kro alcoblieem Ia raideal milehe ;6lbe rides, widitiiat farts 10 N. die ea 1. 111, ur aor male& Dememe. sea ilOoo se deolar esa mei be I. Ailed ic probe* be diseeplod.— it expresses its illimpurolietiou of the lestplaties of last Witilsty nod let Meese set to welds Ike putty n iers 6 repudiated and fiesouseed. ?Wally, it sites fee maljmnic• that say oeseesaiew to the "Lwow Notkisp" will set bo tolerstod. This is the fret squeak of tie dis *ordain elements. °then will seen fellow. 1160-Bissiat &sward visited Toros* the other day, whoreopos tits Colonise, of that oily, samosas the fast, sadtlylarliter ar-Ba.Prothioot, It w ovidsat host lids that irtorasoo of the patine IMO of this *ashy le out ..load, moat the osiklesis of ewes /haw* Is Ohs Wales Ttoss.--tait *steeds ma to a ..lawny that. Net proximity, me would sot look fat sash a Mosaic JIM' The motes of the Calm Beak of Preasktows, New .4,1,4, an throws at by the New York 'leaks.— The eaebler my* the beak bas ast Jailed mad that its seems ate simply seeersi by week aspositHl with Ike State Treesewer. We mow brew a Nrw Jaw, Mak mete to be weigh meek anyhow. lea. Arranpuiente are to be made by the Free Duke of henna to organise • Union Brink at ladiasspelia, for the perpotie of pretends' the Pnie Basks spinet brokers, by ozehanging carroney for the Banks. inns the San Francisco Stamm lialletazi. Jody L General ihnoloary of OaMonis Mows. The most ballooning event that has oecurred since the departure •of the last ' semi-monthly steamer, is the Demoerfttic Primary Election for delegates to the Sacramento Nominating Conven tion. The contest was interesting, inaantueh as It was understood to involve the question of sus taining the appointments for this State made by the President. Senator Broderick having been disappointed in getting cases for his friends, was lloxious to convisee the gaticative that the persona appointed were not seeeptable to the Democracy of the State. But in this attempt-be has been completely foiled. Of the members elected to the Convention, but forty-two are an. derstoed to be favorable to MeCorkle, Broderick's candidate for Governor ; while Weller, his op. ponent, has 164, and Nugent 11 friends. As soon as this result was generally known, the State Journal, Broderick's organ, was pounced upon by attachments to the amount of over thirty thousand dollars, and its pithlioatiou in conic• quanta suspended. 11 is in all prOlability but a temporar stoppage, as we already hear rumors of its a ' y revival. The publicans have also began to elect the delegates to their convention, which is to assem ble at Sacramento, on the Bth of rely. Captain Thos. Gray, Edward Stanly, Colonel E. D. Ba: 1 ker, and several others, are spoken of as the Gubernatorial candidate of this party. It is impossible to tell in whose favor the chances 1 are. Besides the nominees of these two parties, there is some talk of running a third indepen dent candidate, by the "Reformers," or "People's Party." It is supposed that snob a one, if he could unite the scattered fragments of the Amer ican organisation, the Settlers and Reformists, in his support, would be sleeted. Colonel J. S. Watkins, and Edward Study are now generally looked to as the Most available men to lead such a movement. Considerable feeling has been manifested lat terly by the miners of Fremont's Mariposa claim. Meetings have been held, and resolutions dentin ciatory of Fremont and his agents, Palmer, Cook ak. Co., passed; and the miners declare it as their fixed intention the - resist the encroachments of Fremont and his agents to the bitter end. In the ease, also, of ,the Merced Mining Company vs. Jno. C. Fremont, the Supreme Court of the State has granted a perpetual injunction upon Fremont, preventing him from interfering with the operations of the above Mining Company, which already has some $BOO,OOO invested in works for taking out gold. Our Supreme Cop( has revised and