SLOAN, PUBLISHERS DIE 25, INESS DIR'ECTORY NEILER N. WARREN, I , -I• u .11111/ ui Stale.- .. a nd r r reeJ, I,r auuk., re 1111(Pd Rank N 01.41. 4n, I , ,,eress paid up flMt l„ e, tr . ...01441J LUl,ye, I..aud Vlrartauta buughi. (11^1114a1 JOHN t• • I Lo" .1) ‘larsltall'. otries, A A 12 it A IG' Peace. office reuwved to Hue** Week. ad St o• .oeet. bnr, l'• E CHAPIN he Pt..ltn at. 1 tluasr, r,ei.lonos uei Stith u. JJ:Itl I'•ot Mu..o eirrattevd fur U lian.f. W 11 :":11EIt31AN, C T tit r do", •lid ki r0..1 Howie It o •ajoC / Li t.esl. o:cl“teet- , , Jecessoiki. it au4 upward. L W It•t1 ils‘nqr.el ire.. of Wed and CIMLOrI/ er. A tot ti peon ISOM Ili UAW • • .'ery • tat vl Pur.ive, -tate any 1111 , calil./, ,IIVC7111( Mater 1(41 fan. .44,11.1 1.0 0 y . 1 ,, 1 it, ,11,111 L 1 I.OX I. •• 114,.‘ rl AMstr ICAO r u, Isr i,s. a It w 4.•( r we.: of Amenc,o G \V TODD, ith Caruth Terry, & Dew.' „ 111w4 Juts pert t 1 •1.11-ti "tole. %%autela. k r•• • : In, .14 1-11:1( RUN , 1. ••..• T. .) tho.• .11 ,1 nes l'aint•, 0, , .;14 itrUstte, l'er . Ellie SQL.. I . Nu. 5 H. rd 1) It U L EL Lit) 11, rtAitu Fart Ru C ELL. 1 , 1 bell% eel, L.'ii PL L,AI .16s sa hoki b E If AI ELL • $1 6-Kt, ~.ter k.r.e Nang. tee 1..) le Vi (: C rt J. U 111 f flUtPd Let' I' r.l,)‘‘ Altl)s, K at I 1% . „n ; t I. • ttrtAttopt atirt. p p \\ .‘.l.A‘Eit & t:o , . ./1. 11. n • /WI %I..ft 1.41.1• rl 1 . .. ,Ire V'n 1 . N 1111 .111.4 , ylllj eillle U) •Li autt,ra,s, 1 2.‘ILSOI -- ( 1 P. Ilk )1, • , LAN ,rtir. • or, , irr, I 1(10H1 MI fr • V { \d n 0 LNI. 1112%1101) s. l u , 111, .0% I Pl. 1 1 ittiA.l: A Al -1 l\ P s.• • a r u , 1T01..1111. M.I•ICP tqg /a If and 1 ,k/Icy VIN N.• .1 , • MEI _ Ii J.l It K. I •.1t uric I.` •tr ert, I . fir. Pa J B GUNNISON Ipig 4z tic, I'lve.o Put, •. , 11.,•ic • C.., Pens, P .e.ftet t tat F • ‘se-t II 1,1 Bi 0111 & sTEwAit • 1.• • . r; • c '4 a r' Lll 110E1,1, KEPLER CO I , F •-•• ar -• • . 1, It. , • - •• - • r• r.,•• Mac • MI F.l;i:C.ll .1. (I): 'CI I in , • r 1,0 1:1E=IIIIMI ' .- &..,' ME \ L. I S.‘Nl'ol;li c() ituf.,-t , . , s b. • .1 t - - 1' HE:H(IN ',•••1 \ u. if, 11 I;;.1.11 =SEMI LI, 4: liES1:1"1 1111 H • ," k r and It t IMO= !I 1/Iffi kit I bit )1 •. ~• 1•• y L\ I , • 11pre ••• ..r •1 • r OURLIN 519.1 N MB II •r, ,I 1 • 1.1 9 N,) 'l. lir \I•A JOHN SWENEY =I =II MEM In!Ell JOHN t_u 13Z=11!11111=311111:11 1(111. I.Jr 1 J 1 I ' , >I( )RI O~ 61:0i;GI I ROZENSWEIt; lECIEE=I MI `c;u): he is there now, and you can look at him. Nt, bat a placid face, what a serious ti wile . 01 i i :t i -,.---- tit ionteutineut: Here is a change, indeed: and thki . Notice; lady at the window—ls she nut very P- , rkins' Groat Vane - ty St or,„ PREPARE FOR TztE HOLIDAYS .". ' 'to r' 1 think we might see bridal robes in her NO 6 DON.VELL BLUcK Elf 'l . P: V. A tilt Altig room if we could enter, and in her heart Is the 1..1a•e to Lay ~,ery Ha. e.• 1,- L ., •‘, • • roao,t• 1 .1; tlbt out, are VlSlobs of happiness, that none tai for n 111,4,111.1, 'r Nes. ]oar t•t:•• look' au well as that tall man who stands beside C © IvE z 8 :v . . E, € 0 - - lx T -s. -: 3 - : 1- i L 11r,. Manning. With what a proud smile he 0.1,,t ~,,i, at the splendid array OT T. gar,ll , h,r, and how it deepens her blushes. PREsENTS FOR THE PAI:IF.- ' But it is not of this I would speak. I have a PRE-ENTS FOR THE c1111.1 , 1<1 N PREsENTS FOR. Ttik. IWY- 1,1,m) to give you, beginning years ago when PitE'E\TS Fos 111 E t, if, L , )11. Jl.auuwg bi. 04.4 on those same steps, and PR EsEN TS 1. OR THE ('LII I , ;A.: ' ' I,,oked around Lim as he does now, only there PRESENTS at THE 'Vol %,, l'.; ti.‘' i'IIE .,, ENTS FOR rill: M 11t1',11:1) ' War. Lto ..autle ou his face. It was Winter then, PRESENTS FOR TILE SIN , 11.1' . and as be stopped a moment, the keen east wind I n ,o l net. Present. •tt t, Ito lltto‘ , . , J. NlAnh. ...1, .u' k Ulll , ' suddenly into his face, bringing as an ac- OM lig., tan to SR lat tti• eouipaniment, a few large flakes of snow. He Cfrl . o44t "Cr gi• "4" 3r It 1133 4::" 2-11-1322- turtwd back irresolute, as if he would again seek , ii,i.iiit tLo at ry l• 11•• I al' 111 an , o , I tat ~, .t .1I ,Leite, within the walls, but be bethought him i 06•••. fr . • 11••,..1 lots.