Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 08, 1854, Image 3

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    veaus ins *la
If. Op 3 'dew" of the Erie Observes.
Nsw Yam July 3;16b4.
.rtanicrs as their *tract deed.—Brookly„
the Uptiloi ameittion
r.r„;-.1.• Wattling:a* AoslSMOllit—ltalian
:z erfiy cmd Columbia--CALITA licaters--Osa-
e sr.d the state of the snone7.parket present
1 . :,31 first c onsideration. In the weather
' . m " g fectii - tiinrata ones. Our 'sides
r.oraing, blase at noon with intense,
:mengerable warmth, cols. to weep bitter
: .:c.,mst 02 ; It"-'4 ties Tern- Stooks are also
12reinbly tight. This dancing up end
ill. very dnysterlotuirtter to those
sire papers behind the eine& There
Wino makes all the money that
t! . .e o,peradon, because that money goes
very few. Take an instance. Who
r ami Palen stook, whoa, immediately
acetptinee of the residency? it rose
8 .,-nuer, of course. After election-he an.
•- ; nid Take the_Preeideacy if he found
the Anociaticia in a manageable
etortEiwartia in the city pe.
that the folar.ces of the
1 ....2r0b1e-"fiz," that. Barnum 'would
ILI the matter. Stock fell to twenty
:1 ' thr.c.l3;;S diEckenl. hands and third
~.‘:u in the market came into
Tzit ,= -- - /rsfer haring been seccimpliebed
setter stating that he WAS
?,11:3 St $7.5,000 per annum, ad - could.
as: soul: rues to Atfty, Barnum sells
••• of the woolly horse laughs
:toed §letAlily falls to 17, and some
fzei themselves sold.
stride r.riwerd which must soon
..; to front rank of American cities. in
hive been laid through a
.„-nezbfares, bui l ding from the ferries to
c3arey passengers comfortably
lune mite a heat .This will
va , cannot 4o:tithe beavyexpense
lo conveniently to the centre of
„., pt.or / lisuaih pocket may bear.-.-
~, ami•encimathing on the coun-
.-avidity for the last few
:s Wilier, alto hare swayed over
- •
is cndistarbed seclusion fur up, attonithed to find the a -
simic civilization dashing against
„La teua:d long parallels of woll•built
t'„c:s acre,. They stood no lust.
711:: to the city, for the city has
Brooklyn i 1 still behind the.
water, through acqueducts.—
.., ; . 1 and guaps still furnish a pure
:ar ..tsty. Bat it seems doubtful whether
a reservoir of good_water, cayablit sr:Asrach of this groat and grow.
;I 11a: e. Law thouldbo patted.—
and Ervokiya shall have
.. : ,„.1. it the intervening cacatii acres stud'
and nvrtar, our Brooklyn tnay rack as
- is bat a stiturb of
• h9ltte2. It has not, and
Lilac cur considerable undo of its
Frat.vnlt , heid itr annual convention
arc , : Fr 3.y as This is one of the old
,. 7 . . 5v of c.. rol4eoc fra:ercitios, having
':-.e et , :ern col.eges and receiving
weFtera celleges, for the same
, nti Poem arcually delivered before
cd tb , :vie giver by Rey. Mr.
F.. 1:.0..:.11;ier.d Simihary of
Zzt.reitry iS the New
".'• c!.444.41- At 4144 nteret *eshl. 4 4n, among
t , .. - ritalstinr, cr=l , ers...C.,hn C. Sue, the
recnezabar one.
tvr..*.ierd 'a:al:Aren't:ion, and
ur ac. 3 bean detailed. ho said,
..r. rather by the cirmenistanco
::)%ra ber.)re reaching. New York.
u in progress in this
t.;37gt. :Ate:At:nee as such trials always do.
a r.,ry pleasant and piquant thing
t. CarTges of infidelity are brought on
::%1133 for adirorc. , the
Geo. Brats, who is the
, eta cross examined oa Fads)",
1.7-t 4 ., New Tut l: lawyers, who seemed to
Fitt, the idea of Lavine diatia:4
• .: •mpl4 - I",aence. - HeitaoSlFevery
in a tamely way.
t7.. , .h:ngton 'National Moaument has
1,1•11”ur their ilatriot:stst on the corn
mating irta the trearnry boxes.of
will be played in the Hotels and '
tL , :,rt Certainly, the patriotism that
•_-%sends in Treaters end rockets would be towards the promotion of snob en
hare in view. Only
cf the netenriry amounthas beta obtained.
:1; •Lui the Italimi Opera are estshiished at
Friday oigltt wee the inielory ur the ars-
Enrnneermoor was perforeced to a email
eaye ha hts abandoned the "star: system;
.elite hs cbmpamy a canetellatioa, Very
T.L'h ;vet: an the e;agly glories of the
- than in the :otnidned. indefinite, tinitcpre•
of the Way. The throe principal
Betz!di. Ocoee:, Gratiani, aro new to
1-et-ant ii a bark:ons of remarkable briiiitan.-
at or z'se 'Sew York Arnie - -rsary went
,r,;.c great ee:e.t. Tr.e Ta.leiiet;rf
r 2. 2 , r.r. Brush.. The degree of D. D.
Dud' tritorfe .ojourn in this
tee ..:resat esteem and adoeira
-.! ere ths . the Etattith dieineaare
'Le saeldlty of degrees conferred by
Perlnps Dr. Dar Ilia cereal qnita
as he r•ogbt to. Her tensor clasp
whieh Is a grim: decrease
Serra, howerir, i/5
• std among the students.
:9 told, Wus.tretire of the aft - eetion
_ i..r old college oqciale. An 0.0
erliciated as Janitor at the Univerid6
discharged, by Chan
t n inoo•apstenoy; old diiffee not
• r-,y :,bawl conrio of education. The
to irr - rk, and raised mousy
feror:te to bay a homestead in
:.c...lumrat. some allusion t, the Jan.
1%.1 , :hC3 ,;acct! : ,, rth a tempest of cheers. ' A despatch from Trebizond states that the
-,-;-..: b,-..e snail:" C. 011161 to terms. or 1 Russians had been surprised. and beaten by the
-- : 'olged that the twocontett- I Circassians, in the Daniel Pass. Eighty thous
...,,' prideetan. were not strictly le- i and Austrian troops from Bohemia, were on the
. ::3. t., a.low Prof. McCulloch to i march 'towards the Eastern frontier. All the
They further announce their i Austrian garrisons were being reinforeedotn4 all
' s"lr'' far the 413w-ni• the 1 the disposable troops were being concentrated in
.: ~ C.:lege. The present body of i Vi enna.
" .. " -iii 'g ` - ' l44 ' reh Y s Is el ' s " its °lsls 1 The Vienna papers announced on the 18th ult.
..,,,, ~:aw, is e 0 ,,,,, at w ay e will be, so ; that Prince • . Paskiewitseh had received orders
e 3 fn its be-cis. It does : r
c i
from St. Petersburgh to retreat beyond the Preth
' 4 ' isich i""s" it: " tits"e j and thus surrender to the Sultan that material
c ' !"
property ' 1 g uaranty , claimed and seised; and so feebly and
.1'... 3 ' 4.3. III"
a P"r (41€. bori c Pcw. Pusillanimously defended. .
,Lttaanagement of inefficient, en..
.NEST' --The Turks have -driven ;the Rut,-
I.:linemen. Under the proper I
ere tz :t ColumbiA College could
slang out of Turtukui. They have also strength
I cued their garrison at Ilutsebuk. Their opper
-..,. a.stltuti?i in this 000007 far in 1
tae greet Universitlee of listing 1 ationis against Silistria have been suspended.
' Prince Paskiewitsch, who waa on his way to.
Jassy, is said to.have
_.been ordered to' return,
and take Silistria at any cost.. The Austrian
summons to Maisie, to evacuate the Principali
-ties, had caused great excitement at - St,. Peters
burgh, and the answer was'under discus ion.
• , hare been given up by the
% , atz-s. Last Smiday, every man went
•- • a L home to nliad hie own bullies:,
'•— sacepterl. Of the Brooklyn
t ; nt: . .ended is thafof Bev. IL W.
of a coat which is calenlaton co
of novelty ,and excitement, and
• ;rne imamate orowda. -.Row. Dr.
f a - lath be Rai lately peet4r, ie a/m
1 =Oro Whim:able. There ere
- , ::.era. Dr. Cox preached, as
- the lea' Sabbath and will next
f.rtner charge, if Lis Limit
iessere and rest. " A noble
Eiihwentl. street, 'Kew Turk.
a• ro if $30,000. It WW4 dedicz
' • At. n. now 10. r-suing
t Ins fttablishmentorbfission San
= ' ;4 1, q.u..-lers of the city- The exist
tuch good. •
tu.'"re MP! deaths by etoiers
. 9r. Friday eye - more in dif-.
Coitisisteree.tets in from
ttglit god seven. emEPi"
I'7 , t .c Rai'mad ism . resumed curry-
a. :11 Jtccievwort Doriverpt
hiriB,i3e tirtalti sipposing
"paced.- 14c neat throat, that in
tigat yOrit duct. mail 14 ail 'that
any kud at "a6vtaiOvs;" politica
Was a very hot day, to say tha lust Of, it..l"itt: men fund
themselves, and calleifor ice; lean seen puffed, and,swore
'twit hot—u hot as that pleas where "good nigger* never
go." Bones people Inn of.patriotism, perseverance and
"rye," "went it *loner others, NI of sympathy," sodality
and stm.sblue, gathered together In leafy groves and par
took of things material and things intellectual! Boys and
fire-crathers were synonymous—girls end torpedoes
unanimous, and "noise and erminsion" supreme! And
througboitt all, we heard of no accident—saw no drunken
men, very little rowdying, and "nars7 led." In the ci
ty, take it for what it was actually worth, the performance
awu'ut much to bug off' but in the country, atllarbor
creek and at Pura*, near Watttford, the atoll rtas that
all went off as pleasant as a marriage feast. And we don't
doubt it. Not tieing present at eithaPphoti, of course we
can't give particidari; neither is it negtessam forthose who
were there don't want to read what they already know,
while those shunt will only regret that they were not
there. - •
Uncle Tom's Cabin. .
/Liss's. Nos & Tsowsarttow harp been giving repre
sentations of that celebrated Drams for the past week at
Harris' Pennsylvania Dotal in this city, with very good
nieces& ' The company are.well selected and go through
with the-piece very creditable to themselves. In fact, the
character of :little Eva Is done beautifully by ulittle-An
gum." 'That alone is wool' the price of the play. They
close this (Saturdsylsrlaing. Let all go s t ud see it who
have not already done so.
They tell BOMB gneer.atoriset about"suckerdent," and
here is one of 'cm! A woman pressed n petition for a di
vorce in one of the courts in Indiana recently- The atter:
ney told her it could not possibly be granted before Sep
tember. "Oh!" she replied, "that won't do, I've premised
to marry another feller in Tuiy." But the - attorney
eould'at hplp her. .7s • - .