reversed decision made bf it, which seriously affected the value of the Sea Francisco bonds. The wart sow holds that that section of the consol• idation bill regulating the payment to the Corn. missioners of the Sinking Fund for the gradual extinguishment of the debt, is anoonstitatioual and void, as it interferes with the vested rights of the bondholders, and that the payment of $50,00Q per annum for that purpose must contin• ue as before the consolidation bill palmed. The "Skimp Act," passed by the last Legis lature, went into effect on the Ist of Jaly. By it all exchange, drafts, eta.,drawn upon parties out of the States, are taxe by stamps, as are policies of insurance,tickets abroad, professional licenses, an=doeumenta. The bill is very obnoxious to the people of this city. Business oontinues to be unusually depressed in San Francisco, and several of our heaviest houses have been famed to suspend. In tbePe times of difficulty, the outrageous features of our Attachment, Insolvent and Homestead laws,have been prominently brought into notice, and a geb. oral determination to have them remedied has been awakened. At present they bat offer or portunities and premiums for the perpetration of nwslity and fraud. David C. Broderick, U. S. Senator from this State, had a personal difficulty on the lit inst., with J. W. Stebbins, ex-member of the State Senate, from Yuba. Stebbins formerly sup ported Broderick, bat lately has changed his position on account of some real or supposed grievance. The two met in the effuse of a third party in this city, when, after some hard words, Broderick struck Stebbins in the fame with his walking cane. Bystanders instantly interfered sod prevented farther hostilities. Our news from Oregon territory is to the 20th of June. The vote in favor of a State govern. meat is fully confirmed. The policy of making Oregon a slave State is now zealously urged by a party in that territory, and the prospectus for a pro-slavery paper has been issued. Some lit tle fear was entertained of furthst Indian diffi— culties at the Danes, but nothing definite has transpired. About halfpuit two o'elock this P. M., soon after the adjohniment of the Naval Cour: No. 3, Commodore Newton was struck with paralysis on the right side, and died about 4 o'clock. He was in perfect health, apparently, up to the in stant of the at . The laws° ' Gov. Cummings were com pleted today. are brief and specific. He is to see that the Is of the U. S. are faithfully a ns snouted. N in in Utah is tote molested by mason of hi %ions or political opinions, but will be hal Deihl* for his conduct. Should the oivil authorities be unable to enforce the laws, military - forces are then to be employed, while Gov. Cumming's powers an ample enough for all practicable pupae's. Mach is confided to his diseretiga. The President will leave for Bedford to-mor. row morning, aseonapanisd by his neioe, Miss Lane. •,.../ Thomas 11. Doan, of Min., has been tendered tbr appendices' of Secretary of State for Utah, bet *ere are some doable whether be will ao• oat*. G. M. Bolden has be appoiotild U.S. At. Soto" foe Ho shorthorn Iliatziet of Ohio, vice Haag RAP* Enores.—A young stns maid Flash has bawd Muesli in lona trona restores at having stated in the banging et the hoese.thisins.— Plash was the sea of a deacon, and his 'aside Allowed hard a rebuke fr u i p a)is mother, who very • warned blot be had no be thi of seethes. Bat what sad = ifs - ars made t The was did not Una*: that the ..tarsal was equally neeseigs his 'skis( Map . • bug druess himpantly , ulnas do lian Fronk Washington WASHINGTON, July •28 Sister SON. of Pmeybruis. This distisiptisimerstlessa retuned to his a"side"s" is Merlell, Pawl leads. Let week, from s visit to the West, &tin his abeam, he jostseyed ter sward wish" is Lases, sad the resat of his oblerviitit* is that Twittery is Au &et in tig slitoriti article whisk we find in the Clearfield Reps/liens of the 21st illetail4. Tie eireisi,, et this iima, will he read with the liveliest interest : Senator Bigler returned to ris home a few s sines, after nes, a tour through several of the days States awl Territories, in fine health and spirits. Mr. B. spent some weeks in Kansas, visiting all the principal towns and settlements, and eases away highly delighted with the gees ral armrests* el - the essintry. He descielhes Kansas as unsurpassed la the beauty of its to- Polcr.