OBSERVER. p•roonal arid ItErie Itamor__ to payment fYie &shots deo ealla.. a• oalsable basis**, tats sod ball( w ivortiisd to-day by Janos Sill. ty neighing continues food—tbs errweabier &Ad-- demand —eunl ditto—daneiag parties aad all the rige,ekor soy gently Minion, a li o i c h_i m a s home, are the mere continenally. his Ow Do,* To Tits —Some of our DeMoeratio (Hinds that while Ilea DICK, the mamba from Ws oatmeal to Sued the eounty with Abolition dot b Ate a..—tlissi is sot a e &western *cot tomtit the people Ns ars ti so. bet It u . arne of thing. we sew no blip tsnut I Democratic soother west uf the behove, oornissiteeLlY w• are wilitione npre to that surticalar Dar Senators aro willing is y porbly esn, bet they are th• ropressotatives w , s la m .d beset their efforts in this parties , attosisardy be diffused There is one way, how• pato seat ',Doug the people by oar Abolition our., ender freak, oan he notatrallsed—and that • sires] of Dsnocrvic newspapers. Lot active weeebtp urge their follow Democrats t o fir mereral total, reilatehe p e pip ri —th, till u. 'eery neighborhood they will isavo• Wt I ., pr the evil tompkatetid of. We aroin a large I Western Pentiaylvaalo., tad er• can only hope foretell's it, by spreading the truths of y 'along the people. Our opponents *demised „newspapers as a engine, hawse they ag ko their efforts to •z tend the eireulat too of the sod thetr local paper*. Lot Democrats usenet.. Let theta urge upon their neighbors f subsoribins fur lone reliable Namerstie should Irks to taroudi •very Democrat la ibe of the Glborrer , , bat U tatty prefer some alb bets send for it by all mama. Will oar Muds a little tiatirtit.tu tu this particular will do as sip the go.d cameo Look to it, thew, owl moot of our op?oueote u. etstwied Abolitioeitisi with lag off.rti spre.l :Le truit, '!AL W'ALTM or UL•K STATE AND • —The Auditor General's Anneal Report eon usual tabular statement of the Taluatioft of iwo p. eo. 441.10.111.01 of taa to to (the «priors' corm from whirh we make the fullosejng sow- ~n i the • ggregs . te miliarial woaltb, awl taxa- • c P•Losylvaula u 1858 he. , watt Pers'l Estate, ct .4 nil for 1856, Log t the Census ur 185 U, 1158. ,0A ..! Heal and ponowil •eat• in En• wan .i 14,358,916-10 Crawford 83,424,527; at :torten fur 1856, is Ens, 813,5:7,50-1n 1146:43; pupalation in 1850, in Erie. 38,742; taxstiles to 1856, 14 Ens, 12,1.36; in 6'6 Ibis' foot/ Cr. interwetiog to the tax lute u Large, at well u to tate* of the two Tit*? sh.w that w., ap here whore sc ow, exposited nut of tb• public traiseary to ,...pad the cvuoty, ar• paying aboually • large i. psy log of a debt eontracuid to build up the of the State that now it has total] it IMMO, to come forward, and help um "cut of lb* ,n.truettog tb. Sunbury road. uscumivorA E —Th• Pittsburg maws , sident at Qoa.f the Charehor Its that city, on t that, it is taugbable, servos to "point a young moo" should routolabor, The Lau —a young in•o...iretmoti is th• muit dainty a 'Lir i• 411,1 LI his side. also assooratad with la toe approval method, walk- Iv, evog , o', a oeotral pour, and seated thes e. apeolf4rtao'y A taw catnutes elapsed, err ,oo • *era .....litAl*Oedd. whoa 0411 . frilled, /wi th two wart. posballay, dolled ble .retest, !sal ovrr 1,4 * book of ii. Seat, wad maimed Obi n, appar•ntlr well satisflod with bis perswassl Je.. - e*IT bad be sal down. ',biro t►e ',bola •as thr irs tnW quit* a etouvinetion, by a • ,on. :Ad the Cslltog of • thousand pab uptu Ise flior . All ryes wens tansodiataly • p•••^ troth whence the noise procee Jed, sad poCkela U. aforesaid overcoat were v. tro u,untal, ballets and caps .e E. ais i direoGosso Bet the lo o t de ieeuustobance of the unlucky owner—ah' it porrouJestion of ooefuitoo' area klaitaLima;“ with other Tales, is Imo volume to he tutted (rota the t'..ters4a, 102, Chestnut it., Phila. It was r. eanoLtat Ls Hawn, on• of the most sof lesion oar cam& over produced. As ty the Saturday Coarser, Mrs. H.'s works .tense of domestic lure, purity, rad joy, wag of the reader. There is breadked lute r worts a sentiment of the pare, the imait• :e gloss, which is seldom famed in any The fragrance of a serious heart, sad • trace to every page and cannot fail in wises,' on *very heart. Mrs. Nests mid a professed follower of our Saviour. ' roligtoes eharm pommies all the stories (parting s glow to the finest feelings of on the beginning to the sad strength te ,cad beauty to beauty. Her characters and Mrs Heats moms to have dipped awes of the boas, ►ssrt, lied wit► s . hare the 'moue and eompliweitiag path men Wherever her works have towed 411 by other continent, she is known setetration, end regarded by haadrisds with 7 elKtive Nemage" u eomplete to one large duodev seetly Omni tt Cloth, for One Dollar sod Cipate, or is two volumes. papa cover, for C„ pier of enter edition of the work will be of the Calted s.lstet, fry, of pootor t 011 prig of the Wawa tidy may to dm s Jotter. .RY.—'?s CoaaaaatoiLlo Coomio, lays t►at gad ban, of a MISS Ponta. is Collaosat tr►a- my, while the family were et ebsreb, 4d before assistance arrived, were battled The buildings were saws( the beat to 4 stabler wee avid ese»pt • portion of Posed door of the house. A large le., were Oared Is the cellar, far sad other articles fa the eltawt are destroyed by the deroariag 'tattle, twisty-Ire woe of hey, two perty were costumed with the bars. oted spa Ciardee Norrtio,e brother-la- 'On rocoatly obliged lo kayo MIL so dissolute, vicious slid lataisporate lbw abode with Miss Potter. Pesides taming to ligist • warisat wee prospered, day, Will wore issued tied distributed, af 1100 for his arrest. During Weds's- D ewer sad MIMI basis( traced Norris stastprorieg. iodated hiss to moon- ' , intim*, mbar* a warrant am at one, eery_ la tzacautotioa waa lad haloes &lairs ".n., tad Norris vas committed to jail to last week two servant girls at • tbarcoal !re before /*drupe to bed, void nett worlds& having been safroade4ll Janos tb• bight. nor Gaoaral has eetabliabod a Post sulshi county, and appointed George Ars 4r• their Rios. An editor an Arnim 4on annoy. Loaelatiy Owl ball ammo ,* of auputlaeounota an hal pookm. tins• a ot to toroush allot —Jravahooffe. "k" vur hasinw psalmsr to ballet roof— Pvrtfoma of oupnad htJls treat Se to 10 per cord to Chicago. CM. Sere, bet tt take a "feet people" to keep Tett K—The Democrats of Springfield are eat they an as in. as the sewn* to a. v 7 kolt 15 .trength ey rate op in PAIR' The otbar Es; they bad • esdebes. honor of Mos isteotion of " Plow , 0 son " To. number preispat wao tot alatr was spatted oesortholees. Jadg. 'w• sod mad* a eharneteetistiospe oe h, eel tenolt our Spnaglield Maids "will as:* ol the woolly bead, is his dee, sad hang men eider Ins nude. Let Ms seem 31 is es plsooes tbroegh the noisy's@ id "f .hews that be sod set they, meow .s LA' TL' k ZIT. -A clangorous auseter. 4 "4 4 viiar 4111. es lie Moreaatike Bask, 4 . had Nadi hta Our ititisead 1444 taut' stslaim ac. [Ownepseasea. Wide Z eas.Jos. I tint obi Mom the ipast-04 114: : re & IS tee Sank Pal.,,wish lt TIN scabby of the Ashram sew am yeartas dun ape e% sad tare*" oar owe astrkiitt i r Jiff& • Ida% trawl sea The bey Year op -111•1446 midi stmts. mei Gotham la braibled. 441' .14‘f 1 , 100,,0k P•Pdoso diem of Jersey sad Leas Lebtai pas with yearatas eyes, et She este et** Melba had verhabsok bees whist' se tivapeohbe golf lipatibie Ana. Tim bob Is serer is ferry baste aie sweisdl obese by the be Nelda sad &Mat tiara lb sums I.ttaalt tie app. Ha. The fres ens of the beam sashes ebbe area powerless samba the bebop. sad we. oho are aeeettebod IA WI M. epee, sad tine. ere compared sad Wad ter ease by the forme of Nature. The theeragessoUg Asks dews daspeariaily, gospel , aad deeper every hoer. Yesterday Si. of tba lama really, ace* saltseers. was Sheol bestow to death Is arooklya.