Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, September 30, 1854, Image 2

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    _ _ - - -
tbsestriitt --- ti ;viataziow
id "WW do
ly the classic • Be t is • ,
. • -, ~ 4 4 A Feta II
" AM, as one be had k4iiirnonger amillinew
Sttilahttnu, ttltrin / 1111 Ill i tilind 11 " 15 " (t rivilktklu bstier 'isz '":. 4 02 -- - r - gle ),
allir r aw .s_._.•
ups any (athlete utlllhe panty, Aa frisbee -
• It 'by the own .
stated fils Ng&
P• 41.61 we leerrot, forme Pew a .7.,„ imp --.. _ e es. oli s seeme. ... e ty D er eo ur gli s h et e‘alrf ho e 1 boutly sites! ~, k , hi m l i sle au f
The Nebraska Dill Will Net Open the New Ills, r . t , Pr'
Territories to !Revery -
1 --osils is.. cms -‘,
P to tted eir fortundh AO the
no nrll . 4l oi f
,was pi what he Owlmasift wifinf. ll °' % da y
othiniPs t Thal, there gre , y , , etc „yrer t i" op our local vilirbeallies i vi'd
, :r.
The chief o bjection urged by the anti Nebnies SATURDAY *RIIIOIO, *PT . IlUn 1854 •
prompt I
we 10 - not te s lieve It may be that here • a ond cordial acqakeetscr• -
- -,.....----- t
bastes of every hue against the 'iebraska • Kansae _ _ .._
sandier* a thoughtless, impulsive Democr a t, with i s ere es she eewsn io s sisw st b s dosi rr elsi onstage
-1 i owever,
hiat 141. that n open. an 1111113wIla ' Dial .3 ter-mil- I DZIKOCBATIC STATE 11011111S210111.ielismi t a aright grain of the inquisitive anti the marvel- 1 salmon , --104 thelactru.ce'ret by
ry to the spread of shivery Driven to the waill 1"1"t
on every trine of objeetioo, they cling to this one, had been inveigled into this Whig trap . It the editor of t h e Gazette, iii4he deception at"
indeed, be wonderful if such were not th e teeept,ed to he pract i ce d, fu ll y t ot d unreserv edly
with the tettacity of drowning Wen Let. " dies wiTALIAIt BIGLER,
*oath of the
them from their last hold Of Clearfield County fact; but that any considerable amber have so paree di d i st, use, out
(wry te tha , rental-. of Mil ilelplUi low it
acoi uses, ar i sen " sosist au ritt ill positive enactment
:sedate did we
far forgot the teachings of their political !Lath, for s a to , m an gy t n th e faoetthis, however,
to become the took and t Clit'lll4l,,li the 7 11111 our faiiiiirOMY "47 tab 4
Cita I law, art ;availed u Nebraska and KlnSiari JUDOR OP IMPRIMIS COURT
eeteteledon t i sioeses, every 'lave taken there kie. 1
Of Somerset County puty, t o net 3 11 0* nitlocl ' a nialatlaute out hate „ hee k e d down . " De e s is think his reed
t° blibr" Wb - 1 eta blind or mentally obtuse? llt would appear
mosses a fret MAU Oa• 13 1 0 8 0 1 11 40.6 steps upon the
the fire, we are not prepared
sou DM. SAO 1:1"4:f ii. it' Will any Wog. Fos ca.tfa.t. COMUKIB9/0211R1
should they' The teachings of the Democratic s i s ! Bat the editor lays gras stress elms the
at abotllttolltat.. or ttlalollla. tit-la '!. it. 140 n it may
1w d alli ed a., propose to 'brow eutbenty so irre-
HENRY S. MOTT, party, M all times, have bean 4inaaa(alanii, u p' t f the name of our
act that we hate not given
t illa ble a u overwhelming, that the a, t wall be Of Pike County posed to every principle of this new "us* to " Ne- , o itoo d authority ." Certaiblyhere is no aeoes
detareteeett ot oas meta, of all mama Thta an-I
iiestite fact charged
%leant, beeves , cud we are iudebted to the Kid- Good jet)-The Sunbury bed I & Jackson, bil found warbig trpoa men be use 1 wewspepet eeetroettny, w
.16 -- " dr-- --------* --.A1111.
vet' has , sad 'Over will, she Party t t fJelfera n u a " sty of our dragging private tidivitinals i n to a
eseea ,. Guazeila for the •unipitetiou —•.•--- - they were born algal the Rhine, ex the Thames - Ne " I has bees so iiirly seintooltilled . Still, this
TI.. ..etawa u./ gte atone anti clove , in the By the fullowtag dlePstch from 4 • J. BAIL '
vest wi ll it nt to ukase the doors aneamit the muc h we will say, our "goodbuthonty" was a
states 4 tilt l•niou in sloth it tou , a legal ..2,lait E arn Oil of tie Director* of the Sunbury and
° Py remed °I old " id a° lan g as the e°untr Y friend tu Felkek, an enemylif Erie i
•bee .. a‘f/A' UN •.rf Ili (Minh ipal tart - Mar • ' e
Erie road, now in Philadelphia, it , en ! l be sees , has to deeeklie - ' 4lO reads to bu ild, anti wally responsible, as a patients* of truth,
„,,, ~ /... •8 .e.../Pinel Min, 'S. .s •• ate: ol
road is to b e let torthwitn. .
fhe right 4 ;L., rti atatar t • tittle, uot to ) force that this end of that
unties to upe , mountains to people, prairies to all the *altar of the Gamily 1
...t the lax t (Wile i UM1101.1! but to vuesie
euly et tbo • pe l t , ~,,, Ar a d itg oil la the Messrs.tiTtaßt. P rr haade d ' I ,,A IPA"L aa ' &Pt
' This bas bees the
creed in definite information re lative to Judge
and Erie of "manifest eska)
cultivate, or ttles to tight in her onward career But, easainwee the Gomm if we want "any
'lnn" ?tats •"" f ' . n no‘) eau 11 °‘ r'e""ii and ' %IN rceoluteou ordering the Sunbury aestomed
by h , .
its Pollock '* position upon t eprie q
the lake et u.., er 1•t - e suet ten , inly ex mod, from Erte to Warren, to be let forthwith, of the Demorracy, taught and
tat. air 'ugh rutin.. i.a r ga'allun• Rather i has prayed G J BILL g ta t e s n ieu nd Sages, ever since Democracy ica call upon Judge Thomrem, who, it cleans,
.11,soss•pi., l: •j • ~ . 1 , 4 .• st,
fla ir • x.v, ri,% t ‘ t i. 'Ult. law ut Minnie' • The People's Convention. bad a name' Why, then, should those who Fee" Mad at the barbeeue, ethat Judge Po ll ock had
1 ,..el thirst ,err net, Ut ' unietiou to the 11.116 lot tees skit c , unite with those who oppose It? said he was with Erie, andknowitig hint to he ll,
moult, •.r 'L. ti n et liti,r f l 1001 .11 lave." -'='! Ti t , 1,, op l e ' s ce neeett e t , t ee. thro ugh
ht, der false their former professions' if they have the first. place we have no
Igo I. 44 • L• i'......e, y ili' v ot / to, p l a / 470
columns last week, road held on Thursday nig ht, I'di ou r Why ihoul they belie* their Ps" l ife ' a lai reu- ,an honorable roan , he belititsttl is
Judgeim Th N o , m )w poo ,
Thu •• it. e . re. 1 N . • 'Nt Int , ' A !Mere alum
the neat places. tense for all e wash the l;aartte
. wipe' rt ia'...11 111 Lint 1. ! U1..114113 ilmata t.,, the let them i
was well attended, and the proceedings harmoni- misun d erstoo d their creed,
Itorganised by calling Joint it have bees &mistake, andutthheeirligpahsttofedoateys, made use of
any such ewer it essesnent and in
rang, o • !... t.rnion.,: ..* - P. , e 4„:.. ... ,Po D, " us WIIB
'whey hod's sus a b i liei l " w il l *" ti.°u, a" man and all others to understan that we do not use
e ee o .: pee. tit); CialkillAN, of Erie, to tbe choir , awl appointing
man'* ears, to
..It h a . tem, 11 Id t ) ft, Co, ui• t' iirt of the ( kotrucl Brow', Jr ,of Milleteek, .id rheoluts rel°i"athatdilete/atia
the su world'ran°4 t h atil'°s thhce,'::.eef6rinfortieirtlirnhe;
hear with AN e beard Ju 0 o t . s 8 ,
Luited Pratt, , -• 0 toL , • 'eine (hut where slit- . ... . East, Vice p residents f ess i on „, , ~,,
ifelles. , ot prsortu l
bier\ II I. I melon ...I, -:
A ' 1.4401 i..., law, ....1) , scented as soldiers in the army f
o 1 , and that he mud he "was wei Ene"-or in favor
the Judge'-' ear:, or any ' ter i , ii it .
