SLOAN, PUBLISHERS. El DIRECTORY DUNC'oM BE • i La n , in liar gtia ii • . nil,. r, tr.. l'ltAlt; ert my% t.l n, N. I 11.0.1 13,w I I 4 tate .Irovt, l'a - CHAPIN and i,ndar r , tldenoe • n Sixth at. P Vincent_ arranged for uda Sil EI{NIAN, RLAN 41411•1 e Hotel •ne toe Nee.: iiooo , ll w•rde.l bunt lot le be•l lot too r• Out Prier • 1 1•r •n.l oft. .t•lr NV OLli• 11Wi.111fer• ell 1,1 . * illel the M II I: t Ilea pc•l 11 lUr /$..f . )1 11 I, ti jel A r If Yfr, -111 C =MEE ,f i t n .. utipl• hi, I. I 1 FON =MEM ow:\ MM .14 . “..11 rli kit/11.11 ..entLatt r lid Ow I 1... I. 1 1J & II EllituN, I 11. A i• ,I6C- I llit PI illll.l i,, II .. .u.1.. K..-. 1 L L1.L14 r1"1', I=l M . M.:1.1., 11111 MIMI lht • ' , I • . 1 , 01 1 Itt 11q.1.1,, 1%1)11 .11U)S, IMMIE \I.Kh.I; 4 4) IMES hit111.1)1 I 1 , 11, t_rp., =I IIIME))1) 4) EITIIII ll_ 6% A ire I lig, NI \I :,Il =3 h" i \ln.( 11. t.I \\ Nl_ , Pt.' , •• 1,1 141 l'rtis,4 l :4o. Itel I 'to & ST E NV:IIZ 1, = 1 411.1 ",111.'• U.) K. r I ' Br iw ri r Bolt, . K I'I) elm 1,1 t• ri rs,Ji 14 hi .111. IA t. Ill o+ l \ .111 K ET'l 8.11 irtAr I r rr. rr, %Apr 1,1 Ilrr 1, r• .'l. 610 r A .^..rrl \A , A - • .-rr IL:r or Alm I= I i..\ N N1*(1111) (1) I • •ll'ti• 11.,••••1 Ik roi•rt•Iltlo) ilt)\ `II \WI trN Ilx S 111%1%11 I. I .41 1.1. ti \ I IMEME 1!IEMIE111111 it t Nlt 1 1 Alsi, liN • I Of II 111 h tl i tc I \ I I. N 'l;l'M] IA Li Ll\ 1.. s I i • I\ -11 \ 111..1!:\ I) I. .1 itHi MEM \`•11 Ft, X 110 y 1 , I \1:-11 \l.l ‘l, - A 11%1 i'.• \ 1N...41N A ;•,(1\ BERME =CI I !it'll 14). Rlr "lIBLIO !EMI NI 1 ill Mil la. ht. Huntii.cton And Floyd \ 1)4)1 =MEI F;I: 1i,11.1. Mil I MEE p,r, A. Tii y,1,1.„ \ II '1 i if \PI\ lIIIM . . . , Ao .I.ork i it ,; ••.%1 I 101 a • I* I/ ,1 1....4., EMI t rl/1% kk I n kdr 1-4 7 • P I t r.. 1 .-1 MI. if II Iterl),, I:. I -lb: t 1., rd 111 . 1 t4I.As t H 144 MI Mf I bunkk H,/ %p re ERIE WE seittt Vottrti. THE MUSIC OF FOOTSTEPS _ay dreamer ut the penal e br,w, NUM! 'midst thy thorghts t., da Ikere's music in the little fi 01 thy young child at play It saline to meek thy sober peace With its Itehotng tone ~t Inc, F , rgotten io thylraul,te,l Mid the uf I. A credo gathtra rout, I rbe Id lawiL ai hearth Iberv . are latgbt aye. end grtili. w,r.l Ali 4 tunes 4.4 gleaauule Math let oil they . hetet' fur a Noun 1. TLe Jcariost 'brut all rhos c's lOUs cvu IL,. Lit', J•i , i • 4,11 A tattier f ioutitsl.l la Within the darkly .urt4ine.l !. The pale and etzwayn he* phut nut farm nalbre's thiti And all her harmnn n I:ut there 1. InUpl, in IL4 pi • Thrrv'r cotuf,,rt h un , l 114,1 T., ht. • i rk !k , Ne. to anir6 That • t h mudtrd treJ he musl, a a3,,rtlal gong MA) IA) ill u,cttts itispir• Itght the . brase ..r all patrit,lL, bre but wben Ow .It.• at, I 11.1 , ••1•1.. • I II a I of well &ruled wen .• ltiern'a .1,2,p rittv tuurni, i i Ihe ..ui Li cut:l.oloi id di die And when..n !he 1•• n: • r 1•• .$ ,it and tnta,r hl. n in u dream I , .1. II r • , r,Sr, ' O 111'; 1, on i• , 1,.• •,.,. i Pr. wler 11..71 thrr,• I - uI ILI,' I, 'it • , Llll •s•t qlioicc 'l' 11 1 t; ROONIS Ni A N . A Tale Pomaded upon Incidents in Real Life II 1 ii II 11 ti ii iu At the period of her mothei'. death, Julia I ;rlikain wa, to her eighteenth ear., hanfl.ome wa4—heautiful Them wa, .t charm and a breathing''' . beauty arolini her, that we rarelv meet with ;1;" the nrciiirtry walk , ~1 life She u mud' 3u the world—khe had not unngl,l with the dts.tpattou f fa-hionald, ,•iety; and way, C011.1 . ( 4111. 11t12,, oli t'i tinew wa ter einution , of the heart, Nritl, h ti pleasure... early .aeritive !he -brine of their Ilur life hail le, ii d ua retirement, but nit in , eclusion Sh, po-pe--ed the requi%- te- ”fa poiedi ilucati , m, hail drJulz the wa t ers that flow fr..tu the pure f.uutain rd . povtry, and literature had foun I J 4 adiuirer iu tur Theodore \Ve-t was her 4... e. I.t. -d inaitor—he? ;thane , ti bridegroom. Ho had wooed with the smiles of tit.