# l l sod iadsosPe soeseg• as alio foe fia ncee of soil and the universality of Its adoption to agricultisral pursuits, being alike suited to Fromm grass or arising stocks. He thinks it is to become one of the richest and most beauti ful agricultural States in the Union. Deficient at certain gigots in Wagd and running wafer, substitues and generally filmic to some erteta, by sinking well' sad mining cionk r -• He speaks in terms of the Idpiiiiciewnsimidir lion of the sober, industrious, and eaterprising people whom he met in this Territory and of their reasonable and conservative views o the politi cal questions which have constantly agitated the popular mind is that region, with the exception of a few abolition leaders. All seemed willing to abide the decision of the majority on the ques• lion of slavery, and to manifest great solicitude that a decision might be properly and promptly had, in order that Kansas might enjoy the ad , vantage of a State in full communion with the present familkilthirty-ons. The great mass of the people ie implicit oonfidence in Gov. Walker, sad ntly sustain his policy, pro. slavery as well as free State men. They heartily approve his plan of presenting the slavery ques tion and the constitution to the direct vote of the people. Many were entirely indifferent as to the election of delegates, because they thought of nothing as important as their own vote op the constitution. They claim the right to exercise this high prerogative of sovereignty—a right which - should not be denied under any edema. sciences to a pe.iple desiring to exercise it, but in this instance its exercise would seem to be almost obligatory, for it is the very spirit of the organic act of Congress that the people should pass upon the questipa of slavery, and that Kaunas should come into the Union under that decision whether for or against slavery. The vital issue in the last presidential election woe, not whether Kansas should be a free or a slave State, but whether her people, without molestation or interference front any quarter, should make it a slave or a free State by the will of the majority. The people of Kansas ask no more, and they eertain• ly could not ask less. Mr. B. stye there are a few of the Republican leaders who declare that they will agree to nothing that may be offered by the Convention whisk is to assemble is Septem ber, that, denying the authority for its existence, they will vote against any constitution it may present, though it, be the Topeka instrument without a t crossed or an i dotted. Lint the great mass of the people are right, minded, and will vote for or against the constitu tion as they may deem best. After the fullest opportunity of hearing the views of the people of all political bias, Mr. B. left the Territory satisfied that the convention would submit the constitution and the slavery question as distinct propositions to the vote of the people who had been three months or longer resident, and that the vote would be a full and deliberate expres sion of the will of the people, and that if eon, gress acts in good' faith by admitting the Terri tory as a State, nr-matter what the decision, this prolonged feud will be settled forever. It may not be improper at this point to notice several lioorbacks which have been started by the pensioned correspondents of the Black Re publican press; one of which is that found in a letter giving an account of the " Wealand sales," in which it is