Judge J. S. Black's Letter to the Temperance State Committee. aii.Propkaw of the "Prohibitory &mt. bevelition:" SIII-11 appears that the friends of a prohibi tort' liquor kw, who met here - some months ago appointed a committee to intern' ate the several candidates and lay their replies before the body over whit& you.preside The Chairman of that oommittee has addivssed rue, inquiring wlarth, r believe that a law prohibiting the matiufactur• and sale of intoxicating drinks. except for certain specified purposes, is constitutional I suppose I cannot mistake the weaning of this interrogation It is, of course, not prim* ted by -motives of mere curiosity My pr,vate sentiments are not worth to y,u the trouble of ascertaining them But you desir• to be 10- formed how far my judical decisions way be counted ,in, as favorable to your views of the subject If I reply to the affirmative, you will regard it as a promise to be with you when the question comes before me, and if I break the promise after be.ng elected by your y I wil, be justly exposed to the charge of obtaining the Ace by means of false pretenses It my Ans wer be the other way, you will know how to dis arm an avowed opponent of the power which he might use to your disadvantage These I ;honk are the only reasons that could induce you :0 question me on such a subject I know the value of your vote. Ido not un derrate the power you will probably exert in the next electron And even ,f 1 were not a caudi date at all. I would feel a n3tural auxi, ty to sin your respi , :t and escape your ..eusur,, fit uu tuna is better assured than I am, that, some of the best hearts and soundest heads in the country are engagetl in the present movement for a pr fiibi tory law Nevertheless, I cannot answer y .ur question consistently with my reuse Alpropri,ty, and I am not without hope, that my reasons for declining will be entirely satisfactory When you speak of a law to prohibit the man ufacture and sale of liquors, I take it for granted you do not mean so senseless it thing as a were naked prohibition, without affixing a penalty, or providing the means fur its execution- . The law passed in Maine is the model on which the other States have generally framed their. I believe the one proposed at the last session of our Legis lature. •wast almost a literal copy .f the )laine law Its constitutionality ,lid not seem to be ' doubted by any one of its nurucrous and able ad vocates But it was viol,•ntly opposed, ./11 con stitutional grounds by other., who are as intel ligent and conscientious men ss .any I know in th e Commonwealth. In some of the States, the power to pa.% it wa , not vh,tileuet.l Iu New York, on the other haul. the Governor declared it be wli lly inotosisteur sob al, principles of a free government, and for that refus.s.i it his signature. Sueh,..also, was tilt unanimous opinion of the - ,, ,prenie Jul .•isi .urt of Ms, saeliu.setts; and the highest •ribunal iu Mii hig.iu, ...unposed of eight j udges. .tau I. tu Nually divided y prohahly , tituk it , t ut , .- clear But sou worst riot t site ' that there a re oth er s al) ) think it equally cietir against ) •ii It IS at ica"t doubtful enough to have ptuuu, I conflicts, Wvilnoss among statesmen, ;udges awl lawyers, as well as among the masses of the peo ple It is. moreover a question of great magni Everything is important which ;ou c h,. the Constitution A judge never acts end./ it , porisi batty -.. high as when Li • deal- w , tli th, great charter by which a fre.• Star.• holds its, lib ertie., a nd i f an y p a rt of the Constiniti , m more sacred than another, it is that 11111( II marks the boundanes between legislatisi autti-i, y and the reserved rights of pe l .a. Beside-. th e :is , on which y , .0 ask my spinili, is ~u.• which ail directly s Gel tbo charaet , r, tuoral.., proper . , and business of 'he whole population of the C,u. monwealth Here, thee, /3 a much debated ..lid vexeii question of constitutional law—itupertau: eV cry aspect—which must o.ttie before the :o prerne Court for final adjudication, and I, a can didate for a ...eat in that court am i-keil te ten:mutt it in advance, without teak I. it., pet ties interested; without hearing the. ar einieres on ei th er s ide ; without even seeing the law,— without haring any out of the meterd,. •r• which a judgment ought to be ma it up It would do this thing I would rendei eije ,t itf terly unworthy .t j iur confidence If the pre:. Jew set by you wile ; to, and generally followed, it 'o that many disastr els oils world ru-t, tut • the by that example The success of all politicei parties. may depend sometimes iin judicial ,lee! slow , Religious sects, corporanens, end ether large bodies of men are often suitors in court All these have an equal reason to etre., t pledg es Interested individuals situ stand en the same platform Shall candidates fiir }u Heist offices commit themselves to all these' It hie, where shall the stopping place be found aftie t custom is once begun, re the right t.. in•• rr .gut them acknowledged? 'flit. elects .0 t veer. Judge would depend ',n the accordance it tit- in ewer with the wish) s ot the w''st num. ret- .-r powerful classes Courts would etesee t. he -pie yes where justice is judicially adruiteso roil, become a mere ministerial organi-tu t re e `‘'t•T iug the foregone decree, of conventem • et h. r public assemblies What, then. weulo It tau the weak and unpopular for who pr et. ein law was niatie'! When the constitution wa- earl/del, J • give th e e l ec t ion of judges o. the pi ,pl.. It w tested by many that candidates would -. ll thee integrity for votes, and conciliate ~rte pi rfieu of the people by prowtte+tnconsish lit eet e the rights of others lam glad to .4) that tit- let ter of your cimarnittee was the tiro &mem!. r made upon me fie a pledge -daily kinii-Lfte first auLssaTsolts'i question that was ever asked eiiurernide env Philadelphia Emporium of Fashion, matter which I might be &tailed i n t ) ,te ei de rtgranis Rrinen's Halal. Stars Ursa. Pew Pa Up to Thu- time when reci iced th it leiter tie have er i Mlched • new Cloth/of .tone i nd ove perz i r m ut a w r e it i % e ar ec d just a reiu h ro . ed , from member of either ceeventieu I %c. 0.) the e it, of . brotherly goods nominated, nor pm ate t:zeti of L 0 t r,u „ nod " La", l a t , r a'..`:,•To a r k e e pa" r`e"alt e ,a 4 E d e v ite nul wirea: ( 17,0 h a ir ;he"; pohtical party, it any othei, ever hinted a desire. aroea vi ma) be bond l'iotbrr-Black. flue, Given, Olive, Brow ' s Ili bind OP by a promise in advance ef iote n fleraint l il th ie e e d - e tLlarn l and nu Pi e n i c u y " Preack, Eng,imb and I feel warranted in sajing that this le the expiti 4 1 . ste ,ia r....r i .ion th e „eve.' and richest sty lea to be k.nd ,ti the epee of all my brethren; and I di) not doubt that v i reeiNlm.rt-Very ne h, plain and figured Aim and Commie/v. the candidate who opposed u-, including tie Ii 1.7 iV a e r r i ol .o ,l 4 r. a ft!Y er - l - ' 1 pervert surfeit ol all d riptioet notable and talented gentleman wh.. L m‘ ii. of slush they are now prepared to sell out or make to order 151551 siyie amid on the mnost reasonable terms sent competitor. 11., been treated with .qual ir• Ready lade Clothing. bearance t large surcii both for men and boys constantly on band, con I acknowledge the obligatem of a can l'iatc . .)", i i's" g t.Z i r a wl eine v er es i to,i7t r e an arse' L w i l 'i r ;r4r d aal lon g sun e e a" ry Per ' for pelitiral or representative office ti. mete his and Inv img f.aciimues for doing buriliten wi th dispatch. the:) , are t upin lour kuewu But it o. the (Int% ot a Judge ",,,,":„'6',.*c",:rllg7,l7l,ll,:u".l.:rrealVileat'°ginv i e v . tol a ll W e b : ti ms in Y s t vo r the° , to keep himself uuctuumitted until co, hears all wake and no misaake J CI) LIIIERI I 9O,I, n" Erie hIle) it -41. W R. CCLIERTISOIe. that esn Le said on both ',id.. I will promise Important to Deem Makers & Ladies nothing at preeeut, except'le decide it honestly lei lest NAST of New Verb. isilberas ibe Ladle* fe ENe and according to lay beef judgement, when it 1 and In.ty that ebe has taken a roost over the thOre arises. If I should be elected, 1 will take a dol. Ita h v t is h ..souti n ier .o o r h t . he pu pt r ibl lc T i to: m ee t. emu affirmation(equivalent by the laws of Penn- i a i r7 . ( ls re n a l i ll i m a i n r d ur7q a u l e i n n t ill i dr e t on die plan of Mr. TarlOrt saw aylvanis to an oath) that I will support the Con- which .• in succeeeful OpltlAooll "Uli all a h n i d s Drese king Drb4sidt stitution. This vow - 1 mean to keep; and that Ten:.'4,441-......scut'47,arceri.r.wal'eurn,Lorarattreass.., av fatserneeet. sof all gescelptloes I may keep it the better I sill make no other, lot sale 13-401. a T TENNANT which can by any possibility interfere with it. It has struck me as possible that the commit tee tuiscinden•tood InetruLtl , .n- when the can didates for judge were tidn-s., . 