Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, April 11, 1857, Image 2

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BENJ. P. ALOJN, sdlt•r.
P . ,..7; 7 ; "' 7.r '' MF7jrn .6 7=j7 • 71
1=1:1I 113:1
News of the Week.
—The Philadelphia Nora American says "It 1141411111 pro
bable from present appearsnees thatt honest Congress will
pass bills for the organisation of the embryo Territories of
!tirade. peseta', Arisonla, and Neosho. Wises Minnesota
shall be admitted into the Union the number of SWAIN
will be thirty two.' ► Oregon and Washington :will raise
the number to thirty fear. and Nebraska and New Mexieo
to thirty six; and the four new Territories when admitted,
latrease the (droll) to forty. Should'Texu and California
each be divided into three States, as Is proposed, tbe num
ber would be raised:to forty-six. Then - there Is the pro
posed State of Superior or Itasca, making the number
forty-seven. We have omitted Utah; but if that Territory
be admitted as a State, the number would be forty-eight.
This number would be reached without any division of
Nebraska, Oregon, or Washington. But the former is
large enough for its or coven States, Orogen for three, ind
Washington for two. These calculations serve to convey
an idea of the rapid growth of our republic, the immense
extent of our unoettled territory, and the importance of
the legislation affecting it."
—A most singular trial has lately taken place In Mont
real. Dr. Jean Baptiste Pheophille Dorton, a person of
gentlemanly appearance, of standing sod poeitl,n in
1110eiety, and in the p ion of wealth to the amount of
upwards of $9O 000, was charged with stealing silver
spoons, two promissory notes for $lOO, a gold-headed cane
and six books from Doetor L Donan, (whom he
►ttended in his last sickness,) on the 20th of June, 1851,
near:y six years ago, and the chief witnesses were two
brothers of the prisoner, who saw the goods taken. The
accused said that the charge was the mink of a conspira
cy to ruin him, but the jury, after an absence of Ave
minutes, found him guilty. When the verdit was announc
ed the prisoner staggered in the dock, and was ashy pal.
The sentence has not yet been pronounced.
—lnteresting intelligence has been received from the
Plate survey of the Okefenoke swamp, which covers nearly
• fourth of the map of Georgia. The great swamp does
not appear to be a swamp after all So far from being ha.
pedwi by water, the expedition suffered severely from
want of it, and were compelled to sink three wells for
drinking and cooking pommies. The anderwood also was
found of almost fabulous thieknees, through which they
were compelled to cut their way with knives, whereby
they were so much delayed as to be in danger of starvation.
their supplies beilig exhausted. The most erroneous opin
lOUS have been entertained of the extent and nature of
the whole'region. No published map gives any idea of its
geography. The survey will prove a fortunate venture.—
The submerged portion is found to be easily drained,
whereby thousands of sere, of the most valuable cotton
lands in the South will be reclaimed.
--The will of Miu Elisabeth Gelson, daughter of the
late Jnn Gsloon, merchant, of New York, was offered for
probate a few days since. After making various bequests
to her relatives, Ac , to the amount of $15,000, the will
distribute• $16.000 among- missionary and other charitable
societies, at follows To the American Board of Commis
sioners I,r Foreign Missions, $5.000; Board of Missions
of the General Assembly of the Presbyteries Church, (at
Philadelphia,) for the promotion of Domestic Missions,
sa,oon, Board of Fiticativn, same Church, $2,000; Ameri•
can Traot Society, New York, $l,OOO. A handsome dona
tion is also made to the American Bible Society.
—As the steamer Commonwealth came alongside the
wharf at New Londoo, Ct., on the 27th nit, en the pass
age from Norwich to New York, a lady walked overboard,
and would have been drowned but for the hoops in her
dress, which rendered the same somewhat balloonish, and
withal answered the purpose of a more oomplicated life
preserver. The night was very dark, and it was giearly
half an hour before she soul." be extracted from her peril
ous situstlon, daring which time the hoops were sualcien
buoy her pn an.l
it is stated that during the quarter ending the 31st
March, about !000 dead letters have been opened at the
Dead 1.-tter Office, containing money amounting in the
aggregate to over $11,000; and already -eights of
this am-'unt hap been restored to the owners. The esti
mates of the department of the whole number of dead
letters received in former years, under the high postage
system, was three millions and a half. Under the low
postage prepaid system it does not exceed three millions a
year, although the number of letters mailed is far greater.
--John Miller, aged twenty eight years, died at Indiana
polis on last Friday night. The Journal films a brief his
tory of his sad ease. ❑e . was born in Dayton, Ohio—was
left an orphan with a large estate, and to his own guidance
—beeatne a "fast young MLR." and rapidly spent a fortune
which was eounted by:tens of thousands. Ile kept a circle
of dashing young fellows about him until his money was
gone, who then deserted and left him. He sought Indiaug
polls for a home, and there, in some menial capacity, lived
for. time, and died In a strange garret, frieulless and
—Tile very Csol:sh story started in Week,lave°, that
the National hotel siekoeis was eaused by poisoned tea,
has actually put it into some people's heads in eft
that the ("bin's , ' Sr. putting arsenic in their tea eats, in
order t•, pay off the "English" and "American" devils,
fur their attack upon Canton. The consequence is, there
le a very general abstinetlee from Sosehong, Epos, and
Gun powder, to the great mortification of the tea merchants,
who hare boon baying up recently arrived cargoes at high
--Memphis is decidedly a place in its way. A few days
since a case was pendia( In the Comma' Law Coact of
that eity, is which a Mr. and Mrs. Halbing tad filled
Philip R Bohlen, for breach of marriage contract, in fail
ing to marry Mrs. fislbing when she was Miss Agnes
Handwerker, and the jury has given the injured parties
81,250 damages' The idea of Heibing easing Hoiden
cease he did not marry his wife, is certainly the richest
thing of this feat age.
-Mn.i Cooper, of Soottevillo, New York, *loped • tow
days mince with • serried 'Gasp named Story. She took
two daughters, aged respectively twelve and fourteen, with
bet. Ler bullhead followed end overhauled her at Detroit.
He took Fie young daughters in ,ehazge, but turned his
erring wife adrift. She had been robbed and deserted by
her infamous paramour. Verily " the way of the imps
tremor is hard."
—The Greensburg Dessorrae has eowimenteed tics pabli
elation of the oonfeesioa made by Heigh Carrico& It
shows that be was a most atrocious •illian. Corrigan, it
will b. remembered, wee tried and eoe•ieteetfor the mea
dow of his wife, Mary, la the Court of Oyer and Terminer
elf Wtottnorelawd county, at Tolsraary Term, 1836.
—it Cara, an motion for seduction has bees brought by
diary Abrams against diehard R. Joao& The plaintiff
was a prang lady of rare personal beauty, bat peer parent
age. The defendant las wealthy eonneximas, who oppos
ed the promised marriago. TI• Jury found a verdict of
$l.llOll damages for plaintiff
—The Washington oorrehrpeatleat of the Philo&lpbta
Nerd Amoneast sr that CoL Palmy is to baeone tie of
dal editors of the Washington Mimi. It also says that
ear government bag goolaed to take no part with Esitsad
sal !moo sistoot Class. Noonlity to to b• oar pod
—Bakst, tits liquor mero►aat, whose }Lary Asa romatly
married Doss, the ooae►man, coos upon • tin* wt., be
wasn't quit* is as ►o is sow, lavosktod an smut's
eompotted sailed " Bittiors," • slight quaatity of *►t•► is
bolieved by ma• 7 to add to lbw vales of • gte oasittsit, so
—Wbile several Degrees Weaning to Dr. Silky, were
esigaged i• clearing up an old field, situated is the upper
porcioa of Libers, eouaty, Mo., tit/ killed, en abort fuer
turret of the 11441, twerp-sue rattle sashes and ore
woe/win ssak• ! SOlllll of the int aseutielsed were of
large size. This story is voeeked for as tree.
