Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 01, 1854, Image 2

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    Gant piaci= Veto.
- -
Peas the aem Jimrsal
I rows girl tb. Wier day,
Soase tirsiTs yaws at, or so,
Tits image ot• nymph I loved
Scow Wink" YVON lea•
Tb. blushing fileilk4b• Vial* my%
Tbr lair of lima ow,—
Ab low tb.y art lay heart a-biaar
Some treaty your sr!
I voice—bet answers did cot wog'
Of wit or winders show—
Bat than the lovely Mary talked
Bowe twenty years ago.
Wiwi world a shallow ffiallike Chid
My bait to tainult throw?
I must hare been a Mlle green
Bano twenty years ago! •
Ph set the lovely Mary 111106 ,
Hee charms have ritaireed risottith—
Her wit and wisdom are--iii sane
As twenty years ego!
I look upon tier tide" cheek,
Unlit toy tkelinpslow;
And thank her that shesoresod sly love
Some twenty years ago:
Food boy! who vow mintiest ir d,_ dio
To please some simpering
Ood knows what thou wilt think of bar
Some twenty yearstrom ULU!
, it Hairy shopkeeper,
Upon the banks of the • ' pi, in the State
of Tennessee, there lived mold by the name
of Yadge—Tom Yadge. Now Tom had been an
honest, hard working man all his life, but he
had never owned a saddle—but as Tom grew. old
his wealth and his importance increased, and with
it &desire for a hog akin; so one day he packed,
up a clean shirt, sniffed a hundred dollars into
his wallet, stepped upon a steamboat, sad eway
be started down the river for New Orleans, to
buy him a saddle. Now this was the first trip
Tom ever made; he had lived all his life where
he was born, and had sever heard any other lan
e than that of his mother tongue. In the
course of & few days he landed upon the levee in
New Orleans.
. Poor Tom, little did he Low what he had to
encounter. The Frencimassawas there, the Span-i
lard was there, and the German was there—some
from all parts of the world were crowded upon
the levee, and there was l)01, with his eyes
stretched, and hi.' ears open, completely mysti
fied at the strange jargon going on around him;
he stood it as long as mortal man well could,
and at last struck out, with his mind fully pre
pared to be surprised at nothing he saw, upon
his errand after the saddle.
After wandering about the city for a time,
like some poor lost urchin, lid at length found a
saddler's shop. 'foul, with heart elate, walked
The first and o,rdy living creature i ts i lklitsh met
his vision was e•baboon of the Ingest species
sitting upon the counter, playing with the girt
which was hanging from the saddle immediately
over his head. Tom very politely addressed
"How do you do sir?" The baboon gr inned
and nodded. " 1 wish to buy a saddle , "
Tom. The same expression from the monkey. ,
In a louder key from Tom—"l want to boy a
saddle." A very polite grin from the baboon.
"I will give you $2O for that saddle," says 'Tota l
at the same time handing him u $2O note. The
animal, having seen his master put the money
into the drawer, took it, and hopping along the
counter made a depneit of Tom'S $2O note. He
returned immediately to his former position. • '
• Tom—" Well, hand us down the pigskin,"—
Very little notice from the baboon. "D—d
iton , why don t )"' Kt" meddle?ke it m I paid
for it, so bend it down, wtti ha ke
c hattering frono ie baboon.
e 7 — art .omer had ttipoi_,r fehow'~b any
than the nails end tot: h o f the
driven into his arm 'l t om
the halxion bit and , arned—until at . 1" - , — •
owner of the - shop, a Frtritehman with '4l4l°ns
tachei came running into the room
"What the (1-1 doe:. , Oil. mean? What 1'
you want in here, t nu d—el old rascal? By
gar you shall give ult. "
T om , no t in t h e l eas t daunted but very much
exasperated, ripped out "You infernal old hai
ry mouthed •ieoureirel: I believe you wish to
steal my s2o' I came here, bought a saddle,
paid the money down for it, and now when I
want to go with it. your son there has refused to
let me have it, and has kicked up a fuss about it."
Tom, however, got the saddle, and returned
the next morning in a boat going up the river,
but has been heard to swear it was the last one
he ever wished to purchase.
