Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, June 06, 1857, Image 2

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lENJ. F. Pt LOAN, irdlt.r
SLOA N & %ICH:ME. Publishers sod Proprietors
FOR 00VIRN013,
• LltOlllllG
lioassombling of the State Delsoorstio Con.
volition of 1867
lo surmise* of • reeolokka adopted be the Democratic State
VotainMee of Pennayl cut* the Delegates to the State Convention
et March 2d, 1567 are reqoasted to sesetable at the Capitol. et
Yarrtsbarg oa Tu;oday, the 9th day of June, 1667, at 10 o clock
A. Y., for the purpose of nomtnenityt Candidate* to complete the
State Ticket, sad transacting all other Imolai* pertaining to the
ortirtn•l authority of the Cooesotion
CRARLF.3 R St cIKAIXW. cbUncuma
J Scrcaursoi,
News of the Week.
—Th. Pitubw g Journal, which used tube very whigish ,
was then intensely American, and is now warmly in love
with Black Republicanism, commoots epos the result of
the'recent election in Virginia In this cies "The Virginia
election has molted as everybody supposed it would, all
one way. The Democrats carried every Congressional
District, and an immense taisuority of the State Legislature.
Reign Richmond, the old Whig stronghold, has fallen into
OW 1111111.111 of the Demon/say, with all the spoils. The
American party of Vtrginla is not only vanquished but
d'ustrganised. Is Use late contest they doomed their
principles and attempted to revive the forgotten issues of
the past. They thought to rekindle the old Whig Ares of
leantry springing spun the D•12100111ta one of the popular
Whig doctrines of that day—the dlsui don of the pro.
owls. of the public lands. This was he gni, question
agitated, but it possomed no vitality. t proval to be only
the ghost of a dead Issue, and a very harmless ghost at
that, 'neither terrifying the opposition nor 'rousing the
slumbering elements of Whluery "
—The wagon road to California by the South Paso will
be oesartioneed forthwith. The preparations for the ex
peditlon to survey and establish the mod has been eoin•
pitted, and the St. Louis Reps/giro. rays the outfit will be
dispatched to the l'pper Missouri without delay. This ex.
piedition will number :it wagons, 1 carts and I :traveling
forge, and there will be 100 laboring men attached to it
It Is binder the immediate direction of Mr. W M. H.
Magri*, who has been selected by the Government for this
purposes' The expedition will leave Independence as soon
after its arrival then) as the condition' of the grass will
Justify. There is no alternative but to wait for it, as corn
and provender cannot be had, except at enormous rases.—
The Government, of course, has provided the expedition
with ail the arms anti ammunition necessary fur the pro
tection of the company against hostile Indians. The bead
of the expedition is confident of his being able to make
his way through to California, and to he on his ratans
daring the present year
—A Mr. Ferris, who has published a work on the Mut
mons, tad who ..nceresideal is Utah 'n an official capacity,
writes tp the N. r nese that the population of I. tan
has been greatly overrated. He says that. "in the early
part of 1553, it was roundly estimated at from .o,ouo to
30,000; tint at the fall conference of that year, as appears
from a regular 11100111 taken by themselves, it did not quite
sums up to le,Ouu fify facts, I think, are ',purely relia
ble, the most important being o , taed from the Mormon
agency at St. Louis. From this and other sources, it
appearvel',lbat the immigration ..f 15A was ..nly about
9,500• diet 2..U0 was the sum total reverted as chipped
from i.iterpoul for lasa, and that 3,1 0 00 only were the
panthers intended to be iota over the plains the same year.
Withetbeeidata, and tacking s fair allowance for loss and
gain, by desertion and nature.; t.ereaae, I computed the
population of 185- , at 28,..00,"
—The Buffalo i!..eisereiiii says that a baggage-man at
the Central Dip°. the other day while handling a trunk in
the usual: o .a a-hang manner of that useful elms of elitism',
throw It down with such force as to explode a pistol with-
Ina The pistoi exploded a canister of Nwer, the powder
•tploded the trans', and the trunk exploded the baggsie
man, tumbling him neck over heeis: shillerved him right
at that. If such so accident could happen semi-o•oauon•
ally, Is wotid be a glorious thatg. It Mirk( kill a few
baggage-ainashert, but community could i-ndurs that loss
to ootaiderstion of the gentler handling which their lug.
gage would receive
—The boiler et the steamer Lokerman, of Kingston, C'
W. blew up last week with a feaxful explosion, as she was
bucking out from the wharf, Her entire crew consisting
twentyxw, persons are either killed or dangerously
wounded—three only, Capt. Meßroome, POtlt McLaughlin
and one name unknown, escaping uninjured. Ten Lodies
were supposed to be still ix thorns*. ,She had no passengers
02 board. The dispatch says 1k was impossible to learn
dm names of tb• lost on amount of the excitement. The
Lake/mac was owned by Hugh Melutooth, of Kingston.
—Prod Scott, about whom coosiderabla noise hoe been
made of late, is a slave no more—haring been emancipat
ed, with historife and two daughters, by Taylor Blow, Hsu.
his legal owner. Thlb news—in which re stncerely re:
hardly be welcome to tome of our Black Re.
publican Meads, who had calculated upon using poor old
Deed In the rooting campaign, with line political effect, as
a "martyr" to what they lagnbriously term "the dred-ful
aggrarsions of the slave-power." But Dred Is at liberty
and the occapation of o:smock sympatby•makert is gone
for the time.
—On the night of the 27th, at Middletown, a lumber-
MAI named Pinney was robbed of 83,000 by some one
wise entered the wiadows of his room at a hotel, and the
we night two man entered and robbed the shoe store of
Renames A Baumbaek, of tee hundred dollars worth of
goods. At an early hoer next.murning, the robbers, while
walking on the Railroad treeknear Righspire, on stepping
out of the way of one train, were both instantly killed by
another which followed it.
—The sost of a good w►eat crop becomes every day
man aaatm*ag. The editor of the Chitiago Paw bad
a Mug conversation, a day or two sine*, with Mr. Hmerson,
ese of the proprietors of a burp ettabliablaitut for the
saanatastare of reopen. He mated that their arum are
sending them to highly enoolusging reports from all
/marten, leaving no doubt in his mind that a masiderably
larger crop will be harvested in 1857 than ever before.
—A lonely death was that of James Keensan, an old
book/dor in Brooklyn, who "Bred all alone by himeolf."—
&sae time sines, be was taken sick, bet those being no
one tkith Ists be lay helpless and kaally diet Bet no
body knew of his death, sad his remains were not dis
eserevell anal last Monday, when the stench from his body
Meshed preen by to the house. What %fearful warning
to " did bachelors."
