I avarice eel's's. rost 1014. C♦nwsw. • SIMPITT we now reaelviag IbID Slorlag matt O amt ante nte dimes 1,006, embracing tie Jarrow meek, tbe moMellealliee anmetammt sad the eiserele &MP* of Plaid nail iletpml armee slid, lab plaMallmi *red into, Meebelle ettamd bogie Mack Wk. Ilerlam s Timm. Damp De Lamm, Plata end %me Wool De Lams. Psi plata sad an rimed Poplin, Wiodows Owens. Nem atglee di =b ad worked collara.Yaeseat CUIRID.Wet". Thamsg. Illenhe and homier Edginp and Inesrilegs. Loge OWN, itibbons and Laces. E*Olowarialling and Hosiery. awl ateaw 'axis. a large assortinexir. priimi‘Glagbain. Meal ot De Lamas% inweitin ill Mantillas asd Sbawla, Oblnisp. Obsallagg, tikeimhzevierylibiag mbe Mend is Ow tier of foreign aod do ssed", soado. All of me abase goods base been ,elected why dee careaa regard* strive ead prices. and need 00l y to bi sses a wet a Mar amis. CARPETS CARPETS We ea-eked ,IN akt tadueetweets to Oaf ViltialNKS In We Otte ° ro ma' , ou bruggitts. alectiste.blatte to., which we aft WM OW how the tosoatlenare.r. trio, litatehlk CA OW ELL et B ETT Goods. New Goods. TOWN C lOUS to now titeeiving his born; arid Sumner Good., embracing all the kinds and styles desirable fear the men. Thii satiation of buys,' la solicited. earsaint will te , eilleried that cannot tall to sake their tsiere.t to gore me a cell It isteirdaiLlo beep op sack during the present sotanun sent tuff had compel/Ethan ever. and ray plriCel Will be fixed at the lowest ear* rates. We pertieularl) frame the OWeIl LlOll of the public tour large meet of read) made CLoTLIING arum litOrd Maas and all well made, undet the eye of John Gvalitni. (...vuoi wort dolletO order u usual Conine done fix othrrA 10 Mae up with ease and promptness A large smelt of clout. on bend Le Peva! nil mode to order. Via. May tght-41. JOHN e. BERN US& 'The Bang Vp is in lsll /Mast. IS6/ T WOULD sl ley old customers sod the limbl.lor. is general L list Mans just rec., ved at in) aid stood osi *add suet. he mp% ILO* end ?Imo. a lame ewck of the iuml Grocer es In WADY, mach a. Coale, Teo. Sugar or vbr sous gialilies nem yr 1- Chip Wit Molasses, Tobacco of ail 'oda. fisePrtac lay C slat Al~ Cl laaanboa.Cioveb.lf,amets. Flom, Pori. eialt. IN bite rwk. smtl,N. sad other art aches too numerous to meat ton Ele No basins. tbe rlibt piste to buy Uruceries is on etate. bereft %Ma and N tom meets; is& air. it you want to gei awn /an Up Plea. naked In Benson it Cu.', }fang Up Stove— Wslut up—don't be deceived .Yuu can see Me alp is leer Water& Tb. proof iyilbe peddiaaria to eat Lby re. it* A pelt MI. 1834-40. . EIA 14W I . .1* 1 1 hithilibliiii 7 104 to be ' t. -- 11 . Ar m • ihe t. arbists iailr eti t i n b e l d 'hed to pr be ns " a d t,e ' - ' yenta precedent. Warren, antic I patio; idapersota of the commusity to tots event, repel red so VlithadelpSis, sad purchased, end is nom recei•luiL, dm limpet 0•4 moot coverlets selected stock of MATS. CAPS. .411 D YULYl.slllllfti 130.)Ds avesettibeed is atm goarliet. His customers anti the putilic are united to esti sad tato/Ina them. Her . tic Made acto , tit•oient• WWI as cadsbrat Int maker Oita ries oak :bre to Ina 'infect ure iit~y tortedar. very superior anode ni Halt. won - noted iii mop than eau be found Is any m Call oil plies l it abs st gliss. Also, a rent variety of ZlMMllith or Soft Par Mots °nig lad claiNt Colors and nova, te.. A 00, to° styles of' Caps. et all egos itsi qualities Nn men. yutith anti Children. S TRA W gars try Or tiousand, a ilrger .tat and gre-ter vane:, than Wft WILT 110 Erie before, of KA grade.; bon t (a,l to .4 . -e Mos vole re you buy. JtAiN U 1% , AR StIZN Yrs.. April ft, lub4. 40 _ _ . AGLR FACTORY Pairview. Pa. T roaarsTioN for Farr:nerd and Wool Grownerz. 7ti.uou 1. of Wool waisted. Tbe nubeeriber wishes to Inform the man sad Wool growers of Cr.* and inirrotiudi.ig eekairtiea. that V kw wow bought the above new and well know n retard niiiiisiert: tad ma. it soder hat sole c.r.trol. amt in prepared to inanulac -ISt* Wool lase any deomption or cloths, Ca.ailirre and Flan , lake walk prowiptnees and despatch Ina 4 41.1a4.1.1 I and super lur style, M 0011 e bill the bent practical wort I I t• clot by hint. ht aelnsbeen to this establ Shillellt lielure. he ta Le • this opportunity or trader ins hI • grateful..c k now ie.:grown to tint Farmer e sad public in goutral for the very I,berd, patrunagl bertholore enendod to tuna. and to niourr theta/ th.it he will usarr away 011ort and apart so esperise to give entire sat thou. and seethe • eOlllll MIS Dee of Weir ruetorn Hr *GI LWOW aileiste tlorldk, Cashmere sad Flannets of al. kJ nd• on 'hare. or by the yard a. elastomers shay prefer, and pay the highest mar"- kat prate la cash, tad eat lump cloth for woo.. Custom card tag wad cloth drewirag dose at the tune appointed. all kind. of prudes. will be taken Po pay for Oath Or work Fairview, April 111. tos4—binau. 11111 V THORYITtiN Premeh Piste Glass. Allploodid ansoroueni of large rime Gianneo LEI Gat Frames Also, other kinds Looking Ginsen• Just received an.l Ivr Weal the Jewelry ante of T. NI. AUSTIN. April GIIITLECKBPIII FUVIIISHING GOODS. A. Thllllll4 Suck of the new storing sit in of the best goal nes siamaist a lot of the cembrated Freuelt Yoke ghats. an IN lanewilloec, with 54/ •ty les ot era% ats •it.l t , Meits, knal, y of Memo( Dew style u( matsriM, never offered ivarket bck,re.— Also. half MOW of ulk, OK tad stool. colored, Tutted. white and brown cotton of all pi tees. Abs, Pett,' ele`asted Kid (Aiose•. With silk. I inle thsead,llsten, poMitsi. heaver. Buck-Mi.' Glos., A. duessanders, uuthirrollias, lags and satchels. with roan) nth et art/elm too numerous to anhouticc. The , h-orA later Md hOusiit At cash in hand. witi be .01,1 cheaper than can be 1 110138111 filmy other place iii ribecouult or Stat. Cow and see if Mae tamed are not so. at So. ftrowa's ll.unk. Erbr. Sete. Apeil et. 1/611.-sn. intlN 11 I.V , IRR 1,1 POR VALE, WE CITY TILL & WATER PRIVILEGE Irsek tke Laailleist.ea tke Rastread "s% 3litt wad rosswpas Screw. 'rate MIII Is in the moat perfect Vtour.ne v.A Cuatote , Mill mat of Albany. (an acknowledged n, and bell* {neatest near the Railroad Depot. wet! adlpted tor alisisla at bovines& The undersigned -e lon ttriThl meat that Will bradVantigeOu: to the ourchns Brio. Sept. it. 1e34-19 e V.-PARRS.: QLSY • EN 8 & CAUGHEY. (Steamier! to J .II Soo..ttl 4 (. 0 ' Wito/111114 ElWeers. No. 7, Bonn - 1 B!ock. Erie TH6 imeb*efibenk hlviug i Aro rot -tort r , tr, , r, , W . ,: ~e. t '.) J. M. Sarin) it l'o .Ik.. VP .21 , . Ur. (CCC, v 1,, d , , r, . ~ , Yoet.a bursa aud well . ..tlet,,,t trocc Or G ROC LA t 1.. S. Chß! Goode were booed 1 - ,r k'neh, and , 0 ,,... k ~. ~,,..,, • the ISIS adVinee. WO. W., ' `, , •••1•,1, ~•t,.,: • ti C Wand oliker - A AI" ••••Z V ••.- , I'. 'r , r '.'. •.. r, , • ',' be going to It , litott t.r NI, V , • k 'A't tt .•,, ,1 r j o tam tvr-C A ,Il ,marl , , ~ r., ... t ,, _o w ) 01 , l' t with the a 4 , 4 ,1... t, v 1,4%r he !Wow 1 lorr , 4.llglitr iv- . .•u" . ... P.ll l / 1 1 Mg , / 5 " lee &ea rs , t' '*l •• s yrup•:t . R.. - r a and JAVA Inotfi• trOul t.- ••• 0 ?NU. Prune.. l'etTer C. •.14, tue ie . Lee, White .s/el 'start'. MSC )load, i'ap.. Safely Fuse. tv lave a ISM/ aoe k of Pure Wines and Liviessor-.-•"" Whack fill be &old at print-11th ti w, t del) , :te"vrtlttare London atiliattadaltobla Porter, Scowl] Ale. to \N".• ttlf LW MOW' 1114114.10 Ale ..- hem pan us a eail andue w sas,f, 100 tint there is Daaittft Fa what we say Kw. I. ime--15 CLEMIEN lc CAI • GIICY _ ritatlD. N ALL web, learn Axe, of the real Collins k t:o mske, should be partiedler to notice the stanin•, a. mere are Norio.. ommarllagga sad tmfts uona stamped I:spites. and la he/ e. *nicht have arqu i red suck as etteserre repo .tinn, are on ea doable •latuired LINA& CU. IFIAKTY‘dhI).