D o uglas and the Tribune. ] E y-rk Tribune waxes wroth because eorsl paper commend 4 Senator , pr" I".r person to repre..etit •,t the C, , urt of St Jam,. Now ak that the President intends auy „ en : ,r 11.4 t Mr lougla4 would 111litait'Ut under ordinary eir- Th it i 4 not necessary tr. r.i.r ot such an appointment; ,f, I. Irth It !" 41 1 a word atolut %Let , we allude, and 3 - reaPoo of the Qtreet • iirtc natuv 4—t,, 1 lily rfr to i t.‘ occti character Nub' , ;11 tbr u-c t• makes f the me- devil " But En 1 3i ,!r, and its editor, mainly among fanatii w . ue u And ignorant partizan , * f p4per for viturrsiinn toy procur.d its puidish, q , ~„•1 11 u, iu th' courts and the fl, i g. it •r 131 t, lig , ' the -nameless H en _ a, the boy said about the izi": pins through, "they seem I .t U•P‘i to it " piiwr of these charaett n Atguardistn and co stl i f i tie s, Teat an cilitor who within had been flogge 1 for these meekly endured it, !ite-ihi r f -uch things in another, is 8111 That Horace Greeley. with h•s with the thousand dollars or • T , cure pure legi•latinn. should ttP purity and respectability • nn wnt, is not strange. h • m ,tive, then, of such an artitqe •• Itme•r"ilae writer has no reason to 10% appaintruont will be wade; re t , , pit tha t he a n id h" the brat hi• •h, , u'l ho Made h•: semt•lance f b trrer, and this f hvp•cn•r` Magnanimous what th.% J n•t fear If the ;.•r: and the fanatical c , •uld only bort , ii ue:a. w 11,1 leave the coun• •, h ~,, TPT exaltel cr however • w •t I ,•• •hn rn , st jubilant of MOT b , ar no abuse from them rrt• •u ban event They and w he will remain until I. his opponents in III;noi..; th • SiMP fate for his opponents in n• zt Presidential election , g," using the e!a.i.ica' .n. , /n yn imaginary cane. gra. wi'hou• excuae—and e • to fir f 11,juriug S•tritor 1 - 20 •uglas In ust , on. makes this attack • Olt. Vermont Dern ierats should I (oil vt l ••us , aiu Mr D ,, uglas and proudly as the D•- 0,0 •:•,•• li••••1 to retard the late Si man of them all," noe—mere proudly have they •hi• i.s int,llectual eon - )eri A Dlnelti•. the „, •rs,•7 prwienee awl em rev. ; u tr, vieti•ry, to tha. -• ~,1..t1 pure DeUV , Ortley —11,1 C. ,n-equor,cog to bttiv , olf an.l . 01 ,1 ,ner n ip. 1.1 nrineipl... tnumph •1' • nevrr waits to a....•rtaio wha• n:he in•tanre 4,1 hi. •urp..tt 4 N.haa.ka Territorial kik he L t,.v. , rnA by what i• riJit n lr s t.qr oorowrin ,, n,e•4 are r. v."l . ..rwe f,r Op. p Ong. It ...PTC!, rgy N a rr,tuint:ut char W.•h Burk.. rxditm., tmn.oie u 4 whi•n wr CIMEMEEI •• reeocer. but ).1 • • .1 . • for the future ay ' Ong • ~r ilueted up.m prinelpl., ~f : •eble, prudent and just, he i• listingu; , hed from the Eminently prae.ioal and •••• rl,:f r itfully a large infin. , n, own party, In.; up r. • , 1A no more dehver r6N 3p r th.• ' IT) It twelipo. nne vituprr4li , iPrnag , gne, an i th. 2 ether, the :r .1 boy. The one proved the rthrr only the only rf an 1• ath loves a '.6itiing mirk. ati.l V- rhaela. But time c 'erect. r .1).1 r .n.ci-)uoSesz, ( , f .r A D'lnglas now T: The time is psss-d whorl will Ii ill, •arlri him 14 ri , • rp traiPil •he May the time n' • I)..m ,, erat= of Vermont are n 4 r !heir an 1;..r;.4 , , Pon Vt ) S.ntine/ Danville Poisoning Cue D•mnernt nt May 15tla I p u—uvug big h , on in cour-c Kiteh. , u an.l d 1,1,!1! WeVk, and roidtei iu J C: irk, a pul'.:r, NI nr 11, , ,11ing Mill, and a Mr. 2•'+ur>+ , 1 the case. Hi developed - u:t an• .Imply these : On Tu I,lr,llait, Mrs Oath trine Ann "... l.r • , ner, returned from a •r.,• cane melt a day or t w • `l7l , mlgneita and a neighh 'Lye her irn3A t•,rh IMMEI to grow worse, whet] - nt I r, who tr, ate-I ea,••• st. 'roach and b mels, aut ring tnat , lisortif. Oa Satin .5e '11.4 Durtud principally our4e.l by 11.1- other prts )oer, Mrs Twigg-, Lie sarn,, 11 , 11. e. SOUIo • •••1 • 1 I tfn uqu‘u %I .!enc r• are, s ,10'114, tull:Lt.11,•!•. .11 f t ,y 'I, " I•••• Li• tiet. • t I att Nttd t.ti Mk..Cl RIP; PE'14 0 1:1•• b . : ‘V iN:l•,be, tile , I •evi I'7l cz.,Ql:oa•i,i , S , rnsc bridg, at i aud a p , rti ,n t 0, laud, • WW.lell aD.,u . d. fesiu,r '4ls. fliel with ti in ...it . .s .1.1.• h • was, a 1..... Ina. a .t w,•h L :a4, liver very alueti & The rt . . 1. 1 .11 of tt.e .uLents of the tt,Ulai G, inoperf .•t, .IZ-11In and appiir,itu . ..