f iedtiet with New Granada. „valence between Molars Moroi l'(cropotetitiaries of tho Unitas' Cocamm4oners of the government „dl, ,ea the subject of the pending , x.twei!n the two countries, is heffire • From tbcee documents we learn .tiatiou was abruptly broken off, b y fth government of New Granada U mtata the proposition of the n o, any claim, oti the part of the uu account of the out :Wile i LINO American property and oa the 15th April, wad) f. , r past outrages nor security .r ttcurreuuld be,obtained. On t r‘, gev ram co ent of New Granada n ,, i a , , l ater demand for indemnity „,..00m very plainly exposed the 0: i:L!(I, and deceptions by which the ternment bad attempted to throw !be Panama riot upon American IDe orb..ie body of testimony, not• which the Granadiau to a (air investigation, and ..fevideget, bad proved conclu •,,,....itlack, murder, and plunder "f . F . the railroad, was a premedits• and that the Governor of Pa ?AIN! were both participants to attack upon not only unarmed g and children. „ fla w were unarmed, for those who hid unfortunately discharged them • *Loch can alone account for the eighteen Americans were killed, ttly wounded, only two or three• of `lertolu,ly injured. t)',iaet .wry, which had deoeiveti r c,f;zeui, 13 complettly dissipated by winch chows that the murders and LI,: committed 80a10 time after the Jack I tliv& r with a uative about a w ,iur of the British e.)n-ul, Perry, by the preiudieo, ot his nation kmerieans, and W 2 .4 .o in-consistent •!I.A u attracted the notice of his vi I drew upon him, as there is rea. Ille riled rebuke. Consul Perry ow I his testimony, and et/di/Ivor. ~; a wa., garbled and altered by the ~ ,rttle!, patience above referred try doe', si•tlng diffmulties in their full hail, in violation of treaty e ntraottt with the Panama Cow • touuage duty on Atnericau shlp 1-u tuitl currespoudeuce; agAiust r and which Goo. lierrau .. 1 t t .•: t u. i utsh But the gtiveru , tr olds has resumed the preteen, these duttcs au,' taxes, and will t•tt tta tu.2•11 to eutoree th em. ...; Cl r uinstances, our govern the squadroo.4 on ktionu4, but hay given orders ,c to prAect,J and•ier opeo, eveo ary c, 4.) It by lauding an effective her Railroad Slaughter tWed outright by the ra•l espn•+. train weft between Toledo --/ay night. Several others were • The Chicago Tritti, levrnm 'hat a gentleman and wife fr.mt , on the way to mettle in um r trith onm of their childreu, t,. •!J, were among the r 7 , 0 w ,: three m mot h+ old no !' mayor: • unknown, was killed and , :ciug,rd; be was (row Wayne t, , uud to Wiscopbin; Was) • beavy black beard and aru.sed, in black Lastly, ,:bte-util,;atba old, of Mrs. Ellen /4 it', moctier's arum This Mrs r vr:rh hiir mother, Mrs. Paltuiler, J• y injured Mr. P , his wife rt• t•wigrati ug from New Lyme, t Thiu,-.to Sheboygan county, cud younger sati were soup s. • men were cnnsitiferably bruised several others more slightly ~• ~f the killeott were taken to and the railroad authorities injured family and other.; The u•:i.at was a gloomy one, far from e nildnight and raining. No sur :,: all morning, when physicians . ..m Adrian. The suffering and 5 , i described by our informant Michigan has established a Col 4rt., ou a farm of seven hundred %.:g, the new State Capital. The • appropriated $20,000 per annum the support of the College. 'aly accommodations for eighty .'