• mottle'. am; the ~f oulia was Lt- li) stri •I int. gt ttt n, lit. 111 , 1 a tipplieati ,, ti 1,, tiu-ine--. b , 11,14 an ip•tve credit, and high in lII.' 11111 04 " the ini_reantii. , eonuuunut lit was at 111.1m-brie...luring the I, nor- r.,p0r, , 1. but th e ! tun , - not ~•eupied I heft W.V. 111 p a,w II by the 'ld, of .India, and %,t,thz di.- toted t ,, r ! ius I , .1.1. r• that hate tlionewly , -r,, i 'fp f, ur,-hi} , , ran appre , , th , , 11 . 1 s 1 1) then, Nlr• irallaul . - kite ; I- to t.t k , place th, third day attcr her , I, et .1, (iii that 111 , .lirtlfill day the) w, re •itt,m; tom, I ti., orpse, Julia habit's' in ; he'weeds if - .k% „ILA it - batty.... en. ,letivoring to adnitni-t , c , .1r.,1ut,u herruirrowirw spirit I. ,w passed trout unr h, stilt it, .01 ii-ly ~ .rut Ra th, trail 4.i ill • that r In , room as they t,, the eorpse, t o tie it last upon 'the eartltit r, nouns et her wit , kit a short time before was ani ,, ng theni in lite The hour arriv ed—the unit rt.tkt r dulia imprinted auoth, r buss upon the cold lips of lo r par , •Lit Painful, painful was the throb if her fe, ling-, she sunk tack into Theodore's ann., who wus s-it ,it h. r le The white shroud was t d ox, t and around the corpse, the serewed down. Julia, weeping, s,,libing, wa- borne ti the car l tag , Long Si. th, •run that I , ll, , vied to the placeof interment, and sincere w, r, , th, t, ars shed over that grave The deetased posi ted I,) - I 1 her husband, in th. , lambi) ml let Etas street; ;aid the ...Tilton deliv .T. d n, the .-ton, enumerated the virtu, tio buried, witch were audibly re.p.,n,1e,1 t,o bt fre,/uent bursts of sorrow from the breasts ~1 those assembled A plain warble tomb, with a simple in,eripta , eri thereon, marks I: -pot w her , she r, sts --and there would the feet ot Julia am; Theodore often wander arm lii arm. they would ea', upon th, mat bl, „I- 11. , of the pa-t. and drop the tribut. rt si 1., the upon lry .)fu,. tuel Llparit ET EMI :`llllllll r, autumn anti whirr daway Sri tug it-turned, and nt :itt:• more than a year au, r her inother'• death. Julia ',trail:lm was led to the altar hr one every way earial.le of render , in.,: a wewan happy She bet AM , the bride of itieod , ire—the wit' of hi- atieell..ll- Dated hint, and was loved in return Edward Hyard, a euu'.in ••t Ler., dr) , sled at the wedding as groomsman. but fit re anon' that shall hereafter be wade known. he wit, "pro, d tee the union Ile however, '.wort , red hi- feel tug, at the time, and actlultt , d house If satisfai ittrily of the dune- that di •kt upon bon in the charge ter he had taki u Sh.,r6) after the nuptials—two w, ••r - • —he innoutwed his determination of ‘i-iting Enrols , les titan a month starttd; li• re we aiii leave him for the present. and lutrtsiuer the reader to a scene on the bank- to the river Schuylkill, in the month •tt Jut\ , 1:•••••.:bt —a yt-ar and wore hay ing pa.sed -hive tio• ((editini, alit the departure of Ifyard 'ft, tia‘ ••n warm, but was sutceeded 10, i ticii r ;littul ev• tong The twain was up. tht• ititiottieraid. and the breeze trial' tie we-t redolent with fruit anti flow er- Arm in \lr lit. were wantlering--oval tit- lawn, bv the river, through the grit% t • daub ht tit tltii.wlulst tht • , :tind the •in a• intervals was ard, and the whippo•TW IP+ mingled upon tht ear with ill, da,hing t t %at , Thus were they wandering. so t i iiit bold!) —and such was tli • scent around thew, alt u al; at e)fic. the 11111.1 V •.f a flute was waft , 11 to their ears Both •to