The Paris correspondent of the New York tier
ald, thus notices the marriage of a personage
who has acquired some celebrity in the gossiping
circles of Europe and elsewhere:
A lady whose name will probably be handed
down to fame, , and who has lately entered into
the solemn bonds of wedlock, is at present an
engrossing subject of conversation in all circles.
The countess de Beauregard, better known as
the celebrated Miss Howard, the compagnoa a
then emit, unto a very late date of Napoleon 111.
a few days ago was married to a Mr Trelawney, at
St. James, Piccadilly, London. Miss Henrietta
Howard was the ,econ,l daughter of a butcher
driving a small trade at Bristol, in the county of
Somerset. His name was said to be Hubbard;
but when his beautiful daughter accepted the pro
tection of Lord Clifton, it was determined that, as
ladies ender such circumstances usually adopt a
mowitas dr yuerrr, her's should be the euphonee
ons and aristocratic name of Howard. We live
in a world of great changes, and so thought prob
ably Miss Howard when she accomplished an
amicable arrangement with Lord Clifton, by
which that nobleman ceded his privileges if not
rights, to Prince Napoleon How faithfully,
however, each of the new contracting parties
adhered to their engagement, is& matter of pub
lic history. To promote the prince's fortunes,
• at the revolution of 184 , 4, Miss Howard turned
uito ready cash the annuity settled upon her by'
her former protector, and in all Napoleon's anx
ieties during his election and subsequent presi
dency, until his famous coup d' eras, she contin
ued his constant friend and confident. It is well
known that Louis Napoleon and the members of
his family had the highest opinion of her judg
ment and excellent sense; and notwithstanding
the equivocal nature of her position, that durbig
the presidency, the English analimisatior the
Marquis of Normandy, held frequent conferences
in her presence with Napoleon. Up to the very
last, indeed, till within a few days of the disrup
tion of the connection, by the marriage of the
emperor with the fair Eugenie, family commits
were held at her hotel:in the Rue du Cirque,
where King Jerome Bonaparte, the Princess
*Ail& and Louis Napoleon might be seen by
the initiated in earliest oonelave. Since his mar
ninp. the Count ess d e Beauregard h as reta i ne d
her hotel in Paris, as also a InagniSeern ch"ego
Beituregsrd. Her fortune is t impposed not to I '
be less than 410,000 a year, and her tyle of
living is quite equal to such an inoome a . Mr.
Trelawney is a member of an old Cornish family,
who spent his patrimony is early life, and joined
the A , ustriati service: He has now returned to
has 4 wp his sword, and enjoy the smiles and rich
es of the emperor's early love •
Aaccrarn or Prrza Cmariaturi--.Whils he
was preaching, years ago, Gen. Jaason entered
the church, when s pastor, seated iu the pipit,
gave his "Brother Outright" a nudge, andwhia
p ore d tau the old hero bad jest mate in —sc
musk as to advise" Now be pitman's, wit jou
my." But Peter to the setotatimiat weenery
one, louder than ever ezclaintedlio auras
for Gen. Jabal Hell go to boll as sops -
anybody, if be don't repeal"
When the maraca a low made ape, ins i.
&Abed,* *load sslosithe General what be thought
that rough old fent:woad reeeivedsar UMW:
"Sir, give ume 'twenty thousand such man, sad I'll
whip the whole) world, including the drag"
Itt (brie Obstrbtrt,
UtPUBLikIND rnutY arrviatiT
01 0 71011.4110. a, 11,11101/111 3LOCK, mak Pk.
/4111311"11 pd... ~r of St,M .ad
Air TEM& If paid is advance, to within S months,
$1 1* if set paid se &move $2 will be charged.
• • • Asy sabooriber thlliag to pay within the pea, the
wet will be diftwatlawmi aad the mamas left with a pro
per Sam !be eallestioa.
JllPlNstose lON,' or ten Disko a 0gn0r0...41W
One 1 5, 020 .• One week, $ 75 On square 3 months $3 05
000 " 2 190 One " 8 " 590
0.0 " 3 " 125 Ono " 9 " 675
Pr One square a year, changeable at plasm* P.
•soCards inserted in %a Waimea Directory at $3 pet
lablOlL Six lines allowed for a Card, over ett,:and ander
•lght, $6.
