THE ERIE OBSERVER. BENJ. F. 'LO , E'dltur SLOAN & MOOSE, PUBLISHERS sA TU RDA Y _ DEBEOOItAI7O NOXINATIONS. roa 00VT.RNOR, HON. WILLIAM F. PACKER, Or LYCOMING FOR CANAL COMMISIONER, NIMROD STRICKLAND, = Reassembling of the State Democratic Con- vention of 1857 l° "win" of • naolati• o adopted b• the Democratie State Cummins, of Penney the Delegates to the Stets Convention of March 2d, 1867, an requeeted to asoomble at the Capitol, it Harrisburg, on Tuesday, the oth day of J une, 1467, at 10 o'clock A 21, for the rupoes of nominating Candidates to complete the State Ticket, and tranaacting all other business pertaining to the original an tkority of the Convention CHARLES R. RCCYALEW, Chairman News of the Week. —The famine in Northern Michigan continues to be a topic of painful lowest. A letter from Lansing in the Detroit Adeerriser gives the result of . the visit of the Lansing committee of iovestigatioo The reported cases of starvation In Gratiot county are, not substantiated, but the destitution Is more wide rpreod than was generally supposed. There are very many families who had obtain ed a supply of provisions sufficient to have served t i tle= until after havest, bet all such, from week to week, and day to day, hails been dividing with their less foitunate aeighbors, until It Is doubted whether there is now a fami ly In the county with two week's provision on hand. Many families are entirely destitute, with possibly the single ex ception of maple sugar. It is believed there arernearly or quite 500 families who wilt require assistance, and that no less than 2,000 barrels of flour, or its equivalent in prowl sioaa, will be sufficient to supply their actual necessities until harvest. This is for the county of Gratiot alone. Is abedla and Montealm need assihtance also. The former, especially is believed to be quite as destitute a. (initial. —A boy about fourteen years of age. named tieorge 91 6 Parker, iwas arrested near Doylestown a few days ago, on the sharp of 'testing a horse from Mr. Samuel Joboston, in Warniek towathip, Bucks county. The Doylestown Democrat says. "On Thursday last we went to the jail to see the unfortunate youth, and found him to be quiet • nubbin of a boy, very poorly and Aunty clad, and apparent ly about fourteen years old. He stated that he took the horse to sell, and that four men living on the York road near Hartsville, told him to do so, and they agreed to meet him that afternoon ate certain place near the Alms House, which they did not do. He also informed us that be was born near Wilmington. Delaware his father and mother died within a week or two of verb other, about flee you , ago; his brothers and sisters are all lead. and he has no relations living that he knows of He has evidently never received any parental oars or education, and his situetion manta tail I l e excite the sympathy of aIL" —From a letter from Gov. Broome, of Florida, to Col Houston, bearing date at Washington City, May 6th, it appears that hostilities against the Seminole Indians are to be proleented with unabated rigor, under the command of Col. Loomis. The exigencies of the geiernment, it seems, require the presence of Gen. Harney upon another field, bat the policy inaugurated by him Is to be carried out. The Governor had an interview with both the Secre tary of Wu and Gen. Scott, and received WI/ranee/ from them that the war will be prosecuted with the utmost rigor , and that no suspension of hostilities was contemplated He also expresses the belief that Geo. Harney will return to Florida, if neeeesary, after he shall have "tranqui.ited" Kansas, where he has been ordered, and in the meantime be premises to urge upon the War Department the necessity of increasing the force in Florida —Mr. H. H McLean. of New Orleans, whim , w.fe was deluded into going to Utah with a party of Mormons, tak ing with her her children, has recovered the children in the Cherokee country. His wife is in the hands of the f . S. Mar shal,and the Mormon rascal, named Pratt,who induced her to desert her hasband, hat