AL or 113 macaw AIM 1/ you Direr Europa. New York, Jul," 12. oil reached her wharf at 8 o'clock this ..:1) firm and watlanged. Sales of the week b s :ee leelmeti le during the week, bat mon . : I ,, r ed heavy, Western 863 6d a 37 s plos and Baltimore 37i 64. \l pict fleet is anchored 45 miles from ,Led squadrons had been ordered to block port, oa the Black Sea by the vo"vo;rlsus iu ten days will hare an army stationed upon the frontier of a fjr ush ships shelled 11)omersund on the • 'be buildings and deatnling much .;,..j,ti3El of the French troops for Vex- „, t , and English had 60,000 troops •, ro a and Shillala. .4 that in an entounter at Bilistrie Russians and Turks, the latter lost &voter 155. nted to open her porta to the B r idge at Kalamai had been de. gum and 500 Russian soldiers of k s patch says the Czar's answer to DOte has not arrived. p,4 1 .1 is marching to the relief of 1.12000 men. eonc!usion of a Fishery Tree .„ U a ited States and Great Britain announced. VII Iva A.ustrla has jnst taken is looked l.crust, IS there are many who be. iu taking p3ssessiuu of Turkish :a aid thu Emperor. S' au i s by owl England and Z —Very little news of importance.-- 7.::. Lauer' 11.. , u.tpart fell from his a keg. tro pi are m•irching on Triscasta :Li; —1 he Czar has lets St. Petans L xpetiltion agulust Crimea is Active- 1.13 vessels .f war have been ordered ow for :he East_ c ; of the 1tt1.9.11/113 fate the PritiCipel .::moi. .3 absnit :n•Apecun the fortresses ..)n o the fortificatiins at St. Peter f ... tua,:s3aoti). z .,. N EL:vs that Rus.ians i mipidties out, of respect fur ~:;nat she preferred a peacabto evac 4r;ven 9ut by the combined for- Er.diee. Iran Oless.i of the 19th, scates that '033, aunvug INL1011; were CWO Itus,lan 4/.1 arrive.' le that c:tY, from wheucc bc conveyed by - eseor: t%) St Peters- aecu-e1 of having set on fire naval ivagazine at Cbealon had ben .thprlsour.o. f , ,r 1 Au,trtati Is to be increased by 490.000,0 A) floriu,, value in aterling he dt\ hied a rather wider as regard, toe period when the /li ce to be paid up. leS of the tiovernment are very ee has been received hzre train ila ue 246, 114. the Ittisstaus had car ,: lraims IC4ll4chir as the eoule titlr di)aatrou3 cauipaign. , vdatiori cone.thlati on ttru 14th June, './...rhau Kirk; assurca to Atuitria and 5.7 Itiert:, or noverneuta bar the neon uelpalic., But ;lie Cabinet of a.. 5.. pt any on the 1., .clug the athswer Of the eabr• P of t htst t..ututtiono. rtieetr3 of the itus. -- ‘is are vt uo . 0 . 4 1 k( : they are e.c. iy retreating, . a t ,t delay her occupation 'of the t ais cutoictl I.y tier %lie Tittle). ,W-I1 after Let, re ' P fircr to the Prus:Nts nuts, maica as .Ip:eted. r I,itn Copenhagen of die 2n Bays euutiuue to be elpturea, etti a .on is produced among the uterean- Trashipqmni, July 12. to to-day, in execu sessLin, rati- Lradition Treaty with liavarii latee on F)reig,i K Litton:. have Fi , bery and It_eprocity Treaty un without amendukut Hashinyton, July 13. :nary was scat 11.14) tile Sea 11Testigating Cm to ittee into char rlarl to Cult's patent, ait• pro tucit labors. tie., of lowa, reported a bill from „ n Pen,lons iu favor of gralt,ng sinew of James BAlalor, the M.0.-dial, who wrs killed iu the tilt arrest of the fugitive ,lave that the Committee more , on the •übject tel min Jrity report ,:e IL:11 resumed t:.e consideration of \f- Marylani, submitted - ui the National ‘Vashington Mon asking for aid to their labors. committee of 13. appropr.atioo4 for river alai a:va, a, reparted from commit , yea,erday, was tueu taken up. •:141 m ido to the Mind In COMM It ; k." 11 up and Agreed to, .when by yea., 9f:), nays 76 wen: into committee of the whole .ppropriatiou Nrw Fork, July 12 •'3 from Jetsev for Liv p.J.:4Ct ngers and U5'2,399 in lA‘ , 27th u;t., roport 'lf the 3g:cultural clistricts. cr wan not. pronlia:ng ••• , t , -r. of the 4th :Dd., contain :tali. anl fu ly confirm the r•portof • f Ll:o;e , a to thzt island--tenths ' 1,50 to 200 per day. It is to the lower chits and in -.r: lay the deaths rte-thed 244. ordered a strict quarantine. LtAt. We.t reports that the AlUtr tift n left by Mr. Borland fur th Tr tunit CAnpauy's property •` , :eu disbaudell. ;ht. Harlem Railroad 'Co. will szog:k issued fraudulently by the Ler the common or preferred. t.,,rs of Lb, New Haien Railroad ~eg die best st.•ps to take against of Robert Schuyler. fr Jai / 13-2 P. N. 0.44 :Act' from lkluinnt's banking turnee through the Postoffice this •.'tout any word of comment.. The Abe 1300—was kept. Galt, C. W .ICily "curmi h. re thi A morning and de- African Fre: School, a building in usc Africau Church. The Church Istaq damaged. Lefler"' Iron F•oun 'a'•y (I,Acr.;ea. several other Lot* 612,000. A C• 11111. —lli:nem in your paper s enaplilingUr7 •e-• favorshle to the )I,rth Menton viOtu,y It appear. that An maid Company Pny loom to onrisin tick sad I would • same Miaowi why tii• low on not ennuis peraiapely liquidated. L. CL MUT. The Philadelphia Sea, of.,Tharsday, says the Reading (knee, takes the Nose to task for clai tu • ins the election of Judge Conrad as a Intl / vic tory, and predicting soother 1V741 vietory iu the State. The Sea ridicules the idea of the pres ent existence of such a thing as the Whig party, and says "it has no ghost of a chance of success." It then proceed; to lay the Whig party out, is the following emphatic style. "The result mug eith.r. ba an American or a locofoco triumph—no Whig ca•didate, as such can be elected, and no issue will be recognised by the people, except u between Americans and Foreign Influence. "To make ourselves fully understood, we here say that James Pollock can be elected the nest Governor of Pennsylvania, if he will give the same pledges, and adopt the same principles which carried Robert T. Conrad as triumphantly into the Mayoralty of Philadelphia; he can be elected as an American, but not as a Fikif The American party will not assist to elevate any Whig to otice, if it is to claimed as anything beyond a triumph of American priuciples. Tue Whig party must became Americanized, or re main a minority !Utley', split up, deviled, and disorganised. The large bulk of its members are truly American, but its leaders supercili ously arrogate to themselves the credit of all virloriss achieved widows/ their ajency, and upon principles whichtl misrrpresent and oppose Those who are not lor us openly, are egotist ns —those who fear to declare for our principles, and are timorous lest they should alienate - any class of foreign voters from their former pertim tendencies, are the worst enemies of Amer.can republicanism—traitors to their country, and infidels to the cause of civil and religious libe , ty There it is, in black and white. The Wuig party must give up the ghost, ani tc:rge itsed in the stronger body of Nitivism, or else game's up." The Natives won't 'agree to any more compromises—they will henceforth ‘-know nothing" of Whiggery, and require every Whig who seeks entrance to their ranks, to renounce h.s ell party name and prmeiples, now and for. ever There mast henceforth ba no parties but the "Know-Nothings' and "Licofeeos: ' Are the Whigs ready to accept these terms? NEW MAIL ARRANGEMENTS era ujed. I.'l. May Hereafter the Malta at iL a 'bee will Om* da iy (ticei.L tl..u• Jas as lulVill,1• )13,1road Mai! suppljtag of f ice* betweel3 Lne au,. litet at II M A IblOV3nd Vew fork at II t Y, anj LidinJint.., . and ..11 3]u M evw Turk 11, me R tilroßd bI, I supplying all c,lnce. ',Covet r 1)u. , k.r3 and Nr. Vert all P We-tern KR woad M•ki suppls tog all Ace. I*tween LI IC a..d ('I velait.l al IY M Ime Igo Iliad NI Louie at 11 M end P C CV 1.04.1, 1.4) .1.10).111, LIMN I t 1111! ' :..bur( ./1 12 1 11 au , l 4 And lAISI•VIlk 9 A M Potaher.l ,avert' diy,, MeaJvillc auJ all M. _ Me kea n. Ulf re) , o and Mead, tl M %%aueburt an 4 Jamnwwn 011 / n uradaya ant'. q It • Ur•;Js• SI • M I Iffwe Open 'Mum Jt. M toI r i. sundays fr 311,1 1.:.1) A 1: and (rpm 1 k.