e Infamy of Mormonism. It Like correspondent of the New York • whose representations bear the rothfuluess, in the course of his last tes the following, as examples of the 4 1:4) .10 In Utah: Young, the nut over bright son of ri.turoed last fall from a mit • A. the son of the Prophet, be g.arei• ca ressed aod almoet worshipped hy • al•road, And has returned masted t , t ruost to bursting He left a young ,;1 h i m *ben be went, whom he has ne4',ceted sive hi* return, except to , eke lup 10 his father's seraglio. Ile iht TIP P.'S, n • • \ an , ! .lepmrtatino SAS 8. 4 • A • r anana, iskta, rnitrudo and .. r i , n r.• v. h loWntlelle 11/1111 Uri r.:, r., “nr• • z yerlrocr, tad trust tt,.t n,,. t•• •I 4. • i mr..l in .rruttug all orders 0. - 11 ‘ll , l ..11.. wt. •lat.l mertt the taLtr..p.e. 01 per- - - SCHOOL BOOKS, Park Row Book Store. , VEIL Is ' cork for Wholooalo and WW Tradie, of over) , t.,9.1, ^••• 1., • awl for 4.0 t he.aper than ever, by Mat 2,1,/: J J LIN'N. pa% tND OR i MEM? I L.—Taught by WM J 111,1i1:1 \ o.er I.osl ling it Huwtoa'■ Store ob Fr.neb etr.•rt =I SOXETHINO OF lIIIPORTAIiCETO ENEMY BODY! rpm,. fart that SIB aVall)Ni BROTHRIVO are lolling the follootoo article. aka Mods lea. Moo Ile lamed, fort CASH; to ou • o tta rat • viol article of bit. GAR..., go to SIVA:V/0 4 N BROTHERS. If you want a nice &girl. of SYRI*Pn, co to .SllOl ‘.YON BROTHERS If you want prin... Rio ef irk El.:, goi t o SH4 V. 110 2 ,1 BROTHERS. If you Ilke htch Ilaromtl Jars Coffey, go to A N A VY .401.1 BROTHERS If iou rehab nrh Rocha t OtrO°, to 114 ,V NO." BROTHERS. If you icauoi ha.. nice cloar 1 orlon Cogre, go to a HANNON BROTHERS. If you tonld or TEAS that are pure, go to sH.I.V.YON BROTHERS You that hare termght theor%TEAS bet., e, .111ro to SHAY:VON BROTHERS. You that Ita‘.. not bought th• re TI. o.+, otll no to o sfi,c.V.Vo.ll BROMERS, ion that a tnt pnme Mt TARP go to 1-1.1 V YON BROTHERS. Yon that watt owe FETTER and nf'll F., go to s 11.4.‘,50.Y BROTHERS. Von That want \.. I Nt TM IrOA, CIS SAXON. Ar., go to 1114.1'.‘0.V BROTHERS. You that want B T flatilutt's pur. .ALERATUS k CREAM TART 4R, go to s HA ,V2110.‘ BROTHELS. • .nt met Pale sad t ommna SOAPS, go k, 4.N.10.Y BROI7LERS. Yttu that . ant aloe PICELEi In Glam. Joss, Ito to siILY,YON BROTHERS. t it Von th.t ht. pure OLIVE OIL, go to SH.4NWO Nye that hi, nice WHITE FISH it TROUT, [^ to SHAINNON BROTHERS. Yr ILO want SMALL tS, (for the bobrajgin to .a Ha PISOIf BROTHERS. %%prll t Olt rant MOP'S k ?Witt. B BRUSHES. So to SHANNON BROTHERS. wh, • to want CRUMB BRUSHES, DUSTERS, Ile..gri to b.f./LIMON BRO T HERS, When )titt want nice JrTE an gEAWEE.:O ItAri , or RUGS, gotta 5h`4,7110.‘ BROTHERS Tlo m i.t cowl artiela of ROPE, CORDAGE, he... at SHA,T2VO27 BROTHERS. There it a ,otel artacle of TWINE k WICKS, 111 SHANNON BROTHERS. Th„.. TOY WHEELBARROWS for ery., at fillet /MC THER S. There t. a fine lot of BIRD CAW:, and Bird Saadi, at SHANNON BROTHERS. It au want t.tNFCCTIONLRY, go to SHANNON BROTHERS. If r.. 0 .n ALMOND-I. VII.BEItTs, ORANGES, LEMONS, Pitt Vt-, 1 , 1404, N R and AEEDLE.tei ItAl. , Pia go to SHAMMOiiiOTMERS. If rota want a no* •rticle of FARINA. TAPIOCA and efTßoy, vi toSHS/f4 , 05 alturszas. . _ . If nu emit npertn. Adamantine, ntar..l.4if Me Talknr ESN. I i t.. s MANSON BROTHERS. ir arhel. of MAIL IC EMS, go to SHANNON BROTNICI3. :1 t 1 , n1,•r 1 !tn flCri fu lb POIIIOI2. go to 3MIX/Ifo., BROTH:SRL , .ur t; .1-11Termwl in any pool of the City bey thorn, at SR/N. 4 10.Y BROTHERS. a if tot wan' • to «t I'EARl.ST.OU'll.orroftlil STARCH. H. tto to SPLANNON BROTILICI3. If . ant IV W 111..: ,tuirw Wan.