Almost a Second Bardell Affair ===l From the n' r 'W•a, Apra ?4. St. Charles street, in the aristocratic and fashionable neighbtrrhooa of esnal, is b eenumig famous for scenes of startling traportaare. At to bats few gays ago that we had to chroni, , le .ne of the boldest as well 14 one of th e 020 41,1. c. -- ful oases of garroting, in this vicinity; that cv r occurred, oven in that terrestrial pandemonium, New York, and this morning w, are again ca; ,• upon to notice a stabbing case, which only w.ku ted a change of time, tram day to night and to,. -total annihilation of the victim, to tgibt: the ce isbeitted Burdell tragedy, which for mouths occupied the atwntion of the prestt and the fashionable reunion of the modern i;otham The first question of an eccentric •friend f ours, whenever he hears of a frifml!v, r )w, anything approaching the tragic, Itiariably "Who's the woman?" AlwtyA tAklti, 4 2: f r grAt;- ted that a woman must h' At th' b .rime t ;.+l , ll things. Its appropriatene-s %ca. t,:u-tra•e , i , 0 the tragedy of St. Ctrir:, . T a woman (Mrs. Mary Jane Cosr!. , - wicLd—t ti,. dagger, James - An , trear•, th.. dagu , rr p •;, being the victim, _ From the befit information we i we learn that Mna Mary J..T1.• Cnart.a bae lived fJr some time in a t kr ;2 ., .in 1•: Gaut establishment at N. , . 269 C.,TurLon r ~t. where she rents furni-tio.l r ‘.ol+ rh I,‘ aw• nw, and has been f..r somo , , it years of agA, beautiful. highly a (•en tni , i ,... , ) •• fascinating iu her naatiu•.r. Androw- .% y .11 artist of lofty aspirati in- an.l r • T, and a hr, sane try , ' y.2ara age, Z•+ 6 r m• establishment of 01 , all.l ta. t• widow, it may, vrithrnit much• tell , 1 "1.1 _ lion, be supdo , ied that a Uflry *prang up lbeiweoa t cougeuia• They loved, but did n Th-‘ pr greased ou the thy tt .• 11Q.'11. , •1 two year*, yawn tlo•ir h 'pep!' 1,11 11';,7111 + • w +' oc„perhaps tteelm.: 01. , aeure,1 ing influence of the comet which 4":;. iog his tail over our 11,n, t. k.1,10 x the early bloqsoms, and (1,-Atr•lying only fruit crop throughout the Caton, ton th• .ozar crop of our owu belos••• Ahdr , w• abandoned the ideal, plVt• up ICI Ili 11,10 , • I reaching t h e r i la • art,-'.c 1,13 vc-t his admirtog countryln,•ll +.ll 1 c 'IIJ. le I. in th e neculestism , vl right weariug tit • un,, , ,0, , r priated mantle of a • • 111ben, lie•bec.tuie pracrioal 11 0 , 14I111111,;W fila•til of tho lucre, - 4:1 , 1, w,ril tro • J k monism energy an•i will, h • iet 1 in. pl Ln- I.r trarofer of the which h.• -, , u ...• 11 iti•tel 1 .1. r. . banks ~f tb•• Lek .)f t' ht• w-tat , ,i,11•4 t otiv. ,3 S . ' AI, • Ni • f w fr •i; ••• /) Tit.- wt.- Itshintut alto g ini•wry vv:L., n•' )• 7 last drop that r.v.rfl •vv••• the g ,;•I ••• 1 fri•! the last oainoe that bpnik. ponmi in, when the uufa. Lfui .ku tirrW..; . r ed her, which h. a . at, de, tied a 3,1i,,a 11,,ffner. We hare 0 4 )W stared th. 0 i.e 4% I . I* * .% yt , ter• day worniuz, and wii) ga: , . a o t vw won't' se r,ossib:e. Mr- Ct,ar!,:.ari‘l,. up her wind to wreak I c ier setig.