• 6 P.M Pill I'l —P,r,ans Anil .11 nf.irt• of urnrr JIM leles of value, ire rag trble,l 10 V. • e ,cc J loci. to order tnat auto k ICI may be leg-.1 , -le.l M 41 1 ighly Important Testimony from New Jes sty. Peke reiMe - follow , id erl. r. the 1, coming - 11. a cl.)es from, pa , tteo 41 We Oquest ~t,woloil r. terl,toll , cut. .4,1 tJ ral C. B r*C.t.nw, law to pet. a Yu übt Le..l to IPr 1% a ,Vel'a "id t yr lie I t,r , (Mkt tbew °Vita aal 1.411 ,, e in.. 1.1 t,UII. 4V. ..5 scut ..f rut I r.. 1 •Latid,,ig I ler c.1,-c Ruth hinds. ere atfis, tett, resadvt 'other IA It while Ihr issin was lotru-e Ihr lire ~~ra'uieoi Maa OrMOtt rd 0..0/1 g • rraorsrsi tO a /101 imt Wt. taut IA • •te Ce.• • - PAR O, July 3 e i r e ....Welk i•tvg, 01.4 k!)11 tart ,a.”, ad k, In 'IA1,1,111 °, 114( f t...rJ.toot•. And . h a .er ,our J ,rn.n • fl% P., rl • I, +I , was her,r.l. • 101 rI alf.nis ,tp• i,rrc Ir It 1 0 , 411 ,.,. 1,, .i r. Carl I Wt. toOtt ...d Olie Wr , tit Wr er .ie el• attention 10 .isei—,u ..Ir. to,s a• arW Ise e ,tioe wool It. Lug Cute At ilium t‘ .1. iov, , • s cat pon *. of c•ch hind relni ••- t ,e:,..iy ✓ .it Owl the or aitt.orie of her ialudo h,. Ix Via love( tit,, c•et.l I. iuor,a rec..", 0n...1w non ul net medic in I t , (r.. ~fleoe fed a Ith cutoutvuo ad ..• 1.• .1 e • Yr lova. one prep onloo 1.. A rue • ege•leu 4. •ey rt , oeied ru devour uut 'woo r:„. lb 44 •414 arid he b. ir•e• his Cure null 6 4 e..lite I.) I Ite it 1 feel it Iser t , / gke WO I •••:p.) , 1 UI•011 prt th,, r cc° Ac w J I —47 Jll ru AZ •• N. 1.41“.." ,Jlll,llt , 7 Z7'xvotkdtil r•tra, ,, ,/ is • ~ ;)•• el.s, in the lIC111114 . 0( 0: Cl)0•1•1101011 's •". attJ ai, 6..semee•tht the !tinge te re Cl t r't,;`r frt. •It •• wlnhaling U t gellit V. 100( all rrs rrt 10,1000 DI 4' (41.41,1Yred Warty ..tilre led utao • 4 ,r 1 tr: 0 a ,as an e",lei.ce ui whiat ripealitni of tile treattoritt. -• ;IL. Ibll t rotl4ll.ll—,onsl . ,“ s pot, tut trit4,el ll 3 l prop , t 4, • l' • , • . 1 r the a bolt. of flit .an„. h and 1 0 00 1 .t. , ins uu a 1111` 1.1k1•111 , :i. a I t • b " „'lt lt „, . r k Ori,lrs 1 • of fa.., t 14,A Mo'ir n al.olte •cn f in . paptr READ! READ!! READ!',! Great Bargains in Books—Selling of at Cost Having tteterntainc,i t dieent•,eue the Bor , k hustne.., we hare con 11.1de.1 ..tie . 1 e,:tst ektfSaud; rd, Sc.entlitc and 31teeellaneous BOOKS AT COST commene.t.•;,n the first i.r Ju,y next N , ,w to the tme I , rep yottr • loraries. Call co' n Ind mike yoar rel,rttt,ola is large and the De ,ite recently r•tr^ . .),e,d a• 1 g). 3,:hool Tesehars. wh i eosh to rep: , l n i thz:: 1, r•• rie» are invited to examine our Stock. Don't forget Yo. : B:own s Block. SLO.IN June , 24. 1851 ..s.,eu : t q In Stockton, Cah, on Wednesity June 7th. by Volt— , K p Itcane.tiol. ilr RO3ELtT K. REID, res. tent Physicitn, SL-tte Notes A,r;a-n. aid Erie, Pa., and 31.4 s MA LILO:is MA,SECLE .11131 E formor,y of Bermuda, West Indies. ON INP 4:h by 11...? r ti W Cleariand. M- RL7',":s S lIEN2f)N an i Msr ELIZ tEr.lll TAT E: f On the 3n inst., at the New Ergiand I.lqte. by 1C :rt Esq., Mr ktENJMIN WOLVISIi the city C:er e ian„: Oh and MI,/ VIN.'ETTA lI.taRINUT.IS., of the a.LU.! place. At the imme timo and phew, by tho cane. Mr. DA NTTL 11 BURRELL of yrts., and Miss ELIZAIIETII GIE, of tire same p.ace. no the 31 If• . o, tut s3,'Be, lIERACILELT, II oDi' , of F. 40 Ciunty, New Yuri, and )haw d. 111.1 11 ANN MALL of the came place. O. the I.lch ult.. by the same, Mr. WILLIS It. C' LEN TINE of Clerelln 1, °ht.,. and Xis/ MARY ELLEN BLOD3ET, of NW/allots, Unto. in this city, .11 Saris ,, lsy, the 9th inst, "MAST AD+, deughter of J. sad liar, L. Bryant, agva 4 3 ,;.irs siz mouths. Ma. Entm••:—Plea.e announ•e JOHN I'INCENET, the city of Erie. at a candidate f ituliject to the rot* of We tree and lo,tris.n.i,r.„: of Erie county. Avti-StLocuAt July 15, 1.54-9*. ]terries EDITOOL. , :—Pirwo :tan .0 :re my name nsn can dititte for the OfEwe of Itegistter and 'Real ler to the deetr‘m of tl.e voters a Eft., roman. July 8, 18.i4-9* Mrsuts. KIIITORV—Mcaso ann- , uree the rameof A ZR GOFF as an loJep.nd,oi 029144.1ur l'ue atiro of Re. gt,ter,aad KeeurJr fur thig County ut tho ...sing eke.- 11‘.41. July S. 1854-8. Taacnsa of ebe Violin and Guitar; restienco on Edith Ft. twit door to John P. Vumat. Marlin urangod for Draas or CA+liioa Banda. pp.. tin is weak or so. Ile le olf Saet bow makiug selietioes of the best, for wish, sad will be happy to sea his customs,* shd frieuds after bis return, and sbow sad soil the Lima- Meat! on terms Wblenollooot fail to please. Erie. July 14. 11t.54. ISt Auction bale. .. yba i use win be told at public section, ea the 14th (lay , u f Aged seat, at tbe Geterameat More Laity, Lr e ! ntylvestp. The Wit/wing arcades property of ttio C. I S. Nary department. I IS tech cable of I Ibkf.s.aocet, IS ell I caw (arstAL,) 1 small tooling rare, 1 co% e, 411 blocks, asstd., I cabal beet relaters, 1 seta( 1.501 lbs. jamb, 1608 1 1 lbs. Iron, n lb• isei zr, 3 sours. (bassa,) 1 Of. a y ST 146 • Th. Whig Putt' /Port GS/See 1.11g•10444ar of effref•ita C.