Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, May 23, 1857, Image 4

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    " And suppose the servant refuses to risk los
ing his place, which he must do if he accepts
your condition?" said Rosamond going rather
reluctantly to the writing-table.
"Let us not worry ourselves, my dear, by sups
posing any thing. Let us wait and hear what
happens, and act accordingly When you are
ready to write, teU me, and I will dictate your
letter on this occasion. I wish to make the vicar's
man of businese understand that we act as
we do, knowing, in the first plate, that Mr. An
drew Treverton can not be deatt with according
to the established usages of society; and know.
ing in the second place, that the information
which his servant off re to us is contained in an
extract from a printed book, and is in no way,
directly or indirectly, connected with Mr. Trev
erton's private affairs Now that you have made
consent to this compromise, Rosamond, I must
justify it as completely as poeeible"to others as
well as to myself "
Seeing that resolution was firmly settled, Ros
amond had tact enough to abstain from saying
any thing more. The letter era.: written exactly
as Leanord dictated it When it had been placed
to the post bag, and when the other letters oi the
morning had ben read al,d answered, Mr Frank
land reminded his wife of .he intention she had
exptessed at breakfast-time of visiting 'he north
garden, and requested that she would take him
there with her. He candidly acknowledged that
since he had been made acquainted with Doctor
Cheunery's letter, he would give live times the
sum demanded by Shrowl for the copy of the
plan, if the Myrtle Room could be discovered
without assistance from any one, before the let
ter to the vicar's man of business was put into
the post Nothing would give him so much
pleasure he said, as to be able to send a refusal
to treat for t`9 plan in its place
They went into the north garden, and there
Rosamond's own eyes convinced her that she
hi,d n ot the slightest chance of discovering any
vestage of a myrtle.bed near any one of the win.
clows.-- From the garden they returned to the
house, and had the door opened that led into the
north ikalr.
They were shown the place on the pavement -I
where the keys had been found, and the place at
the top of the first flight of stairs where Mrs
sraseph had been discovered when the alarm was
given At Mr. Frankland's suggestion, the
door of the room which immediately fronted this
spot was opened It presented a dreary specta
ele of dust and dirt and dimness Sothe old pic
tures were piled against one of the walls, some
tattered chairs were heaped together in the mid
dle of the floor, some broken china lay on the
mantie•piece, and a rotten cabinet, cracked thro'
from top to bottom, stood in one corner. These
few relics of the furnishing and fitting-up of the
room were all carefully examined, but nothing
of the smallest importances—uothing tendiug in
the most remote degree to clear up the mystery
of the Myrtle Room—was discovered. Mr
Frankland next suggested that there might be
marks of foot-steps on the dusty floor of the land•
iag, but nothing of the sort could he found.—
Matting had been laid down at some former pe
riod, and the surface, torn, ragged and rotten
with age, was too uneven in every part to allow
the dust to lie smoothly on it. }sere and there,
where there was a hole through the landing, Mr.
Frankland's servant thought he detected marks
in the dust which might have been produced by
the toe or the heel of a shoe; but these faint
and doubtral indications lay yards and yards a..
part from each other, and to draw any cotecluision
of the slightest importance from them was aim.
ply and: plainly impossible After spending
more than an hour in examining the north side
of the house, Rosamond was obliged to confess
that the tt serrants were right when they predicted
on first opening the door into the ball, that she
woulddiseover nothing.
" The letter mast go, Lenny," she said, when
they returned to the
" There is no help for it," answered her bus.
band. " Send away the post bag, and le•t us s l y
no more about tt "
The letter was dispatched by that day's post
In tha remote position of Port hgenna, and in the
unfinished state of the railroad at that time, pp
days would elapse before an answer from Loa ,
don could be reeisonauly hoped for Fet.iirig
that it would be better for Rosamond if this pe
rind of suspense was passed out of the house,
MreFrankland proposed to fill up Oa- Cane oy a
little excursion along the • coast to some p.aci
famous for their scenery, which would be likely
to interest his wife, and which she might riceu.
py herself pleasantly in deacriloug on the spot
for the benefit of her blind husband. This sug
gestion was immediately acted on The young
couple left Porthgentia, and only return-1 on the
evening of the second day.
On the morning of the third day, the
for letter from the vicar's man of husitics4 lay on
tkl, table when Leonard and Ito amoral e tl to ra ol
the breakfast-room. Shrowl had decided t.i acs
oept Slr. Franitland'e eanditton--first locau,e
held that any man must Ite out of his s. who
refisied a five-pound note when it was idicied to
hulk secondly, became.. he believed that his mas
ter was too absolutely dependent on him to turn
Min away for any cause silaatever Accordingly
the bargain had been struck in five minutes, and
there was the copy of :he plan, inclosed with the
letter of explanation, to attest the fact'
Rosamond spread the all-important document
out en the table with trembling bands, looked it
over eagerly for a few moments, and laid her fin•
ger on the square that represented the position
of the' Myrtle Room " Here it is!" she cried,
"Oh, Lenny, bow my heart beats' One, two,
three, four.---the fourth door on the tiro floor
lauding, 14 the door of the Myrtle Room
She would have called at once for the keys of
the-north rooms; but her husband insisted on
ter'eraiting until she had composed herself a lit
tile;;Juid until she had taken some breakfast.—
In spite of all he could say, the meal was bur
tied over so rapidly, that in tea minutes more his
wife's arm was in his, and she was leading him
to the stair- nee.
The gardener's prognostication about the wea
ther had been verified; it had turned to hest—
heavy, misty, vaporous, dull heat. One white
quivering fog-cloud spread thinly all over the
heaven, rolled down seaward on the horizon line,
sad dulled the sharp edges of the distant moor
land view. The sunlight shone pale and teem.
Ming; the lightest, WO's& leaves of towers at
open windows were still ; the domestic animals
lay about sleepily in dark corners. Chance
hoseehold noises sounded heavy and loud in the
languid airless stillness which the heat seemed to
hold over the earth. Down in the servant's hail
the metal bustle of morning work was suspended.
When Rosamond looked in on her way to ,the
honsekasper's room to get the keys, tbs.women
were fanning themselves, and the men were sit
tins with their coats off. They were all talking
peevishly about the heat, and all agreeing that
suck a day as that in the month of Jane, they
had never known and never heard of before.
Rosenternd todk the keys, declined the house•
keeper's offer to accompany her and leading ber
husband along the passage, unlocked the door of
the north hall.
ig How annatarallpeool it is here 1" she said,
as they *stand the deserted plape.
At the foot of the stairs she stopped, and took
a limier hold of her hnaband's arm.
66 Is any thing the matter?" asked Leonard.—
tits the swage to the 'limp 000lneas of this place
at you in any
"No, no," she answered, tastily. 4 1 s* kr
too areited to foil either hest or damp, se I might
feel them at other tines. Itat,-Lenny, suppos%
iag t
rosr es orees about Mrs. jaseph is right?—"
t y
" And,appot; we &emu: the secret of the
Myrtle Room, S iiert it 1104 aura oat to be genic
dung eoseeria g nq father or my mother which
we ought not to know? J thought of that, when
Mrs. Peetreath offered to aeoompan, as, sod it
determined me to ems here Awe 'With you."
"It is just se likely that the swat idol be
sessothiall we ought to know," replied Ids. %wk.
load, after a noment's thoaght. "In as; ease,
my ides shoat Mn. Joseph is, after all, only a
pis in the dark. However, Rcauseed,if you
feel any heeitatice--"
Idol mane what nay of it, Lamy, we can't
go back now 64 - e neeyour hand again. We
have traced the mystery thus far, together; and
lather - emeriti lid it eat"
11 he uNadod . aye, leadiej him after
her, as de spoke t . b ett• landing, she looked
again at the plan, and satiated herself that the
position of the Myrtle Room, was correct Sbe
counted the doors on the fourth, and looked out
from the bunch the key numbered "4," and put
it into the lock
Before she turned it she panned, and looked
round at her buaband.
He was standing by her aide, with his patient
face turned expectantly toward the door. She
pat her right hand on the key, turned it alowl . }
in the lock, drew him closer to her with her left
hand, sod paused again.
" I don't know what Lae come t,, we," .he
whispered, faintly "I feel as if I was afraid
push open the door."
" Your hand is cold, Rosamond. W4l , a Itttl,.
--lock the door again—put it of nil 411 , , ther
BP Ids tingera do., tighter and • s.ti.•
ter on hie baud, while he aid th isse word- Tli,
rhNrA wis
Instant, never to t r : t i atiel ward--"t
tPt Tbs , n he hi ir , i she orasittn:
auunii of the opening 1 v.r, end ;el' .isusseif .tritwn
forw , ,r:s :olden's; into a ehang-si strip's:Otero ,
and knew thai It—ani9ail and Rr r • in •
M gine Rta.itu
Continued )
A -- iiiNGrLAR p the following
frlth Cu , Gr J.:71. 6 / 4 (mi h e
I~t6 in tillt•
W• - • are credibly informed that there is n•tw,
•n t. a girl ten vests old wtio is vein
singular,y af•etel It app ars that -he Iti,e s
under the impression that all • is bewit, heti S'he
wear- pence ••• g l around her neck. and ,! the
g• d •hol, the strut ) ; wilt twist . t -ut
-I.eatifin She thinks if the g •I•lretneved
she would die Instantly, on our oecasi 4, it 9 / 1 1a
removed wh i .he was asleep, and jinni , fiat, 1y
there wt re •igus of ziranguiatlon .S.tutmor
markable feature enantietel with her else is t his:
cut if a piece of her hair and throw it tut the
fire, and she will show evident slgus
. of pain or
uneasiness by screaming Her hair has been
burnt half a mile distant, and at the very instant
of burning she manifested the .awe signaof pain.
Another strange feature in this case is. that .t
the picture of the individual whom .he believrs
t be the cause of her sufferings, is drawn up.• n
paper, and shot at with lead, it wakes no tinpres
t.i.•ti upon her, but present a gun loaded with sil
ver, and she ts thrown int-• spasms—fire awl sh•
is calm again This certainly is a ,trange
and we hope to bear more from it.