•in;l, h,r faubleis saraiji 6.0), I tit' . 1 , t) life's tr. , ubtes to r•,•:f a b-auttful r. w ertli.,Nl t)•• r . t•• t " A -, 41 trance of N. 3 3 Ft. Char. . ~T • 1, 1;l1,f teach the .I,232u,.rreati ..t .t 1 strike Litn3 whi?t. ul ti, • ac: features of SOIZI^ f-ur on t 1.2 tn. She met ban on the :o i Aii •'; thought filo giistenin,: L. I 1.•••, • neck hf. turntt I ~r,•i r•••• 1 •i m woun•i+ on ht. ~.rt trm, an.{ etander4 this thr oRthi ilterforp, g t r, 1 4 , .11 r In Il i thigh, wh,n the Jigger Jr .f.p•.l fr w i• With the torn e -he 'het, f- • t way through th crowd. t•' :11 : r tt,: to interfore with h• r. in t , r , 1 • . . riage to In Iv x' drivon rapidly t r h ,rn.• S MEM At a late Liar la•t night .\n lr c • iv living and t'ltrLiti swl4 t h r rest or legal inveol7.ation .•,;t having taken placf The Recent Lynching in lowa The Galen, AA r.• rl I ~f th. r c „t lynching in town, cltit.ti by the v• r. day morning, is n t c..ntirat f ; , t tit irtrti by later news The .litroi lil•t4 •• •it the terrible tragedy at P I;, hurioe it ).ceurr.•ol at :1 , 1 it w • name (j lic k w , ti ) c.mntt The .t lag do not materially differ '‘We %2 • lag additional partieulavi frotn the l•titer pip r : "Gifford, whn murdered Ingalls, in the woii :- near Iron }Lit, fourteen tulles frmn .10 lr• w, w in jail Ou Saturday tart twenty fwrnv a fr -11 the former plsee,au 'stip neighbors 'if the mur dered man, Appeared a t the prison ili,or jail was entered by force, the door beina open with a sledge. The jailor made a re , ist ante, nor called on the cititi us for help. to pr teat the prisoner or defend the jAil. The tiode of the murderer hail a few teinui•nts b t it • r d. into town and warned the jailor of th- uppr..3ch of the mob 'The Mob was headed by J a cob L a udi,,, t f Iron Hill, and on arriving in town proeneded at once to the jail and assailed th" doorwitha h,o, v y sledge. The door was a strmg one, and did not yield until near two b o oth., d blows .h,,1 teen struck. There were four other primmer , . in tLe jail, who, with the assistance of G:ff ,r.l, ltrrieu. ded the door The prisoner, on finding hirn•elf in the power of the mob, showed 1111.101 alarm. and asserted, IA being told it was their itt,u , ioti to hang him, that, yen kung me you iony innocent man ' From the jail the moot )ok Clif ford to a tree just south of the rehonl h.,n.e, twee, diet building and the cetnetAry, w•ien a rope was pot oresiof: lin neck and thrown over a hussarsVe path way. stow 300 to persons witnessed t hang int. A prayer was tasted by a Methodist der Lyman, Rev Mr. Babcock, the guilty wre•ch kneeling and crossing bituself; the purr , undiog crowd standing in respectful silence, There tea, no disturbance, no tumult, and a legal uxectrion could not have passed off is a were °vied) to .n. tier No one attempted to interfere—the of the county, it seems, bad come to the ennc:io Mon that murderers cannot be punished if !