Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 29, 1854, Image 2

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to /nigh
to 146 -- ot
over our
a d venture , on oxoAt I P 0 B *l A. .
terms of perfect equality--making a Must of our
boniest and telling fairy tales and ghost stori,m. 11111 " 11 . 41 f ki ki r InTllk 4 at Nekrork ease.
Not unfreettlititly we frightencij ourselves with d g from AlPetwall, lag 2711-pas
these Wil d legion% and rin back to the boat, rind allN•rtaleLl l4 .talitlt:s lister ne
lffO9RM du , e.m.igood 0)
bright river, anl the gl y sunshin..., as if the evil asi 2 is go
Spirits we had conjured up were ac:u.ilymfter ui , Page., Batson & Co. The pass •n,;ers I,‘
awl preparing to chase us through the dark wood. 5.;,7 r were brnitzlit diner, to 1 , ),, i1am0 by the tra- 1
And thou, when, we gained the we would arlldA left' Saw Prant4 , on the ltrt
stop and pant, and laugh at our own fears. instatit,,an.l arrived at l'an tut., the I.4'h le•tt•. at
Walter Carlos was a capital, an l very 's 6 P. M. The by the tudepea ; to'
fond of all kind, of field iports. skill wit h I and mail lines crossed the Isthmus together, 311.1
a gun made me very ambitions to -xoel aS a th'ae by the ind..peudeur Jinn 11.1VU urou.;tat
aportsusant. Mr. earies was very particular about through in twenty-one days :uJ tificuu Liurs,
his game. He kept several gamekeepers, and hying the quickest trip yet mad...
we. very severe in punishing all Toachera who I The followilg is a summary of the Devi:— I
dared to trespass on iatiarded rights--yet, I The only news of any, very geuer..l iutt r e st
when his nephew exp resseda wish th a t I m i g ht jwitbiu the State duriug ate past fortnight i 3 of al
aeoesapany hip in his favorite diversion, t o my political character. ()aunty cou%euttms
Uttan' astonish ant and delight, be took oat ab. been field in different portions of the Sate to
enWS forme, and presented we with a h an d some tint delegates to 1.1“; D•tumeratic State
fowliatpieos, which I received on my birthday- tion.—The contest is between theß,.ters and ,
fries hts own hand.the 13cuderick factl A. The D.A.uoeratic S;tA:t
"This, 141 ° 111, " he mid, "you awl, cons id er i n Convention meets iu Sacramento City ou the 18.1 i
the way of business, as it is my intention to inst. The wing* Loki tor couveutim on ,he
briayou up form gamekoepor." 1215:11.
h, what &proud - day that was to met with 5443 2gricul prospots thr.lughoot the State
what delight I handled my newly-acquired trus are of the greatest pltry.y. Tue new ci..p of
tits I H ow serees a y l istene d to j eo, • t h o h ee d barley is already in market and is selling at uhautl
a directions about the proper use of one and a half cents per pound.
1t I galbig7rw bragged and b oaste d to my vitlago On the morning oL the 22d ult., a rt.vontre oc
anneelases of the game that ' wa d m aster tarred in the street, between 3lr. Julia T,bor,
ter had bawd in thos e sacre d preserv e s th at , *dinar of the Stockton Jvurnal, and Mr. J
they dared not enter, for fear of those mysterious 'Mansfield, editor of the Republican, in w'uici I
objects of terror—man traps and spring guns 1 the latog was killed by a shot from a
'The Goy—be thinks no one can shoot but Pistol- Mr. Tahor is ;a prison, awaiting his t.i.l
id mwa w, deis m pia m art i n, as h e turned to a al. There was a good dual of exuiteuicut, ur..l it!
naffs o f bl ac k guar d s t h at were l oung i ng w i l l was feared fur &time that the erow,4l would ret tic,;
him against the pales of the porter's lodge, as I j and deal summarly With the prisoner.
returned one evening to my mother's with my A German named Adam Simbut resi ling in
gnsi over my s h ou ld er, an d a h are an d a b oot o f Sacramento City, tuuttiered ie s tit'sft) on toe
phaseouts in my hand. "1 guess there be others in a lit of jealuu,y, cutliuz her thr.iit fr.:l, ear
who eau shoot hares arid pheasants, without`the to ear. lie escaped on thn rier sttam,r, sud
='s leave, well as he. He fancies him- afterward* committed suicide by dr , tvuin. ,
gee as
a gemman; with that fiat gun over his 1 James Kelley, from Baltisnure, was I..iisa in
s h ou ld er, en d the Squire's licence inhi s pocket." Crescent City in a petty tpurrLl with
Them insulting remarks stirred up the evil companions, named A. 11. \Vard, u stab ..vlth
ia my breast. My gun was unloaded, a bowie knife.
The news um the Indian renv , -. - ation at
t s t i t u j ill iointed it at my tlrmenter, and told bins
to be spies, or I'd shoot him like a dog. "Shoot Ttjou is very tutiouragiu;;. Th. !
hind comprises 2,8J0 sure,, ell antler t v .:It/t ,
sad be-- to y
ou!" sap'. he "it's b etter death
then tbe r gailow, and that's wbst t you ' d come to." by the lonians. Ir.l3eale propose, to
This speech was followed by a roar of coarse I ae"lamong the 1n , .1 taus.. Tescr
from his companions. is to be luested, of 25,009 • '
wiles frond the 're} ,n, 1.415 wLk. utile.. ta..ALL
1111.serball live to see you hung first 1" I eried,
kuserfu i g the gun , wh i le a sort o f prop h et i c % .i,„ • pervi-tou of Mr. Bcaic
Itosi el the far-off f6ture swam befor e my sight. Tile mining news cont:nue s In
Particular localities Cott, is g deal of "The eagle°, y. 411 keep, the had language you
us, are certain I dications of the roatrou which tug from Want of but chi, 111 r,
yes are travellin I have too much self-respect compensated on tile !WIC Li) C a,. a •.4,-
cove/ /es. di e liuis •
to mooeists wi th ablackguard like you." 3..
ttfkreut paints on tee tiumbiitit.
"Dirty pride and sett-conceit altoul•I be the
weeds yen ought to 1/21:,", quote the impudent ciggiugs to i.e..: .
isigew. My comrades are poor, but they arn't Icd ou Keru R.Yer, in toe v. i
bans-born sneaks like you." lis aaitl that there .3 j.
`With one blow I levelled Lim try the ground. cents to th e pan. Liu r, tattl
coutsdleted. ..
JWIt it that mment the Squire de p, nod
prevented furthe r misch ef. That ro Bill u Martin I G„."" a V•die.Ytar 4 atilt P l sind em•"" . 4 "" •
wasborn to be my ev i l g e nie... I wished him datilivaoLl Company took out uf c...
dead a hundred times a day, and the thmeht week slb,ooo, the rase:col the Lour u
fouil i iiv i zo a my miod to the deed. He eras 'i be for out. week—au average $250 pei
haunting filed, ever at my aide to tempt me to Laud.
commit sin. Thu miners in the v.c:uity of C 'f,: --
county, are doing better
dune since IL 4 -10.
lu Cue North, nci discoveri-s are
the heigliburiaiod of Jackson‘,ll,..
