Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, August 19, 1854, Image 2

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    ,-- ~------
Wines* in *fie matters lob alpprtaiistb owe
imperilment pilley."
After the dery 1 !
i fit P
estadidate is rallOrred to ' nstruebori'wh 1 ..---sore
atiiim the sip. and - and in "hat hues
Five. the a ,-.t0011.11:Ani....ef
We have received from .1 suhscriher and 'nary 1 " : " 1 / 1 / entrillApe into (Sonn e tHe en , l
Illikaternif the Vint Deg, ands hi"
intelligent friend in a free •••,ite au Astract of
to the register If he trhares t i ll two weeks,
the oaths and principles of the toy itc t, ,ag order
of Know Nothings, us printed brlow We have and it is "'needed that he tale to become a
the test oonfidemte in tile , itkeentey and
full-blooded Know-Nothing—abetaimi from all ,
city of our correspondent We have no doubt blab outside the Council—his friends propose him '
the publication of tiles.• recelstions w ill b rew a for the 'Second Degree After election to that
storm of anger and excitement in the "Councils" Degree, he and others are brought in and Stake
hereabout; btit, stern in our purpose to furnish —the following oath:—
"I do solemnly promise and swear be
give the whole schedule to the winds. We AM —,
tas public the whole truth ou this pitsuiou, we
.fore Almighty God and these witnesses, that I
Did to believe that it has never before been drag- twill net " der an y amnnaltantlea, abilige or
ged before the public gaze Having ntracquain- make known the Mats of this Order or its °D
unce with the proceedings of any secert order in jecti, to any person or persoas in the world, un- .
l e ss to those whom I may know to . belong to this
the heavens above, or in the earth beneath, or
the waters under the earth, we are not prepared Orde a r ,, , A in r irciti f urt k, re r at i ,,„...,,, stan t „.;,, ding. ..A
to say that the things below depicted ere toe, , ''''"" --------. r--- sod swear, that
. will neither write, print, cut, carve, engrave,
monstrous for belief, as they would seem to be to I •
thus honest patriot Vet w e h ave goo d reason t o , emboss, shine, stain or mark any secrets of this
believe that the pictur. Order on anything moveable or immoable on the
e , ugic and hideous a s it.
appears, is faithful and accurate earth or sea, whereby said secrets or any part
thereof, the name of the Order, its operations,
The writer in his acconi 1 • , letter, , .l *, f
p i:i ILI_ ) 1.1
the newparty: the names of its officers, or the names of its mem
or its place of meeting may become known
"In —, ( the wrtter's State, t thei are Whips I
to those who have not received the brat and se
and Abolitionists, with u sprinkling of bogus An
ti Nebraska Detu,...rnt , It ts kindoubtedle in
oud Degrees of this Order in due form; nor will
tended by the inoiers and originators of this new I cause or permit the same to he done, if within
party to establish themselves thoroughly i n a l l my power to prevent the same "
cities, town:, Village , . Orrl4A roads and neighbor- "And I furthermore promise and swear that I
hoods, preparatiiry t.i the elections of ', - iti, an d , eta/ (drays onstiorm to the rill of the ma jurity Of
carry their hrot'inrhood then into office dos noon/pen of this Order, in the aeleetioN of can
"no preseyt ritual of the order in this State i tit:dates top/ .-o ry office of /senor, profit or trust,
Gag come :ay. my bawl, by accident They adopt within dm liii 44 .14 ' people; provided such can
ss fey; written formury in their Councils as pos. didates shall have- been horn , of American pa
ssible. but they 0. , e a pamphlet containing their i rents 1/14 A ilt , e . ool r , toil, and shall have been ed
short com,titution and by-laws, their method of! ueated in Amerieme initlitmeiong, and that I will
procedure in 'initiatuig members, the ditty of offi- use all the influence I may posseestoelect all such
cers, triatri,tio,,, to the initiated i audidate, of . candidates whom I may know to be opposed to all
the let, 2d and 3d degrees: in fart all their prin. , foreign influence, Popery, Jesuitism and Catho
eiples and object. The oaths. it is supposed, 0 !icing!, without any hesitation on my part what
are the same throughout the Cnited States, in ever. And I furthermore promise and swear
Virginia as well us in this State; and to aid you, that 1 will strictly conform to, and abide by, the
I copy all and send them to you e_nelosed I . twth I have' now taken, and that I will strict
was never a member of the order: the whole thing, obedience pay to the Constitution and Laws,
having been disclosed to , me by one of their sod,. Ituleei, Ritual and Ediets of the honorable titsnd
"There is a grand c. , iinell for o.ach ''ltate Council of this Order, of the State of—, and
Councils •utiordinati may he in.tituted in any . to the,Bye-Laws of---eouneil, No. —, to which
locality in a State liy a elmt ter from the linty! I now belong, or to those of any other Grand or
Council, preceded by s petition tor the same from I Subordinate Couneii front which I may hereafter
thirteen citizens, who 'lre` initiated by a traveling I hail, binding myself under the no less penalties
agent They pay z. 1 .2, reocivu a charter and seal, than are attached or belong to those who violate
and go to work Tliec aim :it 01/ ll,e p ..., r the oath of the first degree of this Order. All
Lo t a t th e /,,,/„,„.. ~, v ii hay' be. , ri led t, .1 4 ,- , tilt foregoing 1 voluntarily and freely eubeeribe
pone i to of my own free will and accord, so help me
- ••••
Sisailmem lortF patina *it 1
The Know Nothings
"Know Nuthicigi-iii .0,1 th,
menu which, by tb, 111,1 of v ,, itr .14T .eson, stid
all your revr:lutiousry nice, brought the,. : 4 1.tres
out of servitude tc, indepentleneo The PTA. or
Know :Nothinaism are within,: -hart of
power, mllet' they will ciirrY, if neee.eitiey, o'-er
the slain boile •: of a great vim trto
of American riti-reu- a I
te] leino, rat- It will ne
ver do; and tin , cann , ,t fail ,it
apparent ou the exanntrition of their oath. Anil
tests I- it right that Catholics sill adopted
shoield be t , itall) prrewribed on a repub
lican government, where all our cion.titution , tire
moat piarlieniar in pf i, s ,
. 1 40 Van c, mt of It lint alienation of brothorly
s , prostration of all fraternal feeling, eivil war
411 our ettu a, f nil, in our villages, battle. in
A public works. anarchy, overthrow of, an 1 an e.t of progrefei? 1 am my
*elf, in favor of the figtest and vatingemt Demo-
crwey and and am glsd to see and ,
kiwi, that the So uL 'VIII I I pr..greigirt •koid
thrifty with the North
''l would mention t fiat lc now Nothing - is the uatnc thou lona are kuown
by among thein.olve, ate, f , r oist.ince, "Kthan •
Allen Council, Na 84 ii• tit:irente (irder
o f '76 : - ( tiarhari
ana)—mak,, nomination- direei:y, when ctriing
to elect iirbeeni- and th •Ir rtinities into
ever ul' r o t :0,, (tie.i mem
bers i.iweariii • I , le f , .r. .111
AbSTRA , I HP III• • ;•1‘...0)1•Ly ~p
nt: 4,R i uni ~ 1 ' Is. so N 4,
The can - • ,•f
the Ordi•c, t. 1,. w;:! —I. tit • know„ k 1 .40.