. 1 ,. ~ , t ,„ 1 ,, Is pre , ela , a A.)...rt ( '..(Araw, of Millereelt, mid S Alf ,` nett ,}, are not to be
t sellSala ts i • 1. .0 t. .4
re be tr• ,- -'_'.J 11 f e : r.'. (.',j. , •. •a peg. till; it Erie, wet e appotuted Secretaries On moiiou Dernoexacyl
deny Every wog he said, upon that
she took lat winter-we m et
•B. le n . oil ,i,•l' 1, , Mr .11 lit U , :(t. , i a . ow ruitt.x. of five were appointed to draft reso
they would o , eas i ee , could with equal fopriety
Laird, W sad honor their iudependence` Then,
eosisteueet, iI, • ..err ~ , an) a , ~, e , , z,, p lotions The committee was Wilson mental blindn ess, Theni;ewwhioluelwderesshpeemiltdtwheoirtirucanthdeo'rr po of i t n h t e ed r y itlon
come from
o o,„ e r,, , , ~t , t , 141 , 1 t 1. - (tits Low 1.01.6e1l fltllll .
k 4 /attempt, David Kennedy, M. R. Barr, and not become the mete tuols of their politicaltissu-
Milton Courtright, John A,Tracy, or John U .
e bet -• ~• ' tit was , . r 11.1 a -late ;talc
ofthe'lt e 'date% instead of their equals Walker: What we hear wi know, without any
tiel,• , it k•Va i stet. • r The Twee tem= e, e
it•i... ~. • r ..,,• But sir, to u 1 . ..1111 ,r )
from w..,,.. e. ••• t,-,- tett, se, pi, to what we) was vert l, rig-too long for our columns this Such a course, we say. would be honorable, and help from political friend r foe! However, if
of theres- while we would be compelled, as Deanortnits, to the linti-Radroad men of he are satisfied with
kifetntOtb NI Use ',tate mad,
J 0 the eiitI•LIWII it. Lt -'e- t -la.. ry ' Th , re we , k___„„ t e,, r ,e,, re appen d en l ) two
'need ~.... e reallt.r to harm o le
Ibe equally to..uod to Judge Pollock's poaitiones explained in his _ _
se le e s :be; a ..on ..1 -at u e it e nut sae • rialtny l say -
Want t, t.. 1 Pit/la:ton to ust.l. u. t els ik,
Bradford won't Dalin*.
thl) ~l in , cud the the meat important They combat their error-a , we trout(
peet their houeety But who can respect the
err •• 1.. ... I 'll SLIM iti t. II lk Kolllt
SIM %MU! t l ta t l LI t I. aNI trvbal there, t, pri
err ~. f , ,it
lar issued by Benjanmi Kash , "'II the '." ° , ,
~ , ,
.;.; ,
that tit, 5. ..N, al: t00t. 1... . urri•.l tit ' rt fruit'
.. .
pocket' of the e•ltuer of do Gazette-whieh, by We give the Cltell , . ,
übe lA , .. er - ii,1%,,,,, tea ; , 6
speech here, and in the ktr tu the "breech's.'
eel). the •b I WOO e . i .er L - senator .
.tenon "I' tr h In. i' 11 \ ' l ' r ' nk ' ' " " 1"4"..
I i th e l ection of in out of the way necks and ...otters, and, a lt er t h e ty, h e dare not publitil--we certainly have -re- / 1 , ,i , , foot e„, 1 In the w•L.. , i ,
f' i nut in oar „wo nt' , pietist., expe• honesty of deer who sibuti the bete ot ,la., and
, ak , 1. 11 st It 1 ..."111 . I nt It 1, IS4lllll'll t
I - e t ''t . ' a " ' ' I - o uts,
e l
iik n . r.., i at th e great p olitical parties at this '
u _ _
Pe a th''''' la " "t i t' ' 6ll " r u ut t° t he no right to complain If ley an- so easily
and tend • , remain so until the election
one ~, e, r-0 ir ei, t.. - ~ me ~. et i. -a ` Wetherefore,
And that, ernor, /n ' 1 the . 1 1 rth e
I 111 :he' 14°V•4lattirend lading, conspire to neprii their teilow- calve d why we ate not
,u , ohle ,.
•has determined who is to fill the Gubenatorou
, rote . It Ma tIAI ot tie! n it It, thr "Soh: n •t 4 0 3 g 4 ,
ula. a n ti I L t I in - I. i It •ice . e.
, Jr 8.0 14 u ti r f e o s rd the t m " t h il l i t it 100 'lt et ie :t - ii t t r a it enatle.luilialie‘liii''tlez and
mon,. m m
e „ , , Edit.,
t in Maim Convention mein- 11 °
get ems&
teen. fortune., it aowe co denote c h a i r H e s p e ak + of the rutuor that he has eerie
it , • prett• cri lent a eitlantit. of Whig ilie-eit a ,iht t r ee
throe ,ta 4 11 • t ,1, • ltll . trot, WI 1, L - tle pl. t le , te mem y
herebycitizens of rights guarantied by the con Le e
bled atioolo aspect to party , do nome
that the .s”, rk Amery en
, , cam , ,an, rear t,„,0, a fuel ttae other Say ts the ',lusher ,
drawn_A :frn2 the
catt " s " . anti flatly gives it a con - toren opil. ere Elm ft eppear•
UssAter an 1 'VI 1 . I it,' I e glitz'. I
1‘ m
Gov. Bieer't Address. traoictsen Read the letter:
made lone see. 1'1 • cent tune, upon the tostriagoineut of the
. ""
" 1 -.-iii
4ti l d '''
T n i Nte,,,N to be supported for sueh office
Esq , end Hon. Jenks
n at in w a u d n ia ld g be thought of the moral honeety of
themselves together by oaths to de-
Tii tno e'..oper t • ...1e excepturns,
Ste Itnion•ro:s, Sept 14th 1454 eeetory .„ 4 1 .,,,. ,
. s 4
',pelt., ti I that 11, teen k lnitu sai.Vll !Lao 4 • 4 t 4 a Hi •'„
' see .i. IC , - Stlil• k, •l! /1 iI li ~ f Votbi. I:exix'Lcti, That ler J BALL. by his recent
• Oov Bigler, findiug hieielf una bl e
, Tel the Elector of Prilittryttanut and detuaodel fit elf tureuded t • , apply
. cl,uree iu our Railroad diScultiee, has forfeited , prive their neighbonk of their property? Would
r aLt..ow Crriztss - e v a gu e ru m o r he. oh phoul.l h.....$ ...toga , 11. a--menning • • l ostolt sot yoffee "--
The dards _ tot the whole oeunty be arniumel it told that fif ye ll ow
tit/sew , a s h eo l es ig le d, has tient forth from „
at -eta, menet•i.e., ealeuetet t ee ••••• t•• Allem
i., him, that he
• en had ID itlffl
Chet, ,au is A 111 r • 1 , , ry n tie l' o frau the 1.1/flit ace ea r on
ade by tent at the reeeet barbecue,
Judge Polla ck How this re - Ve .21 to, Leek. au l I heal.. 'lour), I- pelt... ILSIIITIVIC them
11, ar,L. , / % natural' on ,i't Ir) nat a uu•tlllitl 111 ration In
ft.,.•t their
met iu recces to per te t h e p e opl e of the Sea ) In
t h at teen huothed of our ei Wiens hitt! Eliorn to do such
this document. i cline ,n favor of
th•-o- t 100 There Aentlem• n •Icier
hie tuck bed at Vi'sverlyel. l•
o ' d Icannot unless it incest ef ii.• w el, sei le
,( •tti, ( ~ ( Stsi. • tiltl t 1 Le i islatur. ,•; 'that ii,. ISemoerat.e help freni Erie county
, wes want- a deed-that they
lane that iu secret they agree upou tee hour now rt on elate say , .
tnat he oh oit lat ri•k I, r ent
' a anrrin g addrem ” tamed to eame extent, that I ate about te de et, et
after reviewing all the hie" of S tar ' P lu ) P ° g t- 1 1 , !oration rame.l ...t. 1.1”. et et. t.•,.,rnet
I•e1 e' , I ' , ...% 1 v tul r Nia , ii ,/ Vr rd it Ilerroburgh, was not only unfair anl . lm. pi ,
h. 1 there a,. I, du•II, tut 1 C ,oper'e hot,
ify a I, ratiler W hig , • r .
late bu• eratuitous end uncrous, partieu- to a
and, as it is utterly imposeible for me to reply
i ~itiiilio Iltiy/a.,if P') • 'e.
