Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, June 06, 1857, Image 4

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    met•v9l7 l
Cfbair roiling at Portose,
Moot Ilk with a kW",
%or soodleumir wish it
OM cycle of Was;
For emu but entopilMb
Oar praoss of joy,
Llkot Matbory oboutUtio
Tbut s/stskla the sky.
Come ragtag at Forte's.
Thlst Us ea It seessi;
trhatiag its tislatise
Make glad e'er the mimic
Lash little is newt, if
♦ mil* the lip ere"
But bitter the morsel
Whea moistened with trim
The's Maoism.
In. Did:ma's New Petitoost.
A meek, quiet looking person, calling himself
John Dickson, was detected on Friday in the
very act of stealing a large roll of red flannel
from the door of a dry goods store in Eighth
street. He did not deny the fact, but attempted
to palliate h;s offense by the following address to
the Mayor :
" Sir, I confess I did take the Amain; but
when you hear why I took it, you will say that I
am an unfortunate man, and ought to be pitied
My wife; says to me yesterday morning :
" ' John I've got a two dollar note, Bank of
Harrisburg (says she;) I made it by washing
and ironing, and I want you to go and buy me eight
yards of flannin—red flaunin (says she)—to
make me two petticoats, for the Spring is back
wards (says she,) and the weather keeps cool,
and I haven' t,a rag that's it to wear. And mind
you don't lose the money nor go near any grog
shop (says she,) 'for oyou know your weakness;
and don't you get into conversation with any
other loafers as you are going along on this
"So I took the money—the two dollar note
(1 did)—and set out, and went three squares
around to keep clear of a groggery that's in the
upper end of our street: and that', the way I
miaow it; for in t'other street I met Joe Hinson
Says Joe—
, " Jack where you're bound ?" '
' Says I—"To get eight yards of quarter dol
lar tannin, to make my wife two pettiooata."
' Says he—"Dook the old woman half a yard,
and let's have a couple of glasses of toddy. It's
only making the petticoats a little shorter (says
he,) and as she's got a handsome pair of ankles
she won't mind having a scant pattern "
Well, [ thought half a yard of tannin'
would'ut make much difference, so in we went to
144 41
the hotel, changed the note drank a glass apiece,
and that puts us in the uotiS of more, (it did,)
and Joe drank, and I drank, din leas than an
hour Ili be switched if I had "twenty-five cents
left out of the two dollars. Well, What could I
do then? laz any reasonable man what could
I do? I couldn't go home without the [tannin'
and I couldn't bey it withot the money. So I
hooked a bolt of it (I did) . - s a fact, and I'm
not ashamed to &ciao - it, for nothing else
*could be done; • • I hadn't been nabbed my
old woman s; . . have had six red tannin petti
- • of the two she sent me after; and
that's the whole story
Dickson was committed, in default of bail, to
answer for the larceny.—Philadelphia Sunday
/ffr It is related of Mayor Foley, Covington,
Ky., that some months sines a man was arrested
and brought before him for whipping his wife.—
The Mayor fined him and let him go, but the
chap was again arrested for the same offence;
this time his honor imprisoned him, and after
semi out his time, be went holm and again
a his better half, and notwithstanding the
Mayor lined and imprisoned the fellow for each
*limos, he would persist in his vile behavior.—
The Mayor, after trying for months to reform
him, had well nigh given up the task, until one
morning this "hero of a hundred fights" (with his
wife) was arraigned on the old charge. "Well,"
says his honor, "I suppose you think lam going
to fine you?" "I dun know," said the culprit
"Perhaps you imagine I will imprison yon,"
continued Mayor F. "I entail so," was the
answer. "I shall do neither," said the Mayor,
"I discharge you " The fellow's countenance
began to brighten up, when hie honor adjourned
the court, and after stepping to the door, invited •
him inside. "Now, you mean devil," said Mayor
F., "I have fined you and imprisoned you, till I
am tired of it, and yet you persist in iit-treating
your wife. I will now tall you, that if I ever
hear of yon abusing that woman again, /71 sokip
you sauiin an inch of your life, d—n me if /
don't. Now travel." The Mayor has never
heard from the fellow sines.
Norwegian fable satisfactorily accounts
for the short tail of the bear. The bear, it seems,
was mum met by a fox who carried a load of fish,
and who, in answer to the question bow he had
obtained them, replied that he bed caught them
by angling. The bear expressed a desire-to know
an art so useful; when the fox informed him that
he had only to make a bole in the ice and insert
his tail. " Yon must stop long enough, and not
mind if it hurt you a little (said the friendly
adviser,)• for a sensation of pain is a sure sign
that you have a bite. The longer the time, the
more the ash. Nevertheless, when you hive a
good strong bite, be sure you pall out." The
credulous bear followed the instructions sod kept
his tail in the bole till it was frozen fut. When
he pulled, the end of the tail ease off; and
hence the shortness of the appendage at the pre
sent day.—Fraser'. Magmas'.
Ax Onrscrrox To RLIL/OADS —At a ball re.
wetly given at the Hotel de Ville in Paris, a
group, *moos which was the Secretary of Feruk
Khan, were discussing the merits of the Enpfrates
Valley Railroad. "Your country," said a lady
to the Secretary, "will then be very near to us."
"Yes, if the projeet should be accomplished."—
"Do lon doubt its rooompliehment?" "The dif
Aeolus* of moutioa are very great and owner.
ous." "Certainly, but the English engineers
• will esreeount them." "Ohl" replied the young
Persian, with as air of cunning, "there is one
spinet which their misses must fall; all these
are peopled with ostriches." " Well?"
"Well, thane birds, you know, digest iron; they
will oat the read up:" General exclamation, in
Which the Persian was deelared spiritualfarcestrl
Boom—Lately, as a lady was stepping from
the oars of the Toledo, Wabash sad Tfeetern
Railroad; at Nspoleos, ber‘drese caught on the
steps, and, the oars befog in notion, she was
draws some thirty feet haws the hoops-gave
way. She was not seriiiiisly injured, though
the hoop were badly wreaked.
" Crow, I wimiS to al you a euettudntet."
"Well, Julius, sueosed; re open for de qualms."
siOsn you tell an wity do art of selfdefesos ans
lilts a :Nun at low tide' "No, Jelin, I doesn't
see so 'balmily is do two sakjosks, so dodos, I
psis it sp." "Well, dos, I tell you.. It is
sirplJ basins it develops ds musoolor
Mr Whoa Doctor H. sad Lawyer A. were
wallas aria is arc, a wag Mid to a friend,
" Tam two ogo Jul aqui so ow Idetwayawa."
"Myr' was the resposse. "Bsesass," rejoia
id the walk lit is a lawyer and a doctor-yew
seamy err your iffe."
osliheat u r mpa hnd& I Osiiinis
daiskr ski saWskihkg Okkaust yid& thaw lima
T... 1. 2 4• 17 ad lam be lad emit ben tie
G. • -1 - 11
Pik U
0411112 I UK*.
ist $
J. JO stroll 4 1
- ~1
J. A =NM
THE undo, len,l t4isA4fk,l f..r lb. wolaerai tat ma...P.
ettlae44. ul W./ vlanlty !late b.retnf.ry z. • 1. ."
' • '
reopectfully Intr.= the. rahhe tits, h. now Los• w I.i
stoutly ou baud
Plaster in Bulk or Barrel,
of the beat qual , q, at the Faamoati.- 'anal Ni::. "r at hi•
on Stra.t. Last oir King's ...It Sou.. Farsora 000
the UM. to
by wring plenty of thn, fertLlising gypsum It wCii pas ,
hack %vitt Luis profits A:80 the tee:
Blacksmith or flonsu
truz..t...ti, hang. warranted to .intisfaction, or R.
refunded, and pay far ail trouble, on return of the east The. 1.4.
Hun fur a Coal laze! a the eery boat In the cite being on a leers
with the town, there so long and bleep hail to ennouto-r .
Eighth Street and the Canal,
East of King's Malt House,
Is the place to buy your whe.rc you
have it weigh--1 ~, i .1 p.:l f FAirbm.k% 11
Scales, and ftare one
Rest, P 1,1.1 uo utber, whlch •lu. h.,: an n,r•..
US 4 1f.:44..L. Oniers orz toe root tlaru..qu l'Ar
or to the Coal O of
Colt Is
0 3RNITUR 4 .
fo to &
I o
te t Li
'••• _
2:11 =ft
Anything in the above Line
rAv sz sJuND 4 4O
. "Ir Mk 11113 '
.Na. 4, Kirr•lwor Bieck. Male P 4 irtge , .
D:rvetly oppwrit. the Frrwaec of L addeil, A <p,-
Erse, Pa
16FORS offering thaw Waal to the Public. the% se, tee
rolighl ti tad, and tan Ploprtstore eaa sow oroardentiy Sr
commead t hem as a eertata Hewed r 6,r
zzer.LLING W"Ii11-• }Hull TIIT.SI
They contain no Calomel or Mercury ,a any f.o.n. or a they
ituarioos tngredientiaand may be igirro to the vuung•-.1 ittta:tt tt. t
pereeet misty The don arr tree ~, Ln t:/e , Lye t. , i. ••;
other Terrnifurs, a. they are 1. 1 1.1.5 AN T 11 , THI. LanD -1 a.,
dreg will eat them-a. readily a. I aady "
They hare been before the publt legs that ooe • aT, 54.: .11 .14)3
that haw base won (or throw:, et a reputattou oop-er,iente•
the annals of modicum. The, are went and Fir..oEntarotle4 to •,,4r
FIRST Tinralcsaite and most it-opectal,/e ~mine. •AL 'be Man(
warted Forcer
?re}.-r 4 sad sold, R h.//,•aile and Hetet., by
I 1.•136 S 1141.11111%,
Sarno's, to Amu.
