Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 04, 1857, Image 2

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SIIIIJ. I. sLoax, 1411• r.
- - -
SLOAN s KOOZIII, IN.WWwrs and Progrieloit.
OP LTC0111111•.
10,00A114L 00113111110NZL,
row. 51:171=111 111D0111,
OP Ilia.
„ OP SISK& . •
NOVI of the Week
—We have by telegraph l b . followiag partieslan of the
sf. the steamer "Mositreal," on Friday afteraeoa
la the St. Lateran* river, twelve or Musa
mine him Qualms. The deetructies of batman If. is most
Mittel* sad heart-reading. Notbiag like it Ur occurred
is the world Mass the delineation of the AtWide. The
sisimmer " Milanese left Quebec et 4 o'clock for
Mostrsed. with 400 or WM passengers, mostly Scotch is
migraine, toiently from Europe. Nothing unusual °cour
sed Rand the "Meatreal" reached Cape Rouge, twelve or
Mesa mile. above Queble, when the woodwork sear the
Intsaase was dissevered to be oa ire. Quickly after the
hews broke forth, malting the utmost consternation
eimenget the passeagers. Every effort was male to arrest
the lases, bat to so puree. °apt. Rudolph, lading It
hspeenthis to save the steamer, ordered her to be ran to
wnie thesbere! The oIIIA mid crew exerted theraselvee
at the same time, to pm out the life-boats. The denim
speed with most astonishing rapidity, sad the wildeet
seenstea :bad despair prevailed throughout the ship.—
lilmsbers of passengers threw themselves overboard and
were drowsed. Fortaaately, the steamer "Napolsos,"
also deetised for Montreal, was bat a few miles advanced,
sad tailor • boat, pat bash with all possible expedition to
bee amisk. The "Napeleoa" succeeded is amnia'
• hum thewreck oas hundred and twenty -eeven
pentsagers. bara : Rudolph mid the parser of the "Mont
rear were amongst awes who threw themselves into the
river; both tors szoolheat swimmers and succeeded in
esashiag the steamer "Allianee" and were saved- It is
quite possible oaten summated is saving themselves by
swimming, het as the steamer became uniaanageeble
wham a eassiberable dietaries from teed, there is no doubt
that meet of those who threw thainitelree from the horning
beat met with a watery grave, Sixteen of those who were
eared died shortly after reaching the dealt of the "Napo
lettea. From preseat infonastion It is believed that the
fetal lons of life by this terrible disaster will not fall abort
se three or four hundred.
—new seems to be a slight dilemmas in the staisdard
urf utseaki revered for t . oiervatan in Csanda, and that
whisk is reiteguisod in J. and the New ilugiand States.
Errs a Martyssaa may prostitute his pulpit and various
allbse adage for.poliliesi sad ?titer considerations, without
istrfoltiag his position la the sltreh. In Canada it is
Marant. We se* it statod that the Wesleyan Methodist
Henforease, now in sousion at Toronto, C. W., hos expelled
two of Ns isoutbers, Rev. Mr. Haugh, of Hamilton,
UMW be carried a revolver is his pocket for several days,
bilsoillag to shoot a young gallant who had eloped with
sad unwind hi. &mites, sontrnt7 is his will tad a
peeing elerosaas named Joao% Toronto, Wows* he norm
pisided with a young WO in England, with a view to
usairkaosiy, and afterwards /hoard his mind as to the
prepeimy It forming an &Hume with hos, Owosso he loved
sesame bettor.
—TIN Ogdensburg\ N. Y. papers give the partiemlars
of a murder in Louisville, St. Lawreuee county, for which
the mseased was examined on Saturday last. Edwin
111464.• of Louisville, was arraigned, Aura with the
murder of Mn. Banal Jane Gould, • widow. The widen**
shaved that Eldridge resided at Louisville I. Deoemlwr
bat, and limiest sehool assist the winter. After his
seissed dared is Marsh last ke wont to Mr. Brittot's where
the deesseed resided, to board, and was en intimate terms
with her sad Wormed the:daily that-they were shortly
le he married. About the middle of May last arsenic was
emit la • valise of Eldridge's. Oa the 2Sth Mrs. Gould
Vol %Skill siek cad her spaploau wore sae\ as usually
fellow same of pelsoning. She died on the 30th. A post
modem examistatlos revealed the foot that she was neciesste.
Os being Obaripd with having ad.... Wad the altitate, ati
attempted he poison himself, but took so mash that it
operated as as smell., and did not destroy life. The
Oman held him for trial, cad he is sow safely lodged In
—A Justice to Detroit moistly married a maple *ho
had alheised the sipm of dg►ty...rea mad eighty-elgtit.=
?be bride was beilifal wad mewed that the eGoo door
M dosed w Iteepwat epoetatere daring the performs/woe of
Abe eseemosiee. SIN solid oa Haaalefe &deb*, "let t►.
Mors be shut atom his, that he shy play the fool to
eases bet within hie owe house."
—The N.• York Tribune says that aitiropeaa °Seer,
agyaraally of a vary superior military sdamition, is now
ssilvely migaged la diferrat States of the Union in ea-
NM* Misers tot some *sheens military purpose. Only
Mims of artillery anti engineers able to direct the eons
treaties of fordieations are ranted. What is in the
—There I sa old riutlessaa to one of the city pauper
fa Isednidtess et South Boston, who wee for =say years
Praddeniof eae al the largest ins rases oonipsales
ha the owinUry. He was fora whole graerstioa the assa
iled* oat Mead of the Thordlkee, the jtrookees, the Ly
man% the Amery% the Calmar, She Peritiosse„ sad other
111reiriat priasee of Be tea. He has lamed millions
apes Widow of property to a single year, sod is now In
W obi age wialutaised at the pablie charge.
leset• thousead Nerwegisas arrived at Milwaukee
ea Weedy and Wednesday of lad -week, sad from
seenrinalsthea Vl* than, it au ascertallied that at least
Weaty MNMeai et their ecastryaea sr* amain to
Amnia dmyew.
...Tie rswi t i
mut :mar at haat The Whip
sf Nei Wawa haw* farts, the pea awash held **viral
as thiaelpeet of ra.ergaalalag the party,
aM have sear tamed as address Aimed bj eeveralleathed
thstr nest preiabieet atlases, dad ',palatal as wee.
Gee eelmaitteel
—Piss! ileaman will leave the eapital for Bedford
Spies% sheet the Saddle of Jaly, sad oa kM retire will
IMMO to his sumo residosek the Soldiers' Nome about
bar aim heat wagged.
geld ohae_reesnay dlearvlred, ow De...bore%
Amp essety, N. 0 9 throws Oalifornia Joemplotely In the
ash. The vein, says lb. Salisbury Rawer, Is about
UMW Waal la ttisiniess, and =toads for '• great diseases.
The wk. soft* In the "Welty ot the vela is se Fiala
am see dellare • dor an se& to • Mad in weshiag, sad
Ws within* dreg any poetise ef ere awe lbs vela.
delseiy.taaa, whoa the Poetised Arms deseribes
as es eitherter se thres-seare years, &lag sear that oily,
iset Ids wag about • your ego, sad bee saw .ahead •
per/ MI if years, his niece, who la' home a mother
by ilea Y. We Sol
—Sirs. Jul. Zersieso a reddest of MeCoaselkville,
Olde, vas killed by BMWs( is-Perry essaty, where she
wee to a wish es Ileaulay,:the nth. She was 'Wag agar
like alai" et the rese4 'egged la readies au Bads.—
VW Os apes her right feet was tim Oil oar the centre
d her foal was a small need bag lige, the foot and
the upper sae ether she". aide .MAN lOW* ea Irr, but
sbe was sat sieved • parade bats the realise la which
she waseking.
—A ray lady-like woman. eke le teggessetsd as beteg
phone. tlierOkaired and twessy-twe hes vlellaind several
nagrapakitt patient. Is Philadelphia within • week or
toe b roking la es them seildlealy and Iperrocriag • V
or an X, ets messes that Peps wag set et army sad that
she was perdealedy asiert." !h• biz dessiver drosses
soy eissesay. s prelim W to Spplay of jewelry, sad
Is wile dietimpi la eppearsole ealk arimee. Naively
imagoes. who hone a hese eppresigise et mesh Mos.