11 i'l ttte hitorel • il ho 1 t•tol• Ote agree wit hh
N'l In y qi. -in y t ',a, shit ry ,MI U.e lill'I) In vita rib the feet that
, ' ereti ::: tod And what difference is there,
striker and the place to, ensaatutuate tate act:
et rough the medium of private correspondence, or to
i v , U
1, p
bef ire de. people, the Gtittruor, very enetly, we the spasmodic silent 0 apo ale t °l 4 r
t, 10 , t ii • ,111 Mr 1.., .t eiu•lling
Ise•.tt rale eu a T reit it 1A 1 i Mall L .11 itC• atlla. :Wee was neeseeery, and mos t g ladly --- e c . . c.... ,_. ~
view between
conspiring toget her to de- I
Nothiuga," now seekiug 1.. obtain the political to all the iuquiriee made on the subject, I hese oitt i s d er t e .
......, a,
rem,,d, ,
without rit `tree - tr. ...t pr i• • it ) oil, r, the y who 11 411 prespeets se rt most g valtly i , l Allalil Tu . ': "11
my friends throughout the State, and frustrating Psrt3 -
-that• leant, out lust AI t 1... v., • ~t at.
out In , i ~ ~ Li inif ii,L, ,Lw . —J,, bp. V, te a t stared as 10 the fat , ' and Mr farthe r pri or a Baptist brother
his dollars and :cies, control of t h e State It the views and setae thought proper to adopt this m ale of setief3 mg - ,
m..., I . 6, .
,t •
w, tea
. iror
gattattcd tla that he wigs insincere. when he alleged Or a Catholic brother Of la igist" ll "" r4O l ILI* menu of that part f tient
ti. ___ erenior . i atitlyeoa we -.., . , i t et , „r t i e ,- *lo g s t .1,1,,w ,ittb
loran Le , :a ' '•' Ili . Bit!' • ', ( , ,ti,,,,t
rteciVes l'44ltt a Will w t.-nth ne•-•lth. vlot• of Cooper
' are tern. sort lo elect
•it li, %log in ,rid' I hit, ~ I fi, in Le le that be spoke by authority-that the Erie and
te cameo! We confess
that weenn conceive
ut none,
4 t 4tavte% .-. •t* 4-'t ,it New 1 1‘ tiro, North East Railroad company would go to h
except it be that, to the one case, labor arid Indus- .L...
WV peOplo la rendered, tin we, as a political and Fellow ettaZeLts, the position I oe, ups e. tur,
iiiIIIILI, 4.
: tend to Duck ina niit esk f• r further legislation , an d we ,„,.4 t nos, ere the fiat o f t a h tt e nt 7hemee 4 ebigery in it. en 1 1 f
41111: lb all I lalif , rtat;.. ..iel , inn I. •
try will restore •the dollars etel the acres, but
hat taken
named in the abuve
i accepted a nomination at the itaudet ot \ oleo time ago tow ouliouneed that a dual
1, , ,d et, • MI ha I, but want a. r. ~,
vittio•r ,^ it. any part .f . 111., ro th ill pottitl‘t T , tio haud•• et tli into personal fraead, would tither see him defeated you was unsought, and undesired by We, but _ him
• iutlt poo.o lu/nWOIII young "IL Al ot t tnetnuall, and th.situdtr
Ltala...tUarut, 1 stil rttaalt lo s•• then, ti semi
1-n..111W/oil we ate pertecti) et/latent to eotutillt
tl Wltilifilt Iti) • kllQWiedgt•,.l I±} road
kleran 'rla Kt and suhre
.4 Le cavil re% VlUllUil, 114 1.01
rights once loot-privileges Wit • e ebrogat, •
than to see him succ•eed means so utterly at
be werse than e traitor to torsake titt • lll 11‘/Vlr ILI Prairuen 1 C 611140 ,, Elea-
Woolit •VI I'L 11( inS pr..). lel 1.1 It Litt 4,UtOit A: ol - .., a
map .
vocally the on() he restore yl thus bearing aloft the baiter 4 the Constitition,
our laces! lute/. • -ts i hey . . G a
[bat last resort ot the oppressed, the hultet sit.i r .
wiir with the tutu , , Li d t i tcu s of that sacred in..
the hour of peril I shall theta • it.. 1, main In
aims,•rs /10i. ni,,piio. If It, ~, ~
at Pt.....0ck made his is
, fiir the oc, ii-i • u, Lioi We hove full faith
• I Tues. snored, it will la r. weathered chat ‘I) ' u.• . 4 ,acre pr. titig tie. .., • .1141tOtioil ef -net..
'llly (met' strunsent, Between the ff
)eituroracy and such a my ; Ig en n 4, 1 .•
the field, and let the
t known whether he had goes, hut ..,u
the i utte.ei `'lell.- or, ii , • „ , i old rill, • • .1 '. - 4S ilk ► will h t • '„.. 0.4 ii) a triumphant majority :
But it IS not Mott. -I he qui ,i.., 1 1 01 1' l b I can ino aanieletten Be- day in October decide by their votes who shall cape, * , •-i ” was ir"
so erected
a cam
po Ault ea IL there
Thursday last he retuned to th y 1
ala iltiii I art t 1.,. it, 11,. life •i• t ter 1 troll/. avro
t ever be fill the Gubernatorialchair o
people on tin' scone i „,„e, t i e „L e e, et .hort, trot', the inj es hr hadle
t • • • ,uu lad who was the cute., of tho
• u republics'', to ucie• of lice 4 14 " - 1"14 " tweet' them there ha' hi.n, and mum
jßom BRAD RD
with h g y
'to 1/4 - I 4 • • XL Vl Ll.l'/rt ... ih, \ ' • I •
It Itsil • independent Ca.lididateS
^ 441"1""41`444.4"4141111'5"1-alt• political eth ----.4-dr ies is of nis tl iirt l r i ee r .. i c u hara g th e e t= e aft e l7a; 1 „Lee t:: " Z .P .L i av u e ltB rpoo s r -rne"nrrr dates of the mot
d later
eoseeit, and that were atarrteo A ammage Inallgei
a....• VI
pel el regard of uur party friends First. Ron- .14eut of it Lt, it , ~,, ~,, , a wl ite ,,, kl o f the
.ay ette , pewee that I. ih t,.. ;77 , , not,
contained in the confess' that the "endeustfies Ll, kaPooe .31.sauers -Tins morning we bad 'te a s
apt --Int P11.141111.QP•01 , 11 Walk* into clear p a ovarian, uf
tu t i. t , I t,,,,. b„ , . 4 , ". i • l i v r i_ %, it It 1 2 ItXl '•• fit Nrica kliq . a candidate tgr Prothou It'hlgs lt is then tint 11 souther 'lmatp" to
. the means," but with all le, whether claiming , a good ' . attendance of country and local bu ilaait eK A : 0
\ ltlitgas ,ibie ta . e, about a lest fur his dirtatton• with
la '" tare t 6- fnu 1 ) 1..2.4 r ...rt to Nuttily °Lary, ,is every way entitled tu the vote of the "pump" Democrats over to the Support of wing he De
. to mocrats ur out, * Democracy , and Wheat readily sold at 3da4d per bushel yers
as the present
rush gem tot . pr th. I ? .•• ... to loft rai lad did an people Ile is an old citizen and a capable in .I),
men red whip measures! The w'
bmi no above the rates of Friday, which makes the ad-_ _
;L., earl) 21,a(uri t ' 'll- tlli'l , p, W/attl they von
0.11 much so, perhaps, ai any one named iii the every other experiment , ter have triedeme- The scareest cuinuto.itt) in the newspaper market
tt `I 140%1 Iv /:”• el ~,,,t r 11 .