The Wyokof gold slaps in Pangslee ermanty, V..,.
k w ,. b oon so ld for $4,600, on an oseantion. The whole
amount, says the Warrenton Whip, spent upon these works,
noel , ' not hare bout low than sh.,iee.
- - A factory foe saatitaeterlag parolee wadies hem
been eensateaeed at Los Apples, CaL The olateeial fr.
which they arto nude Is °Waited beta the astanal wisp
at that place.
—According to tbo moral No leiriabip of /tisk
land, in Ylk comity, in die onatisni Adrift is PosimgA,
vas* baring but right nimble& Janknen inernsidp ii
Pnittor county bac fiorriron.
• —Hastiest= tie form bee pined libes• posses slim
ii impriossinss‘ H. firing la tie rimming, sad
Osiris books in din after*
The Mimi Chem i Jeers& ef the 30th alt.—a
peesisest "typeblieea" pelet—esegeris se follows:
*What lases de the tiveliteht sus et teases weed, deem
peeteetio• Is the sestets* et their pellikal right*, sad ad
ddrit.7 i, fddsod wed I' Thew an new geseestied
thou la the eppvistunt et siker.
_- -----
APRIL 11. 1.8817
"Let the free State nos take ears that meditate 4 lost
by saprisioas se tioatantly refusal so so to Um palls sad
speak the rest tit the ballot box.
If ever eacearseemeat to etalgratkes to Isa
ias, it 4 at thieNaoseat, whea the prospect of trseqaality
ad severity to all LI 11109/1110110d."
We are glad to as that ese "repablioan"printhm right
feeling enough to condemn the etzateimplatad refusal to
vote of the free State mien of Kuzma. Seek refusal exhib
its dearly that partisan passion is paramount to love of
"freedom," or regard for the paws of the country. If the
free State Rea of Immo will not vote, hew ens they (tom
plan if above who do vete, sad soasequeatly obtain the
DOOtOel of the least goverameat, exorcise the powers of
that government to raboarre their owe pompoms.
A dispatch from Washington to the Assornated Press,
under date of April Ist says that "the Administration has
'initiated Bean of the promedinge in MIDDY hewn( in new
"the election of deiegairm preliminary to the formation of
"a State ossatitation; bed with the inteatiou aaddeeire to
"terminate the distracting question of slavery, will assist
Mn - carrying forward the measure which has been com
"minced in the Tiurisory for that parpo.e, leaving the
"people at large, without any reference whatever to their
"political divisions, to settle it by a free and natnusimeled
"vote for themselves. It having been repeatedly asked
"bow indepoodeat suffrage can be exereieed, if the laws of
"the Territory are to be regarded ae valid, the reply from
"the best mare« of information is, that the law providing
"for the election is a fair one—ia explicitly declaring that
"all free white male museum over twenty one years of age,
"residents of the Territory on the tint of April, shall be
"entitled to vote for delegates t. the conststutiosal eon.
"voodoo. This is to be administered without regard what
"ever to any test oaths. Goy. WsLittn and his Secretary
"of State, Mr. STOWOON, hate repeatedly said their efforts,
"in accordance with the views of the Administration, will
"be to Henn fair expressions of opinion to all the people
of kansas,while they will easefully abstain from any act
"which could be construed into partiality on one side or
"the other. Whatsoever way the citizens may decide, the
"Administration will be content. Ger. Matzen repeats
"his opinion that Kansas will b• alms State."
This, then, being the position of thiAdministration and
Gov. Wktatit, what more de the Abolitioilsts in and i.ut
of Kansas want? But, says their organs, tin «ens wit!
be taken by "border ruffian' 06011110, and a fraud will be
imamitted upon the "Pr« State saes" in that way—then
there is those edited "test oaths" whiff!' we will be eotn-
Pelted to take hiders we san vote—and then, to add to the
rem total of the impediments *bleb we will have to en
counter before we can ozonise the right of suffrage, there
will be armed bodies of "ruffians" from Missouri at every
coays.unat precinct to overawe and prevent the free exer
cise of oar rights. The best answer to these °him:lino", a.
the ant of the territorial legislature itself providing for the
election of delegates to the Convention to form a State.
Constitution; and ea we have not space to insert that tioeu
moot satire, we avail ourself of the following admirable sy
nopsis of the main potato in those' bearing upon the vies
tions at issue: The moot Important fact, (says the author
ity from which we quote) connected with U.S law in ques
tion, is, that it abrogate all de presiusa lute of A. Territo
ry epos tie saitism of NM *cans, ife. It becomes in fact She
only law of the Territory as regards the exorcist i.f the
rights of voting and citizenship. It was not necessary that
the former laws should be repealed in express terms. They
become unoperati•• by the more recent enactment, and
are as much a dead letter now as if they had been /spong
ed from the statute book, of Kansas. The riot in question
explicitly states what shall constitute "a legal water." in
the Territory. and alone must be the guide it. this inqalry
The act provide' that an enomeratton of the ichtittitants
shall in made by parties da:y authorised, thatafter returns
of the number of inhabitants are mods, the lists shall re
main open till the larst ilk of May next, at such plisses as
shall be most con•enienfa the Inhabitants of each coun
ty or election district, for the purpose of hearing evidence
of fact, and making suet' eorreetions as regards the omit
don of any person's name from the returns, or otherwise—
this information being acquired under oath. That when
the lists are thus revised and oorreeted, eopies shall be fur
nished without delay to the Governor who shall cause them
to be printed and distributed generally among the inhab
itants of the Territory," DJ well as posted op at the polling
places. The wools number of voters are to be divided by
sixty, each division forming a representative preeinsil to
elect members of the eonventioas the eloction to tokenise*
on the third Monday in June next. The set them provides
for the appointment of proper r .to.ii r •
..ti to DO sworn; and 4•0141Oe• that any attempt to
aseeosee by (Arent* or jorce, or by ear eider stalassfri Wawa,
direeely or indirectly, re sesloesics any qualified voter to the
free ere vise of In. rvykt sisfraya, siail be yeilty of a etes
demeanor aedpeesebed by pee nog Sees than fin hundred dol.
/ars, or by issywisoosisni of not left than tires asonrks. A
fraud in the roust-as committed by any returning officer is
punishable to double the extent just died. On the whole,
law is drawn up fairly and justly, surrouaded by care
ful revisions to ensure regularity, and providing . those
nece safeguards recognized by long established pre
cedent. It wi all the difficulties 'solidi the/armee die.
race/el Territorial lase created. No teat can le ' , evinced
sot reed sized is A. present act, becassips obey are inernists
i tent &Dia its spirit and text. Bat it smooths the way for an
honorable and jest solution of the question and we cannot
wonder that the Adminlatration is saaguine, under this
view of the subject, of ultimate and spoirdysoooses in quiet
ing the Territory. We have reason to know that Goo,.
or Walker's inatvredoiss nip/feisty tare tie rowed tkat elis
last not Vibe Linyielateire impersedes all it. preeVisee esteset
meets iiseoseiment with it, and that all such lots art Incon
sistent, whiciNnivide for any form of oaths or penalties not
expressly reaffirmed la the last law of the Territorial Leg
islator,. Ne lawyer of any staxyling will dispute the
caracy of this position, whilst no man of eon:uses sense
can doubt its wisdom and fairness."
If slavery be established in Kansiu, therefore, it will be
the fault of thesfreeStato man, solely, Th e y beve, cover.
ding to all amounts, a largo majority of the electors of the
Territory; they can vote without taking any test oaths;
the President of the United Busse sad the new Governor
of the Territory are dotertniaod "to sown to every rest.
dent inhabitant the frog sad iadependont impression of hie
*plates by his rote' Whet sore an the free State men
ask? They one wake K*llllllB afros &au if dory deuce, o r,
by refusing Miro to the polls, they can allow slavery to be
established. The solution of the question of freedom or
slavery rests mainly within their central.
