Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 18, 1857, Image 2

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lINN.I. 1/. SLOAN, I.4lt•ir.
SLOAN II KOO ., r • . •
-JULY Ifli. 1667
roa 517/112.111 Jr - Doss,
O• ZOLA% -
Or 111111X11.
New. of the Week.
—The Bt. Louis Loader lamas that soma thirty of Brig
ham TOSSeII fOllO l / 1 111111 have made good their tempo from
Balt Lake City, aid resoled Omaha City op the !ad inst.
They mate that the utmost liimatiefamion prevailed in the
Kamm eamp,,and that Amami. now In Utah only await
the arrival of the United States army to place theussolv se
amiss the promotion of oar government. The moot strict
aatweillassee is ezereimd over the unfortunate beings now
,$ chat territory, and instant and most tomes. death 1.
the *Main malt, if amen in the act of deeertiug. We
leers also that a party of nearly one hundred, jam from
Vtsh, sad ea roots for the Boothent part of Kaman, where
they proposed to son* passed Tort Leavenworth on the
51h. They are keertilpiriek of the tyrannieel rule of the
lderasem leaders, and wee* fearful if they renamed, of
asihmrlft violates daring the aatielpated .eaglet between
the Coated States government sad Brigham Young
—Piaklod Owensboro, which delicate ladies oat freely
Intim& the saaallest apprehension for their health. it
appears ors poison to cowl. The filler Record of yester
day tells we that Mr. William Harper, a nospoctabl• farmer
war Weft Cleeter, had a lot of pickled encumbers in
=whirl a walk or two ago. Thos which were not di,-
pitied of, were lithos hose, and accidentally planed in the
bars, when a valnalre oow got at theta, and eat nearly •
peek of the pieklee—la coneoqwence of which she died on
the following day. Some of the Oahu were mellowed
whole. To be mare, the ladles don't eat a pooh—of pick -
loie,at owe tine, neither do they swallow them whole. But
the food that wolaid kill a cow, likely to be wholesome
Irlos tikes Ist. tako ham° sunset' in any quaatityl
What la • %madam we would Ilk. to so answered.
—Oa eatartisy monism a bat coo staining several
all written and slimed by a man named jell,. Hall, was
found lying on she deck of a canal boat at Rae* .trees
wharf, Philadelphia. The writer bad evidently committed
saiaida, and hie body was toned oa Monday morning.
Hall was la osnalartabli eiressmstaaass. He lived in Sixth
street above lace, where he has left a wife and several
abildrea. He kept carriages to hire. Some years ago,
daring the Millar essitsamput, the deceased was one of the
wisdom of that delusion and be was ►moag those who loft
the lefty ter the purpose of ascending to Heaves on a "sea
of glass." More naiad) he had become a *oaten to
spiritualism, and under the illagllDOO of this laden in
sanity he essaimittod
—At Natobez, Yin., meetly, the Probate Court gars
Mrs. Moore the guardianship of tie children of her slater,
Mrs. H. H. Hamilton. She determined to send this' to a
Catholic school la St. Loots. Mrs. Hamilton obieetsg,
sad went ea the bast at the wharf to take her obiltiren
trim il. Mr. Peter Grant interfered to prevent her, when
else drew a bowie-knife and stabbed him in the side. In
the excitement produoed, she got the children, who were
antrWing to leave het, and placed them in a friencre
hoses. All the parties were of high 'octal positian.
—A ease ewes before the District Court, fa New Yorks
on Friday, where a merchant mod to mover for silks and
other artiolos of dry-goods for three dresses, furnished
defeadaset wife by pisintift, daring the months of Mareh
sad April last, of the value of $93 65. It appeared in
widener that, daring the months of )(arch and April, the
plaiatilf geld the artiolm In queetion to defendant's wife,
and shared them to her, not knowing the defendant. It
lor it=i 4 fitieViilfithi t titePs av oi7eruullaftsc;lii;
Oa this testimony tae defendant's colossi moved for •
nos-wit. Th/ Jodie granted the motion with costs, and
$lll emus ousts, holding that the husband was not liable,
ae the credit was given to his wife. Extravagant wires
will pluses make a note.
—Devitt( the iring of a saint* at slivery yard, boa
t" eons, on flu dth, a waif was Wearies board of the
bail of ties V. B. frigate Vermont, moored of the, wall
where the brallary was pleated. and sit the ship on hrs.—
Daniel eaMesa, the geezer who was iris/ the salute. oa
dieftwariag the amddiet, aid there being no boats at hand,
immediately stripped of his alothiag, planed overboard,
sad swum to the frigate. Re pined the spar &telt by
enabling ap the shalom, and sameeded is extinguishing
the ire before it had gaieed emelt headway. Subsequent
ly, nears' boats pat of from the receiving ship Ohio, and
tenet to die assietame of the gamer.
—The Dolmmo //porter says that a largo quantity of
Spud& eilrer oohs kiscbeen (mid under sad shout di.
wreak of s reseal cos Phenix Llama, klsirylaad„ jest billow
the iteaitheasterapr it oLDeware. The 'net Is said to
M that of sDM A t, 4
whit* was leetaboat Shy
.iii, maviag oa board tome *ULM of dollars la spade.—
The `easitemeat among the slitli , se la mild to be mat
Crepe ars left mtatillid, shops sad stares are slaved, sad
theamstads et peones sre a. lbs basalt maids' for silver.—
Somas maks sp mo sash as S2O per day, mbar, sot sore
*ea two es three dollars. The silver Is already is eires.
lades Is Samosa misty.
—Souse wag of Veraberiasti, Md.. shinnied throegit
the sty the mart thstrts the 4i, Prof. Coln would
whets the wesilatfel hat, el walking so the water! It
is ealinated tisanes* were bowies 2090 erAOOO wens
prison to witting!, weslissfal pertsrsaise. As the
mos appatated pond, sad will so Prof. Ones was te D.
seek the reple Insane bandesq about Ibis tine it was
Whispered ansuadi east Oohs was the 2* weed fee
Mistrinu whew nerd flashed apes *sir abide that
Miry hod sa bees Mend."
—TIM Meadville *bit irf sh• Ags says ,tlin Woks of
to no espial sank of tin Meadville Unread
Clesparty wen opined ea Tuesday of last week, sad tbst
es the trot day selleiest stook was eabearibed, sad tea
per mat paid la ea the sane, to nano tie skeeter to be
tam nut The seemliness'" es nit wane day entitled
the het to the Governer tan wink addideial stink lies
bon sabeeribed. Me l te says the napes, will be
sataidemrse eon as paten eta be obtaised from
-Mr. Miss Dries, who died mostly is Ileasiossai
ossaty, Isstesky, was sapposysi to bars boss sloe Wpm
ins is tbs timid. Xis height was wet lost wig balm—
Vibe this NEW, tbs selobratod Kiistasty giant His
weight was • booties over • thossaad squads.. It malt.
od sersalssa alas to pat his is his sows. Took over oar
hasdrod lost of plash to make his soils. Hs saysarod
arasad his waist xis lost sad tear
—The Gabs& Asiesaipests ladersod by Cep'. Parker,
at tits sissabost Prod. Lesvos, who loft St. Peal ilatarday
womb% that • mossispor bad jail arrived from tipirit
Lake, Uinta. laisilipass Wig Sh• BIOS* tadiaas bad
shads sayithsr Mess& ea tits whits hiltsiglasts bird ring
as Spirft labs. la lowa, that sato whits Irers killod,
sissy Ilium swiss, bosses *raid, do. net wilts is.
habitasis sad trisedly balsas et tits asisbbartsg sorb.
masts bad sisitiod is pursuit.
—Tits has Boa. W. L. Marty 14ves • widow, two sops,
•fi l d aesibisr, to awn ids Ism Mrs. Nam vas es
• visit to hr sister, Is idarissiser; bar daughter was with
sew trissdi, is Troy; tad tits two seas wens away, ea*
la ea 11. B. Nom sad UN OWN N Piallhnibi, as tho dos
et Mr. Mars(' dor& Mr. AVE surriviss basher is
sow midis( at She std ramify snake, is ilessrbridge.