• and earn air am. a pruned laird OM RIF 111/01a4lre II la now tore thou tutentt lisn years .aver we MsrieaepC the beeines. wills the al.fitip ~f “Colline /a (sr, Barbed." aid I du dot know of any •.t Ccr air-nither St, the .q. of Cathay. in the United State. Oqe. id, ‘613-1417 llam C a rot the root Track:; TO THE POWERS THAT BE. .Q cz the ismit s .3. of the ;white mind coals queot upon the Mast ohmage of puge has aolueerhat au...theft and Cue pro PON_ root the eoneemteutim of rec linahe. have returned to MUM 11111100111 vocation.. with JIM 'lll3 /DC /bar dernrotrnat ion of roolietog tbe=Dive spirit tf niounpult the lam drop, we tine, to sla thew that wr 10, ha I. oae to wroth again with reeeierd Mergy, stud can Maw furnish thew sett,' am intn,; wshsesat(ready reduced ratec tit prover.: pl The "onpl taw, ." trod Waugh ready at all ,tsar. M d., 1 , 311.1 e dot Jetrhee olds ity or our adayted City, jet sk hen not so engaged Ism CIO always be found al MADE. to Item fr .cra , to W ri.aili ng eolt. and turmoil thew w.lll those requisites to, initinst, ..Obit welch Colliatrt our 3 reOrtarent We have STOViDi et) style Ito P.,r, J r Kitchens liter . Wiket6, i 0 eadteod ra ti , ty, ei.t.tru rump. 4 , 3 .1 •of Y.r SOUligne LOW pipe. Erase Settle+. call d 11,, t rou SOM. lie• cola abovess, shovel • at..: tustue., !Iran eni.....,, , t/ekg, 11WSIIIIIIIlWare,eht Wrens' lOyl. pork variety Cif Manias eteentl,, to the ru hat) depart,Lei I. .9 alwaihrbe fated it the Iluttse Fur tils , 3 COW, uhuMut Of TA:rsLR Q 11%ffi1..1.. DOC. 17:721 Beatty'* Block, bill the t rtr P For Sale A Ifr Y desirable house slid lut, cora, of ith snd NI, nu oar of floe best loritiou. in lb. r Ai Ilhiln= above Budalu street. Alen lot oti mate %Gyve Ltutti -66 Ms* rad 6 tots On rlaseafto• •treet. w ii be re.O e neap I aun =Dade easy lk 1964 —4l sew — LA eu" st of Verna; nt, asia now .uses A, with all an twendmenos, s• more •trinvent than the ortfp - nal Nairn law, sad will. no doubt. operate well fur the supprd .Wa(MaLafDe, whenever promptly essturce - . l'Prs(rtl, doing MMawaiatpe liquor 111)1` rig/ find at CHINA HA 1.1. ..11 kind 1141 is. Ale and Wine Tumblers. Ash. IL 20 u Phibidelphis Emporium of Fashion, Opp..u. inane' MOW. Statil.troct,rna Pa ow' base establishes)" nee Clothisuite Ik Ws ikarpiaed and pirseetted city, and Just returi ft t 4 from Owen) , of billitheril love wita a well selected stock or goods Mi s t will try ts sake it to the advantage or purchase , " to tiIIMAW Wine purchasing elirewhiese Awe( their ilea way be ballad Cloths—Black, Blue, Green, Olive, Brown sea alleed of the ve ties' inapt:fat late CILIIIIMBIIaII.—nan and Piney. French. faig.isk and Ameiricaa eb the Newest and richest .t) lea to be band in the inworbet. vaggurggh—Tery rich, plain aad figured Silk aadCasteteere. a rem vorloty or patterns TAXTALON If FAY —A perfect surfeit Mall demeriptleations allot whaelt they are nor prepared to sell not or wake to order la the lOWA style and on the Issost reasonable perms. Ready lade Clothing. A horipallasta both for ties aid boys constantly oft haled, con Wfie COW. Vesil and Panto , warranteti to suit every per ianths sod eyory body's aurae flaying had Wag etperlence UPI bird"' Mollie, tor doing huslonsa.,th diattlieh. they err oroollisoUrfelirloo 'sore satisfaction na all who map Mawr theist INS lea& Pardeular atontron given to cutting kir ecioniry mile sad am mistake J cIULBERTIIO2II, - erooaire.—al. W R CULteRTSON TD t to Dress takers & Lad* Generally TlOnt AST of New York, fillkeelwe the Lather/ Of Via sod ilearoty **oho hor ulna a room wren the *woe for. b) Nes. F. havisoonth side of tee Wolk aquae Will Miele tbrogyb the weevil for der moose or and imakiiig ammo of M tin. e of Mr. Taylor's new gralltilarreinim in canning and mplan aking Ladie , • Dt.uat. of *istoarstoi °permits, at his Press obakirog onabiiii• am headway, New New York breams or ratter*, Cu*. B**_ prom fits warranted Paneratior all hesertpOotts Noy ill—aurs. h. T TENNANT Agov e alGaineas for 'ode at eut.r• pumas 17 .121. A JACKSON a. SOX dl ACSAF-0-11- re - TO - o — . - - - THE sPigualt Ufsesa•Cubia. Low Prussure. Ilsossour LADY iELGIN Levu.* Cr ~ w a. Me Ibr ettletige awl Intermailaft pers. we =NY 31 1 ,1 1 1 / 1 1. hype /S Tltiebday rellriting, Aug. •31 manglify. hist 13 Thigr•day swags& slept. la mo d e& My 13 Tburs4l/7 inetelm7. IlepL at asensiag. July 110 I butu dansseraiss. UN 3 imitaim. Auk 0 1 boul dansournialg, Oat. is y Taranday aseniim. lagoeusher I SILO. J. 14 0111:011 A it Jim haute Pa Soir.lilrirrir. ZIESIMAIIIOIIII assine, t ' Marna,4ll=tri rharilitinrs lsbla tikassase moup v.* aw rot asd arksa. N. TV. ClSsy . =AM I tisaillialflus sod Nvose. bee Vert. . * ka= 1 Palayldlu i . 11liseuely. PlilludialPbaa. V tle lPalualallals unasugy sesta iareasil pasaisa. r 2 NI4 IhaildlAg. ea. B y yostordsys arrival oftbe United States Noneoni. the snow toteilisesee Was boysitu to kale. boiler with the basvort, bent selected and ebespent onnek of rAailisism mid graktlessese• Pa ofitstmg gosh ever Wog* to tile. Jar hineli let still dear. Weed to Weep no Its riposte:in for tattles up Ms rew Nei 0111 theadnananetaitod awn and Isibesnt past. of any chan( on: 'utbitehissot is dot ell, TM welt low imolai of XL 7. We Novae, of Were gillirOdid leo& lbe ninnoner WOW. COMillet AS pan of 110 i Tweeds voseisiests, Heti Veralese, Week r apers, ,Cravita.Vever, Hawiterebiels. How. Ilie ~ i• preoweeed by ineonnotent Minn We very tides wawa der VW Waren. Jalte he, Wiewalead to pay particular annum le the earews W. t. Write. tea w both wawa* or alloil and Wiwi. ad = a wl Yens, Amer Ws, yeses pure is propariss to he • ewe is We rattrawie ial wore. gig 1111 1 WIW“. 1 04 late holl en kn. It ovoid take we emigre( paper iu esewiteir a Jake. emelt iodise It to my 11.4, it !pagodas beaded li gui cemonen west, awl 1104telpil sea MUM Maps ia Ohpreised or eityweire Ow. WWI lieW re at Ito.? limo we wirudeellW preneturs. ..A , : : Wry Sky MOW—ft teiDM OM . ' Intl* st boor lisztaL 0 ~. VII substilier fins "Pe I'oo rar eas lSOlklint oaks by oebtillsar:= l 4lo 011irn0. MAW and J. C. 11/011131 ' - " 4 . l e r b il l i t h ie ll 0 44 .4 ratline/00M YOu blre uomi WS. . J . CI • ~ • Ar brie Obstrbtx, yIIBLISURD MR! SATURDAY BY BIM= R ELUL TO WHOM ALL I.l=ol RSLATINO TO 1Q ZN saouLD ADrassitzn. OFFICE-40. 9,11111,11%. PriaGiag 011104, corner •of Seats awl ribik. B. F. 5L0,141., EDITOR. TBILIES: If paid fa ad Y 112400, ar within $ stelae, $1 at; If nut paid as above $24,111 be charged. • • •Any sutectiber failing to pay withia the yeas, the PaPoticill be discontinued sad the aseetnrt fet with a pro. par o4Veer for cotidoctios. ",. TERMS OF ADVERTISING: Aar Sixteen Uses or Imo make a aqiumk.4l( Ote Square,une week. $ 76 Oa' squat* 3 moatima N Ono " 2 100 One " 6 " , 4 - 1" 611 oue " 3 " 125 One " 3 " 675 "ort pale ryare • year; changeable at pleasure, P. inserted to We Business Directory at $3 per & A m u . Six Mies allowed for a Card, over viz aad under - Twu squares-3 tw.utlis, td, U months. U. 9 months; $ll So, 1 year $l4. One column, or 10 lepsarme—me year, SSO, 6 o tuallbs: En. I'. months, 1114. Obituary and Marriage notlce 25 came each, e-neerts, etc., .50 per cent in ieddilWS - the ab,,re rates. 'lpecial and Edit lrial uote•es. 10 cents a find Religions, Putiiie, Fire Company and other notilas, half the above retes ygr-Merthants .sod ter repuiring frequent *lkea in their adtertilement , 1.0. allowed ran avian* Pa per. and , sl-1, for $1 For additional spate, the char ges will I.e in rroporto,L, and the advertisements meat 151 strictly confined to the legitimate business of the ad rertieer. Payment for trinment advertisements required to advance. NdL f..r yearly advertising will be presented half-yearly .1 rtduction of 10 per cent. will be made on an e p t temportry advertisements, when paid In advance City Lota near the Railroad. SEV LILA L Low, eligibly located on State, French, Peach and Saabu otroeis, fur 'sale on easy terms, by itt• untb-reigned. Sept. 14-19 C M 'SPA RAIN. Boots and Shoes. %pin we comae in measured rhymes. Rut change Rat tneew as change tam time. The t.rie Railroad war ha, ended Nod peace had to bet throne ascended. rid TIM al:. with retort, log yearn Ler es ers bitter daddion cease. Arid triturate a 'pall kind. Nu malice move., a noble mind Throw the M.hals by 'wren:re battered. little ui.l and doniewliatstrattemed. And call drain at number ten, You know we place you II head the sone. 1V ileot w an on too with uleaduret {rid I •,iter • d there to rake tour [treasure Ile len Chsay ehdr,—iu, matter when. And -lops at L',ll,lNia• Wecli number ten. Nod %Lei, he', lair') sized your fret. He it sake toot that can't be bear ,le ouni• in verse no fame or glory, I'o cad him t o:ter, fella the awry sung awn with IrettlleCif trap.andirl, i'fOlett with bout+ your understanding Ga:ter• twtter please, t'nuaulr your t roes, consul t your ea*. The I Onarese toms wail versa tkorsd 4 , Aver•theit in 11.etf Sl4 , Jetta , iioet vnir espectatkuur .t .111.1, i oar, Ile I , LlallUnll Coale Lades cowe, or seed your wager., And rind as rice', oar,' or Gaiter. A+ et el di teed a lead) s feet. , xf texture nut or fadhion neat. Morocco Buotees, Russia. dlitio. , tome lulus...omb patent leather Enanmeteri work w, 111 *Mentes hid, rid some Of the gritedtuf French KW 'ae Middies too with modeat pride. And the mean. iberr reel to hide to I,lacl colors. tree worn barn, 'A !nen a charm. 1~ r v. :+laws which fag). and Girls stale< liabtes of tut mustiest size. Tire 'xll+ wI 'Sc had to order made. !1,.. , gne1l for our specific trade. In te anierOtio riles approach our deers. tir /wham on Iseales and afore% on KOMI, I keit r rut the chtneeea rood+ are there. 'I hey owe, rirn even rar e. mod thdtiatli. , Ut .;arch may seta quite te..ld, Yoo'li timt the half has mat been W I LI-e/X a NORTriM, Lear Feb t V., 10 afrowa's Riot I..okate at -\ r • !...,a1.• 4 , tittil•er r) Lnd "71, at..r I , l', tr whet,' V..r h,•-c• at Che.it,,id., uutnber ot 11 find nu arne t o yhir. ,ram,n ~,r rurkruei, neat, r::11 to tit !ht , feet. A' 'osure you ..ttr etoek eau elev. eerq nuaLlty *dal hue, An.l vent) the ruatig p.tart,m tu the 14.1111,1 ti, F .r all«n a Vctty fl.ot you view, reas 'mixt toe and you, Not -111 'four .•ye" Lug the tr ally made by De% eaw.