••ft to the due course of the law, "When the last moment arrived, the loader of the party tied handkerchief over the eyes of Gifford, who remained standing, and every man of the 24 took hold of the rope At a signal, they riled upon the rope together, suspending hip to the air about eight feet from the ground. His irons had not beau taken off, and his arms being pinioned, there was but little struggling as his guilty soul took its light. Ills body was al lowed to remain upon the gibbet tree f ,r• some thing over an hunrovithen it was taken 41-qrn and placed in a rough box., and interred to a ti id he• longing to Dr. Cowden. During the whole of this time - and until the body was buried, the crowd remained upon the ground silently witnes sing the various oiseurrences." The miserable twin before the execution made a full confession of his guilt. lie charged that his uncle, a man named Jerrett, and a neighbor, David McDonald, were the instigator; of 'this bloody deed; indeed, they employed him to do 741,4 6 they dared not. The quarrel, at the bottom . whole affair, was a common neighborhood feud. At last aewounta, the avengers were after Jerrett and McDonald, determined upon their death. It is a bloody business. "Bay Bslwer's last work," mid a sharp DOW) , boy, the other day, to a gentleman on the ferry. boat. "No," said the man ; "I'm %Owe? him self." "Well, bay the 'Women of England,'. sir ; reeve sot Mrs. Ellie, are yew ?" Moro toil truths are dieeerered by the corrup• dos opt the heart than by the penetration of the MI LI 0 •it . :, • I t rr IMMIIII 'l;9 11E= Love tad Suicide Laberty Owl) follow to ru-3t rti.•r...iug ca -e, of uara:thtul 1 rko, ut)'.e Leilin g , death and attempted .ctie)de Qcotirr.qte to ,k plaer• i n ()h i 4 f e w mi r• fr rn L. s • , knit's,.ttrft-tt,,n f,r Naroll tifF.R k 8f2( 1 - Jewelri, \Watches, Yankee Nations. - 1 - 1[ 4 't 1 ",, i7,1 ,i77,1^, 11 .,r a. .1 - 11 ( e. t :; E ha n t' k "' r t ", 1 114111 6. 11 g n. 1 ;ri: .0 znnrrn 1 , f'. nilurrn.l Intlrn , n l / 7 . ber•lnk , nn tend. 41 t ri1..1.1.11.q .••Il', 104 up! •rm tbs.% th, y art now I,roparool tai otter ir,st«r In.lurewenta than ei - nelr.ln the Pharr W If , awlP.tint 1.•v.,..dn.vi05. o. Anehor C)lnnier d.. I , J. /!1 , of a f u ll enrich n liroarioo., I nr inv.( Itinta. Goole. Pin., _Key% Guar., t Tinnabl• Bruket a. 4 perta.• Gold Yen., In nor at,, Ix of SILVER WARE nmt. Glum, .11.1 J.. thoor rho pa rrhaske If., r rr rain,• . wo guarant, (11 , .. ta• 40. "Off, Sathsto To N. relotht• and esn niter as well otoek I",nio, 'to 1,11..1, re:r, 4, ran ("ono! 0.. t or N.w York tnt,, an•t at prsee. %ton fallt trt ' WOO. , n( 4. 