—William S. Hall, of Washington, tb• 17th
Mod a yeas( WWI =nod Bullock, of Vales,
Misawart, by stabbing him to the hurt. The two gentle
aeen both keen paying addressee to the same lady, Lod
As murder woo oomaltteti is her promo,. she eadearor•
lag to prevent the coasummation of the deed by holding
We arm. The mardwor was emoted.
a --Superstition still lives in sous of its most absurd
forum A man in Ohio loosed • house, whieh ►. left after
~spying it a few weeks. The owner sued for the rent,
tad the ease ease oa in the amity court, the plea of the
dolomite ►Nag that the bootee was haunted. The defendant
wen his fir" the jury deeming the evident* salleisat to
show that the house was infested by ghosts.
—lt is stated that orders bays been issued from the War
Departsseat for media( to Utak the floseed raciness of
dreams, tie Fifth sad Testis mimosas of iatatitry, mad
Copt. PhOPe battery a( light artillery, numbering in all
assist dilN lass sada?, the eanuaaad of Gas Baraiy. This
is said t. be 4)&7 the beginalag of the movement
—The fast that "Bev." Artisan's*. Brow. Blackwell's
palpit has bees masted sad her tinsels 'Woad, has boon
already saawaneed. The masa sow tarns up in the
advert ef "a little lambkin } ' wise roquiree all bar satiation .
sad for whim the is I. rolinealab hoc 'look"
hemostat\ sad forever. Bee lasltaad daserrse pablie
—A peps pablisbed at Olywda, Washiness Territory,
bar ea woof of a treemarkes light lostasea s yang
flooteleass mused Steamed sad a swam, la whisk tiro
Sostobsoa Mated the pother to death is Mara slams.
Diseased had a deg vita his, bat it did lot hiss the
"editor" all With. worst vas rer—like the follow ia Goegb.,
Mar story, kis orspoilars were all right.
a Canaan, et "Wane is givin camas is Naomi
/mi. Nuts; the season it Harsfara so Wsdassolay 'iglu,
5 *ST was rob*, et kit, • Isintbst et lb, i•gisistere of
Mt posits( boat soraiiislad SIN, soother patisma 4tet.,,
she sad moor of kis sista wee* Olt
—Cosatoriat aro oust pions on la eiroaalin, nand
.4, ao &at, to min id& ilio gosalso la bop quastlino;
thin 1W man &wan Anew a a amid &an t but
bass of pater, like al dim bad of Ms, ban • mar,
ea oaa • *um mad list oat 4ny 1W Ripple..
The Pttt.burg f moo* has a very happy wry ~1 macro
a practical app/cation of earrent events Thus, i., it.
Tuesday's Issue. it seitts spun-the ••rusade wli-h all per
ties unite in breaching against the Mormon• at `alt Lore,
and apples the settee of that gander t. the g. ore Black Ft ,
public:Autism which hatches out Terietattre Federal tL
errs in Ohio in Use', endeavors to carry out that
of the Constitution relative to ft.guire• from vervire and
labor. It thinks, and so do we, that if Federal auth , •nty
is invoked to sustain the Constitution arid law. an Utah,
backed by Federal bayonets, Federal authority oh all be
made *pally powerfn! .n ODIO T'lt. prunnon II the
federal compact, it says, relating to tugui. re .s
'so plain that a child can understand it The out)
lest hut been acknowledged by repeated adjudications to
be vested within the legitimate powers of Longrees. A
combination to prevent the arrest of a tugitive •lave by
JUNE I, 1567
his proper owner is an offence ag i.nst that t. sure in :ne
constitution wbfili demands 'Ant he shai'l en Li. --
The person. taking part in fuel, a cotnb,bai• r nt s•
amenable to •he penaltiee pres , ribed es
they would be if they were to engage in . siniiirglioe
counterfeiting the coin of the L oiled State, Aid set
hate been lately •Eurtled en instant,e in the mate of in
of the people of Clark County rising to ma-. to resist 1.. c
U. S. Marshal in the execution .4-irtiTUwiul authority,
of • Judge of the CoutitljatsKtuting hi. office to aid thvir
treasonable purposed give it the .olor icgal 110C
thun. The M al th pursuance of hi. ditty lied arrvied
several trens wit . had obstructed him and given armed
re tone, to him while elides., oring to arrest, us eulDLLlall
dad by his writ, a fugitive trout labor The people attack
ed him, demanded the liberation of his captlies,•na aided
by a habeas corpus from a County Judge, homily rescued
the prisoners and lodged the Marshal and his party in jail.
The acts of Brigham Young to deflatice .f the Federal
authority are trifling compared with this gigantic outrage
of treasonable fanaticism. If troops must be transported
several thousand attics over a barren termary, atib error
mous *aping* to vindicate the rights of the government
on the banks of the Salt Lake; we think that there Is .uf
orient dignity and power in the United States to a
revolt much nearer home, perpetrated by as • n who.c ex
ample. must lead to unbridled treason if permitted to gas
unpunished. It is but a short time store the loyal Ruck
Eyes talked loudly of marching into Pennsylvania to gut ll
the celebrated Erie Railroad riots. They then thought it
New York and Ohio curpurations could out be all o wed a
right of way obtained by traud across our terri.ory
that rotted :totes troops should he .sfled o,
their aid. It i. welt enough to remind our oeight,..r. of
the furious denunnetions which they t heu launcheS ae , .ii-i
Pennsylvania traitor.. It way do well to ‘.1.,1 to .it :
memory the &twee which they heaped upon our z.:ate aLd
as cititens one and all, and to suggest that their turn t a
come to b. ohjecte of loathing and reproach lk
that some of the •engeanoe which they were
Emir out upon rehelli , ,u, Erie. 1,111 Le r6nwe•red
own bead
that t3.ll.FLElaltlia on for •tiF..lect f Legr,e•
lau tressormble, MIA lo.rt n 111111 . more
111 000.11110 ufl rs ruedr
It evident that tive ilardner, of •achu,c,u, .•
man of nerve and dieviion We have n .
hlin as a p.l.nelan, i• of that 'l• en
American Republican—hul see one nita
booasty. to tome poirtlcuiari .ea-t. , t•
hli , puLt 0
to remove Jalgr Linog , ,harge , l hr to Bis , k ' HepJu
can" Leglillture with the I,tet, ,rktisr. or d•on;
lOVIIVe enze sere•ei Jowl
the "law and order • tri,n wh• deetu.t a tutu
their prtn , .iplef and tdovernor 'ewaru to steal n,d{er• an 1
excite m.,1” read the .aw, of ,be !sn.l--gth arre•• •he
anchor :Ad agouti of .i , orarnalrat ,n 4 tro; wh .1 z'
lawfu! .rd EL 4 d
at..l I
judicikry vt our ••ountry :r,cn 6.,1, r
daily kg/multi upon toe `lip( Me I ,urt tl 0 I
States •fioW 11J. o.,[loplet,iy the !4 , 311 , .1/ are st,• !• -r •
arelly —now they eronld rend .runde• the oat,,• re d e 1...