- •••,nc. Lind fr 1.1 1 ,11. :Itut we elly •• t at* your pleasure., Arai aloUiek our ni"n-narna fall in feet, Your f..et errer fail in runaintill; l.:011le nn. A. ray, come one and all, An , 1 girl ,iur fneod I)evesu • call. Erie, March 4, 1.;54—tr..42 B. DEVIA Er t4AM tti CO!AANs 111 X head NI °flout belga of the Phgeona on the farmer's wiles 1 fie.d. 1,14 heeo:tve alarming. Yearn.' a total dOnteuellos 0 e-..ent 'al w su■tam the soldiery of Europe re,rt t., Nit sin ma• 1.4.8 deemed jusiteaahle !her day a a,..1 baring one Guns,ltted a: re 101 i led about a barrel of the birds. eat, Josiah, IC your neighbor that A 1314121 has put 'report. .td 'moth, ~tte of them. terrible Gl!1.48 of k'etgliatt and Preach menu far I•/ re N. th a fine amentmeat of Powder nuke, Alas Pow. hes Game ha Wad Lutiera. Pereuseke Cape. and I h•rolvers, hich he gs. is determined so sell at mach as. banish, ns tow itrtees, so that every tome shall be able to arm sad to , tsit te the Pigeons guar direct rot particulars call at the len Ori re 01 T M. AUSTIN I 1: • i '29. liil 5a JUST received by F.tpress, a part of tdur larresi, cheapest. and beet Starks of • Wall and Window Taper. • • • ••-- ever brought to this market. Mao Sor nng to match' We do not pretend to sell it c Ono but is this wee was purchased from one ofltse la t Ilianufactoriag tea ants , •he eou ntry, end a. a bargain. we eau and will edl u cheap ar those nib° prrirr.l to .ell at coat. and a muck better ankle at that. For proof tall and tee. I'BLJN II SLOAN. Erie April LS, Ib.94—ta So 9. Brow a's Mae 1/. _ A RINI. The very Latest at the Empires. rlllllB day received by Express horn fl. cauW ELL. who sr now rn Phdadelptna. the etnneest lot of Piety gots& ever brought to Krie l eO.IIprixIIIII in part of embroidered and plain whne crape ehawls, e.tk sharp, ameba. Cashmere. Thibliet and tie-Labe :Shawls. Strlper'Finid. Brocade and *Da Drs. Silk, also fancy and mourning greesdarre to met So hadmeribed on Miner • Ittik Ttstues IVA Betrialles. Persian itiollbee and De. Lathes. Preach. Kngl DA and American prints. liemage De. Wises. penned Jaconetts and Lawns.. restwebt work. Ciiiiitscrao Undnerwmas. Collars. Flouncing. Edgrilsilli._ite • • likl• Bewy one knows we sell goods cheaper than any body else Is this Pon of the world. It Is therellbreunsseeemary tor as to tell you of — Please call and ;WC for you r ANT es. grits, April CAMEL!. dr. IBLPIWIITT. LIVERY terly who has reward for taste aad ecourwayt all who .U.di art tr me enough to took before they buy. foe Chlrapagur. beauty. quality and quantity, we can may. sad mono with truth can dept' It. that we have ouch the beat Nook Of Pike Gold led hitter Watebinkor every derestption Jewelry. Silver ware. Ten Netts. Camaro and Barketo—do way hothung of Pitch ern, that can be fousd,CON renumbered of, la Ws. Aa Utopia. Uon. is requarted. Good. reputed sad made to ory t ti t i , i the bestaianwer. at *ors toilet KTrilt It PraLL6IL. llar 11. iBl4-44.Pert low. Eric WaSalltlaa.lntathot - iia Cloak! S Tit A NO EL why trouble your Mead, liar Ste Saw. ataea you eau go to Stockton Asa Fuller. acid boy s pod meek. y et Just about soiling" They are now :fret,' tug Tholy-five nos.. of satiortedLakaay of thrio beautiful; all of them good park Wm, Vie Nay S. ISM. Y. ale mim iiiki.bohl ins I T J.lll_ 1 000 Martb IS. IBBALA 4 NATO. Diillakr mad Ilagravfai. Walleyed. Earldom, stamped with business cards, No imapatait Earabne.selt-sealed asd primed. pm." gap for Grocers, and nutting up Garden and rowel lteada. with Primed directions. at Colbert's r:nveopit inantilleaorp and rrinuag tatabitshisientAl South footfall Sum. thiladsdpina. N.J. Onkel, taU decittiseeed be tower ror es p►yriapaaf. Marsh it. 16114. Begs Freak — We Steam* llXty it Gimigenr• alma Mattis &Wit an law Desabel "Ilweessmit auras.* Mad awl irsemibil. BOOTS & SHOES. A., ,olicol 4,•• swat d 1.11.6,1, .1 , .• .• 1 ,, be:. Lttronv rimisub I I,tiltzn.... 41.* it.k a, 01.1 , e art OEM NM =CI • l 1 I ut;al Horrible 1 Horriblell PAPER HANGINGS! ar a cii Ai - t - e — iTo I .. . _ X XDIdAli , Millrikflek• . ~ ~:.' *VW ~. 17 ..... ., , Mb50 b5 rd11 116 0 011 e si l i g.. ItilWor 11= 6111 $ . 41 It s = a ri.. I - ise lini seelitobertlhe Mal 114111- Mik 1:1111 sad ClebillibleMlo 01l hi Doe City of Now Tot and Welty our a bror math. Peek eve, MiSie era. h le oroidoshill la 10,10111111 es Dimities of the 'WM i i pipl ill the wadies' peatersies. Dee sissis Irwin at MOW.) The tallow le wen as UN breast. leader is paw. *Meet she Sewn isosavealease. the heat et the Otr a r i taindbeisst to evaperale the Mid. --wapplyine the low limb hest- Wiwi ilfroldik rainier. Maas Inas aDthe al le sad pas. owe rifles leap that swot pordbly be rasobed by ear sew eistiolae Derr be a earn of AIITHiI• OUIZD. Dasesova, 11. T, Dee. ANL. laft. Vow about *Wu years I have bees • swrovely allicial loth the Asthma; Ihe OM laat two years I bone oadined bowed all ray pewees of deeeristkai swath, eta haw I bees nee am abbe Is diva lb a bed , dehlas wilds rot I mild sisiai In soy Olaie.- 11 7Mboullied basublaeg. emd vs 7 milliumporave i n pew at tlise% that Ow lame Vet my *sends esposoird wash hear weak. be my last. Dar doe past ale yeses I how hadtbeald arid anewhatert et some the wow esteemed plovisiase. bat have reeetved we petwaseat Meek sad bat Mine Mei. lea least\ had dossal/ w dorteae to towri Dr. Cowls'. Myriam es Wowing Dom sad Syrup. At the ham IDm obtained 11.1 ereat NI SOW OMR of my new charm smoke sad was la phtt dlwr.r, alaisot wellieetlae for want alma*. la lees Um as Weans die Owe I • ..1 the Meier to my Nessacii. sad look a wised anis I wai relieved to a fer at .race,, the dillea s ltThi l i br=we,, and had a ownhetabie sight. I have ohm eitatisued it with the ersateet persibbe bon sad sue now etadoparatlvety well. God sal, brows the asanast or sallbelas this wolletemi Iwo willowed ms *sin. Illy Melee w Uri soillielogis ia —orte re. 1 liA AD AK EAMITON I ease le Sew Tort In the ably Telegraph; ay Rath* place if at. Atha. New Bressortek: whets I reached this m ittj' rly health was eery poor; had s rt•rt bad cough, raised a dual of wafter , which was beque,ty ..dud with bead, pals Is as left side, sad was re weak and embeleted. Illy friends tad phpichut ay cue COOVIMPLOOft, tad beyond tie reach apathies. I Jealously heard of Dr. Qattara Ny gren Vapor sad Vhcery Synth. sad Woolard a paeliao, which -I eerily butlers was the mesas of taring lay life. ftiu after wears{ the labeler. I hood It reitesU tie pressure to ay leap, aft aAer a while the disease made its appearance moon the inarfue ceder the labeler. I took the ebony Syrup es di rected, sod contiorted to do es, my toe'. gradhiaNy ',nowise better, until it sidled., left at, tad I sow essisider my- elf set ed. 1 still wear the labeler. WI the US 0( It le weber Peasant. and belies tae it smartening aad porityltig to the ease. lieei ma w Blips at purest to disprove with It. JOHN WOOD. hold lty BOYD h ?AUL. Ski. NI Contend% *net; C, BING. mews of Jobs sum Broadway. X. Y. price NVLAsy puma incluse' 113 to Boyd ik Paid, or Oertl4. Porkies, New Vert, w receive a package costalaa a hot Known Vapor. oat of Cherry Syrup. idol as labeler, la a boa. by empress, free to say part of the United Owes y or AMU packages for oth l r l4. T JiOLD D trirs T 0 IL IVE wish to advise our Meads ao4tiss polite postatty. Mai I` we are wain lane sidkloos to our beam stock. which wIU rodent owe of the mom emptier awl extrusive io the eou atty. Our twaisess is die idled late funeral deparusests. sod Includes. simaile others. the llottow its, via : Mathew**, Miasa, Orsowlwa Mild m Okthi, Glosseters. Dye SOO, Pokes. OW. Mrs****, liwifwasy. Tam* *ad lawaSesawthe Alssies. Our etictof Medbeismee is very esterase. soonias seltflY eyerf ante*. Chemical. MI wend aid ?ber ileeatleal.lsusby the Old Scheel, &Jostles, botaotes,aad l'isouppito alas, touetiscr with a mania asseetassot of dhotis Herbs arid extesets. Is the Patent Medical* Depstintent Our ilst is too eserealve to earraertsie. itsebreeleirresee prepare ties. that ate relUiele sad truly valuable, At repeal los of which has become established 1,7 years oirenperiesee. •ad their adaptation to the various diseases for *limb t.Wry are recousinert4 ed has become a died fret Winos mad apietts 4n/orate hest, saserell,praired end hod fee imadaea/ reorpmes WI. and orarraated tri be as represeeted. In the OrtiderY DePartnea Wears asitaateasiva, bat what Ins l Aare will t always tw retied of the choicest and bro. terstraa particularly AKw la their whet cisme fail being salted with out selaciloas. la the line Our stock is very enplane% esobrae lag rot only a full aid cutu• plow week of asatavial usW la Wane Faintly. but shoo every variety of snick , required In OMIT sad Coach painting: Mao. br Portralts,Lardscape. Messotisio sad the carnals blade of Parley Palette& la WIN VOW GLANS our stork is seessearily large. and as we - are eciesteively esepapid in the mastatactare BASH DOORS and FUNDS, torseagoontly &mold 4ird to keep oa bead at all times hoe two Mjas Awadred beau, wallas an assortment of not teas Ursa env sixes, of various qualities asid brands. Trench. Laglish mid Araericalli. um( which are large and double thick,Polisher ear Raw Wiadows. Cases. Picture*. Onaches, eas, kale, Lamers* doe.. he. Ag to BRUSHER. lath as Paint. White Wash. Tanner's Scrubbing. Nurre.Shoe. Cloth &e.. we bare every!' lag that can he desired is the varioas departments in which they are re quired. Aad Ss IS ?Ear " MI Y. Swabs. Lambs. Halt. Nall and Tooth Brisk**. Piney. Toilet. alp misesilanious snider we have sedielwatte mot the norsissillillde samba( Ibis entire sons inualty. As to our ability to rake such eeteetioas as will suit the WWI Sid • Wens doer musoarera, both'ia quality sad price. we Terre kr others so decide. Yet we Alan as euperleace of souse Twen ty rears la this business. with a reasonable la of cash. eo abe. es to woke oar bombe/we in such a wanner as to assure oat Visual that we will not be undersold by another House in this city CAMMACK & BROTHER. Erie. Sep la. 18413. 