" And suppose the servant refuses to risk los ing his place, which he must do if he accepts your condition?" said Rosamond going rather reluctantly to the writing-table. "Let us not worry ourselves, my dear, by sups posing any thing. Let us wait and hear what happens, and act accordingly When you are ready to write, teU me, and I will dictate your letter on this occasion. I wish to make the vicar's man of businese understand that we act as we do, knowing, in the first plate, that Mr. An drew Treverton can not be deatt with according to the established usages of society; and know. ing in the second place, that the information which his servant off re to us is contained in an extract from a printed book, and is in no way, directly or indirectly, connected with Mr. Trev erton's private affairs Now that you have made consent to this compromise, Rosamond, I must justify it as completely as poeeible"to others as well as to myself " Seeing that resolution was firmly settled, Ros amond had tact enough to abstain from saying any thing more. The letter era.: written exactly as Leanord dictated it When it had been placed to the post bag, and when the other letters oi the morning had ben read al,d answered, Mr Frank land reminded his wife of .he intention she had exptessed at breakfast-time of visiting 'he north garden, and requested that she would take him there with her. He candidly acknowledged that since he had been made acquainted with Doctor Cheunery's letter, he would give live times the sum demanded by Shrowl for the copy of the plan, if the Myrtle Room could be discovered without assistance from any one, before the let ter to the vicar's man of business was put into the post Nothing would give him so much pleasure he said, as to be able to send a refusal to treat for t`9 plan in its place They went into the north garden, and there Rosamond's own eyes convinced her that she hi,d n ot the slightest chance of discovering any vestage of a myrtle.bed near any one of the win. clows.-- From the garden they returned to the house, and had the door opened that led into the north ikalr. They were shown the place on the pavement -I where the keys had been found, and the place at the top of the first flight of stairs where Mrs sraseph had been discovered when the alarm was given At Mr. Frankland's suggestion, the door of the room which immediately fronted this spot was opened It presented a dreary specta ele of dust and dirt and dimness Sothe old pic tures were piled against one of the walls, some tattered chairs were heaped together in the mid dle of the floor, some broken china lay on the mantie•piece, and a rotten cabinet, cracked thro' from top to bottom, stood in one corner. These few relics of the furnishing and fitting-up of the room were all carefully examined, but nothing of the smallest importances—uothing tendiug in the most remote degree to clear up the mystery of the Myrtle Room—was discovered. Mr Frankland next suggested that there might be marks of foot-steps on the dusty floor of the land• iag, but nothing of the sort could he found.— Matting had been laid down at some former pe riod, and the surface, torn, ragged and rotten with age, was too uneven in every part to allow the dust to lie smoothly on it. }sere and there, where there was a hole through the landing, Mr. Frankland's servant thought he detected marks in the dust which might have been produced by the toe or the heel of a shoe; but these faint and doubtral indications lay yards and yards a.. part from each other, and to draw any cotecluision of the slightest importance from them was aim. ply and: plainly impossible After spending more than an hour in examining the north side of the house, Rosamond