“ ',ON, EOZ• J 11.0 MARRIED DIED ArD) Abbatismtnts. / tor and THOMAS MOOR/LEAD of Ens. E. CHAPIN litomblialion 3Propealimas Ameadsallib to tko thostttotioa of tits Cl 000• Sac-nos L. Ranionol yMa Son* nod Brora if /rpm. «mint:roe the Unomodnomail, ✓Ponnorkonnia in iiihnorni Anonbi, ion', That *a Montag annamitanthli se'd MN are hereby pnimonad ho tM esesalaatien ot the cow to..n wealth, nodlor, and la atioarinmaa tin lomPlainta of tho tooth artl44; timed, to wit; Proposition 1, es lo Artiele 11. Sumo V 1. Tie aggregate aosetratettlebto bethellit ems. trented by the commonwealth shill ewer tweed dui earn office hundred thousand dollen, ezeopt la cue of war I. Reel lnrasios. supposes thaturestitte, er bt lobos 441 public debt ef the etesamuswealth, and the mosey es raies4 &ball tie applied to the potpies he with* the debt may be contracced, or to pay mob delete, end also ether purpose. Stcrios 2. To pay the pato& debt erthe Oseasseservelth and debts which may bth p edtiw be eesteathed la aus of war to repel souies lasonvegoa sad to rodeos the public debt. die Legislators shall at Wok seat masa after tho adoption of this section late the ethatitaties, provide b law for th e eteatioe of a slates hued , widely shall not be abolished WI the said pablis deal be wholly paid, to consist of all tie net amosal ioNIONIO &en the pith lie works ant stooks owned by the ateseewweeki, aay other funds arising ender any remise law new ezietiag et that may be hereafter enacted, so far u the same may be required to pay the interest of said debts semi4esseally, and annually to redoes the prised* thereof by a mu set lest than Oro hundred thoesaad dollars, hummed youty uy c , unponoding eta rate of sot less titan eve per Nowa per an nom; teal said Sables fan i shall be lavatted la the wns of the vesmoswealth, which shall be eassWed from tune to tune lo a manner to be provided by kiwi so Poe tins of the Ankle; feed shall ever be applied to the per • tont of the debt of Are handled thousand dollars son tweed in the Ant section of this artiste, bat tee said alai mug fund shall be applied esly I. tie papoose bends spy. 11.1. S tenet 3. The credit of tke tuanasenualtb shall set Is any way be given or loused to or 1* sldof say ladleidaid, cdopany. corporation or aseeelatlea, mot shall the eon- Inultnrealth hereafter beacons sJoist °weer or ethekbolder in any company, associatlea or *upgrades is this caw monwitalth orsiisewhere, formed for say purposes. Sr cm,:v a. The commonwealth shall sever aessma the debts of any county. city, borough or township, es of any corporattou or anoCialmon. MOUS sad debts shall have been eJotructed to repel invaaloa, /apprise iasunmulea, or to itefend the State in war. Pritositiee 2, re le Argeole 11. ProAibititsg Nesitirel Beissrirtiesu. The Legislature shall aerer authorise any eousty, sty, bomtrel or township. by rote of its elusion or otherwise, ,14,r0u s /twat:l,ller 10 say joint stock company, woe eAt o,,rporatioa, or to rates Roney for, or loam Its credit t,), or la aid of say nab sesapaay or aseeelatioo. 14 , C i Ll i t Speaker of the Reuse sf_ sties& 2. 'ASLIN. ilosaier i f 04 8.1. Is beset, April 21, 1514. /:seciteirt, T e st ibis reminds* pos. Tees 22, says b. Eztract float the JournaL EMS MEM ME EM WM= trm MS BY ayszosr In liouso of Roprooostotbros, April It, Int. Res lee& rit,t tt. is resolution pass. YOIL. ft, nays 21 Extr,a: from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. SLc ILTa.tes OPTICK, kl Fila.l April 29, 1341. C. A. BLACK. Swear, the soasoawealuk. PE.VS'S rc raya, SS. sscasT•res Omtul, Ilanisborg, Jaly 4, 1144. r r do certify tbat the above and remota( is T. a true and correct copy of the original "resole ( ) tiJu reheure t.t an austondasont of the sonstits u,n." as the same remains on It. in this Aim In teetimosy whereof, I bare honsanto set mrhangl and messed to be dazed the seal of the Secretary's olio the day and year above written: C. A. BLACL Secretary of the commonwealth. Journal of the &mato "Resolet,on Co. 6112. entitlod 'Resolution proposing I. •nts to th e oonstanuon of that eansinenwealtb,' rca 1 a th.r I time. Ou the question, will the Semite •c • t rho first rr ,, positlon. the 71111U1 and lay, were r, l;rJuri,ll t tu• ouustitnuon, sad were as 'WOWS, Y 1.5 —Mc-ire. Buctalew, Darlington, Danis, Purism's, uI, F :cll. Fry. OcKod win, na/d•maa, llam Ws, B. E W. Urals, Ileistn, Her, Jialiloll4 Mo. C SlcPar:and, Platt, (ledges, bagel, Slifer, and speaker-23. N Nieasrs. Crabb, Crowell, 1111113driekla. SkinLer-6. the,n was determined in the alirmative. 0.1 Co! que•tlen, will the deaste agree to the mond pr, 1.1,0 cat, the yeas and nays were taken agroosedy to It4e c....n•titut WO. and were as fellows, •ia: Yung leers liuckslew, Dame, furessok Touhrod, C G alwin. lI ilaeinsa. 11 D. Hamlin. I. W. Ilsalto, 11 11 ks. Ilrirtcr., Jamison, Kinser, McClintock, • • r.01a...1 I" ,n. Pric‘, Quiggla, Sider, Wherry, McCas• Crahb, Crvawell, itailington, Hamilton, eon 1 S:, 1111 t r-6. ' ee tiered at Wlll , determined la the alirtositire. J.asrual ,a the 1101110 of itepre•ontatives. rue cities( ~,.. Y . :tarring upon the Anal wasp of the 2 , JIUU , u, toe drat proposition was agre,ed to as follows, IT • Yr. tg.--M 'Pen. Abraham. Adams, Atherton, Ball. Bar trn, Boyd, Bush, Byerly. Caldwell, Cairns, ~„„. t int I.n, Cook. Crane, Cummins, Daugherty, is 11,Fr., e, Eck, rt. Unoules, liJioger. Eldred, Er. • F .star, F. j, Golleatme,, Gilmore, Gdollsooey. Groom, „..s. U ~ 11. 4 1,1t0n. Ilmt, Herr. Iliestmed, Haller, Hip .... o 111 n,n Hunsucker, Hunter, Huru, Jackman. K Knight. Leury, (I,ehtgh.) Linn MK", Maftltro• „Ni ,c M M'Kee, Meat : , v, M sore, Moser, Nese, Palaver, Parke, Pennies, !IC: Im, Porter, Putney, Rawlins, autism, , Snlle Simonton, Smith, (Berks,) -1., 1.. Cr Or! ~, Stewart, StOeitdilie. Strong, Struthers; -. c speaker—SS. Nays—Noun. So • , wen dirennined in the affirmative. U :Lae q r 0.. wII the House agree to the emend preps t. ned nays were taken, agreeably to the f 19th arttcle of the mutt:clog, mad are , t—a%fatud.s. Abraham. Atherton, Ball, Berme, Beek. L orrm I.a. , yd, Caldwell, Carlisle, Chamberlao, Oro., CJIDMino, Daugherty, Davis, Deegan, Da- F..1.C , Dui n...g. Edanger, Entred, Evans, Pry, tiallentine, v, tr . i.i t ra, linty. Groom, Onto, Hamilton, thee r 11 ; Liun.u:ker, Hunter, Ilertt, Jack mar. , L4ury,,Lehigh,) Lou ery, (Tioga,) Linn, ev. M tore, M,it.ivr6el , l. M'Kbe, Mime tl vy. Moors, Miser. Muse, Palmer, Parks, . P. •reanre, Patterson, Porter, Remakes, Roberta, ,!inde Scutt. Simonton, Smith, (Berks.) braid', r, ... ; Stacktiate, Wheeler, Wicklein, Wright, Chase, 71. 4 .g;r7±-11 OM! Aiamr, Baldwin, Beau, Bush, Byeriy, in Ilerr, alumnae!, M'Combs,,,Wil a* . Pounpan, Putney, Stile, Stewart, Strong, Struthers, r • 7 5, the qnsstion was determined in the atirmatire. S 's Orrice, I Harrisburg, July 1, 1864. 1 •'E.V.VSTL ra NIA , 33. I I eertafy that the above and tv.regoing, is se s true and correct Gory of the "ref' and ' taken on the "resolution relative to an atnrodment of the constitution of the common we lith,"as th _ appears on the Journals of Meters- General Lovably, of this encodin Ith totthe esesion 411134. Witness my band and the seal of said Aloe s this first day of July, nos Mesibieui eight ki l o. died sad lity-fidit. - Boasts:l of the Ju'y 15. 18$4-800. Sheri ff'i Sale. B' , rrise of a writ of lfers•Ctiasii Scpeam issued out of the Court of Cournon Pleas of Eie meaty, and to wil be sold at the Court Besse is the city of tin .)..turday. the .sth day of Latest Best at 1 didoek d. :.1.. 