Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, September 02, 1854, Image 2

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    ; -
has some truth and a large amount of hotieet Frightful Hurricane. ' Afr "Ion(
bigotry on which to base its operations. Quite t —4O-- e., tie 1.):IJ ethip its bstrbtr
a number whose religion never till now did them ' epos, tee i aiiiie ins Democrat of rarnate • ['rider the ale.
much good or harm, will ride into office on the ---esse--
=- 4 a e -e-, -___-_es s ie___ e voe ., Ol e v e laud / 'hi o -....,
back of their resonant Protestantism, and that Twelve o'clock, August 27th, 1854, will long " BRIE, PA. :• exeelleut article .., natirpoi
will be the end of the matter The natural' be remembered as a terrible epee* in the history
- • fi re sentence disceivere the importance of the
tion laws will remain essentially as they are ; of Louisville With that hour mike death to
_SATURDAY MORNING, SE—Pr 2, I*s-4 suLject and the earueettiess of the writer.
and Know Notl - ingism will give place re. some many persons assembled in the house of God,
new fashion in politice, perhaps equally facts - engaged in worship, and destruction to a vast -••- ' -- "The people have got a job on their hands now,
tious, after a few changes of the moon, We on- amount of property in this city. implocßenc STATE lONIZATIONS in the shape of a huge. extended and powerful
ty desire to be classed, now and evertin ) re, among One of the most violent storms which has ever
FOR OOVERNOR Railroad Monopoly, overshadowing the whole
those who are in favor of the infusion into our swept over this section of Kentucky left its
current politics of the largest possible measure dreadful footprinte in this city yesterday. After WILLIAM BILLER , country, and ruling, as with a rod of ;rem, almost
every interest."
of practical re ligi o n, and therefore aver... to in- a severe drouth of many weeks duration, the sky, ' Of Clearfield County. While reading this we could not help wonder
termingling therewith -the least tr ee , of polemi- early in the day, indicated rain. The clouds in that eu clear and au sound a /bead, as the
A•al Theolegy gathered, and we had what persons, not within JUDGE OF S UPREME COURT
the reach of the tornado accompanying it, would JERETIAH S. BLACK, writer of the article evidently has, should have
Temperance Convention. call a thunder shower But within the reach of Of Somerset County so long slumbered uucoascious of this great (lan
-4.- ite sweeping breath was the Thirti Presbyterian ger Nay, were(' yet; that thc'same head and
Pursuant to a call, the friends of Teulperauct. Church, corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets, FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER
pen within a menth or two past should have been
met at Edinboro nn th e 26th i nst Th e (sun- which it eeiuple eyrreeked, blowing from a HENRY S. MOTT, engaged, with all the leisy activity of Lucifer
vention was called to order at 11 o'clock A M westwardly di • 'on-eleVentire building fell in, Of Pike County. himself, in belaboring and berating a neighbor
when the followites persons were chosen officere. roof, rafteis, leriii Is - ; and all crushing some
JOHN B PAGE. of Girard, Preeident; Jon twenty of the eougregation to instant death, and mg community and pre-, far proelaining in ad-
The Temperance Nominations.
STArroun, of McKean, D in r-~rwv , effArmAN, of wounding eeriouei), perhaps mortally, some ten vance the eatne vital truths When, with others
Fairview, HENRY TELLER, of Girard, Vice Pres. or t we l ve „there By the proceedings of the temperance coneen- in Erie county, we eeineled the first note of a
'dente; I. F. .1 mir.."., Girard. I' f' '''inid“", The ,t.riu commenced about twelve o'clock,
Erie, Secretaries passive over that part of the city lying between tion at Edenboro, on Saturday last, given in war, which we e.seerted would and must come,
The meeting we , then fennel] •.pened I') Fifth and 'Twenty-first streets, tearing up trees, another column, it will he seen that t 4 .1 Ball, and be met 'teener er later iii every section where
prayer, from Rev. Mr Rogers uurtsiting hoitece, and prostrating a large num- Kay , and Rev I B Page, are Owed in nemi- Reilroad nieuepeliee were flourishing, v.,. were
The President stated the eleeet e. lie meeting, bora buildings Captain Greenlaw's new steam- nation for th e L eg i s latur e Mr Ball is a whig, heralded the length and breadth of the land as
when on motion the felleeing ..eitwiittee, were l er , "New Memphis ," lying at the lower city who, in a very flat-footed way, declares that no madmen. rietere, pirat , -, and every ether oppre
chosen by the Presideut wharf, between Sixth and Seventh, was almost .
laical organisation has any claims upen him brain , eliateeter that itigeniou. malice could d,..
Myron Hutchinson, Johiel Testier, Cow ou completely wrecked The cabin, which was in P °
e ft -d en ti n e:, .Johnson .I ('ottipt..u. F Lain...lti, a ferward etate. ,i 1 completion, was blown entire- but the whig party Mr. Pare, is a Free Sailer vise, or blind fur) stammer out Now, th.• note
l' Joslin, Jehiel Towne r. Samuel Reeder, ( ' um ly if and f e ll j u t e the river near Corn I s l an d I —or rather an Abolition Itemeerat This feet that was so di , . .rdaut i , tubefel and teliehiog a.
~ti Re-solutions The Cot i ve e tie n ;be e adjourn- The beat was also blown over to the island and alone would be a weighty objection to his %lee- th. truth itself tl'liat we- euee the 111051 tin
ed to li 1' M emelt injured It is thought that it will take time in our eyes; still, were he rieht upon ell our righteous toil), oil to be heeled at, is now cordi.
At le o'clock, I' NI , the cou‘eutien wa . V,,000 to repair the damages to the boat The
celled to order by the Preside t e, w he n Rev :Nli new steamer W NV Farmer, the Colbert, and I local issues, we might deem it advisable iii fore- i eily reeoguiliel end indiret•tly dilated upon as
Kegers made a short address cue er two other boats, were blown from their go that objection and support him' But he is prephetie W. pit) the Man, Whetle-r an Feli
ne committee on credential, havin g eseutiu ineeriuge .cud lodged on the rocks opposite the not right---on the contrary he '- ee ape, / az+ A 1 1,.t •,, ant these ei-,. Who. , 1)1131,.tis ,in a given
~l the credentials reported 56 .b•le g ate ~ eon Fifth street. They all succeeded in getting off, man can be Ile it was that was the ostensible eubjeet ere rein I he.king one auether in ill,-
tied to seats in the Conventieu however, without sustaining much injury. The
Father of a very celebrated railroad ineeting I (see The t.• ts elev. , of cenet-tenc) In the breasts
_A motion was made by I' (' Cemeteu re Splendid block of four story houses recently
which fame off at Lockport last winter, in which of men %dile), r. !hi. I- •IRli exhibitions peiuful,
nominate candidates by infernial ballot, which ..sorted on the north side of Maine street, be
ets- laid on lhe table tween Feelith and Ninth, were completely de- Erie was denounced in unmeasured terms 'flit though chalet) timid rather refer the mete i t.,
'file Curninittee ou eselutems et this tin . stroyed, and it is thought that two or three men proceedings of this meeting were published in al I j chi le eft, then the hetet of the effeudet llew •
hat tug come in, were called en fir their n- were buried in the ruins the papers of Buffalo and Cleveland, under the ever, tilt pre- tn.l iliZen, ~I* the Fore .i l'ity
pert which the) submitted a • f ,11,,u,
11ee,,0• our highest hots hate beet, 1,1,-4,-d imposing head of "TA, Eri , rioter.. emolent,,,.l were far ft eon I, ;ng :11 , .ni. in then iuled t, Ind en
in relation to a law that will aid ies in baeishine at Howe ' There are some -ins that can, and, Ark:" • ern- id , e_ out-t the people ef Erie F t 411,1
intexiesting liquors freiii iut midst, and who,.