Three 11C•g Ott •cs ',/ .) Iru If 4 , 1, 0111.
he ie stitir• i r nt tbit
mate t (' .11n iyhe
from within I . 1 r- 1, t i .t n
tug oat h
I. ItIt11) A tlp t
volume, or ,•r..-- h, t , 1 sod
these win) , ... 11. tt I \%i'l n..t 111 . 11 . 4 ins yu^
tion pr.p I t. , in. in•r Ih. , a
memicstr Ord, rn r sod 'kit I will uu
ver, und, r .111 `llllJ,t.lllCOt.
(A 4. ' t arn, y 1,0 , 19
d er Wi !NI, AD
swer make
- 1.. P .t)3 , 1:0(i of me, so help
me God
wh,d. (10'11; , 11.1:1* 1.1k , 1l 111, the oandilate,
ik,office.r proe , eds t propound the following ID
torrogatlonq, lwfore r , porting 1 ,, th. i'• , uneil his
fitness for initiation
"I What is v , ‘iir name' ? What I. %oiler
age? i When , is your re , aderiee' 4 In vottr
religious belief Fu. 11 , quari
Where were cut bo'o' 11 - 11.. r.• wenr your pa
rents born 7 Whet , Ia r • ,•ur grand -parents
born' K Did , itii, rof you , an •sstorst take a
part in the American R• kre you wil
ling to use all tn. - :nfluence V p in favor
of Dative-bdrn 17 It • t , r all nffico, of
honor, trust or proni in the vtft ..1 !hi. p - ..pie;
and do yoc, proutom. t., v. 0.• 1.. r , :tem to ti‘e eX-
Catillon ut aliens ant t .re: , !iter , , 'lO , l lt,tinatt
Catholics partioular. 1 ,, r a, l meal, State or
Government others' it' WI, . invited oil to be
present on this oecasedi'"
If the candidate's answers sr , , atlifaelin•% to
those quel.tiobs, h, taihn into the council by
two othoers. lea rip t.. lii. of tt,r o.4rs
eil, w h o „j a0n i..,,,. r rh. loliowinc r tath in the
first Dryr.
"1,--. V.II tin Mitt t ly d.. xoletnnly
promise aui h t Iltnight) lioa and
there witne,:es ut.• i•—eintiltid, that j will
not, under anti v•hatever, divulge
or make keown 1,1 ato, prnion or persons, either
directly or tudirvOtl); or to any human being
other than thos , I Aball know t.O be g 0 ,n,1 and
true member; of this ( lrder, the muse, -wierets,
mysteries, or object.. of the same, or rause or al
low the same to be (blue by others, if within my
power to prevent tit , , atu..; oinding uiptelf under
the no lees penalty than that of being excommu
nicated from the (lrch•r. a% a traitor and perjurer
to both my God and country, and a 4 being un
worthy t ) be employed, entrusted, countenanced,
or supported in any bnsinea• tranwtien whattv-
er, and as a person totally unworthy of the eon
. Menet of all good men, and on e at wh om th e
anger of scorn shall ever he pointed I further
more pillow, that if I should hcroafter be cx
- pelled-from, ~i- voluntarily loaie This Order, I
will oonsider this obligation as binding out of it
as in it. All of which foregoing I voluntarily
sad freely subscribe tol. a help me God!"
The candidate is thou led t o an °Seer called
the Aar Adixsitt,, who harangues him after
this manner [There 114 generally half a dozen
or more initiated together
"MI BROTHEB.s . The Order which has now
received you as members may, with all propriety,
be eonaidered a S e, Organization. It is mom
ent, in fact, that it y t. a-ro placed before a Le
gal tribunal, and there sworn to tell the trth, the
whole truth, and nothing but truth, you could
not for yourselves reveal the name of that band
of brothers among whom your name now stands
enrolled; and farther than this, when you retire
from this meeting, you will return t o y our f an g_
ly sad friends as ignorant as when you came, as
far as the name of this Order is concerned.
"In common with Emissive's, you 'Know-Nab
le iid
let it be your stern resolve through li fe
to ' w-Nothing' that will at all sionliat with
• and exalted duties you owe to your Ga,
your country , and yourselves, so fir as regards
the preservation of American liberty, whirl can
alone be secured ist ourselves and oar children by
the entire and absolute ezoksion of all fond.
ealtittilate L. 4 alsoled oft to the ./w/yr
, and afterward.; to the hastructur ; but
him- speeches and Lures are not inserted here
for want of space
\ kneeling before tiod, my maker,
my left hand, upraised toward heaven, my right
hand, grasping the flag of my native land, of my
own free will and aceord, do solemnly and sin
ocrely promise, declare and swear that I will nev
er eorninunicate any of the seerets of this degree
to any person or persons in the world, except
within the body of a legally organized Council
of this Order, or to a known brother of this de
gree, and not unto them, until I aw well assur
ed that they are just and upright brethren, who
are legally entitled to reeeiye the same I also
promise a nd swear that I will due obedience pay
in the Constitution, Laws and Edicts of the hon
orable Grand Cointeil of the State of , and
to the laws whiMi govern Council No —, so far
as they may eome to my knowledge
"I alp promise and swear that whenever I
may vote at. any election, that vote shall in 01l
eosex be given for 'wit s hero .-Intrricart
•w/y, and that I will ever seek the political ad
vancement of those men who are good and trims.