also been arrested arid brought to Van Buren, (Ark.) Mr. McLean was in California whon his wife ran off. He says —[ arrested Pratt and E. J. on a charge of larceny, in stealing the clothing on the children whim kidnapped—in value $8 or $lO. This is the only way I meld reach them in these Territories. When I far. before the U. S. Commissioner at Van Boren. I mean to have Pratt arrested, fur having fled from justiee from St. Louis, Mo., and get a requisition from the Governor of Missouri for him." Energetic —lt is represented in our Southern exchanges that in Tennessee, and other Southern States, the wheat crop is in a very llourishinng condition, and will be twenty 13. e per cent larger than the gnat yield of last ye•r. The present crop will be ready for harvesting in about a month, and in a month more some of it may be in the hands of the merchants. Notwithstanding the croaking, the crop of the United Swiss, it is said, will be a good one this year. There ts a large breadth of land sown with wheat, and even if a part of it is winter-killed, and still more is damaged by tie bankward spring and other ceases, there will still be left a yield above the average of past years. —The New York Times makes the formal announcement that it will hereafter be an independent, not a party paper, thu withdrawing the powerful influenee which it has hitherto exerted for party, from the Republieans. Proba bly, no paper in this country is conducted so closely with an " eye to the main chases," or whose Editor has so strong a seem for majorities; hence the withdrawal of the neser from the support of Republicanism has peculiar signilleasee. —" As Irish gentJunas," with an estate of £70,000 per ••••m, has been figuring in New York. tie was upon the point of marrying • rich widow, when b. pre a dinner, at ten dollars per plat*, to a party of Moods. The clerk of the betel thinking be smelt a rat sant in his bill, and insisted on payment. The swell could not pay, and is now is jail on • 'barge of holm protim:re. All his estate and its asaguifieent Meow* are invested " in a horn." —They have no Mayor in the city of Providence, R. I„, sad they do tot seem likely to hare one soon. Two elec tions hawe beet held, but there was no choice on either oosasian, saw being three candidates in the field, and ■o one having a majority. On the seeond trial, on Friday last, the Republicans polled 1678 Totes, the Democrats 1063, the halting Americans and Republicans 682, and Saittoring 120. Another election has been or?ered for te day. —Amos D. Williams, of Mercer eoanty, same to Ms death on Moaday last candor painful eircamsumees. He daceescied Into his well for the purpose of cleaning it oat, and while *agape is buillal ap the water, took a lit and lonises the water, which use of eoasiderable depth. le was almost immediately afterwards dlsoovertd, and melted as moss as passible. H. was alive, bat died within two hoer.. Biogier, of Baal*, Now York, Ma, after a boas sad easistag trial, ban earrieted of nuinsisaglitar, in Nadas tbe &ask et his mistress, Amelia Nair, by pro. &mug ea abeetioa. Tb• arena was eommitad nearly a year ago. The plait; is Imprisonment for art Is.. than feat or more than seam years, and Judp Clinton on Woodsy sesame Ilia to tbo fall ortoot— seven years. —Bar. Bildsmiis N. McPhail, Pastor of the Presbtteriaa Ckareles, at Baow Hill, Newton and Pius' Landing, in W °imam aunty, Yarylatid, annaittod suicide about o'elook ea Batarday night, by jumping into the Bay froa tat aarriame desk of the stoma Wilson SatalL His health has bees had and kis load Impaired for MN • time. He lasses a wife and Ars children at Norfolk. —Last week a maa who has bees for a long tine a re sident of the senth-eastus patios of Barks *tasty, left his We, ebildresi, paad-ohildm, fans and dcrirtc behind, sad led for parts ashram, is compasy with a lady (1 ) stash younger than himself. The affair has ..sled Coe. sidershie gossip, particularly afloat his creditors. —trader Ma Wad of " Spiritaaliass and Soduatioa," the Massie peipers publish as