— Thoassatis store aro dying by ladies is lofty pasts whit* tho wind auwohnes parpokrally. All we ewe do is to (nos* as, patiently, and wait for soacchlas ~soar to tars up. Phlioeophor Manias; Is ...twit.. Bo Imp )6•11 see eye up to Albany to advise the taluibitaals of that besightod Dutch eity N propane for weld weather. Tito woathor towhee poopio W diaeover sad appreeisto home *motors., and, Is essolignowoo, there is Nee going on set doors, in the way of evening annmairsionnr, titan sonol. Nobody trouts the ferrtoo who is able to stay at home and a great part of Now lark atamosseata are kept tap by the people of Williassburgh. Nrooklyu and Jowls, City. New ark mu is ditpeadent apes the great neutral eity for aniisiessents. On tit Ilk the anulvorsary of the Battle of ti•w Orleans waa solobratod or Taarsaay Hail in the old style, with a grand copper cad ball. Tammany is the wi ly ball room now loft dolts tads, mbar* pooplo Ibis are sousebodloo are allowed to oongrogite. 1114 stair IP b. brilliant, of tweezes. Wgt are witeessieg a pleasant little bank* joie now, ho telmen the dation sad &mamma. no thirtressio are Woad Z. walk the liosirthaits, sad the propriety of the Noel dimes" iiiiskeekrest beyond .•anon. There eel • autism of reralarly @awaked pritedtloners la t►. city, who are suceweiing well la their professions, and deemed •dais• sloe to its fall privtilgea The male demon tarn up their noses at the idea, in e.lid platoon; bet the public sympathy is with the ladies. It has bean very wisely suggested that the prtheatie of ladles µ t►e elasittal examinations might mitigate the eetorioua indeaupt7 with which t►... an generally atteuded. If we are to have lady Caveats, let them by all mouth be allorded every opportunity for sussing a thorough knowledge of their progenies, and for what ether peefeseions le the hied heart tied the carets! hood of woman so emiaent* adapted? The inclemently of the seesou is of bourse prods/tog its afloat on all things that crewel by sail or steels. Tbs har bor is full of disabled .raft, of every grade, Yesterday • steam tog was was bringing ■p to the city an awkwardly built iceberg, which, atter a little thawing, turned oat to be the bark Hones Beal, from Alexaadria, Va. The vessel was so thoroughly oosgsaled that not ■ rope eould be worked Dot a beadle turned. Her crew Were all fruit. bitten, and one Is probably crippled for life. 6531,731,304 1,649,967 2,311,78 .582,113,5 We bar• board of about $5OOO bestowed to Now Year's presents Upon otomystiwa la t►la aad atijoiaias aides Oa* eitogragst ton care $3.50 0 at a single eollection fur miss... sry purposes, dartne t►a braids/a. PIRG.—The Mostivilie ssys • dwicliisi Posse, otespiod by a Mr. Sass, on the rafts, is Vernon tows ship, was dootroysd bj dro on Friday morals( lest. It origtosted from • stovepipe. and before it was discovered, prugreued .o far that it was impossible to ostiaguisb it. Mr. Hasa, who was a tssant, scrod but little of Ms boucrbold goods Time property is owned by Mr. N. Posse, of Masssehasotts. Aft. It is expootod that the Now York *anal will oyee next Spring, with a depth of lire feat water. whioh will admit the passage of bogie of wet lass titan two hominid tons The exertion wade on the part of the Respire Swim to ..tun tie .patrol of the. ehamid wiswalsew eh* Keystone to oseaplote Who Eawbery wed Erie Iltwilivedi with all possible, dieepateh Si - We see by the Gasdt/e, that at a meeting of the Corporator, of Erie Ceinetary on hiostlay ocrosiag, the following named gentlemen were chosen Monitors for tile owoutng years —George A. Elliot, Elijah Babbitt, William Kelly, Irvin Camp, Wifllias Mated, James C. Marshall. William A litrowo. The Board promptly and 'minimalist; alerted Igr. Elliot, lhowidust--• yaw eosplionaat (Si hie qualifications &rt poriowal eliarsetor. MI" A yoasg lady named Am Boas, who tossorly reradod (a AIM time) is Waterford sad inas two brotbors Duo living there—was ressady (woad dead at Clittos soar Suites Lawn, Now York, having soisiniusd seesido. It appears from dos iarestegsdost by till Coroner. that sbe hod boos seduced sad abaishsod by a boards's scamp aornod Joseph Geiser, • Lithograph pruner is New Turk, " Sae loved, sot wisely, bat toe well. Lieut. W. W. Q.Ma, for two years paw attoehee to the U. S. Steamer *Whips' ea tide Stades. has ►sea ordered to the Boa Joteiate, whialt M hut dater was • libaegbao, Chia& What' we the Lake 80174011; Q. wade seep Meade wile regret Me departure, but hope to twe bin book spew the Wars of tke Bea Jaelato. AS^ Tho Diarist Attorney, bolsi amble to sowed to the duties of Ids also, has supolated C. W. Lobo, Xas. to act for him ustil the slow et Who Nioreary sows. vbe people would here &clod with more wisdom had Wry eke tod Mr. 1E Is the Am plass. -sok The Germ sotieea t►e foot that Worts are atelriag by the tidies. of Ildeabore, to mere the ereetiea of so howiesay is that Table. we bops they will se/coed. sad fora the ebarseter of the pelleseee orbs have the wetter la altar" we bare a* &ea►t they will OWNS OP.—Tb• Mayville Seseisei steeps the ediwr of di. Jamestown DINWIIIIIII4 who is se iamb of aa Albeit tionist that be hes to be soiled ea a banal egesy day I. keep hies from beetle& that he seas eemeyiel in a net to break lip as elegiacs* meotles at the Darting China le that village. The Dowser el Ewe owns sip te the "soft impeeebmess." bat pleads the hop aet—saye he watret of as.. Me vote the nesse beeeseyeel, ter we ise'tthish b. bee *Aired to the years of diseretion yet. ll' A muesli Lodp wet sesabllsluld to Albion on the 7th. This nostiodi se if the bet that tar neighbor, the Go ma. nail to think sae of thus "isetlattiost" was the sit:sees to the everlasting pit; sad thesilored Is. Essen. see egslut them asieriliney. Hat that dog le gas' hy. Asti-llaseery psid Trait as loss as It lasted; then It 11.4 Witigery—that asessaleil adniisslily far sewed yaws but fully "followed its leader." It shoe seek op "Ilso," but "San" was short heed; sad sow 14 has get bask le the "Anti." bat this time it is Asti-filavery, the meet ossisless as w•li as the meet oiledbievese of the breed. Verily, ear soighbor's polities' history promiests as may solos as the tansy cost of hooph, sliest whiell we toed le Mid Is oar &today Waal Jaye pa- we so:knowledge the moire of wetsl oestribs doss foe the beadle of the aseelbets Wally isostiosoal by Si last oink. We wosl4 si . l in seusest bet Immole Obi *attributors As not desks It being dose ergo awl ty whieb gooks s•febor soworepew sotoriety see pail& ass be. PROSIOMD.--Ileasse Liest.a. 11. hums, of lie ftb binary, statloood fa Waeltlagtea larriteej, es Dm nails, b.. bees promotod to s tut Lloteameey, ae Iwo by • letter from lila ka.41.14/0/11. - Watt. P., to • Bodge of Ms loosely. R• sairsowledes the roseipt all Use a Miss pipers Iron Dr. W. Xasirell Woad, 11. ELBinvas of dos List ladle Eisii4res. Tim *alms Wes to Ostuber Likk. ResSINSPVL.-00011.41111 Mr sea ►wa la Saurian needy six warts, awl hare hat "near light yail That &gigged iiissly is ',Wady lance.—laiwiarwa DNA. Noidur lllegume arr'llardapra boy* b..' ha thotrowits abbe Tater, Imo lieliewo—shw4 thwt will szpisis why show, ha. w early libV sad abo t►o Maplovosaar ails• dod tc pir The overseers oldie Peer Westfield, hove sir. mussed • b..d MU mita( *as' dey vu piessease .. ea* &toned galas liquor wiihesi Home. Jail. Misr via of that Diesrisi, boas ileehired lhas the aseseethatlea aliky of the Proliihitoey law has IA de old Buis, Law forte. POST44iI ON TRANSLEN7 allfArTill-ii Amid be beam in Lad that to restage es all beets ' anasale4sires lers,antertiseeleasb, boobies' ern* isenetessa essrepersee. &Amm' ems &prepaid binssener Itampi.dtborwisip tberrill nos b. wallet Tim pestersise seek nelasessolual4b•oks is essiOlMil fog is pa" Arabic N., *Was AU weight is lees Usaa Wee ~sea Pew sinew gee Diger be peralineed at tin net slisma , Tairaßoo% 4%I LL • IrtssilA Few, rad imisi . { asimphiw, is Pe wiz irialsok , : . mo w Die. . • • • /a& IL Mom 1 ' 4 1 1 4 ° M IT ( 1 . rt b ti - TMCMY a _ -4 1 e! 1 4 = - MrY M 1 i.rze. Sr* Min. UAL RAM . " . M . 44 4 win sell aTio.