a uty ire owes to f Flour not in *o active demand, but wee ::a6dit- time es Long.( /lama fliers has tit be e n •
.o.• 'general welfare
P canvass. Pethtically, be ie a Lemoyne. In 1'44 they teted the Native dodge, and the- •
an d h a „ si gnally failed' araPathy• The tree Weave/ im a true Chris- I
. pet .ei hug , rWI do- pert of hut i I. e ue ••
i ranee of the week tlda9d per bushel. I taut, a riot, or a row for three or four weeks . The honey
time He votes beam:atilt is d
th e ~, e ...te, uti wt„ . 11
have refused t,• ran sway and tweak up the carriages, and
taus. - r ~
.., .., oat ...4 •1 , 1 / 1 tilt 1 any in rel In '4B, they went the "soy" a oute he le glad to 3a per hitt and sack better than ties da • wtwk. I take it all in ad, there is a drought in new, quite e q ual to
(L a e s t/ the pat
i eek
~ ,
,„ c tneaus, 'eh it is not his nal render to the tnstitutionsunder which he lives, Wheat, 758d*SaBd e / that whtet, the (armor. complained of. latol , , to th, wtather .
4,. 1 / 1 , ti o alit f t nit $ ' ~ th• t. Leo•.l State* ii h y qualificatiio, Mr. "military hero" game 1
an aucceeded; but in '52 American flour, agals
It'pee 4 t..,/ &Air y / 7, 4 ; tut been unfortunate oil business, and is now the people were not to be caught with the e and which he inlets, witt that faith that knows Corn, 344'37m for American white 1 Their cry WILL re ~ Cro t h e thirsty cart!, Ours IS, Itnaal
tier a erne. . a
Flour at the eke, WV/ heavy-sides or 0100 Itinn"r
" d''
. 4..1. o u r sad
~p init,nv
tck, etrugaliog to obtain a foe hold attioag our hum- bait, and then the e.t.a no doubting, will transmitibeto nnim 'red to h .
y nodesv to very tie. repast d L , , Pot tat at g2s., t , .s huv . (Jadeit e tug) r i nets Well 'hen" the
l ash, li owlet 1. I tti 11.11trt Inteillgvnce, porn In
r ,.. ,
~,,,,, fr
~ , u g ~ ) , "ba iltnent'. of the tothoe by plaintiv e profe s s o r e:lB( ll o , e f or t h e e nc h f et ,, h, au h i s emturenl' poste ty lleuee, when he Pr ovisions
rt. -tov, r ) highest in the would L. p.euliari • , quiet f or all thecriptions. sod pri- , '"'" far'er'' ii . nsti .Ig, I. it ~ exeleau g e that is'nt la
i .aitt tr . % -y aci i ptable to himself indi. brogue" and "sweet German accent" of the votes he remembers that eof the plainest, 'main 11 th. 4 "I
o-,,in .vot e ,..,i, • i jun.*. and vt.aletas, ti 111 very • • ay e same as per ei..,in maned ~, n No g; l' a• •
ill inALI as•t.iluilat of tl,- I u,„ u — trvrn goo. ~t y, awl in the e».3 ai te to'establieh him men they now, through v i c i ous of the instrunienifrom which he derives Loodoo money market contenucei elm), and '
eft u this "Know Nothing"
p • ut.t•si pdr. its pen a permanent basis . tiff were Among us.- his rut' ht to vo te dencv lower Cyn,3ol. h I • I
u a° , Ilaj'a bat "no religious test tan - - laa adtanced to 95.1
movement, k '
see to disfranchise'. In that y
lee La t •
s9D 1
, . ~„ Q ,
.d,ii.Q , d ~,a i
‘1 ,,. t.1s
nu 'l.. P • Ill the other hand, los opponent, irlie reside: shall ever be required
liot a Mot t 1 . ! they also sought to make the Catholic Church ask qualification for any Th e news tro
p 1, ) rr. et pos. „ . law, bew ~ It'ii,y eindidate Is sr, althi, hio , an extensive and i a n offs.* or public trust onier the U ted States." m tile .....ii ot earls generally un
til/. /Wit' 414,, ul . , ~-. 1 N. 1 ... engine of political power, by enckavorin to ni litiportant
. urn,a4 r e aus '
• g F th*
Lia 4 •
4,,,,,n ,.... v, I e
.4 - money tusking business sad it would be but ad- or is TelluVOn he doe sno enquire whether the
arouse the prejudices of its members against The allied fleet , marching 76,000 men, had 1 e ----
tee . e of slit e teiu ,d, f, h •
peep, ustatene a ti. , s, • ['toluene- Noo g) is petite' Jbuu•lane resources to sleet Gen Pierce because the constitution of Net men he votes for are Je'i or Gentiles, Cath o li cs left Varna on their way to the Crimea
we het ell, .1 t hula Nitart then that I. rking has ar5..........-1 erThe Austrian teenystall
. e u tit, te ..tiei g y.... 1.1 t t he• I — ----....r.e. eeewaPihioe ptottioited cathohri
from b a ld ing f or Protestants, well knotridg th a t a ll are al ik e remained ni the priu
elk•LP,L. It tt, pe 4 , e l , lie, iet tee.. • T er tu def.:ls e Demo c r a t s b ) oretendiag to favor the Sae " - under the l'onstitute ' F cipalities, while the Government of [bat country
rit ries ~ ....a... vt INt•I'V ,au ' '' I They tailed, however, to this The Cacho- °Et °r thin reason lieu], I was using ate most active ex ta
• ti, if 11210 t., h alo- eirt•twn ~f t.,,.»,•,,• rDer Bi g l er , w h en h • , er ons LO stave off a
.1 Just ... It . i t, • , ' t e was using be t. hureh refeeed to beam,' a poly t„ such a we art glad to see the governor take so loft with R •
y-- ,collision wens There are rumors of new
, e ~ p, op,e i \le • hi 41i to- pyrt s influence to defeat him' I
gat; t:t. : e ~, ,lIOA . r cm , . pa -rLuo b
so pat elotte -e. so , tee , a e ase l u pon that plat- Propositions between the respective powers, but
we let*. ..... irec ad eU•Wt•I, i : 111 re sue ell...anis:the,. A c trust Democrats will sal, the leaders • uf the wit 1 form-the platform of the Cocuitituteon--we are nothing definite has transpired
hes the we e 1 Orr, Li••• lk 'sat udo ad%•k at,, pr-ite true r o themselves by voting fur Mr the radii b '
ig pan c are now using
eon .
sent to see him ceudemoselor approved' ft A correspondent of the Leideti T4O4CS, writ
!Ma igotry of Proteetauts te puntsh-the
and opp , urio... I EL, ...triors•atth toll It is a i ' l "a t ' tag (ruin Vienna, Sept 6th, sly., the o stllOllS f
yosestt,t, ot (L. rtylor of tin Catholics. and at the same time defeat the !lain - condemned, we know *lst "truth crushed to earth the Attstriau gover P o
i , „ p i e to g ,,,,, r , another iudepeteleot Lauds:late we wish umeut. cummunicated to
still teetuael.... I I- to creak party Aad now, shall it be said that will rich again ;" sad 1 ' approved, we *hall hav e diplomatic agents abroad, are that Austria still
a TV••IIIII/ f till. rlgLif of the winigit•Q I 111 • A .of
1,...L 1 k I
~ ,
.. .
~ •
~ ug
~i.,,,, .