seems' of a spiritual statism of the husk sea, rosily murdered by another sodium, her paramour, is attempting to destroy widens* of the matnal galls of the parties. The an.. is one most horri- Us and revolting is its shameful (Wails. —The Notes Pea says bimetal Pizlay, of Oriel Barrisgtos, was MUNI last west following his plough. The plough Inset a stone, sad the basil* hit him . o violently is the salmis that he died &Aar safferiag M uses pis for several day.. —Daring $ moot imbibition of Van Ambergit's wave. rio is Wayne sesatr, Whoa, the Hoe attaakeil tin roo m and tote lh. beemetifel animal t. pt..... Tb. Hoe WSW 'stored lb. dew with ea tree eige.eleener, and very wee beerprid the king of beset to twins. —TM Altos Gooier worse w pablie spied th• wain .. groom, the tops of the pie plant or rhubarb. Wkiiin the Wet Mr days a samba of lemma Mee oriesmil, in Walsh *sir me has error* poisoned Shies who ate of them Tla ryspreale wen violoat pores( end emit*. —Warm Tees& is a newt MIMS ti the Idemern. sad the. it woo sore " impotent to War mints doe to rake enspe." At the proud Ihns, Belgium isms aues l aisiot is "raising Obi dad," Ibis moribbog ohs. “POIMTICAL if,KFORII.” , The C 0n5...0101% 01\111$ wonk has A•r on "potit,e. reform" that to decidedly good, conolderng the party at 61:LUG>s of the paper, and its field of action. We pass ove r that part of the chsiater devoted to general "reform," and dip at once into the "cream of the joke " After stating that the Republican party has made happy selection* in Its nomination of State officers, this "political reformer" thus Irma up what ought to to be done torony in the game line MAY 3111. 1337 • • • But there is yet I great work to be accomplished. Before we can successfully begin p,ltt :cat reformation and complete the overthrow of Locoi v co 11115, we will be compelled to kick overboard a lot of Man gey, mischi•eions. noisy and dishonest politicians who •r.• working with all their power to make the party subservi ent to their own selfish purposes. Fresh from the old schools of political trickery and chicanery, these camp follows.' are endeavoring to appropriate the new party to themselves. and mould and shape it so as best to ealsotoce their schemes. They should he repelled with scorn end the party /Mould not otity doroce its energies to the ad vaticetnent of freedom, but select new and honest men to represent it--men fresh from the ranks who will honest y labor to promote the welfare of the country, ,std eierve the standard of political morality—men who preter the common, good to the advancerneut of pet sc. ethos -woo nave a higher and more worthy object in view than tt.e obtaining of public plunder to distribute among theins"lveo and their favorite*. Especially should the Republicans be careful in the selection of men t..r Assembly. Our chanty should choose representatives who will nut I ledge themselves in fever of the policy or plans of any corpora tion—who have some better motive than the persecution of one corporation, or the plundering"( the Suite Treasury for another—who have more honesty and maoho.ol than to vote in favor of an act to legalize swindling bank officers We ought to have representattv•• with enough of honest independence to repel a bribe and scout the lobby borer t a esirporation from their presence Unless the party is prudent in the , h nee of its representatives, end eitrefui to select men. of Arm integrity, it will ere long be in as bad repute as its enemies, and to amount of earnest prof, sins of devotion to Liberty and Humanity will tare it from rain. The energetic itepordicans of the e‘ uniy should take this subject. into. isonsiderati.n, and peninp'l, devise 19e115, is give old party risiests the coil snowier and elerate k to .ffices of profit and honor none but theiru , s mentor,ons " Of COUrre the wh,le drift u I the above bu It "I , C.lll ralt.o itati , m and a name," whirl) cl., a.r.e at all e.onver-•to wi t. th, Ftate ..f f•te'• , . t unie , o tan" het, • • it • that the Ndv e the tatthful that. ui k,r , ter purl fy the p 1,:.,•a, rub .