Bledeow paper* seawasee the dissever, of
pima seer Ilkwattoo. i. Keziee, white eurpoes tame of
CelliWas. It le goal shot the day of Iliwotisa V 44
Wag aessrlsd. Ito pentodes Sashay' to the Rises. As
al loreskr sad dam *mem an .std to hi oeirstog
with the Mote a few Wore. The Meatiwo peens ail
this a wow Clalitetata.
: Asp &W WI lath. Ilaitlateate Tore% dated lorroaa,
Tem, 211Ih, we hero that .1w Cat." t h e *abbess.
gm dr Vatted /Mee se mob
treable to Plaids dens Ileellete war. it /oak be,
with Ilmay el hie lelloweei, amiss anew villeins to Ihe
meg psis
—roe ftri. Mt. Tr.q poem& tbramill Dairatt - ea
Itoombip w • beep of slaty bor. *WI up Is dm
tilt Ilkitr Tot city, foe Is sow Moos is
the West. TM Pretelips they "mow.. peg tea* lei d
--„ litth learn ....e4 to *joy begat".
—JAE G. Mattaii. a Games. blow It. tip at bit Wad
al at Olisap. timo Esy, midis Y. it d mina*.
aim% it a Ism &bk. TM bay gas a but Itithing
11114941101E1r AND "DM DIAIDINIAT. AV' The Ciao Woad Ifergirer .weeds a salmi of the
We give below Rotas sstraioto from the rpwcb of Oen. Joss fell of a polities! proselior is Ohio, s class of nos who
~on to be peculiarly uafortunate I. jedteial Investigative
Wit. A. Stoup, before the Demoeracy of Westmoreland a b out t h e ..
sa 17th alt will recollected by oarreaderss thati t The about
days.—D ...
ption proves the role. Were the clergy
Gen. thetas was a prominoat comptititec of Judge **wept as a class—as inaoy Dentoersuo papers &wire it to
Tzonrsox, before the 9th of Juno Conveetios. for the hi undoliteed—ik••• wuls , "• 111 " b "Tat i6 " fr"i virtue
pot create the noise they do. Time are the egamlir
ionisation of Judge of Supreme Court. and was defeated.
wouldwhich otaastitilt• the thoireot food of those who hale the
Dude these sireamatanoea hio sposeh powwow' powiliar religiose prolegiskut sad decry Charehee sad mast elan.
Agailealieti--skowing as It does the harmony that exist, of whatever kind. It is well knows that whoa Elea Amiga
In the party, as well as the authasiaam its nowdaations r b i t pus th ey
to ot t a rik a " a row : a 01 " . l e . n y H eag f asil y y
ehAtit evil" Will" as. would 411141." to I°4ll f iwe'"lwNe have advocated Republican sad' Astl-ffisoory priaciplea.
and way. But the Damourary of Westmardaad are of the Bible, Aithont harts( theta et bout. Bat their
medlar it *Doi son aa spathe& people, as the noble and laile• frelm 'ma*, rappeetag the etatemeole to be trite,
tale dote not abet t h e triathletes's and benticoatte of the
.14 q 4sui . e(flut of"f U veri ,.. lu . "1 : fully 4 uuluestiu— ' principles they advocated—it rather proves thou' to be as
sad we sall l ook to her In n uotooor for a ful l redemption repreaeated by the false disciple, Do Democratic papers
of the pledgee gives below. Of Gee. 5. himself, it i• —tooludiag the 0441rWr, bielige• it it oboe:ion/ to the
eguaroely ',glossary to say, that hie coarse ohm the coal. rr i : „,.f.k.„„— th i. ; ,,... : to, i. 7 , 1.0.5 "Psi
nations oa the 9th , btu corresponded precisely with our w hat ed
wasgood while performing what w gnae of
as evil u who nriais
previous estimate of his character as a Democrat, sad will al • —4,cartt•
serve to renew the **cadence hie party has always enter.
tallied of his fidelity to uriaeiple. Re is seaphatioally one
of the great is of this State, intelloetaally, and will yet
AN to ipalisoate pOiinellaiy, SS he has already done in the
profession of law.
The occasion of this add's.a was lb* annual County
Convention for the nomination of a County ticket —sfler
lb* Destination et width, lien. Stokes being present. was
tilled ;won and rospondod as follow:.
I understand the meaning of this hearty .uti prolonged
salutation, and I thank you for it. lam proud to express
my gratitude to the Democrats of Westmoreland. Our
groat and glorious county is dower to me now than ever.
Provident* has blessed us with the riaittet gifts, fertile I
soil, healthy climate, beautiful scenery, exhaustless
eral traistriss--a people brave, hardy, industrious and
honest. What more can we desire? That only which is
within our command—the reassertion of oar ancient po.
'Meal faith by oar ancient and magaileeut majority. If
any of you think we are not well treated—that, to be
Westmoreland/sr, is to bee vietim to falsehood and faction,
here is our remedy—give two or three thousand Democrat_
lemajority, and we shall agile told oarjaat place in the
Councils of the party, as proud as the proudest, and us
certain as the moat sees,.. Let us have our redress by
beatiag the common meomy--never by Maturing a harsh
thought of oar political brethren. All true Democrats are
boas d together by the sacred ties of political atoet ion.
OUT ends and interests are ideatioal. Oar action meet be
harmonious. All matey alike the glory of oar great vieto
ries—the triumphs of truth, of justice and of order ; the
assurance of security, of prosperity, and of the perpetuity
of our free inetitations--the sacred legacy of our ances
tors, eighth we are Mend, the most molests obligations
of duty, to transmit, unimpaired, to our posterity.
Bofors these truths—and they are the breath of political
lifts—how small are all personal considerations—how un
important is any eau What matters It who is considered
the most worthy of the constitutional trusts, when their
Ildreetive vindication is to be found only in the continuous
ascendency of that Democratic spirit which rightly inter
pret. and boldly applies the eternal principles of human
right in organised government.
The Harrisburg Convention has presented to the people
candidates every way worthy of support I speak from
personal knowledge. when I say gist General PaVter is a
wise, experienced, energetic and discreet statesman it .s
safe to say that his administration will be pure, his polity
sound . that, supported by srlegislatire mejority of radical
Demoorau, corruption will be driven from the Capitol.
and the wages of Iniquity will cease to he raid h . ., public
Mr. Strickland was appointed an A•,..tist• Judge by
Governor Shunt, one of the purest patriots that Pennsyl
vania ever predated. I was present when ibis appoint
sent Was discussed and determined, and well recollect
that fearless integrity was the element of all other, in his
excellent character which decided the case
Mr. Strong is from Berke—glory enough for any man.
I knew him nearly twenty years ago. A lawyer equal to
any antagonist and any cause—calm, clear and sound
He wisely pursued his profits/don with undivided devotion.
until his industry made him independent of Court, and
ellente. He then went to Congress, and sustained there
this high reputation he had acquired at the bar
With Judge Thompson, it Is my misfortune to have but
slight sequaintanoe, but every one knows his high repo
tatioa for talent, teaming and industry. He has been •
suceossfeincter on no small theatre, and i, eminent both
professionally and politically.
All these gentlemen are of spotless character, enlarged
experience and decided ability—fit for and worthy the po
Miens for which they are candidates. They are the legit
imate choice of the party—and thus they are your ohoice
sad mine—nine in a special manner, because I was a can
didate before the Convection, and am therefore bound, by
the highest considerations of personal honor and political
fidelity, to exert myself -to the utmost to increase the
splendor of our certain •ietory There is no sacridoe or
merit in this, for I Meanie • candidate, as many of you
know, against my own views and wishes: and I am quite
content to remain where the judgment of the party has
left me—a private in the ranks of oar republican army,
ready hereafter, as heretofore, to give battle to the hostile
fregmoats of discordant parties which seek to mar our
Prue front the cares of official responsibility, I eau
enjoy the sweets of home, the Innomat pleasures of rural
life, the society of my neighbors, and - absolute personal
indepondenha No, gentlemen, my only regret is for your
disappointment, and for my inability rightly t .
• a u goner
ous support. am sure you will allow me to say that
Westmoreland will remember their kindness to one pf her
citisens, and will repay them if it is ever in her power.
It is at least in our power to prove, by unwavering de
votion to the party, that we merit the confidence of our
friends. Asiettow proud 11 , the potition of that party?