Ilea' es Mee we hove rehired te. are maseledit anatios.
id Os honest the her Wisher.
—Lest Difireay as alsiph PIM* um west* *a u
as-pit M Derewirea. Pa about SW tut Map, • ~16
witiblimi M lout bait • tai itli upea the Ombra wider
b• wee slwrible, tub tt bus 'mil Maui buried
bin Albs is • new at auk uses salt lees-ete. By
eadelme of bit hilineweekam, be us =-
WNW Stu lie podiums ihntiat, with est, a lbw aighs
besiess. al S mow bee /Mb us show isineelewa.
aludi C. puss. etastrey elf tbeiteutry,
airmily wool Ii lbs wait iliwallissre hp maw DM&
al1ill11.1•111.raw boa* Ibut *Wm le 'Mir usu.
sum. WI •am Ptesiduit boar lbw imaths
disk it fs eMs Ise ass to, begin to lost sss ffer bla
...1111Mileallaid WOMB la Akre" sod the we
•40.01 Wpm* isilimpsesisallke *dr ilkOpet,
libo ass Ilkil • idly far earl pie •
ria Maio Line of Public Works, which wet the State
eerie twenty millierm of &Mem was sold Met week is
Plilledelphia to the Penasylvarde Central Itailroad tempt
ay lim seven millions live bemired tbousand.• By the late
dehisce of the Supreme Court, this sale iv sad* subject
to the maw tax, sad the right Of future emetics.. We
do sot regard this fact, however. of much aeocieuet. The
perches*: has bad experience enough in Pennsylvania .
legislative to know that the wasp tax sae be removed—
perhaps not next winter, while this robbery is fresh in the
minds of the people, bat eventually, when other questions
wooepy public attention, there will be fated plenty of
Waggeneellers is the markt, and then just 'deb legisla
tion as is wanted to eolapi • dominion of this man
meth monopoly over the Stet can be twill) secured—
/we a estarideretienl This beteg so—tlie int step la ibis
great wrong having been taken—it ugly remains now for
the psistax payees—to ascertain who did it, and
why it wa/:e., As to the first inquiry, we presume no
one will depths that the whole ewinfille--•o far as yet ac
ecimplished—is a pet child of the Sleek Republieati•W 0-
Met party. It was conceived sad seumplisbed by that
party, with the ,help of the Lebo', Waggonsellers and
Yeoman of the Hoses. It has beers emphatteally endorsed
by their State Convention, and as emphatically dizeuncitel
by the Dernooratie Convention on tb• 9th of Jai The
paternity of the Swindle, therefore, le not is dispute; hence
it only remains to ascertain the object which its authors
rek to atmensplish by it. We presume there are few so
credulous as to believe that the prey/amain up-i. e. a desire
to reduce the State debt, sad relieve the people from tax
ation—is the true one; for when, In the history of this
State, did the opponents of the Democratic party reek to
lighten the barthene of taxation, or legislate for the pro.
pie where their interests conflicted with those of a corpo
ration like that into whose grasp the Maio Line has been
isoniOgned? Never! The legislative history of the oppo.
Dents of the Democratic party is the history of exelaeive
grants to oorporations. And air it '.as been in the poet AO
it is now—they seek to build up the Pennsylvania Central
railroad, by giving it the monopoly of the carrying trade
of the State, so that like the Chnsisen and Amboy inoni.poi
ly of New Jersey, a ma/ control the politics of the com
monwealth' A. evidenee of this let the reader eon well
the revelations in the following extract from • letter from
the Editor of the Milwaukee Wesemoos, to has paper. while
the bill was before the Senate. It appears that the liditor
of th• Wiseoisoe visited Harrisburg on apolitical pilgrim
age—that he there saw Hen. Cameron, the chief contpirs
tor in this sale,-Vid 'by him was posted in the designs and
hopes ef his political brethren in the State. Audi, thus
inspired, be wrote:
"The Legislature was in session when we arrived, and
were a good leaking set of then. They have passed some
very important laws. The meet prominent is that for the
sale of the Main Lie* of the Platte Werke frog Philadel
phia to Pateliarg, f0r59,000,000. It is generally under•
stood that the Pennsylvania Central kaiiricol will bi.i it
in. The bill was supported by the Republicans, and car
ried by combining with a few Democrats. Ii has
created as much excitement in :hie State as our fauaous
Lend Grant legielation There are wide differences of
opinion as to its politieal effects. White the Leresoccoreeoe
that it ~urea them ate rote of Penneyinamaa at the lletotm.
election by 25.000 aosjorify, flit Repet,l,cane duel skit( a teal
be skip Seam ~f pettery thew the Soak is tie Preen/rata./
rearms of 1260—Inasmuch as it divests the Demorratve
State °dicers of the vast and potential patronage of the
Main Line of Canals and Railways. The eke. tetteet If,
pedelieutut of the State et..toter the pule e.,rth 10,000 t“lcs to
their mule.
Jrcir 4. MIL
Mark well the portion of the above we have italicised,
and then reeelleet that the writer, in the lame letter, in a
previous paragraph, etre it as his opinion that Geo. C•
IRON' will prove the most formidable competitor for the
Repekatean nomination for President in 1860, and when
nominated, will be certain to carry Peansylvenia, mid you
have the Key to the oonepirsey to defined the common.
wealth out of the Main Line for the benefit of the Central
Railroad Company. Geo. Cameron is a shrewd, keen, far
teeing politician. lie *ants no rival in his own State in
the Republican ranks. His saw plainly that Wilmot would
be nominated for Governor, and that he would be that ri -
yea if, by any passible chance, he should be elected.
Renal that result must be prevented et all hazards. There
wee net mesh prospects of it, it is true—but even the pos.
'sibility mast be guarded against. The sale of the Main
Line at this time, outraging as it does the right,' of the
people, and squandering their means upon • oorporation,
was just the measure to accomplish it Will put
through with railroad 'peed. Gen. Cameron saw that it
would "ensure the vote of the State at the October election
by 2z,000 majority" to the opponent of Wilmot, thus ef
fectually killing him off for 1660, and leasing him sole heir
apparent to the nomination for President at that time.—
•nd in this coenartion, the realer will observe that the
writer of the paragraph quoted, who spears to have re
oeived his instruetions from Cameron himself, does not
profess that any premise benefit to the Republican party
will result from the sale of the Main Line to the Penn•yl
•llXltarailrosu company—hat "In the Presidential canes,,
of 1860," when Wilmot is dead and buried, he thinks t
will be the Means of giving them the State." "The
shrewest Republleans of the State," be continues, "con
sider the sole worth 10,000 votes to their side." And here
Is the secret of this wholesale State robbery—not to relieve
the State of debt, but to ensure the State to Repablican•
ism in 1860; not to relieve the people of taxation, but to
add "10,0410 votes" to the Republican mimeo at the next
Presidential election.
The Boston Herald; a neutral paper, In referring in a
complimentary manner to the present Postmaster General,
says be has now performed the duties of his office f,,r a
length of time sullicient to enable those familiar with the
affairs of our postal department to 'judge whether he is
likely to fulgU the high expectations which his friend.
had formed in regard to his administration. We hardly
need, say that those conneeted with the department have
found those expectations realised, and the seleetloo of the
President jusulied, and the public in general will agree
that Ala important trust has fallen into eminently able
WE L The Postmaster General bee brought to the duties
ofghis highly responsible position a comprehensive, well
fisroislood mind, and has shown that he possesses those
rare qualities which *Bohn him to master the broadest
operation,' and =Mutest details of the postal service. It
is fortunate that, when our mail arreapments have be
come so extensive, mid are increasing in magnitude with
U. growth of the country, a person so well fitted to take
sharp of them could be found ter the position; and it is
also forenoon that we have a President who possesses the
segaelty and jadgmeat to bring such men into the novice
of the nodes. The selection sod appointment of Gov.