•plJere Er, ..uitty, thy compelled to '•istelc ,vorbourd n ••, V MI rr•hwr noily and ,•••, p pkr ..t tl.. •e`t. U..." • read 'of the fox and ISe dies, and y. , 11 •upp bat when you ir t clear 4.f the present swarm of hungry that their successors will i)e any less hungry from toe.r long last! Su, Indeed' “Political r.f,rn3" 14 an ex0....1nt idea, and we know of no place where it is so tuo.:h urrtied as bore., but whist chime* of ervrtnatiot," is there In —tinting .rrerbuar.l" nre rat ..1 :,angry black re pubitettos, mud inaugurclug a tint more rayeaou, .41;1 to their stuad' ro t ully appreciate at , ab,ardity ut eu..12 a "ref,," .t• tut-, We have but to at the calibre mod IlateCe lelate of trle cable We LAC .1 LIUt r u Li/•,111 p. ..f Eno c ,anty now tn,u, 1:21E1 Iv 14 ft, wat, L ,fr u.e.r w .0 re •tiati Do pupp.-1. fLcy rre to trutL and to tact 11 l rt.. ei usq • ilwiAldatAd etirpt ' (boa Dew ❑est "ova., b••t gt%te tbei, scheme! w,ll addl.. II B4Z, din trlt, bl,ll/ rKr.l Pun.' ,t is 1 /r Cto.sttial:44.,4 pretteri abrui reform" .I.p ions of the p f Erie r. uu ty will perri3: in to their present pultt uttl urtrAn 11.11. r. a 111.:r pretent pary iead,r• nrn a,rrupt, aee .r din; c•ie • en' 'hit given ah wnl'e a were riven. us set. • :n c nth x gap, h'ie a riceel ”f young Vark h,rte, tad reedy ,usp up tb. tf th. VW.11;./ 4.1 ,rtunale drug tbe.r ert,ltti , urs to rare theinseirett from lor , rg "thrt,gto ,s e Tru s, • , ef..auf is to • 681 Wu. LT le CuUlAr A nv•iit:r to ,sr ruyeter mut' rt •r ac anon rhuek the public mind. time to Licht in th.. 4iity nu by the finding .if the ut nn unkn"wn men lu the water [War & e t •ut ,t state t,troel tt.,n t appearei :au ni4{14.1 a. I been tra , tured by a blow from a stone or CIJII on the len atle of toe dead. Ills hands were tied together behind Ws WICK II tt /11. li&raL urea sill vicitet handkerchief, loth cud, of which were clad in a tiara knotarunad each wrist A cotton handler- ewer 111113 111r01.1114 the• uses in cue gimp. ut . dr.*u loup, to rts !twee eud of wuich was atuecued a pleco of aut. et.tne, supposed to weign about ten p• , uuds. Ile appears) to be us man about ~ 11 :I.') years •,i au , ' —we,/ dressed—height feet 6 ur 7 turns,, weight shout 1.60 pun Is, stout, black uair, heavy brown 'Flusters. cut pretty Toe to centre teeth, in the upper jaw, out—mad the appearance being out (Jr some years, large scar 'rev vie new eke which appeared to have existed for some years Ills dress consisted of dark plaid pants, wit's a nialtoW stripe, calii:o shirt, with small lilac figure, figured satin rest. dart drab frock c,at, w,th ootatde hip pockets. cl o th heavy material, and 03urtaktrts; calf skits boats. lit his pocket small sheep skin pocket boat with re l to irr/cco lining, to which was a five %hiker hal on Farmers d Mechanics I Baal of Tennessee Had also a small t kith brush, small 1 key and pocket looking glass In his pockets From appearances, it is supposed the body has been in 1 the water some two or three weeks. No thee to his iden tity, or as to when or where the murder was perpetrated, other than that given, has some to light. We hear, how ever, that two or three weeks since the seamen on the C. S. Steamer Michigan, lying opposite where the body was found, heard one night the cry of murder on the dock— that the boat was lowered and a party came aserbre, but when they arrived all was still. Supposing it was some of the rowdies that infest the city, and occasionally make night hideous, nothing more was thought of the circum stance until the body of this unordered man was found' It is rather amusing than otherwise, to Row the wonder ful *hang, which has come over the Republican press since last Pall. Then, from the New York Trebutie down to the Toot obscure country " shriekee' the tune sung was that Kansas would certainly be doomed to slavery if Buchanan was teeeted President. Now, from the same lush source down, the very contrary is the pitch of their key note— thus showing conclusively that all their fears then were assumed fur the occasion. True, it Is evident now, as it was then, that our political appouents desire K miss to come in as a Slave State, for well they know that her admission as a free State would irretrievably nottotally destroy their party. Hence, while they reluctant ly admit the fact, they still continue to croak, in order to .cover their retreat. This course of the " freedom shtiskers' is strongly reprobated by the Herold of Free dom, the leading organ of the free State men in Kansas.