- w•-re 61....1 vs It fl 1 . , I I 1 , ell P. L.• ~ , E•lif ULU It was only a short ways to the bank, Lad the re 11:RKIN '. -an put ••, a'. • • .1. 'a tsru, s.i If you wow/ (j.,•••rifs, ( . 10 P• k and that it was very desirable that he should ad . • ' i I yolo wl4l i Orody. (Iv err l'e,::, .. just the business there himself, so be brought i, yor Roth" Murry, y,.. r • Pr•.. , LIS furs more closely around his throat, and with if - jr.. wwArd P..i.e.rry. vw ,r ••c•." /1 you Wont I /y•fr,•. v., /., /......4 a ' a hilt a sigh for the glowing fire he was leaving, i/ you •• , ... , i I y• 4j , • I, le,. • aril the comfortable dressing-gown and slippers, If rmt I^1119( Ovwro r •,., P.• 4 .. , tie went forth into the street. There were but if you ratlV T.ouon.. go ',O 1 . , 1.. , 411 : few who had ventured out this day. Occasion // 5i,... emu Fos,/ Art. i.. 7 .. . t. l•nr In , word, it you want any 1t....... ••,., ~,,,. heard vir, al '. ) he met a Poor laborer whop necessity had areauled 01. or Inought of it. ti ~ V .rtt:y L.t. . s. tai f otn and not far from his own princely CSis to Perkins' Vanoty Ste( ft mansi ,, n he saw two who were evidently shop ..„ Ind whoa there you will n A ult,r. tt , (i..4....y . 1 ,••,e,.. I „ gIVI 4 ' striving to speak cheerfully to each other 1 tie pool of the Puttottli.• , Le .r ~ ..,. 11, ~,, N. . ~a . ,p. _ ,u ,a ~.,,, ~,I .L . ,,,,, f orge t IL ,. 0., ~ ~ , I: ~ • f .. a,on their dreary way, as if to cheat themselves . ,Street. .1 it 1 ERE IN- int , . a belief th it their lot was not a hard one.— . ....4, k.. ~. ;. L ., .., —..r., e ,II ~ i ,o;otr t. "cit. E n ,. N.,, ?s, iise. He uurrica ;dung, regretting that he had not or ,,''43i- , h lii so, ito-I \flu, • ASi • '•• l'' . k ' -k L iierLd his carriage as premeditated, when a !wavy Mitten. and tllioset 120 , a , ..n too 1.. , •tiril We or. rrl: - - -- -----.----- lug very low wt. 3s ...ILL , gust Lf wind cowing directly into his face, 0b1ig ,,!•4 E W G (1 O D S . ed him to turn a moment to recover himself LAICIP - 0 - 31. - - 3 - . -- - ---- , • •41 .1 ~ y •If,•. -.xi{ 0 Wpritle As be tilti 'to, ti little gaunt figure crouched upon ~,. oal those who ess km!. we w Ll' I .V.l . . 11" In 40, I . '''. i , rI .'. ~ .w.rclo. I - . r ,r, .1 • , tVii.LZ U.. it. t t s e CO, t'• , me steps near by, attracted his eyes for an in ...",,-. si ,- . ~,,, _.,ii •, 1 , 0 , ;.r•re, T •suinin• not stock t.fLarl 01'. . •I . a 4.11 •% • II 11 V , wrek • • ''. ".•, Tr., •,t,... , ,- aad Elephant oil ad of wntt b 4.p..wit,,,tt • • at. en at ,i oar otant She was holding tightly around her a i , • • Thr ,rr rr, '', 'r 11 ''''' ranted ..., Louth 'lra at jj- t.' " .:•• " ' L. ' . ' thin shawl las served as covering for both bead ••.,•• 1111•/ .I' , i pi.. ir 1, g ~, ~,,, ~.....,, ei, llll i En, Noe. 25. 1: , ..54. 2S ----------- -- and sitiitilders 1 %%it ,i 1 1 1 . :::;;7 . ' , ""e pICYLEN csaitops• said eattl 11,. •• fit, Le had ‘ ery It was a common sight. Mr. Manning saw obaap at 'la :-.ILO . • . • ,• .• n,* 1 ufirer , just such every week, sod if he had not, it , was too A ....he... 1% s., .... 42 HAD; idackerel,Whaelitl, i -, :,: - --ti lie: 7,4 al- I' J 11081•Nitott 0 ways ea bead se Not. 15, Is:',t_ SILL s. cold and bitter 1 day to stop to think of it so he .11 Ilirli \ IBM 13=111111 111i1t11.-:.,111.11 . 1. , I= Se % II SMII.II .1 & 'SON , II I 441.4,110 V..rt• _ N \V lii(iiiN Is. °TAARY C „ g„" . i ~.\ i • •,'"• " =I 11l Litt RT7 h Wainuri .ght. Huntington 4nd Floyd. .• n N n „,, p , q , c. gi li' \ !al, 0.1. 1111. 1. • 041 a 4.11' J \c ' IN I . \ SS = >L\~,ILI, I AN N 1..1( • I I, B .1•• •, 1 - I•ot ...r1 • e • It 111;!61!1 ,• %%I , F /, • ,n - ai•• 1 Al ~• 1 . . r oil :0,4.111 1.1 r I I .1" a 01 b, Elt s, II al Eli ', . I=l =II \ (; ti,A !111 1 - 111iiN •,1111, I • kr WI 41.4 , • • • .t-. . • • -, tax.. - , , v:.,at,„. ~,, 4 ' = ^ 4.: • •A ;•,' 4 ig••'• ..