17 _ _ I •fi* ea ”•u1 =2l PookbasiOs Dinh le roistad Polished Staid i ICLTIVATOR TUTU.—Tod foe= of these meth are ;web l_." that adore ON tad Is worn doli. they can lo revered i Uwe = derando ewer of the commas boob. The potato east be re ea a moat ampere ma the atandard rews4oe coasuuttly good. /Or sale et are ebeap Hardware owe of trl Match IS, 1614-46 RU/1.78 *RED. ILK. SILK! ! the de Mites. *tuned sod L., sews& room& reteroteles, striped, plaid and Weis et lit■ Ladies WU' Sad Om they east procure good bargains is eller. at April S. to 4—C. COOK'd. ISA HI 7 Osd via always be had at Karel 11.18 N. TAItN&E & MAGILL'S CIFITRIIII PtIMPII—Tree Wrenn variety in awl. Pipe fur 'Webs!. Pumps lecamd and arawasied as draw at unumaiiy low prises, by TAMNIIR a. MAGILL. CANAL BOAS PUMPS. cheaper thaw aver at March 11. WM ' ANNUL lc NIAGILL'A AKZ swat OM boolortmoo the %moat ploo4ir lug tar lu • mired a intbo prollaOftboCOmpitay.wliboot liebi3kf Oryoodtlio promo. iota prod. Saab opoo the iLakin ud Callal Wand os the otostfarorabir Louses will bill lberallyaoll promptly adjoined. ?twists on utelielatmOlae. bottdiolls nod other Propomy.. tows oreouotry,for a Ilsolord term prramosatly Mar-MONS Joseph H. Seal. Jambes C. {land, Soluread A. oudet Thaatedhanaialdisii • John C. Davis. H. Jones Brooke, Robert Barton, T John Garrett. Join B. Pewee,. , Mills Craig, Simnel Edwards, Ckorge Sevr►ii. Henry LIIIIITSOCtr David B. Bum* Edward (WI ingtoe, Civvies Iltelley. Isaac I. Davis. J. G. Joinnon, William Pokers'', William Bey. Jobs J. Newlin IV I rionise, Dr. R. N. Roast. Joke Teller dr spencer lleihisse, tielisrd .4. Mew tveld. lek.Y t Wila . Mania rmol Gr tpllcatioa can I...modems J. KELLOGG. Uri. Mora Evil. Feb. lU, It4l - - - lik• Latest Styles. ,1 • Ili LaMar will !tad at Stiata a Ira a nt'l bar anan -1 neat of Drew Goode eesnistisa of Preach Iteeino. Pannnena. Carty do. Caimanik Woollen Maids , . Maples. Sondatshos. All anal II Def.alunao, Mick easing be neePemaral la tabe or any other city Ow rine ammo(ran sad albeit's/van Oct. elise nossord rowd•rit XANVIACTURIMS OP GUI KR. COrrintte %rah* Grajosisto of all their well-tsewa bezeits. vim "Nelsteelts Mae, "Sea tau Sperthas.” .lastiaa 11111 a," 'lleatrte." “thsas ehotalae.•• la hew, half sod emus key. sad e.ataeraaf Dee potted leek. Atoka Ml amommAseat Powder Set tdawlaa, see atiaiag par. posettousdMK evert.• of theft Geoprolks I. too wall teems so propoin , nor ea* If the prlaelpsi dealer* la thin Soma. sad at the COCO of the Coopaq N 6 Wall Stmt. X.T. City. A. G. lIAZAID, fvlNdent. A . R. Deossten, leesetary AprilS, 11114-200. Keelonics Wanted- VII to two Oitigootoro sr Wawa Nabors will badangday •J meat at the lroladry at** sobaerlbeys. Those lobo lair Mel raparieopea to weeder, Yaws pea darted. Sow Mt good inortamea load apply. SUE= * W. 112 W MUSIC itIPO.RIIII wria. WILLI/fa rospostrolly iunisams to his Moods is per V V oral. Om bo Ms reismint 1W emabialimmat W the mire nomberty seespood by Joie Woos. Jr, Gail litter, wises *ll. matinee to Imp as band a saps** t of Plasm. with Dotal and Oar piso Annelmenmlboas mop ersiturs., of gogiesik Also. ClMmolnieelisrard llosnanan &Gray. Milooloses minelhaunert by et, AIM". Prism Co, and Carpenter. albs lassand mint kaproved sorbs& Nuaasmonnamolf eardners MOM ImPrs, Mob" Assenliesio, Owl Nkafia, owl Meruillifs boils is varylerpt and antopilam do Waft sad salt appoomid blade and stylus. lasMtations Elms la Vogel and lostiril ssic mansal. hams tuned and repaired. CNd Plaaos Sakai la et=No um mos. pril INK WOWllirr - 100101 — KMISIP Ow& Store. recolviass lota of ow sod holliosellio D ry Goods. which I will Iso soN IN Costs as room lW aessesiss esoosilaiss.- o•96 lo (mry • 1 04 1 neeivilme AMY. sod N the Woo impsorta tioos. if ran wised bassalos. eon so &so. Apia 111 L COMB Cam, CIA Mon Noisy laft, rpo riejiciar Wee Ansa. sr enemy. Noss So SW Una J. so do so isippds. Tor will pare seenowerhat rA miss 911. April 1.111110-411. . riNfltztaerebba berniebee eidatlae bosom U. It C. UG?. day 11=ed.._ sweet. Thebteleeep via be seidevel by NUAgor,oseilosratatilimislitalvw am se espied by ea. SIMI Wake Gad aewaplasielf lie le allie bealk eiC. IMllpaorbia la olbayamed nialetie s o do s 4.4 lea. All _• * WI MP Ilan. 011110eit pee by mow er beet beeessi..w reeeselst le NM WA Nib earammes are WNW is *waft Oak le 1111114r.1.411111,1" seen bb puma pheme mato guy she Maas* pu.uut Xisieb .111. -14111. C. 111 ILLLII A a Avii m =vi almu Waddp6M. ea aesndkie isnip s S o r Ps - Ven= = i r i singah illid i rmamir se. grew, voift • aPl it 81Wd - ...,. GM . It as bssoll aid AAP , T. 11. coarellXrTiomr MIND aw-Tess. Dia . oth, MOIL To AlLWbeat it may ocosters. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, an., I . I Till DiILAW I MUTUAL I FUTY 1111111,31• NOMI oosr•*T. (d Pkiladaphia.) To defined doer wit of /irk Beak 'riestbirgi to. 1163111111a11 , ,0 Nair TOSllibligfir. TOM co., 141 17 4 in IUkCWIDWAT • Tax wilanossaillVaidastd *eel Mr ileac Sof & ale Owe rellebht ABMs. DM Mee • Mlle tem pted with Me hmessieeehmerr et Mb IleM le saw popmed ablate Fire mid Mertes rtake at thekusiumMes. Lermela either Om peal adjusted sad preemitly Mid at O s a llitslak__ . J a usitins. Amin. Erie, April* lea lb OlikM to J. 111. Hastaleilla l allookmore — sine angtruulalisealWart: 01 .li cortgacylarr oapit•l 113 COOS — AII paid is. r r II II lehear War la aose prepaae/ to MIMI leasersee la the shove J. well Mama emposiashle rompany. TM Akaa has be in overawe wet 3$ Tors aid Its capital le mead and calm Md. iteming els o mid pea** Weft el tMi larches me eid il Wr imi litere ear a matiaMittos of favor from the harasses mariatialty, 'Fbary will mem dad Mem Prompt mad k a sseasam is the edeemem Mimeos. 011eie le Wright's block wish J. D. Dualep. gm. t mosemid HMS" the mareed I had imierval de sibsisraee..., Omaretry. Sake ow ion otlio iiriefin ea Jareaell meet, 9ZOROS CALLOW 0. H. IlliSH.bleirennet Agent. rite, Margie ill lOC es AN evasion esealebtastl tot of ßallwin OHS UM beat ill tear- 1 i lea . a men. for Imo gandkerelikef of every kind. o , ,logne.t. hair oils. pomades. ampeallitie a maximum bor chapped band., lipaalve, abbe inraospasedereams of firm quality, hay r im; h,,,, art. haft remumun. d i o hi e or y powder, In abort ms constant, N keep ore head • eimpaassoornmasiof every kind of PerAiniery tasty amass and Yaeitai alall10• 11 et almost ever) ileripii o „ p . m ., w i. b ," 10 b e g ate respectful ly luv Ited all as i bey may depend opOn muting what they Want 111 . 4 i ) ir Inters la he eity drug et start at. Erie We , 4 , . H 11.1 11P AT LAST. -- - "PU told ins of V imam& Waned it t.M.. having been disisol% ed 1. op iape arm of March Wiwi oew Partnerahip bait be rg et , tared into hewers the sumer bees wider the music name. to lak e eke% from that date, they therekse notify me public and ••,11 the rest of maulthed," that heneehmth our WOW shall tie c ia o primer and prompt permit'. at our store may be found • i was, and well selected meek of Dry Goods. Geo:intim. Hard ware, Crisekety. sad Tin ware, aed at our Foundry almost every va riety of Machine Ilastings from a :Main Regime to a sleigh shoe Our Mill gearing g 1 pluverb!ally superior. As for therm we gate* be beat in q yer porm, smaller up street ea mown, ouT Keystone and Li favorably knows aid oar new p a y ie .,,,,, Favorite fur tbe Mabee and Lailv Ytaalli• and Revere for the parkirdirow ail others In the shy 4 v Remember C..A Fires arse Pmerl JraMeAml H B VINt'ENT. WILLIAM NIMROD, DAVID HIM Etriti. JOHN 11. ViNci .*1 , Erie Oct M. 1064-1111 DAVID SHIRy N. B —lltose iedehted to the olu rani arc nOtibed noes!' a pay up and tailspin. Its* lasatrana• for 'Tows and Country THE Ede (Amity . tatatasce Campos, continues to wake Insorstree ao every Seinrintion of property , n Town Yd Country. etas low rates as are consistent with seeurit y.— "Asks are divided lulu two dairies. rte . the Partners. In h ich moans& bat faro property awl downier'. 