Mr hate th oral rnuti l u iu legal .u.%
it is thereforu
I /?•.,d1.,/, That we will ••ustaiu u•• mail for
th. Itegiglaturt• wto• is u•t a‘owed oho. at
ut a law .timilar to the Maine I.i•ju-r
Resoli,d. That it the sous, ~t. tilt- I 'ou
venttou that unman -hauli b. put iu no tnitu tiou
tur the Legislature who i= H ot trt , d atel kuowit
pledged to thtt enaettueut t a 1.1- •hibitot% : 01
our law, the repCr th.• rugolve• : 4 1..• Law,
and the restortitio the
On rn.)tion of Mt Chapman, th ,, Report was
ae Cepted and laid on the table
On motion tf )Ir Chapman tly l,e rt—olut tun
And preamble wa , the 1,1,1, op!
The ::d ,n tak,n ,tl , . wbeu Nlr
ch a pman n i nvod tt, strakt "tit ail alir` the
word.. "Liqu , tr law " 11 ,, did tht, 1..
pi,,tuote Initmonv tu the eon\ it /LI lle w ,111 I
k, glad to them ..1 ' l o.'l, but 111 .ugh: nit
prorr haw Wt
re MU ed the 1:I -t ~t tile 1 - 1,,..-
lutt,•ll At a propel time ,Lid place lit w , u1,1
-itpport them liearttl .ktiet Jo.
,osten the whnle air)* angetel
went- was laid on the table
r Clotnprti'- ul. , t Pal t ikvti frea,
I,lr lt.l adopted, %Owl, the 1%.1.1%, uti a pr.s
rd tii unnitnete
.After thiQ hat - lotting, letter , %%et , c.),11..1 for
that were in the hands. the Centrai
,',,ntunttee, and read .111101; w ',jell
triati i; .1 Ball, Wareh.iin \Vain, r.
Dunlap, and I. W Savagt• Atte' tle 1 •adiug
th,•te lettors it wa.• moved 1,) .1 :•tAtfol,l that
the t!,ll.lVfilltitni prn:et: It) a .Iti.flah l !,.i
b a llot, And the eandidatl having the inajont v
-hall be otint=hierfittl elected, vtilitch
W:t, 16. ti ,
t a llot, weir MST, Intl .1 li (1:: , II IN .1)1; 1, ,
ed ::7 um.. , loch .1
ND . Ball' , Lett. r the Conotott4 ;
• Ailed f,tr, lit I read Ag 1111 It wa• J. u•••••,1
,une how, wia. 21,, hi- it] t -t
v ri,lattire I e very re.,p.,:tfli!l \ kit Clink , / illt•
.If thi• t'n‘entiott IT. thought no
,rgatimatiou lild claim , . toil , 1 ! rvi.. -
btat ill 11'1114 pirt T.• that nudes
might tou, though he preferred tint t,, t.. the Le
yi.litture under any &in-um-tune.— t fit ait•
Temperant.. he htio..-it.
lu .r out ot the 1. , gt-lature, I -Ito; tr , I
bit‘ e been for year , . the advocate of Tetup. raw i
11.1(1 Will 4ti pport the enactment of a "pr...iihr.,
ry Iniu,r law. — not for p”liti , • ll, but fd
•.I .luty to .0, 0
Tins r,,rtion of the h•ttei, t"g, th-r with - , ,uu•
explanations made in refrrene. to Mr
hew- on the Nebraska and "tilt I -late')
tions, wa, deemed inite satisfaetor) •ind 10. t on.
vent ion proeeeded to ballot agton
.1: the third 1. - ) wot,
111 ,1 .J Bail h 2 1 ;
was declared
Th, aomination- w-to then I.ltitiv-i I.) :h.
C•otvetite.u, wit n Henry T,•11., ILl4•Vt•li 1114: the
UoIIIILA. ,- • the Convontion le• roe ntoeu.l,l to
the - .; 1 , ...$.11 , 1
t, the Whig and Itoin rat•. t.. 1
'heir ....,usideratvoi
Th,. tf.lh.wiug Lou I.)
:le, wa. road and olopted
../. 'Chat w.• will -uppo• • oor along
eleetion. for any dia. , -•f tni.t •r pr •ta ut
u,ne sod, w. \V
;kW.% working men
.lehiel Towner-after-'I ;le to•I •tt uito•h *a
re autl.adoptod
/,. ~/•••/, That th- •.: the
Leagie . of Er. I p,... onnouti)
el t.. ~.rroet 01, ,t of alto
Irani selling. and therefore .v. ry hristiAti in I
r{. rt pmanth, - ..• -iu lutl ). out 1 t ✓lt s It
hoarr) oippor
it wa. moved whit pr.•va.h , l pro
••••ediug -•f this ?fleeting be published in iil.• etain•
\ plAiket•
It W.V. LIP.V. 1, whit prevailed. that this Con.
• 0 t i .. 0 r.. i uest the trien.h. -f Temperance in
the various election districts, to lake such a
...ours,- a. will insure a full vote at th.: polls in
favor of our uoinitietas, and in support of a pro
hibitory law
S Clark, and M. N Barr, were appointed
a eummittee to inform M. Ball of his nomination,
when the Convention adjourned. .object to the
of the County Committee
law. In Stoddard, N. 11., several days since.
TWO or three hundred acres belonging to the
Stoddard Glass l'ompan), were burned over
by fire While the tire was binning, Mr Curtis
Hunt attempted to drive a train laden with goods
to the ituount of 67041, through a road whi-li
Named by the wissis The flames were then
sou , te . e rid,. distant; but a strong gust of wind
drove them s o rapidly that he was forced to quit
the wagon and fly for his lite, saving only one
of his three horse,.. The. other horses with the
wagon and goods, were ilehtenv..,l 11Ir Hunt
himself barely etioaped, his shirt being burnt
trove his back, and but face and hands blistered
The hors, which be raved was badly burned
air Sander • . t•brruerly of
Baltimore, I. not only areal,.., ,Ileitt sensation
th the Russian capital. but be it. in a fair way of
t.e. owing ~ne of the wealthiest men in the world
It is said that he has effected an arrangeme nt
stint the Emperor of Russia, by whichwill
I become Paymanter for the possessions of the
Czar 4/0 the N. W. coast of America, and enjoy
eertain rigla to connection with Russian com
merce which, it is anticipated, will prove ex
tremely 'iterative Mr Sanders, it is further
stated. i• living to the WOW privies:ly style in St
Petersburg, and frequently gives dinners which
frighten even the wealthy-Russia* noblemen by
their costliness.