1 If eac h in structions were given, it was propably one with out thinking how improper it would be for us to reply in the manner expected At all events, I have faith enough in this republican system ot ours to believe, that no State Convention ever did, or ever will assemble, in which a majority of members can be found, who will deliberately in sist upon their nght to demand pledges of jndi cal candidates on questions of law I am, with great respect, yours, kc J S BLACK ANOTHIRIREND SIDUCER. —Messrs. D Stone, of Monroe County, and Charles Waters, of Luserne county, offer a reward of $lOO for the apprehension rt e certa i n haw Brown, who, on the nig' sth November, 1863, absconded from Su ' , ulg, in company with a girl &boil seventeen years old, with whom he is supposed to be cohabitating. The said Brown is thrty-daree years old, k about 5 feet 10 inches in height, light complexioned, has sandy hair and it croes-eyed, eyes 14tt blows for miserly resided Broome county, N. Y. Si is school teacher, professes to he a Baptist, and oc casionally turns preacher The young girl whom he enticed sway is about 5 feet one in height, rather slender, with dark hair and gray eyes, and has an impeditaeut in her speech. The naughty Mr. Brown left a wife and two children in Stroudsbers.—Rsed iris, Oazetie. SPIIIIINFO STTLMII POM 111154. ♦ tUW6I.I. & 81:14INETT are now many I the., dpriat stunt at titth wad Away dream weds. afts mum met . mow eatenotve aabonnaeut mid this amewnt derive of Plaid and striped peen Rich Maim and licared Machu& and etld &Grid block et(k. iterates ,ind Twine*. Bernet. De Lames, Plain and figured Wool De Lillie. Plaid plain and der iped Window drapery and lluorea. Nen •ityies French warted ooliari‘steevos Olaingentotal. Thread. Mu.lin and Jacoom Edglaga and Imertisee. !Awe Capes, Ribbons and Laces. K id Utterer, Mita and Hosier), White and W raw goods. a liars. awnwlanant. Prem. h print. , Gingham'. Mud", I le "Is"' Novelties in Montilla. lad bhaleria. Stu Map, blatietings. dot , to.- Indir! everything to be bond in the line at wraiths and An omie dry sends All of the above pods have bass imMeellg dur cart., as rewards styles and pikes. anti Deed oelv to wen io meet a ready sate. CA RreTs CARPETS ' CASPPTP We ran and will soder indlairessellts w Oaf MlMOilliets „( c ar p r i,. I )11 cloth.. lhaprets, alattosie. Maus Ise , wit h art now 'seri , / tnidireet frost the nsionfanturet. March sS. iii{-4S CADWILLII. & 1111ENNETT Jr, Goods. New Goods. 1. tft:CRE pov, reeeivhig rue Spring and- Summer J embracing all the kinds and styles desirable br the ,vun The attention of buyers Is solle had. Lupine will be ,der Ihst cannot All to wake their inure* to give we a cal, nfroliOn Al keep ay stock durtag the prewtot •040111 10Q, Nit and coluplete than ever. and my pees will be tiled at the I ,we-t rash rites We p3rueularly Invite lie attention of urr arntnie to our large .tusk of ready made CU/THING flown d Cloths and A I I welt made. ander the aye of John Gualdang. an work done to order as usual Cutung dons L osiers to an went) with rare and proluptoese A large shock of cloths on I a ad fur Naval hnd lOrtary,madetoorder PJ,I, Mir 6. 141-41 1354 The Haag Zip is *Si Tull Slash lOU %you LU .al w air old eustoasers aad lAe patine is general anal I have Jost received at an old stead on Skate stmt. • ',wren Unpin 304 Ninth. a Gage Neck alba best Grocer.es in thee..). vueh as ‘'orfee. Tea, Sugar of various qualifies and tat e,, e ...Pgrup. Molasses. Tobacco of all kinds, eat trlocipe Cigars, i„ pi ce. 'in naison. Chores. Suimiets, Flour, Pork, Salt, WWI , idarteret, and other articles too Numerous to amnion humbdit, the right plate to boy Groceries is ea Slate. s,,weet I.ighth and Plinth strevuo. and. 'FINS' you least to get them li.Attp Up Pies. baked in Penwell is Co.'s Bang Up Stave— Waite up—don Ibe deceived You tea we the sage is large truer* The proof oi Use pudding i• w eat the Pie. yaw. tprtl YY. t 34-60 H BALDWIN The Sunbury Railroad is bound to be Built. AiT li d i u 'i uti fie t t :r t re l :: f teeti l n to p 14'3 °Mtbel rued .1 precedent Warren. anticipatine the wants of Um community' l• Ibis teem. IPpaired to Philadelphia. and purchased. and is now receiving. tie tare , vt and loom carefully 'elected sloe It of HATz, LA PS. AND FURNISHING GoJtos evrlorp.rpil I hid market I.lu ettahlalnerli and ON poblte •rr .”%,tr.l to r•ii ana t lacuilat. them Harlot Slade •frnarnaeltila wiU, the celebrated Hat tolikerCoarteo Oakford, to enaeofacturr eaprr—dy too'der, a very "norm)r arttelr. warranted to even reaper ',eller than ran he found in any nate( prime tall .04IL at OM M.O. a il'eat vane', o( Kossuth or Soft Par sits of 'tett and dark color. mud new tuyies. Also, lOU styles nf Gaya. 0; IC: rOlUre and quAlait.ior melt. youth and eaddren. S TLJII H 4 ihe ÜbOus•ild, a I ,rger •wx k amid water varlet) than w r. rr wought to Erie before. of all grades Don't fail to ww trtew,goQ•iP before you buy JOEIII N. WAitilltlM I. rte. Syr I-C4 4111 French Plife Mast t .p. r n ti 4 a.poninent of hay Plate Muses in Oat rriabell 1 Al,..ther kinds Lookine Just received and or the Jewelry wire of T. M. A ['FT I . of , 1 IV GENTLESIF.ST'S GOODS. t FREcPI etoe oi Hip near aprina at) ten of the beat qualitin. • of . of the c...iebrated French Yoke Sh kr. 1, , a'..imiance. ...I. Nl •tt 4.lravata•nd Smelts, many of new .tyle ut tual.trial, ne.er offered in market before.— ti.,. 'mi. II tr, of -.it, nod WWI. colored, Holed. waire•nd i t cotton of all pin-el Alan. Piqua' reiebrated Kid Gloves. Bale thread.. Int O. [O4OO. Hearer. Buck-skin GlOves kl•u. halts and aatehela, with many c4ll 3(11 , 4.- iuu outner.lo. Iv aIIOVUOCe The mock being large an hanigni fur rash nt liand. will be old crimper than ear. be ~ pl .to ID ins county Of ettaie come arid One if these tin .re not .1./. at Nu Hrown's H mt. Erie. Pa. i.•, PHIN H WARR 11N I'oll BALL, ERIE CITY MILL & WATER PRIVILEGE •ri• 1.4.614•r0tea rlis Railroad os 31•1. Wed TUTNPIIII SPEW. t lr M •tiost pertec I Flouring and e 000 m IC II .4 k 110. iedired by experienced Mluers, 1s 11l , ucaied nelr the Railroad (levet. Is well adaPted fur id e tr Itu PI tor... l'he undersigned Will fie lal term* o/ pa) • oehi tsar ei dI atosurigeous to the pure has r t.rio, 14. I' ACHPARREN - _ rery t. J M Soma ir G ) Whol , sale Grtftrs. No. 7, Bonnel Block. Erie l IIIE • hael:4 taken the store formerly Urtlipted by 1 M te Cu ,ta.tre and are reee.raaag dtreet (tom New FOCI( GROCERiIs. ruraa port. were bought for rash, and most of them previous to tor rate tdeance. we WOUI If therefore respectfully Home mei. ,rwatit• other. , .anti u( ,11 nor law to elAnlitie our Stock oefuregi,,,,,‘ Yalu or New York We wish It to be under tr , TO , I H co- de ran he bought as cheep Mere as in New WA v. 11 the aildttion of freight foe totowing rromortra-ri some of the articles in our line —`4l rr Pula eritw,l. Crushed and floss/Hated Muscovado P R , Cvl •ee flugsrs P R Mureotrado aud ftl 0 14014**111, 14tieWLIT• r p. Ho . a.f.rern and Illar k Teas of all grader, Rao, Lagus• r a ,rid .I.t• I urn. r from toe to he per pound: Fruits, '.O 1., Pepper Pottentu. Cassia. Nutmeg.% Clove.. Incit e,' R.,. hue trih. Siacksrel, Cud, and Herring, Powder, -nor. 'a pr o safer% Fuse, !se In add ti ma to our Wtoek we ii•. e t arc , *Wit of Pure Wines and Liquors, %% prices that will Jefy eompet.lion I.qiidon ,nd ade.idiia Porter, c4eoteh Ale. ikt %Vr 1-e 11,4.1 Arent. ;vr Hutt.'_ '• R,ir!,l.: el,r is a Clll all.' ihnt then. ,• wite,ug ur *ft r IiAtID /;/„. I st r .ue o r tu . a re lt • fly 1110 inutat.on• .tamped cu' in. sad 11111.111.: usUr are frathluleutiv *old lit 50.t.0 pan* of the a • our td, twit They are made 11 diffeTet . parts .1 the tar r././ is ale Matters. and are generally of very , e/31/I, rlielt.'ll.llllle t 011snSILICS / which 11111Velleguit,1 such /n r.tehl Sr Ivor are iliVarlthly stamped "ti ll LiNn IR I) uK' • anl each axe ha. a priateu ,•o• with Ill' •,gr;dioar• II I. MIR 1110I*11111112tweuty - ev• years too , we , t,ilitis•Y•frai the burtneet *oh the stamp of “Collitia aly tlartfur, 4° , 1 1 1., 'oar know of auv Other 1140-6131V0T by the lane yilin• in the cbited Inhales .4 ept I, , tzAM COLLINS. anus Tor the leis Toot Track:: TO THE POWERS THAT BE. I the atiltalJult of the tothite mad corinquent upon the r‘L, ant..intoge tit gsuge has ..iniewhat sutisided smiths peo p the cultio:ioUaltert of rectitude. bare returned to ih” r tino,t. vocation,. with ine invincible deteentination of Itr hitgron•oVe 'pun It monopoly to Melee! drop, MC .p.or .oltll , .r.ti then, that we COO have gone to work again r,tr r.„.•rdt, r,d Can ociar furnish them with anything ,t. rPOUCCd fate, In prospect Of the ”good time o t testy as times ,o do battle in defence th• .:•• ut uur adopted Cll,, yet wbeoool PO engaged we u %IA • Pla ,t home to greet our friends with smiling ;1,11,1, I hens la oh 'hone requisites to_ domestic our atwOrthaeltt e•••rN sty le to , Parlor. Rttehen or Office; t% N H Cistern Pumps and Copper k 1 ; tiw settles. coal hods. sum. pipe. IMO 'Wye • • ,vel• tongues. Bram candlesticks, HT ,tr.. r it., .f rci• ku) port forts. patent strainers, and the culinary department. eta ~.t urnisningestablishment of TANNER a. MAGILL. i:e,a • H.t, n. near tne 4 . ourt House, Erie Ps MEI add lot, cur tier o( 4(b and litrtir \ 1 t 1.. N loostsous in the city Also lot on r , • , ~••• is 1111,., street. Also lot on :state •tio•e huffs • , • J ..tassnri-ts street. will tie sold cheap •od alll, ‘l.l . ERE I'II. s 1 1.1441 . 0 R LA W. of Vermont. it now mild, I v. ti 04 odnientsi is ittOft strtn(ent then the or lp nn Nn. ,n.l will. no doubt. uperase,wiel I for the nuppreo, )0 ,r wbeitever promptly enforced Persons dol WO ,e 4 klq.lor lrnr r• 11 find it CHINA HALL, MI kind t Hnr Ifl;i, In nd Nine Tumbler, F'r' 30 Alt Y q•amuly ofCalscos Ayr sale ar ousters patois by apritls, JACT.24./N & SON ERIE AHD CHICAGO. THE etileodid rppss Cabin. Low Premium Mtessaer LADY ELGIN Lt. - rata CiIIaASSILL4M, aster. wilt ,stave line fur Chicago aid tuarrawndlate pans IS kit tows niutudas. moraine. June II Tburschty morals% Aug. so Tftursels June 19 1" bu noisy loon:Mg. Sept 1 Thursday auuro.g. July 13 Thursday imosaihi., Sept II Thursday uitintiag. July 99 Thslll4s, 100111104. ( het Thurada% morn.lg, Aug 9 Thursday asorataig, Oct 19 Thursday morning. Noveusbat GEO J. )MORTON, Apse. Public Doc IL Iris. Pa. Erie, June 10 Z. J. Z•INTIII. INIIIIIRANCIIII lepreseoting tbe knowing 1.1 libido COOrpsuiesOrit, ,Etna Fire bad Marine loos CO.. Nartlbrd et Capital 10101140 New York City Fire and Marine. N Y City pfskaaw Franklin Fire and Marine. New York. " NUN Franklin. Fireonly, Philadelphia, " lOU* Rate• of Premium as low as security to tke insured persalui. 