„, tue a• t , LI , . axt r ,- , 74•J 11S11f r 1 .04 e a 1 I>r S'rawbridg,,, gat, Ih.r derAZA CCILIS(,/ J• ciaMiLlat:oll, Cuattaut 1111 , 1J-1' ab" 1.1! the IL~ alt ut 1-,-,:•1,17,l/g II 4 , , •,1 db , tlt 1 liUr4 4111 i r4r , iro, 11 • 1.1 • 1.1 v• itt-r th o f.r Mr• _at the • ir ai Lic,)lto • ! Mr- Clark% Laving L. t • a•,tbin a few drye ~f Lcr (" -0: • ice, and sta ,ses ail :Se vauv•tilnellbe Of which Ler Ler .:•. liu , tiand of Mrs Twiggs. the ,tr i'!ark, died about a to9uth v `q•f•' , I .us circumstances, coal , at paw in the stomach and bow -rt,at twitebings, vomiting, &c. He e tame Louse with Clark, and his body was disinterred yesturday afternoon by direction New A rr i va l o f 0 & e vium of the District Attorney, Paul Leidy, El . and an inquest held over it by Coroner Elias Him. 11th juries flf inquest have been adjourned until Thursday, May 2 ,4 6, ielee they s'IL meet t hear tLe result ~ f a more thorough analysation now in progress by several of ear tnost eminent phy.ierins. The excitement in town is lawn..., and the verdict!' of he juria are loo*ed for with the greatest anxiety GRANITE HALL. Ns. 193 MtIN STREET, Bryrium th redly oppaute tP. ]MNr7.tl.■ Theatre M. 49...111.17X1V. 1=1:1 11, rifs:.. - . • r 110.1 N • ....•v:.• a n d 14. s a. I Mh\ A‘l) V I fit VI i • Tsllo• T- t Ci'+TQll DRPARTIIKVT ..tdot t c.nt.or-, r (ever., •rlj „r MIMS BUFFALO CLOTHING STORE! NE IV ESTABLISII.IIEXI 1 1 .11 i•MZO . .! 10. 0 I , t , e to InCtrlll 0. • ell ,p.r• of F.,' • /4,1 ,‘ 4.4 tnernt r ith • tips% 7., , it•1V11d Intl test.q u s-• rtwvul ul vratimp.st., Ready Bade Clothing, r.r 111 , II 4:14 boys "r r 9111: GENrs FritNisioN(,' GUUUs =ME !to. 7. Brown', Block. 1). wtll 13, I t• htl.• .t t•• • .1 la. zvo i. at attoott 411411“, and SV ER RATE- titan rlothluz has . 6... ; ! of :pl l .11: •ti,0101.1 ruuk.wltt.l : ;t• ! f ...• •II • .. , 4I k 51.1.•-• - -NM op• . • therepv t0.0.,nr• th• *truoage orth,we to wont 01 ale,..a A IALA h 62 \.. H- n Mork, En., PI 919 garnammto. kale, May 9. 1367 c osNITU4 4 . 1 12:21111.- ? Mit AAR ‘: Alp, 14 PI i! V** ." 01640=141111 0 8 4 _ Anything in the above Line I= T. 'VP. "It Ft. IEI AS • NEW FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. it\u. I. KeT•tone Week, State %tree,. riCrret:.# (1, • F rr.r. r ' 1...61.11, 'Vet, e & I', EYE AND EAR i..TE F ~Lf Nit 111 1 I I sl' .1 II .1_ I =MN • 1. - • ..•• 1%1 • N. A .1.• .1 , 1 r• 1.• • t1...11. , n..wrr k/1 . ECM 11A, a , I I,ll.suronlr-, nu.; , •,•,, ./ /1 , , r fr.,' I n. rr.n, a- 11=1•1!I NEW TREATMENT. PRIVATE !JD CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. A T TII 11.4) 19:IN .Ti. 110,1'1 Pll 1=1•8 1:E=111 =II 1:11ME =IBM • :t; 5. kh4 t,r` IMMO 111 ,•1 '• ht • • I • •a , rnn.rmi•nrr• mtl Ilan t. •,• • art I • • •• • Ca . s• f kRE I V() -1 r N' . t •.. f•,. =I!E ir•kt..f .1.•• q .o ` I (1•••••1•1. nry, t,•, .4, ikr th Oi A 1...., A . -e. ( 'Sr.. h.. 4 A 1" =I N 1; ,) et sr, to cert.....li 1 . •.,•• •,••• i'Lltafa I ..t•T T••• , 'V ,!.t , moo b. ....a...a:Wk . • roat fn-arlar't 1„r lrta ...Gil a r• tr..ttalaa. • -N.' t 1( ug , • Y IT IS NOT A DYE! MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S t) it L 1) ' S ' ‘:1 - % r t..% LfIEL 'tl) PRESERVER OF THE HAIR AND SIGHT LI LOB 11.r01A.7% - t t; tOR 111111113/31 ,e• t ‘; CITY LOTS FOR SALE CHEAP Fito•riNt r , • , I 4 ar. , r 8 •IL I • •w-, 11111 %IL% k t ei• th. nt lEMM \1 Ht P Ac. 1 101, A 1.a , , 14 .4,441 1:INIFt I, i•,; !4% :. " I I - nt iMee. MIEN=MI rrE VI-- r-• .t ittle, :4 la:. GIN vl 41 T k JI ..4-CF / 4NO I irl- 7. r run mt. at 1 I)t:tih 900/00• •,, - 1)Itt P 1: .1 1.0.- 1.14-1 a t :I, ..." CIaRK .. 14 A..:, \ CU!1=11 1,-...A•r0 I+. .11 . 11111111 t 4 1 411.1(.. k. )1S w. 1 1 . K !..I.IJ/kLti. lutsurturlat al the *lnn,. of 1) I•,. Yv BARR k nnn FOR RENT. rillit RED WAKE 1101 . SE .....td DOCK lately ocr . u;„i.t I ,: D D. Watter k.t •.. al the I'LLh Dock. Euguire . r I. et.... 5, 14'.7 S 110):ISIN 4 , Tst i lr 1.111( . 040T! TES —Tte te.t play thtn A t no. Cliiitren re. r Ittvt ow 4, for milt at a. I'S LIMIER:I k K F.NNhDI" I . ST4_ .I. l,l To ' lL l reil li' PVlttr T aZ Teeth, R AX -- 111 6 e 7ve by i "I Plit'l . EQGIR * IiZNIZDT . wiv‘. n the p 11/11r, t . r 11,,• ,ap.ri MO MEI= I= IMAM =I Ell=l at t n •11• I I% I=l 1 n and Q , 117 Ikt• - ••• 6,3 BM 4. A •rA & IMMI =MI= lEEE MIMES. =9 ME= 1:I:to • .t iLt• MEM L 3 n t litll.3l's = .1111 „ 11 .. :1 V.IIi6SIt Hay*" sadTpros.ll q York fa ,„ ium NS r assorunest Kr,.. )41.) 2. 1e..7 -41oro. --- - - -N v E IV MILL Y GOODS! A rz''.l. M. A. MOIL GAN Las ipootod • Maraiasset Stock et ~1 Nn I IN•Kky C, t, rtt9 ~n taut. •treet, three doors below eth. •to• in‘lto.lll, of Ent* awl vicinity to call sod H , r qtn.-k rnnst.to nt•very rariety sasd rtyls• of Dna. MAN 1 6.! Dress tap., Drew Maiming; liawdatry sad Wm- BLECHIN(i AND PREt.SING DONE TO ORDER. r.ut,llizters ran Lis supplied witk Putters' Ha* and all lond• of Millinery Cou.4 u low is 4111/11 be bought this skis of Y.rk Nli She has procured the version of Mln A. A. HOIDGEDOE, I ..rirurrly at Hlul.'s to teas door' of Lb. Nall &DOM, wiaek nup ).; • her to ta/ke full charier of the Work DeParkuml" herself. I r‘• . /Ist 1 , ..: USW 1 . - New Castle Newly. LS 30 da A y, T ,K. \ at the buhke 11, TI liter it VA ets for ualv BHA HYES it Co. Ant 1, 15.1.7 N0.1k2 Brown, Blnek. - - - - HOUSE AID LOT 708 BALL r l unk: kud Lot on corner of Vella and French Street, LI offer...l .ale on favorable terms. The Lot Is 80 het on ztl'n tan " , 7 f«e t French Street For prime and terms DEINEEIMIZI t L('OUOL. FLUID. AND LARD OIL, at live store of . . . MEE ripTIIY. I. ADIE..