Brews is creditable to the President, and will redeet upon
the department into him and upon ti.e notion.—
The Postman/am 0= has wen the golden opinions of
all who have been brought In contract with hits at
Washington,' either In his ellen: eapecitylor his social
relations. Be is a. bigle-miaded, generous hearted gentle
mast, and enjoys the most extensive popularity &flog the
bassos of the people of hie own State. lie is energetic
in bisalsoon affairs, liberal in his view', and ardent in his
feelings, and ever disposed to encourage yelling men who
are striving to rise to honorable distinction in life. In
troth, he owes his wide popularity to his good qualities.—
Those who have long enjoyed his acqualatanee know that
in eatirely above doing a satsitkrtieo. tie never stoop'
to petty things, and his noble, frank, aad honest nature
charms all who are brought width the linen of his per
sonal indoenee. Such is the min who is devoting himself
with untiring industry to the management of one of the
meet importont deportation of ewe Government; and we
isettgonalate, mist cordially., the admiaistration and the
people upeo their having secured his valuable serviem.
Ti. Bowmen Or Eats.—They have a railroad eating
home at Me, Ms east. eattAlisineent where a warpet.beg
was charged fifty ants for a dimmer, amid when that rase
earpet-lag isaaifeeted sink as 'sambas appetite that its
ewes* fed it all diss protteiose within reach of a bog ans.
At this *Mims West is a dialag.reosa. upstairs, whin as.
wary viettase are tan is and maleteat half • dollar for a
wrotabsd diets. Dein stain is a netannat when use
east get • Week, aid pay for what ha eats. Wins the
elan arrive the rostaurant is looked up, and the dining
mesa boll I. ruts vobssestly, &angrygroan
at the neeestity of paytag tad pries for as Eris
and enbuit. ftt east ore the diaiag.rooes kas got all the
.whams it it Way to, the reestanat is untested, aid
, aaotbar bsY glide lb. heavy to a ittatit, an the pay for
what yes pi priselplo.
TWO le • area stellar, het it is se 'stint, eitarsetoristie
of Irk that wo all attention to it, as ladiestive of the
pea-ant testissein of that radt•ripplag borough.—Beiato
had the above "lees entirely eharseteristie" of the per.
Ha tam states the "lambi" for the Oewseakial that w• give
it diete say see how little braitamad &money 1 1
Was to El the putties of Wei Sinter of a Illeffele daily.
We say this, beeasee no eeselirle or dent writer woad
same eight it ten theamod people beau* or the ate or
efts or two. Bet what are the fasts? The "railroad sat
in law at 'hie," of whisk ads b.s7 dead-bead °um -
plass, is *weed aid sentraled by the 111.6.1 e sad Erie
railroad aotapaay. ant she ~trans( latomost of Mat
ampany is la Belisle--hesee it saw to nit that if say
sommosity it sky is respossibie for tie doe of °minks
essmiasies et the imalat of that . satabibbeseat, it is
the Impish .era ally, sad sit the ftbertailt of Sri,"
tilipikeely sails me Bala ssy. Bat Ski sharp
agpiestilif mai l pini lb. Roam as Wino la b• as Moo
at hp the maim apes IBM its he... his sham se Ma
eta hilaidatimi. Vs haws Naas &saw thaw eatasitotaßy,
aed an tom dot SW Sabi, Wes dead.. that sat at say
emillmi aft been 1. sbe gunk";
- -
111. , rstretahrts of leak lbw N ,, rt,k and the South. asi),
lb. P.te46,urg Ceiewooaseire aad emboli/mu ties ware* pro
posed by Our. Walker, as indicated io hi. leiaegaral address.
and his Topeka spew:oh. The New Teri Trobeasedeasessees
both Walker sad Secretary Stun as essokew ii.
611 , 1 a. MINIM IhOIVIIA 'WM4 cud watereptiduas &order
ruffiema, t4ue cle bonier reoffion Legidatare ties{/. The
Sow/A. and other Southern journals, denouatte bhp as
faithless to Ike interests of slavery All *ls alrorda about
as good evidt nee as we need deem., that the line ut
marked out by him is likely to prove as nearly 1.644 every
tair-mlialled MIS wewld ask as *weld be dirrisyd is the de.
heats nature of Kansas atoms It will be remembered
that th.. Walker in hui whites* to the citizens made is.
of the f , ,lluwing most sipilkest deelaratien•
" I eon* sow to my owe isiiividaal views. I repeat,
theta, ea sty Wear conviction, that unless the convention
submit the e.,nshtution to the •ote of all the lotus' rooldellt
pettier' of Kansas, sod the 'locum% be fairly and Justly
conduoted, tb• oenattiutiliti will be, cud ought to be. re
jected by Congress "
II!!! instructions received from the Prestdent, so far he
they WIG be gathered from Mr. Walker's remarks, assume
the submission of the Constitution to a vote of the pimple
as-• certain matter, not !Omitting of seriows onestion, and
we now have In the columns of the Waiskingrea raise
what al's, possibly be regarded as in some degree an
siatikonsed declaration of the views of Mr Buchanan.- -
We make the following extract
it hen thevielegates chose' to the Convention shall het •
completed the busiorms fur which they shall bare SAPOU3 -
bled—to wit: the formation of a Constitution—there will
remain but one question for further di•tsion and &etyaa
tun, and that question will be, Is the Constitution thus
formed approved by the people of Kamm, and does it re
fleet their will on the cteetion, out only of slavery, but
upon all others? If it does, every one will say that, with
th..t Constitution, w hether 0.100, free, or silent on that
point, .he should be admitted as a State. If it does not,
then nit one wilt pretend. for a moment, that scoostltution,
,•oodeurned by s majority of the people, Should be forced
upon them, no mustier nailer what forum, sod by what
authority adopted,
Every other guard necessary fur a fair and honest dent.
mien by a majority vote of the benefit/re museum of Kaasaa,
should be provided When this has been done, and
pronouneed, which everybody sees and feels has
been fairly and howdy reached, the whole country will
acquiesce in it, whether that decision makes Kansas a slave
or tree State.
in refrreneo to the positi •n or the Administration, we
feel authorised to say, that it Las not and will not intimate
s desire either that the one or the otter remelt shalt be
reached. As the represenuttive of the whole country, its
duty e.taimences and ends in so enforcing the law as will
must certainly secure to the bona fide eitiaens of Kansas
the opportunity of deciding for themselves this vetted
quett.i..o,, fru* from all outside and impropsr influence."
These Neu would seem to set at rest all apprebeeion *at
any intentlon is contemplated to force upon the people of
Kansas, a Constltation other than such anon. as a Ins'olty
of the C 11.1100., by their solemn rote, may express •
soiree 'mutated with. It plumate* to he soon *both
ruiciJei eourre. which the suppme4 puliltesl often'
• party have demanded, will be carried to the eaten
refuse to rote upon the adoption of lb. Coustitutiou
presenteit this course is thus emphatically sonde
by the Nut... 61 hatellormeer
W• had hoped that in the amnesty tor all past°
whether real or constructive, •tth which tioe. We'
sugurateil his career, we should have witnessed • re
cheerful support of his authority than rennin ' . the
leaders of what is called the "Yree State Party , have
beep ready to accord to him. nor sr." we the MOT, twine
ei of the wisdom of their determination hers 'e they
have been sustained- to it by the advice of partilgans re
mote fruin the scene of the Kansas dillicalties. In their
uneomprhinising refusal to seeress* the right of sairrage
under the laws and regatattoos of the inn* "usurping
Legislstare,' as they term it, •von tboeugh by saeh an
exercise, if their preponderance a that Territory be .o
great as they claim, they might bring that - usurpation' .
to a peaceful and ilaterminseettad: in this refuge', we soy,
to exercise the *teethe fratiediins, the "Free State Party'
bare given prod of a stubborn eouaiaceucy which aproache,
rather to it. character of factious contumacy than ..1 u
concilatory patriotism."