Who/malt/ and arta:: Idrotrt.,t, N 0 S keen rte. ?a
11 T1,P111 ,1 . l'Al • I
1461Chanabert Street, I Wholesale 4.. t.
Prins Cent. per Rot 1.. 13 ,Sd
Musri. (Ink 4 'Bol.tista -i. t• - to tam. , put
bee. pee.crlt.dg your '' A Lila. 1ub.u..1, 1 a10r... •nri lin u li l a ,
la m• Lung pr.:Ur I [WV, f••• 10.: r•rlun, •*4
ream. tor worms' I. VI al,. 11.•••,••••-•-• t.•
am daily r...y..nrateults, I. sly... Ntyu..l.
Ma Nippy t.. u. instaore •oh tit..
They twee neva, lizard in 6..10. .-•••••••fr.,...•...g .. , • ..,
641 6 11 LL 61,1%114.6. Xt,••• 16.•
lag no "plesmat la Out.. that dirlarire lull fat th....••
uesedv ' Being perrxmall• ocy aa...n.-With c tar, • Obi ,
nobosillaitigly proootmee than. tb. bent .11•04.,r•L D. •
fad It /ma to administered to the ' . .US4.St tt'nn t .‘th
11491 M. I moat coolideaLly Tao.mmed4 too. to 111.•
tberFic. Y Fir I.IiALK, Yi It
/or .16 In tiltsrd b. J. A Wbate .• Foote. It
tinford by (..pp & curt:. i•ttnb r. b. al H Tri-rr mint a •
Proodelt. Mtlicurek by i. Yn rut, ty fi,•r
sad Wm Trleq A,1*... Duret,por% • }1.••••-• h.
Fay. 4 X Roads be Web If West -1. r.•
by Rile/ Potter. Lair, al. 1.1 it l'Net ;16 of •./ Last i.. J-..••••
Jewett, 6.11 d by Droorirts.,retie-61 r
" 14: X C ELSI () li
Pawls. (his I)r. >tti"s, (Aso, l'ettiarrr, 3...,..,z ..L I x.r,
hugrimarkis, Tr;spe•, 41/kilamt;ada .Warporrins Brawn
Pwre rwu .1.41 L.iptur. ,
We •04.11 , / att. .1. • t •t r .••.. •
IPP . LeCtei 01. ,, k L.( PRIr, bIEDICZNE.`. St• , o a
Inuad naot Wlii rll at ti ,f• lowest, p ale ie ilzare• • •
&mita would do well to etre oils ea.. :/a rtil n 111'.
otu line a t \•a• York pr '-e : o lae• , 11-
tbsday i Wiwoma... 1": 9 es ao 1,-a
tbrit hands Bra,' LY•t., Sr. • N IL; .
fil l. lM, DO MOM., from What 6., •r. 11(..tti 11 • •
rather than bn led Yleam. ve•P US a ^14.4, t. W Deqw .1‘ Pt
litteptlnD to bunions• to toent the patrotiace w, ha.
tins far been erteadrd to ~a r business career
Erie, Feb 21, 1457
Steam Sash, Blind
BUILDERS sad )landlictures .4 B Ind. -.ash sod Don.* Pesc.b
st between 41 sod street. Lyle Pa.
ALL loads nftHilLding L•cuber takes is strivings INT. work An
qtaattty -nfr el* seasoned Pine Lu.....rer TTacti•,!. t,r sr,,.ch
higheat market puce T.lll tw paid In cash
L It .110 4 )RE, ' , AWL m
Kris, Feb. 28,1841. RI HAMD rL TI;.:
T CST reeelred, at the Part Roo Book Store, the foßstota i g, • hie
0 must and shall be sold
Artiste Bride, llt
harrying too Late,
Channings Works, complete,
Clamber s Information for the People,
Webster a Ror►l octavo and Cashrldged Dictionary,
Dictionary of Poetical Quotations,
Oliver Wood,
Rachel and the World,
Justinian the Byiresys,
Irving's complete Works, 16 volumes,
Waverly Novels, "
Trivets Cernmoondesice of Daniel Webster.
Clara'. CllllllOl/11 Wl's, 4 vroomes.
Peaklln'a Works. mompbrta, 10 volumes.
A lame manna:tent of Bibles, T•etarrionts and Remo Books, for
ali detiominations .in short 'linnet eery Hook of the dam Wrap.
pguhiper, ill sues sod sty lee, sold cheap. Lai', early at
April 11, 1567. J :I LINT q
CJ Co M. 133 !
ils sesosolly smeessary to say th at oar satire stook of Goods
inn ameentd by the late err I this city, sod we were almoat
dried attempting business agate, 15.,1 thr-ugh the VII
ooarasrtams2 eves by kind Armada, and the aollostatton of nor
leati7 uld euetoresere, we hays been Induced to try onas more, bop.
for better lack VW time. We would therefore say to the
that we Iwo jut. °posed at No. 2, Reed Hoare, as entire
New and Fresh Stock of Groceries,
Jut from Sow York, oompruang every thing lo our limo, oblat
we will sell cheap for ready pay, and respectfully s,.lint the ey m
pliable, of a generous public in extending to us • share of their
patronage with • view in that way of restoring • portnuo of our
late and hasyi loss.
Cris, Apr 114,1667. ./ JOHNSTON k BRO.
X. 8.--Don't forgot am igus, Ivo. 2. Real limos.
bear Groo --
Iw Filmy Block, West Park Row
I.AY ao. r•eshib r sa seism Fresh and New Stock of GRft-
CCRi63, duvet trout New York, which I oiler to eel to the
"011ie at priees that can't be tmat by any other tetablishment in
tibiae'', I shall alba keep ea hand a funeral supply of all kinds
of P R O 1! PRODCfIt, YI,OEYABLES, ke., he. th e i nt
had some experteDes in the Grocery and PTOVUIIOII Busauesa, I dat
er myself 1 am fully capable to be up with the times
Apr4l4. 1167. WIC V. RlKocurscir.
i robscribor W opoood at No. 2, Pare Hall 8111.141/1411, a
Fl end Fool atom whore be will keep enoetrantly on Dane
reality, Ilrib•st, Rye and Graham Floor, Core, Osts, Bran,
Moans, Chow, Coro litoolad all kinds
o f
witieb will be .old low for Cub, at wboisoolo or retell and deiirrr
id say place is the City Foot of Mowg ,
r r
I will hey When& Rye, Corn and Oat; and pay the blithest grist
prima, dieitearsd at toy &ore Ern. or NM ow goorimadrolle
&04, si: l / 4 1111 set, sad (.veer head he Bah. 1 hare a esparlarr
setkie Wheal whist tow nicossmood.
Ihea, Mush 111117—tf. /OHS W. eIeI.ANE.
Nstie ADA • ♦. Del Ykll l , moons from Ere &billings to
sae dolior par gibliem,st the is and eine* ammery Blom to
e Itlod, by W. F. RINDT.RNECRT__
EBB! FISIV--Codelah, Mackeral, White Flak Trout, pietl,l
sad dried Herein, now *puled at the Y. OrOe•er et,. in
y's Bleck, W. 1. RINDF.R.NECHT
SAP[ oginomd a Kew Reentry awe la Mattes Sleek. whet*
sill 1 tad la loon an haat a foil annwtaanist etnwery thin
kapt Is a Mort of the kind, and bY 'tele attention to the
basins" and ialr and boost dealing, any. to men, a
yew Istrance. Wlt. F. RINDERNECHT
Eiivonavua .., florafris and Med Streets, haelading one
NMliHousi. A rust ch6Dce for a him. Tams, slimy
- et lOWA.
Ara, lin.--31646. .1- R. 161. AL. LON.
rail Leildmies, PossOfial" !Lir Oils,etc,
7 L eaTER At intl.
Claws of all lylads Clump se the Cheapest et - -
A Jam. 14. 1 . 611 - RISDILIMI. ft' t lornrx.
CIS a all Wads at
E 1 111 1 Z. $7. 112111011RXECIIT 6 JPMCWIL
4 411 . 4111pliarillargrA ti
r m ripINIII•4“S
It A HAI tW!\
d Door
I ait
e iWt
~ ll khe Inettrance for Town and ConatiC
at, Ala c aeupasky wip_l..W•e•-
• 't• , r• ~•••T , 14.• piton of pr,,,-.11, is TR Not
it r 1,1•• is sr. :Fob, Wks an
Alt , ' 1.1 ad. , • %att.., t tt II t - rt,r •n or nothing L.a
tari.s pr. 10,11 and drr,diln., •.• Pr from rtin•enr...,
nekd tn. ••• 6 lieh t ,nd nt prorcrt, - v.
The fucK.l.l in Sr, n.,t $ val. for Inows in
a•h !1.1 - 40• e
l• • \I• 0. 44 .1" T
0 , 1 , ' , I AS , ' .4 4,11.. 4 %, d I ••••f• at . lit •me•
T . •fl•• ,•• • ! •trmrbs nrst
•Ls' 111
\ Agra/.
,/^ • ••• •-*". 1:1 , .141 , 1; busupPor , coutenvinit
r • 4 , 1 •,,, ,• • . 1 - tily•••1,1 tti "I•
,14, 1-111'1"utinn•, by' the 164)r.
