Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, May 16, 1857, Image 2

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Reassembling. of the State Democratic Con
vention of 1857.
In linrimanee 14 a reonluti n adoptiat by tb• Democratic elate
I ommittee 4 I'enus.l IL, the I ieleptte• to the i 'intention
of :iamb 2.d, are rtepleatiel to suieemlite at the Capitol. at•, th, 9th da, of Joni., InS7, at 10
A 11 In, the ma rtt.... of nominating I atolotates omplette the
state Tteket, and trunuctin• all other [tuatara. pertaining to th•
• :11111 • othorite of the t'. t onto..
t fl AIME.; It Itl't'I(1I 1:11". human
"The bill giving this company male M 111.1.411 01 1301
rr.l; 1,1. b en tory 1 , 1, i is. , 1 l'io • t •e, ••I a liiiie
LARS of the preceede of the sale of the public werks, in the
event that the Pennsylvanian Railroad company shou' , l ex. ,e o ~' 0, oi; te I, .lii. h ht' gon, npil peg thr.iugl the
boy them, has finally passed the House of Itepreeenistivee
by a majority of filli Vol**. Tkili result was 1.4.101, tiii.-I ~,,,,,e ,v 'r , ets • 0 •-• i' itees The iiiarket Id• che
pected t•, persons from a distance, but not so to !h.... at,•, 4 . • • • .•• •.. , r .1,1 t lin .0 miiiro ) li v a few lar„t I. at -,
have watched the outside manoeuvres of the men 101..11.11. W .•. ii .l•I imm •n• • ..t.iolt- erhi , t iii •ir lar,4 • o got t l .ii i
the bill in charge, and who are deeply ioterested in tie 1,'..- th •u i . retain until 'net can fix their own pre , . 11,•
passage of thi• iiiiiienots .• i.e.. The Mil ha• been liore.l
-reel ... v• !low .•iiiiis ..k. vrnich or, iiiie.! f..r sl io 1-e.ez•
through the Rouse by such men as Jon• 1 tleust e. Et.
Canal Commissioner; lent ci P tierce, Ex Canal Cone
. h" ' aloe r''''" it. w •"'' th • ''''' • I. " ^ e . "' " i '' h ' re
inisrioner JAMES Brays, Ex Canal Comn,i•sioner JAWS .1 i pr.nied unto litn lama Mtn licerehiefs in this c•untry I
JACK% to, and a few others tit the like stamp " pane. h m ie, however. reached a higher point than they:
—The New York ifitipers bring us the details of an ex• 1 ,
These men are all Dernoerats—tb• friends of Wu F Cori long -u•teiii The /try goods trek lia. , Lean s , •ry t
tonsil.* conspiracy and attempted escape of the convicts t
! Pa. last for Ow ellllol"—kienee the bitterness with which , .1,1”0, though seine merchants are here from New 1 erk :
at Sing Sing prison. At breakfast time on Sunday morn.
: they and the three million scheme are denounced by WO +t,'.4. an I New Eliglan 1 W.' h•vc passed throngh me
leg about sixty of the prisoners, having knocked down the
guard, formedln two parties, one of which made for the !
(rem the following extract from the seine article mot's central organ! That this em the reason is evident dateter mos seeeomi, the fire( te iourtb ef May, at whieli .1 ,ie
river and the otter for the %Insp. e They were pursued,
and after a short chase every one of them was captured. ! "Why most of the member. ..1 rho party with which we
No one was seriously hurt in the melee The conspiracy I have been ac ting t t i h n , g f k er n t d he last
i toenty , j ,„ -ears should C' is t e r
however, was not cenflued to the above mentions ' ] gangs I s e e p e r , o r.e c „ t m e m,..,...".„,,,.,:t i ,;:: . tee i em theirt:7l; . 7, ; !r7,,:," ," who ..
. 11 " ti c
The remaining prisoners, at the conclusion of their break- ! lived and fattened at the public crib, we cannot trtil i ztr,c
fast, and upon a preconcerted signal being given, rushed l We have no right to attribute anything improper to their
upon the keeper and were beating him, when the agent of
, count, hut, to say the least, things look very strange If ,
they can reconcile their course, this more than their triends '
the prison came to the rescue and discharged his pistols . can d o e'
among the <mavens This had the effect el quelling the
Thie would eeein to be enough to explaiu how the meat
revolt quiet warm restored and punishment inflieted iin 1,., , t,„,„ t t„. 7',.,., . •
. 1 ,1. i oueuanur, but if there It •I lit II , 1 , .14'.'. ,
the offenders. Tbe ringleaders of the rebellion were two the following ought t. dissolve it at one We quo'e f -eta
brothers named Dann The affair seems to have been l the same article
concocted with cinsiderable skill, and had the prisoners
scattered, instead uf keeping tn compact leediA. doubtless '
withth l.4 ,, C f o a n c ti t. de t n h t . l :t v : , 4: n er tv% ii . d i. by F
In e p n i, W k ii . ; are i a l .; 1
~t i .1: n t :. I
many ,•f them weal] have effected their escape. It as ,a4.1..10re for (i ‘ o. I o or. is o,f rt oletra, fo: o l th,. rt:'
evident that there is • laxity of discipline in th ese penal in - , The contract these men have taken amounts t.• r. r i uii
mut • iii PoLLAIts. It is, therefore, no w indel - that the
etstutions. Within a few weeks two Wardens of the
should be anxious to bore it through."