—Dr. imam /11111.Zel. rei•hrttedFegllile YI • I.• r , runt on nbttturtiout kr., from whater.r munc— h, ut • . Kral Hort...by CLARK k BALDWIN ro, 1.157 SPRING AND 817XWER STYLES OF BOOTS AND SHOES, Sun' OPENING %. No. 1. Reed's Block. white P4treet. Erie, rn S. Z. sNtali • , -lain, ► lArtr awl well .sleeted litwek of BOOTS AND SHOES! • fn 111 t:.tern nitinh nil! be mold aa low as at t., nntatiliahmnot in Oita eit! 141. atom[ • onaitt• of i‘iltE; (lAITERS, PLAIN AND FOXED' IA D 1 - kil: , KINs, WELL:TiIt TIES' •••••• I.‘ather, Cal, Opera and Cungresa Gsuers , d .t.- Me. Buys, and Yflutbs, I: I h• 1 ,1 , tl , 4a BUot.. ChlltireCo Sh•Neo, 1.1 • • •r.l. too, I , loller with every ..,11,tils e•pt Ili it BOO( 111.1.1 4 More. 1.1 t•I• t.. -r ler on OhOft fl.otife June Appointments , It 11) NI A . I \ 0,. Formor,) Mrs . I nvaltd* It...treat MEM Oil I=3 1111 ,pt Hr , n/-1,/,•, Asthma. 1..,101[- 1116 t t arel ungko I•• Vtilhe•tll. I•Hatem• 11•••innten 11. stlital 11, , ,1 , A,n The :mitt rnakl Ali, • 11% t" the •, , • ~•••• • •tinnate: nr the,/ ~,•• r," .• the Intrvlrtant far/ • inset, km dlookameml. we ke 6 , /hi. Ik It tn./ In ••;• , 1 , •••*• - , ••r• .111. • I , •nl. , the luny/ kk /•• ken. , ~,, /4 le 41/1/1••••./ :Ike 14,*•,,'1111.1,• l• rsl at••••• prin*ll , l* ,r• 21,.• n• 11"4.011 to [lv.* reach el . • •ery ntluar •• fl that ••••nm•lth Win n. Ell EOM MEE .e,.•, I see hert•ittityre rleisutell all treat .•e.ettl • I. 111(4 •pproach.,el in a die...et t• , at-t the lune.. r WV. inteutle•l t•tt tl,at the, I,lnu I e. z• I• I , rt repal and tmlirrelltite .1 , t , lt•l • , t• I Mrll, • ht , -t the foul u trees telt hill ,•• ••••••••, dant, hrlrune ineetinne in ••I t• •••• s. , 'lld t , f .10 1 ` 11;'' I. o• t . ,•1 ....in erni,1 ,, ,, , 11 1 1i ••• ..r Ise Ides, ol sli.l ne,t derange ttie •rft t n •Ite •••••• .1 , Ih the strength. 1 .1 =MEI =II Other Diseases Treated. _ • • lie I) CIMII.IICAIV.: I • 11 • ••U.1.k . 14 n EMI NEW ENTERPRISE! AT NO 7 BONNELL BLOCK, STATE ST., WE r ••,. •' 111. 1tt ,, t10,1 of Buyer• • .• 4...1 I • %I. 1, II / ! I\ I l /)/, (,v,,i)r.ER/Es, • I , ‘•• Jol./.•nq Trade in this =EMI •,l. to any finnan in and ey.annn• nar Stark and 4. 44, 4 ••••outherri to•I ,•:•• r•• Lit to f .warn markets. • - • • rt ) 1: I . 1 . . I ) (1F GROCERIES, CELE INN 1.-.. 'tn.-km - - h•te deprreiAtlo4 SAVES .1 ,/,1 I ran..., `Alt.., rattr , ,arts end , .„., . ,-b A trammel.. man •a -• p•nrnr.•, ►nA 'frog .pfr,l rn • - •vornting ►ll order v I r.• ." ert,n•ge _ SCHOOL BOOKS. Park Row Book Store. and 14..ta1l Tra4«, of every 1 , •• n•n r rhi•po r !Lao • , PT, by Ell LI/ MEE I_ o ( A 1 111,0 YVAl:l.\\_-. 1 - )R‘CTIC % %ND ORN %NEST 1."--Tanght by ; r.: \.. o‘rr (.....ong d 1i04.16t00'1 , Eton on SOMETHING 01' IMPORTANCE TO EVERY 33CPIZIMel rim k.I I %\\ O \ BROTHERS are "ealang the i •i _ ••• .• al a a 4.41/ tau hated, far CASH, 1 , 1 t•th., - , t„ I/4 %.‘O.l , BROTHERS I , ,n• okrtiek of'\ RrPS. rn to r 15!MI:1 11•11.=:',/E/1:1 11=IIMM!MI 1111=111E8WIN /LA .N.No BROD/LAS, He '•) 'I BRUTHLRS. • I oro ;.114 %()N RROTHLkS. Jii • %ANN. JL , 141 '0(0 '• ••• • Alhtttll • A, I_ giA,All •fi A %()% BROTHE 113. 1.• .ui I 11,16.1 , , - tanon SuAN, ag. to 114 ‘o.‘ ASRUTHLI2S. •.• N.%()% BRUTHERA 1, -tlnl, k.. II N 11116 1.1,.‘1.6; T 1•1411 T. tz. ,, t. , -‘ll.l V. 14) t/k(rriLERS. ....T. - I .lli 1,, th, Iro 10 JIIIN\t/.$ BROTHLR.S. /MO i t • t Fi !Ott in to •y,1550‘ BROTHER!, v. • 1.13 JAI -Ill.:, hi •.lEit‘;', &r ,go to %Ili\ lIROTHRs. d'r•., .1! IF •n•FAWF:t.Ii MAT , orKIG4 rota !,444 vvr) v BRoryiks - Ar.t , I ROVE . .at all 45 a() RIWTHEIIs •HA 550 5 IfROTHER S. „ *I! r. ... for 1.0,4 nt //A 5.5't).% 14120THERT 3 . - nf BIRD f'AIFF anti ISIN If 4 VO V BROTHERS. • f „,, , NSF ; 10.5 BROTHERS " rt 711 1, ,, WIANCF- 4 , LEXONS, "P.' • •.o! •I`lNst• co to •H455fi5 BROTHERS • , • •,' of Oil TAI'IoCA •nd I.7TW • . 5 //.4 'MOTHERS . ,• 1 :.'.t,-tar, '..trotrinr. or Tallow FAN s 4%.50 BROVIERS. ..,' f t r‘..5( KEW+, no 11 114 A SON RR(777ItIIS 4. 0( ..11. • riatt,- tt• .0110.1. pre le S 4 0.% BROTHER,, /, "kern, to nor part of thr City. buy 511.1% , t1.1" BROTIIER.S arta, !'I: F . : !. `rr I, or rOft:li STAXUH, t..1V11.N RROTHCR.S. If )..•t 5V111 , .. pr ••••31,- WE* ..'44 4 •05 RitITHERS l• T. bit.t.F.l.l ilk tan. Co to =EMI EMI IN,s4 • \ friILICS • 1 , -+ VIE VI , 717 E EMPIRE MILLA, an tr •tma of : It, n‘o. ( ~ r 110%1, bat or stir 11111 • • BROTRefity. If -.1 4.1,0 4nr I f the ttonro, t•ke your rA4ii hkaptir band , go N 1 .\ t, on i. ir,uuluit rd . nof sad Fri., ]tar 0 AST +if AX:00.1r8. g —No 1 Ne.:Jdackisliki yawlsr karsektimid in kit. 