17 tiara in Post (Ace Building Erie. June la. 1834 1 00 Kegs Troy Nails lot Mat by June IC J. 4 'moan ONT iirONNI ES at June 1 .4' KER If .—We an )ast reeetst se • wary omen I ttasl es tens.se avuosttreat of Crockery. eoatpfNy several imwer oryles, mum/ water are tbe Flossie( Purple. Sprig, Mitt.. Groats' aad Oval Ware. awl Itor sale a. cheap u the ebea mot. Julie 3. saww Err do 1.)0 gh P leven Intl I.lsee. from 31 te s t , Wl por_ lard. ceivohl at /use Ye &IOWA /11rO t rialis tLLthose ladebsod la dm lass knot O. t C. Mllletos WNI A as so C Il,ller. air rommossed w roma Omit IMO oeltseo Jets aspeamos someshattly. 111011* whi omplhel Oda owlet urdl mew costs by so Mous. &M. July I. 10114 —7. C. IM+lOl, EMIR Ne 1111143 Zara Sal YT • Pict 3 Cb•allellles hasteembd per 1444/ 4444 Nier Du dOm above mum/ USW this sellbte Mit exam Aim a sew IMO onlVidamwates. 41eatisima Y pee wbla 140 01 16414 Modalvtoletti att., Yd. %no was in great d l sum. almost sulecat tog for want of tdeath In less than ten Imputes from the tine I apps ed the Inhaler i my stornoc h, and Molt o teaspoonful of the Cherry rl) nip li. -. iellevird 111 a gr. at MeaSU re from the Jifileulty of breath,,,s oi .. bad a cot:atonable night I have sine, COtitiDDISJ II IS tits Its. greatest possible benefit, and ma DOW comparatively well i.,,a , only knows the soloists of suffering 'hi- medics*, hat rei,i ter are from Xi advice to the outer log ...,—Tar It MARGARET k:Aieft UV 00FISUMFTItiN CURED New , Yoaa. Dec 4f7tb. Ittll I came to New r ot in the ship Teleir.mb my native piece is et. Jobs. New 'Brunewict, when I reached this city, Ent health was very peen, bad a very bad cough, raised a !Nod des. of matter, which was frequency mixed ti rib blood had pale in my left g l ide. and was very weak and emaciated Vy Mend, and phylvelllo pronounced my ease Consumption, and heyoad the reach uf medicine I accidently nehr tl of Dr. I "arlia's Hy gear, Vapor atoli'herty Syrup and obtained a package which I verily believe was the means of sat log cry ',le. clout. niter yearns the (abater. I found it relieved the pressure on nit Tr lungs. and after a while the disease mode ,I. now suer nom. 1 tbesurface under the Inhaler I took the Cherry trot , as il, reeled. and continued to do so, my cough radii* Iv grow., better. utitil it eatirely left me. and I now consider tot ell cur eel I stiil wear the labeler. as the uncut it IS ratio, plem.nni and believing it strengthening and purifying to she hides, I fee' unwilling at present to dispense with it JlitiN WiMili ctoid tit 110.11/ & rAt L. Yo 40 1 • 41 . 1i111.11 street t' II KING, corner 61 John street Broadway, NI Y pace WI s picture For sale by Syrian ai Sinclair, agent. fur Erie is It. THE OLD DRUG STORE To AU Whom it easy done•ru. wc a ink to advise our friends and the public gener.illy tlia we are mak iag large &Welton. to our Former OW k alt tr.h will trader it one of the must complete end t•IIP11•11,P ID Us country liut business is die ided IMO several .te pa rime ids. 'i rid ittelUde..amioug others. the following. vi I Medusas., Wines. gear:emu, Window Glass. litiatlfWarl, IStsr stab, Amara Oda, IllrosAff, Per/awry, raise' Dail ahriosilanams Artfais our *mega Medicines is vet) extensive, ernloraCing neat') eyery article, Chemical. Mi nem' a lid P bar mar runes/ in tire i , l the Old Sc heal, Eclectics.. Rotas lc.. and I hownhho tans. togs Cher aWs a general assortment of Shaker Vert,. nl.d • ILI rac II li. iris Patent Nedieine Department t Put 11.1 I t ton ellemlve to enumerate. enttaie tat I ben, pt. pa r canna that are reliable and truly valuable. the repu tat Iv it which haa become estal,lished by tear. , of expel lence. af,tl Ih manual too to the vartou• d itteame. for whir I, t he. .1Ir• ed has beeoaue a owed fart. Winos and Ilpisits Ore or the hest. istiSeleil. purchased and kept far wr.i.ea • parr. t, . s w at ranted to be an repre.enteu t Grocery Department Weary 4,ofriirn•tre, but what we has, a, • .iks of tEt• r t0 , cr..1 and heft PPr,..) , ,- 4 , .‘ LAM., , 11111001111 hrina -ILI , 11 wilts •rl,l i.oft f, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., .Hlrrt , et I. ter! extrouotr,Trobrac.ng lit W.I. a 1..1.vf1. play .lurt lit usater,al u.rd In 1101,. ..en ... t er, ul irtiele required in Chair h pa,ut.li ii.u. for rUrtralts../JlUdaCapir. VIP/Lia.altalt, and 1/10 lane* l'it.titing. in WINO( iW LANK our pork i• rwl rii we are etteusively engaged in the wanoinctur• tit INH)H.S and RIA V pg, consequently a rr of I teed io Weep un hand at all little. i rem two Is five inamalewl trews, mak nit all .I.,,Htur 110( Ir•• Utah lift% mats, of ...toilr guild ie• ar d Mun. French, huuglr.h and American anmus situch la , gr In ,f(AltLe I %Maine for :show ‘‘ dlt/. • i 10 , l'.• , .res. Coachr• Cars, Baits. Laittern•..k.c isc A. 10 HU SHEI 4 , %%1,, I , SIO.e,ShOe r lutb etc . T.T,lli.ile he desired In the eation• dell&THEr., the?. Ali, are ,r lutred And 0. io Y , I r ube,o Ha r • tooth Brosbei. Fancy, railet, and .....ceiiineon bare aufficientto Moirrl the Fel-ollah,r wa 1•• of In 1113U11,1. As to 1,14, aLi l ity to make luck Sett , I non AV IA I •.•,1 Ito I .•11 a niiv ten■ of our customers. both in qua..ty .1.1 price .ti. /or Others to decide Yet u. think an elver ie tire iil rum.. ruers v yr - if. in lilts business. with a reasonai.le tnwun, (1 . ca•n Ants LI. Iv make out purchases in al.(' 11 .4 flialati, i•-nn ouch ien 11. that we will not he inder•ulli 14 a ..ther 11,, .r .1 this: .ti t AWI I k t Ititti I itl k rrie, ' , el, in, in/13, ----- NEIW sorrea--arrru ono - acrs. 1 , vetiVP4 for isle, V5111)....411 and Rev". 41 A II .1 cs LI A M WILLVIIIPS Mueie Slot. , oh the south .o •.•• Park, heir the Erie Ranh, Era I '• ,r 1.••••1 I •he,, •,•,r I Jenny Lane, Jenny Date. Tiro , I. • t • L,,• t • u 1. I ,- ~Piar, hr. (Amity. Kitty Ty reel, .v. •-ei 1 u Lee, You. Alai me it I L You. au , L uu . ... abottiorti Wh•sper 1, t,. lire • It :L. n t ,t t) Pmk.. t.otthine of L•• 1 . 01,1t1 !I , • 1., I ha, Alto,!„ Volta, lita..it,Q.‘ 0 . • •. , S.L Crop Reloaru.Gioria i r %•e, Moon. ('he Long nets. '.l Ihe ,a.t •' (a - , I enll her Mother toe tiq,, o , r 4., Alelode444, K , at I i ,1 Et • NI.. 27. Broad Gisair• - 11 -ut , of r.N.••• et 1 1 I rlt r I la! iire r Croc r he the rA•npf •( soh r •Juer 4 41.1 , - OEM The Very Latest from the City Is METCALF havejuot received heart) Pal kti.d4 .amp snore COM o(.) of Carpet, eompna ng the , ncr .t I.li Valet) ever before ollere ‘ d in this ma rset I he) were bought strictly fee email, and will be sot,/ at pew... so inaterese t matched Unsold, of New Yura Erie May 17—'1 6.1 ILK sill " sILI —Bit Gr. de R nine. tiglll,ll 1.3 Brocade rolored.r hangeable. wiped. ti s ids and pin 1.1114114111 Will find that the% ran procure guted bargains iti a 11 April i., 1a64-47 DATH 7 1.7)371 c•a always be bad at March 11. 1b54. TAN "41.11 k Al 4G11.1 4 QL:GAR BrrII,ERB March 14, 18134 (STERN PCMPB—Tae largest varlet) 4n 101.1 . 1‘ Put C nished, Pump* located and warranted to draw at , low priers. by T AN", Kit w. %1A1.11.1. (-IANAI. 13 JAS PUMPS. cbeapPr than ewer at March 11.1864 4N‘l R 114.11.1 - will be made to e,istorne , . TA11 . 11,11. b. 111(.11.1 THE DELAWARk. MI I Al. ,At LI 1 INSIMANCIE CO PANT (of Plesiadetplata. 1 RE uoir dolagbualacaton the Mutual pian.e,,nv ..,• .. .la. cured a participation inthe proateot iheCom pant. i Hl.ou 'l.thilly neyondtbe premium paid. Risks upon the I...akeeandUan•l insured on t:.e ... , ii.t( .v....r i • ~ lertn• Looms Mill beliberally•nd prompt!) aij...cted Earriqs OD merchandire.buiiiiing• ..0 whet i.r..4,ei,i .. io.. .re 6matry, fur a limited ter). prrimaneutl) DißECriißs Joaet h li . real. James I' Hahri. 1.40i0.0i t pl, 1 • TheophiltiaPaulding. John I'. Davis, H 11.1F1C6 lira.. Robert Burton. /Om iiarreit. John H Pent„,-. HON Craig. Slll/ lel I,lv. ant • t;eurre. Serryt Reno Lawrence 1ia•..8 Sidi, Odwar ' liar:iue.— Cbarlei.Kellity. I-aae Ft liar ~ J C. .lohniml William Folwell, t 1 ilii...i. Ho. /Win J Sr., lir 1 4 Thome., hr R Vt Huston. !Win I r..er...! • :4rencer Mel Iyalle, Richard'. ,4eu houldoliee,‘ W.., %lan. ii ere Cr % yolleation eau 1.. ii..Jq to 1 K1.1.1.01;1;, 1.. r .. 4. , 1., rch 111. ISM - - -- -- The Latest Styles. I.adir• will hr. ' ar & a an, rare I ,p. o l , unsiotiog of rrtiorh Mer,r. PaT.lilte.ll i.er man do. l'obufgh, eiai.tr. A !preen. liourbasitie• Al' wool Dehrt.uer. Which flonot to. outuarwed in Lb. 1.• Co, go• t a r, i.eas 01 quality and cheaply.. OCI —tt . 4:I.DEN & I ; Iteihanine Wanted ‘4.-,L ur two Carpenters or %Yasuo Mlarr, wiltL dent at the Foundry of tbe ou t , . eri rwr- 1110,e lioS aoroe expertenee to woodfnig Pion s preferred luny :.„, c "..1 workmen nred a pp! ) Itesioval of the KEW MUSIC EMPORIUM = WM WILLING respectfully anUOUCe• to ht. friend• t. that he ha. removed his emantratatent to Uri Ibrimerty occupied h) John Atkineon, Jr , Gar biter. . here he will continue to beep or. hand • superiot itreortment no.. with Dolce anil Campsite Attachment., fr9in thrreleMnied man ufaetorte• of Kluane& lieles,Chie ker nod boa rdnian h Gra , ' Also Melodeon. manufactured by lii.hop At Child., I'm.