CAN'T co HlJl.—Thio Phßadis!pada Now pistillate. a
card from J. Alesaniker insuption, Rsq., *soot the Delegates
from Philadelphia to the Republican State Convention
which nominated Mr. Wiliest. Mr. 8. declares kis deter.
minutiae net to support that nominee. "Mr. Simpson.
says the Na.., is as Amoebas sad IN favor of an Assert
sea policy which will siartearage and protect Americru ls•
tereats, and ospeollilly Americas labor. B. repodistet,
therefore Ilia sismaisatima of a siaa Notoriously lams an
as avowed Free Trader. Mr. Simpson is sot alone in this
diderstsation. Thousands of others will panne a like
OP • As the white-washung season is omenst on apses,
wspablisit the feflowint recoips for th. 111100111 of oar tidy
housewives, who ors scar ambitious to rake owerythlag
*boat float look 'hi CINM as a asw pia." it Is said 14 b.
aa eztolleat rassip• tar a mask:
To Y•t■ WW2 WARR ►oa ALL BOILDIXaS, fail Da
lit Otrr.—Take clean lamps of wail hunt 11ms , sleeked.—
Add olio fourth pound whiting, or burnt slow pulverized.
owe peitad of leaf sugar, three quarts of ries Seer made
Into a this ad well issued paste, and ono plead of clews
wit glee diseased as eabtaid soaker* do. This may be pat
oa cold within doors, but het outside. This Will ►s as
locilliaat as plaster Paris, aad retain its brilliaasy for many
years. The ewe sad of the Preeideet's house la Washing•
tea is washed with Oksisnads.
DX BOW'S Rariew.—W• hare the April somber
of thb laitethly. Asa mood of the industrial iatereets of
tha Speak awl fa &et a the Radio, this Borba is loyal.
Rabb. In addition to this ft 'Detains may able paws
epos the rarim spiking politied gambol's of the day
ran Um ablest Writers of the eiostry—aad thus milieseir s
alibis Weed a prefect vedinseesa.of tatonsatioa open all
outileets intimates to ski Poltdetaa, the Editor, or lb.
Meroliaat. It is ribitined et SS pr unman to a elnii of
three, $11; tea dab of M. S&L Hook nuniliers eon bo
supplied Ot lbs Woilthistosi or Err 0144111111 blew. Th.
GM twelve Maim aro apodiraied Isis three velar's,
ridded "Belabors flaitee," imilasosety pintas" sad Imo*
prise $1 for tle ..t, 1840 pares. Add...., J. D. 11. Ins
Sew, Washington fifty, D. O.
APPOINTZENT 117" rHs passlDENr.—A. T.
Warns& Postsastor M Yea lrak, lowa. vie. Ws. Patter.
Ws award tl• above appoistormat lila • good deal of
planers. Mr. Q.. grearator to this *Goa is a yang
skaa of iserkiihlllo mew aid porsovasesa sad his
paper, tis Ka ska& Mu% 15... oftbeirory bsot to tiniest'
of Ism. adavitbe bear that boa "Mier boy"
be INN, be bee Ile amity mid en will to asks a gaol
Ass% mid that be willnewoOmi beak fa the diosherp et
his &this. w heassisdnuia,
—A olovo of Ms Tao% as,ll7. o lboks ,
od at ootoottikog Woo L
oth 41 go* Wit* or
•kWh sod slabbed blot to the Writ.
rim Pros Std. Um of Zama&
Ili, The Brie Olissrusr is iefersed that the soros*
... Wallis/ et ear loader INN week was the remit of a
typograhieal weer, the treed " having best
litigated by the som fer " leelpeet iseq We hare
ao &W ptelher
u, however, that her Saeitattaa eetsooperaryie
sole l. the belief that Is is better for • people I. b. Whe
reto, for emit *sedition la atieeesary I. eaten the seeesee
a modem" Democracy Its party ow Moab to the Bala
of tilinoie. and such .iris ea the 6th, in the fire Petits
district, which Rare Bechanan 11.50 vitae; Pritemeat bat 211
aad Maoris 37.—PreSci6e Ceemr.
•We give the Crag
L abe benefit or its arm" sad also Si
its assemptioas laniard to oar belief ague maltase! eels.
nation. Of the hatter we have only 54417 thus they en
eharatiteristie. We never expect • Regmbilla4, to tell the
truth when its opposite will serve even a dalittltsi gorse;
and hence it does not lapis. as to have that paper impale
to as the "belief that It is better fur z e people to be
Illiterate," when we only said we were ° tempted" ewe
times to think free schools a verse whore "only" papers of
the Carew kind are tolerated. We bettor* dith Jeronimo,
that error can be tolerated where raison is left free to combat
it ; bat we have ear doubts whether reason is left hoe to
eombat error where the mind is fed with nothing hat error.
Thus, the errors of Paganism will always pervade the
minds of its votaries if they are never taaght any thing
else ; and co will the errors of Rspubliesaism always per.
rade the minds of its rictimiu, (not votaries) if their minds
are not illuminated by any other light than that shed by
such luminaries of error as the n 10... But enough upon
this point. The rvueor seem( to think that the Demo•
matt': party' owe much to "Eqpt in Illinois," and the
"Five Points district" its New York, whieb it says, "gave
Buchanan sso Two.; Fremont bat 29; and Fillmore 37."
In ail things relating to the character of the inmates of
the "dye points," either lo ignormthe or Tiede's, or any
thing else, vier. free I. aoknowledg• that oar oetempo
rary her the advantage of us ; bet when he amrames that
" Egypt oftd.inols" is democratic because of its ignorance,
we are disposed to d,sput• the question. What is 'goo.
rune.' in the opinion of the Censor, and papers of that
ilk, eve 7, body is '' ignorant" that don't appreciate ibis
wonderful virtues of Black Rspahlieanism, while every
body is " ii crate" that don't subserihe to the doctrine of
Greeley, shed eroekodile tears over "toile
in," and worship in a Sanctuary dedicated to
Vl,e of the " Holy Rides." In oar 'violet', the
regrets the laws of his votary—performs th e
duties of a citizen when nailed upoo,Nittber is maintaining
the laws, or in riding, who respoets the rights of his
neighbor, in 1 holds sacred that toleration of opinion
which lies at the foundation of all ire* government, Is an
intelitgoot,man and a good elthen. whether he can read
and writs or whether he can't. And we infer from the
way they voted down in " Egypt of Illinois," that this
population of that ositnh slandered district are of this
character. Certain we are that we never heard of a Con
vent being banned there. beeanse Its inmates chose to wor
ship God In a manner different from their neighbon.—
Neither have we any acaount of there having ever existed
a "Hiss Legislature," in " Egypt of Illinois," with its
smelling committee to pry into Ladies bed-rooms, and
etherwiest maltreat the "gentle sox," merely because the
bed roam was occupied by dieters of Charity, and the
" geniie sea" were Catholios. If our recollection serve.
u., such outrages only thrive In "educated" " intelligear .
lit wrse:, e 4.z ttz —that Stassarthusiette within whose soil trea
son g erminated +re the wounds indicted upon the bodies
of the patriots of the Revolution by British bayonets had
healed, that Mssmachusetts whose null was illemboated
by 6144 lights during our see.m.l war of Indepeadenoe ;
that Mostiaekuottts.da abort, that "intailigeady" voted
for Fremont and Jose., and as "intelligently" attempts
to nullify !no legal enactments of the Federal Goren.