members of this Order
"I also promise and wear that this and all
other obligations which I have prprinnaly taken
in this 4 rder shall he kept through life sacred
and inviolate I also }moans and swear that
whenever I may Item. the ,I l zu sad •ee the signal
of distres- given liv any brother of this I tr,.,
1 will hasten at once to his immediate relief at
the peril of my own lift
abet promise and swear 1110,1 will over er.II
tribute; my menus in Aich sums as I can spare
j without personal inconvenience, to the atirane•
i meat of our views and to th e ol t en ,,i„ n o f siner•
lean principles through tht of the
grand Connell nt the State of
" 1 that I will never
also promose and
permit a ,putiows e
iandestine member of this
Order se part , l'ec in any m the benefits or :1;1-
iind that I will never eneour
, age, .xottntenance, uphold, reeognize or support a
spurious or elindc-stine emincil of this Order
"To all the.g, and those I do most sincerely
promise, declare and swear, binding myself un
der no less a pinalty than that of hatis9 my
I yr(' c trampled on hyforeiyiterx, and to have my
memory cursed be my children and my children's
, children, as a traitor to uheir welfare, to my
country and to my god No help me tiod and
witness my obligation •
The Judge Ailvoemte then &dresses- the newly
initiated brethren in this degree as follows:
V . y Ir The different obligations you
have taken of this Order through its different de
grees. mu.•t convince you that all who claim to
be .I.rneritian citizens have certain important du
ties to perform toward themselves and to society
at forge, which duties can, in no instance, be set
aside or annulled without a palpable violation of
the dearest rights and privileges which, as an ad
mirer of republican freedom, each and every
member of our organisation would wish to enjoy
"The peculiar formation of our Order is such,
and its designs so accord with the wishes of its
members, that by a system of concerted action
on the part of our brotherhood, we can bring
about a series f t /practical results in our Govern
mental policy that would in any other light be
deemed wholly impracticable Simply and alone
it is in vain to contend against the hydra-headed
monsters of Jesuitism and t'atholiism, but uni
ted in one common cause, determined to secure
the liberties of otir native land at all hazards, or
prerish in the attempt, we cannot fail of success.
Our cause is a righteous one, the motives which
actuate us are of no ordinary character, and we
trust that no brother among us will ever be
found abeent from his post in the hour of dan
- The candidate is then again taken to the in
structor, who gives him the Pillion, passwords, and
grips n i St y .hie degree
Ile , a dint. to the Secretary at the initia
tion of eh degree, and fifty cents on lion. enter
ing the ante-niom for examination. After the
third degree has been thus administered., the Se
cretary gives him a travelling card, like this:
1 paaaa> Qaaaseassaaaaaarsaa
lik.rumngs., Vilmalie. Ausset I, 1844. it
gt JOHN SMITH ia a member in good stand
-111 Mg of 1111eLLY RTARIL Conseil, No. 40, of V
lb; Maio of Virginia. Joni f l 4;ey. . a
Molly Stark Council. 1
; No 40,1' 1 .1 RHuncond ;
II Virginia .
This card is carried in the pocket book, and
admits a member into any Council in the State.
If? Information is Wanted of the precise
time when the Whip became so terribly fright
egad at the idea of &num Cathode emorpatious,
card the evils created by foreignesa, or the none
sf foreigners, ex*eiming the right of mirror and
holding office. 'Was it within a year, a year and
a bait, or two years of tie time Goo Hoer* beard
the ark& Irish bongo," and "sweet Gkrman ae
eent or was it about the time the • sent
a oosuaittoe to Ossoord to lad out if Ben.
did not vole bo dillbeacibies Cediehat far ma
ssing, mks? We do not intend so intimate by
thin that the Whigs ever mama the Amiga or
Catholle vale, but sew* are far infarmadoe.—
The Lebseee Courier sad 'other Ka Nothing
Piliats airs to mower, one at a tinin—
13/44 - JRSA-1
cause we believe the espoise to be true in every
particular, so far as it egfir---iftemiuse the public
have elate anxiety to knew "of what manner of
man" the thing is made---sad because it is not
now denied that a Lodge, or "Council," as they
term it, has reeeatly been Meditated la this oily,
and that, too, under the auspices of a set of poli
ticians known amoogne as SllgalgAtalr. - 1 11 MC
it.elf, should deter'every decent man in eommu
nity, be he a Democrat or Whig, from having
any thing to do with it, for it is obvious to every
wan of reflection that those who pull the wires
Mir The Gazette says it has plaoed our appro- here in this matter, are not the men who engage
vii of the ihmsidenta veto of the River and Her- in a measure without a purpose, and that pur
bor Bill on record, so that its "readers may know pose stronger than their respect for the Protes
the why and wherefore " With all true defier- taut religion, or their love of country But it is
mice to our cotemporary, we beg to ,ay that he not of the per.otod material of which the Know
has not put the ''why and wherefore" of our ape Nothing "Pennell" of this city is composed that
proval mu recor d at a ll H e has o nly put ch,, i.,,,• we design DOW to -.peek, but to warn Pemnerahi
late , d fact that we appriived it record " If ru beware of this cunningly devised trap of the
he will give the "why an 1 the svher,•forc" vre'll Sh.iiiy/m,;.. If the whip are willing to allow
ba content. The bill veWthl was called a River Mayor Kt•i, t.i b.. .aeritieed, through the Matra -
and harbor bill," but was it! A few of the mentality of this secret cabal, because they hope
items embraced will answer! Nor instance, for tho.ri'ht Blunt may he deprived of a few votes,
completing the customhouse at Sao Praurise well Al' It i , their own "bread and but
slllS,3B6; for the construction of an appraiser's ter," 1,..t "tics' But. to regard to the ltemocra.
store GO a portion of the custom-house glittar •ti tie party. awl its candidate tiovernrw, we he-
Flan Francisco, $100,114 1 0; for surveying thelet-- h it
eve we Itsve the right to riis , a uarainu . tole-
Of Clearfield County
Of SenSimMt Cinanty
Of Pike County.
lie lands and private land claims in California,
$300,000; for running the north-western
dary line between the United Stat.:4 a nd I; roar
Britain, from Lake of the %%raki,; to the Nettie
ocean, and marking tht• fortieth parallel, $ . 2
190; for continuing the work for qapplvin , i 111.•
citie. of Washington and. Go srg,town %t• tit wt
ter, $500,000; for completing the bridge over
the Potomac river near little Falls, tz75,10041, for
altering the etreets and repairing in front of the
east wing of 'the Patent Offtoe. 4 11.'250., nil
$390,000 to the State of California fur th e ,•‘
penaes of the governmeot of said State from the
period of it. organization to it. atimt..ion into
the 1 7 nion Now, , Itte‘ the 11,V", ft, a pprm .)f
seit "River, arid liarhor" Lippropri3tiou ,
these'! If it dt-tei, then Appr,,v,, ~f th, 11 r
and Harbor bill" vetoed; if it fines not, it ipprovc.
of the veto! 'fbe fart it, thi. • •'ltiverand liar
bar bill" . war a kind of Ofttllllloll .I,..wer• int.,
whien elm) ~.o
stand upon its own bottom, way thrown. ttl tit.
hopes that the President would assent to thou'.
in order to 4efeare the really nfr,wvary And nwr
itorion+ appropriationi for work., .I,..ii.rnate
him ra "national in th , ir eh 'mete( Ole
scheme wax frustrated by a and wr app, -, c ..
of it: The Gazitte can make the most ~f it'
VW' That Gov lititl.l , 3l will be re-eleet,.l,
is now no question! We e,lares, that for a t.•y.
