THE ERIE OBSERVER. BIE7VJ. F. PLOAN, Edlt.r SLOAN a MOORE. PUBLISHERs 14ATERDAY DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS FOR OOVERSOR, HON. WILLIAM F. PACKER I= FOR CANAL COMMTRIONER, NIMROD STRICKLAND, I= Reassembling of the State Democratic Con vention of 1857. In purouattee of a resoluti4 u adopte4 by the flemoera t 't , tat• Committee of I ' VOIISTI rams, the Delft:lt:As to the Stat. t .n.eatlon of March 2.1, If.L7. are 1,40.. .Jed to ace. cohle at th• (Ault., at liamsburg, on Tuesday, the ittli dro f, 1557, a , 10 ~,ek A. M., for the a., t•• t ' State Ticket, and trarouart tog all . tb•r r.eraipirz t.: the °rialto.), authority of the Cnncen!lnlt cifattl.Eti R fiCel.4l tha.-man J IF T , 141%.13•, R .1 Batt •N. News of the Week —A. P. Andrews of the Alh.iny Railroad ticket office, relates the following incident which occurred 'm the care the other day "When about three miles west of Albany, a gentleman in the ear near him suddenly became excited —almost frantic—catching hold of the belt cord and tried to stop the train, and then made fur the door, which Mr. Andrews caused to be locked to keep the suddenly onharpy man from jumping off the train Mr A. inquired of the stranger the cause of his trouide, when he informed him that he had left $7 ll l under hie pillow at the Adams ionic, where he staid over night. and that it was all he bad io the world Mr. A told him to he q uiet and that when they got to Schenectady he would telegraph back and secure the money for him, it It was not to late, and that he could take the next train hack to Albany and see about the matter. A despatch was accordingly sent, and on arriving at Little Falls. Mr. Andrews found a despatch directed to him, saying, that the mosey Will safe, and sub ject to the order of the owner. ' —The Pontiac , Mich., t, rr.ue states that a young lady of about hying about a mile from that ‘illiage, attempt ed self destruction on Thursday' night of last week by shooting herself with a pistol. The ball entered the b o dy near the pit of the stomach. She is yet alive, but in a very critical state. She is a stranger, lately from Canada She says her motive was to kill herself; that her father is wealthy; that be attempted t constrain her, against her will, to marry an elderly man who wag disgusting to her, and that to ann,i the diiingreenble and revoltinir e4.llitirli trigtj.lo er fallarr•., 014 tie,' front finally, in ileoperatiiin, attempted I, r I b ~t nil trou bles by death. —The employee. on the Baltimore anil Oh Railroad have struck. in consequence of a circular -sued ft , rn the °dice of the Master of Transportation on Monday la.t. to the effect that thereafter. each and every car mtaining merchandise to he transported over the rad, ehrrutd he delivered into the charge of the conductors sealed, and receipt taken fur the same. The issuing of this order arose from the fart that Trr ling time the company has been required to pay claims for goods 1.. t in transporta tion, and this plan has been in Flweel.ful operation on tho New York Centre./ Railroad. and ts:•ro upon a number of the Western roads. Attacks were made on the trains leaving Baltimore and M.irt,nsburg on Wednesday A r the latter place on trains were not allowed to lea, c A MUM- bet of the ring . .eit I , rd hare been arre.te.l —Th.• re.- r the et ,n•I nfa fr. Tieutly N.geni-1.• re tre r,,utxtv .n th:s which I. numi,,Pr • f -;, , n• •ur u 1 A •L. able amount TT) y rrll, 1 , 5 I r,e-• The jr.‘no wa• in f:ru•'l \ all• T, cu.: of th. w6.l+ n v 140 4 1••• , `: • 4 •• e• 1 -1111'. tilt: elect in adynn,... nt to , 1!1) i ••I••••t • n utq t• , he m•t that the L •ok IL it n Itir kr:•u•t and woo I vr•tot., , II •C. • 1... t • r • n I• 9 tn ,, nt •r telerat, ,qme al-ng air Hama r..i t.'.r PArIK )...)! pc r t rt •t =ZEE ind•bte 13at !..;% ••,tnLfl - were und , o I EMZI ing in th•• y two !•,tn 1 . I • • e, I or th , We•'^rn r-invs J •••.r• , •r,. , fr p.tnt, n pr....nger iollet,litinv,t, in vrt/ •••• a• , ,Nrin , • • guar Lta , l 1,•;r1 And my f011..I" mew•ed a m...t tvrr ole ..n•i.Augto J. .n al.. 01,.:-r4 mortally +r.,un lit.; Dr cr , unty, and er.'y :r..t.trlng a Mr. Ilylaor ter „hurt ~unty, 1,.11, Ile • , rany , r t partici. In j ured, mud :nlanlty cap ne-si,r,,kl I r ;be rnramie.inn of tho t. --The Datortlie, ime• 4Rys two a poet m ,rtom at ACISIOSI. .t Mr. M tot,: •m.