What is it but the embodied patriotism which has guided
the destinies of the Hopubtie from feeble infancy to the
maturity of National mahood—which has made ourlinmes
happy, our rights secure, our arms triumphant—which has
insured domestic tranquility, and pr o u tu u r d us f rom foreign
violonott--which has carried us in safety to the highest
poiat of earthly prosperity, which has demonstrated the
Asperity of man for self.geterningatr—whieh his taught
tyrants to tremble, and warmed Mith hope the hearts of
the opp d throughout the world.
No sn is a true Democrat who will oppose the party.
Hs who fails to fire hearty support to the candidates
when onettoominata& wags. intestine war, anti is a traitor
more dangiorona than an avowed enemy. It is by abso
Tote and effeetsve nnfoo on the party candidates that Peon
sylrania has so often slices tionspieuoiss is the constelta
uou of Republican Soesreagattes. Thus was the tames
by which she made Jitertasos Provident, and discarded
British toluene.; by which sue made Jacvsoa President.
and purged the country of usurpers; by which she made
BONIANAS President, and saved the Constitutioo.
Bs it ours, my fellow 'amens, by our labors In the con
test. to preserve the purity of our prioeiplem to rescue our
State from bondage, to defend our free Coostitution, to In
ovate still higher the Democratic faith, which Is the glory
of this °wintry and the hope of bansemity throughout the
world. God to our keeping has 'outwitted the sacred
lame of liberty. Let us Ise,true to oar trust that our path
through life may be illuminated oy Its rays; that our
dres my possess tie heritage of frOodom ; that thelrir
Nona may rejoice In the light sad tie of Democratic
topreeeed with theee soloola eoweiderations, before
w►teb a I paniosalitioe flak into lowlireilleseee, let us go to
oar realism:bre boom( and endeavor to diffuse, in ail parts
of oar 'minty, tbs MO political morality of a party. pore
to its ones, males, sentiments and medeneies. lot as
asking* tLe spirts of eourierd among verselres, and of
eimeriry towards oar opponent( Let roman reign, sod
Ma* will lw la+ineitdo.
The following Gimlet has been forwarded by the Pres.
'Aosta this road. Hr. Hemet, with a rtwiwast to give it a
place in our columns. We do so oboorfially. The protest
of which it appears to be the iniatory step, appears to us
to be not only feasible, but asloulstod, if responded to by
thou most lawn/sod, the landholders along the root., to
place lb. Company in atair position for prosoeutiog the
work. As it now stands, the land along the lino is rains•
Isso—but build the road, and the section through which it
paws will bosoms the richest portion of the Simla. We
an in hoped therefore, that this movement will most with
favor from those moot Interested.
The Seobery and grist Railroad Company address you
se a pert, who an, from losl interests, deeply ooseornod
to the oompletsou of thole. Railroad.
You mu, I understood, a proprietor of laud with 0 a few
allele of their trash, which laud will, in the natural coarse
of Weiniti, be greatly Named in value from the time the
road is Wilt, sad home the earlier that erect takes place
the spoofs your laterssts are subserrod.
Although so deeply interested in the meow of this Rail.
road, the owners of property ham so far, given the Com
paq bat little ski, hot have loft it to struggle spinet ad
verse eireemstanees, either upon the hope that other,
would moor• to t►em the remits looked for, or perhaps ap
palled by the osagoltude of the sedertaking
The expectation that the mad will be built without the
• of the landholders, ►u so far disliked by directs as
ay bare boon devo/oped, no to iodate the managers to
make this Wort to ooncoshilla upon it the intluebee of
mob proprietors Si will he moot directly benefited.
The fact, that thaw stompanisse who ha►o it io their pow
er to Mier a lead heti' in addition to the ordinary credit
worded to railroad esterprisos, hod no dillosity in accom
plishing their works, has enepsruged the managers in this
attempt whist' has been boos communicated by several per•
sees, sod leu nue with great favor.
The prepeeitioa hew mule is based upon a mutual ad.
vantage; as by the sempletias of the rood, the market
value will be isersoisel in a eery rapid ratio, it is for the
latoreed of the owners to part with a portion of their lands
la order to mere a largo profit on thermainder.
Witbest *swim into detail; which tart .be arraarsd
to tits satldastion of both parties. aad a surety givas that
the *Wet will be aossostplished, I state the plan gen•rally.
That the coarsers of lead I. the vicinity of the Railroad
shall tail at far mass of presont vats., ono-half thatr traits
so be divided Wily as to quality, taking pay therefor is the
B oo k a y lb. Ossepsay, reserving the oilier bait for their
ow* hears prodt—tbe pampas* bring to oder the half per
*based es a basis spas which to *Ocala tit fascia to build
*a road.
It le &drab* there're, so • prolinisery, to knew year
o lv e, And dwelt,* request year early ripply—let it be
yea et say.
If you With iliverably.l will disak you to state Ake le
galise et Your lawil•—• passe deoripties *sit, ow"
at wile rate yes woad be willise to part with the bait to
the einapaay. . You say, If the plea eeteseeds "epee divi
dends ea year /teak so *sea as the rasa is la amiss tire'
year violably. The rsmaiimier Thoth is left I. year heads
will rhea is value so soon as tie sompieriaa of the welt
10101.08 I. peels setileatkus a Ilse fast. so that yea will
seem mhos free the sale of your belt wore than you see
wow eleolsjer the wbole--ilavias year stook as additiow.
preilL '
I Were with peebet-lhalikaess is your twettatiaiestioli,
he he seriatar will be tabs.—for the plan .111 only b.
einied est W es., sallieleat late is teaderod, as added to
ear ether sesaa. will "bet the oiliest steed at.
Vary zrefeA tia.
sea /10•JIL
we doubt if 'ay .ttiar paper, claiming to b eoodaet•
ad with a spirit of fairness* sod honor, I. capable of per
petrating gush a monstrous miarspnsenutio■ as the above.
Ne protab'y read se many Demooratic papers as tb•
writer ut this slander, sad wo an yet to seer one that has
ever iodinated that " the clergy Is ocierapt as a alaas."—
Ia there an so men that resolve so much holm from
the Democratic press, and from Demoaratio polluetass, as
thus. wh•a devote thou iirtis and talent, to the work of the
44* who lay slide the pump wad tunnies of the world
and go about demi giod We know many each, some we
bat, in .)ur mind'• eye now, who with a singleness of
heart worthy of eli praise, tilt t the sick, the fatherless,
and bored down, end admioster that comfort and consols
this, which it is the province and pleasure of this servant•
c.f the .11 et High alone to give From the pulpits of n
of these, howei or. has ever been heard a political bar
recipe They etirisi end Him crucified—but
never Kansas' They tell their hearers of the glories of
the Nov Jerusalem --but never of Fremont and Jesse.—
They extols and explain the =aims of wisdom and truth
contained in the Bible—hat never a word do they say of
the Topeka Constitution They hold tap to us the lessons I
taught by the Apostles, -bat of Jim Line end Gov
Rubinson they are distpl., In short, they lowish as their
Divine )(twee tang* "to render unto Costar So things
are Caesars. an 1 unto Clod the the things that are Gods."
Cnlik• that class of "religious teachers," of which
Beecher is a fair type,they do rot understand the mural in
floence cf ".. , harps rifles " or the christianizing properties
of the Colt revolver and the •• Arkansas with plat "
‘," „ ,t is not the true "clergy am a class." that the
Dam oi nice press look upon as ~ o rropt. it Is that class of
teachers that disirstee the pulpit, and throw discredit upon
the Church, by lending themeelves to the oorrupt Dammam
of detign , tig politicians And it is in this class, and is
this alone, that thee numerous instances of t. lapse from
virtue" originate. Why is this. Can the Gazette tell' Is
there not some cause • We think there it, and to us it
seems plain W• are taught in the Book of Books, that
the Devil took our saviour up Into the mountain, and after
showing him all the kingdoms of the earth, offered al) if
Re would fall down and worship him And so it WILE with
our Saviour's professed followers a year ago The Devil,
in the alt ips the Fremont party, took them up into a
mountain, end after showing them Hennas, promised them
political p.,err If they would fall down and worship the
Republican par , / Many were tempted, aad fell. They
preached Kansas acopt crueitled—they Art eked though
the land—they became regular attendants at Printout
fendonves- and from one excess to another, as it well
known, there is hut a short step, and that is coon taken
when conscience bas once been seared, and the teachings
of and rest disregarded Another remeon for this
unfortunate degradation of a portion of the clergy -tn
adopt the language of the Philadelphia Neere—may
ascribed. not alone to the wickedness of many prominent
members of the • sum, but to the singular pertinacity with
which their ,ongregations have sought to explain away, if
• not wholly cover up, their moral obliquity. Have we not
nunieritus disgraceful Instance, of this' Have nut clergy
twin been proved to be grievous offenders; hay• not the
facts been as palpable to the world as the evidences of
reliable witnesses In Court could make it, and have not
professing Christians afterwards rallied around them,
c.a./0h0...4 Atom, epeediteled thins and, even got up dona
tions of money and plate for them? Most atisured'y. The
true c curse for Christians, if they would sustain the
character of those wh• occupy holy offices, and against
whom chugs. may be mad*, should be to court a free and
frank investigation, to assist it cordially, and to abide by
the result: either to sustain the party tidied and proved to
offerider ;1 declared guilty. There ahould be no bolstering
up'of the wicked merely because they happened to fill the
office iif pastor, the C'hureh, whatever may be the dent
misation, a greatly aeoc,ioned thereby, and the holy
ofilee of preacher sinks greatly In public estimation, while
the reviler of religion has excellent capital with which to
prosecute his devilish work.