THE JiIOISTR r SYSTEM.—The New York note
States that of $ll2 16, of isQuey mating w that °Moe, but
lc,' during the month of Fehruary through the insecurity
-t the meal., $B3 In. t.o•tbinls, was to r•Rutered let.
ter., There 110C1114 t•, 1..* very little doubt that the Regis
try 'piton a•tually /rrilitates (road on the part of Post
Office .Itrtale, by pout/leg out iAr lettere .rash cartela
rweeey, an I wcticb it a therof3re en object to eaeal.—ix
The above statement, originating in the New York nines,
hat heen the subject of numerous denuneiatory paragraphs
in that numerous class of political Journals that delight to
findini, something to base a aborts against the °Seers of
the Federal I4overnment : In most of the paragraphs of
this character that have 'come under our obeervation, not
on:y is thy, truth of the allegation of the Timms taken for
granted, but it is also assumed as a legitimate Inference
that because pooh losses have occurred in this case, there
for* the entire Post °Mee system is rotten to tbe core and
the °Scuds, from the highest to the lowest, dishonest.—
It appears to have assures(' to these grumbling ass-
Nabors, that there are thousands of dishonest men outside
the Poet Office department, and beam in many eases,
seut`llihri"--'i ''suTar its.. fotePoCofCe And It is bec ause
of this idea of outside rascality being most happily filar
trat,•l in tee very eases complained of by the Times that
we notice the matter at this time. When the wholesale
charge of the Times first appeared, it attracted the atten
tion of Mr /10/brook, Speeded Matt Agent for New York,
who immediately cammenced an investigation, whieh re
sulted to developing the fact -that the Poet Master at
Sew York held receipts for all the registered letters IMO
mersted 10 the list" published by the Them. Them re
°sifts were signed by a young man "regularly employed
and authorized * to receive registered and all other WWI
for the Tim , . oilier." Upon being made acquainted with thee*
tae's the Tines "games down" handsomoly. and says :
••We have satisfied ourselves by pinions' ezaminatioa,
that the stove is substantially correct, aad that the to•ae.
or money contained in registered letters has boss due, to
some extent, at all events, to the sulfaithfulness of agents
in our own employ. We dente, therefore, to relieve the
Clefts in the Registry Department of the City
from whatever suspicion oar former stalemate °atlas gab
jeot may have involved. We way add, also, that we an
satisfied that merchant, and business Imes generally us
far too careless in regard to the clam of pervious who are
sent to the coot-offitie for then letter. It is very common
to intrust this important sod responsible duty to those na
p/oyes.* who are in the most inferior positions, aad whoa,.
the most inadequately paid,oe their writes. A direct
temptation to disheatiety is thee thrown in their way.—
We are satisfied that the matter deserves more attention
than it receives."
Very true; but then bow much better it would bare
beeo—how much more honorable and just—if, before send.
iag:iu slanders broad:east:ovor the country, tke rime.
had aßeertained the faeta in die case. They were within
its reach. 'The receipt book at the °See I. at all times
open for inspection; hence we:say:that while all the repa
ration has been made by that paper that it can make, still
the injury is not atoned for. For how many who have
read the charge will ever see the acknowledgment f Not
one in ten.
POP" The Voeiritetioe is mistakes. No one who reads
the Otwroey's strictures' epos tit* past and pretest rookies
of the Ginteue upon the tariff question, would supposes that
we were an advocate of " Pritootioa." What we have
said about the Gureue in etnusection with this manor was
legitimate criticism upon its inconsistesey. It formerly
professed to regard " Protection" as the only salvation of
the country -- it joined heartily with its party in this Mats
in Jetionneing tl,s comic of Wilmot while in Compose—
Iron within a month, It endeavored to make a point against
Senator Bletes upon this very idea of Preelection—and
yet it no* etuitilles itself, shows its want of fair lied
itoncintLie journalism in its attack on ilitiman, by heartily
Joitiieg .n the rapport of a Free Trade sandidat• for Gov.
*root.. We to hcli•ee " that proteetion to Home Maan.
factures Is not a luring issue;" bet that is no reason wby
optimal that bas attempted within a month to make it a
" living keno." shoold not be held to its own position. If
Senator " betrayed the Iron interest" io voting
for the rwlection of the tariff—sod the Gamete says be
did—thee in what position is the Gazette now, in
support tug a Pre* Trade candidate for Goversor " What
to MA 00 for the goose is sane* for the gander;" hese*
when tb• Oinease eats its ewe words, and swallows the
denonesations it has Neu for years bleeping upon the
hoods of the opponents of " proteetion," we will lot It ME
Mail the( tines we mast Dothan* to remind it of its pew
and pregent opinions.
NSORO roTERS.—Tb• New Tort Loghdataro has a
bill before it that provides for as aammodatoat of the Cast
stitatioo go as to allow all tho migrate ia that State au
equal terms with tho ',altos. Negress to that Stab rota
sow, subject to a property qualilleatioa, however. trader
that ysalttat*on it.,. are sow shoat 11,111410 Alegre wooers
is the Sate. To eztoad free ramp to all &ogress would
add too avow/and votao, leaking the whole seers veto la
Now York 16,001. The Anita, Astor, la esessaostieg ea
this proposittoa, estimates the tree isoleced pagalatitka at
the State at upwards of 00,000, searly all whisk meal=
is tho remote" to whit& it 'WWI Were slavery was
abolished to awl Stat. Tito asualsor otoolared ?shwa whist
tho proposed ameadisout to tho Cloastltutisa wadi eresis,
It estimator at 10,000. It tithsks the ateseetro, hoerwrort
will prows unpopular, and ra.prodooas thai vales of 1846„
TUB risoalm ors as follows :
For aver Constitatiar-- AMOS ne Prser• sairgewL -JUN
Against IL WASS Afar* it 112.284
iftiontrfer- isikrity .1.11,611
Is aselyzieg the Tote it reasarlui fist "die pepaladea
which had the least alloy of the Afriess eleisimat, were
'meet &epeeist to great this [remake se t►ie duo; Irbil'
the reasareities is shish it ezistall were versos* le it.
Just i• properties I. their esperlesise its eiraseasr sad
-- 1 41 Ow* • leise samid
bps dot abd tall Mt. Bak 1411101111sse t. pnnw
abelikille Imam* it
(Clonrmms it the Me 011swier.)
Last week opened rah May weather but en Wednesday
we had s blast el wind teem the ~ .7 Mart of die North
Polo, widehniased all living soil heeaddsillblege to 'Mak
look fate the armee& depths of their winter woolens. The
baldosablas hare loses quiet eassyb as them le eeitilell
jaM sow Is mite them mad they hely birth, meovolvd
from ski sheet which their weak some experienced at
W extremely improper Wowing of "John Dean sad his
Wary Ann." By the 'Ay, din aserdieys are nuking a
feriae* at Manias die adrenaline le this son eel**
embalmed is wend thyme. astuidlebed" to the maim
sir of "Midas sad his Dimaii," tsr the very moderato
eonsideratiss ".sly one inst." We quote the .1110,601"
as %rho sells it
"llor all yaw stirs labor& wlie herb ismaghters Oar,
0 0f elabia4 ygnag ermielurr rd hav• 7o belnum,
...lgsielkir If arSIM WNW. for I tell yes they esa,
"Thus by try, bitingly ever yin or MT N 4 z7 Alm"
I eemseeties with the "Imeereeting saideet," we any
myths* there's SS soda gulag ihr remade that this joilybish
maalunam has withdrawn his aids for the promat upon
his fair Illariaama, sad retired late tie reentry to get rid
of some of the "Imes" or to ho groomed hate eoaditioa.—
Rio yams bride Maras to her Wm to meditate over
loves folly; and /*ha, with his $l,lll h his pocket one
lazariste la the men gelds of Columbia Comity sad try
his head again, perhaps la the beeimem in whist' he has
preyed Maud! melt • prolleieat. Leek out for the head
room ecsaebssea. Jam Is s whole: team—hot, for shame,
Joita, to sell year kit ;bride to Amply. What will the
girls think el you alto, (him?