•rv, the utetnt:er lateiy deceased, elt.11,1:•••1 • c•en-tve a'••ra-1•.1 • e to.. :. or 'Ming coat the st••n,at h, nod the eot,re de,tructioo of the membrane, both ill* car ita•• an 1 pytel,•• °TAO.", with general loos oft .ne.. disorganirat•on of the thoracic and abdominal viscera The pby•iciani a.cribe his death to poison. Mr M•ontgotnery stopped at the National Howl, Washington, during the Inauguration —A Chinese woman has arrived in the quiet little lace of West Chester, creating a prodigious excitement. She was the servant of Mrs. Professor Wentworth, daugh ter of Jos. J. Lewis, Ee'l , the Republican candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court, who accompanied her bus band as a missionary to China, and died there. This wo man was commissioned to bring home her ch .1 , and the Infant has been safely delivered to the care of the lady's —The Reading Gazette, of the 2d, says. that throughout Berke and the adjoining counties, the spnng mope begin to amuse a jibe and vigorous appearance. The slight cold a week ago has had bat little influence in retardiog the advancement of vegetation, and peach and apple orchards are already becoming redolent of flowers and Ira put with floral distillations. Indications are that the early crop will produce an abundant yield. —The Americas turfman, Ten Broach, f ,ralerly of Al bany, astonished the people of Flounce, Ituly, by driving eight horse., two abrest, attached to a light vehicle, up and down the slippery streets. Hl■ .peed so affrighted the pollee that they waited upon him with a prohibition to limit himself for the future to four horses, aa royalty itself never upired to more than six even with the aid of pos tillions. —The late Democratic State Convention of Tennessee passed a resolution inviting es•Preeident Pierce to visit that State and partake of Its hospitalities. A committee wes appointed to correspond with Mr. Pierce on the sub ject and make suitable arrangements for his reception. —A young lady in Brooklyn, N. IC., has recently had her leg amputated midway between the hip and knee in eonsequenoe of a wound caused by a broken hoop. The hoop wu of steel, and in some unueonetable manner a broken point penetrated to the bone. The wound became inflamed, and amputation wu thus made necessary. —Benjamin Tappan died at Steubenville, Ohio, on Sun. day last at the are of eighty-fire years. He was the old est brother of John Tappan of Boston, and Arthur and Lewis Tappan of Sew York. He was in the Senate of the Caked State from Mil to 1545, and supported Democratic measures. • —The Governor has nemtnated Henry C. Hickok, Esq., au Superintendent of COUIIIIOII Schools for three years from the first day of June next, under the recent act of the Legislature. The Senate confirmed the nomination eameimoiedy. This is • well deserved compliment to Mr. H.; who bee shcwf himself folly capable to beeome the head of -that important °Mee. —A detachment of about three hundred and ten United States troops left Carlisle 'Barracks on Thursday evening of last week, en route for Kansas. A majority of them will be stationed at Fort Leavenworth, and forty recruits, intended for Light Company B. :id Artillery, at Fort Snelling. —The Lyons Reprbl.ran lays that a man in Wolcott, recently, while dancing for a wager, partook so freely of intoxicating liquor that be was seised with violent spasms, and in spite of *very attempt to relieve him, died very soon alter to the melt intones agony. —The 31•11etits, of Philaelphia, estimates the average number of nightly attendants on theatres and kindred amusemeou in that city al about twelve thousand. Fre quently it is much larger. —A lass named Daily, for attempting to commit sui cide in Hendricks County, Da., has been sentenced to the penitentiary for three years and disfranchised fur ten pain. The Huntsville (Texas) lieconier announces that Gm nommen will support Mr. iircisiusr's administra tion, is long as the latter adheres to the principles of his humping iddrus. NAY 9, 11937 a; ..n It 4,01.• MI 1111= e • • Inc MEM =II C Illr 11l =I t • t :r.•t. AP one I=ZMEM2 `l. " . n Nan , n I I 11l 11l /1 4 =MEI Poisoned or not Poisoned. We have never been inclined to adopt the theory. P" we helteee etery body may be classed find the earnestly urged by come of the PaPert, that the atekra " address of Win P. P. ST CCTUN. the Seeretary, end, until and death of so many of the pee IS O f the " National WAI Kea arrive.. the Art•og i3osctnog We pub;l-1 , Heeler' in Washington dueingthe inauguration ceremonies, th,s paper as a part of the Liei,iry , o( tie th e , end ii •ii wee the result of p0i1.03: hut there are Borne facts Meted fiat our readerß may see that the Adtuttitettatiiin t• in an article in a late number of •• ..