The upper story of the extensive Rope and
Bagging F.icuiry of W A. Richardson & Co , on
Magazine streets, wa- , blown down, and portions
of it carried a distance of several hundred yards.
The ties City Scles.l House, at the corner of
Ninth and Magazine streets, was unroofed, and
portions of the rooflng carried a distance of 300
yard- The reef of the blind Assylum, on Chest
nut street, bet weeu Eighth and Ninth streets,
was much iujured The residence of Mr. John
ston, flour inspecteir, on the corner of Ninth and
Broadway, was completely unroofed. Damages,
tour or tiv,• huudred dollars Several houses on
Eighth street, between Magazine and Chestnut,
belonging to Mr Fuller, were unroofed. The
residence ;.f Mr. .1 Callagliau, on the corner of •
Ninth and Magazine, was considerably injured-
The beautiful family re-idenoe of Col Wm Rid
dle, en Kentucky ,treet, between Eighth and
Ninth, wa.- unroofed A large brick buildine
ou Kentucky street, above Eighth, owned by A
MeKtrite), wa- unroofed
Another large house in the -.acne neighbor
leiod. owe , d by Col Samuel Churchill, was un• '
root, .1 The re.iden..• of Mr Joseph Lilly, on
Tenth -treat, bows. u Magazine and Chestnut,
we- much injured. a portion of the back part of
the buil ling blown down Twu brick cot•
Cage, en Eleventh -treat, between Magazine and
Breadway, were. partially blown down. The
back parr of the German Protestant Orphan As
ylum. -1/ Jeffer,eu ,treed, between Eighteenth
and Nineteenth. was unroefed Two small brick
house- on Tweeitieth street, between Jefferson
and Gra) eon, were unroofed: one belonged to Mr
Short, and the other to Mr- Nugent Mrs. Nu
gent was :1-Icep in het house when the accident
"teem, but -iugular to escaped unharmed.
A row ..f twenty-,sue brick cottages, on Kentucky
street. belonging too Messrs. Cochran and NI use I
atILD , w•e , all couipleeel , , iturooled A buy,
w.• did tilt learn, was killed by thy
tallow p of
Man dine hole , .inured, which we
foie, riot -pay, t • p , , 11% till- inorteug 'lsrees
were uprooted el • i.. ry part , it the ,•ity, most tit
liictu le 1 , ,s Sixth street We have heard of va
ie,Lus e-renate- of the probable amount of dam
age done to pr..pcity in the citybx ic t ; he storm.
none of which fall short of 8100.01 We a r,
itiferne-1 that in Shippingeport and Portland,
the shine eery light, andze , damage o f con.
-egie wit- -te.ta•• There as a rumor in
the city eight that a • in New Albany
was -.trod: b ) lightning, and a large mauler of
persons killed; but we could trace the report to
no reliable source We understand that the
storm very severe in JellerAOnVille, and that
three or tour h..itsw were br ow n down
A 11,,N, 1 1,1( I\ Hi MAN SII.APE —The AG;,,, / -
,lon lb ',tom ~if .4... i- —A German named Jacob
Breuigar, is his trial in Wycoming
county, 1 a , with a series of offences
that surpass in ; , f any of the tales which old
wives ter t., keep them quiet of gi
ants wh i tiv , -mop upon a time " This Bren
igar wa- toms nt a Baptist preacher in North
Carolina 1' hil, re-Kling there he attempted an
outrage upon own daughter. His wife m ad e
the fact known, and Brenigar, with his family,
moved into I , l' coming. There he made another
attempr to r.i[s• his own daughter Shortly af
t,rwards, being desirous of obtaining a renewal
of hi- license to preach, which had been taken
from him in North Carolina, he applied to
wife to r..truct, the charge sheliad brought against
hint, and admit that she had sworn falsely This
she refused to do, nothwithstanding he inflicted
frequ , nt and severe beating upon her
At last, finding neither persuasion, threats,
nor euffings would have any influence, one night
ii, pulled hi- wife out of bed, dragged her over
piece of new ground fall of stumps, injuring
her so seriously that she died a short time after
giving premature birth to a child. Mrs. Breni
gar at tirst refused to tell the mode of receiving
her injuries; but, finding that death was inevita
ble, made ..orne of the neighbors acquainted with
all the farts The husband was arrested, but re
leased on bail While under bonds, he made an
attempt to decoy his niece, a married woman, in
to the woods at the hack of her residence, but
she told her husband, who pursued the ruffian,
and would have killed him but his gun missed
tire This statement we have obtained from a
gentleman residing in Tazewell, who is cognizant
of all the facts
1111 I,
icy/rvieuse hay the following remarks in relation
to the "proposed amendments to the constitu
tion A resolution to which effect, adopted by
the last legislature, has been advertised in our
columns for .on* time past Says the Pn,,,,v/_
It is a mistake to suppose that the proposition
adopted by the last legislature, recommending
amendments to the co rp.titutiou are to be voted
on by the people at the next October election
The constitution requires the concurrence of' two
successive 'legislatures, therefore the next legis
lature must concur before the people can vote on
the question, and coneequently no vote will be ,
taken before the general election of 1 455, and 1
than on in ea, the action of the next legisla- 1
tore should be favorable The proposed !upend
-, I _
mews are very important and very proper , an d stir The (;semi. is very touch rejoioed that
we trust will meet with nu opposition in the leg. we published, last week, the Democratic Address,
Mature or from the people
No I It also hopes we will keep uu, And pub
Harden's Express, deposited at the Mint about ait : litdi all of them. Re are happy to gratify our
sir On Saturday, the Philadelphia agent
neighbor, and beam have —kept right on," .
five thousand dollars worth of the melted gold refereuee to our outside will show Next wisp', to kill „fl the ‘er) iudividual they had beepst.
taken from the recently raised wreck of the un- , they shall have number three 1 tor' d with prAirw. The Whigs elected a member
fortunate steamer Erie, which was burnt and .....
~f their own part) in Iteuton's district, and a Ne
sunk on Lake Erie some thirteen years ago. mar The Gown. says "the Oiee,, se, talks a.
There was found mixed in with the melted won- , though Congress/ bad no right to enact the `ii-. 1 braeka man at that We commend the facts of
this ease to Lretneerats in N,irthern Pennsylvania,
ey part of an old German' lock, the material parts : suur i emproakih,..• The only fault we have to
uf which were in a pretty good state of preserve- th is asser tio n,
elsewhere, who are disposed to go outside of
this assertion, is it s lack of teetk.'
