I'llE , , II I \3 • / . ,I. II \ . I ... ,I . OLOA :If_t.Jl.l., . 8.1111 U I)►1 NI%) 1%17. ).\ DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. rot; Got 1-it* on. HON. W11.1.1.11E F. PACKFAZ =QM FOR riNAI, C111‘71,710, IR, N/MIZOI ) STNICfcI,.‘NI) I= Reassembling of the S..atc . Democratic Con• rentior. Lf 1857 ' 1 C, , f n-' of Mr,c,, A St 1 I^ , titan, ict+t, • ontkna, ;I MEM J r• , R J H. ,Pai News of the Week Sun ,h, , Mr Pet , r a• a a pith in Fl.hlhz Cr , e4 r See •od to , ortft,.. 1 ~• etganty. Rh.Ut ,n•, I.h "p•tnP 'llf 01`n. t s lroT dllle p% f...• I I ,` h X W,L r. s.erAte.l am ny the tau- From 1 , 1 lir lin, f n‘tion I. c ,en the housA ..t N euiler• ;11, L of ovw•pnp••r u f • been i t. • r tiler• an 4; r A. . la.,i F,. .i o=ll=3 th ;r I n =I wrtt I ••ri —A pr hit' er, I Tic t de r MEIII • I ' , e, an-1 • I br%•<, i MI R ,c. =IEI 1:1=MEMIII bri a l'N W S INT du 5•.• 2 MEE .11. T +. et plant. : . , Fvr m • • •nd tr 1-1 In t etlib seem, •.:n I.• n wI • I few by.. ft: year. pr, .u• a i , •111^ • 1 I , ,N bit • 0 Slid • I • , •D •'~ COMM two w tiaa • MEI erie. • rr Th* •- i :10 -11 r , e4r. r , Ol ; Rober. \4 o.` , by r.td4,r, purr•!. c sel ..n att.; w 0110 Int • .11 .art tb• to I - '4• ' I=l Dot , I. i,.. rut .11 r V. & pap• r, wt, AI V.• EMEI -11; - 3 , L,to ttr' ECM death o' Mr 1' 1 - ) CC= Hoare .f C• dial l'r. I•y a =I =DM both b-1 , . , h , . ' , I to the Ittt -T noon • •h.vl. .1 OnntadJ y Rice, about e).4t , ',. ,ear• child, and caught u!, over the ht ad. f t^o. n. , ing het hatr to ettn, , t 1 , 1 i r' and ',boulders in PI h•rr , .' , m•tnnrr It ta.t. ' tr ,, l tLe littl*Pufkrer r t •un rr —The prAiont trr.r z •nly r-A , W 5. and a bmd f r rhPumAtt , :• arn r r able on.. sr ttr 1. 1 ., ..7.1T l• pr. • r . W , 01'1, from r‘ri,to rart. yowl', that th. r. • , •-•% helmet. et .1) of pea' F.e* r 4,1 svr beet:it-art then over In tA.:3tl t 0 poet l SA ftrt.rat, r nr r,iar I' • Ur , 71 • ," —We !ire :ctr I Atl►euc Tt.legrit.' 1 to take/1 t i• 1 r r • • ea. °opt them `,n $ the pip e r. wil n. I fro 1 tr, alreeelt ram 're ll' -111 s. ,•„ F,. _ after Th• TIMMER and TI ■r w the pok.t y EMI poienr 2ft. or, dow, I I' 0. • rePtlrt t I I= have h.en tog thr ,u: brlb!Ty I^ •,•••1, santh , 7 sin prods-• 4 I- ~ •i —A di,.• r•TI end ie (hit' I.,rt: deacr be t windows, hr r of giA•l ;,•-• •.1 t.,,7 ••, etniek one " P EA.lre C.V4 t. .1' siotk itg a &ben., —A dieretoh fr , nn S• r•'lt•tnz to offal! , , n K gar that the t 11$••rt Aotorr. v hl• ~•I 'stored • non. prn••?.. Ina .1 h• trear tr » • ; tag. The ewe .If t: ',tern .r tt nr.• and b,ot ' r •.1 pawn ut nffic., s‘,l oe d•••erna ne 0..al At tn.. Si Woo u t.le rtga: 4pr ut ,A 4 t• dec o.utt eL, c 8. Lod tb.. Terri:. real 1 , ,•.r1et A .tor .ey. s...rk St 6 , - is• .• Of the public tehool.l , f Newari, ehe a: , F 1,r.1 a L. • fillet by the teweber, wh ,Lep , t b.• I, it 1 M r J r,l , his knees while be tcHieteltbe . of the head doerawara crew..! r tb:, I head, eaaalairb — rain lever, •td Lkatti a for .1117 e if: , r• ward. —Tito Moattmal P•tot n.,t4ce• th• n.rr w re►pn rr a young lady had in that from beir,,v„ bi ~.11 in consequenea of wearing a a: eh bosuns inflated with the wird. The td,t, r th,F IA a caution to lopes not to walk near .el , r, ,Arali. or rivers in stormy weather with litKped dresbes —Tao Ltostoo Post says diet Luther Colburn, of Deed lm, defendant io inaction for trespaAs before the common real at Deedttam, shot himself dead rear the prenbeee 10 diorite, after mother he bad rather die than go late a (mart hoar again. --Quota Victoria's birthday is to be observed as a public holiday by oar Canadian nvighbees. The Governor Gen eral of Canada has issued a proclamatiost to Ibis effect.— Tist saalveriary is Monday nest, the Lid: of the present Reath. --In Terre Rants, Irdiana, the Demoerats hare elected au dm Idly °deers. In Lafayette, Indiana, the Democracy mint every thing, from Mayor to Oesudabla. PI IL I,ari ,„ r ner ty ••• 1) t • 14 t. • Ato .1 =I •et,".l/ t , n it. IMBED MEE I❑yj =I =UM r..n. ii i. li ME IRENE lEEE EMI =II =MI MEM lIIIMI ,I 1 t : \, ~ 'i .t. EMI =MEM I . 1 =NM .• -I.lU'ers" ONCE, MORE. r bar I • -.41,1•" of Lake, ear+ "no of Wtl.lll it !' tad. .i• hi. hope. ~ f imppuiess here ae woH as bin ~,ou s 1 re er upon the number of hi+ wire' and lb. 1141 e tc 6 /' are wor•t abated eont- Tnt tuj Q.tLe VI. r:1--0121. ....others brethren sot exeeptoi - - • ,••I• P• rle • , ;Ling out" frfiut ••I.7neis Saint ' s " poll t: A• we • a- exeommuloteatioa from the world'. rt r'. ye• 1. Thei• cenduet from the start, if we are t.I bll3 favored more of that of out 1.111. •CRI l'ltlllF—sri although the protecting flag has been spread around them, T •ir, f the Union has been freely lavished in th • ' autt,rity of the government in the t , -r r) I. II 0••• .1.0.41. and it. oake' spit upon and .1,11(.4. in this eta's. of •ffairs, the pp/ethos suggests .•': t e.ery t. tnd, what steps ought the Government to r to their ren•e' In ecnsidering this r ; • t: I z0e.1•,. , rraoirenonts havenothirg •' • U r V we,er, tnit , ii the ehristian world r the. , . M,,Pemm•dsur of tie .101 A gnVfMMett ear. CAN 7 , L ,, ' , ...f . 'bell' rondtvt in thi , r•r 7 1, r raly hare. floe wife apiece or 1. , 11. , io , h luxuries peaceably ir.fulce it , reneunspilobt lc.e 4 40eral Goyera •r • :.r t',e lief.. (41 I; .wernroont hall PO authority 'I ru., re eou d rcfaee to admit them into i .hue them her..ni the pale a civilised 1= --s,l st perhaps out t,. hive been the ••4 n the p- spositiurtio ~ rcantse the terri• i o rtt•., ut 1 ptthxpo would t kti-aledg. h‘ e n tt C—ant• , I 1) , 11 I= =I %.‘ 1. • T f KIITIIIO, I I .1 , v the , . "•=alota," fan [NM r • •'1.•'•• lb • ••IN driven 0f6,-,r by Iv ij ,yornment, until now, AO • ,:e , 1 th. 8011,11 ty of tha bl•aing sl: the recordo ~f n - I , rrtt. , y. and forcing th• EINES •••fr.••po , toit•Ll a Ant NAw r • • =MEM 1•111 • : :"TILF4, a lel • • • • •! 11.' C.:. , r 1 he r"st a, .1n t rn ihustration, it says that an interesting • , ,•, . ,L. •• , r „, i„ • ilna being played off in Philadelphia, Judge, th e , r l KEL LE v, Wicroe, and others, represent the strictly abott • majesty, were covered up t,..0 side; and Law. Tann, the chairman of the Republican CAI .ite!Ll/t1; U State c,,irimittee, tint Gluier and other., the Know • . . n I r u rutird •.:11t. The ! Nothing Republiean wing The object nf this latter is t „yr. A p„ tit j ury „„ a . ev e r , l ina,anahle tinpedituent I erowdWamor off the eons... That notninaitoa, ~r. en in r way to ofliitruct the current bo.ocire in the rear,,' induced ht.; resignation nt the tiny. out. r t , the rd.cr , of the ernoeship a Kansa-. Having - isicrilleed the one, he ir , ll an•mh^re n` lire has ore „„„ in ,„ , rr. I never give op the ether %along lig ataeeette t. p0,,,,,b1e Ile • ~ 1 11 •r ot the United tae. sin i no 4 itiht evil, and ah tlitt , on Darr will have to take a , oieD were " "bark Feel lit tRV is said lobe writing a book of adven ,• . ./rcler t.. Att., 1 tore. in Kane, which he will give "all the world and the on thi ffill I , isi ~,„. 