« & CO . and Carpenter, of tie latest and 'nolo I l‘s proved .t• le. 141, swum went of (Arisen rime., Pries. /raved, Vlalt• Mrmgo. .Sheet Ma e. said histracticat Rooks is very large and ecanpnaes Use Impel and wan approved Finds and nylea /114 tut I.loos ii , ro in Vocal ai.l I natruincnlnt Mil lie IS tinU el' Pianos tuned sod repaired old Pine , In It.n in evehanit for new ones Eno April To purehaw. your China, Glam , or Cronrrrr Vow r tAr time to do AO at bargain You will p,raw o (Alum Hall April 1, 1864—N • Disosktion of Partnership. T fi:. partners/hp berettdore ezoting between .. u, r, thuiday dissolved by mutual consent The b, ...ens will be continued by Cbas. M t 31111. one door north of the taut, now oc cupied by es. The books aad accounts or the hue Ertl, •re .0 the band. of C Miller, who is duly authorised to receive and pat all debu ursaid firm All wbo are Indented to them, either hi DOW or book account. are requested to call and settle mimed tate- Tbe old euetotnews me invited to event niw the,, patronage to Marks Miller. who W cut spare an yaln• to 01e2.e all who may eve hisa a call Die. Mare a 70. 1864.-0111 Philadelphia Rata A. AVM de atrnr_trinenr r o r a reit r'ar t . r „,, /..• thee, il ‘T''. or Char,. I, [(MI. of i i„, atielpb ie. ter Mi. them I. Ifh I nit to wrr throe will nd eiaui.nii for 11)Illi•Plve... Tbey are besuutu I. n• 1 Min i I open a 'pip cid i(: swell of Sarney Hats of AU% A zit"' TH EA*. ASH 4, 144-47 GILT Pryer? sae Portrait Yeoman, of n,mel, ~i , t ,,,bi,1, and Otis tail* 'Moulding, on bond an. Frame* tuanufac ured el order. by Aprir tit T M AUSTIN Ct:TLEIY.—You will Mid at 7 4 4.1,1, , n Ali h.nd. 01 pocket 'tad Table Cutlery, 8111VPI Plated Forte and SPOOti., which win be ,old wry low Juole lu J 1.1.101 Mount Eagle Tripoli, FOR eletniug and burnishing ail Iliktehed Metall. a n,l Glee* sureacies; each as silver. braes. nri la n 1111 and opei ware. willow penes. acc Nothing Pike ere? yet been equal io the pure Tripoli for the snore uses Veil and eel a W per et the Kepi re Hardware Stare Jima le. MI. t7A DW FILL l 81'• V F 1 T ES iirKiiis -- if — Paper Ranging VIC gibe raw Juts Just eletei wed bill third t Pap, *beim" oakum We besontoect the lames, riebau 4.4 chispeet Is Ow city. QUI mid minute before you buy ti ruk Moly Ilk 11114-1. - - Ifirttfag. - Wig my" pot il= i t i c te rt l ie Illesquen stn., Jiily IL 111114-10. TIBIAL@ dr. H 1124 paftes. cd , viridian i i ag s JAYS. " . •vrr dh V . 1 : Hlfse I 2 • , ow Gauge Prices. h WO, pn lc a Imre.. Docurmies. :title,. Hardwarr , L wttl re K.ld a• e4•.p e • . , lIEMI et+ , ",tell iu ea.l sq.!. N F.TI *. CIA RK F:Tc I.F Delay Not. U MI!.! • R MILLER raioricrair • • • Capital 936.1 1 0. 001 L NnW you OITT norstraax am 00.. 1 , 9 BROADWAY, NEW VOIIIK Capital 111.1100 0 . • f k. ntletataneitharlng neeeivedThe appointment - or arse yor I the aka), comp...ft. having also fully compiled wit h tht I iptitralice law. of thin law is Dow prepared to tale rine and Mar inc r wk. at the twat...trains. as Lasses in nutter C o o. pant adm . led and promptly paid at thin j. J. 1"11‘ Aleut, Eric. April ti 1n33 , (Mee in • B . n atiatinlaina's !captor. iff i ftIAM I MOPIM PAN ' rs. o .pitai ssoo.ooo--,&11 paid in. • E Subscriber In //VW prepared .p dim% monies in the above L sell known reapostaible company The .itana ham been in operatiOn over 33 >ear. and ity capital 111 sound aod unimpair ed. promptly sitensoul and pod Ow Imo, incurred al te. lair Are Is tau 'ay. they .tape Mir a condonation of New from the nutonese community. They will ever lad in Wri them prompt and iit t norable in the ailuenient of Immo gh t '. Block a WI 1 Ego / each Wa reenter! On. trl We" day Ina tax arramat he I I#4l swore/11a /Dna hupwrim,, am.pany FrAr an Ptt (MOROI KtLLOCIU I:Ul.lf:emeriti I .Area l i-L, r p Nth ~,,,•• ...1....pr1ft0.01 of Ilaatr ingclinch the brat in mar tel. t. lot tie hindkerclief 01 every kind, t; ,, logner , .. :annidiiri, a 'nand ine cela lnc tare fur chapped hands, e .Miri•iseonpsandrrea tisof Bret quality, bay ruin, hair Oyr, Ivan rrrtui Wee, depilatory ,mseder, in 'bort we constantly keep on nand • complete •osunipellt Of every klad of PerhtMery fanny ari.clev.ind Sartier notion' 31111010illelFet) death:MOO r e r vo ai ...ill rig to buy are respectfully invited tocat I as int) inai depend .ipon setting a hat they want at the lowest 'nee" it Ire eit f .1111 f .tore quote-st Erw Dee 4-01 t P. HALL WAXED TIP AT f II I utd hrmuf Vincent, Hilkirodß CO.. hal•ind been i t i e,r ee d on the first of March last, a new Partnership ha. been en weed inn., between Ile,• subtler leers toiler the Dame tie int. to take elect from that date, they therefore not" the public a f , the fait of m toktod," that henceforth our motto shall he c a .?, priersand prompt payment At oar store may be found a l arpt , and well oriented rock nt Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Cracker). and T,n ware, and at our Foundry al ~,,, at every ea rirtynlal to nine tea eigor front a Steam engine to n ' , hoe tut Mntl gearing be.ne proverbially superior As for ritoves we can't lx bra , VI or price• neither up street lot dO,lll, our and Lion ire favorably known and our new Farmers Favor,, lir al Or bei, and Ladi Franklin and Keifer, kit the par ;,,,,n,.. w ,it di'. •hailfChrlA prices . ‘ „,i phew, r Pelblehr B B viNcemr. HINIROD DAVID NIMROD, JOHN H VINUENT, kr, 'ICI L. -;i1 04 DAVID BHIRK - I no , r,u letriee ir vii. old Fait et" not .ned lor all ri o , iol -okra Tho Insuronce for Town and Country: 'Fur 111.111 i a 11...111 , 12c,trtpany eon' nuts tr.. )03 •run even .le*Criptiou ol proper') in rho.° and .1 a. IC, rite. as ale coriander', le .oh rent it ) tok• ri do.l.ltil into two chiphry.•ii . the Pannier, in which hot Win pf.4hiefly and dwellunge. att feet or over from capu.turc,., are and die t'ommeretal. to which all kind., of property oft Insured The funds in either department are not fur to H. the "eller yr t sett I ii•Urance made either Department the Jaunt ItiRS Satoh , t. li•raball. Sun .M Sterrett M .0.0.00.., • 1 Flurtom John B t out, IS F. Zimmeriv. Thu. Moorhead . ;r II F utlerion, p Kepler. M I%' I'auithey , A Ilrel K,ng 'I F I.IOERS rT, riss k I Treal. Just, t.I Are qtr.. krVl.f 1 . 41. rie Li and ("a). r heap side 6rl , Jung 11 1-3:' Nails and Iron. IT THE 414SUFIC7 WIER' PRICES '1 , 14 I.. 4 haron ,I rot. (b hat Ilitrn a More In town. where the, I .ntend I.eepol a ikil MOT. 4.lferent kind.and /el Vt .ro,l the) inal.e...n.la.e •otnpletrapoortowni of Sail* rerAot who haw... 114,1 ;Or Sad, matte bt that °myna% du no, nerd to tw ,uld that n. - the ',lt. , yr tatatietatthett•l r where •1•1. ,t 01 to —l7 'The Cireatest Medical biioovery of the Age h F.NNF 1 , 1 rt,lt , it). has dmeuvrted ,n vat of run n 1'.1• ,, tr , reitierl) that Cute. , evenkind haltior,frtne tte worn •tr•rfata Atari. fa OS con Prapie fie h n ((Jett it in veer .per , t huloilto•tt Ca.,. and !Wye, h Ird Pt eta in iwa , are.. tvrb itl.,,,ttrr humor , Ile has mow a th. ,0•41 . ••11•11 u ri t t , tittt,tlre , lcrrtilicate. of u. value,•ll alnch tur•nt) m It. itt 11,0•1 11•01. ,, .,1" ,,, •I , ~ h tited t 0 ur. 111 , ifyirtst -kAir mouth ‘ , lit• TO Ilift••• e , lft . tile VI OrNi .hrer. •,,t1 , 4•• M.ll C elf Ilie system 01 bile !nut ,11 • I cure :he worst t to lie I'inr• rt• ?,‘• rs , arrutted tto CM! the ‘t ur oar of r‘bliwlat rum' to cure on numur in the g) r• N it r rated tr rule cunning of the e-iru xu T., MB A L ,I ~ , 1 to Carr Comipt and rutin.rif I. u err I ra,lll. c Kai, erunton "be skin. I ,0 ,nt , ',ranted Lb !bile lbt' 141./f ,44, Of ri rIIIA Vr hl 0 k.r I 'ret • • curereNCl rheum t . I I • a . I Cure IN. VrOrot ea*, 01 r.croftilr. A . ..1....A (CUM I.lle fir•l lvtile, and , rj..• • hart.,,, two !Ile atnit quautig, is Win,u ablr iu those whir hair in tried •• r ']c 01 ,nr an that a hatholl weed. ut. the Slid 010111 old none wall., nuiol,l cure 0 .er,0, ow • ••• 10, 1•1 IL now a nze r d tact If Tou , , 10 •Lar.. hu , I. are nu Ica and andh, boas • 11but but 1lNlr• I peddled vse , : , e TV tatty of 13 , Jelub I we • lit riot ot. ot $t ha•alread) done sk.n.. 0. tlw ro • r.• ro 118.,3 Illls.e1.1) I Cale it In chi{,lrer 113Nr IN/Of:1,1W, u,..# .a.rrn M hu-rHeel. was Wit a nd 1113to1),,,,restuf,1 Ille lly .t. - t Meer ••• bu %rt . ~p . s . •in i , are LI re.•et in catarrh and d•zz,nev•• • 14„ • • • • .J I , t• tv • • Cihitlye fur 'ears, and ha Yr 1.11. ti ro yula 4.1 I N VI herr Ihe body -It tiouun It work•quite , r•ft• ant derangement of the funeitoia• of flair-r. ~ w u C. 1,1." 6,141.1i5r teeltnp.but you moat not be Int wed • the. at * /.s • .n ppea t ill frOYS four dart to I. weer -- I he, t• ueNer t •••dtr.t.iii Ruin it. on Itye contrary. when that lef,tnif IS .041 V, 1. ,, 1 N. I let-I %ourself' like a new Person tit IT - 1 ~11,1 ul Ilit iso rain.. . ant eIICOMILICUS of it that ever unu !Ivltithed to olio, II 111 Ibe 3O r• of Patent Medte met har ev, r been re the al SO Mlle!' favor as this dimple 'bra pan twn Its. uuu euni:e.”ed °Chloe ifferent beet*. fn Ma), Im:s2 woe , t e..numen. e:: Waking a nese 14 it. I wild about iw bottle. ,fer day. In !dn.. Ind. - 1, I •old tan In tee tuber, 1%53. sold 5120 I,ou A, I teope tuts w Weal' that doing well. Ido In rny own pracwe, I cuedne 11 strictly w humors but there are Kau.. ,ho its friVOg they think what used then. w I ~re alit thing and any body. they accordingly reed nine , al ,L fur yaw.) ul disease. In this way a great ~mn a a tt tr. ha., it, n ldu li d (bat I tie. er woUld.U•peCt ca.., of In -t. it-ta ot nab) liars standang, that withsto ,,, l eni y, Or, set, frt....Ai,. tin • e bee. pe , nisneilliy cured I Fur% nit wan 1 , . g i r try taking three buy les, nnuth er II Inn , isulfiner 10 in, amt a floater ga In 7lb air venerable er bu•a... MMO=I r low •am and bellow eyes, :lir lastly rrOSCI3V4 and Ito* mind me.; q nclud. vt seal 41,d r herrn, a few bottles I k -PS. , one particular:lr had A la.', aaed 711, v. a- :girt 'r :u les r her house lot the iist wel re tears ‘l tioAr il r. , es rd she nss rrslne: if in e ire onifereste e visit her Mend. several neighboring tun ns Al. , •ther had • ,1, m r telt leg. and waa unable IV N elk tar 1., .1,1,1, /LIIMI E lie. al el tilf to an rourniOU• oar El , alt ba,l which could nol lie healed.