Thu San Fraueisco to
full pperatiuu, eutuiug• to th, p.-...eut fun
ty of the institution, which has be .
meow the commencement, but
ly exttuded. 'l m.
vance of the c nuage, user elicu
awimut of sifter, and relating (.1
shall hate bceu pi -p pro% ~
Lk; a cuauge fa. the
pizits ion pest IA to, 41ti, Jlt;
// 0'..t11, I d., 0.!—:
s.t)cdi U../0
14.1itl t. i. .I 1 , I'LAV“.. •
d':r 4.f 11 , l;, ,
Ju•lgt.: i; , •
Sii• 1,
1t ui.
Moral:at, 3, „ •'•
I. 11. Dui,u, t „,,
tette, 11 as pet Lus.v.l • :
ty r,
t laree cars in .i.o.St Hi, u
_ A wytuan utstu,, t ,
ISO to I 24. ay i..
ins horxlt a n a c.-roue. 17: lA, 1... I !. ~ t u
V Mi.r r
?rem 64 St. Louie Ilera,kl. J'.4 12
We have occasionally read accounts of persons
having been fascinated or spell-bound by snakes,
bat never knew of au inst.:wee occurring in our
vicinity walla day of two since, and one that we
know to be a feet. A man by the 0.11110 of o'-
11am bad a child, a little girl about thirteen
leers of age, who came to he dente thr..ugh the
Halluesoe of a snake, one day list week, under
the following cin:uni•iuneus:-0 Nara res:ll, a
on Copperas Creek, iu Fiank iu county, aud but
a abort distance from the Faeitic
Some nine tteaiths ago, early laSt t ill, Lis lanilly
noticed the little girl o be p, rung avr .t y t aTlhe :
linen very fleshy and Cealttiy, slid apparently
without any cause ur complaint of stein,
By the tune had lairly set. tu
wasted away, to a ter.) skt.L.t , m, Lut as boon as
the weather become euld ag Q 1110.4.1 ttl re
vive. She uevi.r couiplalueu of being unwell,
and in reply to all the gm. to ion s In r, bald LJ het
health, ale ievariably ei•iiu she left vcry
only a little weak. As •ouu as i•priug arrived,
she could not be prevailed upuu to eat any cic
toile in her father's house, but round tak, a
piece of bred and butler, or a piece of weal, I
go out to the edge of the creek tte it it. The
family noticed bar regularly, always g. , iug pre
slimly to tbe saute place, and turarialny e.,niplain
ing of being hungry after her wore, wilt it, it
moss victuals would 4,c given her, the would
again return to the creek, as !hey tivalglit, Luca%
Finally, some of the neighbors hating Ii and
of the circuauitaucei of the child's extraordinary
conduct, and also of her wasted appearance, mug
gutted to her father to march her
which he did last Friday. The Ciallei had be u
sitting itin the bank cifthe creek nearly , sll the
forenoon, until near dinner time, when she got
up and went to her father's house, arked fur a
phew of bread - and butter ,
. sod again returned to
010 same place she had been. Her father kept.
behind her_without making any no,se. At s')un
as the child was seated, the father saw a huge
black snake slowly raise its bead into her lisp and
rewire the bretori and butter from her hand; :1111
when she would attempt to take a bite of the
breed, the snake would commence Lisaing and
become apparently very angry, when the
trembling like a leaf, would prouiptiy return the
bread to the monster. The lather was curuplete
1y paralysed, not being able to more hand ur loot
--entertaining, as megt Irialt Ds do, a gr, at
amid for snakes, he felt alarm:'; fur tie oafety
of the child, not knowing the nature of the make
or the went of the influeoce on the child.
We blood became almost clogged in Lis veins,
and Ingrained in perfect agmy, which caused
the make to become alarmed, and glide away to
the creek. She immediately sprang to her feet
Sad ran home, apparently much trigLitcued. tier
father folk/wed net, but she refused to answer
any questions, and he then resolved to detain
the child at borne, but he was advised to permit
het to go spin next day to the creak, and to fol
low her and kill the snake. Next morning she
teak a piece - of bread again went out to the crick;
her father followed her with his gun in- his hand;
and as soon as the snake made his appearance,
shot him through the bead. The child swooned;
the snake squirmed and worked himself around
awhile, and died; the chill in the meantime re
novena from ber swoon, but was immediately
mind with spasms, acting in a manner resem
bling the writhing of the snake, and finally died
• glicasaie moment the snake did, apparently in
theirreatest agony.
This horrible, and at the same limo owlets
neinly oseurrence is the first we have heard of for
• long time, and, in fact, the fiat we ever knew
at where we could poesihly vouch for its truthful
eeneetams. We know that there are pentium
w h o doubt the reality of snake facination ' bat if
V entertain W soy doubts on the subject hereaf
ter, lb, rotative* of tins utifortuuale girl can be
found ready and willing to corroborat e our state
int This should serve ass warning to parents
wh o made in chi, *wintry to be more careful in
Witching their children.
We bed moms forgot to Inintion that it was
s Week snake, (generally bupposed to be harm
less, that is, Dui poisonous,) retell feet ail inches
is length, that &cleated the little girl.
Idirmant.—Dr. Linton funnel, of tle 11. S.
Navy, was rot:eddy lynched sod bung at Laredo,
Tau, by the U. S. toldieis. It appears dist
bates bad insulted the wife of Centro, au Ital.
intimation who tesetitod !be iamb, whereof).
in Limo !Vat shot Carer°, a Meziese enuatiee,
shaiateefored,iad thee shot Centro. Ho then
rasped to the Maxim silk of the Rio Grande,
emeeiteed owe other soakage, and was lapis.
twi t ethos the mains Meat over, took hiss
std emeoekellime se Abe
of tivc
aLle pq 11%-r, :Aul
TL,: ',lee:if - JD of (iou
tau ati ti] the S • C
on the 30 . n TLuc 'tr.' , t 1
hghtia.; at the p ;u fis• e ;u. -u r t
111,111 Wai :zti.l .1 1'
In th.. te,a l o, , ),c 114, I:Qi ,, tl Wii
h;Avuver, rvoultvd TUC
prty cArrieti<4, AND KANSAS —W., : e --,t r :p rt ra -
few (1.1)% %volt a g-ntlem to who had ju-t
returned from a vi-it , tt observation to Nobtaikt
;al.: Ex:9m inorhis ui that there arc lion
drtcla of f.aniliez: moving int-) those new
rice daily. lit"tosas,, which is the touthf rn t:rr:-
tory, i• ih gr,• , t point of attrivi ,n Tr, • s It!
is better nod the climate norr c , ngenial
soon( r an Indian treaty mode and eon finn-ci
than th • whole purchaic is stake I out int ,
damn.. lie stated an ev.r fact s:gitificant of th
fu'u: - •, which wl4, that no slaves ar. g
the c-nintry. So cff et will be rn ide by the peg
plc of the South to m eke them, or either of tli•2lu
stave territorieq. Why ghoul I tent-? Tit , - coun
try is a vast fertile' pliiu, teu,:li or it dc-ei'tve
of timber, and adapted only to graztn: puToses
Slave-holders 0313 !Ae their c's tttell tuglr
and cotton growing districts of T tip, where lan I
i 4 cheap and slave labor profr.tbl They will
not be guilty of so 2:ma a fatly :14 to haztr.l the
right of this kind of property by :akin:: it to
!Lanus or Nebraska. Here we ice the e ff.• v t;
am-intervention. Without that restriction, till,
arbitrary line which has alway 4 been so offen-dre
to our southern br.,:hemu, two to we fr , e ternto.
ries have been a fled t tai Uui lit. By p To+ tr
sovereilipaly and u naluterventum, c
Utah, 1K1.11435 and Nabra-k% will be to de froe
Statltt. The S ta.b clan ,t complain. Tile p,-;o
-cipto for which they hare tq
prnanced this result.—lndiantap9'l4.