1 rest mankind" the benefit of, provided the opposition pert t ; g ehim a chance for tioverner. He is a weak soil Mite rite 11131. but cunning and uneentpulous If he continues h s aolttion scheming, it may behove the Democratic press r, the people what he la, as well as also he is. ilis appointment to Kauai WU the moat unfortunate and unaccountable of all Gen. Puttee's appointments. I II 11. . k 11=1 ^ pr , p—v. term of the r t.i I,IIA I try 1 oterr•tlOg • `.l rt, that the t otte , l States 1 , 0 Untied :-...tatei C%IC.. T rrlt•iry, and all the T,ritarlalGiurte I trting uti•di Oita pretext. ti•- I!th nit , the M •r tt• ir a• t .tiiers •.f toe Dantte Band • • nit t ; •‘vhte room, hacked the d••or, • at.d 11.,1 with rerntiera at hie head o a v , i ; thr. , 9t. for •ert him to pr.. • u w.to t th y awl to "tustain • rvow.r.• I threatened and • : 'eg d'ami•ieed the Jury and t ~,• Ire. t .1,4 the Crier to pr , al , .utiCe It • ,e Crte , TiLnir'y ancuunced the • , J • I.r II••• ,;.tte•l that it would meet I • • ~,•-! • .i•a rransa , ting any Territorial :• • i betore it Toe Judge, at • ,•ani ea, t, tt. Mr , a lay ht. p•eferiee world not be fa I -' , at Terriirrial bunne.a war tube • Mar•.llli wcuid, with au , h bail •41 , • .0141.. app lot an,st ' t ••.« and that an aeri,unt MEI . • • k.pt he the Terrmorial .i r•••I u. •'l.• t uttrd date. Marshal f , ,r ; r M tear,' t that the Unite , i States ‘•• • , 1 1 tit,t(ere with the • I th..,h•re adopted thit meth= - ' :t, and etit,toutinz the M .r111. , 11 t. 1. i p Jkl ig•• Stile.. on Letatt '• • f the • .‘ ,• • t'ltt ho imagine hut I q, • .•‘. c , rrert sal pot. frankly ar. „et. eV! they were n.aller, au 1 ad led vuttl tht. po6ple. 1 t'fl.4o( I r 1 , 1 'r Ii . ,t ti., t •m. o 11^ „alts r her, oneil Is .am P ian4 aria his 14, At th,s in 11:1 , ;11* the n vt h•••. 1 tiy tho G ivernment t--np preparationo and the uni • •‘ le 9.1.1 11..t....Urce0 of th• 'esters ~ ' 10.1 e I , he A . tort or InNignsii =I atoregl ‘—n an i oupp..•4 woh aim. tux liar,.•§ to their instroe ~a ht Ity, that the In haat . • llotlt. and half FlVlZetrar r to r .itrp‘nrilberu to the Indian! • b•. t c t .10.11 010. In4lmmo "I' i • - .---I.t.e tovin.fr c.. tv IV er, a' I .....ICtiv ' o'lll •r try ho • cpvrirc ,;e 4.' tlra , CAo.lttiriled L,arw ttepuhhear— u , • prop led he .4,1,1 conelude to la f , • i• •• 1, :.. A' •nt.e, if the Revol,Loini w,,u41 r r s • • fr. n • year or . and are espreied rr,r.ut +f . • In rhr. rtit.r,-, we .sti go to Darr, Rl.l w ry I>4h pule s wart)! , ao.i ■Ly csu't ou, wLcuk yOll are EffIZIMI= !?' t flr 111 I' IVO/LIN —The i}overnor . I 1 1,4 vale the Main Lino, and it 91 1., 1, at rabll , ' laCllOO, in toe Met— Earl/singe, I othidelrhla, on Thursday evening, the ?AA rt, e The set authorises the sale, provided th.t it maw oe made for • eam not less than $7,500,001.1 N , be aceeptei, unless in rash or State bonds, lobe fort..te, the terms of the sale are not complied with.— If the Penneylvenus R•tlroml '.'ompar t y purchase It, the pries a il . kto,tue, the whale amount of sale to be paid in fire Ter -tot 14 'ode or the Company. Of tbese bonds 11tH) 4,0 am fell due Juiy 1. 4 :01, and $lOO,OOO lanais. thereafter until July 31, 1590, when $1,000,000 will fall due. and $1,000,000 annually thereafter till the whole is paid. Pornaro's Moriday, the'ewtordedott, sod the Tree Amr-iro., are all dire* down on the New York %server. The f..rwer,"llarywr'e Moodily" ends to "pes-green neigh bor," while the latter we know et greener than the gears eft grase—betwe we should think the,Cowetiostitho would Gel a rood deal like otigedding to he caught is each company. Ova up sot, doe't you/ —The New °deans Times /dates that a yoaag wrogessaa la that eity loft lose $47,000 at a fashionable poi it few days fiber. ll* paid every dollar of it an Rau day, ari immediately left the eity a rained aaa. 4 1 ft MIMI INTIZE r, ~ At, tl.,t,t This to I..catlon, Ind snit . ,t , tt tee (their tolatunl•.l a tr. ta.alt Lake, they have na. f.c. irthfy:rros • t. .r,ttur.urnten f,W e,uro , 4.1 I= rein lflk,tr,i IL • =MI =II n , I Is I. ter .4 1.. t. MIME MIZIES :haw: AV kr. .w . . 1 ,re et. (11 tt' the t let ,• , tnrr. net IFS =NI ZI t...e 112M3 I= It I% •It Merit r -‘v r r. I=l=El=l „'h i, 1 hero a reason to op ,;i,a with there 6011101"! ,t i to n A r. , 1 henre it , h , arc that C.r r ! I. Lan b , SI ti to. I) t0.e..1 t. 17, „ rtir ef C • i• C r, IMES ' •n•t owt =ZEE ma % cioot) szoiIININO. There a nothing the people like se well is an Ls ee,itire officer as J.etatoo of charatter. Let him take 04 re.p. - nweibility, cad tic mamma honor and will sostaitk but let him but falter—phew t►. "whit* fattlioc," at it wen—and there is acne en p.or as to do him It sou chi§ quality that incite Gee. Jackson so loptaeo•ely , puler with the matter,. Hundreds of thousands of those lobo rallied to sustain his is hie varies, seesesnre of ph lie p,itey, newer stoppcti to iuta.ttgato the character of those toesaureo by the ligbt ot their own reseott, bet carried away by the brilliasey of thitur wigisstor--ewed sad fob. toed by that tote* than Roman eternise sod detersissliss w th which be surmounted ....fry obetarle—thety fell GS naturally into the mishit of hu followers so though they j were' born to follow sad he to lead Theme relleetione have been suggested to us by' eet,einit lb. promptness with the Secretary of the Nary, Bon Iliac ?tweet , . bee aired tr . recent ea e. It appear, that one J If'Lt,o MCRPFIT, holding the appointment of Engineer-in Chief , t tb.ftr.oltlyn Na, r Yarl, fancied that Hon. DASIV. E. •ztcet ry M C elerr fruit the eity of New York. had in. Jo ve t him to some way. •nd---both being in Waskisgton— bv 'sad* his way into Mr Sickle's bed roma, sad. with • raw hide, committed a violent •Desalt ipou that gentle man. It is not a•terid to out purpose. or the merits of the mete, whether Sickles had injured Morph; or not; cud. the,' is at pertinent whether. in the reaeoastre, Morph; got the better of Sickles, or Sickles got the bettor of Mur phy. Etch claims the victory, clad so far as the pukshe It concerned, curb can enjoy it—thoagli, to tell the truth, we doubt whether there are flimsy who will sympathise wth the in icvldual who commenced the sessialL It was r r 4 y , and e oil.' only have been perpetrated nt 41 et.tire y n it to hold an official position under the .; ,v,•rnm.