3.1 the n4ht, title, later - Get and *lain of defendant V •ii tat A. Irvin*, of in sod to tau lots, Noe. 1933, 1956, .257 and 19i0, as nemberod is the general plan of tie I , y Of Erie; and Wooded north by Lath grew awl as it" No. 1930. E nit by Rolland street and ins lot No. 959 soutn by Seventh street and west by los lota. Nos. and 1954. Aldo all the right. title. interim and claim the evue of. in and to oat 101,,,_Ne. 407, as numbered in agttlela I,,un of the city of Effie . described and betted se tirilows, to wit: Nor th by Twelfth street, east by -I its street, s .nth by John A. Bane and watt by Pw4 vu acres of load more ec lees. Also, .1, , N s. 201/. 270, 271., 212. and 301 in tint city of , ,u • 1,1 uurth by out lots MR and 312, east by Beech by out ' , us 237 and 260. and west by Ash lane. ~so tit lot No. 217. Wooded earth by out lot No. WO, 211f1 by Ocirtii.tu street, south by oat lot Na. 280, and west mid street. Also, opt lot No 268, bounded north , y ut 1.. t No 267, east by oat lot No. 263, south by not ut N.. SGL and west by Beech lane. Taken to execation t the sett o. tie Erie city Bask. Also, All the rigtit, title, interest and aids of defendant IV.a SeuLtil, of iu and to the following plows or parcel of and, situate in Wayne township, Foie county, bound :d north and east, by land of llattiew Only, west by iluidokoper, and east by Jaws D. Smith, containing usenty-tir• acres of land mare se less, sad basin about ,se,,ty sores eleansdA and a fame loses diem& Takeo eienau...a 55 the salt of tl. J. Suss/Asa. JJIy 13. 1334-9. T. B. VINCENT, Illbeiriel Nit= Jao rrtat .Sinnaler Tenn of this Inatitotioa will nansona on Monday the 174 toy a(Joij hon. Intrudes oat lei tfi as :ask einartsw. G. A. LYON, Pion. J. W. Winton, Stieyi July IS, 1814. Matignon Stephen B. dasSard sad Ihndorkk W irE prustaissi have weds as atOipi to the eaberrtber ef the procual estate awl stferts of IWts ad Isom and alas t4l the voile, (hallos. ttlesta sad prowl, clever,. kiwi ledosighig .be said Ars., fur the 1 meat of tbsir rseitlicw: thestiss as Ile is ker./by Fp en to all lamas Welded to Us NM ern to man maid nio try set t and thus bating Asia al d.„ war..lB against ?tit trim. to wale known the sales Itittioul daisy. The Drugs. Medicine and tzlisina of in sag NM elm Of• saw oared *'r no, in alder to stool up the remora. sad will to sit dust.. The Asians* would woke maw out in non Wrest. of the Drug dame to bat saw posts or Alm Paull sot wit 5. the 29th toslest, tie some sal toe edited Is maw sera& IS sboloitials, to Druggists, liirdsints, as earn withal. 10 on anew.. JUJUS D. DMA,. Ida Ysta Mita, iStl.-4t. Axerms of twin t Ilona TM Beard of Health will impliftar ateadaipt at di Cosmos Coassil Koos ovary Mow* and Tlmmlay area. .rp, 4 during um warts swam. Porsoas winking t. MW cetipn:nts are reqs•stod to maks thee fa writing ad present :Aiwa at times issatlags. J. L. mecum , Erie, July 8, 1861 Ba111)1117 and :Trier'* , VOTICE is Web) , siren, tlat 0 fix* illS4lllll/11i ten Dollar, per sham es the alleiriptlos, sad 6 wui iustaloteot ot as Dollars fir Amnia dose. rob seripuo6 to time espital omit of gais Compoimy. sal be us tutd payable artitetr Mei% So. iesth Third 106.4 se lauct2y, August 1, M. . By ordar et OM &red al *mew. Jay ti 31114 0 41. Mirax nllOll, lom T. A. MAGI7III2, Clerk. Me the milisurima- 'iiiiiio . ',rift*** jot wee dated la this be """ "Mae. far cosi er a possilseloier. 'me sismalliamend is :ittimishasalllu i r i hstr figsbut ad at "Mai Ow we beim awl alimisirliNat se No% area, hawass illal tdi sad ea* slam yas era pt a bet tar anisia at a Ism pries VMS Iles lap simlahmal a 4 oar air establidmaal la this • akihMaga. Al al. Ile* Jaly it, ..P. 4. sux rllHt saisarilmr basin hived s se-pirturehlp with Atka II Jams et Isaimp o esesty, owl& my reopostAdly tioder Ms Awake to AY disseimere hit liar hand isltesap 4oriag Me *doom die aid ars, an d bops. ess ase day salldta 01111161•111010 tpabileipsip rearga Rill at ad duo& low bow to a.. aessmossaa and as may we amp as fidir Ili In a a "Ilk 11 " =dime sopaski As a sr aid Ors pads d ad Alp wls sad aat slow 114 per• imuop t a. Ass ay etboor aliallolisbammit Is Iwo dilligiags. Tan sal ass If those Wigs slat se. WO ier showing sae pads sat 484 sespetidais. it is lionallir to be seolaated vadat the maw d Wlllbass Sad . Atass. A. IL wituuts, AWOL & JAM. 11/7 DiamottAer.„ • MEI sopertmersilp birstotan Wads' astwese W. xi Willlase sad Ammo Walla. Watioloors Dor% uriw Übe saw of W. Z. •A. IL Irillisaisis iiids day disoolvad toy meted ipsasost. The Saha mad oa. = aro is tie bash of Aso flAiriffildwo who Is sa to mein ail moroya do NM but lad *AA to nide thaw apiaat n. W. B. WILLIANX. W July 1 1 8 4 A. A. WILLUJO. itiebber Masa* to MIR &Lan mad Positiag of WI alma kar .l. as JR. kra 'gams as It io bought ia Balalo or Pita. ;WY L C. I[III.DXS. • s 0 a . T • rowed so Wei& Cootrosloro oul ohm with semis le ZUNIS prim Soy win to wen to NO oa too ►doc. poolhodos oloarforo. loss, July itio-4: Fr 7 rT 7 Vl nrry lato..ausher ?we thesend lirei aed sleety three, (NU late the peeper"lbw wad of It. 0. Lea den oiee'lL, will be sold at ) wiles ea Xesday the llth day of July last, at 111 °Weak A. Y., at the Court Haw is Akio. The lot is well Wood, has s boot et Aft-tir• fist six bullies, on PIAb strait, betwsem Pealat $ O4 t' 7, sad s depth of 14.5 feet. It will be sold wittiest tessrrets kigMet lad Arr. Tenn of Bale, Ous third in band, sad dm inhume is am year, with intakes. to be sseured eo the premises Administrates of R. 0. Lades, lSAß oo. With lL 11111LANDEN slummed- Iris, Joey 8, USA I. NOTICS Is hereby His that ate Cleveland, Painvilie asd Asktabala Railroad Octopi Parehlt l 4 l 11 /1 we sham (not ahead, owned by sa id Company,) of the capital stock of the franklin Canal Company, and pay therefor dm per vale* of sack stock, with interest at the rate of six per omit per annum, from the time trains were first too throughout tits entire With of said Railroad, to wit: the 20th day of November, Mt Payment for sash stook will be made on the preseatation and delivery of the eertilleates lased therefor, with legal evidence of owner. ship, to Wm. 8. Lane, Treasurer of the Presidia Canal Co., reties as Agent for the C. P. A A. R. R. Cc, at Erie. *etc the Treater& of this Company, at Clenlabd, seobsapso tod by dal's: 'Moses. Oils of C. P. 4 A. IL IL Co., I Ws. CASZ, Pmet July 6, 11136-1. j .T 1• 1 ,11 NOTICE is hereby given, th a t th e eadareigasd Ouardt. as of Orptsa Jae* Booby, editor child of Lewis Booby tate of Bpringteld Toernablp deceased, by virtue of an ce der of the Orphans Coact of the cavity, will es for sale at patella &action oa the premises es Battvday the 29th inst., at 2 fielook P. /If., the fallowing detteribed pie* of laid, ' , escalating about th awes, were of law— Bounded West by a raid, )forth by the Railroad, Last by lead of West by laud beteg the manes of Maid Levis booby at the thus of his dames. Tsatn.—One third In hand, balance in two equal I waywhata to be powered h 7 jadiremarit bond and alertinge on the premise*. HARRY MALLORY, Elpringlleld,ly 0. 