-• / ' • - . . HCRI NC WEI' KL Y , iiii Rintersaci la Ilia Y ac Va.). at En* Jan. 1,1116:o. Persona sailing f.r Limpo passe *ay s. Ls, tLbhD." liurgcas 11 A Burton suu , s Maria Boyd WWI eirsh Burk miss ha 13..ttarle y lloway Lydu ktvicleu E H Bats Juuu Laos V. 112 Backehu• Joe W Itaiubt,,lc Tau* kruottut.o rev 4.; • Brace Eautuud Brady Jvba lirrm.i curs T bruit u uand W 13re.y Julia Ererurt cure C 2 CittLlo ALOIIIIW Luia.lay 11a C.ll. Jaciatat cu 1.114 Jtorrad CtAt l'ut4l.ll Cu. 2 P., LI David Lu uruAt 2 Cuugultu E LuLutr• Bea!lda LuttistwA L A t.acuplcL Ilurttuak Lawptooll Libel CRA/cy Tb4s 4..rverley fur. E Crtutuitu Ju Luureh Awue Lbutvi woe LrusalLittA4 MILIOf jute LittLatupher DUltvu use II Duttuu tsars M Duuu Win ou , tio 6 &Jac tura Sarah Dar,' Euro ElumartE I),, , td.uu Hubert I.)siceu Win W Dal to E J Daggett lieuri Dcturr, D is tukun Edaartla attsB A I , ltsara P Ehte curs Marta M k ,e) J,,hu F Aarutt A P 2 a laLutr mina A our..tuer r WA expected her to be breaNut into the lower rooms, ma's? she said th aightfullh. Ur to come tike something hutr.o., tot'ore hive at -Anil ail- was your pap..? su . I must, least. but she aas ,creatilinz and stamping, au I int, res•eu 14 her artisss relatali to n_ nee tat at pulling on the silver ku ih of the Ilar in vain Si. . gressieu. tempts to "Pen it. and what was t be done? li. hOn, I neter had any paps, s., it whi uu Mauhih i s : its tsak her firmiy by the wrist cle." Sue st 'pp ci a inanieut, ''l es, it was hue. • "Chia', child," hello i &m a y, as bout down I guess You call me datight, awl lookcd atetoty her tact She et , pp.-ti we datlghler, zao. sod', 11:1,.-s. u , crying iustautautously, dropplug r bald upon , away, - she cou:l4U u, " .11 a brat ,iitp a fly the door, and fix e s,' her elk! black toes upon his sea, suet noviatia ered a t% I -it 1; al by at.: face as it in earliest scrutiny Ile tins as much by she got a letter ai it:, n 4.1 0,e,, ant' LI:: U se., puzzled as before. Her saawl ha.l dropped iu laugheu, acid kissed, tool et er .us day s r the struggle with James aluit now -lot stood Oat: ward shegat untiotti r, mad 'o.d to , 1: S• sr, , ttf W;:r remews the calm and sileut, with her face uplitted, her It uh, b.• was cowing bad,. :11.,tutua Walt; ‘• wweu d au ,l Li , ' hl- report of black hair hauging w Lunged uhissos araund her, mil gut sick, hut he never e.,tu•_ , y f ar f o r au ,v,.1 ropri, • et Ut thioar e ss t,, t and a thin froot ot faded ealic appaamtiy her -1 tau a wicked wan cache soli ag:t,g• I : Ve.iU.: of Ca and do wt .art only Who a tossup caltra-t to :ha , star on tits coat, and teol her to g astit;., lug military sattpae stn tor South W, Stern aud splendor all around her , took all tall pro ty thin e; and mamma went wt turnfrdizier It is kuuwu that iu it - " Cume to the tire," Mr M anni ng said at hist, i n a hits 1 ,,,,M, sod 4 il,i ;11i la, i• autifa, ring-. wh i ch our pet a:c to het , h ,, She gave Will 'wither quick secarchiug look, anti a chaos like this." Su_ lit " ' a s i train the iticuision to . ;here an• ta and olx•yed. llow she trembled to coery lout/ she Spoke,--Do you has •• :I nateh oL it ' Dic•lAo , lB:cudtiteinw.e g iants, w here large Pi -ets new, but it stewed only froui cold, f r ail traces He took it now Lis tea! for tier t, , tuti , t r•t . t I sate: and hut of fear bad & t. T at ,ed from the in •meet Silt: had - •••it Ls gold just like tuatuia... Slott:hi a, sCAII, 3 Ih . 11 it , n springs arc at first lifted L e r e y es to tact. Ile sat down 4 .1 ),.uso.d IC! Mt.a!l/1 I o i l 1 ligth [elicited, :hey are itch ev uraekish that . petite to Ler Id his low easy chair, aud Laddiug , It is very sure th:: , be eta:el it ad WUICS refits. •he w. ter 'flit her warm herself aeil, took up the 1 for two great tears railtd ;Lou sahwly eat hohy...e. t he He did riot think of readiuz, however, but I but tic coutrolloh himst-lit for ace ""L. " D g eca gre uc u .. ? ) sv 1 g without .bti i7ri c u a k u c arry, , IP:pw t e h r e of : fsf : l- wished to let her get perfectly k SILU Jul IL' 0 from as she saw them j -i-ting on coarser food ttrau the horse, awl Le a`iitat, his wthiugheda drink, brackish water. 