Messachusetts State prison have been murdered by convicts,
Fiir fear, however, that the Republiesins in the :•••••nai.
net lung sine* a revolt was attempted at Auburn, and this
is the second conspiracy to eecape at Sing Sing.
woulltiot comprehend the tearful "rime 'hey would e. ii,
nit by voting for a hill that is favore 1 by lien P t . see
—The days of romance are not over—the assertion of
and his n.l his friends, the returns to the obar,te n
matter-of fact.people to the contrary notwithstanding
the sdh, with the full:wing broadside, which we •illi.: , .st
at least. they are net am mg our Canadian neighbors, as
length for the especial gratificatien if rerta.n n ....e We.
the following facts proves A young and beautiful girl,
!not men whose very bread and butter depend. el. !I. • pas-
*teeing in the very romantic name of Minnie Augusta
sage of this bill. Read it—it to rich
Celeste D'Enny, has been playing " Jour printer" among Tun Si
" tet. Eel, Bu.t --This tell i• !fill in the .
the Canadian printing offices. Of course, in her adventures Senate,.thoughit-ri
tends are confident that the inej •mm
among the types sue disguised herself by a aver, iit pleuse will yi e ld to their determined, bull dog persererance,. ri th ::
—but her identity as now established, and it turns out that which the preposition rennet for a moment command
she is the daughter of Mr. Li Eony, &Surveyor and Crown
That it is • icoil ke ..1"1 ttn,n, a n
.rni• , r —that a large i r
Land Agent in Peterboru, C. W . It seem n
1 she deserted r i i o a n n y " r a t h t
'1 „
7 L , ' ,i "ted ,, r W
it it' ',
a be t h% l" il l i d o e s r e ed d
a h w nd ut . Pl' T " b 'kr'.l ,
her luxurious home, about six months since, under the in- scarcely a weather living en' the immediate hue ..! the
!thence of a passion for the stage, and went to Toronto, , road but loos edmit that the measure is unto..., tin ..... ttt, I t
where she tried to get a situation at the theatre. Mr• Zr in d ‘ l t : n ' e l h h a " t u ld he e , m . e u r n y e d v ,,rl ar iee e r e 7;, ' Z 't „ t i r i e .7,,, the i , l ,, i :::, l ::, ‘ ‘, * i f
Couldoek was then in Tgruntn and be refused ti, cad in of the state debt and the relief of the peeple trein - taxet...n.
"bringing her out," kindly advising her to go h ,tie, but no one doubts
Why then. it this b. , ,ii, tie „.kour 1 ,....iti0.i; 1 . ,,,,M. s,
She refased, and entered a printing office where female, were
employed, and worked there as a oempusitor for a long P',..,nlely'yt%iwehnyriwehLilliytonu,,,Tl,6oanwnaLynSii,,A"tt',"K•"ra'efith'i,,,P,,,.lFy.,.
time, attending the theatre every ensuing she ti still after all. we do as•crt fearlessly,.that it is n 1...1 1•.•,•1 n-• k
fall of her determination to go tin the stage She is 19 eii *tees i t / *amis.', and nothing else. It is admitted, .
that I , t. will take at leset eight or nine millions mere ..
years of age, is very highly educated, and decidedly pre
cotntete the read, and at the prioes which these coutr.ii
possessiug in appearance. tors have the work, not loss than fifteen milliiins, to put 0
—The Crop in Ohio were never more promising at this I
t a i l i t iu, ” operatio n .„uLninn,i I' V h h e 'r e ' t . t is e t t h l i ' s hi t l o am e le o l m l e d r e ro w sn ill out w i to e
” I
season of the year than they are said to he new. The dime to it fur the people y thore ;ire satisfied that what gs -11 " .•
fruit crop, in particular, Lids fair to be very large. The has already given inneh of it ha** been SqUan , lere.l upon Jr ••
Ohio papers say that peach, cherry, apricot, and a pple trees this same hatch of contractors, who, through bogus stock ;
ro ,.
~, , , ,i ~
eene 1 by nnotlivr party, legally emit,. : t
are literally alive with buds just hureteig into idoido, anti 1 andth
the company, u n ail "
b a ' n e d " P e
( I
l e ' c u t ' th c e a i their c o o ,, e n e tro : ir a e l e t t : r h : " 0 1 t r7,. t : i . " ::,::,1 1 th • urn u•: wh. u John hat I. mrr.Nred
it is hardly supposable that the frost can now, the middle engineers. Not satisfied with electing their croature-. ' k4r 'it 1,1 of tearing down an I building up is g .tin,; .
of May, injure them much In the south part el the State • they have actually elected a nu mber ti t t e eenee i ves as di. „ 0 i. o Chlumbia Col ege, une .•1 the old lamitnark., .- 1
the peach and cherry trees are white with blossoms. I n rectors. ou'v ~4,1,t4,:: 1 wig enough toilette its daguerre.itype taiten,
It is to a comany thus constituted, and thus conducted
northern Ohio the wheat crop never promised so well.—
that the mose y s
ef the Stale is a•ked front the peop:i : an! ''u '"• ,I iwn it must rime Ti.., In i 11044 hoc I. on
The Cleveland Plain Dealer says that, so far as it has ' representative.. That there are excellent men a•seelatiel 'itin I n 4 .it the f.oit of Park Plaee for . ier se year , Tie
heard, not a geld has proved a failure. It is true the sea- with it and interested to it, we know. but that their eoun- I. ~r , -
en, in-teutten was called Kings College. Ale xane r
sets have or will be followed, no 'inc believes, that their
son is late, but this prospective abundance is predicted, In II ,emei e ,n I Dewitt Clinton rei-ei•ed their e• ..,
natthority rem be maintained against the corm ,rants, 13 a
c luinhem the whole enneorn is to 1, ui.....1 int . ••••n.
part, &elba tact that the cold weather has kept back perfect fallacy. ! ~
m • ;
the fruit until there is little apprehension of injury trom We hope, therefore, for the honor of the :senate. they ..• tee env Iphered regions on the upper part et elanbettat,
frosts, and from the unusual quantity of rain which has whit pr d ei h ent
b the ,b e e u r u b summ b ati t o h o
c o i f this g f reat wrong
s . I bin I w'icre a magnificent building will be ereeted, iv, n '
y who o are am m o a r r s min t g oe ar b , o ti r n d d es the .
completely saturated the earth, and insured the crops e 0 .1 ,I n , le•s than o i.o.oini. The pia: , nf the of I cut
in h te u re i ete t .l ' a Y nti e h ' ired Ite r mr n e e rs
against the drought from which they have suffered the last C a p i t o l as thick as the lice m e Egypt, oar last dope or In Pie I tag.? it t" ue supplied by arum of magnificent merble fronts ,
two or three years. stern inteyr,ty of tiov. Pottui IC. The best and most faith. sneer,' I t•d• dry goods jobbing houses. ERIE.