weeks after the l'hiladellthia eleetion, the oliati•
cps looked somewhat blue to its; Litt a rev, t ine
has taken place which is bet iniug !tore lows
ful every 'lay There the Nehru :act humbug.
which our opponents attempted t., rifle, has been
"run into the ground," so that ti,ox ..eareek
plank is left to scrod upon At first the people .li.l
not understand the Matter, the w .11.14'ree Sc,il
ers wade iuQh a viallor toNw 111, ioit ti. •
ber seeond thought lia4 a n it it a -on
viction that there ,• I. 111'1.. II t lt it
professions of Inv , for lir \l Cornproini',
after having for t a`rtit) \*, .1. It in
short, the .41, ttootlitt of the people,
e%er rig h t ,errif.ient •is the re-piem on
o f B oil y n will most inedmiestibly prfo,.
soeir The I ili;011. i% very much exerewtl Ur
MU*. the ,eennti addrem of the I)emocratic Com
014 u.. "fails to make the remotest allusion to the
great question which now absorbs a largo share
of public attention;" meanies, we auppoec, the
Nebraska question And it would like 14 re
ceive from the Ohs, rve, some explanation of this "
The Oh:wryer begs to assure its neigh!) r, the
llnzette, that it i: very happy to afford it :11l the
information it can, and will do so Son i c t om e
since the State Central Committee of the Deny.-
..retie party announced that it would, .Inrin2 th.
progress of the campaign, dineu,s ,t/i the pie,
tions at issue before the people; and among them
was the Nebraska bill It stood third or fourth
upon the list, and consequently could not be no
ticed in the wood Address, the one jrist issued
This was undoubtedly known to the ao ,tt., for,
if we mistake pot, the announcement was put.-
lished in that caper But, be that as it may, we
have cur doubts wheth-t there is any necessity for
he Cantral Commit tie ti. disensc that question
at all Our reason f.•. this doubt is the to, t---
a fitet the Gazelle appears to have lost ,ight
of—that Pollock ln., himself denied the issue
some of the whip, have attempted to make upon
this bill The Go .eti. , , for iestanee, has .leeln red
positively and pointedly that the Nebraska hill
legislate , slivery into the territories of
and Nehrusita It has made long arguments—
not sound Imes, it's true--to prove the assertion;
and it has called upon all parties to array them
selves under the whig banner to repeal the bill
because of that supposed fact. lint Judge l'ol.-
LOCK steps in and says the fi.•t i ietie and those who
act with it are wrong; he don t exactly R3y they
lie, but he might as well: for he declares that
"Slavery can have no ipi/e>,:.4..,.. in those ter
ritories, either by act of Congress, or under the
false pretence of popular sovereignty " The
meaning of this is, if it mesas any thing, (and we
suppose our neighbor would rather-its candidate's
language should mean something than nothing)
that the bill does not. legislate slavery into theme
territories, or allow its eiriatac t m. th en , even if a
majority of the people desire it; for, continues
the Judge, "if slavery enters those territories it
will be tberm a not only without authority of eon
stitutionaldaw, bad is Nioleiliow of all !rain." I ID
view of there declarations of the whig candidate
for Governor, we cannot see why the (am,
should be so anxious about the Dennicruts defin
ing their position upon this question. There is
no dispute about the position of the Democrats or
their eandidate. The Democratie press, sail the
Dosoerstie eandidate for Governor, are together
upon this question. They are a unit. Butt is
i k e
not so with the whir and their candidate. y
are playing upon different string.. One is very
boar—not Mess--but what the either is, the lewd
only knows. Suppose the fila site should attempt
to enlighten us, and at the same time tell us
whether it is wrong and to candidate right, or
its eandidate wrongand it right. Do now, and
relieve those who are sericite in regard to the
figtent, question which now absorbs a large share
of public Attention!"
-. Gov. Iliquis has taken the stamp in ear
nest, but where is PtimomL? Is he in Mitte n _
berland county, or tint he? Does he "Knoll
nothisig," does ha "Know temainhing?" If the
Wise pray I$ es beg from his! TM his outi
G, Pl l o'o 19. 14M
We pi
to be al
Not hinge
Men hat- right to join wiratever secret stately
they pleloc, 101 l we take it a- a fact beyond eon
trivets), that when .t I ieturierat join, a "4 'mined"
olKnoye \ he eelisev to he a Demo c r a t,
and bee title. , .1 plotter against the liberties ,n.l
his. 1P11. , t .itizen. Such cabal:, are
our the usi oral prodnetion of American 'oil -
'l'he% are m nom- exotic-4, transplanted front rhe
hut-house- of European de-pott-rn, idnil watered
by th, 1110;11 ..treuttl ~ f Europesu higntty and
total-tam-tn . t hit intd it utions, the geniis of our
people. tie %ttt• irtmo-pitare of our climate, drit
hostile to their growth, and hence their vof
taiumpli, if it ever tome", ninq 1W "hart-lived and
dark I for gut . rumen: Knew, no ertablit+he.l to
ligiou knew- no distinction lietwertn t-,P
-whit. Its uoi act of his own, was horn In Eu
rope ot the tcho by the merest ehance. was
born in ric•d, and it should know nom ,- -it
guarantee- troeilion of opint,m, and ircednin of
,t t .1 • , tt o to vui iiLtere,„,„„ the
frevtioni 1 the pi. •s' We have ro
eersortditic ,re hltl. 11, hired toildiery---nn pen
.p,. Lot through the Pre,i, the Pulpit,
the lie, ii and upon the
ever, to ,o 1. d 11.. itleti-ure promulgate him
•tentlititito. tip at any stiliiettt, free from re•tiatnt
or intorfer , tic , ' What plea then ran ho offered
for :111 or , :iniz., .11 -mh a- r ,•zhitiatied by the
Expo... in in .01.1 column `inn,' What plea
call 3 llenio. rut, 01 rather 0134- who ever profe4 , -
eel the promplet, ot Ilya great reirty, have hdr
tooting with •od It 1 narrow and .111ti-Itepuldican
crusade I- 21,,we.! 1)‘ the ~..ath..4 and livise , ns of
the 'Know Nottoug.' .r d any, it mast
he the plea it the Ingot ;.,11.1 not the liberal' As
i- well hr a Itotemprary. -to-h 3 , •PCl` t cabal
"ma) .1 , of I.:mope, rotten with the accumulated
wittiotott t thowtaltd porr.. but upon our
:trout -oil. 1,-read: our genial elimate, and un
der our tree laws, wit have no nerd to reitort ht
this. Ale-pet-ore expedient of an enslaved people tic
tree thou tteck.t from the yoke of a tyrant and a
1. -pot Look at those countries in which such
teapot, are most frequently found Look to Ve
nice She had her Oonncil of Ten; her people
were slant;, and her sapless and mouldering hulk
lies rettmg in the .ea, a sad memorial of the eon
uption ot het ruler.: and the degradation ot her
people In France theme organizations have
tiottrit•hod in their etrestest luxuriance, and there,
To o. the. hay. borne their natural fruit—alter
nate Allan by and despotism, until now the wan
aet.s crafty tyrant are riveted upon her limbs.