Jime 20.
POLITIC 4 . L S IMM ON 3 .—Tu2 Now York 01o:fr
yer, a religtous newspaper, retriark4:
"It is with painful apprehensions that we ob.
serve, in the speeches of clergymen, iu the tone
of a portion of the press, and in the deportment
of the people, a gathering determination to make
an issue with the government, on this question =
and if passible, to prevEmt the execution
law, It is time to pause when this dootrine has
any semblance of favor in the public conscienre.
A spark of fire may explode a magazine, an 1 age
may not be able to repair the mischief.
When certain rash men, iu October, Ifq9, in
voked an armed resistance to the Fugitive Stive
Law, and proffered the crown of martyrdom to
thane who peii,licd in the fight, a thrill of horror
struck the beans of the people, the authors of
the infamous sentiment wer.i %lie to hide t!,,•ln
selves from publics rebuke b 1 a guru/ denial. Is
there aught iu the present etreuarztatiecs to make
that doctrine leas atrocious now as then?"
sir The last number of Punch contain. a p.•-
torial guclts at the distinct! at which ludic'
nets will bo warn from their beads at the next
remove. Zhe tencleuoy has Loren further au
still further rearwar,l, dud the nest change, Pus. It
thinks, will tutrry them off the head caurely, 41:4
he . repri-ents the next fashion by two ,youni; Li.
dies in full dress and bunt hea.lod,
the street , with a footman walking *onto um feet
behind, carrying the bonnets on a waiter.
Ir Ovir ono hawked .
took phial in tie sity Neir Yoe); a 4 1: 11
011 k.
(frit ale*
1114.• :tiodoll4l/314-Ivvis
Cie.afield C Juuty.
Of Stauu-et County.
FOR CANAL commisnown
of Pike County.
Gov. Bigler on the Stump.
Crw. BIOLER erttten a letter to the Dem
ocr C. wral ,;onitnittee signifying hip
wi:!ingncEz to !life the stump should his party
fri;ll,l4 deem it aarisAblo. Ile candidly admits
tLAt tae "stumping system" is Liable to Manifest
and wlighty objections, and was embraced by
him at tl.l last election, "more as 3 mattc of
neeem&ty ch lice. " Approttending that
t`rt.;l:o- a'Aternitiro bo again presented;
Committee rill, therefore, nod the
D !to Jeratik; ceirlitlate ea subject to the pkatsure
(.1 Li- : fa it. the prfumattee of his
• W i..l dc rt•.i Ally permit. I shell nigst cheer
: ally awe: and Iran my fc/low citizen+, Pintail
pre at ~....pLet of pilitical affeire at swab
t awl I.lces .0 uic Stu A.S may be deemed
1 i :cu u to p ninn9 •1 disguise on any subject
o 1 4 , in at! 'evil ;lire:KW by the election of a
G ••••1.. acid autious that each
t.T . vl Fitiquid uuder4r.tchl, as fair as possible, the
et of the rot, scluels he is lib - nit to
• tB iLi tic 9 arc tuatter of public
ru. au tu up in their wibtiotn, justi,N.
p haven right to all the
i• • u;.i.; 11: k: b.l lilroWCl before
i rliiil, t Maud prepared to SC
fur my stew.mblop by speakiug to our
i• ft iett tt+ to the u•tual w ty, or, if prefemd,
.iy taz..l.••.tig Ju tge PoliOt:k u, oei tho people,
111. ~ ,hll 1 uof perry, awl disculiug pu
t p.c., I. St.:atoned NALLiiu•
al. :rust 1111'1 , fll4ll. LAW williug W d i to
tXI tit upi bp tro time au! limited abilities,
1:. • t. ih•itiu.uce of tuy health, which,
,a 1 ? 6
t.tatiK th,3 opprsition, trot out
n• g Crjo k, owl we have seen
P. LLOCK., an 1 our privatv epiniin ii that o.le
C, arf;e:d i:attstuati" show his opponent
t ire than a "-Sooty Nwhing - to
• .: 1 G .vet n• rof Pvonsylranin:
Glal to See It.
W x tho to:w ci di Girard E.rprodi in
1 ;1 th,..refore, thu &Hun.
t.) Iri••;xt. 1.! is wdl kn ,wn that for
Las ruled this county
.t p : i„ti rot uu'oending as a rod of iron.
1 1 1 . •• ‘.- 1 . /Cll3 nrlminatetl, grog or
.1, Et .1- iturl., ma- sur.! t ) b.! doetori. Hence,
g' 1, r, • catuing out of a dark
h r , .t!r r l.,ii " , ..iucu.,..ystern" is
1., I b', .I,r, i,l . , tt the ExpresA.
the people
!list they will
, ut.a merely
p, 1 ~1
E • pres
• a, for
.7. .1 to b.o.ster up
caticu. Tbe tint
,„ tu „- 11 wile the 'straight
. t :t• ..f tlet: politic.ll
• p 4 pi, this dew-
Th..y have brokeu
•fr I. /h.` 4rEl oryvn , zat,oits &Intl ant ut
41.t..,u11 im , frve, aui
I.xe. that—it ti,.unds refrolohing, corn
i• from a w' a, pip!r--./fter being
.:Pe t•.;04 •,11 , !ui" frr twenty year 4. The
L.,..)* dr, ss, 1.2,r ihat E.rpreit won't
• • k.k II , ke ri c ;lst out
. .L . ll 11 . aid :.tth
:uirriiv or 0141 "gou'thua mucus rys•ein—
z, t 1.1 i ,n in •eti
,u t u qui,/ .• .., a "a rligir tick it." fl Javier,
- z:i 1:,,n Ice, vat ve
in tile 111••311 time let u, hope anti pray!'
A Speck of War.
B 1h arr„r..i LI; Pr nnstheti.4, we
}iVe ni•fot itup r, )41 Sic iragus. Toe
town of S Ju in, cr G tis sonso
t.a.c, c ts t rely ,Lstruycl by the
C. Q. 3 1 . , o? -)1 kr •r C • C).1131111,ro Hollins.
vfa r u, bircu t. I.7uittAl this
, • , 1 'nit up Jo Mr. 13 who interfstotl to
p—o'-. t c itu NicarAgal Catupsny's
st • :.0 •r i 4 those who claim to
B 4.1cni0,1 tie au•
yut t . . w urre464.lalcaptlin,
tit W,Lfs U1) . 11411 and Othurwitba iasulted
)4y th , 3 po p'e of Ssu Juts. When applied to
f ,1-4; , explanri,nt or repAr.itilo, Olt nu.