QUIET IN KANS.:O,-11e Waylitingtun rei,o,
of Saturday, says •
The, official and private do:patches which have
recently been received in thi ,, city otn lion-.,"are ~t a char:toter tot only to re e , Ali appr,
bensious founded upon upon the c agg-iated re•
ports which appear, from time time, iu the
eastern journal*, but to warrant the hope that the
people :1 KanAas are about to conoalt their own
interests by turning a deaf ear to tuischievou, out
.[de appeals, and by extending a generous sup
port to their new governor In hie endeavors t o
restore unity and harmony to a Territory still
unsettled by the divimi,eils ,it r e eti.,palism and the
agitations of political fanatics
- aa- -
KhOWLl.Dtili.—" Knoirledze Is power." sal 1 tlie g reat
13.114041, and %trite reaponded, "X Ictestion is the cheap de
fence of nations." Who can doubt it? Who can I .abt
that the greaines and glory tit a nation now depend most
upon the intelligence of its people" Our schools are our
barraelts. camps, fortreises an' arsenals. In them the
child is [named up a peaceful, butanighty warrior. Ite is
tanght there to know himself and his right; and to know
is to have and defend them. T., in 'there and schoolmas
tors the w. rid owes its best civilisation, patriotism. glory.
end power. TV extend the meow of aolacatiou to every
eh,lJ ih this Union. and In tne world, is of mere re e mr h t
than all the pluttahqs of Court' and cabinets, more um-
Nrlah' than the Ttrells'ling of earth's armies and nisei. r
To edorate enharg• a I blear rnankin.l. It a
through educati .n -thrugh ,I,•<•ll,'lted sehool syru,no.
which •y th• rob not sl heal. for all.. ,(lateral n..arle)er
—that • • ri-e eupdrior to bartmarisno sad .arageo TV •
qtr.' , • •cpr••,•• tr
edacE,a Oirmo the r n 3114
Just my, tax twk a twat the tr.... • .tie!tere.l
Let the p.,p,e of it, then 1.. t them examine the
pram erh:ela their ,Wn nee* Pelt' e , Inure tnin tbe preectence
of Legislation, he." placed before them. Let them greet,
it,, WO, and their children's children will btelo them, f‘r en
tnberttance better and brighter then the
11p11:1,11 f tho 111-aperldei
/ yr? . vi
%ruin, 1,/an, Perfumer'', surestri mad !karat
7N,..../..lbdowtotai Nieppoetrro
/lyre Weirs sad I. q...i lay .Wediqw,l Pli , 7" , oe*, kr
K.• nl, ' • •, , ,o t
kto ,l / 4 M} , t.irrN F. , . h
hso.: . •.e.t
ehautek 411,34,M we ,g I.e ur 11 a' fUrtlyiol t n t. in
ov lino wt New 'York Aft t:1 , - popular Patent
vtre. and Illit fmm
11..1^ EnPn, shu Lanny rupathl •,t old
fogym, tin matter fr'un what eouree et.met, we
tray rather than be le.: I'learw co , ••• •tri-t
• , I , 4tork tar txt•U•e•• to uvr'tt tn. alreral pittton-Nre •h)4,11 ha.
Phu. far been •steruled in out 141 .1[14 4 41 Career.
F r+e, Fen, 91, 1'321
' 1 ' 4311/11 r - -" mli "r 5 .1 1111 7_
1 . 1404008 4
z 7.
n r WA Fogy f
eisvo „,,„ o ,
it _
BE FORE °flirting three Wafer* to the l'ablic, thee leer- tn. ,
roughly treteat, and Vie Proprietor* cut u. ,, e confidently hr
commend them as • certain Kennedy 6,
Ky,I.E_LLL•G vioit3L+ kPuMTHE3Y,TEX
nisi contain no eidocasi or It wintry In any form, or any other
Injurious ingredients, and may be 'riven to the youngest infant with
petteet aittetr• The Waren arr.. troe from the objeettoao to m oo t
other Vermanfree. as thew are PLEA TTu THE.'`i I •
drop wiliest Inienreie sombeftly as Camay "
They knee Wen before the puhlte less than owe yew, and within
that ewe bows wen for tilemortwee • renotatina npre.441..0 4,1 to
the &anal.. of medicine They err noted and recommetotod bi „,, o
elite? Polealetaso and moot reapectable families to kth the moot
marked succor.
t r Prepared and sold, Wholesale and Retail. by
( Sechemer to Bertont therva,)
Wholesale and Retail Druggist, No. I Reed Rouse, kitte, Pa.
149 Chambers Street, N Y Wholesale Attenta.
Price 15 Cents per Boa. Lae
ERIS, Ihrc.l2th,
Sheers. Card 11.?Rhishetat.-6/wra..--1 have hr some tone past
been preeertindg tour "iartbelawleir Waters," and I must's, that
In my long prattle 1 hare never yet found terrain, smile exit
iely nse amt Um Wane" peer.. tbente4rre to b.'
ittrd i ally misa
recommending them to my trtreda and patients and .
am henry to say In mars instsace with the most trartrd sacerva.
Thee have never lathed In aai ogle come, opwating m ettretsally upon
adults of ehilhen. The, bay. the advantage over vicrailfuges be.
fu` so ••pkaaant ta the Mete that children will eat them aa readily
aa candy Being peimmially aoquaistrod with their rompn ia t i ,, o
unhesitatingly prunonoce them the brat Wpm apecifir now in nee,
and it can be sdednastered to the yonemet, tabus' with perfect
earty I meet maddeetiy them to the patronage of
the plblic. P. rAII.KNER, W D.
Cir Fur ale la Girard by J, A. White and John Pieter: Wa
terford be Copp A Carta; Edinboro by H. B Terre and W. t.
Proudilt: . Willemelt by S. N• geCroary; Lockport by 1 11. B ar p aa
and Win Tyler: Albion by Davenport A Flowers; eoncurd by J K.
Fay; Springfield X Reeds by Wm. H. Tonnamod: Went 4 pringteld
by nay Pottle; Fairview by R. Pettis; North Rut by dotes
friveld, tad y Dtwaiste A
thankt ' ul tor the pawn] patrons,* which the
T il ai l tl=Mmid vicinity have 6ret4a&pr Writ his, mould
raspeethlly Worm the publle that he now b(a and will keep eon.
Plaster In Bulk or Irrel,
of the beat quality. tat the hammer or Ca al Wo , or at Ms Coal
Toed on llLlghth Stroll, East a King% 'Rah . Farmers, now
ia the time to
back ad agre 7 prate. .lie l Z amt. it
P6".ar moo
Biackpnith or louse Coal!
aosoloiegy oa toad; worraatod to rive eathhettoo, or
owl soy for a 1 troabbt, on "lean of tbe Thy a F
Itos ter • Not Yard Se the vary beet fa the aft,: M M ing • vel
*lth the tows, lama is re tong Lad stomp WI to eseoustor to
Qtth Street and the Mal,
bat of Zing's Nat Row
Is the place to bey your Coal, where you ego
hare It weighed eo a Toth of Pailrbank's Hay
&who, and can mee floodlit)
a li gEa l i l e, bleb Ow the beet to the imathe4.—
6111r2 CALL. Orders ola be seat *math the „Poet
01110, situ the Cog Mat el
feh Ibeelt 7, /11117,44.111. Y. 2.111010111031.
The Immo, tot TOWS I
HE Ms Obwaty lotus, inntionno lli tostr °4ll4lll Maao to
make raltlMlCe on descrinttno ot property to 'Nal. Mad
notary, at to low rate... ate consistent nth asestity. Woks an
tilrided inio two clarrees, via . the Farmer's, la widen nothing hut
form property and Oweliino. 00 loot or over from osponalli, at►
too.troclostai tn. , . Comm...mist, in a6telt ►ll kind of proportl are
ineored. The Condo in outset lepartsnont are sot Ballo tor lawn la
th. father,
4.13 Isturance irseJ• weither theparthient et the urial
ouTp Ci.
Junes C. Manama , D C.
, C. t.h ri.w...1., S
WU Y Rloderwirebt,
•A Sruit, J .Lo 2turs4,:rty, Jo, X. Starrett,
f' fC•pi.r, Th.. ‘l..orhead. 1--, Jacob 1111111101,
4.,,F. A Fl Hot, F fixt,l.,r, W. b. RIP.
.1 li j A•tler
1, V F 1 C F. B
Jo. \I ifighaitrt, Prost
Civamsr N 7uuu, Tn.."
r ili^ o ..v•vvr J s StAvrxtt's. titwc.rr. Froneh Ittrolot, In As room
•tv..l I , v Meters tiatinisou Skim,ivy, ea a Law Ara
J,) , .e 1.4:4
FT. io FLipi, block. c.. , rner ~ f awl FlRtk Am'
d,,, to th. A4lO, ur %•410.•
1 i 001111 i LNG, Agent.
r r'r florin iif uµpriirporty troirting and lissaitscos common!
1 .. ( its Loa Counts is millet-stalls dirsbetert to the folli)y
-r, ''''' uttritiri, reptvr•ssotirsi by the alms.,
p r Aeodrous of olfrrt)o:, lasuran,...—and who la not"—*l.l3
.rtaitAtv rrcrit lug I rouipi and 14bars1 ludippalfieatlon, fn
•u• eut • il. , •••t, •at • IN • ' ••••..11,t -14,•••••nsolta`lintr aril. purr , "
• allnv out I Poo,' ou Wore of llooit• t';',lllllla.nlea; a lit*
'er •attl".• tit en(t•ro ipoicitetl
I , t , raoc , to IL, Or," to• oa, eflootoal at o.ltatoual.'w
• too* proeurrd 10 reds!.'. 1 1:04141.41431•11.
t,,ta I,tonct.
Insurance Company of Philadelphia.
Cl, Worinvf
(NI TA L. • 11140,11041
full •uvu,ut. and invaated
Tlt 14 ...11321111 ,, y Oferts luau ranee na Nulldlaßa , Iteretuuml ur
ro• ire I.ontool, rt, , •••• N Cnrgo and FrriCht, to Ail parfla,
CI 1 Ratiroatt, ' an / I:I ~rys, at tha io.o•st Rat" ant (I, n.l/
• . 11 , .. , 111.1 1. , n, 1.
1.. Jt1.110•411 14 . Lena. .
P, I lua.roan a , 11•441 1 , 0-IPII.
The Quaker City insurance Co.
oth , t. Frfcliki.► Baloidif wya , VI Wei**, Street.
Clll,ll Ci Pita' •Md el MI U.• • • • 1.468,00.1
ITI. 1,14, vlll-tt,l 1' 1 6 ,• 1 , t41 -vie,
and %len. ion , 4ar nn ravia. Carr.. and
na.l (Non as part. of :do. *urld.
1 P 4.1 (.00 t. Lod fru= an part. of tb.
I..tnufacturers' Insurance Company,
e Werchmott EreAunpt.