•ot Awl • it appear§ thought the Seeret►- ry Na.) •. Martsl.y t!uto.di•tely tee. tiered hia re•ignatt , ,sr. to take effect on the 30th of Jane. it WA,. not Akert,pte4, hat a prompt diataiasal &wattled bite prompt awl decided—it has the Jack• • ratan seciaek to it, and will be sastainemi by the roontry. In feet, to quote the lancrace of a rostemporary in regard to Mr Torce•. his centlitet in this respent, hpwever, is only in seem-dance with all the lets of his official carte's.. Itol , l and able statesman of the Jackson stamp, It was for him, as the representative of an eastern State, to he first and foremost in the advocaey of the Kansas Nebras ka art as a means of terni•natina the fruitless discussion. of slavery in Csorr•ss, and of securing t r , the people of territories the rime rooktitutional privileges of self cos ernrrient that the soreral State. p As the note senet ,, r 'tom Now Enuland voting for this bill he stands in manifest ret,f as a represontati•e who dared to do w• +t r pht, r• qtrile•t of the consequence. to himstlf as ••••7 from the fan•tiet•in and lir...Judie* of his seetion of tise, t•.1.--ser lit , selection by Mr Buchanan for the • r' f the an. p d d romnit ,vet to man, and 11111ried Tv. , ...01111 , 41 id his official 4v .r .f eonstltutional prineiples. Thorn is on _so •'.- in in eahtnet in whose dertst , in of charaeter. 101.erily, th•• country has MI .re e .11-01,nee POLITICAL OVAIRLINI(3. Tho r!ln , ori Dectocmt thinks that although the factions A . pn.,..! r,. , he Democratic port! ha•e been cli.tinguisheat f,r their-.light of hand performanees in the •I poiltlos. still it t. of opt° on that they etetlil not tr,,ste in Winces with those now engaged, ,n the work f tHrward Ponta worthy eacceeeor or t , . Pot— WHY THEY OPPOSED THZ BILL. Ev.ry r-liable Dem .erat in the Legislature voted against the bill C.r the sale of the Maine Line—sod that the pen pie may see and know the l'olllloo II which influenossd them in that °ours*, the thirteen Democrats of the Senate have entered a protest on the Journals explaining their reasons. The Pittsburg Caws hat been furnished with this protest, and says it iehra le 1 by the venerable Senator WIL Wtt std., of Allegheny In a matter of as great moment as r•r•• h-re involved. it is important that our public men should place themselves right upon the reeved, which le to en lure long after they have mouldered to their kindred dust. They assign their reasons as follows- I , That the bill diacrim,nate. I, largely in favor of the Pennsylvania Railroad, that it almost excludes comp.- BIM Ind. That the was amounts to a 7 lt to the railroad, as it can hquidate every dollar of the purehase money hvf.rs the layt payment shall mature, by merely appropriating, for that purpose, the tales from which it is thus released: 3rd Because there should Le • limitation upon the relea•e ,f the tonnage tax, to accord with the deligoo of hose, who suhteribe.l en liberafty to the Railroad, in order to hmiefit the trade and commerce of the Etats : 4th. Bevis!. the Bill releases the Railroad from all taxation for Ststs purposes, which will amount to about $lOO,OOO a year: sth Because the Bill does not provide a guarantee, that the Western division shall be kept in operating condition: nth ftectiose the Bill doe. not require the President and cf the -iimpany. webs/jogai, Line, to b. of for State 716. Because, if the Pennsylvania Bsllroad eboald oar ehalic the Lioe, the State, or Philadelphia and Pittsburg should hare a voice in directing the affairs of the eonsoll dated Line• and sth. Because, as the theme?' of the purehariug eumpauy is made perpetual. the State loses the power to protect the public interest,. "ANT PL NA sa THE.lt.—some how we smolt do any thing e►ti/fect ,, ry to the Gaiirrte. If we quote Democratic authority for any thing, the fins.ite "tacit:44lll-4 we en deavor to please our amiable cotempt , rary by resorting to Republiesn authority, it not only grumbles, but growls and chows its teeth like en ill natured dog over 'bone. Thu., last week, we quoted quite extensively from that reliable !Sleek Republican organ. the Ilarriebarg Telegraph, rela tive h. the powion tl•n. PACIUM riceopies Inwards the S'onbury road—but, 1..' and behold' the Onsets. flares up and charge• us with endeavoring to melee political eapitsl out of . in a•a•e that it very truly rays "eonsmanda the •ppr .re; end •npport of a large portion of the eitisens of rrr•p-et e. or polities! affinities cod perties"— Bur N,. a• , d•—w• *''t see why the Gavetterhould ohjeet the Trieraph a. authority (cr. Gen. PACT rn.ri n•.n toward, the road If ite authority is not y •ny lr it bile belied our eandidate, pay an' 1' EMI the h-b tof d , jeg ll . whtch we think is the eu. ear - I ,n•t he mealy mnuthed ahnut it—but pr , tebutzt t' • h , we t , .p• 'hut the , entlstl organ of Wtitunt—the r • 1 ~•u'e organ of the par, _•1 a weteerlow I Tim'. a ar e wit' And that's why we rowed i'A (1.. n Parker Isot wesk We knew it would thr w or nniah'e e• temporary into a fever. and Om. f..ree i t.. thr. wdreredtt upon tbereleoreph It has resulted low* sar•rted, and are theref..re aatialied Heneeforth taboo it qu..tes the 7.4. 9 (TA'. attack' upon PALM. —I/ is 'poet an dool telly will—w• 'ball bane its own anatomy forrarne that it 11. unworthy of belief We repeat, we are satiated, W s AV T STAR VE.