1 . • nr .unnre Rol
r , nt. g.f reeei,ne prompt and liberal ludertnnitleatinu,
. • . t .-f LOIM. e•o tee; •e.ur••t .4 •ee nnyllahlug [heir purr...
h , .t • Pv.lort In nrt , v , re of thew entripantes; • Hs..
r. •r r
11.• • t tort towns, elected at
rate• 11 . I . 0 i. 2 reliably Conspsnlos, on s; pat.
ton to
HtilVAl-?I) FIRE ct- _WA Al/S./:
Insurance Company of Philadelphia.
yr.,„ki,., 4V, also( .tree!.
C • - 11110e.00e
IF2/1 tut.. +L,I invretod
now.. elt ols Iwutaaee un Bailduers, 11Pre4uka , .... I ur
r, • •- F rrtght, to p• r••
` , 7 ' In • the Inset ILatts, no.l
the lOc -I •aa. gut r.:, wq , • I (.1 meat "I.
I .=•rlefil • ( Low
1 he Quaker City Insurance Co.
fruok/ra Rwl/rikaya 92 Ira:ma Ambit
Caaa Capital and r•erp.lamo. • • • 19191221141114,11
rat t this Compabr va Star.* Dwellings. Pub I
,• go.: Vert Mludi•li reuerails; -a Croatia. Cargoes
Pre.. ~ I.i parte the
12..11111.1 h•,10.14:11 V 4 iii c,12 to and from ail parts of the
INlatiufacturers' Insurance Company,
UAIn .Yu Merchants Exchange
CIPITAL. • - 11.14011,094111
"-It?. • Cash ear:el Intr:r for tL. seenntr of th
,n•ured etfect• Insurance apanst ant% or damage tr!, Fare, the pert'.
of lea and In:aud Nivo.ratin and Transportation. Losse.
L. . Ma, Oil.
r( Pi, ,to de/pi ,a. i
on the Mutual Mtn, gtetng the ui
partl-,patton 14 th• proflt• of th. Compuir, withno
,•.trernt..ttn t,41.1
t 1 tn• I muralnn the most lavorat 0
tern,. I neeee wn: o. ;I`..tetta:ly and prvmpttv m4)411011
•,•1 (11 0- ,Lltint 4 1.te, bUi/dlar , in/ nth., prupert,,
t t. , • Ilintted tern] nerrnsp.ut:,
J , %..1.1 11 'eat JAL:II , . / S HILIId. i.111:1U0d .to,ukSer,
iti.... ,' .• 1'A...,_..i... 1.,4,„ i D.‘,. '1 Jong.. Ir•, k.
i:. 1,4,1 F irtua jutku 4 11.rnstl. Jonn B Pturow,
ti il. r.,,K, nil , IMi 1:411b11.1 . J.• ...or,. ~..rren
(tear. L.. , ...0, (hula B its. , -• 041.srd Disriluft, , n
4.711%,... k"'" ' '...4. it Dry r. J ~ J.J.101111141,
Willi,' 1 o Iwo/ . .I,tham 14r lotid .1 %, in
Uri R L liustoo. John T.1.0r Jr
mt.en,yr' , mot
Y. • \ 41..{...11, •wey
r;r- etaa Iw mu..., II
h.rtr rl , i 1%:07
Fire! Fire!! rue!!!
tip U. A. BEN:\ NTT. lo.urwcc . Mir* of Eltete
and W n‘bt • Block Yp taAre sod got yaw
propllr ,l roperwats the following rAtabt. Comm
n•• •
bIKRCRAVT- 1 ELILIA ASU 11.414.1.• E t V.l, It N E 17C.1.4P.A.N I
of eh übtlat ph. Au t 0.61.1 zed 17.p11.1 s4oyoo -oeu re I% I
tittalts• .•, tompA‘
11 . .1. 'N. , MI p.. 1 np sod ,1 ,
HAL, •• l• I. L. 114. Inautc.i .1.. ;Orin 1
I re. MN. le A kit F:7l, AV
ELISE -- m - = - J3
Vl7c.asloy—crillo.Elriet Co. r 2.111..
W r at ...far •ii the r. 'Dor cm .4 torn iie.l,
tee. k. *Leh sr.! Itrlr wll to h• r
t r i ir in the e,hnt
Messrs. Shannon A. Bro.,
le v., r.• Pepp. ...out sole Kr nb,
hr.r. •I kinds of Flaw. kr h as Fin trrarta, and
• t r err.; trt Ilan part of the rit s Inas of rharalt
• •., Prink k rßorcit
tb sSZ Ob i
44 ?
• ‘,,„
Carter's Female Restorative,
Carter's Auti-Costive and Liver Powder
• t,.. LAL4,I4, the Spirit.d, sod
1 • •hst are outTornrk; under any of toe !news ot FENALI.
" • E- the uousi seeolopsnmen to of pain to the mall
ttar h.. S, E.Lr•rm, Pain, sitb Flesrioess sod WeLiht
a;'u. , o•“•• , tts. Irresolanters, Grsyrel 1110 a Kl.loel
orn; .s. ,ts 'Worse of We /vet,. Chillzroras sod
smr.nai Viashinirs 0r Host thanurs• th•
Finn.: n- A rtoess of Breath, godly !stagsett and rss ,
tarr.ed o- • • m • al an, 0w.1..1tn ',De of occurrent,,
t, Hear. is,—are respeettudy er.ictestert to
mato ar„.
' a .11 , 11 e and
.V,,th er ' s
." .1114 A I. 'cost v. /L
1,0 I
, it to .r lie-ba and Rota t•peetailTy
1,1 nat r.• len• and enre Ii• ••. I npapiamt. fi,r
s• • .••••r11110 , 0"..1 r t hay 1 4 , •t1 11l the ‘t , rl be.d
• . L. t I. • r ••• • imr••••••elort , ..1
Tar f LNr sr, • .Ith. •• s I nrlui: l•Pforo, and a Iteat,
• 11 , • ... n•Ttetuf In 1 as an I.
da , .dvar .•• un. and AW Spirit
•!, t„, „ , ,• • at • It r f..r • ti• .1.113•13
t , 11‘hle K. , . an, r. u lr., an I nue that o;l.mgal:ids 'laud in
a 11.0 Zr , ranuirattad hr u.ptl!
'• ro-di in. -an b. had .1 the 1 1 .11 g, 4 tarea In
1, at r in this and the adlietning Low:item.
•11...1, •
5 " r
Fru r ~pentne up a aro Yard qa m‘th •blet. ■
. .• •• • i •G. P sgi t 1 •G. rt. be eri I "melee •r••.
ti• !I ,OfF`r WiliK T PR, h.. far W fulluortn; lands o'
delt•oret .t !its Ya. 4 or Dock.
do Chair l' •nk 1/ do
3 k I inch 1V t•ttennnd Thick Plank, 12 do
4 0 L . n U. M 1 7 by 7 and 11 by 11 1 41113.1tegrood
~ a mmo, 12 do
I, I it,. I v., 3 4 lash Whit. •sti, 10 to IS do
ant • '46,1 ein•rds 13 to sad upwards, / do
4-4 rr,cr. Chen, Boards, 12 do
2 , 5 and 4-4 inch 7. casoore Boards,
4-4 and 1 nob tils,clr7V‘inut , aards
Pin., Clear v.; pecoad quality Beards
11100,006 16.4 inch Pia* shingles, fond thickness.
•t o • Hardware Story, Erie, Pa
1. me. Finti• 24,1567 WILLIAM 41ANH1RS
f ~~S~t+r-4~t~~~~~l~
Boardlssig and Dag easlawal for y NISH Ladle*.
41 VI-lON ST, PFAU/ The Murry ilutctaneon
c .t.tana• recett•yonag Ladles sato thou Lasablistktoent..
In wlt.,m, to additiln to the winters& of ••0•••,, tb.y will wider.
take to imtairt a 11011 d 1110 superior English Education. tneetber
the wocteat aud 11 dery Language., and all the acconiplmh-
I n t o", tauctit in Ladle. Schoch.
iteferreteete are kindly permitted to the itt. Mee. William Meath
rot. I.)• Lancet, thump of W N Y. Rey W. Sh•lton, U I) , Mee
tt -tarter, Sulfalo• Res 14. Bailee, D. D., Clerelasd, ohks; Rem
It it ~s eares, Medina, N Y.•, Rev C. 11 Platt,Ls.d.trt; Weser'
t skill, s t itnton Place, New York. Junius% Smith, Esq., Batavia.
N Y Ltect Meese, I.: 5. N Erie, Pa, g PrilDll, Esq., Flanker,
1% al , -t• N Y. • March 14%
! :ft I I rixittFir
'Undersea& a Jaw°,
Vi r ()CIA moot rospeettotly onars their doom thrash to the
public for their aorta to taring their property from dee
t-uction at the late Fire, and would alio Inform thew that tb(
bale opened with the remnant of 000Dfl on band
At No. 2, Wright's Block ,
State sail ri!th, Dearly gppnisite the old plane where they will can
tina. to do Imminent as kiedetotore, and man their utmost endeavor'
to plea., all that Glivet them with a .fl. Dsln ß &weals,. twippil
fooda a• cheap es thecikieepeet, they hope to merit and nevi', a
liberal share of patronage.
Erie, March 14, UM7.
_ .