meats of the Conevtoti .n. and throw 41
of chaos aa.l confusion 11.. ace it Is. that when .ee
man of (foe. Csardener's aate.:ed au Flit •Uperior to ,
and exprae his arm to .try the NU ...bier! of Lig partaansore
are fr,e 'u acknowledge the serrl , e he a•. dot.. t`t, ~U C•
try. .0f the same character, too , I i •tu of the
iiiGtti! Ail t, by •F- 1411- K i n r. u h. •
tare of Massactua*,;t• . hat /.I.ID
-Ired thousand do.lar• , J 1 the rey •,•,. • ••
pope cf keeps* op agmatlon KansA,---hut to-
or interposed bi• sew, and the .mE, u p, I r ,
tbil again he himself super .r :h.• is 5u n.
which surrvund him, and t.t , b • refusal rev In
date of a weak and wicked Legi•latore. e 1 b m•
national man, uncontrolled by toe pet'y
poiltiema, who noW 4,e0:1 to silFsy •hc ni-•
Biy lttl.• An anckant city M 4• ta•l.1r•!
ton true anl rgb teott met) could b. (AIL vr•lL,n .••
elocts. W. hew., from ouch ugnl I. th,.•
yet Lr Ms@mettuAert.--cerusinly
IllttiatlUtt to the vAl•ertaemecz Pr,l U J 11 ;,'s Fiur
Reetoratare whi , h appear. ID ID.. , JIDELLe priett:
From our lung eivicraehee e,iti rt.prw. Awl
with numerous iodivrival4 wL Lave uled L.a prepare. ,
with perfect success for the last two, mare, •,
tatipri to recummenthng the smile a• sui era • AT y ‘,l
the preparatiolis Duw ID fi,r the Pline purv—e, i :
restoring gray hair to its ungltail color, a sure at d per'eet
ours for haldne.s. and a n.var falling r toe
tailing of the hair
It is decidedly the best Sad un,st popular u•e Lr
beautifying, preeerviug, restoring and strengthening the
bait, relieving diseases of the skin. and removing 'curt(,
dandruff, and all eruptions and feverish heat from the
We speak in relation to the above frow what We elso*,
havtng been personally acquainted with numerous pers,..ns
who have used the restorative for the above purposes with
the most gratifying results.
It is not often we notice a patent medicine Indeed, we
think we hate never puffed one before but Prot. Wooh's
Hair Restorative i. something Co superior to most f the
preparations of the day, that we cannot forbear asking, the
attention of our readers to it..—Catkoh. V. mdtefit,r.
Sold in Erie by all Druggists.
THE MAINE LINE.—The Lancaster boa, Tim..
states that certatn parties in that vicinity intend to cunteet
the conititutionality of the Act for the sate of the Main
Line of the Public Works, and are about applying to th•
Supreme Court for an injunction to prevent further pr...
esmdinp under it until its legality Phill he determined by
the highest Court in the-Commonwealth. In addition to
this it is stated that the Hon. Henry D. Foster, of West
moreland, and Hoo. Charles k. Buckalew, ccic k ih ni
eounty, have been engaged as counsel in fares of the to
junction. The editor of the Ss., of as North h■• been
told, by Mr. Bockalew, the grounds upon which the ap
plication will he urged, and stater, as has opinion, that
they will prove strung and conclusive. Messrs. Buckalew
and Foster have the ability to present their ease in all its
force to the Supreme Court. and the public will await the
decision of the matter with tnziety and interest.
REFRESHING.—tbe N. Y. Heraid, as every body
knows, was one of the main spokes in the wheel of Black
Esplabliesnism last year. ft supported Fremont with a
will--shrieked for "bleeding Kansas" equal to the T., h u u,
—sod, in all things appertaning to the Democratic party,
acted the part of the moat enthusiastic defamer. A change,
however, came over the spirit of its dreaio, until now it
give' the following refreshing 'ketch of hiack r.publican
ism, as known and preetised in the Empire state
" On. praise is certainly due to the republican. of tine
Etats. They are, without question, the most corrupt set
of politicians we ever had. We have had • goof many
oorrapt parties and party leaden In this State; Wit a party
so !tidy to saerifiee every consideration of public wslt•ro
and abstract justice to private gain as these republicans
we never had before, and we do must earnestly bone we
shall never have again."
la. Curtis, the celebrated linter .in sight , says that
the wearing of •ails permanently weaken many acurally
good oyes, oa IMMO' of the endisarors of the eye t , adjust
itself to the eeaselea vibratious of that too common aria_
isle of dr•as. We ogre* with Curtis and would advise la
dbas—cospewially those with prwtty fares, to dispense with
••W most that Gov Pollock will cot resign or die;
but if he should, we how of oo one In Western Penneyl
coals that we would rather sins occupying the roosted
*bait, %boa Hos. D. A. FIXIIY. Will oar readers be par.
timbal' to notice when our quotation from the Otwwwer
ends? We mistrust that an Oewr•wr proof read*, stolid
have seared the •'nor from oar wish. and perhaps even
removed the that follows.—Coustimesou.
No, sir eh, "Oeeereer proof reader would" do ?10 web
Wag. We have DO desire that Goy. Pollock ilkould imi
tat• Jades co the ead—of a rope'
—Biota*lrs Reporter Kato* that the late Legislature in.
eeteaamll A* &skier molts' of the State about eight •ed
kaif utilises of dollars'
—The ism Method Let sikarch to Lock Haven, Pa . •u
dodlitoOd last Ihusday. The debt us the othlic• was $3` , 00
shish was all raised ua that day.
—.A. firtieltaeas, lamed Jobe adieus, roeidiag la
plamedsogis, Pa., wee drowsed at Bate Harbor on tie
tvt, haegieg IrsiO , • • m
uor .ascanct ..f Cas !ef l•
—We would .81ai k•Ur
.fin..•,,,a h-r• 'lath av t,wl It. WI attficte.., A WEAK
•-• • ;„J....,- 7he .Vrosruh— A Our, f,,, Nee
...tun .1' - tt bury
We , / - Hot*. 4611.../1 dev.
i.r lb- *ho , r pair N,, bare hal ~trral:y
a' a • ', l; 'out upo% a- at uric*,
:t . 4t..:n01 I,; Tie ~.•roce of .prlng weather
tt• • • • .1• , tuauuractur , rs alight
t w . et the whole-
w , wr,r
that are let , with
. •r. tkausl. pJue .n style eistoot be
a , ; , a1,1! •t a ov•ritio.
„.t prviePribliv ••••quliintrd with the
are i'lltls , 11••• et 1 v1 . 2•1,•.i a trade
-1 ” • I ttl of the
vAtioiltik 01 cloth
(V r w
I • tlUt 't. ILINQ platr
I • Jr .1 04, • LIM t.orq lit • Ilitry LVVILIy. Osper.:lll4 he
r„ ••• beerlVt, bat beet .at vev j.o r /radii!' ially
,114, ti .••t few yertr 1,1 the 11.1Cre.strig d. and fur
re, 1, 11...1.1.• L. NC* tit.ol.l'• 1)11)0 11•'•
4u., II .1. , In the r .14 elper.eL, wboll now defies
It .01 1.•••1 AL) k • . {l4.ll'knl ta.q. that,
1.-I , 1' ,•,• r 11. 1.• ei , ; 1L.r1,0 were 4,,pped
fr ,r• ‘'.;etneu , run 4 0 110tielei 01 trade.