13 ad embarrassuieut befare questioned her -Aul what became of 1:4311:1:4a? " At intervals he glanced at her, aud wondered, ••On, sue grew whiter anti whiter, aul Ler mirably adopted for that nazism of eouhtry, uti at the ease with whieb she tui ued to scrut wise grew bluer and bluer, and on! uislit mamma took iess the climate should prove an obstacle to hi everything a bout iicr the mantel (quaint:tits me in her arms ID bed, an I told me the aunt introduction. Ou the E,-tern Content he live., seemed particularly to attaact her attention were cowing to take n , raway, bur that w ul,i all , / works in almoaraverl: latitude and cling;., "Are they alabaster?" she asked quietly, as take cart- cat me aft, r she %%. guile Tusu it i au ais extensively used fur the purpose fur which she stood with folded hand, lostkiug at the rich said Loy prayer-, cud was as good as Ic. u I L e jit j: 4 , 11 f 1.,1 * , , p05e . 41 to employ him by the British vases. She did Kea tutu her t-y, s fr: w them as every &lay, the angels weal,. cote by and by, at.: iu do, EA:a ludias and the French in Algiers she spoke, but questioned Lon as if she knew he catty; we to her. i dui hot cry, because it gi 1 ;reel Espo l i, u ci. h a s pitted that horses and wuies was regarding ner There was almost aotnauly - mamma to base we, but I laid very still while " lb " I inadequate for the tram...port:mon of military dignity in th e question and matiner She dal prayed to God to conic aud take good care (Alit supplies in a country 01 the character of oor wet,- nut seem to be out of her sphere at the matueut tie Ethe, cud all the while she h. Id Jae tight in t, rn frontier, aud the exp,riment recommended In his surprise at this, he forgot to reply. I her arms. In the morning I could not wake her, bt the Si entail of War seems so reasonable alai She turned to lion fir aoswi•rl.lisi to succeed, that we hope Congress will and a naughty tvotuau came acid tatik :14r11:t "Have you seen alabaster vate-? .. he asked, - aud would not let the gu hack any noire. u ti , ,Z fa,l to make the necessary appropriatiou ••atls. I cried and asked if the angels had gut:hie/ulna. evasively. i ci._ ege. .., "Are they alabaster?" she said agein. pointing I she shook me and put we in the dart-. %V 11% did at themwiz God come and take cure ()Nee, us inatutea see.l GONE TO THE WARS.—Last week, a young "Yes," he replied. Ihe would?" she asked. looka.g up with a trout,- -t 'IP ricen engineer of talent and skill. who had "Then I have se..ti such before—it was long ' led expression. suceteetully served in the navies of England, ago," she eaid, play !ulit. t "My child, we cannot see G. , ,1," he said, ILA- it • ee u. , ia end the United Sates, sailed from this "IN here do you live?" Mr Manning asked. • emnly, "but He was with you all the time, au i P ort f, r Eurep iu respon to tenders wade him For a full minute she regarded b:m. it was Him that tu.d me to send Jatne4 atter by the Emperor of all the Busbies again to enlist "In the street, now," she answAred, a look of I you." . :n Lis service. The offers were of the most ad. -pain passing on iii r face before so CAill v .""Did you see Him, then," she asked eagerly, vantageous and flattering character. He took "In the street:' Have you no Lowe ' : "and did you talk with Him as mammadid, every with some fifteen or twenty young men. She shook her head. tla‘?" whom be bad enlisted as associates, mud wbo "No farther?" She shook her head again. ' Alas! f,r the man of years. That name had fir a few months back have been in training "No rxe.ther?" Sue pointed upward, and tier I nut pas'se'd Lie lips dail:7; he bad made p-hi h. s utadkr his experienced and skilful instruction lips quivered. I ged, piece one unselfish love tied been Luried It is well ‘known that the Emperor has lung "Po.r oiled!" tie mii, reaching out bas hand to 1 down troui its throne iu L.s Lear'. and now he appreciated American talent, and is now making motion her toward Lim. She came quietly to sat reproved by an infant. it available whenever possible.