11154--318. Oaanban. VNITIID CU/ma anul abase F...1*, Phiuddri- CJ. Mad !ALL Alf . (tete or Joon' Opel,)W the plower, .a inform OW !beads lad top itereittep emataitaity, that be has leawni this House for a tett" of years, and le low prepared ar t he reception of pease. The/ beat ad vaataass of this !earns estabilirbiainn are 100 well ;sows paged eueueuent The llama aad houttuee have beam pat iodine ea* often; the Maw are Nage lad Weil vast; baled Tba whoa will always be Agrsoabed wait Um toot, and the immolator pled.. ltiateeff that au aortas hie pats than I.e rsatian la make the Vatted Whales equal la iloaDion• to say bawl la the Qoalusti City. July S. It I—ly9. DZINIOSAMOX. rpm dm of flunk ant ranee win Onnolbod 00 IM>Htk lea. J. by outdid COOSIIIK• H. P. swat lop will coition, losonian at Ilia old eta ad, and la alniotisod to Ay and met re al age no due from and to U.S late arm All Wiring weWousio wilt Oar* Kenai dins. sod lbws* iudebwe oust Pa) 11. P PTOCTOZiI. July 1. ii 44-7 A. J .PULLER. • -• I • 1 , 111. uu.ltpogoed, 'ragout Mr k la not* neeetVed Mum/ the taut four Yam the pleautea 0010010C1101 10 to frieud. cud loatmus 01 the I tit arm, itt.loo Pia wade perutautu4 ariaureueuts to coot tame 1a hue' neva at Erte, nail i.e. parr oa baud. a. 0.1 IS rt eetr lug a Id/4*th assuruueut ul rish and spivudo.: JbWU.k of all &toe nrisopa, fr. 3 WAIL ell A4N II . lad a wt t await taws& of Gawk,, ilialatalla . alai wen sell at Imo rams 0100 ease De 1.00010 eluerwbere I. Seal Web Y. NOW us as rtCb Wuelt and a seimilaThro4 104 sons. ihis4 I .110(1 twtlee. •..1:111 , 3 re E done a; It .bound be. G aiA burl c orl) lP OL lWai rm i , : d o ne rrruCKTIAN. . July 1, It l 3l-7. Pp I Muir Lou. Pa. r. I vomit) of neyiner and dnatle. lb, role by lite Subset* 1 - 1 Lars, wholesale or retail, low far WOO PAY Jun ere. WENN ETT t CO. irrorrifs pates APm let the people know tkat Caswell Bennett. et the Baa• Ws CrecinfY aleore. we now receiving We largest sod worn estetwaire tworvisient of Chas, Glass and Crockery Ware ever elferea ta ital. inartet.sed at IN 11 7 7 cell( lever Aim tan Oa purthased any wawa UI.. ewe of UM, Atlamle el Wa.— Qlee as a Call and we for yeanellrea. Ere. July I. 1R1.4 7. T IN SEED I )IL.—We have bee received a large 'apply es( ka Pure WeeWM, which Ire oiler by 'be netrel Of f• Ivo cues at web price, as eatrlbOl fail ie gait Wore NB wow Of seek an artacie Erie. July 1. kilt —7 CARTER t 11111.) New Vocal Made. L 471V.V. WILLING'S Srome The a iglu of Nolmaolta, Farewell in orienlaratil of them en, Park We meet nolo. The loos Wed weary day, Our GM.. dedieoned to the lodise of Amato& b 7 Let to speed of • nu so we dad Alp. Modern OWL The Ghost of Users Tow Molly Brown, Pee Weeps in the valley. Ti. weadetera mum sod Owls. A ll Wings are beautiful, spatial. Hotel Doti, Postai/ w oa the slaway COMO to the wood. Kitt' Tyrrell, JOSTI VMS/dr/L. Josephine Schou:ob. Orlando Gallop. Kilo Mt diet, ?lying Moa t Broils. Ma. Ploo.hors Polka. bid*. Abuts Polka. Assents. Ben. " Grebes suateal Ctitale, Groben varlatioas oo all madam makidita. Strakosh'e Bale. Julien'e movie. A wow eoppi y of than boatrudul Melodious soda by lila. Co . Ural t tabor°. aad A. Child Cleveland. Erie, i ii, 1. itel4-7. lulu. W11.1,1Y3. A Cups**. Ore es girality throrraissu maim as April IS, 1061-48. CAIVII:11 k lIR.OII LAso (hi, No l, Of thee guality. by Nee tweet ue when 111. April 13.-48 CARTER & R IWO WARE.—Of eel awe wake. hew We/en &Ilere &gal &ape awl, 11166CKTUX & ruu.sat_ "..." 6. teM. 61. lkAt AN Ilb • —Gold an.i - , • .fr.o A.moos mist purposes, by No VTOL:ATOM 4r. itlIJ XJI. na. 1,0 114 tImi Ile tort es • IN. • - _one L." or boil say be tor at die ollke a all WWI UP .Lil a Is leau Die, A p $4. MN. - Busy lan. CTSAN to the prossises of the halessribor living D ta Walt l oararook, ea the ihrs of Dahlia .41 Panford, as S Gray Mars, with a whits stripe in bar Diet, Area whi4e foot, sad rims spots oa par hips, sad shim 4 years old:0 Tha *trier is Topmast! to otas sad prove property. Sy °barges add take her away. . iLICLARD SLOCUM/ J • Jane 24, 1214 -' 4(2. • VIC *USAIR asiessoir, A het i; DOUT wliich so moth Om toss raid aid mai*. At amours us. Who Me Da laid of ine %Wean Ma Uhlman! May althorn or lottlos Ilion tier! sold and 10 ears ilbeasatians, Citerrs. Soros, lanases. marrow. rit• ons,ealt Vows. Pik,. dote Pi lapin, awl Caked ensesis. a io, ears, lick. Uorna oil dio feta, More I.:).. Far-nebe, Pt awolien Joints or Limns. inns. ite.shis.ts Budd 1 111 1 4. wel' , Paiwry Bosnia, or roasted Pest. Warta a say Alta Ist dial saw he rondos I, as menial reseily. Awl Kline wino bora sereatorasi It isequany peed lariesiiiii Wooed., n ay, laddle or Garner tial4.4 De say gondo l dorsamos erg &it new. Andlt la arstraatadie cure spoilt. Rigibueßllllllll or 1 Pon Itvii. on Horses. TN I ivireet es ow op le Wee gem rad meat at p ere-. IS cm., sea SI le The tow beet* (endue mash mit Limit. wet le perportios le lee pave, add are tWrerdeirded•POL TO COllO7ll 111Z1C11.011. Every sore droetl he replied art* ills valuable Ltrant. as it pays a pod pr9M asd sells rapids% ty, wseta se r meeeissane SA. a. Sags oho Oristea•or sad prow,. . Macleod Meer. MI leresdrrey„ Jaw Tart, sad fOrtier 3d wad haiku Shuns. SI. Loom. Sleaseti. told ay area dealer la dmi pod realtlese•ellrytalli, the Ueled saws. Casidss. Wes haft sal . larsalls ON • July lat. Mt 111. El 3 * TOE setleillet Oft her Mk his twi ed asissial sitirber sera sad answeees et lead, slt Is mit te. Erie rerais. asset Wes =beer seem of itsr. we UN Erie Ir. Minh Bast Itadiessill. Per pawl telar• apply the sub. scriber is Meer se Sheewmar Swim sit&taise the Die. July I. 11114-3.1. . MCC 4' 11 , 01 . 1 11 MOO ?Marrsillseihria tele enter &TA *sold • hp the Illaleenhetr ell Wets. h. teftes hen Is INS tire prism sed Its awe 1 tatie lIM It Is wow Wise set to awake Mel br a se. I' WI itili u rsine Pew 11411 A &wee melee. Mi P t. My 1. t. Ceestiesslio est Getwatespels. re Wt. NOVI'S. ALL those hoariest se the line lbw op). &C. limas well IL sue C. NNW. ate relessese to ales ne rri mod ..tile their ammo@ Iseiesdistely- These lies this Settee will imam, err by se IbiafP Wis. July i, tett,—.l. aeon far Ss* Mal 4,141 NW a pub& # l l Wm upon Ow Ns WWI Dowel Lot la be oh to tiO bbtalor, ott tit* 341 day of Jell um, at W Zest Mod BOSH bi 44 OW , * P. X. ON half eftio ii= %Om poi iisrs, sail Win at es is tans ono as approved soserliy. 111, et .lit rseton. =tie, Jess 24-4 d. ' ll ki . a • L • 41 1 .77 - Fr: No. % % • i 0 NMI 0 "PIS 1131013 =21321 MlLf.ill. .144% '' Paha ass *abaft retake eke desimbit So Astro altera 4111.47.5 Med mot I 4o to4l4lpgiwet 144 over boo& sir orie ass be whin doe. orb. JOS* L L, SASIPOILIL PROPOSALL . aisr4 do** Direasta 000 mt Wald Gillis ' •a 4 SUlleie larks pripsols saimilliase se pesos* lidessi bases is ode. %mi. s i r • ibe sew simierent, sod tteseilei sla riseteld. plema et tbel46 z 4,14. essisse d materials sees is 647/ •• 4 ..A15,y Wier woke ameined se es dais sod DST 0 e se& Jit wises. o es ogee beraimalibll by 111~111116 sw " MauligasS. ArIS *dasi W Wl* beintisit Soda wag Mk falt, la We wM. Is requiful. Jr, 24.