— That paper charges, what we have heretofore charged, that the journals of nigger-worship desire Kansas to be a slave State. There journals have predicted, from the or mutilation of the Territory, that slavery would be establi shed therein, and they are very unwilling that their pro phesies shall prove erroneoas. Here is what the Herold l'etmlese say s : " Ti. CROALINO POLlCY.—Eallterft journals aclaim's to prediet that Kansas will be a elan Stets, evidently with the insciarioa of preveatiag emigration to the Territory and tasking it a slave SCSI.. If Kansas is not a slave Slats it will not be the fault cf demagogues throughout the North, who, we hoisistly believe, desire it to be made nob that their predictions may be verified. We say agate and again that Kansas can never be a slave State. Nineteen.ewen tioths of the population of the Territory, at the present rate cif 'scream from the North, an, or soon will be, in favor of freedom, and will 00000 consent to be enslaved. it is an outrage upon the people of Kansas, thoee who have borne the light in person in the past, t ) be thus min npreentsid in the East, aid through p diciest journals-- Travel over the entire length and breadth of Kansas, and It is almost impossible to And a man of either party so lost to truth as to express a doubt u to the ultimate re- " Let oar Meads is t h e Statue, instead of dospoadiag, mad us words of cheer and hope. A reams was beneitad by laboring continually to discourage sad dis hwarten its &devious. Partisans may hope to gain post. Mos by runts' theeoarse they do, bat thous triumph will be short-livid. We are disgusted, almost angered, at the tweaking policy of some of our •:changes, and wish they would clip our acquaints/me." Ma. EDITOR.—Then appears to be sone sisaader• Sanding is the pablie Miami as to the object of the late set of the Legislature in relation to the Erie City Bank. It is sorely to pri►ent say ill-dlisoood persons, if. say feel there be, from instituting wroesdhip against the Bank after waoseefal efforts has been made to rename paystak as it was the opinion of tams that even if the Bank should mama, the chaster might still be forfeited for its pre vious inability to pay. Many pram owing tbo - Baok, raftwo to pay op alai tito Doak mantes payments. To collect those debts by nit will mamba a beg Unto; it dietitian booosoo bigtly inportaat to 71111111 M• Esther thou make as assignmest ald to do thu I on eluting me mown aorta. I ooderriasii is Is bawd by ilto Comoiiiireoo vi paler day dirt I bad Waled as °Mir for the charter of !be Bask. tilhiok LW Libor gout bare bow orisistarami. I have mom .•deed wry •soli our. Yobs Iloyostially, (j. LAWTO/11, Gobi= at . zh- li,at.ctat., par pf , lells , lo, • vrbvr,.• Au Iwe .1:1 •,'‘l,le I 4:1 , w how u':•,fl% at, =ZS= I==M How THEIR TUNE HAS CHANGED ►or the Erie Obeereor. ZEIE CITY RAIL Ism Pe.. Nay 28, 1857 r r,.ii Is an abstract of the bill to apportion the into :•rnatorial and Rep tatase Districts, as it Aunity paaarsi thr Lrgielatore. Politically speaking, it is con•idered a take. hid for th• Democrats. Presoaking that the lye 1. oral Districts oil. Tote as they did at thetas' general r:rct,un, it wk,i give our party the Senate by QUIP Majority •041 Pity three weabers,,,f the Route, leaving fuer doubt ful sEN•TO/LIAL DI4TRICTV The city or Philadelphiii, ebertersod Delaware, and N..rtbemptoo, Berk.; 74, nu, 101 l CerAun, Munroe. Pike and Wayne, Bralf,Rd,.Suequeltanna, Sulks-an and Wyounlog, IM=l P 4ter, WlCaan and Warren. Lynne .ling. Centre and Onion, Jnydrr, N,rthvmberta►d. Mbniour