— ha • II e o.mit IMO WI., or Uiliturbelot lilt It quile h, ,I.lk..wiutuake MOIDe ral and utile rs lean I ranoOl led hut .0 II l• I KIIUW rases eel Kt 'oev Complaints runt d 1., it II the COillll , ll4.if 11 , n .paper waV #taper rnedtsioi I Could tell of s•es L.: ill • nodd I, strew, hp t x l diseases that would snake built hr ,n red, le it r cored by it. It u, d• • t•een • nd tub*. u -.lay rove for u,e P 31110., put al - the tlt INv but". err , ' kudluer t,.we lie dtr, and no.en dupe : tri le i butl Is cured him 1.••••• ..tr. re, et o toe AsibtaN A 11, 111 laW a , p ; If I ouinher ill ray • +1). rah 111,15 sir N ,1L,,. I iitt lice, A , nlv 11 L'i 1,.1 The of her left •ntr 1., the •ru .7 t4ulte out mum. ut 1.11 wur )11,. 1 • frv. CI .Iv WAS 'Aril • . 1 1, U 1, irpOd :of humor .1 , r Nra, .11 lle nu v,Il llle) for I T)/ipf . ,11. , ,, Or It, • fft.,,,,,0n J' Isle •Rl9 11,11PVItLiP tl Vl,l uu tollll ;floe it N hen nlije Ss el ••111.01In tier bet t ere wash (or weak a n.l eater% enter. that I et er 1.1, .1 V., r't an.? the dindruff out u( the hair •tul rtrentrihen cwt- which ii certainty dues. and to Crown it ', c ad, ,h e h a t rut, uti bald .enit• which. if I had not seri, tn. ow I would not oriteve from you Or anybody elw. A. r.gard. di , 1. utg, I ever ram , acrtwv the first person 01 , 11 her b „, ant t, „eft In IMP Contra, nutoo,r, ease, Iv dralh s h) ,t,s et , the 11,IttOr- the upper band My 123P41e I Del tbr moot 00111.•/. I nit food you rut get It will 1it,01111,, V NI All 1 . 00 . 110. PO 1101 ter .1 .0,011.0. •010p,iwe 11,1 I werraln rureof alt Ihnrr in ever, car I inert, 1 II toil what it hat lope Mr pint tt wI. k l II , ' a tore tut you I , to rlol W at! Oil a CUM rp ally disease but who re it nett , farts For turrber yam, u tor. ..ire the et tett r ruu ,r! tarp buttie Plorh.inan ot I. I arid ritut.gli I hate au het^ • 11,10'1,1 in Wise oil. Peltier, oettoistlotatt pp tteelntl tittler the ears PrIceSIO et a per boa DIR I'Tau F , PI I .4 , % Id,Jt uric table apoobliii per dirt .0 1 1 dren 'Ater etetil s tle•wert •i•aOtti“lier I tllslren from Ave to eight year-. p a prot.b.,pf. , A• no direction can be applicable to art , ou.i,tkitivl4s take enough tb operate on the bowels inlet a day Ma untar cared and (.4 *ale to 1414 %LI) K F:Nhl EDI% 12u Warren nireet. ROittary BI tilt per PPM! _ • For .aleru Ilottfortt at the • Cu ofthe • Guod Samaritan, - arid hr .It,hu till. flew) , A. '1 .ieote t Puller Geo W Welch. /olio Braddock. and S G Moser McN k Ia mate meel, rr,cu of the "GOod elaryar Iran " General Alien' rur the Sail, nl etriirrectreut. 11111. Ar. elythel/, drurrkyos rsorl dealer• ry ul.s . p.m) tr. Nunn .re agents lot lie 3N./1.1C161-, rut a tie ('0011%• to V. horn 141 1 order* .houLt !re rti,lll4lllßtl. Vial. V. 1,54 =I THE CABIN BOY'S STORY. A t.'4,101-.V•111, , , J1 R.M , olrf , run tatereo, by the Author of as - Plrale 1 , wfur, the Latertr'e Story." , he "Old Doctor," &.., & The success hitherto enjoyed by the author of the above popular work. is s •-fas [cot g..arantee of the favor with which any pr ducts us coon c. from his pet. will he re ceived tiv the public. The lan Buy's Story" is a ro manth. narrative. inuctrating the horrors of the Slave trade, as carried on to the coast of Africa.. The author has tiered in the navy--end the descriptiong and eharac ters are painted fr . itn percoual acquaintance with them The story is full ~f, xiittrig interest and adventure as'ltie celebrated work of bet..., -Robin-on ('rats ie." and has tl e advantage over ih,t rlorom • fiction, thasniuch as it 4 founded on facts of ...cry day ..ccurrenc, Ibe LM. 4 . ) 4, , the heroine ,r the story, Zuelika, the Circassian Slave, purchased at Constantinople, educated and married by the r kleas, yet chivalric, Seymour—the commander of the Ai ,strose, is simply the narration of a fact painted from, the life, and all the numerous characters portrayed throughout the story are ‘ividly and graphically drawn. The publisher• have already received orders for the whole of the edition it was originally their intention to publish: con..equently, they have been obliged largely to increase it, and they respectfully request that all orders may he cent in immediately. They confidently expect that the work will create m much interest as any work of fiction that has of late years emanated from the press, as, notwithstanding, since the publication -if "Uncle Tome Cabin," works relating to elavi.ry in America. pro and con, bare been numerous, none have appeared having relation to the system of pur chasing slaves on the African mast, written by one who lias witnemed it in all its hideous deformity. The ..A is wntten in chaste and pure Liueage. and will be a wel come and instructive addition WM° family library. The work will form a beautattil octavo volume of 400 pages, handsomely illustrated with Ilse engravings. and elegantly bound la cloth. Price, in cloth, one dollar: in paper. 75 emits, at which rata copies will be sent by the Publisher, to eat part of the oountry. free ed Fustagm For vale wholesale asd retail by 6o publishers, ELLSIPORTH i STRUT, No. 22 Beekman meet Now York A ud by all the booksellers threoshost the treated Mates &DI British Provisoes. i J sly 119. ise6—asn. a% a Tr.inte.l tu r ut. br must Je.pet or it k. t u • Teeth. 1,11,1 t Kern I In.trnment. int •witichl and 111W111 if al ,'ens •tf nil k i nds, ad at in lac,.: id Wires 3!-G Water 1. .taipr (.. ,011,1 . 10i0t1 rUpa, a beautiful article, r,lit 1. t 11., Vti 1.1.NT1,74/01E:Vri / o(let. tan ,- ~• common l'uttet .0(.1 4 11. , int: Soap.. Lear. (1,1. 1% . I.l.trs'• Kallade Ruua/ 11,r tea-cdr T • Powder.l.ufqe • Ri. , n ~,Jules 11auel's atirl sirs k . for the tl.n 11,e t t o part i.ll pper i tit, Joke, Club. Jet.iit Lind. Ruse t•erati, Im. Palehout. 11rr1.csnw Mary ,rtwit.. nn, Net. N1(....rt (on t. Milledurr. 11, is, Drip., II ill, lawn nod *la.: Hrti , h,,. Aoln -I .11, ill., • o io rein. ihrctahped nand. j 113,u, r m• • . .trumottow and ‘ k ..101 re^ih aiid Int he bottle Ihe 11.•r(1. 411 , 1 I.ef •••••"4 . -KI iii .1 Gr." h the., k nr:.dacne, um, t.ko(tir IZ3:11111 NEW DRY AND IUCY GOODS. Groans& Sutwan, Re. IIUItLLL, XXPLKIII •Co,.lave just received diesel from New York and Philadelphia. a large sad splendid assort mem of Gooder,•nd arc sow exhibiting at as reasonable rates as any other loose in UNs c us, arid in making this announcement to the publu, the satiscribees desire to assure them that they will keep up Melt Moak tall and complete, and to m eet ( b e d... mantis of all who will favor then. with a call. And to the im trona of Arbuckle Is Kepler we would say, we are very thank ful tor their very itberal patronage heretofore bestowed on this boas, and desirous of a continuation or the same td the new Illres—miall ogler peat ioduCeriatal. ,n the way of rued bargains auu cheap goods. so all who are desirous of menial their pos session.. and reamer moderate purses why with LO g et the lar gest amount Or MAO kir the least sum. we merle to !errand ex - Mile our stock before purchasing elsewhere as we shall ovate it to your interest as well as ours We shall also pay the high est market price in pods and cash fur produce our stock con sists in part of tie foltoorng articles. Deiamee. Chaliays, Lawns. Ginghawm. Sense Waimea Merinoes. Manatee and all k in d s o f ifn u e y dres s a rmada of the latest style, also n splendid assortment of Silks. plain and black btocade.faney ploi id. st r ed b r ocades. wade goods, striped and barred mualins, ko netts, plain and figured owns melba, boob muslin and draperies. lace and worked. I inen and worked halidkercitiefs, and a large lot of embroideries which we will sell cheap. Parasols. f ins. black lace and thread. mina and !torn of all kinds and a good lmortawni or Mowry. ?straw goods, men'e and boy's hats, Bon nets and 1 id Fen's flats and a general assortment of ri bees.. summer shawl., dela inc., cashmere. betray, merinos. ihrbett and a large r..t or white crape from seven 10 'weary dollars, sheeting.. tick ings.oriped and checked shirtinmi, canton flan nets, red and white wail flannels, and prints frau the fir-1 class down. Broad cloths. black. blue and green. Mut doe 0.. n. Caustmero.. .urnater camimeres. satinetts. tweeds. Renoir kt Jeat t a.suinnier 'tuffs. blue drillings Ice , fit yards wide Sheeting. pdinwtng and linen sheeting. table cloths, diaper' unless togs, irsveli die bags. shoes. cutlery, german silver spoons, hardware.croekerv.•c etc .and a full assortment of Gtocei les always on band at Not. Perry Block Erie. May V. 1-44. _ . 5 A WS —l'he largeot asourtosent an this section of the tountry. con•astang ul Soc.