• °NW lira', AMIINZAM7 77 7 7 e ter/ /// AzaAsir x. Y. - State et. BIIIT Tic i , • - Kale St. OLE 0. - Superior St. OSIOACIO, , • - - Clark at. DIZZOTOU. Ma. A. B. feaer, Ilea. N. IL WAAL. • IL O. Or Amiss. • W. A. Haan T. • ass. W. Cianos, • WAssuomms MAT, - 1. V. isept.asson, " S. W. Waro, • Tam Y. m O. O. OtamelA liq., at, N • PAA Jam IL Ilawma ig., • Vanos Ces t. Poe ßum C. M. Dom lisi, WA. A. Stab. W. hail A- Pomo, Om . Jam Z. Los. P. 11. Ormeno, 3,646.C)CrZerir. H. D. DRY r R. D. 11117ATTOK, J. R. GO W. it HOLLIMR. lastrietors fa u. Seim* of keettosta ibbil Ladaress es Ile* moo Clanors. ggg?gfgg=g HOZACT VANN, Boa. ORO. W. CLINTON, medal Las lacers. Hon. 7a~O NATTNN, A. A. ILLANONAJUL CI., Leatarces out Law. Jw R. Las aad Akan Leanne al Ramtlag, flaw" ac. Nom. J. lircra Astiva, M. B. /MUM Laetanaaa Nankai Taos oak,. Nan L. M. IA 1. Twarsoar, 0. W Noaaza, 0 W Racoon' Lattaacra oa Narsaullia Ouvaa Amy, M. J. Oaaaaa, T. C. Ponaaor, Lederer* ea C 0.,. asacdal Campanulas's& I. ~: Mme• Fn, MU goarse—Usee stalladted —lealedlag all daprta•au • Boot Lergpartg, all Lettere% Comertlal Cestpatatioas wad Prat tltal P•aaraaaetlp, .1110 00 Far maw °sane la Letter' D•part•ret, 26 06 Nreess haunt P•saaaeblp aloe•, will ree•l•e 161 Lamar fur. 6 00 Gentlest* eatlttag the bolder to lastrestioa la Patatiesd Pensaaaship, dans( the ewe doe• year. 10 itM ur metros styled if urrasaaal Peateasable as nay to •greed epos Thee 11:faialaan Of tb. 11'4%1141110s ia to &brit priest mg aogoodluoss sooosor, a thoooop IsaowboOgo or Uanon•So~ So& ofeeso sad Asa, am pradfoolly plod is the Comodsof goo= awl boudoirs parsons irooseolly. rM 7 'T'ImIM!TI -7 7=7• - i Is amiss do plesosial sisetriaMmoseco of Um mast smommtisimi AtuaessatantiNa !bad Teseberis, tad It Ls betarred that as Mar matile or Commercial Calais Is Um Called States, imporl oe ailvaistaires for taapartiag a thorough, praeti Itsostsiri Commercial Aemace. TUN WRITING DIMAXIMIIIIENT. The ,ousbiustios of talent brought to beer aeon this iletpartesot is W.ll , gliallialSO that the luetruetiou ufit be thorough sad of the highirst orinr TUN LECTiIt Mtn Are MI *elected frith the greatest es" sad *r the wary best I ha{ aim ha procured TUB 0017111.46. Stereheathe Ilseika of every essiedy sad fora. Cater steers? diarist seta Nor .34 amseist tag 4 ries Deems armlet for the 441141 r. es• 4 this College. Copy-right reared 3lisalefebasessar4 Beek. 1! to the set Copy-right seemed Bomalay Bead* 12 is the set Copy• right secured. !Audit. 4k. PuNl•blair Bask.. In tli• set arretairml the eseteudee use et Ws College. newel Book%l is tbe set. Copy-tight secured Wawa Best 1841415a,3 is the wt. Copy-right wowed. KAU itimag Beata. • eomplete sat of &eta Foraa, tk Copy deb t secured TO TEICHICIA6 Teachers of Academia., Cabs sad Public 1 1 4boo1a. elm weed Omar mcattoas ben utry pliessigy suml marbly TUB !WITH or 2001111116. The Koons ••• Inv^ airy glad • otly feruldohol. sad imama te oily ansiscrd b pursuit.' reery t of Ileresaaale Us males. rag LADINO/ DIIIPARTNIIICT, la ootooly separate irons Um Gosilinmea omit k• &tura sp very 114atsfilly Tlxrougls tbo utopian) kINISMIIIS ocoinualisaan of the hisolpala many of the AttoSenta on soeduotlyt oin ploned ia Inernaloo goon • ar For turtber Informatics ...d for Cireolor sad Camino* Jost polot.Ssd. obtak 1 LU be promptly dol free of sharp. Address BRYA to NT rmu ar. STRATTOTI. ha. 3,1561.-1 y January Appointments. DR. DAMON/131. H rsitiAN fur DISLA. UN SIS of tie LGS (Yormeeir nye.. L ciao to Clocinttati Maria. Hospital mid Invalids ketiest: be 0 , 11/110V141 at Brown's Hotel, [rte, Tuesday, sod Wedoeeday, Joinery IS k2l Clarion, Forest Holm., Thursday, 16 Itiatioar's Haigh alto:sorra Jen Ist the 17. till 1r• M. Ileadetiltr, Hattori House, Moody, Jomasry If. Pietibarx, Pt. Cheries floteL 116 • it T. Whine, iridium House, Slairsellte, Hertel Homy 1. Dr H.rdraa aett.te coneemptioa, deehmon. La/Oar tie mad all dierases atter thrust sad leapsbe ILSIDICAISD Iniehe tios, Lamy seed in the Brampton Hospital Limnos. The emit point to the teestmeat of all hansom timimilem Is to But at the &s -ow la the direct newaser. Aft iss4krioss Sr. sikambed b thee action upon the ovum remoking relieL This la the lesportsof bet spa which fiksWere is based. If 1410 011.0•111 a Is dimmed, we twee oirekeinee directly Ito the stomach. lf the lamp are diseas ed, breathe or ideals medicated vapors directly lois the lamp.— lliedlcimee are the antidotes to disease sad Omsld be apptied to tier vary mat of Camas hiboisitiwa is the appiteatioe of Obis peteidpie to the treatises% dike lamp, Fir it emus se direct 11111110 i to times latricet• mid tatter which lie out of reach of miry other mom of admintilisiag medicines. The roams Wit esersomptiora, sod other niseeses of the longs, have boritteibm resisted aU treat ment has been brewer" they hare never bees approsetord la a direst mnimor by emended. They were inteirded to eel epos the lames, sod yet were applied to the etoraseh. Their action wee iate.imail ti. he local. nod yet, they were sn adwdeettered that they oboe! oily act t n•litutkros)„lT imiondlag their peleolpit Lad lataiedlate action epee the •nellienftier ittooreh, whilst the teal sierra within the hangs were annolente4. teleaketioo Mince the weeds. .• dr met mantel with the demon% er3lioat the Aioadvatitege of as, aetioa It. application Is en simple, that It esa be empineed hr tire reeseeet Infant nT hiblee leralkt It doe, set demo., lb. etonneeiti, or interfere to the smallest deem, with the stnisith, comfort or tuirilnem of the t. Other Tinted. to mistier to the followlog thanaara i .-stber • b.. coloplicalomt lf with Lang a,tiona, eatating anis also lavit.. eonaultatkm— nasally llind ttonn Promptly ratable. ?Maims and all forms of redola Complaiata, Irregulalit o a mad itaakeens. Palpitation sad of firma of Haan Marta. LW./ DyThda, and all O&M MONISM of Svmsarlk and IPIZ I =r All ellommoll of the .y. awl Vow.,lei.. Npyrand all of serreet dilator tiO ClOOf f * for 15C/ risoltatloS. 219. 19541 rf,7 DID YOU SEE IL .,. ILA .a. AL: ..ih =/ ... k .... L14M AT THE RE GIIL•TOR, AND OAT PR/Cll STORK or TISBALS, RAYS, A CO Fa{., OW 10. ilifol NEW FIRM. CLA - I, “ K t,B:BALDWIN, WINOLNSALN AND =tan. DrAusts Ix :MI i 211:331211 Pante, 01la, Dr-iltasiEs, Perfumery, Surgical sod Dental Instrnmeots, l'rwises Abdominal Supporters, Brushes, sod PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Par Medieissi Porfrompre. No. I, Rood Bo um, Eria, Ps. g s OLITTRT Itotabsats will de wattle era aft a ail bolas Wag Last, we ass praise (toads Hal •t la mu at Tiro Park prism. the niftiest Iftektasee et tali day, oboists", sad notaLl, at a prim, 'ad just ham Asir has*" Omit of Twortist's Fladtaks, tadadtai Jaws, Vida & Co's Tosak, Vaal and Tta nal sa dfep, lastassarata. is /orgo sad von solon sd, sad wut b lanalsbod at Pbtawletplaa pefMa maw, g o. es • sail, as se boar by arid attaatbso to Mrisw to wait tke piano aro so liberally italsaast to our pralsoissors. A. Y. CLAIM &de, Ns. B. A. BALDWIN TO THE PU BLIC. Nevis( ainseeed el my entlie block Drags sad blailaidass te Messes. Chet I< Baldwin, wed as tits inseam will be sendeeted by Ulm r fersiseiji, I Übe plasm I. reeememeoltine them to my aid parer sad tie poblie imelealte, 'weft ammo of Wept* sod rod isomer quake/Woad, en d lON win Bret tie i whirl. bar hitherto lois so las:nay orlsadoirls Uri asitelpll eimebilebed Bouse Die, Dee IS. leat. L G. RLILRON. MAT DISOLOSUUI WriMl rid by rem that trees be Mew, ems ItINDEJINSCRT h I Jusrict still rolls*, to ND Geode se leer me IMP, eotwith etsiediair the Grest Discovery meetly muds b the Mies be row earl of the b.vo end ate delmuisoll to keep up their regrataties let boring the Larva, Chluipme nal Om Alissimisat that ems be found la say owlabiliairesed is this City; is bet yea stn fled slams saythiag you wield aspect to Sad in wash a yawn. at this saw Store that we In telling you shoot, wed should you wish anything that we ildt•011 la Mory we wilt cell as Asap is the blessrei for Case a• Lad? Pit. gr We will at all timesay tire Wise price to all Sleds of Census Produc e Plow give wi a eon sad tire what we au do wise yoo sae Cash Ail 'roods tioliverol fres of dime Wiliam Oho City limits. :rto, Doe. $.l„ ISM I 7 IL I 0 2 0 rt stock of Hardwaro. W mos WA on such oblout at No 6, hood Roos* - 61/ANlrlf *ICON KEY, re, 1..0.• $64 —2s Soommor to Infos nowill. 8/:oo)63T.lll.l,4bWfats, At Die M. Ws antrIERNECHT k xrsTir.E SPACIAL NOTICL 14 k. aria( tammollves todetood t. Cod won k ♦ .4, aad 6rtimo7d, Wortsot t Co, wilt plePal. settle Qua aas a. wow ot pi Joatton, 1/107, do w tritik to Woos* oar louuks fair U. rev 15.4. Ke hope" palm .ill itolay colt taw ^boot wish, ao to , do .MY, to make web. Rai% Dec. 316, 1534.