HAMA.—A superior lot of Sugar Cared Hams Jost received
from the great Pork Metropolis, Cincinnati, warranted fresh
and good. Nov is the am for ass anon of "Hass sad * to
gratify their appetites. Call and see for yourselves, at
March 14, 14.5; .1. HANSON'S, Cassadde.
D _
RI Ell BICI6.—A p. as artists ad Dried Roof Jart nordsed
at the cheap Grocery Store of J. HANSON
March 14, 1417
iorops.—Call at J HAYIAONII, Cheaptdde, if you want a nice
II article of Hope Notwithstanding their “Tieing" tendency,
they oin be .Id at a parity low ague*. 311 Are IM?.
LitEEPI ' I god tho lamest as • nest awrrtamient of
Tabla Cnery. nigger Ptatad Spoons and Tort; German Sliver
testa C and Iron rpoona irrer calmd in this sit v.
BARNET a Veen NirrY
Rana Riled.)
o. 3 Rood House.
Up,. Nol 29. IPM
ECH ANI4 .3:.1 hod lb., bort orsortment of IVA la tho
'L eit , et 'it , 3, Rt..l House. BARNEY* IieCONCLY;
Nov 27. ILLNA
THE N.+ to to* a grxxl bah
MAJO from id 7,00 fo A R T
? Ilt 114.0011 di
(dueotemoro to RoMa Rood.)
No. 3 Rood Holm. •
Snp. Carb. Soda.
4 PILTIERIOR %rude pat op la WO lb bogs Owe Corraty Mar
4 :1. cbaal for sak by CARTER 4 O.
Mara 7, 1337 43
.DARTON 44 3 celebrated Chid*la, Aura awl Googio Ma day to *Avid, also, a lot of doable wad dip& aloof pollatood Ai^ at
3 Reed Hlll.lrt HA LT a kIeCONILICT,
No, =... 1434.-23 Softemsers to Rem Raid.
A lA. kin*, nit Dry Graswise, *mai ' , Web say be found to
9E41 Ulu I'OFFEE. in the arty, at to start of
Nor 211 BARR k RIO
Mil TR I tr.4.—A;p:raed anaortetwf attars, just aseetv
eyl,•t cannci,b• beat in Airotio.
, It ,r-b - ROGERS it KINNILDY.
init - 21.00iVed.
LOT sr
- •. tyuen , • the sscia:
1% 4 F PanlbtrOscht
, torrebti,
It H.J.,
J ht.. wr., F:-,.
Suevarfers S. R Reed.
M1 7. 4 - I'l - ITI
MAI t /1110.
Oonfeationery, Fruits, &a
T Oil\ It. PICRIC' $ wItittITTS 1 11.0cti,,
• jit , o, I .•fttft. I • aorlttli bis lr f eo d s•lld tLe la ou. that
the r...i I, ••• hau awned at the awl... place, •
• s‘a•rt•••sst •t
Choice Confectioneries, Praha, Nu*
..1 all thy. article. 'mural) kept re* eeefeelliebefy and Atom
r." , . , •". she oel;. 94 Cometiesins, at sines which cannot
to plea,- hl strut .tteation to the waists of tido otienmanitr
ud with the poet reputation kespistirib. market fully xuppllieh
ith articles It Gts. 114 w, ~i b .i rr ihtir hope. , lo merit A., 4 1 11`. t n. liberal snare of pantie patro
Xa in Cn T a• 211
1. tie err , ed up regularly at this to meta flaring an
pertinent properlY &aetted, those who curb to partake of Ws
unary - Sr.d Ir ecconneed•l4.
Part•e•,..applied in the ak•ortrot pos•ltAr Wyo., arib It, tram,
Ave, J•tilee and the relict:lea of the lemma
IRUIT, both foreign arid doinoetie always on Land red
r..eart-.1 at the red4leiit etom•nt of their wason.
r 7" Ale% Agee( for the aCe.. , l L. B. Mitt'. eniebtetogi oyfirra.
in and ••••• t place,—\o. 1, Wri • heo
;ale street
July 12. 199:1
4111.' IIT(IN' S 1 l'It()V ED
%ERSE k \ 1-;
11; 411 walt is k
A T e ia t.
rtitit: manner in which this Liniment operates on the yystem
L soothing, yet powerful and effeetuaL trithont in any way yrbat•
r endar u fenng it. It • perfect minden, and antidote to paiu.
Tenting Limpet mstamly upon the soon nervous spasm. It
.kytertull. penetratint even t', the very boss, it rtlikas nouti-beteki
*cies wit restores them to their wonted power, it bee pruned it
...if to all MOPs that nNotre to czieflud 11.114Nly—manh as hLeersa
. 1.1, bole ekreyrit'and aerate , Secrets as! Sweiltag of kind.
Poise sad Weakness to erk. oak swat bane, Cryuyip• mod name
inner ales, f r Sublease, bar.* Kates, .mass et. alma. Mang hot
~..rtant runs hone born pert.rel•ii with the sae tlt thbi Liniment
Horry•—nil amyl lin r••nd tnitamatiode, irusremes, resent spay
,rna, scurry, galled neram mid shoolders. to , all other ots
...wee In ehlith a Linlme It eats be benhcial
It is bat • abort time since this remedy eats ant introttnerd I.
the notice of the pubtie, and in that short time It in.. gained a
-..putation that ranks it among the very beet of an external Kern.—
to not, however, the Proprietors design to tavtah u on. s ii e d
nthie upon their Liniment; nor do they Intend to deorive the
lioldic In &alining to that Remedy propertlia which It does n.'
ilr p o lite l y It has reonveri, wherever It has been introduced,
l e . un q ualified approbation of all efasee, Sad needs only to be
oked to prove In *very penes. that ft pourers all the twines at
trihuted to it.
the Pruptietore of the Liniment might odd many testimonials
tr , Its good qualitlea, but think it otineemiftry, se It has already
established Ito reputation, whereer known, and needs therefor*
•iotht of the mil.. Those who are not aoqnsinled with it then
uk to 'try it"—the price a °ale twenty-five ernta—tbe msperi
msnt will eom but little. and •ue good results of Its Ur may :1;) ,
much. Prep.•ed and sold whoa...* sod retail by.
.1” iSsocemors to J H Burton kCo
Wholesale and Retail Druggists So I, Reed Houma, Eli,
ar ADO I L...., •Ass..stcD To Is mom. To £ZT lasi
. -
snr. Sold by all Druggists and dealers in modielnes.
Ent., Jam. 11, 1457 116-ly
Erie City Carriage Manufactory
Messrs Et LE d• BR E E SE.
WOULD respeettul:l ennounce to their friends anti the pubh
rannaly, that they have leaved tem cetabliahotent fortuerl).
,ccuyied by P. IVlttActa, on Statc street, near Sonnet k Fs ,
and ha•e now on hand a larger acid better assortment of all
etude of
.Lao seer before, which, for style, danabilltv and elegance of Ithuitt,
are supertor to anything heretofore offered in this city.
she. employ • number rif the Met workers in wood and iron that
the country produnss, and from their long experience in the busi
ness', are rustled the m offer the Mat quality of cork
The BEST waruu,al. of all Medi that ma be had are put Into
all their wort. anneffethig of al Mash fad
dose on abort settee mid reasonable terms.
Er . Persons sending orders rimy rest assured ..f hare. them
etecuted to their entire satiglacttua, and hf1.41111K4 Ia erer) porn, u
ler •• we.l ar if th., attended in person. Three *Wong Lost ated
iiirsble work will dn.l it to their advantaged to Eno [hem • rail
krt... Her 10. 111643. fat
Jewelry, Watches, Yankee Notions.
r_roLtarvrEic tl: CASE would meg:anal) d
ii riii
NUL to rt.turn their sincere Hunks to their friends and the
vuldtc in Kellen!. I.r the o.xeral patron air heretofore ex
tended to them, au ~ Vi On/ .1 also inform their customers that el an.
now prepared to otter greater inducements than ever, in the ahem
~f igi,Toig..--fold and +Over listent Gnu do. Anchor dl.l
I% I. 1.. d i Ito J E 4 .' ELR V our stock consists of a full variety o
Broaches. r or Itrolot, i Morn Rings. (yenta hns, lies', Lockets
Guard Chet!), .t.,t, ,1.. Thimbles, Pencil Clll.ll, itlilldlgrta Zipl`flartri
Gold Pens, tr. In our stock of
-I, defy tempetitont, hod to those who purchase don, Ware .4 our
trl\v•lfing agents, stamped " J llotltster's puns 64111,.• We gusrautme
the same to be plow ma dollars '
To Merchants and Pedlars we can offer its w.n ..I.cted a sto c k
of Yankee Notions Jewelry as ma he found west of 'ire York city,
and at prima that can't to beat. Engraving and Watch repairing
done in the neatest possible manner The wabseribers will also
give employment to twenty-flys young men of good Dunn:Wes illakabli
to tell gcnois from Trunks.
HOI.I3ISTER k Caii..
• moat 2, H. P Stnektor's OW qtand, Park Row, Fn., l'a.
Between Brown', Hotel and Reed Hone..
H. k on hand a large and complete assortment of Hones Fur
ni•Ll , ,g .oxuts ' I liniment two new patent Elevated Oven
I ~,k •••te yea, t he CLN"TtRION and tyOVE,RSOIL, aro tirely • new
r,nolpiti ty.,..-h ran not be excelled Reversing the damper, total
, ~,,,,,te . .b • entire hoot from the Owen, which tuui been an ob.