& Sow land's Cis( Steel Saab and Mulay, Y. Cut. 1 . llt t•lar, Tenoun. ballet. Webb. Krybole, Corundum, Yrunuuy. Rueter ~ Hand, P4llOl Noel; sod Wood Now•, cod will be Nola ..t greet bitfir tins, 1., .1 I' ,lELDEN Lrie, June 3 Ins 4 yaw wish bu) your locks. L latches. hint, ocrew• window springs, clothei book-, kmi scrapers. kc ebrap, tw iiarc and call at the Cheap Hitrdwkre Ettore. No 1, Heed House June I R RFFI) . I 'A? liurerl and box eer,pers NI I inns 4,, 1.65:1--n II iARFLT 1 1 1 -- Whir and eulored (Nowa rarpel ‘l.rl, ai Ma) I.t. 34i I— TIBBA Lei & A F.& - • IA ALL •TA311)1! —Just received vogue nevi pritiervt•—thesi rl Ire nice. June 3 A R EEI, _ __ Cl ____. LASLeII L• 11 S. •Aa• Cases .Ifterr wed %hop Wtsciesr• N umutuueut of Yreuch Er{llsb and Americus elms. rissiiimic tor the above purpose, 6) _ll3 cAirEa t 8K.,. Land Por Sale !cc IlL.uttacrtLer flea twotartbs to both el tatbl )cued for fu t utuspurposet art.:co ,venient to market. welltim , teretl, accred 1111 d adapted e n proper hortton■ to tsratn and[rase per dePtring to In Ike 'trod Iteration, had better roll hem t. the c n&nc cle gone .itte of them is a .mall ploeetOtltAirtlttf nbOnt Viand the other I la to Ito acres more or lent Cash paid for Bounty laud warrants or located by the Werteprittalleld.ErleCu Pr' Nat lath INYI to GILBERT 1111(1) Keystone raper Mini. ERIE, PA. PIIREINS lIIILDLN MK. ELIII L . HA RVIP. tiny ingdispOmedutb , •. eirr. .1, ii the ak4Clirreltablio bruent. mid lil tbe busioes... (Marvin A. Peq• II inv,iorianmel Selden, the blipines. r., 111 bereat.ert, conducted 1..) ttle-uustriber% under. hr name of Perkin.. itr. Seiden,uho Will Art 4 LI. eIIZICCO4IIII. of the latent - In Or 1 1.11 1 st V's 1.. rUll.gll.l. sAIIII II shilll __ _ . _ TILD SAS 0074.13. ‘‘T !I EN new ‘Vllltefle..l . loolll VI I ilme rit'r. ..LI, 111 It I have read about them.; have upon received. and • a-tunt•mtlet al the Philadelphia Which a thi Jew ern ut ot PTI ieKTON fr. 1 . 1 LI ie. March 1.. tell Spring Styles of lkaibroideri.s. L- f treeived Exprpw," Lintautder,ltlw,sa al,.' Nu. ./ 1,“ l'oilar+. Under Handkrech%el., I+.,eve . Lace And Muglin, Kiirtiroblered Linen I ember 11 , H,l oterchief•, a •u... 1 line t.,1 EinbtoAdrred Muslin •1.3 I at. ',le Kelging. a nd inw•rting•. Linen ami,rit", Linen Lawn. wr ae , whir b milli he lull at the vert lowest fierares..,i nc, March I-, I-64 7 IBliA l.d R H a V F.l Nu I brow PAINTSI WS %A• ILL l'lndat ElCETWO'SAilantrc, Buffalo and l'n Lead, dry and in oil. Venitlan Rod. French 1 •Unalt I. chrome and I mirerial limiting. Trunnion little. dry and your, • i n oil. ilinannii ellow, Vermillion. Limp Black. Red I,en4 Paint, Purcell', . dyed tad Dewar Varninn. • . - Wiled and raw •i e. of 411 Act TANIII6I a. Will no,: Me 1., Pali 111, COMMOti Ile :r tia 1314 C tint a m: : 4, nurtna lirmaim. and Lamp 13:at k I' ItYSICtIINS. and port Mr !Klee,. an.: l'heinicll4 of d eai ITlyoltoWelal*. Abdtantioal 4 11,11,ortroe and r t ."... and pf wt.*. pure Wine* and I.lqtrur•. Easetitia. n i,. ea" i• t i er , nl 1., mid we rvieleillo give aatiefavi,oi. ka.L..:l=a.l I= II! ICI Alrunwl, t4.sir Nuttuelpi,. .n nalown, earn ground N'otoulto, C..re, March t.elAtine. I i Must. French liwoiat,, I 16.0,1 Mustard I II DI ('‘, No 5 li•pfl Ilou.. RR R R% I)W kr: 4 RE:ll.‘ Rt - --.../LVENT. of ins- r.t.uatde Ima teen retro% ell bs ret I-34 —ln C /tRTLIK & RR', I= LOOO.OOO Feet Cherry 'Amber. \k,7 4; *ant w tnol OM. million feet of Cheri , 1..11 ,l.rt •••• • IVIOWiT.E /4.4',.. 0, 4-1 BA,ard• 14 Rion; altro.uou 5 - .10 ft 300.1r00 I'‘,l 5 5 a U 7-7 e-- in &ware lob 1000 ing 3-41 1t I 1 4 For * Nth *,ll pay the higla-st tnarnet price HASH i.Ulnberforri I, tt lug 'berry to ,e:1 14 in Jo well to ' t4ll tore mak cuutrart, Igew here & ELY Yeti loth, I • 511 ui d.r- Superior riweet eavandlidi a 1 r GIMUra , Ira! oral received by Mitt, Vl,v I-5.1 --1! ST ERR }:TT R. GRA L All.. I.Lve n a ~111“ie silk Ruftbes. Pit VIC Miti ind Lisle stuve, °fall e.,lors and quip wry' n good 01 ui Velvet lit ibbOtii And any quantal the Ilte, ou le bi lire... Trimmings. also the best sesortmvs• Bonnet !NUM. p the •• . rap. TatiSt• and /town R,bt.oe tor sale by i JAI KtiON k SON ir w ail he, w Ith NlOOllOO & Fulk, dror , order bm i, ll4, t tl ic f worr. t tn i A dti .i.R \\ THY OEM ( 1 1)R IS V I',ll.- a tinc trite le of black tea, also I - ,ktured u.l n,....0t -v, e....‘ and cantsuon ehuralate.urr, in corp.. down .1111 rrt/ f ;I'd 1 l of and ittlyirs, AN I.:C . N•, Sept I,t-:hl-16 I 'AR l'flif a IHRI.IT/41 h 1(l(II -.WI el on. , . liy)e• • •44, S. , J Itu •ttr' • Who! Ar t, for •111, .1 Jour. 1.• R,•/{,II N I • _ - MICE I )RES 4 Tr1111111.0r• I pet Int a ST/ 11 1/11 R; p.GII \II,I stunt. % mr. qunnti , , Ene, No* It leZl—.ldl T W „ RP ko•A, .1 , RI -% t Nu. .56 - Late acs 33IVT .L 111” AND FAl‘Cir GOODes s !ATI, 7 . OPP° Ire 14 , 44 11' 11(.1 IL I 1 1 11 E sun-cr,to r liaa received w i lait i a Ri t a da ) . 'unman, or rine ft , Id Watt Iles, eat an iur llreaat P.m,. Car h nnter Hun I J. it aria frai l Port virinita. Emrich and:primal, i..grth•r W all a treat Yawn% of tiezutiful article. aniiatile In tne nil, days Mir, Nov. 111.11,43—V 1' \i AI _ _ .1 01 Kr, \Lnw.. Fftfit! Terra 'otta t ro.t.;r• re and irtra it FrAtore. worth look int 11. it 11,11 . 1. • rnur• fur 19. 1.40-17 T The American Insurance Company. ArIKORIZ11:1) eP/TAI (301),NN PRL•k..• 1 CaPITAI 11,u owle r,to insta.,,,c, a. their ranch .o. 4 V...cornet of Soh in I -ziatr itreets. Pa I nis centrist• ihv the "Anisrican tuo ('o " hate coniortistil tt, MIMI( la.. of thiscommonstralin and ere du l y au thor Tr(' to Inoue. Fire and marine risks F2s •I 1 et R trs T • eat. .1. C., . WM P TRIMBLE Ventity Recisrire, Removals-New Good NATE hark. renint rd Our •hek of 11 , f; yv to nod klll.,orr the *ell kilo* n stand torn.. ell occulted iiy Merritt & Davi. on P Row. h,ll-vro. between the Ren,! Muter and Brown'. Holed. where it t• 3Cce •lO(, rlirrei front Philadelphia. N hure nun t odti have reen lehr r~f a II care rad dinerilhonnliOn and pure hit.en at prl - e• untirual I) low ohr•elte 4 111. h ' , kit stock h with any In thee.. 1 tor cheaprees. variety and new nes. , It we Nolte it the attention) „1 pure hose r. Krie, April n. 1.84 po .4 - 119'H & Dodd's Patent Paper Piler for iolded Papers. (('VERY per.on ha.l og Notes. Rteeiptsor uLLIer ‘a,ust,le Pa• pen w hith !het de , ire I. present. •tiould procure sowe ot the.. ?Orr., no toe, ot,t oil! render diem much more cOO% e,•,- ent to handle t tr+rt them from cluet,tmoita, ar , keeping them to perfect clean Imes, and order—made srk rmio. •ine'.lo order, term ISM 111 pet doge'., by TANN & MAGILL, Rule 31Iauntac !Liter Frio,. "larch U. 1'34 13 Another Arrival or. Dry Goods from PILILADELPIIIA. TH'greatest care UAW Ing been exercised in the select/or. o , our 'lock of Dry Goods. we Omit as to styles add qua le" e cannot he beat arm of Philadelphia. clamor isi ng every art .• el , ' of repute Mi• line it relvonable prices of which the public themiselvesc•n ne th• beat Jodrell by calling at the old stand of Ain't!) /season and et:mounting %ie would sot to toe ladies thti our eruct or Loy Goods has been selected with rare and it eon.prtara a floe assortment 4111 k•, becalms. I a.•n•.Ttinie• and et cry other variety or taL t ie • wear, the styles or re rh an new and desirabie We also hare :he r hal peat. and ErPnte.l variety 01.enl bruidered Collars. r I • ndersleeara ever offered in this rut tps,i ..17 JACkSO. t ali0:0 'The Plow that boats the World. m T - . owu ill . ..pared to I.lrulah the,r eurtonv rr and rtre pup, le v• I ne celehratro Re) nOld's Pairni v J liarpti. til YlO,l I hr., l'luur have steal share and pant which ahariest thern-e:%e• a •lare warranted to perform right Seveuteen aril prrtil urn. ts , re awarded to theve ?k.w• at Agri. cultural County Fair. at t .1 - no In.t fall We have two amen u I rillht hint and two of ...flatted, all fitted up In superior style Thy Plow kioolooll two rata pretntunis at the Erie (booty Ag rteultural Pair ,n i 3 We have alav I/etchers. Wards. Wa vererse.J. Logr• inwrOved Ptuabursh and other Plows, tnak ug a complete assurimrtit and w PEN ETT a t'i Erie, Apra 6. 47 Alt IR AGE Iron A itis. "gala toe Casting. ot ail 1. deseritmons may be found at SIVA,DEN. June 3. !Mt.l. L - 43 - 4 SEVERAL rlty Lot.. eligibly 'neaten' on State. French, peach and Buffalo Ytreeti, for sale on .as terms, by he anderpmnod Sept_ 24 151. C. M'SPAHREN R R TiOw ng my MR,1,,, rnuk • HIM •AA will have one of Up , Mocks in Thu• per non of c..w.t.t May J C. ALLDF.N SPRlNtonly ten' HanuAtan end 7than. h., in ,ratOf a. style* nnA pen •I {,ay h)-1 TIBRALS tH 4 1 L.+ N w Itatdware Storir. r HAVE pat rt reined a 'arse and well *fleeted saw aoi I. ware. parr haw J [vet from the manufacturers ano .t. n ruld on )M wow fa•orable term* J. C WELIAK`t June J. 1,34. TRW"! A l) w I Lk.L.