}weer" newspaper, I °diem! agent. are lung a ecuntry ought to, cap . that, if they not entirely demonstrate the present. iif give peace 111 qUICI t.. OW terry. ry. 1 rotten as the exciting cause of that fatal disease, seem •t d i due. n o t eau the ultra and the u ***** unable among the leapt to throw around the affair a grace eci•picion that canal i. no mere thin.'.ery 'national lii n . rat looked aloud for kn•eittiCatloll It will lie recollected by our rea l f o r. hut that it will in, ~ t the approhstion r .r r,ston den that the Board of Health of inveetigated able man. nu matter what ii. polit,cal preAilectinna. we the matter, and reported that the ptekne,t was cancel by I cannot doubt. It will DO Oh it. n the part of the on pewerege—that. from tine defect. the Hotel he ! rex-enable., !bit the Acting i, ',ern r achniiwledgea the came the focus and outlet of all the r icon VW , ' au th o rity of the law. priced ly. what they call. the •' ts • generated in •eiwerF of the city, the gueete , gos legislature," hut in raising this %dour the) right breathed an atmosphere foul and unhealthy, engendering l o f the qu•ligeatinn in the kddrerr, that, :n irdmini.terieg a Ji..ease that in many eases ha. reralted in death. This h e wi ll ~o gini .e th e m n oiy in a . i mat t..• theory, the arts ie w e rarer to, must pointedly repudiate. • whteh are ...Otte' rAe stops of the °spank ,• I el•nr.,.. It es' " def , etive •ewerage roust alwayi produce general aid ettnot•tent with the rotlern; Conottitototn." It rto ill heaph• 1 ,.,r .1 'ore tr tr rn. ,tt rise or the r...(rter. erl iVittienet. l'hrteinns tell u.. that in all tn,a. lem wr] are „, n .i . and . n teasy matte affeetten.—in all ea ,' in which t h e p atien t suffer. the true intent and 111 , 911111.11:4 of the Nebraska hill Ile from foul a r unarhele. itno •tencher—a ehange of pine t believe this to correct—aud hence brine that the pledge only is require Ito rem it t. the effeeta. Nature recover. , l ooted above ought to ..111.fy every reasonable man that they are not to be enfereed. another pert i.f herself a. -he e•.-ai“. from the v....nee of the Jr leteri mis influen-e.. Bum. in the pre.eut rase, ea rh and it, aiiilre.l the a. tag •vern, r dr.°, tree that h. • every one of the victims •afpered long afar leasing the i th e ar t I•ro.idin;; f.e the as•.fulling of R convert:lid. t•, hotel. and tnany of them died, on returning to theirhotries. r a elate ronsiitutoin. "at pr. , ectiting i.o • of after a f time that would have completely oblitera tba imaitheati in .•f v,dcr• for deirgater to the •n, ted every trace 01 a miasmatir attack.'"•.lll the testimony, - ~„,f , ~,„ „, y it continue•. in anti..ier parazraph, •'that ha• fallen under I n t i,,. n i g ht the .of mu•t be allowed to have I n i oli r our observation goes t prove tha , the .rkne•• re•ulte , f ,„.„, , ' , either from drinking the water of the hotel. or from eating in, doiegates who mn♦ lie rhii.rti t•. represent at its table. The waiter at the ladies' entrance declared eon:it:tut: final conventt• n _ that. listing been on duty for many hours without food. in order to avoid atm pr••: raot•tso r rh , • I earl, he went into the kitchen MU 1.b.0k a .mall playa of soup. ,perat on of ibis e •'• • nto ,- . and that lie was shortly afterwards attacked with violent pft, f,ir 1111 ,,0 14614,, the •nii............ . ......0t d•t. I pain. and fiarii”sin., which eimfinel him to hi. bed for clap, Mn': the pitptetaci to attendance on patiehta at the hut.' ur the statement. that all the Fymptouis ,a tofu tk• •10M11•14 h. I mkt thi• thp.,ry tho nrit,r IP.• I it f••• 1,. , t II er,th the 0. , 1ne per e.i. n .. r *ono, r• ,ref of ,r than other•. Ti-wee •t were ih. I h•., Wert. th , t ••,•0n,..1 dtstoo•. etth r Alt•• 0 4, r • r r • Lllt Tbup t,.., • w. r un +• • t •r th• nt i n ure • f tree die .ulotirnve dip yr-tit 1 pa— , vv,:ta war frepti c;'ir. iu :hen , I hr, 1.1. h , f .reo IWhotrier p • , r 1 wt• ar• tr 'lOO,l u.h, the whett vr it wa. a ref ,y•tern wh.telemale •1 iugh'rr• ,tr whether .t wx- aim. I at particular :au•., a. pet • he and •:••rul r 1 1 tl . each t. t., ea y' the I•r end ,r the. , . .upp .-0 nitre are a (Li tu•'tn I ••t. ul t•treutn•tan , e- t Ur tuAy herk•aft..r I.e , 1,:%. 1 . , r0i Th. arst•lindin: oar. 't t' th , tr t' the mur ler , r l'a'mer, ra htlt .1 Ir. , ' •t• , i 1 n• ;es•t'y 0' n. rho •1 w. lIM=E2I na.Arrly 1,0 ;,‘• tht% p r ,—, A ; „ r , I artiest Up..ri !Lc other hmol. whilr wo nek fseil c•r•-utn•tanco• •rtt.'d al, byr pr.,,u to lvtg in,it up n airs .ttner tht•tkry than that .4 pm—tn. we .an •t.t. rr I , t .`lllll , ' hUt =EWE there •t r- !Avts •n.l ir• Unl,,tance• eq,iarq `r In 1.- ,tr,,ng upon the • ide t .I , !oelire .owerage. 