MOORE PUBLISHERS. .1 111 E 28. • FRtE OBSERVER,. ' rnflPlr S TVID. ilr BY r -BLIc II . - •" - MOORS, ' ATE AND MATH are. • 0 , • al 13,, or within 3 mestk. 31 141, If . •ttli,u Mb year, the paper will colt vita a proper east ter est , •E:i4hr: 1,1 bit% SITISINtie • ' _sea or ler maks a mum . thee spare 3 months l 3 00 oo One 6 6 00 1. 'LS One 51 •xte osr , • .„..t coiner/OA at plass" BIG , $ 0 months. 1° 9 mouths, $ll 60: 1 • --on. year, $6O 6 moths. 636, 3 tt. Dosser Directory at Ift per imam. over ea, and under eight, $7 -.a. notices, 10 cents a line ; bot noacivertise „ .norm the Special Noticed for lege than see liters rowelling frequent chasm la their e• , Oe .....ored stpussa, paper, eadeard. for t he ir pm the charges will be In proportion, sad the si n oe strictly moaned to the legitimate business Ps, sent for trawled strvertieeneente required ',r yearly advertising will be promoted knit per east will be wads as a/loweipt taw o wham sold la sideaseo EggDIREOTORT. pied by James &HI, Esq.)a• a o. ofN Mur ll phy bet.** Om Need % _ - JdoltPll s. CLARK. • t_ J tie JO tirtax sToitiis. Pre • sod Email Dealers to every des. • , .„ „.rseatke Dry Goode. Campethega, Oil • .:•eet, corner of 11111. LK% t 1.11 EmmaNu wrens, Manufacturer in Bret qtrehty beady men' . farnshing Goode. Be. 7, Browa's P. t. BNCKEE, sod Provisions, Cilium kr Ten heapiode, Erie, Pa. 47 MILLI tH 'l' LIOILITON, , „ , Aresesat Boasts sad Mortis. wad carefully draws. Ofilce on ilneerry Store Erie, Pa. - - A. BANYIKD. Produce, Port, run, Salt, AWL, as, \ ros, Wooden, ~t Terms lob Priors low. No. 4 Wright'. ‘,„; 4 a te,. s the Post Oilloe, Erie, Pa. 47 till EN SE WARREN. h Ei. bang; No. 1, Moortem Blost. Ceiba pa. 1 Itsee of the Dulled bates and -..toi,tlr remitted. Beak Kelm, Geed , e. , I utereet pod on Sas deposits. No . . • „,1 a arrhats bought, sold sod Wasted -- .33 J. F. DOWNING. era Pilaf= VW practice( n ....of ~ Lad pre prompt sad Ihithtel . ,nt,4.ted to LL bands, either as an ham to Empire Block, twiner of J. q. t. ‘TEKKETT, • .. ...ler In Wet and Dry Oroonise, .401 domestic Fruit, Wooden, Wa s.- • r Salt Gleam, Nails, Powder, S hot, _ - a French street, opposite V/ the Reid ‘1 dic /MONKS Y ..a n and Americas liarehrsee sod C rattery. Iron and sheet, N 0.3 timed House, ?xi., 11. 1111.:KHE at DICKINSON, - o-parlaser would illy offer their t., the citiseos of vtelnity. en to obstetriui 33 S. Dicatisox. - - - •TiitM silt rA rpm, ..„, .truer algatcriarre, Deelere In Coal, Fish, Plaster Public Dock, east of State 33 Jos G. Perils DINTICALY, „.„ hipossus, Brie, Pa. Interest allowed en :mg ht Drafts, Checks and liparde. Warrusts bought and sold. CoUsstkaail _ .nes,a, nue, sa the Cased dimes; moneystp respeasibality• 33 DR. .i. waosoa. Once Stewart k Sinclales • ".te and Seventh greets. Illeoldossea, cest of Samaras terra. 33 _ . itinosiarimmur., „foluiessi, Cb. • „..t Foreign and Douse tic Dry Goode, Noe Shoats, New Tort. 0, Cnomen A. Etaarmas, 33 Cairn A. SAC/Meas. ' - - - - - I YES at y CO ..• Tamm and' oods, „. c:otaa, &a, No. 1 Brews s Dry G Ps. %WILL dit ts 7 .T..,corsti4tue their Odle* b Ileatro Block s •ta oto of the Public Square, are prepared to =Tete with all other operators in pima, estim- Lt.:4 sort according to Its quality sad mai mina ALLEN A. CRAIG. s -orate in New Blatt corner of Pasch • wotare, Erie Pa., kY K. te Wishes H. idereemid -olio Square, between the lead HOU/0 and xtiant !Adieu in the beat style of the set and toot 83 TllO tlt 9 M. AL. STllif se ter p.. eJ G Lorena I: C 5.,..) Watches, Jewelry, Silver Elpeeete, iliselcal In t.e; Lampe and Taney Goods, wholenale 33 - _- - - - 60011.Hrt KENNYDY, •ccssorst• Ceihsal sad Sasser.) .4. Dealers in Hardware, Prockary, VlLvetware II sod Empire Block, somas sad r. 3 3 J. KAIWZILDT, tI.L, KEPLEY, elk CO. fine, hailing Steam Solute, VealtDoors, nom of Aschimay and Faso Cast -33 N. CHAPIN, .UT : , ETTAT-tAlice in the American Block, •taarttreet sad the habit Square, rruff. reasusoble, mad all work . 33 a. •iNDEOHD A: •• book N.,tes, certimates of Deposit, ke. * p . ...1p1111 cltwo constantly for al.. Oboe "suic Erie 33 RIBBON SWAIM Filth street, a few doors gaga ol rourth otnet, one door Est of the Old 33 SOUTH it STEW AST, _ _ tr.. Dealers to Foray sad Staple Dry Goode and Lta, hod Hoeseaod Ltrowe'm Betel. ig 101 4:16 . 