ful efferts of his administratieu have 1..0.913 directed to the
- •• - •
J Ht #
News of the Week
--There was much evitement in Dans•ille in this state, saleciftle main line, the payment of the public debt, awl
C I" har Ap I. k y k'n'rw ^ reinin'OTY3'ir 1' moment 'l;el7eV e "tl i na i nt i le .l " . (; n t i' "now „. es „an x w - ever the „suit of iv.
by poison. supposed to h a ve ',len a minister., by er
husband, Win Clark. The h, ly has been exhumed, and Pe rmit
,tn',P,'"nwhhii,:ri':',:eva"nrd.l/h woo: et 1.4 .•ii, •. • the returns w: re in, to so oblivious t
►s much trninietratl.,n
an analysis was g.iing on by the Coroner A Mrs. Twiggs it would d, lasting injury to the Commonwealth. -
tLa when , he return. o-• •11' I %*hy .n't it tell
had also been arrested as an accomplice of Clara. Her We might close without a word of comment, but the fort " 4 IC '
husband died suddenly a few weeks since under similar is so apparent that the 7 .'s great and leading rea- y w •••:rn giant—that the f. •in
K - -
eireumstances. Ills supposed that a crimihal conneet.on son for opposing the Sunbury bill, Is the idea that Pa, ant "." I and that lire I i• ale ..1 chicken,
existed - between her and Clark. is friendly to ti—that Lin political friends are urging tic " I " •row . Why :an t it ~
—The Chicago papers expose a heartless peon of extor- passage—is maulfes: that we can't refrain from calling '" f4" ' lng r
• t 0.-: si,;ers
bon, practiced by a man named Moore, mre, landiiril •of the • the reader's special attention to it. That thin opposition th ! "
Merchants Hotel, Chicago, upon a poor and friendless wo- would po•sess little signifi-ance were not that paper the A li•t h r.• • .4' t .1 e November last.
wean, who was on her way, with three little children, from I central organ ii! Wiliu it, we are free t admit—but ho t 1. .1' t, • ••••ii Jul,: •• Ue uovrat.. ,
Hudson, N. Y., to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Fur the log the relation it to the Republican candidate for It I t f• l m . a I W
•, 21 , city,
privilege of sitting in-the public room of his house, with. liorernor, we point the voters of Erie county to it as a r •• .
to l'srC ' in
out fire or:reflreshnient, a few hours, while waiting fur the signiheant sign of the position that candi lat.% a• •ii a ; • •rl'y in to" •.• I,
Milwaukee train to start, this Shylock charged .In.l extort- our own, holds towards th.s great enterpei , e ' 1,. s '! dins, r:ver impr ,verneot ,p , rote i
.1 •tt Comini•st 'her, wla i-h
!.!sere—ellsdjoaet she had left. CJmpla.nt, however,
AWRLF...et7Ste A PrER Ile 31,4. V V Ell OF 1/.- • 4 : : •• ' .:i b i: . ;ts ' . '" S
,riti • so tar as tha , office .ni-erneJ.•
wasmadet tl4 P ""' " 1 the 1 " 1. " 1 "14'.1"t:Y res L WM.—The E litor o• the Philadelphia ivi that b"'"I'•"' • '
Cored the money. It cafe t at ' h '2" kept by such last Fa , h, ht. o• Vs, in Ii visit a small town on the West
an unconscionable landlord.
Branch of the Susquehanna. It was a lovely place, and
ho whiled away s sine very pleasant hours there Among
the attractions of the place was a grand political 1.1111.0
meeting, one at the hybrid kinl, which sprung up from
the organization of what was called the Union Party, and
which was held in front of the Court House The crow I
about the SUM I was great, an I embrar ed, strange though
it may seem. t all, too. •upposed to bs karmonious,
to ire alai Fremont met,' There were ba T aners with - Km)
ass and Freedom" by the side of •• Americans must rile
*merles," " Fillmore acrid) , nelson" cheek I,y w i th
" Fremont and Dayton " First there came a Fremont
speaker, who bore down strongly upon Kansans and the
Butler Ruffians, winding op with an appeal en behalf “f
the " Union Ticket " There came a Fillm .re to.„,
eul hie can 1, latent thii.• l l I t...tut•h tt • r ,w 1
and closed with " Vote for toe. l'oion Ticket."
tall, gawky, dirty, strung Pzje.ling individual t .94
stand, an , l was son ianced s o j•isoe., to jus. from K.,iisa•,
a martyr to the cause ••` Free loin, a aim who hal fought,
bled and • we hal almost Pa; I died,' shouted '• Fremont
and Free Kansas." This unseemly creature was received
with the grea••••t enthusiasm, and ‘liehed under the
favorable eireumstane:s lie dashed into his subject with
—T. J. Wright, a second lieutenant of S. dragoons,
committed suicide a few days ago at Chicago, 111. Ills
body was tonal near ...Lilt s s stases—anJut twenty Si!
voiles mouth of Chicago —with a bullet through his heart
No pistol, however, could be fouod on him, or near the
body. His father, Dr. Jae. J. B. Wright, is a surgeon in
the army, and was recently stationed at Carlisle barracks
Pennsylvania. Toe young rasa, T. J. Wright, Wll4 **Girl , /
lieutenant in the 21 dragoons, stationed at Fort Leaver , .
worth. He had been on Esst to anent the of a
sister, and was returning to his regiment. Lent Buford
is Atli lieutenant in the same c.,mpany
—A gentleman who dined with the Pre•.•lent a week
ago, says that Mr. Buchanan ate heartily or mast beet and
potatoes, Iliad washed them .1 ,wn with hi* invariable half•
plat of good old South s.d. M 4 it•lra The Cincinnati
Sarre', to whose editor this statement was made, thinks
the Preeideot mast he a very hal patient, or he must have
a very iadelgeot physieian, if ne is allow.' such generous
sad esettiag food, while suffering from dring•roue a
mashed, as reported to the lugubri,Ul ac,iount.i of his
health published in the newspapers.