—Not•itbstandis gibe mason it very backward, and the prospect of the spring empe Is rather glo.inty, still we apprebead that there be an abundant harvest—tote the eciuntry together. The Chien. gn J••erwnl, Inn instanee, predicts that the yield of wheat at the coming h t in the Weet will be more abundant than it has ever been at any pritesidiag harvest, and that the grain crops in this country, of even kind, will be most simple, both for home eotasystplioa and the loreige de mand. The Jourael adds: '•We almost daily hear of reports indicative of this state of thing., trots renews parts of oar own and neighboring States, libel the /0111,0t1 has fairly opened. The Mister wheat is meet leealitiew looks well, aad a liberal extent of soil is being deemed to spring sows wheat. TN quoit tof cora that will be planted this unison iralucet Jeered ie, sod with saytiting like favorable weather tow plant leg and growing, by far the heaviest seep of e3ra will be gathered this year that has ever boos harvested in this oountry." SORR r- A dispatch has bees received is WasMertes from Major KeesMick, deinisiag the Guetiesership of Utah. This decodes is to be toluenes!, as Mel. Neeslleeh's mesdames with border Itfl. bravery, sad fertility is re. sauces, peculiarly es hie• for that Clean position. go iipleia to be is Wasbisuee is the coarse of tea dep. MANGE OP poucr—lllte oottatry will So glad to Year tk.at the moat news frost Salt Lak• shy, sod as obstreartioar, which have boom oforsd to Perdu promo& imp is tbo eosins, have dosorsiatod the adatialowslito to .dept wore rigorous soastwor data were angles/4 aaataa plated. • large aody al Veep, prwball'y osier the swig 'mad of Gow. Easy, will seat is IN tertiSarT. NEW TOE. , [Cornopoodoseo of tb. trio oboeverr.] The only thing out of the sisal trsek this "Hs hashes, the maivereary meetings of dm betesselitat septetiela ne attestants on the mina' misbelief, has etediptimisiebed sine* the dam when visitors were entertained soot free coder the hospitable roofs of Manhattan, Is timurideration of the seal which had lid them to sere sp hither, The order of •seretsee sad the tome of the &Stream at , then meeting is quite stereotyped, sad the beet speakers rare ly do themselves jestiee es mash oessitioaa. as there is geaorally no Jammu at stein , , ae halbertaat meaesre to be passed, ■atblag to awakes er stimalste teams. The Sea day Moot &whirler, however, and the exhileltiou of the Blind Avian, are always fall of interest sad largely at tested. Some absurd reporter of the markets in a nom menial Journal of this city, took occasion to predict, very soberly, some time since, that a buoy trade might be (s -pooled shout the tuna of the May anniversaries, frees the great influx of strangers at that period. The streams have some and gone and trade his hem sinedingly esiet. The majority of the smelt 'nary either*, whit were few enough at any rate, were not probably rich in any thing but faith, and certainty have not added say great mama( to oar financial nearees. We are os the look out for failures now, from day to day. A rosy well knows home went under water lam Satarday, week leaviaga quantity of letting debts. Someother colleens are leaky and Ailing and likely to sink soon. Trade btu hardly ever been so com pletely unsatisfactory, Mrs. Cunningham has retired at last to the theta of private life, though her klriviuky la still istruded upon by a mob of caring and inalicioas persons. who seem to con sider her domestic affairs as a kind of public property.-- Whether innocent or guilty, the publicity which has been given to all her antecedents sad surroundings will make her a marked woman forever. The proprietors of the Dolly Timm have offered inward of $5,000 for the appre hension of the murderer, and a distinguished pill sender, has offered $l,OOO for the same purpose; it would be no *heritable to speculate ou tie motives, but we are prepared for almost anything in an age when people advertise their business on the tomb-stones of their departed rola. titres. The MUM vs. Boker affair has brought one heavy Warn. ity upon the New York public. Mr. Boker's lil health has led him to decide upon taking up his abode temporarily perhaps, oa the eoratineat, whet' be will carry with him the magnificent Dussel.lorf Gallery of Paintings, his own private property, valued at over $200.000. The income from tho exhibition of thew') wonderful paintings has never been sufficient to pay expenses, but they ought not to he allowed to go out of the country fur want of appreciating visitors. There are many mid histories In this "moral plague spot"—many that see the light, but tome do and their way into print, and thus serve to "point a moral."— One of this character has just come under oar observation. It is that of a young hut frail fair one, named Mary Hall, who, some ton dnYs store, met with an accident by her clothes taking are. After leering an untold amount of misery from her wounds, lockjaw and death hare ensued at last. Hall was not the true name of the girl, who to the hour of tier death, refased to reveal the name of her family, upon which she tail she had already brought tom much of shame. It is understood that she belonged to Saratoga county, in this State, where rho lived until a year ago, loved and respected. Her Imiuty having attracted the attenttoll of one of the heartless vil. bans who %matt, lark abase inialitenbat.t• water lag place., she was weak enough to confide her boner as well's SlND ti.tno to his keeping. Finding, when disearded by the men she loved, how (Tully she had been deciered, and up -I,reided by her friends, she came to this city and attempt ed to drown her sorrows in a Cllteet of unbridled dissips• two. She died in great agony and despair, calling horri - - hle curses upon the bead of him who lured her to ruin.— Cruel indeed must be his remorse in view of this sad close of a hung life, unless he is utterly bereft of human 1 , 606. bility. "It take, all kinds of people to make • world." is an adage that we were very forcibly reminded of the other day, br reading in the Tribaaa, that common sewer of all queer isese, a communication from a "modern reformer" declaring that "man wool, by nitirre, a grain eating wit. mal," and boasting that he lives altu tit entirely upon fruit. This "new light" conceives that if tilt his fellow creatures did the same thing, colleges of medicine would be unnecessary. He might have added, so would (lest. hogs and manufactures, ships, aosuieree, and all the other auxiliaries of civilisation. Amu who lives on fruit only needs sbare• fur • shelter a*h • bear olds, fur • coke de toliesibre. That's the opisloa• of your eorrespondent—as we have no doubt it is of every sensible man in the land. The week has been comparatively lifeless anOull here, and business and amusements are equally stagniuit. THE THREE MILLION SILL WIFE (TED W• regret to reeud this week the defeat, in the Senate of the Sunbury and Erie GUI, guaranteeing three million of the bonds of that road. It is true, we have never bad much faith in its passage—especially since the main line wu disposed of beyond recall—bat we hoped for the best, and like all others here cannot but feel disappointed. The following Is the dispateh, announcing the result: HARRI 4 IIIrIIOIII, May 20. The bill aiding the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, passed the Senate to city. the guarantee by the Ftate of a loan of three (31 millions ivriag otri, kith out, thtse defeatt .47 the objects of the hia. Both houses have fixed on Friday next for ad j•Jurninent. Hew this result was brought about, is very concisely stated by a correspondent of the Pittsburg Comm speaktog of the prospects of the passage of the bill L• said : "It looks now as though this bill weaki ampule. The Maio Line Lai u duipoortl off, and the friends of that measure co tooter filed it tiet-estiary to entry Amor mat the seafront. so the .gliotbstry and Erie project." Here is the whole thing in a nut-shell. The thieves of the State having stolen the public works, and having no further use fur the Sunbury and Erie men, refused to divide the spoils. It has been said that there is honor tumult thiores—but it is net so 'mons those that stole the public worki of Pennsylvania. " A LITTLE OUT."