--117 0/1118WOLA WAIOMR it co. A Safe and Profitable hivestasest. ralliVerkif MISCH/MN/ sad parklers wordd /lad N a pre& israitaoest fee tbeweelais rod • peat eeureslesser t tbaieeassests inn Hier to le•sp• sepply d taIITIRNI FAMILY 111111CIN re ea NM. n• gnat sad irereeelse deru/d ter Is 11111/1/IN WORN CI Nor, the BALM Of GILLRAD, Pt- MaLt RISTOR•Ti YR, eta, Ss, {snare a rimy as* kw lbws, mad sberesre they are mama used deared /be Iwo is ears to iiressee. They sae be had issibee and se the wet liberal terra el tire ie l --13 tospearlselL CASTES I BRO. tr Dee 1116. Sew Ilispress Arrsapwat. AKERICAN EMENNI COMPANY CNA MOW Omsk SP/1698.0* uszarsn MAD 7'u £Olllll, . W 24 LtS, 110114111111CILD lib 01, New York, 140- ILO roi, room Ai Co, .eels, oath limbic &dies, iti•pliteis • •••••••Aste sod Wishes Ilassoseve sotoo•• In. 'ad ihnsdwei, iisses • sore web 9•7 tioss boo `rho otoseas. sodlrtithso• boo atteraale ilsys ntaator Mtoo\ day, toe time trooporteSis%a of boil MA% said ols, listebssillime is Isms psalms j os h. Also, collort Dna. Bins of gulp is slispiits is disp UMW Errepolso r Jll.loPikandm.• Wawa oatrastod to tioas will lot pouiptil atesoiti to • llos Almelo* gym* neorsay Is ow Dow sot woo las Otos bs saysissessambil wII say saber parties eta sea !twos boo Mod totwoottillais aM liesesioilk. for knew' laLroos eilsmee MA 11.46 U J. J. 111. Asps= MIS Q. limas, b oa sesofts st kafe, D.c IS. _ _ Lauber Yard Ilesaavad. Tell 4 ebastbalat ataaved bb Leak, Tad to , the Dosh at I ais bet a hurl earl wires be le 11111 , a min ;el Or WO ISM W morkat prigs la oak ta a Laalitse lbe Pr lisaiws lamb. S. t. . MASON. JOIL illi, lla DM YOU UM TH E NEW GOODS AT TM 191.31901:77a4L1PC/A7/11, A N D o.vz PRICE SORE a TIMIAIA 11117, 6 00 10* Dee.lo, UAL GM Waft .—Thoicallimes4Aela, Jut nabeil aid Ihte — W4 Dessabar Lt, MANIC A Arrliallikrir; sekbrikett &WM V maim% tites TM atawntal isealiag Fist. I'LLLENOITTA, , rim sQuArTgais Nom Visa fterseaw r I A w watigts ft beA m a emu MIL -pi - lte, A choir samelasist - raMk/retort beet oiroserritsl Okrotek erreeersh Imo it. mie, red Spriglk lam Co" SNOW Ilioke. oat hie* rot ord bores& JItool• atm. orfork eoto item =Me Mottrwo, 4411 Sotto ea% ollillopettkoi RAMEY • tIeCOMIT. (Ir/ so sibs isoi4 irk, Nov. * 111441. No S. beet Iterar- &gat - I sit Ur Mom of B. a. PACLU&D t. 11. Ft ?ON. 'MACK eissilimmt at ti e one d JUP Nov S. DAM e 01,001.11. itILL kindle of Div Orman" Neon 1111. 'blab any W bead am aL6T Iglu cokTu is tho 461. OA UM OM of g• a ' lan 6 Ile _ ._ miles Mittirlio - Cte QUO variety of Ada, Cie al ilf Beets sad rases sad A diet I leidive Wawa may ba lalia‘ al or at Yee story a New la. LUZ a TOM disposal slimy stook of Moolmmo to Nanny at MN.' •• rukey It boottoos tor mattosry that all Dots* mod atommaisahoold lo wittah thin/ days. 1117 oohs awl ammuno ato Wet taro; and mother Was woo .at to logros via: that Na 3, Hood How.. lo thtt UN *do to hay Rontwate tows NEED Nor 11, IUI. U A LL whoa It say teams will tab settee that the Seel= Gad A MAY a UM lab Ma a SWIM ma llttatett awe West re 'rite Apia A. Craig Lee, fee talieetaela All I. lataseg aaaai tled'eotaate trill save mills to eall ad nal, tams imeariltatally at Quiet diet co State mired STltall2ll CAA Nov 32, Law - - - Iwdi. Dreg ()Oah. Azrarmi asseetaisst ?LA Fiala. amid abripsd growl soak alto all wool Alisiaise is grist mieitz i t a the Owe et cav - 1164. It MO. OFSILA. AND NULLIIIIIVSY INLAXPlitLete—o west s new MUNN tot WISSOF tnesee, it the sten of Nee W., Rat BARB t 3110, GRISWOLD, WARM. * 00.. • Otto* looos t. Os/1..0 k Cottvold.) !Westin &alto ina pomade Amid loirort.4 I f fae l gfrA P ND rl. 4r at , / 41;9 SILL 1110011 IN rut 14 SZALENT. Nu 13, Suit* Sweet, Comer of Path, Erie, Pa. yr-Aux° the burst sad 'soot warted stock of my Cloods n . Carpets, Le, is Mem, air Pall sad Molar Tralle, taat this tatnistmesat boo mew balbot es take plemare la ammo that oar IsolUties Walt sash that eashiss at te sill 000all= lower them small *Was ass peestbly And. Is the MOONS wide\ has creamed oar oedemata; we Imre as samanaca that oar Meads te bar aad aa honor/Ale estsomise la baslame.— rt=sad sail] see wary 'fort to estalittab s Home whisk la macs audio of smortment sad mpalattea dir Mir &gin 6, 6 14 Staad ant ideas aid emeattetom, 'pitmen a viral, sad aortal Quo react, et sompetition Me Invite al: purchasers to our eery ensnare fit= It sow heist and complete in every Departatet, ad a It talky andorstood that as on ally wlUq Ort_ooo.ll Cyst. Mow ar Musa any otiose Reuse le this My. We bias Wkoalato bay ms to oar very lusp Slush .1 Daiwa 0004 ! Auld fro m th e Assolhotartos irtikh we ars oarlog st New York dolliag prises. Ws have a the id Moor ala lot of Rich Gear SUbs, pop 0 6 . Guadried Dlassist Styles And asylum is pass from S e a to IM.S.Aiti • pattern, the nowt at the. eittlesily new taiga • also 36 Mof Hack Silks best malts. Id pa. Woof Plaids sad Prated Wool do Wars, at a great rodoetioe ; Men Volta as Irish Poplins, !rash Nearest all shades ; Plll/01 Wool de Wass, sad all as wirseet stylos of Naas Goods Issporksit. Me lava partleutor tassatioa to tier sleek of itsbreideriat sad Aral i.e., it being wity Any, masa us es tam la Its wise doe bar Baia sod Cloakwo hov e an th e b as e styles of brass' Cloak., Inelotliats loads istenvotelni mod with Candle Fats velvet, bream tad Om Po* bads ; Cosa Cloth Cloaks sad Tobago, nrying to pries tross to $45,001: alas, Clow. Uoths sad Trisailac4l , e stn. patters' to all who buy as inaltorials of us. Ma sad libass and Searle ; risk Plush Clonillie Plinio, as Caskmera, Broca, sad Wail Lassoed aware sad Silk finenowid lass shawl. IN have sovoltur aver baron ollheed, to this danattant n he. added Ladies sad Misses he', ~ow e n i klitak. Stow sod Flub *bras, ise., wan la orta wants/ e., woo Loa • wishing to bar mars, all dad It moth to tt i ft i losatioso to fall sod examine oar stook Saba purchaddb, elsevitore liras Trisantiags, Maoist White Goods, ke I)sir First floor moinlite may shots Go ,, da 'late Ear- WO, Morison', Printed sad Plata Malinde Loam Doh ass s Can lot of French, Logbah sod Americas Pats sod Ginchanis ; (se. Fla, Enoch sod anwrions Woolens ; resting; Cravats, Mt. Wise, Oat. sod Wanes Maas, Lambe Wool sad Alit nista sad Naas; Wisner Hosiery sad i•lore /tat Goa; Copt ke.. Floats or all manes ; Wool Muskets ; Woes sf seporior qualities ; Gasosake ; Carats Mauna* Al, la our Carpet Reels, embers all the Mte patterns in English and American Velvet, Kruesole, a ply, ingrun, mud cibtlon sod Wool Csepel& , Stair Carpel ; Dreams, all tridtimf; VOW Rap : Shur Nadi, Window tomer* and Mee ; 0.1 Cloths, all widths.— W e Mee met time, neither bee* we slam in this scimertiseniest to intagnerste Mill the Slerehandtor no hare; and in a word would nely that every thing in the Pre Goode and Carpet Line that Is Made we Imes, sad evr in•ite all call--our too& an lapel r aboenk . 1 1 rE STUDY TO PLIAAE " fine, Now ttittiletiLD. WARNI.It t Ur B.all:Yr 1t XleCet i t il l r r l , Wi r ligi. mione. to Rails Heed.) have Ibis day received a lee lot of A to It qs. powder Maks, Shot liqrs, (aro sty bed Ely • vat. r proof an.. &ha rue greeds of all nt , s. at No a k Reed Howe, Noe. 11, NM. Upl6oll niter for sale Weed Wit of the ..t siwroved patters We hare maele srenngemente be which so 7 afar fres "el to foot hone power, mills nen to ftintiMmed us short notice. Woe TS, SeNNIT. BARR is CO LI:Tit 1. WI; 411 c L1CL171112.A.-11, hay* oil head, and sui Walsh to order, Strum It stalk miners et lea. Nov SA:NNW, 117671 r PA RreiNt's ortehnded hloiseht, Aspen and regigt; this day re. retmed, sin, a int of &odds mei tlppsy steel pollshed Atm, at t I Heed Moue, RANNItY t SteCONStrY, Nnv 22,1154.-24 iuccoely,re to Wane Reed ItI:CHAXIC9 will Mod Übe brit simertseet at room t . the At city at Xu 3, flied Hour aAlvarl akcoectr, a t , 1111511.--41 awearrreta It/t,. Oat T _ ir& Crashing & 114sindisig Pen srararibres an sow propene, te firrritil no &art moth, bt. robtrraird mill—edopr4 b. tior Pr 4 every throw MI pewits tortleg 'tort, tither 6.r beef or ottllarry purport. rill And theta mourrical sad err wrote Nor St, 11165 mom?. BARR Co. k A/Cr•raplrle sets of Lowyer's Musks art 1;i nu t tuiS"Pd Son 20, 1156 fi e . ill Wines and Liquors. JewrEVi )d rtstort breortamest 4.4 toperbsd Wien sal 5/ 'Auer. it MOW= Non ;Lodz Ps, skew- ___ ________ _ Zendig 4 Justioe. Groat 114i1444•atAwft _Uri %Lk* i TiltY baying ass Se Many people wrroltat of bap Waage sot lusowisk; idea, they got tbssa, Poly Waked bete tbe arms sod booed tires to he greoartes tbeg bog lessebt at tile awe and Peang, lainseery amporilem of Lawn, k Jute , Own iis tmr %aro la *sty nom 6111, wiallik Tin will NW tor Mooliesid tbre CAN r geearal, just as Limn it eat aim soy etber Owe twin. New all ye flat be sabollevere, ea 4 mend ea libla stow; ego awe sow* of /MN sad reelatess that vilest wo say le se Isalag. IL' WING, Imo. /WPM Irby Dior. 11, 1866. is Americ Zweig Rego &O TO a P n ARIL MAW sotftilts. 