41a feet or o ‘er L am aaposurecturr taxed, and the Conatneretsi,is which ail hind• Of property are moat/ The feuds in either departlhrut ars liable for losses In the other • Er Cash teammate wade it elitirr Departnoto st Ihr Us4ll stork rates. ft 1 It t. C T a Rash Jne.kaun, Junes C. Marshali Jon M.Stetrett - C. M T.R•als, P. I. Barton, John 15 f,..0 .. . W. 1 , Kin(ternecht, John Z,rnincriv. Than. Mn4hea, , • r J B !Patience. S. P K^Ober , M W r 1,4 oe, Mired Km' OrricEita S- botsoo.Prest. C. - M. Tung tt-s. Treay. Jot•,Gi a•ope,,, . (Mee over Sterrett attt Gras. neap Ode. ene. Juar 11. VOW 4 - - rip 11 k. 11ha ron ron 03. tin% e taken a •tore to town, whet.. tikes totend Keeping a full o.pply or (tithediflbrcm k istlaand ars of iron they make. and SIMI COlllpetea.iumwenu of ?mitotic who have used the ?tail* made by UnsCoui pant seen to be told that noue banterer made attire eamor else% here 3rie. Sept. 6.-17 The Greaten Medical Discovery of the Age. It , Li:3lllh Pasture r.l.l.ot' l l . tozbu s, r. has discovered a y re,lyiro iuo rote. our d el bentlar.frow /A 4 rows: acrofirro dues to a common Pnorp. e ;I.• hat tried ti in over e 11.% en hundred eases, and never ot - e ept In twocases. (both thunder humor.) Ile Imo ran ,n poseesslon over two hundred certificates of its value, all n Liu .n twenty eatlesot Boston Two bottle" ia warranted to cure a our slug sore-inouih OD* to three bottles will ours the worst lucid orpitnplet C.' awe . . . Two to throe bottle* will cleat the system of Two bottler Is warranted to cur the warm easter the mouth and noarac h. Three to dire bottle+ ts a al rAnted cure the worst case of erysipelas. Our to two bottles t. war masted to cote CI humor ar Ilse s. Two bottles gwerrarrted to cure running Of the ears so *aches 1111008 the Mir tour WuriDeNtled m. wdrrautrol to cure Corrupt arid iluwe; utters. One bottle w cure scaly eruptlou of the slt.D. Two to three Dottier is warr 'bard w cure try won't Cu. of rtngworm• Tyro to Wet boulrs is wartautr4 to cure Use moat de*pe , *.u. case of rtumuiatios. Three to (Our not Jes .• warranted to cure salt rheum rive to eight bowie. w.ll cure the vrorw ease Of reran la A benefit in aiwny. experienced Iron the drat bottle. and perfect cure In warranted when the above quaintly le taken Nothing looks.° improbable to those wbo have to vain tried all the wonderful teethe 01 the day, an that a comnion need. growing on the pasturen and alone oh/ atone walla, should cure every humor In the rystem. yet It in now a died fart. If you have a hutour, Übe. to wart , Triete are no eta and and,. bum. at. r about it .intent some roars but not nouns. I pendled over a tlantwand bottle• of tg to tlic vicinity of Rostoo I kin,t the cider to of it in r‘rty ea:. It h ...already doer no , o 0 , vie greaten, cure. (.•el'ldOtit. Via nonirtin I Bate It to r a sear oto •oold ;ley{ e t.f tilt) 1 Late •••ett poor. puny nor in) looking child,. n hove tlvitit *As two W a perfect slate one l'u IMo.f Mllu nrr u Ihl It .!or to' Ell:En= =I bet-It tegutttted i N nen , . Vie .o.lnd easy, but where Wert* if V. derangement uf the luocitroot 01t0re.lt will caner very tougular letltopthut you eith.t to. 214'1w:wilt Obey ninny. domprear tt from four day. to a wren -- Tice.. to nese,' a bad ^e►u.t from it: qn the Contrary. M I.nr, 111,,t wetting ti gone, reel 40dricirlske a SIM no..r-on heard .4tut ut the tl.lst txtramiliatil trat.olll.lollo*Ct ..• r mom Imatenod to Moths, in the ant. of Patent Medici.... 111. 0% ;, r, C Ved IlAne POO IC H lUt•u Inle. h 14 , uf 0. this 411 t pt . W4ll. Ilya no. tom 1,,. .1 of tone ttfereof whet, I e t Omitteleen matting e hurtittes• of 11,1 to bottle. inn; nay. In /um% 1,4.1 roidattO In a Nold Mtn bottle.. I hope you ar•lteali that dome wr • I • ) In my own preetaee. I confine at etractar w 110.1...., 1.1 111 r are some who ane Yn euthuriaatic in its tsvor t h ey Uki t'a: cured these era I cure anything and any WC'. they accord:nal) recommend it for i arty •arttly 01•1:eerawr. In this way a great many elrluell of tt hare been toting that I seem would .tiepeet Cameieal Dyaneaura, of many years standing. that/iertuatiwat 'eery *Pawn rettieda, have neen permanently cured knew one man to gain 17 lb. by taking three bode.. ;moth et II tbs • another 111 IM, and another gain 7 lba—ibeirenerabie Neater lotainnOn, of boom) I■ diseases of the it is a specific. I know sever., w Alow skin and yellow des, the body r wadded and ut. u• ir.d taneboly, get tat and {het-ilia% by a few bottles know several cities of. Dropsy. and one particularly had k lacly.aaed 71, was unable to leave her house for the last i welt r Years. was so inuel. 'el .eved .be was uedUa d in eireumierence litirty fout . iiiebee,) as to visit bet ItteoCiv in several neigntiori u g towns. Another bad the ()ropey in her left leg. and was to walk for ten 'ears. sometime, swelling to an enormous a. Lc. a: last bursted. meatus e bad wouad, whieb could not be tiesie,l, by tat Ins three bottle• and tiring two Wiese( ointment r e i s IKM qUiie well. Why it Make 11041, hat and others lnai I cattioot hot . 0 It te. I know of aceeral eases of Kt.iney complaints cured by it It Ike columns of a newapaper was a proper medium. I eoul•t tell aeons Of this meet distreestrig of all deseadeu t bat would make your heap Weed. that were permanently cured by it. It has lately been found to be a sure cure for the Panama fr eer. In one ease the flr..t spoonful put off the lit two hours One bottle cured bum A liOtllef collie knot to ale, and war in doted to try it Three bmtles cured him It likewise /mei great relief in the Asthma A lath' rn i.aw • re.iee was unable to lie in bet for a number of year.. otte •au now Ile tir about tbe feast ineou yeti Itnee, A lady to IVeyopootts Icoo the bee of bar left ~de by the Kry **peas. On the ..eeen4 hoktle. •he broke out to one tone. o: feu mot from beta 10 foot in it I,w flay, wai well It has lately beer, found to be equally goal for humor OLII *..4,11* as ifialfir• (mains it inwarthyria Um meantime.) for 8* ovum, piinpie• •yri ilic lace. or any eruption of tne whatever. oa/y where the fiese .• very eore you must dilut .t wills water When wade 'meek enough it .• the beet ei,e whet' lo• .4. water) rye. that I ever rutuf URI,O. QM It t o eiesp.e iDe dattdrutf out oi Inv t. Streprben rt rout•, a h.ch ertallit) aor. , pall to e • made the boor toe n 14 end. which. ICI had i with my own e) es. 1 Wt....0d uoi i.e'.,eve Irvin )0., or a.l),ajd Alien/legs dieting. I , •erer taint atrow. the first penal.). 4 ever dot any benefit t t o.,, n lin the eghttrar, ;lumber. raw.. t , death's door by it. 715 it glees the butnont the Upper hand tly Mettle the nequi ~ e s the most hour whine (boil Tou cat, bt tt w Icon give you s rt a ;petite Do that lvr a 11110111 eat suppooe that 1 warrant a cure ut 2.1 Illyge thanking 'SCUM case I merely 4.11 lon what It tta4 dove ho ping it wilt do the saint tar lon Ido not War/alit it cure to any disease but humor*, re here it nese , ' tang roe fttr:her put, J ISM tee the elrenlar around each horn* No change of diet ever need...try Eat the beat yon can get cad enough grit. I have an herb. *metered in olive oil. scenery ve , ofulcitr• mottling% of the neck and under the ear* eriee SO eta per hOl Dia acetone tel 1.7 ea.—A dun. ortatableirootankl pet day: ant dyes over eight years. desert spoonful, children from nve to tio, lea n , tea .ttoog Or t. A. no direction can be applicable of ed ernintitutions, take enoegb to Operate on the boweslwice a >Naaistsetnred and Sro vale by JON ALD KENNEDY. tint Warren meet, Roxbury Price 111.0 a per bottle. 1111161.0121 II %Lir Pair Mae in Hartfurd II the s• 011 elk" Good alittlln la n, &Ain Plain Henry A. Ganteria. Talear & Fader, Geu. Mild'. Jobe Ihvidaet, and d. G. Mose.. NeMANY & BUCK. No. te Mate street, alp or the -Good damaritee.'• General Agrn•■ for the Siete of Loosectm J..)1311 t Bothell, druggists end defilers is Ms, Y. IBIS kc. North East, are digests On the abode medicine, for Kite County to *boas all orders should be Oddreseed. riNisyll.lB6l. M ,P ILUIL) ." 148 -- NU" a --- Itii i Witht Edging and 1,1.4,1,1.4 minas aim Pounce,. grna tlandkereateds, Cadiae% Under. bandtereadear gad a4eeres; aigo. Lace and Muslin Curta I liP al In6l-17. C 0:%4 B— 111100P Lames and Jacoueme MuMia.bastd aud tbec Mu. lista and esibrcadereti lausl J 011,141 recetred at April 8,-47. ( N BACHED Muslin atid floe Ltoe Da Jam rote' vim 11 t April 8.-47. V( MI lIC f. ?be rimer that boats tho — Tn E subiteribers are ape prepared lo Punish their Cu..meet sad the public with the telebraied kapwld's Patent ,telf - - eharpenleg Plow. Thew Plows have mei Beare and prdni which sharpen theaweives and are wit - reused pertene lievemdess Int pleasleaw were awarded to Sawn Plows at den aulterel Clualty Pairs to Ohio last fail. We have two +sow Nee baud and twa of WS band. all Owed up ta euperwr At k TM* Plow aim toot two fire( preddentid at the Erie County Ag ricultural Pair is gem We have she Dutcher*. Ward•• ,' ut veree.J. Lames improved Pittsburgh aid other Pion., mak we a emerge' assoionest. Coil and 'et swim ar. Cm.. Spell PE4-47. Arrotbor Arrival of Dri Goods from PICIL•aiILYZIA. T U at Mgt been ameba& sit the galactose 01 cgt Mr Lev Clods. we llama as to styles aad qualitien we cannot behest west of Ph eiadeAphia. coompetel ad every ins . of repute le this lime at reasonak& Pricer of which the ;white tiltsiesciaa be cha'bast Oates lay tangs; at the old stand of Ina* Jaaillwal gad Mesta latter irindd may to As ladies th:;ieur mock of Dry Good. Y oh r. Seeswith sidechat ears mid It poises a Ilse liellbrUNlNK 3 incht %car* lewas.filatue• sad sooty Mbar variety or lades wen,* atyial of which are sew and demicabie. Ile also have the boa, cloven. awl peaces( eartety o, ave beidelvel Conan, rtiladsmos and tladenateevea ever o 1 cad chi* e April 1.