1-etion to the Kle‘ated n en -.twits. The stile of ornament is hoe
sod toost.t,tol. The casting equal to any in market
The largest and best assortment of Cook.and
Parlor Stoves West of New York.
4 nnstantly on hand, among Inch are the 'ed..J:egulatort., three
hir t lt. t nt, Penton and rtmet open Parlor : 4 4ivota A Inn the
Kuhl the ihadem, the Lad; rankim and .othte foal `4 . 4.44•e. -
/4 4,4 1% 4.04, th' ''otter=., the Nubian stn.! wither Store., too
Pier..lo mentiota Looking:L.-tore*, the I. °root Oak, the Rory
r the Ito, al 4 4.44, the Empire (:itr and Black W•rrior Ioc
0, en ..toree, tiro ;he L ..tap, Parlor , ook salt! Fanny Fern.
I could cat, coo,. attention to my .I,—k Tin, t upper and :theat
f, o b Wm, Alan 4i la-ge mo.ortEne,l (Cutler). Ivory E.hott) and
Wei Handled T•itie and 11.e.rrt knit,' and lora., Pocket Knee*.
+hear*, a , in. Flrtltanta Tattle Castors and Teapot"
tic., Tea •n4l ah.e .tpoono, Hra.a, Copper. Vol-Wain and ttround
ttlea 00.1 Purr. te..if al: 41eurnplon,4% Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead,
Pump ehatnit, Tu hdlg. More Pit.. and Elbow.. no hand at all (lines
the large.• and herd aaeortment of Japan Ware in market
%Ito Lantern+, Tea Trani, Collo. 11,11 s, nen Poppers, Stover., Chop
'otne. kol, 11111 . iroi.4l, Shore, no,, Poker., Coal
Waehhoards, !teat l tattoo and So tear ....tuffern Jobbing done or
th e shortest nottee Copper, f.raaa, Pewter and Rag...taken In ext
eh mire t 0 goods.
sod examine and 11•4•17 yommelven.
, toet .Ith. th Voore URPITY
V Lit 1 . prert,.... or anrement Fr watch ontald.
..h -• • •.7, 4...! to Fri• I...r.vhie Foto. and fastened witty
L e op. nlns tLe wind w me n rlnclide .4 e, lent to mow. and
fan, the UP , II ,111• , ttter• A very email power anpi4oo
to tn. mot •fall more tn. Is 1. its.) F one amount of power lev.
•t, n • • Meth • ~, , ,d ~.,•••it turn?, al plied from the nut-irlde, sttl .
„•,, ~ „of pr •e„ell is• Ss, Co., npraiwz them Irma th
. r,in•l site: 1 I rt.a, and to power* on, lwtrnd •t - .n: '!,-a t t .!•••••• ,, inicsnr nther rnallitnntinn•
later to, • •.ttt,lt 11f I tirr, nre 115 d Tor• are °twain , tb .n,
elto,r.. ow arrwe the le.nda, tannins them pent!, and
mamentl ta•rh tor them where toes' an left, obettting their de
strUct. , n the a•tnttn f
Th.. , art ornamental rather tin Mher.log• to the triode of tht
••n •Itna It r,,,•,1111. n 0 1401 0 prltettos to operate them, aad n•
uort• effort than t. ~pen an r•-d.nari door l'h•r are adapted t•
,di aria app.t..4 It rFnoirre but or
1.,..1D1,1111 ,, n to convince Ft.. one 01 their practisei lawfulness awl
model or the %')otte eta be stno at T. W. Moore's Orson,
tat• *tr,t, Erie, for filth& with the •hore htniree are merweettully inneited
Pesch it., Erie, Ps
JACOB SI Uttahl)!lt mood rr•F,cdlua. tnfnnn his nniner
nue old frtenda and patrnne to particular. and the public tr.
‘erteral, that h. la Do. opening up YR entt, New Jtoci of
to that enunondt.nus At h p e Itnom,
on the mat side of the Public ...pure, next eine', north of llr J
C. Belden's Hardware -tore. where b• Asset 4ttenton to buetnes•
cowl stnek r•f rood . Al ftlnd-riktt , and beg,
in every respect se oonmonnstie, hr shall h. pr to regalia all old an.
make many sew vustousers. theism call and see this new Plltlibligh
wont 0.12 d e►►mta sod purchase goods, if you like them mu,
Lrie. July 19. 1556
9 kiirr; le
Ed'47, ,00
la Building Lots do PM W $3OO
1 Six acre nut Lot South 01 Garrieno $4 00n
- -
1 Ferm 2 6 0 &ems 140 eleueA House 3 Berns Sheds kr ke, four
Irom North UM, In,r pace of 313 Per sae
1 r arm 00 eons 216 tittles from Ens 374 "
8 Fire sere Oat Lob Car of Lacrints Wiaeon.nn
25 In Lots City of Larto.s do
3,000 an ot of recy Ch o ,. s u p.nor Land, Mitchell en lows,
Abu., My established 'llscufactortos estahltehment no the Canal
to Irk eonsletitur oft Warehouses, lure Welt House, Kllne-Doeks,
2 lota kr, ke„
The subscriber having determaxed to *ogles in the Santini.
Business In the Citr of Erie, upon the expiration of his present
Term of Office es Prothonotar., leave in call the attention of
those wanting real ...tat* to the *bore desirable property—The
sissinfivetory above with its immune.. to an inducement seldom if
ewer offend, being one of the .alert, ours.* and molt profitable
investments that could be mad•
The stthaerther will .ell cheat r than °there and no the most
favorable tenon Lod give the most uneueepth•nabletillee— , 4 of the
ponds/are money mowed d o wn and Balance to 1 Equal annual
payments. A ICING.
Erie, Dec. r - Owner & Agee t
New Goals, ltisvinrino New Price'.
TrS =Werth'', haring purchased the interest of James Hasbro
o the mercantile bunnies., and haring mule additions of
Sannonsble pods to Um former stock, are prepared at the old nand
nn State Street, In supply aH the old ecetotnere of the house, and
se wwwer new onto am nay hivor theta with a call, with all landed
staple and fancy Dr Good; at as low Mew, and u fair terms aa
any boom la that *Hy. Call and sundae geode &pima Wine
purchadog rilknrkara. BARR k BRO.
Brie Nee. It, 11111 e.
subscriber would Inform the public that ha has '.mo od T'f! Nand on the comer of Eighth andAtate Eitreets, where he
say hs found with Groteriem, r mil& sad aim "Ilsagsar Pima In
expectation of the "good tame routine—that the Sunbury and
Vie Railroad—he is about to neolsnuth his aheisew with the "dawn
and beet, - and earnestly deal tea "every body and every body's rand,"
of sire him a calk H. BALDWIN.
Eris; April &
Notice to Housewives I -
ACREP, mot soil awhile rarthhd of mashing Soap, rither bard
wr oolt,by son tho. Cbuoturratyyf 140. Put up to 16b( and 37%
mot grafts; with plain diroetiony for use. Bold hr
trfa. Month 214. CUttilt BRO.
Lumber Yard Rimoved
Min Subeedher kiss removed his Lumber Teed to the foot el
J. heath Street,—lrset of Jaen' Doe*, Where he Is prepared to
pay the highest =whet price Its CASH for tM foLletrUg kinds of
Camber :
% Is. Indle Wood Beards, 10 & 12 ft. los&
6Z" "Qat: Mak, "
5, 610, 7X7, !Mt, Whit, Wood Columns, 10 k 12 ft I.
If to. Browsers Hoards, 111 & 12 hell long,
44 " - " " 13 ilb Indies Mde 10 kl 2 feet Ines,
44' awry Boards, 10 t 19 Om Was
44 loch White Wood Boards, 10 k 12 tree toot.
3& 4 la. Wok thick Plank " "
X, 1 if, 2.4, 2 k 4 In. thick A 5140,19, 14, 14, sad Illiest
tow • trio, le.e 17. 1147. IL L. MASON.
riu - • abilqsalities elas bawl and for
Edo limp, at Drewry boo is VW/
April 4. T. D
There is no •Atlrwt on wn 101 l there is lie much controverts isinOng
its pisetitSocer9 awl professore ea time el the ructut OF
Id EDI( (VP:. One eebriel ef physicians Will Weiler, bared. adminis
ter calomel •ntl kindred drugs yulal the confiding patient sinks
ender their weight, gad !Meek! he In., the preciltiewer will tell you
that - tee paueata tettea weal not bear treatment, whet, tbe
facia were lb. treatesetit wee nut to be bone even by one to per
feet How then ...old remota expect at,. la imperfect
Another echo./ of practiteossers will toil jou that water those
will care all the oomplatats of JIAL Still another islosialaters
herbs, roots, sod so no to the end of tht chapter The tlifienat
schools being as Dementia. as their theories.
When Benjamin Pranktin, by toe idea& minas nt bia kite,
brought the electricity from the Radixes% the world reendenee
what use be could =AA of, At. What did he do : He, Wee drat
thing, at the fresefestor erifewhated, awaked it to lb* ear tag of
huutau Ide from dretructutua by that eubtie laid electricity.
to this then Ie a remarkable slinliertty brtarme the impedimenta
and results of the Greet Tamer of Ligbiolag mod theme of Prot.