—The Wasa.aysoa Sr.,. . learns that the President ten
dered to Col. George P Kane, a protn.nent old line Whig
of Baltimore, hid , au important position in connection
with this eolloetor of customs. which. after some considera
dos, he deelineci. Col. Kane was collector of the port of
Ultimate rider President Eillmore, and the offer of the
President was Intended as a comp l iment to the old line
Wligs of that state.
—The Washington correspondent of the H.rait says
that Col. Forney, acting trader the advice of his friends,
has decided not to go into the Pennsylrq,un u its editor,
bat has decided to accept either the mission to the HAKIN
or to Brass'ls. He is now advising with his friends which
of the ahoy* places to accept.
—A Man, in mining fur lead in Wisconsin, a few day s
airo c after going through-rock for seventy feet, opened into
• re.'Whiskabis cave, tlllsid with bodies of animals, different
from any recognised by the naturalists of that vicinity.—
Teeth were discovered two and a half inches square.
—The students of Howard College, Alabama, on Sao
day, the 16th nit, inaugurated a monument to the memory
of Harry, a slave of the President of the College, who
when this building burned down in r oused t o leave
until all this students had been gotten out, and lost hts life
—A win named Aston Bedbug, of Montgomery county,
Ky., Intends petitioning the Legislature to Osage his
wow , lie says that his sweetheart, whose name is Oliva,
Le almanac that M should be called A. Bedbug, she 0.
Bedbug, sail the little ones little Bedbugs.
—Mr. H. James, formerly a resident of Steubenville,
Ohio, was found upon the railroad track near Marietta,
wpm* few days ago, thwdegs being severed from the body
by a train pleasing over them. It is supposed he wu first
lasirdered and his body then plated oath* track.
—m. hill for the reins' of General Small, confined
mon than a year ago in prison for allepd contempt of court,
Las bon 11411114 by the Gormnor and his Moue ordered.
--Sensor Douglas inched C`•hicago with his family the
latter part of last week. The Tueritof that city says he
wit' oespapy, for the 'simmer, a lion) •a Wabash avenue,
sweat of Bamboo stroet. a
-llvn.. Howell Cobb, who has boon absent in Georgia
fee Demo days, arrived in Washington, Monday afternoon,
is 'mama heal* and rammed his duties in tits Trim
eery Depattateet, yesterday.
—A Warbingos letter sap that samples of saw from
tits Chia.** earchaad alcohol distilled from the juice, bar'
bees shows at Um agrimiltaral twee' of the Patent Olt lee,
'Ada plseee the goodies of its capability of arystallutios
Weed divaht.
Gen. Packer and the Sunbury and Erie
We think these of oar Republican friends sings.; I' i -•• • n-..e...1 ,•,- i • e,reer 3
Is the construction at the Sunbury and Erie road, and Nay Y• , 11-c. nv, 12, 1.:
„ w i ne i n t onate ,' in i l li , ensi o nt t o „f that mitt onioniptr, In ih.s Minuet midsummer weather. we repose in tine
and who of course are exposited to eome up in their streniri II I•I in le; i vitv. There I. hsr•lty any movement in p.,
and help defeat PACKIR for Governor, and lbw; secure the e ,1 ... , ivi o' basso .st • , r•le• People read the report.
estecess of Wilmot and "bleeding Kansaa"—will feel peeu I th • Cunningham trial, ie eis•.. they liars been in the „0,
lastly grateful to the Harrisburg Telegraph for the help i' it •t res•lthi; •••—•rt tI. e,; !ht.:. e•;u11 1.1,1. up isbe .t 1)-
is just now giving the three million bill in the Senate.— Bur.l‘4l The pr •- ut 1. h. p• :.,••1 I. oh a in•tst -st age an Ii it/If 14 M . ilt•111•11rOet has been appointed
The relernft, as our readers must know, Is the nrgn a of n , ssiless phillipie by Mr Hall. i•apressinr, upon the inry L,
es et
,t Ott Master at t_.9l:lllenUtgille„
Republicanism at the Capitol, and is supposed to reflect the the duty incurs:o , oot up •n 'hen. • I ['axing He regard I. II 0 '
vie ., o f Wil mot upon ill i,,,,,,,, as we ll it , wit i ooo t matter ,. it-, .tit, tit the by The ex smtnetieti -1 witnesses on I ll.k
sm„ The Crawford County Fair will he held
and hence, what it pays upon this question, hue peculiar p irt of the pro•seention has hoen r o ndliei r ,4 w ith K no t t I
xistialcznee h, 'ter pet.p/4 par rt. f ~e. We propo•e toys .i.. , ••••fr l +. ' 1 11•• r ettle . an.-. I. and eireitilj - lied jur:., tts ConnPfluivt!! , on the 7tb, '.4th and 9th days of
a taw paragraphs from its columns, therefore, in order that 'u. -•t• I 1 ...ref or , iii eleertt‘p Mrs Cunningham wittn , ut ! I )etcher
our readers may be posted as to who the friends of this tr sit•le I' .rover C.,nnery lbs. , teen 4,n the stand, but did
Sunbury sad grie project really are, and also its enemies Iti 0 ' i .e, to so great advantage as a witness. "Clothed in
The first article, of May 5, opens rich, thus—
Mikl" 16, 1537
grew tho most ..verp .wrung I hw. n
the South. S tit wa• ind 4hant, I ~netlus•l he
wax good natured, an i ail the time he war .I..,Neting'y
low. lie told ',me whiett ma to the men I , lth,
while, for the w,, p:a.n talking 'two. elev. here I.
tog, and all that gort of thing. drove them et qu:te •ti
early period. Whtl• he wet •tteak ox he e• l ii.rte I o'oert-,
joie.) to a,l direetott.i. euch an extent in•ke I, that
quite a vacuum was created iu the crowd •beat him. Ile
left th:s splendid •perimen ot '•hleed , ng"
when he departed, glad enough to get beyond the ',mid
of the 1 olee of such a' I nun Tii Itet • ' etumper The
people of were enraptuFed with him, they invited
him,_ he afterwards learned, to remain in their town for a
few weeks. He w•enot slow in accepting the invitation,
and for all his lore ft.r Kansas, his determination to d,
and die, and immediately, for the friends of freedom there,
he remained net only weeks but month.. Wh en he d„i
go, 'blot' wee only a fortnight or three weeks since, he
carried with pint two young ladies, and left their relative.'
and friends in a most unhappy state, not only on a.•count
of their lose, but also on account of considerable ' , Wall of
money borrowed by the orator, of course, without any in•
tentlon of repaying The laot which was heard of this
patent Kansas man, it is said, ho was on his way La. Utah,
where, of course, he can live with tail two wives without let
or hindrance.