There has been a little set-to botween the luminaries of
ho NW Matilda Herres, prima douni‘Laara lheaLleester
sad Mrs. bleitaboa, • tallow candle whist' will not
be hid limier • bemitel, thong* It maid hardly illaminato •
pint msg. Thom worthies get rotaries' over each others
failings through the medium of the petalo prose, when (bey
hero ao more 'lmportant manors to otmtpy their attention.
Ole Ball, t h e num who draws melody from the (atomiser
of the meet anateledloas of creating*, who draws 6 thou'
sad harmonies from • single o•tg-t, is adding to his for
mer reputation by his present perfornmume. H. is one of
dm Doren wonders of this part of die world.
%einem of every kind madams very quiet. Teas, Are
crashers, sad bandanna "wipes," in feet, every description I
of greeds derived from the celestial ematry, are held very
high, and paying enormous proles to the lazy houses en
gaged la the China trade. A. A. Law and Bro., one of the
largest China importers was • large purchaser last week
of owl expensive sad valuable paintlap. This is one of
the Last okleetionahle entravagansies of the times, to say
the least. Lem mosey paid for costly dreamland rims for
those adornments of home which cultivate at once the
mind and heart would be an improvement in our doomed,
economy. Cotton Geod. of home =sabot:are bring pretty
fair prises new, though all our manufaeteries both of cot
ton sad woolea fabrics Itrii,oehrg money at the prices-olk
talned in this market. The importers are doing a losing
&mimeo, sad some heavy failures may be looked for, es
pecially in the silk trade, if the presentstata of things con
tinues long. Waiters debtors are disposed to' stay oa t
'West, at least, very few of them appear in this city either
in person or by proxies in the shape of batik notes.
The Times has • queer development, whfeli may be cow,
nestled to losers of registered letters and those who pay
Melt simile pew women Amon Mme age that "paper rib.
Hai m . a a m regoommeremiallted to their ease, but
in... ~..lead. Bet ea Saturday, Hr. Holbrook, poet
ogiee agent, pablishm i'Macmasnt that the poet °Mee had
roosipat for all the letters which it was said sever were re
solved! The nose I. reply, soma down handstomelyand
says that the statieshent is easiest—that 'the thefts were
eoramittad by their own clerk, and adds: "merchants and
business me. it/morally are far too careless is mord to
the class of persons who are mat to the post °See for their
lettere. It is Tory mammon to intrust this important and
responsible duty to those insrpsloyesta who are in the most
inferior postdate, and who are the most inadequately paid
for their sonless. A direct temptation to dishonesty
thus throws in their way."
Horrible stories are told of the condition of Potter's Field
on the 4th Arians, comer of .sth street. They are
cutting a street, through the resod. it would appear, and
in the 00111111111 of the work, the laborers have dug right into
the thickset of the human rewash Many of the coffins
have been brok►n in half, what bones, fragments, and
other ghastly remains of mortality, are ozpoood to viol/
and piled up la beam. The boys in the asiighborhood
amuse themselves at sight by pailiageandlos in the skulls,
and carrying them about ,AMra fashion, to fright*. pea
se the viclwlts wig eesma of Mao. .64410 heir pot
and was datterod by t h e wind. Upward of one
hundred mass with the »maims of poor mortality, the old
and the yam, have been distributed sad hustled about,
The Nicassagna aura is Me topic of the day. TS. friends
of Walker are in ecstasies, and the goatlemea who arrived
is the Initials, deserters fro. the "fillibluters" army
prodleting that the Geeing would be "crashed oat" at Ri
va•—ara obliged for the somas, to hide their diminished
heads. The St. Marie. L jubilant and they do say there
is already, as active lucidity for passage in the TOW on
the mars trip.
The Brick ehureh ill almost gone; two walls only ale
standing. Trinity eitareh is in great trouble at Albany and
her boomers and defenders form two very violent and
haste* parties among iplempallans . here. The annual
Trade Bala of books are going on new, and good priers
Or. understood to be obtained for standard works.
SPUNICY POLLOCK.---we take it all back. We
thought Pollock—fometintet Governor—had not
spirit enough to meat an torah; but be has, and we
make the aconssi• ieworolik„:„Zho late mongrel Cancer'.
Sion, asys the Pittsburg Mao., treated him • most shame
faL It was composed of the represeotatives of all the
foldout :that bad made him Governor, they assumed still
to otoupy the same position before the country—being
simply that of hostility to the Democracy, In that he was
with them to the utmost—be was their Chief—and, by all
the rules of amnion deossey sod tie uniform practice of
parties, he was entitled to mots friendly recognition, to
something elm than a scornful, silent contempt. Bre tilt
'mead Aims by urateid 4e slipliket notice, a eras! moth to
say was, bet especially ya/liey a as aviring ',alit:el.:m.-
11mq bad Axed up a Hetet after two drays session nomi
nating a eswildate for seamossor to the Governor himself
ands ewe* of redeem for the Eloped* Bench, under
stood to be distasteful to hies. They passed a batch of
pompons high-osuadiag resoladous, is which so settee
whatever was taken' if his adastaietradon. dad Mien
some plateaus, wraolhare of the Couvention. tall on bits
to appoint to the mane, ea the Sepses* Beach sue of
the Commotion's aandtdays , This was toe musk. The
Governor derstiaed to *Nags tho gendoosse. csOress•d his
chagrin at the diamaticey tesruclls himself, sad said that
she bad desired to support the neesieees of the Conren•
dot but after its amoral he:44 pot ese bow he could take
aay part is the easous.".. Me spoke as a MIS of spirit
would do, wed he has earrbsd:war, the eentinierste he then
espreseed by &probating Mr. Amman% of Lyaseeing
ermisty, to 111 the vssnsq se Mai Swish opoosioned by
Judge Black's ireelipuitioa. Doti Mr. Veer& sad Mr.
Loots were urged upon May but the men who nominated
them had beealted him sad the vindication of !basalt
prompted him to velem another, Maytag the Coavestioa to
take tare of Its ems favorites. The pommel friends of the
00.0“bor will probably sorry dm mottos still further mad
All. their dimmitisfaetima es the day of the election.
filr• TM agorae be. /hoovered a mare's autis the
het Am we have sot mistimed the apiphatosal of CloPe
limning le the Iliareheiship of NOW York—ad it Were
flrem that Om that wo de am spume of that appoialmeat.
Our ..tgbh.r is Wisely tee het. We k.ow of so teases
why we 'bestial:huh /Imam We have not him tides;
eme at Judge Iliiirasta's rem is the P. 0. Depertuest,
ad eau at tie Ilasidesesit Judge DOUGLASS, sad we are
tree to say that at wither time * we Aimee saydriag
that did ma heads Aegisthus& True, lb* soisPaPerg
Marge him with ail eerie of "evil prsetisee," bet is hie
gam ma is that of nest peddle sea, it is more Aga dimly,
'the devil is set half as Week as he le refireastad."
he this as It sug, wader the possess eimusetmem Mem
Sleek liembdesimathrestasi ta sandy asii eel at *alight
the imigiese of the Ommise Omit. tho appoistamat of
Imams is vent epertiess....ibe beet is het that amid
ham hem salls--44 hi Wait lite sea to meats the lam
is the hie of the Obiarrem all die ether
Clergy of the "Hay 1*.." that dam lift their traitorous
MORAL 11EPOPY.—eilbeet WM% prev of MGM
MU, ha tai. ....q has Use appoisted P. IL, at thespian
Wes Ira IfieMaires, remoreit. Kr. White I. a See time
sealseal theseerst. M. Itanispos Is s blast riembliese,
Thigh sesseste ter the Italles. Cheery Hill le the pies
where they hem' the ellyy of Presiolest Plow We 4th
et July seder the sepaileludeems et a Wash myelitis's
—ls It sot nunisibb tiller.* that wiles s pug
bit, eats be am hisamplibioll ht s rish bead* oho
mow i• smile wit that sibs say rapt
Tb. - Cbleseb sod Timairii, of
limish, an 4 be t with &nag Dow*
st 1611/ 4w'110 41,1 4 Obi% al salmi
SW it is understood that stater is In be let
into the Canal to day.
x, Talc, Apia •,1661
IMP' The Warren Bank has not changed officers
as reported in several Of our cotemporaries.