.tree is now made for tuition, t' :• required to work three hours hie.. he is paid. The College has the proceeds of the ienriprially donated to Michigan iiovernment. \l3 • REcEPTION OF OFFICE— Washingtou correspendent 0 i t ~v 4 in fame here, in ,;r 4e the foreign appoint. r atti.ntl •ns t., Mr Buchanan '-irr4 , s:ng There were some r ',to this morning, waiting tins when they were admitted, w.itoh their proceedings, and f ',ale of them was really Lhridual wanted a small coun• SOXETHINO OF Ilioo/1 TAHOE TO tit Nlr Buchanan politely refer „"m ' ; eat t int the individual was EVERY I BODY! I anu he forthwith COCO - trct tb.t %HANNON nitOTIIEU% •• • I tutippie on the incumbent 1 I .} rt is in coalition with the 'and he abused the sue -. f,r the Presidency."Ah, my !d Buck, with that amiable s e will not go into that now.' an old Lancaster 'equals. tn Mr Buchanan. 'Don't you .111 the inviable President. 'No apatie reply. thought you did 14 .” Prefacer. ; 'you look fat and really a pleasure to witness arrangement until Congress determine the basis ou which wad Otrvice shall be tosintain- WA•ker, to-da) took the ustb f Governor of Kansas lie :o the President for several hour, trueti,o from him, and will leave rrow morning PLACIL —The „t her day .tart in Chicago—th e • , tirtied over night--but wed The Judge waited , senee , 4 and attachments, as floe ea in veletas Pre* and whispered to the In for watch•bouse, sod are ae—whotoe property y ■ or the court's. It•in "sethorities." The Rejected Treaty ~ ,n•.~M The l'rcsidetrill camp ii4o tor Isrytt Int:1 bard. ly twen ••p nett t v the N•puttli.-ins tr!;. n Hwy were uticicrtote li t ' relnfort•-•1 bv tti • too g ot It Wit; he ou publican prawses r'-ct•ho th. ticuouclatt tits to American slavery whi bat,. 'stt :y Let ttl'• r et! by the llritt.it pr rotor. o.n•i unit. - ‘ ••tt in ceusurtng the Sonate for their Tat-uti l otto, to refusing to become a party to ,:ipulte. Its tie only object of which was t 1 cas• a -h. urn the domestic institutions t tt I t ,:tt t••:: tt Tlrr,•'u,,l r/qt-•,;1 1 I, r.' through his I, 111111,11 I .r In_; !he : 4, u ate amendment , . to ih • MI I t ' '." n.! treaty, is the recent .1,ei5i.,.11 Court of the ruite,l in ,t• ease, whereby, 01' artiel • . oi, !orth, who were fn. , while kiiierios v t of th • repubh,. tion4 with }:ughtrs4 :• •., vv.. w•-. 1: it. !t Nubj-ef.4 rrh.r t.i th try:6n f In n arc ti,vv ,1:-.1r.tuclii-el an I (-14 re: n !., t., t 6 • priviit \m I •ol ofa ~rat /I rig. atitl , n.fu6tfu , ,r) nglt. t Another rt.a. , •11 glt I. Y r r jection art tile lf , •Oy R. i I r:LI---; Wit: tills: Owl 4 i.. 1 if • " t. , • t party 1., tit:At v between (;:, lir:tain ani Ibnebi whereby it wa• dechre i should 11.. v , r r:it• the 13riti.0 pr , mier •11, the Beinte to pnamit • th, exteta• i .+ I V to dies.. 1 ilmad4, awl 1 . • tut :In la, 01, a governina.n , n.:11 ta..a nut. -• grg,:tuent int whi( i ;, 1;;11 sr,- ate. Th.; I-. tl. iaf;rawl Mr est)'n t z;iverntuk d, It, ri e•I th; 1•eir;;1S;;;; Filer • i , on r nature to ti, tu, a :11.‘ n'• seem t L. ,nt• u 1 •1 roc iii 1 . •••cr I. • truly It 11, 1.1 • of t Lt. • .v. rti t;o•r n •,.! to ti %VII; I Hlrn b!t• wi , ll ••tt :,.• i • 1.• I• 6 12.1 %It 11,1% 'ln• C.llll C:1.1 11 \ LIII t Apt „ rh,l.lt2W- 11 -0 ,17 t ti t taut..o 7'h.o • . • ituk , rt_tor of tfic rrt con, •I‘ I.r r letti•r 6a, h., that 4, u.-rai IA oh )..,r (I( Sur •r~,....,~~ ~,•,~,; (Irene 1 n tlf • , a m . 11 . : f pr-splait Tr. S win) t•• I t it pl1r( K 1 . 1`..1 • :\ ing (; ,:.•rn r, Ilr n. Lymin ..1 -ton a I' w -7: baps❑- BUFFALO CLOTHING STORE Sl] 1 \tjL' Beady Made Clnthing- MIIIIM GENF:- to wo,, ~ at 1.1- n., • I .I/ h..