Lion. On raising the s t r e ak it w as foiled burnt . - the Democratic organization, seeking for redress
mi. Hon S. A. on the Nebraska question The political friends
nearly to the keel, and te be broken forward, :
Douglas limo uuesested to ad- of Judge Pollock, would cute to-day fora Ne
near where Hi.- gold WAS fOULISI It is believed f
that a considerable portion of the gold has bows , draft a mull meeting litoimilati'Pcth' 'in the 6th aka irh
a ig, rather than an.anti-.NebraskaPagy,
lost through th e break. I.lB‘ol/Wthrer. - -- - - •- • - . serat. ~
of nglit, ought to be forgiven, but that course on
the part of Mr P eonstitute , , in our opini n, the
"unpardonable .in. John It Page inust, there
fore, look elsewhere for countenance and sup ! . ri
than to as, or those who think and act with u •
upon the local issue we have t, mettle with the
railroad nionopolle., Upon that e—ue we ktefv.
no ties, either of consanguinity or of party, and
we were to hopes that ,/1/ wt, hay, been idf-nti
tied in thi. tight would be willing t,, cow. up
square upon the cane platfrm, and we hart
onufidenee lino majorir), outside iii
flueue, ut evriaill eXpectatit+, Will •.,'
Free Soil Nominations
Our free -•ol 3t th. it ue,••
\Piletoti, Weduestlay, put iu remituateill a
ry guthl ticket —that 111, the g.•ntlemen .• qapo-to,r
It are 11.1 obnoxiou4 tu the r.itu, to.y•
one 01 the gentlemen uuunnair,l fur the L. g.-I
ture h) the Temperance ut 1..11 f
lowing e 4 „their ticket:
An,cuibly —Nathaniel ‘Vikou, of
Audly Magill, ~f Harbori•rei•k
Prothonotary —$ Mervin smith, of Erie
RegiAter and Recorder ;off, t Erie
Treasurer -1 lf
Ira Sherwin. ~ f I k
Commis.sioner —.l .1 i'mopt,m...t . M'Ki an
Auditor II Trowte. mi. LI Springfield
Ot th, utimiuto to , t- t• , r \ nibh ,Mr
Wik,u 14 well in', '1; I. Ito r o,f th.
11.u•;11 ; r
wer ilarburvio k MAI
..f . 1 _What ..a.11.•a
"hard ••••114••,.. • 11 , i 11' . think, a wore
than t 1.1;.• I 1t lu\ r.ln• Lie is sound
on tli. pitit..t taut tiro-tiou, our ratirituAl
diffi , uru , • , •, if tp, I.•tter man t- nft.•rrd
11%. Wt It ill (dr I,r hint
Par l'he (it,: n. , ?Id I t•Vi. .ludg.:
Poll(ck from the charge• of is•iug a RLuw NO
thing, makes a statement that leaves the , i.nior
proprietor of that eoue.-rti rri .1 I IL. r nn.•n% 'Ade
position It tht.:
"The Obserrer a&serts that the 'Know Not Lings'
constitute a secret, sworn polities' order, —the
editor is opposed to, and, of cours. , not a inctu
of the order,—hence he rosnor kia,,w is-long,
to it, or what takes place in it , meetings We
confess Pre don't know If put upon our oath,
we could not, in a positive scusc, point out a sin
gle member in this city or county But, ail: say.,
the (AQ riser, a member communicated the facts
to us. Communicated, indeed, when he was
sworn not to do so! Then if he told you the
truth he was foresworn, and you cannot bt e
such a purjured person; if he kept his lo
told you a falsehood. and you were humbugged
as in the case of the Richmond 'expose "rhe
charge, therefore, until actually proven, necessa
rily fall to the ground, and presents itself in the
light of a base contempt to impose upon the
malty of the large cla , - of voters "
It will be recollect. .1 by most of our readers
that the Gazette lead the van in binning the anti
masonic party in this county It will he recol
lected, also, that the now senior proprietor howl
ed over the enormities committed by the )lassitne
order for years—that it was by his means and in _
flueuce masonry became a bye-word and reproach
here, until a few years sine.. Well, what
was the evidence that if , u.,d in that crus.ide?
Simply, information"cominanieated" to the world
by men 'smworn not to do so " And yet he "be
lieved such a perjured person," and believes it to
this day. Was his course, in that case,
attempt to intr. , Meinrr.i/M/.t y lo/
class nj +Yoe yx" Is the senior proprietor of the
Go.zrtt , willing his writing .Edttor shall thus hold
him up before his neighbors sn his old age' If
be is, we are not, for we have a good deal of res
pect for him. We think the testimony of those
who have revealed Know Nothingism isas good as
those who revealed to the senior of the (;a7sltt.
the secrets of masonry; nay, we think it better
for w e knom those who have revealed to the
secrets of the Know Nothing order. wherein, the
senior of the Ga...tie had no personal lainain
tanix with the witnesseq he relied upon agiiingt
Masonry. Ar to that Riohmood expose, pub-
dished by u., two week 4 -.11.10c, We Z . I •
corn-et in all essential particulars; furthermore,
me know every important trinsaetion that ha.• ye
curred in the Know Nothing eimu‘ii in this city.
We are not a Know Nothing. bat we , or , a know
something, and the f;,r74/P, and it' Know No.
thiagfriamdii, can put:that in their pipe and awoke
fh t tor,..t ttll ...atil t ram, tit - -av L A ,
and ttr.l.ll—, t wi tt l i
a if the wh euntn, had e‘tinhined to it, it
tlown the lift!, ..park rt..-*Ntane,.. which
boh11:, , lettinin• t. 111,1 opprv-41,,t1 ttthethrr , h
~Id I 1•1 ult ii tits !lilt bled
!i few friends,
alit tt r the Ili IL Est, the Sur, with hi,
111%.•: !111 unwaveraw
114%. u tat tuaiLitauted ; and
with 'tit t-.•, tau- , Provtdeure and the Su.
pnint, t%tut tVI t• 411111Ule t..4/0 Nit The people
t Erie ...olio th. , ugh not wiNliing 1.•Idow thou
that th.•:s have
Hn trutnpot
antumitie: tur 1. , ,,0p1e
I t“ oft' rril
tnuol,, I. wolel•re.t , l and
ii-t "rule-1 , 1 111011 Aul watt, ale late
uiri ii.