'ad on Mak st Dint. RANSON'S. WM. RIVDERNECITT CARTER k BROTHER. -T., ',Turk and • otirs..Tis• lEM - , 1111 I, 0 , kin..! fr.un tutee, =ll== =1 EINIMZI SHA:V.VO.I BROTHER.) A v' o BROTHERS VO V HROTHERS I( 4' NU' , BROTPARS MCI No.Y EROTHEka /1 a %I • V HROTIIERc . .t.. %In go to .A/M %.10-V ItROThIER3 NICE TIMM AT TA ;14 st • _ CD NO. 1 a 2 DROWN'S ROTEL Am [ma eams Stook of Saianaabla sad Tasttkraable GOODS DRY Arri Daily the SiGIAATOR. DO TOO KNOW That all th aw Birks a situ. Chaim Balk done, PoWeals and Brocade Soy boa. Castries Do Asgeat, Poolt De Mn, Om De Ammar, wash, Starr and Contra's( any other sty le of any kaown maks, are oti estibition la rich pra ting" and am wiling. notwithstandiag the reported advaanos la Silks, cheaper than ever at the GOLDEN BEE HITE. WHATEVER IS WORN IN THE WAY OF DRESS GOODS, Grenadines. Tayprelim, Crape De *MD. rgtal.srt m Ltsasina AP tel of, Item* T Lamm French flrpmia, t 4.1.• bot lb w * LI. lc the lA.III II R.1111.113 , 14r they are loins, going. ably.* ch e BILIt WHO WAITS TEI BISIFIT OP OUR AUCTION PURCHASES, At half the usual phew", °will; to tbettatuntal 'teatimes, "Down Etta," when we have Area ague the "dintillbt7 Dollar," to good advantage, for the benefit of oar erndrnaere and the adranorroest of the BEE HIVE 3PEIPLIEICALIPIB PM „c.a. Bays Pro Lot jall;011 ba§ D as aid Prier We • 111 sell ilea, Stripes, Ch.* Shillings, Sheet legs gto, et old prices tsotwithstaaling the high prier of cotton ooie ui and see boo they work In the BRE BITE WE FOUND A MAN! Cho wasted Mosey • great deal sere than be did CARPETS, OIL CI.IITHIa, ILLITING, RUGS, ke, and have a hang Iloe of all the best makee—we esa shoe to a tiemonstratlea that they are cheaper than at say other Lease to this city, at the HEE RIVE r ilm l;TVA - V n T ' C ' i With the Swarm and be shown the 1 , 16 &ramp, a man rich "Money is Hi. Parse,"pmmerles over your Long Time t tilos,. N .• ~..‘ show emu:teams of what ready money has done In pareiuming and will further alustrate the system In 11.1.11113 C t' dik tmely abnau when we get a chance, but our Meade bay an TAM, we don't get time tu do anything but the their packages In.l take their money. Erie, A pri l 25, 1 1 157 TfHHAI.S. HAMA Ms CO. O _ . 11 4NClltek Ac Lif.lllol l l% for wale be th e box or dozen, at aptil 25. J. JOIIV , T.OI k FIRO • JI"ST HECK' IMD and for lila , a general ams•Lrtroent . f W,,od m a d Willow Wage, enmpriAnt Tub., Pail., Markrt Elute is, kr , to., at J JOHNSTON At 111:0' , . _ _ REMOVAL. --- Austin's Jewelry Establishment. Tit auneeriber would r. maestro:lv Inform pat-ona and the public ireoerali), that be has removed hie JEWELRY, a,., to hot New room in the Lug" and elegant ttnek the north aide of timbEthssood. !studio& with tho recovery of hie health, to fieiote hie whole attemtion to the buglembp, sod to spare on efforts to glee sististiotion, be aolints oostlonaact of the liberal patron qr . . with which he hae heretotere been favored Erie, April 2S, 1044. T W. Ar,rrN. A LAtiliE 'MOCK OF , 111 SMITH, No. 4 l'Aedprlsio, the inereet dtoek of GOADS in his Itne ever offered I ,ti FM. Purchased for Cash •t lowest rate., they ay be twil 4 , holemle or Retail, eorreapondtadly low Call and see the cassia. on chluirol , for shod int rir P.nr t'lt♦ Ronde Glee exthan,:e fp- goods Aprtl SS, 1 kA7 - Go IT Pt BIG AND LITTL E ! 3341.-131.311A1 give I:3IrX.ALIWTIEN BOOTS AND SHOES! ALL SORTS rptim - .sy that they have en ha 11... ,• la rzesst an.: Best nosoriment n( (Bouts k Shoes( at J. 1,. BARR k 4•0, S, in lirevrn s lik t that was reel. t(rnught unto tn.. cit, F r „. Erse, .tprtl Pt, lksisl. • PAPER BANGLE, NEW r4TYLffil FOR wrltiNla 2 1 1 1 k! St. HAVING Jae rak+4lnr-0 a buy lot of Paver ltaatttoita, arnol4 Int Re tilt , attestion of toy 01.1 ruetnmem. to ..rtm. t.w surd tom demmhle st, lee o f my own importiMUMl Wort fro*, PVINIV, 10r salt it low prices Ise .1 NELIJEN April la, 1467. PLOWS! PLOWS !^ ELL.' WORTII•va, .1. ',ONG'S, PITTKIWRGfI, WI tIID,", DI'T`CII KR'S, WOL YEW N 11( 1160 LOA* MEXJ/t.4411A IL L:Nli All 1. 0 • ral oUw, pattern• M•th Right •n T, Iland, WARZULNTED PEILFECT or no mill, lir VI. UP s tail purelysinf Aprll I. .”..NNE.ri, ll iltrt Plow that Beata the World! F. nave gin rnnear-turvri w the lir 10. .r. Ir. Fr.' Ind r err rown u..m,l.•tn itt,:ht and I.•(t liar, ELLS IV Uh' 111 I'L is bellevrl to b* LIES(' o o t. Gyre thr 7 Ow • Cali n 4.1 vultaine it. -FSF}.TT, Antt ENGRAVING. j HE nutownt.e. tn elscuto. nll Mt!. of PR I.WINt and ISt, .1\ 11.".0.11 prnmpllt, awl r...5..n&b.e. wenn., kill! 0 11r11 of kniAiwn. gnrkOnn* , lan. resins, n..nrsistp. r Lewin, &e.. etangot, dos, Inttee Ligon. 4 ..n wood, t•rana or stet 1. • , r./..r on.t.Lit , td r.-dons, April 1. 1457.