Two squares-3 months, $6, 6 months, $B, fl months,
$ll he, 1 year $l4.
One cabman, or 10 squares—one year, $5O, 6 months:
$3O, 3 months, $lB.
Obituary and Marriage notice 15 cents each.
Yribittoas 001100K111, isto., be per oent in addition w the
above rates.
Special kmi Vitoria notices, 10 cents a line
teligiow, Public, Fire Company and other novices. bia
the above rates
Merchants and others ropulnng frequent changes
in their advertisementkirrill be allowed re o squares. par
pm, arid card, for $l5. For additional space, the char
ges will be in proportion, and the advertisements must
be strictly confined to the legitimate business of the ad
vertiser. Payment for transient advertisements required
in advance. Bills for yearly advertising will be presented
half-yearly. A reduction of ID per cent- will be made on
all except temporary advertisements, when paid in advance
--- - -
int, Lots aear the Railroad.
SEVERAL City Lots, eligibly located on State, French,
Pawls and Blade stseeu, for tale on easy terms, by
he tukiereigited. Sept. 24-19. C. M'SPAIMEN.
Boots sad Shoes
Again we come in measured rhymes.
But change the theme as change the times.
The trielLailsosid war bas ended
And peace has to her throne ascended
AM quietly with returning mace
Let every bitter passion emits.
And cultivate a 'pint UM.
No malice names& *able mild
Throw bythe boots by service tattered.
A little old and somewhat shattered,
Aed eel) again at number ten, •
You know the place you'll And themes
Wilco' will watt on rou with pieasure,
And Cotter's there to take your measure
He left Cheap ilide,—.4lo matter when.
And mops at Brown. Block number ten.
And when he's fault stied your feet.
He'll make a boot that can't he beat
He needs la verse no tame or glory,
To call him Cotter, lens the story
Van men Wll.ll Intel teen espaoding,
protect with Boots your usileratandiug.
Or If the Getters better please.
004111141% your tastes, consult your eIMI
Tbe;Congress torms with variations
Diversified is their relations,
May Whin mast your cspeciatiuus.
And satisfy your inclinations
Come Ladies soma, or seed your waivers,
And And as nice a pair of Gaiter' ,
As e'er graced a Lady's feet.
Of unsure Aee or fashion neat,
Morocco Bootees, Buskins Blips.
Berne plain. some patent leather tips.
Baseineied work with stitches hid.
And some of the finest of Prench Kid
The Muse too with modest pride,
Will and the means their feet to hide.
In fumy colors. free horn harm,
Without supremos erre a charm
We're Shure which Bons and Girls 'Aries
And Babies of the sumbest Mar.
The rani we've bad to der made.
Destined for oar specific. trade,
la ponderous piles approach out door..
lu temps on heaps sod scores oq scores.
Doubt nottbe cboteest goods and there,
They open rich and even rare,
And though our speech may teem guile
You'll Rad the hallnot been told.
%Meta it kieroN.
Brie. Feb. M. 1114-41 so. pi grow s AluLituite at
Although the "Fine war has ended
And peace has to her throw , asea,,ie
You'll find that rhymtog w i thout roe. th
Is not befitting any ...ant,
T o b e ,t no d taunt is rust 0. i it
And thus degrade the rhre..n.; at
W . A ''soli you 'pint tit true
-00tter" 'tie true, hes left
hut .tit: at. place ,t, a
By one more tasty a , , 1 0 ~ i
Who't always ren•ly at t 1 • • , V
to when 1 mr'ee• i• 0 i, ..r.
You in le eta. 11, , • : •
While taint:lolx elegance a
We kwon lir ,atiiiut fail u
1 311, wore to Pittiadelph.a gu ,
Tu Lynn. New York. or Bola/
Nor yet to "Brown's Block number tea
To find srky Cotter left, or when::
For here at Cheopide, number Ere,
You'll active busy hire
Of workmen skilled, of workmen neat,
Who never fail to fit the feet.
At leisure:you our stock rite view
Of every quality and hue,
And gratify the ruling pasaton.