Pen and Scissor Items.
Mir A steam flowing mill, owned by Rev
Mr. Woodruff, was burnt at Conneaut Ohio, on
Saturday morning last.
116 The mud is just seventeen feet and xis
inches deep in State street, at the present writing,
by actual measurement.
in. Summer bulbs for the garden should be
procured now, and planted as soon as the ground
has become entirely free from frost.
l e _ Snow two feet deep in April, is a opvelty
even in the vicinity of - the Lakes—yet we were
blessed with just such a novelty this week. It
has dispppeared now, however.
J Goaldiog, Houston it Co , "spread them
selves" in our columns to-day; bat we assure
our readers their stock will bear " bragging on"
to the full extent.
_ ,s,
Mir The Conneautville Courier says a ',rut,
in Beaver township a few days since neglected,
while his wife was being confined, to call media
cal or other aid, and suffered both wife and child
to die unattended.
am. We notice that our old friend RANK, for
merly of the Danville Herald, is now "grinding
ont" republican thunder for the Whitewater
(Wis.) Reyi4er Why don't he send us a ppei
cimen of his "shrieks for freedom'"
NI" The lion. Charles B. peorose, Senator
from Philadelphi,i, died on the Gth of pleurisy,
at llerr's Hotel. Tue event was announeeti to
both branches of the Logislatare, when an im
mediate acljournuvut took place
A man from the country, why e wife had
eloped and carried uff the feather bed, was in
Inniavi:le in search (if thein—not that he eared
anything about the wif!—."but the feathers,"
said he, "them's with IS cents a pound."
say. Hon. Samuel Brenton, member of Con
green from Indiana, died at his residence in For
Wayne, on Sunday evening last, from the die
ease, it is alleged, he had contracted at tho Na
tional Hotel in Washington.
lir Our lady readers will not fail to read the
advertisement of Mrs. Curtis, in to-day's paper.
Madame is always up with the times, and hence
her shop is a fashionable resort for our fashiona
ble ladies
war A I Harrison, son of the Hon John
Scott Harrison, and a grand son of the late Gen
Harrison, has been appointed second lieutenant
in tho 6th r.giment TT S. Infantry Th. ap•
pointinont wa• on , of President T'ierce's last
official act-.
se,. At the rilarter oleeti m on Monday, in
Cleveland, OP' Dom ,crat's ..I, , cted their candidate
for Mayor by 342 majority, and the balance of
their entire municipal ticket by a similar votc
This is a great gain; arid straws that "Mee linz
Kansas" is deli; '
oar Charley !Cello's, of the Springfield Yon•
pariel, in a letter to his paper from Westfield,
N. V., °Wm, i..r th,e , b•nuttrul Wage the hon
or of his birth place We clam the same thing
=thus demonstrating 9rl^ WAN , eqn
prHluec two great moli :II a cotitury
air- We see by :...s that the dwelling
house of Chester 1.. eau, to ).7..rtli.Er,t town.
ship, w 3.4 ennsume.l, with the c,intents, by fire
on the night of Friday work. A young girl,
aged i; years, wa, • s •ror.•iy iDj lir.' 1 by th • fir,-
that. she die 1 i.w..tity-f ur h ittri aft .rwar
so. Th , l na:nrs',z iti .n C:4114 , in the prop)-e I
amendovnt4 t, the m.'itn , t,n, has failed in
the low,n- 111111 , , tbn I,Pgislature. Its
intent was to r.strain foreign,born persons from
voting for a yew- after procuring natnralization
papers, and in it4^ll . , was a paltry specimen of
Know Nothing want ,nness
my John Dean, the er , achman, is n)minated
by the wicked D.2ino'rats as a candidate f , r the
next Presidency. The rascals say, he has just
such a qualification,—as a preceding candidate
had, i. e. he ran away with, and married a rich
man's daughter,--and is Irish besides, and will
carry the Irish vote ! Wt 41 for John and his
The old Court Flouse, that eye-sore to
every man of taste in the city, is "going, going,
gone." It was bold by the city to N. Murphy,
for something over $3OO, who is now engaged
in taking it down. The roof is already disap
pearing, and soon those who know it in its hot.
ter drys, "will know it n) naore forevor." So
goes the world!
- -
Jo" Warratits have been ;13.11 , 4 at Emit Deer
township, Allegheny county, , for the arrest
of six young lacier, claarr , l with riling the school
mutter of that. district on a rail It appears that
the school master refused the use of his school
house for the purpose of holding singing schools,
which gai.e the young ladies great offence. So
great is the ezeitemeut that the young ladies have
secreted themselves to avoid arrest.
stir- Editors are atilt in luck under the pre
sent Administration. Greene, of the Boston
Nut, and Gray, of the Cleveland Plaindralrr,
have been reappointed to their respective offices;
while Sharpe i nstein, of the Milwaukie
Brown, of the Janesville Standard, Walling,
of the Keokuck 'times, and Young, of the Sara
toga Republican, have each received the appoint
ment of Poet Master of their respective plaoe4
"Coming events cast their shadow before."
Pr" The Obeerver hap of lato alopted the Doily Nl' ICI
iii a sort of text book.— Gown..
The Obserrer his "adopted" nothing of the
kind. We copy from the Nears articles showing
the "signs of the times," just as we copy from
°der papers opposed to the Democracy. The
News is the organ of a party in Philadelphia
that last Pall polled a good many thousand more
votes than was polled in that city for Fremont—
and hence, what it says is entitled to weight.
The Gazette can't, "whistle this fact down the
stir Connecticut has almost redeemed herself.
Her election took place on Monday, and the re
sult is a virtual defeat of the "coalition."—
There was a pellet "Anion" betweeen the Black
Repshiseans wed - the Know Notbingo, under th e
nem of utishict." Una this amalgamation the
Abentioni chre t nput is septets del*, IMO
Weil* reeeived moue 3000 votes; bah thew cites
eat iN alamibod - *sragisksof is
-40- -
spite of "Coalition" "Deed Scott" and "Bleeds
ing Kansas," the Democracy had drove their op
ponents very near the wall, Anving•siected oat
member of Congress certain, and run another so
close that nothing short of the official returns
will tell who is elected In the last Congress,
all the delegation were Republican. Well done
Mir The Gazette admits that Gov. Walker is
a native of Pennsylvania, but says that at an
" early day be became a resident of the south,
and received his political education under South
ern influences," and hence, " is to all intents
and purposes a Southern man with Southern
proclivities." Our cotemporary is again at
fault. Walker was hire in this State—was edu
cation in this state—was admitted to the bar in
this stay—was married in this state—became a
leader in the Democratic party in this state--and
did not locate in Mississippi until after he was :15
lle is now 511; and has fir the last nine years
been a resident of New York—so that " to all
intents and purposes" he is a Northern man with
natimt , ti proclivities, which is just the kied of a
man w , • Want for the liovernor of Kansai '
Ow . Relations with China.
The extract that follows, from a Washington
letter to the New York Tim' s, throws more light
than we have yet had, upon the appeal of France
and England t.) the ruited States f)r en opera
tion against China.