11. lomat), Pa Collsetkese and rim prompters sad dispatalt. U tTIJAdr.BSOT Omer, In Drege, lll Masea, Palau, Otb, a awed Home, Eris, Pa. 113 JOKY SWEBNY, in Beatty's Building, up-stairs, Jilin HEARN At CO., weasis.,n Iterchastts, balers in Coal, near, • stub of Upper Lake Stamen, Public as KO J. 31711-litTilltil, - osumatOtt Illeywhaet, Public Dock, Erie, dealer LOU, sad Plaster. as - - - - - WiHUH? CO. LRealtorsin Gold and Z.. , ilver Coin, anew ! %Carnets and Cartldeal.' of Licipasit. Man, la* Colon, and all parts of • ' B•att•'io building, la lb* room kkatt, k 1 aahran, North oda of Pula la BA.LICT, t 0r.1131111101 T. k. BLAKE, ,esa:e and Retail Dealer in Foreign nest 47.talicial Flower., Ribbons., &Ma, Ida, So 6 Reed' Block. State Knee, paid to Onion. 'Y & CL &u•n &• Deseette God laponed WWI* Fruit, Flab, ou. Sad Y 'smell Block, Alois street Erie, JO FIN W. A YKReI. Deider ban kia4e4 rasher 2 IM Dining Cleeirs, No. 4 Key fL k !, tit : -( . I IIARSHALL 'a tto - nurs ti Isamu% y 13 Lis, Pa. W. C. BRALEY, and ranier, Livery Dealer, Timber g ar . as. WRAC:Nita the patina Be will ovet fatal Landing Whirl be grill be to .15 the west R . C . J• J. L I NI T tc.oer. llonthlv ilaradnes. MINI Naar- Gold NH, POCIMIIt Clliderh tae B"..! Rowe, in.. W. 0 L - _ -- as CO.. P00t...... < and Befall drams Is Wall wed as thr cheapest mad toot sow la w. near Peach, Erie, Ps •lr water fix tawny, kiln sr tothailliai 1 Amusrr E . 4 C Kook a. ob. nf Aub, Deers sad altads. rime }high Jaw. Ek.utkle Restalloil ta 1111* i 14 ' 'ILIA* K L i ji r - 1,841.1011 L,• .41111,0!'' Neetlasasi Carew af Swayer ta &rte. et tbri la Cire ,lima sespsl M". 4 HOOMO, If.ria,, ft. a. a: wawa. 1=391 ERIE - -WEEKL-i' : OBSERVER IlloormaiLa q &oho WOW Wit Goods. Psydiff., Woo_ t, Tobosoo, Apes, VIM, of.l. iro n ea, N.. ima Meek, &bate stesst, &IL ra. A. M. GOAT. V. if. WOW, J. w. Anemia or Low.—Oftoo nolooved to moo post otatato !Wert, as Ibr earth aide of Or lo st, avow Claik Ikeissirs Ra gbdiars gam Al .101111ra Rich /.../s, Jr. Zakorckoltraza of sal 4e .; ~NIA mid 11140,11 issierta Ott sal assallsitiloi.iimaksrhisielli awl Maims s . 63 I te 14. r =4 g i t a n 't I Ilswin e ra, p jaike e Pap, Poseire 11' V I wenniaw 4C2l raia 00. mo Damien is litores, YNNw liar 1.4 Stabs await. ids, - 11. DACIIIIPOItT i *mum AT LAS, CM (111 sot* oprelo.Uto OW" Court Bows, trio, Pa. - _ CANAL M I LLI,ILnig, - PL. JAM KS 411. JAMISON. Whekratil mid adoWl of novit coal% lasAL. MILL-Frib. DIAN. *C.,..4C paid air all Made at se Park N.h A L V mid er a % a r m kwi sk4t eerte treek. Leek nir hap the BibektriliVe• et 11.!=w1 k iaat Co, No. /1„ Bleed Beine,sigg Peaks. Brie, Sept• 27, Wt. Mkt NEW. YORK & ERIE - RAILROAD. ANON Of sots*, Mao eel havri. end ant,. lAswigagurx et emus taseeline tag bin" via,. WESTWARD ROCND.-4rrt00.A1.4 MAW RODSTI.—LtOOO. bookie 41 RialLIA,l at 11:00 r.aLtStaarobast Rooms at 4:14 Aa. NMI Nia. 11. at S:l6 6.4,1Lail . at 4:114 oat N=llpowia. at ISM ~.. Wight at 4:0 r.z a at kW " raliflNlN4 sill/1010.a. Aosopowoodatios at 11:14 o.ri Stook wow, at 10d10r.m. Freight No. 1, at 9,0 A.M.( Ill'itlike No. 4, at MIS rat. N 0.14 at 4:44 PA ( No. 4, at 411 Art. NOTE.—The "li.opowso Naar eoaseeta at Horoollwrillo with Rolm§ ?rain few New York Hamm sasensu.. Now York, Nay MI, 11167.—.11.: Prooldwat 1867. Buffalo & Erie Railroad. 9N sad atter Itoaday, Jay Peassafror Taigas will tom Sato am follows: so Men at Itootlont, Duman* Siam C il A re t ar= ig at Dunkirk sad Bann ettS nor= Itxproso Trains tar Nair York. 1 P at atl Mattoon, 00 , 111110 d. tyrnankirk " V i teLlible vita Lumen Troilus for Non Tort. 7 as P M., CLociaroati g Woottlotd, Dunkirk sad S at Dunkin' sad Balton rah isms histle br NIPW Toot. • GO A. Id, Way Eames atopplair at all way Stations. noun Ibr Sale at tla• ammo to th• pritscaral eaStalk ood Bentham altiwiaad teem April, 211 W. 51-tf L N. =OWN', 8 a pl. 185T-80131ER T-1857 Od'AN and after Jul 6, MT, until farther notice Paaarager Trans • will run ar foll y ows, via : LEAVE CLEVELAND, 9 66 A. 61. Nag Data aloof at all Way Staalros =woe Wtrittlfo., Parry, dogmata sad Saybrook, and 'Mot at Erie V 126 .IL Dunkirk 11 SI P. IL Saikle 620 P K. 4"12 Y. Y. automat Ittptera Troia okras at l'aboarrille, Aabta- boils, sad Girard oil), sad arrives at 3s. 7 54 P. Y. De Westp 25 P. 11„ftillaio IS 00 P. IC 9 25 P. IC Meat Expiate Train rope at Paissetlle, Aalttabila, Conneaut and Girard only, and arrives at Lite 1 10 A. IL buffalo 5 00 A. IL LOUTS. KRIS, 12 35 A t sight Et ryas ?min stops at Otrard, Censors', Sabana, lWlwaand PaisariU. only, sad anstrant Ciowsland 4 20 A. K. 10 aU A. IC Mall ?Isis same at all W.y Sattess ossept sir amok, Catenstlts, Peery, floater