t Columbia, Perry, Juanita sod Matti, Dauphin and Lettat,to, Lend ter, Adams, Franklin and Fulton, 'owereet, Bedford and Huntined.o. Cambria and Cleariald, Indiana and krmirrong, W.stmorcland acid Fa y ettj, Wa.htugt“r, and liresoe, Ai.rgheny, 15,orer and Butler, Lawrence. Mereer and V etl&agU. Ens anti, JdNer...n, Forest and Elk. Phild.l.34pbig cat' Orl►werr cuut. r•I r M011%,( 4 .1ner) Ikeko, N vhainp , and cftrbon Moorue sod Pik., Wayne, Lucerne, -11-00 henna. Bra tr,r I. Columbia and Moutour, rnd Curium, %claim 11 1.0,4, , 11y th. , Juniata .r , hurnt.eriand, :s•htly 1,111. I I y u .ev lhupoiu, L7b►aou, Berk., I ut a•tar Y Comb...flood and Perry Adams, Franklin and Fulton, H • Kurd and Somerset, Huntingdon, , tunb-,s in ilarla, hivecte ..3hington, kllegleny. Beal er •ud Lawrence tiarklr. Nf•reer, and Venanagu, C:ariuri and Forte, J••ffrreon, Clearfield, Ei au !lilies's :rawfurd and Warren, Ere. P qter and 'Logs, ECIE 13 CI o.e p.Ar V , Tie Senators areappoifioned is the rollout ono to every 17,011 tooables, tad the Reprosisotativos lo the ratio of env t'. every .5 976 taxable... Coder this distribution; the o'l Do•nocrat, c , unties of Berko, Bucks, York and W, rt. ,-..f00d. co 1 t^.- .11, ,, sitevn county of Lancaster, •actl ,•.! a 11..uri /entails 0, while the city of Philadelphia gains and the counties of Schuylkill and Laverne each one- lu accounting for the defeat of the three million bill, ttir duzrete places the whole blame upon the shoulders of PuLLuCK. It says it was "Liov. Pou.ocit's agency, edv. lost produced the unfortunate result—that without •••hat ag.ocy the bill could not hare been defeated. • • ••t ha ,vernor actually interfered to pro' eat the ineorpo -rst,on 0: the Sunbury appropriation into the Main Lino "b:1:, and t•, effen due end, promised to approve the for. *•uter passed in a separate and distinct form. Under this ••proini.e it paned the flours and went to the Settate,with ' a tang certainty of its adoption by that body. The " Line bill dispo•ed of, the Saiibury began to be talk- I ab iut, and then, from seems eelleiently tangible we "•ui,p Luba' arose respecting the Rxecative action "up n,t A uumher of Senators—personal and political I. a the 11 .vernor—who stood oommitted for the et , rs•osel en unwillingness to support it under the ••pel••ure •if thou doubts, and desired that a committee • ,ni4ht be sent to the Oorarnor to ascertain if possible the ot the case !ineh a committee was sent, and soon 'returned, reporting a (Amer in his Excellency's view' ••up•in the .nahject —that he regarded it in a hostile light, "au I hs I determined at should near become a law ay'' A. peeved " In view of the fact that this same Ga wk. pw.ige 1 qi,•. P,llock to the people of Erie eouintX as ail rigbl. • up .n every thing pert/Acing to oar railroad In terests, this coil announcement is a little the molest piece ot cold comfort we think we have ever seen. Our city and eisioty bvtb, to their corporate capacity, have a large pe cuniary interest in this road—the people of the sweaty, too, are privately 'mistreated to a very large asneent— more, we fear than they nap ever pay withal& embarrass ment—and much of this private sod 'corporate investment has been arced on by the delusive promises heretofore held vat by our cotemporary, that "Pollock was all right on Erie matters," when it was apparent to *very pinion not blinded by party, that Pollock was all wroag—and wee only using the Senbary and Erie men to help the Central Railroad steal the Main Lies. pr. The Lockport N. Y. Joensoi, of Saturday, says : A man named Edward Darner, a night watch oa the Rail road at tie Lockport Junotion, was cruelly murdered on Thursday night. He was oa daty walking on the track, when he was attacked by somentikaowa perimeter persona, who knocked him down, dragged him tato a ditch, and completed their work by kiokl4 And pounding bias in that situation. He survived lentil last evening, wheel he ex pired from his wounds. itga„ The Springfield Repeatliens says that the mount of money leoisbed upon