Vs. T• e Gazette, in,notieing the oration of Be,. Mr.
_Forrester at Waterford, earn "Mr. Forrester, we are
told, spoke ably sad eloquently, dwelling at some length
upon the :Nebraska iniquity, and condemning it in no
measured terms." We have no hesitation in saying that
Mt a nut! c has been misinformed, for we hare it from Mr.
F.'e own lips that nothing of the kind toot place.
—,The Editor of the Jamestown Democrat insinuates
that we support the principles of the Nebraska Bill be
cloud we hold an office under the Promident. It is evident
the Editor of the Democrat lodges us by himself, and not
by the past and'present position of the Observer! We ad
vocated the pr_inciples of non-intervention, and oppoeed
the doctrine of the Wilmdt pnwiso, when such men as. the
Editor of the Democrat were supporting Van Buren and
Addis*, and bowling in concert with Fred Douglass! We
never kept such compahy, and 'along u we are sane; we
never shall! k
zgt... Putnam's Monthly, for. July, is a most capital
numb'Cr. B4ide its table of contents, which comprises
every Thing, from grave to gay," it has almost acceptable
portrait of the antbor of the "PotiPhar Papers." "Israel
Potter, a Poltrth of July story," said to the a'uthor of
Typee. promume to be a moat enciumting story.. 'tie con
tinued: "Herd Up," though we have not read it, we have
no hesitation In saying it i 5 just the thing for the tLnes,
for every body can understand it. On the whole wo think
Patoom is ahead of all competition.
For sale tty Dustin A. Sloan, No. 9, Brown's Block.
The hulfregs railed their teats on hig4,
And bounded o'er the plain . :
A humble bee went thundering by,
And then came down the rain!
Chain lightning split a peasemem uoie
And"killed a "Billy Goat,"
But o'er the booming thunder rcie
A "SbanghaPs" leimj rote
art.—ln a portion of the City Ethtion of the Constitutioit,;!
Issued to-day, a paragraph following a copy of a hand-bill
offering a reward for the arrest of the , porpetratars of the
outrage at Brown'e Hotel, appeara reflecting upon yourself,.
which Lregret,_ as it may be misunderstood. As 'soon tte,
noticed by me I had it taken out, but before I read over
the paper a few numbers were struck off, hatlgon4 out with
the carrier, and therefore could not be recalled.. I take
this early opportunity to correct the enrol in tike best man
ner in my power, and to that end, regnest you to insert
this in your paper. J. B. JOEINSONj
B. F. SLOU, Esq., Editor of Eris Observer
Tea REAL BALLNCE or Powin.—The balance at, the
brokers, and hence a "balance" unknown to Editors!
New .Fork, July 5.
irriirsa• ocu, b fionz - Lictrporl
and Lonaon to the 21st ult., being four days la
than received per Europa.
The following despatch' from Vienna is pub
lished in the ',Aion Timer:
A Turkish brigade from ,Schutula entered the
• fortress of Silistria cu the 14th.
A. Russian despatch says that their soldiers
defeated two Turkish brigades with 6000 , evalry
and 40 guns}. in an action on *be 15th. 'Gener a l
Esehalders received a wound whirl rendered the
amputation of his let; necesiary Gortchaltoff
received a contusion.
The Paris )loniteur announces that on' the
11th of June, the Turks made a tretkArlous. sor
tie front Silistria and attacked the Russians with
great fury. Gen. Schcldus ws,s (dangerously
wounded and was, removed to ,
1 It was thought that a body of trodps despatch
' ed froni Sebum& appeared there and that on
13th the Russians sprung three mines before Si
, listriu without doing any damage to the svAlli.
The Russian storming columns were pniparrd
for the expected breach, but were atm ed on
three sides by the Turks. A fearful ughter
took place. and the Russians fled ha disorder.
Ou the 4th and stb,. the Russians were omploy
ed in removing the dead. _-
Three Russian Generals were Wounded; and all
the 'Russian siege works were totally destroyed.
The lame day the garrison of Rntschuwent
over to the 'lsland of Mohan, and destxoyed all
the Russian Works there.
Telegraphic despatches .f corn Vienna; Say that
a Convention has been Co.neluded at Constanti
nople, between Aistria and. the Porte, relative
to the Danubian Principalities. Its principal
conditions are, that if Russia voluntarily retires,
the Austrian troops will enter the Principalities,
and form a defence between Russia'and TurkeY.
If Russia refuses to retire, Austria will take
such measures as may appear necessary
Terrible Railroad Collision—Thirty Lives Lost
Baltimore, - July 5. - .
An awful accident occurred yesterday at f 4
o 'clock P. M., on thq Susquehanna RailrOad,
about nine mile4'from thissity, near tit...relay.
The Excursion Train from the Amoric.:,n c4le
brition at Adair's Grove, while 're.furning Came
Mu) collision with the regular Pa:manger-Tr...tin
from Baltimore for New York. There were about
2,000 persons on; the Excursion Train containtid
fourteen cars and the drasg which occurred was
It, is believed that over 30 persons were killed
and over 100 injured, 40 very . 4.(lly: Arming
the killed are already recognirearenry Reynoldp,,
Henry Clay Jefferson, aged 10 years, lien). Mer
riman, baggage master, 'Wm. S,cott; Mrs. Robert
ion, a boy named Summers ' aged 12, Mer.tin
Boyd, and a young 'man rm
t aeil Corcoran. -Be
sides these there arc twelve deadliodies which
have not been recognized. Among. the _list of.
wounded are some so severely injured that, their
recovery is doubtful. Thy-ye lame who died
during the night, afta isoin
the Con - duatorirdied this A. Y The -foll o wing
persona have`died sinoe last night: Pawls Como
ran of Washington, Julius Counsel, Chas. ATI,
James Boyd, Richard Meoortel* Jaime Re.Y•
-Michael MeGrand, Henry Rhoads, Fredrick Me.
Domes, Geo. Brigley, Joseph Kruger, Patrick
Zimmerman, Chas. Brigle and. Mrs. Gmt:—
There are in addition a number of others un
known. The bodies of the dead are crushed is
a most awful 'manner.
It is reported that Madison jolters has died of
his injuries. Nearly all the -- paseengers killed
and' wounded 'belong to this city. T w enty-four
dead bodies were brought to Baltimore from the.
scene at midnight. • -
THIRD 'DIEIPATCII.-Mr. Jeffers is still living.
He will probably
_expire before, night. He was
generally esteemed, and at 'one time held the of-,
fice of Depity High Constable.
Several ad ditional deaths have ocouired.
A numb of wounded have been brought to
the city. The scene which presented itself on
their arrival was heart rending in the extreme..
On the fir st
t rumor of the accident last evening,
thousands congregated at the depot to hear the
result, and as the Particulars came in the most
dreadful shrieks and cries rent the air.
The accident was no doubt caused by careless
aces—the inquest is still pending.
Many of the wounded have been taken to the
An inquest his - been held over the victims.--
No verdict has yet been rendered.
It is . now feared that the number of deaths
will reach near forty, as many of the wounded
are lying in the most dreadful agony and cannot
survive mnoh longer.
Tho Railroad Company is loudly censured.--:.
Tito most intense excitement prevails throughout
the city. •
Past Ojece, iris. P.., j
May 20. 1824 5
Hereafter the Malls at this Odke will close dally (except liun..
day.,) as follows:
Eastern Railroad Mall supplyiag an offices between Erie and
But:filo. at l t A. AIL
Buffalo. Albany and New York at 11 A.M. and 590 P. M.
Lulu more and Philadelphia at 5 31.11', M.
New York & Erie Railroad Mall supplying all aka between
Dunkirk and New York at 7 P. M. •
Western Railroad Mail supplyintall olden between Erie and
Cleveland at 12 M.
Chicago and Rt. Louis at 9 A. M. and I P. M.
Cievtieed, Columbus. Toledo. Detroit and Piusburg at 12 M.
Cincinnati and Louirvllle ate A. M.
Southern (every day,) Waterford. Meadville and Plusburgh
atO A. 51,
McKean, Edinboroand Meadvllleat 12 M.
Wattaburg andiamestown on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat.
urtime at S A. M.
Office open from 7A.M. to 8 P. M. Bundays from? tot A. N.
and front 4 to 5 P.M.
PARTICULAR. NOTICE, —Persons mailing Money. Drafts.
or outer slacks of value, are requested to give notice of the
fact, in order that suet; letters may be registered.
D. P. ULOAN. P. M.
Highly Import:nil Testimony fr om NM Jersey. JerSo7.
Please read the following letter. which coating to it does from
partici of the highest standing In. certainly entitled to conside
Cure of a fest itasding sad Agigresidsd ease ge filtratir.
• 13osucsvu.t.n, N. J. Dee. 37,1831.
C. Eslestow, Esqt—Permit me to pen a voluntary testimoni
al to the vinuesof Dr Weasel's Syrup and Ceram. I believe
that to them my Mother owes en enthe rellef from a tedious and
setae of Teller of tong standing. Her ease was aggravated.—
Both hands were a ffl icted, rendering bet at times almost helpless
white the train Was intense. The hes. Alleopatble mut Mimeo
pith is treatment was besurnedleo - ner• FledldS so relief, we
resorted to a root Rector, but w ith uo bettersueeess. The dis
ease wassureading„and soon threatened to extend 1.0 her arms.
in this suffering condition. and while seeking ln vain for retie&
.your reedinniendaticin of Dr. Weaver's valuable. preparation
was heeded. and It atfards tne much happiness in stating that
but two bottles and one box of the Eerate were used-virlib some
attention to affonlogas we believe and firmly Mk. an
entire and lasting eine. Av entire new cuticle was ginned on
a great'portion of each band. Her relief was exceedingly goat.
dud the gratitude of her family hat been best eXtrfestred in our
unqualified recommendation of the medicines to. those of our
friends afflicted with cutaneous affections. One gentleman to
whom the prepapations of tn. Weaver were suggested by myself
.has I cvn.rel lered to a degree unknown in year,. (ISIS Ineum,
and he believes his cure will be entire by Stein.
Yon may feel at liberty to make wont useyou think proper of
this hastily written certificate from Yours, ate
. July 1,-117. J. It. FRAZaI., Editor "Somerset Whig."
ERTu, July 3,-la4
rl A ;Wonderful Discovery Ira recently been made by Dr.
Coml.. of this city, in the treatment of Consumption. Asthma
and all diseases of the lungs. We refer to.. Dr. Cartes Einem
or Inhaling Unman Vapor and Cherry Syrup." With this new
method Dr. 0. has restored many alllicted ones to perfect health;
as au evidence of which. be has innumerable eertideava—
peaking of the treatment. a physician remarks;—lt a evident
t h inhaling--cOnstantly breathing an agreeable. healing va
por. the medicinal proprieties must come In direct contact with
the whole of 'the aerial cavity of the lungs. and thus escape tho
many and varied chance. produced upon thein when Introduced
into the stomach. and subjected to the process. The animas
la for sale at Jtit tat' arlYaiste through/milli, country.-IFtrea
144 e. a irrcif CErsacitakix a/Jaws/ay lath.