••Il nu. ..f n ,tin. b.. • Lope. p) •• ~• 1.1 Otralent,. F•le, MA, Assignee's Sale, ON VoEONE.:".II% :Mit 1111 I .• .4, K v .. •••• , • I. • , 1,1 - Horses, Mules, Wagons, Sleds, Br.ggies, .; • m. • Ra j %% mil NL:ir.. I 11 . th ..1101! .14 ri!tr • thr 1 fll f~l. , \lay 1~, i EYE AND E,.R. DR_ NEWHALL, LkTE t.I ~ Li NII;1 ~111(,, (.)6 v , I•.s' :1* .1 '\'l .1 I f.,11 I. n,.• t . • 11, .1••• i • • .• • I. /. rt• f. rtll ' , at , . 1•••1 la , to It, t44. A •t••••• ••r IEIII%OIII o ( 14ro1or. worth • 4.r S• •••••1: 4 ,1 o lo t.•er r 4,1 tug r• yrtum. •••,14.1 s I. 10 • %It" lle owen equatir n —I 11,. F sr. FI. ins, 1 e 'We .tr..t F.r ~ 11~s u, ~:,,• =I If i•iti no Ili • k.•41•1•t• =I 1111=11111111! If ..1 111% TVV4 TEE You tha t I,t. oalt.6l..ant y.r in. 11l he etiartu - an trestz, NON A I 'TER an, 'll , k Ott. .114\\./ L 1,01,1 Y..d that / T`.ll Oft, • 3444.. B/1(41114 • -tl 44(.1'- NIIIN‘f/‘ 1/1( • I Ili- • .11 . 4 \ 1 1.. I II I= scarcely e misers you u..• T4RTIFt. t You ay 11. f coat ract team4bip I=l tuat I, kr I,lr. / EaIiMMNREiI lIIIIE=IIM=I between tact with lerbilt fur The cunt :he gross upon the • 1 1.4 • , l) , Il When lot ~a nt lir 11 !trt • \ \ J Wh e . en. want Iii!! - ,/, Nt ,, Ji 7F. -•, 1.11 ‘l . - 1114 NIP Rl:rpi‘ii I. There a g... 1 aril.. •t I. tl'F.i . 11()% 41/et t/ T ISh TWO I , ,il I INUI f:R.) 7 / 4 / 1. Tier , sir L.. TtlY f.‘r t•or,,,at =1 I= //It NO IV. /11E1, ThF•rn u n yen rut 14 ..11111:1 1 koF ^ .7.! Bo.; If yon want Ecri , t KY„ , •111 \ON C/N /I: • .‘ 11 , ) It 4. 11. R.-• 1 N , . , Eli • eitt \ 14 J. ,•1 I.MA, It II': %,11A 1 10 A • If want a 111, F /LW \ 4.1 c H 4 g'POP nil 1. If %no want "(.1 , 1111, dm...111111p, "TA , . st• MIMI + fit:RZ 1: • ~ t s .01.11 t • • f It za, t., .sll4 %1) BRi/77// Rs II y..4a ..nt 1'1C4 , 1 , 1 41. in Ito .1 ) 1 716.)7///7f• oat. , ,our liver. lin In, part .•, • them at Sj4 %()% If mu want a nirrartie'r of PE RI. 4 7 411i'11...r I I iftS 'iTAR: II too to 5114.1"\0'i PROTIIER,V If "root Wood, Wellor or Stem. VI sr, r n to nturrutn. If 'on want ninP lIAHo, DWI . ) BEEV or I ARR.... , I kV , “ ...:kwoo n '. ore A4:1: \T• C.. 11 1,11.: I.lf :1 'sot Ake t, .t or cl.fit ft, oleo Cora Heil, ist ti Ir. Stan, go to If Loa wiat Ray of time shove, take roar ek4ll In your bowl, trf, to SHANNIIN . S. sad ostasfortion if guaranteed. eouw one owl everybody, to Zria, SIL4X14011". •• 11,11kru. 11't ,4 H1vi , 1nS, MI) 7, I lIIIMUMEIIII ME MEMI ‘ 1 N i .'\ 1)1 , 1i 1, I=l I= =I t : 1 • rt,l li=lll =I 1 • I .1 I %a. 7. urn., W.. Ir.. CHIMEIMIII RI IMIE tu • 1. u,. i ' M. I 1-. »ri. l~to •H~4 ~1 ~_., , t •.( t L"., • u 4. e.f . I t:A 1t..: to. qt = ill IN NO \ PRHI 111 MIMI a= =I i/ H l l NO 8k.,/ MIME= sr/ hniliji =I =1 • II ) EE •114.N‘ONI:l.'11111 I New 41rrival eg:fring & Summer i C. /1111ne Jos* retnr,,e.t OF • r I I • --1,4 It' _1111,1,1.\71;'1,' I (;()()I),si' I••• U. ‘. 44. I s .41.444. • . I t • s ttal4 s.r.. t, t15t.5411,4•44414.41.4.6 Stl.. ••• ." ^ 'lt 4. • ,44•4 I . in I 1.1:146' 4 1Ni; DvNE Tt)i)itl)Elt. New Castle Xoney. • # ## #• r 11 YE , '1 A rt. I :•• HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. , j ,,,, Fnrp. • v.( •fT t I rt11101.,17.11L'oril: FLUID, %ND 1,1,11tI) T o rii I. 1.% 11l 1.,. 'PRTNG AND SUMMER STYLES OF BO )TS AND SHOTS, =ME )3 0 OTS AND SHOES! ' ERIE CITY Gr:NERAL INSURANCE AGENCY! =2 CM i ;11 I I k d 1 141_YI Company of Philadelphia. ('its insurance Co. •i• 1. -i.