—Boston Tele his si.J.., an d ~, ).1 tnere. What a I elk o, c.iufi-"My child: my child!" he said, in a low, bob :fr°Ph , deuce there was ,ti her facia, as if she kei ‘w that I emu tones, "I have never come near to Him— I, I she tied f a ille! A fri _.ll At last. Lie could scarce • 1 , never—but henoeforth your manma'e Gods hall be I Q (ITE LIKELY.—The Washington oorrespon ly refrain 1e,,,n ? . 4 Lis arm areuml her--he, 1 toy God, and your God, and we will draw near dent ot the Post says the Government does not la stern, cold-le...aruel maul, living only in hie i Hima together." lie lifted both his hands in ; think Gil STEPTOS tai I have any trouble with nches, and she a be;gar child from the street. which hers were clasped, and locked upward re- , BIZIGHANI YOUNG in taking the Governorship of "What is your mane" be asked. , vereutly. There was a long pause. i Utah, as BRIGHAM will probably have a dispateb wgilipor,' was the ow s e m i . He sprang "I waited and waited," abe coutinaed, "for ' from. Heaven requesting him to resign, about the from his chair. I the angels to oome and take me to mamma, bat 1 time his soomaeor arrives. "Go 4 of Heaven!" be exclaimed, and sunk back again, pale and agitated. The Child stood ihlre with dilating eyes, half ! w.nidering and half affrighted. "(.1o; gu," he said, recuvering himself and 1 pu.hiug her from him. Once more the great wild eyes lookPd up pleadingly iu his face, until • the great tears downed thetr I:ght, awl she bu uk to the IlDor sobbing pitebus:y That. name! 0 li)d! whz.. memor,ls had it called Mp, aue, lust feelings that Le 'lid hoped were buried tore vet He strokie througu the rooms as if in agony Ai be pass. d the LiLs first impulse %via spare her with hi.s fuot, but he cout:c:Led Maisel', and ut length be foret Ler prusi.nee IL threw hiru,elf and wept—ibe strk.r.g and L • w:, fr-allt• Witt, coot w. "Ellinur! Eihuur!" 1.., jou kuve me? Dal 1 uut lova you us :J . ; •Prt• boui? back:--cuake back! 0 GA! :AZ futit ver.:' His ,liand was suddenly taken, and it tear; were raining un it, in shuw‘rz Cre Le lull 10:ailed h~m3 1r z,ufficivLay to know where Lt 3 tt?, whose Where the tears -.11/ ham:: is Elltuor," the little child sod, bbing, A k a 1.11 , 1 her eyes Lis ftc:.c• liie tleArt. Lad growu softeued u , w, i not put hLr away It had b,eu Log tiLet were sited fur Liu), ur with him, .111,1 u ,w despistd beggar had been the hrs_t to,ak en huitiau emotions in his breast fuk pa:- 11 , tfautight Li 4 heart w:L st , Le tJe l au“X.l Qt . .111.t Cblitillooo — tilt; idol ~ f h.s yuu;ii — of his manhood—all , : h..... tak•p to his bosom, and culled by th, name of wife, bad deserted him f , ..r r II • had thought Lib heart uas stunt!, but ti was once more with the memories of bl,ssrd buu,, when Lis owu pure Ellinur was by his - ?. , v, , 1 he lilted iL. child from th e Lot. at Li. 'tile. mat .utbiag the trass‘as of duulp hair from it r tuuken check, thauked G.. , 1 that slo , hal •Irawu Lab book t,a life aga.u. lie lifted ',or fr the and took bar to hls anus. "My uutne Lb 'he sobbed agii.;rd, aac e,ung t.. hiw. '4,11 you With toE.1114•1, al• y daugti[er?" a.k.d 11.1 t..• 11•:. ../. 7, 011r , J14%4. aLe 1 • ecuuty up tu.o bib face. "Ye:, lily irwli LAVeti you r %%a, :, :au .1 I Li' 4.0 tier 1T1.••:. ..). gr,Vi to a wt , a;,U, uu 1 11,1 3 I - ..LL 11 t:JULti •• I . t • I .V.; i 4 11.1 . -:-.." buT Lit Di ..0 ilk,. u.t.. 1... f, . =EI "I ' A.l‘. 11. 