stated that Governor Walker, M r. Stanton, and Senator Bigler made-- speeches allusive of, the**. State party, and that when a certain Mr. Foster attempted to reply, he was driven from the stand by the pro-slavery ruffians from Lecompton. The truth of all this, as given to us by Mr. B , is, that Gov- Walker came there, agreeable-to a previous understanding, to declare his views to the people, which he did, in the most concise, clear, and unexceptionable terms, avoiding any allusion to past difficulties or partisan topics, or the question whether it would be right to have slavery or not. Mr. Stanton's remarks were of the same character, and those of Mr. B. were confined exclusively to the character of the country, commencing with the declaration of a determination to advise no interference in their domestic controversy. Not one unpleasant word wait said until Mr. F. took the stand. - _ The utmost good feeling prevailed during the remarks of the other speakers, and each retired amidst the heavy plaudits of the auidence. But Mr F. unhappily commenced to review the past; to assail the pro-slavery party, the Democratic party, its principles; and, finally, commenced to name prominent citizens who were present, and attribute to hem the commission of grave of , fences. Then • was that Mr. F. was interrupt ed by the friends ( the assailed. He had so far outraged Goo. Walker's feelings by reckless per versions that the Governor was compelled to re ply, and Mr. Sigler Says that reply would have honored the head and heart of say man in the nation; so conclusive, so just, and so powerful were his truths that Mr. Foster was forsaken by even his own party. Another story is found in a letter from Leaven worth of the sth of July, in which it is stated "that it is rumored that Gov. Walker and Sena tor Bigler, of Pennsylvania, had purchased some 20,000 acres of timber land of Indians, subject to the approval of the government." Mr. Big ler says he left Leavenworth on the Stb, and he heard of no *lob rumor, and that' so far as re lates to himself ie would not notice it, because he claims the right; to do as be pleases in such mat ters but it is due to Gov. Walker that he should do so, aid he authorises us to contradict the story in the broadest and most emphatic terms. Got. W. and Mr. B. neither made any such pur chase nor proposed to make it, nor over conven ed on the subject of such purchase. So far from this being trite, it is understood that Gov. Walker says emphatically that be will have nothing to do with hod operations so long is be is Goya nor. Mr. Bigler says he neither had tie - means nor the inclination to make large pan:haler, and whilst he &mid claim the right to purchase any menet he pleased, thewwholeo o le area of his purchases in Kansas and elsewhere 'Weald not amount to one section of land. It is a trite and true saying that it is an ill wind that blows no gxl. The ineidents above referred to, and in reference to which we are is possession of every fast here shown to u as clear as demonstration, that much mischief btu been done to Kansas, and many impositions practic ed on the popular mind by a band of pensioned extrespoodents of the alas* Republican papers which are maintained in that Territory. They magnify every Odin incident into a frightful demonstration, and deliberately pervert facts in order to plasm their own [artisans in the right. lan ladiaa DiMathias. St. Peal dates to 26th are jut to head. Ao swum from the Sioux Army had wired there sad reported that 10,000 Isdiaas were defying the liaised States troops; aad that a renewal of hostilities wse unavoidable. The settlers were lying to the Forts for proteetloa. Gov. Moder, was eadesvoting to preserve the pates. Hs meals' the widow of the Saperiateadeet of Indigo Affairs, issoapier/4 the payees' of the seeeltles null the Noss oath* deliver up She Isfeswasi band of murderers. This the flioas retue to 44, sad ars trying