Y„t long since Judge Douglas tendered a grant of land
near Chicago to a personal friend—a clergynan—upon
whiel& was to be erected a University. It was gratefully
&mottled, but that friend failed io getting the necessary
fonds to prosecute the enterprise and finally abandoned it.
A Baptist clergyman heard of the facts. He procured
lettere of introduction to Jade Douglas. He taught him
to another State, audio the generosity of blesses?* Judge
D. gave to this denomination what be bad Intended as a
gift to an esteemed personal friead. The only stipulation
he made in the gift wailhat the educational institution to
be erected on it should be free from all luta:lan rule. OS
the 4th of last July the corsair stone of the Chieago rnl.
entity was laid upon the great of land, Judge Douglas
• d donated He was invited to be prosiest—au there—
od one would have thought that on sash an oceasion
,•artisan mallet” would have shrunk beak at least for the
hour—that the donor of tee magniliettat great upon which
they stood, would not have been leashed in its very con
secration. It was not so, however. Even then partisan
maligiity would not down, and the ohaplalo of the day, a
man who had repeatedly assailed Judge Douglas daring
the last canvass from his pulpit, in the mockery of his
prayer on flits occasion a Republican paper boastingly re
ports him as saying
" And, oh: Lord, we cannot help untliog up a petition
even here, standing on this free soil, on lodepeodecee
dsy, for our poortalored brethren is bondage.eten thoagb
Judge Douglas himself is present among WI,
The orator of the <measles Indulged in an abolition
harangue, and in indireet l►sults to Judge Douglas, and
the Repubtican press of Chicago, Use Inside it the pretest
for the bitterest and most malignant attaeks upon him.—
We thank party malignity and moadsoity Imago no farther
than this.
The people of oar State will be ealled upon this fall to
deeide for or against eertain proposed amendments to the
Constitattoo. Time ameadmeots are War In number, sad
GA our pretreat State ofleials haws not deemed it important
to let ail wbo read the newspapers of Erie County see
what they are, we suppose we will bare to giro our raiders
a synopsis of the provisions they will he oalled upon to
approve or reject ruder the administration of (tor
Bigler this was not sr—the amendments to the Conatltu.
ti-,o proposed while he was Governor, were pablishod la
the Gusto," here as wall as the Observer. Bat this tilde—we
only utentton the matter to show the differonee In men—
the rote on the proposed amendments will he taken sepa
,The Arta kaeloisseat relates to the politic debt, and pro
poses the following salutary provialoos :
I. That tho State Debt examed 5750,000, ex
°opt in awe of war, invasion, or insurrection, or for thb
purview, of redirecting the prevent debt.
IL A !Loki's( Fund shall be provided, solScioat to pay
the interest on the existing State debt Lad Moos the prin
ciple 5230,000 a your.
111. The or.s.lit of the Commonwealth shall not in any
manner b. pledged or loaned to any Individual or eorpo.
ration, nor shall the Commeowealth Woos, a stockholder
in any corporation.
IV. The Commonwealth shall sot 11.11411111 the debt of
any county, city. borough, or township, or of any movers.
ratios. onleas the same was eostramed to aid the State i■
time of ear
. No county, city. or other municipal eorporatloa what.
ever 'hell becomes stockholder la, or lean its aredit to say
Goatee's y or mrp.sretioa whisteror.
The Second Aseetialowat provitios avian tie noodles' di
vision of counters, by prohibiting the 'radios of its,' new
amity roatAiniag btu that 4W square silos, cad revolt.
log the express assert of the voters of • meaty, te la
the ria• Any divisioa of smolt .scary vim shall eat off
over one tenth of Its Porinslailoo.
The Third Laeedas•t Muse priaelpally to Philadelphia,
sod proposes to &aced tic ant Arvieloof tie Coastitstlok
by striking Iran its several sosUoas the words which re
lassies the separate asnaleiral oxisteare of dm old city
Toe Fourth AsumnociameB propiedi a new 'sorb• to MN
Constitution. Le which the power of the Legislature is al
ter, woke or repeal say *twat of ialKor Peratiell (whisk
of coarse It posieessee by rime of It. sevoreiipsty, ahleesk
some offset to dilop‘he it) is exprately ded•red.
AU there asoiradwanta we look apse as edat•ry. sad we
hope to see theft adopted.
CRLWILATIOL—The Porsarylvarisa
Weeds, lest ermotaias a fall seeesst et the Deabootstie eel-
*booties 'bleb took Ores is larlosseassee risen Ma
itolpkta, on the 4tlt of Jelly. stlesrissee see very
lame. Roe. Job hobbies Jr.. peseliekareletr by a very
large senior of vice pivot/sea est reeseerstst. Col. J.
W. Forsoy vs. tit* *rater of dm do,. 146411114 were rood
from Probiest of the Asked OWN sal the 'embers
of kis eobtsee, sod has has. N. P. Pooltor. @meow
Wow, Novo Wood 4C Now Tat, Lab J. Gib"! Immo,
os. Jim I m p • I I WO,
_ . - - 4 so•• I I
orTeepnettlesee of the trio Oteterree.l
Ths last traeoe of the router' tall have departed, sad
tardy samoor has some to head with as apses MI of
,'berries slid preen apples. Lemmas& It absadast st ems
esot a drink, sod the vole* of the "I'seresuar Wu Is heard
au oar streets by Right. Cow, wad email sad abslidess sea
oar piassaa tad frost stoops by smallest, for our paws.
insets and brisk walls ars yet assist with the late
tioa., sad boat departs with the day. la Brooklys we
hare a pedestrian prima donna, a mysterious lady is basely
who perestkaulatee the fashionable streets by sight, task*
grautitess exhibition of a solos whiel Lersop sight ea
sy. People are only Jest Digitising to leave for the ems
try, sod we have a short season of opera at the &sodomy:
The distarbasons here on the 4th made On people of the
metropolis aware of a fast they were hardly eognisitat of
before—name r, the existenee of organised heads of des
peradoes whos4 very names had beat nalatowa before,
but now "Dead Rabbits," as., an household word•. The
dist/anuses elicited another fact, too, that large nomben
of siding wen ready to take up arse for law and order,
when insurrection should actually arrive, and that oar mi
litia ars really worth something cm serlou deity. The
companies tailed oat made a gallant show sad were pare
tiealarly anxious to shoot somebody. General Ws. Han
evinced a military mettle and pluck which was hardly to
be looked for in a quiet publisher of emealeal Menton
A.ll is quiet now. Th• Metropolitan Pollee have 'stab
lulled their authority, and Gotham has subsided late its
customary indite/reams and *alai cooociousossi of /emeriti.
Rosiness is dull however, and we are eagerly looking for
some new thing. We are going to pay twenty-Ere has
dred dollars for a message to coax the " Great Eastern"
into New York harbor, a duty wh,ch eoald be quite an well
WOO utplished by three sheets of letter paper sad a few pot
tage stamps, Bat *See holden as well as serveat maids,
have a great many eoaeins, and it is bard to lad "pap"
enough for the entire crowd.