The infamy of the men, who for political ends, 1.1,0
counseled and sustained this action of the so called -Free
State Party," must excite the loathing and abhomnee of
every good cilium. The °nurse herein indicated of the
Democratic party and its ministers will be honorable and
unexceptionable; and in pursuing it steadfastly, whatever
may result, they will have faithfully dlocharged the trust
reposed in them by the American people, and we hare no
doubt will be ultimately vindicated by an enlightened
public judgment.
E 3
par- Our neighbor of the °Sawyer just now manifests
~,o siderableinterest in theonormities of Mormonism, and
hence we hellcat's to commend to his notice•nd approval
the suggestion of a trsntemporary that the surest method
of securing Mormon subjugation is to send • dosser run•
away negrues into the territ o ry, who will of nersesity
draw a regiment of troop. sitar theta fur their capture.
As Utah became a territor, and the act forth., rendition
111 fuctLves a law WIN" a. ettlealtdatehliee. the Gusset. en
dorsed, •pproied and was furnished its due quota of pop
by, its alacrity to suggest sacA a means of untying the
Mormon difficulty is exceedirgly modest, to say the least
of IL Indeed, it is not improbable that Mr. Fillmore had
this very idea uppermost in his mind when he signed
the Fugitive slave law ! Ha. Mr. Fillmore's orrnffiany
more suggestions to make!
WATER.—The canny philosopher of the Boston Poo
very phtloilophioally (considering the unprecedented wet
spell) says much may be said in favor of water for many
purposes. A. the tcper observed, "it has done a great
deal for navigation," it has extinguished a vast camber of
Ares; it makes a beautiful jet when squirted perpendicu
larly through a fountain; it looks well tumbling down a
or meandering through • meadow; it is sublime
in the form of scataraet, and is capital fur sprinkling lin
en in a laundry. It is useful in working steam engines;
is good to throw (cold) on foolish projects, or to pour (hot)
into whisky poaches. It makes a pleasant drink with an in
fusion of tea or soffse, aad mixes naturally with brandy,
and-- but there', no end to its stets, or abases either,
especially it Water Care establishments, where it shoild
be avoided as mach as may be. or taken only in the form
of a shower bath, with the proteetion of a great coat or an
impervious ambredia.
THE NEXT CONORES.Y.—So far as elections have
been holden for the Bosse, parties are represented as
follows..—Ditmocrate, TS; Black Republicans, 91; Know
Nothings, 2. Thee. have occurred
.ptree vacancies. In
Pennsylvania, 1; Missouri, 1; Indiana, 1. The remaining
elections are to take place at the South, sad the Detroit
Free Press makes the following estimate thereof
North Carolina
If the Democrats shall fill the vacancies in Pennsylva
nia and Missouri, and the Black Republicans the vaeancy
in Indium, the Democratic strength In a fall bout* will be
123, and the combined Black &pithlimn sad Know No
thing strength, 111. Clear Democratic majority, 12.
Enough for all practieal purposes!
j/` The <Mame eons oar attention to the feet—if Coot
It Is—that the Litunoeratie eatididato for Governor is
bliveoari, sod the promo Editor of the Ohio Alteressiere ,
■were bat a short date minim settee smoothers of the Knew
Nothing order." ,:Whilo we cannot rem exactly plat we
hay," to Jo with ais natter, we are still willing to admit
that ot out, possibly be taro—but:
Whit tb. lamp hotels oat to hors,
Tem vilest simmer easy mum"
and we previews they have "retereed."
NO DOUBT OF IT.—A kit* number of Oki Stark
away, 01lio, Lkspooerat, says :
"Joh■ Rams. Esq., an old and highly respected citizen
of this city, and • bitter opponent of the Demoersey, re
turned from Kansas a few days ago, and says the Republi
cans there are making every Wort to have Xmas a 'hive
stale while the souther. w geaerally are is favor of it
being free."
The ehjeet of this is appareet, mamas the Pittiburg
Pose. If R►►su should M mods ► slave state, the Re•
publicans would.eoutinne their "e brio kis g;" but, if she
beam.' • (tee state, thee the last plank is knoeked out of
the Republican platforui.
A SPUNKY GAL—A yeas' lady is Lyon, Maas, the
other night, bearing a ewe seder her bad altar she bad
retired, drove big forth sad assaulted Mat with a heavy
eat glass limp, dealing his savant severe blows with It la
the Isom, mad 114 be setatod the stairway lied sad* tracks
for the door, helping Mikis his onward course by barliag
it after his, taking bits fair mid spare oa tits bead. He
won't sows armed Yet foetal* is a berry again.
sir no great Pinch sprites, spsii editor of Llyd•,
weekly N..tpeper, Disagists lei 4 M deli His
whines have hese reed wherever the Hagfish isariage is
*pekes. His psiestiles vein wee astir, sad enaseatle
seatiees. He was the spathes "(the &seem "Candle
Lectern^ which Am appeased is Pisa, and whisk siert.
ed se mesh sispeselseat at the Use it their eppernises..—
HO hes oleo origin several plum same of width aro
highly popular. partialities!, die "Rest D. As • wit
be was osequalled, ead be wed Owe Mimi on As side
of truth sad busisosity. S osa. Elseebard Jerrold,
smeeelmle bile se the Mee st Loy(. Weekly.
[c..rrehrodatie• a( the ITA•Oteerrer. 1
N0wt.1%41414.—A New Axle— Fromm* "still new"—
WaLiNer Mori...—ltakezanwingl—NU Buoisim--
,te., ie.
The town is in ardent spirits dois sawailag. Massa
it dull, and time haugy heavy oa our liaada,aa everybody
boo bought a gotta was suit awl a Ciblilbaures beak.
and Is plat use to Albany • psart-llabbit Tlta ithawsw
wort premises to be detsidedly feeldonabla and Import
sad liarataga will be deserted nett away realm nee
pal* weak tobwald be Ileeetwd la their ulslailf. IfilAtai
sad Insatiag lam bees Toad • buret ttp the breaks as
teaustlesa and all the wade denial of one, but digest
lap pearls by the bushel is another story! It is said that
• large Jewelry Its. of tanoi adwaaswi WAG area
the brisket of goats food near l
lbany, and If this proem
true, a grand crusade up lb* rim stay be looked for. Wby
nut? Os. man', Hagen can dig ataselee jut as well as
anodise& Rut who is to buy and wear all this precious
Business is in a state of stagnation, as the mark •
only moderately supplied with goods, and everybody is
waiting for the new tariff to take .feet, when vast quan
tities of merehandise, especially dry goods, will he with
drawn from bond. The amount of Dry Goods now la band
to over 1120,00,000 in vain*. TM Somali western mer
chants are beginning to make their appoaraneti, more
for the purpose of seising the town than of buying, fee the
next two weeks. Country me/reboots should be warned of
a new "panel" dodge, which is beginning to be prishtlemi
ruceessfully. Several (*.titan meetly arrived exhibit
very elegant billets from ladies residing re Wooster street.
and profering acquaintances, and requesting an early call.
It appears that the 'lady boarders" in some house. of 111
roputo are in the habit of dispatching notes of this kind
to all the names which appear on the betel lista in the
evening papers. We give special nodes of this, or some
unsophisticated D. D., might be entrapped into an embar
rassing position.
The public was furnished the other day with avid/mos
that Fremont ".till lives," by the annoancement in the
newspapers that bt)furnitlirt, in his house on Odin:NG
a place made tamest during the last campaign—would be
sold at auction on i certain day named. The reason of
tido is that "our Jesse - sailed the other day for Europe,
while "John Charley" is expected to follow in a short time.
It is said—with what troth this depobent sayeth not—
ibst he has just completed a revised edition of his works,
which is to be brought out uniform with Dr. Kane's popu
lar book, and that the publishers have advanced him ten
housand dollars on the prospective sales, to enable him
to make the "grand tour." To our mind tills is better
item being President with the boring, and badgering of
• set of hungry politicians.