Of always being in the fashion,
For when a pretty foot you view,
7 d
-h reason is rtwixt me mad you,
Not in your eye" bat to di. ea.,
Bon y made by S. Devean.
Hop g kind friend' that we may meet
In out and shoes we'll Let your Osseo,
And °ugh our measure* fail in feet,
Y feet flail never fail in MtlilikllTO
Come on, we say, come one and all,
And give your friend Derean a call.
'trio, Maroh 4. IS:4—tf-42 S DEVEAU
Sorrible : "terrible ::
r PILE draradt9t onslaught of the Pigeons on the tanner'. wheal
L betels has become Manning. Fear me a total destruction Of
this ralnabee cropso eseential to sustain the soldiery of Europe.
• resort to Ailkild ' has been deemed Justifiable.
The ether day • man having one of A L'STIN'S Guns, died in
to a ten acre lot and killed about a barrel of the birds.
You VIC Jolt say to your neighbor that Austin him Just ippon
ed aikaber Case of these terrible GUNS of ENO ish and Frelatb
manullicture, with • nee asoottinent of Powder Flasks, dbot
Pouches and &sits, Game Sags, Wad Lutters, Percussion Caps,
and Lolt's Revolvers. which be is determined to sell at inch as
wishing low prices, toolbar every mum .hall be able to arm and
equip am the Pigeons may direct For particulars tall at the
Jewelry atom of T
Ede: April 29. 14.22
/I'ST noesived by Express, apart of LRe
largest, ebeapert, and best Storks or
• • g am Wall and Wiadcror Paper,
• • low— ever Women to tau market Also Bor
dering to waren' We do not pretend w sell at c ost. but as ails
paper was, rellaved ham OD, larpst
In Ole country. and era bargain. we ran and will sell as cheap
aittbone who pretend Lovell Juana. and a mach now article at
that. Por proof. call arid amt. OCR L/14 A dLOAN,
irk April 16,1804-4 n No. 9, Brow n's Block.
The very Limit at the Impires.
TH°4 "'recesseehy Express ham H CADY.' ELL, who is
Now In Philathilphis„ the choicest lot or One y goods elm
brought to Erie, competence in part of embroidered and *in
white crape Ehowls, flak Shawls. Brecht, Casberere. Thibbet
awl De Lela* Shawls, Stripe, Plaid, Brocade and plant Dress
Silk, also flinty and mementos Illoesdiers in acre to be deseribed
sa papa. OM Timor, amid sacrairs. Persian Ebonies and De-
Lai Del. Preach. ' English and Merriam prints, Serfage De-
Wass, printed Jaccieelas sod Lawns, Preach work, Chunisetts
Codorthneees, Collars, Please/0c lidipays. /he.. ice Seery
one knows we sell goode cheaper than any body else in this pan
thaw world, it to therefbre anneeemary Ilse ua to tell you of it
Please colt sad toot (Or ' , Ourselves.
Erie, April !!.-N. CA DWELL & BENNETT
WXO rail SO!
"say,, body who be* rriard qr Male itlo eeciselay: all who
are wise aweigh so loot benne they bey. For cheapness,
bonny. ova/ay mad 41MILIlititr. we milli say. asd IVO Ofie with
milk Sao dear it, that we have omen the bens "kick of Pi**
Gold sad Slim Waltham of every description leweiry, Silver
wen. Tea Setta.Caiwors nail y itiets—to say soilang of Pitch
ers. that eau be round. or sassoribeiot of. in Ene. An gasper -
ties. Is reqoasied.
acode regithed sad made mitrolier, incise best wart, at shop
a ria, 1114-1/K STOCKTON bIRJLUCK.
Parirkow, Die
Waldman, Illrbatest ke Cloak!
CITRANIGIN. why wombat cor Moab &nate time , since you
caa go io Stockton and i nner. and buy a good Clock. for
Pal About stabler
They ass NOW lettiVlSS r f.. CONN. of liallOrted; /11148,
at oblin aneutuis an at them good. Park low.
' May S. ISA& AL
IWliiirsaisTs holding 1 awl ag bOnieli,ToiTOrg
ary March 113. Ting 4 - 18 IIIAYSH.
No alng. and Xlamming.