was obliged to confess that the tt serrants were right when they predicted on first opening the door into the ball, that she woulddiseover nothing. " The letter mast go, Lenny," she said, when they returned to the breakfast.room. " There is no help for it," answered her bus. band. " Send away the post bag, and le•t us s l y no more about tt " The letter was dispatched by that day's post In tha remote position of Port hgenna, and in the unfinished state of the railroad at that time, pp days would elapse before an answer from Loa , don could be reeisonauly hoped for Fet.iirig that it would be better for Rosamond if this pe rind of suspense was passed out of the house, MreFrankland proposed to fill up Oa- Cane oy a little excursion along the • coast to some p.aci famous for their scenery, which would be likely to interest his wife, and which she might riceu. py herself pleasantly in deacriloug on the spot for the benefit of her blind husband. This sug gestion was immediately acted on The young couple left Porthgentia, and only return-1 on the evening of the second day. On the morning of the third day, the for letter from the vicar's man of husitics4 lay on tkl, table when Leonard and Ito amoral e tl to ra ol the breakfast-room. Shrowl had decided t.i acs oept Slr. Franitland'e eanditton--first locau,e held that any man must Ite out of his s. who refisied a five-pound note when it was idicied to hulk secondly, became.. he believed that his mas ter was too absolutely dependent on him to turn Min away for any cause silaatever Accordingly the bargain had been struck in five minutes, and there was the copy of :he plan, inclosed with the letter of explanation, to attest the fact' Rosamond spread the all-important document out en the table with trembling bands, looked it over eagerly for a few moments, and laid her fin• ger on the square that represented the position of the' Myrtle Room " Here it is!" she cried, "Oh, Lenny, bow my heart beats' One, two, three, four.---the fourth door on the tiro floor lauding, 14 the door of the Myrtle Room She would have called at once for the keys of the-north rooms; but her husband insisted on ter'eraiting until she had composed herself a lit tile;;Juid until she had taken some breakfast.— In spite of all he could say, the meal was bur tied over so rapidly, that in tea minutes more his wife's arm was in his, and she was leading him to the stair- nee. The gardener's prognostication about the wea ther had been verified; it had turned to hest— heavy, misty, vaporous, dull heat. One white quivering fog-cloud spread thinly all over the heaven, rolled down seaward on the horizon line, sad dulled the sharp edges of the distant moor land view. The sunlight shone pale and teem. Ming; the lightest, WO's& leaves of towers at open windows were still ; the domestic animals lay about sleepily in dark corners. Chance hoseehold noises sounded heavy and loud in the languid airless stillness which the heat seemed to hold over the earth. Down in the servant's hail the metal bustle of morning work was suspended. When Rosamond looked in on her way to ,the honsekasper's room to get the keys, tbs.women were fanning themselves, and the men were sit tins with their coats off. They were all talking peevishly about the heat, and all agreeing that suck a day as that in the month of Jane, they had never known and never heard of before. Rosenternd todk the keys, declined the house• keeper's offer to accompany her and leading ber husband along the passage, unlocked the door of the north hall. ig How annatarallpeool it is here 1" she said, as they *stand the deserted plape. At the foot of the stairs she stopped, and took a limier hold of her hnaband's arm. 66 Is any thing the matter?" asked Leonard.