See adverticetuent of Medicated Inhalation in anotnarcolumn
of this paper
Great Bargaitte in Books—Selling of! at Cost.
Havingdetermined to discontbone the Book business, we
bare concluded to sell our large stock of Standard, Scientific,
and Miscellaneous BOOKS AT COST, commencing on• the
first of Jab , next. Now is the time to replenish your Li.
brarics. {Call coon and make your selections. Our Stock .
is large and tho Books recently purchased and in good or.
dcr. c..hccil Teachers, who wish to replenish their Libra.
ri• S are itcrited to essunne our Stook. Don't forget No. 9
B grn's Block.. DUBLIN i SLOAN t •
! tie, June 24, 1854.
, I Bibles and Prayer Books. •
A large assortment of doe guilt edged, Eforocooand Val
:veto:oven, going at low rotas at DUBLIN & SLOAN'S
In Wellsburg on the 3d inst.. by E. W. Genial; Seq.,
of Edinboro. Mr. WILLIAM PULLING and Miss PER
ME LIA WRIG'LT, both of Washington township.
On the .29th nit., by Re•. J. U. Presley, Mr. JOHN J.
C. FOLTON, of Fairfield Crawford county, to Mies MAR
GARET GRAHAM of Harborereek.
On the 25th alt.. in this city, by the Rev. G. L. Stevens,
both of Erie.
In . 31iBarest, on the 29th ult., by the ume Mr. PETER
BRIIDANEri, of Erie, and MiseMARY METZLER, of the
fanner plus:
In Darborcreek. on the 4th inst., by the urns, Mr.
STER, both Harborereek.
Regktor and . Reeordei.
dinuts Enrrons:— Please announce say = '
S/ MO a mi
s for the Oftloe of Register and Recorder. Subject
to the decision of the voters of . Erie county.
July Si 1854-8* THOMAS MOORHRAD of Brie. '
NtESSitIl. EDITORS:—PIease fa1t1091360 the natneof AZRO
GOPP as an Independent candidate for the °Zee of Re
gister and Recorder for this County at the ensiling Oen
don. July 8,183!-8.
The Board of Health will hold regular meetings at the
Common Connell Room every Blohday and Thursday even
ings, during the warm season. I Per -
complaints are requested to make
present them at those meetinp.
Erie, Jnly 8, 1854. •
100 -Splendid Canine
.13 Y !the subscriber. These VUTi ,
cter offered in this market,
sur.eash or a promise to pay. 'V
clditasfachnaotts, wheie the time
mado looks fairly blue. Call and
street, between Peach and State,
• ter article at a less price than cat
establiihmeni in this city or State.
ed. ' Erie, July 8, 1854-8.
Sunbury and Erie itailr
NTICE- is hereby given, thy'
ten Dollard perahare on thi
second instalment of ten Dollars!,
scription to the capital stock of thi
- payable at their Mee, No.
Tuesday, August 1,185 E
By order of the Board of Mast
• 7¢ly ,8, 1854—td81 PHIL
TrElscriber baring formed a co-wine:sit' with
Allinine Janes of Voottogn, Erie county, wont. very
respectfully tender his thanks to his oldasstomers f. air
liberal patronage during tberazistence or the old Ann, and
hopes the new one may merit a continuance of public pat
ronage. Will at all dines be happy. to wee old cuscamers
apd as many new ones as may favor us with a call, and
will give them especial bail to sell them goods of all
.criptions, sorts and sizes ate lower figure and better q
sty than any other establishment in these diggings.
and see if these things alai so. We charge nothlrigibr
showing our pods and defy competition; It le hereafter
to be comitizted underthe name of Williams and Janes. •
Wausbarg..lnly 8, 13.54-8. ALLEN. a JANES.
TIIE-ccpartnersbip heretofore existing between W. B.
• and AMOS S. Williams of Wattsburg Bar
oogb, under die name of W. B. A A. S. Williams is • this
day- dissolved by motnal consent. The Books and no.
counts are in she bands of Altos S. Williams. who is an
. thorized to Wake all moneys duo said firmosnrk Also: lo
'tattle a:Midair:is against said Ana. W.II.":•IYILIJAMS.
'l7l , ,:tabtin, July 8, 21.154-8: Ag i witjamB,
- • • s nubber Sediu'l t • -
1100 Blinn Belting awl NOVO all elan fa, sale
'6gur : s 144 It Ir.; b . boudip in Buffalo or Pitts
burgh. . "
• -"--1LE3311-4300.1.1 • • -
-to -- • - flacivilys. .:,..-.,..,.., rot the cry. 4 few mare of those flied ttraqwle 4 - -
pared 4. Ith th , be e - , teceivedfortheabove pil , pcsa ispr i tigt 1
ii kin Prt!
to- lIIZA , D tore and others with 1 •.. :Sued SE ' ••• 1 ••• ,"-''' "'''vg"" - •
.11. Shovels aCrhaiteneprieit; They ifill'do well to will : i i rmitiND liglitifficsw^' •
op me before jaurohasiog eleerrheri. • - b o t e eptor - -
1 11 rt e ~ItOy di 1135,4-11. ' ' - 4. C. iiggyi ‘ I Ai- --
° gtto Nb•.
Health Notice.
:•••:„' , .. -- -ii,i , - 11 •`... • • .- 1 "' ', ' -Ai; . • -' ' '
- .L. -- 4-1 - - ' ;LWOW' - •,, ...
OTTUlrst.annabii. Two' tbessouid *ar headred mi
am., map Lae die l p r operty of R. 0. Len
t,* 4 4 7,e4Z w i l i b e to ad s e em pbW e ia idenday-the 17th day
of July inst.. at 10 o'clock A. at the Court Hoagie in
The lot is wail located, hos t at elliht/-two feet six
iseltes,=on Fifth street, between aad Cherry, and a
depth of 165 feet. It will he without sesame to the
highest' bbLier.: • - -
Tonna of &dee aOne third is band. and the' balance in
one yew, with intsrest p iolmo admiral as th• vramises..
Athol:than-tett of IV 0. Landon, with win annexed.
lisio, July 8,1864. ; it.
NOTICE is busby given that the Pena/rad, Pain:villa
and Ashtabuiti Rama Company will purchase all
use shams (not owned by said Company.? of the
'capital stock of the Lill Canal - Coospany, and pay
therefoe the par value of , sach•stosit, , witb Interest at the
rate of six per es per italuD4 frau the time trains were
grin ran ennrbont, the o wn, %NM of said Itafiroad, to
wit: the 20th day of Iforembsr, 1852. Payment for such
Kook will ba made on the posentation and delivaq of the
certificates issued thenfor r with legal evidence of owner
ship, to Wm. S. UM% Treasurer of the Franklin Canal Co.,
acting_ as Agent for the C. P. &A.B. R. Co ., at trio, art*
the M-easurer of this Company, at Cleveland, accompan
ied by'similar evidence. •
Mee of C. P. AA.R. 1 . Co.. 1 WEL CASE, Prie't
Jai/ S. 1864—.8. -J
• Guardian gale: • e
XTOTIOE is hereby given, that the undersigned Gu td :di.
IN an of Orpha Jane Scoby, minor child of Lewis Scoby
late pf Springfield Township deceased, by virtue of an or,
der of the Orphans . Court of , the county, will expose'for
sale at public auction on the premises on Saturday the
29th inst., at 2 o'clock P. 3f., the following described
piece otland, containing about 15 saes, more or. less.—
Bounded West by a road, North by the Ratiroad,"East by
land of West by land' being the resideoce of - said
Lewis Scoby at the time of his &coups.
Tirmits.—One third in band, balance in two ,
equal annual
payments to be neared by judgement bond and mortgage
on the Prentiew - Basler. MALLORY,
Springfield, July 8, 1834-313. ': Guardian.
. cut", shut an• naruhpagiarkiii•
CJ. ketatLECIAN, (late of Jones' lintel,/ has Ike Pleasure
• to loll= his frien ds and the trevelHeil
and 1 + helms leased this House fin a Urrinuflierst now prepared
**the reception °timed.
The local advantages of this favorite establishment are too
well known to need comment.
The Houserge and flirulture have beenit in ant fate order; the
sem are la sail well , • The tables eltvari
(U e rn i s hat whir the best, the proprittOr pledge e il win ltffftif that
no effort on his part shall be wanting to make the United Stater
equal in y% IHH comforts to any Hotel In the Quaker city.
THP firm of Stockton &Fuller Jams dissolved on the U.lth inst.
by mutual consent. IL P. siockton will continue busi nese
at the old stand, and Is authorised to pay and receive an gnome.
doe from the late firm. All having accounts Will please
present them, and those indebted must pay. H.
P. fiToCTON,
80 G NEW.
THE undersigned, Vatetul for the kind favors received during
the past four yearn. has the pleasure of announcing to old
friends and patrons of the late firm. *Mahal= made permute!, continue in beldam* at Erie, and has now on
band. and is Tr eeiviog a superb auto:neat of rich and splendid
JEWELRY-of:01 descriptions; SILlf ER WAR E. WATCHES.
CIMINO, and a full assortment of Gaods. which !mean and wilt
sell at leis rates than can be bought elsewhere ill Brie. With solicits an examination:
Watch Work and a repairing of all sorts, and Engrav
ing, done as it should be. Goods made w order et short notice.
"Beware of counterfeits." aud buy only the genuine article.
July 1.1834-7. ' -Park Row, Erie, Pa.
e NY quantity at Scythes and Smiths, for sale by the Subeeri
ben, wholesale or retail, low fir pr o mpt nay.
Jun eta. SENNETT 6. CO.
AND let the people know that Cadwell k Bennett. at the Em
pire Crockery Store, are now recoiling the hugest and moat
extensive assortment of
China, Glass and Crockery ,W are
ever offered in this mark et, and at Gee pefient lower than
can be purchased any where this /Wept the Atlantic ci tics.—
Give us a call and are for yourselves.
Eric. July 1, 1861. 7.
T INBRED OIL.—We have just received a large supply of
Pure Western,.which we otter by the barrel or to less quart-
Iles at such prices as cannot fall to suit tho.e 10 want of such
an article. Erie:July I. Int.-7 CARTER &
New Vocal Music.
The night of Nebfaske. •
... Farewell Is open heatd of thtnie wro pan,
We meet again, •
The lone lone weary day ,
Our Girls. dedicated to the ladles ot,trnerica. by Baker.
Let us speak of a man as we dud btm,
The Ghost otOncle Tom,
Molly Brown,
Elbe sleeps in the valley,
The wanderers return, song and chorus,
A II things are beautiful, Gum. splendid.
Hetet 1)ell, '
Tannic is on the stormy sea,
• •
Come to the wood,
Kitty Tyrrell,
• firs TRUM.ENTIL.
Josephine 9a:salvia. Orlando Gallop, •
Kiss me Rear, Flying Cloud.