F:ngland ono: , had her Star Chamber; and through
out the e mtithmt its dreadful Inquisition did its
work of death and torture, in dark cells and deep
dungeon . upon whose portals a returning foot
step never fell But it you examine the histo
ries .it tn.. republic- of antiquity you will find
on &me, of •tieh subterranean engine, of po
litical power Indeed, they are incompatible
with r: publican gocrnment They are unbe
coming the dignity of freemen; for who hut a
PlaVi' i, ,rlll,l fear to proclaim his political senti
ments to tlo world In some of the old govern
ment, of Europe, to deny the Divine Right of
Kings, to demand for the mverned from their
rulers thr dignity of thinking beings is treason,
and its penalty death In those countries, we
say, they are The only means by which the people
can eownoinicate and interchange their senti
ments, and there they may be right and proper.
Necessity, The tyrone , : plea for shedding the blood
of the people. lweorne , then the plea of the peo
ple for arming against the tyrant. But here in
our own free and thrice happy America, we have
no tyrant The people are the rulers, 'the peo
ple ma ke their own laws, and the people, through
their srYatits and constituted agents, execute
thew The people ure the government, and
when they 'loin in these concealed ammeintious it
is the people plotting against themselves "
ink.F.I.EI'N I.A)T MOVI. -- Ureeley, uf• the
reams, gives unmistakable evidence of lunacy
or a softening of the brain. He mt.; some
Congressional District other than St. took to
elect Col Benton to Congrenit. He says such
things arc .lone iu Canada, Frsnee and Great
Britain; "Model Republics" in bin sy.• lie
_ "We do wish some district would break over
r.-sirs'etit,n au.l eltvg Col. Benton to
the next Congress."
Rut the fanatic still goes farther. lie wants
Fred. I)ouglarsi, the negro lecturer, elected to
Congress from Gerrit Smith's-District. Fred.
lives in Itocheater, the Monme District, and he
wants him elected from Oswego in the (her;rlet
Dißtrict There i• nothing too prepostertios for
Greeley to advocate He is troubled . with the
least x•/111 /14,N n r any yrrnt me n le ,. ever
Stir Our neighbiai accuses Gov. Biotite of
preventing the piadsg/ of a set of Anti-lkiebrxiska
reeolntinus by the Lee.!store last winter. lint
our neighbor a little-too fsat? Gov. Bigler is the
Executive branch Of the Govern/meat, not the
Leealstive, hence he Gould not be, if he had the
ipolinatios, guilty of the nuttier charged
lii" Richard Pena Smith, a path:man of
very superior intellectual qualilestimm, and au
thor of several plays mod wools which wore very
Wetly esteemed, died oss lilatirday at hie
dense, at the Falb of Eleineylkill, • '
--40- -
and murders committed in St. lows at the door
of dud, mrganinifitml. There la so Neap hems
this conviction. It was mitninenoed by a quar
rel at the polls between a native anti an adopted
citizen. in which the native lost his life. This ,
was thegginal —not for the arrest of the murder
er---burfor an indiscriminate attack upon all
aitinfieli44lollooAsiasomatas teltiu M aim gilt.
ty, the Germai as well as the Celt. Now can
such a preeeslng be justified by any principle
of right:known outside a Know Nothing Coun
cil. We do not know how right and wrong are
looked upon inside of one of these cabals, but
outside right teaches as that when this murder
was committed the murderer should have been
handed over to the officers of the law, and a fair
and impartial trial greeted bin. But Know
Nothingism, as exemplified by the St Louis riot,
usurps the judicial ermine while it at the same
time puts on the'exeoutioner's mark In doing
so, it does net ask who is guilty, and wbeautlie
guilty are pitiateal out, ;seek for proof, and upon
that proof cietvict and execute No, it does not
act thus, it's mode of proceeding--of dealing out
Know Nothing /astir, —is of quite a different
character! All it asks is, was be born in Amer
ica, and if tlO, down with him is the cry; at least
this is Know Nothingista in St. Louis. lionises
are sacked, property destroyed, the polio defied,
and the city kept in a turmoil for three days,
and all because a set of loafers, under the cogno
men of Know Nothingiam, have such a respect and
to r for the Protestant refigtoe--have such a rem
ise,/ awl lve e for the ems, institutions and ',wee
if their country, that they cannot bear the thought
of [Lose who "are not to the manor horn" parti
cipating in the direction of public affairs Speak
ing of the ebaraeter of those who created this die
turhate.e, the St. Louis Jml.4l4 . yet.e.r, of the 12th,
sass ".,11 person , who Ito'! ern e s pr.tentions 14,
-ha, , ~ g the 'viol, ierpi mot
c! , th. celtvegher, P.revpi in rrodeavor.i
0 , doff , spirits of the more reckless
and excitable " We have no doubt this as core air- The washingten .'*..e says late returns plane the
net; and there is one other fact equally as wor- election of Chas. L. Lewis, Es q ., benioerst, in the 12th
tits ..f reflectiou It is this Most of those c"g"'"1"*1 district Virginia,beyond all doubt.—
Startling am it may sound to our Igorthern reader.. cootie
who I..• 1 their hive* were valuable citizens. Donee- ee.„ arr. i,ewis does not belon g to Use 'Hirst fami
pur , uing their .iencatione, and in no wile: lies of Vir g inia" He is the eon of • tailor. aid worked in
connected w ith te e distill-hence. These men were his father's shop until be wag eighteen years of s e e ; but
soul above buttons," be left the B areintal roof at
-tneu families and friends robbed of h aving "a
that early age, with the determination to educate hi m self
their support, and rent weeping out into the world f„ r
the profession
of the law. W e
neat hems eel him am a
alone, all berts* a set of men who had no "pre-' student in one ot. the Olt., colle g e., working at interval.