—A large .toot of grub Imo r.trb,, Black delloac Advil& Viva. ese..fug 11410 very luw b JYtl lE*4-7. J. C. d 110111111111'11 COEDIAL .A.r ti EN OhiERIUN in Medicl se. Pro Meow" "'vie ) " tin, Elixir, of Cordial. the eighth wonder of the Botanic .a grid. The inmeoratlng Rlltir and cordial, ietroduced Into medical practice by the great chemist. physielan and usveler. si, as aiorse, has for ILA. basis an ()rental Herb. drat brought from the stout deserts of Arabia regrets by that eminent ph 'los. other, w Welt lie• been endorsed by the medical Colleges of sit the great c Meal of Rurope • as die hest preparation extant for the Cr RE OF 14 SILVIA'!" lalleßAPitel N o ionirung• can eun•ay en adenoidu idea of the irniabluirate mid alinOst miraculous timber when .t oseartion• in the di. essert.debiliated and shattered nervous system Whether bra ten dawn by este.. weak by nature. or Impaired by sickness, the unmrung arid relaxed organization is at onee re.hraced, re vivified, and built up. rbe mental and physical symmores of nerrOus dime's* vanish together ander its induelee• Nor In the e gg,t o.n.o.:lran , 0 n if.. contrary. the relief a permanent, fOr the cordial properties of the medicine reach the coastlterson it. self, and restore it to its normal ehediltOn. Well may the preps. ration be called the Minfseal Menem of the nineteenth century It is, as the drat scieatlde melt In the Old World have admitted, *bet mirache 4,1 medicine heretOlOresuppeard to have he eats-. race. A Mairrilitant that entails nO re-ethos. itolbree is newer expended. as so the ease with opium. alcoholic preponitlon• and all other titanium 'fbecifeet of time Is brief, and it May well be said of hint who takes them. •• the last Mate of that man without a media drawback--ale in its operation. perpet - , ual in its happy ineuenee upon the newt I. the mind. Is worse than the fine " but the Idizir is an exhilerant and the enure orpmeation In eases of neuralgia. head ache to, tip. pain in the twrres of the face, and the earl ous train of Nervous alfectrons, it will produce a CUPS In an so ,oh.shing shun her 10d or time- •1 d it will also remove depress non, excitement, a tendency to "blush. restlessness, sheepish se„.. dini.tieui roe retV. Inealiat sty 10 r Oath Of halstaeliii,lorts uf meteor y. cuefusitso . giddiness, btoo.: to the head, melane WI s , mental debility, ht Merle, 'mice talon. wretchedness. thoughts of self-desUuctiOn, lent 01 Insanity. lry hoe bonds tams, genera I pro , - ()alien, treatahil sty. tier Vousuess. triah.lity lit sleep. liver cum plaint. dour album, mad nil diseases incident to females, decay of the propapiung luitetioa•. hysteria. rausiothania, raga le ter fors, palpitation of the heart. impotency, barrettes*. carmine t ion. le ~ he , from whatever cause arising, it is. If there is any ealianee iIJ tme placed on humeri testimony. absolutely "'- Callable CsnatateMensl Lirdishity All who have . gored theca:melee" by pri v a te arid ImProtfr" Indulgeheies, wilt dud in this eofrl.2l a sore relief litiputener —weariness':re the fin n tat organ. Lon• or win. I power is the penalty fount frequently i.•id to those whit give a 100.. e se.n or license to thei r pleelone le i,l NI. gERisONS are ton atit:to , ontruit excess's from nut twill/ an are of the dread ful ethers Although itupOteney Occur , trout .Irietilrea,.lepos t i t . ,ii the urine gravel, and teak numerous other causes, yet toe abuse or tile sellUal Otgalll•. ft el 4 etailre t uller) of self pullutton „articular!. the 3114 la the more (reqUent cause of el Now,who that undefillanils the subject will pretend to dens that the power 1 , o f pr....creating the wr...tar, ,• 'Oat sooner I -v .Lose w ho practice the mutely etre. thin by the prudent He•ides, t.) premature Mr pOtente. tin drffeelit e functions are dere need, arid the physi eat and litelitai power. ereak• nod bt . 104, trequen I and LOU great ear ' , lenient of the genital organs Married PorremeOr other. copse loos 01 .ii abi Ia iy trot. w hat: ever ramie, will lind thin Cordial. after they use a bid tie or Mu, a thorough regeneration of the system Where Tv ant OfOffeprinft 1. n r Wet it le of inestimable value The nature of the Inaladie• rot le, ed t v thie rord.al are usual . s tcn s• to leave the pubticatio a of rerlohc ate. Out 01 the nues• lion, .., tear ',f01.( ,etur c /Old pru.'ll , ~ bort of the rimet conc. lu • I.l‘e U... ~,,, 1 . 1% 10 .110 , MAI The err.. re!...latiult at eti)Ov• teen. nit Or.. delimit) obtained, but .1 drinl , haer.l ntron Ili purottve and anpa refill) iniraCuluri• vi rRh • It all lifer] ion• are to be found in. tinpoN parent• ur healfht. Ggfroprrog. lobo would not bat. twell 'e bud f..f Uri• etlraordinary preparatiOr. And it la I ~n.,a,1,, to rent to the disease tw which it i• recommended.- - 1 tour.. I. of toting Irren have been re.iured by het ng it.•rd not au a -.Hale . nau ore has it tailed to benefit them fire burgeon. 1 mune. , Iratteal Eareemeas yr Tlie grelt ..ticcess which has attended this invaluable medicine, for lus• of Ino.eli Inc ream', ,pin rheat lassilude and general prostra tlUri. of alit o/ the cl.neetilierti . er of youthful i M.llleretiOn Of ID dUlgener of the passion in riper years, render* lithe moat t alll4• tile ntr parallun e% er dierOver• 1 an fact, all a refined) for the aboic•oniplaini, II wands unrivaled and alone There i. ,L. c,ths., sn , , thie reluely. or ant that Mu dutuentielllt rect . ,. ell the •.• I.Ju ul tde Medical Fee one OLIITION. DEMI C=III Fl..' rill a 4 T CV. % R t MEM II IRI+H, Attune', J C; B ('.t•n'l A tot Mort.. ruel[olllllos 1 urd,s: btu teen oottLettr•terr nt i; 1,1 persons in (o , lre all the tem. ote I , Idial ,: hare 'lie ;At4,;(,eiOtt Jill.. I.lea Oiler tha• :or I dMr „wit 1 n he 111:1•4- / J R $lOll I. •1 V r /l I OR 1 Tl.Nti I (AID/A Rptif..Yropr,etor,'.rt Ad, , t cot,cerrtrated, In pr NI IoBllr , r , rom ver h.,,tie two for 11.1,15; 4.N fur Ritmo I II It Proi,nrwr I2lltrwd%al. New York •o' : ' • itruif.•l% thr.ortroot I •,:te.i canedn• a •it • ‘l, ; 111 Honor , F rl. 111 I „f• 111,, Btlfr3lo I 13. I -5.3 W.f.% ECM R I N% I Vs , -4 Old elLPri. pr ry)111 , pOri.Marfr t I Nta.aga.. ',are( and Hock dark bradd). Ho art,' .11111.11,* dud St CV.% R..nt at.k.ted fOr iliel/1 , a t ,•11,,,,,r • 4,1 in Illatit•1 pnr ~eIRIh.R & MOO k 1.•1l I . I 1.4 n -I.art 1,1 rLia, Nara I st.t: Ly ff r 'r 1 ''ARTY R ar 1312..1111 II 4 1.101 , and tl3llrt .1.4 tIW 111fgert aimortment Hat 1 4 111 r lt,l e i rt offered ill this lusittet. w h,ttti rti it V , • .- rna: l yr , t - ent advnutr (Tutu Nittis ti tt• t "tti JAI & `V•. rt. Medicines which neves fail to irivo* titan. \K K ttunctrary ,nt vt ,r• re 01,•.1.,h. faF e.‘. 31,1 etadunied Troth r ,semi u t 1.,•, orl olt.tirf the funinure I the . tr. .tt r I rant er.J1.••••• I 11/111111 , 111. 4.11 , 44.111...f.,1• I Mt, ,n.l Harr J h..,.+1.s Rl , a'r. ANt , t%vii;,,recriNo. I WWI 11 • d0...11..4 llietll,ll i.• ,r , I ?.11, ,Ig pre, rltOn tl r ral.llllt op 11 weak c0u•t.:11,,1 Irt.l,lthlrd Pr I t•t, , • • : ac t• I .ke• tiny!), I ',VP. y• It .1 ti i•vikor•o•t• t r - tr at, tilt, t Heart It r, P‘.l • •• N 1 4, 0 J Noe rng•lng . 111 tu t /tr. , . ' ! Pg ! , ,,t6 •I 10 the VI 1 . on, , 1!IIIIIMISIIII 1251=1121 i.. !Ale Ur J ,ft . 4.,e • nseffirit . re„ , •tio, ~ r (14,4.111f1i . A lia ff .114 , tort,ney s••.. n. aeu kff 1.. •ff 1111.1 VI f •Pio .I.+lte•ffliff dan Qmpin,t.t.d. tnd I , ) Fir /Loire • carrif•rr,l • c I wl¢ll •;. 1.l ' l ll. e. 1.1411. perstinril • • ur trOp-eff . the (fn..... It frequent') rure..n 011. if • • f••tolffI ff f ter., Fier 0,1, • hlt.lt is C II IC If .I.lftff•ft.,• 4,1111 , 1311;1 to 1 r H Nr% if : cr.:fort/ syrup PI VI th / . }1 1 1 Rin.t.',l.RF 11' 1' 11,N I' l RF.R erttlt Ley pnla r -It It.. du pint r.nd .arne ale ,• ...lug Dr Ruke'• pair , curer h Or L..% prtyl - a rh , tin t•, 7 1 1110-1 1 R.I•U111/11 1 1 01. •1. ;1i tlr ~.le, Mar k, ur 1,,10 • I rr La , or I 1 u.3'11 itylkeiN. him 1,111. r 11111•11,n• tiere , er t u t.. ICI I• ISI • ,• Agee price 14 ,e H ,F 1 1,1 \ i K c..VlI'l AIN 1' 11i.T1 . 1• - •11. & I t ••• La" (-011.'61 , 1W the thus. 11.1,4 r• ,• :urea. tl they v., P h 1 ., 11,,,e,1if c ned 111. Ann f Rs, 1 , 1 1, ela r OM, 01/1:d 4( . .. a.r. /11 OW r 111.1 ,If "Ws -rrrr, ,11 4 keel , lng 44.• n al.. Yes g tag -ire! gin a 1 pper - r ruel I e rn, l ,I,lllre 'r Mere :r sire ,elt/ Ye •(011.10. I, ,1(11(1.1.1/nt , - ;1 r,r‘t r l re ' a.N. . .reprukr . t I. 01- f, / N-,•••••i !Hi k1:0411- t 11„i , ik knt rt mrp.rar•4l Fluid I. ~,,,,,, t.e•t r • • - a liar Rf . 40.1 a I IK I r al.t^tit.,l, , rt 110, h,ale It' at IA k • t em. roe Wro a' rt., ProC•e :JO ea nu , 31 1(1% t .1 nArmith, :.• I.AI 11111 K t , o pre,. r .-1 i 4 tR.Fr ~ it et F..,4 , rU. IrPX Ni• 11. tent d..1•V1:1 ,. ‘rnllor.... owit% THE WONDERAF THE WORLD! 7ZI e c- i sm. cz. is • v," , Vi PITCH LtiZE.Vi; t" , i s• I,lft lak.tsiner• It le .C. 11.• .• -I/..to' rub owr firet,des ro , ,tfile•t 11111,1, 111.1 • u. L 4.411, 1 gentle •pirzt It , an [rive c 14thuia Wilt .o,d, be a• thr thine. lhal were and l'uugho indeulds, the yarebt•td urn, 'ell dratase ,bit one, hrifig• .4..10 the hou•e• oC our land. ‘angah, Ike a t b, het - ore 44 .VERiGN 1 - .140. DE; VP 0 1 1PULIAb PITCH 1.0RE..,%/t: Inu pleasant an -rife reused) , Isar C'urotlis. 1 ohls Asthma. erk-ilvenr.• An•• uh•••thpt•un. •• ' c)ond Jou ht he e heiphot 'lotl •1 relit 111.411 i .itt rl•r, 'Tried to the puhlic •hound tn. ~-••• - •aut•• a e••• oi , •I I • • 11441 1 ,.. espec it.••• • tut •u; ens, i 11... AO. remark, a.ter hat. ilia Dees kept awake a night With hi• children PIN. v•,••re rich ts it ti colds. that ••rlte Arse butter he ~.4 WS/ ts..reth is are ,t u ri tt e Sol 1111111 05,1. tender, II yid) COSI his , da erne. lad IP p.old bus '•one. or more RL.II) IRIN LETTER M• N, , ' I heartily recommend ~, U r u(111 . 0111 . 1 , , P/' I , IAA...Mire to 111, 1110,11011 01 the athlete,' ki ,he•ufgr,- , of Mr , wire. 11,,,teenu. of Lamilatitn, re.' gw nh i. 5 Mother. tt the P./Lighting., litdrl, I first used tt,. Lozenge torn rune!, ~,,1 yam in the 4..:e of 10IA If 'landing hr physiellillo.lll-d .1 aur+ • ra. of the t o s, rellfeed pOititest iriithedial” , y I , has also cured the 0 '. ./13 ,,, 1 141111 1t... - 041IN'eme,,s I runbiarr tt the best stud Medicir,. .err t • rouahl w Ifir IttriltAnt uflbe public .a. 18.52. WV! RL 1 ZER IRON MR RROWY, OF LLI., his. cerui6e, that I but r Made dee of Devine.' 