1 WOOll repairtng done in the•t nrtnner. The mlyerihoes (ire .tnple• meat t., t runs( men 01 I 011 buslo , oollolo t. to sell good.. Irow Tr,nlu. 11 6 1..1.15rrF.R & r ay., 11. P sfr. - ktern'• , )lll Park Row, AtagJO 2. _ New Arrangement. rt.nottoon arranie•mt.nt at N. 4. rheal. SOP Vein. The ant; oorilm-r hating purrhauni ho It, .fork drawls of IL* lAN. arm of . qvreett t Krotber and addr.l to thew a eery tarps and mot ;net.. NI , Nk ~ r (, new Gonda, natters himself that In. ran earn. pt.te. tth not that in the en r,;olnnz or retailing donde hie line, 111.. rt. urnn oh,ait tirstrirrirta but without howatisag I on I e.. 1113. and virirrine me largo *tacit of [rise h% &NI thkrak 1 ran con. Inc,. rou that No. 4, Cheap ItiChs, la the Oar. to y t Kneni randy and Inter rent lower prior* than at ashy ..that grocery depot in the city. An coati delivered flee of etw the city iinsita. dOELN Q. 0. Br* Jas. 10, 111. • l• II a r.I3I.'ICIt, MIZE =I =ET =IMMO , time, with Ice I wont N . l r.f yt F ri• • r 1-4,1, , \ k• ~,,,,,, • „.A„ ibroNAt, It,. , I (owls, J. ;I: 1,1 It•/..1 1., I/, „ ‘,„„, 11 t • Jto • s•tn; • • •:, , t‘li•o,) 111 h „r lug t•All 01 ,urt-Is 3t , 1 ;. t , • ,„, 1.11• :'• .H • 1 I, I u . 1 .4,11 /,/ , itt,..17.7,, l 1 . 1 t„.• . r,•,,. .„44.1,, L. 4s, .•.• • ;.. • •• -(111, 1,141 bthoiag tl. tr -t • tra., - .1 , tan . '07., ;;;1, 1%. 7 1 latrl. -1 , , Nro : • t: o, Mil MEI= ME MEM • 11. I/ I II El ISOMII rt• ~ . , . t twet. 4 [Ma t t In my On •k 1,1, I 14,1•ri. 4 .•,ur F 4 , Ilf. II ..... nt• tAo r. IA lwen • “Wpiel. gra% 10 , 4111.0 41, • • • r? roltN: ;„' si ••• • . •, ••• r. •i 111111EIMEI OM I= T . . , . tl 55.. I I FIE,: r,,, y., E., • t. , c 4 kTkt, 1.1 13E9 .1 • NI J. I . xot TO —/I) kint ,: t. I have . . =MEM 121E1 MIIIMZEI rr • . '... tt.t.r; t fttr 0........ at ~ L.i14.1 /hi, 4 11.,4 MA.I ••• r• • :S 4, 411, I.•tAne.t, at, ;„ to. ;tut.... 1111 t..t tit 1.1,• •I. t• t :tat t 3.• • • st• Al . ; 1.4 , 1 t Int . • .• J. ;• t t 1•I ; ,, nrt,.l -a•. 4 1 • • "r 1 .I . j 14 . at,r,,t =EMI =0 ISIM =NM MIS ME n‘ , .t '1‘,.•••• Y .. • 4 ' =EI .t Ir, t• 'II .1/. 111 .1. • 1 =MEI • I z,.• xr I=lEl= IMI 1 \1 .• ••R 1,0.. = MIMI 1% ll ,•• • f. et %MI • t rtal It. n— t% Izl St :•0 • ...:1 " w 1 ~• bsa ri•• , t. , ‘',.! it • • 11. • • `l,ll. 112211 ..1i CRII I ..% it 1 • 1 tI. Iri ~ 11=1 I • S S, r -T ~ r.. t! ~~ l• ‘'' I ;. =IT • • , MEET FARMER'S HOTEL, J. J. Duncan, Proprietor. fripkt •-1 - • • ILEPITTED %NI) It CFI W.0 14 41E:1L •rl , l tl.. Pr"q rt. n ..11, 1 • • 1 - 1• •1 ,t• I.l4bile ,111: %Ant, • 11 . 0 . 1 I • 111. ~,t• 1 , 1, 1, rn, I, is., Immense arrival of Boots and Shoes. c ~•„ • f.., tt” krtr , 4 , • ••1 t 1111.1,n • al.. i.nt. • t t Itt , t•. 4 .. h••• r•• '• • ?•i n .•f 4 . 1 :1 , • ~:! 11,. " n• /z • IA. P: reaOly I sty. .1.41•• to. •• • st.‘n.l • fi , . rcit. nnr CI•of el 7 1! A , •1.“ • Ail kind. .ork MAO. to 4.- dt , .. 41 MI ' , lnt l 'Oo'at short ~,• 1 • ••• • t 1111 15... Watches, Clocks and Fancy Goods. ril IV 1 W.TIN, . t, •kk • 111 , 1.11 nI I An-I, to, •••,•• t111.k111,( e M. •t,,el• In • • late arrirta• f-reff, th. wakki•rn Mit.% trwl wou. , :turow.••••. , k 1 , 1 klit 4 , 1 at O L T ht. :..• • • 001 1,1 ,, 0, 4:1 , f •! , I. n 1,1, • • `... 1 , 1, 11 eat , • a 0111 Burn kP , •. •r , •n 11r•• k•Ow • .2+ l T. , II kkk Ptlrzlkn• •,• ~:.h•:' 10.••11.10, /Is ,• - l• • 11•• , •••• , (1111 , 1,1 1 ., • 1,1 It., • •'.