CANTU.. - 14410,011/11
NIA l. , o(121"fli, With W ClAh Capital ample. for the ihr
1111. r,ll • I fl«.G lu•uratose 1.0.11/.1 O or dsma y er by Fire, the I.en , .
the %lea ‘,1 , 1 Intupt Ati,,u *ad Trabsportatbm Lowers
et , bittlt tetjuste.l and 1461 d
Vsy .1, 1.44 3msli
I r.",
% & KE now dome hoeineee on the Ibintual plan, 'riving the to
rt sals.l a partt,lpation to tao pr , fitl , of U. Cumpan), without
~,. loittr tw,..n.1 the premium rt..
Ri.aa utem the Laken and lanai insured na the most faeo r aoh
terms_ L.,,lmr. wtll be liberally awl promptly adjusted
1. irenske on merritan.tue, huildln.. , and other property, to
t. 4li ur r lltltf,, fi, • linute.l term p e r ally
J .a.e t .h R seal, tames , It* , Edmond Mouder,
11.... ! WI :I , Pau'ding, John 1' Darts, H. Joan Rrooke,
R. 1.. t It ,rt, n , inn Garrett, John a. Pearce.;
lia,o, , „....„.
Samuel FAiwards„ Gentle Correll,
lien - , Law nacre Ds, t.l R. stacey Edward Darluift On,
1 halrlo K , lirt , Iwv It D0k..1., 3 1 Johnson,
Wl,lOllll i ••••rriL, %% tillaca Ha, , John J. Sevritn,
ft: s it,,maa, itr li V 111.144. , b, John letter, Jr
spencer Ileiltane,
p. Elr 40('Lo,
rip- ;.0c• tic.n osa tJ
Eno, April 4 1.0.17
Fire'. tire!! Fire!!!
ri 0 TO G. A. BEN NETT, Neurone nave unmoral' Atm..
and YUJI. etreet, 11lock up Aeon and get
property luour,l He represents the %Homily' reliable Oirepa
~f Yhiltdwl plats. Au thurilw+l CApitAl $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 1 0 Secure/1 . luvrAled
ford Co Ys. rapltAi VAO.OOo. All paid op And ortnarely iniestr. , l
Itat,r. low as ..ecurlty to th. Isi•ankl will parenst.
I •i.. D.., 13, I<l.ll. er A. Eli NETT. %,,t
Wreoisleryivl-1.10. Mr - lerChico., ri'ea..
E a maufacturinu all the I , IIiNT cuoe a Flour, i nrn Moto.
eh , pelt Iced kr which 'realm antliwill sell an low as tar other
-,...../, In the county.
Mesm. Shannon Si Bro.,
• No . rheepAlle Erie. Penna. arena, sole acontd,
*hen. sit am& of Flout !Le. ma too found, anti
..,:' t. , feto . rred to any part of the rite free of charge
/ le., F.. 6 21-41 14 iTTKR k CROUCH
Carter's Female Restorative,
A N b
Carter's Anti-Costive and Liver Powder.
T}lFWeakly, the \ et, •‘11•, the Lan g hl,l, the Lo Spirited. an.
Ai, loot ate eut. flue uu.ler may of the fall= of VE.SIALF
ktC F ti—lettb the o.ttial sa- , doponirooote of polo in the sroal
''..• ItNek, flearilif• liewn Fain, .tth HiniVinf4l. spd W. k‘h
Irre g ularities, Gravel 11114 Ki.Irw
' 10, tA. , •tiV.TWP•. , thlne.te Feet, (1 1 111404 u on.
❑• Z. • It '1 ,r 1.1c.411 of float, njl th
A LatlKur4 11 , 0 ma,
..r •larrn...l at any •u. 1.1., hots.. ../4-eur*.e.nrr,
• , z. 1 . • I, 0.1,„, „I tho , respectiu,ly reap:m.4Pd
..ak. a tool
‘ ,lr/o r ' ;• I:rstut (diet and .114/titer's
.1 ad Anti- (!rxti cc and
r I%,trder
.{•lT frvm Herb, and Roots esportally
••••1.... man r.• ••.1••• and rut. thoa• Conaldnints
•, • . 1., Ir 1 eta twon tried with the t.n bellt
vvvv s,,r ~ 4 m•..rry •f.rrn of 114 v.« l'ow
-04,4t• mari 1 , , C,111 , 101,„it the. ,wallsoebewavellt of fromounkormf uld
rt :be 71n of a• n . berm.,, and 4 Rntora
h.. after t °Wm. meet. COrrefife Ia Irreftliarilles, as an 1.-
ra/water and Asasiaas In IS rakroaa, 1.&111(4, and hoar Sprvila,
42,d the nwllta It 10) 14' prolt the tpedvtne for thy .amen I,f
II I. “catabler.:r and entintr,, one that tb"usands 'tam) in
0. 0.1 0 and orn benvelt..4 br unins.
Thy laws.. to.dirtng- van b Lad at thy Deng Stem." ID
all the t..arn, an vtitafit-a In this nail the ari,j4.lll3lllgi °unites
Mart 1, 21, 1•• C
i; S. RAI DWI \
'F"E,,ubvicritr.r la °panto/ up • new rani nu Sixth erw,t,
rf.a. 1,,a of the rob& ' 4, ,plar• irberr be will riaoolva au
p a r tar 111.011.. , T )1 OtKET PHI , E. C.t. IP.• fulluvring kirulo
I r, .Irll% err+.l at b. , YAM ur
.„ inc.', White...lo.l Board, 12 Net look
4 4 ~. .., du 12 du
I ‘,.•i.. ~., !'hair Plank 12 do
',:•;, k 41,1e1l Wbitewood Thick Plank, 1,2 do
:, 11 7.6 by IS 7 by 7 mid ll by I Wilitgarood
roluoull., 12 do
1,1 , , 1 l, Z, 11L,,, 2 k 4 met, White kah, 19 to It du
, tel, I terryklualt4to 14 to and upwards, '1 ‘l , .
4 4 toot , tuartv Beards., 12 do
~ . ar,,, 4-4 ht.-o , tiOartilll.
4-4 aUtl 1 `l, Ittett Black Walnut Hoards
rtne, Clear and *wood quality Boards.
1900,040 Ink.. Incr. hag. Ablugl•a, rood thleaneaa,
, Mme, at olden • Hard Wary Store, t. ne, lla
-- zufitYCJA:iricomer. —"—
lidardin g and Day Kemal for Young Ladles.
41Y 5+.01.711 Div NI. )); ST., BUFFALO. The Laos Hu upon,
continue to rends* piling Laden lido their spent,
to hiim, in to the comforts of a home, time will under
talte to Inilpinr* a redid and superior Rebekah Ednestiou, topether
wilt the Aneient and Modern Laminar% and all tb* aosioniplisb-
MrIBI• usually Umbria In Ludt. itehools.
heferionce• lir. kindly poinaltked to the at. Rev. William Heath
vvivo Iwo I.aorta7, Bishop of W. N. Y , ftei. W. likaltria, B. It ; Bev
to :tarter, au A.8.11 , A, D n,ci•v•huiti. Ohio; Rev
It 1, meartia, Medina, N. Y., Rom l'. 11. Platt, Lockport; Barra
()kill, a Clinton Place, New York; J coins A. Smith, gag., Batavia,
N Y : klaigaw, U. $. N. Kris, Pa., X. Prime, Lag Booker,
4 t., Y *welt 14 141/7-4m44._
nRE ME 1 WI:Wt .
Rinderneat & Judos
- - -
WOULD meet reepectrolly r. , torei their Bloom thanks to the
path. tor tbetr sdrotto to raviair their peoperty from dies
trurrion at the tate rim and 'rook! Can tofurin limo that they
have opened loth the, toottoutt at GOODS Go head
At No, 2, Wright's Block,
' l tlite and riittlp oeorly oppoeite the odd Ow, whets they will eon
thine to do barium u heretofore, end u.a their utmoet endeavors
to Omer 011 that Faroe theta with a all. being determined to sell
rhwaP ols the ehoopewt, they hope to merit sad receive
liberal share of patrooa(e•
DI., March 14, 1857.
101rAnk— lot A superior of Sugar Cured Mums Olt TICO4‘I4
13. from thereat Port Metropolis, Ciodonati, warranted fresh
mad Food. Moo to the theme for tars lovers of "Has and Clip" to
ratter their appetites. Can and are for roomer/al, at
1a67 J . MANSOM4, Cboapsido.
SMIIII.—A prim, artfela of Dried fiat readiedDat the cheap Groeory Stun of .1. ANSON.
March 14. 18.1?
g• eta to told at oelia.--Call at J. IL
pretty low LNSON'.I, C m
you oast a oleo
ortiotoof .tiotwlthataacttal "rt= 14411117., Oradeacy,
Hopi a
lria - SEICE/FERS, ail/ And Its. tartest sad best ataartampat of
Li Taiga Clattery, Mire, Plaiial Spools gad Vert% Germs silver
hntAras and boa spaoai ever Altered to this oily.
BARNEY it ilecomciT.
(Estanisars to Raw EastL)
sea Igor. 911, 15,3 awl ilinsah
MEC HAN ICS will and tb• bait 11010114011141 i et ?sous to taa
city . at )a. 3, Reed Mew. R/111174 .116COMMY,
Nov. St, Mt laseataaws ia 11418 bed.
. p4*. to buy a good Kalk fro+ed tot,ools at
(Solomon to Rohs IMO
gni, Nov. 29, HO No. a And Hooaa.
Ik i p. Ca& •
A:ricitios artie • put op Ia) It lIVA I NPasti N o y -
367 for sob? by
43 & PRO.
D•IITON14 °skinned Chi*la,iaitent sami Onion Ws di, or
coed, also, • lot 0( double sod_ trlndootoolpollabod Atm, at
. Reed limas. LIMIT * wicosirxr,
Nos. Z.,1146.-28 floosomors to Wks Rood.
LL MIAs et Dry OrsoselNK stow sriisk mg k Issad 4
DV? WO COME ill tba city, st tbs elate tif
Nov its. was k DSO
tiTRA TS.,—A splimod orpottoestt of Wablea, jut NNW
ll at roteK list wont lie beat IA We"
March V.
Just Roos bred.