11111,06 ind, Earieopeß sessopid wI %Wawa ear*, kivt
4, =wilds Savelophistif
it =trr NW
=lbt 81" PVlU'prgrigirs xsadbelary gad
414 Moth Pounla Street. rbstaildpkyk.
N. I. ardsr• 'oda bp Millsoned by *woo sr 41/ per agrammilk.
Wash U. 41114. ' 11601.
trim Neat the Steamship (Ay of Callegir.•
Oros! &Aft haig ea die bomb* I
Thaustai tt
lterikshit Mined and ffeetieled.
• DV piessolias arrival of tie Uaitall Bftwi !Lewes, the shove
D IlisWietest was bayelliku w ark, tesettiee web ibe
sad cheapest meta Cleeklal aad reatJeusts= I
pair twee loress* ;a Ist& /shoo Koch Is ei9D *per.
Wawa hap het W revelation for omits( apt* heft ate 4e
the tionseesanei ewe awl esteem pew of Lay eligibles ier
eibeidesseeke tie clay. The wet Nowt iambics MIA. geed
ilimlisettleope eeties‘el geode ix reamer .00ssiaiiAa fn
te_!!_uothiregool.sillit ithiru, rat r&
ugannumowismoi, naldbarciials. Nom, *se i• gingeoinemil
iteereellea le
irry Wag *shod eh ilia swift Jake
MY MOM** attallataa 1 the COMM *-
UMW Yee atlestaap al all both old and pan.
rtaaff Allairtga. yaltahaorlitli PRoriall to be
*sag in Ule isserwrami mow. th
a, sad /axe r
steigebies is Mee Ma. Sal* 117 0 that it coops iser
ohnilieg hhhihis wow !beep* ash be &old
aimposir w 0e Olivelsed sot hitt oft rion
gerniptis O Aanes, Pro.l Sod Woes'" ehmaimet
Naya l vas •
ifits. ELISI4-11.
" IM hraVat
Illimisrdler Ma P! i
Jost pszvtred asird ismoSeitierver
imiriva. maims 110, sonaniesst the darted. rimilat dont
Irla tie a*/ arualao belbeez.eigilsunri.
Itir,DlCATll . ' , ift - AZA
irt o . i'ritt llL33l Thriit E 9 Cl.llltem
A • . . . ) t pji lI,_A SS ILL? H I Ar
A "K O
11"1.r114114411" the ' of . , 4 . 1111 . li ctli t garan, ismts gc?sige, bl4" 1 cdiptfill lasso o . 000 . :
tested Isbalktlon .
Ds. CU 'SLOW 0111L.C•Ilettiirl iVII ‘ Argala N k.)1
MR a a .' ,r ii : Is I tllli ecom f4 s U r i k ki i c ° l li , nitt.4l4, woo
; ' rot fip i o,twif Ky. 4W yogis_ t
muse of Am end Conaway tot to Mt ray of 'New ' •
Capita MarIIMMI. •
[ark sad glelotty for a few months past, eve( twos, a te,: • i .oit•r• used as) leg kern re 4 We appeosterentor agetwg or
lt Is predacity; au inipreesiori oil Unease. uf the I,who man
I ,t, , r rnie rrli shit Conlyinniee, betrine sash folly emptied
before wain:wed hv them...ilea' prote.stou See rorCiStrgsts ,y, *, 1$ tat isl , ,lts•sct !area( WS •1 is Mt* pflthatt4l tomb
heeds ot Aram, F,re awl 'tar, ne then er the lowercases Losses inefilmer 011 M
t tribs, a worn ut ( the breast, under the linen withunt i ant ~ 11 , •••• And prtomplitteld ilitM il eire ne l •
the least I aecoven tenee. the hem of We body Letng isogg A/MOP J. I 1.11111 4 . Anent,
evaporate the Ilutd,--suppl) tag the lanes eonstantiy at4th beat ~, ~,,., 4 1 -. 4 4 4.., itepe in ), 8 Gurinnoe's bookstore
legged mpromble vapor. passim` Rao ali the ate. 04 ts apd pie - 'MEC Arrili. - iiiii"alrani oirser&Crir
loges of We him* that esseot poseably be reached by any other
Medicine Here is aese of OF ti441111441U) COONFCTICCIT
C a pita) 11100900.—A1l paid in.