Ca•ntr• Pt (learn, the discoverer itufwiaker of the rest ELSE ,
Tlll4 Ale teratb aeayerimMto coutoteueed with ittrot.l.
trans ‘ and bare gone no atitl; • ith rear. of toil nod
un rerouted runrtion be has mutinied, at Philadelphia, the ems. of
n's tweets e a 'epodes gerund only to that of hie great fore
Thau astunt , '“ing Annihilator of the Ills and pains o! Mau,
the, not exist a more meritorious medicine, Dot OD* whack I
uxa , :raw •oct, universal and undivided tesitunoniala to eta tarot.
trona all b ho hart di' ^n it t simple trialta Clergymen, Ph. miebans,
Koktora, Longe,ssince, Mayors of clues, Motel proprietors and
Bret-doss blerchants, in lb. cure of such diseases and affections e.
the full , ,aritw —out every thing—BheUniatilina, Firer and Ague,
ineaftiaba,‘.out, eu naps, Lumbago, liciatka, Spinal and Bronchi
1.1 . m piatuta, Tic II roue, I feadaos, Cnans pa, Croup, hips, Felons,
-vain.tiro teat, Cute and Wounds, Swelled Glivo,L, Stiff Joints,
scrofula, Lrrstpelas, Yore Nipples, Sweated Brest, Womb Mr '
„ruera, Rh. nm, Conker in the mouth and stomach, Palpitation,
V t Coke) Br•wat, Quinsy, Sons Throat, Palsy, Pleats.),
I Marx, Lurk Jaw, Heart Buru, Tooth and gar-ache, Nervouanesa,
~,,atieenese,Burna. Sore flume of teething intents, ta.
As so st.onO• ut the estuostoou in which It is hod by one of the
ablest Jo ',to and writers on law, to, In this country, we lOU give
a letter me. l'rof be ( burn, from John Livingston, Zoo.,
~/ 111.. oelJ Loon Monthly ham Magatine 167 Broadway.
vs. : • word of such testimony la anion witght among the
bet! drawee . t to. ~.untrs , than volume. trona unknown sources
triaaano Hoppa, Philadielthis,A
May 7th, lOW.
Pr.! . Charles DeGreth—l freely give it ise my opinion that your
• Vienne till • is among the most wusiderfai,,remedies of modern '
.line. At the earnest request of a lady who alleged she had been
"vacosil of a most painful affection by its am, I was induct-I to try
a Lott', thumb at the tim. at purchasing, I fully believed it to be I
dock medictoo sad a With penny humbug. Bata trial convinces
OD that it dues powers@ a magie power, and its use will prose a
Llrming to suffering humanity
I recently took a cold from sleeping In damp 'beet', and my neck
Mome so mach swollen and palatal, that I mold not turn my
After wise, wittiest wee"',, mtymy phyla
dim, I Met evening tried year weredng 1 mu
well, the relief having been se cimitgliete sei ft was INIONOIIIIOOIIII.
roam miry tray,
muter monthly Lew llisgatine,
1t Broadwityr k 190 if Trearlesallit o fi Y . •
Mr. Livingston Micah to the old wealthy and highly respectable
families of the first settlers of flew York Any OM esefuldress
him on the sulkiest o' the shove latter, which will be simmered with
The Med,ml hers aloe epsilons in
thus reuse& See this
lllay ?A
Pear Ds Gat ra, Yi ,outia DkUsdolobia.
I hate a remarkwoie cure Deputy rid Kerr, of Pittaburish,
had a wore swollen and painful hand. 1 applied the oil peroomili.,
vrt.l , 6 ova instant retie! It. has swelitlatoolleided the oil to other.
attliet,d with ntruuuaem, to which this moutta were most satisfoc
Yount, my truly,
Dr. Kr•is, •tand• fait Rat' of his profession In Pitti
The Clergy basin( thetn.el eel, and ann. of their families Leen
hen4ed aim Ri tn -acul•••t.i. a. the miracles of Senptuee, speak
ot IpoMi•latot. tt,ta maor Ith. a burden and impaired their n e rfu,
ueve Dot Lreo nnekwatd fn neeontmetold,
tior die, tat., ..t marring to Plot, people Tbs Reverend renalr
ma. ig ,etter wd puuurL 10.14,1/, 114.11Ite'd Mita/cm( • nutnher
of Prot • iret.ratn . cards anu pamptoeu and Luo44ng them pont..
ally to otentoere or 1.. cb.r,f, ...I of the Late 4-oohs:enc.. of the
L.hurrn to Phithdelphia..
PUIP'. De Cuts—My dear sir :--1 must Inform yon of the
beneficial effects I have experienced (tram your Electric Oil, I have
hero terribly afflicted for thirteen cure put with Neuwirth sod
other couplet/atm 1., such an extent have my eufferinge been that
1 hare been unable to walk two s.,uares eat:lout stopping to rest,
and (or tics years I have out had a good Wight's rest, being ouble
to slew p from pun. About the 24 of this month I eonusieneed using
your Electric 011, taking about tan drops internally and applied it
eaunially to the mat painful parte. On the Met night I slept
better than Brad dose Sur many years, and now, at tn. rod
week, I am Ilk* a now man: an amp well, walk any distance, an
attend to uy duties. Your 011 haying done for me In this short
time what the entire Medical Faculties of the hew York Colleges
.4 Medicine and those of the Jefferson and Pennsylvania of Phila
delphia lure faded to do In LI Teary
• blast tral• tours,
110 South street, Philadelphia
At, party ma have farther information if wanted by eddreesuis
the key (beatifies.
We will vv. tb. following 4/10, /MID lierrbsot \ew /levet/
l'i..f Ibis rat Li —U v tonstber isna bosu deer thrwe years. Alter
ta , Ilia raw, I i Irlyg., tlf. U.,1 Your Vi! . fee tineea, emir 12 erred Ma
Fn a flerr , •n' n V•
Iu Ail:imutt•
we, unable o en,/ wlthot.l the use of a crutch, when by th"
sppllcsitiun of Prot nun Nantes Electric Oil, he wu launcihn
,Revel of pain and could walk without the PO of the crutch
leeleece be wu gaud from bumming pwrinumently Wu %botch',
I could therefore, recd :motel It to a/1 whose clue of compleint
protwee to rune
We ought gt, Ob adinfruitura with these letter of testimony, but
.lire will :tot permit, and theabove t OnVUlee all who hare
nv d.intes, and those who have none will tr! it for themrel.e.
rite unie of this 4lreat Itroneo.y ham been unirwomdented, last ',Dr
con, ,(‘ r SII.,()U0 worth w ..11, and whereter It a known.
therm it n Purrril, Itirtonorl, bought lamt
roar ,111 worth Jla en. A Park of I:Pir York $2,000 worth
ththoe, of italttrnore, over $4,000 J 1) Park, o Cincinnati.
sl,tio.) w 1 ... "AA uln , r . avg. Druckista crier the I rove.t
•IP• lat. C. tAk the Cort 6 PrI11221)1•111111.
ts.l n•Ar Vhllati..!phos, warn eo totin• worst hotselessts mirtzlet 4 ,
ti t ,. -s 111.4 err •••• 11,
log thvin 1140.4 4111.11tXto , 1111 , 1 bring crlpplirs far life, by the lino.'
a l
rt h , e ,, 4 0 t ..ed un,1 .4,.. 1 . " . K.w .' 7, ‘ t t h l ri l 7t t h r a ic nit.: ' weer overw helming, Km: the al
rnitu.itseturv.i ta•t enough to meet the pnsent dem
Tht• }.,wine 141 takor the plan from • burn In taunt) minute,.
use any wing site tot thin. Wallace
F • , , drupgilit' earn, it Immediate!♦
• ,teutlemau'• iame leg, and bears Barnes t Park, N rock,
nuolial,d the cdni of %'t m F' Keen, f:^4., of a frighUndly swollen
•nale 1.. Wood, id Wood a Philadelphia Matienim, eared of Neon'
;I, lieu it undenck, Artist, No 4 layette atrett,,
cared in one day, r ;tat lee (rm.:neer'. two children, (and ;AO others.;
• -ev.l of 'luny., fir.ail nod toatee streets—Lim wife of N rumor,
„p s 111 , t.M l , hotel, between nth and 7th sta., Rheumatism
•ured in two w.+. Jacob 144.11. Dtasnoad street Liermantown
toad, curnl malt Uo. W Ward., , Large Format:oh; Storv,
11-snot ttreet,t curwd .im The Ilayor Pitiataargh. ma y• it
.ctrl )4ke a cdirm gri:h t.un, ■nd mane Phramsans oar 11. Itrol
ram? eatton•l ontters titre been voluntanly Karen thus ment",,nt
rtt ba—inatrat, ••Ww..,tott.” Star," . t.kreelanil Exams.' rblia-
r!phla, New York and li.uton rbaptra. although Ire bare prrierrmi
of to see ouch ri , .l.4c.a.refthz on tne medicine itself, because Ire
nor that tf it hay , no me,t, like ureapan'isa, woulti j go down
...nor I, having it noti,,ft be, on 4 ita meats Thin II In iftp• war.,
, lbw -10,p t‘ , mpt t ofnU. and w • cannot •:!ord to pet for
to. those It , t ntAb ow , on. are of
.Lou •t so. Alte,t..d with ning twit would
it, it t...apt J. %I turner nr Y , ,rk
tel. 'lll , l u,• not sra.n—wrote ua one edoctual
Ll:i.e., •ir•dblur.