Speaking of "great men." reminds us that Walker is still
bore, and continues to attract some attention. He evi
dently thinks himself a "child of destiny," and there
fore apes the manners of Napoleon In every thing. To
this end he gives out that he will accept no farther hurt.
tattoo,. to he lionized at the theatres, or elsewhere in pub.
lie. lie tells his friends that he has work to do, and a
mission to perform, which cannot be interfered with In
that way. The General Is staying with Renningeon, and
di in constant communication with other distinguished
tons of manifect destiny. There's something In the
but what it is outsiders can't say.
Gentlemen from the "rural districts," who visit the city
either for Swears or bissisees, should be very partkoilar
as to the aequaintowees they foese—else they may be re
lieved of their spare change ere they an aware of it.—
Seareely a day passes that verdant strangers are not taken
in and done for by some of the numerous sharpers that
infest the public places and the bye ways of this great
commercial centre seeking whom they may devour. And
these sharpers are not eonfined to pantaloons and coots by
any means—they are found surrounded with hoops, and
covered with a bonnet; in which ease they are the more
dangerous, or rather country bred gentlemen. are more
susceptible. A ease of this kind occurred last week. Na
thaniel Lynch a resident of Auburn, N. Y., was robbed of
a pocket book containing $75 in bills, and a cheek upon
the Bull's Bead Bank for the sum of $2400, on Wednesday
evening, by a arnica do pore, who aceosted him in the
Park and succeeded in relieving him of all the mangy he
had about him. No clue has yet been obtaioed to the
stolen money.;
That the Mormons do not all live in Salt Lake is evi
dent from the fact that there is quite a society here, call
ed a "Branch," which bolds sorties every Sabbath in a
Hall In Broome stivet. Hearing that tome of the "Hand
Cart" Missionaries had arrived, and would bold forth to
the fathful on the greatness of the prophet Young in rm.
oral, and the beauties of the plurality-wife system in pare
ticnlar, we visited the Hall yesterday both to see and
hear. When we went in there was cornea eongregatloa—
perhaps three hundred—nearly one half women; but what
streak us most partieularly, was the fact, made evident
from their physiognomiee(tbat three-fourths at least were
of the poorer class of English and Welch. Very few
American faces could be disoovered, or very few that a
reader of faces would not put down wider the head of
"stapids." And heroin is the secret of Mormon success.
They seldom victimw a person of intelligence, but among
the poor and ignorant of the manufacturing districts of
Ragland, they find a rich field- As to the "Rand Cart"
Missionaries, to hear whom we went more particularly to
hear, one could not readily discover from their appearance
what had marked them out fur selection as propagandists
of the faith. The appearance of neither one of them indi
cated superior intelligines, and among the several who
subsequently addressed the meeting, there were none who
manifested the lsast speaking talent, while only one of
the number failed to aspirate his "h," in genuine cockney
style. or otherwise to outrage the English language most
villainously. We refer to these facts only to show the
calibre of the men who are sent out from Salt Lake to
gather new disciples .nto the Mormon fold. All the speak.
ors denied that there was shy probability of a oollision be
tween the Saints at Salt Lake and the U. S. Government.
The only possible <Amoco, said one of them, for a rupture
with the Government would occur if the President should
send out there a hot blooded fool to oppress the people.—
When'he left Salt Lake he had never heard that the Mor
mons bad rebelled:—but when he got down to the States
be learned that Bites us was in open rebellion, and had
a band of Bonitos who were murdering people by scores.
This he declared false as hell sad the spirit from which it
Henry Dapuy, • clerk in the employineat of Phelps
Dodge I Co., tie plats importers, of this eity, was arrested
lb. other day oa a sharp of ombessilag goods to the ex
tent or some four or firs thous►od dollen frogs his employ.
en. The matter was le•estigated at the Jefferson Market
Pollee Court, when it was shown that the aninteed had
been in the habit of defrauding the above named Ir out
of at least $2OO per week. The embezzlement bag been
Dem. N. N
3 3
6 2
6 4
6 4
going on for the last three_ you.. Dupny aiintitiod his
faults to the police °Moors and his employers, awl gave
melt information as led to the reeovory of a largiqsantity
of the stolen property.
The prospect of busleess fur the Fall I. smolt more
promising than it was two or three weeks ago. All as
counts seem to t agree in prodietlog exeellent crops from
most nations of the West, and thee, of * merchants
who have ratentiy returned from eollectin, tours in that
section spank with great sonAdence of the oondition of the
country. The only trouble has been a want of specie,
owlet to which weartlirfannera have been unable to pay
the smallest bills, and easaataantly the dealers who sup
ply them could sot meet their liabilities In New Tort:—
Tbe Laver Wood excittlasnt has Mown itself away,
though we*. occasionally a little retie," from some
exploded pyrotechnic. General city news is unimportant.
The warm weather of the week, which, however, has been
only moderately warm, las started crowds towards the
waterlog pieces. Soon our Babel will be a Great Desert.
to the venerable Chief Jo.tice of the Supreme Court, after
the aseaults that hare been made open his motives in the
Dred Seott decision, that the feet" stated in the following
paragraph from the Washington Usiow should be made
pablie. They are highly creditable to the obarseter of the
Chief Jostle* :
"Notwithstanding all that has been saki is repablisan
papers sad by oraton of that party, the toefrrity t4' the
Sepresse Court on sot skeeko4ktrm Hour of the Justices
raid* is free States, where me one ownekodsves. The Chief
Jetties is not a eisr•holder, nor has he been for upwards
of thirty years. lie never bought or sold Blare, Of those
that the British spared his hiker, who. tau polluted the
soU of Ilaryissul, so mute to his by islawitairee. Atter
adulating than who wore yeast eswg► to be taaglp, seta
qualifying theta to tabs rare of themselves, he adwaserilp
pow them all their/masa. Two, who were ea old as te be
usable to ears them Uvrtag, A. doPerfolit eoxoreei dowiNl
aura lies. He has not ranee owned ► slave. This a full
end utopias Roomer to the ■tateseots often reiterated in
tie republissa rims, eat a majority 14 the cowl were
slavekoiders, and as sash had bees isineseed in asking
their Odds* is the flied Seat sue."
ItAlit ItiiirtoELATOlL—Prof. Woos advertises is *sr
0014•1111 his valsobi• soodirise for restoring hat; sad for
the perresties ot•hsidisses, he. This remedy bas bees
sited gaits eztossively, sad w ith groat twee's& Hirsityla,
R ay, theassods base sled it. sad an tilling tor WO* t•
its elesey. Rood fiat adrertieestowt—go at ease sad pro.
ears a bottle, sad prow* its virtu*. Oar good aid Mid
beaded Mask" Meads sbosid embrace this opportasity
to sewer thstr-polso with a *est st,rish, iszsdeist bah.—
kilieregsliis istisistslrre. said hi Ilda. by 4A awls.
Saw You, Jump 21, up
i'Ven sad - Wiper Items.
Mir If you waist a aploodid Else Sr a mall
Noma of asoey call la at Tap Beiil►ae. •
Or On t►e Ist Jul, the law prohibiting
the bulb of Delaware free lenieepaall note
west into operation.
Gea*mho destroy their bate by Amin
brig* is them to day, will please remember that
Tao Bra's famish sew toes as a wry low len.
sr The lawn's thinks Kris is destined to be
a "great-railroad centre." We hope so—but "if
they're booing, why don't they ems along."
1111 r You can Nay the latest style of black
and white Caesium. and Beaver Hats at 1 Tage
Brothers from $B.OO to $4.50. *
Mir "And it rained forty days and forty
nights," and the femora swore terribly in the
year 1857
iMir Teo* Bso's are asiling Hata, Cam kc.,
at eat, to make room for a our stock. Give
them a call. •
_ The employees on the Erie and Buffalo
road have presented C. C. Dennis, latelfuperin
tendent, a merviee et silver plate, valued at
ma. Those "Darters" that our Friends, Booth
& Stewart manufacture, are decidedly a "nice
thing," and as the price is moderate it should in
digos every Lady to go immediately and order
• *
oar Harris opens his Dew Tee Crain Saloon,
and Fruit Dap*, in Brown's Hotel Block today.