-1, ill St PFTTIT _ _ BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH EII'HENLAI'S. JR . tNUFACTURER, Wholowle And Rwtail Dett , or to Fklnl: 4hoes,, Lwathrr and Fineltryrit 4th door .oath of th• Pa r k. kno•riran Renck, , tatr N , Just rlturrwA fr,m thr rifle.. with th• •IFRI NIG IND Fir), 11 ER *TOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, LFATHER & FINDESTOS, Taut •ae •rt. ‘,,teeed vi thi. nn , whvh %.1. I'ol4 very lou for cash, cheaper Wan the chest pee: east Pie". Among ht. stn. k *l.l V. f.un .I Morocc., and Taunt L-ather }NwAs. Conxrems Gsaors, an.f ►netr (Alters. BUll'.1(111 WA and all kind, of ( ntirlren's Boots. -.bows , :114, and 0 ahoy t , t very to-w of hoots market, without es•aPllon Custom work done in the neatest style of the trade on the short est n.,nrr Leather an I rlnlin,re, rink and Firm.oek Sole Leather, Fronrh and 4merican Calf ' , kites, Patent Leather. Yorneen, Lining, Bite!. tag, Kip., aid • 4 1tiso run ets, Web., I,aattno, Guinn., Hamm. rs, Vistehers, Tas.ka, Pegs, Nati*, kr irnn't forret the pia, Erie, April la, In't7 WHO 'LADE YOUROOATT IT FlTti PNLI NEAT AN!) IT i% permit Wt,of o n„„, 1,-RA Amernma Itirw IC, State-.t Don trop know has the liner sod moat faah innate,. rnogla in this market and in 401. , la the hest ruttier in town If one want yew', II coat, punt., ower - ramt or any *Mack of Furnishi nsurf g Gixods, Cast on Wagner, be will )nn a !giro r , •,4 Ps L. 1 14 no. in reempt of a superb stock ..f • CLOTIIS, CA Aril AI Ells AND VESTINNiro an ozarnination of his stock atll !Imre prootabne as • ell am IL berating. Do n't forz,et the ;Az., FRANK IcAk.N lATHINC. cTC.hF. Ainertran Elloek, , tate-st . Erie, April IA 11A:.7.--4ti Ease, April, 1.557. AWFUL TO RELATE! BOOTH & STEWART, THE PEOPLE'S AGRITS, Have Broke !! ! Open over ,500 -uses of Spring & _Saltier Goods. OF THE GREATEST VARIETY, THE 13E.s'T (it - ALITY, Tait LowEeiT PRIcEB IN ERIE cOUNTY. iVt have Enlarged our Store; We have now on Exhibition a IBM, Mil Ell BIM I'M Ilan ear over I,ef:re brwltigAl ;Itio Au Market Primo u Ustua, - Down! Down! Down! Down! BOOTH & STEWART, Park Row Groceries, Provisions, Oigars, &o. T us subscriber respectfully intones the public that be ha rr moved Ise Gissepseris sae door aorth eider secesr °filth stmt.{ and thr Park,whrrr be to now t ~rr t of a large and splendid aomeinwot of umuCtitiltA eon eonsisting of every article In that tiny, mucus which ma De fund r- Ceases, Tesi, Mears, eyra. pg Spices, an. rverr Tartottjaa4 deacsiplana. 1 smasi esti especial attsatiee to soy 4tnek of ou•ios ostamas, compri.lng Ito. raring* bout& and nusittieti irbieb will be sekt et neennable rates. lleeeredeee to de a fair bestrew, I ramplettallt motheit a call froaajterheeter. Kne, April, 4. T. 9%, A. :Ml= - VAllLlCilitlrtn it . on yes? Pr;dues,for I Adel we iTtrieir Orb, at Via bilibeet aortal pow. Aptil 211. ' J. JOHN ! + _ 1 1 10.. / 0 0 9. lead ea _ _ pear= tip Nara or useolOor foie IL JOIVIIIM aWi. Ott. FULL: TO TIM IMUYI ! .$lll l .OO New Stock O F ei thejest iw evire4yed th. an o d . naffed thus fir essetred, by become tatted"! that the Oilseed; of Erie agprociste hie ~ts to eruiensb sad keep op a /!TORE, earthy et the plses, and this has induced Mtn to 11l ep his Store with a stock of the leading Books of the day, and such other outl et,* as strictly belong to L6le line, as have !Writ been own this vide of New York, said now invitee all to tall and take a look Irks Ibtlowiag ate =keg the late arrivahr— IKent Rafe Toole Cap, Letter sad Note Paper. ell wade. end pekes. Ladles! pllinksistl [mei Note Paper. all &ore and skies Envelope*, in catch. Mourning Paper, Cards and Enveloped Chanting House Cap Paper. Sermon Paper. Chins Paper, Sete. Reticulated N te. 'Blanks of al nds, hunters and Attorneys. fiorton's Uold Pens, all also and prices. A very lams stock of Ladies' Port bleak% with and wittiont eh aka Port rta, from k to flit On. Arnold k. aU sista. Printer's Blank Cards. Copying P7IIIIOOS. with Mann's improved copying Books Invoice, Letter add Eterviut Vile*. An eaormous dock of Narks and Memorandum Book. Reboot Books of all kinds and In any quantity &stmt. V Willie Cards. Wall Paper, Winds. Paper, Bordering, kr., a very lair stock, esatalslag every variety of new pattern., style and price, etc., etc , all going off like hot cake. to make room f o r m ore no th e ere ,, PAO, April 11, Isdt. J J. I.INtA MEADVILLE - PENALZ BEIINARY TU. fourth tern wUI eimaresee as Monday, Kay TER S For English bronolos, For each longs's', $l,BO ertra Moak 4 011 pathtin,r., per course, each, $9,00 Drawing, _ $ 4 . 00 Hoax! In the fondly of the Prloelpal, onolusArs of nulling $3, , Y1 r week. ►or further particulars direct to April 11. 11141.