We have bad a bit of rhetorical or rather orthographies'
dissension in which the chief Ann of the Board of In.
struotion is the defendant against the Tribune and other
newspaper beasts of prey. Mr. Hazeltine doesn't spell so
eording to Webster, for whiek be la annihilated by the Tri-
Lune whose grammatical inaecerseies are shown up, in
tarn, by a clever Irish exile who writes for Harper's Week
ly Newapaiser. The newspapers, especially the doilies of
this city, hare the least ooriceivable right to' be critical In
such points. Half their employees have no education at
all, though they can pot together items of news in an in
telligible shape
The agent of the associated Press in this eity has about
the best berth, in a pecuniary point of view, of any man
in the newspaper business. His salary is nothing too
large but he receives the steamer's new, half an hoar be
fore anybody else in town, and has, therefore, an opportu
nity to 'peculate on Change In flour and cotton, before
common mortals know anything about the changes in for
etc, markets. The elegant row of residencies fronting on
North River in klobokeu, witnessed noestll the brutal
murder of a young man of due talents and education by •
hot-blooded Cuban, who considered himself insulted by
the brother of his victim, the principal of • school in Ho•
boken who had dismissed the Cuban for carrylog loaded
firearms. The number of young Gabon' who eons to New
York sehools for edueatioa is very largo and they an •
notoriously fiery and an iatroctable set.
New York would not be New York unless every day far
nirkied its excitements. Saturday's Times has the follow
ing account of an affair which kiciked op no little excite
ment among the Balls and the Bears on Friday " Gar
rett T Terhune, a broker doing business at No. 7 Broad
street, was cdphided in Wall, near Broad street, yesterday
forenoon, by a man who charged him with insulting his
the cowhidees lady acquaintances. Terhune, after be
ing severely 'punished' about the fare, retreated into a res
taurant. His assailant followed after sod nnewed the as
sault, but the bystanders interfered and pat an sad to it.
While the rioting between the "Dead Rabbits" and the
.•tier “Plug Ugly' association' was going on, on the 4th
• domestic tragedy was being enacted in Williamsburg,
by which_this domestic hearth of one of the "upper ten' .
was being made desolate, and the life of one of the actors
placed iniumnittent peril. The parties to this episode in
"high life" had endeavored to keep the affair secret, buts
the argus eyes of the newspaper press has proved too
sharp for them, and the details in all their sickening de.
fortuity / in now before the public. It apeman that 0111 of
oar "seereh•at pries's.* who espeitMe la the aristocratic
portion of the city of Wilkiamsbarg, hewn as the South
imus, nee a wilis woo is a beautiful and aormaplishod wo
man, belonging to a highly respectable family to New
York, and was looked upon by her husband as everything
that could he desired in a partner for life. Some three
mouths since this lady formed the acquaintance of another
merchant, a mach younger man, in a Broadway saloon.—
The two frequently met at the same place, and finally be.
same ardently attached, and feeling that they would be
unhappy if separated. the lady decided to abandon her
husband and children and elope with her lover. Early on
the sorting the Fourth was flied upon to oonsammate
their designs and carry their plans intoexeeutlote. nabs'
band had received some intimation of the step his wife was
about to take, and although he could not credit the rumor
decided to be fully convinced of its truth or falsity. On
the morning in question Mts. A. left the hones, and meet
ing a carriage she immediately sprung Into it, when the
driver preended toward South Tooth Street ferry. The
husband 'inn now convinced of his wife's perldlty, and
overtaking the carriage, wrenehed open the door and Im
mediately eornmeneed an onslaught upon the youn g man
with a bowie knife, and did not desist meta be bad indict.
ed a dangerous wound in the seek, several spool the arm.
one of which will render the arm useless, and also a seven
Sash manes tbe stomach. During the melee the young
mat discharged his pistol, the ball-gracing isle adversary's
forehead and sassed a el gist wound. The carriage was
then turned bass to the house, the young man removed to
a room sad the fun.iy physician wu tallied In to drew the
would'. The physieien was of the opinion that the
woos& would prowls fatal. A oonstaltstion was deemed
advisable, sod Prof. Parker and two other skillful nr
coons wore cent for The oonsultstion took place that re
'slag, and it wag desided that there was a chum f o r M.
artery. The wits was discarded sod proceeded at °auto
her friends is Near Turk. Doriog the day, the father and
brothers ,f the latly yielded Mr. A. and after bearing hie
version of the affair, did not blame hint for the ocioree he
had taken. The wife 000eignod the custody of the three
ohlldren to her huebsnd after which he generously ore
her the oldeet bor. The injured mom still remain• fa Wii
liseasbargh, and Is In a fair way of reenrery. And so rests
&anther "domeette tragedy" In New Ynrk tits!
The death of Goy Marey h►e=nowbere emitted as pro.
found a seneation of rsurst as is this eity. While ids
fame as a 'profound thinker, writer and stat'estaaa was world
wide, It was only among Ms more intimate aeguslataases
—thous who .bared his oontideaeps, when witbdrswa (rata
the teething whirl or public life—that the many beastifil
and genial traits of his ohareetcr were brought to the our
-1 Dopers remarked the Post, that
fees. At one of th• AM!
later years has opporied hi. political views—.lt was to
goals' med doessmie life that ldr. M.rey appeared Is his
most inviting aspect He loved his family, hi. An
drea. his friends and never was so happy as, whoa s
way from the burden of olleial cares, he meld freely eater
into the pleasures which their presents afforded." " Els
old books sod his old friends remarks the mom Paps,
were his tionstant solace, and whin be stopped at th. &a
depts. shaded hotel at Ballston, where he died, it was Do.
deed how he would take his chair out coder the wide
spreading elms and entertain his landlord sad old fashion
ed people who gathered abeat him delighted with the
pleasant stories which he told and the philosophic humor
mad shrowdame, and social feeling which twinkled is his
keen, bright eye. At other times he would rehire to his
room, as his custom was, and she tip saes favorite aid ea-
Sballsolivors, Harvey, among as p.c.;
South, Barrow or Robert Ball &moss the divines; hi.
/roach Wide* of Matibievel or Bacon, among the piffle.
sophic writings, and would read until he fell asleep. And
this was the way in which he foil asleep oa ladopeadeace
Dsy. He had retired to his chamber, put his boats is the
st eal corner, pat on his dressing gown, sad lying Sewn
with Knight's edition of Brine's lissay•—• email red
quarto volume, with Illustrations. Whoa he wedfmad be
wee MEI oa big bed, his eye* quietly elmed„ oa ono side
were the spectacles, on the other the well remembered
muff box. mad opec on on his tweed' lay the book he so
emelt hived—that moral epitome of Imams wisdom—the
lasers of Beam sad over It were clasped hie limits, hag
gis( it to his heart. Snob was his Anal sleep--peeetch)
serene. sad worthy of so greet a the midst of the
(headers which commemorated the birthday et the mi
litia whose fame sad pewee he had dose so each to upheld
gad autead."
NV' The Basle fhoweetweiel saps that the Peeatyiew.
ohm is to be the eeolideatisl .r.. .f Mr. DoMrui..
ea," Poseilfisimitie is well eaeogh LE hp imi7-411i
It is ao more the "seslawitial (wpm of 16. fir....,"
*ea we an the asaaileatisi ergs. et the Baapertio Napo-
Wee. It 1.. Detweereitte piper. end 1110 111oefiaaaa f..
Demeeratie Passitleat. sod there the orsoashlp emir !
Ws. TM Moot Iltspostolkea Isogistaturo of Ownwetiost
'amid swam agate's ills dooisioa of the Bamako Nast
that seem ars sot Masao of elks United Stator. Bet it
was swe sapwood that the was lonia Wen wwild mhos
W slisimiesk State Couslastiss es is to pads do test
volle I_ PA
*try coat, July IS, 11167
Pen Ind Bohner Item.
-. The Wubltgtoa &sees nye, Rmi
WARD Bascaza's pulpit is Wte is uptsrasd bell,
of whieb be is the brazen wove.
go. Howl we, Negros Stewart, tad Cher
lotto Jane., were eoavieted lest week ia Pitts
burg for the murder of George Wilms sad his
sister, oath sad seat of Olmerioses.
gar The Boston Polies Court has decided
that u umbrella is property. It ■eedd no
judge to toll us that, for it has bees stolia pro
perty slaw its lint isiveatiou.