Evening that, .• • Ploughboy's Polka,
Pride, " Almelo Polka,
American Bell, .* Grolgs musical Cotter.
Groben intrlations on all modern melodies.
Strakosh's music. Julien's motile.. •
Anew suppl yorthose beautiful Melodeons made by 11 thee *e.
Ct .Brattlenore.awdsat. Chlideneventnil." '
"Erie. Snot I. l $-.7 1 WM, WILT-MC,
PAlt Viindtd. the best qyality of VI tic tohati tuaxe. Hr.
klf April IS, 144-4 S.
AR!)Oil,Nu.l,of fltil: quality, by the barrel or al
Atail ER it ft:lo.d
WARE.—or our own ante. from the pare d.ilare
$.7). rot *Hood Its per coil. ST( refiTUN
Erie. May. 6. !EQ. Si.
lAr itterw.--Gold and Vain. also i)id 1 301 u r.,“; el•aver
V LiPt nut aufacttul ng purPoseli.bY
May a. 1: 11 4-42. STOCKI'ONft CULLER.
54 FoX having eeeared the servtee,. of 'lli% tIMEtt V, (me
'or both may be Countiat the ogler at all awes to attend to
gleams. Erie. A pal 14. 1851.
T87342 , 51M1LT arailEDT.
ABOUT 'which so much has been said and published. is
among us. Who has not heard of toe Arealaw. Musians
Liniment' .•,Itany i millions of bedtles have been sold and used
to eilickbeumatistu. Ulcers. Sores, Bruises, It susswortn. Fel.
ons. Salt Rheum, Piles. Sore Nipples and Caked Ureayrs. Can -
eers, Itch, tbrns on the Toes ,- Sorel:yes. l'ar-ache. Fannies.
Swollen Joints or Limbs. Cuts,ScaLis. or Scald head. Num , '
Palseyßuulous or Frosted Feet, Warts or any other complaint
'bateau be reached by an external remedy. And it lias always
been successful. It iseq . ually good In healing Wounds, Septet'.
es, Saddle or Harneas Gelds. or any Sprain, &aeries, or Surf
Aud it Is warrahted to cure Spavin, Ringlione. Splint or
Poll Evit, on florae',.
The liniment us put up In three sizes, sod retails at RS eta.,
iiocu.,andsloo. The large bottles contain much more 1-
meat In proportion to the prices. ancient therefore cheapest.
Every store should be supplied with fists valuable Linament,
as It pays a good profit and sells rapidly.
G, 1s 1.17 ESTG ROOK.
(allicensors to A. G. Bragg & C 0..) Othilostor and sole props
rrineipal Otßees, 304 Broadway. New York, and corner 3d
and Market Streets. St. Louts. Missouri.
gold by every dealer In drugs and medielne ihronghout the
United States. Canada., West Indies; and Bermuda Wand•.
July lat. 1834. ly7.
raavz N I OU BALD.
subscriber otters for wile biefartn. containing sisty.ibiir
acres nod allowance of land. situated in liarborcreck
Eriecounty. about three miles south at Miler's 81-Ilion. on the
Erie k North East Railroad. For particulars apply to the 014h
scriber in Erie or to Ebenezer Backus adjoining the'presmaes.
Ede. Juty 1.1931-3,7. D. it ICtl.
) Steam Engine for Oak.
Mirk Pressers Skew Engine in drat rate order, will be sold
by the subscribers &a fair terms. The engine has been in
use two years, and has`given unqualified satisfaction It is
now taken out to wake room for a large one.
• Keystone Paper Mills, Swan dilation, Erie Co., Pas
July 1. lOU 7.
Constitution Nod German ruiners, plensetony.
ALL those Indebted to the late armor O. & C. bider. as well
u to C. Miller. are renewed to come forward and settle
their accounts immediately. Those who neglect this notice
will incur costs by so doing.
Erie, July I. 1&44.47. C. MILLER.
noose for Salo.
Tr= dwelling Abuse upon the But Ward School Lot
will be sold at public sale to .thelighost bidder, on
the 9d day of July next, at the East Wird School House
at 6} o'clock P. 11.. One half of the purchase money to be
paid down, and balance in three insist months equal pay
ments on approved security. By order of the Board of Di.
Erie, June 24-20
THE Public are bereby cautioned against purchasing a
4, certain note drawn by me for $3lB, payable to Azro•
Goff or order
,dated in Jiutnary 1854, and payable one year
after date, as the consideration of said note has entirely
failed and 1 am determined to resist payment in whoseso
ever hands the same may be when due.
Erie, June 24,-3tB,
Gaiette copy. L L. 3,1100-11 D.
PROP Olitiota - 8
THE Board of School DirecOrarof the • lima
aWard 14 the
City of Erie invite proeosaistor building an addition=
to the present School house so said Ward. Proposals fbr
building the same by contract, and for furnishing mater
als will be - received. A plan of the building, and specifi
cations of mitorials may be seen at my office. Any infor
mation desired as to time and mode of payment or other
particulars will be furnished lky_ s any member of the board,
or by the undersigned. As it is desirable, if possible, to
have the building nadir wsj tilts fait, immediate attention
to this notice is requested. C. W. KELSO,
June 24.-3t6. Gazette copy. Seo.y.
Stray Blare.
CAME to the premises ot the Subscriber living in Wel.
mineral:it, on the farm - Of &Idea. & Sanford, an Iron
Gray mare, with a white gripe In her fano, three , white
feat, and some spots on her hips, and about 4 years old.--
The owner is requested' to Ow and prove proporty, pay
charges andltako her sway. ' RICHARD 40C MI.
Jane 21, 1864.—gaps. •
160.13.11 NZIVI aoo EIS.
Tnsisbacritierit havereeently returned from the . euvlor
teL wberethey have puschased another large and extensive
stock of _
4usy and Staple Dry Goods.
MiLLINIEIRY.Ite.. all of which will be suld at great ttargaine.
We would eallthe attention of our oust:nacre to out alma of
Domestic Roods, which were purchased of the manufacturers at
ilartiord for cash, and wilt bosom ctav low
JunelillOOTll & STEWAirr.
. .
- - -
.... i rtr,..b_Sow_o at"'et. 1-0 13 it'OntitErCeinis per }rad,
7,00 . 0 4-- inwigits... tiii3l%l tt.Are,W.tar.
4 43 v eh cab,..•' ?'" I " 4l4 'ten - : twin zli eenu to Sl Per fattl.x.t re
•rmaßoi U . g a ß l ED rt i :l i br le La tt. wo. O li r —"--"-----11 r:1 1) . 1701 -fr ii „9 3 ;:tri E,W, I A : 71 : 7 tT .14-
..1 brie. Itiirsity , Han& black elk fritvie.• 44cet In itti crepe
alembo. berate start*. fibiyon titincti pi, of all eblets. eaninn glace
dub at June Itt. - , - -'-'liou'ilti sisTew4u..m.i.
sup. rioraftititTc;? hoe. and.
mac irc fuund at W. store of tutazriber
BUUTii k. trytw ART S. at the , swell
Aur club. Just, acziNet"r cu. ga"i* • N,
) Ca:Att.:MY/ rads llNeACited tinCeling.Vrty taw. .
Becrolazy, B. W. B. of D
~a 4 V't ape
1,10 W ortli of real and' - .
.- • - , rth e People, - •
.ili Splendid Gift Distribution.
, . i :
OA one dollar , sent in a post 'peLd ;eon. tho st 'gred/at twirl
Fsend by Warrior mill. two recipes for compouadlns 'two
fatally medicines. whieh wilt be !gond 14 be worth more than
Ave Unita their cost 14 any family. Them will afro Wont with
the recipes a Rundreredsertikats. wideir wW entitle thehoider
to °neer the following gifts. . I .
48 urea of land valued at i . • • 814 oo "..,,
1 Plana ,
I 417 •
2 Pianos $3OO l
each. , • SOO ,
5 Melodeons 850 reek. I .
.- . - .. WI
5 Cold Watches 893 each. • 523 . ,
20 811ver Watches 825 each.. • SOO
SO Shares 412 etch. Rooks -Co
60 Gold Peas BS each. .
• i IGO
50 Guld Pens 84 each. ',: leo"
100 Phares 83 etc/480QU :1
600 ShareaB I each. Boots . 1 ~ .
HZ •
11234 abates 30 cts.eacti f ßoots -
10.0011Elloweti valued at • 4110. 1 10-
The farmlies three miles south OfWellstairg: Erie. Co. Pa.. ts
about one htlflinproved, excellent sell. and well waulled.'olfta
or specimens of them can be seen nrsidence about the drift
of August. When the shares are 'elt ish's,. the sharrholdep
tabours most conveniently attend, nod all if they desire, con
meet'and select men. whomav be, nenulred toigive bonds for the
faithful discharge of their duty. to make a far and Impartial!
distribution of the properly. Tbe distal/nth:attak ; Sate
in such a manner as the committee }henget fiLin the stalls:lld
ers direct. on the first of. Pementber4 oc as soon as the shares are
all taken. Where Is the taut who win not invest a dollar Of
wore when he torture of getting $l5O in return s and a chants
Of getting from 3 to 91400 In a farm s choice topical lustruments
traced lotof valuable books. nice Gold pens or splendid watch
es? The article% shall he the yeti' best of their kind. Inutiedi
atoiy after the' distribution Is made, a statement of the remit
wilt be sent to each person holding a ticket, and the = ging seat
to thole at a distance as they may order. Send on your arum%
soon. as the shares ara coing - rapidty. and the tooner they are
sold the sooner you will receive your pills. • t.ntrespurniem.
will please write their addresses in a di-ttuct band. Any Kra
son who sendsdlo will :cerise 14 tickets in realm. or 'P tick.
ets for $llO. .4.ildressnlterders post paid to
•t4...1. GODFREY ,
'June 17. MA •=3m3. Lundy's Lane. Meas., Pa. - '
Vor Buie.
A LARGE two 111017 Rriik flotoe. with eight acres of land
attached. under pod eultivaticin. and all ihn. outbuildingr
necessary Air a private residence.- The above property situated
Ia ttiettorough or tVaterford. will h sold on the most resioha
bte terms. For further loforuza tie& apply to
; Waterford. Erie CO.. PA:
Jane 17. 1834-412.3
MHE paitnershipperetotere existlngbetwein'nettlamt Tom-
J. flagon and wiillem Kelley. wa dissolved by mutual eon.
eon, on theist day of May last. I -
XIN ; 741mLorsoil.
Erie, ince 17, -7;354-3
Ziglatla Eltroot. Zriee P. ,
110AROPMS eau oe .ceoaueo.lated at tnla gstabliabmeat.—
JJ Baths also can be had thrreothoth Mineral and ;loft Water,
Warm orcold. ft pripeation for Board eau be made periouiliy
or by letter. ' 1 - ,
For the iataatletion OfMame abroad the Cal °Win atlllYaia, or
the Water is subjoined , - ft was. made by Professor Boorn 4 ; of
true pint °CUM, gra int go. gallon 060.000 grain&
contains. Soteaue ' contains. Mebostar
Chloride of Potassium. 2.57 gra. ' 31:55
" swain.. 12» . •• . llO. le ,
- Magneviiim. 6.57 .P` .' ' 45.30 . .