3LuA, Ilr e J. J.icic-wi. th, w •Letmgui-i , t , helnislP In 0.. e.•LIC try. 11. t/ wrttt , f, !be IS tn.' rr, p which he rave very ex-{ t pr ler in 1111rAti .111 n..t .rigtnnt , It , A Nny 1 n Jr 1 en •.i •,I the h ,r tk , r .41 vro rh it 1..•rt.q.• •bo 111.,• 1/01,1•11.1 •4. t•r /IN - •ny •i ' N • It IV r rr • , ' wi. 4 I • Ah 1 . Olt ' N4l • II t • r . U. I . • 1.1 EMI .6• r, w-hr• it. thr• I•n f mutr 'T a' , I =I 1A r.- Ihr . ,o• ui NIAAttl rlOt11:•• r r:.n';emnn expr••••,.. inn • 11th Lt.L.: up r,,t, #.1.) Pr- , Ti' SI. . =MEE .ng P 1,1•.•; , n , •••• 11 , w v, re wu.••/, the c mai if fed. On Tbunol•y es et mg. n-t consistent' We snout,' not lie 11111 Ch eurpn.rd I. fi n d h itt , starolirg a watchman is employe I by the. e ,inpany, 0. In, SIX year help..., tending th. prlise6p:.•• And practices of • perorn or persona succeeded in cutting a tench B r. ru..11 .1 •••• and Lit der , st(•l t,wer• - through the towing path, with the expectation, prolet , dy ,"Tlic Edit ir ot the Woe, or — ( sot “rn•l •ne the poi, the, the rush of water would speedily widen the break.—• (Juice Thcmp• n at the time it was wore 11,virever this wel soon discovered, and the channel; fl'lcd ten," on the cono oy, what r it cal rani. the Editor f the nssr b.. 1, r ,ymi.n,, v „her :to time to prevent serious damage. Two n.l.t i rioi,at ea u h.. o or remote r r the preva:eni herc.y N .r , h upon t men were now engaged with orders to sho, t the fir.' tree. this l uesti n, is n,t •,nr thew We per, s 4,4 pander. pastier. About 2 u'elo.k Sunday morning one of the watch perceived two persons approaching who were challenged. we never did succumb to this heresy,eren when Wilmot's but explaining their :ntent, were suffered to proceeoi. On stock in trade was sought to he engrafted upon panning the watch, one of the teen drew a club Iron order our platform. Thus, the letter the Gazette pubboheo in order to convict us of inconsistency, we did not el or his clothes and with • heavy stroke felled him to the round. lie was gagged and board, and placed in a Shen admit tato our eolomne—on the contrary, in speaking o' Judge Thompson's position upon the Wilmot proviso, ty near by. They, in company with six others i proviso, we guise, then proceeded to cut an opening s o ma eight feet said. September 21, 1 , 4•,- - It to well known to those who know anything about it t hat ties qutstook ere wide through the embankment, through which the waters rushed with the farce of • catarract. The break •t last eclat ,reel ,e We heetrtefy wish it ~ere whet-lees. , '• Thompson accounts wan some eighty feet wide and the water 8(1.1 pousing out upon the country below. litubday morning the ritisens of Hartstown turned out to assist in checking the water and reparing the break. We hope the villains who could thus enitanger life and destroy property, will be detected and pinished as they Justly deserve," A, September 31., 1%4 , 3. we wrote— is radical upon this question—to., rude 11 .. tr,•./•,r, us, I.ut as we agree with bun te Ott. tnuin up , on °Till IC R questions, we can cheertully Oa.. and support him " These e:• tracts from our editorials of that date show clearly our posmoo. We supported Judge Thompson weld, Dot he. cause of his sympathy with Wilmot's dogma, hut for th• reason that upon other and more important issues we agreed with him—just as we supported him when hsadro• rated the Tariff of 4 and we opposed it. p M. fir.NEh'AL —Haring had some chance of know ing the faeu pet forth in the following from the Lancaster , we take great pleasure in endorsing them. We hear on all sides that the new Postmaster General, Gov. Brown, is discharging the onerous and vexatious duties of his office t• tho great satisfaction of all who bare business with the department Ills siumediate predecessor, Judge Campbell, was an admirable officer in respect, and it is prase enough to know that tt e new incumbent will fully come up to the standard of the distinguished gentleman whq filled the office during the entire term of the late administrati in N e preiliiit that Dior. Br o wn, aided. as be is, by that admirable officer. Mr King, and the other assistants, will prose to Le one .1 the most popu lar and efficient Postmasters 11 I who es er filled tb• difficult post." lifir A ma, Pperamen of the way in ',Lien laws have been painted by the New York black republican legishature, the Albany Statesman inentionz an instance. The name of a member appears recorded in favor of some ha:f dozen emartrnents, when the fart is, h• vas ,th.e,“ ~” /,3•• •ir ft Me, 1161Ntirefi• r/.. fly DRED SCUTT IS lOWA —Has the 6,sretse heard what Dred Scutt has been doing in lowa' It not, let us inform it that the Davenport Dernocent has returns from all but eighteen colgOlifS, and the Inapritaes foot up mu follows Democrat 11,577 Republican Democratic majority The counties to be heard from pre Fremont in Novem ber last only 246 maprkty. So the State bee certainly gone Dornoeratic. MORE PA Y.