roil Maga sad arrives at Cleveland at 2 20 P. IL 155 P. K.lmam Train stops at Girard. Connoralt, Marsha palbr Paliasmille only sad arrives at Claralsail 6 All of tha through trains (*lag Westward 'wade at Clew land with traits for Toledo, Chicago, Columba; Ctaelmate, ha, he Aad all the through hulas gulag Eutaw aid sowaset at Dullish with W. X. Y. At 16. L; and at Halal* with those of the Now Torittentral aad Buiralo sad New Y.rk City Railroads atC. it IL L Ft. t H. NOITINCINIIAX Joao 14 xs67. y is Sift. am iilo II! gin._. _ _ SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Trani§ run through to IPbooths" IS Pittsburg. O&ad after Holiday. March Ilth, 1857. trains ran daily. Rua days excepted,accord IM i l at to TA Ow followia E g 'hurts 1.2•• x A. M P. M P M. 7:36 8.60 6114 Cleveland 8.21 642 Bedford., Cid 3:44 sae Hudson, WWI 4:13 6:66 Itavaaa. 4:40 Atwater, W. 3 110 IDY 6.19' EMI 12.10 6. 6 I.! El 1341 6:41 I/23 MEI 110 7 :X EE131:1 Ta.tas =I A. M P M . 2:00 1:13 Bells Alt 4:16 1:00' 6:11 1:36. 56.1=4-rt. 316' 7:46 0:64 2:26 Port 3:00 7.1.11 1016; 6:46 Rasa Ran 2:46' 1:10. 1014 3:06, 1iA6m 6 1 6 . 214, CM 10:63 3:60, Sioubearillo. 1.66 6:46 1111. 4161 Jot Mo. 1:10' INIV 11:40 410 i IkCora 112:101 6:414 12:10' 641, Yellow Creek. 12:16 kW 12:20 1 6:66 ' WrilarUl& 111161 Sal '12:31 6:46, LlverpooL 11:44 6:67 12.42 1 Smith's Prory 1113 4:141 1 140 7 ..37 I" Rocl air Lee r, 21,1 , Pirrssana. Train Nana New Philadelphia NA • al, Dever at 11:44, Wavle berg at 1134. Arrives at Bayard at 111:110, cesseetiag with Tale oa Yale Like, her Chirdned, Pittsburg and Wheeling. Leaves Bayard at lAb r. tits antral al Trate from Chressland. Pitts burg tad Wtseelleg.) Wa nrhare at 2:46 r a. Arrives at Dom at COO, mad Now Ph at 110 thagleVers between Cleveland aad Milberg aad and sw. The Trains consent at Pittsburg with the POSlMitllaill Saiiread far if arrisberrg, l Made fletamen, New "'Mt sad Ilatams. stenbeartle wi S th the tenbeaville sad Labium Itatireed for Coshaetoa, Newark, Canniest' aad Clietiarat. Al Wheeling With the Baltimore AIM Olds litalined fee Camber. laud, Fredri Washington sad lattiaiere. nies,eith Stea mers for sad points es the Obte Wirer. Al Clisrehted witk the Labe al sad Cileveised • Ulan* flail, reeds for Daffhle, Slaws Flabt, Curds sad Nees Tea; Toledo, Chicago, Serliageen, Rosh lebe4 Dieespert, Gisteart, Itaelke, YU washes. St Peal sad Le North Wait. ai FE ?Worts sea be poweed et the Me tie tise Lialat a zat or = be Men af lie wartime reaseatiag Ow se by say other Route. J. ovamon, Salt 1311/1111141 oiDestrof these wile. t. She ?.blew,they were the eues=tasted. sad the Progirteters awl sew essAileatly tawl ms s wortais ROMPar ter MXPECuNo WORMS PROM TES MM. They ceetsts a. Wessel or lierrery t say Arm, or say other iS4lll4oslliwpodiesisoral wry be gives Who yeesseetiaded with ameba . The rastres us tote foam Ow etamtioatio to meet other V. as they smi PLIDIANT TO THU TABTL "M aras will rat readily es Coady." That here bees Wore the titbits lees Ass ewe year, sad within that One lisee woo for tistakedrie s mieledin saprirawatisteil te ths urea. of werlisiamo They ere wad ewe neemassehril by war mar Pirmaterre red seem roepeetsble YOw. with the moat siorted seresew Cr "mond awl eold. Intelsat& sad CLAIR lULLDWIN, (Priaraariar Se awes* Airromj Whidesisio sad Retail Druggist. Ms D eed Dowse, ftyry PA OMR= PAUL & Co. Chswthere Meek I. T. Wbellsode Moe IS Coats par Is.. Des. 13. N .T Cum Penh Dee. rms. nu. Mom airi leisithila:••••4ll lam be mon Mos pa bon promotable ..estimiutsete lltedes," art I mentor Oat lo my long pe.ette I Moe own rat bead so "serfaii, . nod =mody tor mime m lIM Mau Mom Mommilme to MI H re y noammodnd Masa to ny Mimi and mass* sad . an bow to my to cowry toss Ma the mot moritod ~low They Inio mom IMod ha a adagio o.llloPrian Oa elbeteanj woo Moho of Madam They hue the Mueller cow VargAlivi bo los so Notissoot ts tin %OW VW ehilltes will see libmes se may se -." &Any peteseelly setstistel el& their tosse 1 resolute Moo OM WM omma i = mew la mt. NW 11 SIM odoMidOmod to Ma WM pordtot ably. I mot 000ddootkr nommam= to Me ei 21116. P. Pa K. D. Ferule la Mewl hy b A. White as/ leseert__Vs• by , Cele It Dude; Masher* ley IL IL Welty aril W. IL Prooditt~oola by b. N - 16414•17: ImMalmat Ay J. .11. Imes sa d Id a . pylon anima by Doomport it limrona Catmo Inksi u rigillad Z BM& Illy INI. PI. ?omelet Wail her Matretew by R. Pitt* NM* id 17 J.N. lb tout. wed by . • lentirear• . II L.. Lay •••- i • As • liE=E!!9 'I I Jt & ERIE R. R. . I rATIONS Cl= EE2I Q 7 OE= Mt =I =I Iminstry =II STATIONS TUSOARAWAII BRANCIiI CONNECTIONS. N:=ilE seltrt Vettru my epirila arm allibt, se Mb patio ' , mina Tlaa male tar seell Meta art I My Imart is tree w time aummar ma Inthi its frog beefy lanai ; I bow so ems, lay all Malay war • bow midis far ame— Ata I Ear at viii by Ur moots la rill Or mho* ..eta tbe sal Ala tom I lawyer borrow trouble or mono, Of Om for air true Sera poet, Boa says sae\ aware they epee pro erne. Lad youth will set always has ; It la the gamy glade • time heist diode 1 raw lire elude day therwob. dad gather iowos her troy hewer% Fresh with itbe saaintliate dew daft I trip Mitre the wild hare de. . Oa the here el **Salty amosabio. • Ur, with jay etrilpieht, Is a teal retreat Haas to On erratel *wthlahc Life* huts ley—end so I obiley Albs bon that Beet aloud; .t Mil on tribal way. I weleseat aash lay With a NW, mad to sew (filjoict CHANCES AND OH4NGBS. 1867. A I ibuirs tot wade sibs a thoomad Wrh leap for joy--aad pub a t inking for low wool; to right, sows great sorrow to be soothed, some vest work to be aosounprwhed; and hill to lad the rust work, live and dia l iaoaraented in their selfishness, and doing nothing st all. This rosgb men's nature seemed the nature of she little child. His qui* eye saw at a glance; hie grew heart wanne4 and his great band sae• owed his little works of charity—so small that one would have (minted' to see thew slip between his giant Gagers usecwoinplished--yet were theydose. The glinted over the right sholder" will have a kept optima to set down to his seeettaini deeds well dose, than all the rest of the passengers of that crowded arose that long, tedious, stormy sight, is January, 1855. 14 pi A Judge J., who has resently returned from a tour is the West, relates as 'sesame illustrating the Urgers to • travelers is that region are sepoesd. Is is. of the rivers, he Jell is sempany ar atlve lady and gestleesse, to whom be was some of his easier tram onsequitos. " Hissimesi," said the lady to the petlenm owning that title, "you had better tell tin gen Unman about the use we met, in lowa." The blot was sullieket, sad the "husband" =tto say that, in their travels farther oy made she acquaintance of a stalwart, rolliekisg, Wastes Hoosier, one of the genus who amid "whip his weight in wild eat;" but who possessed a fund of quiet humor. On one measioe, they had stopped at a hotel in the inte rim, sot of the most inviting appearance. They were shown to their rooms, the homier st one ad, mid the lady and gentleman at the other sad of a lam hall. About midnight the drowsy maple were startled by a report of fire arms, messed* from the end of the ball occupied by their travelling oompanlos. Both started up in the bed sad begs. to speculate upon the probable eases of the untimely alarm, when they heard a reshisgof het and a contusive of voices in the ball. Os goieg to the door, the gentleman found the whole isse-hold, headed by the landlord, rushing is the direetioe of the report. His curiosity led him to join thismidaight procession, and be arrived with the rest at the hoosier's doer. The landlord tried tie latish, but found the door fast, whoring*n in a loud voice, he demanded admission. 1, What do you watet?" roared a voioe with.. " Want to some ial" replied the landlord. " Oaa't do it," was the response from within, " It's my room, and I'■ in bed—esn't some " Let use ial" sheeted the landlord, in a louder taco, at, the ease time shaking the door violent: ly, "or I'll break the door down!" gold on!" rejoined the voice within; open the door." The door wee soon open, whin in rushed the whole party, npeeting to see the whole door insured with blood. What was their surprise to see everything in its proper plum, and the hoosier ads and nuoseerned. A revolver wu careless ly lying upon the bed. " Who fired that pistol?" demand the land lord " I did," was the reply. "!Myr' asked the hadlord. The heftier stepped to the bed, sod 'throwing open the eovering„ said, "Look here. Do you see that?" The attention of the party wu at once direct. tki to tLe point indicated, and there over the whole vague of the sheet, bed hop were scam pering in every direction, like a flock of sheep frightened by a dog. The landlord wu chagrin ed and mulled, aid looked to his lodger for an explanation. "These," bepa the hoarier, straightening himself up to bts full height and gesticulating with his right hank in grandiloquent style, "these are my friends I have settled an armis tics with thenrraad we are on frleodly terms, bat on the window sill there, just outside, you will lad two infernal big follows that I oonldn't do saytbi4- with, and so I just put a bullet through Wu. Bat it's all right now, it's all understood between Re and my friends here, and we shall get along well enough now." It is needless to add, that the landlord retired to his own bed visibly me-fallen, while the s= enjoyed a beady Clangh.