Hon. Edward Everett, of kfaossabusotts,
will deliver the address before the New York
State Agricultural Satiety at the Pair held in
Buffalo in September.
Mir If such glorious corn weather as we have
been blessed with for the past ten days, does not
shut the mouth of the croakers, and make their
dismal looking faces pleasant, no blessings in this
world can
no,. People in the vicinity of Albany, N. Y.,
are turning their attention to raising frogs The
frequenters of a single restaurant consume two
hundred per week. Those Who have visited Al
bany say the effect is pereeptible in the people
there—they are amphibious and leap on all fours.
lir The inventor of the patent metallic buri
al cue was the first to ooenpy one of them; and
now Mr._ Shell, of Cincinnati, who had just
patented the terra. cotta ooffin, has been the first
to be buried in the article The eoinoidense is
mi. The Bellows Falls Argus says Henry
Abbott was sentenced, at a reoent term of Ben-
nington County Courcto three years imprison
ment for bigamy His father is now in the
State Prison for the same crime They should
be sent to a Lunatic Asylum, as olear oases of
hereditary insanity!
NI- We learn from the Uniontown "Genius
of Liberty" that Jacob Turney, nominated by
the Democratic Conference as the candidate for
Senator, in the District composed of Fayette
and Westmoreland counties, is a practical prin
ter, and worked in the Genius onoe, when own
ed and conducted by Maj. Irons.
as. It will be resolleeted that at the time of
the Deejardins B. K. massacre, near Hamilton,
C. W., all efforts to obtain the wheel of the
locomotive which it' was supposed caused the
accident, proved futile. We lean from the Ban
ner that on Friday night last Luke Brennan, the
driver before employed, descended for the pars
pose of making another effort to recover it, but
from his being taken with cramps, or some other
cause, he never rose to the surface alive.
How to Karp Coot —Talking of Sydney
Smith's cool idea of "taking off his flesh and
sitting in his bones," u being the highest ima
ginable degree of airy comfort, "I can better
that, - said a wit, recently: "I'd kdbok the mar
row out, and have a draught through." We
merely suggest to those who consider either of
the above processes inoonvenitmt, that the next
best way is to procure one of TAO", Bio's light
and graoeful hate._,Tiley are selling at a very
moderate price. *
as. The Riehmond American gives the fol
lowing recipe for Blackberry Wise : Measure
your berries and bruise them ; to every gallon
adding one quart of boiling water. Let the mix
tare stand twenty•four hours, stirring oeessioual
ly; then strain off the liquor into* east, to every
gallon adding two pounds of sugar; sort tight
and let it stand till following October, and pu
will have wine ready for use, without further
straining or boiling, that will make lips smack
as they never smaeked under similar influence
i We notice that Gen. Bowman, of the
Bedford Gasette, offers that establishment for
The paper has been published for Aftrttoo
years, and in that long period, has changed hands
but once. Its present proprietor, has conduct .d
it for twenty•9se yean, and is induced to sell
only on account of failing health. To a man of
the right sort, the purehase of this newspaper
would be a great prise; for it has always ;!..:14 3 .•
ed a fair remuneration.
sir Goo of the papers relates that • "Cma.
OYMAN of Chicago, at hi was pasting into
church, e; few Sundays since, was handed • note
by the sexton, which he naturally supposed was
designed to be read from the pulpit. On break
ing the seal, the missive was fOund to be an in
vitation to a bouquet on the opening of a hotel:"
We can see nothing verraingular in that, ova
sidering that it took plus in Chicago. If it is
all right for Chicago clergymen to attend polite
ical meetings sod make political harrangues, it
is certainly proper to attend a "banquet" to eel.
*brute the opening of a hotel.
tom' The Syracuse Standard is "down on"
the idea, which some people appear to entertain,
that Printers can read every thing. It says
there is no dos that printers are better deci•
pherers of bed manuscript than any other else'
of persons--but whit, for instance, a merchant
writes that be has revived five Bra., ten lbe.
Cls., it is somewhat ollilieult to tell whether the
merchant really smarm boots, biscuit' or butter
nuts ; chalk, cheese ix churns, eloves, +Cloaks or
lillr A shocking Mime of double 'Weide wear.
red in the townshiplof Summit, in this *nosy,
on Friday morning H of last week. The parties
were a German sadi his wife named Ferdinand
and Mina Sindtm seed respeetively 40 sad 80.
The pretienisre of the affair are time related by
the Waterford Maoism :
" it own that the reWee were it a treahiessee eis
positing. kawitli hod i l l r ei " = lib with
11= b6e9 '
wbl.h bed led to wrens sets. ash Mr.
T aii.
brought by sew Wire Kn. Taylor se as=
on ..plalss of Kn. • esighbou, who sinsool
Wm In Wit tbrowsowl fits. awl whoa theme to Brio
jall. ifs ?wad bell ow roliessi. Sward other ewes
vow poodles against grewtag iet etaileged otamine.
bereeLtesiee. bo.. (as he stand ••••111 dame) hie
yeighben hod Went ato beaten he meld sot emote
the pestenthtzy. It Ida bad wok Met dui., ad
jellied wish • gensoodiesegente et Ilk led le Ilto henthie
mss go Wm to men. His Melo bay IsellUnil that he
three of fist daphi} i pensts led set wenn", Ivies
short the_ hone. belt owl d. l. We wow be.
said ueseleg erne ftweday. His ban swiss that
40. 1 84 1
Ines the _ be wend ohne W. mad
Widlol a, pa Is -!_tawO• Tint then dub thief
has nig im mi es. ley, tr amp laa ass Mon ty
ii eater* Women es " saw up Is the ersheir tad
led now The holy they wen hiding ben the
eneeshio. sod wee That the eat wee no
molten' Is *widen 1.-' several fens sash so lanne.
One to the lbode 1 about beeptes eineis ithlal le
wow whe• hews T, M. They ewe MIMI shoat 1
or a Wen* l• the -- - " • ell •
MI ' we -
A ausedat ot Vaulty.
When we stated, last week, is noticing the
atteapt of the Owners eowitted oar misty
jail to%loape, that the ".iessitutioe" was is
very I t made sonditios," sad that the fast had
bees ones or win brought to the attention of
the County Ootasimitiaers by the Grand Jery,
we ieteaded as east no rdsetioes upon the eilei•
al modest of that body. The Coelesissiosers,
however, sees to think otherwise, sad hare
published a sommeioatioe is the Gwadar is
which they raise a qesetion of veracity betweas
us auttheet. They say—
Tho 'Jell Le, nallarbeedly, badly seastrooted—uhleily,
however, as nor& the health as 4 oestert et die Win/s
-ee& In pellet of etreeith aad hearty, so fault ass be
foetid with It. The Miff la Us IHISSISSIKUMI, aN &dealt-
Misullsiest irestilattee. wet probably arose frost the
of rewierlsg It as mon sad seam a. p 0501144.—
That there has serer bead a stieeeeetal atterapt to swaps
fans it. by breaking bate its walla, doer* us whodocri Is
irrideaoc ite warily. The massiveaose of its wills,
and arraagasest of the Wis. rotainlag dampen, sad
procreating a free elreakilies of air, are he only detests ;
tad the only rowdy far these, la, the deatellahiag ef the
prams', sad freedom of an *slimly DIM Is. is,. eatirr
ly diarist plea, oath as badwed in other builillage of
the kind. .rested Blase the bundle; of this. The
womb of lAA Greed Ju.y ma go orefoot, hoorosotiood = l l l .-
fret. only, rad mot . .
They have, of Donnie,
bees carefully monied by as, bat la the preemie octuditio•
of the Imam of the Gaiety, we could not feel ourselves
justidod la immuring the hoary *upon., required to num
dy the nil u it should be.
Now this would be alt well enough, if it were
eorreet—bat it is not oorreet, as the following
presentment of the Grand Jury at the November
sessibms, 1866, will show :
.Al A; + ; " i AIM 1 d
Sure or Parasnvion4.t ..