•gf,f•n. , I, in • • k termult ik, wr k It , tl, nr , •lt hi apt ,I l rk kkk.l.n••• • nt. I,r+ m n. null. • hkrkk rw.4 ykitw . kill 1 , •••• sr • v• het, .'. r .1111 kw , ks +.w/ In 11111/ 1 ,, , 'Ai • f ll.* le I 1 , 1 t• DWI yrv•tEl, I en, • I • Ati kin :a 191, ,, 5, , , Si , • n• Sa..r • 0.. r, mini nr 'ilr • 6, .v. mrii4.l.• • • .uF lIMIEMENTI Lumber Wanted. Nv ' '"' •• .• .• 510.19 "Whit. 1 .4, 1 , ',41,1/1111 " I. i igpr e d tkrovei (rem rend, tough and oir mivht ,14.41 her ..0010 feet ef 'trued rifted stet t•rue:r Wrdte Ina and Info, 10, 11 Imo 14 r e , it onr rord rir ,-re En. 1% e. 4.1 -I' OEN It 1.0.1%i*" , 1:1 , . Y: oltt F House and Sign Painting. TIE.' *lle. wr , 01.1 adept 1111,1 t.f Inl. ,minq flea f-iert‘f, arid the othlir renerslly tbst they ha,r tetr.n.myri f Ittll.l/1.•‘• ttf 111•10. e *lsm Pal',flag. 4.11*.1ue Iliad Pieper liaraing. elf, Tth trweivr,t. t.tatr and reaelt, to the. Shop fono,lv r upwa It .11,0. • I 11111101•11., YI her. Om, 1,11.134,.! twe*tro •to.l to their fin. intending ct,. tune tt. (by lotntrt• buttltwolt in which, ft , itt has iii ettzst.,ll to it IVIIVIV resit , hit, V Iniat they t, , , , q—the, Ro pe c „ Ire nt tot oe.ri,r. a lito.r,t Rho., • , t t. ,, t he tuktt - ttnart. (. 4.oft , leat t•C tholl 1., impart entire Astaa, two, they re,p a . r tr a tt, a ,,t, it a trtal. nEttki;t: t:Ret }.rte, !duct. 224,14.56.--44. Down with Monopolies 1 TII4. . . lir f the ettrabinattons of monied rosters are not t h e ithestterof the people, snot We • tit reo.ttartan Is bending tit's tray attd that, for the loatct and ttahes, the Esnpin-k, at Sn. and 14 are mak ittir Clad the hearts of their 1.1.1 and nwir customers w th ttwir 'mown* , Atock 01 stew Hardware, Crockery", 01 . mi . uvrare, China . do., .. . . 1...,k1.1 GL..1•••• • $11.... PI 14r+i VO . Ur... ftriltnltia Mere, Mr ittxte alt, 11.h.omerutr and Whig., Amen.-an. An d R,,, r , 00,1 . MIA, shastrthato mot knti•Nlmozhote,, to p i. .. .s . rail i 4yl, '-enough for utl„onongh for each - Surely here to the 1.4 1.,,k soar m,,!, o r in other words., the place to get tont your 111M111. op worth. We coo otol will moll rods cheap ter east,. la* Java b, 1010. WARMS ii ILLNIttDY. ^ • • ME! ME =II ~~ _.~ .. ... ....1 I= lEEE =MEI G.. ~~♦ n w~~.~ .•n.~ • '", I. BE , LI Ar la =II 11111111/1 1•1111 ..h ~. - d~ \ 7~~ ~ I=llll2llll =ECM ;• J• .11\ =EMI '" • • k t, Z 1 U,... 1 I =Eli 111111 i• • • lEEE lil t 4 i•• ME 11111 • • Iv =II =1 MEI =I MI AY E R S' CHERRY PECTORAL, rot. !E1 142 W CM 01 Colds, Comets, Ludt lloorstosess. Va. J. C. flu, Ido vat taw Yaar, loth wry tI Wet ?ready I bar. new found fur °knew Itkrroiser, lonantaa, aad nos kornaskitiust .7 tomato* of a Cld, to your CIMIT FICTOOLLI. Its ...Inset an ta my manes and lay tawny fur dr toot Wu years has stoma It to import..troor for tbr traata wad d Lbw artaptainta • Witte 1011.0 LIT, Id. b. A. fit. Ortut. N. Y.. writes : "1 twr. unA your Preumet.lary•eff end In my family ever thou you Iffraited it. mud tall••• It the best outteles for Iv purport. vv..r put out. Walt w teal cold I should lover pay