14 oNrcr.harn sad ?Melt Ibrweedeol le ell parte of Ole Ma'am wit& digerati" eel owesiety. Kau* the departen of soy gratis Ps 717$ OT AdivA7 Skl . Vest, It arteet, be beaded I. pet..r to el 4 Weisel, A. case , prior in 11 o'clock, A. K. boon from 7, A. It. Is • e'eleek, • It. New 211, 1111. J. J. LINTS, Aral. KATOTOT OUNOCIIIIAM 1.14 TAM Cosmopolitan Art Assootation YOU TUE THIRD TSAR? is Mt JURE txttvcstattrs .—The ham the sisisere sr aasoeseusr that the coiketisa Werke el' Art dZrtar distribution among sebnithere, whew Mises ere i preview to the itttli of January, Is meek larger ud ewe wetly than ea asy previous TOW. AWANIE t►.l.adlop works liselptere—exeented is ate heed Marbbe—hphs bay ~„a Mw tthi State, of tie l Toreliar with the Iblisarias (droop sad !Wan la Pandas Maw aa—af STRUGOLZ FOR Mt 112.1117, rzNris4llll APPLJC; PIT•n OrIIVATILZIfi MOLD Of TWZ UAW, dumps MIA Alleblrria 7110.11111 tlltb assereas vests la Broads, sad a alliestlise el UMW. lITNDICED real OIL PAIXTINGIS. tr. Imam Artkosi. Tb. whir al videlb an Y be Oreepailed w albOvil wow Os subieriberf idiom sums sr. Neeived previous le Ure .1 Jassary, 1r bee tit Diserlbe l iril lake *es TI MB OF MIIIISC-IPTION. Every retretiter of am /often it settled b A ropy 01 the spleatid Sheet Saporta& "Ultimo Iltserr," or ♦ espy of aay of tN Intbeibir P SA4pboars oN year; ass h ropy of the Art Jertutez or rem, lied A Ticket thr Abbal DlAtribasba Work. rt Art. Moo. Ibr booty peddoi perste *et way pits • besatibil Sre• pane, or tlitipadak ewe ytgr, tot oleo reeetess the Act hernia on. sew sad Tiara la the tassel :mina fif roodiow Wades tl LMMai ke ll =raU falf a raiment* piloting or piece of 'taw) woo he testived eilditioaL Thole .be ponder *wadies to the CavaSitarit= dna bide tither of the follow - lag eat year: a Gem's Lady's book, tailed ewesMee: ealee, Oraleate's Stookirtro=e, Aciathers Lebow/ etrotwager. Ye paws hi ruittieted to a stelae she,,. Thaw Ate adadoereeep• mooting lila, on ontitird to fagnis sail to ala tkfloks In tiro distribution, or arty Owe a %b. ODD yew, mil ads ticilor• firernia, la rountsing fonds for low.mborsitip, will please ere letter at the .at olio% to prowesol on on rosollpt dr= • orrtinesto itionberoblip„ loginnor will tairokrisi Mar aim belied, will he furnargod I. as, pert ar yeeteitty. For ?artier partioalen, see lb. leonaelier Art Amineekeied bee cos applicallea. Per address C 1.. DERBY, Lebseiry C. A. gt„, arsaiavel. Now York, or Lomas Uilloo, 1M *air atree% trambeally, Ohio. i. L. NON, Abs. ilia. I. be bit at Ike* *lwo el J. 1. LIM& Asethsz SM D I lik t as s i • • VNISIPTING it • 'gyp sad aplowiid atasellewilt 'air Pleb awl riaer pagratorsotypi Caws Pow be., mattalia lia=zt itatua, seaalamwially dad' Ow wain orttik 01111111114 N) quality le**. taw fat /for row, at Itatiatawes Duatitartra grarri, wig almales tore, State roust V i lla. MIMIC is 'sod La e i die SIMml , INIORIeI +Ws lam astatalTi= Irn into sob as tom sa prootheo, I woald jest sly So an talalito that 1 ko aim •gata oYadt, aid sae la bowl all At sane ead Ow* no. Ile toile your *tan la Itaiworraatopo ar awi ay "fan I that 1I am 'tarot* atte.4l la 4 lityalif, It I altellall t=the wort wW am as dna* is do mu. a Mk draw thaw it awed la 10 aMiM lltat Trade wilt always Lad at tide Itta~twatat. •MOW' bar oortwwat of •••••• wank ampieyed is dr Mit Irwr aRe day awl as a•koalabee toms as ofiwollart Ii Illtilmitot e s= kb. Owlets tom Tintoorlag Artapta vaitilad Yd to. J. EThn' UMW Irak Dia 14 _Wok 1967 Gratis 1 1067 ALMALIN•0111111 CataGs OW Dna 1/6/014 So. amid re ISt if V de, Dn. 1111, eIBALDIIII3I. itailffetram Moil it ft. IMIXISIONICEP 11141411111111111 Mii To the Pubho. Take Notice. "WOOD NYKPR I n The bail of **Time Crest Aseeter readeemas CLAY. WINTER a CALHOUN, Ales tie esquisito Meg Ihril, SPRING." APOLLO AID DIANA. IN MANDL& LITE ENZ. Panasee I)=Eitaos i 11111 0emplusy OP 4?XW WORD COCATT. P.A. Oasiii E . popped. pr gar WOlir •• ra• CO I /Martir: i s Sift (Jibe /irk iiipiriS4 M. ......... - • imes i huphy . . • • sous es mom se Asssrs. Orb as Mod art is dip" • • • • Obi ar. • ' • taw 3 p • . Dash vales ors, • - 110 !Ni sad Mgt se loyerrel owl mom auseue. susliths st 1=96. tree esepoodbis pertilek ass se esessid t Wia . ainesiod sad est - • NM le Wee Se WIDILIIVES. Lamas ellaired as 4 sas4Jsree4, • • • 11.1111 el Liam eisissi rod usistal. MI IS Weer delft set imileillii,ll - • - • Mt GI ;TM OS STATI Of PIIMITLYAMILL • Cowry or Isasems, l l hese& ?Our MI J. 1. OW MC lista: t memf eisa t he Ihummies lie= f lolog seignaly mew dep. sad at, and ami Me that the is a lIMSIG wed wrest stallseromeed the C or am tftb,14501514t ua n omb. afied 4ol selehlaz i rrat that Nam data.; PIRAMITLIOL. Prltalia. 1 . 1. WOULD. SworeSagiala Awl esbeerthed Whale no t Me alb dig ft . 1. S. WM AMIN oft em Mer Mtn Of KIW TOM, 4. /sae Is, M t allerves Ciarrasialirlii llhe 1=31111,11. Gals. Leeseeses Oesesy, besteel ra Athese. Ilealller4 Gately, I. *MSS of Piambraals bee at rift at Se mithedma *JIM tat, setttbei 'As Set $5 he the hereepi et /try l l amas " proiel*mi 11646. INS. by sio Gasp IL 010$, et is es 1,4= or nom ae Its Athees4, se tb* prlecast of law isa be and Mmetise esmilMs with it. nvikeristir et moil AA; Kos eherifert, Ve sta. Clseber el Mee Mie ef New Urfa Is reseuesse sif thaparii.aa ef Ibsent eil. he hem* eerfth that 114.arde el Gov Tilt My, Is the Cause el Is. reek astberindea Aorta at It. deressaill Ms pool, traaseet the basis... if Me lsemeasee ealy, to We Mate, salter as they nay be beirelly ressowsied 17 to letter el ayiesist. swat awl the faetreatiose which may beeves te theta b 7 the esl4 Company he wassatwervwf, I bays karate esbrertheit ay arra area deemed It. seal et sir dew to be ellastl, the • awl year atom wham. _EL. 11.) PHILIP A, imft. rorik aro -v Oh Libra A.m.. ItisMat i lres C =ls n t r. ) Ma, 11m iii, 111114,-M G. A. 11011FITIF Agent Ms, re. Iyl7-ryr•!‘ " !pot auseit• OA= t BRO. Pall NMUnary and Fancy Good& INF S. C 17,1111, Soporib aids et time hay ma door% 0. t~ 11. I.U. Wee DUMAS is raw ormlioing • loisr s r imm tell issees =TO sad Muller of i* ktiost • owrsitorisog • triage Mums, Laos Dien Coq*, Sad Dna &ad Oink van Ikall Ow& Also. Bo= Clark V•lrsbi, Insalow, hrs.. Ira TM lobo will Sad 10•1111111 WY4IW I aha Moab imairsWary Shavris. w• sty arill•i• , Wry my wa l . a 7.. i. ••••• Mimes stall width' b Ow NAL Illalase• lan dia a won =Moe id all rob la their llsra. Mack will be wad Lot for auk. • trig, W i l t lilt NOM Milk= r! 'Mt larva esairtma, rad arnagemsai mei id* problik /.. Pm b. , beep lip PO semi: of al Um, laportuit parliestises is et Lltuirans, al at wilt b• ••11•••••aly 7:w9Dr d =.boidowl• or rata& Plow eal • Nor Lb, MIL PM ROW 11001 noits. Look 8•r•1 MRS solcatibow valid tadlra c i i s pad Oat la boo radrocol to t 1. lot stud at Or ward cad Stall irlocco la soy b• focal wallidleamak sad teem Palo la avocation of tbo "pad U. “amile—teat lik the lkulla= Inc Ralocca—b• Ls &Mat to rovesale kW slalom vita the sod aid," sad sonocaly dodos "way MHO sad ow, body scadtd," ot on kilo • call. B. BALD WIN. Erie. April & Park Hall. A , L i t e tt sad enri i ales eiri eshil Pak- , ti:Baslda r tgoo of M. ar Co., Ns. it, Mot Boas; US:, Poona. 111146. • t. r. iltte. lOW tin sad But Prod Bah's. Irma bar sprotated be the 'burs &us Car. raitra Ilatear sad Fire &AK I die Prillared SO fir - Soho olf say ice, at imaalliatarar's pekes. *la, 00 1 L U. _ J C. SELDOM,. MINLIt 112111861.-1 l Vindert, Solinos ad ?la, Cochineal. Ettrect Z i tivitiad Boaz, with every one/ la the Mae elf derentle coloring, an be hod of Ow ono , Met reality a. at testeestie prior at the store of trio, /lag. 9, I$ M C0.R112 It 820. _._ PRIVATE AID COMMIDWITIAL =MAL ADVICE. A T TIES 11111 1 / 1 /aLle PRITATS 1108EITAL.