.Itoi all Liigruleut ;Ike great
nails, will which tho !'lain
'• •rsl. It 14 • , 111)4tantiate nnul
‘.4,tur It% th.• \\*ar '• We
Lode licit -111 - ht , thr•ii of the press, the next
time that my huge iud rtspeetahleeowruuutty
Lail ticelli It the ar ,1111 . N to oppose , 0111 e alleged
v•rou,z, will listen patiently and impartially to
th•• whole .1••r‘ In tire they • •1••• ii their hread•ides,
le-t••n. 'le Ert• • .i.e, Oa\ b. oblived to an
d. rgo tL, nal/ ael•at mg their uwu words \ye
could not eon, bid. In a better •tyle than lit quot
ing Milli tram the Pio a nr , ll , I•
recent of all the great rail
.pann:ug tie. vountry from Ram to W er.N,
raising tle• tate- Ind le•-euiug their speed, has
created alarm throughout the west The fact of
these • Frill in rs!l t ' Ornpanieb flgrerilly upon a com
mon sehedule of railroad arrangements, as against
their patrons, the people, i: of itself an alarming
fact, •ayitg nothing about their more rigid rules
and increased rate- It •liow• these hitherto ri-
I val route= • a • ••i•i/••••,, and their rea • agreement
do the people have nothin to hope
by the way of competition Their next .eting
i may develop- ny,re •lariug determinations in r.•-
gaud to their future inon••poly policy , and what
eve! • hat policy may In , the people art- left uo
' alternative but to abide So kvag a., , otripetri;,n)
was in the tvld, n ,ru • / ••• l .,was 11.4 teared, but
conibi,•••/••••0 • ••tue- in t•• • ••11..olithit.• and control'
these great thor••ugbfare-, and wield for its own
• a-11141i purp•ses and private gains a concentrated
moneycd int••re.t, unknown for its gigantic great.
tie , •• in the ht.tory th• world 11••rchaut.l
Farmer-, l'••rwarder-, yea the Government and
the l'eopi•• hate g••t to succumb to thie. money
• power and •lanee attendance upon the., • Railroad
Ding , their Prinees and Dukes
• I'4 eq.:I.:TEN!t —linrace 1 17reel,y -.aid, at the
late Saratoo-t "fusion" e qi‘ention, that when
Texas wtis ili‘elyd into tour States, three would
be fret, and intimated a eontident treltef that
Kaasas and Nebraska would also he free This
is undoubtedly true. and vet th. rt. 1, not a fusion
paper in the ,sioutr . ), that doos not tell the iwo
ple that becauseof the Nebraska hill slavery is
fixed irrevocably upon these territories. This is
the n.ual polo.). of the whip 311 , 1 Ab
The) fakir) any they attempt to meet.
The) tir.t d not/wed the Missouri compromise
&, base trockhuv. ;he South Then they ex
toiletl it a.. the only harrier aping the aggres
sion of the -lay.. iltatei+ Again, they that
kanga. and Nehra'ska would lie .lave States.—
Now, ( vole ia.t (iit-.,tt,,) they promulgate the
"confident belief' that both these territories will
come forth itt a few year. free State. What a
rousistent party tho 4 Abolition, Whig. Fusion
prmeiple has I,tought forth
Ths Question Well Stated.
Sonic men in the Democratic party, dissatisfi
ed with the national administration in regard to
the Nebraska question, are disposed, aptly re
marks the West Cheater Reim!,Gran, to turn
round and assist the opposite party in electing
their eaudidates if thane are any Democrats of
this kind to when' we preach. we would desire
their attention to the defeat of Col. Benton, l in
Missouri The Whigs applauded Old Bullion
to the .kie , for hi% great speech on that question,
and they pronounced 'inn a fearless am of the
South, who dared to do his duty. and lie there
fore must be sustained at all haza.ri- This is
the way th v talked, but h de) act wh e n
the old Colonel came up t,r re cieeism : They
di.l not ai t differently from what tio usually do
Tws Democrats were in the held. the on- in fa
vor of 'Nebraska, the other (Col Benton ) oppos
ed. As a matter of course, some verdant one
will say, the IVhigs of the district made no nom
ination from tle it own part , but Just turned i.
and voted for Benton Of course they did trti'
such thing They nominated their own man,
and voted for hew too, thus leading all their aid
Ptlock 11 That Anti-iebraaks liasiX" thig•
itt"El I The great ftweitlrt hire +Warmed on Wednesd a y after
upon Know Notbingism , and pledging ouittelf tut noun lite', and ,ettle,l,lol;ti snugly on pot 1,4,,, panels 01
repudiate Mo'rr if
- be 4id nut emphatically deny 7
, t he
. Purk fen'''.
rb unieers pr time Area Miataaatag ollysf*-
flag the eentre pealed. and the audio', the two contiguous
the charge, upon the condition that he would re
e•lrlit feet of herulo , •k ln itoddion, we belt, ,e there were
pudiste l'ot,nocK if he did not do the same. , N , ' three or tour men in front .1 the platfurm, beauties a boy
had no idea our neighbor would do any thie,f : peddlio...., peaches Joshua R. titadinica dot the "crated
the kind. StiU, fte wanted to show our a..l"reffed preaching " Ile wn• at philanthropic and pint• d• ever, and
w aidi ti.i%e made a t.,lenst.le •prech...xeept that de dilu.
eitisets, and all °Sherri who ilo not bow at the
tel the preeeription to , much with verhiag- and repati•
shrine of a KJ* l 1, „,4 1 4 411 41, altarrAmOr ligith*failol 4 lam. if Joao, wasl4 roads only every teeth wont. tile
the Gazette lg/ 4.... in Pollock not I?eini; a Knoll, cstril?ng the nine impernumerurie . . ant in their •tead sub
Nothing. That qbjnet we w ave s cossp li s h es i 1 stitute thoughts, we would •illiogl dab bun o pos•siti.
The f;itryily , has craw-dished aduarably _ l,3 ,, ked , ' , planer That i• to 43y, a epedner who it would not I,realc
yitir heart top.. by when in black. Ju.nua blew hi•
Our like a tad-pole in clear water. True. our ~,,,s p. .i 1.,,,i and lung, walking lap the - pnettitur in-11,d
neighbor m:s)s if he should do so, it would be ~,,,, • Willi a tt,t, which .uggeste.l that be wouldn't obieet
"child's play," still we ilinnot help thinking that . tl. taking 3 I)44.tchett of the "•1,5 , ) •ide - of the , ul , jr, I .i.
... 10 trio., pr..% 11..1 that "Illtle ‘nrettion - of gender rrv-
Ins readers will conclude his refusal ti. ti ~t the
an r,,414/ Like 1,, naniceaL. of ,1 , 1, it he i ,, , the pureen
matter is much more like "child's play - lean ~, sll/41.11,4 Jo-Itna iliirnt rm.' iili w,ng until after he had
otherwise True, he says iris quite "nun, o •—:, a --..t tit- tlitte , t full .ever time-, with the it. option.
ry," still we are inclined to believe he will tiud (h.., 5,,,,, :It , • 'll • , 1 , 1 - 1/ perdoriii r • ...v.,/ nothing W . 1.0. ti ,
it IlUite ii, , , awry beim• be rate all his %Illy
reader , to rote for a man of whom. r,-,t,.,u 111
I tilts re,pet.t they k.,ir ffo ririu g ' True, h, ,‘.