twrot7•tte tollani far a battle thro d., without it, or tots soy Mt., remedy." Croup, Wkooping Cough, lugarass. artimoraLt., Mow, 7, 1106. DaOribra Arta . I will aw.wrinDy a*rtily' beat rawonty w* prmowm f••• the run ~ f Wra.nrk * *q Imes Orwifp, au.l civ ribleat &worm of rt,ddr.n W. r,or (nst.rnlty to ft* 6.111.11 appreclat• Ivor akdl. to.l ....Intnend your n**.iirtn* to our ILIKAM (,*"1(1../N, al D. Avirre l LKX, Sloarsawy, artisan, 31 Jon 1116* "1 %WI 10011.1141, Whirki Inman.' row in .11 tool many nwriii-ttw r*lwf, finally ill.' inn, l'w^boait by tha *Asir* onr e ttergrinan 11. anft 4.w* FffetlVOl in my thrnit,an , l toop. Ifaia that. 0110 h4:f ch. lamb. tuna* too NoMpletely rwll Yettr rar.ilfing• are. •11 V•it as the bowl w* tan buy, and WV 4.4.011 pa awl your rerowlica. to the poor man's (need." Asthma or Pistkisic, and Bronchitis. WirrT Mmuntarria, Pc, FO, {, INVt Min Your Grim;( Pw?OAL 4 geert , reame , urfe 1131 s ssrtson. It has rslosso4 ....rd fiere •Isruslos moots, Of Orsassalplion. •Dd 1 D. refine • man who I. Ishooll tol, Sn aliertiotl of the lungs f.r We last forty y.ux... ItEMLY L. PARKS, M.,c4ant. A tt►Nttr..Y. 11 U. Audn., .m.,..m0s co. 1 •rw k. lept OS, 1<.5 •' During my tbra , t fro mangy .4•th.nß squal to yumr Cuistr PiccvNeu„ .n• 1 4•• ,usuantalv• •uring ha. an.• urntd.' 0.1.1 volume, or but lb* nowt Ml4l flarlnK f th. of this tensest] la Lund in its t. Coneamption Yr 1. 1 ,4 no one M1P147 ha• nfa IrMll kLitoW whkb ay.' ok , tcmtsy 1610 1.13rh ii.ngoTyts• tlibilk OW ad. , . Some no human sad un math . but evem M thaws Ow CH Will I'ILCV Alt L aftvrlis n -10.1 and I 0131(011 It a - ,c4itt Ir* 1 , itg Cur. Ifar.h 1• 0.4 - tf;rt ATE*, I, I feel tt a auto an 4 a p1..a.0.‘, .•• I. ret y ; 'that y LIMY PI,TI.IIL. I tiam ;1•41.4 tx no; vrlt. •;• 'f.«; t',;;• !bowl, Ilti..Tlltg . Ull•1• lOw tializt, -4 44 ; • I n• Si h. •“1. ty •Ifsit *lt aio•re , -;4•14. t..r 4.. re, . 4.;f t 414 tt..4111 , 111; L1«11«ws I„. , 4lt Cr.'. I r a. 1.! h. at • ; 4la 1,11.., a ill. KT , Ltilli.le Oh I rt-garl oRLA•Jmt 441F1,19Y. r 7 , !I tr. I •10.,4 T , •i•-. 1 1.01••• ••1 •1 • • r 1 •• a. Ale 11.• !rst ul•••• •II •t• I . tl• 404 't.•II r and us I.ruipealt t . • • ••••••• ••" 1 ' a 4.14,4 Le Ayers Cathartic Ells, /4 ,,er.•••• Cbernirotry NlNlrrine ".•• ' I •••• II 11E110.0 te• f ..t n •'.. •,•••• 11 -• S. •• • lIr s fItIVO •••• 1.1 11110, r • r • r•w II r .0 • Ar. f thrti lb, MEM MOE ;7.."-; 3 , 1 .3 13 a . CM - •11111 • I 1.0 r• va. = tho r. lag :if my I- Atttet,t twt,,tot tsA.rned I. 11.-..,..1 grasl , t u,l n l 000: Si.l Alnowcar, rout:kir:mg do, ti.ou. for Itoor t cso•ter heir Lotos the V.ll.nntil nronplaitor. Unbars Compinalta.. Itl.ruuutl•zo. hurt. If faufselle ansang from • f h. cues, Ifollgto. ‘1.4 - 1,i.1 i torzt/...ti l'aft‘ 4:.tih tlioroft. of Ai.p.rt an tI. or ols at:.l otalle..o• rite el hi. h r t. r• AN y , r• t ••• :1 . •r KnK • . 7 , t :in', :tot to: 1.1 I , •1 •5 •IIII•I•• kt ll L' t. a • .4, I",stt, ts.mplatt,t.• • Ist. It at 5t,,,101 ta t t.. .u, I••••• 1 II tt, L. aft Into•fite•fi SI ." 