Rau Cooarr, 1 -
The Grand Inquest of the Commostrealtit of Peossyl•
rasa that Is n.ow inquiring in and for the body of the
sanity of Eria upon their oaths sad adirmatioas, do re
speetfully present :
That tboy, la their capaoity aforesaid, made a personal
esamiestion of the Jail of brie smutty—lts safety, sod
molter, togulations sad arrsogemests, and do trod that
the Joi4 ajoreesisi is ismifficiall to amine does wilo are cow.
mitred Ma- ON and reiwovontly mars in its coal/traction,
and sot well adapted to answer the purpose of its eon
struction ; and hultter, that its isterual ansagemeat is
unfavorable to the health of those unlined therein. The
Jurors aforesaid do, therefore, rosommeed that such re
pairs and alterations be made is the Jail u will reader it
wit, and adapted to the health of the prisoners.
Tb• Jurors aforesaid cannot pass over the matter with
out giving this pablie •zpreseiou of their approbation of
the amour io whieh the said Jail is kept by the Sheriff,
Gen. Killpatriok ; sod do, thirefors, recommend the mak
ing of the repairs and alterations afoufaid for the safety
of the prisoners and the protection of the Jailer.
Signed, R. R. ROBDISON, Foresees.
'November Somions, 1166.
The above, we think, is saileient to show that
what we said list week was predicated upon
facts,—facts certified to by " twelve competent
citizens," and with snob a certificate in our
paper we are content to leave the question with
the public.
Mr The annual Advertisement of the Clevel
and Female Seminary again appears in our col
limns this week. In looking over the catalogue,
we notice several scholars from Erie, and we are
pleased to know that the institution has met the
expectations of its patrons here. One of the
Cleveland papers says the school has never been
so prosperous as daring the past year It had
one hundred and sixty pupils, and its success
has been owing as much to the high attainments
of its instructors and the liberal, ever generoui
policy of its managers as to the charming sin
roundings, and the healthfulness of the location
of its magnificent buildings. No Seminary in
the North has more princely ansavonenta for
the oonifort of its inmates. The seven antes of
lawn, shrubbery and for 4 ; the splendid pile of
buildings arranged with every modern improve,
meat for ventilation and a thorough system of
instruo• , its ranges of siry rooms for die board
ers, rec' 'os; library, exhibition and concer t
balls, oo not be " well surpassed either for
beauty or oonvenience For further particulars
refer to the advertisement, or send for circulars
and catalogue.
wars The fight between) the Erie and Buffalo
railroad company, and the New York and Erie,
mentioned by us last week as progressing finely,
has neither abated, nor is it likely to. Oa the
contrary, it has assumed a legal form--the lat.
ter company having applied for, and obtained
an injuootion restraining the former company,
the defendants, from soliciting passengers ;or
the Central instead of the Erie Railroad, and
from prouriag them to go to Baslo rather than
Dunkirk; from selling any tickets authorising the
holder to pass on the credit thereof further east
than Dunkirk; from exacting a higher (*large for
passengers or freight which is going on the Erie
than that by the Central Road, from allowing
any greater force or validity to tickets by the
one than by the otber rued. The question
whether this injunction is to be perpetual is to
be argued on the 20th instant. It is said that,
at the same time, the N. Y. and Erie brings suit
against the Buffalo and Stew Line Road, for
damages in the sum of 1125(000 •esulting from
the refusal of the latter to recognise its coupon
/ti` It was Bryant—or somebody—and he
told the truth, too, whoever be was—who said
that wensan is 'steer so amiable as when she is
ureful; and as for beauty, though many may fall
in love with girls at play, there is nothing to
make them stand in their' love like seeing them
at work, engaged in the useful offices of the
home and family—still we are inclined to think
that it adds to the beauty and =lability of
every lady to partition their goods at the Empire's,
for there Is where you not only gee the worth of
your money, but are sure'to and every thing new
and fashionable. *
Mir The Buffalo , Republic reoords s carious
fast in finance whiair we late wondered at more
than once. A dry geode elerk, it says, can get
four hundred dollars a year--a banker tour thou
sand. The clerk will live better, drive faster_
horses, run with better looking women, and have
• finer gold watch and more► costly diamond pin
than the banker. _This fact is brought about
according to the - doctrine of ecnispiessettiaa, we
" 041 adwe's bobirit am — .s Pb 7
Sim it ay deb.ihkOS4 tb .T WUI.
tad trod thy wed bid Os bans pea,
imisbty lastiviint d bond ass 1
The poi imisompi be di tbsamiel Week
polaillthemput wipinsh A.d OM WA el slartbas.
Tbegiek mat &Mak sail Oben slop to bother.
The piss M p is-116as 4 llaersors •
who have added to their eztonsive stock of Dry
Gloocia, a complete anatetatent of clothing, which
will be sold as asap as cheap poetry. •
Mr Rev. Mr. Forrester, Pastor of the Uni.
versilist Miura of this pity, presebed on Sab
bath maim" het se death of the Gov. Morey. It
was easel thriest drone of the hied vs Wok
we ever listened letienater it was sound and
prsethssi, and is ' UMW ploquest and impres
elm We regret seoesslingly that it bed oat
been more geeerelly kern that he proposed
Regis; ups elm asiesa—e• ars 'fey meals
A Sminta Stmt.—The Y Y
g old State ti likely to have as a compk,44
ter State The projected territtiy A t(
repotted to 'be as richly endowed lint
mew sa California is with gold dig g ,,, o
Gadsden purchase, if all the report i
quarter should prove true, will be ale tc ,„ c
cable aa additioa to our territory
The Illinois, on her last passage, brdt gt „
her f reigh t several packages of al Ter N I
se desert, which are repreeset e i,„,
very rich.
Those ores were from the veins latelj,
and occupied by the Sonora Explonsg
fling Company, and were forwatd e d
agar of the wormy from Tubac.
chase, to the °ice of the company Jo r
The late discoveries of silver
Purchase, it is said, are attraet,u g mu/
Lion in CaHirai& Some of tb. 1 11 , 4 ,., u ,
riniented as very richin silver, and
tors are only waiting for govtrotneo:
the inhabitants of the Purchase fr ,a 2
dations of the Indians, to enter etreol:t.
mining operations
—_ Dr J C Ayer, the w.r.:
Chemist of New England, id L ppiwi
the Burnet house in this eits
making a tour of the Western S:re,i w
scientific associates, to investigvp the,t
productions, or such as be can make remeth
We notice he has been received
tinction by our leading citizens :if re
are rejoiced to find they have Qcv, , s,„
estimate of the man who has perhapskom
for relief of human Ills than any °co-;
can -- Daily Journal Cincinnati,
HAIR REiTORATOR.—Prof. Wow:. .11.••, e .
eolittoct nie valuable cciediein• for restoring at •
the pre.eull.,t. of baldness, to This rotas:,
asii•l quasi!. naively, acid with great success P.l
nay, th , a•andt hese need it, and are willing t
its .11i^. the advertisement—gv at nrl,
cure a 1./QUI* .u 1 prure Its cirtue Our g.
he n {el bacbcl .r• (Timis •b , u: I embrace tbn
to 0•V er then pane iiri , til • r•osi of rich, lux.Ar :
Iwlra.,apnlu Lo<rnft.tirie • , •ld in Erie, by all L
Dallity , s lacteal Pala It /it ratter.
and pats are as inseparable as FIRE ~. R„
mat un produces path and path produces tnnem - u.s. •
there is ,inuatural host, throtretag or reducer,
it I. mused he a fever, a burt • sore, pokar, •
NSW, burn or 014, then is Inflammation - t
1t10.11.41 oililiaups Mallet lOW or ettatkire as ",1
Ileve pain, and restore UMW., 10411111XIMUOC carAt
acconsidish this, the idioms of the phew-Ur. •-• I.n .
Thousands of physicians, and ten thouseryl
111111,10111 r ms. .h. ha.. used DALLEY • Cikl
ex tit tc INA, are eonetnee-L arid adrdit that •4 -
tammation is most wonderful and immediate ~1 4,1
the pain. neutralizing poison, WitrlClatig mi r•
forelng nature to 'townie her count, renew tr .
tu.rn, eciLLd , 'ore, or throllatt a too OiloOre In , leit
and tuna( influence Arnie it Immediately an:
re:troth eed•
Each hoz of Goer= Deta..='• Pete Errearroa a.
9t00.• Plate gorsoed Label frith the Agree= of
ES ER k. CO., propnetora, sad HENRY Da.LLEY.