• :1:r 1 ~~1 ~ it • n• MB EU NE NV ENTERPRISE! AT .1;0 7 EONNELL BLOCK, STATE ST., illl ) liTi 1 ) :•T( )( ( iCER /ES, from k art. I lti 11 %Nil lift t 111.:N.T I . T. 3 • •• MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S 1 1 .% I.:ST( >IZER ! OF THE HAIR AND SIGHT jj);:ll.ft'.:4". -4 41 t - MV:-.41N(; TilE 1111 K. 111 Just Iteoeived. AI. , IT at ILris 14. &I lan. l'Itl411:. 4 r I 0. 44 In \.. 111, 1. rarn,r Peg, 1 , , • 1 I. ~r Itn Hat. Ibr“. Ttmlrtwic.n, %HAI ‘lln =I It rk II ~•R: ~~~ i 1.1:T1 It ;:1:*,711F1 MIME= evi•••• I 11. h k I: \lll\lN =I 11. 1.1 r ki . , 1:•0C4. "%IRO , ..111 - Mel, 1.1 ie. l'rs ..... 1. :•;111'111 11111MM=11:111 t. rrrit-. 1....11N AND I'4 ..`.l 1 , • •, , ••, , 11-11 E ligr:•.. i; "tithe ME r u t.. =MEE IME=I =I MIMS EMI I:I '.t.k.Ll'l .411111U11 is ~ ;,i. I- 4 . ,:ttne Appointments In==lZl I M., .11 • ,Zrvat 1.. t Itt li.r lir , rot iroaleti ihrtt ..• • toe .1 lip• d.". 0" a t• • 1/1 111, 1111 1101..1.- 411./1 1 / 1 . 1/ /li Iw itri :It i/i tlll l R' •,n 4•I 'brie" .1 • • , r . 1 1 Val 111' v•rt "It, r tt r rr. 1, • t, IS $ •I:1 1.41 w/•I 111,11. •1,14. .. . nl Other Diseases Treated - c1.1:11 . 1•111.1 I I' , t• r• 1 ,- 1•,:In: 1.. Ind • 1...41.11111,.1 ME MIZE i; 11P 1 ( '11: /ES, MIEEM r• r r.rit I .1• ...It r•I ran , • . •• t . ir.a•terr . mark. 1 IMO - • E. - .... 11, .0' .f SCHOOL BOOKS. Park Row Book Store •• • It. t 411 ,of • r tl. I h..over, kr J J I INI • ~ 0 .\ 01M(.111:11 . 1 1- 1•' rr 1)YE! W () It I I; 'S ~11.11;.; RR••11+J:1.;. INl+ BM a NU. :I • 4. !et irts - TINES AT THE Ft a) io - 8 C. 121M1111 1) R =MI I )1)1 i (()()IIS, lIM 11l Ili AUCTION PURC N.SE%; 1E111111=lil!1!IM 1) 0 M 14: T C , " T.. CARPETS, fl~~ n u .., ~.., , w , a'. ~ n n n. ~. ME 4 C.OA/1301 IN 111111 d , h lt \ . • / 11 it . r I• IF ' J . . 11 'l' T . , 1.,11•4 4, 1 I :.•T u i i I I I /,'E.II I I l . Austin's Jewelry Establishment . IMIII 1 1/ 111( h I/1 AIIAB, Se ,600 j) 00 %....")U.4111111 132731:AND 4E-4 I 1 , 03 4 t BOOTS AND SEMI S! =II -60 I,ift,ll PLOWS PLOWS! •N% 4in Cll 111 T( SII:W^ Plow that Beats the 'World! MI Oil BOOTS AND SHOES. \, 1; mlt) F•bnin ro I It -I .to vs.;• . 1 II ;II: -Tock BOOT, SI/OE: 4 , LEATHER 6: FINDINGS, Mil I=IMIEM WHO MADE YOUR COAT? 1 77 ONI II - . • n 4,rnort • ny...n thr In nr•. r =lli CLOTH , . I 1 ,. .1 \ EsTl:\ gr. 1 .10 ,, , •• • .1 /'• : * BOOTH & STEWART, Have Broke ! ! Sprint); it Summer Goods, =MI • or.. L. 111.., ,‘ I .••• a, mkt, e••••• nt..l • I 1.. 41 , 1. ••• 11'e nave r:plarged our Store; LARGER, RICRER MEE OCAOTI IL STOCi 1133 I )4l‘‘ II! ). 1) P‘VII ' j ),,V, Groceries, Provisions, Cigars, &c. d.)., nor • - 4 , 1 .•r••••• 111 tv • •• . • 41 r. •• • • . . 1.141 w.Arn•i• • -•; - • 'lt, t•I• • S. wk. ' I•• V' M fOl Cofi-aes, Teas. Sagqrs. Symp.; •• • • tv • , t1I: a ' c) N)14; t 11.4 • ro• 1 h./ . „ faltiacilllllll b -11 , • n .•• flat trl /•• • fl/r , a - I I 1.1 , 4 —47. , F ,“:..„ at. kilt aui• Cm will 1,4) t ea. t.' J. vt anakrit• - t 4 pril J inflYsT(.l.7r 14 , 114 !haw. p omrs A -- , - ,11 9"'" u l=rrall 4. Zvi. =I o.ltUi A: lif:u IE3 . A -: . • - s*. . - ' . - , r. 0• , • CI . • G 0 0 1) S •.‘1041 , 1,11. I -(T., • tif II"! \ 1 I r Et; )11N nit V '1 WHO WANTS THE BENEFIT Pi rai oil VP -.. .41b ..aM WE MUM) A ALM n 11 , " It ‘1 , ••I , eg , .+1 a.. I "or r I ••1. r „!u.•rxt • - I= IEIEI i - 4ti!. .006_ BIG AND LITTLE ! I= )1;T: PAPER HANGINGS, . LI:•4 I Mt . 1."4 MEOW , I PT- 1 1 :It'll %V 111.1 , . WARRANT . EII PEREF;kfi: . i 17.10 ENGRAVJ - NG Furnishing Goods, Arn l . Tk) 1;1.!.1.111! THE PEOPLE'S AGENTS' IME TI; ~Pr 7' I/ l:' I; h','7' y ('.I LI 7 . } T'tl. I (F 1.