t.nsei,o_ roc /,•ts.aeler, u, /Ai gams of goad sits- At hi' trade in order to 'apply himself with the necessary
Lens," have seized upon the religious prejudice.,
* Pee t ti i n n ie l" h Y e m e 7 s ta:le a re w ith "u h te on hs or i - a t uadie'
lienstu . di l e% "'
law - with
of the untliinking, ti. :iceninplitsh a political pur- the goon. to one hand and Blackstone in the-other—was
Vi -c thie is Ktito , admitted, and finally returned to his native villa g e, where
't he "hung out his shingle " Stra w to say, be beeame a
ihuv - W e h o oray , thought a K now- N ot hi ng peopbet in hit , own 1,11.1147, and was brou g ht out am a
__ can
didate for the Legislature Some of the old fo g ies sh o ok
must Iry a brave mau, and now we are convin ced
their heads and remonstrated. but Mr. Lewis' reply was
of it To say nothing about the idea that it is characteristic of Yneag America: "tiontlemen, the hand
necessary for twenty-two of free-horn of destiny is upon tae-and there is an resieing tens. 1
American Prnteetants te, hand themselves te. am hound t‘, go to the I... g islaturc and l am hound
to Washin g ton. Yon Ina, a. well case first as taut."-
getht-445) oath. in order to protect them-
Mr, Lewis was elected t.. the I.e g ipleture, and the result
selve , against shout thr ,, • of adopted the late special election 'Mew. that his friends hses •'rat cad
• gthei eviikiit.r of their bravery, in." As Mr. L. is a g entleman of fine latest, and g reet
there 1 , another instance which decide , the ques- energy of ebasseer, we 4hall watch his politiesl career
with more than ordinary interest. for "destiny may not
twit 11.'1" .mleitrovee:\; At a late with
herself with keepin g him at the Copit../ mid of
meeting of thu direvisir , of one of the '
phia rh.w,l ilimtricts.:l Miss WI the ant
sistant teacher in the Heed street grammar school,
was ilionistesl for the openly avowed reason that '
mlii• we , a member of the I 'at holly church She
also heal an I name They also &agonised a
Mitts 11'inelow far the ,atu.' reason Not the
slightest charge is made against them except that.
The eld director- declare they were excellent
young ladies, excellent teachers, and entirely
obedient to all the regulations of the directors.
Now there is bravery for you Among, perhaps
a hundred and fifty female teacher; in the schools
of that city, probably four or five Catholic young
ladies egn le found The secret society that
boasts its strength, but hides its head, decrees
that these young women must' be. turned oat of
employment at once Off with their heads,
ringlets and rill, shout these thousands of brave
men, and they go, dud Know-Nothingistu is
appea-ed We wonder whether the Know-Noth
ing cendidate for Governor, Judge POT.T.WII,
was -ailed into Council before this wonderful
achievement was determined upon If he was,
be should he presented with the Regalia of the
Kitchen forthwith ; .et the other hand, if he
wasn't• he should he ashamed that he ever allow
ed hineself to h. inveigled into such a disrepu
table eahal'
Speaking of this outrage, the Ledger indulges
in the following well timed and sensible remarks:
mon "ehool system of instruction in Pennsylva
nia has been the pride of the State, as it has also
been the main instrument for diffusing the gene
ral intelligence which pervades the commonwealth
It was adopted in wise conformity to the spirit of
the Constitution, which favors no particular sect,
but declares that all have equal privileges, and
that no differences of religious belief shall sub
jeet those entertaining them to molestation, or to
deprivation of the Civil and political rights guar
anteed In all This genuine American principle,
constitutiostally secured first in this of all the
conotriee of the world, legitimately springs from
the liberty and finality upon which republican
institutions relit Any attempt to subvert it is
in summit upon the fend mental law of the State.
Yet rumor asp, and the facts seem to justify
thezeports, that an attempt is now being made,
and for the first time in•the history of our com
monwealth openly avowed, to introduce religious
tests into our institutions of public instruction.
Teachers, who have been declated competent by
the proper examiners, and who have proved them
selves capable by years of experience in the per-
formanoe of their duties, have recently had this
new awl intolerable test applied to them by some
of the lately elt;eted Heard of Directors; and bo.
'came 4wq had faith enough in their relish:on/to
rest their hopes of future salvation. upon it, they j
have been deprived of their present melange/sop-
porting themselves honestly anddecentlyly their
profession. Fifteen or sixteen teacherehave been
t ur ned out of the public schools of the First and
Second Wards, became of their religions belief,
though worshipping only in a ditSrent form the
same living God that the DireeCtorp do—if the
latter worship any.
I,4s.r.—The atizelir cries out lewdly
that the whig party is,not dead. Now, we are
not • political Closumui, sad hence eanaet
ally lay whether 'ie old Harlot is dead or not,
but we an truly sty, with the Sandusky Mirror,
that if it is 114,4eivl it appeal% to be chug/ft ite
Ware! Perlis,p• it is oily playing peewit; It
has shandoped (for the present at east) all its
Amine, rill Idenumnie—the Tarilr—U. S. Bank,
and Minor.'s Fuetive Law—tend is now maw
s'oli,gto convert t, its us ask boob the thew
day and Other nurseling elements of our obi lA
, party flies& If the wide piety is net
dead, tbe hen arigiwated by patting SOSO
Odense in thi ien s of the thealey'a
and Stoma', and if it is. not tre time. meet
"ebsethig Attie bowl."
‘ I IC
1 "truth
+- 1 -
. .
Ka. 1//1/14-411111ii . amp • 111111101 t= week So
weak et 1604 1 waatiaellat" maillhag 1108 l a
Girard ea dm lath Whit- The meals/ was well attoraded
by mem who tea 4 .ad have reason to feel, a deep latereet
is tha Mats varretast, for the advamodonitat of wltiell
dory Lad Soo aolesatitly called tufgotber. Mau S that
eoavastioa toad ens with ao other motive than to Igloo(
Cat Hie erase of t peuuaee. But stagy others, evil opir
ita, reatlest a wild, wad we. when nothing ram eoutrel,
had mote there to have their own way sad haw* it they
woald sad did. At the etwayseattemoat of the westing a
as, as win WWI do the Mod wire whir far inner.
Yee sad isapaesses as.. They was listard to attest=
trolly sad mood hews roamed or proud* tha moetiaa.—
i DM it was stay a oohs Star* Waits, w. were
I dooodasd to moire in all its Airy.
It reseed that though the ecurrentios wee called as a
Temperable* Mame liesthig, the larelera in the affair had
thunder dad* plea mad *At to aunty rat whieh would
be beet egered by essitesihm it ender the name of a Tem
perance Convention. get or "Bear," who, not having
tie Atomiser of the metre experienced politicians, and
Wag' fill of Italy math against all Demeerats, and
Whigs, and being else one of that number who, to the
we of Christ, preach politics to the people. let the whole
matter oat. He woad not vote for a man who was not
mond us what/--Ohl the Nebraska quessioa, tr Be
would sot tete for a temperate NIA anima that man was
a Free Seiler. Then oare another preacher, (of him who
demanded nevem for rulers. and obedience to law, hut
who had outgrown this ointment of the Illaree, and maid—
no man ABM be "a good aompeninee man tinier be was
ANik Natenske." Then mime "P/Pllllll other spirits," more
wicked then the grit, and then come a general row, some
calling for one thing, and some fir another. The chair
man thundered with his ease opus the table, while all
over the hoar the cry was heard, "Pi/ w.. 4 is warped
dou.." "I'm for liberty. - ••Liberty fret, temperance
nest;" sail en the chairman thumped. the Negrophotda
mired; basest am thought it one no plane for them, and
an adjournment was proposed But at was not carried.—
No, the main mover* had nut eon's there fur nothing.—
' They would not adjourn Then .•lime the dieruestori of the
resolutions and with that come more war. Thnadhey eon•
tinned to wrangle and scald, nod call each tither traitors.
and every conceivable hard name, until nearly night, and
then adjourned to meet on the 211th fur the purpose of ma
king nomination , .