-0m441 Must be EWit: Itahogooy Sas Red ilad, m 1 l ILarifle tmp Deering Barrack, 1 Ilarhle top Washstaad. I, Dog *of. bottom chairs, 1 °Mumma, All Ars sourely new k n.i ba will at nearly half tool 17.tqfilre BARNEY k WeCONKF.Y f.ne April, 11,1447. SPRING STYLES. Millinery and Fancy Goods. MRs CCRTIS has returned from Yew York, and is n noen• /wii a lasts an 1 beautiful assortment of Spring and Summer Goods. Of the muswest styles, among •lisch may be found, Bonnets ureter( varlet), Ribbons, Flotsam, Dreas Caps, Read lir• tem, Dress rlllll , l. Freneli Corsets, ttirtin:, best qualm, r: OloWell and Mitt. , also, Hosiery for Is.lu t, gentlemen and elall4ren together with a „Teat ninety of (rood. too 111111.er./. Ittlliners supplusl at whmesale, with nil Good. In their to. o. . • a s can be bought ettewher .trders prorni•ly %)waded •., It —.timer Bonnet. Mt :ached tins pe , onked in the r• • 60, • Tory terry full assortment of Straw Flowers, •tresw retnual4,•, Tissues. (limps, kc ,kr MIN MARY CI RT., Fri., April 11, 115.57 NEW B- . J 1. 4 1. reerteed, at the Perk Row Ronk tnre, tbe MI 'win:, .-hie' meet and chaff tr fold Arn t. arl.lr. pnr• Marrying, ton Late, Wneita, enmplete, I timber's I',formattnn for the Peoria. e 'ter • Koval (letav, and Unabridged D4ctl..ntry, Illietlonary of Prwtn-a, QuAntlono„ :• , th , , Wood, itach.l and the World, Ju•tare an the Rteerl“ In tug a complete V. orks, If. volames, Waverly No•els, Private: Cormaponden, of Dan ,r 1 Welarter, ( lark • lon,nrutane., a yobaines, k ranktin • Wova•. complote. In volomyt. 1 tante sr* ram.-nt of liOlea, Tretatnenth and Ryan:. Books, for all , iy•ac;rol ;tat .•.r,• ut ylwrt -Intuat lita.a or :he day Wzar • Pay ..1 •Lo.••• and• t en., antd cheap. tali tan,, it apnl 11, 1b67. J 11'. 1" COPE TO THE RESCUE EVERY BODY ! ! Cil T to , scarcely no , • . 0.00015 . 4 tow ;tact ..ur ...tiro' • tort of Ci...r‘rt• A. I hr. In 111 , I' ,rj .0 IN .11450tirligred (MOM attempting huirlllo.l4. • rail. 601 lb. • , iiOnocens..nt ;risen bir kind sod the. 14.11ri . . • .. •ny old cuistnoisees. bare beeoinduns.l to In ow, r in Inn toot, lark nest lino. IV.. • .00 • • . ptiA••• • tbse a. have )a•• opeoed at No. 2„ Rood tiou•c. an .• New and Fresh Stock of Groceries, Jost from Nov 1 (Irk, enmprudni every ilaln4 in nor tin., 1.1110 - ti we is, her rol , ire, •• •rm iir a :rue" pubis in cxt nilin: b. us •it trc ✓ Ott, 10•11'.•lifte.... with a 01. • 4 it• list as, a 4501 14410 0 . in... Erse, Apnl 4. list:. J k alto. t fora, b. Place, AL 2. Re ed H•wrog. _ Nev Grocer y and Proviiiou Store, Wr at le ,ir T%%1 alsr. \. . '• • F. 141 1. '. rr, tlr .40eit • Sntlt. • tla at catt 9 l,l.l. beint i•I ' • . • tl.• • • I •••.iii aioo .•• )44541 . oar sop , . • I:1 t`1. , 111., l ' 14.. 1 1•1 • C. viel.Er k • %J. , ' •. • 1 11.. 0r0ce.7.1.//•.1 . • 1...1 l• r , f I• t 1 to b.e up Hc • 4. 1 , -.7 r 0 1. U.14E1.4 ANL, PIYILUP, rsantinc 451.150, 44 tb. sons awl N. stir's Kbook he W. I I-,l '•--t areniat, Mockarat. White ih.rring, new open.. t • N 0.14 W. sl\. r 4 MEE 1•• at , • it.ap, At - II 1 • - ,•Lrai saaortment of all ktod• •r ,rap at the New Grocery Striv W. F. Itt • it I TO THE PUBLIC! 11k1;- nc.la X.. iiroaery store . I I I , •• r. on band a fall ansortinent In ••• of the kind, and by garb: •"t- ..•, • ..- 4nd boost dwlinQ bop. t.. - • ur pa' o z. till. R: ~• i kne, a 4, 1..7. HAVE YOU CALLED AT TUE NI: It GROCERY AND PRoVNoN SiTICIFW, IV BEATTY'S BLuf:Ar. ERIE, P.I W M F RINDERNECHI kpro J, 1,-)7 Just Received ! ! BRILLIANT EXHIBITION Unrivaled inducments offered for the moot advantageous investments. GOALDING, HOUSTON de CO Are Lull rpentnd of their Mammoth Establishment ! ruroor (11 fifth and i 011.6 :groat, tka. latat rplenkted SPRING AN!' SUMMER GOODS! .1 • • u. 1.% LULA , t, French, English, and American NIB WITH, CLUNK ➢OS SEE, And:Vestangs of all styles and GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, DRY GOODS, In short ev ery arttcoe neoe.sery f r cotnforr, or s grntelr appeatartoe, and devirted to Kretlfy the testa of the must fastatieous, 1104 adopted to the maims of the 'smiles:one/ WHOLE SALE & RETAIL. THE EXTENSIVE %ND UNAIRPASSED sTOCK the Subscribers is mannfiterum.l under their ow n saner, uloq uone but the beet • orkmen am employed, wu , l all work a arranterl. Call and nee the performance of GrOALDING'S MODEL ARTISTS Clol:7rr C73SCAL.Ft.C3-10. And be astonished at the matohless neatnes., and duribility of the Productions of their Artistic Skill. 11; E Da r. NI 33 E Ft, That all who patronise our establishment 86VB 26 PER MET IN COST, and secure a superior garment, both in e tyk, sod duribility FORGET NOT Th Corner of Fifth mul Fr, nr4 A't--ets, AU yes wire wish ta. millVe mown• GOALDIN(I, HOCsTON t C.ll grie, April, it 1/164. Calm& ! California ! California ! roc UAIIIULI I ONPt4 GB/WINN CALIFORNIA OINTMENT' i Where Goods are always angular and sudotagiblug Ointment tnr whieh thor• has ereek twine' oftsbe, Ma now be b!mi direst Imo the shown ! a.m. et 11.1 =i l ip l IL /11112— warm a Rao. DE JOSHL A KENDALL, A II PrineApal =Ell N . 