—Vbe Boston Pow says that poor Wilmot, the black republican eandidate for Governor of this state, has written a very lugubrious letter accepting the nomination. He talks of Huguenots, Louis XIV., Protestants, the Netherlands, Duke Alva, Philip 11., :pain, Li., at. Indeed, the man appears to be "a little out," as they say of IL person whose brains are jumbled for he seems to imagine that be is to run for the Governor ship of Kan.as instead of the " Old Keystone." He will probably find out his mistake, howevtr, about the second Tuesday in Oet‘A)er. / C/C Mk" Ar. 4 NSAS Co.seord Stolonmen, the alma of the Repuhlren party in New Herapebtre, to •iew of the approiteliing P 4.1111011 of the Legislature of that State, rept: ''lt a h.p.l in ell roosr•ienett o. member le leash. enough to bring in • K project." So they are sick of Hawes, are they, down in the °cajole State? Well, we tholight that "meld be the ease when the firm of Kansim, Kattotk & Ke. was formed! SW' BAIR RESTORATIVE —Every obe will, we think, wee with up i n the opieirin that the human hair ‘• th•erestat natural ornameet that is palletised either by a rntleiJan Or a lady. JuPt meet an apparently vO4 i...lttnn tutu, f,r taptanoe in the meetly; y.tii admire hi. feature., whi,iter., and general bearing; but 1..' be tifis hi• hat in rec of your bow, and lb. charm hap trautehed, fur Ldtabod Is written ou his bald head, and the g ory ha• departed with the theme locks that untie flour -11140 lueuraotly there. In the Cafe of a lady, the matter tf posible, worse—sneh eases reminding one of the etteuta•tartes on which the following epigram is founded: "01 give we, [dr F.mnb $ tea et 7eltr A Institut young low, took courage sod sighed: "'Two s sin In rofuse such s somirist request— Ao lake was WOOLS •.a, the dew creature replied. Now, so prevent each a catastrophe, is within the power of every lady and gentleman; for by using Prof Wood's Haar restorative, ham is not only prevented from falling 6 g or turniag gray, but the article will restore hair to bald plasmic; aid eves if it has changed color and bosoms gray, it will bring it back to its malice beauty and luxuriance. Those who are acquainted with the anatomy, phisiology, sad pathology of the hair, must be well aware that certain substances bare a specific action upon if; and it is by a judicious oombioatioo of these that Prot Wood limo sue. seeded in eonsposoding a mixture possessed of remarka ble Waverly Nyman* sad Literary Geamete. Bold la Erie by all Druggist'. 1111 - Do sot fail to read the snide la smother .dugs, from a Praises' paper, upon the Now York Trintow sad Boaster Deus Las. It is 00. of the soot swing, sad at the sae* dm* Matta'sl rahultos of the frames's ar.vgant dssasciatioas of the great Democratic leader, DottatAs, that we halm mar read. lead it, we repeat—it is a true postai' of the Tribues, and well masted sompLimeat te ono of the Ant ma of this Country. Tbo Loigiolatepo of Ifissoooto boo nods sa ap propristies of 810.000. 'bleb kw bees Asset as the die_ pool of the Govorsor, to reamer ON her swan - alleged to have bees esputrod by do Indians as 4 minim' of la the most lodises dlstsrb►aeee os the hostler. is, 'rho Seek sad Iliad Fodor, of Jobs M- Stephessaa, Maidenlitites destroyed by Ire oa the 23th ion. Nur Team. illir Ifh, An. ERIE Pen and Scissor Items. sr The Gawk hunt heard from lowa yet! Mr The Clover for the Crawford County Book boo been signed by tin Gamow. 1 Does anybody doubt that the times are sadly out of joints—that the people are sadly out of packet; and that Printers are the worst paid set of mortals in the " wide, wide world," all he she or they have to do to remove all such doubts, a to take a few hundred dollars of Printer's bills, and attempt to convert them into money. It can't be does—therefore the times are sadly out of joint ! Tho " Indiana State Bank" at Bioom• field has gone by the board. It was one of the most ,erocions of wild eats. One of our esoLanges says goat a lady of Troy—onc of the aristocracy of that city—lost her husband on the 4th, at 9 o'clock in the morn• ing. Two hours later she caused the following telegraphic despatch to be sent to a New York dress maker What is the latest fashion of mourning goods? Send particulars by mail," How breaved she must have been at the loss of the partner of her joys and sorrows 966, The Editor of the Jamestown Democrat cutely informs ns that be is going to emiduct that paper to snit himself, and net us Glad t., hear that the paper Ss edited to emit somebody us, The Messner Michigan—cot Uncle Sam's cnft of the MIN 11111 W—ill leaking OUT harbor last week, struck a portion of the wreck of the Golden Gate cod knocked a hole in he‘hull.— She however, managed to get inside the harbor before sinking. She was freighted with lbw., which was considerably damaged. ,_ The Gaz.tte records the fact that fire crackers have advanced fifty per cent in a year. Glad to hear it, and hope they will continue to advance until they are entirely run out of market. pi„ The Fr' a .tit pile, nearly opposite oar eo►etum, has "goes the way of all living "—Ga►ette. Don't c•ry over it, don't ! Reserve your tears for a worse calamity, for your party is going the Mlle road ! on. A colli,inu °cowed on Tuomiay night off Conneaut, between the schooner Cataract and an unknown propeller The schooner was punk.