Should you. Mr. Editor, ..r au.i tit your reader. bare any
desire to eta the harmonious ~) working of the great ren•
' treating idea of Anti-Nebraska pro-temperance con ren
tion, you will do well to attend. Should it equal the pre •
anus meeting. it will throw all the amusements of the day
into do shade. The bill of perforojihre it attractive and
we hope that no lover tit cockfighting wail sail t.. lie there
Pennsylvania avenue
The nun who would tbrt e an business. ran only
do so by close monition •o ft personally ■od s hoe aye of
newspaper advertising. How often do we see envious
store-keeper watching a neighbor. whom they see thronged
with customers, and wondering why it is that the other
does so nub sad hi so little, when Ida store looks squally
well. He eoasiden him a good fallow, bat by far too lib
eral in his advertising, too doe* and plodding, and too
Illseb confined to his b l / 1 600111, suer One. tiring a thought
to the filet that it is this same advertising and close pot
ential attention which he gives his store. which makes it
the 'favorite with buyers.
per The Cireaseiaa Slave trade, which was greatly in
tempted aad almoet suppressed by the Itassiaa blockade,
has been vigoloasly mewed since the allies' hare taken
eoautaaad of the Black Sea. The Cireassistne, always ae
moutomied to gall their children, are greatly pressed for
mosey to carry tat the was, sad eagerly crowd 181.. the
market that ha. tease opened to them s" <ay. au et
Hobentack„ the men that makes the medicine
"every body" mid to "take," to into us to the tune of
He has also the Painesville T.letycapi to the
amount of $2O We don't wish the fellow any harm, but
really we should like to base bitu live until he had eat up
all his own medicine'
The n*a the! "took no Dolt 01 WWI' /ass beau una
ble to enllect the debt, and consequently noarpolled t. su•-
'M. (oar ueighbor of the hituatte 'takes to heart - the
ravings of the Buffalo papers over the eoavietion of Dra
ms. This is all wrong.; the Express and Cotemervla/ ere
espeeted to play thv blackguard, is roped to Erie, upon
every k oaceivaloht oeousion. Not to do so world surprise
•r.l every other reader
"It serer rains but it pours." What with the Thea
tre. the arms, I.;acie Tom, Dan Kier and his couticalities,
and divers other things, too anseerons to mention, our cit
izens are likely to have amestssiteds enough for the next
three or four weeks. Well, u we said once before, "all
work and no play sake. Jaek a dull boy." especially after
such a long season of dry weathor.
The *woo of L. L. D. koviag Iwo confined ty an
Es,torn maw aqxba that ropeosoittative of mobocracy,
Abbot Lawroses, the W‘phiairton Star wick") . ProP o H°
to bestow apes the toiloorial Bantam the &pee of F. W.
H. - Fellow of the Woßy Hone'
We had • bast lily week of brook Trout, the Art
w r have seers sinew oar gibing days, long year, ago, for
whirl' we an indebted to our trieutit ai r, of the Valley
Hotel, oe the Woodard Plank Road. to return we eon
oats hope that be aad hie may two,. ham, any thing
arm., to eat, for ,ietter there could not be.
It will be *we by •dvertiseoent in an.that rainuan
that tau eitie•ns will hare • *hour* to witness another
repreerstarion of "rule Tom's Cabin." ['his perform
awe is spnk•n of in tile blebs** Onu• by eor_eolawpors
rios, sad we do not doubt flwIU be well worth visiting.
—• We are Ri n d It see that the review Cants'a who Woke
knot from the titimoetaao party of Oh* and tarried the
ilaadasky Mirror o this Pres Moil reeks, have withdeawn
from that establishmen t sad ma ssereeded by a snood re
liable DOIROOfiII named Dtwww•a. The name sounds
Peapsylraialoish, and the Editor's salutation shows that
“fasion" will lad in him a dr= sad consistent opponent!
Srrwar.—The Editor of the Whatßag Timis lola that
his Hpapn *hail be paidisbsd fres fives the rooNsiat. of
Ace holders' threats, if he has to plat* a revolver at the
aisle of every easspositor, sad plain a swivel at the door of
his Gam" Good' sad the "altos balder - who would
wish him tO do otherwise, is about as At to hold 011,-e as
theft/OTH is for a Panto!
Tie "Amy Shoes New Lone Is dm title of a very
neatly petaled sad ably edited lieSneratie paper, recently
started at Jersey Mem Pa.
Or" Ms New Yost —Mirror says "k bas "sass missal
arekias dirty sang\ Is tab plitsboeit on Wok bass."—
No doubt of 14 sad last so skating is beat the braes Is-
Aged." trea—as *atoll of the SluiagliM amemitistios
ans as an" sa that tot;!__. .
' Minim at aababy people wars is tows ;oder
a, Se Maid the Ciro's. They had so fear et the elegem
irbliti the ibireatimits af tb• bome.epora were held eat to
lbws. mil the groom 'were shwa with nude lowan sag
lbsit simodilitmli, milking ANA, bead la bead. Re "two
beedletite biro bus Ihrlimisg."
110 now lialrets Meow A& bow* Weed
Ina Ibis mesa. Th. 41101116 Mme. Set ohm saw dam
sew mei Oho NjOsam ail
I. The siOliilibiko dimpporock
Ws vigil.. die mit weirmir. Lad >< Orme dm= *it,
hes a ".IMNyiy inmerhit at Om tir Ilistel bows
II IS bilk &Wilt NM Wilms ow* ail emit
uteri pin iitsiti
Corritapotairmr• ~ A. E
The Wensitilwr t4eittAlero - k ry
44. 7
reefsei isimmr•—• Varaboweitos.
gasprrors-- Th.
l oam. mid .wip.
Of the weather, we report with p m,
a pleasiat 0001801110 abroad la tb. 6r
omen trees North, Month. Kam .
useephere above inonuaned, is
eb.i.na_swporta preserve the amain
time city and cowed, of New York last
deutie. tw ee 3O The Hospital pL,.e.4.
vexed MA their Petiebb Rl* hmight b
I. t h e lees wires et the dieeue, end „.
*dim' st the isms time, shvi,
The meet sklllfal of- ph y ..
every awe el elSuless ought toe ,yam
eat stages. The eemeten form
demi by a diarebeerettettaumg a 4. 3 „
pored, bat maul tape so ootI N ,
the eolsp•e, eholers, when th.y 1 34% .,„ m
up for that tittion terrik.l. EISA lg . ,
111,1i4J died CI
,111 keg wont “r se malt,.