ZILOT stamp DpLelpea st lASI t SRO
, Iris Ps 11‘7,
u 1,
Jonas gorrreer, SPe
w* MArrix, Prret
Ki.:LL(K;(:. Erie Agent
003 ;
00/2feetiallary. PrUitit & C l '
cow moos zimuu•saiimrt
you'd a. ?saki Virgial l niocK, State ere•t,
ft, kris, •artikibr %alma Ids triage iMud pa** Out
be is uueu son iu w/ Yas 0 1 0001 a the ••••• P••••• •
take sabartiaart ut
ehoies Coafeetioaaries, Fruits, NUN
sod ' , Hume:holes usual/ kept Ms osnissitenesy and Viva Slam
shirt) Le receive. and aska ea Consiudisalea, at Omr. 'which moot
Ohl to ideema /if strict attesittes to the wants of this oossatiotte
sod with the past emanates of templet the market rally supplied
with anther in hi. doe the etiboodires hopes to merit sad receive
• liberal share ie
3111 Abet=
will bo wervj p as filvaSsif s establis stmt. Hain` an
spartment foraished, the.. who wish to partake of this
lautpa n citu isteassoodet e d,
supplied hi the shafted possible time, with lee Cream,
Cake*. haus mid the vssietiore of the meson.
Er rßrrt, both foradits and demeede always os band and
procreed at thir t ieth 's , po ee nde mouteut at their mason.
re law, dent tor the eate of L. k. noes seiehested Drava.
Prop In mid ites me. Remeher the place,—No. S, Wiiktirs block,
etas street
Erie, July 12, Mc JOHN B. Pnuml' ri
- -
• MA LT A. rrbBEAO T
i=rwNERVE 111 BONE
T exit.
THE net in which this Liniment npreates 00 the system is
iIDDeDIDE, yet powerful nod stleetinl, sleben:ft In any nay ',bet
veer endseicarias tt. It au perfest anodyne and antidote, to pain.
openstlis( almost instantly upon the entire internee sy clew tt I.
potrerhaly penetrati ng ev e nt to the very Una; It 111441106 ECM tracted
wades and restores rhea to their wonted power: it Iwt toured It
self in all mei that reontre an erfereal reasedy--eueb aa Rhoossoor
i pm, boa throw oaf wag, Sores*. and S w/le a / a of WI kloolo.
Parse asol frooksooo is 1.14 bask, lidt and limas Craw sad ors)•
ago, fK c ade4,,a. , howl, mead, wanwhl ar eau Man! Ito
por t an t enter have ! wr y, p e rt -maw -0 with the me of tbts Linunem
..n Nona—zll setellincs sod Indaaationm, lameness., recent spar ,
ins, seamy, irell.l necks and stsoulatent, he., ka—einil all other Me
cum in widen a Liniment ran be houticial.
It L but a short time elme this remedy vim first introdueed to
the noting alb. publlr, mud in thiltAgrt time It ham 't ab ar d a
reputation that ranks it among the very best of all external Reme
It Is not, boomer, the Proprietors design to lavish nnincritrd
onuse upon their Liniment. nor do they intend to d.Trile the
pathhe to amagaing to that HA:n.ll properties which it doe, n..:
•euly pow.. It has received. wherever It has been introduced.
the unqsalihrd approbation of all dames, and needs - to to
need to prose to sneer p o ems that ft pomenom all the virtues at
tributed to It.
The Proprietors ..t I hi. Liniment might add many testimoolale
to it, rood qualities, but think it annoesameg, as it ban already
e atemihm e it its repec a ty e a, wherever known, and smear therefore
nothing of the art Those who ars not astnamted with It the"
v i a t o "t r y ir— t pe only twenty-tlee centa--the expen
ment will me but WM.., and the Rood of 1M use noty u lie
mu c h. peewee* and .old and retail by.
iJUCCeeenra to J H. Burton it. C o
Wholesale and Retail Druggist., So. 6, Reed HAtieci Erie.
a P Sold by all Druirrinto sod denier, in medicines
ile, Jan. 17. 14.57
Erie City Carriage Manufactory.
WOVLD respectfully I.OOOUOOO to their relent,. moil Ow publ,
ressarally, that they hare leased the satablishrwebt formerly
occupied by F. Witttch, oa s State street, near riennet d Co'c. For
-11 Itre sad boy.. now on head a lamer ant better sesortatent of 101
kinds of
than eery bottom, whirl, for style, durability and elegance of lintels
are superior to anething heretofore refereel in this etty.
They employ • r of the hest workers in wood and iron the ,
the country proCutvs, and from their long esperienre In the hunt
ness, err mtistieo the can offer the best wax:ay of work
The ILIEST XATERIAI, of an kinds that can be had any put int.
all their week.l4 tied& Includin l
does DU sheet notice and reseponahle terms.
Yrrnaa seu•lio¢ order, may r•at aasat•d ni having theta
terotral te, their ell tlrr Slitillikiio[l, 110 d at 1.1101 U 2 r) partieu
a, agg th•• att.•nded In perann Thar wishing , neat •u , l
larslyle work rill I•n 1 it to their advantaged to one them a call
Y•• lu • 1446.
.- -
Jewelry Watches, Yankee Sottons.
HoL LISTER *mild ra.peetftilly bet tear
to return their *ince, atoning to tio ir friend., and tbe
nae to genenil, for the Ilbernl patronefe heretofore
th0M.4.11.i COP , inform their onliltollt,lolhllt 01 , 1 ft,
une yrener...t to oils greater indueernente than ewer, in the Ahtio.
of WATE'IIE•L-4;014 and 4ilrer Patent 1.e.,. 40. Anehar in.
rwlindrr do In JEKEI.IIY our stork r0n50.t..4 e fall variety o
Bruarbea, Ear Dropit, Finger limp, Gent, I'mo, Kra., Lockets
.:used Chun., lob .11 Thiinblee,['acct t eset, Brerket.s, ttlecteele.
Gold Pena, tr In oar 'Monk 44
we defy competition, sod to thow who purchase `firer Warr of ou
trareltfog /woo to, Ea/roped °Nieces pure cot ctsraot
the mune to be parr as dleadro
To Ilercluints and Pedlar. re an offer ft• it,
YLnk... o Nr.tio)no J.welry a. can founo, vrett York otit
and at priors that at be beat Engraving and Witt eh repalritt
done to the neatest possible manner. The ►ahem , +rs
Clve rnaplortnent a. twenty-nee Dung men of (00t1 MlMl:ten" bakrit
to mall goods from Trunk*.
H. P Storiaon'• 014 `stand, Park Rom, Erte,
♦mart 2.
Botwoos Drown's Howl and &Nod BOOM
on hand • Mir and wimple*e assortment of lion. Fur
H tubing Goode' I present two new patent Elerstr+l (h •n
ok 41.. era, the t ENTritillN and I /t• ERNI lit, of ...Mimi, a new
prineit.larhmti can not be . Roverstnif the damper,
,cerfu,l•* thi ii intire heat from the (nen, wino, has h.. on
to the Prated Oven Atm,* The idyle oroa t ament a fi g ,
nod beautiful. The muting equal to any in market,
The toned sad best assortment of Cook , and
Parlor Stoves West of New York. ota band, among whlch are the "elf-Re7tilatora, three
wet., Britliatit, Penult and V‘otet ',pen Name
Ruby, the ' , indent. the Lady Frankiin and Gothic. oal
y,,r•Wood, the Cottage. the Nubian and other Parlor rktoveo, 1,”
aii[aeroun to inenti,n. ('ooking:l,, the Ferret flak. the Korai
Oak the 1 . 4, at Coot, the Empirv• L'ite and Mark Warrior Low
leen :q.v., abw, the l'arlor rook and Fanny Fern.
I would mil your attention to any amok of Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Wart.' Ala., a large ... r tment "(Cutler), Ivory Ebony and
Wool liandle• Table and In•ert Knives sad Yorks, Pr•eket gnr. a.
.4elmours, kc , &c, Britt/int* Table Carton and Teapota
tle.,, Tea and Istl.- : , pnona, Brasa, Copper, Porcelain and .;reund
Kettles and runip• 01 all deveriptiona Lend Pipe, Sheet I. sa,
Pump Chain', Tubing, Moos Pipe and Elkowa on hand at all time*
U.", the Lar,reat moot heat aaaarent of Japan Ware in market
Ale., Lante en.. Tea Tote., r.,/fee Ytlla.t orn Poppers, .Sekeen, -
!mu Knives, I tat Iron., .thoeeto and Irage, Poker., Coal 11.• j.
Waahbrnord• Weal Cutlet" and Janainc-•..misers, Jobbing .lone
the abort,t settee. Copper, itraaa, Pewter and Ragw taken in ex
rhange for
ly.ave cal I and ' , Laraine my stock, acid ■atufr rearreivm.
Ert, Met. lth I Mot Yonm VtliPTlY
I Kin' .imple arid prim twat at , aneetnept by • hick, not.i.l
4 hutters are toried to any desorsble point and fastened sr Ith
nut opetung the wind..., roe principle % infficient to mute and
fasten the inn.* i.rierou. aliu•tera. A very snaan power applo
to the inside will more the blinds and ant *mount of poseq . I. R.
than that stitch woo Id tweak them, oohed from the out-side, v it
not +to. them . precluding all possilo:ity of opeuteg them from the
out ode The) rail I, mad. ,d an, kind of Iron, and to purse.. am
Mont,' .treorth and do raoility \o siorlitgome other C 011041140 ~,,
liable to get nit of .rotor, are toted The... Otte cheaper th.n
litho... as they prayer,* the hlipda, 100,1131( them gentl y and per
maneutly fameninit them shore they are left, ./h , h.1.1%g thetr dr
struction by the action of the stud.
They are ornamental reeler than othreete. to the Insule of the
bidldins. It remote,. on skill or practice to olorlite them, and no
more effort than to open an ordinary door. They are adapted to
all Moth' "f bo.l.linifit, and are mod) apphed. It require. hell pc,
eL1.113/bali , M to coon rill,. ant ono of theft. pm/lima tuiefuthea.
A Model of the litho , . Cn h wr• at T i W Nome'. Grverr
Mate street, Erie. .
Ostlers 1... r Maude with llse n:vre laws es urs respectfully
1.1t0431‘. t Cc,,
r.rie, goy. 29. 10.56 rearh at., Er - ., Pw
T Aeon itiorsoN wolll,l mn.l rrapoettoily infto.m hr. owns.
.1 nos old Moods 'sot 111144 11).• ',WV .
irneral, that ha t opecting up an unfit. /4.uu
F. 4 NIL y u1t0(7,/cIES,
In that eetnrilticirotio ni•einl,
on the east ride of the Puhllo Square, next door north of Mr. J.