to brim %boot a Nadas wish the Govezawat troops. Dusupui, lowa, July 29 A. We publish as 3 great cariosity lowing elamosetwristie letter, r• eet v e , : i b Dr. J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, Maio bo ok bet Okild," giaP“or of elk kaow .14041; for quaatatidls of his Meal mid Catimitie Pills, the Doctor a present : To Dr. Ayer is America— ns gresil we Beribang. Your present of sweet curing seed' fragrant euriag drops, (Pero,' smell, has been brought to mighty Booperor (Kt Ming dynasty, by the grans of het, after an interval of ages—Prince of , ping-wanfl)of China , the central loner ) directed his powerful Mandarine4 to , to the sick according to that the ' read from year printed papers (di profoundly happy, 0 wise Barbarian: , min-Tsing, as; it. Your curingv i; curing drops were given o sick of the Winged-Sword, and have m a d e ti Be profoundly happy while you live known to the Mighty Emperor of Chin k proves - your skill, and permits you to of your curing medicines fur bus fiere myriads of men. They may be given to Chiang Lie, davit; of the R,.4 Button at Shanghai, reipy Yon with Tea or Silk or Gold The high Mandarins of China, have your great knowledge; surpassin g , all ovum even upiring to equal the ken of oar own healing teaebers, wtv, maltr that cure instantly. We are glad tc, bow in trembling terror before our Nit! peror. • Written by YANU sEL, Minister-in chief 'of the restoreci imp s , Dynasty, destined by the. heavenly rule in China Thiamistai if the Inoican Ottewasu mH•fsg Net, IL% SPECIAL NOTI Amer 6a» bone hood to ealttroo ood frionolahlp of Do. Latirstrafts, ,, f from loartuag at his enteaoedharpommouno to The owes ot-a pass* Asians. 1.. MV•libtftliet 10 column.. hag I, - - WTO THE, 01711/11/118LA843 co R 1.311 bold's Goiania* Piorparlitson of Vistd /no A • opowilk, Reed the ndsortisonsont tow 4., Dot:mine Prwparatioa." Iml2 BATCHELOR'S/ HAIR It/i.e.-la, broad hod &op sad Atone, the rapatalle. Il li gt;LOWS HAIR DYE Gov. oa awl oimartr, toes, noAllowtog op protoodort, drowning on -os upon the shores nod opposing rocks, th. Giro ~! , and tb. scot clop or aisappmemt...l traoh-monerr... 1 4 0 0 1 ^ 41 ., at 233 Broadway N.. York a oaut•rial avot.l all except tb• boo boo Wm. A Battbr.lor WII I A. B as Broad.., ♦ll hors an ..ounterteit - Mummy of an utiv•rloo fined "11 H 014... of ~ N. Y., and hawked aroand by Tuttl• kM. Noon of doalenwho sell It are Dow twimm 17 be pnbilaked . . _- - 1191r.0W INTRILKST TO VOILLLz• W. coaninend to the attention of o m 'einem, which appear to be attractlas • N g., al the ',ragout time ia various parts .4 th, .v. troduesd to thia place—as allude to - ' krt.,•• , dor sod Verson. Reatoratio." Juglc.o fr,gg„ ateampany them we canard bat belt., 'ben p than ordinary' omit, ead ealeulate4 '., all-, , , number n( WOOMIII sularing emir salos, sad union the ordinary e See adrortiozowst .at Irttors ..utter eoluaug TO P triLeEuN•T•tof. -As this ix waree 411 n a • raourtly bmbe ptt t. it !Isar to wall for parent* to toner that tut • •urre,an•l• tr.nurnt Caine of Ulf* &Tsar net lira to health and regularity cannot miasma, kolt o. the *ester/a la kept le a state of leritalso the. I.IIIIIIMIII Their explosion a therefore • • Thle min he readily done by a him doers of the C ANDY. *latch remove* both the gonna out t they aca betel and stoartsbrol. is wt diesignnate, heating to the stomach zed bowels, but Just tt,•• • sat to the teats, allays Greer. perigee the Ort.stt state of the Liver and Zoweis. vgrimipertast t. iremalee—Dr. The einnbsaattoas of ingredseots suit if a looK nevi I! It4lll. I. pr.,. t,.. • , and cwlncu of restansag natur.. pr, •,..r Y I SlStl6l,4t have tbs rills Pro veai 1.. r•••• bly :two tfi..w nbotructions t.. t t": 1-, pa n^ l t e " ati "7 l n •l i na ' It t le7n:Lee ne e l . .l i i:a . n h i.-7 . 1 ' il ." :••• • • :t 4 b 4, Eat. rty..y fp struetion whether f.,13 .ip...ere.