— tits the swage to the 'limp 000lneas of this place at you in any "No, no," she answered, tastily. 4 1 s* kr too areited to foil either hest or damp, se I might feel them at other tines. Itat,-Lenny, suppos% iag t rosr es orees about Mrs. jaseph is right?—" t y " And,appot; we &emu: the secret of the Myrtle Room, S iiert it 1104 aura oat to be genic dung eoseeria g nq father or my mother which we ought not to know? J thought of that, when Mrs. Peetreath offered to aeoompan, as, sod it determined me to ems here Awe 'With you." "It is just se likely that the swat idol be sessothiall we ought to know," replied Ids. %wk. load, after a noment's thoaght. "In as; ease, my ides shoat Mn. Joseph is, after all, only a pis in the dark. However, Rcauseed,if you feel any heeitatice--" Idol mane what nay of it, Lamy, we can't go back now 64 - e neeyour hand again. We have traced the mystery thus far, together; and lather - emeriti lid it eat" 11 he uNadod . aye, leadiej him after her, as de spoke t . b ett• landing, she looked again at the plan, and satiated herself that the position of the Myrtle Room, was correct Sbe counted the doors on the fourth, and looked out from the bunch the key numbered "4," and put it into the lock Before she turned it she panned, and looked round at her buaband. He was standing by her aide, with his patient face turned expectantly toward the door. She pat her right hand on the key, turned it alowl . } in the lock, drew him closer to her with her left hand, sod paused again. " I don't know what Lae come t,, we," .he whispered, faintly "I feel as if I was afraid push open the door." " Your hand is cold, Rosamond. W4l , a Itttl,. --lock the door again—put it of nil 411 , , ther ,Ist• BP Ids tingera do., tighter and • s.ti.• ter on hie baud, while he aid th isse word- Tli, rhNrA wis Instant, never to t r : t i atiel ward--"t tPt Tbs , n he hi ir , i she orasittn: auunii of the opening 1 v.r, end ;el' .isusseif .tritwn forw , ,r:s :olden's; into a ehang-si strip's:Otero , and knew thai It—ani9ail and Rr r • in • M gine Rta.itu Continued ) EC= A -- iiiNGrLAR p the following frlth Cu , Gr J.:71. 6 / 4 (mi h e I~t6 in tillt• W• - • are credibly informed that there is n•tw, •n t. a girl ten vests old wtio is vein singular,y af•etel It app ars that -he Iti,e s under the impression that all • is bewit, heti S'he wear- pence ••• g l around her neck. and ,! the g• d •hol, the strut ) ; wilt twist . t -ut -I.eatifin She thinks if the g •I•lretneved she would die Instantly, on our oecasi 4, it 9 / 1 1a removed wh i .he was asleep, and jinni , fiat, 1y there wt re •igus of ziranguiatlon .S.tutmor markable feature enantietel with her else is t his: cut if a piece of her hair and throw it tut the fire, and she will show evident slgus . of pain or uneasiness by screaming Her hair has been burnt half a mile distant, and at the very instant of burning she manifested the .awe signaof pain. Another strange feature in this case is. that .t the picture of the individual whom .he believrs t be the cause of her sufferings, is drawn up.• n paper, and shot at with lead, it wakes no tinpres t.i.•ti upon her, but present a gun loaded with sil ver, and she ts thrown int-• spasms—fire awl sh• is calm again This certainly is a ,trange and we hope to bear more from it. QUIET IN KANS.:O,-11e Waylitingtun rei,o, of Saturday, says • The, official and private do:patches which have recently been received in thi ,, city otn lion-.,"are ~t a char:toter tot only to re e , Ali appr, bensious founded upon upon the c agg-iated re• ports which appear, from time time, iu the eastern journal*, but to warrant the hope that the people :1 KanAas are about to conoalt their own interests by turning a deaf ear to tuischievou, out .