(.. Setden'e Hardware •zdore, . lien. br atiiet •ttention to Lunn...,
keeping. v.. 1 stork of r o„d i.... 1., at moderate prwrt,,, • n,l t w in,A
In every reapset ancommodaUng, he shall hops to mtain all old AI 11. I
make Many *era customers I'leim call and are this new rotabh.h•
meat and examine and purchase good., at you Ilk. them and
Let., July H. ISM I&
o lilOrsl6l4 tk LOIS to Ens 5.150,00 Each.
if I Honors. tint k Ilarn do V. 75,00
57 Building Lots do $lOO to $3OO
1 Fix nem nut Lot South Id Garrieon $4 we
1 Farm 200 acre. 140 ea...v.1 Howie 1 Barns She.ds if,‘ ke, Soar
halm hrom North Lort km of #l6 r sere
I Yarns Ott name 2Ni Miles or from Erie $76
Five arre Ont Lot.' City 01 Lacrom Wisconsion
2. In Lot. City of Lactose do
5,000 actin of rem, choice Superior Land, Mitchell on low a ,.
Ain, My eirtatifished Manufacturing establiahment Oa the Canal
in Erie eonsisung of 2 Warehouses, large Malt Mouse, Milne-Dock.,
2 lota Itc, hic,
The aubaurther hatein f r 4letennined to enture In the Manama.
11,MIDOON in the Cit . , of upon the etpleatton of hi. pmaeol
Term of Office as Prothonotary, hers late to call the attention of
thou* wanting r,.& estate to the shove Jesarshle propertr—Tbe
tnantitactnry above uith its bustner is an inducement aeLlotn tf
offered, belt:neon* of the safest, surest mud moot profitable
ina , uttoenta that could be mute
The. oubocriber will sell rhwl.r than others and on the mom
kr " abie t e nn" and dire the moat anrseirptionable tine.-- 4.4 n( the
purring... money required duiro rind Llntaner in 4 Equal annual
foneatil- A. KING.
fOris, flee. IS, VAIL Owner t Aril I
NeVr Goods, New Finn, New Prices.
anhecribere haring purclmeed theanterron ofJaMOlO Hugh.*
.1. in the growautth bwitasen, and having made lens additiebo of
misonshis sonde to the former mock. are prepared at the old stand
on State Btleet, to inipply all the old customers of the Ammo, And
emele7 tmw are sr may &wet than with a ma, with all landu n f
staple sod gum, De 7 Goods, at as tow rater. and •• Air bream ••
My Amos Y Ude 8117. WI and essealas goods prim beton
perchssiwg elsewhere, BARS BRn.
Kele' Nov. SS, 1666.
Look Sorel
Irvsubscriber would informti l i n criblk flat be bas removed to
. stood on the senor of sod Slits Streets, where he
saw be (mud with Grammies, Pale, sod time "Bans-op" MIL In
triosetstiou of Hie "good time snafu(—that is, the lionburr and
Brie fs about to routes/aft his shelves with the afinest
sad Met," mad sorneetly de.Srw "mom body slid every tadfschtld,'
st aim him a soli. H. HALOWIN.
DM* A - ril &
_ _
Not reto — tfoiftripa' !
MA and certain toothed or looking ficap, either hard
II or suet, by ailing tho Cbac ikke, Put tip la lOX and 37 , 4
kii_o 'Wows irttk&Anatiseis for us. Oda _
p* Marsh 2ld. CARTIM k
WI - r
Yard 8eD107,12--)
rzeabaerner has reasorod Gambier Yard to tbo foot of
emeh afgeta.--gairt of Jammer Deetk. where he it
tag to
Migimot aserhatprhre in CAM far the joflowtag bade of
11 la. 1 111eft• Weed
It 11= i i: & 12 ft , leap,
o 44 as o ak *I .4
7X7,1120,021, ood Ottheatea,lo it 12 ft. 1.
ta. kromoos koorda,lllk 12 feet foam
44. .• 134 Meat.. olda, 10 kl 2 bed ham
4-1 . Chant Ho rds,lo h is 1. 41 1 .91f'
44 book Wlsibo Wood boarda, kl 2 tees be t ,
k la. Iblak • *Wok Mak." " "
2,2 X. lo.lbidk ask 14, 11, mat 1111 set
M 41% ALA It nit L HAWN.
on - Amid - died Eir
sok obis% ok fko.Weiv Weary IStoro
F Wa sf ort ll. .
Ape 4. WC . 1•
ran RIBDOXi. Oat 4. ba, by tio - 1 - 14 7- , st --
041 MIL CUTUP% -
en an t d their Nodes of Treat
m of Diseases.
Imre is no aetle.Cl on which there I. 00 asetteontmiverr among
its pribetitioeiers sad pr„( afore as that of tint )li.lll/t E
IIIIEDICINt. Ma school 4044c1:um *al blister, blood. sandal/.
ter 01111111011 and 110110.1 drop until the cualklisig paticbt male
wider this weishb, and should be die, the arsetltiooar will tell, ou
chic the patient's eoueUtution could not War tresitinebt, iirbouLlee
facts were the trietawnt was n. t to be borne erect by onc In per
fect health. /low then could reason aspect oar in haportert
Another school of proctitioners srUI WI you that, eat, alone
will care all the compliant* of ass. Stl/1 another adtaininten
herbs, roots, and to os to the end of the chapter The different
schools being as numoroaa sa their theories.
When Realist:Ma Prankile, by the simple wand of hie lice,
brought the electricity from the Iliaueta, the world wondered
'.bat use he could make of It. What did he do Be, the snot
thinK, te the twaefactor of .1111aaawi, 'rotated it to the saving of
brawn tare from destructions b that sabtle laid electricity. And
In this Were u s remarkable ty between the experiment*
mid remits of the Greet Tosser of Liglasaaa sad shoes of Prot.
CL stns Lug Gaarts, the dihseaterer and tinker at the ELLC
TRH OIL. Prot De Gratkea experiment,. commenreel with simple
moans years ar and hare from ..n auto with tome of ant a nd
nremltted exertion be has orulurod. at l'iolaoielproa, theorem of
rank/In'a auroras a wounter *mond only to th a t of hie greatlfore
Than this itatonishinic Annihilator of the 111. and pains of Man,
there does ant 00111 t a tw, iiii•rtt,in•iue worth:tut, nor one +Loch
ha dr.wt, gush aturarpal and ti•liyi I'd twaintl.tnial. ,n it. hi. or
0.40 all who tars glom trial as I I.,{ymttn, l't t ,
Ett/tora, Cortgresamen, tlayrirs •.f ruts r , 11•.tri pn.pri..yort sod
first-elms Norehasita, in the rare of Weis dutewer and adnotiotis
the r , i.owing—n• • t ',or) toina--lthewnsittlisua, Per. and Aqua,
lleaftwoo, o.wt , Nratra414,1.44142/Agn, Floistlos, an d
al at.mplalats , TIC Dol,Frooa, I Lou,t u oo, co • c u p,,,,, coup, Paton,"Tinian& sod Ltruioes, Cuta and Woutola Fierolled
"••nololai Er•stivoins, Snow 1% itith•a, Womb D u ,
ordora, "44 /bloom, o 'aulorr 100 month and 4ttltiacil
ru i rt• l na a . taktai 1ih9.1 , klum•te, re I blo.ta, Pleurcej,
L core, lock Jaw, Heart Hunt, T•;oth and Ear-ache, gerrowenosa,
1,,0r1i I 0104, If u -Oa 4 •• , " f•t/In• of twUu ng mfrs`,,, .te
A. .n 1 .040100 of Lew , tatitt.•l.•,a in a Wr I, it is lord 1,, one of t h e
st.l. /or Isto wrtter• no 1., to In tt,ia -outitrr, we will Ore
latter roo••• , •••1 l• • I"Fnf lir tt TA, ' , MI Jnhn i.rt Inirol..ll, lnq.,
ht , ••I" • • • ~• Haaatits., Ur.. 011010111,
1", a w„-•t •• r • t.alltiton% a,f inner it. t ..4t am..u d the
•••••: I. it tnon unkft,,nn wary,.
.1. KAKI.. 111),” at, PLila,l.lpbts,
01*, "t
1 t s ar . ; aatii I frao.i" gin.. It aa • o f •1 ••••t •
" i• • tri• it. , moat • • , n ,orto Ir. in. . In .4., P,
14.4 1t tin. earn 4.4 t t L W.1 4 g1 44 . 111! 4.0 44 1.
t. V. 4 41 ,If •oi ,•, •1•1! It!, ..• , I, , ! 4 4 ., 111
br.ttle. t ~, L4II I
tiowk •Atcl • nottehlwi t ti, I,,imbu • I[u!a t r ,.l
w 11. a: it i•...«•.r0 ‘Thno L.a , • 1., t
10".1t1144 to Oillavritl,
1 . '0.1 • :AI . Cram 4tc./..144; , i‘nt., ”••,
%M. N. In J. 2, 1..,b I t • . • -
.ltur usu.& Irsthoot 10,..4111, •rerytluu4 prturribud b) my pbyur•
duo, I tut oressUK , tried your glutrie Oft. This sovulnig 1 um
yrk•ll, Cu. •••eLlrf bring beau u comuloto ea lt was tnotanumbuou
Yours rery truly,
1 , +11.: Lit f.sa4T(.,N,
1:4, tor %Lollail la.
Itroado,,, I.•••Jr.e. •nth
/ 0 1,,u0 •p;gl •nd h
funlui. • •,f • ; •••itl..r. • I 5-$.l-4
nig n , n int( th.• a.. • r better. w ‘l , l ,11'.. 1 , 1010r.1
rbe W , !1•7.4.; I 1 , •40•Irt,sell :tans of
tf r.try•,ll, t I g
.:F1; FRON tits.
Ibt• 1 ) South Bth
I 'la re 1 Rlll,lOl . Pure 1).1 ,tv ,• 01 , p.
ha,/ •1. r • •, I 1 ,, ,
viN .L.•l•tit r ar, .
113116e, - .1 alit; rt.• , luo-41:13.,11111 1:.• a
GEt-quir. kJ:I -1.
ii• Keroer Camila ,o tile first ranks of L.. i u
She Clen ha, ,n 4 thenuror'or.44 u 4 eon,. ..1 ti.