W .•: ,••n sn I . , ne Eor.p. Eur sends
U. Ln K • . I,r, 4 .f e n •/..W We are
, i h, .1, Ow •41rn- kt.r..• n nrgt suit. Tex ly
g c •
thrrriy•-■i. rv, h time ■
high• rile• In 1 3 t • I er 41' Ainert
can 'i...,.• I. • 01p..r. ,r to .I.Dything
Rh •h tn• Fr-u,h prv.itter Th• Stew York
er• .N , I , l' nu•uade th• 11 ,, uirrlrli are •a.d to rest the
tqt h "lAt f .1 • t • Lr %v.., mere
• , ,er of oldustry 'oll.ll' D. Lr ii.d ~1.. a io
p p I,li oti to • lari, All "Ai , • It: 1040111
1k it t, .Iw/, tho tiew tint!. grhtch sasits
rao • ,o dui, tree lbe ••I% !attn., whioh our ladies
han 1., • t 5.,,-n AI baud luotha. uftett to
the• •1 Part. god I.yurte, byathe Inuit filthy
°I d4,:te• %tic LIU •a"1 required to mittogtos
lb ..41, • / t.. 11 • S Llg ul Cafe 111.. l elael
I.e It -I , ,'t • I rieru... d ~r.iero.l her., with the
I It lt et fI •I ..ra pro.
, 't . I, a 1 i
1,, In•
c 4, • • 7 •!. , ip if tt- Nary 1 . ••..1 There
• • 4 r - Le Niagara would
it A war • .•6112•1% and that she
e e )1 • a tr.: sailing OLKIZIPt Ju Igrng hy
%. n.' 0 , 111/lend flew. r•rn
• '1 tlt 4 Aar:et Ittv with new
e f•!,1 plitrwt • a•
+ 'earn tQwer Is m e tc.n why
to 01'6 iuzurlee There ,a
nn, pl.f LEIU , U heal% ay
•' 111 . 11 y, lOW •Ut`b t,u"h:tjr eltli to
q. -t, rsl. 01- I. lumso "inwitrd," they
otn• • .11,D
y a gr.!: :ea b y ags,e, L. been
r y)u thy there bas •etas' y been -s-
I I p /1.1 . 41 We Wf 114 Dot Irrororear,.l
r A t 4-nl, end the tpknt w,•:1 Qf
—+•d i r 10 , e qtl.• t
/0 , .• al Th 4 price 4 two 44111, y tne.
44 , , a.. 1, 4/ t tl way,
:Att..r toff,. Letter. ai
..t.Arrtyn •.t Any entionniin wh•• ',nee en
ft/ • ../C" 71 IPr t7-ntent. per m.l4lres*, 1101
ret.r7, - , p.te4 A nut, 11114 •e:t. ,•112.9 day/ ago, by
•n erlea •1- et sunumr, to toe poet Sfeoan , lur, wbu ace
^y t r•:
11W, • 1 L. LI 111 ' ".1 rt. V III 0 ,•• and very to 1/9 • erent rhyme at
e. Alexauder 1,4r1 Maas-
.111. a)
Lie .1.11 , 0C 4 r, th , 101 1, Loll. V C P.: , t r,wiDg
• t,g 1 p ,• n I.) /,• can
u tie. l _4l "\
p II
I • I •o' LA, t An•lat , r , . .r rue I tlrru
1.1 , 0 •hr,Lt,;llll:z tv side u r
b • t, ur • ar, al he L. 44 vulaie LII-
I ith. pr With i•yery th,ng likra to
q 1, , rime , t h,s p ,sta; 1 , 1/stns.+ with ,orta,rity,
11C , L1' ty 1 . .., 01Pr,,y
.nystery" A a tnysti•ry ionor, and
he . •ri•-•ri•o•i t.i.i mur are in a fair way .•1 being
de•coic t Cho pr ,, ves t., be that of a rather disre
putabl• Catnarin• kahhell, born in New
and I to I...its to a Vren , h negro, resi
der t n L Drell. Ms... named Thomar'ltrown. Brown has
lireo tee , ' t.t S.,..oura.h, and ha* identified the body, be
sides pr , ,lucing a da,ruerreJtype of his missing wife, which
rew a hles the .1.r05t...1. She has !kernel times absented :porn b •r liu•'•and. and visited this city, where she
be• Ls, , 1 woo etiarteterf, and pursued a vicious
life Brown appears to be afraid that these chant-tars will
seek his life, on account of hie disclosures. The Corner 1/
busy in veitigatioug this new revelation, but u very chum
mouthed lie says be is determined to keep everything
conuectel with th- -a•e a profound secret, until the ends
of lustl sod therefore will hereafter exclude
rep .rtorri fro n the iry rlotn—et least until he deems it
safe to liaise the priseeedings public. There is now no
diubt t..•• woman was morlered to prevent her blab.
bine upon those wb ,, were leagued with her la crime.
The trial •,! the I .eamen of the brig tieueral Pierce,
fur the to /flier .f Charles tirtiVer, the cook of that vessel,
n•• 11,0 -.. 5• F. b. 10tk, Loot pace on Friday in
th- ; tt.tetet Circuit Court. It will_ he remembered the men tr•el at the ..otriliftucettielit of last
we,•k t •r the , u raptilla 1.11011,n of tb• Balll• chip,
whe o the Jury *Ler e,,ti•ulttng for several hours. returned
a te- .nau,ianghter in the first degree. Ou Friday
the Jo , t rAt hours t deliberat e. but late at night
found the pri• mer s , zn;th yet ley ant the rest
guilt , / of , nanoitu.r. tier to the first degree.
When ome J.wn to Pee your city cousins, you
must a ,t forget t, lay ie a 1101:0•Whit larger stock of pock
et m ,n r tor there i, an efbrt making, 54 you will ob
serve, antqh4 the principal hotel proprietors to bring about
& general e.onlonsttori, as to raise the price of boarding
t o Is p • diy •ri nieetgort have been held on the
s e hr..t nu: a. a number u( /9 Astro still stand aloof from
t he movement. the .ohery have not bad the eourage to
came to aby deeLatoa. They will, however, by and bye,
mark the prektietinn•
Poe new re ,ts g , lowea with a nigh at the rate of one
far two 014 e.,pp-ro, at which prtee the newsboys retail
theta ino^a.vluliv. To' awkward representation of the
national bird ibi, otherwise admirable coin, is a matter
of general ent,7l,ta, A custom house wag, however, says
it is all rtgat. oti:y the obi eagle on a new eonir. Appropos
of the , o-e, a benighted Italian who came over
this were hts hurdy-gurdy. in the course of his trav
els by ulgb , set down in deserted Wall Street, and offered
a gratu.tous serenade to the daylight %planers of Uncle
Bea. lnoPt have mistaken the edifies for the lordly
dwelling ofa "merchant prince," or perhaps , the stasis,
was a Voluntary offering to the Goddess of Liberty, sae
posed to have s m, hacneve connection with the Casten,
House. At env rate he Jl.l not reccee ewe s a new cent
for big pions ERIK. •
exp,. In *peeking of the tliffereat genatlituaea ethane
name. win be bruugat before the Cuoyeatioa at Minis
burg next week, in ctinuitotion with the Judicial aoasiaa.