As t'lrre bay, 1• sprung ti t . mane Gass Imitations n( my
w. w hirl the ntsacri done cal t ctitc u, I deem It WI IT • 0 pot
t. r guard lioGratti s Eitctrtc banne/ras,
• e 4 C.•l. gne, land al•aso leaves you better than It fnund yOU
tie atini• • I rr , due. 4an etfn.t• oft,n s comple te can:. 'You
161 , Ir mute t..• ref •r , .. :hat s. ask - arid get
If • ELECTRIC fill-.
n tm. , • t. Mown to ever) bottle--tbw., Prot. DeGnth's Flectrie
The Genuine la ileAd
10k Baltimore street. Bs'tumors.,
us , z. , :rwrr k Co, sad nkber Drnejahs Wastitnzton city ,
i'llef.LL LAN , R x '4l V. 31. A SANT., A So , . S. or
-1.1. , and J../ first, Frederick, Md., wd Drugziets in ...cry In the. tllll2i.
ElttL PA
J. J. Duncan, Proprietor.
I `lll 4 F.atablithmebt lam ;List born moat thoroughly CICILLSArti
the Proprietor rrapectluil 901304 s call from his friends Rua
h., tr....oiling public reaerall), feeling amiured that be can gurr the
fint,at matiafact lon. Charges moderate.
Aug. 1, IN,M. tl2f
INTE will par this4gheet market Prue m t.haki for
;,el,OOO imit Ash, IS thick lo fret long
1K - "
12 " ";
Ifa 14 "
50.000 " Whit. Oak, 1 " 12 " "
3a rNq „ " / 1 4 " 14 " "
Sanaa feruagh from cond. 1..0 and atrantht rifted logs. Also,
'or 50,000 feet of atraicht rtfle-d and touch White lak mid liirkor,
tuts. lii, 12 and 14 fret lon,/ d.iivered ai oar yard in AO.
Fe, roh 4A "Fl DEN' k I.A'ifiii=•F.llF.
ialtA _
House and Sign Painting:
Tinm subscriber, would adopt thie method of informing their
friends and the public generally that they have commenced
toe Anonnes• of
Ilenee alga Palettes. laaalag am& Paper Ha g
"n 71t1 Atreet, betwwen Mate 1..1 h, In the ?Amp forme.
copied by /Mee Cummins, where 1./key are pnepanml to receive
and p,onvtlt eireuto all order in thei.- hoe intending to devote
their whole time to the busine•—• bumpers in which, from having
been engaged in it nanny years, they trust they exeel—the, hope to
merit and secure a liberal share of public pationags. Confident of
their ebility to Wiper( entire mattsfaction, they respectfully snlieit
Erie, March 22d,1866.—{6.
Down with Monop olies!
WHILE the comblemitions of monied powers are crushing nut
the. liberties of the prop/e, sod the wily politician is bending
this way sad that, foe the loaves and fishes, the Empires, at No. 1
and 11, are making glad the hearts of their old and new customers
w th their immoseer stock ol soy
Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, China do.,
Warn, Giber Mated Ware, Br-introit; Ware,
We invite ill, ( Dements and Whigs, Atoorlease sad Republi
can., Shan hale and Asti-ShaashYs,l to ere us • mil. We have
weeough for all, esough for mob." Surely here is the place to get
bock your money, or la other words, the Oboe to get bark your mon
eys worth. We ean sad will sell goods cheap forelimb.
Erie, Jaw b, 11001018 t KENNEDY.
Steel geltivator Teeth.
200 KETT of oft Steel Cultivator Teeth the best in ma for mile
b 1 J. C. SILLDEN.
To Wagon and Carriage Makers.
CIARRIAGIr Whorls, Boos, Spokes , lio6oe, Felton, Boot Rims
end Shafts, for mile at MaaoAetsmr s Prime, by
Erie, Aug, 14. J. C. SCLDEN.
ARNEY k XeCONICZY (encareeare to Rana Reed) hoar lb.
best assortment of Shelf Hardsnue, Cutlery, Nails and Spikes
in the city. No. 3 Reed qua. trio Nov. Oh 1656.
Weigel' Ornshigo & alluding
mon sabscribers sre now %Id to Amish on Mort mottos,
I this celebrated min —adop the see of Avery brow. All
r oom feeding e
m.eosots/ei sod rierfl t. or ordimut morose win Sad
I Nov St 11566. SENNETT, BARK & CO.
VIIIT6-1.11411-0 superior saints, In 25 . 60 sod 100
kep,ior sok at the cheap Drag Stare of
Erie, Nan* 14, 1457. CLA:
To - Illaoksinitlui.
TAE lamest and brat eseorhaest of ihneles, Awirtout, Lao S-
Forfar sad English Iron; Cast, Essitatt, Blister, sod Asmi
sodtes-cork Awl; shin, scoria" iii.. say% sisith's
tolls vs, Bolts U., callen4 to tbe peen, at
( Swolows So "Am AWL/
Nod Sod floossu
IaZEI . ;M
July 11th,1R515.
ton stuck a all In his foot and
Lumber Wanted.
Irk, Nor. " Vibe
tf ih. I 0 0
lanod, et lieetteere. Oe pr i Zos rash abwit al Ile
llsed Sam viannuz
isessoms tradwassit.
Cathartic Pills,
(Hata CO .)
owns to moos SD rrx
la r lld nin g, IL . ,•Are szer illi s r=s,
for WA. Nina«.
TaS Cal
- SsMaeie, Usk Ileadische, Foal litaasseir
rermess, r I, 111.4.
Da. J. C. ATE. 4s I WIN, Imo n mod of lho
wont bromide may botO bow by o dim or two of pm
PCs. It moo to orlon from a fool otometi, width airy demo
ot or If tiloy VII woo Woos so Owl Ito moo, Dr Dot lit
worth kasv Tow milk pot
I& W. 1111211,14, ffka7rooor Otortoto,
Mimes Dianeleirs sad Liver Camp Miens.
Dooms moor a, eU lumuu, weal/new" D. C, T reeoesis.
Doti I hart amid your 7W. to say ginuoral and bANOW pubis
We roe, Uses you made theta, and coasot boottsui to fay Mg
ono tits tout autiortic goo disopkry. ?heiraction as
do War to quick and derided, eobooquomtlyV e re as adoodyfr
hi. remedy to to of that organ. I wind, I bow.
found atm &boos zhasouao asthma' dot Ii did old
rioidlly=o than. Tautens/1y y
IiA.LLOI. Plyisitkou qr ZoillurNoo
Dysentery, Relax, and Worms.
POST Onus, itietwrb, LAT CO., Xing, Key. IA lid&
Du. ATI/ Pit : Tour Pit m the tectertion of umetkitio. They
ban dons my wife awn good than 1 con toll you. Mb. had bum
sick nod pining away fur niootho it rutoß to be declared at
pest oxpeuna. but got so better. She thee ecoatoetesid taking
your Irt.t, which so= cured Imo, by eapdisua lards quastltles
of worm* (dead) huts her body. They aft.rwards cured her tied
au two children of Woody dyeestery um* ot our aulittbnis
had It bed, nod coy wit. cured bta with tut , demo of your MK
while others arnand us paid (non 6.e to twraty dollars doctor?
Mlle, sod nut wadi tin" • ttlunti to.usicard enure4y &um
thou :,sch, s niedktue so your.. •I“. to mo reusally "cod sad
bourne, • ill tm prised hors. t. Yak Jlatatostrr
Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood.
Pro. Ser. J V M 0.,. p.a.. Adromf etnivrA, /11.0011
Dt Arta Istaf. nand ...ear eith aetroordlntry roomer
In my badly end waded 'Nan I an, calm.: to %bet in dielrvin
To rnorulate for amaze , of 4100.114 , 11 awl nerdy no. ble,al gal
are the fart best riotowrii I laio • •vrr [lv •rvi. and I ran mot
deafly rnmenun•nd tt.w 1 , . , ..r h.oda lourr, J V II ILI%
VI .pe,e. 1-erto ~ • 1 4 24 I'M
U.,. I alit U.. 1.1 w• 'in nhF rti. 111..• r. mt prmrrr,.nd
6n4 (lieu ,•• thr
ya lb. t.4.••t
WF.Arli ti ti it
Etysipela. Scrofula, Itine'a Eitl. 'Fetter.
iumom. and %nit It li••ei 111..
DL At &. Your Pals ar. W. parairtret 01 ait that le treat th
wielkina. The, balm camel an) Utile itate‘ltuto a tier.-out 4.0W1.11
tme Waal* nod (Het that 4.1 losut.l toteuteittat tot rears
iler toolbar L.. 4.13 Whig rtriptrouel., •ttirteti • .111 .•i. u e•- • u , l
01331.1.. ea tier shirr .1.41 In her hart Alter our t t est.
.h..... 'Arai your Piths, arid the ite,e urrtl ,
liosußv. en' I • too.
tuut Ln , uw At It, II I .1
itt Eh, hints
the t.. 61 • I
01..1 , Id . t....t . .. •
I tr.... 1 ) 1 . .4. I I.•
U. ti . ••• . •
bi. Wrens of
a poo, I•J • • I
For ['Tops), Phi F. d 4 oni
For tolittorent,‘ ot t 11.11 j 7111141. /11.11 It. It
Dinaer Pill.
lAN SUplall . ."l/1 1 1. I . lollth .1%. 1,11 . 1111111:1(1011,
u.J•••••11 1•0,1 11,1 1.11 /Id
%I lel r L i • •• 1 II •.•
at 'Leo, • 1 ,, I
Jane eth, 111643
.1. .lii k ; r
(O( ifil4. COLLO.. WO% it.t..% I I S I I.t EN
%. BRONILHITIN. V. I ))))) PIN(. ( 11l 1.11.
t Hot P. %%TO % IN( IPIIS\ I
gw ii•voi, s
May 19t6, 1866
-ben off hie crutch..