~, eu s , :own eratton our rjemodratie Democrats will !mid them.d. e s to h , another endence to ref-oil that "truth is mighty 1 locks on the guaranties demanded by the W
sue apurpose ellit
de•, Cto * . therti.4 It. 1 al.,t, What . toil, le ill. "frienes, to Till I‘LAS MeOltkllf.AD Esq He . „, and must prevai l . " ern Powers as the only basis for d
, ad a Will Democrats yield t ii, • m ee k e s tissue' ) entwine ( a arable pesee,
%awl. -1 tutor J tikit Stil '
u,l: ' u
„,,,.. Ili"
gl4l ceudideve for Register and Recorder, and whenWe shall publish the address in our next and will therefore, at the same time she main
-will they muse oast a mats so true to us- tams her armed nehtrality, neglect no upportu
we ...mire. o eih • r. u:. outer the , eentiiti n, we sey he is the best Mai/ that ever filled MlL ,
awl alo or 'an o ew-. ill. ti, • .• 1 17*- that tereets ut our t
acme y, and ut the Commonwealth, nity of urging Route to
, ,,,,. oi ) , 'to !sot, we but echo the sentiment of a vast layer Zing. accept them.
k0rt,141.. 111 Ilt• ,lii r • .., , , 6 .. 1 1 , major- as Wm. Bracts hoe proved himself, in order to The writer says that the Prussian government
eat .It w itv ft li t•at who have had business,
'atom I /WOWS' ha. 1 iv,it ogees ra hi- Ll * . with the of- place a political opponent
in power-a wan, to Mr' Our Democratic opponents have, all as is ever inclined, as before, to make common cause
i... erf re impair . " tier: In politics , it
, is ecaresly necessary
to Hays my the host of it, who has neither the will nor once, ocnicetved a &video dislike to Mayor King, with the three powers The excuse for her hold
let Lo tlit rr I Cu pp
and am manifest a stro •
at , d eterto , natioo te de- tag backthat the Emperor Nicholas has,
, , ,
~ th a t 3 t _ mugr.,B he In t itliy, the fact is so well kimwo Still 4 the abilit t at
y e serve UM Mt well.
botaat, p, Iliithltt • ,ti •I.l,•tivi • • ti-t ~ier a lertii•v., li, his shown an indepanile in* e ll Wdi t h ey, to f eat h i e e l ection to the See for w hi ch he is a 1 the demand of the German powers, consented to
,111-itibtst is ' r . it.„,„ ‘, throwing I BAGhe language of a political opponent, 0 J coodidate -f;asette quit the Turkish territories, and thereto
p , i, ii lieu, la 3:1;11 df pert) trumniele-has refused re Prns
eau, f • veitioi., J an, . S:1••%1 n ' 1 201.1 , re54) ill tO submit his ' L, RN ,of tilts city, vote aside to *tall! e "Gov . And why dhould'ot tileY, Pear Mr lini via does not feel herself called upon to interfere
name to the eaucua • ' [ t h e
.1 pr ha • . LI ern ant t : hi. r, . beaux, e Et " Market House clique;" ' Bioutit too. of the 1 PCS g . ' ; A Constantinople correspondent write* on the
y :Le i , i , t ant( m i,., 1 ~,,, w h o you say, "is a N•ing, co:emitted te whi
and ; ,i'
very'le roi- 4 err with/No .te, e h e um ," c „ est.
in 8 _isposed, 'rebooted, to snake no distinctiou , seer/Vial the 6hebereaterial •" ' tia • 8 moth- 30th tilt.: Not a solitary Englisb • , r French yes
door, in order to tee, Moo measures, and Miry policy!"
Sc an 'yaw t Ying *th the ora an l ' between' those who differ with hi If , eel remained in port or in Bosphorus All hav e
rt., g a 6 talas 1 a ' n politic s, make room for an untried an d enom i ntg l y d au b s _ that i s the esso , w h y a h e ad D wuksirots left and placed themselves under the Admirals in
(V W * 6141 k r) by her t nietirutiou, 1 an d those who do not, in his °Sinai and, minima- I
ow sh• may lee persooal ftt/ eaodidate, like Judge Poixook? We trust red to Democratic eaadidaies, Deowermeac I the attack upon Crimes,
' Pint, it "ray b., a ethtute, to el iotercourae. For th ese
ober esi.,, i :oil gi eta. rumor,( interft-A, a tla realloDO, and many others 1 there is no Democrat in aria county t h at w en wee, sad Deciewati e policy, vote for him? i,
D. Mr. Soule has written a vadeut teeter to the
gaprato, Court hasdecided
-si that will suggest themselves to the intelligtat , lend himself to su chto the charges of the
elt 11/1,11,06, I a p urpos e W e h ew we That there were Democrats who were willing to ! Miaadrid. awl in
bon is OW olletalUUolllll And why le sUk it /Wet reader, we think Demoerata will not beastatolong I shall able to saof his having participated in the
yto our heather Democrats in vote for him. and desired to see him elected ' Press,
The fll '
common oza...onNtatutiiit.4l F, , r the tea, ei that it tat ie choosing Mr . Moorhead in prefer. to the other ,we / iusurrectiou o owing 114 a oopy of the let
all luiptailla. 4 l ...f conditions OptlO ~u , of the Commonwealth, dist although admit' Bur they supposed Ilgr K 0.-- ter•
-,,,,,,, t i,,,, regular Whig nominee, Davin M' • ling woleght $ •
arc Dot imp,...e.1 upon the original Stare, I ALLairrent! other 'ties yield to the seductive promo -If ' ',' ' b• " 1 ' i i. i, .-- h ae
The Moe uri r• • In regard to Treasurer, there eta several "RUA k
- 1 la.. y, the Densoersey of Erie, tried » ~ ,
~ .,,ri‘tion Iry Of ou wa ne force ' I , 'ld what
tu ken. a v I naond's in the field"-
pot • y eut o f the terntor ) it L,,,,,,,1 tan. malty h.! ail wddli to toy ha es, sad always !band true, were true I . 1, ,„
than s blank pie ei if
i--tleeeiv- 1
paper It was um uostitu- lead of to have a hype : of defeating the rqular i •
mei* their champion and friead, Si'itus, , e .its riled
atotnel, ;Apt would 1 •
.4, eht e l scro d so b y t h e s upienie Whi g n om i nee. That they awe all good men, Bum '
Court ou urn Kim , s
, ~ ustmenani to
gr'inki-1- that do. Ordinance and wouldallof them keep the pet:tiles' money, ' ___ _________ _
,-I 1;57 eras Jet lap • o tai. aistoution a l It tea i 1 . . 1,1, . .. .., sad his
awl afro the States for me d , u$ o f h 1 -f the could get the cimace, we hare ao doubt. l "311441:114 141r34"
t e restricte d 1 se a --.../......____, I. f .i , • It t rof need,
ten-nor ) , hi MI-Wk. Stata /4 l ot .4...1et-ours i 1, ire beg to suggest that too mach, eves of a I "self complacency of the Goadte," as has IP'
Nuw, what mush',„: ~. t I then, tf
, er eee i s t h e a r - e for wan la "good thing,” sometimes spoils the broth - ' been oftea • ked by•
•my objevtlott too the r, p. a l „t ow Missouri c orn - g / Couldn't a "bikers d "
wen or se, book off? I rosier a friend, "is laughable:' Ilk "i' ~ , ISM they
pronimed' file , 0 1) , C41.1* !It t INO matter what it diammaa, it does it with are equal
a among
o the repeal is to Fax Coin . .
or mismoner there is but gee indspend I kin
wive th , sub l e t! ~f .I:ivory in the. liar ds - dof Sir Oracle way that borders on the ri. his boon i ompsi,
.at the D e .
. t . th.
.._ .o. le
,utvreettd ii
.0 L ant candidate, we believe-Mr. Joan tmrxtriT, divisional Ins eentroveray. with naseniey watt rising tow, att he Ira, artily the
it, theyr-wirll have i t; not iteesine.' • the 3/Li have of this City. Mr. Pma practical, hard-worklai t • Priri
g prints, it always comes out, like a Bantam Cock Deincerwew " It's have the Proof of this in oar
lose la repealed, but trtlistlet• It le their rhtto ' hteehulie; just the kind of a the t
have at, who titer Ateb a l ine t itsto or OW Lg
people want st t tbe break of day, the local of all it turveys- poemasiou: Can Deal sista th ee be expected
in that office to Inuit oat the "leaks" in the public 'it its • ' '
But do. people of Nebraoka and Kansas du o t lti: me* °posses. If a "Shanghai" makes ato support #‘ 1 ( 11 / a asair I. ' e one, we beg to lay
a politics be is '
waat slavery much to the cheek', es we en .