\," r(ot '\7l have nuw- on Exhibition a Prices as Usual, BOOTH a STEW.% IT, It ng tiaa s, i i feeil item' Griswold, Warner I Co's cc3r_. - crzerra... , FULL TO THE BRIM ! 1 )310.000 New Stock IF 1, • I Eft 1 THNG I •!/•• jj.t rre• i..f an I Oat red A • • •., • f A . ( - 11 !I.rl tho pstron.w. .1, . .• •111.• • %'1•1).••1 .t r Itivn• 1,1 ,- • •••• • rt•L. 1..... nn 4 tit MK .TORT h '• • 4 ,'• ti.. 11.4 I n0).C.,1 Idm t.. nil Up ht. Stiff. , ,11 t!. a ••••• • I' , .! a It••• k• .f th.ittr. .th. , r. •, • 1..11, . •I'• as toy.. nrrrr ••••1 •• . ..411 411 1••• bit Tba ,•, v A.n., ft.: lat. •r•l‘a'• K •I. 1 • .....I, r 11141 V.., raper, 0,1 rt.• l• • aryl . 11 I V MEADVILLE FEMALE SEMINARY. The loorill Iran „111 reerssurner no Illunelet , ', Mn• I I =I n • • I • 111 . I SPRING STYLES. Millinery and Fancy Goods r j , • I= IBM MEE DI 150 NE TO THE RESCUE EVERY BODY ! ! Ne• - i Grocery and Provision Store, EMIDZI ‘.., ,„ •• , r nJ • ,•r.wrr -, It 'l', 9 1H \ • . tend IMMI kr, Just Received !! ! A • 1t....t 4. - t i •• won. I I imluementg otrered fur the most SITING AV! SUMMER GOODS! NM ELMS, MIES, DOE Z3S, Pruductions of their Artistic Skill. GEE 1 111 OU the wit.% to sayo mime, UOALDINU, IPA'sr(iN A CO c!h.,.1-. , r o b., A o ril. 1$:41, I -tro.t ~' t ::{ ~ yer: rrilibl migtcular iuld astonishing Ointment fee whit* Uwe Ma . I.meb iilluiris ..I 1J41., can Dow be bad dimet from the 1 prephotee—itt the gm et ' We, Apt U. MC =II ISEE 111,... • 11,r Ll/I I, J atty , tml .111.. ran.• . t• •- i • . •1 r.. s.l.tte• sr. I ; I It -t )1, t• 11 An 1,041 =EI 1.0 frr 14. I,r aii • I. 1. 1 nr EMI OE • ~•it.r L. 1.1 /C 4 «fpt ~,, •, .n.I op • I. , All I. .4- anti ./ .1.1 41 • .t l• ,% 11l I Plo per, 11.1 t.:. nrr, k, a very large- ,• . MA, -II I. And r 440 lb.. ors, 4 .1.• tI, 7 I J \ 'V r? !My, Pe Mill RIME Must be Sold i• • • .110 nri) I, . I(n.. t 's • 3.14(..r KEI Spring and Summer Gooda 11/61,1 .•I1 11111 I . .knii. 11. ft • , r , -. •, Tr.r rt:kr, kr k•:. T K I ri Art Ai I .0 • z:l5 • .0i 1.11,1 1.I• • v • • 1•••r•r•R, : t• Inn 11:1 • NEW BOOKS. lll= t oat.r: .T.sr, 1. • 1 . ••lures• 1111.1.. T.. nip C C) M. JO ! =OM , • I • •••• •••,! Pot, r tte . tt •., Nov. , and Fresh Stock of Groceries 011 , /,1;.C.0.1:, NEE =EI I. ;El 111 \ TO THE PUBLIC! =MIME FZZ \ 1 1 CALLED I /1//: .VE II 1 44MCERY AND pßoVisloN I LHIE, l'A WPM F RtYDEItNEC'RT BRILLIANT EXHIBITION' antagcous itivestnients CTOALDING, HOUSTON & CO laninioth Establishment ! ! lEEE! 1 ,f I==!Ml French, En!disli, and .\nx•rican I.ll,l'Ve:4lalgs of all styles and (parity, GooDS, I YRAY - • (TOO 1)s, .I,t r) art..? • t c"mfort. nr a rent.klo 14'11'1' •, .111 d Jra¢rad t, gratify the taste f 1 : 11 -+u • t al Apt , fl to the Tii”ani la the aren,teieal WHOLE SALE & RETAIL. 1 . 11 : I: \ Urlg,l,' Rl' 10 0 . 1 ED ‘7.O(`K •oil nououlAr , tlr• th.fr "en vstper, Trion t •t r 1.! k 1 . -forum. .r t;OALDING'S MODEL ARTISTS ' , LAT I 'X'7=E CP TY'r C,33IE.AUFt. Pr M. \IA be noon -10 , 1 ;it the matehlesq neatnrsq, rl duribility of the Fzi".lMr l W - IF" -- 1. , . 4 = that all who patronise our establishment SAVE 25 PER CENT IN COST, aMI fe4 , l, •r,..; „:11,11..111,1 , ttl in M . 0., anti thirlio.ll' V FOIZGET NOT and Fren'•b .Greets, - lenrota - I California! California! PR. it ‘YtILTON't4 GICNVINIC "'_l LI 1' ORNIA OINT E T =I t.. 1. t,:. ..1n F 4 I I . =MI 21111 MEI IiZES / 11. l•. ' t • •1. 