1111,. The Jamestown Ltetwo,rot calls Erie a Democratic
city, which is just about as near the truth as that veracious
sheet generally gets. Erie is still Republican, but we
think, with proper labor, it oould be toads Democratic
And when it is, we want it particularly understood that
the "rowdyism" of which we hare heretofore complained—
and about which the Demurral makes so mock ado—shall
be supprossid.
WON'T PA Y.—The Buffalo Conemer , l4l/ says, while it
is universally conceded that slavery earl newer exist, el
etipttemAierurily, In Kansm,i intelligent southern men who
hare waited the territory, are corning to the conalnsion
that it *et no use to attempt introducing it there at all
A Virginia gentleman who was in Cineinati a day or two
since, And had lust returned from Kansas, expressed the
conviction. which he said was the opinion of all intalli
gentsoutkers ipsatiaqtee, ti at the territory is not adapted
to slave tabor, as there is not fuel enough in Kansas to
keep the seem from freesiag. In his owe language, if
fire hundred soirees were ietrodieeed into the territory, it
woeld . takoit least two hundred and fifty of them to pro
mos woo"tarp! the others warm. Thu tosselasion is
4k. Tusk at obeerra as tio dating the past
111,.v m. es 11e one flue. swithslot :soy heavy fnlure. t:.
t n h t. heen wsotans
ritv lag. 0141 • — nea lor I owe,'
!diel .y tt.e wry •t. :ievr MAT•ha I l• luK up (..e
Ile ,nrliatteatiy Ot. r tln m ntw a
' • ri. ....Men I have ree , r•le•A Ltd Lapturo ••I
tg V,••.t .la. I lur tn • cure4U[. tr• • t,.url nt.. I h ~c
r•• .r I Ow •it. 1: .ttlOr ~T I rnrptri ,, u LIM!. pile
'-'1 , 1' • •I
1 ., .ti the R.1.1,r)
1, A Yt
v ,h.Lt he n u 1.11.,114:,1C.4
•I If t • 1%•• pr. unf .1 .k /•••01:10•• I off .• I
Li I .1. Nlr \I h. in I F th.t 1. 6.• I
r, .1 f. r kfr,,•:l
M , •k • •n le I
rr•e,“ L, 1. r, do • de. in er Irr t., br •ure t ti.4t
F!) .V 14• Th. 01, l ip!
tArpi • 0.. It I r
rt/.• II •liver) pe..! fir II r t r
t r or+ trY !•I
th o th,re tr.• ex:en•tvelv .on tn
—tn. ohd t.i create flew neti,aion I:t
que•tiun are satd to 1.,!"•," an.l
: I Krn.l.r. is *,:t+nt•
to.-, an t !It.•rvf ore, nut ni , tivit inetti
, 11 , ° vent I prg.,l•rit a 011.1 buoy 111,1r,.1.41.1
alt., it 1., e.vrve.l. ..t I•lor I h
t• 01 t a Pet.f 11,
•.Li ly shir...l • 4 Ll*" a. ' ai'i I
oler., tar ler l'a••.er, : r 111•4 r
• I II h ..{,ink t:I It p •rted 1 ,wn
i.'l,•• •N •!1,.: I . 1 1 1 .61 11 4 Isar I.‘ ihv ru -
In -rvgat, It, NI
I 9
.tt t bate o! the lo,;a1
I,•y Th. : tran•yirc 1 ICI , I , r , Alurnr • •
I i. 1•/tirit• I num.. 11 , v I.
Iteput.l wants ua :AJ• • t
Al_ N. I vo•• , Jwit 1 . 0.1.;• up II
1 ,, k an.l NYashingt. , n b4t. t
• lin, • •rr
i •et tho /b"' nu mun'e stomach
• ; n' z oi and wurtnw ,0.1. But.
h , • 1.,
i• We I. Si i r W lin
a• I 1 , 4 l• 61,
ar•r err .r to •latir,: la•t aver. that
4n ~;y, 1,11
, ,ray•,"Jam-t. ti. Campbell, , Butler, I ..tfict,l'y
azin,.ur. , e t a- Nlarobal ..f the Weq.tern I.)l.ltri , t. Mr Canli •
1. ~ %••• :,,rra..r:v the Shenti “f by f•unty, In 4 w.l , a
I). ret, , el••••t •r at the lat ,, Prom I••ntial eleeto, 11
all snd onerigctic Dcinocr it, has tune and azain
in init....! t ara .tr lent dot oto.n t.i our party principle., II •
d•it •i •iciand in the ...iutity ••1 his regidence, and w.,1
ntaii•• an ill .•ti , and ecc , ltt,nt 01E. cr. Mr. Buchanan
1 11. ,
, n. , ••
•• .r kronor) we w"ul I Imre preferred
TIC E 1 `; , t.\ • - We I am from a ws. , •• rn 1 , 1
p, r. tt run ,thy I Howe, one of the Ju,lgett the -u
-p„ „ • • rt 1,1 Wt,eon:tn. an•l lately a Strong 11 , 1011.11 An
1- • un • m: t tettor in It.toing. ht• •let, rm.nat. n t
•rt •
11 \ l
-n the grounl thAt hr , trln
vt tr up , n the nn4 Congtlttiti-n. The
P •,l: ,a the t•l.4‘nig paragraph 1.1 hip letter ".lip natty
•tup.i tire otronr hut the .rnmortAl oent 'merit of
r. • tv 1.4.1 I , re•t r, and
ins I. Mli• dear t.. inn it ever wo , . .\n•l
uh, tl. , N 1 lg. pirty was no long. , r true to it. I promptly
alto lone.l it I shall as promptly abandon the Re! 0.11
sc. I *rtf wuen it promos false to the Union "
, fir'' Y;
V. , WapV.tagt .n th, „f
oh! , • .r.l-in Llke eery cu haV:11:
P '
in trnu I nn•l.;,•. 6 r moral an.ll ,, litical ~r r,r.t hat
p ti ,r• must ultanaLely mink . rl-0 110
f:AQ ire kurniog tho truth, an.) th,r r nrvo
r. VIA In: au ler the people City after ‘r,ty
ha•z r it. re, 11.•: hoin.t them. C.trinertieut, to ..traogly
with th 3 n a tew in•.nths since, has written her con , lenins-
Lew) t• r pf.noiplu. an I praetioes. In Mtrhigan th,•u•
tan Iht‘ • d •• , ..c. th•••r standard, and the Detn,,erley w:11
,n trtutnyti HI that Slav, lowa, upon the b...rdere
• .1... I: • the e:aetoro 13 whi.h niuot
w whw n•I "enurred in that Territory. boa abet.