Baownsrs, N. Y., Dee tirth, UM . 1 , 111 7 , i•tertber is now repay -4 to effect insulint to the above
For about eight years I have been severely aillieted with tbe : l Neil k now n.vere o n filhe VOW ") ' The Ante ha* bees is
did:dm; OW the litel twe yems 1 have
(h ared beyond all my „,,et ii on ot er .;:t 1 ears sndloteapittal is sound andielledleed
Powers a deecriptioaigailWe ors time ave poi been able to • iisr,,,e remptiv goffeemarsts, p ant arm Ismits ie h e t igiQ a sh;
slegi la a bed. it= resit could sitting:4n ely their.— to , tr^s , ir ten Ony. thev Inc . l l
s l
me. re a " 46 tab lasimi of AIM' Aare
di didicelty or sad ser 'Weenies, Imre an peat wi i f in i„, ,n, -, ro s ' y W i l l seer bald (Sent prompt sad
Hosea that tor boars together my friends expected each hour hen r rr •$ •-$ the adomneet ot t trlls OIL W t VW* Stock
would be el Ina`. /Dogleg the pest six years I have hadthe std rim 1 I, Dunlap, 144
asd attendattee of wale or the most celettnixed Mlle MlS's+, tstrt Ver,,,,s rt. ,osy the ~ow I Inia "air" Iv .Eras hwergsse
have testi Ted ao pennenent Weeds. end bbl lilts relief lat Cea-sny s4r. 4 wrifeat el the Ististilirs ovs Poste Ansi,
length bad the good ahrPille s
herry ure Dr rtzrihri firgettia at tiNILORGL ICELI.OaCi
lataan Untie Ora nd C Syrup' At the time I Fret l t), it • Littiiii•Gerzerst fin amuse Arta
Optimal 11,1 wet seaming uhdet Meer my moo violent Rifle*" $ • $•• lell'r ', - 1) 1.33 46
and was la. at disown, aluom sot eating u'r 'gimlet hrmhtts 1 • svt• ,ts • ~surtoP•4ll , o Si"P n il -PV " , ' ''' tWs — i IA Inii •
is tear ten or utdate from the time I applied the !Aisle to
au ee A •,„ a. ~, , ~. i ,„ , „,.. r o d k...g.h...{ o( every , , ad. Coirernev .
Ml' Moot and took a teasmaftill of the Cherrt rlyrtp testi. 1
~ , . i,.. ~,64.11r1P it etctaineure htr shvpised Penes:
mitered la a feral gbelatthe the difficulty of breath i i , x. sod p s I ' '' '' ''' l'' • • --,-mdia.--- .
is :iit.i.•nts.,•esosporaws-s ut
debit, away mty nun, beis
had a coreforAibmaX. 1 sere since roattuned .) with th• , wltiateey4were t.i,„,, „,,,,,,," 40 1 1
areatem posvible and am now comparttivro, writ (toil we• i ""' ''"' "'"
only Meows We amount of sabring Wl* mediates Far rt.herea
me from My advice to the sufliallter 4 . — yri m
M ARG Attr EASTON owe. •—t, b., ,t . r ~,,, roue aroastlaset °reser a oed s•' Peratmery
Iliac Ylfl i C I , * ad I most eirsipatof elm , evert •••selipticce.
P, r •• • o tooting ID by lie eingetfutiy tiv•ited to raft sS Ale!
cossmarnox etnitED was' 'UP, ill ))-ris grlfllif 90411 Wahl 11l the toWvlsttricsellil
2 4' Psi. Mt . tehh, ishlt he r.' i ..'n e.i s re stste.s.t • _
_lltre_Dec. 4-7 u P tj A Li..