01. ni. =I 111111 NM= A. II 1 a 1:1\ ;,f_ \• CH` F riff •• I T I, 0 i I.I%I.FP.NiCI!r it• 1%;•. i ti .11 t. A 011', lIIMIEM tS• w• , gt - , 1•3 ended ki... ■T) '.l GBH or C OF SPRING TRADE AT TEE LankaL2, state Street, Corner of Fifth. The Largest and Nest Extensive DIY ;01IS IMILISIIIIII NORTH WESTERN PA. Three Splendid Sales Rooms CROV‘'DED WITH NNW HIS Which -fur Elegance of Style are NoT sITRPASSED! New Goods Received Daily 1 =71:16., Warner. & c. krt. Now prepared to Offer the Largest And Most Attractive stock of DRY IN THIS CITY OUR §EIC ROOKS t:ontain all the Latest Styles of NCY DR F.s.:'S SILKS l'lsrur ,, r 4 Stripe and Plain Black Silks; Printed r. i Plain All-wool De ',sines, English, Fr. n , h awl American Prints, I;ringbanis. &,41 , Ace. 4;35,000 tali? giOviaehies, And R. a i Lae. Muslin and Cambric Co.lars, and Sleeve., Collars and Sleeves in Setts, )111.1in and Cambric Bands, Flouncing Edgings, Inserting., &e., le Infant's Robes and Waists ! Len, Collars suit Sleeves in Setts, and a large quantity of Valenotpoes, Guipure, Hoo. iton and lirtistods Laces, &c., to., &a. 500 SPRING SHAWLS! • We tuvitv particular attention to this Depart wont, knowing that all who favor us with a cal can h , ,aired We are selling Shawls at Tit k N TUFIEt REAL VALUE ! bcf•ii bought at an Auction sale, 11 , ‘% days since, at One-Half the Cost of Importation ! inb 'olantilla T , FRIN E S Styli Dress Buttons, Bonnet Ribbons, Ali-zaudre Kid Gloves, an sixes; PARASOLS, &c. lIM 111111 ['o Ilou , ekeepers we would say that our stock of House Furnishing Goods Is complete. comprising English Cotton Sheet tor, Linen Sheetings Pillow Case Cotton awl Linen, Dimity and Mantel !aloe Counterpanes. Table and Piano Covers, Damask, Muslin and Lace W INDOW DRAPERY, Ltiuteli Winl.)w Shades, Window Cornice and Linen Toweling, Linen Table Corer-, Napkins, Drills, &c. CD T_T R. CARPET ROOM i s Nuw Filled with everything iu the line that is desirable; ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 7317etz and Brunel; Ingrain all grades, and Cotton and 11",,1 Carpets, Druggets, Velvet Rugs and Wbite and Cheek Matting, Oil Ci .th from 3 4 to 4 yards wide, stair Rods, &a., &a. OUR CARPETS Have been purchased within the past three works of the Manufacturers, and are offorrd at, the lowest postible prices. i)oN'T FAIL. TO SEE THEM OUR STOCK OF 1101ESTIE sooos is very large. We invite all to Ex AN/NE OCR II a m moth Stock! And be Convinced that there is no place to huy Goods as Cheap as at the EMPIRE SUM Where Goods are always Freely Shown ! .~ TALE, BROTHERS, (3ov-won go W... Tar .fe AN. 8 BBOWSB4 BLOCK. BICHIL PAL WU ass mow .peel./ ono CI! th. large.% awl hand.olassit Stocks ottapetag aad cams.. Hato and CsiA erg, tu,fors hroarbt Into Cris. Our solosettaa of tku. :tort Hat 4 i• u o u the swig prosahsout of all others it much thus I, on automat .f lb ettploss dinutual •bfch la almost utuw.dde in oupthy, hat ans sakisavorlai to do .o by buying isr,r• • t..k. sod selliait &Nag. W• luso Rats to wait er•rr sod Child sod of wonky pits sad quality. Comte and ,wee and 4. .-,3ny lune •1. C P S Oar smortment of Cal* i. «norup,u• .\ II t*, I Weal Styles 11011111iallyr a Silk, Viti•ltt, Moine Anthill... vid 014th of almost every color, If we have sot mite to Nutt e will mai, at at the .thoiriest DO- STRAW GOODS. Oar Shook of Straw Hats we will not •ttemnt t•• ,-ntsat.ratq theft la, the dilbreat Style., but we I..uttir , t., lt,al pat, evry* to aapply Erie City en d Ovaatr. tb‘• but vary erth•th,tia It la true. :4 • j1:11 411:0 , 0 Ititt :114 I. au lbw of Goods we defy emn e erite,“ e wul Far that DIOS V PO ore Store in Roe °sty that 114, an !arr.