'to write to Pollock would 1* "iscanatily. - ~ i ll
we think it it quite as unmanly for t ,
ls•lone to all organization that pr.,..ertheei. at , t/ ,
tea.chers because they choose Lo WOrobip (iiiil In
a different sauctuary Crow the VAitor nf the /;„-
-.,'. Hu: this aside The Go-,'l, ~,,,• r,,
give us a chance to define Mr P. iillnelf, pii i ,ilAuti
upon this point lint in regard ti, Col Nit., •i .
whyou Leg leave to refer the reader to the fill
losing letter adilre-sad to the I k.lll4ll6llthe (`,ll
- It will he seen that Mcerr, like
Bill I.ER, is determined to stantl or fall in stiTtport
„f the liemoeratie faith, anti w opposition to that
tpiNieru .le.suitisw, kuoitu as Know Nothinci,ni
STRoupsisuilui, Aug. 143, Issl
I. ft, , I 10.111 SI S , el
Prof ('om
HEAR SIR —Un my return home, after ou
:oderable absent..., I faun.' awaiting in)
Nour , of the I . ..)tit. lit reply, 1 have to say that
I 1111 n ot
C.) LI ee ,1
with a beeret a.....utuattuu ..r-
Lcanized for political purposes, commonly called
Know Nothing 4, and that I hayr it. ver made an)
promise, eff'rt, or request, to be admitti d
to, tither, or given the least intimation that I
would du au The out) pu4eal membership to
which I 1 , that of tL Deruocrata. part.y
,)f the Union, bound iu the bonds of the v0n..0
ttition. ltid the gloriou. and ltl ral priu , ;l ',-
which have demonstrated tit, problem of If.
government, which has wade our eoutitr?, th.•
beacon-light of freedom for a wontleriu. , and ad
miring world
In the los, of tit"... pritwipi.- tla.t
an.! .Ipeet to die
ery liespectfulli!
THF: 11tH II BEt.IN , ) ft) 1).1%td 4 . —llt. rt, cut
act iun of the thre, great Itallruad couipunn s be
tween th. I•la,t and We,t —via the Cetsttal New
York. the .Nev York and Erie. and the nnsvl-
vauie l'entral—iu toruilug a couibluatiou to i ll .
crease the (•0,1 of p.i,sage .Iw] freight, has had
ouc g ood efivet It has brought Lome the fact,
to the uptick of souk, that otherwise would
see, that th, railroad ..nupaults arc a power iu
the State th,Lt, u iu , tigated by cupidity
pohey, art Jane' rour to the peopb Who would
have thought that tit. Nr% lurk 1%,,,•.—ye , ,
the lo ot, •, throu i lli which radrnid wen
last WILII4.I* poured ullt the %hods of their wrath
upon poor de‘otell Erie for strtklug a blow at !hi,
very inutropoly —would taw wound a UOIC
alarm Hut ,o it I-, and right - seu.dide Viol truth.
ful at that Hear it—
"The example dim, o't. by the flud,eni River
Road ha" been followed by all the great road
connecting the East and the We.t Tb' .r t" , pr
sentative. held a Convention in tlii- .•tty I
week, the proreedings of which were publi-h. d
in the Tim... of yesterdaj The object of thi
Convention Wa, to g,t rid of the rivalry I.y which
each road Las -ought t.. gain pub favor, at the
ripen... of the other., and to twit..
themsclvos algal n , ..t the unreainnahl e expeetat
of the public; in other words, , frt , ,rf rho .
, imp 1,1 ion °lb, led mintop,d,/
agreed, generally, to increase their tare'., frt.'
and charges for mail -erviee•—to maintain tio•
same rate. and th.• .3:11C ela: ,4 lfiCatioll of fr , .i.11.t ,
to come to an egrernieut hereafter for
tion of .peed:--- to restrict m.tterially the At tcni
of free passes, Sc , &e., su other words to Munn-
WI the atuouut ..f -ervu•e rendered, and to in•
crea-o the tat,•- of payment therefor Thi- moN..
went t,, therelore, c41111,1 . ,y el ~,,r,,,,, P. 1 ,1
I 'amp, eieti I/,. --it
resting ON /he uswi.u s wily ris• y lute. , orth/•,h,,l
aWI 1111 I \id II Jr Of the 11 O•Yi I r 'PM
It will undoubtedly he very difficult,
, roo dd, , t.. reskt this, or indeed any ..thcr
meat which 01.. ~, w hined It.illroa.l i n t er , i „
set on foot ri,it ha. yr,o , Pi
! tremuli , bo“.. 110 uuut, yi , 11441 tl l 4 , ,
sts •tr, ,t• °•,
°the i• ;of. r,,r, ~f , •
se„, Sinee it hac been a4certalue.l that l'oll••el,
belongs to the Know Nothing., mac thy. Venati
go .S'imeolior, we hear of numi•ers of adopted eit•
izens, heretofore staunch wings, cowing out and
expressing their detSt ruination :u support Bigler
Two inch - lent.: of the kin.l ba‘.• occurred in th:,
Borough within a few dap., and others thr ugh
out the c nutty will Ito likewise —er-horfrp
The same state of facts exist here, only a "little
The fact is, the trnekling of the G./.
to--a paper that. for the 'wit twenty years has
opposed secret societte.—for the Know Nothiue
vote, is disgusting many of it. reader'. Th , y
we very plainly that it. , heretofore opposition t
secret societies was a base humbug, a entitit/
felt, palmed off upon the people in order t• •
political power, and they see. also, at it
is now ready to Join heart and hand wit a secret
society in order to retain That pow! , Seeing
this, plain as the noon day Nun, the will rebuke
its course at the ballot-box
PLAIN 'l' U.s —The .1 rico?. Bones r, th,
organ of the Native Am. • n party, published
at Philadelphia. thus re • .to the allegation . of
the•Sas newspaper, t• t James Pollock can
elected iloveruot 'We deny that Mr Pollock
can be elected. v ,er as an American or a a
Whig, while ..gamin Rush Bradford . remains
the standard erer ot•tho American party; and
that he wi abide the issue a, - the nominee or the
,merle Convention, or. h-ame He cannot' be
bong . off or seared off; and it iu a folly to buti.l
upo • such expl•tations. Therefore the condi•
t*.nal 'if of the . i nn N./1 :i010111.11" to nothing; for
.bould Mr Pollock fully endorse American prin
ciples—at hmst so far as to claim the support of
Americans—the only assurance he can give of
the sincerity of his conversion, will be an imme.
diate resignation a.. the whit eandidate, and a
public avowal to support the /ego/representative
of those principles, Mr Bradford. This would
be the only honest test of his motives." The
zeih, which, although opposed to emcee societies,
ja_ nou tij u ntly counting on "Know Nothing" 'qup•
port, can put. that too in its pipe and smoirp it '
To BY ei.osxn.—Tbe port of Egum, enba,•ie
to be closed to foreign comma l ron ol►, and after
the let September. "
‘ltor 1
11. S Nlii'll
-- ~
Vaunt at (aid to
,I`l. qr.!. .1 ~w .r
•uiu:•• Is It•.') tiros' •r'L t.r sMr Kea. bite kgi‘l
M. it I .I.siks sir••• 1,
Ir .in Phil.,
... I.n uu.rt t..
o will, !Arr.• mat, tho c•rmer f 1 a to. 1/.• .1 a "ptc ,,
trtlk t; .rll I 1111 4 ed
11, 1.0 Invtt, uhiL k Vr L. proud ~ri,e,n4
wrst. tityi th,ught ihi! "when p.m talk
ii• Alt (471 ; 4! 41 , 6 CI 101. t.• ILL/•11, Ii • ,dl fM.