— She had a earg of clal, iron, 3t , Nlefl and salt The crew reached Conneaut in the yawl stir Meadville again rejoices ►n a telegraphic connection with " all the world and the rest of mankind"—the wires from Girard, via Conneaut• vile, having been extended to tha: aucient burg bear Col. Benton repeated on Saturday evening in Cleveland, his famous Cuton" L cture, which, on thia occasion at least, was quite aci - auti• slavery atl•ur Nit the leaj. : yotriestteig part of Mr Bs nton's di-course was his introductory addrees to the young men, oti the importance of cultivating sober and temperate habits, Quirt/ a+ give him at 70 year. the strength and activity .if 50 e„ The t;Junetur R 7 ,eter 1.1 Ofkrkpi f sale. Reason—lll-health of the Editor Ti a person that wants to live where the little babies are all named after Giddings, while the "old folks" expect to go to the immortal Joshua when they die, the opening is a capital one. MI6 An attempt was made to tire a building 3.eu pi ed as a Clothing Sure, in Dunkirk on Friday night last week On the night in quest t,on, the occupant was startled from his sleep by a crackling of fire lie imagined the CI ise came from the rear part of th•: house, whilh iag 60011 found filled with smoke and kindling flames. A • prompt assistance with water soon subdu.l the element, when it distinctly app••arel to be the work of au incendiary, many of the materials t quicken the flames being styli in a state of pre•• ervation. /GP Wanted, by a young min of (A:misting address and unsarpliSed mu.ical pnwerq, a Otter to board two years for n.)thin,, , , All c)temunt cations addressed to Fred D carpet bag will receive prompt attention. lerElere ii a new reading of the "3ladern Poets"— " Leaves have their time to fall And flowers 14 wither"—trusti strip the won,o, But any time of year et nA RR .11ht,iroriel The ready oath seettre4 the Poetic as well as practical, isn't 11?-1nd, what one don't often foil in poetry, 1*(8 truf , is.. In noticing the fact that the Fremont pole in this city has been taken down, tht.Gut:Ptte ' says it baa "gone the way of all living"--i r has been "appropriated to the commonest of pur polies—that of fire wood!" In what Bible has our cntemporary discovered that "all living" are made "fire wood" of lir We regret to learn that the Shovel Handle Faetory ofJ B Clark & C , of E lin. born was entirely ennaumbed by fire on We(lnee day morning. Lat. s3ooo—no in‘nrsnee'. sir We learn that on Sanday night last, three Stores at Album, in this county, sere bro ken and some $3OO in money and good- taken The theft AMR disc tverc-1, uu. two VT' who gave theirnames as .19hmstin au I W akrr, were overtaken and arreltea ab,ut thPce miles from the town, lapin wh tm the prtperty was found, together with false keys, and burglar tut plements. They have beeu committed v) an swer. as 6, Ephrant Terrill and Rolawl Shribinn, have been arrested on a charge of having asst+t• ed in the breaking open of the reservoir at Harts town some two weeks age. lei. There is a great rush to the West, accord ing to the Cleveland Herald, l o n g t ra i n s arr i v i ng every morning on the Lake Shore road filled with passengers—and the same may be said of the rush at BARR k Bnorfitits establishment in Hughes' Block. Long trains from the country, anxious to secure a chance at their °beeps goods before they are all gone, are constantly pouring in; still there is room and goods left, and more coming, Hurry up—and don't miss your chance. war We advertise for the first time, in this section, Grindle's Great Medicine—the Japan ese Life Pills. Where this medicine has been introduced it has seperceded all others. We don't often recommend patent medicines—but in this ease, knowing something of the proprie tor, do not hesitate to call the attention of one readers to its merits. Rend the advertisement. es. A bill has passed the Legislature, sad bees Biped by the Goveraar, authorising the sesposios of the Me 'City Beak Sour Az maths. I== mg. ErPresident Pierce with his wife arriv ed in New York on Monday afternoon from Philadelphia. They mu the guests of &seta Fish, corner of Second avenue and Seventeenth street, where they remain till their departure for Concord, New Hampshire. SPECIAL NOTICES. tarREAD DR. HARDDAN'S Jose Appolatampess. 1E,0410 PATIENT* CURED ANNUALLY be the us, of " Henabold'a tivnutn• Yryparstmn of lelm4 Est rm t 4 Bach a, • nowt ralti re mod Kmeille rrmody for Metre-ow ing ulfstmita R.. 4 the sdr•rtiosms , mt In soothor column, howled " Newbold s Gowan@ Propsrulion." Im I ariasfrryß.& ** Sams nabrcrDred Instantly to s hetattfitt sod Natural Browa or ittret, without the loot tajory to Flair nr Akin, W. A. WATCHYLOWS WADI DYE. FIFTY:EV tiftDALA AVD D1P1.01144 hare been awarded to Wm A It !Tr n%Lnil Abr. IR.IO, sod neve NAG applteatioes halm boon mule to the Bair of his imams's. of hi. famous Dye It produces • eo or not to ho ,ftstinzuish..l from n•ture, Lod is w not in,ure , in th.• .east, hovr.er lonic it mar be continued M. .1. An f A 4.1. or ••p11.4 Itn Mae priest• moon) et tb. Ynetory Z 1.9 lirnedwar, New York. 4.. o cities sod town. of the Cuited Motes, by Dettorlets and F•e , . ...el healers. he tienutne by U. PAM. anti eticlrcen upon s steel plate eugent tug on rode. sides of each box WILLIAV A. BATCHELOR, Brocitlirety, New York• All others are eoaatoriatt.—sold by st...an k sn, e i n t r , g r t e , pa rrts«warn 01 an iilTalf of allot "D. klatcholo 'a Hair nyte," of Y , and bewko. sro.an4 by Tuttle k Unties, of Auburn. N %qv. .isitlers•ho well it are ao a being °banned, sad will short y 110 pUblabla /MI NW. GOOD NSW*, Da. LitIieSNIARD, of twenty toara experience, author of the t libicket Companion sod Mactiontl Tractor, continuo so herata, to be aoriceenfully eonsultett no all forms of pr,,me dtaeasr, at his °Rice, No. 14 No- Ooze Mitre, Rochester, N. Y. Soo alrortastorat ou nett pap. • 1441 TO PARENT'se•—At thla is the season in which chile dren ar. moat frequently troubled with {towel COM .I m b.• well for narrate 4, know that Norma area frult• f it our. e, and a frequent cause of the... derangements, artal that a r-to !,• health and re clarity snout reasonably be expected eo •ta z a. to. stem is k-pt Ita a state of Initailtub be the pn went. fa , w •.1 an•J• raw". cacphaahwra ie thwrehlre a ann.l ti , an ~b tawalth I 1.,. can he ewadaq .1 , ,n« be • few doe.* of the Grllttl \ WORN 4 YUY, wn,liremtrea both the worms and the elude .ha •11 the, are br,larbl nonnatie4, u arty tliaagrewahle, trratatarag r, ,, t hwathagn the stomash nod bowela, bet just tn• eontrar,r pleas ta ate t to of tbe tau* allays aid Iner t. 4. r . .utase the breath sea terabits, ease st the Um aOP INT OREM? TO PE.M tLES GEN ERA 1. • W. commes4 to the attention of our female nib/Semple" tn,ll,irles, which appear to be aitllletiag a gonad d , al of •ttent , at the present tune an various parts of the country, aril .stele teoluced In Las. plane••--1•P all ode to "Carter'. Ant,t .