twos. the P , tteturK C. ~s pays the foliowing deserved
tribute to the character sod qualilicatioso of the csadidato
inset eted by kite Ceuoty
Jodge Thompson, t Erie, one of the moot promintist
of the candidates named, is a gentleman of unbounded
popularity, I , 4,rhed ILNOI)01:11 arid agrelbble social quail
tie!, united with sound ;epi acciairomoata, large eaperionee
and gnat oe ttral ,tren4tb of Intellect. Ho evanesced
tug powir•! car•-ere :ipraker of the BOOM of &proton
tati yes-- we I 111.1,.inte , 1 Judge of the District Coati orranis
aid for the couu ties of Role. Crawford. Wanws arid Yeses's.
He held that oboe for Ire years daring the 'eateries of
the Court, and was afterward elected to Compose for three
womossive tams."
1 oau,, Ju.,. 2, 111117
-, 114•• -NI. - the Is I
14' hoc''• pr,
f rrT
T' • •1 , .119'onal 411.1% ha{: Na le
Till- .• W 11, I ti 4 1.10,T
A [Orr] 11.4., A: .Letr rt% %Is e“ulki
Ch c Frci.'h weaver wont
r Make
I. irtrt ,Ur
olv are
1,1 , 1 rt . 4, 11 Wh)
• , • ~, Pl.' Fire P,ltatp
•.! Prn
\ i:.
t, I • I
wh •ti • .rbr.
r•• ter ..t. , if her pr w
F.•: an.l t.r/ day., 'ha was
UPVIV ft r■ hog
I•)e-vnu•1 rt. I.t It t,,r.peal
fl •r , Jf • w•r
j.. j al h ra•har a fa !ore The
but II •loCt Link
.;~ b..
11,1,1 t, est/lert L' li3l
--1 e • art ter ‘tr u.•r•
ti. ,, hir.od, Nor; •i.d
awo•rr,eo, %:Jerne.. and
IS ' .t. tt.o
Tiavy La• a a re{ii,ar .ptrtt
el. ere lakly own,ulted in
e ,n' 41.% •C'r•,agir.+ The
.1141 , ,,ed I ,cDpt
Pen and Scissor Items.
MI6 Re• Mr. Bisekbo,rn wasisatalled u Pas
tor ~f the Park Presbyterian Church of tills city,
~L . Thursday evening lut.
fig, James B Clay, son of Henry Clay, is
the Democratic candidate for Congress in the
Ashland district Ky.
mg. The Meadville Spirit of the Age is now
ig.odd semi-weekly. It wool pay—io our
Id• The Yenango Spectator, always a good
paper, bu been considPrably enlarged, and
brought out in a new and attractive dress.
Ito. Don't forget to call at the eheap Cash
Store of Booth & Stewart before purchuing
A chap it New York has patented a
machine to learn babies to walk—another eri•
di nee of the astoLiehing 'progress of the age.
Sir The been are continually swarming
• tu, , og the flowery assortment of dross goods
.el li ng cheap at Booth & Bteyrt's
Ifi` Hon Samuel W. Black, who has lately
1. en appointed to a Judgeship in Nebraska, has
!,•ft Pittsburgh for his new residenoe, taking with
bun his wife and children.
ger The gubernatorial oandidatew in Tonnes,
we have taken the "Stump," and have desiguat•
ed over fifty places where they purpose making
speeches between this and the third of August.
Or' Booth & Stewart have received another
stock of Goode purchased at the late forced
two vales which they can sell 20 per oent less
that) importer's prices.
ueL, The Demogratie Convention, to nominate
cand:dates for Judges of the Supreme Court,
mi.t.ti at Harrisburg next Tuesday. If we meet
with no accident, we shall be there, and will tell
our readers next week all about it.
war Now is the time_ to buy cheap at Booth &
St.'wart's for they are determined to dispose of
there large Stock of goods without the assistance
i•f the comet
an. The rage for elopement has become so
on - mg in the West, that an Irishavin in the
p,o r house at Detroit, has ran away with one of
tne pauper girls in the same establishment The
officer, did not make any pursuit.
Ns? The publisher has presented the Westfield
R.puLlican with a*'work entitled, " Bow to Be
hove " We don't know of any person that needs
a work of that kind more than the Editor of that
war The Gettysburg Compiler comes out great
enlarpd and improved It was 'always a good
paper. and ii now reuch better. Our best wishes
g with It, industrious, talented, and good look ,
in g Editor
Psi— A large supply of Mantillas kept constan
tly op hand at Booth k Stewart's which are spot
thc ,, ,rn together in the slop sloops - of eastern cities
but are made - by the best autumn makers in this
city •
..One of our exchanges asserts that there
are eight thousand eight hundred and twenty
girls employed- in the faetwies at Lowell.—
Great Jerusalem ! What a phies, for Hokin'
limes and swinging on a gate '
INS. There is • antra beyond wbhoh forbeerasee (ewes
to us) ceases to be i virtne.—iraehestows Dsweeerva.
It is very evident that from the above,the Demo
rraL man contemplates pitching into himself.
We hnpe he will have a good time, and come out
with clean hands
ma.. A man named Theodore Maris Gins
either fell or threw himself before an engine on
the N. Y Central Railroad on Tuesday morn_
ing, at Rochester The supposition is that he
chore that means of committing suicide. The
wheel of the engine passed over his head, crush•
ing it to atoms.
Oil The Gazette gays " a boy aged about 1.-
years was found beastly drunk at the Canal
Bridge on Fourth Street, on Saturday. The
person who gave him liquor should be severely
punished, if known " Re could'ut be punished,
if be was'nt known, could he '.
The Democracy of -New Haven have
routed the fusionists, horse, foot and dragoon.
They elected the Mayor and city officers by five
hundred majority The City Council is a tie.—
Here is another Kansas shriek to which we desire
to call the attention of the Gazette
us. There is a movement on foot in the City
Council of Cincinnati to abandon the present
system of markets, and leave the business of
furnishing provisions for the population to rep.
late itself under the operation of the natural
laws of demand and supply. A sensible move—
and one that could be adopted with profit to oon
sumers here.
Va. The other morning we met one of oar •illage eler
gymee, with plow and t 0... going oat to cattiest* that
"one more sore."—Painerille
This is &most gratifying sign of improvement.