• ro to if/Srit42.7 BROM/AS. II Init nic 11 klUz, 1 1 111 ED PFIrl. or I.ARD,gio to SHANNON MOTHERS • • r- "It THE v nI WILLA, on If 1.. n „„. 1.1. t ni 11...1, )at Or 111111 , Mal .:0 Sri 11N NOX BROTHERS, .1 thP .11 3 .” •. 1.14 P rosir l'ASHlstyour Mod, go IL .•,1 twn4 guarsotrod (*erne oto aoA )f .1, 004:11r A. liLt A , 1.111.1:L.—No 1 k N. 114•Iom, lo quarter harrolo owl In oad ro.tAII. ot HAWKOWA. r )4 . 1 \1 - arta,6 a, hoeinmost: Arhtte fLoitt•• for axle 1 1 ot coo., . Rkfrfra /MIN— in., Foot Lo • ~ 1 T.a4upt Itoe,i•Kd Juur, 14. /SM. KINDEELNECLIT k JLIFTICE. 1i.t41.0N% l'or« Lard OA for wk. tstreftp At Ow Dn ig 2 1 (X) Sloop of t LAJ k BALDWIN. Eric '4Arcrit 14. 13144:ni StlllYtin;dlit Odic; i6weit of 13 Nov W. BARK k MEL SPRING AND BUNKER STYLES OP S. Z. SMITH I. „ 11,wiring [Are iuld vt4l %sleeted Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! June App ointments. 1) It I) M A N. Other Diseaute Treated I=l AT NO 7 BONNELL BLOCK. STATE ST., /Of P.., l ir 14 I \•/) blly GTocERIES, r.l I n,.:* Johhtng Truf. In IL.. • ! • u••, • . Iti , •nd .. t, • th.n •o worm nurtrt• , rin I sown %0 1) k 11 \1 WM SLA,\l_,-. NO. 1 A 2 BROWN'S HOTZL. Aa larrome Meek of Issimeabb mid reddiftbk, Arriving Daily at tig RIKILATOR. DO YOr KNOW That ail the Kew Styles of SILLS, Chose Mips dere, Potent& and Breen& gripes, Soy Tan, La/trine Do Argent, Pang De Sole, Oro De Amer, Overshot wank Starr sail Crown, of any other idyls of any known mains ate ow exhibition in nob pro fusion, and are setting. notwithstanding the reported ed e s eeee to Saha, cheaper than ego it On GOLDEN ELY HITE. DRESS , GOODS, Oren...hues, Timorous,. Crepe De Spert..Fat . . , , Z Loatrl eot ae An tique. DurmAe. flamers, I resell 0 tine the lAIMA. Remember they ere gskog,cheat at the BE HIVE. WHO WANTS TEI BUIPIT OF OUR AUCTION PURCHASES, At half the anal orlon meth( to the aumeaaA tight Mabee, ..Ither East," .hem we have ben gamy' the "AlmightY Dollars" to g 0... mthantaire, for the benefit of oaf earthman and the adraneeme. of the BEE 111% at old Priem. We will ~11 Ticka, Stripe*. Cheek, Shirtinga, Sheet lags, in, at old prime aretwitheann4Lny the high price of notion t'onie in sad we how they work in the EU HIV K. m 4. • —rod 14 , v.. 11 , 44.44. In n 4,1 44,444.444 in• nur stork and L,uu.d from DRAY k Ft.RRAR E_f(►~l4g , :t•lp~iM:1:a - • a •.. 00- . N . CI4, . • •- • • GOODS DRY WHATEVER IS WORN IN THE WAY OF ' The Gotxls Bu m p t of ridnitLrull lik« • ; DO STILS WE FOUND A MAN! Who wanted Money a great deal more than he did CARPETS, 1)11. currits, ATTINGI, - itt - GS, he., and hate • loot lane of •11 TA. beet heike•--wa eau 'ahoy to • denlolll.l.ration that they are cheaper than at say oilier house to Hite city, at the BEE HIVE r.k..).7.4*a-ipsuoi With the rheum sad be shown the advantage a man with "Money in His Purse., - possums over your Long Tim• Yellows. W. ian show evidences of what :wady money has done in purchasing sad