•at,re Pow ler and Venial* Keitoratite. •ILlaighl/ tram] the letter* that ac , ornpan them we cannot but helper • them awwwease , l ~1 m,,ew than ..r haat, m•rat, amt ealeataated 1., sited ra , ,a-r t. a great au w wilenn,z until, complaint., pwe theta e'.l•ll the onilnary means generally fail t• a.leertiatuent and letters in relati,,n t tn.% in another column. tarn, PARENT'. SATE TOCR CUlLillalrrt—of all the dimmers •fhleh are on common to n. ara a, fatal to them u WORMS: and se they imitate the • ruptrvme 'f many other thereon, the, are often oftfleteaoltto thew .en hit t.• a t4p.ct,..1 14.,th.r.1 der well to LIS. AXTIISL • St r Ntrux .1, so th..r aro a c.rtuu ..+G• sad mane Ibi•ntkiir bit io • 1, a te , ffil•/' '1.1•••• win • rnyntatina aniin.e.ni..ntn•l in snn•ls of m -11 in. an 1 sn• ‘14 , • , 1 and rr.nrumond.4 by qur tire 1,61 l ane and moat ft.nth.a R. 4.1 Iyart.ernt.it and no +ram f Intit ;no as ttoro an marry Itilletatltril to &frit.. It t,r.panni way by Clark II 15.1.1. nu, En., Pa., ►ad 11.1,i at 2 cb. per 411Q11 ihdley'• Gomalee Pale Extrueter.—.ol •andu. the pain and intbsuoa tto.n final tn.. .•e•regt burns or n to tor rntn —and tint will heal the w.t./nd. vrittntlit arwr• and offectuai. • Jr.• -• itbetannt•ittn-- - lnre and Inflamed Fi rs u ta—'W )1.1 an.: far. terate inrea—,Nald Head ,rn• VI I 11 .1 114 —F.:, p.lfv• • ..prtinit—,lr.llng.-1 , rlons— t hatilaing—Bites of laseet•—•lwelled ao I Ifr•lken Bross , —qor.• Stpple..—KrUptl.Ma--and all other intlamroatn-y and rutanenue wtn•re the parts 4 re.-tp t can b. r..,14 60/ 1 , , Pt-1,411.. to a•e. tn. man% narr‘rd rusrso .10P that ttP.f. r,b 1t p..•.'.". the ;la' let ."11.1VC ainne L'illnitlTlP.l.4 ILO livretnin - J•notnerat.- . ,n • it r•-soh the of ,e-mentned mine m .1.••n..1 ,nutn•ratemi •.1 • —II., :8 , 4 'coati, read piltyrinaaa 'ream& rah:awl taxenay Jar Aron, diferem4 &seams ' F-st: .tractar. \\xv'll PA: EXTRACT' , " haa upon i• flat, En,zrart.4 L. with t;,O •I.mmur•-4 e V t LICK F.\ ER At , pr”pn. tar., •r.•l Jll RY II \I i.i V, tuanufactur.: \ other. •, rttunt..thAL Pr.. eXIS•11 ri" UI -i•-•.•h • '214- a I , lroaa-1 c.r r 1 C tenor ken , :a al and 222 Gre•uwwh At., Y .I,; .ty all Urn crisis and Iledicane Deafer' throutblont the r .tea, 3n4S fiyarlmportant to Females-Dr. Chersenntn'ti Pill . 1 Is• , taribituktion...l lotrvAia4nta in • !ger .• •`,• •. : Pt ' , PIZ LA I P. Xt , ..rt•. rp itr‘rln.r. Chet an• tnt..l In I P,Ir . • ~. ....1 ~ rill •vor•aln •It p-P•0..,, PI: net ps r• tip ,t, pr.p,P.... rh. ns.-1 In ..,..r % P. n••‘,P , tits , VI, 1.,II• pr,,..; • ,r , opp.!PilTh.. I'll • i PIP t•-", ..•n • . p.., .P ...trIPII Png tip vrtplP-'1 fp•tn,l., AP-e• Lin' • S.; lint in l'It•1 It• pr.mpet charm.,, r 1 ,-..tor Ivoultli i X •-•••l..pc • •. : 5 5 1 . s , ' 1 .• , Itsir' , Int••nan , ...r , mnout 1, A o,lthy "ft.. r,,, 5. ~, , z ....1 It uLitit ante...', li r....rit•r. au , : .en...- , . ••. 1 ,• 1., t +kr. plscg.. w ° •. ° ll..r fr , onl 0rp...nr...., 'I t, 'l . an , .r..n.,1 I,allh Imm ,, lltto4, te.:to• t.o I..elsn- .1 , 1 • .. 1 . .1 •-. 14 •ron • :. ...• 1...., :J. • 4.0. .m+ . .. Ilj f—u.s.i.e. 11,14.tarh... pain in th. Al.:, hill ,Tat, Pr; , I .. -1 p ' 'II: 4 ' ut.l, an : 1.••I - '.•. I ,`,. 1, IPPzn ~r, • .., • 1 •• ~ I . •• •• '. ,t 1 ..f n•tu , • t, 1 a 4 1..n.,..r ".21 I. i . ~,,,, i *l,l y r. ~.,1, %I! 14.........., .I. \ „PP t , • p.., '... , 6P . I. li 111. cur. ,' L,,, .or•mr•, , ,nnt.o•. ‘ r•1i..4 V , - ~'", . . ..I • - - , . 1;1 t. ~.. '•• •Alt", 11•Inz 1.ry.:,,,, , , n,a th•• , e. l' ' I I , . , '.. he ~.,, I , , 4 ...• a Inl• - font,z, Warranto4;o kr- .•t• lA',,,' •I; L. 11, • • • ••• t - .. , 11' 1, 13 431t , 1 1 114 itk,d,ri•ouo to lit., p ..., , • ~ ill •,., i . ,i,l ,• ,4 .4.00. 1 .hreeteina tecompany elect, hoc. For sal , . i. •••1.1 .cart k •theliitr. I i.r”,, , 1,, 1 , ... INIk• are put up ,u square list tow... Peroulus r ,. .lol•nte I •• twee th•ro arc on away ostablinhoell. by orteln•itte On. Dolts: its Ant all art,etts woolly loot no • isoina Fmr, I. • 1... t,, ir,joutt.. tn Dr C 1... C1111%11271• It, Nn V 7 Ble.elltor Art....t OROW& RI Ce" V.. sl s:•• • V. ,, 1 CC C, can bare them 1)105 to their rerpertie- rehire..., 1.. , r..t .ra u( mail. lilt li gr.Tlll: REV. 11R. BI.ICKHI'RN. 43, xerepte4l If.. tat. to the paPtorxtr it Park PrPtit , , I. rikn I. till-t . t. in itilt ,. l I • s .n.l arrant. n 0, , ,• to truo4o. for It, tnit•:1••to• . .on N. !,,f r .. - . '. k \ 51 at Pt - l. 11. -4 Tn. ,PP I• th lEEE =Ell ICE Mill MINI 11811 MEE =ZS MARRIED , 'n the 17th .1011., t, it J 11 , 11r, Frt.% t" Um. 11 1V ‘l,liN 1.1 14 , 1/ i n.t, ht 11., 1, \I- 1.1 \ 1 ,, 11 r" , f , I:uak ..)t• .1 t.) Mop K \ ,f 1,1 , ,•1 •• •• • ••••it 11 ' C't • ••• , it CC. 11 - •N r ) ••V. • : . ft k 1 , 1-1.r.1.1 . 1.7 7 7 =MI 1 a N; \ 1 Vir I 1 =la DIED. 111=11 I 1.111)11, ant V. N ‘var, 1"'" H.M. tit. lit , •t - C.,viltipt , 4. 4144Y1 1 4 t -,inm-•rtnn. az. t t. ..••rte •nd 1.,..4.• NEW G-00DS. BARR & BROTHER. 4 RE nn m.. 1% Lng and ...lel., lA' a a , a a kand umm~r 1) It S GO0I) •• •11- , w.. ! , •11T1 , 1*.ti nit the C r! F' • t .• %•‘. •not the, 3 ht I,e - , s ; A. . Irta.n. Moo Dr.na, T .z.•h..r • • 'rye 11,1 , “41., whi ibor tacit, 1:• r 11.. 2 .. :• •- SIMMER HATS. (:009 t45.101CT OENT OF ett,al Raa!tar.o! arid Yanaml Hata at BARIt x 1111.111h.lia t.ne. Hug , ' itA$ 4, L , ‘ll.l \- 1 a A Lary. z'tork of Glaves ►n , ! Hosiery ►• • 11 \ }Mk stzornEr:4 LADIE 4 ' rt.+ Gait Pr., Punkin., ' 4 iipp.rs, kr. h' It tßlt h: I. k}O,:E ?tra•k of Mernmac, Phtlfr Allen & stvi ,fkc Pnon• in I. •• .1 I rrry fe. for f oh •t f .!: It GROG E.• 1341c1: s.nd Gre.n Nuor lino*. SI rum S,L i vit I (nun Wolasoms, n' • 1 ktndo ow 1,•. Wilent Ja, he, . kr. . *t I. fie. lila, 14, IS 4 ,;.), , 11 fo . 1 1... c, t Adin.iniatrator's Sale, +TICE la that a.. the -11 /• 111,1 sl...rt, at an.; . 1. cr oe, 111014 the fln .1,14 par• , nt tl .11‘.4 H... 3.• tn t.h • t ~f . fl•. • 1. hi• hue, at rt .lock Alt t • .It, na••• f I o'• 111 h. I plaq 11r1h. torn ot t'i, 2113 ot 2, tn 11,..1 , 1a1ne•t t t r.o. n •tra f.,t tr. , ut ororn, n n II and Vlll , l , n the ...al , 100 Punch t, I • ,ro , I. ~ mr, 1,,,,100.1 and l',t ' • f. an.l four i•o to an .11o,brIV.1111111h111•6.11ilr . U . '1% f . • • I pintawl , tta tnehea, tl t etteo • 1 II 10/ yLP h.ln‘lned an.t olzhtron hot an In,ol .t-rat t.honcr stoat Venueh etravt, u,,th taron, f• /• and • it to the place of begtinpini. Tr1:11-..