Ltoriti,:.l /elev.! either. A few weeks since, the
U. S. slip Cynuc w. to Sin Jule
•,) enquire into the f Les of the cisfe, sea demand
f Ili4etit, t the nation in the
,-,eri)u of 4.1 wiuisLt. 17p7a her arrival it ap
peltr6 the aut,L,rit.i..ts nifuied either an u. it; , LI Alias
0 I.:1 CI! )114 iiski subsequently lunk.l
wit'a .t body nt weu and entirely destroyed it by
fire Fortunat, , ly no lives Were lost.
4•ll,cfroa.trtax."—Wq nitie t\. by the Ga-xtre
that thaJ ii to b.: a " Taig Caluty M.!ctinit,"
at the Cat 1:1-me on the 7th. Alton; other
":neentive4 to 3aima," the call uroutiuus "the
r.21 , ±11 of Oa" id:swot:l3 Nehraskt bill and the
r,storatioa :1 the comprritaiv." As
we have repeatedly eAlle..l upon the Gazette to
auswcr, but have rewired 'no information, we
tru.t the hpetikerA ou that occasion will point
ont hlw and when dint* intond to repeal the
Ne'braske 1,i!l: We ila‘c studied the question
SOLlic Vr oat—hare examinud the istate of the twee
pretty carefully—awl yet we. are unable to me
how the-thief oun be accomplished. Now, will
the el l thut Whigs who ire 4.pnt down in-the
bills," be ea kin I an to tell us how the thing is
to bojon..? ,Itter t'usq h.sve done that, we
wou ld ;lett lit. o have them tell u, what effect
"n peal' an.l the "restoration of the 31insouri
" w, 1t..1•Q • IrD the territory of
lLussai. Woull it, or well it pot, surrender
that Lue territory c up to ' b'..tvery? And, "while
their hood in," won't thy ) , jest Wens us
why, seeing tint the Missouri compromise heels
it favorite of theirs, they deseesta the
Jeers Buchanao fur &Avocado& its *star
Dion to the Pam& a few yenta ainool If he was
a ushingll toes" fo advoesuatitsaiwim ekes,
teitee the w] whereivessee ihneeimeleef
i 4'.
ut up u
-cr. liku th.4l
tni1,11,1.4 ciucul
1.......___ ~,„.:
4 . ~,.
A modern whi . *queer eon o f MN.
liateuey and in eds. , WIWI iwoier Os a
ialtanee of suceesa whe 1, liana lie.
ayutio's worth of i;itial pip to hosto s tr--the tuo•
dery whi,ii to the most inveterate man-worshiper"
thi nos ailjoet truckler, that ever "litrwed the
supple hinges of the knee that thrift might fol
low fawning." Who we,* vrorahiped like Clay
owl W4betAir, io tho ktoymily of their ptoopcity?
'Their weed Kis ha► tho Oulu over. I . Tley tusks'
sad lama& platforms. 'They aid go, sad the
ertztg party treat. They aid CMS, end the whig
party mane. Not a murmur escaped the lip of a
aiogle whig. In a word, all these men said and
did wai Ai implicitly ou,lorsod by . the whig party
as thoegh it-had been revealed from above: Bat
how soon have their tcaohiegi been forgotten!—
They aro scarcely cold in their graves before
"sectional agitation," against which the kit
words of both Clay and Wenstvr were directed,
i 4 hugged to the bosom of almost every whig iu
the North. Not only is this so, but the very
names of . the whig swesm in we ;Ilalud to are
almost " obeelete ideas" in whiz history.—
Again, when by the dispensation of. Providence
Gee. Taylor was removed from the seine of his
mach:lees, and Mr. Fillmore became the dispea.
ser of favors-4e sdurce of power—the whig par-
ty north and south, east and west, with one ac-
cord, itztauded to him its . sytup3thy and support.
"lie e , )ald give and he could take sway," hence
his messurmi became their meuuves an-I his
wishes their law: Is übedientii to it the law for
the audition of Fugitive Slaves was passed—Lhe
C o uoprimaise was adopted—and "sectional agita
tion" crwbed out: In obedience to this same
powor---the power of public plun.lor, aid °8t.:131
pap—the whig National Convention assembled,
and among its r walat;ocki, i: pitied oue endor
sing, afErming and pledging the party to main
tain and cam. out ;Jr; "Fugitive Slave 10w."—..
Iu fa:... furuer, roil pl:4-.1 tit.: whig
pat)? a it only to abide hy that law, but if /woes
atry to :uncial it So as t. , auto it more accepta
ble t, the Siuth. This, wo supyle, might l,
justly termod "death bi-d rcpentince," but like
all au.:li repentauco it was :short sirs.; for no
ovum was can. Scott il:feated, and 31r. Ful
mere shorn of official potter, and couiequ.utJy
baukrupt in official pap, than we find this segue
whig party preachleg treason to the vley iaiv
they had pledgad thorurelves to maintain 1/13‘ j )..
Lite. And not only do wo find them doing this,
bat we also find them ridiculing and denouncing
Mr. Fillmore for the very law the whig National
Convention iis_lf h4l end vsed Iu proof of this
read the follJtving, which wo clip from a vriirg
paper in this county. True, it did not originate
with the piper from which we copy it, but it
was published in its collator's without a word of
of condonuation Ileail and see the fare the whip,
mete out to their stitestu3o when they hive u.)
longer ()Soap to give. It is in th and in fact
i de
an instructive lesson of iugratit :
A34t1t44. "PltEsiavrriAL 11./cce . ?."—.."The caul/fish
ment of a new wine paper is sonuosly twitous t ihsal here.
It will he of the Natsoual school, of tioarlsa. A well known
political writer ts spoken 01 as its wlitor. lle is a warm
inslt! of Presidout Fillus,ro.'
For sons 3 ,wench. Ur. Fillmore 'oat bison tenting at the
South where he has hero futiol 411 the Nestor of foziticis
slave bOloun 114 or.ts riisiootiy at 3loot i goosery, in Alain
oa, where "lie visual one of the p!antau..ns on the dah
lia:a." that he might si.,ly the worklug of the peculiar in
!Lint, •ii, Oi c:• .i.o toe p...towit .11 pot ou its gala 4001,
covered up as winch of its d e cliaru as possible, rad reN el
lei! to the maim a -D.a.d1J131." luo mootputery ilea,. .4i / e:
-11 e was sonducted by Major C..wles to the aegro estar.