1. L. bic....zt • 0 4‘ , Die E;ilL,9:, it "4114 i I V. MEE "nlit! lo .1i int,/ :1 1 ViJi a iou t ;, .14 JUC tr.ily it 11.1 aaci CLIAPTER II vrhst an r by DetTeJ. r uNo r 14.171,911%44 .14riate Rood me thy 4).. ,c, cu.,. and . . : • n.f r : C 4L, 6 . l ..1 BEM WEI LI • I I ~. •..1 IA they never eons. The naughty woman put on mama's dresses, and made me wash dishes and pick - up ohips. Then a iota Same and shook tiauda with Miss Martha, and we went into a ves sel and came on the great seas, and the man and woman left use in a dark, dirty Street, and when It raiu..d hard, I got Into a shed and lay all night on the 9,ar, thinking of meant/sand wishing the ungols would come and take me to her. In the up , ruing, a woman gave toe a piece of brevi aud told tu , - to go away, and I walk' 1 around twu or three days and was very hungry Then James 7.tite, - .% Ind I thought he was me away ilc•-mus‘. I logged, aud was going to beat in.., but oui) tofdt me to this beautiful I wa aftaid of James, but I am trot afraid of-you. von 111 , 1 k god—like mamma." This was al; it , could learn, and indeinite a• it was tt was all he e.Ared ti. 1.-arn. She had no pirruts-•-I,IU one to claim her, shL had been gt:cn Yy i• Nr , n , L i i• own peculiar guardian.hip, att . d Le w• uiu tp)id ti sift as sacred And there thee sat until sTainercams in with the lights 'He had be , n glad when it was tame at bring them in tha he might see what had be c a me ct elle itttle beggar girl. What was • t.l-htn 41' to fin.l her •,u his master's arms! A ‘k , r 1 sti , prise, 'Hotted by an air of disappoint- Lt, h.. sII. , UM lrta been eou•ulted uu the coast• o, was all In dar.l express, and these acre lion .)tied A sad At•u thought struck Mr Man- DES kler Jaw, ,cod Mrs Blakely to no. Why m,' bow do I kuuw but the child is star ,Lg, and I i/ave kept her huurs." Mr- Blakid) ciale at once—a gold old lady— ho had been howistikeeper in the family be• foo• the master hi , iught home his young bride. Mr :Manning gave a sh in account of his meet ing kkilh the chili, an 1 his conclusion to n• rain h, r, •he had neither fa:her or mother ik, alma,• knew the trials that bad sear- .1 11 , art. atl.l she was glad to find that he 111(1 ti.uelie.l:l)t s)rupathy • G- y.. 0 deur master," she said in bro. kuti the tears erzue int., the gissi wutuati's y••s, and she hid her Lee in her uprun to eciu .• b, .r• ugliati..n. When she I..oked up agaiu, r be•ide her "Wlll you tn.. t , »Lc.: said quietly. "Y.. lay if y... 0 ,ire go,d," she answered I. any She pl.ced her hand in Alr, IL .I;ell,'s, and led the way to the door P from hunger 11 the .. , d u-. keep.:r hurried about the sup , I st..i: to tell, but while prepara . r,. were f.r this, ~he brought water, • ere w:...bed, the long black • ..t .f.dr ,110.: .1, until with the effect. of .. 0 l'„ , uic•,tbiu g ot rsr tbo firiger.4, • - u -14 ereu. That th. , food war B; .k... y c at:l t doubt, by th( 12Elil gal ..1.; •- WI. h whi, t she partook_uf it Anti v Mis. went back to Mr. Manning for f ,J• rs. ming her He had not fur -1 , •eu h ,w bteu expo , ei to the p;tt ~,a-z : 1 1 di% urariy. and he desired her to r) r w early i get mated fur the morrow •• h..• yu tL of lay charge Mrs. Blake- 1 lx YuW . • 1,, a Diu4talar was tht.; z..carce'y , pe.aki when I ask her 51 question, .lo,i )••: I LAI.- ti 'Wok into her eyes to get :, • • r• r-3, 1 . d s apt Wt . LU ,1 ikt, a child that • in p.Aer'y ••''• sur•• at.c ha. re.t beer, reared aniong it. re se•ons to be a dignity A. had been iLstrueted c!.,:ins t., teach I' CLAD 1, • .:nte why 1, was that ••••••:•./, L.,9 beet, ins& Upoll We by a h 1/J1 n-t but I know now l• •i, expr• ~ion in het !I•t: :Le ,•.triuu.iily ~t nay 1 •-• E.• Ile . Lis ....aids de, /a , a• MUell For ..r,tL, r.w h a d noi passed ths I:ps, • ugh . sit•l•ler struke had • au , l that. he would .• of 45;./.1.1 1 1 aid, .in.l . - ! •,1 the nt.n , 5.•:i le her 5..0. , r d.I ttor.,.talk wir r/, /ma/. cr.. Jut 4p.L • iiC SUL and ..d. h:ru without& word !Ic I 1 , K.