„, moec, the th hum- ~►t.i. *run to. want of • lan been i , • - a.e..1 im oat among .nud( Pie HeadaJJ••, te 41, the heart, loathing °flood, and o let u rvel ......;, .1, from the inter. uptiiin of nature . an., eu.,,,..., the Pill. will invariably rimed, all thee ...Ai_ 001 , 24 . a0u. In the care of I..ononrrhcea, M.loloollll' Thee. I ill. ehnahl never to Learn danng Kra... be sane to can. a mMearnale••. Warranted rain, Cr., I r. , nt northing itijiartoo• to 14e or tooll 4 direction, secoinpaor well trot Tog sale h, rill, are put n•. is square Gat b...... where then, are no ',getter eetahtiahed, by roc ► letter, prepamt, to Dr. e 1.. etnianaltea. It, • Nee 'V ont City. age have thaneent ‘etb• • . return of email. D I-E D . iir. tb., ea,- na the 26th nit , of gear .., v-,. 1 1 rof lien) V atad ',Lush Ann Baler. t_! ‘... • dare At Wallace 11...0 on 26th hut EL:4I • ,- ' r 49th y 1313 /. of Lee sp. Mrs.. K. on. 3 3 , 14.. ouster mother and aItIOPIS and 1411•• rh'..tstr. (kf tilowas" of the Heart, at Dunkirk. 1 air Zitt, r. of Loysnt and Sarah Ana }Cathbi.,, ikt-1 f.a• glop t h., sad twenty days. I ire the 'LW test, JOSISPHXNE 1... ..,ot. - ' Was nt - ttus city, aced 8 yeses slut ..! m, u •. 4 t ott, In ' if I.llcivek µa the lath fait., after a hr,trsrl- INGi sc.! Sh vars. if rastSwore of Was K. J.,t,s, Is Winer., ' Mr. J AXES lIVILILISS, ac. 4 63 rear. Miss Rosa Sad, of Bal •SSISTrIi 6 • and Mrs. WHlllng. and 111 e. leenttal Quartette, Will give a GRAND CONCIULT at On Wedneviqy Errntng r 7. • line selection of Vocal sari' lost raw-us pr.-..r0te.1 for tn•• raititleatl“l3 of an appreosst. cast I. 144 , 7 Itl2 IdEAD - VILLE -- FEIIALE SEMINAI The next term will eeminesee es Monde. TERMS For &Wish traceries, • cur each lanseusere,, $l,OO extra. Music • Oil psintrcre, few course, es, - .; Drawing, 8.11.1 , i in the family of the l`rincip. •i . if r week. further particulars dieert to Ilovulville, April 11, 11,137.-8041 WRAPPING PATE AT PABX BOW BOOS A 4.A111/1: eneortment Wed lamb arn ra. •• giant', at prates lir below any taint and examine stank and pines isatedel patrasis MINN a large .took of Litlinrsphte painted, all efees and styles, just received Env, Anoint 1, 1147. ERIE CITY GENERAL INSURANCE AG' nr, it' h. lo Rewire Block. verso, of 4, ... 4 door to the eight, up •tau+ J. F. DO '' lIPKESENTING the following Cneopee • 4 swir, thertered by Mt *Wm qf Peireoriters HO WARD FIRE ct.• Insurance Company of Pb Bbileibita, N.. 412. It., CAPITAL. I.4everelly tamest,* The Quaker City Imo OF PHILADELPq; 0P.,. Fronk/in Bwading., 1 • Cita!, Capital sad Sarplea, - • Manufacturers' Insuranct OF PIIILADKLPII I A Office .V.. 10, 1fer.414 , 1.. . CAPITAL, • • - Accost I, 1857 Valuable Property for Tam followteg whin( to Let S.. ZF47, • mho on the north WI. of the P.V.! , • )otatag the sew store o That If 1110. u. • • Auottoe, on the gresod, On the 16t h day of Aneg at 10 o'clock, A. L, Ist. 20 feet I ki %aches, fronting ou hock 82 41 hot, scholeing T Y tuenn 20 feet 7t inehes *set of two ..: si!li back 02% feet. $l7O Ala ;% lochs. fr.Faticht ou, • •.` l° 111.;.111:11bot . 1 , 4 ineheo on f* tft b •IrsYt ':' of tbo loaf ammboood l'lllgit 4 OM KALIL-41". :Loa ~' l'w ," baud sad tit. boasocola taro wpi sl a nna.:,,ar.r . /seared by Judgment baud and i 1 u'rik'''"•' 1 OlE* i tria, Aarant I, ISSI. —l' !II I tr,ll f. r lr'' . l7. - —...._ . Ananal D r aft of the Lain of NI. t e ose he yrrarrt 1a.,4, 1.4:0, Ill. A l ." , l'Il:/.. 1. 0 ' /' , iguall Aget..4 1, MT. D 8 F. w. BARTLI Of BrIT A LO, fo,ot,rlf .••••• Hever, of N e ., r. of &ream. of the zergeTru LI. V an n. ,1 ••••••• • .• 11 61141 /My pion. rrti‘ • ' • „iv Illrowess Mari, Kg*, W e e.e.a. , . An hi..ny In Er. 1.• tanitwl t • ..arir •••••at tttai ahonhi dr •• pract....; .."'" "ri 4 . 101.-9 ti K ; 5 Jai, U. Notice aid tat. Pohlad genorally, out kw iso7" — 4.. .4 sad Surirerr, sod tu , nl aura! firm hen.. . abet. Y i• cnkli.l• in I CT.t, „to, maibial, Pa, Judy 4, tar V