-47 JACIOOOI & BON. I"satillerr"4r w Arrearinnealit I HAVM; essured werviersat Mr, W. H. Leer, a -or/pe t ak ory rare is sow sorriabUy open for busi er**. fMliolatear arra of army waited awn at Fin b obs, widow esseeerstu7 daisy. lot PwwW lll l Itsultal Teeth, the km . kasieu Or We s will b. were* this is the use preeisserf We Mehl. oar rale *to ewers teeth eat y Wham aimbioqiener say a dose. iliwkikerk &clink* art pro owed AMOseirselills Artaisist TIM. Is Wide& defiartioest Ilifileadbleer re kriesilleit both skill Restyprid awe. t like la %Mee Sleet. IrOtilialaaa tat talc 7 - 1/ , r. llMEnka. Feb. Denson. c!kastkas Emir, irol o it, deo / 1 13 3 r 0 3 . 13=1 . 110 3. ram= siolkiniAtea aiWit initakat v.. 0 WNW 11. anti. TAI I / 1 1111 * /LW AD' Nuns and Iron. A ° 7' ?HE 11411(11 , 4(3'UltER s PRICE /11e41 SILO lireite 111011 ate 4 4 , - ; VW GAG* Com Swir* AAA Abe ~Aft A st a{PrettebEggiDetabdA tNtla aKw Ora porpoise, by if VAI Lelia ror sow a 144 •rtif. ifttrect tufro Lwow's' wasit. both siiiibly :Aid lA* lanai mg pommels as .1 coovesiolit to Outtigit; broil Ilistoooltds watered and adapted in prover portion/. to grafi sad gran: per eons deolring to molts. food 10eattOos bid Darter tan before*. Chance Is gone. 91st vs them it a srruseli piece cantabiles OM 30 sad the other I to to It• aorta Irene or lees. Coots paid for Bogort.tod aorta:4a or Wooled by Not West Son fleets:, . May 10tb tan. 011,166.1 a HURD. geytoao Papor SOUL rirtr,hA. IkriiktaX 24 : e & ISZILD . EL1111: MARVIN Mix Aposedotbi. mearalin the LYEa Do y v e ilabl 1%11,0'1.1. aaa iu the basioast.4ll7l4arfin b. PVT , tu sit' eu, 111,113 t will hereorderte conducted by tionostmersbert u Harsh( 1.1,,u of rerluttat Seldell•WhO will OR" the all aect.uata t the Intefirta Oft. IL 53 acres L. PaltYl.• 11•111C111111111.3Mil rrrE Giir..41.7. FOR BOWEL COMPLA ITS!! re, ,, , unracrir a MAGIC CHOLERA DUOS. kw the i,M, • MTl7 — e a :opm...wry. CAl++ r In We eleneartelli.Chok.ri m at h, wow • votre. ettlieri IfIfILISLUM. He. A eonveittetnt Tr3VItIrT . O Pet t'Vtll pan ,ort. awl Insaluntite FAMILY Id EIM GIKE V. &H Ande 'eon Dr nein et...chscheo,say "We nee er bad a we,li ci as 14..1 an, tied %., Mail) frlendS 10 INU short e Oriel a ll w ho have be e n ,n.lbeed lb try thtrullgllfe found thehijuet what -they are revotinner,!e.l " The F Ittor ofthe den of Ilhorwenes say s,--...•1 he-e riro: , .. te e one G(1 e nifty ratUllik MOSUL Vfli so oars wimp% b., t ,etougn , ounl " eve auio the teattatontet • ir , the nand. of aaent.. I:a.tfurn , fth and Western Travelers shoukl not /o without • ~ a.n tjae du- ill genera tly ChM the severev ease. a desidet t U. Ivo t eevout , to be ilwisrhed.z . rARTF. It Az ivrita, Wbu , e,hit and Retail Art. hm Erie nrlP,ltlly Ts tflo. _ ______ _ _ Tllll TINIEM 11A13 COMO, UYRFN new wn,•he.,010.-k. god Timm Keepers. {yes way have reed a 00-it thew. , h tve beet. rettived. sad will be sold siv,mptiusly Iv. , ii Ow ha l'a.lelphia MIAMI". and Jewelry Depot u. STot.' ILION k FULLER. Luc - 11:c b VI. I-NI 44. Sprznf; Styles of ihobroidorks. jCST t•rpss,' I Inhtennereillz-wlss and Mao lus Co 1.3 r, UOS r 11c,lccr,likets, owe') enthruiclercd Sleeve.. Las , ul.d r , Waled Lineal ritnntic Hand , kcnen,ri., 1 cool Muslin and L'ainbric Edging. • 1 0,-n 'tannin, Linea tAvta. at, to • which 'slut; 1 r 1$ towevt figamo, at Mnrck KB k N k YEA' No 1 Brown's Block 1I • ILL I ost.-4 A tIMC. tiatTalo and Union White VN ,“ • Red, French Yellow Pail, I Aruttle hit t• •,••• Dttie. dry and round It, ut . Ctawait Black, Red Lead Zinc I litat.t, l'ttoettat.. r• . ,• ,„ Itrittt, V , rnish. Linseed I wit. t att,...rt••%., - •t- • • t • ~.Gr.iningroaths.titusne . of at! t . T ANICE rt ,•1 6 0 • V, nelt r w onapoo •bd rate Hark Oil 1113 c ri , 11 her r n,. Lamp I:laer. PHYSICIANS. v%lll 150 1.111:1 I Itct.,c..s 41 ell r: 11 I RAU niu..ut, A • ,1,,a -Uvput "St.t.iTrnopi 01111 k ul.l and yr item. wire anal I e Ur 11.111 tilled and Vk i+ 14/44.1,4, rtsITIST'S. b y,„ ,otr. 1 1 real. 6014 hurl 'nu ro.i. , • ~,,, lurcbAt••rea dentnary.) 0‘ .• 1.1 n. , r• Inc' yr 31.0. Water's lusproved •011 !noire, eaney and •••• a• ttear•• (1,1, Pleilteotne Lau' Lusrvale, Yorior:, Ilaor U.K, !Anew/icier 011. Tooth l'osr.rler,l.Alt.lo • and Gammon r Estracts fur roe to - on erne el. e. ,to Phri oft nner Ten, /peke) float- Jenny Lo I, ..,111 1 . • //010). i edloom.a.Mait rt•••-• 1 • No n ro 111 V Inlet, Jelowamint • r. V..•• , ..11'..ine0 Ih't rirOlint end Unger, oo, o r . art., rit,r,her,, Adamandtae and • old c,,t.• , 1 .; , 1:3181. I aelLae., Arcoruainme, A:,„,. ; \a' -r 1r • lit unl l iom Soap, (or tlm t,•• are , rO. n 0 • ••• for Le/Joe% end Gen I:en en". ' Plukete Vanina. Almond. Peach and Rase. Row %v , i „,. Ha Be a n. 4%0,44, Ristron. Nauoegs. lit gran, ' an lantreh. Gedlatika. Chotol... . C.nd Munatd BURTON kill) t , te NO 5 Reed H.:I4W • R1.1,-.nit.VEPUr. A 446111 , 0 IA • o' tits 1/0 • r Nee, TOCeoled h re: I .161.1_ _ CART k BRO LOOO.OOO Fee' Cherry Lin \‘ ‘ i " s i ‘ i •ltt, rI rt.erry Lumbar .0 v to .I' 4-1 It , rtt,•• I j h !rmi, 2titt out, .• ft • :14,4/y.t t• .; 5V .; -5 - - ••,,ittse YlJOAttle •e.. 't j 4 1 - Of ,‘• , . rtattlel 'Thee lel liWH I.L.untAny,n. : r a no Well in tall on WI 14 l'Jte 4I:L • . 1 1 , 1% & ELY. I 5() =MEE • • k 'llea' a Roy' a.,. • the latrpt et, .1 MIME EMI COLORED D r:GUr_ kit <5 PE tINATIIIRE \r u J Ihal lr !1* .. =I CEIMIII3 NV'!, GSM PRICES R13.1.1.:, - 1 2 7) ON HATS AND CAPS el • Melt•{ t • • low a. ks".v 'rrtint. tieuww 1 • , •.-1•• 7 —,•,• .1 r , •.4)1 , 1 ter) chri e, 1+1 , 011.0 It• 1.;; C net ti Pier.% •-, Hotel. Fait' ‘: ,, Zerte , l notice "wait • fn.,.• L' V It -I ;.. Joe, _ _ ( trwl 1, - I) RF.-^, Ort D VLA ti , 116.1,•17.... • , 11 N116 4 )R NC.V I ,caLr .treet _ RICH Sr o v7 tIZTOT GOODE s r 4 Tr . F Ili: • „.„ . 'e lerwr o ar t. I . In , • •'. I "I N - Pr t mud Olu•liCha t t ki. Orr 0 1 3,11 1 . 4 1.-. r.. - l'errn otta Wrarr.P.e , • - r I I , u. %log at. f .101 1 . inc T %I egNY,Eit. AND SALT RHEUM SYRUP, CiaNg:Pl:l77th At-ry czaEtwrz. • , te r 11/Cl.llkkAlf/ of a regui.it Te tut,va t' I) I 111,14. . /Mt t ) profrs. io 4 t cc . t 4'. I, 1. It ,• • 1I 1:1 Mean the aiittlia' • • ,•• ;•• ueri ,rand certain in Tr ( , • • •• • , e 'r•ou 111/MCC& RUN,. NA, do 4 11,41 - I• .4 • 1 • . . 4. 1 , 1 the '4111:14Alt cc.. Ivi .g a. ti lii . I • . / • laL/u...a.,!• earl bear wo • , 1•,i1, •h. „i• \ line it fait in cortuc t Ii inee.- It r 11,7 '1 47 (/ v /CC a. (Z. ROELTIJ.I ,i it ••• t • t iur it II LUM. ERI 4 11 ' t I , ta. t I t `• V.. 11 Lit ( . OMrLAIN - r • F . ..‘1 . 11A. I R 1 . ,•( • •• 11 , 1,1 ' -!!' - • ' • noun P!! , 10 , 1 who have been J/1 - / , 11 ,. .1 I N it —Ne.t.liei J i Inc •t a e cenuine without the %art •• t . A \! • I. C • •• I 1. , e the/ wrapper r eit at Neu 1,1 r 11 In Si A Weaved 10 a ham alt m..Jer • m 1••• •• •r•• •• HMO , kI V • . I ' o ' , •••‘. unaieraie riarima for Lhe ti 11 I 11 11 . fil ' RTC*. & jiruff a ' trot - - - Thy American Inwuranca Company. • 4 PITAI., 111:01„ntml PRE: , ,E.'s PI f .4 0 ., 131. , L 0011 1 0 . - v., 114;,nt• losuran , et, artheir It-ineb sl3', LeiP Pa, I. I 1 1141411, .letuary. 1111.1s8111•111. Apt. Altent thnt •• trier n Ins " havr conformed wit h n 0• in‘ar,qo , ,,,nwealth and art duly au t:torise.l to .04. r ii • Vil . at the' nht +taud of Vl,ddteton is Morph), on tar Park Ana . aoaah•cr . l id hOtlef amaortiataancri a Cap perand Sheet Iron La Ire, manufactured of the best oos. and of (erred at th, al 0. ri . ..,...1:11/10 . r , tr.. wholesale or Mall He bas on hind stpe,, of flit ~;es 11.1 ",- Willi , . comoracted with refet• rare tc, tra•t`tlr , 1, , ,1 r - met s.'ncr . . ka,t oftar moat durable ma terlai 0 41•04,0ttiii ( 0 , 1 eN3w and an assortment of l fp ty WARE Hilueb be flattersh I 11. -e ' ; t ..1.1( IC e:itti. . r cqualvi . I n Haire Ity.— Milk pans of a". •./,.. at ' C',.al,e ,1 . 1 , o. •,, et) leacripttor, eon. stands on bawl ttetetut use,: to imr..uc the business with energy inernithruinea..,,a,i L c, ~..s. so effort t render altianietion An hopes to receive and mer tt a .11.ern taba re of public patronagr Vi 144 li t v St. SZE.3ES. E tutrejust opened a cb , ice lot of Salts. and aolm,t a earl Anal WI perroth VI in6l•g to pure haw,. As we can ahow lid• best araonmont of the later goe. ever offered in itos city April tli—lS JACKSON t PON RettloValww4follif WE have removed our brtnlt el Dry 110041, and !lithium) , to the well 1,04 ii tnand .nrinerly creirpird Nerriek Devi. on Pw it how. hoir-vi i.etween the Ileed Hoene red hrowny• Vete!. where it I. reerielnit tarp licee•eione direct from Ph itedef Id. where onr socebitiave been *eke Urd with tare red d ',trim health:oa and numbered at prime unusually tow. Menem, ottirwires that our stock will compare favorably IA, , nY 11hic v for elleapi emp. variety and Kittle/00f Wyk. tte toile it the dlienlion or inorehr.er• Erin, Aiwa R. 1 , 44 !tilt H t sTtill* ART Dodd% Patent raper l'ilor for raided Papers. -1," VERY omen Omni ow Notes. E mewls or other valuable P.A. Log pert which thew desire to preoervic. pitould ploenre some of than Fihrra.dd they not only render them much MOM! ItOtreni eel to 1141341.