--34 Gums aim Mona Siam Teltesbeeribsre basuessily peisessi hen Wee mists ili a vs. leiresiber ises pmeirees arailast laryp and seisseire isselist /4way aid Style Do g oods. litimersitY. as .. et orb mak wilt is ski at pas bsspias. Wooers, Willie ansesiss et eior sadism's" to err stock it lesessie 4 111111114 WWI wore pOsebasol stew asseheausre ei Aware Ibe soak eel be NW vtry halt MOTU WITIVART. 7000 ISO Mem BMWs& hen 6 is fame psi be't doe Aoiseies., SOielli STSWAIIe' boa, Musty sash I .Asti., bees. stark rs ski* as Joie U. SSP 011101. I o sow sway. AOw wove of them Mot imp oluiPlo pr. poosivoil ulino pumas ospotiolop. OW INN pi fr.. It Jostineilim oa.. - :L'r -1 ITp: ,lAN Rit lin— had •ow wow the adb7 `• - id me awn ems, LIK SAM W of real lit th• ?sops. • Oplablid Wit Distributten„ 111.80. air LiCT. VICISS•11 disim% oat la a paiamal4/1 Mier aabseiber mead by minter mel4. Moe noelpsi tsr compssaaas twe Amer maellialaaa. erbieli will be butt to be wank alert Sao IP, taws Hoek too to any flatly. bat will MN towel aria ibeaselpara obabbackl embalm. vrlieb ISMtM West to owe *Me Iblloarla. Oka. H mss of Cud velem' at I Plana IP Mason VW away fieloikain us ma, •Ooki Watches 5 tack, OD at irer Wafting assess* Shaw 1111 sack, books OuifoPos. sack, MI GU/ No' $4 WON 1011 Nimes 83 wit. Seas No ewes b 1 ow* Soft. ft.ltakaasNus.sash.&obe WASSbuiva espied ii *lkea The Inns lief nesse ales ttwtk elltellebeis, bee Ca. Pele dodoes half lispissid , steeliest nil. and well watered o . sls Sr Mee MOM 011000 Mut be sees et ray reaidlaweo shout the Met of'Aupiast. Whew tM *Men Me all team. the ishareitolisep -mea n post courreetemly tumid. and ail If they dome. enn inert mad aeleet him whisper he relpiteW ll ollll l /41 hoods Ow the takersl discharps of their duty. to pate a hi, mid Itaparuai dlsulbwitisia of ii. propewy. TM, dietelhui toe will lab time lamb Kampen at the embalmn she it nee It. or the sasehltald eel divert. ea timillmat serinsber. Of to sous se the tdia=l all takes. Metre is der was sin net Wien a twee whin he it ours of settee $1 IS lu reseis. a . ; a( l en l ug Polls 3 tails u a kris. sliciseissinee I ia.truwepu apse 11/110( valsabk baste. aide Weld per se epiesdbd swear es 't The ankles eball be the vets Mat of their Mad. letweilr autly ghee the 4... ultrahigh is ride.. stasesiest of the remit willbe vent to each puma hostility • ticket. mid the pier ser t to (Masai a dpertawa as 'trey may order. Stud as your Seders ems. as Um snares are doing rapidly. end the maser limey are told IM wooer you Wlll /MEOW 3100 f gins. kkoreasoibasat. will please wr.te their addresses la s dretteet Mad. Amy foes o p t who scuds 410 0111 redrprit 11 nickels la mask at II tick ets hot lie. Address .11 arena PPR paid to la. J. CIODPICT Jose 17, IIIN -3m& - • Limey's L.. twee . Ps. EZ2 ALARGE two ' , tory Brick Koh... with eight acres of' land attached, aradner good etiltivatitat. sad 01l doe owilitilidi tura sereauary for a velem, The obey, peoperly situated le *alligator. of W mallard. a be sold oft lbe stow riteaotte , bie mac For Comber tslimasalige apply to JIM 111 TURBET Jaw 11. lall4-4w/l. Waterford. lase CI, • T. Pa. W 0 g l i 0 W . I's it PluipefsblS heleioforefesivelag between %spiel* Toe- Ilesois aed ii Mitsui Kelley, was dissolved Ily alisual air sent. oo the lea day of flay hug • NE3IJA MIN ToMI.INsON. Erie. haw 17, 1834—E. WILLIAM lINLLLY. E till IIIaIIat.ACSPII,INOB . Eighth Shl, Pis. DOARIMR2 e IL/4 ue ..eetpansodated at di. stbliallunem.- 12 baths also ems Le h•dlli mot' kith Mint rat ~ ed Oat Water, ware, oreold. .tgulteatioo be Board eau be nada personally cm 11 letter. Fur the am isfaetlon of time low ,id the til atir I ilf tall v.ei of tie Wait( is suilloloird, ass Pude lis Prolissor {note. of Philadelphia. Use pins of 7.3011 gratis , Ire., -. 7 - ,? , ..enteiWrlalo Vault COW.. us. rit,tra.....: C , ....tata• eu , .1:114 . Mori dew Pamt•-, um #4.,, il 57 Es v.. 53 '• nod. urn, I ects 77 •• In, 10 “ M .51.t.ustat. .h 7 • • 4... , 4 --- - i s asems.. I i 1 - . Iron . , ,e.. . %,..., Ike plate of Liii. :4,40 - I. Se TOl3l *doh,. , ow ()De punt On ...1 e villa° col l-"—.11 00. 3 4 10 irate' Garai i PA, I Iwo 45 , Outitai us. t ...Or CS,. Carbunewei Lime, ~ - 1 a..% 1a..% ,*, 111 mil 1114 .• Iron. I . , „-' •44 altlesta. ; 0.44 . Total lowa ere • - ' till ' °royale Illa 7 owe. Taal amount al id tow , 1 1.- • 27 IN pc pt el tit A. Cite. June .7. tail —tl3 ' Mi. eutLF:v. Pro meter K . — - - rEr cooL.tatal .. _ , m it" out De found at June 11. .- . A Xllll it_ At: t Lt.'s collo „„ThAzirx...r.„ .„,, ggw rar Or Ustermilor wh sebsW o. ; r t.; queued to ,alt , F 1 essuruse saapplica. ts: J. hltrlT o ll. Match 11.1 . p libi le . - - r ci it 0 ilk 111Wi - ALarne aid Eleleoind sosonerviit Row as head. Also. a tioseptolleleatiek of Giese dram. which will be Mid wet) Cheap. POMO* in weed or Musa, Chun, Craelirry. or Store W.. re will Stowell la call at No.l, Boswell Klotak.3 doors youth tithe Poet (Nies. .Erli2Juastoll.--4. ' "Ilsomphoe's Reporter. - Fon Joh* this day received at St.. 9, Brown's Block. Sri , hate 3, 18,54. DIIRLIN a SLOAN Stationery. IT tarp awl alnico lot now open. Ca and ex Ate it It No. 9, lirowa's Block. mune 3, 1334. DIIRLINi SLOAN. MIPM2111111"1"W"'"' A l l /Lrie, 1 SUMS evil. ow haul 'fired of Blake's BOAMIIi Roam. No is the ties Ladies lo Ise Boaaw• and It 'balsas. IS per niarnt lee. than anew priers Navin wee wed • large Nock BOri Ms di net 10011111. eimilhiPelimrin Oki,* wooly ego •la soon enrol oe *Wawa lam New Vogt. Knew/11l the lt. A al draw Ins to a elm/. la th e reale' itt th e reduced peke.; se I two aty met down a• low as ea a be.. a wake roast No • eat meet the eerie( fall. I WWI wow welt, reprillsea et ease. ad Nape all who new' Boa SS wiN tall beelin areahWoa T R. MAIM, - Er /use 3.1!61—% Me. I. Reed's Illgelt. %MI 011311 AP ILAWRIA,IIIII MORN I yo, 3, RISQ NO AST, TiAll,Jint received a large aseortoteet of heavy aad eitellgooda fl via. 094, Malls. "eel. Alter. Ortega, Vices. Arleta". o u oir s stomas, Doh a , Malabar We, Carriage kite. nub sad amid lase, Notre. wreathes, se. atrAm A SIC'S TOMS: Ilieseb noses Paden. Plow* Match fleece. !tabs's. Henan and Mounds. its*. Ilreeta. Well Square.. Postmen". Woad al es: Adria and bawd area. tow sad pion* baudies. tip, pewit, and beet saws. saw tem Ocoee arid bits. mows c !too, wails. netee.k him 2. OM. 12 VIVO It 6ED Great Western Tin Slop. tt'l. lir' APH Y. world reapeedleily ialbral ble Mewls sad Ilse • public lleaffs.lf. tintb Wall egotism= to the Via. Cop awdObaet Iron lamas* at, in on said bemoan Bravo's w Hotel and ins gag Hare with a lawn lad Wier lißler6.• *tent o( Tim. Cooper and allbeet Laos ware weal el Sow Yon. ,lad woiaeil cheaper Ors awe outer tatalaiiemeat at wholesale at retail. and .• manufactured erne beat amens% awl is w) le Mitt Pan 0 all also, on haat!: Cheese Yin sad MC! 