His well known ability to get such things up in
the best style, will no doubt make it a favorite
resort during the warm weather.
air To-day ia the "glorious Fourth," upon
"which interesting occasion" we hope all our
readers will keep duly sober, and go to Church
to-morrow with clear heads and consciences.—
So mote it be :
stir The Sabbath School children, attached to
the Associate Reformed Churoh—Rev. Mr.
Presley's—have a pie nic and celebration today
in the grove near Mr. &culler's, a little south
east of the town. Parents and others, we un
derstand, are invited.
stir A hand on the schooner Mars/to/1, a na
tive of Germany, was drowned in the Bay on
Sunday. He was trying to learn to swim, and
for that purpose, bad provided himself with a
board, but slipping off, was drowned before as
sistance+ could reach him.
Mr The New York and Erie Railroad Com
patty have mostly made arrangements to earry
passengers and baggage between their depot in
the city of-New York, and the landing plums of
the four lines of Boston boats, the Bridgeport and
the New Haven boats, and the depot of the New
Raven Railroad, free of expense.
kr David Roberta came near losing his life
by falling in of a sand bank recently, on the Oil
Creek road, near Meadville. He was buried
about four feet deep, and when reached was in.
sensible. On being brought to the air, a slight
respiration was discovered, and he was carried to
a tavern l about 80 rods distant, where he slowly
oft. We learn from the Conneaut Reporter
that on Thursday morning a German girl, about
18 years old, traveling west with her friends,
while passing from one car to another, fell under
the wheels, and was instantly killed. The ac
cident occurred between Conneaut and Kings.
ville, at about 2 o'cloek io the morning. The
freight train coming down soon after, picked up
the body and brought it to the Conneaut station,
when it was taken charge of and decently tin,
tied. The body was terribly mutilated.
Mir• The following is suppowd to have occur.
red about "Ave miles out of town," between a
brother, who had just came down handsomely
with the "needful," and his two sisters, who were
about visiting Erie to lay in their "wedding fix
(Periasni Sienirre)
Bust the sad farewell b. spoken
Must we drop tbe parting tear
Must the ties at tail be brokon.
Binding tts so closely here '
( Practical aretkar )
Toe "ifs true , adieu sweet meters
May you many mho Übe door,—
Ilay low PAW* /mar guide you.
Sttaltht to BABA h li j acrrasa's sten,
oft. The Gazette rejoices greatly that the
Main Line has "been sold—sold, too, in conform
ity to the plain requisitions of the Court." All
true, neighbor; but not until the Sunbury and
Erie was most egregiously "sold"—"sold, too,
in conformity to the plain requisitions of the"
Pennsylvania railroad monopoly—a fact, by the
by, that ought, it seems to us, to make every true
friend of the Sunbury grieve, instead of rejoice,
at the consummation of this "sum of all villian-
stir For the following statement of the amount
of produce shipped from this port, during the
month of June, we are indebted to the Deputy
Collector, Dr. T. H. Stuart :
20,426 tons Coal,
1,060,600 Starts,
1,244,914 foot Lossber.
6,600 bundles Shooks,
236 U Shingiss,
237 ton! Pig Tres,
16 " Paper Rap.
During the same time there were 143 arrivals,
and 148 elearanoes—a very large inerease over
the previous mouth.
sly The Sabbath School connected with the
First Presbyterian Church—Dr. Lyou's--are to
celeinsee the 4th—today—in the Grove at the
bead of /111th street, near the Cascade rue. The
Gazette says it is not designed to make the eel.-
bration exclusively a juvenile affair. The atten•
dance of ALL who would spend the day agreea
bly is desired and solicited. The address will,
we are usnred, be adapted to adults as well as
or We notice by the Milwaukie papers that
J. B. Williamson, formerly of Mercier, but more
recently of this city, and at the time doing bud.
nem in that city fOT Sennett, Barr k Co., died
last week. The W4witsist says of him : " Dun,
log his brief residence he had acquired and ox
arcked a lively interest in all the public matters
that involved the welfare of the oily, and had
mole strenuous efforts for the enlargement of the
oink of trade of the city. It was on a tour of
this character in lowa and Miasmic that be re.
aired the injuries that resulted in his death. , ►
TM &stied of the same day says : "Very lan•
Lase hops, of Mr. Williamson's recovery were
entertained by his &Made until quits lately,
when it ens dimervered that hie spins had boss
sada* Woad, sad he ••s imialds et ask
ing use of his lower Dinka. is pais' sad
aviation qualities had gained ix him a host of
friewds who will deeply mourn kis loss." Elie
funeral took plats on Ektinrday
my, We nodes that T. Nichols, who did an
extensive business in the forgery line in Cleve
land a couple of years sines, but who essayed from
the custody of the police last Noiember, has just
been recaptured in New York, and the manner
of his escape, which at the time was somewhat a
mystery, has leaked out. It appears he perms ,
dial the Akar in eharge to take him to his rest
donee, and when there, after having given the
Aker some refreshateits, Nichols informed him
that be wished to go into the next room to change
his socks. The dicer gave him permission, and
on entering the room, Nichols quietly raised the
window sash for the purpose of inducing the Amer
to believe that he bed jumped from the window
upon the roof of an adjoining building and thus
escaped. He then packed himself away in an
old fashioned bureau, the bottoms of the drawers
of which had previously been taken out t __so that it
could be used as a place of secretion Vilase of
need. Soon the °Goer became anxious about
tha,nonappearanee of his prisoner, and on enter
lift 'the room found that be had gone, and seeing
the window open supposed he had vanished
through it He rushed into the street to search
for him, and after be bad been gone a short time
I Nichols came out of his hiding-place and left the
oily—since that time be has been in Europe.
Mgr The Cowatiewriou asiTs that on last Sab
bath the body of a Germag 6 1.3 found in the
Canal Basin in ibis city. A Coroner's Jury
held an Inquest, and the. ftets, so far as we can
learn, are as follows :—Be appears to have com
mitted suicide. On a log near where be was
found he left a pocket book, (*staining eight
dollars in money and two letters addressed to
persons in Germany. On a piece of paper was
written his name—C. W. Wehrkamp—and a
-statement that he had lost his trunk containing
one hundred dollars—had got on the wrong route
—was on his way to New York and thence to
Germany. The closing sentence, as near as it
could be deciphered, was "Good bye, till I see
you again." From the contents of the letters
in his care from friends in this lountry to friends
in Germany it appears that he was dissatisfied
with his home in the West and desired to return
to his native land. He had come from St. Louis
—bad a ticket for New York and a cheek for his
baggage. His baggage it appears had gone on
east, but he did not understand the use of his
check, and in despair at his supposed loos had
determined to destroy himself. Before throwing
himself in the water lie bad cut both wrists with
a pocket knife. He bad evidently not been in
the water quite two days. The letters were dal
ted St. :Souls, June 25. He was well dressed—
apparently near 80 years of age.
The Spirit Lake Captives Butehered !
From the St. Peal (Y. T.) Those June 23
We chronicle with intense pain, this morning,
the following intelligence brought to the St.
Peter Courier by E. E Paulding, Esq , from
Redwood, up the Minnesota River. He says
that the first report as to the murder of both the
women in captiiity is only partially true. One
of them, Miss Gardner has been found by some
Yankton Indians and brought into Yellow Med
icine. She had been placed on a bill as a target
by the red devils of the Spirit Late massacre,
and shot at, the whole band alternating in the
sport. Both her legs were broken, and she was
left to die. She says that the tormentors had
murdered Mrs. Noble a few days previously, be
fore her eyes, and left her on the prairies. This
story is doubtless reliable; and Mr. Paulding was
informed that the friendly Yanktans were about
to bring the poor girl, Miss Gardner, to St. Paul,
She has barely escaped with her life—nothing
so. The Toledo Blade gives a graphic, and
somewhat theatrical description, of the banging
of Return J. M. Ward, in that city, last week.