• but Mao stArsula Iy prMeet them from dalltillualitri ditl— th ee hi perfect cleouliaticio and order-made vi rtun stamp to order. from SS to Ole eel &Sen. TA NAIL* d MAGILL, Sole lailedheleorirm. 1 1111. %de Nap% OW. AIM/ 46 Iv *phut* or am. _er or i gk a ritet " 8114 . 14 00 kir mlitllols4l 'Ed. le PAI': TIM'S t -1.5.6,16PERs E , r•re,r,i I V ..11-I(RET II CAM he;, PIG Nlc MIII. I •/.• gloves cf all c , JlOrs apt, qual .. rud au) quaatay 01 • ut• ue•l assurinwnt 01 11011M13 e . ' T.TVO EINEITIO EEC MERE 1!=1 lo Robes. son, • t t 1%..r0at.1h tt- help, verb cheap • CIP Cvl l lln. CrAV:`i. s't ARP:- .Inli•reelltrlf it W ..Al4 =I r k . • \ arltr T m AC:3I IN 40. 1 *-- \.. N'' VET " il k s. we a (r - : 3) --4 - ...... --r". O..• _ 417 , j or e .— ,itp • • ~,, --"" ~, , e ..... "•-'s _ .....—__ J_t. II Tress Eng ',N" NI I'. I R 'mil LE: newel, Retarder thi:COPPER AND SHEET IRON reTAnLreamitarT. \ V 40. 4 r-vretrUll V inftorm hliftjt4J, milt 11 , tPM ht. hat 10C44.11 binatif as. Mg • * a 1 ..'"," ''. ••./ 1 lIIIVIGOILVZIXO CO is tAL. ,A,nbakratTlCOV is Illedklbe. resiblber err leen _POLF•trart etheraist. thi teeth of eke Ikesst , ... m...ii .......,...W1t5v has Orsit sad eol hitrancerit Ink, thl knee IlialkleaM' es ecJaa and traveler. 1 0-- ;"7117 - " . tra• sea lasts sa Ur) Herb. het hes thlr grey derma of Amble lever by grit getreeN trer, w teak Ms bees sertioned by the weidleal edltrr Wat freeze ties ethers's. NOM_ boa vseiratuatett creed for the CuRE ty r NERVOUS Ltlarabihr. No atsetnot can eraeremy ea sdispiew Nem of this owed rare sarestalest ettletweelolla champ which It measles.. in the 6,- owe d, diebtoped sad slettered lellevenesyment, Whether bro ken does by ewer. west by nature, oe i m paired by w a n , the uss.ris" see 11111004 Crekaatialataw Us at *nee 0-tir acad. re yteigeri, awl built up. TM mental and phyoleal syrup.... of pelves. defame faalash lagailwir ruder Ito usausmee :.W ,r be mo ms tem p o rary. Oa the contrary, the wilier Is permanent. fni t he co otie' ofspertiosatthe met Setae free! the coomitut toe o mit. sad relitere MO Ile satinet conduits. Weil may the Kelm mute be called the holittot ebeterr of the nareterlata Lennart , It ikas the first sematibe men to the old world base s il iii ,i t , I. that mirarie of aridteete It. oeoStre 'unwed to tame pi , es . 1. Mace. A allietalaat Mat y 1,1110204) feaettuti. its rOfee i• nes r i expended. a is the COPS with Olfkilin, likkaheilihe preparatm.,, aad'all other eseilanta. The edict of there is brief. and it mat well be sald of him who Wee Worn, ••tbe law stcie of that awe, without a single drawhael.--sals in its operation. perpirt ual to es happy' I oituenee apes Ole Oareca, the in ,,,g, it we'll* Mean the first." hut the 1.1,il• i• an eilii,er•,,, and the enure organisation In cow* of evasive. tteau • ailfre. VIWISIPs path in the nerve. Cl the lace, sun the i ari- Otto era in of tterrone afire trona, it eel ',roast r attire into ... tonalities short panic! Of time, a. d It wlll cso remove deure.i. st em, e gewegsent, a tendency to 'blush. reglevsnteire, sir , el ,-b• l rilliew. ghillie en soesecvi 'seaway for study or hue' or—. ,os or memory. conforms. giddiness', blood to the brad, roe. A n ' metal seedily, hysteria. ladecimon. wrew heftiest , . thoost.t• ..: r els-deatrirestoni tear of i nein ity.ll-ypoebondri pits. ge !writ pros tratitine,Ulatability , leer IrCuraneas. inability to s:eep. 1,. rr cwt.- p l aint , flour alloys. and all diseases Incident In frotale•, Are ii i °film propagating fuatettotts. hysteria, nao,,,,,tag,„g, t agtx ter tars. palptiat tun of the heart. impotently narrettess eonst inn tiOn.tce.. 110., from whatever cause arising, it is if there i any reliance to be' placed on human testimony absolutely II • fit fill bie. csaahrshrtisti Arlaisly Ail who have I opired theater/ tes ~.. gelvate and Improper ladolgracles; wilt end iii Oil% cordial .. s sure relief I tripOwnee— ill cartoons Of the venial organ. Lou. of ra.le power Is Or penalty issOot (requests') paid„ those who give 4 lutist. rein or Ikea., to their paseitins. ii lit he, PIER.P.O4:i air too apt:to commit racemes from sot be, rig awar e of the iireati- Ail effeets Although impotently Donors from striCtiire, My. Its in too urine. grass!, and from IstafortrOtie WWI' C ainiel. art lap stout eir the sexual ospas, ky c.cesoire .unery or self-poi iut tun particularly the atter... Ilse mom frequent ran-e )1 it !ii,n...olic that ilhdefistandri thfliohltfel Will with. to rainy that the power of procreating the speties is lost *dotter C. th,,, e e s ho wactire the solitary v.ee. thin by the Prudent. Resides. l c Pfelhatire Impeneuee. the digeatire fuitetion• are deranged, a ii,i i t , i 0 ,.,. eat and mental powers. weakened by a taw frequt tit an 1 too greatese virulent Of the genital urcaiis Married Pirrone or others eons,. Inns of inaki.tt) fror, v. hit. ever Chula. Will hod this curd*. i tier they u.i ~ ,reor ~,,,, a iLorouth regenee al Kai of Use true's . ' Where ta not of hire's( ~ g IS a regret it is Of ioestimabie ram: Tris nature of the maladies relieved by tido cordial are usual ly such a• to leave the potsheAtionot CV tifieas. • vtit a One eitirs- i lion. or the - propeimot could produce • hart of the most row Itt • sire lestienOhy to slow that the real. reputation I; en;oys was not ti er "deotatly obia,ned. ',tit is tiruily based alum Is pot. t, ye and.apearently miraculous virtue* In all o.rrecii‘ans are to '.e moor, the happy parents of health. (4trprii.v, s h, sre ,,i,i riot hate beta sa tan (or this eittraurilitiar) pre; , arriii,n Ant , i ~ equally print! 10 the di-ease for whet, :t Is fse',..lP. , nendo , .; Thouoands of 'Wing men haat been re‘sere.l by WO i , t, and 1,41, In a single instant'. :ice it r, , .-,.1 ii, benefit ,hew Fire herrterey. fveeeteedare, Aatural Imisasees e r e the IftSt• 11.4CCVSIL Whitt' DOS at , ended trim .:ive'..iable. medic , es, kir lona of sunatUlar energy. pla)'afe.... mareitude sal gener•i ~,m-tri. !tors. of lois of the CattisseqUertc ea of yputbful .r. - iterel.Cli i r ~ do.senee of the passion to riper years. rei....1.-, .i ine in .t . 0 " ,+- ale leeparatton ever threw/Irma . in fact, as a retort to' il e labove complaints. it wands tiorreaeed and atone '1 here is , 0 other reliabie remedy. or any Mat ha. autheor,ea!:i ra•ce,t, 4 the saneti„m of the /fed real Faeull, 0.A.11T/ON. v ,• t t ar. Ribbons = a oare." • I)L. )3 ,• 1171 (t)P lIX r. /Dtr‘ • ek Cllr bIIN 1.11 , 1 r. '••• r f i 1.0.1 e Brun int I. • osrf.")l,na , - t( Ia h1 , ..r••(. (.4 •IYI". urhte!i. not M 9.rpa , %eil a..gr 1., ”ur et• Pit 1 1 Ctv'ar r• arr t • • 0 & if, V"' k rfl II AL Fi IA I.F' lIM ~: . • • 14 ud.he et , tos thi tut ••• F. 61,1 It.h • •••• ' O , r. (Lie 4[k and WNste tram RAtrIfT.I. • 4-1 111 fr. ISTE‘k AK 1"t. r 3eNe 1./C(10111n New York. Oct 8., rust No • Ot.vines—(leer Sir it is with the hastiest graithenti.ii i,,ii i volt that your Commannd Nth Lounge babes t , rel s , i r,. ure of a very hard cold 1 hive had on tay lungs for souir tint. , I felt the edict of them in a very atear hours. A. I . 1 0liNliall. Tobatoonist. 44:)j lima ion) P. $ —I have recommended your Lanese to a number ri• iu, friends was. since theo.isavt meal it &advent of ii i n the tt,gt, eilt terms. %. II J .- BUSINESS /4181.! RCA TNL FOLLOWING, Hurons sold Devisee' COm mid Pitch Loren., for the :.,,, thretutOnths, we Ileelliepelhel °Wilkey meet. tilt a read, ..ii, i e lad Jurists( Mara the rtyromeritat loos of thaw a h' h., ye Ward the Wed* int. IR WOWS* it tale a valuable reined, ~ ..t the. ,i,s eas ,... lhar which it is reserakuweadent. and retitled to It,. eohrtAtesweet of the public mcroit f. a, S.MiTli . Merchant. rilawd. Mass. Jan. It. inn. fa ill canes of Consuannion. use my seat MAST.. I daft as the &ha, and as a strengthening Plaster for path ,t. tat Mir or ben. This Loner bets beneficially on every. par: ,ii loss Mum. and wakea4rotetrainhtakt lb. pigment 111 , at min and diewilo. DI far nee on each boa. 8 ft 7 LIAR & CO.,Ptoptirtor%, No 3 Tremont Temple, !luau. n To whom order abeabil b midnamall Circular. ina rattle rest with eider% to Moots. CAItT3II Jlt 410T111 Sole Agents lb! Tait. Aho.-A. I. moat, Inolesale AVM all !Went,' :Ina v tr4i. It Y. NM. N. 141$. It os, Otieo to Nvorybody. T HZ Botthets of the Bete M• rtes bevy teetere.l ti •1 • 'le, the --/"_ 02 7 IMI7 *t. *'y lino NW too 'II F. Al wllhout ihe ...APO. my harp se account whateree,lleilbutit eaeeptauh of cr. wt a[ harp Melds. prlee of Cottle sod the didiently we And wtot letter es. V. tom pet iy adepts* oui OW. RICO lalLAtat. • WA. 1100021101. - JOHN As EWA, S It WILD F. sicur.n.Ava. I oArk HAVES NICIALO. it* wag • Pr Ntiia•icii Invigorating Cordial Aa. be ..r.ti,r,erfr 4. , t,y sonor u opr .11c rpl.t.l pireebbe In future an the genuine Cordial lir • nl‘e t' far pained over (tie rOrlt of each Le,. le. 1 ,, rkerd-Meeritr the glass— DR. mosses sxvi(ußAlVGt 01d+1.41, C.ll REV', Prnpr I ,ic evni,3ll, per up highly eoticeritteteil, in v, n% battier l'r ice,-13.001) per bottle . two for . fit tru IW 1 , II RING Proprietor 10.1 Broadway, N , te York Druirsivto throw:lout the United " fulto6. Aia.NTS.