'Ada to new ot all twain. and in ben anntaarat of Jona ware in Erie Also a large awartarna of &nab Toopota. Coffee Fos. nod Lamps and reerwr Um, Yea tad Table Orion. Baatindpoon. Knives an Forte of all klada. OA* PI illa.Abovet nit Tow, Flatiron. inn and Ina candlewicks Tea Tan Sail Ullitelii Also. tgt anoinwalt good se.- 6,w , seal Owen of whom k.ada win* adi Mind Oen hf era, Bestearipe and elbows eorwaanifs oak Baia Well sad sigma Pewqw. Quail Boat Lawn sad hon. Lead Finn al, Nano , Main 'nod tag lad owntin dna on noel pollee.— Cut pew be old Compor.lleso. an Fowler. of Inn Is tuba api far wars. ninth din. *M-41. t !road Maidsaphis sad II ow Irk. HAvociwt returned frow the above 1 Mee art*** of tee larww. cla4sert.eneepr4 twee of theta that we line stet had Übe ploan nor olgettag i.l. out ((wads. we an now pwwwwel MM nandently than e /et to channel easplallaill. Cod ere sowpwwie with any sod every Water who wee panne le ewe the itbt Ladies, Meng pan more than want eleaereena to your wand" sad totes. by %ken Re the lowa end sass iberileasole 'tele,, to be retold io Menlo pale , we Wlieularly nein yew eseniue. 441,0„,.......ti55ai5i ion before porriweirre In Sate. we candler, pea Me teen el. Brocade, Wood, nutted. meet wed usioned Flaw and low down. Apr ing had UMW WINS •r• hAve Mt isim styles of . Pinar de Lewes. ropwos, Its Mine Lawns. nahronededotutued. dove thinned and eta hi Mundt obt alba, new antes of Punch Waned syetere. I tp e ve....l chinemetts. to sets and blur y. hinds. Nowaenwt. telgiap sad ev ery Wing else Wet you eau weal. entail of or ash At. far osoop sad sidedresee wows we are newelly well prepared. We would lathe Ike particular aswatieset Iletwelwarere awl ikon Own In beeewe wren. to Me waplitia week of Deese fur aliens Ikeda, eouslorei of Wee. and maw Amin . pillow sod able Wee, eapidorwad seersle, wide sewed. wiedaw ate wall paper, lace awl teueltethenertor firewenalea, sad Abate all so on estetwin Wont of Oftwolt.' Oil Cons sad Mat inee. of all peke, sad Qualities. ettebtati net or tome We an • Wool °inns Math WIWI Own, so wen On oil of Ow *ban named Seed retire maw edraawwe ewer every ober Wee a e s, y. as dy adveowipi Shot Ile am desspospd pi on , yen. WV Inentlielle. Old *Web yea comet 611 tie appals alle Ladies. emus ate Cltlidies, AM salami we will entity our eteennemo. Erie. April I. li/1- 41 CLAIM & itirrcaLr. 1854. DZIPATOI Lllll. 11.4. SIMI AND 91111.A.0. kNDINTWIDIDNATII PORT'S. 1 1 la sPiellela Upper Cobb Sumer GLOM Cape. AmPel" will rook regalarly bowies ar is aa i., leaving ant yr Obiear es the Mowing darn IPriil Priddy.y. Sept. Id Fr iday, • Friday, Oct. N .ftre f Trider. J... U Prbday, Am ?May. Am 1 fribr• . TM o‘ l olll Is 1101 isms lonise. Is 00611 op ON / 1 111111•41 M ONO 49 Mg MUM" dirt; chia will Awl paean, wimblicui ab as Lite wille. I visit if time bartillitiowas is Ile Far W 01,101411 My womlid Imiat i oad 4/ Willi Ile &Wm* Nem Sift ims• balmy Om Sad um . mu! IM late, at .s lessUltplilel Min kg r....,...i rue rrim_44.-1 . --4- ..Pii - 0, J. 111001 , 111. Imiddat aid auggisi Belk v iti mr, febeltsiblir weak, • 40 1 4 aill _ OOl ,ll of Isibmiteg Oh A citifies 'Missed grie may VIP. us rig Lip 1 1 M§ ei rinsidibl uil =Va. 11416 Ile ispoolls**lllBlll6l Ira iiPllty mammit - le e a . • ray as idl ... b 4 iii • W a ' a !If 110011. Maras MOO soil • Am 11. lik - 11. JAII2ICIT. • 2 =l l. OOO mai lllNAMlNllMillair wairro.. 1 =I C - '" *Or bee WU' nape SIMI (11 MP Ile 373 IMP On v 119 Is* as NS MI 1. W. 1t111101.6S ! r t ice.zJr,— iirlieWilliP t ' uel , ...... .... ~ , . ... Ile isinsiust POW solibij 11=g1, or Ilea cease le pram_ lomi oreettrion..tish. ii... e Li Assumrsssui 1 1 106. 66 aAriameirisa• ' 16osh, mos 664. P P 1 X = l4 Ig ilmi WM* Wren lot at 94, She a" W ie r .' i lirte: ll Os (MU sa a j am lalla II li "in aVi ire Sod wari BM* mai a l l Wail tiala. Net =two 'l i a r re i. staged. Gadd of Al Mean al di micas. Ws semi is a iris dap _ stlosimi lemusi, rip sad MN sassis thila Ws elie l =litsouistaire el 11. I. iliesuess. abellived write.- ado Itadias's iiv caddis sad bauisdusw*. ass of &I node durfaaanalar. I. Ms* molar awe bai l fhl: rirdlra wireld Main tam badeiat akyrztaili ana tramaaailk wham Uhl 1 , 14 i ile dm at 1. 1 4•66116661i55it MI bodsltess. If mos le %We Isititiqei6el sad imagatai limbo laripills. boas. 11111 Lasse s taw mod 1 .1 116 marbles elm is iraallsi :rik ._,__— "..._ _• wa es a Wes anasMs Oa self sissuele z 66 said mismile&A, *ail ales Met Mayes. dyad,. IF".11.411121141 'dars it silaillissere prosombieb will 16664, ion Wpm*: es ewe ems sail AI -91. li e Ol *Ad o r i ta lt hel d fr a liallt NM bit., looleeme a.. raga art °sir didrai Sr. rsordad wait ppm/ asked tstre a i k i g aii maga. aaaasatias datirsasi siidi &WOE isms d Midas NOWT Made Prim. ow snorma. grUel grialliwe laraemitisp Owl at snits aims iss w pd.. Ihiskass sae sNW bilims. somas Wiry§ 661 1 9 01 6 911, Zta. Bl _. 1 111 ___P . tibia WM It! bets INN 66 1611 kiwi PI r. warm • 4 Ila.. aise a Wet lat of Iltpuslis pm MI lab Was ark ow ss IS egos per lett. a ski astisis et wisdoms ammo 16 pise.ost wisdom; IWO Was. canaille. 66616 wed pi,. Wliat ar 'liars oil pals MO Woof ilardirade 4aa mai ba W Ise Wei Mai sitais sonars. A law gawk WRAiwa. Ceiba. Cowie. awl hilweisoll= LA dad Java Cu.N Preppef, Spies. I..ludda. wwwsp. Awn! 11Wwws. wad 1 , 14 alimwwwwWlow lint a ipos wear at Ms IS micro. caDw ILL dr. 1110/1 CIT. PAW. U. If aM Ilkatorp4l. VOL Slay V, 34-4 V3OO at aM TAMS 4-4 11111Aus Webb AN ed ellt by irtiog wad wry iw pet sale bay 17-41. CLAIM & 10111TCALP.• IaILACIL Milt lIILACIANiast u-vels wadi la th e do Li* ii dies to sail sad emus' lie dis aim besetiAd variety Oblast Millis breasts si Ws ay' sad stilly' ail ilailliesp pie ?add bees Yam eas be listed la le slimy, May 21.-1. CLAIM di 11111TCALP. .(3.. AL IitAI7II,CL asticiestild el we, al Sew psi ar 14 nay it-A. CLAIM XL XI ___ W•• 1 ' tWir-atifil. taitioacease ',scram riotheettbst Masai kouilkt ihe islets* of hie hue OM sen is the shove mom". the boil sees will la tuts re. W unlade. lig Ibum aims. Me NOW thhtepperlostly le oft kid acknowledoemeins to kJ. fries& sad*, pimple, sad prewsl.4l. 16 we highest esilimeirs le nem • east/name ef their seppeet. at sad Ciotk. Felled Oleo. Cawurose.. 660.. mu ftis. we. ipit up I n geed style and waresawid to wear tie w tll 'mien. We above IN WOOL et 6.14 for ewe 66 vim. elec. two will Rive seeeral easaataimicsa. 64 , ski U..klieg awed Cloth ri lefstag dose. el meal. us Aran alder,. leap 17. 14114—Jell. 34)111114 CADS I :: pt:;IL. ASH uml INliughesi midst OH pi 4 M Wooly C -- May 112. 111644-4 L TIIMAI A 4 HAYS. rml I' LT Y ItICK —W Mr ard agand Canso ilirpeiWrpat 1 ...) Illy I.s.Alt Al TISSMAP tNAY U'. INC Plebsositt and IWlteblepoosses Drinks. V ERY Ombra dyrope for Ateally use. mach so Mao Apple. ILarpberry, &rat% berry. Itorrt..tkaaapt sad Loma, tai be bad by the baud, or %loam. frau No. $ Seed House &rte. May at. latl-1. CARTER & ISROTREIL. 1 A SPOOR OINTMILI7.