1 . -mwound e I,l)rPtlie for cc,' 11, i rOlllOl, and found mimed tole relief Tf.erefore I now. , I, I .1 to the tiuti , ic a, a safe and .0% go termed% Lee. Ot 1,-. I-4 HLNRI t BR. tlft'al , r WILL. Read thia lenet from Alderitaka Rung. Mr. Des lue —err Your Lozenge sell. , 01.:1 g.s , truer .11115(11CtiOn fur all Pulmonary complaint, lu t3 , t, I halms know Of a cave where it has been used, but to hat ;1 ha. yerlortn e , ' a cure I recommend it with ronfidence You may cask. , th.l punk if you think pro.er, tor I think all valuable ntecl ic me. pbould be made know a CHARLES R RING. LPecetntAir ri, 1.31 Oruggi.i.N Y I'7' CURL. HARI, COLDS OX r X LG.!. New York. Oei 4F. IF'S! r prettier--prat Pis It I- with the highest grattfitation I 11'1,.'W sou that your Cuthu, and Pitch Lozenge nar cell rely cu tee m• Q a very hard cold I htee nad on the lunge kir tome tune. I felt the ,ffeet ut them t I eft tete noun A R .1011 Vain, Tobacco', tin, 445 it rua.l,.. a y —I have rirommoin.i.4l tout I..ozenr It a itimbo, nenJ• who, since then, used it and a vt-ak ut i t in the !tip :ems. A 111 J RUsi.N.E•s MLM' REID THE rot.t.wriw Flatn.RsotJ ttev int.' Cusupostund Pitch Leteltitt for the hk.l three months, we hereby certify that they uteri With s rem; -ate and Judging from the renreveniallOns of those w ho tilt e used the medicine. we believe ,t In he n *minable remedy :or the diseases or which it is reeewnineaded. nhd entitled tuft* con hdence nt he public MI eilbi I Tli . Mere ha nt. Puttafield. Mum Jilt 14. HMV. In incases of Consumption. use in) v 111 0 ,1611, et, iiatit &lifts on the feet. and as a strengthening lor pain in the side or back This Lozenge 3eto benefit. ialik or, every part of the system. and makes Igor andstreneth take the place of weak nes, aad debility Directions for use on each hot D FULLER t t U .I.rtrprirvo 4, • No 3 Tremont Temple, Rostuti fu %bum order. .hou.d hiwildreo.ed l'aeular• and card ••• I/ I with orders. iv 11.1111, CARTER k Pll 4 F.R +tole llgent• for 11•0--- A II 4104 E, Whole.ale Airecit for Sept 14. 1'43 1,11 orriblo - 1 Sorribl. ll 1 1 H F. dreadful onslaught of the. Pigeons on tee I •nier • whey t Jews has become 111Ar1111011 Year 114 a tutoo Jest MC I lOU u this valuable crop, no essential to sustain the soldiers of Europe re-ori to ARIAN bait been deemed justiflab... e "their day a man having one ol'A UKT I in a ten acre lot and killed about a barrel or the r.. I- can Just say to your neighbor that A iou. n ha. p+At mtwn 4,1 nother cue of thine terrible GVIIS of Ent' .6 and French 1 tvdtaeturt, with a line ansosunitni of Pottel., Flatt• that Pun - nee and Belts, Game het Wad thecters, Pr, i,ll4in • ape, •••••1 oil's Revolvers. which is deter hind ro art at will a . un 'aim low pries., so that *eery Naas shall be • Lair uu arm tat gulp as the hymns may direct. roc part.cu.ar, ea , . at the Jewelry WOW el T. N. AUSTIN. Id% /pi 11r Iw-411 ww.l N iteerp.m.t, ZEE . 4 06ttralitilfti t 3/411111110rArirr I°ol/ I. &what le, Aenaer !t. (;ea Leen', it „..,. ' .f Wrist+, Geol. • ' l l. i.. , •rliL untlet4tgae4 Would rrap.",l11111) toloriu 14..„, • and ourr4.4.d.leo.lllllfy.lha. H. II , r. 14,.., ". "t 4 and la now °wham l daily, a law awl 14,0 ,„„ . " 'lO , Inabiunable rlpring Irlill.riety. an.; woi..,d ,a,,,,„2" .1 iii °Me above porno, • t caber Wbolesale 0, tat ia , ( 7 . ..:i • at. tr, necure tit , urwern and envier.' •iiii, ic, a a ."'" I." 1, r all H,• oar ,111•••• for 03.111tbiaelui 'le 4 1 4 much better article. at web lower pr,... p ia , 14., .. rh u at.eid ono r it . a a i Luth. ed :r bi ao ... n . we t.d in p ti m i t s ..m tern i, P h e .. t. d i- , •: 4 ,,,, , , ,m,..... .' other work entreated WI MO Cliff. Milord .1, a . ~..__ it al tbr rborteet poriiitde MAKI. Plea,. i,,r, it ..4 1 ;;" , .., true , w, re, eqg 3 rents extra. unlee.ill.nicrie i r E i,. -5, on elude street, Ilrie, Pa All urcler• prun.,„ 1 ,, u, "" 11 1. ,. , Erie April l'. 1'64-47' T a a n _ gall IQ 111.16111-". p5lOl. vafUtals, du•lirtit. t l 4lf, 114,,, JUI counter. scrub, scouring blackleg. na,...... klt b erunib,cennel hair. pencil. tilriiiirr ..iii,t a ~,,,,,. 4 . intuiting brusbemul brat twilit, 311.11 sellibt , „ ~_ a. b and net • peat bar stn. Erie Ire I 1-3t!_ g, i tr, t i Lin Art --R ived 011. 01). by r.,1,,,,.,,, ,,, , k.' inlaid, new yle, a wont bradt.f.i, ar,,,,,„ , ..on cheap /an I . 'l' DI AI'STIN invet- a,,,,,,.'" • i "y; W OLEBALE AND RETA IL liset aides NI await Periate Tar City /Pete 5w,„., , He 8 fiber rrturn•tliank•ii , it, a ",,,,,' ~ the term! pat round , re." , v .l . a " In.!. 1r,,, r ~,`' ducetneriu now uttered it will be , swsliutar . 4 ., ~ ban just received from brad quarter • ~,, . - in WI line of trade, knight at the lone. , ~,,, ." , -, for l l cotrdm Qual it y, a7u r y: i w l c U l l abe g:e rra i a lee n i :tt i W e o edr w be int :1 71 ; , ea: a n dl ' I r i - or a rre i 7 :l ' illi l:- 11; ; • . Erie, Now V 'Fat ItOPII I DON'T Ilittav v . J JUSTICE ' W 4 ,1, LI) mart reopectblil s ueg Tarr ibaniow to bt.many rrrerfar, anJ th , ' bar very hberal patrouage beccurforr • lterice.; , Inform them that he has yutit receir•d - Limiest sad Moot Stock of 11 0 in lei-lint (bat ha. e•er been offered i n (~1.51)/E:h/'•. A,Ny, toi the choicest It 'wt. which h. a .1 , mai, men wish' he their Clothing made to or ter orebtaken And clothing niade.and it noi - done. !hey will hot he asked to tate for • ti at au illtlYo. a large - and Wel l wade lissom.* RZIADY or our own istanufarture con.i.t.nK **elev. Filar k. Drew and :Tara Coat. \ . vet.. inlii*Cfll, liklef•llifli.. I.IAM, „ NI Illhe sold a, the very lowelt priee•,.. a. w ant 01 anything a our line, aretry tel . Itoodt Ind price. for inenwelvra Erie girt 2:t 1-4 A LARGE and Waned detertnieni o f A the late tow.> i palm/ Da. •• iced will be properit .ift: require - dw tn.., 41, bracer and ppt.rterit of vKr iou• • if, pt lea. tha,ti New (el rf•ai. talc • 1.. ,n 2 rt the above artylev ate adf it w i'l belore Luyillerterat here Der ei induced:lents for ',irritate: tot s. Lrie. leer 4 IVY DRA NO I ,1% 1,14 ,uf•. tnadr aylrrloar.! a o , fit-tury istai.itPt NEW SUPPLY Ai Roseasvre & Co.' Cheap Olot- In Wright's Block, State Ttreet E nt , T HE lor• ul lb 1.. , ^re that lb.' WO. 1,4 a Ur r4rUU N,l CI SPRING AVD SUMMER CLO:E3E T. W ,cft J., 11,, I. I'.l .11, i„ u. tt , ..eatliti ~rl/ n ..nng.ut ' e • zee r 1 A t DADIBIS AND rieocz covri .0041 Aft I t C : :1` ' •••, inert .00 . all uf flf'W at,l Verb ' rtrli tEI It tAra • ~ black ant (t. Nrr,n , ,! tlou Nr and slhif e bit .Ittlf y , ten% terb ”, 1.• in t Drai, Boys• Clothing • L.' KJ) , . ...ult... t ner 1.1.1 tr k .1. , a , %."-.• .1 ,_.• Pf SIM TS ' SHIA' Ts I n. l‘w• r••ti.rl 0.1. c• • war, Fa c% heck. r k1ig," , V . 1.%111 ••%. lf • r,gra I r !wire ne. MaS 1,5 MIMI l'• •r It *. k u g 1.1 ti \v M ' MM =a DI RI, Reg 0' lCi =EMI Aar: :. ‘a• , , •fi. , f • 1...• r If • ru, • ", 1 rar.• 11,S wtra•ma•:• • ~111. vets usher tiered a. ow. 1.., 4 ai. rr Dv:: ri Fresh Groceries. Wales. Liport k.. I ,i,r V‘f 1.• • ), sk • ••,„ ! Iv • t% .et 1,40 . rtts etc, • to 7 f. • .• , .I.r 1.• -Artists, and Draftsmen ( •A N tin' aV, I 15,,1T1P, e • • tvi pat.• ii ILI ais • te• r0..1 - • ; •••• a ra—Ptk. ua. it , . • kite', . a, tactuasa Re, at I_ , •, PAP. lre a to• t pr1.414/.1 • ji,•l v P. a' •?_•14.1,••• Great Inducement r ti E: er- aft to 11.ncoult that the,r (.. , terer• leepartLeht unsi.e neve •ttnen. •Igid \ Le re4ored r • Le , i%e ;e1...e the gli•r;‘, (00tir 114 , 11 a; ;1 ; rl-r. Vary • rt I , *. 4 if P;ler rt ) kale. %Us IFF Jewelry. Watches & Yankee Vot.zr.s H..1.1.1t 4 11.R 4 k tit 444 k, 4 44. girlfe r . 1,4 4n114 1411. 4 4 111 1 Or the r I. t• 4 4 44,0 prrtrr.rr,aL 4/4 4 .4414/ .11!..1.111;tv f4l- , OffVf - trre. ter ,If r • Ulf r In Jewelr , ) •• . r i tl4iIA. 1:1132111111111/11 ditf , I 11, ntltitr, I , e pigr• as So, it, a, wr • c he!WA , d v 41.1 , • k Nrio Logra% ing &15 gor'. Mr 111,1111, 1 I ,•• I r , ,,t• In .1 I r I -J I I N t l a, II 41)(10 phiNl I Nov 1 n, 111. f cow , 1 %II .1 It: j'AL.fI I.rritut, -•• gt 1 Et 14 .5.; .6 W 4 P.I.F Ihdll,l , v% 11. A 1 ♦ 14D •,^ 1r.. , g. hr 41.1 tr.•i tur , a^t ERIE SCALE WuRKS havt. • > P.at' • - =I 4 1 " " = ME = A 1 •i t HATS' HATS SSMITH ila• , etror . • for the fall 01.1.4 1 • •••• L“/'K$ f (1R TIMI• - day and 33J hour receivel er Austupt 6, I-4 f MEkti \\id I v Raw.. 1 sinl.er, I rump. kc Also ins •-I str.nr...,nexten•.ss August b, 1-34-1•1 Great 'Excitement RAILROADS v. s. WATCHES a: Ft,ak few week, ,-auwe of the it . • b. Fu!lers uew Cock ,•I %%cc t.. • J. , Goods. to are ac,,-•• e rest ut thee itlz. tt..• . • .1 , I, hard!) •v,Jirrti tio. • , • • ' due , a• , week, I • • (ant JeMetr r. eeld •14 nr. • ourahl,,,, 0,../r, C. d• I'' • New ti ott r, • , •• NeWself.. (*ale e rah Uce. 17. 0 ia•,•i BALDNESS C 11 8! 13 , 12Na Strri , Nrr• %MI HI, ••• I, • I. FAI Ming the 111,r 11za,.• • Hal/ r/) 1 / 1 /1111114.n0t Z are using u 1 11, I. • 14e. • t • • ware thing for Ita:d vv., , v• • ,üblrC The Proprietor. •• • • • S •burat their Asel,tv t,, take , aigreed ap.ii, betv•rea he r r • • I' 1"... R & Ohio. This Way for you! 134 ,, . 7. " have la.r , 3 , •• 1 ;111,1 a NO .L.1140:11.1. 1 • Tirt.illrlti alw 1 gold I • now offer Ivo o•I r - Apr il IS. a-OA-4, ProteCtlon! f IOLT" PI 1 •••J 4,neb . fire. the beet rixltet 11 e fliers Store of Env re , It 1,54 , l 'MLR N 't lio•••1 ~ I. at U. Store. of ~, I %IX 1,11.. L, drr t•ar, r. 6 sale cheap 1-, 5.,- PILES \ Iv E. Aare WO ,penejh • trove all per.on• Beal A.R./MOW TII lite :It, a• • t TU NKR Aped saw Mows. cm ANTS - It Jaws = .. ..., MI lEEE! ME \.1 . , EM:I IEIE= MUM MIN %0 r -Rd11,0% Watche- MEE Nir , 1 1 , 0 .4) %% h.te• • lo nal CI If si.p.,tt IMil II