—Wair A Hatted fee the ewe of Syphilis, Sessias Weaklier sod the Sw erot leilreirtles of Youth sad Mahuity, by Dr. •/105 it SOW, Baßriq N Y Other wooer of lisle sodaistmis (op allsirs.) • 11103 T rinr ox. Leetreieewt for tie ewe of rowel ty, et was luwette so 11.11101•41 wirer, Nervous Debility, Lot? Spirtl=- teats Weelurese of the Born aid /ink" Pitnewee of Vla6a, te r tea. iseopseltattel its "tatty fee bbabons, ee testrieboor, reederist Mat enteinthropleol wed seLoidel ts W propessitiwo, I. iostsway essoeF 4KI, sad perotanwet/y oared la from Mom to twisty do r. by the ..f vhf. lustreste, s Y ties turd coojelatly with medieutes. TAXI •itTICCLLIt NOTICE. •Murt • SON, to order to satisfy the moat eh eytkal so to the omens of Wit lestrsamest, Ogee 41011111011.1.111 Yost Le way m usses Willi. they way prows towittesteltory sitar wt. tria4 the mosey will be S eel,est...ll by notanothe the leseteeetest.=•telee. horses, whits the shows sedel lostratamest will that the pries. with the sooseepuryise direetktsa, woes oily peek sad wet by "sprees, is two dolars. - NCW ILEXCDUIII AND WICK CURD * 40N en the may 191yoiriens le the Maw one are nealhera ad lbw Semi Collor of Sorrows, Loaders, redaahn of mm el the swot eutleeet ifttiorre la Illee Caned Mallen. May be ermottatel from eight restock la Uwe whetedart 'until wine at ht, to " en 10 7 °WV mei Wheell W the Teamed Diessee, reohdlo7 symptoms, metes! mehanso lanpon rued arletemo of the nights, be, with merom. ?be timetment their adopt la the remit of rpP.erne of thirty yeses' eremeteer eel war emedal pesetas to lad.a. TM most Mom ent. tome of Temereal erishented to era or elm dem, awl, twee of a Wight se. tom to two or them dam, at • omderate morose The were erneeted withemt etmananseat or bledreem hem hem ems elan, nodes end lusts NehoeseAly ft le a mrlaarsholy that tbeareade Yfi rirtlma tt, the Vest real Uwae , wlae le el Val nen, oho, by the am of that deed ty poises, Bees ry, rate eesiiitesse, crew olernetteem with bisiehee es the hold. Gen body; hale ea et'thritt, seise is the ear% deohnea Modesto moles a. the Ws bboeketseed owl. throat, dambed bow, with aoctareed poles i• the bend and thole, till at leorh • leas ml thetillty and decay of the constilanine mimes. end • y death pail' a period to tbdr enbeelhl outhering A CCU WARRANTED Dr. ANDS t SON tore derthed their athootlea serialisthy to this peculiar cloth of asaledlth sad the raid Oroi bows onollostheolt• kr halt enabled to maths to their Mien avatar", is folly thriiiiisti the prassfolly othaewiedged by movairthat patients lad Ittibtt dilly arriving in town hem ell parts of areistry, the PlurPoos ole# holoallation, wins loser thertleae boo= method en& the toast siipail mithatopo; 'vitro= what they tithe in inns tits oaths of thew blitetkein tr. ploinu Ober ulna mot snook eort , then to that of tat met r :c v i—wr end rmerse, sad itbwue outs./ feel d,„„ that the mist hanthl• sod my/grant Some of diocese 'oath elk swot always be trend to oth of tin lethoortog othong—irsotathos, neglect, of the ill sabot of easildthrod one dpeoser tivattheat; Own hie Sr AMOS SON bath ethenthe to dbmrsrtn d , is this soled ties of their reitheliesos mate, .festal sad asatioth them, omit lag all ambilostion of rith,Mse ran sugaltheal amuse* f Y NI as them whose promoting of lapesiltheas &mammoth Wed be productive of Ind esemagMoes to lies hoods asinine Witold th& la abort, the lambs the of tMdr rumen Ii this Mmptac of acoed man of hewn" Warily by UM 1111bltdatell, ani prtorannos Oaths goodoes thiligetthas that sae in reslity to. at om boo of life sad ehish, vials they so estatherly earrosai call aloof hr oar skill gad ldeArremr br Us* othernost. TO TATLENTS ABROAD. Dr. AMOS a SON has. and, ormithasinto whoiolil nth by Ihreardse with reentey sad assiabsli to say flit= AWlrroo Dr. MICA k ~ow of Kole owl 911117 up NOW%) Shasio, N. Y. - - - MOM' 1 MONEY 1 lIILONEY I rto Is yas wrrackuT Jimmy ? It A ft Mr am seoso 01l with • men ben is sot. iltbey only tido! ire 4 •am boat whieb boo Ist to twisty ilonon day abe made, filthier by mak It I. Welly riolessmise mil ea weds wide! hi wonted is ;teeny Molly is Sit United Illabis bides" gm two dollon k mil, at any *!YS sad will *mid by Mara 'mail a Cireolor, with lull inetesetime Is W art. TM Meissen is vary .any—Try it, If yes an oat of ems; ass rips wig NOW nipirt it; b. It will IMP Maw to pt ti. oboes am, end lowar• *good bookosio ; lei. is lay twisty+, sesta to *Mose iiibottosliessi. Is se bliabsg. Try et! "IV nir Same yisir lidsio so DIVIGIST )10,11‘0111., Mew Test. I Ma OS. n my Medan te as Saw Is Gng* an be gave or • wen la Is. pane Us In *. llenne 0.0 of kb •,11/as, awl I will }at Mil le in eines tin el yea an eat of inployneekt *at Yr. lentrees banns is • and beelann sad awry saa le nob en et It y say ere yin some@ la it, Par It b so bitabag." CUM.—A S nee inn I is., angels & m ar *Ableg Dann he fogad at' 13. RAN9OIIII. R. B. Bunter, pmman, nArrsz, assannetaiss ens Melinda fen .. 1 him 1/404//4 elan sten, non WI bill be hew to none even ens lie old bleak sesd inatesasn, sanansof *sin at ran ens • be will bin e& • very beinersoa in he • anal wean none. Emil beg. 1, 11IM. P6s rrna,Vlß Lots one pans of Lon, nib *leap therillse, limb) A mires Imilltaas vitade w Qty For partial= elm of fIZO. • 11h. 011. d, PM , as liner WAIIIIINOTOM time it X**. 10114 PAM ar 1r MILL ATOOO i• 'As Cosy waalsoLva Ike ewer as Mak wawa OOP 'WM go WS al 1. WraOIMIL O. UN. *ow ov — aini, New l oM . Tieadsedlarrimadag pullwasd Ow ialwast Ohms' flips. llw mormatik bulawaw aad Ow* auk kap belitissa al Milbtomb to Ow Ihnew Os* we pawed af ilbe add dead atrant, to sappli all Ow Ni sawlawars at tire base% sad as wear sow was • say Omar tams with a iall, id% all Umber Moak wad hoar Day Ow* al allow Is sad as kir Isms as say Wows la Oki ally. Call awl saaware mile_ *prim law pamilmogilegi allamlawah OLEO a 800. lOW Ow/. 22. laa& SAM SSW MINT lIILLIMPAITINNO BLIND HANGINGS! A Raj simple abet paeleel seesmat tor wind. Sbetteee are twee! be say &Wee& pebu sod Ibielesed vttb oat eeeetag the vrteliew. Ti. prism** et rendes% Is neve esit Itehet Mod pomillsomes ebettem A very mall paver ended So tbo *WY lASI twee eke Wad e SIDNILat Ora %bet tb* %ebbe beset trees the mitt bet Me then ; peeettelbei it opeakm limes beep lbo Meg or be as& ray Idols( ink ad to perm say doebeell dread& sod depebetber. lb. eater esuiliortlece Mae toget sage( order, me met wee ebesetes sober ysr ea c e tartyiee Uri Wade, lewd*. Urea peony ere ler wino* Inn en bilk •beWleg their nein tb• obit etrommal Mier Uri etbetertee te the tribe et tile belidlem. It ' , puttee so AMU n roam minnum Own, and se n ose s tun span in ninon eon Tbry seseemet le a wafter medal... ow ow way Mold. It require' bet ea newetselbee eessiene air ere if simirmithog timearms mid sow.sium. A model of ta• thaw an la aaa at T. W. leasat assem, Oohs stmt. Ma, Pe.. again Ur gawk vita Ito alm• Mara= sialled W aela, Nov lik, WK. 4 Nara st„ Illaa,N, -7 7 -------- eft Pint!! .p... hawed.V Ma aaprasaas We Walla lamer nu AID WA_I nostrwrot coleirr .pry . lIIIP ailhariallOyeal PM" Sawa, ht..Nomid a•Mirexalt ammumas coorriarr, Athos% Batt r p;i: aboasi anialla AI r ill Ur Se . g 101111110 aIiMINII4. iii•vitiris ai analiclie Os tramag Ira{ paatW.______ la. NIL 11 4. RIWOMM V- I ciTubc iftirik.omp" / 1 111415M r si Dig. tr. simmers. 1 1 01 Oa al kliA• a. lea " IWWINIOMNIT a ANITIWIII. 1 nia ie ld ie as - ; U rooatie giul at, sag say Deal r I am la. ' a Mtlaeli. C4.214mL "Nie 4141.16,11 1111111 - 7 _ I3 F TI F III. um nig or MTh • lOW 7011 Th Val.& AM IIM!Ill IPIPTIAIS OP BOOTS 4111 FD 111110111. AI WlNdsish awl kasit e Ns. 111, Skrfaxis AA ads Ihrea s arif f Ps. , A NS too. vow* a loort and . 601Aosoblo ~um et PM moll Viotti Myles oir BOOTS, 80038 AND NUNIXIDI, laafie"g Warr Iliabiers tor Imola. so lAA* Nosy WON, VW allisidlea of %Mir old aistagressarl taw polite gesevailv. *am fr %Or Mot pay th Ana/ • LAMP% 00104M11100 411/Limes, avelklaik wary kg emeteeest allow., ahem At i rellet 'to% NM% Commoo Gidlete el ell etriteh heel Cleth Pewit Leithet red her* :wt their see& la t Ned esteldiett. wits their Oeslen lieperftetee. NW smite the seseesemst Ow teheiliesese epdmas. liit. wus coma, orAlso Nom Is 114 oomooloAse. won so NA it= oast to thole is. ot otootoloo oto;ttor►Mon et ot* patoologo, Noy OA& to 2 No. Nrovo's Iteeloltate street, sad emits lie* =r i rr . O. BA= I 00. lethe. Tilt LADIBA Att LXVITZD TO CALL AT BOOTH & STIWAZT'S, A so oomeloo a Doggio li =ood A* WWI of q. blows NA liodeadir De Vi INS itr===., in, good so ofoodky es“ he It Alio, twiny sod Ma ND. id woog 10. II o Uwe jut spool a Dr sol li = mosoiomoo od WOW Collo" illoogoo. 