[de appeals, and by extending a generous sup port to their new governor In hie endeavors t o restore unity and harmony to a Territory still unsettled by the divimi,eils ,it r e eti.,palism and the agitations of political fanatics - aa- - KhOWLl.Dtili.—" Knoirledze Is power." sal 1 tlie g reat 13.114041, and %trite reaponded, "X Ictestion is the cheap de fence of nations." Who can doubt it? Who can I .abt that the greaines and glory tit a nation now depend most upon the intelligence of its people" Our schools are our barraelts. camps, fortreises an' arsenals. In them the child is [named up a peaceful, butanighty warrior. Ite is tanght there to know himself and his right; and to know is to have and defend them. T., in 'there and schoolmas tors the w. rid owes its best civilisation, patriotism. glory. end power. TV extend the meow of aolacatiou to every eh,lJ ih this Union. and In tne world, is of mere re e mr h t than all the pluttahqs of Court' and cabinets, more um- Nrlah' than the Ttrells'ling of earth's armies and nisei. r To edorate enharg• a I blear rnankin.l. It a through educati .n -thrugh ,I,•<•ll,'lted sehool syru,no. which •y th• rob not sl heal. for all.. ,(lateral n..arle)er —that • • ri-e eupdrior to bartmarisno sad .arageo TV • qtr.' , • •cpr••,•• tr edacE,a Oirmo the r n 3114 Just my, tax twk a twat the tr.... • .tie!tere.l Let the p.,p,e of it, then 1.. t them examine the pram erh:ela their ,Wn nee* Pelt' e , Inure tnin tbe preectence of Legislation, he." placed before them. Let them greet, it,, WO, and their children's children will btelo them, f‘r en tnberttance better and brighter then the 11p11:1,11 f tho 111-aperldei "EXCELSIOR." CLARK 84, BALDWIN, / yr? . vi DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIEs, DRUGS & MEDICINES. %ruin, 1,/an, Perfumer'', surestri mad !karat 7N,..../..lbdowtotai Nieppoetrro /lyre Weirs sad I. q...i lay .Wediqw,l Pli , 7" , oe*, kr K.• nl, ' • •, , ,o t kto ,l / 4 M} , t.irrN F. , . h hso.: . •.e.t ehautek 411,34,M we ,g I.e ur 11 a' fUrtlyiol t n t. in ov lino wt New 'York Aft t:1 , - popular Patent vtre. and Illit fmm 11..1^ EnPn, shu Lanny rupathl •,t old fogym, tin matter fr'un what eouree et.met, we tray rather than be le.: I'learw co , ••• •tri-t • , I , 4tork tar txt•U•e•• to uvr'tt tn. alreral pittton-Nre •h)4,11 ha. Phu. far been •steruled in out 141 .1[14 4 41 Career. F r+e, Fen, 91, 1'321 ' 1 ' 4311/11 r - -" mli "r 5 .1 1111 7_ 1 . 1404008 4 z 7. n r WA Fogy f )11,. eisvo „,,„ o , it _ BE FORE °flirting three Wafer* to the l'ablic, thee leer- tn. , roughly treteat, and Vie Proprietor* cut u. ,, e confidently hr commend them as • certain Kennedy 6, Ky,I.E_LLL•G vioit3L+ kPuMTHE3Y,TEX nisi contain no eidocasi or It wintry In any form, or any other Injurious ingredients, and may be 'riven to the youngest infant with petteet aittetr• The Waren arr.. troe from the objeettoao to m oo t other Vermanfree. as thew are PLEA TTu THE.'`i I • drop wiliest Inienreie sombeftly as Camay " They knee Wen before the puhlte less than owe yew, and within that ewe bows wen for tilemortwee • renotatina npre.441..0 4,1 to the &anal.. of medicine They err noted and recommetotod bi „,, o elite? Polealetaso and moot reapectable families to kth the moot marked succor. t r Prepared and sold, Wholesale and Retail. by CLARK A BALDWIN, ( Sechemer to Bertont therva,) Wholesale and Retail Druggist, No. I Reed Rouse, kitte, Pa. STI.PH FS PAUL Jr Co 149 Chambers Street, N Y Wholesale Attenta. Price 15 Cents per Boa. Lae ERIS, Ihrc.l2th, Sheers. Card 11.?Rhishetat.-6/wra..