1 / 1 ,1, 1 I. \I I I\ I, it , .s. s . tts•rtstatt• L.% r 41 ,1 F .I,t 1, 1 •••I t rr sll.l,•l...nurfaltils f. , 11t • I' w RUlie • f .1 O.:los:W.:: ot to: ftooll. , to. 1.. u. .t I,r foit ff I.• lifoo'lmopool •00b.f.-r• with •on t.ll rt. r.l: `I "tt. t, t , • 11......141i41 .A 1••• 0.1 1 •••• • ..t tlo ill, it• s•l4n rr p.• 4 1, .1, 11. isttt isrAt ud tLrfri. y .I.lf .t Prepared by Dr..l. C. A VElt I Practice/ sad Analytical Chemist, Lowell Kass. Pala. )43 CT* rte. Box, Virt 13,1. La 7 k $1 • 4 .• t • ••• • a•lk. s .• • , i ~'2., .1, i .l II 1:W]l 4 FLPF f;IVr I() .11.1, y lfr•l• RF If I 1, , ~?„• n St‘ .. ; .. • .• t, 44 4:t 1=9:1 Afflicted Read. hr 1,1 Kl• • 1‘,.. , n•r••1 ' • • hr., • I 4 4, •• 4 4 4 4 • , t• . • it,: kr , . 1••• I k t.f ", I t• e t-• nt to.• t • • .4. a Nell P'ersorr now. • n ittll T‘KI: PAI:TI , 1 •• r 4 1 ~. .n ~ d MEINEE=I . • M.* I% • f :• :oOf. ••• •.. 1 . 1. ..... , • tan: • n ,1 , ..1 , . lo•n tn or. =MEM " • . 1 4 ,2 • of ,PA15.1...141• ...I .14 d. 19 111, If 4*d fall r Ira, re . , I ore w. 1)( \ I.\ INV %1...11 . ot h„ a•*• , , L, • . 9 : • • ••••• ms••• •,,11 U^„ •• leteseil fetal., Iv wG• 1 , r , ./r*: +e• Ji E A IP YOUTH AND MANHOOD A t r,;(tßOt -, .1{ l PRP:W Itt fq , t rfr B:TITICELEK:on Self-Preservatioil. . 11,1“ •,;•••• 11. • •• ••., • • , ,n 4 • 1 , K. , 111t. pr , pet i. p. ~,i nt Ganm•l 10 i.a r ••• •• -"1. - , r• ,1 0, M,111,r1r)Ol s • ' t oln:n ••••,••• ~l.:. 1 •• aor fr. I,mnit• ••••,••0%, tor', olo•1 • %1 ..r •• ••• lrr Ih. I noo4 VIA F%III} I , •. •••t • I 1 I' • i et A\l• I . • Tlk. Steel Cultivator Teeth. )147h. .A'.l IW.iNal. I . ••th • ••: To Wagon and Carriage Makers. c t • • • . Auc 1.1 \ 1) %R \ A. M. a. .I.r 1••.• r. Ir: • 2, •“I ) ,Of •-r1.•1 • .0, • v ,•„ „ •./ 1 , . it v N•b. h• • •, r• i• Weigels Crushing & Grinding Mill , : + l - 471. 7: u t:lr.r ;., . • m. 1.; \ •"•"• 1. e•• _ . Nk Iftr• To Blacksmiths. 44 . ....• • .1 , 101.1 r.llOlOl h.rl; , ,•• r to [i • d'” • ••$;Y), • \.., '-ftt. A FARIS TO LET. .;.: gr limninni met • • . r I n.. ‘ s , 1e11.40.e.; to tll, Ige; ..•areng I {, • I. r , ~„ N,,s. If J \MI. , • .4 u. .0 'd I II&IO2C TNT •.:tkkek of Ifkrl.lFre, t•F•k •••n ,. • , lkottl.. It 11:\V.1 k, to.NF rt.. • •• ...... • t••• .11 7 ST RECHI V ED, AT THE STI)/(E IFE Rl\ DEF 2 Ity if • rt, F:, Y. any quaaotty '41 , 41.4 timonklot tnw Ntk 1 t. • .•••• FF • '•• F uh, f••••• an,f room, ,ether titikkok f, k‘ F Ito 1 (\F., wl.kt-). Will Ire ..tltk rlk.Nakk our th, rhokokwot 16tIne TE t nn hawk thaT null Ikea, mkr to thi• tn.rn et, yeti, wf German Vegle able Cattle Powders! Volt liO/t AS, COWS, AND ARtinertor article for linpr•vilnz th• appra ra n,... an 4 „ i "'mu rt. th,,a,, l un l s „: Mil turn Limit Inetrily swell an &aim& for a short time, prrelitethr rather an injury than a itenet Ito I,t tm p nor u. v th, and pranaing dhreatl.n or t hr f... 41. It 11,14 ., 11,a a Sral tb, Ito,o the ni•lic and fat mtut 1. f..01),1 1. direethtne In both german anti Fncltelt. tirlth • 11. t tlleer ee .