11ri5.! , 40 , A0g r it i k 4 4.9.M. 5 464 411 0 liear alititr iifto"4ll
curved tuns with a Ititowout mile and much NrJinliry. Un
oitteraug One of the roona where a nunber war aettlyni
,round u cites-id'''. fire, ib• day being finite add—they
arose from seats mod renewed their stellar Most gr.ton
folly. One of the s area was busily gaited in ri.isliug
ditesou Crinase. We bare no doubt Mr. YJluwre was
highly grettried to find the slaves so neatly ant eleably
abed, and emery siey w well providsid for, and rondorod not
only 16./114111eti with wets oisultioa, but hail, and esu
The Montgomery paper doses tot report Mr. Fillmore . '
•peech to the s.avoe, but it Is supposed that he Spoke an
foillows:--“Iitggersi I raj 'its to see you Lusk am fat and
happy. I asei not diaappotntsi I Lin the mac why sign
ed that act of Coupes& Jur ratchlug runaway I.iggers„ , "n.l
taught the country bow to raletttll it. It is . horrible mu
for aimers to run away Irom slavery; and if they ootapiam
when 'holt feasters sett their clef:m..4 bustfiuida, or babes.
they should tin 111•1414 With a Cat troll', ta.le. 1' , 43 must
on g•. 0 ,1 tilers Cud work all tin time on week days, end
feel very Litoulaul when you are fi •„/;ed for
Dien a nothing like tto,gi,tag for laay a a‘gers; but r.aa.
wayutggeraare the tr trat a all 1 . 1,1 follow rd.' tin.;
1i .button eru.,e was ra set at the North, I suppose. 1.1/
,nint to Chariest ,n or .1,:oh.lo to a Nortnern ream/. I Ilan,
say, end hay to INS •Al It a...Hi uig'mra no good to real,
to/ that ias•ic is u 4.1 for Ilt/ui. for is will m .44 ul.,n l o ng
to roam 4b ,us sad sole lb. w rid. I mast 'walk to your
eater about it, f.,r Croft." will make you feel
hae iuneieg Keay. Ito afrnift. In apt Lit of ivy bid, for catch
sag you. Cloud bye, my friends. I came t 3 say you of
.iuuday, so as cot to disturb y... 0 when yin are sis work."
Wo might here chew our chapter of Whig in
oonsisteney and ingratituie, but we have a word
or two mare to say upon another branch of the
subject. We h:ar 3 g twig-a-dap from
whig politioiaus with "Know Nothing'proeltvi
ties, about the Democratic party pandering to the
Catholic priesthood, in order to secure the Catho
lic) vote. It it a bad sign for the fattue of this
country wan deeiagigu.ts so far forsget what is
due to our system of government, as to attempt
to draw a line of demarkation between the vote
of particular dcuoininanons. Tons, when we
hear men talking about "securing the Catholic
vote," Mary next expect to hear of their et
tempting to secure the "Presbyterian ewe," s ad
the "Methodist vote," and so on down to the
"Mormon vote." But, if there is any thing in
the history of the put that is clear, it is that the
whigNutuiteition for Vice President in 1844,
was made with too express view of "securing the
vote" of a pirtieular denouainatiou. Tao trick
,lid not succeed, however, iu that direetioo, and
hens: in 1852 they tried it on. again, but chose
another denomination upon which to work 'their
cad. All oar tuners recollect how, during the
canvass of 1852, the whig presses of the Union
constantly invoked the people of the United States
to oppose the election of Gsil. Pierce on the
greued that New Ilempebire contained inler
Coustitutima a provision authotialag a eelig • u,
test to all applicants fur officc---a test which' a
was utterly beyond his power to remove In
1854, the whig candidate for Govereor of Penn
sylvania bases his faint hopes for-au election up
ou tihq fret that be joined the secret order of
"Know Nothings," one of whose avowed objects
is to establish such a test in defiauee of the CID'
stitntions of the United States and of this State.
In 1835, 1888, and at an earlier period in ow
pedants' history, the main spirit of opposition to
the Diliaocratie party here was on amount of its re
foul to join in an unconstitutional and transited
crusade egainst a secret charitiblo society, called
frAteasons. In 1851, the whig nominee m ikits
it an object of primary importance to join a ie.
orethoeiety, avowedly in is its eharms
ter, smiths Dets )(ratio party is datiounctel
dame it will not ttait4 in an unjust crusade
ageism adopted eitis.ins, =ad latrine upm the
right' of eiensoienee. Verily, the inetiosieteney
and ierstitwie al the whig party St heat it
•Mr wiary Ate habit Henry's lost
iiskilivethidisilli4eimibbe be rofsbdudia
• HOW T. 0116 1 0 1 •
That glom mond by his b • • ;
4§o, that as owns of feels worth of
fict=ts apply b* of dtlitrolophs to
the ' • of thO44virsr Nothings," that our
adopted eitiacuas monopolise all, or a majority of
the eifiees-ls she gift of the Gloooromoest. Who
thu ofUes, thee, wo atk? Fortunately the
Blue Book, a work published every four years
for the use of the Departments at Waihington,
aosnarc'thilt isdi•ti.m to a very great eztent.—
From i fs page s — tho following facts and figures
have bees oonspibitt by the *Moore Saw.
L;4l 4/ Were in the owl eithe
64 Chtiea Aiwa, mut plow
Waiblogton. D. C. tuerteia, At Cit.
State Depastuteat. 2 t 4 •
Tressary Department, 401 16
D •partinont of Ills Interior, f 66 ?I
Oilleers and %Keats la the setTlee
of ii.ustoof Itspoosentstives, 46 1
Post Moe Depathimtett SO 11
lAA of Jrdadinp. cusead. &a
Walston and C.sis6ls. 396
Coast Sarre:, 44
trait• I thaws Mint, I?
Lint Iloess Board, Itaipestan mad
RAVI" 692
C. S, ilsreass Maria* Srt►!w, 66
Lid dif Owego Ages °Aim
?few Ilanspahhe,
?limit Island,
NO* Twigs
Now Jersey,
District of CoWAS, *
North Carolina,
South Carolina. '
Mies nisi.
I ud
Ca I ifs-eta
31 anomie. ?whom
Custom nous& 1137
Dgpartutects, 1320
Nlityisteri,l,Qolo.l4, la., 741
Total, $902
It will h•-. tict.n from the above that only one
tenth of the oleos in the gift of the Government
are held by adopted citizen. The statistics
might go still further, however, we think, and
show that inatetiti of those adopted citizens who
hold office getting evil] one-teuth.of the emolu
ments, they 1, o-'t get otte.teencisth of the whole
sum. For it is a fact which no one who has been
around the Departments at Washington, or the
Custom U .uses in New York and Philadelphia,
will deny that a maj city of adopted eitizens em
ployed, held the low,.st grilla of offiees--anch as
Watchmen, Messengers, &e. But it la said, that.
a majority , ‘f the Post 'fasters in the country are
"fereigners;” and some h tve went so far as to as
sert that a 11l aro "f weign Catholics."—
Now, as there is no record kept in the Depart
ment of the birth-place orreligiun of the Poet
31astor•vanr,roteil, ani we not justified in saying
that any man or paper makin 4 snob • assertills,
was SO at tkc e.rpruse of truth! We know peo
ple are erodulou4, but we think no man is so cre
dulous as to believe a st•tement of the character
we allude to, when the fret is suseeptiblo of the
„ r • . • •h. ... l ir-Kahl e . by
means of ouy T , coni,.to ascertain the birth-piece
or religion eleven pa • Post Muter in the Union:
In this case, perliops the appointees in our own
county is as good a criterion to ju Igo from as any
other. N its, 11.1 w eon Is th; case here at home?