--1 have hr some tone past been preeertindg tour "iartbelawleir Waters," and I must's, that In my long prattle 1 hare never yet found terrain, smile exit iely nse amt Um Wane" peer.. tbente4rre to b.' ittrd i ally misa recommending them to my trtreda and patients and . am henry to say In mars instsace with the most trartrd sacerva. Thee have never lathed In aai ogle come, opwating m ettretsally upon adults of ehilhen. The, bay. the advantage over vicrailfuges be. fu` so ••pkaaant ta the Mete that children will eat them aa readily aa candy Being peimmially aoquaistrod with their rompn ia t i ,, o unhesitatingly prunonoce them the brat Wpm apecifir now in nee, and it can be sdednastered to the yonemet, tabus' with perfect earty I meet maddeetiy resonate...id them to the patronage of the plblic. P. rAII.KNER, W D. Cir Fur ale la Girard by J, A. White and John Pieter: Wa terford be Copp A Carta; Edinboro by H. B Terre and W. t. Proudilt: . Willemelt by S. N• geCroary; Lockport by 1 11. B ar p aa and Win Tyler: Albion by Davenport A Flowers; eoncurd by J K. Fay; Springfield X Reeds by Wm. H. Tonnamod: Went 4 pringteld by nay Pottle; Fairview by R. Pettis; North Rut by dotes friveld, tad y Dtwaiste A - FLAME AND COAL DEPOT ! thankt ' ul tor the pawn] patrons,* which the T il ai l tl=Mmid vicinity have 6ret4a&pr Writ his, mould raspeethlly Worm the publle that he now b(a and will keep eon. hand Plaster In Bulk or Irrel, of the beat quality. tat the hammer or Ca al Wo , or at Ms Coal Toed on llLlghth Stroll, East a King% 'Rah . Farmers, now ia the time to DOUBLE_IOUR CROPS by back ad agre 7 prate. .lie l Z amt. it wal P6".ar moo Biackpnith or louse Coal! aosoloiegy oa toad; worraatod to rive eathhettoo, or owl soy for a 1 troabbt, on "lean of tbe Thy a F Itos ter • Not Yard Se the vary beet fa the aft,: M M ing • vel *lth the tows, lama is re tong Lad stomp WI to eseoustor to Qtth Street and the Mal, bat of Zing's Nat Row Is the place to bey your Coal, where you ego hare It weighed eo a Toth of Pailrbank's Hay &who, and can mee floodlit) G'S a li gEa l i l e, bleb Ow the beet to the imathe4.— 6111r2 CALL. Orders ola be seat *math the „Poet 01110, situ the Cog Mat el feh Ibeelt 7, /11117,44.111. Y. 2.111010111031. The Immo, tot TOWS I HE Ms Obwaty lotus, inntionno lli tostr °4ll4lll Maao to make raltlMlCe on descrinttno ot property to 'Nal. Mad notary, at to low rate... ate consistent nth asestity. Woks an tilrided inio two clarrees, via . the Farmer's, la widen nothing hut form property and Oweliino. 00 loot or over from osponalli, at► too.troclostai tn. , . Comm...mist, in a6telt ►ll kind of proportl are ineored. The Condo in outset lepartsnont are sot Ballo tor lawn la th. father, . 4.13 Isturance irseJ• weither theparthient et the urial ouTp Ci. .t.. IRECTOR, Junes C. Manama , D C. , C. t.h ri.w...1., S WU Y Rloderwirebt, •A Sruit, J .Lo 2turs4,:rty, Jo, X. Starrett, f' fC•pi.r, Th.. ‘l..orhead. 1--, Jacob 1111111101, 4.,,F. A Fl Hot, F fixt,l.,r, W. b. RIP. .1 li j A•tler 1, V F 1 C F. B Jo. \I ifighaitrt, Prost Civamsr N 7uuu, Tn.." r ili^ o ..v•vvr J s StAvrxtt's. titwc.rr. Froneh Ittrolot, In As room •tv..l I , v Meters tiatinisou Skim,ivy, ea a Law Ara J,) , .e 1.4:4 ERIE CITY GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY! FT. io FLipi, block. c.. , rner ~ f awl FlRtk Am' d,,, to th. A4lO, ur %•410.• 1 i 001111 i LNG, Agent. r r'r florin iif uµpriirporty troirting and lissaitscos common! 1 .. ( its Loa Counts is millet-stalls dirsbetert to the folli)y -r, ''''' uttritiri, reptvr•ssotirsi by the alms., p r Aeodrous of olfrrt)o:, lasuran,...—and who la not"—*l.l3 .rtaitAtv rrcrit lug I rouipi and 14bars1 ludippalfieatlon, fn •u• eut • il. , •••t, •at • IN • ' ••••..11,t -14,•••••nsolta`lintr aril. purr , " • allnv out I Poo,' ou Wore of llooit• t';',lllllla.nlea; a lit* 'er •attl".