(~.r I K Baitil , lll, S t artdbr & it, t - • • , ,
11,11101.% J A. White. Gllrsrd, W. Et I prvagra
JOHN ARsour, Hatt*,
. .
Mr°ll6.o C - J'r,r.
II 11 wrty o:T, ,i 1 , 4 r ~.
3 Ii ...l p-mr rri, w .1 ri.) rf ~.
to.tru,— , , t..-• -,,,, f Arc ‘,l ,t. ..-
1:14.•% e' Irrer m.
Y It , irr .. - 4,1 1. I r -c, I S •
on IR"
Rheumatism, Neur lI vt. anti (.nut
If •, •
Psi • !I •
or tn• •
Ae naw.l not speak tu the ul I'• ' .1
every town and almort, ban t
An wonderful fares ni pilmonare •,
ready ►warp Nay, few are the fen.l., • ,1, and f •,‘
try this cootioeut Without cwt . -. toll et f • re•of 1.1
effects awl fewer yet the Offtwfounlttee 411. • tow.. I he"
11.4 anionE them some bring " • , 't ••, vitt ,
Ile and dancernns dtseases ..• `
I,pne• \i 1111 e II t
the rwerful antuime set knoa• , : I' ~ .n o t
140 and .ianeerows •4 the p. • -
the pleoloanteen and oftf•••f retn..l. •
phi. and bonne f.ereou• •t•. 14,
aeunat the I n•ldione enemy floff •P l• 6
N. hare •hundant en-titole op•
more 11• - ••• by life conefittf ,• ••
Lure. Kee" it be Poo itha crof t 1.1 ..)• 1.1 I• II •
We, hot nemploet item Ontll I • • ..111011 •\ 111., • U•f
exorable tanker thtt f.•tene , • -
Ad know the dre.ll%. fefla IIY • f • • o I a. t
know L.., the virtu. of fists re it e • 5•. f o re than :1 dill made I•.' t
oost. 0... are no Ito •,t •'
thus aiit,rd tif who on It t, • ..;
eon furnish their rare
Prac nd Analytical Chemist, Lowel:. Maio
1 7 - z
( 7
, 'l,
t „r.. 1.•%?,,•
• I 00• C
1F ID. ,Ti
• V T , ,R M is r
av RD, l•
iG.• J it 1' • T -
r L N 1 'lO4, I - oCA. er 1.•
~Lrha R1,.1 \I I 1.r9
mercta. Cotu r u'att , t
For 'LI - , 170—'1
Rn..k K•el In: .1 I.
tt ca. I'• n ~
Ir%t, I
l'ennokn•nl, 111' . I
For Vart , lan •• • •v:
(f 0,0 nermtl , ci to ulitr: rioc.' ft •• t• - •tr t•
.trarif (11../.la-r, Ath .t. .hMn I ( •0 14.1 I
ewer and rt. s• ~np 0 • ( .1111111.11 100.1
sad 1 , a.o ra• • ~t• t.. . k
THE 11001{ tiEEL'INg. I)E4'‘ItT‘IENT
llecao eta eta wnd Ten her.. •n.t
nr I ,ml,a• rel. n.'rz. In •t,
o r a4ttutttr t.r irnpat - t, z r , t 1 a •,ays 1. ,
The c0n1 , 1•1n•,.u2 of ir.. r,: u Aul •,‘• ersrtmen
is e sure guarwrftee that tflt• luatrourionn a.'
the hliheet order
Ar• 4e ect , ,l wit IA tar ,7,ttl•••• ••• •,. 1,1 • • 1 •••• ••••• •r...• •
an to rocomel
Tlig CI11,11.1(:OTE 1 (II
terellntut s l. Book. nt ••••••' • r
C•iftemi.lasis Book*, h t •• trr 4f
101.n¢ , %rraTizy. I f a < • „ ,• „.
',ope•rizht Ycu r'
Nattufacturee• Rook.:
6.akia• Bo•k..1•2 „,
Printing .1
th• t,rititart o.e. of • ht..
Hotel 13 , Ntakis i :7 in the o . • .
Alvan' Buss 111041/1114 D in LIP
Kell ktand Beek.s. a cnm;..ete
right seeue.
TO Tk:
T. h• .4 ' .1 • • '
the, *canon,. L•r , ers t. • •
THE ITE 1)1 , 1200
The 14..otrui are lar4o. tir% .fl.l •' • f ~ . t • I I • • 1
lently arranged far pun...ling peer ,se ekronl V, • Prt
Is entirely serserete Iron the G.•ntlr.nnn el um; v "tt4.l t. , 0
Wt. ftklly.
iL rolald‘ the eitpusive huatneaa ar ion. r.tlr , r, ''ro,
man) ot ti, :students on innaluatzog I t In•, • 1$ •1 .
CT For further inftienvithin atatl trtr tar tat 1 ' t
,att t publutheit, which eat be prnrept If , rlr,,ron.!
Atidrima BItI'\YTS 141` It
Erie, Jan 3, 1e37 —l7 ll
r Ifik DAV, any nnantiti ,of lf
f ~ ; 11, i ,,, . , f Ityl, Itet , ii. ••••,f`
Shelled klmenda, nice N.,. I 14....k,r. : stn '.% Lt.. 4 10., '...h
na, and many ether things in the ti Et d 'LE V I IN}. e. I ~
will he 001,1 chap as the
Also, fame TEA on hand that Wl/1 beat any Ottne in 'hi. t, , ,i n.
h earten net ettented- 1 , ,d,. tld -.7
German Vegetable Cattle Powders !
FOB HO ss, cowr4, tat) not:ft!
itSuperior article flOr napr.rtue tb^ attrerrratttr• •'I t I 41.:i! • ,tf
your animals. This not be touno, otte .d ti , tee 1.,. • ,
mixtures that merely earell on animal fora •hnet tune. pr. '
'saber an inject than a berteltt ; but by Imre., trtr the et te ate
sad promotirug durt+t‘no of the food, a 'tea't e t•ett t ton
of the bino4., from witteh the and mn•t let fttrr tt rI. I
directions in both 14ertnan and ,Intrtmh. with a Itet • f nenreol
cured, aeoompany each packaiv. erhtte
April 19. 49 AKT t tilt
TilE RE..TORKIt Ite Ntre.
Allen- For male st No. 5. Iteed Hot,r h•
New Arrangement
SEW Creme*Ty ar•ankrem.nt at Nn 1, I h..p.fl , r ie F - 1.• T` , . gnA
scriber lacing purcbaard Ow 'air, •k... L. .din. .ilk of t h,. ;sir
Aria of Sterrett k Brother 104 1041441 14. tllO.lll A N • , lar.:;.• and corn
pieta atniiii of ?mob, P.M 11..N1A, iiattrni I.tinnrir that !n• rim ...I-
D .% w i t h lift y er , i n th e e ttr, rhine nr mtAkt in, k rm /4'. .r ht, lino
Nash lias been aaidabnot cheap m:r...-erik ... m.kkt ss tth...nt 1”...,,, 4 k
will nnly may crime and exandin• nor 1..:.• •tnr k ..f t .........,,,, . ~„, I
&Risk 1 OM 000Vi110. roe that No. J, i 1,, It, , i ,r, io th• /.18, '• . :1 I
rods and 10 ',Preen , Inn, prim". than at any 00;m, tr,kr.ri
la the city. All goods deltv,,l fry. of chafe- • itl..• like
city Wefts. JOHN 4.. t. .7.TY.ItIti ""T
1611•6 ilia. 10. lig.
_. - -
_ _.
- To m Sporto en.
DiAvicir t SiiiioON LE N, omeorogbors to IZatto Root,/
han We day 111019966 • ID* lot o(9 to 16'4. powder FilLaillt,
ter, (airy alkyl) Ely's water peed asps sad Ellll Ind.. 1 1111
lOW, St MI6 a, And *woo. Nov. 13, NINI _
IWllinnal 111,e - irat G4,.4 Ili a s t aar ldad Coll at
liembold's Genuine Pct.
Highly Concentrated Corol,onad
F. Magas. Ma Mt& arr. A .4.4eg0,
060/ Mart s teas. Stirrt f ensile I Imo,
us. of Ike %eras( 1)r, M.
A`,`.,~ :: ~~
%NI: NO :raft or ritiw
4;t , ,Cll/
ht. .111164
ti. Iw
,•• ' 411 ,, UP{ oob ,"•.
a tur rrf .•
k:). •••!i• '• •
amt. 4114 Law a . .rill 4 a
11•1•••614.. 01 II
I ky, t• • VI.I , • •
su . 1.0 • •
1/11 . .s 1/4. ~o-r11.11a1., ,, 'rut • H.llll. 41 ran.
to • 1.0.. r.
71..••• •, 4: •11....6.1 t. 1•1.
Tar, I I ..•
riptir f tt. —6a Or., ..1 •Lielt Use pats-at r N• •
that t:10/... ..,.••• sow* •ro r fr.turat., f
mi.: I ..n•vmptk..a • ,
A. tto 11/VAnktlol, fia litho
•.• • , t, of • Iwo.. Buertfon., ,
mukal. *.1,L.1u/11•4 a yprara T:.. - „
sod qu.ts dssto a use t r .
.1d a ' , MD.) sr It, • ••,* or,r,
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