Perhaps our "Ku.sw N.)thing" friends can an.
se- Batteir, with'her thousand tongues, p)s:-
tively asserts that thine has been a 4 .llare up" in
the "Know Nothing" organization in this city;
and that one of the grand high Priests, under
the patron Igo of the Shanjha is, left for Puila.
delphia on Thursday a ght fur the purp've of
perfecting, n u tters. eours, io speaking upon
thin matter, Ivo only give rumor, but it is one
pretty sc.ilauthenTioate.l that tbe preliminary or
&wiz itiou w. i di‘;.:o , l between Shanghais and
Auti-Shangliui., but as the former possessed the
most teener and nuuthers, they carried the day,
and have got, or will get, the regiular erganifatien.
It was probably this that sent their messenger
off in such a hurry, it the , time named. If our
information is correct, the object of the organi
zation here is two fold:—first and primarily, the
defeat of Mayor Kt:so for-Prothonotary. That,
the Shanghais would probable enter into a league
with the devil hlins-If to accomplish, besides
spending half the cost of the Erie and North
Kant road Then, they hate BIGLER, and next
to Knto would like to see him run under. To
the first of these, as a Dtmoorat e we have nothing
to say—we presume fir. Kjog,'s friends are able
to take care of Lim; and as to the latter, why we
inn ud to prevent it if possible.
sir Eltru 19 thO, end of one of the "ghost"
stories, the new order of politicians have-iorent
ed to frighten Jrn grand• mothers with. The
others, of a mimilsr ukture, aro-from the eame
omipil.ition of "nursery Lau:"
has been g 'ma the routs 1, of the papers stating
that a tupterious cask wig deposited from a
freight train of ears at Canton, Stark county, in
this State, fitnply directed "Canton." Toe di
rection king inexplicable, the story MILS it was
opened, and found to be full of pistols and bowie
knives, nnl th it iu unhurt time a Catholic priest
called and took it away. The last Stark county
Ihmocrat, contains the statement of J. Kepliu.
ger, ticket and freight agent at the railrnad at
Canton, asserting that the whole story is false in
all its particular , . NJ such oaf& was ever there,
and of eour:.e. no Catholic priest ever tailed and
took it away. The whoie thing exalt vil calumny,
darted by ,otne evil disposed persons in order to
increase the antino,ity mid prejudice that already
exist: , between Catholic and Protestant.—Cia
chianti Entgirer.
ne- The Whig Staw Central Committee have
issued au Adam's. Like tho shadowy remains
of Whig principles, remarks the Reeding Queue,
it is the most mon and indecisive politioal doc
ument imaginible. Except itso far u expresses
hostility to the Nebraska bill, it is absolutely
pointlessi and leaves the reader in glorious un
certainty as to what are the imams presented on
the Whig tide, for his decision at the approach.
ing election. It passes by the question of sell
ing the public works, in a few ambiguous words;
speaks mildly in favor Of a Prohibitory Liquor
law; and hints at the imaginary danger of a
division of the School Fund for wistaria' purpo
ses--a prtject which, we venture to say, has not
seriously entered the mind of any sane man in
this Oommocwesith; and one which the Demo
cratic party certainly moot oossistestly enter
tain, for the very good mama then it was under
its auspices that this artariaii . istars of the
bsw at HO; painiftnaisitho adst
tasks d Jessie Biwa, vie wild! •
~.. .
iii, y to di IS •
pries baw bees
d SI per " .
sre still le
G ls,
l ig
as s iligilissis -,
Is. Ws USA thal lit . 71 Km% setili
/teed Swiss, bas takes Brown's Hotel, In this shy. Be
Was pashillies /a &Sew do" whim, us am/AAA's; tha
public 'MI6 seastaavylatod to tip top lapis.
Ilb• Lido, of lb. Jannontogra Damosrat say. Ye is
ovary bag isslistdis Vales.' Rats& be Maas Sot try
and .ass hissall7 Th• 'Wet Manor, ti i , said, may te
The otnasanication of our oorreopondoat "Lovelace"
b held loblitlidlloll4. ' Mitt foilablb
well do Sip nett yea. /flu do not won toterntman.
aseript so desindo
kity* arm said It before, bat we think oat Now
Yort Warn an last tits thing." Tina. palmed. gad
1 Peeps!. Yet *0 rp ?few 'fork life. from Wall stlNl mr
the nit atarabon, where the peer seem d aatgragate,
pr• Oas at She MUII4IOIIIII sitriittplacs torUto yeses wt.°
may tansy things. and heavy a right to say thaw. &elates
that • wits should he Ilko s rust lamb—tender sad Mealy
drautod: What s wall
The Stark (Ohio.) moat, Agricultural Sudety are
°tering premiums fur the lama mseeimeas of 11.4%1012g
America. Tor dte prettiest baby, lb, tad e 'diploma to
the stothsr. The mute for the largest and bossisa twat.—
Not a red emit is Om la the shape of ereograirtamat
judiere Ais, deem wasemes
Diet Cit.
A mats War asked fibs weskit Hie to Live faseres,
"plied, "that oonakiestaig the state of thetisee, sad the
**aka**. pf the goveraatat he weld sot awe skeet lie
-1 fug mare than half of it."—Exclave
That was a whig, "well bat high." Thorn always
yammering about the "Goweroateat," sabots their mouths
aro filled with the prhile teat:
-- -ISi
"71138 acd Father" it tile woo ; Oven to e style
of bonneu just Istrodaeed moon btu feetwnenble
That mast be the Iliad doseribed Pene..4, &slotting car
t rind by a wean t ■ rod or two bebiWl the owner on • wait
et! And it ',irises Its maw deakKbas by the way "Ts..
and FaitSere ran behind is I$ 2.
as. we exit please.' to welcome bast this WWI ear es
teemed noighbov, Dr. C. Beasts, from a trip to the lend
of his nativity—Germany: He email over on the Prank
tin, and eousequeetly is one .rf those who were ye aaeer►-
muolously Laded in the fuj en YetAlay th• 17th. *re
turns better satielloi they ever with the land of We
lion. her institations awl her future pr.spisets.
ei s s
-a. We beg "or Mend of the Grturette will isvt slags the
Glimmer emu the Nese York Tree Deaeoe•at. We ere who
what prod of oar own lisintliket, particelly sh.l otherwise,
and hence d• not 10/6 16 kites it f slammed with such a j ,r
loll:ay and bigoted eeneerri as the Tree Democrat.
U. glad to learnfroo the aostnie that "the
Whig party mill lives." Prom du oou.ree of orenu to
Mohican and Ohi., we had etrnit eoneitided that the whip
party, like the .11 anti-mas , nie party. had "foe• 4" It.elf
all away.
The Goma/ tells its readers ID one column that the
cars of Goyernor of Nebraska has "gone a hewing," and
in another that the Dentoeratir party is '5614 tether by
the cohesive power of public plunder.' Queer party, If
the hater assertion Is eve, to here a Mveroorslalp 4 g,T, a
begging,' lent it/
We sae dm: 4. H. aws , yksm. Esq., is annuustood as
One of the Editors of the 3Ml4i Oonatitmtioo. So it ap
pears this young gentleman has been "born again." First
he was "bcrit a wh,g." 84., be told as In the Grpostaerciai
Aderirtimw. Then he was ..born" a 'lre* sailor," sod now
his "bora - a Shaognal: What his sent birth will be is
only known to the Dimo.ors of the North Rut and Eric
A young Irish woman, an Irish Proteatpt, wboso
maiden name. was Davis, eounnitted suicide at Cohoes.