—Spirieual I_, : 1 0 4 4 fi‘ola ft as A gentlessa 'recently returned from the West relates to the Boston Tralvelkr that in setting out early in tbOsorning from the pleas where be bad passed the night, be ooesulted his map of the eostatry, mil lading that a very considerable town, milled Please, occupied a point of his road, but some 12 or 15' miles of, eoiseluded to jour_ soy as far as that plum before breakfast. An• other equa/iy-sztausive tows, bearing as sound ing a name, was laid down at a convenient din. team for his afternoon stage, sad there he pro posed halting for the night. He toutioned to travel at a good mead pees soil the sun had flees high is the beams, and until be eomputed that he hild aseomplistied 11110“ than twice or thries the dismiss* whiehlte proposed to himself is the attest. Still he sew no town before him even of the humblest kind, much less such a magnificent one as his map prepared him to look for. At length, aunties a solitary wood whop. preening from the forest, be aeoosted him sad isqiired bow fir it was to Pisani. "Visa • as," exclaimed the Asa, ' , why you passed it five and twenty miles book. Did you mass a stick of timber and a biased tree beside the rosid?— dist was Visalia!" The dismayed traveler then *aired how far it was to the other place at, which he designed pawing the sight "Why you are right on that plies sow," returned the man; "it bogies jest ea the *the side of you raviee, and runs dews to a slump of girdled trees which you will see about a farther on the road." "Are there no hems built?" faltered out the traveler. 'Oh no houses whitsotnever,' returned the woodsman idthey hewed and hauled the logs fora blacksmith's stop, but before they raised it Ma town Ws tiers all &vend of is the Easier& ilates and everything has been left, just ai you see it ever nines."—Panvievenian. A young man in the town of W—, in Portage °rutty, Ohio, lankly visited Cleveland, seeouspassed by a fair dowel. The young also sever having bees fres !ghat," was somewhat maessetemed to the "imps of the wait"— He pet ep at the Weddell, sad ordered dinner, whisk, is due time, beans sanmeased, the young gallant boldly walked into a ti nuous repast, Wein the lady sloes is lithe .root. Atte' of a meal astonished his he ratersed to his oessimaien—who was rather astonished as this preeneding—and remarked: "The dinner was darned good, why didn't i e bey seiner The above is an usual Jet,• the Oissiasal Comesercial vouebes fee. lady was sixties hours 'about any, thing to sat. TNIfie"OTWx."--"Totigi, madam, tough oky?"' al ibis Iseo boarder to tho Tx WI woo or. milatSll OS SS it "Tit 1° g1 0 v 14 4 1 i• bansoisiobsiz i t t o mob dot ws.' - al dig wale gal r• TES TZIPEST II__12:13 Ohs, Fettles, amp! the stern Is /and. Re tamable am It roars; The iky, ow bluing the/Wet-dead, a threeratair deluge pears 'Tis dark itid awful u tb. MT* It rages to devour; Oh, God of might! to roam save Tho loved ogee born lii pewee' ♦vove the tempesr*MVlrtelr t OOO 9 Whop. thunder redo their bed, Make Mr commanding messes Maces And peace ereead gem abed. It bunts mewl greet God, thy inn' The lightning tilt the sit— ' numb, ter this pesee—so power ens harm The deer *nee In thy cm Frew tau Journal of lidonalou OLD CHILD/LEX. Criumn WILL n Czn.roury No, not always; sometimes they are forced in• to little (ld men and women. We know well that the above is a time honored adage, but like too many of its family, it is not infallible.. A late admired autbor says : "The children of the eery poor do not prattle." It is none a( the least frightful features of that condition, that there is no childishness in its dwellings. Poor people, said a sensible old nurse to us once, doi not bring up their children ; they drag them up. The lit tle careless darling of the wealthier nursery, in their hovel, is transformed betimes into a mature reflecting person * * * * It was dragged up, to live or din as it happened. It had no young dreams It broke at once into the iron realities of life. It makes the