—AV &beet doubt the ew hitt et- I. • teroal namely ever set disarranged .or ioatatar rR. Heatatlia. Mrs and all aloud or Islamakiaary orresiat su NW lor Mat. be bad V May it WM. Csarrsi se Ilk 'THEN. C - ire (OARS :::-13.1 1 / 1 1 Macioce a Snail ra, erPnt qualm's and besot'', just locel rod ma for role iv %De boo or marl. at BURTON /11. May 07,1861 1%/014 -el Ivies just resolved as sasesetrseet of la Berton'. Cooper's Tura. sod Truss Hoops Urn, May V, 11101-1. J. C. Y 8.1.11E31. • - ITH u must,. HoekUm& Amy Lamps Ids. which V V ony be found Kit sale it They lOW priers by rale, May 17, STiatezTr a-GRAY. SMALI. LANNI Or aerie or ow of 7.4 WM. Our a ale about 0 toiler (row Erie. Mali Haut. toed barn sad Orchard TEAMS low sod leery may paymastarm lons limb Saguia at alekeodatta Grocery stows. Waeloryealle. Ilarborenelt. May 17. 10114. rwrzarr Tor obank roma. rrms*9f Giiiiaanead Ito. ay patent wwbovery, Poowwwr real weemrSt. el:helmeted teak posphleity mud nralistani, sod so w wanted *Ol in soma* is now oared fur stalest the waren:Howe the Araarteap Galmiattoll Iron Works. be 14 Von 1. Troth Street. Phiiadsiphia A 401 erna of *if Amerman Galvanised lbws and Roofing I ruu always or bawl. All wfe , * promptly atainaded to by May 17. I&H.. 110SCULL4.4UGH c Draw 1110i10111..-Irtfla cutairovs. yeaT nxe,v,l asif for sale, Wheaten*mod Raoul. at WI L J LI k N WILLINWS Narks Sum ow taw Rooth Nee of the Pak. near tree &tie Beak. BIM 1311 e. Lea halal. Pear Me. Jenny Lane. Jenny Wale. Tyrol my Patlwitawa. Illemsaitare mad hi• tam,!,, kitty Tyrell. WHIN we lave amid Too. Annie Lee, Y.“ ask ms it I Love Too. and Thous/Lad others, Pellet's. Shoo Leek Kbiiipei tl Sleek. Dream of Li Walla. Thai pare R Poi/a, aLi mini we a Lore Polka. Hope Polka Lir larthea Pol ka. Polka. Itelakow Welts. Plan Mallarke. Chides' G,or,. is Ea eels's, (quart Sit.) ud,lver Sal a.. $10,,h. the LuNg iVeary Day. I.lulo lebrood.Mthe Sloe those rhe as, , ;11., /way Is Oa the elloney lea. I Gamut cal! her Mather, 0 . VP y of Tut 4on bawl nod Air sass snoop. PI on -4.. of frionsonf. oaf hiLul. talc May V. I'l4. 11. Broad flange Cloodr..lllarreir Gauge Prisos. L'll.. he #e now receiving fnent rettaditiplail. 41 110 11 , and well ...tweed moon of Ur} Goode, Uot.e.irea Cloths Oarhoneres. Ike. floods., PAO. SOOne and 81 110110. altrdwPil. Cioetery. Grorerlen. deo . ea, on of wltieli bennliden amp as Ina reeeepreejrne Cosi ow Peneene. I nir etastomoer• an the publee ab nopesicully innlind le tall a. d elate a •ods and pr.ene. .EN 111 ETT 8171 E, I. l:r ie. Mar .117, 11+14. The Very Latest fro* the City. •;,.% RK 4 METCALF flimflam received nearly lel Itlndo land fiio , e COM , ni.) of Carpet. eoaspriatai the newt beauti. fu I vane.) ever before marred in tam maraet. l'ae) were bo•lebt .0441 p fel. card. sod will Weald at pewee.* low they awaal be malr hed this rid. of New Vora. Erse Mar 21-4 CLAIR at 116TCA ecepennerribip bereeofbre miring. either the same nr *rides II Hy. te thief/ay diarelved b rairivel COOPOIPIII The burine.• hereafter w,ll be eorthresed la Ufe manse et John C. Belden, wbo fa aullborased le enthe all Weiser et We iate JOlll4 C. 1161.1)RIIII, Ens. Mardi 13. 1834. Jt./Hi s ELY. A Croat Okaactio Ibr Sarisiss It The ft.tbreriher. intenthat Member to to Into the Ilsidwan• 143•,ne.a pie litapely. offers for sale his estate stock of DRY r:t 'lt- , and CATICKI:It It at Oast. sad if it 4 dI•p04141 of own, it be .011 at AwctiOti. 44. Piling C. 11E.1.11110. 1.AI • &nr• inJ7KII strapes June 4 . I The Groat Ptaao aad Mania astabliabsteat. HORACE WATIRS 33.3 sitoaDwar. VIW Mat. t a:d . tor ir tir i s a mert a near and Metedesur. T. G. yet tae &demi, and with fr .meo am* circular wattle. l'lne writ of these instrument... too writ !known to teed Amber coartneudation. titlberi. 80104101, PIOUS*. as .1(11411 Min for anal! morns Mallet aI: onstole Plattess, of the o!d mita hl Meted Bros of Ballet II to. 141 r -AV Wag slote was Os all the above PiaIXPO. eau oilier ibex tome than aerostat" house.— Boole' Werra,' rtrtioa, nutiaraetured @spread). tbr him, liar tag great power of of Will *sit elasticity of toseh At Bread way is the carrel debt gar musical Inetnintenta in thm emit try. affording as opponewlty *or selectmen, not to be had else *time Seeped-hand Plasm at great bargain, Prieto from Ws to en& aver" it , Mnsonevit wa r ranted or t h e ermoey 3131.031 Z till. nooom tit dk. DA 1.1 , 14' IS hi P/CrAlll 9 triput Melodoowel with two hinasof lorinw-o met sod powerful sostruuwitt Pries. (rum es d. to k ;I. t, SAO the ...rgebry. led At i o o d e ... Mom n'e oltrivenerf 4. uda r• t , TM n .'hips. nu' INW , V lel ins. 11111118 sPOUAINNIAAS AI . LA. /AR ker.. wppirAci II ILA PIAI4O. a... Melodious ae iltwutl, tif .0 1 w. eq 1-er eet,t disease% to C.eigy - moo , MUSIC m.lNleoinotree the pioduets of the float aM loth the Asilefleaa Eoffkoca• tgnuaeaw ald t. Polpfhlei 111411111.1 sectoA l s by en expeoofse pusiftliflOO or the etiiieri Mkt papilla pieces ol the day. I , edletil to Nook. and T bon of net,.a u. yyry erk.bioir a porrlff re • I* nnolc put' , Wiled. Of fulLeaffonof - aeon en cottuatito rupplies of Sic Waters' new o field it to did, i sienna In tail w Ihrward their orders !done ems to an pan of :ha Ulnas or Cooattor !tower. frt." April ask 1114-31•41• Illfk ACE WA 15 Protection : I COLT'B4saellicb Ken; rep., ek of Freer ti and Lace Cond.!. coela , b y oar the la rpm ad- Uilr 11.4 . riallela or (.4414r. e 1,44.1444 aq Wagk Ma redo. mist, I.lne tn. k and 3/1 0114. Of Laromi basulAt i tedle otgri.xt filetup .nd Intestine.. Fkodaciimpa. Dimity Bands, Ea. sal+ Thread..3l abase ?nut. • onedosue. and all other wyka. lave Edong. mad linenlegp.— Cboutladus OW sleeves in mei... Lacy ' Mo. e. L.d. ats Wants. MI - bmitiamed irtau. Lialta lisad.pretHelo. s.l itites niqq•ning Opteeeiaae L.,we mod ewes oidet tats. _ Oar samorbsorui Is s• ,y lard". tornm , ini na satiiv and ec d...,"d (Nape. Lank. Thaws. Eclat., Ca.busert, I. I au... &roe' n. a ...! ell Wier Kyr+. or !Yawl.; Am; e .i/uu Lace t, ~.. a aa.1e 0 1c..,,,,a dila Nuatallse. m 1.4104 Sipes Ma mac. a nd ,;1' .14.401 Lace k 44. ilia; Mahal* NMI bg and Plied Ile , luic Etc qr.. eljemur, and au stiles; Daman( Mautina tr,.r...• op. L ..I.e. Sia Missus 11.101 be.. Lill 11114 flowery of ever. ' crt' i ,it ~,i7 . ; a/I.ow f a ns,. &C.. &a. Imosestie and 110 , 1”. b.. 1.1, ~.: •:.,.. '•. %i e w 4. en dear:ls miaow, f a. ) ~., ...,,...... cc. • ..; It. C. 0.1.110 t h ,he himpsnes base AI ..a). b r - tp• fur bet , p,,in ,r, ex ~ ye a nao,r i a aa ,4 but by gelling gout. It ins loaretal iNa.,b , 1.„;.e•••••,. A r 4,11 00 0 reCII.VIOI direct 110t0 'ha tos.ntrarin.i..ll rte , it, nst‘ r 04 8.1,0, a. . 1\ meet eoe, e G, , , is, q !...1,4•114.11 c . q ..1 ..,,, I 6..eetinrs. Linea dissitsa sad Yulsos ease 1... ens . , ...• n J I.a or ; Pl ea Quills. fable !laths sod spmaee. I.,it•, . i A na and Tuun , el, .R *revery .deer, 'mole elixir.. t0:e.,.•.i f e tisbiandes. Yadrogi.rlsouree swim, flutlon jar . ant %% hos. rat autPErs ? ctatpfx3 ; , CJI