will further iliustrate the system in *piling. hoods Imply shown when we get • chance, but our hired* buy so quick, we don t get time In do anything but tit up their packages sad take their Matey. Erie, April 25, I. TIBBILS, HAYES k fIiI,ANGES LEMOSIPII, fur We by the boo or doses, et If droll 24. J JOHNSTON k DRIPS. T &ECM TED sad far eels, s general amortment ~r Wood and WHlo• Ware, comprising Tub., Pule, Market tleekrta, Ac , dc., at J. JOHNSTON k HIM'S - REMOVAL. Altuttin's Jewelry Establishment. THE subscriber ...uld raspertfuily inform Lu patrons and the public generally, that he has removed h. JEWELRY, le., to his New room In the large and elegant Brick Bloet recently erect ed on the 'meth aide of the Dtsronn.l. Intendin; with the recovery of hi• health, to deviate his whole attentlon to the butane's, and to • no efforts to give raUefactlon, be solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage with which he has heretofore heen favored Erie, April 26, 11167 T. 1.1 _ _ Alit, tifiTrilfooslNlP N. SMITH, No. 4 1 14wpseate. A rwnivka g the largrat stock of 1400119 in his Ilse ever oilseed j ,n Ene Purchased for Cash at lowed rates, thee will be Wholesale or Retail, oormordeelingly low. Call and are the good. no ehargeo for showing rar file Honda taken in exchange for good.. April 2., Ha': co IT BIG AND LITTLE MIALI!IXMINS 41..XV'IZ1 CIVIEh-Zrnalt • BOOTS AND SHOES! ALL SORT: TtiEy dt..ay that they have on bawl, the larteat • 0 .1 Ite.t assortment of (Bente k :4twee) at J ti HARR k ( .1 ). Brovrn'• Block that trut ever brought auto the City of lirle. Igne, Apnl IN. 14.56. - PAPER iIANGINGB, _ NEW STYLES POU SPRING OP ISO?. H•, I\ G lost received • large lot of Paper H•ngingoi, I would in, to the attention of my old customers to sortie new land Ter, desirable styles of oly uwo hopewlation fleredfrerwi Framer. I.r sal; ae low pner• by J l SELDE N. Erie, April 111, 1457. PLOWS! PLOWS! ELLOIWORTUI+, J. LONG ARD'S, WOLVERINE RI RYNOLWA SELF-POI IMPENE And *ll,r ratterna both Mitt and Left Nand, WAILWITED PRILFECT or 00 nip 1.1•• Us a tall before porchaato4 rlarwilere 91,11 19,1k5;. BAHR A en Plow that Beats the World! ATE ha,. an hand, twanufbrturPtl to thP 'rut at , le and und.r our own auperrnoon, both Right and Irft Hand ELL S WuR 711 PLOWS, twitovp.l to be the Flow now befor.• thP pub , all and Pannune it ,F.NAF:77, HAM:, a I 'ENGRAVING. IUE subscriber ta prep....al to es. cute all kinds of UK INi G and iiN t% I. 11) upuu the Lil reaeotsellir terms. igli assn .if butidtngs. S 7 uhn.n • lan decal.., bee Nap. r h.ana , Le . seals, •tatlipf, die*, let ten I,rures,rirasie •tr steel um«, it redows, April, Is I\.'.7—lt 49. If PETTIT _ BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH EICHENLAUri. JR , ANFFACTURIKR, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Prin t : bo,a, Leather and Findings. 