—nor-fourth on Ta , nartnalt , ln ..f hale, the 1,• . a,nr., in three equal ann.‘al payMento wttli tnto,•t on the a 1.,,1, sum ',- owl to la• pant annually, to to jud, , ,n , nt t..n.t an.l na,n14.4., e 111'1.111.K r, Vhnlnkt nttor for, May V., 1h57. 1.12 Notice IITIIHR.V4 lettara of Adoom•trktion to tb• PAW. of Ben !unto Schgrviker late of granted to the IlsbeeriberP. dl perll4.ll• intiebto.f to MIA r••Nta am raltlaated to make nkrni, and Itt•Le A! %I on .10mtm.1•aitainot ic,t,te •,.rtAlent "ILI mak. •0 the SAM., wtthoat Arian AVSA II AMA St•fiWUKEK, WILLIAM WILLEI% May Zl, Ilia. _. )l 6 ll W" x 1-11%.1:1,1DX17 New Stock Just Boosived Pocket aad Table Cutlery, Tools of all kinds, GERMAN slugs and PLATED WARE, Shot Belts, Powder flasks, Caps. Gen Wulf, Ir. • IRON, NAILS, And in Tact a General Amortaseat of HEAVY AND STUMP NAND WAND I NARNNY k IteCONICIY, No. S. Rum Norms. GREAT EXCITEMENT SENNETT. BARE & IV •00. Dry Goods. Groceries, Harirce Hats & Caps. Boots Oz - • tO tt. • , , MEE ' "r• o A ME II!MMENIMMMIIiI -Y of , ti...• ' 1, It, I s•s...nAtelo o j .• euitt, trF. e IiFti , T , IF.II • 0 deo, PI re , r icy, B ‘ilit & rRoTrIFR4 nt• •••••••re. GRI N DLE ANCIENT AN I) F.LIIIIk,i7Ib JAPANESE IMRE" OWN REMEDY I rw, f, re ' ea .• for Ltrol flaw's, B kawffreparo, Rhea weidiew ono. liuuf S. e arns/come I/weaves, reser doiti Dyee•Sery and Worms, Soopprotonee of toe Nervous Debility, ste , ife , ssi 44,r4 Prerewti IC ttf PULMONARY CON‘U Mrllot, in . rodnetng tht. remedy . ninr. t genera, t 1. SWIM' 11141i .... 1[1:1 4..,i 4,,1b n e:4; a., .1 t:lst • •a, rifles, Indeed, we •whaot ••e; a , V.« off., tam ANC ISLIsT J e•tets•a.e • after We hare tesie , i them I'. d.wwww. an , t after ItlVeingll4.44o UPW•••1 ti An so 5., .m s , •ho las , e tried them to their satriaetion rfnono., other ertiapais had hailed, feel It Our tin tt•• t INS! st.:lttst4 1.• e, Cry 14.15.11, texture tllwisi quasitities, u, taunt t ;„,„ is furiing itself .Hama us trout alt part. ptstri, /44‘4414 autoegtsly of al corrupt hawhei prrNy tots al raifisse, and la. terrain aortae.. oh rick, mettle loos/ t'ortithet noel les+ tutelar ,r restored to • OsisinArr, elvestis adios. sod /laser er by mare, !curiae the system et • robust re. 44,,,,, dulness/ In cealtrai dues.. deign, se Wel4les•• each penetrating and trues, th•l• Si,,. • It•OW II II 4 Cats nu+ it mt., the 'our pate and pteotztud patient cac •,.., gasp of the fattier'. Land., anl ill the as they 1,1..4 their chlhlmab:..- leath ray their powerful agency we resd Ks, et ,a, d tr. the s•I•1 moist rt. •, , •n: and ' , . ,, d Dina y , u,' ran real It in t.• ,tntitss•:• ant . so the children • pratt:• .1•-1 s tt,. t• 0 , 44.1 :Le o-ar, IS •,,,,,t,•. •st . •:ent ~ f the la, rtumnoet its. .•i. 4szt •••: rea , l fat a, .1 tile L: an .••• ts• Ure--S , SsO•at. 2. eaSs4CIMJSI4—Tutt I ts.4se /.11 hat« Lee Li u.elln Japan ....shuttled fart among the Faculty or that Limit 1_0351 1,11 . .0N J never kno.r. •ee • "re pesswelial o , f tau ifeerrage Ammar ti emixite Wood tine osfaawd, depred 9 1 . 11, 0 forms te• tabard.. 11•• plash' from lee n•• •••• ln efllla•elosa fa premier/the the 'be nali‘P.4 chew the learee and rer. oe • t• , lifli,llUl of I tat' waft% and c•• • tltel has r n prOV. - 1 a CI, nm erl.L6 ar, alm , an .sweiraNie • f- ..0r I ,1, , vaa1 , , L1 or Lb. fu..nara, • an•l weak, sow. Tn. rariott. at, a, s twnts , Jral trit til. v Lnaling %, • . 4t bl• •ik.Jtl: I I.e. •riti•etit then.. its hie liPen bar.. : V.", ntr.^. • tire.: t• • wirc ng pro retie. el • li•• andelesmor the erit.r 0',042 t , r ..1,•1‘1641 . 0t...1110.0l C,111k1.11. :..% Us, c C..brut and the AX1 . 111•T J•PA.. , • t ti , n. and Sties I.lolt, I ILO, .t•-t twr Peer. 14, ..1 the V:1 _•1 ptittbat.. ar, • :41 re C.ll the arrlq per is hat tattle Lae "13111 .• a ts. :1 ~ , t. base favve I.lllpig inel. se the wrap,. er n• tutors... II i• gtaame kn% by ► cnuntorfater, sill tr babcor.to , Ly maw' , • wan oat diators, by o , •l3%.l2Ullielitilkg Ift •ittlt• Those Piths ere hireerty ateettag with sheens _ tire utatory to,lloitme TtAo..atts are twins . wut,h were tno, txriltlte to then. A, A Jr. 4 , 1 , 11.14 &:. other 1,..11. which costa, , ttl 1.1;4 • limb tea, tb.i _ • 1, ••••Intrutiou, oktt,r Ore. hairs been tb. A‘c SVT JAPAIWYnd 1.41 VILLA 11r• 1, an part the C.. , nter , .1... ,141V.ZZV. 1 11, r.... 11 .D 4 nuw ,••• ••• ,•t or .tamp. r 1.3,, • to. sena gray ,„ ZA,,e drlaxg.t. • JAralnlinn IF; 1'11.4• a• ••• .• • C • •• peINIA II I . • • t. •,:Jl/lii t. , 'Owl In • i. .I..TE 11. A t. , . ' . ••••• •.Y .Ru:sl.b 011.1 - t 00,4,1 .110010, M • • • • 1• :n• ten., for ~ /tl' \,w 'a • •A • -• • ••11:001.10,fi.f, 01L0k , '✓ ll' r •le t.ruNcle a Cele to , ate ‘I. 0•;•.0..1 ••••••ItY • 44.51 r 10 , • '31.1 ,, ' • .1 ,11. •t se. Ul+Cb,n• . ' . OM =la! pi t y H)11-. t .;,ctif6l . iLm.r ciryr• M••IumMO. Mack Mid 41,411 4,n:rt., 111 • liUUTr S: it- td., f.II- i' HALIDW.II:t =I ESE '0 PLE Si -1 411 f n. COME ONE, COME The Ohl Furnace' still ou th 4 fru - , t• I'S 11 , , t: •.t. 1! k. po ,, ••• , 1 d.ogn•, v. to , or prrpare. Pie • fat/14100 taste, 1 .11 1161../ • 1••••?* .var.. • ta• t`,.• tit • tt•v•- • or tr • in••k•• AV. le .4:.1 1 Ft 11 , t ..I.llll,sutlt, .TOV THE B%SM:tit, r THE ECLIVSE, THE BOW 41E,T, ) got ap •xtrosaly n e.g; 111);t Out a torn. I. t 411 c ,, natnn..dthat • to the el ,1 .7, , 1,• r, ni whim th. P• th.• Plimon t IA P.., nil/0 Mactorscturtnlii.o.nr Sou ( such so The Coro!, The Th.. PA!. ;hr.-A OA 1••••• ` , T(IWr" are all of the IT In' l •d-1 ,, 1 to our forte r . 4 .. p. .n. o•.,lllist variety. •tvi ••, • th• -ant ri We are tlrt,h. • L.•• at:. tiv.rvf who wno! , l • • I r 1415, Pi."; Danford's Iron Mower an IMPROVED & MANIJFA:77 NEI ?pit: . 1 " V .111 111”. 20 , (,r the c .m 1 ,11; who Jo Alre V ty, 11► r Pa44tare ' pr act It • a ,• • 6. T b. 1. %% • I/ tn • • TIIER IK ry,th,na vir L rt. • :lan t. or I r • rl• =II MEI =BEM 11 A I( rl •••• BUILDING MATERII.: IRON, r iiti t'A I) I IJ I 4 t " •c. t , ' r , ,I . , iII =ZS =I 10, , 1,1,4 oKI 1 "114,a...x 11,7 1. ark.: %%DK.. 1i..• • W / • r 't 11 V -,litttn VI V , uy i.as %II "2 2'/`• i •Ais f v„ I:. .I , - McCall ~ fr. 1.• t••. • •'• •4•441..4.t l'ta: ••. • • - ttoekagr tkot4l tt. • rt,lll Ats.l,t , /k,*, •10 • 'nn I II 11, tis. . tn et. . • not Iv toad.{.• 19.• • : • •antt . rA-114- 4 .t. t 4r • e. • &all, It•• • 1••••:•••,•• I • 1.1• ••• •••• I • •, • • •• • WlCka:f. .t. 3 • • W 0 . 1..1.1 Vt.\ Ita, el/seers, take siutkv of we sils. , e t'' 2t2 ENE lIMEI . 2 A ~. CIENEE NNE IBM