.. Caktum. 1.11 ° ! 5.80
0 • Irolii 0.36 0 288
BuiptutteorLitoo, 1.90 " I 1L59 '
Total Soluble matter, 24.41 109.52
P One pitit. or ?AO grain O ne gallon DOOM* grab,'
contains. Pcsot.catat , contains. Issotcyta,
Carbonate of Lime, MO , 12.12
" Magnesia, . .12 ' 0.04
IrOn. 1.18 ', • 0.41 .. A
0.0 (:, ' 0.49
Total Insobable, 75 21 00
Orguole Matter. tr, re • trade.
Total antountnraoild matte pr• 27.63 cal. tl_`l
• -..pprs •
..."1 matte . ars. pr. gni. `M1.5.1.
grie„ June 11.,;1051.—tr3 PERIMP. Proprietor.
EEP GOOD —&cfrigerat rtiOrrarious sizes way be found at
June:a. TA N Nlift k MAGILL'S.
Sugar Irolasses. •
( - IONST ANT Lir on nand, d met from New Orleans. for sale by
Hog-head or Bbl.. at vc 'Grit M.reliauva are re
quested to call niui examine mines. G. J. MORTON.
March 11. 125.1. - Public Dock. I
SPRINu styles of Mantilla. and Shawls,. in treat variety oP
styles and prices at 'lay TillitA k. iIAYES.L.I
A Large and Siik:fidid a...soriatept now nn hand. • M.o. a
fl. complete Mock of Glae. *are. Wii . itil will Oa POlrl very
el.eali. Versois in need . of Vii4 n a. W..
k.. crockery, or Slone
W. te will do well to call et No. l. Itonsiell hick, 3 doortsoutls
oldie lot I Ile.
KricipllC 10.-4. \ -- Aa SI. GUILD.
: T. hOmp,oii • E. --: tt.tporter.
FOIL J, this day receired-al\ !id. 9, Brown's Block.
Brie;June 3, 1854. BURLDI ct SLOAN.
; Etatio.l Ty.
AVERY lirge and ch.ico lal )aos ~pen. C a ll an d: ex
amine ithtt No. P, Brorru'es Block.
Erie, Jane 1, 1854. . DURLLV t SLOAN.
, t Vcnoi - b4imy ~0 red &We'," Ronda Rcante.
MOW is the 'Rum" L. Airs to to,v Lon oms.,forl obhons, •Nt per
/. 1 1 cent less 'Oa+) former one.-4 tiny tug recen.ed n large
stock of ['accept dire: t from inc Ilettlllf.Ctirm's .his week; nlno
It largo asaortiustlt of ii 'NC 'X T.r itpb;ing she
zeakot. ,irrwing el. ;,•,., once . ;
tis I tvi.ftl to run In !ton". naen n .7,),1%1 , -cow
lbr a Isr;ie stor.t the comirg 1.11, , • how I:. r.• ...fie,A at
east. and hope II who met c • br..torf.
else% nera 1' h
Erie. June 341512-3 N.). II 0— 1..
- - - - -
TAM C37./16/ 2
NO. 3,.ItEED , 110
A v .S r j . ust ir r o criv s c: i a , lajge •
einith's grill:mt., I rr,it t tr. g 4 ILA : ; 1 .1,..t
Saud Bancts..liedgesoitreaerfv.
11 MP.C.417071.,;' 'l.- • rtatteit Deenei:rtuaimt. r•th:el. S. 1; Co. 11 :111 1 1./.•
and tioundw.l aII .Be veld. liteet a re , . • 41[1101a itruati 'St
et. Adzes and ipind axe*, rItY •4titt ci • c i": • r ,„
and Lack 33Wii tilW *eta. brace and bias, tiouve. chit...
rules, @c. June 3. 1M: 'ii.
. _
Groan Viesteirt `din; Shop.
litTaPitY. would respee.tfislly infOrtu.tits t
-11 • JO blic ceiteraily.. that twain continue, to the Ti , et.
per and 'beet iron business ae theiold stand between Beau 1,',.
new lintel and; he Weird (louse. with larger , ,1144 betletA4fk. t
alent-or Tin. Capper and Sheet ir a ware west et Nez ,
and will sell cheaper than aup other esttishinegy w
of retail, nod inastuf.teture of the hest materiels and ruso4dl
style Milk Pans of all sizes it hhnd; Cheese' Vats and rcit:tivs
wade to order at all and the Lost , assOrtutent day,le
ware In Erie ; Also a large aseortnient of Britatti:t Ten:iota,
Coffee Bois. . luid Lainpi and Pewvr Mugs. Tea and 'l' :Ode
swans. Basil a 8110.3114. Rniccs and Forks of all kinds. IJc...tree
Mitts. Shovel • lid Tuags, Flatirons, Brass and Iron candlesticks
Tea Truss an Lanterns. Also a huge aiwaruneut of good eas
tern cook Bios of various kings which will be Paid cheap for
cash; titovepi e and. elbows constantly on hand. Well anil
-cistern Plllllll* Canal Boat Lamptand Pumps. Lead Pipeof ai
OtLe,oll hand, •pouting and guttering done on short tionce.—
i•ash paid for • d Copper. Brass a nil Fewter,or taken in exchange
fur ware. - March 25th. tes.l-43.
tram' hiladelphia:and New It o*.k.
HA V 1Nq . ,14 returned from the above cities with one of the .
largest. c btcest. erten pest stack of Goods that we ha ve ever
had the plessuri.. intreri int tai our. Pleads. we are now prepare t.
fti3fe coriddestily than tier in eJ.ellenge comparison. and del '
coin petit= with tiny and every dealer who may presume to eine ^.
Ladies. hay ipg aim more than 7111121 attention to your wants
and Uwe, by selecting toe latott a d most fulti.Onahle Sty lee, to
he (amid in Ptutadelphia. we particularly Invite ),Fur examine.
uun before porehnsing. In Silks.,we can thaw you the mast el
egant twocade.lPiattl. Striped. Rine it sod 'alined Plain nod lo
th". ,p t itg and Sommer
. tness Goods. we thve the latest
, t)
lea of [tern o. !Strap , do Lame.. Chaltei Derages, ['annuls,
De Rego Lawns, embroidered..telited, dotted. checked and plain
this!' tistalso. Pew styles of French Worked Collars. , ileerturaud
ch outwits. in time atid banctt., aouneinp. ed;iugsand'ev,
cry thine else that you grin want. of or a h :i
s'ar Gent's acid anti :we are erria'.l) well prepared.
tCe woold Invite the parti-ular htmetionuf Ileturrkeeperiand
those about Oveome -ugh. to our, coinnicie stack of iloasiffur-
II IA ng Goods. cointist , sof Linen and mica .Iteeting.. pillow
and table linen, napkin, a 1...'4we1a. tattle covers. wiudotv and
wall paper, tare and drapery, trim:l:lop for etiroin,.. tr i
above all to oil i eltenrive Mod( OtlCarrets.• 1)11 t.nottrs nod Mt . .t•
tines, of allgrri a and goa I ales. run- ion ng of sorne.:lo pireee at
Wont Carpets outht with Cash. were also all or the ahrwe
/Ward GOOd3. iJierehy gi vine lig the advantage over every caber
Ilona in the et y, an advantage that we are di , pettird to give lo
you, our cuutuders. and which .you cannot fait to appreciate
Ladies. Gent and Children. Caine and and we will verify our
sta , einents
Erie. April I. IS 3 I-11 ^l. ME TCALF,.
DLainOand other winter drew goods:selling at Nisi-
Marebl4, 18.54--42. JACKSON SON.
r ff v,Eß 1 .:t1N1"3.-4 you want a Do t Clthel. atleo. 3
Rued ;I o se June 3 .
HALL :TA:4 t 7 -Just weeirt:ll some- new pelt ri. o .—tury
nrenlee.7 June 3. R. REED.
I - VORYtinodle Table:Knives. with or without Fork.. at
June 3KELY'S
. .
10T1103 , :t I:IUHAHNC,.-1( ou wish to buy your lacks.
latches. ban?. screws.' wlndolv springs. clothes hooks. toot
scrapers. Lt.c..icbeap. be sure and call at the Cheap Hardware
Sutra. No 3. deed !louse. June t
isn'S asitalking. theiplace tq buy Hardware Cheap.
is at Juno!. CCU'S.
PO Ter MON ut
June I.
0110(710,2 V.—We ore just receiving a very general and es
tensive asiortmeat 01 CrOrkgry. comprising several new
slyfes, onamg lvtileh are the Piciwteg J3Plined
liheGralliterand Oval Ware. and for sale as cheap as the
chesnevt -Noe ftrilol ETT & CO.
Vr.WrimlrJ. raun. Vaguir.tu luu:adn Marseilles and
uthir Vettinße In great varlet, at the store of
June I. 1 rtRYN F.TT Sz
it A W asiortzueut of t ., lasatar 6halvls any be fogad
L 7 at the 'Mai of SRN 'SETT Ao, CO.
-;;rxiaz .einD aIIEICAGO. -
AND INTER.11111:11ATC PaitTd.
• THE. stitcnilid Lipper Cahill Steamer aLoar..
Copt Amos Pratt, will run regularly between
mid ant taheago, ieavine Erie for Chicago on the following
day':,l .
Frday. ! June 2 Friday. Aug: 25
Friday. -; Jude 23 . Friday, Pept. 15
Friday. July 14 Friday.... tiet.. 2.
Fri .day, I Aug. Aux. 4 Friday. (Jet. fa
Friday. Nov. IV • •
The 01.1 1 BE is 12Z2 lona bitriben, li fitted - up for Passengers
equal to any iteamet admit; this wilt atitird persona' Imbibing to
take 'he lako route. a "pew of those heautillitiot6'na ill the Far
Weru,ivillek'they would be deprived of I.y taking the - Railway
mule; alao, titan having familice aid haettee.ean go around
the lake. at ninth less espenae than by itailmad.
, .
lute, June 3, iChi—Cca: 1 . ' .G. I. MORTON.
f7 r. For Freinnt Or Pasaage, apply tia;
_ .
groceries, Hardware, &a.
L!ODELL. ICEPIXR & Co.. have Juni teseived direct fun
New York and Philadelphia, a large and splendid mart
meat of Coods.and are DOW exhibiting at as reasonable rates u
any other Niue in this city, and in making this anausembent
to Me public. the igibscribers desire to assure them that they
will seven:, drir time Cult and complete, and to meet the de
mands of AR who will favor Mem whit a ea , l. And to the pa
trons of Artuchle & Kepler we would say, we are very Mone
ta{ tor thew, very liberal patronage , heretofore bestowed on this
haus... and desirous of o. confinuation. of the same to the new
dtm-shall offer great inducements la the way of rood bargains
and cheap good-, so all who ate desirous of swelling their pas
sem i ons, and Unseat moderate panes who wish get the, lar
gest amount of goods fur the least su to
m. we invite to caltantlet
amine our mock before purchasing elsewhere as we shall make
it to sour interest as well u Oars. We shall. Moo pay the high- i
est market ps;ce in goods and cash for procuee.,- Guests:4k core.
sists In pam of the erilowing articles. Beininei„, Chnii..-
Lawns. Chieftains. Berage BM:lines. Meriting, Owe- .