“.1 ll,r4l,lo.intscu ami all .tber um , , on•I man
w Democratic lines sigma. The JO
nua.•cr.*:: schicvml a moot nuble triumph. Ant
u :t el.) where, ani none Enure Flgnal than that
• awa,t, P.:unsylvanit, under the load ,•:" ur
uut , ;e atxn.Sa rd h arr, Urn. I'4. KKR
mg. Mn Cauniairham has been acquittal by the jury,
thay t tam; but little [Lulu fqr ennsu;tattoo, be,og unant.
tn,us In the th a the eri , lonce was sight and
. purely cireomstanital as to give no ground. for implies•
tion or c inv;ct..n. Eckel was also admitted to bail i.uhis
x•u Ce p TirLiv.', I e•lai•alent to an aLtin.;ooment
n 1 al. tart tier ikrocoeiltu4i against him.
141` A any or tw am•e no less tuan one bun 'red and
r. , :r.s I 1.4.r.)a. vr,re er•iignad bcf .re the ' , Aka court
to Comsg • hr ear• .u. othrt , ei ranging from•ney to
murder. Wbat tneter with the morals t.,f the tier ,
deo City of the Lake.,
T Ueroaants en 1 loustness oxen of Weeniest en
City are ult..: up a f..o,.erlption of $lO.OOO, Irloieh will
be pa+d iy por.., or
~,roon4 aseertainiog ilte eau•e
SiLttuwal 11.001 dt•ea.e.
—Lieut. Rappher, U S. A., who has wad. a tai!itary
. .
, reeououteatiee is; the aisturLed districts to iii..nosota, re-, 11q11„.. The trial tit McKim at llolltiapburgli,
ports tbst muffs have resumed their wonted quiet, hod
pit d that soft uf the rumors which obtained currency were I •' er of Norcross, ICU concluded
for the mur
ciairely witlnast (tended...l on the Bth' Mt. McKim eras convicted of am.
- law 1,..,11t. rho
11 • lue• lay n the
ler Mr Jtie , )h) Fry, .1 r Author General, and
t . .> t '`r r .10hu Survt.3 .r . .,!neral, entered upon
the dt.tebart* , ..f their otll.Ttl duttec flarriihurg.
-110 1 :oh 10• t
d .1 n t ,I•nv that the re--
11 • *ta!, I
r IR•• *fug t•• • •lat•
that L~rutr Job ut1..11 loltheit .13e ti
.11111 t . I • llt • I •
• c.•
—we C n standharkto : at
• I Ow Ipp.witcurnt. :1 4 tno
rr e.,unty f .ran appointee, we know n
-Every .11. y br.u.:
Pen and Scissor Items.
'llOl6. A new I.:gilt House , to be erected near
the mouth ~ f th Cotaraugu, Creek, M Irving.
I rtes. Cash buyers will do well to call as
.th & Stewart's before purching elsewhere
Ng. The reservoir at liartatowa has been re
!mire i , at3 , l boats arc u w making their regular
, rips with..ut hin.l,srarloo
lot. Go to Rooth X Steuart:4 get Nome of tho:4.
billing Dekunes, Print , at leirentm; almn
some at I; cent:—alt th good• in propnrtion.
be' A new counterfeit five, on the Oniil,l
co u nty, N Bank, in circulation her , . Look
„ a t for it
att",. The person who lost a gold pin at the
Black Swan C9neert last w.,,ek can find their trra•
sure safo and +fund at the I'moNOtairm (Iffier
!tom' S.)runblily if ' ,, Winter lingers in the
i•ip of spring," it in 1 , t1.1 3 3'.7`t goat
during Ow pair f );' Vt.., and c 91,1 Mci
into tiro bargain
ask. 'l'l Criwf,,r.l li.. t', rat, under itti new
M: liter, tall, I)oulocr. , -; " like a Ilook," and
promk t., 1 , 0 on t of !'i -pirited paper? on
• h-t
goze— Tue • 01 . thls Sate has already
1 cr , -:1- • 1 the Blnkitv , ipital - !;,3111folt), nn , l
; u wbat .•:;tent I: »th ;tlerea-e , l, by the etpl ~f
I In 11 I
, Vi•-1 ,, 11, 11 ,, Jug as loterl/1111
Cam' The 1;: I iny.r e tht. u.l
1:, i • It L'unyal (' , ha. p kith branell , , ..f
1110 I, , gl-1 cur , 111.1 r.-c• n• , 41 the :•ignat (Iry
I; •vorior
Ator A young-tcr, i•ii v. 13 year d air, named
burp Ilarl Liam bt:en c o. I
' net., fern otii..e at einc;tin•iti II
!It II 01- • • I 11.tfu
n:i v rty 1 .r Teedy :01v. ut
I: r Gunn ort of that, or home
~t hor phonomenl of nature, will open Buffalo
thi-. vent.