—The Harrisburg Cams Magee ttat the Senate has engrafted, section in the appropriation bill, giving to the members of each House, twohendred dollars additional pay. Shossid the lower House approve of the provision, and we have but little doubt bet that it will,) the compensation of our legislators will be seven hundred dollars for the session. Could we think of • proper way to determine the matter, we would suggeet the propriety of paying each member in proportion to hi■ serrieet.— Were each now the law, a great majority of the peoples repraientatires would lot be entitled to as much as would pay fur their salt. And were there • statute making oar law maim responsible fur the injury done the State, by some of their enactments, a very large proportion of thus would be baukrapted. Whither are we drifting? r Fl. I. , n.i. f =ln =ES 1 r 1 , i • • • 1 EWE MEM ..., a =I ENE k.. t th • Ir :•rn,( ' r , i 4.11 .)11111 ,~ F..... C oe vi.,l pr•, 1 the pe,ite.n. wrltten 11 here DOM KANSAS 40.41 N --jr, aa•.thrr part (.1" to-tito'a paper the,. who take an ieterrai in the affair+ f Kan.aa—and tent y At•prte I by our opponent/ that !he “biertp,nablo INJ Art r Le . L Le K, won, /air las T•rritt,ry. • • • es, Th,- .•••ft4or •••err ir4 , l , trt , l I •,,lener t ~.pewlly when the t; that A to his .iatarnt•n i t ri ••to.,i; •r , ri •Pe •1.1 , 1. . ••ii•i• ••• I ••• fe,tl LI r r p " 't • • p WE LL .1 , , ' ,, 1(.11 , )1 , t Th.., ,ry h that 'r: 0.• 14...try'• mi.p..vviep•nt it•.y. rn ,r • ! rd , r 4hurr Oa , we hoc- ••1 rn t•,e11,1•!, tF t - i ni flth if it will rott,y 11 , tir , or• !up r In tt. d••• jr. .1 Artie: up that are have °halogen oor •looto , ° r aet 1, we ran t I:,it ,t• ztr .•.ply 01 el, II r r•a., i t, I` v "In i r vrl. u .l r,„l• 4 r I 1. . • but n r,•11:-his a . .., I film V% 111 UP' 1•14•0 ; e*ry .11 imeron and 11 . ion , 4 "like a . el) drab a't. than the next, but Is Dot we .11 tt:•I exp••••• 0 • po:ttleat .luptix,ty • f twear) 10 114, 0 1.tIrlif , •tri tr Ct D O lll ..rtote party at the tithe I, wt• rerkTne. tit L•r• tr •n he l r F..r •hftzu • • 1 : 1. f ell the all .11 the BIM FoRNE Y.—We not we a rea , nor that Col J tC F rney. .hour to reenme the prole/. ion of a pu•nahr , in which. in days gone by, he ePtab:lphol an en. 'o,le r.l uf &ti n Ar-e. t• , his obi pn•l Ili. ads era wit we'll.• e .1. •u'.eratie t rr•f •.t it anon wo , lll, A \- • J•, •o , .1 I; girEM!IIMISIM=EI 1 .„ 0, e Ir =I Nh• r Fain w E= .r r.r: 1 uL:~.h. , ; .. r•• • I , r•ree•o rh ~a te . .1. ' w!.-r.' the nr.r.. ' • P. rpr LA:t the. C,..,11,Ve••1•.r..11 4,1 love ' IL , r n . left the thing' 0 , a 1••• I, EEII3I Lan.. and :-trawfrliow t oav •a,,, ,-; MEM n and ar , • !et I [..; •;•.•,••• ••• .•1 • A r, ..r •r ki • p.• 14 1/11111 . 1 ,11 vcr p.rvr .k • } • MEE •T • 1. •trt rn-rt • n W.I•111, ct Lr M ; s, .•••I. r 01 i'Pannayie IT, a 3, 33 ,•• , /' n Mr lA , ~ th: • I ah.l affi w,,r10.r ,n v dart n+ h,.rt pn, r, • • a ....I w h , • 1. Lc, .yr rt I'-••r, e • • r 's T‘) ll' ') I ril 1. 1 `,• •,, •iDg unt • I the qi:rtic. . ,•. th 11p..f. ac+; .1: 111 r, 'or T., W 1111 rendered u•elr•e 1 r 4%1 11111 rit "\ I 11,,r!••••wn t• a large reorr%,or water, It tr,:n Freu• h erork, eo‘rrill; we 6.« hurArt.4 TREATY REJEOTED —A dispatch from Washington published in the New Yurk papers, states that the Admin istration has received news of the rejection by the British guvrroment of the Dallas Clarendon treaty, a amended by the United States Senate. This queptinn excites sur prise, as it was c..n,tideatly expected that the amendments would be readi'y accepted. The reasons (or the rejection are not stated but the New Yerk Time. conjectures that the refusal of our Government to assent to the stipulation concerning the exclusion of slavery from Honduras ■s contained to the treaty between that State and Great Brit ain, tr the cause of the difficulty. It is unfortunate that the 'stole negotiation as likely to he re.opaned, with the renewal of discussiona which will terminate, n o hody can tell when. The licroi./ ban the followjng dispatch from Washington "The Hallas.Clarendon treaty (1001 LIIt go into ertect. and for this --The treaty between England and Hon duras relative to the island of Basun h.ta not vet been ratified by Ilundoras. l ottl thin In done runty of the pr.i. vision, of the liallas.Clarendon treaty cannot pro' orly, in the tiew of the Engitsh government be accepted I hare it from undoubted authority that neither the Pre•tdent nor Lord Napier regard this result as at all likely to in• terrupt the pree.