It would clearly appear that, starting frost the
original purpose, to establish more intimate dip.
lomatic and commercial relations with China,
and to transfer the residence of Representatives
to the imperial city of Pekin, the design is now,
to secure an alliance with our governinent to
hostile operations The refusal of our Admit',
istration, is to be taken only, as against a war
like alliance, and in this the country will, un
ediy, approve the decision of the Government.
The latter from which we mate the subjoined
extract. bears date, April 2d instant :
Chin I All I Chinese affairs have engaged the
attention of the Cabinet for three sittings, at the
instance of the British Minister, and have finally
reached a conclusion. In orla- -- , that the possi-
Lion of the Government may property under
stood, it is as well to begin at the beginning
Shortly belore the late Administration went out
of office, Count Sartig-s presonted himself with
a despatch from the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
asking the co operation of the United States, in
a course of policy marked out by France—. Eng
land has kept conveniently in the backiground,i
—for extending cornmercial,relations with Caina,
and transferring diplomatic negotiations t Pe
kin, instead of transacting them through the
subordinate Governorship at Canton. The in
terview rested upon verbal conference, and the
argument employed was the ready acquit:Genoa
which France had given to the doctrine of mari
time law, enunciated by the Administration.—
Besidcs, It was asserted, that the American Min
ister on his way to China, had assured the French
a nd En g l is h mi n i s te rs Of our support, and there.
fore it was claimed partially through that alleged
committal Another interview followed within
a few days, and then Cunt Sartiges was enlight•
ene I tin' no committal 111 , 1 been mad- by the
Ano ricau Ministcr-- i Mr Parker—a , had been
stated, and that the t;overnment could nrt and
Roll:1 ii ,t abandon rs principal of neutrality;
that we had not causo.t.f war with China, and
would j on in n t aggr , s , ion ; and that if outra,
g were cominitted urn the Am_neara flag or
up ,a American citizens, redri ss would be prompt
ly and suintuarily taken, as it had been in a case
which extorted apology after the punishment
had b. , _11 inflicted.
The ciao stool in this attitude until the arrival
of Lard Napier. lie Presented hiarredentials in
a speech, which went-far out of the usual way,
to conciliate opinion here, and, not c ,ntent with
that official declaration, he indulged fti the most
honied personal profdsbi..n. 11. wi. willing to
o•)13,- ,1 • almr-t anythiri-gthat was ask f , and was,
accorl , n4ly, gar; lir• to'c, • r yb dy in a little
whde he st , owe I li;s ii.4n I, with an earnest re
quest that thi United Statcs would throw the
uyiral p )wer of its weight into the scale by join
ing England and France against China; atter the
arrival of vie last steamer, thesa solieitat:ous be•
came more urgent, an I the reason is palpable.—
lo Ird Palmersi w as , iur(t , i the House of Commnns
that our Goverument. had approved rozoluet
of th , autliorvi - in China And he
more than intimated ttir opinion that it would
co-operate in the policy Intended t be prosecu
ted there.
As France. and Lug;and had appointed spe
cial )linistev, Ler I N iptor saw that if the Ads
.n 'would cr. that length, without
eo n ! iging iu.the orration4,
wotil I has- • the b, with i'f a - ' l3 g "' I , "`"i"n
justify his ias.surance an I to ,ireugtiva
po-tion Hi iii appeal made to the country uu this
que-tion Hence, his ; ffJrts wero dir• - c'_•il
that end espciiiilly, an 1 it was in this c Aft l e c t l
the nArne of i; ;sterner Walker became suggest•
ed by the ; intereqts liere, which is ever Indus
triJus in presenting 'Ili!) for every avalic.bie or
vaumgeous p..,1tw0. What L .rd _Napier wan
ted, was a •pccial mini-', r, not carin. ; l a ti e ; who
received the appiat menu It was the prestile
of the ac• Vil.nlol,ttis employers required, and nut
the man .\iffith,: stuff aboui Walker's chart of
China policy ii-ganamon, fe: he never submitted
any such char to t lie I Ls , . Administratbm, when
teuderd the mi r sion, a- t:.; r i-)rdi will show.
lie wanted a rie,rin•.!c mime ion for Cochin China
Japin, and all that part t I the globe, and pre,
pared himself far it by drawing the
.outtit to
China, which was subs• quently r •turned when
the mi s s: in wits declined, and Mr Lane appoint
bid in his stead
After much deliberation in tho Cabinet, the
President has at length detcrunneil to follow in
the path of Mr. Marcy, by refusing w join the
alliance, or in any way to crimpromiAc the neu
trality of the United States. N.) Special Minis:
for will Li appointed, because in the opinion of
the world such an act, , conforming as it would to
the c,•urse of France and England, would be re
garded as practical, if not professed co-operation-
Lord Napier is informed of the determination,
and is less cheerful than tin was a week ago,—
If the Allies want war in China. as they undoubt
edly do, they must take it on their own hook.—
It is n d ituprobaple that de American 11inister,
Dr. Darker, may sta.!. under 'he ri.he of rotation.
Ile is old, given to fixed ideas, and though skill.
ed iu Chinese, is hardly thought tin to our no
tions of progress; however, he may he esteemed
among the Celestials. The Americanm. rchants
at Canton arc divided in opinion as to which
should he the policy of the Government, some in
clining to the English view, bat others of experi
ence and sagacity strongly preferring an inde-
pendent and neutral attitude as the most desira
ble in every aspect.
Prom Washington
The Administration bas compiete,l arrange_
menu relative to China, and William B. Real
of Philadelphia, who in now hero has been ten
dered the mission. fn addition to other vessels
the steamer Minnesota will proceed to China.—
Orders for her preparations will be issued to
The Land Officers in Minnesota have been di.
noted to continue the withdrawal of public lands
falling within the probable lino of the Railroad
routes established under grants of Congress.—
Pre-emption claims based upon actual settlement
and not for spiamlation, made up to the time
when the lines or routes were definitely fixed on
any of the lauds withdrawn, will km allowed,
provided the testimony is akar and
The otiseattf the newly created !And Districts
mill be established at Brownsville, Daketh; and
ihinalca cities. • -
Jaw A
I *aria to-day from good authority, tiro
eat administration does not entirely 4
the preoeeding'ooe, in their view. r
proposed change in naval warfir •
the abolitiou of the right to valour•
ships by ptiblic armed V, fowls, as vt.'
vateers its laid down in Secretary Ma,
upon privatecring It i 4
eminent will insist upon the ahol.ti , . ll
tides I learn also that lettere have
to our ministers abroad to suspend furl
on this matter, until they reeeiv. funk.
/or the trim Obeerrer
In the last number of "Otmert,....•
ed au anonymous communication ov. r
tune of "Druggist," styled "me.
ostensibly the object of which w0u,,1
to guird the public against t he itur
meat or handling "burning
the community against parties tray
with !mall lamps and exhihiting a nt
ry to the manufacture of that am.,
receipts for making it, while tlo. r
"druggitit" is to prevent the u:.
alre.i.iy popular lint cheap dt.,,,,, r)
know", and that lie may by its I,
fogy /NU put money 11l 1//: , tIJ fr•
It Would be strang.• in 1— .1,1; to.
in g-nerating artifitnal ltgto by
or name it might be railed .hou.l!.
oppvsition No new disc9very in at,:,
science has ever yet ken made
with mar,• or less ~p pomition, won:
upon the want of knowledge or ign• r
utiil , y of the discovery itself, and qt.
from selfish and interested notions
saf•• and valuable digeovery in that in•
Dec, ,r,ary, Lae been made is true—t.
fully rded by meta of chars ter and
It wa- originally tile .Vcroi In the c,t
ill 'to.* It. , If Sew Yterir, but it:•Lort
f wrid it way alto g
to priutnpal citlea and t
St it., mil in die Capitol at
th.. Lit brar,clicz, of the
at, I by them pronounced the cheap!,
ligbt :,w in u-e Tun!