N. Y , because her Moods upbraided her fur marrying a
catholic a few days before. If dos boot bad been on the
other foot, how the Know Nothing papers would howl over
the interference of the "bloody ratholica."
Th. &iit.•r of the ()nestle denies being a "Know
Nothing" Perhaps we are misinformed, but we ha•..
some recollection that be annotenced his willingness, nut
long nines, to join theta in order to socontp:isit a cerair.
O• The Bagel,' kspeen malts Ta.o,ioro Froolingbuy
elea along aide of "such statesmen as Denier Webster,
Millard FAIIMCWO, /MOLD 8.1 awing, and W. tr. Jo,rart.
The only time the eoeotry ever heard of Mr. Freelinghey-
Den. we believe, was wLon the whig party tacked hats .n
to the tail of Mr. Clay, in IEI4I. in order to secure the
"Presbyterian vote."
Thotepeotee Bank Note Reporter has ttio following
• 'The charter of the Erie Bank, Erie, Pa., expired sense
year ur more sines. We notice that large mounts of u.
bill. are still la oireulatioa—this would nut be if the Baal
WSJ honestly winding up."
But the Bank is eo "honestly winding up." And how
should It? It has not tired honestly, and of eourise it
can't die honestly'
Going of the •-teet" young men of Pittsburgh att•uspt
e.l to hiss Su. Win. Dun, the Coinediers, off the stage tin
other n ght, bisesuss: ho preferred to est his oulit sinsamr.
eh , pa, in h,s (isro room In h,sehart Sl.COtte..lllJtdaa at, the
po'.l,e teh!e at the 11.,tel where he was •topping. They
itta . nt succeed, except in getting some of thetr , •1 , 11 ulna •
.1' put out of the Theatre. Served thous right.
An aid physiesan wrinia au the ?naval that a sure
ours for the refloat of etta.kee rad insects is to Le found in
the free we of ataraoaia, or hartehorn. With regard t. iLe
use of thi remedy in a altar of hydrophobia, ho says.
- 11 . 441 I to treat the bite tt a lard dog, I should at V114:411
.;l the wound with strong aims oetwoaio, had hemp the
wound discharging it for *owe weeks. at the same
tame it:r tug 1t tatarualty, se to thoroughly haprognati
the ayeteta with i; for ' , vie tiara."
It it oil 4 tii , err .• • t.t•es in the White Melintain,
e. r, • A ..f.r tt..• Ito weather, where th• i• C.rty
f••,rt t • if tk•t i. Pr. cloaking short of a blast from :ha ,
i.:ao. V/ 4 , re 4p-kb. never go,•• rid 'tart th• per
Seeti.e/ says a eery Lorry storm uc
t a, the rat: f Crawford count) un Prphi,
r la•t week A It( ie Dumber of trees were bi.oen
bar .• tore d, end Gr.cee, tut Ti of c4ero en
grain, and bey •tiacke levelledi with the 4round. We have
n. , t beard. however, of coy serious accident happening to
wan or beast in ....,neeln nee of the slur= They had •
teach of the same gale in Meadville, wh,ch blew down
see .ral trees, but did nl other damage. During dm storm
the lightning was terrific. but tho ride decidedly rehesh
in g.
The snit of the any of Erie against the Erie ksid
North East road, wee argued heron the Supreme Court at
Philadelphia; Una week. Quite a number of our effaces
were result. The argument on the part of the city wee
made by Menu. Thompson, of thie city, and Williams, of
Pittsburg; sad on the pert of the eompany by Messrs.
Stanton, of Pittsburg, and nerideth, of Philadelphia, The
derision of the Court will be ludo - at Pittibarg In Septem
ber. As We said last week, *wait a little luuger"--she day
of r,ai r batioa is at basil!
—0, for on item—a local limo, to Mier* the monotony
that broods ors oar eschenve /dm "f*os" over the
wi.ig party. Editor, want,. aro anatirous,Not the want
of an item, maimilitiegli it leo brief, is sannetimee a sew
rims one. The other day, despite the held, Irllieb was
only oloety-lies to the elude. we *trolled about our atilt
city for three mortal hours, 'melting whom we might im
mortalise; and 'mold yes tie tiers it, reader, almost the
only thing worthy of nod,* that "osne between the irind
and liar nobility," was a eta* of women's rights. As we
mid before, the ass was sweltering hot;_dogs pouted wen
upon the shady tide of lorich-rtalle, ma* incipient port.
era grunted in vary pain, as they roiled from side to tide,
in choir private rad boles. 'Still, neitherehisty roods, our
the morehing rays of the ems, won eolSoieen to restrain
tbo exhibition of "wesaa's riglitor w atladed to. Down
that% ap Peeek. memo Slink and au ea all ar or the city.
from door to door weeded the Was et a.—eienemei 11011111111 e
No doubt sew elver male Lave am her, and if they
have, the aanervied at lea" will not be very apt to ex
slain with Cowper aateadolt.
"0, for • Wigs is mos risk widamit's bosom.
Boma boaadlom roatiplig of--"fuotto."
BMMr will they wish, whoa owurusooy don ovortakt
dims, that "wssaaa's nght7te poddia.chareall. or to Per
form say Misr maarallao ooroloo, may ho healoiowl fro,‘,
Um "mimosa,' of Ow day, awl they M able t• Mag, lu
tnah sad ia fart—
TM waeid goes ap,, aaithe world gee. down.
AM the *wham hallows Me rata;
4 114 7Nioreare ewes , : owe yeabeaday's Craws.
Caa maw same ever wvee.
Sweet wife,
Ne. &saw sm. ewer alpha.
les we Is wank *NO sea be alid.
AN algbt win UN dw7;
TN lee its Niel s MO
Im N
es wee Nary wed ele
Cos *ski w weraint
1111111100 ii
Itfttrs lox 334-to--ttniT
Corregnerdeace eftio Jks
oNrir romt..hly
Ha*caw filed .kot atoodo-fii-A
t;te'44. ft ,
Bchisoni—Driaks—.l•try nrci
The Adair at Mae thernomeuior
potty , fair anae.t%t the ,oadit..n
cliisest Cosoi 10'../ • 1 elms td the hothe i
blJod cannot be ea 414,1 vr•Ceo..t a Liat.
hare Dome up for puhtv• c , 0...1-rettoa. ,
;y heard somethics the p4.r.usue. region n
D. Meagher, :ad MoMac ^IN Prsemn.
The Attemarananalei ". 11 """ 1 / 04 /per
provoeation for the a tileolt 11. iv] nre• rt ni
Freemone Zwreat 4t the Oi:4*•• • Id mixz,
the .ierniiiiJtentin a p-rs'mally eno•.., • i
that the lherm•.mutvr •tansta rc c r
the pugilists Tem llier Rust A .i • • „,
tnetr.qaarrols, audtkiasing or •Y,
souk," o t to word, I.IIIL .0 h !
base and tAillblu" CVO, w .'• :1,
up Isis adversary in tug m:. 0..
umiak dubeutir wieketiet v
tali* w 411.1L414 1 1 that so
honor. Ines* fishts f ton •
conversation rn tb odious - A U. ,
Mee La dirty 'hies, with ragged e , voi,
deem tie eud.sof bone: to true ati,tuer es
brandy smashes and gitt - cocktu:! I. :an.
caner disgraceful pm.] tight is ar";
and Morrissey. Tit*, whir:
in New York and vicinity. A Cathoi.4 Pr it
yesterday from heat while colciet:.:-.4 t
Babillsl4l 19, a course, as dull a, ~. 'l.