prodigal* females in that eity, is more than it costa to sustain all their eharebee—a tact from a black Republican power ettaeoraing a black Korth hum city, which we desire wean to the epeeist attention of the Jamestown Deseoereit man. ,'The Crawford AlllOOlll4 says that oa Tkarsday the 21st inst., a 'Mid tea isenths old, of Jokaathaa Hansom'. near Sionista' Valley, in thateeFaty, was daaproaely scalded, by a tea-kettle &Stag Om the stove on to Its head, pouring the boiling water all over it. It died la • short was Dr& Tao Democrats of Crawford bold a sleeting is Meudrtlle lam week, at which Hou r G. Church was "ear seedy reeommeaded as owe of LIN seadidates fee Jade* et the Supreme Court" Next to Judge Tkompeoa, of our own County, we ars free to say we prefer Judge Omni' to any wan nutted. THE NSW APPORTIOIOIIOIIr. W .4 Dumber of Senator'', I= Annotrung atki W.itimuntiliza Whole number of members, COLD COMFORT, VERY. ASP The Sobsasetady Rs Meter says dial a asaa bas born picked up at Acastardas a tastes ataalast—aads to frog baring, aofortasatoly for him, nada a t►oaaad dollar's is ono day's spocraistioa. Ism. It is stated that about melte thoessad pimple o solar left the C mud States far Atriaa eerie, the last year More thee Isalf of than ease assatelpatod for the per cza pr. Thos. D'Arey McGee has rehogitislted Ms paper the Asowieso Chit, sail boa preenwied to Montreal to sew blisb a new tri-weekly newspaper, to be tolled the Isis Era. sir HAIR RESTORATIVIL—Ivery ewe will, we think, agr.. with en is the opinion that the hums hair is tb• arrow/it natural a/mamma that is possums' either by a iloatientaa or a lady. Jut met an appanatly pod ioniciag man, for incases in the street; you admire his feanum whiskers, and gement Macias hat I.! he WU his hat in recognition of year how, sad the Muni has tsunami, for lehabod lr writtes on kis bald head, and the glory hat departing with the Sown( looks that sue bar. kited Isaarsally there. In Ike eau of a lady, the salter is, if possible, worse—sash sans resaladiag one of the ureimatume on whisk the following nips= it founded: -01 giro ea, fair am" a lock et year hair," A Nimbi's! roans laver took awl okylowl: -Twos a sin to nine sub a modest twraont— us take ran wain@ ma," tho dear wastaro nallott. Yew, to provost mei • estootropbe, b sights the power of every lady sod gitatlowa; for by Wag Prof Wood's Bahr restereolvo, hair le set Italy protootod from baling of or turning grey. Wit th• ertfol• win restore hair to bold !doom . sod ors. if it hos ekarged War sod bows* pay, It will bring it beet to its peados besoty ad larertiotes Thee. who ore aegasestod with tie saatomy, pidolology„ aad pathology et the heir, meal be yob man that eeetato oeheteeeee have a erode, aatlourspea It; and It le by • jodioiono itiooloissitimi of tleeei that .PreL Weed boo lies «boded is eouipooadiog a solitoo• pooosesed of reowbee. hie viruses— Wow* i e aked Liirmary Omegas Yid as Me by .Y Dett~att. NEW YORK. Correspondence of the eri t Oboorver.) Wookaer, Banos.* oat Cowmen,la/ kosatieo—Sdassers— Ltbel Suis— Wien loaf New Yank be fiatialwd—Oilasso-- The Yale Police 11171—AmitlA ot ow Ziisor—Spiritioni• I. —Bydrop4o44a—howa, Now You, Yu 26. Tbis Is the dm shoorfal day for I weak. Till to-day I. hay* had eioitda overhead. rats. coder 4 " , cad b. (seen both, an atmosphere or which "watery vapor" forimod Ear ems than the primper proportion. Undor the lode. snipe of sae► weather tbe wheolo of oar maltitadinose If, h are gloved slowly, or grow■ nasty for waat of Jew tioa. Down town there was desolation; the lords of the great warehouses tarried Ist* over dub , savory beetaltfluts, lea►tag sob clerks and porters to attend to nay astute eustrnitrswhose wants should drive them abroad in spite of wind and rain which laughed umbrellas to sears. This spring trade la dry goods is closing Tory ofisitidaetorily. We hare bad high prim,' for raw silk, wool, cotton and fiat, while the demand for febrioe has been noraisosably limited, owing to the unfavorable aspect of spring weather and the tightness