very heart bleed to overhear the casual street talk. It is not of toys, of nursery books, of Summer holidays (fit ting that age,) of the promised sight of play, of praised sufficiency. It is of mangling and dear starching; of the price of coal and potatoes The questions of the child, that should be the very outpourings of curiosity in idleness, are marked with forecast and melancholy providence. It has come to be a woman before it was a child. There are two classes of old children :—First, the precocious, or those who are taught by their friends and themselves to be ouch; who never say anything in baby style, but in the precise words ofjheir parent or teacher; who, from hear ing their sage remarks and wise doings, repeated and repeated, become artful, and angle for praise, as does the fisherman for a bite; who, knowing they have a reputation hr old age, struggle against nature to maintain it, by abstaining from romping, which is as much the lawful business of childhood as are mercantile pursuits, professional labor, or manual toil, that of riper years. Such children we have met, who made it a point to ex hibit their remarkable powers on all occasions; who, when visitors entered, slipped away from play as if caught in a theft, and would be mai denly lost in the pages of a big book This class of children aro as disagreeable ri the stranger as truly precocious onese—of whom there are very few—are painful The last, by the untimely de velopment of their minds, forbid us, as does the premature blossom, to hope for fruit. Such pre cocity is the effect of an imperfect physical strew are ; or of the injudicious, hot-house, forcing system to which vain and ambitious parents re sort, and from which they must in the end gather blighted fruit. Bat there is another class wl4O have no child hood—uo building_ time it is heart sickening to see little children made old by poverty, sick ness. or sorrow; lfut sadder than all by cruelty, fear or uukiodncs• About twenty years ago, there lived in a neigh boriug city, a couple, lifting one beautiful child —a pale littie girl, at tlaat time abouraix years old. The man was a pompous, boastful person ; while the wife was meek, retiring, and 'exceed ingly sensative Her humble neighbors, won by her gentle ways, sought to extend to her those little kindnesses which nature prompts toward, the stranger. But they were often rudely re. pulsed 'by the husband `gm- their officiousness'." Her home-sick 11 ,, art fully appreciated such in tention, and she expres.sed deep gratitude for what seated to them but common civility. It was wonderful, to one who seldom heard a gentle world addressed to her at home, to receive such from utter strangers. filer husband was a perfect tyrant in his own narrow domain She felt it in her inmost heart, and showed it in- her very look, and lone, and step The love which bad. found 113 answering chord in the heart in which she had a right to find it, soon shrivelled up, and ehang: et' into submission toward him. lint it stilf`t bloomed warm and fragrant in another direction, All the swing, Fore, undying affection of her woman's heart centered on Essie, the pale, beau• tiful The daughter was never a moment absent from her mother's' side throughout the day; but the moment she heard her father's step at nightfall, she drew up her little chair into an opposite cor: oer, folded her tiny hands in her lap, and waited his entrance. S 1 soon had she learned that any show of affection toward her mother was disagree• able to him She grew old, wise and calculating. By her acutenegs she warded off many a jtorm of passion, and diverted the thoughts of the angry man away from his poor victim into other chan nels. She grew so rapidly in wisdom, and took upon herself so naturally the cruel burdens of her mother, that she began, all crushed as she was, to lean upon the child for support, and to trust to her as a peace maker in all domestic broils, if such they can be called, where all the bitterness and railing are on one side. But even woman, yielding and hopeful a she is, cannot always be pieroed and trampled. nhe time must come when nature can endure no more, —when the iron heel treads out the life, and the barbed arrow strikes the heart. So it was with this true wife, this doting mother. Her bitter cup was fall, and when it could hold no more, it fell to the ground and was broken. She was now beyond the power of sorrow.