. 11
"inc ,tair s hn••• t0).4t4 bring
r •:i v cupi•iu•
,wer aN•Auptnio.l by tlitindi.r and lightning,
u Thurday ' , coning, and cmatinued all day
.., , , ttr /a)
lictlth Stowart have th- largest
1., -t leeted a.. ,rtincilt of 1; ..).Isev..r ulrercd to
th.• Peopi .t Erie Coality; their L. , ...)0di w. re
b..ught at 1.. w r.t f tsh a n• 1 will
tlinp Car. au.l
£ 11- i,,nt Iste-t tncreise of the n ip.
al trimly Jf Eagian 1 brings uprn the
tl people.
inual expen- , .11 Wont C,10111,0011 t
rtauding this, the 1,141 ,only proles to be
highly delighted
1111 - 1 . 1.5 12,11 • . catahhall norniftl noliiial4 in
thin ,!•Ito 112, ic—ime a iiw Thu state i. to be
I:videl Rit twelve district , Crawf,rd, Erie,
Warr..m mid Mercer wiii form the rwc;fth di-,
Mir no .•!•r , :: Vir takc- , placo nn
Thursdar, ri;r:.2.•!l mambo, of
C•Mugre. , ar t 1
the eig.rc,ir
w I)%:tu tcw, walla tic:ltt
B S.'..icart uat n irru.l .:4?r 5110
I \I tnh,la,
'fa cy an: . )I.triafil,:turor+
t Loy , Ma.uu:,/ , ..turo :‘lsutillai to
tbs.. Af - er witn , tlli op. rA:i .0 ..1 . - 1e of
the itundr,l - w:ug ut.u.htues, oue would
hariiy tiiink a mael,i:•,. ,inz equally us
w .rk, e ,111 1 t. siff .rth , l r ,r•—hut
Yankf.e Inget)u. , .. I ^ .‘• re ,1110 Wfficulty.
J .I , l', • LI , el
1 ,r• I'. Br •c u' , 11):,
Tll •
f l• -;
v,ilt,y 0.2 z-i •• r
undt•r •h • Eii r.• • 1
}i.~i:r~ ~ ~.
t!, li vi
Mir •iu 11:1i a,,r ii I.; non
, ,1 .1
and I ,1
ilal pit, lwL t
OCll,_ r, ~, ”"1;;; , (1C!, •i .1 I
W.I. \ ry •.1 I 1,
that a
It ut I'l ~•' 5.%.1 I
Ods'" r
+ , n
E r Il'~•'pd to du over
co:tt. aud 'my.: rather of I).ecut•
I),r tit la ?lay—••t •. r than flower-, and
.al rich 2r
rwq_ Th • )Ii
, Lin ., 4 day--
tLo '.21C1 ,J,ln new flail
of th , Ever.zr, u :11,•;n1,.r..4 of tun
frat. , -rnity ,nvi , o4 to nJau J pirtiCip-tte iii
au, iviu:Ty, r t
sEa- .11 , I—l -4 man ~ 1 ti, intere'can ;•4 t
most 11 •pt eimea " m , ral roforsa" 14re
know of ii s.t-, n, 11/.• 'la. , : paper, ttlitt
" popo•eJ t.. ri;:ril -n, urinating juit anui
reform%tory prine:piC„,•te,titoy ,riz hunrat pub
sistene, , and r.rr..vlliz " Ti::, svil; Lt•
good new, t,:... 'end , 1 ',Lied I.kua worr,t) ./.111
bonded hitu tw.,
Par ILe. 4I 4 . 4,41 l'r• I) 1.) , l'ag.a 4.f
the Fast .li;,..Kiate IL s. rtned ChurA, Allegheny,
has ben elee4. I •u. 4•1 ;le V 4,444 Presidents uf
the Pr. ,byt att s ii.. 4 at • s' n 11‘ , in 4,23.
shn at Phil.ol,4)hia Th goncietnan is
the father of new. J of tho .I,soeiate
Reforwed Church of I.liia cr,y, we beiievo.
;!.., • ! ust mgroq,
'lir :ttictlon
I r y At Par
1, !'lLrr,,
.k * • ItITO !MO hit
T : r t!iat city, .4.3y4
t r •••ro, -a,piwr and
'I , anntl9"4
- 1 "Ill'.
.1, xt, • 3 Cr- , •legi. , ft:„ Wag ten , :ea to by
ex , cutr.l f.; mur !• r ! Nnrer • 11c stroug
ly pret,..: , ( 1110 ,- ' • Prtin ,, t hat his con'
victim was effected out iirly by 111- Frjury of
Wit Welqiu.S.
war The MI! ‘T O n ., Li ne bas r„„
Iced both bratr!e - "; • 1.• itnr •, and It.
woo lik e lyA—reieel th , !inturo of th" Clover
nor ere thi4 Pie ;,t •, h.over. r, •f t ;•• 4 •ltil•tit);
and Erie bill i;.; u•.• We, though,
that the metier e- +Ai- lig i er •,•• trat,•l urn the
Stara by rmer.tielm , •1 , • Maim Line will be in
part ntt“,r by ttee,i)
gek. hl 1.) -, I •,3 I
widow T:11:. 3 , k.ftt f,tl .tcn , lerof
the I;rav I Tr.cti ,
in ..haokling w. ov,r ni
Ilia I—z 4. t•-•- Su:i lay :vii
put ',thou r
IPA eXp' , : , I
*dr TI. I) r
with t'. .:•• - •
<nry 4 .1, 1...11
.1. , 1:1%.3- I:
p•tail, .
r),l tit
cin b .
C IT r
egi k . NV It
first ~t .1
tin z.
PTI , .P
ra pot ,
Awn.., .
(Vt n- .1
ems. %
tVttit A •.
f t 1 -
prvry . ,
t •• p
.;. ,•t•
Inwt •.1 ,Lv
r ,
“Th 6..1
fc6 -1H .!
t !: . • 1:
. zu c.
di 1
frtt 11 ! • !