... 0 .
all hinds of %nay dress mods of the =IMP ,
alsoilinent of silks, plain and Woof" e"
ton .t iks , ip i .. e ' ili n a l
e n d etts. bri r 18 3 6"4 11{ allirdiletatet,garsl-114314 barre d
Plaid-i" i r
lace and worked. 11.- and bartsil missiles. Peet? .
a -
lot Mt erslsto o2
.., 4 ssuUs. hook tensile and draper les .\
! lad"- '
. ones . ..irh.entatbnil:roe
w rked m
sc ha n n e d ra k t er a e po h . ie pau f‘ oni a s ti .ou d r a . a l arxd oi r s.
...ce and thread. mine and glove*
Hof and ki nd
'sl43""2"3"alserY. straw g""eral-inortmeni of 'Meas.
..,..4.. - nets and Obildniei nal , sad a ge n . crap ,. &woos . i mb ed
wk. dehrises. cashmere. o
~ 4 3. "u nmet 6ba b . ape tivin tevell to.tweciy &Man,
and a . large tots( sr ire or
.tun an. -ttel, Bieck - 1 sheer - Ivo. ilehtsp.sirrhed and checke d ithi"1"1041"111 1114 - 1- _ , 1
.. etc., for bate very lou'lty •Itels, red and white wool aannetp.sed.prints_f.rournactlekdownfllies; Or.►
• J. C bilLtir.N. i _ doom, Broad cloths. black , blue al".=" iitin. K euv.ob lL
FUIIIIIICT cassimeres. 51111
.argret ammttruent itt thts sauonsir the touuuy, i canityliere 4 6 . bit , &j ump A g e... Veda wide slr,edng,
..irung of ilot , & Rowland's CattSteet Sash anis3lulay. # 3 . 6ll „Ths..sno uh "" a , . 1 "1 1 _1 1 .7.. —,--, -*a- -1- • dirge. beau t ies"
)4 i: al re, lir , Taution. Mild. 11'0{6. itiyhele, I.Ncoposs. 1 ruilhwir4 ..,9 11,2_71,.ing...r.r.r.r:::-....z„,,,,,,,7„,.. _____ i
l'rtiu i n it i . ut liu . c . hers. Band. Panel, BUR and Wood SaWs, N. 1 halis. uavotin Ra g! _rr_Mtcr:Z.....,...;e . c:r.74;
J. C. dEI.DEN. ; tuudware.enexety. me. dr4. # 11 , KL.1...c.........'•••• ..,........
7 . 4 1 ,1 1, :. iro jan hl e a 3 t , c i i su rat . bargatits. by , 2 ,
lawny ,
on ban 4 ni bin 3. rmy
* ' ' 'Mts., May If. 18:14. . ,
, .
Eind Hanging Bella.
TH to
E subsCriber would adopt this method of innsina the
citiarini of Erie oni Erie county that he gives special at
teution w Furnishing and Hanging Belts for private honves.—
lieaprovid+dwilh all the necessary filch hies tcw doling libework
in a rat isfactOry manner. and hope.s taayhe will be favored wi .h
a liberal satire of the nubila put p.usge. ito may at all hours be
found at tits Eras: Foundry. GU Stare shwa- between Eighth Sad
Ninth. west side.-
Eriei-late H. JAR ECKE
iG,ILS a ran WOOL.
Untlersignol having S een appointed Aren't fay
log WU U L far, ttxo menthe Woolen Mir kr lent pay
the higine,t rte for Wool.'
Erie. June ' 8. 534Y71.1.
*oar Bali awara Store.
IHAVE justreeeived,4 large,and well selected stock gained. ,
ware. parettulcil direct front the manutousreno___,and heo
sn ld on the roost &ratable NMI. J 9.
June d; IS •
I RON AN J) wrEnt,.—A hamCgat
~ m ith'slteilowa. /with re —
June 3, 144-3; .
. .
$0421X1 No;2l.ileogirmi litorii. ' '
... ..
Hardwares. RirdliZre I i Hardware 111
Tin are now recefelliltlke largest 'tack of America* Englhit
vy an d Genoa 1 Hardware ever brought to this market, which
we will sell at-prices that cannot 11.1 to suit purchasers. Gut
Iron cellar be groaning under top tens of deaden. Engtidt. Ras
aim an d . American bon of all aims. east Ee_glish and American
mane; iteel.Gernfin steel. America* and English Spring steel.
Coil Male. Log, trace and Galley chains. Crow bars, but picks
expressly Pie the Sunbury and Erie itallroad; also a large Meat
"h av e n and spades. wrought and cut nails and spikes of all six
es. Blaelmatith's bellows. anvils, and vmes. Orin*. screw ;dater
(cutting from Ito if Inch. 7 sledges and hand tummar s , sa d a
general amanita* of Carpenters and Joiners man ago".
planes °fall kinds. Socket. timer. long thin paring and tom.
Mg chisels. Gouges of all kinds; augers from 4 inch to 4 inch
at all prices. We expect in a few days a large stock a ha n d
panuel. rap and back saws, from the sir furled manufac tory a
I. Ibbotson, Sheeted works. England; also Mbomou s say
crosscut and buttingsawv. ilk.* and mines of alt kinds and of
Use quality. I. flint's warranted circular sews from 6 ie.
Lir We wtrobi advise those Madding to mulls* mamma
a a trirmnings, where they will dad Gm best *marabout of
he and lambda all kinds heel 15 cestateffiktii.
L while. porpbeyand mineral knob* and-het; allhli ke.1 1 4
acre a. window springs, and to bet everythingthat is wasting
for a home. We hal/non baad a nice ankle of a self stautUng
gate toga and ikelkainga„ map and barn door- iting, l 4 ll crale‘•
mat . grain cradle and baskets as inantt ac hue prices which
Will ke Gan_abide lineditstry dation, to give us a call. Al
so. we have kited a large pack oleos* steel bees. alltillre
forkaraiteil and scoop shovels. 4:tsr shelves are crowded with
a pied article ofetlfgrods of all dads, comprising American'
and Eitgifsb table and packet Cutlery direct Rum the factories,
which will give salts
s ation both for knish and low prices.— ,
Butr.hel d and cook's w kelvins. carving knives and t orus. aft.
Ter taa , tea and tab spouts-sad forks trees the welt known
works of B. Carols &Co..'aisd a large lot of Erica** we and
table spoons as low* IU :caul per sett.a nice ani cis of widdow
cornice for putout window*: also brass eurtalaa. bands and
pit . What we hive air got in the Slue of liardware can sot be
hadl .
it thisi part of the country. . , -
t i .
A I rite stock of Brown. Codce.Crushed and Puimriied.lugardi
Rio , tad "Java COM. Pepper. Spica, Cassia. Nutmegs. Indigo..
Starr. and Salerams and' n fact a most 6/milting that a
wan at the lowest prices. CAZIW ELI. di LIENNI.S Iur
?fol. 'ILO. and t 3, &maw, role, - May 47.*31-4..
—_ __:__--- _
20p0 ZAR.rillgor47ll'4"a aadTriY'e for '
Ma .17-2. CLARK & mwrcALF
IQA viCsiLKS! BLACK ttILKIti! t—tVe would invite Me ha
did* to Call and minim the most beautiful varletyof black
dliksbitteglit tolhis city mad leitiog, at iabilltags pet Pud leas
than Can be !amid in die eouttOy
Ids,' 2 r= • , CLARK & :METC.4.LP:
.A.B" a:ticket Eld CliovesathOcts. per riair at -
Illay V-11: " I. ctutag k. hletCAl,r.
.Wool Vanted. "
rilffE sutikeriber having bought the interest of liis late part
'. neriat the above concern, the buslueeo will In future, to
carried un LOOT' alone. tie takes this opportunity *Pollee his
acknowledgements touts friends and the potillc,i l aml promises
to use his best endeavors to merit a continuance of their support.
Fine Eltsad Cloth, Fulled Cloth, Cmiaimerell.datinMs. Via
nets. elc...iyat up In good style and warranted to wear. lie w ill
exchange the above for WOOLfor sell for cash ono terms -which
he trusts will give general sukif i tetion. Wool E..rdlng and
4%ml' Fi n i stiff nig done, miasmal. ter. , short notice.
May `47.1E54-ylier2. • 1 i JOEIN CitBB.
C:041 rind the hishest.tuarket pricer pal for Wool by
MaYti7i • TIBBALS &
CYAIZ.N—WhiIe and eoored Cotton Ca rpet tVorp at
‘../ Are . TIBOALS Jr. HAYES'.
Pl#asant , and Wholesome Drinks ! .
- V}ERY choice , Soaps for tinily use. such a* Plee Apple.
V Ravpberry, Strawberry. Rote. Prange and lemon. C a n be
had by the bottle or dozen. (rum N 0.6 acrd Howe.
- Erie, May 07, tSS4-1. CARTER & BROTH Ea.
C _
AMOR. OINTHENT.—Without &tubs the very belies-
terail rentedyever vet discoVored tor toothache. Neuralgta.
Piles and all kinda of talLonscrausty sree_oesa on Man or Bemir t.
to-be had of May V, 1011. CARTES is BRaTtIER.i
IGARSI Pr' daclipee andHavanna cigars. di:crept
qual Ales and brands. Au received and for vale. by the bp:
or retail. al BURTOX k SINCLAIIVR.
May 27 , 1 8 33 . -1
roIOPER'S have just received an assortment of
1.../ Carton's dooper's Tools and Truss Hoops.
Eere. Mayl7. 1...154—.1. J.C. SELDEN.
Wrril an extensive Stock of Goods far Ch pride. which
map be found for sale at my low prices by
Erie. :thy t 7, 18.11-1. sTralicurr & GRAY.
Ci MALL FARM of 40 acres or one o(7-1 *efts, for talc about
mites from Erie. small Ilimse. rood Barn and Orchard.--
TERMS low And very easy rinynients on long time. Enquire at
WE:end-01s Grocery Afore. Westeyville.
tlurimereelr. :Nay 27. tESI. ' 2r27.
PATrncT GADVAIititiED mobs =mums,
For 'Chain Pmxtps..
thing: made coavanized lrou by patent uriebinery.
1 streavit„ coinSined with Slinplieiry and
meanies , . and is w trrauted ,tot to cores/e. is 130 w catered for
sniest tier. W r ifFhouseqt the Alnerte.lri C.atraaized iron Works,
No it Nunn 'remit Street. Pititadeiphis •
fall tt.)tt umtt or oir A.dermaa Gdvanized Sbeetand
Raoaug I ron ai way. au Italid. All orders promptly atteuded ito
May ag.
tlnl7 °soave.