— Her ear was proot against the words of cruelty and scorn. She had gained her inheritance among "the meek" an , he "pure in heart." Desolate, indeed, • ..r little Essie, when her mother was borne away. Real children soon forget bereavements ; but she was no child.— She emerged from baby-hood into caresburthened woman-hood. No sports ever begnilded her time, sio toys ever called forth her merry laughter.— Her father "hated noisy children, and world have no nonsensical trumpery laying about the door; die must learn to behave herself without such things." . And she did learn, although it was a ernel les son for her buoyant spirit. But, after her only companion was gone she pined away with strange rapidity. Even the harsh man grew alarmed at time • work he was doing, and strove to arrest progress. But it was too late ; as well we might expect a tender severed branch to live, after*, tree from which it had drawn its life was upturn and dead. Pain and weakness were for months the por tion of little &sit ; and then a deep hectic fever bard on her cheek. One day, being carried to the mirror,by the -wiltuan who had ears of her, she shrieked out, "Oh, my dear mamma, I look just like you now ; why can't I go sway soon, and oe always with you again ? I cannot stay any, longer in this world without you." A lady who hod known her mother, and gar peshised is her solvents, called one day *inquire ter Etas. Ea the badness of bur hoot she brought a gaudily dressed doll, bagging it RiOt maw* the Weedy child . Foie UAL" it in kiw 'l . , , 'LAM' ••••S*Kela.llV* 0 / B. F. SLOAN, EDITOR. hand with a wondering exprsarres in Sr blue eyes. "It looks just like a child," she said. "Wittit' s is it for ?" "It is for yon my dear," replied the lady. _, "For me, ma'am ? What must Ido witkAir . "Why, play with it, of course, my low It will amuse you and make you very happy." "Ob, no, ma'am," replied Essie, exassiaidi the doll; "this thing esonot make me happy.—. It cannot smile on me, nor kiss me, net speak fondly to me. Bat it was 'very kind kyon to bring it, and I thank you very much. Will yea not sake it hoste--perhaps it will please your little girl." Eagle was more than sixyeani OIL and yet she had never bad a doll, that to* companion of little girls: She knew no iddidiag,. and she rarely ever walked abroad, maker mediter had long been too feeble to accompany her, AM* her father was too selfish to trouble ltier . her amusement. She looked almost sempuaiene•-, • ately at the giver, as if she tho't a person wearer be simple to imagine that * Melees toy maid" give pleasure to her eeire.worn heart. Sad, in. • deed, the let of ehildren made so early gravnemil • • wise. God gives to all an inillrooy and etitdimatt • —times free from care, in which our proem may expand, and we gain strength to boar lb* dens of life. Woe to those who, through eraillr •‘, or avarice, rob children of this season, or &asp it into one of sorrow, anxiety or Mil. Let child. nrn be children. One day &ale sail to her nurse, "In hast', ' where my mother lives, every one is kind. No one ever gets angry, or speOks loud there.— Everybody likes everybody ; mum% that bb beautiful ? Oh how much I should love to be there, and never be afraid any more." • She died. From some unknown CUM—perr haps in the hope of atoning f,r his past mated neee—the heartless man did one generous thing. He caused the lifeless form of the woman whose heart he had broken, to be taken from the nit• row bed, and then laid mother and ettibl in tree coin. It is true the care murdered innocent lit tle heeded, in that deep sleep, the what in life would have imparted such joy to her lonely bead. • She knew Lot that her cold cheek waaepie iq its old place, pressed clot.° to that of her mOtianr, or that her thin white arm lay ncross the boisois which used t..) be her chosen pillow. No; bit she did know, in that blissful, reunion, the joy et loving, unrebuked, that angel mother—of being free from fear of the violent man—of dwelling in peace, without care or anxiety, "where none are ever angry, where none speak aloud"—with the God of love. Few lights are more significant and touching to a teaoher's heart, than the zroup of girlsZ eyed out of many homes around her table. is it,to be the earthly future of these youthful beings 1 That little sunburned honest face may be a wife in whom the heart of her husband shall trust, whose clothing shall be strength and hos. or ; that other childish firm may yet be a mother whose children shall rise up and call her blessed; that little one with the fair rosy cheeks