10•1111. Imelks& ligtossima Ilso*. Pros* sail Mbar Mo. • bur ••••il al Sided. Ink TWA d l O Cialo Shsvis. Si Mt. 04. Slik saml Las Tles•Al in•••s, sad • moollnsul itli•••• hankie* Goods; dibvet 6•41 W ?Lei, AGM, Itatimi4 trio at at AU tie Towtiz mllc Craiihss, •lieb le bow H Aw tier 1100,11 lITZWAXT, Sewed illeor we et lb* Ind Iwo% Ptak Svc era..•.ruu,tw Sessad Arlin' at loo* th Stairastit. en sew rennin senner bege art berdilld Medi one& aren bon tbe inseleeteren‘k rine Irtilie =Ale es le bekr empeeinn. Oer eiseeteent Is sew meek% esti se wr oto ea& Meade to ernatin it nine Nil to Man Won, net be bat R. frie. has fa. Ibbe. BALM • • only age tame awe boaalted Stye" .sly Into. 4 awe of Medias et We 4 date his* Me as • rod, .ay fa- II Mt UMW Me Wiese. i M 40 M. Lifts =own lee Er* lase 11, LIM /12217171111.2%, r aZZLlFlll 4 llll.llsolllll isit inio DeitlYbaslie Soma Ikno, L 4 Do. Lhd Glom, reasived tkii 4sy u Aril kik UMW 10011 4 VITWART. 2rea. Lear ORM/ 111Ism* awl CallMest au ressiml .5 ' 1414 Wit VITIVAirIf OM Pa Dna latassimilafts Wen soloN . lisa lk asiaes, %MY itsiblema Gad prior, ressind et tea, Agri ft, 47. Om. TT DI • hot Mao Ow but orwolowolot aolarilliP i laaraoron la at la. Is Now.. - *Via bib . atlfal lloWii oill ilia.b.was, Do Intlo, Glow, Owes = noookood asof fal Al lITZWI.II2, Cr* apoll lillo. lOW Park Now, I floome wool of amid R. UR AlirD OPENING. lIPZINO AID 11.11i11111 000DII. T1111.11,11L0, lILIVVISI * Co., A. 1, Armes Aim& Ur, o of w is stole sod Ise soewlestly reatertse • Meet Sprat, awl Seessor Dry Gordis Oar AZ = y Ike* sot maroon sea striae of Staple sod Puny Dry Goode as ors yossroUr two with is the BIM Dry Ikeda Romeo • thortmayil Itaimisilie d tito medial sod setommitttee stleattiso moils so to crier Um rialto part st oar Moat at issi than WO . "41" ,,,,, The "eleet" tw.0 2 4 is solisttot to as of oar sesek brdirsioe it to bli Übe I LND MOST COMPUTIL IN AsirowniviT, osoidood oats twat sod siopeos at stria, mod at Lower Pilots tits* soy other ions or esidhit ia this atty. We soy Wes wash, as vs tool that to ozoodoottso of on Nook is oat Wei iiihines^ 'rat. TIBILILI, Hen. k CO. _ - Lris. M& SI. INS. SL 0031norrakoortmoot to rosy ofilooloisnosolk IX. sod kolas Colilos io llosows novo* Leave sad •44sgs, "dog Co Dead Yolks ommeled nosh ko Walt Costes sod DI• MP* NM nomad at 61 TIIIBALS, kM. .•• a • Pa of Olinput r GOMM redo ..d • ries •••••~ elf Odor ...111/ WE. bad leartUllid NNW a Ulm .11 a0 4 4 1 10 Bialr Carpet sad •MI mod usarftmot NW. o.olr Ittlt. M., roily athibtlies sat Ws et N, I.IS. TIOSALAI, HAI 1 1 CASE " 200110 yards Itadelsr Mats at IN awls an 'oft 1 2101 " warrasand kat, 1 " MOO " Usktstripss k pis^." 1 " IOW) " 0....115 • " 1 " 1000 " Pastes Out stripes sod kaalassas P. pal. tar, st 10 oasis pry yard, solar, rid as a root May Lt. MOULD, 1141M1 k CO. D 10.0406 Meg Ma yards 14 eh seats pror red. 1 1100 10 " 1 - MOO - 11% Old Saida dsalsabis pods, at Way 11. TO 11, BATIII k CO. rob "J -- ErsigtßWrAwiral-1 owe nos yanis &mom* Low ligures. at 10 seals par part. May 18. TIBIAL& RATIN I 00. se pee frill INEAMINIII SOTS wiU pet er UM pub& to be bar &hi bs rass. aay gyms MOr 010107ait.— Jelly 11. 4600111i7 00 andiWits — farpsatu, by tie or la Imo. Wimp t• wit pasciaeara, by ass 7. It CANTU I IMO. 061 A 1 1 . --1 Ilse lot of Ossiseatt few 0 cued Woes, - resebed sad br she by JO& A. STRJUMIT. Rey VA 1144. Orseety, No. 11 /NOW Rio* e/.M .4 and Prossiii, laWalidadaad Coleetas !bet JD 011 Stns bassets deter, assortphos hoe et Mort Whin be a saprier style stal q GA old prises at SLAMS BOHM 11001111, Iris, Oct 111, 1814. Xsarly eisposite the hot 011 ea. piL iruarims j le rushed awl los who br l.MlALM.7.—talie sad rmi.4 cud em an libbt e •w7 shoes at SELD El. Moat Inspesmstrolleili and lire Proof Bobs, and leak Looks. MShahs are a eostbasstise of WROUGHT mid cart num a lli is il= 4" Tlimes• Rare " tam ps= of hos wisest to uibble to an fount Is soy ethos ohe. link they an edebe Ostiory tools : Streeled, the of~beet = l lll he .saws rithassw the hard eseßtios hew the metal, as le the MIN with heel : Think it le • soht eessemet irthost Bohm es Joists, sod wheel *spaded to Ms Is porlosall W tisibl, Orsissi asoilsisw ssa Mktg so sues ham *Ma, be st maw from vitamin. as eyoU blobs et bows : Toss Ola Wm= mho an sot rabbet hessy owl beams eselese, lbe Wort Wes, Mt lota nossis the oboe hr espes. For sale Nissodesterenf pet. see by Reba XIC J. C. MAIM WILS - 111CLThtilliPire sew am) _mu IlirriWl," XIM, resehod sod hr ale at ?ARK BOW * POW gram CANAL MILL lin, Pi was a. JACIIIOI4 Wbsississ aad Reba Ifishelibiblh 111 nom coos isaL-rr.r.o, slum, tetia4-e -ow. he all bob of &Isla. TOM JO. • DI -0-, 11l le J. J. LINTIV Lg2A Railder's Rarthms. MSS Lama art lost sasseliamat at 11•4111sei Jl. Mosby miry wolot t airibistly se WA rid i lit ai r eir snok by T — attftlfi LATIMMOD, Zak. "• mug gm vim .4d bp see Ilit nod now 11 reseraftily," Is be bolsi ?Ail WI NNW NMI. soseripow nimmor au them sweet:te whole See SteneU, o reestr i to pro vost tiro for Wagons % 1 1•41 Uteele er( the shove hew. by MAI or Wok smoolurr, to coil sod sortie tbe Nese toserefteely et the off abed. else the Impehe will le kept .Wort thew let the abate pert*. Leta,Asa. 111. Int &O EM S. STSSUIT. Laad fir Salo. / Ark =MO •• Lot WA Pavia to ly the U' Lao San mud shoat kg elk wit a ... t 4 r, hi Y mai North of Oho for WCarl Thu saw bp Wavy Unbend, IS wow lotol* tolo aft** apel: to A. Mottt Oor W. ICL JIM. 10 1141 OynkiumeX. t. rQtice to homy Woo tioot • moan of Po illakalapos ei the Erie City Baal will to lad at tare IliMat haft to y of Ea a Oa Mk day of ham, oat GI 2 gala r. W. to tilts lata easidiattos tM oaks et la order of the board of 412 , 111660111 hay X, Wt. IL GLUM Plea. Bank Natioa. AT a meetlur el tbr dieeellues of lib Cele City Beek WM at tiler leatithei beer la the UV et Brie es Um tael Eel of Jaassary, tbe Ibllewtste reeehrtiee bee adeelleel illseebeillbet tior feat be requeeted te S w eeetee eta sue =llller th days eerie( Meta teen Ule illeellbletemey Ile sue eeedkeee aid they maybe Ur ebei sew 11.. Pm& DU, isa. S. IS!?. 3115 ITV SIR THE NEW GOODS AT Tal ZIIIII7LATOI i AND ONE PRICE STORE et TMJUL', sateo.. EA* Dea.ll. NW WHITSPOW Wawal t Gad PM sod Ills!stApi_ der Isis ISso 17. ItISDUNacwr a Minn. cori Des.l2. aThra - •4 notasts-4.0d diroaraiit Yu* es Iva 0 ,•w b.a 11 " Doi. • las lONTICWS. s . 4117 raw M e Dos W. • JOSMIL A /AIX soimisollesal wit Ism A. • •••■ •rean • ihIMM NOMM. berm es IM Nowlin Pim !Ira am Neatens bi•dy•S soil dot SIM •1 hemmed ks•—••Ilvd1 sassed Is VII Oft ad raft %slaw ; Pornatt• Wm Sof,. Sail-Mll JAM C r 11.11 N. a n'ormt. Gleastur ,Prepartaka of ChasimitidaOnsapommil S- -wt aselta. Pw Abner if lb ii/liop e AdrV a rtzt• Dm" r w it° l; OlanNOlhoro. Mow Cluirkilog. or( et eargilebr Ismosi gas. . CORI bellselawsto sod haPX . :: * opt ow nore% nr ii Malmo hos 1, ,Xlll4lilll. or &Mai la OS rmaasiz,*ooo ammo *oi hove um in mile= s i wow LO ',AMMO olufte Swab 6.1 View t• ihr ham, sad koala t• w H 214 OM*. JOT TO TIM AFFLICTED!!! B tutee Nemo is. Dtblaohod Sullieves. NM neeohe 01 Sbo Ibill swam Meta ail be Owed to 1,.. mig l 1 , 4 1 Prow, Lem blissoopy, DlSsally 01 Geseeat Weel= ig ßettow ef Weak •t onee. ghil Name eirbeedea. Mehl hoelb,Ceht eet, Wahedelmesk akoome. dif Vilii• _Limptes. Uafteral Lassiliailli of the Mereater V im Oa Moak Iligftig id 161 104, Dooms et the ' wed Ibri se the Poe. Ma la Zid 4 ef the ealle, Yealoaso4 Blemil; iposo 1171e6 Wiese the 15 r b70140007 bah - des oat ime a t t; West 4 At tossios. Omni ,114Meoir essarre, with How., of Itrothat 10/60•4 Itestashis% seal PlM**Whoa SAW* tletbtei bs. sisi4lMllo Thorsabssisis iga z ei ll=astaiss. sos Ilmos& be mak 11011,41.10, be • tear sus gssifts • sitsaliss& ,e 416 .46 . 11 111 1 0 4 4 04 tiabobil be p Ms mashie L. - ssor *ikon Leo of hirer, neckt i e *pa see et whisk buy Ifty =VIM emessee sot . =Ty those slissmw—iadosimy-sisit Cossmssitis• . The merit et Wit/ran lIM Ilsatlis by Colossoptios. Misr am* = 11 1 4 . ' the In* of those amortisea. la Lanai, Asylum VP • milsosimily ashilibies aysparrs. The ossatsessee is agbasi ly soaks sol pa. deelbtato.