• , url 310'::e,t : e d clostr to his slat, ,s if ti t w• her 11.1.13 e Mry, Blakely now ' t oed f .rward to take Lei her upon arid she Lin; •..I.alt 11. —As she reaehed the door , • .ed uud :.•oketi 'F1,,,1i Ito .he ask-.!11 'a tow hr /lieu ! s 31, - aLswer,...•l ;ti the. —Sr! , 04.D' ' •,'warci •t k Ir. : : • w approui . .nini.; . ••• he rep' •I. stooping and t.i • k :U II Of joy and •rr t • , like a 5uni.),...:11, ,• .r. dna ',tit. was f „..(..• N 1.1.: WEEK.] ; ~~.~~ IMME =I 1.• it t. IC , •V •- MEE I= lEEE =EMI B. F. SLOAN, EDITOR., NUMBER 31. 14/. ritrairetei. AN INDIA' FUNERAL sy Qua cAusoioriA conatssoNDSlllL Ow: beautiful nieraiag is Jasuary Isle t • large tie ai Lvr Di { ier Lutiatt, male sod issiska old and }citing, tr,re their way throe. tbw strtos of the little California village is wYiOti I theta Olteltl. There vat to be “aa ladies befit ' &built half a wile fruia town. Proundliol ti the 6put, to oquipany with several blindly las fouud large ibuut to light the failisi py,re of an aged eitieftaiu. Tae scene Wal so granaly sublime- nisi min. oppressively solemn, and yet au eitnyksfiwilt the 'impression made upon say mind will lams while iife remains. Indeed, I neve 110 hate it effiux,ti from my memory; forylike a pittLttie elia.n, it bind.; toy own heart intim peer Digger tribe, making in. feel sensible time r 4, gradtd and abject us they are, there still tug link binning them with the seisms ZltayitTt huh:unity, that we are but different brandhent the same fsw,ly , and have one lather who tei over all. There we stood, in earth's wide its might) dome sparkling with the giowi tulgence of the morning sun The friends of the deoessed chief were proper iog the Lody for the flames. Thu was dose by wrappiog it in ehe blankets owned by him. Mrs body was then laid 10 a reverent manse -the wood. By its side were laid a quiver 42 ) : rows, a bow, a knife, and some trinkete of Webs value, with many articles of wearing /Twofold Some water and food. This was done that bo might be well prepared to hurt in the *pith. sand; fur they fully believe that there are vaster and far bett,r huotiug•grounds, where the bloody war-batcbet is for (lett buried, where their parted friends roam amid Le.calld tell flowers >,d plenty of gam... Wood was theo piled spoil mad around the body. They formed a wide cir le around their skys t e. , d friend, 5t0...1 for a moment to perfeorsilearss, and then commenced a low, plaintive wail, that thrilled through the heart of every behoder.-i En a moment all was hushed. Slowly, and with solemn tread, they walked around the remains of too: beitived chi , 1, aa if to take a last look of one they had lovtd ao wcli. When they had pissed the third time around the body, there burst from their lips a wild and wailing chant itiat tingled in the ears ~1 the white Atut, like the knell of earth's departing .I,,ys. With mows ful step and stro.awing eyes, they paseed= times more around the bud), and again ps The mahala (wile) of the leparted, stood fork for a moment apart f:om the rent, then pared 410w1) around the body. In passing around the second time, she cc suit acoi a low dud plaintive wail that swept tbro(gli the crowd like the low ' but mighty breathings of the autumn wind from the storm-cloud, ere tilt. wild blast rushes forth bending or breaking e‘erytning within its range. Before commencing her third round, she pared J. moment with an almost bursting heart, moved slowly to a fire, took u blazing brand from the midst, swayed it art nod her head three times, and th commenced a kind of dance, pandas around several times more, each time coming nearer and nearer to the body. At length she paused fur a moment in the attitude of theater earnest prayer, then applied the torch to th e eau. bustible materiels that nearly covered the In a moment all seemed a mass of flume :2rn stantaneoust), ir..,ul every one of the tribe there burst an euLartLiy, wild, and startling yell, that wad s the air, ant echoed from the eur r,undiug L/1‘ . 