.:ii• th , •.I ••••11 lin •e. tt •IJ
t td, rtti do— w:t• loaf. It
t I;, p .11 ,
I'. n. iaht thitt rhe • it '7O in 1 we re "ju-t
t. e." w6Jr I. ,o „ krd 111,..11 01 , 11 with "huh
rr, ad , erkill...tea t.o 1,a1t.• the wttpi t.I the 411
tl. h raIN to. ..n tl,uetht tli..! .0.1 'Lock
Lmsl.. r.•r) tar truto
1. nn—r.• nil I
the ter &Is .1 with 4 feather •a two
In , LI .2.,1 411 ow, . %Ill.! , 11,16 Eagle W •
r.i . .• .tiarr ilitiurenotop thr pposkem
UI • p..•r I .rLud• It, It •enmr.l I ,tll.l ouille of th.
ft, h• f f f ,t figiLittOr In
t Li_ VUOI it • ••11 tis ite` , l "11, Ult. PrVll:l4,lll.ll4ty
nl.r• :LI it the little ,hap
In. I, t•.O .o •It I ' • u.. is... :1 111.11 n•if butt
11 )..ung it •101 will h•• warned
pt it LU
nllll%l'll ..:1 •.I u x •nr.••••r v% I. the
, #tlf 'rieu.l J ball war,
t • I 1., tiller .1 t. , ll,htiielit 'IA U,? %war
u Lwormin..l. to
1.1.11 :st• 1...1...1t.irs Is. • tart-
I I.grattll.ll.l ,, 'J I.) htt 1111 t, u , rt, and IWSCkI
1,11 h.
t.' •t.nt •Ltl
1 TIA U. a r•••• f
w I,••m••o- u,
o.t; . ;
sit . w uti d ()Weep w
, iould hate ateppr.l
lit , /r,•,iu...l.tiato I •
1,4 tught ILI it
I Vr•1411
I•t ~ 1 ult p.e•••i • r) tiny
1, tpRJdlU.', t.,..k :t,
r w 1
1114 I an
I %% < 1 4.1,1
P 111 i 1..1
,irmr hr al»ve %vr , thr priw ,1.,;
.t. IN,. "he th
'1 I 1 : t 'rrt.un prv.vnilletu
1., •i , . Pie• ,••
Pli iL Ls:4l , l4lllre will prt.halol)
ur ,ilr I : 111.stior- w•.•th.r th.•
Er. •ot itl• r air lei g , Irrlgg6-.1 Ina
tt• It, ‘t4l, .L. t wer I 1 , ,v0 10,4, Ll,,,ugh
r. I. •ir iLr pa -I
I 11Z:l . illett . rt . . 111,11. 1t..1111,11L
I h p'••
v•ir‘••l 111 ac. J n
Ind lett the le Q v... till
1 1 L. , lie - th• •hak.• 1114' tu.4.41. the
;t11.; .tek
Ib I iv 1113 . It b. , Awl r••• , andidat•
v , 11, •.1 r -iucle ,n Eri. e .unty,
II sof , . II ',lris. 1 ,v1.1tr , , , yr, ,11111‘ •.0.1 unoquit
1.•. lat.• I 11 • HIT. tt aMr
.h• JIM.' I• "I Vt• r• MO. n , tv,Zll(.• iat 1. wit
it •t.• ot En« an
I ,r 1 is
iut•.•rlS hell , olllg ••d In 1.-r•l. we
r,.;, i r w 0.11 11.. 4-kr.l
11I• ~tr. .11 'ur
I. 1,1% I I ••••• • ~1 1.11 ath
. . • Cr
t I 6, during the win
nr• .•• t
•11 A 4 ,•• to, - e lota In.ln the ..1
•rrl • tt.•l .1 wr
•• g: T,re•ent . 4 11 'l. road
ihe `.inkun • t Fre
. I, 'i r 11
• ••-. I I J , It , 1 tit , l II& ttlArt...l ' t'l
I to Th...Sißi
I, 1..3- el••••1',•1
.1: \
\ PT') P. feign
In waking WI .11111LoUlJi . ellICWI WI
that we LT . , n.l T., Inond GLEE
at .1 1.,
a. h. re...l,:nt,i the place he ha..
,•th, the Wink, t.,r the
r , •111424rd .it ..t1
I 11 ..I11))1.1 c4.111 , 0 , 11(on with C Warren, ~f
th • yity. 1 w.ll a Ilan Hnore n n the earner nt
tty .r.• in•l xtti street, in the "11 American
A.. I:10.e. whieh i• n.,w being fitte4 tip for that pur
l- the new nrus tr ,oinpomoct 111.1
men. vrc L i‘.• Ti. Inubt it will sue, ee.i
-cal. m. rain The •ymytume hare Ikeeu go.d. the
stronK, but •till the •a) in; that "all zzlicno tall
1,, N ,ather, - stand , uneontradiced. When •hall w.
hate it" Are, thut'• the lueotion- -when will the dotal
gat , • open, and the .arth that hw. been pareheal I.v a
, aru:nk -On t.•r ,r two months, reeetve ito
make cheap mil'. in Veer
01 the Sow York Board ..f Health ,n inrecti..
the •.,:t mill que g the tetl-rtLii4 itn.••• , . he "ki.• Auld
ee ,• per ‘4l/111.. 101 Ti,., anti POUIC fee if
in , ) ataate , l , heap milk. A. 1 .. e •
A , orrePpontient the N. 1 Tu...., writulg fr"tiv
-tate tit List .tee‘punt... lienerul
A mi.,1,11a . - I..rse it Nl..w.rey ..n.i.t0,1
oh • •oot 1,1. h....?" ly ujicer*: It w...moulethin g
%Fier thi. paterti the Antt-Nekrruka eonvetith.n.,l‘
1.-setutheil in the I'3H' lam Wednesday. wa.torrue.l
Tim MILKY —The editor of the Cineinnaii o'n[ew , ,
tew vienings [ince. while riding in the mai of Cin
cinnati. paw a [milkman filling up hie cam fr.'', of
, agnala r t water on the roadside.