Last year he most likely went out to eraltivate
Kansas, and the result was a failure. This year
be will cultivate the earth, and a bountiful har
vest will be the result.
wis„„ We made a visit the other day to a new
'easel built at Buffalo by Mesa's Bidwell &
Banta during the past winter for our enterpris
ing townsmao, G. J. Morton. She is one of the
finest vessels oo the Lake-112 feet long, 26
feet beam, and 94 feet in the hole. She is called
the " Mary Morton," and is commanded by
Capt. A. finntsburger.
MIL. The Buckeye Democrat, of Conneaut, 0.
the birth of which to the newspaper world we
recorded some three months linos, has sued
gi to be, to do, and to suffer." It has " shuffled
off this mortal coil," and become a saint in that
heaven of newspapera--oblivionl It deserved a
better fate, and its Editor better leek—but, under
the oireamstanoes, any other result than failure
was barely to be expected. There is bat one
party in Ashtabula, and t hat is u)oehea'• profit.
/Er The American State Convention, which
met at Lancaster on Wednesday, nominated
lai-ac HAnzmuturr, Esq., of Philadelphia, for
Governor, and Jacob Broom's, and Jasper E.
&edgy, Bags., for Judges of the Supreme Court.
This is a straight out American ticket, without
a particle of the taint of Republicanism about it.
In point of talent, it is equal to thy Republican;
in honesty, far ahead of it, and in some parte of
the State will beat it out of sight.
iir In soother cellists the reader will led
the details of another of those disgrasefal riots
thisli v lime the rine of Kaow Nothiagies, hate
- t
Weans so (request is oar ciao. The worst
feature is this stair is that it took plies at par
aatiowisl capitol, sad that several innocent pan
ties lost their lives.
olli. The Heiress of Greenhorn is the title of
a new work by Mrs. Ana 8. Stephens, poblithed
by Edward Stephens, New York. The world•
wide fame of Mrs. Stephens is alone sulicient to
recommend this book to the coolidease of the
public. Her former works were received with
entiosiams, and we have no doubt this will be
equally susessefol. J. J. Urns, at the Park
Row Book Store, his it for sale.
" Adam Graeme, of Mossgray," is the
attractive title of a new novel issued from the
press of Garret, Dick & Fitagearid, New York,
by Mug OLrPwsirr, the author of several po
pular works of like character. We have reed it
with a good deal of pleasure, and agree with the
orifice of the metropolitan press, that it is the
best effort of its distinguished author. For sale
by J J Lints, at the Park Row Book Store
sa.. A magician being entreated by a rash
young friend to raise the proceeded u
He arew the mystic circle's boned,
With skull and cross bones fenced arc and
He muted full many a sigil there ,
He muttered many a baekward prayer,
That souneed like a oars*—
" He tames"' he cried, with wild grimace
" The fellnt of Apollyon's race '"
Then in his startled pupil's face,
He dashed as larrry P vase
Served him right—he ought to have bought
his goods of BARR & BROTIFILIR, Hughes' Bloek,
sod then his purse would not have been empty.
Reason—they sell so cheap ! •
1W The Newburg mystery, which our New
York correspondent thought was unraveled
when he wrote his letter, appears to be more of
mystery than ever The body of the murdered
girl was recognized a few days since u that of a
noted woman of the town from Boston, named
Kate Ashbell. Kate had an occasional husband
in a negro barber at Lowell, who described the
body accurately, and there seemed to be but little
doubt as to the indentity. But as Sarah Bloom
turned up to deny the suppostitious death, at the
first Coroner's inquest, so does Kate Ashbell
prove to be still in the land of the living—more's
the pity, if all accounts of that interesting lady
are true
mg. We are indebted to T. H Stuart, De
puty Collector, for the following statement of
the business of this port for the month of 31ay:
18547 Tons Coal Shipped for other lake ports.
8909 M Bundles Shooks,
1069 M feet Lumber,
541 M Staves,
91 Vessels Cleared
81 " Arrived.
. The new cent gets a great many hard
rube from the press All agree that it is a great
improvement on the old, but the vote of the
press is equally unaminous that the design and
execution is bad. One even goes so far uto
denounce the material of which the new coin is
made, basing its objection upon the assertion that
one of them has as clear a ring, when thrown
upon a counter, as an apple dumpling would gire
forth wbeu suddenly and violently striking a
kitchen floor, or as could be elicited from a pig
of lead by ringing it upon a bed of soft mud.
Nit' Among the new appointments by the
President, we notice that of Wst THOMPSON,
Esq , of New York, as Consul to Southampton,
England We record this mark of Executive
favor with sinters pleasure. Mr. T. is a gentle-
man of education and refinement, and will bring
to the discharge of his duties a fund of informs.
tion gathered by his long and fawiliarinteroourse
with the public men of the country. Mr. T.
has also traveled very extensively in Europe—is
perfectly familiar with the manners, customs and
peculiarities of her Majesty's loyal subjects—
and hence will enter upon the discharge of his
new duties unembarrassed We hope Mr Bu
amen will be as fortunate in all his foreign
J The Buffalo Commercial is a very mono•
cent paper, very ! In giving the details of the
ilagraceful Know Nothing riot in Washington
on Monday, it says, with all the innocence of a
genuine son, of " Sam," that " as usual in such
cues" the Know Nothings are blamed : In
nocent man ! A band of Know Nothing des•
perukes, known as " Plug Uglies," went from
Baltimore to Washington for the purpose of coo•
trollingthe election,and a riot was the eonsequence,
audit was not quelled until Federal troops were
called out, and life sacrificed—the innocent with
the guilty—and yet this ianwent crgan of Know
Nothingism attempts to throw a doubt upon the
fact that this disgrsoefal affair is the result of
Know Nothing intolerance. Innocent Commer
, Gov. Walker in Kansas
From the Buffalo Commercial
The Chicago Tribune has a sketchy and inter
esting letter from Lawrence, giving an account
of Gen. Walker's arrival in Kansas. Though
tinctured with the party prejudices of the writer,
it probably states facts substantially as they
occurred. The boat on which Gov. Walker em
barked at Jefferson City, was crowded with a
large number of passengers, and the day was
spent in a pleasant interchange of sentiment.—
In the evening's sort of political meeting was
held in the cabin. After the election of Gen.
Page, of Ohio, as chairman, Senator Wilson, of
Massachusetts, was introduced, and made a speech
on the wants and condition of Kansas, and the
duty of those who bold the reins of government.
He was followed by Mr. E. 0. Perrin, who ac
companies Gov. Walker. We quote from the
let ter :
Mr. Perrin talked rather fairly. He said that
the people of Kansas must regulate. their own
affairs, and that the constitution that is soon to
be adopted by a pro slavery convention, moat be
endorsed by a majority of the real voters of the
Territory, or it must be repudiated by Congress.
He further dwelt at WIN length upon popular
sovereignty, and sunouneed that the principles of
the organic set most be faithfully cried out, and
President Buchanan mod Secretary Walker's
pledges redeemed.
Afttr Mr. Perrin had concluded, there was a
little sparring between Senator Wilson and Mr.