may, alas, tarn into one laden with many lusts, wham ways are those of death. Another may be the good and faithful iervest, so rare and so precious 10 thesight of the Muter in heaven, u well as the master on _earth ; as. other may yet be the brawling woman who brill etb woe on all around her, or a tattler and busy body, spreading mischief from house to house. Bat bow solemn the question, though Imply depending on the other. What will the everlast ing future of these children be' Fearful is the responsibility, deep the anxiety of those who feel how much of those two features depend on their faithful use and application of God's Word, and on their earnest prayer for that Holy Spirit who can alone teach successfully all things, from the things that are of Jesus to the performance of the commonest duty. But go on is the blessings of God's grace—go on, and be of good cheer; go on to edunteract the evil tendency--to pluck out the weed.•-to sow the good seed—to foster the spring log grain—the blessing is promi , ed and will come and will not tarry The Patch on Mr. Malay's Breeches Hurler's Weekly relates the following saes dotes of Mr. Marop—While be was Governor of this State, he was visiting Newburg on some public occasion, and with a party s of gentlemen, Whigs and Democrats, was at the Orange hots!. Good humor was prevailing, and one awry sag ileated,another. The Goveralways efjjeyed a story, and could tell one with excellent dent. A Whig lawyer was present, and the 04vernor, iscognisicg him, said: ' "Al, yes; I'll tell you a pod story of Spoon e r The tter day he came np to Albany.; Aln his way t the-Whig Convention at Utica, and it s so he too it in his wly to call on me to get a pardon for a convict at Sing Sing.. I beard gm case, examined the documents, and being satis fied that all was right, agreed to grant the rt. quest. Spooner handed me that paper to endorse and I wrote, "Let pardon be granted. W. L. Marcy;' whenooner cried out, 'Reid, Nit Governor! that' the wrong paper!' Atirihre Spooner enough, it was a rig speech that heioas = l t . make at nica, abusing me the worst way. But I had granted pardon in advance, NA I suppose he committed the offence afterward." The story was receive 6 d with great apphinne auffSpooner, be* looked to for a resptinsii, fa stantly.went on with the following, which, for antempore story, certainly is capital: Yes, gentlemen'—yes, I did. And whel i t Convention was over we went to Niagara and as we were dragging on' by stage over miner able ciorduroY roads, banging our heads against the top of the coach, and then coming down 111 if we were to go through the bottom, the stage came to a dead hilt; the driver dismounted, epee ed the door, anerequested us all to descend.— We did so, supposing that tßotne aecidentlied occurred. When we were all out, standing on the ends of 4e logs of which the road was made, the driver toot off his hat and said. "Gentlemen, we always stop here out of respect for the Gov ernor; this is the identical spot where Nam , tore his panta/oons.' The story was heard with great jollification, which no one joined, more heartily than the Got 'eraor himself. That pantaloon incident deserves to be recce ded in every history of this groat man. Sven seat out to hold special sessions of court to tey the anti-Masonic parties charged with toss,. * He was to receive a salary asst his eiponese r — With that regard for details that beloogo4 to his sterling character, he kept a minute ammo of all his expenditures, sad handed in the lies ea his &tarn, without thinking it aeciessary or proper to revise and strike out those Wes of a pnrale nature, which ether men, less immodest, in great matters, might have earehdlyeappreessi There stood the tailor's charge for minding.... The political foes of the Judge, whew he elms to be candidate for Governor found it, end perstied it before the world in the sewspapenr, said mak ing an effigy of Mr. Marcy, saspemied irßie~t#e streets of labels', with a great peteb on the peso taloons, and the tailor's charge on t ie top of that. But ea observant people saw' tbrovilb the patch, and tile shares into dm heart et an kw , est saes, and is that wrydeid of his they rest quilted s frisbees and it easpirisey et sinew ter that commended him to their trandlipprolir Ono. It is am probable that ib. pptalsoa• obsess lostior.Vm simile vein irbalculik* doubtless true AM it made him maltitedef 41. meads. He was never Ultimo* of it, and su er hid men to be. NUMBER It 0 IM lECI