MITII * - 11• f r-,
nt rtmip :Jr • .1.1 , •
tlie, .. not t., n tW kwu iri
• ~?• : to, 1111:.,; • . •: • • •• •1• •
batch IN A/ 1..
urt•rix rllKtr , I I,n•
•4xii k y • • • • ; -
:tout LioetZt. no • ta- •
paternally to tin* Mmin Twom BTU.tio. , FIRM l• •
tn•ttAnt t./.411•11 I min, a' ,
week,! *Milk* It new Man: M.4111.....1t tne M•tam . t too:
Ittlx . M.ltA me thaws. 1 , tar 011 titavlnit ...ion. lin me in Lan:
tulle • tint t;. 0t1. , 6e , It. 0,11 th••
Me.t. In. nil i tL ee I the Ixaertmn n j hnitixilt4.lll4 01 PLonil
I.• y
Is. , MILE.
2,10 •4 42. h 4tr,..t.
Any ;Arty tan have turrtber ulf. , nnati u II wanted by
ll* key, ,kut:ernao
Wo will ore ill , , • • w
hectleu t
3 YEAS:,F.Ak E 1
.14 I , 1%, 1 , " I
Prof Det:rekth —lir, 1."...«
atigQ I.ll^uy t.l/1914. • , 1 a iv.' T.,M, a, and ci eatre.l km.
I ,tn .” w•/ ,ri*, ' •arn o^
ALI I••I R.a, I
lietscatti,—Dear -ir —ll, em.n
Cab lirta.6:• aa.a.• • 1 •, . ••, .t • trut4 4, Witt, 1
•pf..iesltnp ot [ ' nil. , tax, i , ..r•t.14 • I :I.:1c tin
relieteil of palu t lorzt•rwt tin! .4 c
-1 imelieve I.e Ica, mired (coal yertamicciciy ttn n
1 'rook' theratore, rncommend it to MI whoa, clam. of complaint .•
protegees to aura.
We might E 0 0, sdintraltaitn with •how /..ttrea of dYh aunt , but
nut spare wd. not priinl% *Lllr.•nnincr s',l • !,,, ba'••
our and ttn•4• .110 loan.. 1 , , ne a.,; to t• I. • ;,,
:Lei, it vr
rol t.
r o'er 51,INIO•rorth, 1, , ••rx
seth 6 Ilatn• , ~f Italtl.•
11.1.4), at - •t.
At 11T.. la, r•-• • Itla. •r . h I ./,` .0 Itnt
n.r l'h 1,1 0. 10.00 V were• rnviz.•
1'r..1 1406 .trere4 e• i , • ..s ,
'at theto 1410 . 1.1,11 t 1.1. 0, aso: tyal• z !..t .11.
of hi. Zr• It I rte F.l laruri,, e a
'a:t .cart... to ar - ..tar.f.sraara ,'4 t r t. to .1 , -1 tt..a Iw..•n I , :
Thia Elartrict (MI {Aar. Ow p.m, frt.!, n bit ro itt •a'..107 mtakit ,
art .an t . .. 1 tat, twat, ht.'ut 4/1i tltttg atm. '. • t ,
t .t l lt • "t ``. t.
ttt...: ;ant', a'• • Ist ,1 a the •••-•• t.' 11.
L. St , •
. •
Watt 1, .1-'.• ,
at 't
•-•,,1"r art .4
/It, V a it. 1.•• • •• ri• •
U red 1,1 twit day.jar.
rata,ti, currd .11,4„ 1 • 1
Itotantat lava% II it Cur , : :.1
nettal ~a, t l a
atttt•irlai tt • .•
liitUt—litatAta, sala
tialphia., r.,
ht , t U'
rnnr that it ha•
1/3%:/t_ . 1 , •
14 • ••pArSti01. til d•Ill
j'ef. i• n .
Ili, • Tt.t. n.l
\ • hay e 1,414
•.• c a, r ikoznr.
, " , tii• A ", • pr .11T • •
%.• r•T, ,
I. t
.n.l J ilia Fn i t,l
ow u in the
J. J. Duncan, Proprietor.
Tins Eitta.tdahmrtit ha. nee, 3 •••t
11f. tirTE D 1:11) Frif $.41E1),
ntol the Proprletor re•speolf,n, .
the trnrolllng pohlor loth:It. L. 11 n: • . •
okati4(44 t1..11 hAry , ‘
An: 1, tit
Ltunber Wanted.
pay the Innt4f.l e.•', f •
bo,oroa I tl k 1.1
50,00 ti 1,, ..
58,1100 « 1
5i.000 " White Oak, ••
.$O,OOO " ••• t' 1 , •• 1
Sawed farm ( /' from • ri , l •'l' Tot, •• I t
f,,r Mono f...t of Alnlo.:111 rift.• .h 1 .1 11 4 . K,
/yes, 10, 12 ad. 1,1 feet long 11. Innotol ft" oor r•fll
F.rie P h, 14, 1 < f n. LI, I. •; t t t I. ".‘ , IIF
(ii7:141/0 1.1:I(
- - -
Souse and Sign Painting.
THE subecriher. •,01.1 adopt 1, , ,. ~1 ~
friends 4 - 1 . 1 the pubis , te ,, er%ll) t Ih• r ha, row :nen '
toe of
liaMse & !Ara lithetilic Glazing and l'aper
nn tth Street, between . 4 t/11.• rent 1•••.f.••,,'(» ; r
euripti tr James Cummins, a',ere th •, nr. r, • ••
and pivmptly e*,iot. , nil kr. !!.• I ~Ii• ;Inv' • , I ~ ••
their whole tilt!n to the t,tirine.--. 1, r ,
110.1 , 1411011141.4 in it wooly rear*, t.j• tent ••,
.merit and *Pear. n Itt.•rill altar' r .1. r,• !
their ability to impart•nti, , 1 a
trot!. 11,11
Eno, Harrb 1.154.-43
Down with Monopolies!
WHILE: the centhinietiene e,mp.l .r..
the liheetwa of the peopin, and !In , t• vsn 1.. v.. ~,,, •
this way oarf that, for the ka. ea and il• . • \ • I
MA 11, aro zuking stud th e heart. of
U* t heir (mama. stock a new
Hardware Cracker', Glassware, China do.,
Lookiug Waterer, !hirer t'l tte , ( W arr , B r at a „. a
Ifslorita all, (Daao r rat o and Amero-ans and 11..121th -
awe, tthanghato and Antl-rthattrrhat,.) to crier u . a ern. W.. hat.
"rokongh for all.enough for each ' numb, is the pl., t rt
b a ,o n
your mo or / , or at other words., tb. plarr t i rrt hock 'our too a
rya worth. Wr can and will rell gooda cheap for clod.
Erie, Juno a, la:0S. at I:RV , : Scivi
Steel Cultavator Teeth.
200 ~ri er o f all Steel Cultivator Teeth the tout in for .le
J C.
To Wag on And Carriage Mater'.
riA,RBIAGg vrbetu. itmni. % I wo*, lintiba, Felton, Brut %rage
N„./ sad Mato, for irk at Yalitufanturer's Prolix, by
2.rter. Aug. 14. J. C SELDEN.
BAILVEY k kEtr (ftnereaerire to Rohs, hare the
Pest n o opepoorot of Shelf Hardware, Cutlery, Xaile and Spoke*
la the city. Xe. S Reed House. Erie Noe 1.14
Weigel* Crushi ng dr Grinding Milt
pHs entiorriliers ore sow prepared to fornteh no short 0nt 0 ...,
this celebrated tedll--iattoplied to the use of every former All
venous Seeding stock, either thr beef or monitory purphae* fad
them economical and convenient.
Noe 22.11164. SVINBTT, BARR k CO•
WITTE 41010—% oupenor :A, se end 100 lb
krgo, for solo at too cheap Drour Store of
Eris, Mara 11,1867. CLARK k RALIMIN.
ToI - bki=2it,bi.
'fllargest/Ind bestanaortuentof Simi's, American, Lags ga -
orins sad ErigHoli Iron; Clint, Panclisls, Blister, and
m and larnort Steel; shin, springs, axles anvils, vim, inlays
Meows, deb, Bolts la.„ offered to the public, at
(..fsgesereri to Agin lest)
Erie, Nov. 27,11150. N. S. Reed Rause.
-------- V& I 0 2 .
I. Stook of ilsztheste, the parson tent so woes shoot at No
4need House. BARNEY k NeCONWAY,
Xs,. ti e 11111,-11111 Seawerst to bitssaised.
'.% •. ,
I 1 II
• WI
! til i . ••
la rnfi[~ 1: diR \
vv. I )..,...
: \ • 1' —i w,•••!
• ! 1. rart. ! ,• •,•
I. , , ~
" ' \.
. 01 . •
II fli I
1 • it ••
COWIN C.. 1111.9 avid
Dz. J. C. ATM: I OS Or briods to NO**
toot moot/ I bato tow bowl f or
thornesoo, Zothwook, soil Ott
qTeptoopo of 6 0114 is your Comae PlOaral.
tut eassratiar to my pride* sad -y fri ll
lOr to. Wit Ps yaw Ira dont it tOrlir
roportor Tama be 116, traitors!
rasislots MOO MOS% S. D.
goinsT, iteis.„o/1 Vs oh 11. Y. liner I • 1 hors ..e1
your Pritmaa, 'well esti hi lilmer over IWO JOS in 11111.114
it, and behove It VW ban kr ►le Wren lour Pot dot-
With • bed add I didadd sesser sow iirestreri *Alan tar a
butUa Mae do r.►taont it, or tam lia7 odor r..•47.`
Croup, Wboopiair Conk, lallimeasa.
flesaninwA, )fret, hb. 7,14.
Dianna Aram : I l cbsmf.flj past Pananant r Uri
best remedy na pongee, for ihe cured Ompli,
and diadem* dimana of cbildresa Ire of your taewtty ia C M
Math appreciate year akin, andonminend Tow eva Wl ttietn• oar
'SOS LL t, Bah, blesexam Le„, videos, id Jas., IMith
Wad a tadknis i alluessa, which magma Um tu loon mix Indio ;
wok hAtly toadkihao erttboat bad% billy hied your Pmeoam
by the advice ot oar eimiumaa. The UK dose alined the
mmtmea .o my thew and imp; Ire than ooe bakr the bottle
own, me compimaly et•IL Tour redidisaa an the derma,' m
well as the beat we am buy, mod tes Wawa you, Doctor, and
tour remadem, aa the past mates trishi.. •
Asthma or Plakligei sad Drumlin's.
Wan Pa., lib. 4, ISM.
Sta . Tour Combat I.= le mereslious mule
in this secboa. It Ma edema from alaratetapabamme
of camatapckm. sad fa ame =tag maim mho has Wand midst
an affection al tb• tamp fir the Mat forty Jan.