Stints. A goiseraddrigtit AWL:
.111Pe31.i tt, bare kept away view< ir,to 14.4 t 4.2,
probable. There is n more ~ .ht.Lrt
there is all user the State, in pt , ,perti,o t...
in!isbltants; asl the clam of pettp.s ea, k r ,
lei also taken into cons.deration. ;
unripe treat eaten by poor foreigners,
want of venttlition in which they indo.;•
that half of thong were D. - . 4 dead 1.35,t
it, ehelere, ys4ow fever, and evory • c ;
Tior one who keeps on the eTeLI r
duly careful or dirt, :hero arn fttv I %or
York city, 1J fur as the cnelern .Ic.t .e „, t
retsina are lams, but thi. is ;1,
The Il• teie sire :Its tivlng u u. k Q.
OrertiJwaug Of Lustness p:,•p
moue) was In II
be , :a. The propriett.r, .
failed ko-th r. nee redu-eil t:s
111.644 per diens. ~IA the : • 3 I ,
1011. Every thins taut
visiuri4 111 w( got od fro .1 .;; : r
Lbe,y hare been letely 4.... • t -!
w;iisiu the reach
',out have w el:, 1.3 k.
As rdzsrdi tu 401,:i
akqre chaerful ma pec
OA undociuted I: , lur.ty, • 61.;
Iltvar. of •11
sprawl a prate gin! .t a 1,:5
411111 Ch suitor to distrutt ta4 wt. e
whvle, this /11.44 O. a 4.. ..T
witLkirawtng our tuerdiar ••
living. Oue alleged •
the excwas of impurai •
accesded by the ~xt.rn, •,,ta a...
and other , . .
A good ull cu, ,r: 1 w , • •
age of 7. years, h..
day 3eho iIL N y , ~"
bought. heruwu droJ.L 1.1": att./ •• a. ,
Aran int.., !lc:
itatra,:t thorn iu VA
*rated Dr. Ha A a ,;
,a3y, and wtt'• v • .4 .1 ,-
waS /13.11 - b t • I
removal to the yew,
of those uum rou•
ThridWnW4DCOWO , rn.
Lsrs just svor. Ta
aud aro de::Orrii.u..
If I:nor rums- 4.1 I •t
Itts opinion,
sill broad This 3Ltyt rI • 3 J.. r
~l urch, aati was slactA, • e
Jar Babyish is i great thirsty
;luta( will kisp drisk,u4. 34 lan,:
nisaufactur..o, fr..“ 113.3
At the brook )1. Nftry Far i, U.
*tract one of Mu six now ship' .:f
"lease of tbo exonattee bee in tt.y :
matters, it, is Lou la t otn,h.
!topping leteeness oporstions ,r,u
of August. But I.'l ws.t fut. r.
, ilau ant place aorta.; the ,u•a:n.
estrolina Ices of the S. cit., so
ted by greet ontnhert. The p,or -
! - ,uard foe am utunCus taco's.'" t.
with 1114111 a. 1 4 !..y pot o,ltc
brher therm Inc Abe. a.
Anything *lee thau, ••.:1 •h•• r
eel:pt.:mi. A very daa e , et.
is d
eirert of the N try
e:;1 prk)bailif Irtbi '1..4.'7 • •,•1
A new water pr
1 / 4 e,utparby :fer. to sa:•p
411 prob , ..bly ha eonl/•l2; I f
•staaa of auti•ocrui a N •Av
q ii t u o r . o f latlar.. in W t"
wt' roach s u.. Tia4y hf
Va.) sletaler fowitt: ,
trta will pr ,re a .131 1 f 4
opd k Inv..yrwus m vvim t• v
which TA may b awe rArti3u: tr, is
When tnii dry 'poll e , . m.•4
no ;01. zef s drug •o thr m'rh••t.
-prkwideti t:n.♦
=••an wuen..r Wt .1i IiNT
vrats,;.er we ••Arta ►ad t
-efts ,Ligir..,a!
real:na fo
.e:u• ':/al pa r -r hte.b. and var
an extraJniimu.) low. OA.. if we Ca'
40 - L., 1 , 4033 ,14.1..ey
' - -Tos WILII/11110 , M Slur. in nr,
editor 01,th. Berko eou-,
01.2%1 , 1.Tel:ideal modiklate fn. „
easy footing which ebarseter .!•••
.(r. Myer, •ria his pail kr.. •
a viva' with thy world. ray •
Berks. Mr. Myers Lar a
of — Colonel.," which his fa:l, I • ": ;
of, or speaking to, bis son • •
simplicity and Altai re , t "
er, sot sa."pep," or ilia •
'le "old boy," bat a, Si • • •
-cowpony. W. , nee 1 'll.r
•'Cotonri' • ire as inset cr..; •
AI. The East•
. •
puns to be pVte.l i.i If. '
heat he ill "pool .4 nt • - •• ;
very ovidoot be 13 n.t
"happotted to br p •
would nnt Wive t • • •
0. 4 . rn I , • ••• '
•h. n there 14 iu f•ct
sr, Juige nt •be Supreme i •
Coosrrra br
Situ , tctntalltt --1' /1 '
(41.ef usr exett.t; ••• tit it • ••'
Stttia is th‘t 4nl "
meat ottot: 1.. • • • •
ttpksluva mud 171•1 KEI L • •
wliol•e,caJ .h • w rld withult . ; • '
w.n.) aro u.
4harr? rue) are man wt.. •
i.llOll, who bdria • •
Pd. ti triad of mai do p r • • • -
"ell a 0 at &al Moe eta: w . •
>l' the Seta or the a a!•on w
rimittLati4a, oostimi Y. -• 4 .
own rooonrcca, to bring nca •
tO Math itt Otllgtloll34, 111 P. I , . . " I"
nal instriAinau . • •
lttc anJ Wanta. li, 'oh) u.. n I
docket' from his
s pun. la wt' au:' aaser..' , . 1 o •
16 , 1 , 111nd Witter ba nor , ' ,“r
aaiog a grasc m uua t.Ju •••... • '
JZOttifitt opaii s WOI Veir-C4 -• :11 • I c.l •
%mi. The DriLts:4 g Arernzn ;..°4
Mime obalima, ths4 say . •-
Joao coo bottslf sartwo,sl w.- "-',
veal ba guilty of laiti trwsJ n. r,
%sedum °Wank is 1.1. s way .tf the
proiliat Kate of th* mesh vaseit'L,
PI Al IMO. *id La it, earl w riod 13.40 ' 1
fitierillitelb be esi ileisrleeis• a ligele:
e ' 11.:
• I'.:7a
, ~,
-, ?
I .. ~
^ 1 .ny
• • 1 I il l• C
LI Her p•f.,
.. ~ ~~-