in the Western money taarkipt. There has born considerable direasaioa this wash as regards the propriety of publishing the failures is the built's& coot- inanity. This is far less objectionable than the system of espionage which the three "oomusersial agencies" of dila city have established tiros/boat the country. Their re ports mast naturally be lolittenoad to • great extent by the connections or prejudices of the agents throne' whom they obtain information as regards the standing and pros_ poetsof thousands of small firms et:mitered all over the country. Most of oar merchants mibeiertii• to all three of the Kenai** and compare all the reports before decidin g on the eharaeter of a imstomer. They frequently biter very materially in their statements. The bulk of the re. ports however, are rubor in the non committal style of the Delphic oracle, and wit bear a doable oonotreetion-- The chief *dream's obtained from Mose agonetee to In the early forwarding of actual failures, which often prevents heavy loom to oar merchants. Thin aro still room olswers fitting out frost this port witiori posting* to rind, 411 tbs vigilatioo of Marshal Rya- dors. We have encountered parties parehasing epode for the African market, who were understood to be connected with operations of the kind. They have invested largely in the printed eottoos of New lingland, bet as they pay cash and do not ask sellers to take out their hilts, "in the way of trade," there is no 'lmposition to interfere with their movements. Part of the goods thus sold, however, have already found their way into the ',spacious pocket of Unols Sam. Gotham must always have aomethingto make • noise about. Of this character is a somewhat famou libel suit now progreeiing in the Supreme Court. The parties ars • member of a well-known silk boos*, Mr. Bowen, of Bow. in, A 51'Natnee, and a former clerk to the utablishmuit named Fowler. The cue has been tried once before.— Plaintiff charges that defendant—bas former employer— licvharged him, and represented to other parties that be wee dishonest. This allegation plaintiff proposes to ills prove; also to show that Bowisn's enmity to him grows out of a knowledge that he had of defendant's having sold gloves under false trade marks. The awful diselosuree about thou "trade WI" maim a great noise. Will New York ever be daubed, is a question Ga. in voluntary elks, as he sees_ building after building torn down to make room for more substantial and costlier edi. nee*. W. have no doubt that Any or more large build ingnopoa Broadway, well batik media exendlenteondition, hav• been liveliest daring die past tea days for this per. pore. It is estimated that over six millions of dollars will be expended in this city during the present season in prominent improvements of real estate, throwing out of view the numerous new bulidings of small pretensiene. We can't of eourse, be expected to abrobiele all the crime and its conseviences which is committed in New York—still an occasional item of this character cannot fail to prove goo 1 seasoning to oar weekly epistles. The negro Dorsey, convicted of the murder of the frail Ann Hopkins, his been sentenced to death by hanging on Fri day, the 17th of July next. Judge Ransil, in his addreas to the prisoner. before pronouncing wintenee, was much awned by emotion; but the convict heard it all with the most stolid indifference. He is evidently but little eleva ted above the brute creation, so far as mental qualities are concerned. Upon entering the outer door of the Tombs, whence, in all human probability, he will never depart alive, he exclaimed, "three cheers fur the Kingdom of Heaven' lam going to die! I am going to God!" Jo sepb Jackson, eon rioted of a ft/Joule*" assault—several times reputed In the course of • few hears—epos the person of a net over bright Irish girl, named Catharine Liallivan, at Sheephead Bay, in August last, was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment The prisoner hail a family dependent upon him for support; and his wife, who has been pre