I 4 1%
IC it , 114 1.1"1" tailisig
ien y ta the drat , Mat Rut it is said by the Gazette, Mr. King "is
behave, of tht abolitionists tame we have met him at the polls in an antyo, i
100111184 k the tat fame, end crows a lustily as tem to Erin." $o k Goy Dieters will Mr' King
matte position: Bat this• yeas, he says he hes i shout; •
A New lots - h it eas e in reality the woo* of the vat " doss not think that entitles bun to his , Xi
. An Licharigt paptr stat e s ou worked in the Woes of Califond* mac T nib wok' aw 11 1.•;•.•••• ••-• 1 41 "' Oracle' Ki ng's,
pod authority. that the republican., of M e a l _e k _ r r. ~, a Ilk ,' .............ey .... .o. ~....r propensity support. 0, ao: That is a "gray horn of on.
ata„.4 a
uothio mg 'null "r MOUnk Governor of that state, 1 , of our neighbor is met aptly and forcibly inns- other eohlr "W° traat then that so Ete t
now he to baud to
sore nor tem than the annexetien of tile l'aiteil I 1414
vote for WILLIAM ata 'Mated by its article headed, "Dinitung Dows e " will be found wish so little selifeespeet, as to rob
i 1
it 1.,, Mexi c o -the capital of the eteabos o l
.i ,
. 16nal ' if it t a k ers th e l a" Walla ° tdr hies "et. We )in this "-"' •
peeks pape r , T w o ____ ane w ww file II Mail who has so little respect for them!
epublu e a ri main at Waahingt.,ll for the pres-I"walt that a man who has Toted Le cue alaital e 1
almada a speedo diary ilharJudge Pollock dodged
mad is going to rote for dm other, Ikea sew dela i tha
os the Pentocracy to stand by bitty sad we're ha did so
rilig to, it WI hotly else dove'
- ISM queedon in his speech here, end that
by ilea.acheaciad movement. at
Wittarfotid e and that the eihichtx of the Goads*
I was $ Purley,: re the &mai. lie- the best amber
se.. Candidatee wh o dare* us to At Oasts -of the • gruel* the editor denied seas of the
must pre the Palen by Loin Apps. eirwastams * now of the couultatica, bat admissell
411. •
It Tarr Eaglisii writer Sys you an
II whet* you Are durruundad by ► Juice', by the tulluwing unerring yeabi--thren will
warp be found 'molting cigars, ;tail
4 1""Pilodnil,
, i Downs* vs. Irk* Petley
We learoely pig& up a paper that does sot
oestais mow *video's of the thily of rejectin g
a it hall and faithful public smaat, like Ger.
Biel,* la order to mite room for as untried
N 4 /lb PoiWm But do beet Wig of this
--":---- kind if to e eintrastikawirby th‘fobliii La...
balky." the finsoctlll credit of she State, slidihr I ~....._
tilitGottarnor'il mashisment, Not Vila of amity 1
Oh Phillidetphis, toast its preAkt whiCiewl
also' *th Adebagggsfjog—edo adatjuitga. Heaven smiled on our wag Pair this yew, at Wit
ii„ o, 1 0 4. us so m , stis i,
isiscis e uu , sew se siring us the mutat bsastiful, this lawn I ssaborislae,
sod I r k* ass' the moat roleptuous weather we have b•••
pithy, Judge POLLOCK will Meat likely endeav- I Maned with this many a 441. And while an eremite'
or so ~dale. Bat the boot ansissethrY is the Powwow wait met ltatiab of its mentrilndlois te the gen
artists of the Ledger itself—read it : erg frsjoysfint of the otioesdols, Nunn add An woo no
: inputs in filliag the groondkwith their
,apseirtens, soak
"During the past year, we are semi -officially
hi lie tara viola( with the other for miles of sprebauss
informed, that Gov. Bigler has paid off, by the
front the east assembly of "lookers on " In the. days of
ilitlialnia SailliStieSeeteell el She affairs of the 4 high prised provisions, when the geldso bas of Butt. I,
°Ggliumbilli.akill ' wed " di° million of dollars of I a ea. •eibi.em of its suet. and lb* same of soporilaillonr
the State debt. This, in these da sof estrava- tom tom . a og u al an wa b ias a mm o ...whige.ssigiglk w
game* Of illebak - of tokrad of , it ea- i ems s, and few Ina MIL" Is no sign that the prise is of the
titled to special ootamndatiol and the". T l - . I shine character—it really did ones longing soot good to
wisdom sad prudenos of the State sdutinistrstiow , Wren linen the sweet 'meet** of the promos olio many of
in this respect contests MO" favorably with the 1 the "fat things" that 'Veil a three aisettes,drsagst stead
administration of our city. The State admitus- not spoil. The attendance, too, was good. The people
tretion maintains the credit of the State so well ease by hundreds, to earliagew. to carts, oa Soot, and en
that its fine per cent. loess sell on the market , horse; out and young, net and oast, married and stogie,
within two per cent. as high ha the ffi r Z e r'f' Celt( • and, may we add, 11.411 C that "were totigum" for lb. "wilt
tunas of tht cif, One year ago the C it of the, so ties," cud some that "were hougthe to get ottCyf that
City wag from four to five per cent. above par; ! SLOW tie' But as that is purely their af-Joie, arid Ma foie
now it, is some thirteen or fourteen per cent. 14/ote t swot which we write, let tie draw 11, sets, and -keep dark."
Par- ! la looking over the ground , we taw many things b., ad
Had any one predicted, one year ago ,
. that t h e , mit e sad hot one thing that we did not:adsairir and that
profligacy of our city rulers would bring etc was a man. Intendwl by nature to Gil a skiob• but "little
boasted credit of Philadelphia fourteen per cent. 1 lower that the begets/ pitted OP is the curter, in elm*
below par, and reduced the prix.e of her six. pet rrviteiltr to the PP, a good deal lower than the ivies
clew loam to a level with the price of th e State theoaseivwf. Whether te was the chairman of the "Coot
five per cent , he would have been. scouted ea a mi tt " ' Laq u • n " . '''' " 4 su‘4"4•• the beat 4* (11 " S 01
we J. , n't know Then there was •
fool and a croaker--yet, just this' 'state of facts • "Brandy !.:twiteber .
now stares us in the face. Widows cud staid old eery "" 4 " w '' f. welt "' • pretty g" 1 elh ' bitiert 4 hut
muralists who placed their money in the city ' • 116 a Ps"lt'Y array ' 4 'We" some Pretetn'''D to Per"ng'
fungi as a reliable security in time of need, wit-' drawing, needle work, floral work, tottehanietal Invention,
..1 rtocketts and ri t i t keh_gune, I t , t he
neon the wreck of city credit with terrible alarm , ' "14 soy q uantity
department, the ihs
and recur to the better condition of the State tin-' awn tighttir Loos the lead. There was
ter sme g m,,,,, out *bit/ Shaugheas *pealed Shane:tam,
ace ti
s, with the ooviction that the Governor was '"1
d brows . Shaughnts--Shenghets without toes, and Shang
wise in his opposition to the debt.crestinc .
thee —Shaashgla o ld, i t 'd Shanghais y , ,atig; but
schemes of the last year, and that the city an
lima thee all the Itsilr.sid miaughats had the most f
thoritLs have been most lamentably blind, if not ' hors
on their lets. and the woe self-satisfied strut to their
corrupt, in lending the city credit to all the
wild gni!' vi ins% t e wi-taken hut we account (or this ph,.
aciredoes of mistaken enterprise that sought the ...„„
‘ ,„ t „ I „, tit i & ~barn ~,,,,d;• b y the foal that, in
city's aid__
" order to keep th e "Al oritm lbws., Clique . ' alive, the theism
INS. It our "sensitive cotemporary around the has saeritoeo 11, ...w.tolteu fr,.nt cot people presented 1.4 t
eor ne t. "tw i ll add sat .1 's" to t h e word (Atha, i s Winter, upon the afar cf fart,' %It tills aside--it hoot. ,, th
tug to it. vim, , t/r hit , . so let it pan- as as Inc,deutal
the paragraph be feels so bad about, he wi k make i ttfocgtft...n a stray , .1. is, the Warn yar "
the sentience read as we wrote and intended to If we might ,hate a suggestion, we wood pri,pwe.that
have if h.rrors of this character sometimes oc• neat Soar the 5i a rrt,f er• 91 , lur , 2vauty Fri.T Mr .w ',pen the
cur "it, t i,,, b„,,,t regulated titutittee,- but last week to u r, and invite the i armors •,f the adpomng etaintie. of
, Oh.. and New lurk to 'vine : end eviope:e for premiums.