« an apomunlnSltt. Ow Stock of 111=te e;,, y nhirts vet, :a ' (•• sa•l 111.4. d« to our ot -111.,:Pi ries In 11.kla , le!phnt. ffe haie &Ilia • Boon Isms t of Nock Tie. of avers ••• COWS oder Sitieta, Drawrr.,l:l•,•••, e .... T ends', Vaaey vlllilC3Ft f‘.llll.oXa AL.Bh Of weepy shoeription, fir I ES I \ • t on, Seoteh Ufaiisam, ie. CSI .• at No ft IHM *Pr a .1. •ivil STUDY TO PI. EL% gr., April 11, 1•47. Administrators "Notice. Lwrreas o Administration ill,111: t.. , 1 'I Crill'. ./ to the triads 014 tba .4.1.1.te I I .....:. • 4 / 0 :. -.. .4 F airview 4i., , Reap. i. 11...rab. • v..', , i .• I :- -lam., i,. ...ht.-4 t., amid &data to MOM 'ow...hate iai, Ili. at. 01 , / :Is • ro iia. tag claims liguluet it will please preaent tit. , i .. ~.‘ i , ,• ',. . ..'• I r r ...id, meat. EMIR WI IPPYt ,z ,'_—.......i Fa irraiw tp., April 9, 1957 Blank and Alooonnt Book Manufacturing and Ornamental Book Binding, &c. ap, r u," am ,. so.erttwr, 0,- ~'. , .nt 0011......• ilia ~ , .„. 1 .,, . ~,,, t , ....t i.oile end Stock as ova a. IA It', .k • I •. • /***11 , ..01 r4r ••• . ... *batty, f•.r earrnini •/ I • El OOP OS .13 X I•7* 2a X 1%.7" 011- 41.01 Blank Book Manutart ...•,., n. • , • • , liprot,l etyles of f.aetern tilos, .ii e.: •. • .• ~ •I. •lir sr ran be done an ye byre. We .. a pmpiireKl ir. d•. Wo.rk t • , t• ' • Al 1..r,•1 Bleak sad Antolini Etoolo rl',. I .1 Lo. ;.at .1, . ott- 4 Ihilitiona of printed tt0..1.• 1,., 0n 1 I a• **/,... , I , I,* `. A .ss ear eatablialmornt is furno.hed 1. WI II 'Le Pr......, 1..6 .Am i m o pigment' nommary. Print,d 1., •,,o• ~, ... L , ~,„ ~,,,,, ~ ~,. belted to wait the meter it till' part.. -.-, . . • (...,,., r ....,, Ornamental Binding for the 4. a nt• r Tel Gentlemen's Litini.nes renurat. 0 ., ...: 'll"with, the bdlng repel, a C i Book. in rebound, an 1 Yet' .:1. . A t 11.:1. , 0. .0. 1 to nuotath setts. Ball Bead; Way Hill., 4 1,11;.in., . . s • r Bnied to . patern. Paper /ivied to ord, to a •w• • • ~ , , color desired. Hoeing ow. at: • ...., ~.. II . they defy competition . Them ordering work in i 111 ~• f .' , • ty o* its Meng door prompt:) eI.IWI I I Bindery over the Park 1t.,. it., - t ' J I.n Brie. Ketch 11, laid' —lm4'. ll's,- t ii il I , ._ -- 21153r..11131.3Era..3M TILL and la lilllpp/ ) I • 1 Ii , tha t VP') be bane oat returned horn Nr . ' li , :r i l i , l'. ~,, .nn.. 4 la t' ll the t nichait, sad Bestr•t.., li .4 MI ill. • . : •.. r.... Le haa ewer bad the honetiof shooiair th-nt t , Consisting of all the latest sty 1. , . 'in I II Crape, fate, Thine and La,. ii. on • i i Flowers Head Demme Rueter. , sire/. t it • that dream compotloss. 1111Reers stapplia..l with Pet , •• II *UM all. Old Bonnets aitertA rllea h.., t• : t • •..1 , . , to live OW usual; Bleaching and herein.; th e -. .1.. 't-, 1... . : Len In =spasm in apeurin,i the. pen 1 . t ot t .4 o . •:1 1 • tt tl.ani if whom Late. and •rttott •SiA or• ' llf it ; ...MINIM Public nonlidenee awl Petrociag.. sr, I ..... • - - .• .0 rotor of the bum Kamen, Milliner', and will. IL.. (it I.r Vol.* 4 t.nomia, and with a mind to dral fairrli nett I, i" . •e 1:1 , . . ', •or to merit a good Aware of ha ronaire Rim CLARRA A WI I LA I:I t Superintendent of Blake's Bonnet Room; i rir, r.. 1....." • IV,. I i ....nu. =ram =I 00ic , 71;t. n . few •Jtki G.. •h• opening at Blakm Ikuslet 0111ete. Erie, Mare% 21, 11157 EiteaM Sashßlind and Door Manufactory. JAMES CROOK & Co. BCILDERS sad kbtaulnetaren a }flint, '1 awl I •.