1 Hi \ r EMI Griswold, Wailer & Co's 001.:1724ZN".. :M uci lid f l J llui' OF SPRING TRADE AT TEC EMPIRES, State Street, Corner of Fifth. The Larpet aad Lot Istaasive lIY MIS ISTIIIIIIIIIM IN NORTH WESTERN PA. Three Splendid Sales Rooms ! CROWDED WITH MlllOlllllll OS Which for Elegance of Style are NOT SURPASSED ! New Goodi Received Daily 1 li.:1101:1, 7Tarner & 00. Are Now prepared to Offer the Largest And Most Attractive stock of DRY GOODS! IN THIS CITY OUR SILK ROOM Contain' all the Latest Styles of FANCY DRESS SILKS Figured, Stripe and Plain Black Silks; Printed anal Plain All-wool l Laines, English, Fr• n , :h an I American Prints, r, • • Sta ., &c , &c. ,Eir4bisoladiets, S i 1 Auu and Cambric Co.lars, auu zne,ner., Collars and Sleeves in Setts, üb.in and Ustubric Bands, Flouncing Edgings, Insertiags, Lc. Infant's Robes and Waists ! Late Cuilars and Sleeves in Cetus, and a large quantity of Valencennes, Gaipure, Hon itun arid Bruzbels Laces, &D., &.c , &c. 500 SPRING SHAWLS ~articular attention to this Depart. natut, knowing that all who favor us with a vii ran bo suited. We are selling Shawls at LESS TIIA\' THEIR REAL VALUE ! I laving been bought at an Auction sale, ft.tw daN s since, at One-Half the Co , t of Importation ! Tlress anb Ittantilta M;11 T 7:";• 7 Stye. Dress Buttons, Bonnet Ribbons, A'uan,lre Kid Glove? , . al! isos; PARASOLS, &c. housekeepers we would say that our stork of House Furnishing Goods eorreplcrc. cowprising English Cotton Sheet. .I,iaen Sheeting-1 Pillow Case Cotton and Linen, niinity and Marcel• ►nice Counterpanes. • Table and Piano Covers, Darna6k, Muslin and Lace WINDOW DRAPERY, Painted Window Shades, Window Cornice and Pine, Linen Toweling, Linen Table Covers, Napkins, Drills, ke. O U It CARPET ROOM Is Now Filled with everything in . the line that is desirable: ENGLISH AND AMEWArst 7s rams and Brusse ls Thr,e Ply, Ingrain all grades, and Cotton and Wool Carpets, Druggets, Velvet Rugs and Mats, White and Check Matting, Oil Cloth from 3 4 to 4 yard* wide, Stair Rods, &0., &o. OUR Q.A.ELFriErI'S Have been purchased within the past three weeks of the Manufacturers, and are offered at the lowest poetible prices. -r DON'T FAIL Td SEE THEM out' OCK OF 119111)11( BO@DS is very large. We invite all to ExAlma Orit Mammoth Stock! And be Convinced that there is no place to buy Goods as Cheap as at the EMPIRE STORE, TALE, BROTHERS, (Sfixonosoo to W.. Top & Soo.) No. 111111110W1P8 BLOCK 11111114 Pa. WZ Si, sow opealeg one of Use laeceat sod haseamest Steel ot Syriac sad Sumer Hats sod Caps ewer before breasin UM, Iris. Oar seleatkia of the Soft Hat which us now the wit premissut of all others is mach burger Mao bantam ea eOllOl/at albs eoploas &amid Ishii* is almost tespoesible to supply bat wean eaSsaroriag to do to by kruirtog lame Stocks sad ntuag dime. We hare Hats to nit every Mau, Boy and Child sad emery pries sad quality. Coate wad sse sad be esavisesd. C A PS Oer emeortaeat Ali , of the Wert MON eoeetelthir of Bilk, Velvet, nv Antkioe. sod it of almost IMF *sloe, it we bees or me to mat we will make it et the elierteet se t:6w STRAW GOODS. Oar Stook of Btra. Hats Ire will not stumps to immaessats4 that la, tits diluent Styles , but we restate to say that vo bats oatatih to so y Leis City sad Cowley, this is maybe( a groat deal hat awe tt is trot. FIISSISILING GOODS. In this it, of Goods we day rolapedtion. We will say that there is no OM Store he Ede city that has u large as easerimeat.— Oar Stock of White Fancy Slues is very large end mask to our or der by the best Illanufactoriee in Philadelphia. We b.* ales • largo easortemeet of Nock Ties artery Style immerisiable. Ekoesee, Coder Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, ihindkerchlefa,Snapead•r• Testi Stark art. Of every descr r:r iption, for dr.Ei Laulk.4 1 1 11: G6*110 11 Cone% Scotch Olaabams, Call to at Na. 6 and are it .e don't 411.1 DY TO PLEASE: grab, Aprtl 11,1667. TAGS, Bacrram. Blank and Aseotuit Book Waaahumaing sad Ornamental Book Binding, ko. torii are atmerbers are happy traaa;ae ly..p repat .ti.:oot et Mock as wall as with workmen namorparimi it &batty, for carry tag on thm XI Q. Os ms xivra x my or• Aid Shutt neat lianalacturing baldness la the moat approved style. of Eastern cases, to all branches, and at prawn am low a* aim be done anywhere. We are pmepareed to do wont of to. following kind.. Blank and oceount Books ruled to any patorn desired Editions of printed Books bound in cloth, sheep, tommisk ka.., int our estabilahment is furnished with all the Premien, Tools sod Le pimento neseseary. Printed Hook. , 113 single volumes or sett bound to swathe testae of the parties °Nem% the kind of book. Onumental Siodtbg tor the center-table Gentlemen's Libraries renovated, sod when owe toodlng can la with, the bioding repaired. iii ilt i rlitaks rebound, sod Periodicols and Xagsaines bound tor toratelt sena Bill Beads, Way Bali, Shipping Bala alkßeceipt Piloted sad Haled to patent. Pam Ruled to order in a Superior manner. Time