1.14ta.t.i. Each took the other by the baud, uuti tbub tvirued a living chain around the broken liuk th,.t, was now being consumed is Weir midst Tueu toe) a low and ,ad globul e ; at Lae came time a peculiar „Luce, u' th.:Cust.Pll but that of OWL other's hawk, the) svcuu, , , r be , ,,,1L../.1.1 again. Then all but toe the Lima) pailai.d. The wife, d.iu,;;J:a%,..1.1.1,1 a -ou, hear *.O thenuw vacant Lb..i.nt and linden°, .wue. On, tt., : 1,,vk.,1 the depicted 1.11 L%, bek:Cl h per atnrvo , Estaxiifested, u,re re‘crtu; ..a L:1011 atauWLl tlau by them uue 30Ls totebt The crowd t" !heir sorruw as tar as possible but it was ut.t.i, seated fur thew to long bt) tilat ot,ty 1.. w iliclLLetila tilt; wind wial ialUde wt.sll,l a LAI up a wild and startling shock that wt.,ul Lae._ .L, ,r,tctatirs vi the scene to iceu:l .uBCI tLt n.a.i tike this whiri aiau s Dott:tp, tl grasped the soul, 2,,v,t)litg tue wu. It Luau, L,,S the willows, Cr.v. 1(16 L.,u6u, u .ye lure the until The wife Ultift tuci .0 Ult. burning pile. %% Lieu tie 4v 1.; , .te COUSULUed, °Very thing vaned uy u was brought for waru by Lib Y.atU ui various -colon, deer-wins, Lowa and arrows, blankets, caps with l oud) tLatlit.r:‘, was kinds ut trinkets, with Cilro beads. All thews thiwip ILIAIII3 Lt ai 1) u cart-luad. The eldest klatigillt.r, ,p, ,a,ut j yt tsot age,tookaroll ut w,inpuw, L.L011:. LLe of a half Wiwi, eau. , t. uuee OLI her head, ue ul; :46 , “.1 :ar uiXtVe ILS uld nanb, Loc,t... ncuoud to bitchy@ with the vwcr Lo,muci, t Like htiolly, each Irak some to Luc : Theo out . of themost u.—rt-reut.l.l4, it s, ,—tor 1 coo c. 0.:: it nothing—th..t nc,, p-iued the e.c ut humanity, again Dur s t Jr ~cll Ilrn. Toe bivetlingagony that wcti , 1,1 I:4 tUAL y uiecrtu g , wrt li u g MoUnd 4i3 1 j'+ it 1.......:ura• uLle 4.1.11 A [MUM itb [Lt.:LW-14, Ll.r , p .Wl.l ap,u the Lutugu heart. The tlrnec grew ...1at....n..1/ g , stures more and more fraut.',, their howaugs wore unearthly, the whole tLruug s‘tay..Ll to ~14.4 if U like the trees of the turezt btfule the turtuatlo .Listzt, wLett 41 atones, they ing.w u, j wisp awl lok LI/ 1 arcupd, swinging their arm. lit ,I,Lry ilirk.4-thm, .ears missasoing flow then- e) es, ‘A :al sobs, gruans, yells ik wail ing, Auks huwi,ng, tiny thawed to the yet glow• ibg embers, alit: ,tie tueuthers of the family then dep.'s:tea alereuu we several memorials la their hands Ituy st ,o,i fur a 'nuttiest, mad then the grert fountain, tit feeling seemed broken up, the bushing Istreatua 01 sorrow flowed forth, fiat si lently, then with a low murmur, and now like loud, wild run of the tiateraet, the waters foun t mg, lealaug, and whirling in every duvetiou, i:newt% all hartuoutuu, anti inharmonious:made in their mighty Voice. Some leaped, and danced, and whirled in the wildest eoutusiou; otlivrs threw themselves twos the ground, writhing in .agony, while theta on their feet. seised e.teit lit hi, turn a bsiaok of beads, a roll utyrru, a huvr IliAdillrurr*, i 4 *edict, neatl•orear, ur some lane 04118, awl her hem ' ion, the drum s . N1 . 11...n al: were vita fa their feet, the siltracie of the death-chanties :pervaded the whole throng; tiavy raised their um over their heads mid lot thew fats by thins spiv three. times, then then: went, up terse mash slionSsasa never herore 'twat-a trout the lips of men. Many of the Wu.. members of the who now sat upon the gr Olin ./, W lillu the yOlilllert noes sad the wile mill ~, o uuued their weary steps vowed the smoldering tiro. One of the most type' ag incidents of We whoill some Wad now A. brie', buy ui mune tea rummers, gramasi of the chief, was led forth by his father, _,lseteamil fur a few moments on the Waal% Litallialed WU then led seven times around the aehee4 the de. parted chieftain, with his head bet oof 40, bhp wars falling like ram; _he passed had awl by eyes and hands toward haven, as if in, spurn prayer, than was led and awed by ids stAka, L.. - , •7 4, 3M5" '4,17'31 MI D