our priuttng °thee family was not. "well regula- L What to you th,ot LA ~•
ted, ' and we wonder we did uric make more er
rors than we did:
81,trutto, Attu. 24.
gin., --The tone and character of the article
referring to me published in the number of this
day, indicate too clearly the influence which in
spired it, not to deserve from me the honor of a
reply. I absent myself from Madrid because it
is my pleuure to do so, being accountable to no
one for my -acts or conduct
The fear of being insulted by persona to whom
my presence might be disagreeable, would not
induce we to abandon my post. 1 fear neither
the sneers of impertinent fellows nor the dagge rs
of hired assassins. Above all, Sir, Ido not fear
the people The people respect what i s entitl e d
to respect. They only stigmatize the wretches
wipo flatter and deceive them. The people fight,
but are not assassins. With regard to the per_
Odeon' insinuations with, which your article
abounds, they are beneath my contempt, and I
leave you the merit of the vnrnish with whi c h
you have glossed them over, and to thaw who
dictated them, the infamy of their inrention.
I remain your servant,
Plume SouLa
RODAUELN AND Warm; Mumma. —On
day night, night, some person entered the house of Sim
nel Reynolds, at Kingston, by means of false
keys, sad killed Mrs. Reynolds by administering
oh/uniform to her while she was at bed and
asleep. tiospioion rests epos an Indian doctor,
named Riohards, who has been practicing
eine is this city for the last two years. Myers
from Kingston were here yesterday in pursuit
of him, but up to late boor last sight ri tle4f a l
ed to lad him.--.4lbnwp pair of
land at ilikomi Obinattlis.
Wuree•t4 1 1t,.1311,1 10) it very unhealthy place
The as.lttl of t puptt3ta, by the etty sgeu
ey, duitug t"tts utt, „t kugut.t luAt, ersged $2.) per Isy.
The etc, t Loy, us preounis.
"sr- Woba,L r, •,v, rVee/tnEt/ MU:olft , 4t the ..Kaa
his lir, • I •. IL very neat, and well 1511011
sheet, an., w•l. :• -,s Eve to Are the severtiou that,the
"Nebraska eti ~./avery u.or that tit, tort itury,"
bailed to the , o• NI a ha., /.. ' n e wish
it opeeect,,
sa.. 1. 'i•otnothtnge" that at the
:ant moatio„ .1 k.. /I Ovallbittell WI/ ap
pointed t -43 inint the Artnameat, on
account 4 :t • ,1 I it affords the moschior.
otto boys wt. , ~ . t (~171 ,ler ~,,, the ttitek 40. r the
Herd Ilona. I .t It It &It i,reigu w (hint de.
la F,r .1. "11: light . 4 rainil, u d •
tintans.nd ,•wS r•eud, , n at, ted-beadoni girl,' If
We lied th ese w. d play 14... y ~-ry flight. And bug :be
lamp pool.
,'ice,. louv 1i , t,as eo foir tet,verstl tear,. %110.
irerly, and reeuh, the eativne:, t , ...)uich It prohat,le
wal be tumble ;‘ Address the 1,, , p1e es oFeet,ret, re I; , rtner
ly tie le Bogs
et :mug* 'aye talk about r, ur Cougrese
water and sea i , •••//mg.' Thor.. t. uot,bing the Lord liver izt-
Tinted fur th« h.o)th equal I. a vtrtuour woman. Were
young then portk:tehl to get married when they drat fee(
a paeel.m audefilteu. ~ ne half of the ike , rditari
chaesses tl.e Guinan !spiny are afflicted with would be an
to tt.• repute ot the :Sew I'vrk papers, et
risiturley lea. there is a signtleast warnanc, comet rteh
people •isploylitß pretty senaut tnavis to their houses.—
A young therms!, ctrl to non in toe Jeffer.,An Market pris
on to that City, utsarsred 4iiiattemipt t..oeolue• apning
MAW to the Sib *Tenn., whet,. rbe ITU employed as a de
plopqr, and 1.) extort money from halt. She kad two
male accomplice.
- The Sekpo,ner, Nana Queen, of OK , lehrburg, went
forbore yeetwrilay morning net "Weide the Rubor. Shis
was a new reeeeL, and was howled with orr for Messrs.
Curtis B. Buoys.
The awn/ learns that Capt. Bcrwars, while on a sail
ing excursion hut Monday. food a sunken Brig about
six mites abov• this place (and about the µWO diifilbet,
from shore.l with her spars rut lose, and in • gesemily
disabled condition--svidently going u pieces. She is
supposed to hat,• soak recently, %ad appears to M heavi
ly loaded. Name not tumertained.
Mr' The Mikerve, EDAM has repeated mina, hi. "thrice
told tale." on '•editors heads."— Wag Transcript.
Is that se" It a is, thou its time we de/dined, because
if it has been "thrice" repeated "es" the Caicos of the
rripes a head," it mast be very lousy by this time.
Ilmli„. R. H.. tibankiand, editor of Hie Chttsrsugus Reps -
ltesta, retired frets Ow papist this w*.k. w tak. charge of
ens published is As misters county.
kmg,„ The Paintedlle releyrotp4 relater a wad arentent that
omarred in that village us Wednesday Mr. Stone, from
Autinharg, Ashtabula twenty. together with his lankily,
were on their way to Wisconsin. Mr. Stone had placed
his family in sear and stepped out toattend to his heave.
One of his little 'goys, aged about finer years, followed after
hint, and when he bad reached the platform of the car the
train started and h. fell actress the track. Two wheels
Fused over one leg ass/ ova but. lie was immediately ta
ken to the rtaidenee of a physician, who amputated one
deg elms to the lhody and the ether legion above the nkle.
Chloroform was administered to the little pilferer, and do-
Yilki tie eflusdri he •gPaissiosil fir so psis.
efts jam Snit*
Ohuspossissis of tik fires Oesereer
Nam Yeas, Bept. 23. ISK
D=isitios Waren/ph sal ei Save! Nethids—pm e d
Wks iforSo— The Whip
sisise—fteriird Jew Behiplaw—hemd„awa 4 .. pasiL
Vonliet the lemma
=v.—Death of Dr . Swot— 'rim"— no,
Tway, ail. •
Th. seek voiartr tom drlyea lots sap t h e lateilt ba
rters the sitasset roosts aled tho aisle reap o r b il k.
Les /slag sow "withdraws fres lb. provlasa,^ is prop".
log for a DUBS." fall sad wial.r eriaspoign at las s _
People lath of hard tins, and do fasts" la wia shpt
I tires jest reseisd a start shook from the Now York rat
Xs, So o ts raps* hes rossOpasts this Tbsoftes sal
°Ow errs of antsosent see drawing la the swop"
abort $2,404 per alight freer Ors peeiesel d are lleit hert
popethstion, thossods are won and lost daily on LA.
Nadi:Sal raairestroe, sad if somasrsiii ovaioftt lo run,
staring its la the thee we soot its freers like lase*
A gust lots has bees sustained by the Puissant 110 6 .
seta Chunk of this discos* to the ANA Of Mho, Nis".
nght. ,who szptritil at 4P. M., oa the 3lst efts arm
• worths illness. Be was sa tho Hest taigas* stacks
with Maio*. intarestesat WWI OSA subossiaty rt
au:srd a typhoid thrusts. Bishop Wristlet' was s•
Baglistimaa. H. was bora is Llsrport in ITN sad oa t
therefore la his sixty sound year at the tins of his Se.
was. By this swat the Bpisoopoliars if this ammo en
siptia lett without • Bishop, and another proeisloaal sp.
polytheist bee.ises 1114.4614/17 . It is so" rafts', that s,
vaissat mitre will tali to the lot of the 541% Dr. Vials it
Death has gleamed • etulfroso es proms well se
trout the church, dunk the promos week. Kr. Owlet
Nichols, editor and to part,) proprietor of the Seistieg
Mercer', was family tapered on Yoaday eight to awes
(pence of ;wheats you footing while attempting to get
a thy Railrord Cat. The vehicle was in motion, mad pas
Niehols. falling ander the grooved wheel. was so fearlidl7
osaugled that he died to about nine heart after tdtr see
dent. Jibs remains wore atherrod am Thassday 4 Orem.
wood, a large ansubor of his fellow etiolate of sin Massa
sad professions attending the body to the viva 11,r
Niehols was perhaps the beet ,Thestrisal critic to Sam
York. a man of high integrtty and of the most Madly sat
benevolent dispoirtuun Only the day before the amens
phe,Ae was talking of writing a strops artielo puha the
folly and oblialsee4 of attempting to meant the forum
platform of a oar chile tender war aged yet straap
say, this very act of temerity was the emote of his
kir. Nichols WO to ho 44th year.