Berns, of Kentucky, in relation to some express
ions the former bed used in his speech. The
Senator explained and the Kentuckian acksowl.
edged himself satisfied. A committee was then
appointed to wait upon Gov. Walker and invite
him to make a speech. And the Governor re%
plied that be was engaged in the preparation of
his inaugural Wraps. So after a little farther
conversation the meeting adjourned. Nut day
a gentleman who is designated as Col. N., took
oseesicia to have a regular set to with Governor
Walker. We quote *pia from the letter:
Gov W —The instruction I have received
from the government, as well as my own con
victions, mark out a direct line of policy far me
Col. N.—Well, sir, I only hope that policy
will prove beneficial to the best interests of Kan.
Gov. W.—The proceedings of the ocostitti ,
tional convention (mark this,) will be sustained
at all basards and will be recognised by the Ter
ritorial and Federal Government'
Col. N —Will not the constitution's be sub
mitted to the people for their endorsmtent or re:
palliation before being sent to Washingebn?
Gov. W.—Yee sir, it will, and every man in
the Territory shall have the privilege of voting.
f 3,
But if the Free State ty decline voting upon
this question, why, t must submit to the
consequences, as let th do what they may, after
such a vote is taken, 'ongress will adopt the
Col. N —Well, I think, air, the Free State
men will vote to a man, if they are allowed the
privilege unresisted, They only desire a fair
chance at the ballwebox.
Gov. W —tbope tbey may, for I am desirous
of restoring peace to Kansas.
Thus ended the conversation, and the boat
ploughed her way along right gallantly until she
arrived at Quindaro.
Here waa "Gov "Robinson, and q uit e a num
ber of Free State men 'An introduction took
place, and the two Governors shook each other ,
digits quite cordially
This was really a scene, especially as both
Ebbinson and Walker rec.! gnized each other's
title of "Governor."
A crowd having collected about the boat,Uov
Walker made a short speech
He said that he was going to 4o justice to all
parties, and administer his government impar
tially—that no constitution for 115.susaa should
ever be presented to Congress, if he could help
it, without having been first submitted to the
people, and that the object of hismission to Kan
gas was to secure to the people of Terr .,, ry
those rights and privileges that were gusra uteed
to theta by the Federal Constitution and ti , r
genic act. •
A spirited discussion ensued, Senator WI . rin
got off, the bell rang, the darkies raised the qntig.
boom went the cannon, flap went the flap, and
off shot the boat.
This morning opened with bright sun, a
clear sky and a delp_qous atmc)spher,
About eigh o'cl,ek the S..w Lucy came in
sight of Leavenworth, and as it wai known that
the Governor was on board, a large crowd col.
lected upon the levee
The steamer was gaily decked, and rode tuc
water like a thing of lif)) A s S ion w . d 4
safely moored, the crowd iner , a.e.l in .I , n,ty
Gov Walker appeared. and crithustt.•; •
individual propo.ed a "three tin)). thr,)). '
Among the persons wh ) eag ray pr , f ,r ,
ward to meet Governor Walker in Kansa., w
General Lane:
The General pressed forward and met Walkor
who jumped eagerly half way, grabl),-,1
(oral's hand and shook it a, earn. , ...tly a, ,1 he
wanted to borrow money
The grip was returned and winks exchanged.
Guess both gents are Masons
Gov. Walker then said, in a clear, emphatic
and distinct tone:—"Gen Lane, you cannot
tell how happy I am to meet you upon th.
soil of Kansas "
The General thanked the Governor and the
Governor thanked the General, and both sh...k
hands and winked main as they qeperat,d
I had laugh in my sle , •re at the a -ingular
meeting and greeting, 113.1 I am trr.feciy
fled that Shakapear was right she. h. make ,
Hamlet tell 11.rati , that
it/an ate ,re•M.a.l In • /• 102:
it CArtalrlly never o.'eurro.l t 4) m^ t i.l'
er and Laura• ve .u . I ITInPi In I ;.• • 1
I have said that Lane and Walker pared,
I omitted to say that previous to parting Lane
introduced many citizens of Leavenworth. and
finally, in their behalf, requested the Gov •trif-r t . .
deliver an address to the people, which h , n
Petted to do at 3 o'clock this afternoon
Gov Walker's room crowd. ri with ,r
-ootitinnally, and all L-avenw“th •urn,-4i
to greet him. Ile sp-ait, a word ur tw • t
visitor, who is forced immediate'y t.l tall tuck
to make room for others
WE Dave often fo in , ,,,te-1 at t •,,c • ,• •
with whir h nqm.r.t. • • • •
pro *.rrices rf \ t,•:'. • -,••• •
Mtge or tho• Err ant t•
follow int an- tiz 0: he`• • , r "
nrt, bt • , •••• , 1 • .1..••,,
fu- • 1....1 r. 1.•
dr 9 , • -
I =1
•• nOler •
of‘not•O I.....charro••••••m th• . l • • ..R ,, tt from 1 , , 1 ' t at ,••••.•— • •,I•m.
—ltot•r. II Ihr ..k. • ,r• b . . •
U. • •••• .1.• 1, •
• f •r rr,.•
far r+ -.A
toc-ress. • www,i n
IQIirRE 4D DR. H ‘ILDII %NO% Juno tippototment.
P, -s- r 19,000 PVTIENT. CTREI) t•Oil %LI 1
U...., ,s, , •f ••rl.-In , • .. , : - 10 l'••••p•••••: ,• I.
11 t "111 Jl. • m,,.! p‘•• —• l•i .• . , •••-•11.- I • - -•-.
emboi.! • , ;.•nuln.• P.N.; •, ,ti .t lt,
garGre,. Red •r Ra•ir -
hesu , ifa' •nel Nk• re, ei
Miter , to Mae- -re -ken, h, AAI A '
A Rricn r Loa *.a, 1519, *nJ .0. 4, 41) nr:
=We to the Hal, of him tat-on• of hi. lam 3.
color act to be dtottngutshecl from nature, and le w•IIIiA,TID no•
to trll.lre In th.. Irut, bou errr long II En, , w , nntnntl-•:.