An others us ooaaterfrit. Pries IS hltste_Ver box
car AL orders should be ad:lroned to C. V. CI tine
Barclay, slid 223 Gnomish ea, N. Y.
Sold by all Drunists sad Medicine Dealer. thr , u;
St ate.
Slir ) Ma commood to the ationticm la: Wm,
minas, which appear to be attracting • (-v..: -4a. •
at the marmot tuna to Tlll4o‘lll parts of tit* rant,
traduced in thm place—ocallud• to .
der and - Yourahr fiontontlye. - Judgror r
accompany thorn we osnont tot behove tbo, ^-oryor
than ordinary merit, and malculato4 to .1 -n
number of sromon solformg uodor
and which the ordinary amain pea--.
Soo adrerttmornt and lottora to not.
another column
TO PA.KENTS4.—Aa this in- a a
Cron are most frequently ?way
In, it may b. well for patents to know • - w' irons tw
spurn, and a. Encomia our of them lenstiost, • t=.l
r-turn to Health and min/oral Galata rem.iiin,
long at the orate= is kept Ina elate e( irritation 4 al
atlases animas. Their esplaston to dorrefor
This an be nadlly done by n few dean of tr.. ••
CANDY, which 111110•11111 both the worms an:
they hrwit and twoorisked, le not diasiree.e• e
bating t., tb• mortise* and bowels., botjam tr./
ant to the tut., allays fear, puritan the Imms,th
state of tbo LiVIR and Bowel.
laseertiusa ut RS —Dr. fAserseiesi
The eembiaatleas of IMoinidlente
emit of n 2001 C Lad miteostmopraet. -e
ration, and metalsi of reetoriag
emery instance bay* the Pills prove< ,•••essf • ' .
ble open these obatzneuone tow bleb f"rus ••• •
nature into It, peerpet chapped, whereto - t•i • i ••• --
pale and deathly r0nn24.011111../nangon2 to
can en, ey good health unless abs is resale, et - • t.--•-•
(traction takes place, whether from etpooi• - • - •
cause, the general health Immediate,, bee -6
...CI of Inleb ► remedy has beam itemise e.
among young females. Headache, pain o'3•
the boort, Inethin• of food, and distar•ed
from the inter. option of nature; sag e n•• •••• •
the Nis ma invariably remedy all tEess e•.• -*-
efficacious in the cure of Lerionrrhma.comenny • -• ••
Them Fills should oesim be tahm dur.og pregmn
be OW* to MUM g 1111001Meriarl. WarraDTAlrd •••
free from anything injurious to life or oeUth 6,1
directions ammisspanr leech boo. For WWI be bta.••••• k 4 .!
These Pills are put ap in square let boles
where then, are no agency established, b• ericlos,st nr•
• letter, prepaid, to Dr. C. L. Citzvotti or, So .0 - .? ere
N.. Yorl City, can hare them emit •• :heir rwpeo•i• - • irro
rotor - a of mart.
canream tzporleoce, author nt toe P •611. 1 t
mans Medical Treatise, coutinucs as beratotors.' -
consulted on all forms of private llamas, it 13.
thstwe Kees, Rochester, N Y
See .4c:runes:sent on par. 1 4.
column, hooded • Limobooll'a F"•;
tilterists tnit tonomity,
KrNO HAIR Di TOO 11.1f.0,—Bose
Of rusty, bat cut be outdo beaatifolly Chid
tiontLY OJ Ole elm of WY. A. BATCHELOtri HAIM. :T '
the Wet Inetry to the hatr or Man WAKIRAVT.'
eigd. oe lIPPLIet an Dine pirate mote,
Entry boa bas Wm A. Ilimbeier es so oK•sn: ea.
be posios
lii 8r0w...
Al: "users Art countotiolt —Sold by tßts•ria '
Er flow*" of so fort Atm, calloof •":;) aczb ,
of L. to", N • Yft las•far. 4.1-04011 b• rott.e
%tames of daalerswbo Mil it 4.11 i 00w 0400 g
ly be pubiumou
On the litth Instant, of eonenzepttoo,
tetto of ILtobeel X. Sterrett, of Mifloristic tt..0•11;
of her age.
lo irorrsoton Missouri, on fin. 9th meat..
youngest child of Wu sod Wien Truestifu:, WO. • r•
AmE to dm promisors of Mg sotscriber la N :AM
30 t• un— • broom Man &boot /years old, bag •
Plod log, oo artilSolol marks no (maw wits, r". l
ty, par ottarpoo mid take bar sway.
July, IS ISIT --31.10
TII adopts Mb, toothed of Worming '.v.. ,
OA public generally that be has teemed the E
ea 20.., Parade ether; belonging to Mrs
", sad indent as dam to cseeact.
and otherartes ere/tired the Mir
fore, papered to do ALL IIIIND• •
to 1 3 ,9 Ilna promptly sod in a ii,wW 3
ass. 011.124D151U DONE TO °ROZA, 'Lc _.x
Highest, Market Price paid fr aria
The lOU Was la as azosibist osseitiaa. he L.''' . ''''
san male as rood Flew L• any KW in the c,s: • ,"'
Ws ability io_glee satiellunton, be solicits a ',or:. o . °l
potronalo Flour, Am, will be delacend t a oat 7ir
free of charge.
Erne July la, 1157 —10.35.
wit.t. se tiOLY, at As Market H.q...
the Or of Arms, teet, at lu o'clock, A 4 .
KEA L ittaTATS, to-wit: All that Ctr Ula
city of I , Yr, sabered is the tmeersl of Mid et.. r;
banded sal Eurettlad as follows, to-oat Ltest...a4
mg of Gemara sod 12th tamer of Eris cat • t
tome" el raid lariat—arum Northo<oird
sad s limbos to •prod—there by lend , h• '
seardly. pwrallel with 111th strelit, 41 het sod
theses by Castro half of said 10-1, , t, sow
l/lOble to •post oa Ltth •IrPot—tbenor . by 12th raw' •
lathes to the piste of bertantog—betog • Row
161 1... 1 " - lat. out of the South...hit eotoor of the are
our - Tomo of Dale—Ooe-fourth dowo, an, .b.•
11111uil 1••••11M111* to be around by bond •n'
prouder. ANNA MANIA SC.'
t i
July la, 180.-10.3, !n-
Cleveland Female Sea
Loa Jrua L. 130,111 3 rd;
H.& B. 311111,
Lim Geatairtm.
Poor. F. Acct,....
Yla C A. WIN:xo,.
Mtn 8. A. Nostc.... . •-•
C. G. Fou .. •
cc- 0 '
4 am mosutio4 year of the Inotstettoo
issedsy, Peptetaber O. The bulltitng, oart , D
Sage of I 01116 i tr.o. sad altrubb. , , 1.1“...fir!
.WV tbile et Ow beam« p.artt..a t.l U. city, and a ,
aroused aod forniand I to. 11.attt“ , 1 n
sum plan of igurtriactl , ,a a. lwrot.4 f..• 4 .
Teethe's *ill ha loomed, ..1 ottort • , •
the irsUtotion worthy of potrou.k ,
motto to tit* librury, au,l a entru.t•o„
Arpetatas .1/1 be ready for at the.e..ta.twn •. ": `, .
trio. Four full mum. of Seteettae Leetu -Pa
the fitaalpal twin the year. ”
interest will be givirn frequeutt,
TERM g •
F 6 r Baird sad Tolima to lumgltsh Hrs., •A"',,, f l
nod Orme .
Modern Lanipasise
or Cuomo a enquiry of duqulvol ••• u•••
X1M1111.1011141.11. ilorridued F•rank• !••
0 , July 15 1611 —lO As
GLoomis 1... crosalst‘ • rt 4.44, st . •
VI • Whbobtra, Rich G old and Pistm .41 4 . ~r ;
CMOS tar drops had 4•464 s 4•41
and Slone beneath snaps Tbun '.`
billnenitialefiner spoons, Lads.' 4 ups, t• 0
sad Isins al Sides of MINI Csa• &OW .
iComosaihe Parsitsse, both 0.1.1 sad BOW/
sai aids Gbestigeow 1.4 7 . § 1 . 400 " .000 nis 0
Pp/4 ataisiss Oat arrat
witueu A B
Frfnch,k;lrrio 2
~'ow an :n•4
r , .•lng 6 ' '