UgT niCeiV. it and for sale, Wholesale and Reim% at Mt.-
./ LIA 1V1L.14):21.1`.3 Mimic Stmt.. on the south aide of the
Peet.. near the Eric. flank. Es 7 'taabel. Poor Effie.
Lane. Jenny Dale. Tyro my Fatherland. Drinkard and
tug tatailV. Kitty Tyrol'. ie we have trussed You. Annie
Ler, Y.m aitic me it 1 Love You,and Thaottu4 others. Pelham
ehuaireli. aVlus.per itisch, Dream of Life Waltz. Ther-Pret•
Sunshine of Love Poi lea. Hope Polk:LI: 1 e inet o a rol
ka. Apollo raitc,t, Rainbow VlTaliz, Flora Stiyurka. Golden
Cross hedmen. Giori a in excetsis.!4ttatteti3 OSilver Shining
iTaii Long Diy. Little Stwoud.Otrllie Blue Cana
r rqr .aet isms the Stormy Sea. 1 Cannot
y of TOYS on Mind and for late cheap. Piss
.Stehatiaee ere., a fYitatesale anti Retail.
1:r se; 11,1, 27. ISA. 2.
- -..----. -
Sro4d 'Gang: , foods -4.%Tarrow Gangs Prices.
• li.i:-tihae7s!. - -ire nnw receiving horn rblladelphia, a 11111[C
i. and welt ...elected etock of Uri . pes, Clotho
fl..etineres. bre.. .
Goode bilks . . Moot; and Hardware.
.'n•ekery. Groceriee. Ake , .tr.c, all of wk‘ett p.. w
It be Wald we airrip.
4.144 ekeusat fur Casa er Produce. • '
• :Ur c,..-....,rne.. ria . the putitie are resp.etfult,i invited to call
a. a run.] a: c twi, and !ince.. sEsNeTT a co.
...*.r...n.,Muy . :7, is 1.
. The Very Latest from the City.
411 - Pi:ALF Dave lust received nearly 100 kinds
(a,rt Akp.t. ceasing.) of Clarpei. cociprbing the most besot]-
, vver,tivforc tittered usatset. tcev were bought
ovrirly.irr ca+A. and Sill' besold at prices so low they CIUDIOS be
mat flea td Nev Yurk. heretofore existing under the halve Ai
it l,ltn Ety. Is 'bison)/ ,lwrolved by mutual
, wdi . hc eondueted to the uame of John
wtm to settle all hutitte.s of the late
ur.... JOiiN C. SEILDEIN,
'.:arch VAN S. EI.Y.
Cireat Chance for ilariair.ll:
the tr—critx.r. i.‘ten4i.4 hereafter to ttu intudrr Dardwnee
s;hNiee.o exehit•irety. otters 14f dale MA entire_ ',sock o; DRY
0;101, ,kul. CR' 1. I.: /.;ft. 1 at .lortt. and' if I) t disnoted of 90m.
11 w,i ' 43. 30111 q. B ELDEN.
rx• rn.oriittary, Attractiont dt
M Siaa, Craira, Laza,. Sia seri and all Matta
nj !flirty:trip Gs , ods.
• 1 , 111; co! wrin I l' Illy in fortn the people of . Erie
L at.-! - • , (70.1ti 'fiat !le ham returned atom the east
and dail!.% tarVe'seleeted stock of
raAntontote ,prnti , ittttnety. and would inirlteparltrs in %rata
Grine a ettinir IriLitesate or "trtakl. Wtlo are thrair-
QUA to kczute thr_neweNt and r flu ir aylr..tu.give lain. an tax
ly call tit, •loil.titv 1;:a t1 , 411,4 - 3.ev.:fitaF bun to *en 4
much extter allt , -.te. at Touch tower price'. than eau be par
chaiell llsy nin'er 'wose in We.dern Peurispeania.
Bonnets attere.a. biencned. ;neared. Irne3 and trimmed. and *II
Other work rukra,mlto Ina wire, an at ..,part.,( manner
Al the thortPst punsibln notice Itleachteg and pftlllll *bil
liar; ;timing .1 cenis extra. tattler, trituusel at his e4UthltAnilttit
On Mate weet. Serie. Pa. Alltuderl prow qtly au ntlwl to.
Erie April e. ae:* . l-47. 1 T. ft vI..%KE.
Spring F3ar.nots and ttiboni.
Lant* Lot ortrcantet* jam Ribbons and
11 wine* fur the epuse. trapari Uonnrt :tr a / 3 cent'. Now is
t lie tt.nnlidetl. Arrii .I. B. COlik
Spring and Burr/mar nhar.rin.
IA M nOW tai of rA•rtrir, which 1 wiil
aell vpry ehrhp. If piu wart a good rt Anwl lee eau find it at
t.rtf Vint—r 17. COOK'ci.
Di. LA ain.l Prinl,s to any ourr,itif.• an.: peter itt
cheap store.
The Of aat Piano =.14 Zetablishnsant,
y.lll best and most improved l'ianct and Melodeons.
ben & Co.'. World** Fat, Yreutittna Pianos. with or with
WU OW :EACan. rind with it ts tr, ire ulat sand. Tue
Inerti af there instruments m too well kibtvir to nred Anther
zommentiation t Gilbert's itom.srir Platlo4l. an elezat.t maim
meat for Snail wows. Hanel liummun's nem" of tire obi
es min ithed firm of Ballet & Co. Mr. W. heing.aoteageut Km 41
the above Piattos.can of fe r them lower than any other huusez-
II onacc ‘17.1714.1e k'tatiis t manufactured eit.trsity nir.httn. bar
ing great power of of toile and elasticity of tonatt. =3 Um&
aay la the largest depot for musical Instrui:xerits Ow• coma.
try. affording an opportunity tbr setect.ons iAls,tc•be had else
where deeond-band Pianos at great iargaiiv .
.i'riees from.
etth to arid. Every itistrument ftally scarrauteit*c s :ilic mussy
r i eftioded,
GOODMAN & BALDWIN'S Patent Organ "Sletti4on.: withipo
talus, or keys—a vweet and isostertul I a_urnment - Mies from
VS to Stt,u. S. D. &H. W. Smiths celet.rnted .34~ealus.
Martin's unrivalled Guitars. Brown's limps. Fun ins*. Violins:
Brits in.trunientslc.. tc. , Dealers t.upplicd wish flange and
motodep - mt tokfactory prices. 124 per cent discdtuti to our.
. .
Thus list camp tiles the products of- the ;Mt MattefAot . both
the American European continents. and is receiving conatant
additions by an Lquusive pubtleation of the choice and popular
pieces at the day, Dealers in Music. and Teachers of der.
tau wishing to purchase any music published, or make allanyel
menu for continued supplies cf Mr. Waters' new issue's. wil4
dud it to their interest In call or forward their orders. Music!
sent to any part attic Union or Canada,. postage free.
A ottitth. 1534-41u17, • liGliAt;k: WATERS.
rours •iand 5 Inch Revolver,. certain in their i aim tend wire
la Are: tbe beet Poelict Weapon made fii ordir. For .ale tit the
Jevrtitry store Of • T. J. AUSTIN.
Ei ie. Feb. It. lin , 3n.
to .
StTockaEN siL N Tabl ETT & CO,s s" say
T _
lomeAtisa invited: Competition defied! , Monopoly hi t .
raised: Wbere is the man Or new Spring and altuainer
gondol It Is at the Killpitti oteourse. where they are rteeivieg
their second tuuntralle:ed: stock of Spring and dualisms a n d,
the largest and believer beam offered in Erie,. includang every.
thing to be band In the line of For Man and potneitte dry Goad s .
Dress Goods-
Our 11. e of Drew Goods is itawypasted.and comprivisan
Assent* assort:nester
Black. Stilts. front So to Mlit per yard.
Lhichors super and all other ritothiorDbek
Plain. time and strips Silky. - •
Plain. Plaid and stripe India, sUks,.
Very heavy main sad dewed Poult de 3oteSniali..
Brocade and changeable Silks. plain and dgured _
Crape derails alleolors, plainand figured Citatlyv ,
De Icon pee. Th ' smatia. Dame Taisum. Sebum ilublime.lllll2m
and patio Plaid
. lieraims. Printed boaster. BeiltlantaMia. Organ
de Lawn. Du Sege and Rem* Robes. Chanty Saar. Mirage
De Lanes. Preach. English and AlllLK:can prints Mid Catighains
plaid Poplins. acc..&e.-
rronch Embroideries, Laces and•Whitii giocias.
r&fliCnial attention is invited to our lane stoek of Plead
Embroideries and Lace Goats; ermutinive by dir the lamed as.
soruneut to *Meaty. Our asson.ment of Coital, enthtelks all
*Wei of Muslin. Cambric. Sande. ?zit. Limerick mid all otti
er Laces; beautiful needle mortal Edging, sad laserterts.
Fkinnaings. Dimity Bands. English Thread. Matisse tialt:, Val
enciennes and all other styles. Lace Edgings and lasertiages—•
tualisteeves in sets; Lace Capes, farms
Moldered and plate Linea Handkerchiefs; .alt eryles - mourning
Callan and Siemer; Lore and Luce -Vatic, embroidered shins
/ha, kr.
Shaw* and IlEantillaa.
Our assortment Is veil-large. eompristagwaite dna colored 4
Crape. Milk, Tblbet, Printed Cashmere. HeLaine. Hictetm, and
all caber styles of Shawls; "Appliettion Lace Mutt mid taxed
k Mantillas. abilities; Meek Maltese and BennektLaee Eda,
logs; Maltese :Jetting and Plaid Heading Friages.ill ecdors and
Gl l o v s e, l
MittsDaHnd Maynt° il r la e . v e tr r i y m dmmie nrgrs,
ti L o i n t : i,c P c a ra a e n o d l s m ta a m g e ma .
ke.. lonedan e d Howe Keeping p *Ws.
We will ea.
deavor notonly fully 'to maintain the hign repotation.wbsett the
Empires bare alwayi4barne forkeeping arteuensive amortateag
but by selling gook at the lowest I.olo4bie figures. We are now
receiving direst from the manufactories an ells/naive assort.
meet of Domestie Goods/ leg bkmetted and brown dibeetlisgsv
Linen Mieetinmand Pillow ease MamilleSand Lancast
er Quilts, Table Cloths and apremis. Liaeo Ha plans and Tow- •
Ming of every edseription. Clod*. Mack and fa -ay Casbinaerea.
Vesting& Summer stuns. Cohort Yarn and Warp. An,
We can and will Offer Inducement* to our eustonsers id the •
line ofearpets. ORCtollet. i.autuglittlts add ilregetts. Oar
assortment is complete and needs only to be seen to tad- to ready .
sale. We have a large stock of embroidered Mad Plain eurtalla
Muslin and Laces, water with complete trinnelnp for the
SIMI. • . • •
All the abovg
.Coodarwere bought at Melt depression la the
market. nallso per cent below early sprint prices. aud. wilt be
sold beer than any other goodsweat of the Atlantic cities..