Mule an I • )r spotted lin nine prate •oodia at the WI.;
Fact...ry 2.13 Broadway. New York
8oI•1 In all eines ud towns of the United States, by Drngts'‘ and
Fan., Dealer.
rn• Creeuine has the mute and address upon a steel plate
entering on four sides of each tMs
WILL? Of 1 R4Trlir'7
All ntbers are counterfeit —Anil 1 , 1 Art it Ps
3erraro ni an IIIIT•l•r0 , r , , cat,h• ~.• • 11%1• f ,
of I_ tles, . and hnet• Isr • 1 ;1, • •
01 deatersetto sell it sr, nos t, .•11
y be pubhatteu
GOOD MEW% t)lt. I%l' P.% 11111,
.ears r‘iwri.licr, a ab, , •f t tee P. ca. t oropart3on an
rivaitt Iledical Treat tee, e.tvtanues . twrvt,.f••
consulted on all forma of pnTate dueue , .t . ,` 14 K .
chanr Place, Rochester, Y
See sdvertimment on next pare
We commend to tn. atteril lrinit;• re •
tones, ranch appear to Fr attea, ,r•
at th. prevent time in VAr101.1• ; , 111 . , at •.,
troduced la ths. place--...•11ud. oCl,rtc- • ••• • • Pne
der sad Female Restorattre." Judirtnc .ni the ',cue-. tl•••
accompany the, cc cannot t.ut p I al m ,
than ordinary merit. and calculated to ',lord c•11.1zr•-iit
number of women 11U10,111: UP le ,Ilp.aln , • !IWO
Stier., and whi, h the ,rdinar) means crnrrviii. • t.i •••••
S.* .dverttnnent +od I•qt.rn In rt tail m t
&mother column
P.titENTA VOt It ('ii I I..DREV:--, , f
all the 111 *ln 6 ar- •• •• •Fuer ,
Dope Sr. a , fatal to them a• iVillf.)4.• 4.11 no 1•1.1. t, tne
Symptoms or many otter dowse..., thanre olten rhtr :et rr Ith then
when but lIIVe su•pe,t.•l Mottle-. wt •!, t .111. , tsrttf•l
Itteeic W 4,11101, to cher •re • rertA.ll. nab ant .un. t. -
toe cure of earns Tber t/sre Iron It rYllLall It un pr• e••.;4 ntr'l ut
the annals of ntettrine sod 11 , 41)1 h. ,, (111,1•1,01
Pbeaecaana nod moat reaparto , l ranbelaes A tt.rh. Want an 1
beware 01l amitateausaa Ilte.ra are man, rale“ to , e.v.• It L•
prepared wale be Clark k liablwtD , EN., I's .*ww l o t lat ..t eta 1.. r
wiro Importaot to Roamleo—Dr. l'llteemesen•Ps Pill..
The combinations of ingredients ii. throw. Pill., i• th. ',-
suit of a long and extensive practice.. the, mild in their ope
ration, and certain of restoring nature to It. prole, .han net In
*very Instance bare the Pi proved suet...fol. The twr•rma
bly open those obstructions to whieh feouleri are liable, not
astute lota It. propet Channel, .hereby health I. restored, and I/ e
pale and death lr countenancle chancel to • healthy nn. ! , 4 fcma
caneney good health tinier she is regular, and ehrovver an
'traction take. place, abeaer from exposure., sold , or any
awes, the general health immediately tealris to decline and tile
want of mocha remedy has been toe clause of a., mans consumption.
moan young female.. Headache, pain in the side, palpitation el
the boort, loathing of food, and dtsturtred sleep, do m os t al. %y• an..
be.. the initer.aptdon of nature : and whenever that is the
Ms Mania, Intarlabl:r mmody these evils. Nor are thee Ines
sNiniou• in the care of Leatcerrham, commonly celled tho White.
These Polls should never le taken during pregnancy, as the. ...W.:
be ton to am* a miscarriage. Warrant.. 1 purely ...getable, and
Mrs from anything Injurious to life or health. P.M and .xpltAit
dinetliOillactrompany each not. For sop be Ateeart • Sio r im
This. rilia are pot up is square flat broom P, reons
warn More are no agency established, by enclosing One Nillar in
a letter, prepaid. to Dr. C L CIPLUSIICX, Nro Itieecker s•reet
Neer 'Toed City, mie have them sent to their reepectlee by
Warn of mail. 1.14
Artytight B. Y. Jura I, by Rs. 0. L. Critton , BR
J•YU BARCLAY, of Albion, Pa., to NM LUCY B. WILCOX oC
tie forms plow
rox the subscriber oa Um 214 of /Coy istot, • dart red tow,
vs.yaw years. at medians stir, with mow white ~ n
aim, Ire the tort ad Use tail tat , arosad the bat, 'stroll
head said nook. with slim well turned bona. and Inappoo.-1 14 hare
a young Calf at lrer Ids. Any person orivisaribt
isrossti4o of her
whoosapolito, or tettusing bar. will be suita bl y r•rnordr , 4l.
p•aasoLs sod iricuaLLAS at
NIEI7CR s• bombe fl• en, that ap, ~.r„
.. • sktury Pr•mr.iflibi•
to be ca11...1 • 10, , •1111/11, , .1 blink, with •
614 tn.! a. thnusand with zeteerai t„.,, „ '
luesteel lu Vse city grie, Y.
Jan. It. 4-stm tt
eti iUnses.. 3 lisersaborg. tea, the "One.a al an
GIOST2. - 111) - lICTION OF Paicy
Ia Straw, Silk and Crape
$7,000 N'corth r,. 1,. Sold relyardlm r.ot I
LAti. for RI sebum; tad Pr... N g Itott.o.t.
to 1.5 a piece
11 A a HI. kkr., or ROO p.rtntaatiat.
and I'maaloa D.partm..nt, .111 span au pal.
wltti dtapatch
Come nu. COME all ' Blake defies einnwatw e ,
the ptiblie that this It A. mabut neither „
tato roe. OpEratibe, as weirs.. and fidew to-acse., • p ,
SEW who are west la all thieve twit slander ,
haws him He ehallences all Creditor*, gait, _
H. rr.,ult farther Ey. that twos/ter in, 11,d •
at the lowest pose:Pie priers
th e pia,. BLAU.. •
Ent*. Jan. O, I9l' No a Kee • I •
4 44 3 Ct411.:1' , 4 PE N 3.4 V LT iNIA REP,
1, Wh‘rt•.••
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PU1 ., 1 , ..11
.•ra irorr.44 •,,
J , ltto 0 ., 14.4
Paper Htuagiagspeddreier *
, 1 4 .•
••• •t 4,4 pattnrrr,
J l4 7At T g74: e :: , r 7
Cart Loads of School BOj hr
OF i•••• 'lOl. n 4 .r 6.1.•1.1 • •
14tzt- - . tot . • ,tt't• ..t „
Photograph & Ambrotypi
• ,
Picrt UKs t,,
te". ; t • I Lai , . 1, .17i, 4,1 tint
11... or%
nit ni• E• • ,
I • ; tUt
1,7 id
Erie & Michigan Telegrapt s
inou LE • ..h.(11., F 4,15.40142
r tk.)lilNlNt.
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1 1.
kork4l-• J •
Ha .`..+ 14 4. I
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List of Letters.
.)e kle, .t En
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etalic Paint
Iw' -
W" • '
100,000 lb% WOOL
H , ~.
I) 1 , I itt I
1.114 14--
I 1 II'? .1•INI
Philadelphia Garden See
W isPzs
At ERlr., on Thursday. • 1
H.. 1 11. -T1 1 1.11.
Till. 1,‘1.1 (
t i'''
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A yr 0,
The " Old Furnace" stlii on the •
11M i E 4.14
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,n /04.1 ••I 'Aata • •.( r
AX rr • bs., -
th, /I\l
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both (..r W,... su,
The Cana.
Tbc %Drums 1•1•••••
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