fault Vi Car. 11, IN il••• 9% , , i •CIJ
ed, rep we ku.,w that a. 5 ' ;15
gen,raill o- known mud 01.: ch,apo,
Wyk Which it Can lw rurtiako,i
1..) 02 , 2 C , 4l.,Utatr 11111.4 • t'''t G,. vt ,
fluid m Ic I Idd hi k
111 , .11-, lA, )1111 tt isAtr! c
' e,rilluat ;;1 to
th it • :;1. guy
ids cu-:ewer 1T go—l
ha. a run ii.iiwu "1 -
Druggtst, , ay, thlt the Lew I.r•
c ,, Qt !tilt ttti per eclat Ith , re
o't it
.Irugs, i.UI 'Jilt is i to fl
MAID/ tri 'hill, uedot. 1:111,
io :he ut:w pit paration
how VALI he know what it .aught
pr prratiou is -old at nue , 101-lar p r
fiirui:-u the twat and a bet , , r
sivy 1. , . L . r garwu,
ellerpe*t I furno.o thry l6,
fui 1-10 -u , 1%% r
ar• ru ft .r
64 , ,,i.t*1 1 u.
aril 1 a • Nr,
: •11-1.• i, rj• '•
gp. , En r .
in/ • WV
; Vi r M• nay
furl... r wat. , • ti •a:I oh •
Dru e :
--;17"1.:(.: I -1 - L NOl
ILE %I/ 1/1/. 11'11111131.17Vrt Idso
J. %v. "G1..%?--
ArToR,ICV •T law MI,. t •
•tr , • ..n 11., north rile of th , Pyrk.
T. a. 131. t K 10,111 0 ,1..0. r •
r 01.1 . a•
••• •t•••I •rl Tot, f •
n • urvilTl.l7" 9
It ETI It I'. - Pt. t
tit 111....11ir....; 112:0.: 3: I
• ••1 r•-4.1.•tr ,
.•min_ A., •
tv , rit-f r t
- Mat , !.,
frcir( . o%ll'ol •s!)
Tit tUT. nm•a. :
. t!.. r •t
Danes •4 Cie miter Pain I .
r ' :.. yklr, n . • •
ac• l • • L • r.. 1 • t T tl
• 1.1 1 P 11i1.0.1.11,
' ..f In- •••
• • .m
• nog rfrlia4r read pi ...rt. ,
r rr.r, • of thlerrat olsve•Ler.
61 , .•1 I ,l'• •4'
I . ; •.• It .111
• 1, / 11. p,prirt••r, stvi It} ICY 1.11.1
• mAirl•••rf..l: • ern . . v
; 4' ," • 1 1, I 1... 3
„ ~1 art! .ta., N. Y.
, IA ;,(I.t. 51.4 Me. 11%. UN' t
KlrWon. 4. Ratchelor>s Flair 1)1,
injureal hr other Avec faded or s
1014 be•SlitirrAl V brown nr I la. k.
•••• ', it t rrtiElmit , at the Ariz Is
w h o ., .01.1 nr applied In 0
en iro-f•-it article it nut wltien will prniwo 4
aI n j• taken of the PtlirrllivifiZ •
4 towitet h r 1..
'Cr I 4 , 4trt• of an lIIIITATIO‘ Called ••
of l . • a. V. Y . are! hawked around 1.. i • •
Aeaterita It, S. arc To , in
coon 11R. r.1•'19
f enc. rxrierivvre., s•llL•,r of
Trnistiox., confirm... a. •
rnns dl torunf of prir‘fn
f.tian ) • i'laee, litx.trestfer. S Y.
ni.,r'.srm.•nt on 11., t I .
talp. TO P.% KENTS.-- 11 , 1. • •
.1.•••” err mint f•entn. n'• • '•
it in lop well parent. t.• •
And • fr.qunnt• mine ot the. •
,•1 limath an,l rrotlaritl r•••,••t ••
•he rAN Ktetro I+ kept in n •Lte • I" n••
nfthe•• 'llP•tr I I. ttint" I "
r‘rt 1.. ••••,..11•• In- (•-•• :•••• •
\ I , m r t..t.. .rtn•
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ant I.• t &H fo
ai • ie:, pun)
re tie , 3
otal•• I ). • •
Qro F I NTE 1.:..+T TO FE.II I.'
We ...... npn.i ()so allenttort • • •
• I Irtl•P p•u• to
Ft, Ti tn
m.. in ntrlon• par,•..l I.
ora•tr• J 1•:•, , '
Y elnn,t Pm: •• •
tlhal or in ..ry in HI, an , ea 1, 1 ,11 •I I• '
nh••• of pool Ti 0•41,,n;_ i.n.ler • •,••,
t , ••:• 'oar
~, I ttmr,
I.' • tt• ••• m I
wroth. r 4 .• w.trt
1•11,11 r..i •
lion-ottn t;••• 'll sr rrr • ;
r.. 1 "guy ri.l, it r ot •
SP•lnMPter MA” , 1•• •, , orr C.. t••• 11, 1 ,. •
ofthoet • • .I..lirat.• lima friend+ vs'
pipe • -it'd .rst•lyrror tm.tir I.r.
:tout trt , lform :. rrnt Willie • •
A ISE Fl 1. r'• rIrI.F.X/I),S u.
t! ..V .Ir rHOUV/ \NI/. It • I
S• 11 t brir-yr letrorn t hr. akm, .• It, .'
011 t re. rrr •
'tort rr•orir.r,
+llol\ , igtsy
.soms 'ld wrtlor, e;oor ;on tyro or
Orr I KKK," toth the t. sr? • ; ';,
tihti 1..11 r newli r.i•llitatot,rl;to
only Itfts be all Drt.,7o.
ioct ith, ~ ,e 3 • u.
/W. r moor' watt to Vosoroirs-- Dr.
Al. n 1 iwn.11.•1 1, •
cult of A; 11 S
I °r. ••••.I.•• p r ...., IN 4
.• ..111%11 CW11.141/4 I r. ..•
ran I•t to !rht, ~.t •••
11, o i rrt too* ..Inetro; ,•••111.• V.
rant°, Intr. .1...,••1.- I
pale sari ;10 Atli, ennnttataarnr.innc , •.l t•• t • • vale** •100
otru , ••.l a oo r I I
enure, , n. s '.lh innolw• ;.
n nal of .oc a retool) loot boon • ~.a•ir•
*nom,: ytton?, :1,4.14,1„, •
th 4 isonrt, io.tthing ..4
thn inter oal :lon of nature.. an.'
tho ltilbali InrariaLly rrmedr Ali th.o.
.411kgieloo• in lb. rote ot
Thine I .Ile n 100.1.1 nese, 1 e 1
talc. r d.."
hr oleo , to canoe a allararrtic, &U
M° ,
fro. t -oars northing Ininrinun in 14. nr n
dirartneas armml.tnr ~, 1. ,
Tivron my • art'
when. Vser•• ~•••• n• a • •
tett. r, Jr to I , r I.
Yaw \ - "rd (Til i. r.O It.-rn a. ut
mtnra nt motif.
- A (.7 VI I
Or for kirelneaa of 444 • gide and frit 4. :„..4 •
for me In e•WIII104.11110 Ott
has. lawn .Me ho sass my lonalm•• 4..444 4"
4tb al, throo I.
rqs,,l , ,r a ahon of 1114arotua,• a• •• .1 M.
whn tsar« atom! 11 me, en.l mine 4144.4, ••
land wig. ander obilgationa arbleh I eat%
that aigh rw,losems mill meet lla ore rvaanl
1111801111111104 bout Mt umiak*.
.: r e ! 1 ,
I -5.1.1.' 1