• tit en(t•ro ipoicitetl I , t , raoc , to IL, Or," to• oa, eflootoal at o.ltatoual.'w • too* proeurrd 10 reds!.'. 1 1:04141.41431•11. t,,ta I,tonct. Itr) /V.I RD FIRE a. MAITTNIf Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Cl, Worinvf (NI TA L. • 11140,11041 full •uvu,ut. and invaated Tlt 14 ...11321111 ,, y Oferts luau ranee na Nulldlaßa , Iteretuuml ur ro• ire I.ontool, rt, , •••• N Cnrgo and FrriCht, to Ail parfla, CI 1 Ratiroatt, ' an / I:I ~rys, at tha io.o•st Rat" ant (I, n.l/ • . 11 , .. , 111.1 1. , n, 1. 1.. Jt1.110•411 14 . Lena. . P, I lua.roan a , 11•441 1 , 0-IPII. - The Quaker City insurance Co. OF IIIILALQI.PHIA. oth , t. Frfcliki.► Baloidif wya , VI Wei**, Street. Clll,ll Ci Pita' •Md el MI U.• • • • 1.468,00.1 ITI. 1,14, vlll-tt,l 1' 1 6 ,• 1 , t41 -vie, and %len. ion , 4ar nn ravia. Carr.. and na.l (Non as part. of :do. *urld. 1 P 4.1 (.00 t. Lod fru= an part. of tb. 1.•111 I..tnufacturers' Insurance Company, o}' PIIILADSLPIIIA. e Werchmott EreAunpt. CANTU.. - 14410,011/11 NIA l. , o(121"fli, With W ClAh Capital ample. for the ihr 1111. r,ll • I fl«.G lu•uratose 1.0.11/.1 O or dsma y er by Fire, the I.en , . the %lea ‘,1 , 1 Intupt Ati,,u *ad Trabsportatbm Lowers et , bittlt tetjuste.l and 1461 d Vsy .1, 1.44 3msli INSURANCE COMPANY. I r." Pkiln.ir/pkin, % & KE now dome hoeineee on the Ibintual plan, 'riving the to rt sals.l a partt,lpation to tao pr , fitl , of U. Cumpan), without ~,. loittr tw,..n.1 the premium rt.. Ri.aa utem the Laken and lanai insured na the most faeo r aoh terms_ L.,,lmr. wtll be liberally awl promptly adjusted 1. irenske on merritan.tue, huildln.. , and other property, to t. 4li ur r lltltf,, fi, • linute.l term p e r ally DIItECTO J .a.e t .h R seal, tames , It* , Edmond Mouder, 11.... ! WI :I , Pau'ding, John 1' Darts, H. Joan Rrooke, R. 1.. t It ,rt, n , inn Garrett, John a. Pearce.; lia,o, , „....„. Samuel FAiwards„ Gentle Correll, lien - , Law nacre Ds, t.l R. stacey Edward Darluift On, 1 halrlo K , lirt , Iwv It D0k..1., 3 1 Johnson, Wl,lOllll i ••••rriL, %% tillaca Ha, , John J. Sevritn, ft: s it,,maa, itr li V 111.144. , b, John letter, Jr spencer Ileiltane, p. Elr 40('Lo, rip- ;.0c• tic.n osa tJ Eno, April 4 1.0.17 Fire'. tire!! Fire!!! ri 0 TO G. A. BEN NETT, Neurone nave unmoral' Atm.. and YUJI. etreet, 11lock up Aeon and get property luour,l He represents the %Homily' reliable Oirepa -111,0 FIRS AND MAM4NN iNSUNANC.F. COMMA ~f Yhiltdwl plats. Au thurilw+l CApitAl $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 1 0 Secure/1 . luvrAled SWO,OOO. CSION IN:-.URAN4 E COMPANY, •tl.eno, ford Co Ys. rapltAi VAO.OOo. All paid op And ortnarely iniestr. , l Itat,r. low as ..ecurlty to th. Isi•ankl will parenst. I •i.. D.., 13, I l . F.te—,n wit of erhich the patient cm, "; ....amen are not hettuenti, 1.,1 dlevrove-412140111 and (. 4 4141111iptint, Ax;, lum., and melancholy &nth' n ay , nitnele to the treat ne these invert-P.ln, Moot Wotan, uol, «slatbst.s...tt iiisi.s.rs Th. Is lowideu trvi .{lllll, death n t It. dGua Id a 'woad of Lb. r,tc. , Wttt. Woefs.o. wasss , ••• Low sullen Kr „„, ts molt tsqrsl.l,.. • scv: lt• 6 tboneanar to untimPly par.., thus s,,,,t,s4 g. s,,uthis. It can D. cam! tor :h. It r...a aro •ailrias vrith .or',f •t„, U., F<•ract Dacha •dl care „ E1Z1331 Rearm 01 quack N, OttriAMl 111.14 •r, n 1 tb-m. and 0111 Sea Long Plufa.nin, n , hnror calling . for a bottle of Una P A.l tt aluky • calling purl and lodasnation, u . - and n rill inirrerdietre In its anion iit:Lasitottori tore red directly e.e.cordtug to the Rules CH E ISTR Y, .rath the rteatect conerny „at lit: , jorrwoted to SL iboutibibial