4th d.,nr south of the Park , Americas' Block.state P.. La. just returned lento th. eastern cities wits the beet SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF BOOTS, bHOES, LEATHER & FINDINGS, That was ever uttered In tuts tit), which rub be sold tern low fur cash, cheaper than the cheapest ran aril. Among his stock will he (nand iienta Calf. Morocco anal Patent Leather Hoots, Cunoress Gaiters, and seers variety of Lad,” fluters, Boakins and 'lip.., and all kind. of Children'. Boole. show and ' , lips, and to short, every ova style of Boots and sboas in market, without exception Custom work done in the neatest it, le of the trade on the short est notice Leather an i Findings, Oak and Ili ruluck Role Leather, French and American Calf Skin% Patent Leather, Morocco. Lining, Bind ing, Kips, and Hips, Threads, Webs, Lasting*, Galsons, Hamme rs, Pinchers, Tacks, Pep, Nails, tic. Inr Don't forget the place Erie, April 15, 1557 . _ WHO XADE YOUR COATI TT PITS tw.o NEAT AND IT IM A perfect beauty, I Why of course FRANK W American Hi n di, itate- at Don't you know has thc Attest and most faab losable goods in this market and boat ice is the beet cutter in town If you want vest, a coat, paata, orer-eoat or any article of rondsaing Goods, Cali on Witirmkr. b. kill muf you and pee you fits. Being now in raccipt of • superb stock of CLOTHS, COISIIIIERS IND VESTINGI44 an *lamination of his 'Melt will prove profitable an well as m Wresting. Do e•t forget the plate. FRANK WARVER'I CI.nTHINfI °TORE Amnia 's Blot*, State-et fine, April llt lOW —49. &tie, Apnl, 1857 AWFUL TO KELM! BOOTH & -STEWART, THE PIOPML'EI AGZITS, Have Broke!! ! ()pro n%•r SOO •sass of Spring k Summer Gooo,, OF THZ GREATEST VARIETY, THE BEs7' yU.4LITY, THE LOWEST PRICES IN ERIE COEVTE We have Enlarged our Store; We have now on Exhibition a 1 1 lij 11Hltiliilii Th.. eras ever before brought /la° thieMarket. Pricer as Usual, Down! Down! Down! Down! BOOTH Sr, STEWA.RT, Park Row Provisions, Cigars, &,o. Tun oubierlloo respectfully inhibit , the politic that he hae ee inbred to Ch. Aside erho dons north of tbe cnro r of ltis atreet and the put. .her. b be now Ir reset it of a taste 4.11.1 opiendid aesortosent of GltticEitlV•e.l IVP Filit:l 4 , onnaistlns of 'Very 'article is that lio-, among ohl?hniii be *mud Caen; Teas, Sugars, ayrnps Spioes, rte., of ',pre roeiete sod +owl ',Utast would all especial attention to say stock of PARGARA. entoprbing the ran , ,n. brand, and gnalltira, +hie!' will h► mad at ram... sable tetra. Dotonuinod In do a falr trnAlseas, I reepoltally Intuit a eaJl lr..taintreasorrs. Aprlt, P. .t. FAILICIMP i — trisigWyfkai hrnAuvor, ',Oki ale ;FM 14 Aprlt C ll ' L ai tilsa JOir li Nd it4 lo l ; 4" 4. .110, AP 11. amid Ablias. f rrZA r?'—*"frltt-rAm park gtoh) fink *tort. FULL TO THE BIRM ! $lll,llll New Stock O W e% t g V II t riw ti eu s. I"t herr by ".4 lbc " pa d tr, " .o .'.4 thus' Ilsr mantved, has become satisfied that the citizens of Erie Swansea lids efforts to establiah and lump up a Ins qTt qtr., worthy id the pita., and this has lodated Islas to till up hi. store With • AM& of the Wading Books of the day. and such other &elf• elm as strictly bekong to hia lime, se ham sever seen this soh. *Chien Tort, and now Invites all to call and take * following are amount the late arrivals Kent Mills Fools Cap, Letter sod h ' .l. r .1' end prices. Indies! plain sad finer Not. Pe r Kos elopes, to snatch. Mourning Paper, Cards and i Counting Mouse Cap Paper Sonoma Paw. China Paper, Nate. Retieulated Note. Blanks of all kinds, Just.. , Morton's Gold Pens, all ,s pm. • very largo stock of sow. l'ort Monies, with and •Ithout chains. Port Folios, from .. Arnold Ink, all • Printer's Rim's . ,ro Copying NM'S. • • stain's unproved copying Rook • Invoice, letter su . tumeipt Files. An enoriro.o. st..es of Diane. and Memorandum Book. sch oo l all kinds and in any quantity desired. Tisittn. •. .