HURT L. PARES, /kacheret.
A. A. RAYBCY, X. D., Amon, Memos Oa, lowa, wiltut,
Sept. ft, 1888: " Dart*[ my practice at ummy yews I have forty)
nothing equal to your Cusurr Pitolultot. kw Ortiz( use &tot no
t,4 to coosuraptive purbuita, or curtas Pooh at or* curablo•
W might odd volumes of oviduct*, but the most &portal:has
ria of are tirtuat of this mood" Is 'band fa Its efforts upon
PreMbly net ono roomidy hoi sear boon known which oared so
mmormrd stab desirous* etas so UAL SCUM so Imams aid
can roach . bat wets to thaw tho Oinwar lhascoms. &fonts rr
bet onJ comfort.
Aarm Boom Irw Toni Cm, March 6, ISM
Dpern ATM, Loareu.. I teal it • duty and • plfutaitra to ID
hArTil you wbat your CRIME! PlcTows du dna. Ihr my vas, hot Dees eve :months :aborts"' under the denglaHte !qui".
tr•m• • f ronidimpth , u, from which no aid w. enold itaL,corti %sr.,
Sthi wit.* rtradily nut Dr , lg, of
V.. It , , where se have fah, for Wvt t. n'rututii•aa , -% • trial
y.•u InrUrto• %% a Maoe hta kludnuaa wt.:, your AM,
eh• hut r...rurer.l f mut SILLS day She U uut rat 4/1 stinng am
.1^ tr. , ! tr. tak but to fruw frau bar cough., and calla herself a an.
*nth mtitndo atd
OJJLAibU SZLELD Y, Bazu rrizts.
"..m.Pi.".• do not desPAL , WI You have t nr.l Arta's CRLIAT
Pt AroKAL It Is made by au of the beet medial , hetonAe in the
r. t. and me curet all round ue beepeek the high merits of lie
rirt tlee /....I.deljaksa Lodger,
Ayes Cathartic Ms,
I , rus 'den,.or Cheuthrtry and Medicine hare teen tasod
their utincet to produce Ibis bald. ma rt purgative
which is known to man. Innumerable are vh..en that
t Wes ht La bate strtuso ortush surpava , Lt .sr , llsoe• tiLo artituts
re await tnes. and that they vin se peecedeuted upon the eeteenk
o: it luso They are tale and pleasant to hits-bat preortni to
t-Its fb..r lewd-voting proporti. ottrnolats the vital or nom.*
t n—ly. reionu? Us* olostructouve.of Its orlon , . Purify rt..
•.1 sod expel duessa. They purge out the foul Luna, • huh
s and cn,w dt s unapsr. ro n , o h n s e slassrial, or diteoelemd or
1114 I /t.. their manna action, and 1111 part L a atuy urns ant,
scram Alt to the whole system. Nut only ch, they rut, time sorry
eh plaints of otsry tx•Er. bat &U. ICoTal'ital)" and &AP'
• , 'ls .110,4"11 that bans bathed the boot of fllmat, h,ls
they pealuo. pataerfal Pilate, they ere. at the mme In (1) ,
•,‘ totalled Jona. the sera and beat pique that can to cinplorrat
• a children. Being tracer coated, the., are Phieftes to lel" •
a n purely veret•ha are free from any Ilea of harm
t. r e. Wr e been mule stitch Porous belief wore they not ash
••••.olate.l by men of such pOeitiOn and character ae to
r r Ord ti,....TAgino of untruth. Many eminent clergymen nod
i.hrlciatt hare loot their nantar to certify to the public the rya
itatabty of my netwata stole others bays mut tue the mitar
once of thar °aerate:lion that my Preparations coutnbom tea-
Inemmly to the cella of my enacted, seaming feilanumen.
Tb. Agent Wmw named I. pleatied to fission gratis my lino
ten* Alumnae, coolantst direction' ter their ass, and sertigi•
calms of their c* of tats thilaring aimplaida. ---
Ccalvenost, Ididoss Ossaplatats, Basmastass. laciory, Hahn
nesdaebe miming from a tool Women, moose, Inagua
that. Morbid Inaction of the bowl& and Palo aiming tharatino.
flatulencli Late of Appetite. all Monroe' arid Cutaneous Ins
eases whit% require an inheriant Medicine, Scroftda or King's
gril They Mao, try ramifying t h e blood oodsumuloting the eye.
tem ewe mart' complaints whkh is would not be supposed they
amid mech. such so Deafness, Partial filindisms, Sennagia and
Nereow IrrlLhllYty, tainesuremosts of the blear sod Kidneys.
clout, and other kindred complaints arising from s low state of
the body or obstruction of its functkons.
Da, not he put off trir unprincipled dialers with rose dam rail
si matte more prod t ort. Ask for Aram Pula, and take noel
ins elm. No other they can you ontspioes with this In its
oarrinvot value or curattne powers. Thor sick want the best aid
two - . uk em them, and they should hob it.
Preparell by Dr. I. C. AYES
Practical and Analytical eltinaist, Lowell Km&
Pam, SS On. 'ix Irrn Bova Poi $l.
• .art k Einidiortn, A Cart., k 11, and Stewart k rte.
ata. by Imam A. Whito,, Girard, .nd W. H. Turnrusetwl., prtimitlel,l
__ .......^)
' ~.--,-------
,-7, ...',/r- s • - •/..,..71,,..-- v? z
e - ~ „ . - -7/..e ~ ,•,,, J .,,,..,(.6, -i , -- . ,!7
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I! K
• A NI , T.
%VA:li . ..TOY 1111,T.
1, ,; •TY•LP. 1 1 1
4111 , 1 1, 1 , 11..k1.1.
I M I:r+ r, 1., ,
k I'? A. I.
I .
Na. 431. IS -
I'T, Fl 11 • 11', F'AI'K kRD
4.'.1 V. II 1i.)111..71.1t, It. 11
-•• 1 Leettrors u 1 H,lit
two ..I',•l.ron,a.
;,f rI.Af
\ t • , ar•
IV , wq•l(l.. {.
1. I I,
',III, ‘{ I r •‘, %V . *RN, itotrr .
IS • v /4. • 1,1^•• in 11..1 ii• * 4 MI.I PeUMILD*I•I
: ••e• • rtink• • .11 ,
ii• , ,t t , t 11.!‘ s+T'
k.ri. A 1,1. 'tl , w ,
, vAnc... kr
11., I 111 trr 1' .1
•..••• %I 4jf
"II “..../1 . 1l1 , • 1 t
~ t \ \I .1 ~A rR t
. 1. r .;•p•rtrtromr•
rtiti •
• orh•ir. •4 (log, .rmj prrnr
.f 4.1 •
t I . ,11..,r,51a
thin spnor ..{ nP o sr,
Tla.e. 3Z) io l
, if ~, in %Hord tsi k r•-i k for %columns in sn
ion. tnsuno r. T ttinroncil s
rue.• and r(rw-tti--d'r empi•t( (.1 (it the c•natiai Itooea
• •,. ••• • • .“1 , 111 gvt , orsll;
Tti E KOOK. fri Kt:l'l7%4W PEP \KT ti ENT
. „ . .. • IslieKi
tecomatinist. nll , l Tenvhen. ,nn • n('
,(1 • - ". . ( ',At( 5, 1.1....0c(4. ri
i • t r •' •,••• 1 -Ik , tion't tc0.'.1.4.
• r... • tirom TLi. depart - Imo
st.t cu. m.trwt....“ tb.
TUX LV.VrritElt.k
,te.letth the greatest care mud are the very tv.t the
TIIE ('OLI.1(:11TE COUR-.4E.
Iterrlin•l'. Books ,o/ evert 1 41r1. TV 1.41 t. rrn
Omml..lovl Rook*, MIN •I rf rent •••• , 14 Neve .C•I
, .1 It )4,4M, 11 - 1 - anp..: 1., •'a i•Oe 4•••• r ti.
timottel;icteirrr'N Hoek. 1" , to ot• • I ,q , l 7;.:bt
ilaankisig !looks. 12 In t , •rA r;z11;
l'rintinag & eubilohlwar ..• ftrrlttze I
the e, low e u ... I th,4(
hole! Rooks, to the wt enpr-rt!itt wind
..troian lioat 800 kw,,.
Kull Itowd tienkok. •••,In i .1.••• •
atton ant vh••• *• ran +fM
4n. • ; !1t...
Are ftirt • 1t.,16.,t1. a.u.l
• , ) ,,,r•u•oc • •:. .41 - 11 n. lit I I MPl,Antlie
I . 4 2 r ic 11P.I' 1.12T1t KNT,
. !unit • 14 6t h Jp
I 3,4141,10At1em , o f the Pr,netral
.111 ‘ , 1.• ••ti zrvt.itiriltqz lurrAthe •tta
t - p" F •rf Loh.", f... Ina ‘ . 31 , 11,114
• , S•h.••i, "'itch n.II he rl, (or.. ar.le I fr.v
1 BHA" yr 8, AT it I.TTIIIN.
JuPirltseci vEct).
aT r!II :croler: tIE In k Jr: 4 TIVE,
ritHISV DA V, any iviantit, i.t Hove, :nte Haat Soh
111.... No . 1
Ma..komi. non. y nh, tcceh, said niany other thine% In the .•• a Ilinh
wOl 1....•1.1 rh.sip as the ehoape‘t
.11%.0, come TEA on hand that -ill heat any thing in this town,
biootert not errepted. Fah. 21 —4l
German Vegetable Cattle ii - o — wde nf -
FOR HOWatislo, COW Isla, AND /I °Dia :
gorior article for improving Ito% sprooranoe•tai et .Ddltion ni
rt . your animals, This will not be found one of thoi • ktn.l. nt
toteturcs that nieridy swell an animal for a abort unto pcnOucing
rather an Ininry a benefit; hot hr itnponving appetite
and pmmoottne digeirtitin of the food, 11 rta health• condition
or the blood, from which the mint and fat most be formed. En!!
directions in I,th (iceman and English. with a list of
airenvntoily each IMAINIVI. Loire 2f , cents.
tpril 15. dp ttTEWAItT k
rpnlf will It L Ds4 Itgalg. - 11rEi e tifeitit l• reran . 4 by bin
I Allen. or salt at No. 8. }teed Rouse h. ,
— New Arnagement.
xr - rW Grocery arraniremeut et No 4, Omit, Bide Erie. The test,-
1.1 meths? bas inR parchawk the patine otoeit of goods 0 f the late
arm of Sterrett dr Brother and added to them a very large alai cow
pieta stack of fresh, new (low* Ratters himself that hot earl com
pete wtth any Ern in the city, yoblog or retailing goods his line
Koch has been maid about cheap Groceries, but without b °meting I
will only say and exantine my large 'tack of grocer lee and I
think I can woneheoe you that No. Is Cheap MA, le the lit are to s et
cad goods *ad 10 per (vent Inver prices than at any other grocery
depot to the city. AB goods delivered hew within the
city limits. /0111( Q. A. STILItHrIT
irk Jan. 10. IST.