~C WI :. W
ems- i
y . 1,1 A !,
1:1 * tr
C , I ./lilt IP
of t) wen. L
54,11 . 41. it-• II
1) \
id I'll Li
gar 01.11
trut.l I
t 1 1 ,:
t.) -
atika , :•
It Cl'
ter I
di: . II
1 ::; •
r, k 1
- Ir i
pt- int )
M. = =
'l , lvau,"- a now
k , :r ;a li ,roal
di I it r• ••
Lin; t:
tr dit `!
:t— tclet, Iv11 , •:‘
fu < .
t• a 1 , nt
t i,., LI r, I”
noc,. j I r
Tut: Nl.v.
hai I,•••
iuf,.r •tr
11.1% ',l' `1
tliat i
t hvut .
cut u
sa,a,ky JAW). Ii aul j
one ~f tit^ ,a• 1:
; .
to many ~t t r
porati•.n t.. • r
--A V.sluablo I r It r • r• 11 411,; tY.rthl
upon the Ism of James CiILIVAIDO, in Bell tuwashtp, West
morelosii *east/.
%HI , . f r
l't , r
/11111 till
t, • \
.rr. 'rot,
.r ill. , , ie...:
r , :
Tti, ne.r. fnim Peru by the (;t•ord ,
impe-tant President Castello hail left th
t. )I at the heard of 2,000 troops for th..
but after be had learned his ruse' wa4 c.
by V ivaneo, who it wo.s exposed would ins
tely mike a demonslitatios against Lit,
Callto These cities it was believed wain'
f falling into the hauls or the
Tip biat lrlubvu, arrived )ester lay wit
wheat (row 'aoadA 7 thr tirr t from th.
t•.t• this iirissrmii This cart?, eam , . ty rai!
Cep • V itioent, and was
Th • proprietors of the Tim , . offer :;:•':"),
ward for information, which shall lead to
t.•••.; and eunvi.:tiuu of the perpetrator-
Iturdell murder; reeerving the right •,
'r I n 4 th•, uff•r arbenever th" auth•e.itte
ir ,tat•• take proper actr.,n, •eti
' •e•e, •tuidiall the t , ame
.1 rr 111 k .laden .n, an “fti v • er of V,
tthiy, wh came pa.,,senger •41 th • Georg
.1,••• thlt when he left th • ;
\'‘ was in flora.; with 3101 men.
I 'W !.
-c .1 I
‘`.1011(1 .1
~ ay (•r• two previou4 to his leaving 0
:no-, a Imt• r wii received flow prk-t•
•o l'raueise ), requesting I;en Walk
• ht: st Sin Juan d•?.I Sur 1 ••r I
Iv iron of the steamer's usual arrival
:••• , from S4U Francisco, but not to
• xpe , tations raise I t high, an Ihe
;:a I u• tit him ani
4 CJI also says that he beard lr••to
• that the propo4ed benetit In
-adintr, vessel, titte•l up by pr
• ts.in4 upwards of I - 4) turn, r.,t•
ot, ;;WI: Mot
v •
,I) , r !
1n t •r- •tt have arrived r•• tt
i be, ti taken cht.rgn tt by Walker
111 i ~ 1 1 • &L. A
I 1 utrAl ~ itarty.r
\ ndorson thinks Walker is still iu
until !'
gig; n;, erctl,%nee to tl.; , r; p; r; •
t reit.toe on ',ward tit' a wan w:a• ;
r ,f Ili • . Titlcro 1_;f• l•tvr
r• n „ A.l (•
A t I - '
r _ l l. .1 \ ‘I
;.' t 4r ou a
.11 tip! , •Volill3 I1:1'11
lougth, in tvit , ..ti
ui i In‘luoc , l I,itn to ,t..!
• `••,J L'w '•t
'll ,1•1 Ct.., •
It. .It r ••
•• .1.,, 4 IT in tip I I
-1"l' 1 -,111.1 any .►tt•:tllF,t art, t tie
I , r any nth , r b t. ,
.:1:,!^ 1/IfitleUti
•,•• upon •n•••.•
41•1••• •1 ley popular' w..1;•1
; .•••t .o; wlwit I n • l•
I tuent S r far as ay: tktaupit
th .1 p uod p•.• ;ek Il
• • , •!ir•• th-o y•
•• • i i. • wa4 iet•-riniued , •
' -. '
Far.- 1 t ary
1,-tv 1 b.•;A•
!jilt cJrr.,1.,0r.0.•
Vllll. i'L /1.
acc and
, 4iven
„ • ~1 , u l r
KW YoRK, h
v • , f pr pvigions, army, , D nr•
' .;v. Iteut.a
4 114•!ll lt: I,YO t
Dringinz eua, t ,
1- 1. • !'i v. 1.1 I, 1
whieh Le b.. via!, 21)(01
r• " V. i
~ v
t :IP'', l TIUI111 1 )"1 ;
n ti/P , l n,,il i
1•1 . 0 ••:••• • t I, •y• ~• II
ltir . r/4 0
r' 71-
I.ri tli hl : : 1
• r I! , b , ront sc
au i Aal
ry, a i-,;,, •t
to do everythuag t lu, powv
• full, fair an•l t
c,„ )))t)11 h., h.-
It p trot e4-)eutial t ) tLr p a •
f t); •
C 1 A. I .
lilt. ••• ..t
_ i.... -- 1
ow: writ . I:1 n
••(1 I:er.ts 11
r ~Y
...%1/ IL, 01`.t. *:‘,l
': 1.4.'
(.0111) 5.1:1%%! flit. 1.1%1'f:
• •• t•• on , .L
I. • :•,1••• 4 I .i•••••••• t
iiot .1- N Fill. n9ll t
• i•
I+ I NT EIt.H.T TO PK tt
to. t attootl ot .t
• .ortl to tp.
11 . t. t'" •
• .. io: —WO aUadr t •T •
ateators.,... 1:,1•14 iniot
iketlot OS Wens
at r - 1
. trr iwrat, ant c‘leulAtml to sword
n 0,11.1 s..tarrinc 0040.1 CJl3Dpiakiltal
SOi i 1.1 the ordlemry mesas izt , orrally
Soo adrortaaasest and letters In Milieu to
as other eolenetn.
. t .'
7\ ( )" I '