•nt friendly relations of the two coun tries Its. The was of the press tell tome rather remarka ble yarns at the expense of ladies hoop•—but tt e most 11111prvi.shle i•this one trom a New York paper. '• tlail about twelve years of age got on board the train at t tics, and being in something of a quandary as to how be shouid pay his fare, he was kindly offered the protection of the crino lines of une of the lady passengers. The offer was accept ed, and in a very short space of time the youngster was duly seated on the bottom t f the car, between two seats completely covered with skirts. Th• conductor passed through the car without observing the "free" p gee, and the little fellow has since become a thorough convert to hoops, sad believes in the rights of women to protect poor travellers " Pr About two hundred sad fifty bushels of the seed of the Chinese Sugar cane have been distributed by the Pat••t of. fire this mason. It is thought by nanny that this cane is des tined to be cultivated asextemeively ia the United:States as Indian corn, Yielding, Us it does at the same time, auger fur man, aod provender and grain for bean. vs. The Chicago Democrat bays that lion. Edward Everett met with a perilous accident a. Wednesday. Mr. E. had en on a visit to a public school, and when eon log out of the downy, bia foot aught on the scraper, and be fell on his ?800, receiving a deep cut on his upper lip, and otherwiso Wilda( his face. !le doeg ❑.• t Itlr .. 11 .iii 1 0 „ p,.t•r, irh • 4 i, 1 .a •f.. • ' REM FRAM ~. . I ~....,.. =I ..•A I th 1 • 1 • •, MEI 111=1 I=!EIM Mil =II NEW YORK reonnlogronieuee of the Lea (*owner ] Nair Yaw Nay 6, WM ` 4 llailut Trado-r-Dr. Bellraw• and Mar Ileager-r4lllgoilla Itywillere-..D4mot b• I. • hurry 6 tarry'-.48•11aw Ra10y....A rube Iltanagar,orte. ore. Spring has teas at last, all the mere beautifil and sable hr her long delay. The hotels are thronged with the crowd of cuusel merchants who have poured in from thi. State and the northern part of New Ragland •once the dawn tf fair westhie. Professor 6. Merriam bee e‘..use back and sat everything to rights, though ha is rather in a hod way himself, having taken a beery cold by visiting the top or the Catskills in aotton apparel. Trade is reviving, the sun shines sad all this makes the face, f men ohineovhile the pavement sings mer rily with bu•y booLheels. Pr. Bellows ideas on the pulpit and the:stage are pops bitty , I,scussed just now. They are rather shocking to the es erege of the orthodox community The opera is fash ionable and of course mug he tolerated with the ballroom and other iodispeusable resorts• But the theatreis hardly (phionablt even, and of course has very few backers.— The cause of tbeatrieal performances in this city has been injured by a disposition on the part of authors and mana gers to pander to that noisy ciao* of young men who think every Flees. intelnably slow which is not spiced wish a dozen doable entenders. This has, of course, ten• led to diminish the lady patronage of the betterclass, and has produced a pubis , opinion among sober people which taboos theatres altogether, even those two or three in this ay whose managers aro.cartul to avoid any imputation ..f indelicacy an the character of their representations.— Me Letter class of theatres depend mostly for their sup port on the visitor! from serious parts of the country, wh o always fill our large hotels. Thu theatre has capacities 'or the highest good, nu one can dispute that point. The pi,rtion it, whether dramatic representations can ever he rescued from the disrepute into which they have fallen, so , hat pure, classical tragedy, rendered in the meet artistic •.j le, can find at appre. lotting audience' It would take a .r s : time to br n.: this ...suit about. Marshal Itynic••, wbv has rendered himself canspies .u• by has eery ~!!'11: operation sn capturing the elaver, •rrhant."...l-t •• -he V , MI , leaving this harbor, potter , ' It I , ngth in •or !..tter I.4rt week, iq a geniaa in nia way And, if he had even a tolerable edueatioD , :night n.% taken a srry pn.minent potition our nationaleotth. L. s s-ter of the Esd c.spandans style of oratory, an•l r.. , th-r man ro popular or so powerful with tt.e low, f th.