Ward, as our readers will recollect, murdered his
wife, and afterwards burnt her body in a stove
in his dwelling. Before he was executed he con
fessed to two murders in addition tirthe assas
sination of his wife--one a pedlar, who stoped
at his house over night, and the other, a mer
chant named Hall, at Mansfield, Ohio. The
crimes he confessed are the most remark
able murders on record, and evince • cool.
netts, a want of sensibility, and a want of 000 sci•
ence, which It is rare to find in any human bring.
He had great secretiveness and a wonderful pow
er to plan and execute his villauies. The gal
lows was painted blyek, which contrasted strong•
ly with the whitewashed walls against which it
was erected.' The appearance and manner of
the spectators, who were comfortably seated in
chairs arranged along the ball in front of the gal
lows, was very similiar to an ordinary gathering
at a funeral. Ward was dreksed in a white robe,
white pants, and white slippers, with a cross
around his neck, which he held in his hand.—
de wore white kid gloves. • His dying speech
was simply the raving of an over-excited and
broken-down mind. He was so thoroughly nn
strung that his words were more like the work.
lugs of insanity than intelligence. He occupied
the platform in a sitting position for nearly au
hour with the two priests by his side, and spoke
and prayed at intervals. The reporter says that
none who were present will ever forget the inoo
hereut ravings, the nervous and excited appear
ance of the murderer on the gallows, and the still
white form of the slowly swinging body.
sappoesse D. gaamitspas Joy Aseneinummt..
app. lialibrro Rindosi his Itairseterr.—inikr o trudion
and pin arose t.epa ati ri&i and MCAT. Wear
nation produces pain sad pain produces input nation. Wherover
than Li ennateral hoe; throbbing or fO#O4NOr so matter whether
It is cresol hy a lerver. a hur, a sore, paisenerherunatiam, piles,
sairld, hers en Wag, tberre L bleeation. • hundred boor • or •
thousand sermons csaset alter or thong* the conelusicre. To re
liever psis, tad tosbore sato" inlimanmition mist be subdued. To
serromplish this, the slints of the plyaidan are always directed.
Thousands of physicinns, and ten thcesould of the filet and asset
aagnelons persons who have used DALLErs MAGICAL PAIN
BITRACTOR, are convinced, and introit that its ermatrol over la
isauestios L most wonderful and inmommilado, instantly 'allaying
the polo, oerstralising poison, extracting mowed secretleas sad
foselag nature to resume her coarse, renewing sad hosling. Rio
hum, mid, rose, or sihnest is too severe to yield to its soothing
sad eating Imllnesor. Apply It immediately sad the ears has
Rath leoz etas:won Daum PUS Erraacrea has epos It a
Steele Plate Cooked Label with the aloataree of C. V. CLICE-
Diet & CO., proprietors, sad HL.VRY DALLEY, maosfecterer.
All ethics an amisharblt. Prke 26 orate Der box.
t r All orders oboold be aeldroosol to C. Y. Cllokookr It Co., 711
butboy, soil 122 Oreanrisb it., N. Y.
lbold by all Drouittoolol Modietao Dealers throughout the trotted
stun. bob.
OW IPITIMIST TO FILM LBO 113/01/11,141.4 T.
tammosaal to the attention of oar female modem two
SE which appear to be attracting • good deal of attootna
at Ow to
Moo la various rats ef the omustry, and lately In.
Inetteeed In this place—vs allude to " c.rumr. Anti-Costive Poe.
den sad Postale Itestoratirs." legging foam the- hitters that
wessoupa t ir us . ink cannot bat bailees them poseseeed of more
titan erdieery merit, and ealemisted to adord relief to • great
eamber of emcee. seilleieg ender complaists poising to them
selves, mid which the ordinary mom rain/1y fail to reach
Bee advenfamagg sad lation la naafi°a to this medicine. In
smother as -
&ad the hthreetleeeteet La soother eolenka. hued
Gleselae Pregarattos."
MA Saab. Mate Drs.--Wily has an ON manenadmd
la traldnely a fllallUe NWT Dye 'snipe Wa. A. )UWII2-
om they midi &Teed the cane, tbimaetbk, the tter,
pellesee sad Met treeresszy. Others, by abort eats would bar a
repatatbee they eemeet win, sad IwykAlentliestes of teed amebae
lad larger beeeela Gibe tilde way Se aelorraty. But "Indus
try bee " Wltiarai the lerteeible rseellatioe WWI A.
RAM HAIR DTC, reads sad maid, or applied (ta En.
rimy mot 11113 Breedway, Mew YOWL.
Every Ilex bee Wu. A. lbeabeier as as 'waved steel label to
M l
wn.u.tx A. BATCRILOA.
SU irredenay, New Tort'
AD etagere ereemeMerlbet...eAe by Ilbevert Stnelear, Er* A.
it as metes salted D. Beisebeloes Heir Dye,"
ef i gair.l%, sad lembed areee4 Twine • Yee* et Aebere
Nerresef desbemdle NG have sew Wee ebabbeel. see etil, abort.
IF pIAWII‘ bah.
IllirbTAO PAM BYTtti - A i 01,
agloo W. mast fr0...0.W ' ,
41, It many be well for parent* t , 1.,
ore oio4 a 'regiment eaasuut w.. .
?whin to heytA nal regularity e•eloot ~.....
butt omen' Is bent in • stet. of Imou,
et embeds. Thole expleahen I. thinefnriu.,,
nth illui be lineiNly Arse by a tee dome of ti u ~
CANDY, *Ala reinova• both the worm.. et .„
War are bred and noun had, la not thes e ..,,
hootiag to thirttootocii met bowels bat pun •„ setle thetas* idler. lever, puny.. It., to-.. 0
filito of the I.ller nod Dowels.
lasportailist h`smalsa—Dr.
eorablaatiose of lacroolioa n
sal oft sad omissive prpeti o . ; ,
ratios, sal eertaiu tedWor ratan to
rimy instil/see bars the Pills proved soosroiL
bly *pia Mass eirtrestioas to +Faith heal..
Ware late Its propet ebsasol, whoreby heuil
pals sad deathly aoaalossaeo Mussed to • bow
ass or solid boat!' *Miss oh. is
tabs@ platy, irtcOlber frees etposors,
amen, thy gearral besith Imussolioioly *se..
mist dards remedy Me bees toe muse of e ,,
ostrose pottai imorloo. Rotobotbo, pito to to.
the bear% losiblas 44 bad, sad distort... 4 sleep, ;
flex tis laterlopttsa of mhos : and when...,
the Pills sill 'amiably moody all thew
elliescions la the can of Lacies,ftmnox,o,
Tbs.* F,lt. elbould sever he takes durttor
be sane to is... • inisairrisse. llsrvanto.l int
bee from aitwthhei tujurinua t., 11Se or heel.•
greetions seamipstay each boo. For 'Co A.
These POI, are put up I. Nome eat h 0,..
Shan Otero Sr. as, seal esiabilatiod. or •bc,
a letter, prepaid, to Ur. C. L. Citsmatt.,
Now Yor.l City, eau balm theist sent to thon
ratan of mall.
Ceara esperleacii, author of lie P,
veto Modica' Yenatise, enntiooes as
tionaulted oo all Como of private 4 11 .••••
thaneltoetwister, N Y
See alvorthiensent no nest page 1,
At his reesdanee, in fiartonr•
tilt, after a protracted Mania, li•• k ,„
In 4pringreold township, als,ut tt, 1,.•
HE of Witham roof, gad ammeal.,
- -
I aged &boot 40 yearn.
a le
tillef•ek towookip, oo Son 4.. 14.
IfeCRAY, orod about n year.--oue •-, t .
eateogo.d eituous of Ow coon',
tiode•signed mid requaettMa
and the Public gromully, that he b..
• Wm. and Surgery, and hurl .aar✓a
aeIIIMPOI DIN( Duaneaa , float F C. Flaw,.
will attend punctually to ail calls to tbai
Oc. in Williams, & Raldeys Dew Drug
Wattaborg,!..., July 4, 1467.—. 1 4-tr W B
For Sale Cheap.