••,. PeneY it. between 4th and Mb .1 rev, • All kind! otbnikltag Lumbar taken ill , cr`, r o r. r v,.,t'.. Any quaotlty of clear leivion.ll Mur 1.1ii,a4 r ,i 0... ; I , rk ,1:11 thi lalgtiost osourket prior will Ire tral , ll ,, , M .l . JAliliai P. CROOK. \1 4. I {IF;iI., L. 8 MOORE., '• ill . V I I' tI.X, trie s ro. 2R,11167. HI. 11 I I.li I'FTERRI. Security! Security! Security! AGAINST FIRE .t.Vb 111 gr:PAND IEXAMINE LILLLIE' , 42CIIII,I.II3 IRO ISA ritsl, and you will Le nut .1 that ti.) ~ n ly •ad Illorerher Morro m.. 6. in Th. likLa Years in Use, and n a Dollar loss by Ftro or Burglars. From 2to 4 inehms thick solid mm. 3,1 I,anior ,1 ! h a eleot. They on all fastened by I.illte , Bank 1..), r 141,11 111 the oa Powder Proof Book Locka in no e fr ode et the easuberturer• prkee b 3 JOU. FM 211,, 1441 I.ofl, y Storo in HIM t .• ltd. -k. RAND WILL° male $t dm New U April t. - - E=3 NI 2... FORGER CONVICTED. . . . . . .8 JOHN S. DYE /..? 7111: A 1•7710 R, 341115 Who bar bad 10 years cirri. nee .ts a Ban igker and Publisher, awl .luthor of eerie: of Ler-twee. at t.',. 8r...1 , 1,-ny 7 . 111 , r1 0, 1 , 11 . when, for 10 saceririve Light*, q, er il ti..tval 1W 50,000 People liiii CS 0 with Ro ut .i. ~f .Arinlattee, while he 'Ail ta mm er is which Counterfeiters exerate Itiiiiir nods, and the Surest and Shorte,i Musa of Detecting then' Th e Bask _Vote Engrarer% aft that he (4 Sthe greatest Jut,':, , e of liip r _Vow?' Liriny OF THE ritES E T GR" 1 "`" MI IM RE' E EITIS. Veal aosuiset Hill in V xtetenne, and Rxhibit ,js Z i t li t r a glance every Cour:drat!. II tut IrCLl4.ti"n ' ' 00 admirably, that BEI FRl.:it. i F, 14 RAey and DETSCTION INSTAL h TAN Et it S. lii „ 7 . Na Index to examine' No 1011. 7 ,4 i , l hunt op' 44 bet raisimpUllied and and armareal, that the 11. n ham, it ,iik. er and BlilliMell lbw can ser ail 0 i a (a.," Eillisit, Prewek nv.4 0,...... lime Sae ii sway road tie wise In Ida •nrat Nadine Tsainnte. 7 - Most Perfect lank Note List Published. 14 . A'so L g All the - Private Banke - rs in America. 10 4 • ompleto• Somieas7 of the r:VIM•11 . 0 omen Air Antinsna trill b. published in each edith.l. 1,,,,,,thcr 'kith all dthe linportant NEWS ote THY. DAY t no. TA LES Free an nld Manuscript found in tbc Vset, It ',if Mabee the Meet Cornpirte Hi.tory cr ORIENT L IF E " vt. lint ?Penh-Orr b,.4, the lAdies yl atbsinee of that (~ a nte bate i,.en to Mien Smut. Thar Swint 'via confirm.. t • -.to, h ,t t the w h.i, 41 mtf, tle. Yet will move the Moot Eittertatnio; ever nth red to the hib jrume e rneaielent Weekly to guboorihor, ~nly, at $1 a tear - =eel lit witteetotel to JOHN S. PV K, Broker. 1011 Tobibior sad reopeiNnr. TO Well etroot, hew Yott.. scontrts DarrlsTßY! . l - A ir leon d m oo o r ty to you; bat Ooliitiat be-t. tows ale itt- Ltosoooo ow li m bo resparew of inn proGeoloo,—..l., l aity is the sIllooltoskal,"--aed we ire nwe prepared to asesirmllMe *BA morgramm slaw of portion. oho, "bile twit nee ale ast silk Y pow tile expo... of Artinciol Tee% In lbe lig drift , eatomptil is sow tnenlabed me apses woke wee sums work At train teat. eall and me• spodirsel at ellio et MAGILL 411 LUCA, Beet Blot. 1161111114.411. _ ~. ME f' ro t L. % V: c -~i~ ~~ rn r., ur rusk C , l I=IMEB I .r n n s r . .1 . .lit... lalk, • .• I:• • 4 0 •it 1..400.1 1\ ~ 11 :.411,1 trl, •1 7 .• Us. roe J ►:t.t ;\, ¼_ or, T 111