_ . .
To liportsmen.
13.unonr secortasir, (seessessers ts. Wi ts Raid)
11 has e this sews lot to 14 es- poirditr Ibstt
Elbiss ems, (sew lets inter pros( ceps sent gun luipia of &It
sire, st No. 4, Hour. Nev. 111 r,
/ - 'lolnree elcr_i want Good Co/es Cal
s of kind l at
Jaw, 14, =lk k anITICL
Highly Columanited Coati
For ikecomm of 'Ai /Stadler, Ambler),
tAiimpv c ifi l ... tom* Lbeesime, )m4,4 <
wall Do Sossag Ilr 8 , ass
A SCIr•INS; l,on the i:woooies end
incoigis act INPVIPpIif Unleeklal WO.
tti a.swl Orkaria, •thottate t.
trl , ateeor clew Ow, wee ha
Ge•lrog hearth aod tic, to thy Erato.
It rujre Nor • Jo *Da beeetitated..3otto o .„ ‘
.4f eivtows, sox •••:‘ which
In , ii&poett..•e
to Exertion., Lobe of
rower, Loos of
DitAccity of hreosthlog, carom
Wesihstowt, klorretr < t Lsece.,
Nereee, Trembling, Proadful After, e
,4,0 " , ..J5:""d "it , 4. 01.1, ...** 1
V info*, LeXi,gurit. Cafrereel Lc..Jew!., Dot Naode , rhaillayr et tle liooy, Dr,
1 ..0 nteoanro clad Aruptions eto It,.
of tb. Ererkta,
In Ting holm no, tr., with ec0{,..,..:
ohm sad bow of Sight: Wett• •
towhee, Gra* Mobility, Rot...
gieconsew. with Horra •
Societe' , sothin 4
to awe
liesirshhe to sash rsesesto thew Sclittitt.. sot
['road tod Fear of thouessisto; no Repose ng
riewstwo Apowielothow, list a Hunientt Triutso,
smpt”,.., J allostel
'Amain) renneres—enon follows Lneo t> l .
F.te—,n wit of erhich the patient cm, ";
....amen are not hettuenti, 1.,1
dlevrove-412140111 and (. 4 4141111iptint,
Ax;, lum., and melancholy &nth' n ay ,
nitnele to the treat ne these invert-P.ln,
Moot Wotan, uol, « Th.
Is lowideu trvi .{lllll, death n t
It. dGua Id a 'woad of Lb. r,tc. ,
Wttt. Woefs.o. wasss , •••
Low sullen Kr „„,
ts molt tsqrsl.l,.. • scv: lt• 6
tboneanar to untimPly par.., thus
s,,,,t,s4 g. s,,uthis. It can D. cam! tor :h.
It r...a aro •ailrias vrith .or',f •t„,
U., F<•ract Dacha •dl care „
Rearm 01 quack N, OttriAMl 111.14
•r, n 1 tb-m. and 0111 Sea Long Plufa.nin,
n , hnror calling . for a bottle of Una P A.l
tt aluky • calling
purl and lodasnation, u . -
and n rill inirrerdietre In its anion
tore red directly e.e.cordtug to the Rules
CH E ISTR Y, .rath the rteatect conerny
„at lit: , jorrwoted to SL iboutibibial<ro. c,.c; •
%WAN< W,rk• no the Practioe of Phew a.
A ottani • ock• of 111.rtioism.,
41.11111,dd. In., tio pro,,Juord to pm', that tt
• from ot, ••••-k to thirteen yeari rtaathng
t‘i. owls V..ttutarr irotimopy to paaats.,,,r
.nd wtfdt. pow ell, In
yr., • WW:I Sctgnn, and hurl«
virsco s 1 goy Sonde es 'l% for $3
rispostak S•
Collpiregt, Clergy men
Nnqui rol •ad ,old IYY
10th .t. bv • h.wwthat.
ir-r!n tr• hvi of CLAI: h • BAI.UW
•n., U. awry ti, ,, ugtioul
Beware. ..q ..torfeiva,
art ,u totitt,
1.• r It. iStyi t \
t.tat haat op...Mt:to gmitpr part • • ••,..
At.. 1 6, and kfrbc.t• t.• - • at \
HT, 40.1.f1if4 I W.. Intthr. • t
.t.t, the tn. Ltdtw i • • ; .
Ytt.rwr .0, f., • .• ,
1 .. t
t r , 4114:11, LINUI
ane .r.
gattdo h..x,•t,
t•totain .at. r FREE A 1.11.1 -
4 . Sta tat ha . , at d ?w h. . •••
il renitn. ara to Io E
V •tt• on • V tt a , i Praa• • •
iv ,•• t•r-prtatna an .: ,nr l'••-"
- 1 • ista .t• JG
1,41: ar,.! 4, 41.4•1 , n Wa: lh•tt• ,
9,...ta1•1e • watretta•it an th.
342 P. 941111. The owed ~
ifi0444.4 fef G•rtiini
•7 f',ll
• State St.
Blain st.
Superior t.
Clark St
Nsll.hetl , •l I. ,D.r • • -
; f Al. n...' I. •
1 ...IN.; IDdllairlDe ID
'1. ,. • •. in., nun.! I r"stAUng,
• I • •Pt.•sil. , cache it
As otLrt
sn :r 1104
re , 0.. •It , 1 0410 Otnte. n.. mar w.
‘. O . sh• ••••• tray. him Arithr , ` a rart or •
•t .a'• of ...ail 1113.111n-e • Sait
but Ttnr., •,treowd Dr
and n 41401114 ph , lIICSDD
'an% York. arzel his prAMin• At , LI.
and the I:Mtith Pmmons. ,
Ii - T ), I,,spenArtl 14 vole
h . , hl is ,canna thonOnh'
..U. 0,
, p •s Inas !,e
4 141:1: ( 4 1.1 , 7* It) AL!
lt,,••••• At •
tt rittnr4r, and
• nt ••• , ...Ln..t. •,t Rev,‘
Afflicted Rea
ancl VIM • , l lnladodpittn,
Itt.‘ t•• •ror •-•-• '
• • 1 "-diva •.{
j.,11 •"
kir $ 1 0 0 lilt
irw! Do!lirb .1.1 be paid to anv Phr. -
the ever /njqm• a Patten , e
..e , it ,
t tb.k t
01111.0414) Sottfra have Wed .old and not
ury reported'
brlbfr , * we, an A vie,
ta, H T He tell o•nld, Cikemlst, wan 1.,
pr,p....rat4 rnntainp m. Sarrnto.
o r, ~t or. pu m 'y Vey•tatde H T HILLIPS ,
non) and sober clod tarlure tew tkila da ,
1411 P 141813
' , ll
• t 3. I MI.( Int t
• t.pu.
11 ri the I 411 ,,, t•
riert moony' ttil •
111,41 rt.111,1113i1, •
ouckne•. ,
'41.1' tot., t; t .l
• !n•ti•
!iv r • , tir rr , itr
• • t • Its. artirt, ! a
!• .• .•tl; ti
rr• r•:.• r
lir • I,•`^',,r.,
h• Dtur••x• +Gtr•
.1•:1 rt rtr: 1 ... to t•
etr water 1.1.11110 r, and wt
lln ar, rah, ll,' It,. lour* .
r prov.-Itelt of Ca. h' •
• , 'Art, .t.
rli ...e.A.rn%,
nr• tronte4 urttli a
4 , Ins I C tor 111;;
I Myst..nes
TW, .tp... "ivo C
, • f••
\ TED. AI • •
'• ••• nt, Caf.. •
L .: , • , ..r .
-..c.... t it....... ,
,t • U....m:0.w .4 '
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r•or . .1111 , 111.411.ND iho ,
140.•'1..111 , .. r.0144:1113 lAA din
. •1 ulstl to an , pn
Igm 1110 nn l r Atnort eau ay.
:•. • 1 rer , , ft that ',lb.—.
• %.bnifrot.l me - 14.4e.r11wu0 ;
111 t rr0.1.0 are Retltline
ut en, uttl.r plat ,
• ters 1.111 be. lll]sv , r•
• starrip
• , •••111rtitift.elL ( MnA
• 1., *ill tn4,l wklb
ry." ,•
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1 ' 1% ENI 1 I \
Le. ••• Prni" • 4171va. •,.
\• t 1,6• I,C111; art •
Tn.nel l•
TAKE r kl.ll. k
r •••,, h*,o
up , •
um!. .f taks?st,r, t:Hrt,"
II• 1 . ,.1 . 11. • •••• P 4,• .
t•l.r. ~ 4 : , Acu• 6 •
tfl 4,re.intlatNl
If Le him•
va.l r • oro r •Its. !it
I•Pott ,• eltrzw...! ,
uor •iaka (*.
Recl‘i rr. I kto tottiliffoont et .1
hr relie the , oxose of 11,..1,
•ncm ..1
*nth,. Ir..•+r" rwta 4.1
!., 101%., t0...5. at,•• •
n Irbil. A o ~
sno #.ll ' .I.mots,'“ •
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lir It
Tv ti,solls I i
AS.' t. 4•4
tot, . r
Tcunr Yln.• • ' f • ••••
MO. ttle,s nt. n . 1 .• . , / • •••
To.• coso, tt• • .•
And cor- tf,.- , 1••• 's
how Vlb•1•• •
?Went t.• mr•4•l,
Atrietun, a• ,••• • ,
of • ue• • •
royeattao*". I...b.cix .4*
Can bas.. .J'.
4.1 a a,a",
yaw frata.
A • •, , i 1l • r
SIItgELZN on gel 4 Pry!
copy of lair, I , I,
lance mar 0440,..... I.r
ba ca.rori at Iwo
rAnt•i;,. V1.1 , t. •,,
from danNt , • 'I" ran e e '
OW of tho 1
Ri p;•
t 10. 11% , K m
t • ; %;
phis., M.
tot v..