—J It ISuruot tare, J H rulewal , ILitr4;Lo MEM 0 . 1 pl %VI Al Lt.- , HA port. pure juice putt. Ale.leriet, I. Malaga. Claret and Hock wings. pale and difft. Jamaica god rat. Croix Rum .riterided rnr purpose, and warranted pure Erie. ricoCARTER a. 6 R I )TIICR Erma—Lard *Alt eaoyhere. L thuid, tzar Candler by Lute. t.ept 3.)i 3--1 S I'ARTEts a. HR. , I lir R L I ACA s. R ;el - . Co . and 4•4 m 41, W Ti 4.1 - 4 4 - 7, ! reel ea,dt. Circular. X Cut. Tenon,. lie Pet nel, (tar k. i;ciatpaaa. Wood and Web riair•turinle 1.. / rat 'a. —l.l M 4 El f I tcl stop in and emituinstltc largest aisoruuent of Illy • long end square 'tam IN ewer offered in au, market, % , ot you can putena•e at a very small p..r cent ...n% 411" 1.• t 'WI, , cwt ACKSI 0. at S. Inedictries which never fail to rive Satisfac tion. * 1 " I R .1 :If ROSE. is se honorary iurtnter u( • 1 al riot ivy. and graquaird ' • (II Prein•Osolia, under th. guldane• of ;bp tr,.'‘ ••, • r(r..iirssors Physic'. Chapman, Gan.on, I osc, James ,„..1 UR J s.„ ItirdE.lB NERVOUS AS 1 • INN I(.f it N' • IMMO The greatest AMA:over, in metiteat K lerl , e tailing up a Weak runalatill debilo rare. labor, sturdy. ur di.raet, ACLO hit , " is. +trength and appetite and pow•f.••s great ro,t,par•.l,ur et i For Heart ,fi-east ell nervuti• atlecanans, I Burn. Restlessness. NnnolAsess, Neuralcia 0, • an; in: yur.er %.• , te , n ,„ in miert .541...P1110 a butlie. Fan Costa. Coids, Croup an., Wa•oplac ( (A. beg Corgi' .•yrirp fa I.g flrarrio r. red l nun,. I4)rup, tires ,n.thedinie rel ff.! a .1, rt,IIDU , I.A.Ve or I.l,elNlirc r , Id. rt..nl lon Lunits and tortkl,es lb•• av-ir•ni n 4 linatl.l. r. ,Itan In kalif.. at .A.Acen , s and SI. toe Iniaertiad, (•atneA.L-1 hie disure,,er end 1,14 ) ,fat ,••••ou. rualpl,QQnt )teids. and II ruled 16,6 l r R... • .•/.6166.-16. Whoeur rig t LAM S)rup allays It, cough. se •• •1 • • ilan, 'or, and nri,r•e) CI. lhr -t, II fottott I, • • ,t and giver natant relief Fifty cent. 06 r ttvtt: I ' :It tt Ire 00/le t, C•rt •• MaN=N=Ogillil l , h 1 t. 61():IL'Sg.R1.A I C;ist RI n D., you nkjorr wet At maw put. I-1! • (nd ate ,et.ri by usittg fit. Rose. pe.l, .“rrr a tfv• er n'l • r4lion with Cure , • 1 8•0. t anotataly.....re 1 hr,,a;. . t • t. olds. Haul. to the vtk, Back, it Lin‘K. Fttee K+ , I teuth • aloruaah ur Bovirk, V i t or lt, • Ittmitett, Come, sod Chttbi,ttos. , orhorever tot: tr.' , p.• It t t utter '.l(c to ties, r tee NI, L 5 .tvi ot FOR LIVER CnMPLAINT. 1W: 4 1'1181k e., Thousand* hase been curd of the at ['se i,DI4 thOUSand• u,,re Can cured, if they it t 1 • Ruse , . lirsireptic compound, and his Ann Ff ! or It Yids. Ihe ityspepti. compound acts , f,recly or 1...1.1t , •stoulach. whilst the Fijla tarry off all secrecoes, ker „t,r c th itl,l/Cril. Open 21101111%11v. &Ism gis h 7 4iTtlleth a , 4 1, 0 , 4. 1 These medicines contain- no Calouie or Merc.irs ,n any in. r, , , ui yowls great tons. alterative. stoiriae h !., er enrols.), a Men nrser injure, but alvrapr impr.ise the n can testify I ..11: NI.L St.S OF Tyr. Ki ., NEy:4 %Nu ut.-krut E2=l t• decidedly one of the heat temed eA red for d•• f *A Abe !.they', bladder, Rc , ANC 4 r row, al war. htltluy reccaugoended by the Ivr iir Pr.y , e. cjthr ino•d.lndingu•rhed redreal men ald• - ••td I'r rt b•• AII c.l the above nreparatiOns, o.th ?oar, Inen•t• 11 ,•• , r• rto pervons In nick seen and in It. i h. to he lied t•.? CA f•• & DUI I HUI, Erie ; R 1.., 7 LAWN Nardi rear • N • X: LENDER. Meadv tile, n 1 Dealers generally in Venn •nt.t suJ ihroLabbut the State. lleceader, iii 63 THE WONDER OF THE WORLD! 1:1 to cr J. zi. e set " L'OMPOI - ND PITCH Lr , Zr.v ,, I Gar. ‘T Rt.NELIY s• as last Dirt rr .1 • ' ,:ebtroyer of human happinea• as less: h l• red onounght ion .110 no huger rob our r :re of s r xoaments.aud•:al mint , afenlle,pillll Ur.; r• hr cured. Agtilmr , wlll .0.. n tr.t. the tout,. Irat ere, and roughs mud Cold,. the parelar c,t tlvio 11)41.0 often brtngr woe to the houses 01 Jar 1 o mlipc. I,efore this : 411 V ERI ( .% A Flit-1)Y. - lIEPINES• CO.HPOCND PITCH 1.0R6..N11... Thu pleasaint au,: ,afe remedy for Cloiecti•, ostiseness and Cutio.imptiur .• he,ond doubt the ehes,4•l 7I most efficient nsedleineecer otTered to the public , and rbou , 4 onstaatiy kept .au bAnd by every faintly. epee to ime for colds cOughs, tr One nalu remarked. a'l-r ha V 1 nr been kept *este mil night with tug cluldrep. who were.,r 6 00.13. that •`lSie first i.stfly Jur awl was r , rr( sfi r dub," to ink" and. render. it only Cost him 2. er-hl• er ti B.S n 0.11.1 buy INS bores ur more READ THIS rT.ER M• II erne* Sir. I heartily reeommenu you tLm t •nut .t Piteti Loaenee to the attention or the .Mteted. Af t the were. ion of Mr enmities liantecou, of Lansingburg, who na•v.n. Ping with my brother. at the Poughkeepsie Hoiei. I tr.r . the howng v for asel pain In the Ode Or it.)llr • • The ptipliciniklekitio it aberess of the loop 11. .nealmoat inanseilini4ly. It has also cured meol lom. I fui eostivenest I consider it the hest and cheapest n..• n. ever brought to the tti. 'llion of the public Poughkeepsie : N Derzgtl, that. )I._r. RI TI RR FROM MR BROWN. OF 4FF:31A...S This certifies %bat I nate attatde use of bey tnee* I Pitch Lotenae fdt cold and email, and found i f ined. in Therefore I would recommend it to the public as a aide and 'moan remedy. _ t BROWN fort. Chet. fin, 1.51. IT .11-1.1.3 WELL‘ Read this letter from Alderman Rini Mr. IMerlne—Sir. Your lineup sells well. and RIVr• ...i...:acramt for all Pultsnia.iry complaint, In far,. l n know of a ease where It has been used, Ant what 11 ed a dare. t remostemund It .with confidence You Ina) ui..e lbu public if you thank proper. Li. !think all valuable mei iethr, should he made known. • CHARLES R. PING. Itecernber 10, l 3 Drompial, N rr cuitts col.ps ON THI s liztraordinary Att raotionx , BLASE'S KEW 1101111117 111. 11611118, 14 11.1 it .041 A. 4 4'. Cr i 4 4 ,,,, , r ~;•• • 41.—.• 9 HI. .„,., r. ~ .... gonr)u4 ly .. .1 . ,, , aftio A SM.. Arr,. ...: .:. 1 ,, 4001 . dist • kr• 1., and In 'OW opt, 0r.,; Llitly. 14Imp 1, • I.IIX/fThabie ept.ng Mit(lneni. iiii gr,,i co 1it0.,1K., e v.....• • ,t •., to* Willgeftk. ,/405 u• seru , n. In, ro.w ,, t ,nAtllliWnii. • . ay -nu lin, . . It. 4I ,r 11.,4n1.104- • upJekr) , ll.er .irt :, 'I! :.1,, , h tow., challe•l 1 , .t UM, r tr•.• ~ 1ti , .(r.r.1 ,•.. , , KuntoCt% Al' , tn ! r ,. ... - n.', 1 , . • r , (Aber "Wit rtit•u•tr..: 0 f,,,, rat,. ti .•t. . ~, iri /b. nt•orldnot pi.....),. , i ,t IC , ",r. ~. ~,, tint.. aiming Sc , , o • • ,tc. rOc•.'.2ltursar , .„,, Oil I.IMP *trent t. , ... Pi, Al'. . YTS prOinNl),,,, i4O. A wit `,I-St- 1; Spring bonnet• and , wi of Dovo,i • . k " - A 4"."6 ''''• =ME aPrin4r and 241rnm,r i IM ouvr r,.:.,,.n; ,• ,• •••ry cupap t. 6ffellEfeed Utl. -., , . t J ^ .1..-.,,~y cn •f /14 t f , ,111. f =ME ,C.llLt. 11.1 • g• t gee., 114,11n.1 . I •i.• ish via. Jail 1 . %! OLESALE AND tlui . t:sien . , Dew or, r ,„; ,• " , , . . tia•,kl6l rat . ..lye , ' frill . In 41.+ lir.c Of trar:egibOt.,.l. , . . atfatileg 4 1‘ the nio.t 'her el Lenin§ A . ,re fore ..lying elec. he'iv - goo.l ,rue lee nt low I,ti^ , r.os r 1r 5.1 nop . et J. M. JUSTIL, 11. tvn.l thai.4o Gi• . the Vtr ,Ilotta,pZi , 04 0. fnit •In that he fo , •• Lasgost and Beet Eltoc. .0 0.. I; , e .0 I 0 I ( / (TI/ C 4 s , fr • , , of Lr ch.J.ec4l 4. • • 11/Y1 % I.ls All/ "o'l I. • ure ,, ake &k'. tt.e? e . =MEM It 7.. A V - 17 Oh 0, Own m:troif.. otylts.frOCK. . ...I,l)rns.er, A,ll .e •Qs, it CLOTIP W 3111 !,f ~l/i,i.j, .1 ' • .2.1 1.51 A : .116, t Yl.l • 'L.:et'. =MEI MUM . 1 1 ......111 I f. (V I I v. II••• 111.. , :•1 t •er...1,e1. • , 6.. .. =I \V i , i L. 'A yr I: .J.Ctilirl .1 hi! Ql' EMI =EDE N S tr Ros,nswo. & C.'.. In Wngbt F SPEIhG AVD oaf ot (hr 1tk..0, ZO an S AND: l r 1 , BENZ CIE , .s %. } \ u:+tmperr 111111 INA P .. ' grrt • • Fresh Grot-e .• S. t - • •tErr Artlq r t • , M., Z•• I.( 1.1. ,‘ t• ••1(..•• Gre: , I 1 • , • . :/, I, lac I • ,• 'N I •t . r. %‘ , I' ' . , ~., , JPwelry Water ck!, t,, ~1-1 ‘• 0 1,1. • 11 I- f. > L .! c MEI EMI =1 i , A 110 1 IMIZZ ra. M•-• .TIP 1 >I 11•=1 sib A . 1 . 1 n gt• 11, Jr,. 704-41 40( )() oLig.fil C.-0/14i t.../ Is :V It i ittrz.ii 1 ".' : 11 tlardw.re, ERIE SC I ~~i r. .... Ii A ": I ‘4ll (:•:: 11211111•11 A irr t AI '„ h. ;11.11, • •• k,•••• ll* =IE3 Xust..t tl. , Great RAILROADS v, s , EZ 'CA it et • . Of the rullers new 'ow,. rr•f 01 itlf. r. bxrd:v .wArrt f . isr.l i• tt • o . ltpri% r•• 11. r ‘etk New , t w t : . t 1!•. a Aiagar.. ta. I.G.-. a A I t at I. • i • !IA ' •• f•lt.. • ut• ,1 ti • • ' 'rr the 1 hp^ ii 3 • h‹. r sir r %At I • •.oke ,41 , 011 (petweett ^ ,•1) t' F. 1 . ;!Ilir4 it.). 5 14110. This Way :• - E now hare a g a full Of les, aa.l 4lapa rood aw+ru. DOW Oaf at Mme co•. &PM . I Fil 01