OOE tave,,i Carriage, 20 ormultrUeted 22 4,
edgily for two or four persona, sod alth
also oho une-borse warm, one in of vb.,.
set of double Mumma, with several sem of r ,
can be bad cheap. Loquire of the eutarrther
statt building, on the ourthweet rein., h
Ed., July (-30
IWOULD ~.11 the, attostine W 4
111111101. to larr• assnrtment of
Iron, Steel Springs and
Ito 1 , .15.1 and ',n010,.
Juiy 4, MT
C .
IIiNTERI4' .ad ship lloador• T..
ur Wu by'
July 4, MI.
RUBBER IIIILTI•ti, Kut;oer Pv-i,
Hemp l'selanp, btrtog Loattle,,
lab be had at
July 4, 11:67
ON HAND sno to ants*, 340 ly •
Jalt 4, /W.
Gk4fitEk.ifty7 . A
with I.:debris st
July 4,107
500 A 111 Ell EIS Pocket Km,—
July 4, PO;
vARIOUI4. sliwo LEAD PIPE 1.%
July 4, 1957
AYI Dow pmpourd t., •uyp/r enuntry SI•• nkson, ffloso I to 1,000 Kee.
♦ J—StV thee, SO/11thren, k 011" Rages 4n.: 71
July 4, i 4.57.
100 *ET Carriage - Wheels, 1,000 Set
1,000 Set t` Yello era, 1,000 "
600 Set wiwe, Spokes, 100 Deems Bent -h•
SO Dozen Boot Pelee. 100 Doom Seat Ann.
For sale at Martufsetn-,
July 4, 1447
}Wrii.l4 supply your, ~r
&toile Ham
Julv 4, )1457
Protect your Money and
AA NOTUER lot of Lillie,
' 4 ab.s, DOW amyl°, 1 ••t,,• •
superior to am thing ~ f t... k oA .‘ - •
Prices Tar. irbin ISO to .fstfu
A"M COYBUD B('Gli 1 '
July 4. 4, 11. R tftt:Hi
The Winkel.,
alloitere of Charitr,
Aleott•l Laws of
Chit Chat,
iaaret Carley, by Thompa. n, a.
July 4, 1841. PARK It
§O4Ollllllllll dOwX sw Tom .t;
11141%141 111•11/4 to Ur err of ISt:
cl t.&l. neonates for ceettsy s ,
rleprocrotod, an rr oft"
denrisued prosecutor all such _ • •
at Albany. sad tenders ht. . th••• •,
to such commiserates.
Ile Also glees hut attention •„.
the rented r.tatee for boner. I .no. -.enc.,.
Alloertoces for Clothing, ire*,
and Proceed' of Serer of decre..l ‘•
or regulation of a Dot.. rn •
A* heretofore be gives hi• •t, r•... 0
enakleg Colleetinet, hr.
He is United states Cminto,tti 5. •
CnUrt Or Claims, and Consoles* m•r f r ma,
will, at any tiros, attend t., tIS , to
trim, July 4,1457.-3 tr 5.
r0:., f _14
Looking Glass
Pre*. I Stre•r, En•. P
THlSday has armed Mirror mid her
in irttairientas and }lnto ..i,t I ra" ,
ter T00..0, Marble. Top r , tand•, Teeta) ~
in and Vass Chairs. Parlor, Ws' nert v%
oto•r Furniture of the nywear
wee:• 1.1114.1 three of the lartrat Slanut -
has rli.,- d himself in a Iwii,1•1••n to .up '•
in 001, a few daj • Doti...
li:/elarst rrirniture was riven on Tine.ia., •
by rhr tral•r Tram Eastern and Wry,to
ed and put an board, on Wedoesdar, math,
order no Thurtalat, and at low pricy. 4
Fashionable Furl:More alirs•• ••••', F
In Manufacture sod Itepair
Fifth 'treat.
Terms Strictly Cult
AP favors kindly solkited and .•. -t
satt.fu-tion Insure an inerear,
July 4
--- 1511 - 1 1 7 - 1,7
OF R UFPA LO, formerly R., •
Hooter, of Nno Y.rk. ••••
of Diastases of de Tir , , n • •
D ESPICCTFULL oou• :,•• • •
ad Ally Persons who may
BrowsPa Hotel, Brie. Wedscsast
A■ his stay in Erie la linaitod to a •iu.
coosult haw ahoui4 b. as punctual ..
Julr 4. —9 41
List of Letter,
RE VIA I.N Nej n the Part a' r
Parsons for thee* both or,
Authoor Henri .1 Poeta'. Lee
Avery gdererd F'oot Mr. Ramona
Atwood }algal, E14014/11 E
Asidnerrs Illy K Flak Mr. Cortina
Avory Moe Vary 11 2 Pldlor Daniel
Aldrich Na. Fltagersid Walter
Alen Mr. "Sally 4 ieint Mr., V
_ _
jT.litto E E Mateo b IX
Bond NriCrotha tioadner Jackson A
Battle Mrs Alusanab Garden A ,
Sanaa Lyman Gray C apt Jolts M
Butt. Jacob Granger Capt F fl
Burnes Capt J•ton fienderona Alexi
Bier John Hoary Mn u. - •
Don Rain iientionon Goon ,
Bacon Mew A a ollwr Holdietack Eh '
Baldwin ic Hilldon St 14 In,l •
Barney J•tbo
limsett Wm P Rays Bra Carattr
-11•17 Wu I'
Baird that Adoline -bailmatia A 11
Baker Abraham Johnson Mr
Bannon Capt Gamy Jonas the lia-t
ritsalin William Johnson Edn,...
Brooks George Johnson It H
Brastor Wa J Jewell Mn ,11-aor i
Britton Mime Ly•dta J•well LPII. : -
Brandt Mn Ellen Kingman itei • • •,
Brew, M II Knowle• I it
Bnaßoel RVP Luther Ja•••t .•
Bruttrerton itobt Lent Wm II .!
Corbett A P 3 LelV-Va k II ~:
Cantata( 1141 a Libby rbi.. i•
Cunningham Mr. Lunpagt II
Hugh Law MUM Mllli k ' 6
Curtis kCo Megan Landon f .n•••
Calhoun Alexander Ladd Mew M••• • .
Cool Adam licAlahrs tr•t•
Carr Patnek Malian K. w
Campbell I bark. Norton J. I .i
Cairlimilitiln Maas :Utah Martin V,'ll
Crook S S Marsh M,.. ' . -a•
Chatterton Stephen 2 tiattocta t • r • :
Duffy Peter Mattbr , r• 1 / 4 4,.. 1 / 4
Dann Harvey MrSttteirrn 301..ttii. , .
Dann Mr. Eolkine Were.. , ''''' --- '
Horrid George 1 Iltrltaiirtst .donte . : ..'
Matey WU:tato Marsh A I
Davison Jai W '2 Morgan 1 / 4 4 ". '• .
[HOMO i Mosey Jaiit.• •
Daniel. Elt 11.141111, V .• ,
Dilltigherty NI II aim tittn 1% ,„„.1
Daaforth 'A I Is ,Ai
Deineal Mr* William. 11 tab. i . c : 11
11441011 II •i t,;” i
Evans rho. ‘Y ,)•••,•:T • A
Ellsworth I,lta.l,liama. I fitatie Jat. - -
Faints John. 111 , iite • o 1
Foe*, 43 1 . ....1 .v • • \ ,al
Fry Balben• I•o• era , • .'
rosier 1ie0r,... 1
I, Ir
IIkLOT .4 .•
Fonlamp su4 I ' • ,
Ititarr• i'rle srpl Ift , • •
A quantllr ord •• •
1 art Its; kw. !WU Kul.,
A lot Ftla. ktmith
old (toiler, 1M tro•I ro l= • •
Ark • r•rlet. , of other a• . • 0 .
ALSO, 3 l o ts of turd and 211 e••
I Warehou..t. sod Duck ou alt.%
An UlidiVitied Intenot u I. I it.
OOP Kale to comments at II 0
July 4, 1837 —ter 11._
Ni no,
ACKKRiI - L. No*. 1 aro .4 .. o , '''''
Shod awl nesting, on Al* at
hap V. %V. LOA