Out harbor presents quite a gay appearance yoga one a
consequence J the pretrenee of three Yreneli Frigates, the
Gelieron, Ipheginie. and Penelope They are w fro
Pierre Newfoundland, and have been cruising el tam
ban;es fur the protection of the French lishenes u u sub
It .// gun* u likely however, that they are , 41 the loeleset
for Ituseien prises. The oeheroa is a steam frigate. toe
Penelope end the Iplieginie are sailing •ewis, urryAg
reepeeuvely silty and forty Baas. Coaltaltedart NAV%
commands the squadron which bar put cute thus port 'us
provlowris and repairs. They will probably mama ►ere
two or three weeks. The political leaders of evil) strps
Sre isuiastriutialy stirring the political eualtiroe The ova
innate° of Ct.eau and list *nem so thu Wh g esolidasa
for Governor and Lieutenant GI/55090r a •: , ./051detaki
Free triomph. It is said the Know Nothing;
support the Whig ticket, but of tills 1 "Know Nothing."-
The confusion of tongues in the tower of Babel war 5 t a
finer sample of discord than is the conflict of putit.ea. tar
nuns and opinions in the State of New York. Amon
at least tea distitivt organisations in the field, sot Men is
but one subject upon whieh they agree to--that tae paw,
51 , 41 art office is the neat blessed ut &apolitical .10esumas-
There are murder Niece on Use calendar or tn. art
of sessions fir the October term. Dr Graham of toe le
beatia„ who kilted Col. Goring at the it. Nietolie Rte
about 10 , months ago. will be tried totoetime durir.g thi
“iffenCv His counsel will attempt to tam
that Col Loring wee the assailant, and hope to ..boars
verdict et "Juitifiable biatusinile," but if the tesumony ea
deeed sin the trial should be identical with . gt given .t
inquest, °unseen queit, suoh a events, si
Graham Is said to be very wealthy, and I: tastiest, wars
commodity to be bi.ught and sold, he mi possibly ft
type puniituntat. A tempting mum has ittt been olfseal
by the e t ,eah,tders of the Y. and N u Wad Wood
pony fur the apprehension of the arch-swindler, &Awn
Schuyler. Thitortakert anxious Of tecuring 'SW*, cad
doing the State a service. should be on the posses.
On Thursday our leading mock,* introdased thew es;
fashions., and ioug lutes of earns/peat the doors of a's*
..0 up" the fait dames
and the Opera. indicated the deep interest which s. si.
birds take in the cut and *viers of their pit:maga Ls
velvets seam to be the favorite material for bonnets. Tb.
flat crown supersedes the rounded one, and the hate No
about re far in Glares: of the face as ever. Many dams
use trimmed with rich lane sad embellished with vet
vet flowers and drooping plumes of INtr ic h tea t i, ei . Th.
prices vary from $1.5 to Sid. The manna =ikon' still
odhcre to the boughs wants hid moot %elastic, IioUIICIUL
Slee•es are 1 all shapes, and are payed or - slashed" with
material of a color ditTerent from the drew. jktri. en
made gUffletuatil Ling tiseweep the side welke--thas vet
totaling at a bogey c.iit to husbands and fathers—the hi.
ty which the street contractors neglect. The provoisauve
ehiniteett, , remains in rogue
The prisoners co.n.ietel of haring participated la ttle
riot at Br , ..htyn, between the Irish and native Main ,
in June tee:, were ectiteneed this Kings county Cr art if
Demons on IliArs,Lay terms imprison* eel are
from on., y , ir to ten dare. TbA aeaterieee are too light
fur this offense.
l/ our (...,act A common Pleas a •rrdiet far; ss,eivestu
recently been ~ btatned by Messrs Half b Muniwt.
Mitvelesippt fl rut against a mereasule wets y tnthuN7
fur injuring the charseter of the house 1.1 libelous rept*
sentatawne. 11 will be reeolleeted that, a verdict tie 11'.
000 WSJ rrudere4 ovine years ago itk faros If s wanes
outwore for a similar libel perpetrate,' by one or the 'pia.
of ;I belie, e t the value agency, one Or the Tappan a rio
tbie party mutated oh that te•csetoti. Ia this ease :Amiss
P. Church is the individual hried It is rather elywoatfe
to play at "ache and dra.ker with the rradit ot rairp•mia•
martßtao u . Tie tnodienl (Lenity In this oily sa w s :'
the pulpit and the urlls has nese *lasted by thus haw s
death "using the week hr Sweet one of our mutt still
&( physician*, was yesterday oisoeictied . to his last mom
place at tireenweo I, and I fear that the veinersi,la
Low 4 who now lie* ill at hie rend/soy will soon be hut
there. The destroyer has ' , crook isiusor a diD,Di f isati
w.lhan the teat tow
It generally ho;teeed that the susicaLoldinv of tee
New Yord and New Haven &earned endepos!.•l"r"
date the eperioue stock beetled by Hobert Sao/ gb a
that this weal bete , i.ewetrowe effect epee A meneac woe
716 " generally, in•Li in England and this country L. is
Iliad that nearly all, if not All of the spurious stork eau be
identified. At the meeting of the a sookhoiders on the net
list.. In this city, it RP shown that the eight direetori
owciA only IVS share* real stock, teat of 30,000 and that
more spurious than real nook woe holden by thew het
one director owned but one slum soul that two or Wren
owned au genuine stook. The direetors weterequested
resign. At the meeting 10 New Haven us the 3d Om"
bee, it is thought the whole =attar wili b Jeorded.
A meeting of the anti-Know Notaings wae boil lea
evening, and it was found that the?* were a majorily
01111 in !Amur of the Kati* Notitiage s and so odperotsied
woe declared, eer.tieg being acrotaphabed.
The Cannedian Parliament has accepted the reelproclif
treaty, and whet, the Lovalaturs• of the other prorme.a
Nova &male and New t Hauiewick accept it. it vul; go taw
inunedistto erect, whiob will not be, until they Wet
February next.
Of the 37,000 0 0U° of blerieen funds whirl' was retired
from the United Stare, Treasury, and placed on apeatt
in the city banks, only one and a quarter mtlituu MOWN
on deposit, most of it having been seat to !inland.
Tour', Wilt
A M tr 11 " Btu NV Dtititmot.—At a ra4lroad
Convention, recently held to Ohio, It was re..lvM that al
ter the Ist of January Aext, no frees passe* or halt power.
should be giver to Eli person whatiter, except to the ad
eers and oroployetta of the teoperative roods Lod not even
to President/ or Superintendents of adjoining roadr , ihu
is • asoreesent in Use hest direction, which, of tt hid bees
made a year ago, thine would not have been so sissy throe
sent /Miura ready to do the ditty work of the rittlrolltl
aompeides last winter.
The Woad, reaeoenytt 'thinks that d preen Anat
are offered by agricultural fairs for bolos, there is r
, 0 pq
gilds chant* for any of oars to "boom “that la if they
partake in tits loam of the akanaistorivies of the f mime "
WO don't tee why our ootensponsry eheuld seek In ad ,
to run dews oar dna:toes,Visa it is evident, I . AM 40 Ire
know, "atarmiftriiiti"," take will 1104 be a ,40pont0r—
that i., artless be boo aintosamodatlni seigl,L ay
rue Lewisville lawae:ar states that thejurymen !fl
the Thweawoo ease at %sometime*, Ky.. who wee io
VW' of acquitting the primmer, sad thus, ham the jury !T
stead of the supposed swing, had been tarred sod watt
end star Muss gismo