—ampither OM sr Christ ever Thoth, U. llbeeld seat if the eater *eau, It le nualy orttealeta Tte► would ainerase yea dispair Lev maim seeade his grat lapasal." th=ir peal berribie ! sad lii bring*. thateriaade eyes sapaarty ram, Uwe blealiew the stabillee ettea4 6100110. ebe Mend by the ma of thle IStALIANA sathebett with say id the abate diatrabbeg tie tbati lheriat an yea. Try It wed be ea= Iterserre • l 7lireit bratilmeme sad nolliabare. Maws bum %HI onsok sisd wet Lew Saw ea=trera. seal=Wa d e i e:beelle at this Popular sod 1~1. • su susi prisstly pisassat WIMP set sift, It ualmoi l i tr mess. NICIPSAVE BMW bessorthai is the Wes at nuawcy £$P O thopostisitt assessisy Chassesid kisymbseys sod .niles7sesi Is IN ssoilbustiast. see Prolsmsss Vaiumble Wed... tie Psessiss of Plydi, awl maw of the Illsolsoi weft se Usiiiisibit. air $ 1 0 0 -us Me Mabel Wham yet be Peht att7".tatiam ••• ism Pewee that the Heathee ever lejimat Piatleat sad the beellemy at theemalle ase be pmeseed prim that tit doom peat gati4. Cleo el from sot sea Is Harms pleaareasMee The ems at •ehMery Tesafemer hi et try , leatellhati tta wham seh eustiv• room, la femme. amisa mil lams le *Mee sad Parc Ilselks a Imo been sold mil ort • abeigle iiistaes. se IhMe i lless imporird ! Were No, as Abiletem et the tefq • IL 1. Climate% •Me betas goly mem 4/41 I . 11 7 11 , preprosiim smisisime PlereoHodfareety (*Medea Dry" Mt age melt • H T. HiLIIBOLD, dete Swore mil mbeatillied tbta htd da r of Neembet, wi WH. P. H111114.11D, Allemes. Wires Si pre Beide Addreas, ww Ow OS, 19•Oireved u tor romposorre Cr - winos. frau rnrww rimposimi 4.41 C0tr, derv/or sod otboss. H. T. tiEULISOLD, hsetleal sad asibktliosi MON Sobei CSoosist, asombir 11.114P11 . Ss hod se M.LIOC ALD IV IX, Ur rui eta ilueurbort Ur Vairod atoms, woad.. Polootoosa ammo of Coasiseleito. ask for Holisboiro—nbs so Qom Nov. 4, 11411.--Iret 1100X.111 lBOOKS!! 1,00;1111! PAR, ROW 300( STORK! T trigierirriMimese um vista; Nooos..yros, Bono sod oil the other ma 11PoIsforli Baskidirol DOst; Oursillsolkov; Amber es aboomWor *wiles Cools I NS& m it Agues LW I Ifisebor es Ur Doc ond Ilomos; 014 nosesip, Tusgist UMW 14 . 0 7 Mois Cir =na AsaLq; Atoosturer tort. Mow Cows Noopla. ina lso =L sad 9 IM Owe W . Threw tg w ert: mar we perils of lops 4.11.641: hank Cosspiost, liseral Ow sirrtsure; Sod SU tbs .Us laii~reta of tt... I it, bort for so4o, by bib. MA/ 4. isse.-114. .1 J. UNTIL Fall and ' inter e. r Fall sad Winte r otemp tioo Sleek of HARDWARE. iris, EL obi* tor toeted=r, sad , *settle any Mew Ito. illi ndietti l" 7 lthit titil J. C. HDR. OW Lt, Ottafeetionney, iminesstor ISTA3UIIIIIIIIT. Tom 1111111111% )I.. • Lacuna sumac. atm. ono, IN SM. lispuffility talbeur Itis true& sad tr. petite thee iss hi ewes sawn be tho 11141. sad Iwo opesed sit te• sipv• plow. • Lee alessiewset Choice Cadootioneriiis, !nits, Intr i , sat WI the artistes say beet Ise Co sod that Seen, width reselves sad sena oe Comwessio.. s which sweeet to pieses.? tenet stashes to the wants of tide sodwith the ometteelies eir boseilag the seselatt hall= with wilier ids Uwe the sehowthes itepse dale sad NW* Mend *ere otableis i estreeou 1411 k WIC will be mirEtztvitelerly at this emoottoseftt. so epseisend those who wish to partake Ms 11=wder samereemyied. arpplied In the sberedet Feral, tuna, irtur 1.. Cmai. Olie..telliss sad Ste resiwthe of the serea. 112C7T, both holism said doisestis aware to. eat prewered at the esolieet powthis weeetiont of their seetwa. ar Abe, Aisne he Ur mat el L. otheteseed gifts. De la and see um" bliebiaat the s grew pires,-44. S, Wrights Moth, w. lOW JOHN IL intiumm DID YOU au THE NEW GOODS AT TiIT. i=l,.4airiliazitc:or, oas P 5412 BTORI T/6141.2, 114 TS c. trio. Des. 111. WM. ' • AA• •T -: 1 Ft CiErattilair! ! ARE ALL READY FOR HOLLIDAY'S. CRILIIIIIIMI IB COXLIIO. i ND to sae It sire* sad eager It, absa II arrives, on that Ili 2S._ Polibed a Itallo l l Imo WI at rAsx ROW BOOKAIDAD as basehembh yes, meausamsla at* data. daily, sad carry sway, or at beast sall sad Ws a Iseh at %a stehy mumem OM looks sad Pokey Artioles. wri taro& lama It meammld is modem to attempt so esatanathal es Ibla drat lt ally yyg as. be hued there, and .ill le sold at the UMW arsrsa at ar Us& haver has Die bias MIA Wllll snob a boss as the maid heekelsma. LIYr3 has Mt the tims hap" stselt eves beard of—hss !led sad sie. Mb?sad Is thelly al all thaw la 'bow his Goads aftheas sad lanai It illlognitioaary with the customers algae( ' let Is boy, bet sagas lea the temptatioa it • o am( Mist so ass ens sassahlisell as may ahe as marry. Maid. blahs, ate • be at ths Ms selfish : ababa~a .. simrdsle Wash. la S *l*m styles, Ross IM to SS. hyssa's a " 5 at Meors's sad Yrs. Vilna's awl tis,stitor eslabrated Pseta, i n 014 sod lima sod ss soft sew, eye. Addlems. • 0111. liatiVail. SW Hook e 4 1111 A . 11L Intag. " II " " malalla. It Csapses Weallsk = a Llat sr 11=, $ vela. 's Weeks. tompists, 11 rola sheer setae*, good pir. thee bras. Wammsrly - Itmada. is walls Mae. 1$ r=b u Jimmaissmamm=anUaitlP 111. ZLipoidasetks lhltearal lissetlar. rseat I,BaveaL MIK Aas sad halibe Pap, Vllaft* TVCS a ry in. Chieerilbedrdeme. Paid reek • P. lIIIIIIe A huh elf Dend, by Ilint R. Deader ea* Tithe Tal, mi r y to Dad, la • lady a Wow Orlertas. Saari DOW i a as* Claire Camere re/ laalek 4 a* T. X. Aatisas. Sy* lar eery, eat WI Mad, do lave isf the three Kt. ham% Übe Pee , . ,Iltie. Dr lea* Dedeartliat la lla Arlie Oaaa. • ; • Ilea apply a abaft, Peal Dereies; Dew Dopa Ca — teedia, and art* aide Gilt Beata ate as Russ set a, My of as Tall r, . Rs. ile.t Desk d Itsee t ai=aad 'T. Il• Data mad Pram Diabi-da aberl, eery aid nee• hr eah.ha aia be *lad MOM OCROO Way Obi be said to be la bill 'amply a ate M laiglaisoa. lli arylesely le tailed the "leek Dail; sad all be add law Dealsee hem eaptialap Teem eepollied at New Tart plea; ad dilS__6l4llll fall *4W& he beats( *a ea reeler er Delleamakes*,Diarise sad Pus Beebe; To, Bead• is.. sae to breUesals. MUNI BOOKS fandelied et Ilk Ta pia abeadie lea* braes bee P I AND lITATIOPLARY, bee eat wrift. Tlatieg sad liaalog Card** presie*ile =deb; Taller ' Owl CMOS. the basetene made. chap fa theldia. I ellater's aia le aepplied altb way aim is timer Mae Man aire eta Maas ei every illei, De*, Beads end tie • pt up la ale beat Wals, mil pita* oe seed paperMilait wear adag leer ..,. to this 4011aVy. Tie het I. Wes weer aalarliba say Ibis, that be eon set sorry out. Pries the Ira be reeekeed to pet spa Ilieehalse• earthy ef this City, ssd he Ni Nap It Call sot leek at Ida slo t h. mu to a leech Weise way We te aatterteba ea esuaorasoe ad deeraptiee, tiwagb ere A iwa* taw till dameay. sad nemeabend. sail early. Lay thee wt bead bete m be lad is ewe week fr•en the Wee It a erderel. I. J trns, mi. Dee. 1.4. lOW Park Row Boeluitnee J. iittla thsellltm to this eel*, pia* rabilai and awes J. - liiiirWiiiiiiiie - Ili --- T ux amet Too , e l ~. : h er ex* ar*** et Dee* etJobsVldlaile, hih:ll,lllvairre• illealt, la tae state lately araplod by J. X. J wird", d. embrameag e T HS, cAssi.wzm it Tv Tr.% ade. a bobtail* .kisser Pet**. aid Chrionie Note a every dricaptias to Salt LIM ia•al 40 Ilia seel sad tbe yeas of the 1110 st eemmmiliii, II pea des* bt, sal/. eee aad he eitearbid at die Maw a tbe CleZ4 th e ii k i d Les Nem Tea Pub* gall aiways Oimi Wit seed/ *I be eareamisaie wow ea* to saner} ap hi. *a W al Is al abeilre a ail. Deal fotrit No. A, hreees'a Worat SO. or ono. Leek Wesad E* tbe Fert esehner had meet ap. mama Arise. timbtomed public camel* their ewe heir tell by as mumemeimm, asi be sometime, sad Uwe poottom. Beim limy It, ISK-43 JOHN GOALMIKI. ORNAICEIOAL — MUIR. CALL tie surstise tb• LOW ft: nostiosors wl Ws city Imisalry, sad the 'Yost et aboaltlail," to my large .twat of Nt moilL, of I. blot haprerelovat. an mien Lad slash seiteral as lib. Ladies VW, Braids. Mimi. Rails. Caia, Tor " 71 .r 7 .aet , It 116 / 1 • 11 , (tsr earlift idles bialsr) -••••• ' s ß tis.(.olMllllB4.) Tweesee. Illeoetaebes. met Inelehere as brut lastmaisseems Hair Dye, (se eareptsete,) 'Wit or %a at toy UM, News; %loos, where toe s.. p.m" &lead with WM. C. ICOLf4 wblrNIS Murpy', Tla ant to Brava'. Hew. liosoalai IBC to doss ar lay ausigloton ego a Illa ur Chalas, WI& is. aims la lift it soy NM% eir wog blow haft\ eirsA. kraal* ailftelksiv Iblea assatry. Cite pad ha Vale Mb. C It. 1O?10 . r 4 = st Vg l Zile gli s =of lie tee ftwism7 . es Or ameril Sup el bsimirt NW. CIINIA? itellek. P. N. S. I. SPlCliant, EI:Z ~ Praita,~ia AND 1