• Ile is tall, rather raw boned, Ey uwettlsr. :in t extremely quick in all his movements. Ile has 11 I..tig, r y looking head, a mouth wreathed e •trite of humor, and a redish heard. When at heave he generally warms up after the tin minute- E•. -ueh ss pitch of enthusEiasm that he it "'ht . "' 41.1 h rn-esl of coat, cravat, collar and vest •thevn .n a hurry—nn fact, hurry is charac .•• f •I e 14t • . r•AI lat,kee nation. In Imeinas,, Ai,. I. e. I en .ugh --but matrimonially, "it'. . . The situation of Dr. Rufus W. ~• -w. i I . a e.i••• m point. Ile had a suit fur divorce go n bif,re th. - I r-prr court in Philadelphia, and, not I i.t.ting the resn't, was in Bangor, Maine, prepared to w•• I the in vent h• , emancipation was made coo.nplete. A r...n.i telegraphed him from Philadelphia that the decree 1. , ..r0e had granted. He remarried instanter.— 'tot. alas' t ho• haste four years have elapsed, and he the nucleu. t a family growing up around him; but no such decree ewe be found upon the reerrda of the Philadelphia court, and the reverend gentlemantinds him ...lf Mormon lee 4, in spite of his christian prejudices against •I tab in•titutt , .n of polygamy. lle finds himself in In • wince and the usual dome•tic addenda. ..• a r•e than ell, lie has clearly. though unintentionally In Maine. and stands in constant peril ' • o while his last wife, despite her r • . • 1 t• hat :Ittle faith in hercertificate of mar. ..:• • h ,r.•. 1 ore nece•sarily placed in a very A • i • ,tern eye “1 the lea We may th•rt 111016. SOM. W Co rtlelolleo 1134 ''prICIS him in a ten , ler puint." ha , s , tit ~ u r State Tte:t surer $11.) with it 1- , 1 , / , •-r tio the 4 it, \V -h A s r t , t t..t.t.rrapir met.age tt. here. thr•c" eri- , • w , r "ftt r mu. tk mi-eh1..1 may &ripe from no L.• r tr• t t••rr , w J1••ril "Never , I,• have ,ine wile living =EI IME=1!EUE=11111 1 . 11••• • 14. J i Art I r s baby—o .Ine MEI s q^ 4 ‘!1: 1.;.4 t•; , ur u-Ary rt,t bkr mutt pro:ifie ha• :,,ItLe Logli•li oat, n 1z4112 =II ME h rni.t •tn i the oCea6101:1 01 a loyal, demon h. pr• the Engl..ll .hipma.t4ro in p..rt.-- dee..rce I th !r.%e 1.• • I,i 1•• •• •• nr, • Vl' gun tr. • a! t gr.:tt nn • spark I,,ndleth, wtll tunfinfActur. ..ut T' • L is ire 1' • n! Saturtkj Is It cs, in .1 1. , very Inflarctu,t,rry =EN 121•11M1 .., , 1 t ..; •t, , T •In .., %rm•• I r. •.•t.. • 11. W • • 1rt1n...11: 1.•;:191.1ture." TL.! . •, ha- a -.mi.'," BM= tn..r r.turri 11. theref or,lere,l 0. , .1 pin.. • ~ ' S%O al. • ,inu• at the @tat,on hunee• of tit•t w.r I- ,tt w h•• n cAt I •••ottt Ante. belongetl. uc 1 matter td • !It, enienee: tnucketc tett /n ettetitent-e to the.e arr-thttement et the Nin• nth wart station-bowie were Ti• t proltpt:y cfnt wnere they belong—lt--ttee thu marvel ' halo, wht,h, that 01 the t•linto. —tell of coun.l and tery. -,:zntrying nothtnst " It ,• 4tiel the th • M. or will no longer enforce the law forbidding the tt oysters into this market dor m.; the "in, nth' an in them. Everybody well Iw I.•ft ti, f own ta-t , end consciences on the opter .juestn-.. •Tho result wlI he a vastly increased \ iw litrk he- n very largo and 0-trieh h wh; e 111. 41 ,10 of aoythiog initoticablo, wnh ut the Fllghtest perceptible incoo•e alenre resulting therefrom. ER F. if: VTO,I (11' .''lli/'L IoIttECTORS.—The Tr...note! c,nvontion .-vd.0,1 Director. mrt at the Court idoi.o. at M n Monday, May 4, and organized by J VI •D. DI u•, of Erie, to the Chair, and upitti.nting E. W. Ta irTett lA., of Edinboro, and J. L .. FIT, oI Eno " , eerela flee lon rolling the 110 of townships and borough's. Diree tws appeared from all but .'eneord and Union. 00 ryllinX tb. ',am,/ of Director., ninety•tice armee?. ed and .even m,re appeared before the slime of the see- 'I')". The C. , ovent, then pr,ceeded to the election of Coun ty s.uperintendent, when W 11. Armstrong received fifty tour Vole%, which being ooj,•rity of all tote,. east,he was deel,tred eleeted. A resolution was offered to fie the salary at $1,0400 per annum, which tir&P lort by a tote of 43 yeas to a 5 nay.. After various edo-ts to tic the salary at nine hundred, seven hundred, or ti: hundred dollars, It was. That the sum of Eight hundred dollars per annum he the amount fix el as the salary of the Superin tendent for the riming three years. , In V , re being taken the res.lutlun passed "at" t " ^ 'motility Convention then adjourned. signed by the °niters., Zs_ There are several hundred names of honest, relia ble, well to-d.. Sort of people on oar Books, to whom we commend the annexed words of warning—they ate from the ML Vernon Mawr, and are "right to the point." •'L'ut if the world ~,tae to an end, there is one dam. o f people we pity from the bottom of our heart— .l,/ —Awful, terrible. fearful will be th,nr doom' In vain will they attempt to hide themselves in rave , and • c•::lare' It will be of no nee—there te no recap.. 