AL. The rent .ieittru,ti%e tire• to tios. Nitlwattkie
Ault elsewhere Avoid hen warnsug t • . 111 , 11/1 1 11• 11.1110
In the toe of Ore during the h% " Eli•
rything vutnbustible in our .•tt) tM .t- Iry na tinder, :Ina
tire I..taaktag out now taurht prove very .trartron,
TH r Mn. y Ctrl . --They ere ticvling and
mitre, every night In the litrevite of Buoten The /few., ni
the I,ch. ehrunteles the discovery ut tau live one• the
ntght pre‘u.uQ and one dead. floating Dear Cheuteetewn
bridge lineteit is the eity wbeota tugttlee ftegrues have
t, be bates by armed fort.e.
Susau Dana mad* her *rat appearance any*
tier return trom Ca.literate at the BowAr) Theatre. N. V
on 11.aslay evimaorg Mr, and met with s dallaring ftroop
nun trum an intosonce Radiance. Bum' lotgetfulnesa of
h•r ntirriage duties d••e, not •+ew [lnc. tr•--n •d her
%VW. 111. I itt••r i• sn an
puutpk.n.. -
nt.• I that 'nigh'
tr suites
!nund with
we could out
11 I i , •. al i
urrr•l .h
tr Ilg the
an I ir1•• ' Legt,
, •*•l K. ••II 110 1
1%1 • : ivlot li
th • tiro, ti
t ..4f 111 E•reit}
3 . 1 th , l putAt , icoe
ri I nu !jilt
,••• • P•.- .a"
ntl •111,•, ••nt .Itll,
.. t i h.,t0t.1
'• IL .1
, I 16
ip ••ith,orl",
i I -I 't
the l)o , . r..r•' r• City
tifitts tram
!Om. , ,f , . ,1
rtil of 'I 'l, ..y , •• , •4 • ywr
A ',leer.. p.,. etm,l
witas--Jimeport-- / le b.,e 14.1.
With ti small dept.. 'II . 1 41, n•
to your teldery. *at r um:o)ot,,
becu eititertalinia4 •,.
•atel Grnt
Cho;«ns, th« grew Luz' v t
wortal4, drawn a hn. ut, h
tn,,re pruver,),
Me eknlbra Mums bare he.,n at
Bro..klyn and
thrtu. ne of
',lverat ••k• way La Bo:
04,, wriarler fur ourar unto. 1.1••
lay of wittiorlrig 4 umperntay
and the dertre I all
Crattfitect. Flrtt, the fresh
rwene. then follnw , •d ~tm••
~ rr ‘ , l a blintiine • t.,rl A
Ilfla A t I•luk out ~n
1• , 111,V11 , 11116,4 6 ilia 6 U 3,
rho wr , lerll !II.T011111!%
I , ••rkiog Up lierrtully A tr%
tho people. and or 'I
In.,deritl4,n in tiw w
tip hi ~.nable eztrar wan,. I' it
right Awu.ementr 4,1,11
(Inc, tr,l Mon pH , tr ••• .r
r,t) I,ir•l t!. 3...
bri Th , rnt
CIO% ..11.111L14,L11 1 . •li.
ID) :
x• -, f r
11$ ,t
takou their two, L
.1 ill« fIl
r,*Of 1, U
tortewrit . • n.wdcd 4. Le wr,141.,
At ve-rni, f •v.
I Lung
Irre.l taut "turs.4o,ll.fierus
1/1 b.!. fey%
find 1,•• K, n, ra 'Tem ,• taw“,
1.1, I. •Lat. twh th. 11' I
u 4 .,11...ind. .t •111 1.1 r•oi .1
r :
". r
air t. tnr •n
. v. I.vh.
put a. LI,
Nu: tl 6
and ti; • P
I .11. t I
ri.t. w ,tilu `uger•; that It ir ,
-it'o•Jt. ,umuler. at, I
in I
1, • .r 11!..
/.. LI J4ii
Ir"ul 111* m*Dmgrma,..lo .4
1...• Ti tf:11. Ird with Rio 44Lui
t.i . I .• , In I
, 1 I)
ha, •..,1 • i ....1
• Au:.
Nlr • • •F • h
paK•• It i• , puC• 1
ill Ell
1. PO* i 11
I 41.• • r
VI t.
•11,1ttl I 1 VI
A w N.. 1 •r'
10,1*. F. •t% \, 't.l
Au w
t t I ik e
V. kr t—rt “. i I: ,N,n, it, 'V. 1
•n Wail I t's•h, v.
(. V. WI. ro
~..Ull 1...11 :he
.tatt• r ' it..r ruis.ll , l
.fiaL WHY, (4.111 . ICI log ‘Li
Mt to ,V 6
r , V • Re:/filth
• •••/' • .•r
6.0•0. 111
or 1 0%.
to ro
and 1 , -6. • h ,- .! I o
nrr. I h.. up.
Uiii, •••••It:
prellni inane- .1
, me • 4 •••.,, tt,••
srl✓ Ku ~
ViLIU , . it ILler' !t1t..11 •
pr.% st ,
ry "
of. INA . I .
t..CI I I •
lhi lr
- I, , •-tst , F'n• ,, u •m 1,
rmir CI 1:l:• I Mo.
nt tho
Pressie•c. ,14.1 the 11-011!
bre I
qaMM ISSI r• s. CUM
I r `•!Turn
I wn I .1u .L
Ajilai I.r •VISIOti, 11•1 ullr
41.•erWt. T 1 um qtu.;
the trinnipq • t the Ant tl) t
in lowa ao ‘tett.t.
ttnju.t. rhe Whig p.trt
that auree..t..
At...w00 kg v tik Ks', •re
size, n tea. het 131 orl 'J , ,
lag I:u+ ettiap airpou titv 1,,,
hi. ou'i4ie,: mout. •I
in the Faith tur
Le a.ked
the i.itth r, e 1 ~ ! r.
hesitated .
there Were ' t• tUt't'
obolitra in Now V..rk
-.Nmlie new .p.tpr
the Ohio r,ver thlp
'trill 'tiding I ht.p , psprl
riser with r• p
Its Igera, g' wgg) WAr •rtf the
1.., °I .1- .t.cilers,
WI 0 Mt Ite
K BUltati
, ustuuwwo hen will 1101141
cumlatir tu him .11-.1; .11,:1.
soy thing ill ht• ti
last Sal urkin rh. i • ell
longug tA Mr. i'rtts All
deoorto mon of o
.1/11r John U. 46ough. tb•
to a late ,p14t... , , i. hoodoo,
who had iii •J lho pludicr
bud broken it
NO" Next 'gook iv* ',hail
promo Court, on the Raw avid
oot tor thunder'
Tbe t:outteaut
We'd return *Lc erunpl.Locut
to fie' .
Cumin. • lu.iga
on tile 12th. 4, hrhA, r