Have to sew color desired. Haring nor of the brat Ruling Machines to the world. they defy competition. Them ordering work in either of the above &pontoons, may or ly on Its being done promptly and well. Rindirry over the Hark how Book Store of J. J. Lists. Erie. March 21, live; —Una& LINTS k COLE. Zeliefk3ECla3o STILL e ‘ has .t that i largest ilk-hest and Best *tort of mllltuo7 400ds that be hoe 1031. r had the of olb•viiii. U.. U.l inure Consisting of all the laurel 1•.1-a an 1 yvkreitte. of Ahem Silk Crape ',see, Tutor aol Lawn Now . brem lair ititMooto fluor. , a Head f/r.ooto K 4. , 1• • • tti Moto,real• & Retail at Priori that &deo rompotion 11111:nora ouppin I watt ealleTo Liurz.rt.. aed Gooch at prams to Owe, all Old Bonnet/1 a•torrti Blow•he f aud Prroaril at ohne solar* ail 11111.1•1. BLoarlting and • Havlng• horn to groat re-ponee in rvle.r rears A. Willard of Bqetou shoes tame sad ertteti, na•rdo t o t • trial to Wham Public ounadrner sod P•tron,, , ..w. al. thr re we* of sante of the beat teetern Inflicters, and 3111 ft the wke death ' sad with a mind to Oral fairelv non,o-snly stela all, we loops SO Merit ar, share of Patrnoarr Inat LARRA A. WILLARD. Mee JOAN TSAR, Superintendent of nupertateadent 0f.3 Rlak,a &mixt Itratno, Fri., Ps Plate's Motet Worms. Pewee. ale, theta /Laren 21, I. BLARE, Ptopro•t..r. cook nut 11 a r. F .1 , ••• • r 'hr ti,lteettertnen• of the read oPecting at I/la.-. ilonnr l :forma uteri:e opposite the Peat inhert. Er,e, March '21.14.7 Steam Sash, Blind and Door Manufactory. JAMES CROOK & Co. BWILDEP, an 1 11ar.afak• et b.tw.n 4zn s.h -, "•J • All kin,.ll. I trui..l ozal tmr. r taken io ..sel.ang.• for .ork. Amy 11.11j11 of Cl t, r .ALGlArli for w tit& the highoot ,r 1116.. paid .n dry JANES 1 r Hogni. WM BId.LL, L a won RE. 1, St LYTLE, Ene, kt , 94, 1,57 RICHARD Security! Security! Security! PIAINCT FIRF 1' HI PUL4K.S cO - .4.1kfil EXAMINE'N ( lIILLISD LIMI 7 SAYE*, an, „ o . L .... 5a . .., kr ' 11,C cLey •re the only R and B•rglar Seale% i...., ~, lin ...,,,d Six Years to Übe, and L. z 0 Lollar iali by ries or Lurgla.r. From 2to 4 h. t 91r, w. 14 N.:Leder than Stile steel. They are al. :Am , ILL.I •. I Le • L.u.La Locks art:l..l4l l lM oolr PowLI, Bank L t• :n For ...ale at the I.,arALlfile4Mr• et 1.. • b, ETIC. I et, 'Z‘, WOOD AND WILLOW W ARE, ..f a,crr deteriptiou, for mile at the Neer Grocery Stn., iu liestiya block, up April 4. W. F. HINDEILVECIET. 26 WITNESSES; p. 40 % cr, Til E rbil ......8 FORGE!, CONVICTED. JO RN 8 D } E M THE A rTHOR, Who •It s had 10 years experience as a Bau -8 r, and Publisher, and Author of A r. of 1„.,01,a nt lA. Broadway ralwrieseie s 8 when, fur 16 succestiro nights, over at 0 ger- 50,000 People 'VS {.7 Greeted him with ROlll,lll of A pnisose, while le exhibited the manner in which Ccautierfeiterlyataliat• their Fraud., and the Surest and Shortest Means of Detecting them! The .Irnie Note Esvravers all aag that AS is the grentesi Jbulye of Paper Money G REATEST DI sCOVF.RY OF THE PRIMM? ONO n CEtitY *OR inn cow Is W 5 Describing Evert Dundee Rill it, Existent.. sag s k yaat. lag at &glance ' , cry Countedrit in uretat a tio t e: 111 Arranged so admirably, that REF. EarrrE i cisi- tad DETECTION INSTS,NTANEOUS. .4 N• lades .rant sc . .S• (r{.ll to, biro o p , Bat so sinpliliod and and artatiod, that the Merchant, lrk et mod infixes' can ••• *JI dot • %mom Frese4 a.uf Genoa*. Thus Zarb orty read the sum In b ore Niiilhre Teague. Yost Perfect Bank /lots List Mashed. aL . .A.:Je a 1.-.3t af i All the Private Bankeri M America. gm A Complete Samnsary of the Tresses or Eninrs vrn .AMMUC.A will be pabliabed in each edltlos. lemethed w* a all as the important .I.(FWS OF TRI I.A Y. Also A 41:111.P3 OP T.il.k.S M From as obi Natteearipatou ad to the &M. a Air niches the Yost Complete History of ORIENTAL LIFE describing the Most Yerpl.sin i : Positicals to Whioh the lit Ladies and dentfrines of that rettatry hay* bees so Ale 0 found. These Stories old condone tiszeitgbeut as OW. T M' and will prow tba Yost Entertiunhar rer aired lho the ?ladle. orandebst Weekly to Sabscritste 014, at 41 a pear.— Alfrtters must be addeeesed td AMU S. PVC inititro liso Publisher and Proprietor, Ti W. 411 Street. New Tort. VLOtIR 117..eittIC1 PLOVIT ILIMITOMIE MI IL LS EMPORIVaI subseriber his of a ,rd 'so Park Bad Baildiags, • stag sad Teed Seam where be • keep eobstseet/7 ea bead is nosily, Wheat, Rye sod (Irritate Plow, Cora, Play Tina, Mew* I LL S FE a E ar D S! which will be sarl lo• for Cash. st wholesale or Wall •04.41•Iiver ei ear pima he dee CM) nee si al•S! N ED T 1 Ij wfin zi L di rbat Riebc=irtiOsots. nil ley Lt e = h d rine. asadmit ark:411.1111111041mer of kg IN Z hassainiMet 01111/41iirblebi owe reeerear w a4. wow A 4pa•es et teas on head, teaii6 - Th • • lad vaiesded rod svaughiaNamit .•a and Doors Paw* =ME SELDES, Aiv.t D