• Hall , • root, Window Paper, Bordering, • eery large idock, eiery variety of nett ;att. roe, stile and prim etc., ett., . off like Cot mikes to make room for more on the lime .•pril 11, IBM J J. 1.1 \T+ MEADVILLE FRAIALE SEIINARY. T%. femertb tore will eamemewee se Meech!, May I I TE R . Yor Recital branches, Yew each language, $l,OO extra Music k Oil paintings, per course, each, sa.tal Drawing, Sa,tai Board le the Jiggly et tibe Principal, rtelualre of wskal.un kt,Ou per wok. /or further parlicitieee direct So Yeadellk, Aprd 11, 1.4•7.—Lm4.4 SPRING STYLES. Millinery and Fancy Goods. Mas. ( URTI.4 lots rvturn•-.1 from 4L•yr ark, ark! n..• lug a. large sail beautiful sailiortment of spring and Summer Gook or the newest at, among which may lo rouo•t, lt.di nets /.1. r variety, Ribbons, blowers, Dress CIO, Dead Dresses, !loots Tr, to. minga„ French Corsets, Akirtinit, te-, h. The hest quality ll and Jima'. also, Hosiery C.r Lsdies, gentlemen and rl, 11.1 n n together with a groat vsnets 4.1 Goods too numerous to Illelflllo.li Milliners supplied at wholesale, with all 1;1.1Ni/ to their In, n. I is 1.5 can be bought elsewhere. 311 1 ,/ 111 1a prompt,. attended 1•, N 11.—ektraw Bonnets bi.aeked owl preset in the lest ',unto r 1, • eery hill assortment 1.! • , teow nursers, straw Trlturn,r .Gimps, Ste ,kc 111: 4 MARYrtH it , Krt., Apnl 11, 1657. S )1 , 0:11.0r611 and Axußh, Honing In in. f Common rs. t of I i'”unts ,P. on r W. FRatirrOt and the *ammo of coal of Ow Canal S 7, Anruat 'form. 1. 7 Moat Green Mountain in Lquity kiav '22d. 1457, bill tiled setting fort() int. r CAI teat I f A W Frampton ship Fed 59 tr , l s eon' tr , M. ear, .•ar `, ~r that said ft/ring/if.r rehir.s - ri to 'v.,. IT, th, pan freight, that i Mnl ullourli. Master ..f tb .anal , 1, laid coal on the dock of A. Halno., tto his n nu., •,r freleit, earls and darnae-sAnd said rriliwith a r a. follows And that the said er,,lpr,o..ar, aforremaid lien and dilmands and del.,« lb. aranre , to te. par t sera,, coat•, that said noal flla eold'am pOrrt , ant,,., at i•tir•., , t to prevent farther charges on the ram. G r ',••• •• • 4 dockage and for inch ~ t tier and t•Lrth., r, n~Lt end jud,••• may ikpi.rtatn Snd fla the I • ur• t• Ito,. • • Tire In the prerniore ' henenpoh, the 11.. n J I,n 4,4ll.taith, Ne•t.: LI Court ;for 4144 at chamber*, r•u•f.l.red •mt And note, to wit, May a. Pdt7, ss,rll.ll t.. the e% interested It, appear on the tteetto.l thuds,l J or nest, het... the snort of Common Plea.. td mhos eater •h r 41. •i. 1 . not be wade for the. Pale ..1 the proyert, ar,4l Lb. -zi•er f - tittnners erstiteel Not), to t• et reed ateort the , Witt r and 'h r parties Interented, ten dab • hefmr the tat 'if t, patina In one rtrarnials•ri•••l•liihrit F •• •1•1 •• •• • • , Asada( arid ropy sent ti• tL. i.lac•••• i I slit 11,11, N 0,1 • Wlckliff, Bess, crisint,, Pa , ta A W ' rnm r.- -Ars Witness mt and and tbe «al • t nail t •• 1 I 4I• S• at F ris this ..r.4 dat ••I • .o'. Fri., Pa.. Mar 7j 1831. To t %T. t tatopton and eon. eru. Taki.nOttne tbe /Urn', 112 .1 )