1., them' Their only hope for redemption is to square off with the printer by the 12th of Juno, and take a receipt, so that `zt. Peter will admit them within the gee*, of the Celestial City A hint to the wise a sufk vient.— MARSHAL iir THE WESTERN DIRTRICT.— We by the Pittsburgh imperil that Col. Jes. A. Aileicheny, has mc,it likely received the appoint• men t .•f Marital of the Western District. Col. Gibson is a wheal Democrat, a gentleman of fine qualifications and he will make an ex •ellant and popular officer. AI" The stockholders of the New Castle Bank held a meeting on Friday last, to take action upon the report of • committee appointed to investigate its affairs, and to de termioe the future policy of the bank. They resolved to reduce the stock of the present holders to fifty per cent., and that they pay in sufficient to make the same par, and that the bank should resume operations as soon as possi ble. It is supposed, of,course, that the Directors will elect a new board of officers., tp, HAIR REST° RA T are pleased te be able to record the satisfaction of our pavans, after trial of an article adiertiimi in our columns. We have tbe satisfac tion to know revers! of oar readers who have used Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, and pronounce it to be jest what the advertisement says it is. We have several per sonal acquaintances, too, who were gray headed they have tried it, and now their hair is restored to its original color. and they willingly add their testimony to its sews ey, and will give further information to ethers desiring K. This speaks well for the article, and we -advise all wilts do not wish to appear gray-bea ded, to use. Wood's Hatt Restorative.— Wesirris Peiriat • Sold is Erie by sU Dessgissi. r?." and has p',143e.1 lEEE lIMIIMMII',I9 •r •,•u mart 4u , 4 , 01 Ihr re , ript of the r,ws .•I r....),uri•lrel moil' ,• • i❑ !t..• war, a; w' , ll rum ,••:' , l•lt by th , • cni The in ~it i•f :root Llrq•t it , . arli.• the muy..r Pen and Scissor Items my. A ma named Mart:elm was killed on the railroad, near Binghamton, on Monday. sir The Louisville papers chuckle over the receipt of a tot of new potatoes from New Orleans, which cost $2,60 per bushel. The judiciary recently elected in Louisi• an& is composed of thirteen Democrats, nine Know Nothings wild one Whig. a An exchange tells us " the new cent will be distributed to the public in about three weeks." That is cent Bible, these hard times, at /cast! l'resley Arbuckle, Es q., bas been elected Secretary of the Erie lias Co., in place of B. Esq., who declined a re •clectiya. NY. Such weather as we have had this week is enough to make every thing as dull as a qua ker meeting Mr Lawrenceburg, hid , is a "favored spot " They go without taxes there. The city govern meat has resolved not to impose tax.•s this year Reason why: no use for the money : Bar A man named Bierman, foreman of a brewery near Cleveland, yr:l , a killed ex plosion of a beer eapic, in which be had burned a bole for a faucet with a hot iron tar On Friday morning, at Jamea Barns, a policeman, who was by order of the Sheriff holding a propeller lying at the ‘l.ickm, accidentally , fell through the hatching and was killed Itiar The march :if civilization onward: A clergyman in a Springfield, Chnrch last Sunday married a c.upie, •ü the worda " gentleman and lady - 1 ., ,r man — and 4 . w man 'al. A young man nanwilt Knox, a prmter, has hoe') tr , ,uhle 1 w:th n sad beroiv , m,ut .1n uncle wh ,, to he 6, 1 no%. r -eon di, 1 th- "thor and left him ttuu Mr Krt.•‘ ha, • , tr , ntire rnpat by Itior ,ng th , lu the orig)nal manuscrir, t) b- the possession of a gentloma% of N• w`York, but th , only piste to purchase for a son,!," i• Fero, the material for a "Shirt" at the G .Lien ..f Tibbals, Hays At Co * Par The Lcgi•lature of Ohio, just adjourned, passed a law which make- it a Shee Prism offense to use strychnine in the manufac ture of whisky I3etter made it a state prison offense not to have put the strychnine in the whisky. That would have disposed of the whisky question in a summary manner wcurrence—o-p. vr•plp , r ,1.•.1n Eli Mar •• It'rc•k • telli:ou• ludo pl. : u , twv!istan.hn4 f wP think vr, when wr• ray, that ac tc tn, .r p , wrr anti cultivation way :n thi%cit) Po Thy " 1,-•cal" f :1.. \V• ri rt j.plec.• r zc 1.. , 1111 , : . .y 4: 0.0 gra.4," and at tile • ? id v. ry gr...-n rli p soly, exclaims in fru.' f , rvor. come the , rra.. " If wex•r-enily riiti;rl—zra.4 alway. '• t44,1(--stn. atcsii,.. It t.t