Erie. May 03,1am-2. VADWBLLisBZNisL r.
Hats. Caps. Straw Goads.,
THEuudersigned take+ this tactual of Inform:ling his old etas
toned and the unbap generally. that he I. sovroyealog a
stock of the Above Goods. In the +Woe recently occupied by
Messrs. Booth &Stewart. on State *treat. appetite Blown'. Ho
wbere he will be happy to wait on allthat will airmails a
Call. Erie. May 11, , . R. S. uuSTLa.
Iron Bailing.l.l:Works. "
PION RA [LING. every Ts rietp.CEWrodght and Caraitnuand
1 the celebrated Wire Nailing. lilfickersbem's parented Wiry
Fence. lbarairies. aliiroads. Farms. Lawns. Gardens. Smote
ift Per rod. Iron Itedrtends—iron Furniture. Thin' , edl4oll
of "New Phase of, , Ire Iron Manutheturer. , containing designst
explanations nod priers of the above artic hrs. forwarded by ad
&eosins the- subscriber. Wirerooins. io. 312 Broadway.—
W0rk5.33.33 37.30 and 61 Lewis Sorer.
March 2:1. 051-415. JOHN 0 WIC&F.I.4IIii,SL
Voir 'Spring and Sunnner • goods,
rillanALs& lIA YES, No. I Browin't 81 Jcn, are uow caning
Use latent and cheapest stock of Stint° Ilia Lane) , Geed*
in the city. •Davie; Purchased their mock for "cash 3114.111$
Auctions." tipsily sneer the caldof iaryertatinas, ; (at leastllt per
cent. lower It" early Spring pricer.). and will sett them at pai•
ees lower than ever betpre oddred in tills city Tuft' ewdk a
Dress Goods consists in part of Brocade chanzecdilei. maid and
Striped Slits, Black Mita. aura width and lustre Beteges. Muir
lin Byr e Challey De Laillt. plain a nil plaided.
De Bop ciliated all. wool De Lamm. plain plaid and ilinted.
French Printed /acme's and. Lawns. Car:Pings. Cotten and Lin
en der.. French. English and American GI nehams and Prints.
Arm., ice. Eric, May
3CAUEBBOOO yards of Madder Prints. colors warranted tut
or money refunded. ma cents per vard. Aiso 11C2411:,* MAO
yards of prints. desirable palterer. at di cents per yard. at
May 10-1. IIAYI S.
GiNGILA3I:4 FROM AUCTION.-1 Cane 0 .0 yards Seoul&
Gingham**. mall cheeks and desirable patterns. ;which cost
Weenie to import. for 124 news mr. yard.
FelitomtAutrytow.—tore yards of -Madder colored yolausl
Lawns. at Scents per yard. colors Perfreoy f at -
May /0-1. TtAti t.. 4 77n1,.
T Sprit:a 'sing ISOULICV• :Of LA -40k iromsl rig.voc.."
men and Bogs Straw sod Leedora hats in great rat tete. at
_.Nary L TIBBAL4 es. HAYBB.
COUNTERPAN ES. 'rabic Linnes. Napkins. Curtain None.
ries. Lace Tsenborind Lace Bordered Imuda
tut bargaitmat . May 20—I. TIBB.tI.y &
5.500 YARL43 of 3-4 7-9 1-irad 3.4 Itiovebed Snictinon
and Shectings. from Ca w 140.1 - yer yard.
May 23-1. Th!:l4ALtzik
V . INUI,M, tP/RNICES —A splendid sissonmeut of Window.
sta l V de. C . •zr u uieT n agd Cana , i . n I , l l ; a tu y ltCo i rd: Tab.
rIA PENTr.RB dr. JOINERSI ; Ii9I:4.- - Tbeenea emapkxa
assorteneat °fall kinds ofearPenters arid icintral wogs. 1 1/
tdisekty. I. a
ARDWAR6.—I now reeeiwinz sty strelc.oi
I aro A
Hardware and will have oneof the glum stock- in fhi.
Lion of count: May 41.
If You wants Glass of Pure Soda Wster
DRAWN through 'B:ecit nig Pries eiakti are (tee OM the
polkkousefieet•cr Loki Pipes. vat at N 0.3 Reed Makes.
Erie..3dayßiCroN Ic StAtetora.
China Ball, No. 60 Boone! S Lts Street.
46 La rite and well *elected assortment oi'viatn, gilt titigt weft;
meuted China. white nine. Mullre , ry,ai_ceen.•
'on ware. preseetj , blown and rat atas.ware SUMP aala diet
rtgintelte: ware. Table cutlery and T•n:e , tr a t te, 41. ' Zir al ums
on hand ; floods shown , with / ptramarr and hint . narked with
rare. Prices at the hriCeet steli 3 / 4
May 17.
nclrill CA.AIMERKM - 123.P1ig Ittoomer I! ~ .R0 i* soni straw
r tormegs.pmrwoir, at June *MI: Si 10111 t i rtiWAW'-3_
subicriber is now *kelvin/a a very large nook at d grin"
land Summer Goulds, cattalo:Oil or Dry Coat . Gramma.
Hardware.* e.. &C . which were at tower Nie l s.
three goods were obtained kits tow weeks erirlier. The: a
her Delo con:Went Ikea three who tiviy (aver hint with their
macaw will Aw itw their itlteMt w Continue Ile invireehis
!crater CutitoasenC and all thietedica to • utestaite artietra labia
hoe 40 t all and esaniinet atodk a^triie pier bAtiiiia gender°
Drie. June it. LYS ....S. JA:lll,:di •
Q3IYTiI. No 3 Chespside. 1 teem ve.: fry Expressa few Dew.
cof the shove named Mats; the. - , ;11/ ,, e hot cake Abu
new stock of W Meawskes: Gendesmn • t Yoe wisb i,. sr/rams
call coon or they will he Milos°
Erie, June 10.11'341.
u. ;T.,,!e,,:d.,L.3
i'liZ fubstribers dive pat 'err, w•• 1 P. - om elate' suppir
uf "'Pure Auseri -au muyors.
Loo..zwonlo ~f2crtt:ta • ext vien. Stumpf'',
fiweetitratawCrt. Theft- ‘Vtnes.urr ih e ;ra w
trirenzpuw:l, tar ff‘cr.tuscant mite(' of LIMP
Juice. peered in a. uar•frut tly -if ff.,' ferfuPntatien."
Er e. Jtcne ku, ;731-4 IIIJICTt ec sixt•taia.
.EiR. Cleaning and poushing ft' :tit& suesult. Fo..* ems.
lug it blew:44"r Mao. water. 1.7,0! ;Indy. / a pow al
June to. SLNICLAI,Vp.
if . i aro thiiliiiag . .
DrN'T Gitl wean 'on toe far your toe .iii, i4iehes. bum% rooms .
Bel! iiltillef arid everything Una iiii ei.eeivi‘ry or runtish a
home. as i CAIIIIIO Alt give -you the grew% +howling is tl.
ploy?. Juoe hI.ISSs. J ..: zirt4.l4ltoe.
North Western Insurance borapan-
Crit• 04.111 Wawa sirvt Plithartpiaa . . aid anal. of Aftitt
mei Slits Streit*. Erie
othner l'lrremat.
Athbuthed Capital SIM; ea •
. A...della:l , AA . 1 41.,er , Or the OK MUM.
A HMLY CADWELL.Pieurt, 0. U. 18.141„,9verthaiy.
Fire, Moue aed Waal trAthcon a thth g 'Ate ithi.4 ereerseee
tales. J
itsr.ziExcz .
ifiraiotlght. parninglam & Floyd, .I 4 o.l3lMatkildervet
N. I. IlotloweU & 1-1114 a Meta. -
David:4 Stow.) &Cu Sea. sad Nit!. rtentab l / 4
C. II & Geo. Abbuu .• No. all U. Paanb at. 1 ' -
Waco & oliver. No. 131 Marlin st,\, - •
Heaton& ticeekita. No 33 Coamenee
Caleb CopeAk. Qs, WilKarket:•t. ' i •• t'
Cbas Vegartet & co..33Caoinietre I e
Urrzel & Co. ilauketa.add. rd
1 •
Hos. WIS. Lb Keil.
Seem Dater & l o . sSO ,Ilarket
!Bards, Hale & Co.. 4tarkti,
,Dent. JNtLLiyts k ED., ear. 31aaaaaaaatIbber
J. Marne*. If flUsdely3* Jabal/
Jo* •Orirenise.e. " r• 11.
Henry Cad Well. 1.0
'Pardon Sew/nett, 1 A
Wes. A-Cada:anal. 3.
'E.' A. Wain: ,
Jaws Otiose,.
J. G. Barr
1 0 0' kepi Thy Nails for gait DI
Julie W.
CUTLEStY. Yoa wilt fi nd
:anti Table Ciutery. ail re. rlakted
will be sold Ter, Inw. • Juee 10:
. Z,LxNTIS. zsguita„
Represent leg the itilluisrinc rel o w J/11 A 0 ri,3"l" •
• .nra yes 'Marine lee. er ° Nav a awe., iz:
• 41 : 1 "ti (Mr rile and 34 „fon, t. 4 ,,,, z t
Five snd rlr s. cir., 7 scars
eranklta. Fireovily. „one' ew y ol k. .••• Oz.
- .•
Rates et etpe}a.•
IT ogle, Post or is neurixy irie leverg.
Erie. tine in . iv BuUdies. • • ‘,
- • •
• Anal lbiglet 'boob'
rttse elea f.aa and buraishisq eh Mabee means sad Mims
w i w k m , , 4 such as rokt. elleer; btu... Or 1:a ,44* aOa steel eratek
A .„,„. 1 ., ases. &e. Nothing ALI e'er . le, '..e‘ret *sewed* •
r''''' — .„,„,,...• the pure Tripo li ex the obese tisita A:att and get a •
""--- - et the Saphe hardware r.4ere. •
te,ledl. - tTALWELL. ay. imsx,KT.T.
ERI . B AND•CEIC . La o . . :..
maim,VlE 9p9selid Men Cabre,;, Law trfessiii6
Newsier LADY ELGIN' Imeleser fbroreamillit.:::
asteliaaiire gl6l/ be Mk - 1 M wad luserseedlos polur,ok.,
tbliows: -
Thy r ,d a r no pring. June 13 ThtsirablY laellitala Aali. 14
Thursday utorsthaa .lunisid TharAlartaimadt. acct..
Thursday Lantibt. July 14 • Thursday roarritsy.. Eerier 111, ,
Thursdayi ,
amulet'. July 18 TbarielsY llloillWde 4 4 . .. ttit
v„,„0,3 vorni.l. Aug. 9 Thursday evoialey.• a ::: 4.
Thursday morslisir. Nose:gee 9
1. -• ' .- 990. J.' 39.123 * J3. A peel. _.
Pliant . tleek, erre. plc...
Erie, Joss VI