A friend elk. Graham. tilt Noe
Loring, at dill St- Nicholas, '
of the city reporters, an puhlleho lg ev,
stases muwelpi with the trattnly,
palate Jedgmeat prior to the t ru i
care bow hi meddles with the ,•1
stir up a hornet's nest The r-iort, r ,
Daily Pram are eweentuil tee the pot,i,
se ita breakfast. Their 4,4,1,1, u.
are what the pubhe has been
appetite is almost insatiable I t ~
the strife fur newt betwasu ,ur rho•.
'Amer. Tribufte
•mall *nay of reporters on tient.
of 411 kindot. One has the
do and a book to do at witb ant
Dover•anding, of Bails itt.l Beat. •
snoods to duo aarkets Then 'her
to pick up "horrible
lions," "genng but late-
"interesting nerasion9," 1=e -ten
eity and tt• •nhnrbs. rh«
Council, etc., mu+t he kept -'nr.i..
ten And nleseed be the pa l ,
newt aavvintafte ., •v.r
s”unds, night day. Aviv rte..
book mina pencil, and il th.• • ~ "..cry
anon relieved by a fre.h
rails& half ita hirf,ry t. to ITT*• nu•t..
an extra' Near o.4ues t., 1 4 , p
en lirute ha•
inks down the shoi:king
and attendant eireuw.,t.
Tombs, and procure" a pe,t -
or, and worms out a•• ,s.
diridnal's birth, pedigree er, I
willing to hare made pub: 1- I' t• y ,
gae In an IthlabOillte per:4one!
Any thing to satisfy the II ;.•
appetite. When otrongl
eta and Nebraska,"
procession', drawn qui. y.r ~,, •
tered: while people4pel u
nal, will give them .I,cly
pleasing d e t a il. ~t man - Mal' r•s,..e.
can be ..btained During t.
dinner., Our pre.wnL.• , u.. •• ,
He eau at epicurean lum, r ,,
day, and meetves 1. 4.•-•
ble. incipient orat,,r, ,
who admire the talent. • .0 •
lie gettemlly is In winter.
ill very dissipated li(e. trou
n nen men work, wh“
ing paper" Pa.• the
at altuoat any hour te tm• Dirt). 11:111 4,111
and daranesa et .le,ete,
of lighted ww.low. tla•o. • n . .1 .•
Ageend innumerabt.• Tian •
a long room Rum. Od r •nitt at, •
heir... with mono:ache and •,ar I. • ' tr
paper, which are i :p
printing twain, ah , re
"copy." Stieh a life the repw•. , r
all tiLDOP. sleeping any taut ar..l AI) W A
reporter' , in the Tntaia-, • ar-
New York is the place for I,:erart
Theo are the men that write --
lad! for the flowery !Gagster', car .-
papers, and terrible penny patnpir.l7.iu
bent it a somewhat singular tb,r,i
own correspondent from the !est
New York daily, to he
Street, while the eastern , lipparchr ,rpm
regularity of elock-work' fl •--
must be conung together' •rcos
Charles Edward Lestiir, 't .2• y 31 ,
tribe in this aeighboiho l 1
the luerstiee sad intl,,,e•A,
respondent - to the i. ❑•. T
newspaper, fits V..
some very evinqa4
year or two ago, a larg, y . orltl' 1 .1.
wu pllhiLihOd In fill( elty
away," and parporttag t •••. --
Berkely Nen." It was s 4t.1 t: t tun... -
members of the Napoi.,,n
matte eulogy upon Louts, ttic .r:. ,
three," as Nicholas of Huss
daises ua an extravagance of
of Napoleon the Little, wbi'b es
intense ..Levotion to the I_ sit .c, in
don es an adreetieer ovine.* f r E •
comparable wares, an edmiratt n r',.
point. moat have lam assisted, 1
rial aid.' Now it is known to
one, at lout, of the i' l lierkely Met, ‘51•1
he is very fond of 'European
knows that the Emperor LOOll , hot , It 11,1.
lingly spend it to influence the Ana,r,m.
Tor. The Rnmian Caar is knowa, t. r
what similar game, through agents —l2
present time. Somebody might pa:
by ertablisiiing an agency for the
The inhabitants td the great an., ..r.•
Brooklyn are in trouble because C:‘,
tient to carry them over the Eat , It ,- n
by the Ferry *company AL an•tof...l,at , .m
company wants two penult', ma.. se,
Hsi in the pries T:. :span s a
ptomaines, as on the Fulton r.,.
is boas or foar ntinuteco: oerero
oa bead, every trip to t`h - e Lit;• •
boats ps abundantly at to arm , ' r. •
sineellently eooducted, an 1 .an t nz , • , tr• '
gilled largely, lately expre-o••1 I. • -•
passed anything of the tin.' LI IL,.
on the Thant*" has but .m,.
Which has to turn arviin.l •• ' •
perry company own DI% Yell .
Brooklyn. On the Fuln,a F,rr, • ,••
constantly (luring the .Is.,
Al i write, a eoniawrat,..l) , ~: ' 4
flimsies* extenai ,lanlc o c
mill which ism twww I,wm.••• * •
Illaniet, sad the Baptist Cur •"-`
la 10 Kresidtoger. Th« r •
ly rr.tmee, toteperini.e era t. s
been Plarpeodell on rannouni
"hanker, Uttar, for inuriler,ne
J. G. Bennet heti got into tr , " '
ly Slled the poet of Pan. ,-,trr r,
The man. Revell, demand.
mit, or he will publish some ierter• •
she would Dot like to Pee in prat
It appears from • report of rot
apwatills of 3,000 persona, mo•t,r Eng..
died bete from ten to forty year. *.th'
their ettiemiship. There er.
on ille jury register. O( the*, 14:
Aroma various cased s • etri
wehrter. 411 we being
raise ere now being moved se Y.
'minding. The weeknien found n :3rge
Ire, -►hick bed kept alive
'ti We 11111141 in error 19•1 ur,, ,
aPPiktittea, the "Ceurt prn p, irvt tea
C. Dennis. We peould ha,
promptly orammiced .t'
day to boor tier argument.
his. TY. Paine.[ f•o•o•-r•
Ncookoiao nromody ran from Columl.c•
1111111. with one tender of i% ^~I Th
sioa praway nu other inston , ..
wrr• 9011 boa lion disco , er.,l Dor
4.70. Il is peenowored 01 gr.A! ,'''
No ash of 4; se "4" iIW ""
will one Me it. it*
\.l. 4
. 0 v M