I came to New York in the ship Teleyrapb , toy c4tive puree ' 7 0/0433) Ur AT LAST
~ to. John, blew Brunswick: when 1 n.:,ehts , Mir city, me
health was very pOor, bad a very had e.0n0., ~,.,„„, i p . ,,,,.1 4 ,.„. , rot' u l, ~ a v , L icaaa,tlitarost kI o . travois bees ibseolshd
01 matter, which was (heattenty razzed A rah bloOd NA 'ono to , , ~,, . / m a rch lass., a Wes PiTiltelstity• has wee est•
left side. end was very week an d veer ..1..-..1. M it le h,' - oiled inl. , r.r ~ ,-. n the eaboefrbfrt stmitt the same so y*,,,,,„lhre,
and physletaa proarauswed 04 CAMP Irolusehtytiutt, died net ..rrid ssfor $ h. , . alt late. 1111 '1 1
,_ ___l l le tc4o "' "nttr, abs Public aid r'' an
ebel of e l
ediclae. i
so ur .. of Dt C•tri,• • • tCy the tc - . 1 ' iv•AIS* 4 • " lhatM"'"...gth M“ malt atail bs Cask
thenpa Vapor sad clam, Syrup. sod °bestow: it pisilaige, tiN,ei, 1 ,, , ,, .- . ,4n igpairaderl- N Ou, ' *11)75 ma) be ken./ kliegs
I eerily believe was the *sane.' saving toy life. boo. atter 4,, it ....1.-eied att , h "i 1 ,1 1 no‘•dv. '•r•teries, lialgrare,
wear•ne the Whale?. 1 fOstaisi at tritevetl tile pre.stite o,t it,) Chy ", •$$ 'I net avaw.l iqd at " 1 EhumiM almost's' 'a
tones. gad aftet a wbtle the thaeliSe toads Or n,,hedrra,,c, I,i,w; 1 , et, '43,u,, elating . ford ft Assam Cniiin, t, a alai gh Oa*.
see ou dace under tit! tllttaistr. I took the s' - hetty '••s t 4 4. ... i ASt P.1 ,,, r . hetTir •orrer'tiall Alher , oer me aur Warm we
reeled. and continued to do *O. my rout). gradua r i.s vow ...., rl. ' ~ . '. ,/A It= Or VI 1Z.115. Maier UT. qrs. a for dow„.00,
better. until it entirely left we. ro O w I crow e 0.., .r n, •• r, $ t,,, , , , 4 t ; Loa : re ,F riot...), knonn 'lnd S , LIf new Farmer,
ed I Stall wear the Isbaier. as the use ot it is ralfivi wt.:tut, tvr st, •‘,s IN. v t , . , $ 4stt' L...ty Fr. , l. p out Revers {vet ow
and believing it strenetbeisina awn totrts):nti to WC sii.a-. I lee' iiiJr , r , 1.. . 'I. ') ,,, t , h , L • ~, . ..C, , 511 yews ra,,s
Illtarillittg at prment to dtspestne it ,in a JittiN Iv 0i.4.) ~,...1.- ..,..,.. t't t. letineytt,
60h/ by ISOYD dr. VACL, 140 40 I ~, 1 1,0. ..t•,,' ' It I 1 LI t\{ ii ['MOP.
RING. corner of 'Jobe street Broad wn , .'t t',. Pro:, ti . , it% ~ It , iilMßtili.
, .sssslN '1 VialerNT
Itil • —Any person Inch:wing 113 to hey das Pau .or Curt s & ~,, i ~- i ~... ...I $‘ Vlls SHIRK
Perkins, New York. will receive • pee kiliss ethvastsv I tow. \it ' '', • , s' , 4 tt ~!s•s tic i Pr: /r• :, t•s notrand i nea ut st ,
lingerie Vapor. one of Cherry *pep, anti sll inhaler. ins
near •••
box. by regimes. free to say pent of the United hale r_ . ,....ur
pee itagwoor ate.
To All Whom it may Concern.
vk7 1.. sv esti to advise our iriendr nett it' te .r., ‘.e ~r,, , a rust
we are maim; litre additions i, our frwmes ,i., -a . w r ,r• 1 ,
will render IC One of the moat comfort , .end ellertsisr is , ..,
country. Our business is divided MAO SO •W 1 I d e n:temps,- .nil
includes, smut others, the foal .4g, VII
Illetietass, Prime, Oreesetss, Srmisse (;/..., air. 5...., , ,
salts, Perms. Oar. Renato. Prv.f•••• •1 . F.l.ew
awl lissesliawmg Aetna.
Our smelt of Medicines Is very ellenso, .where Int nest;)
eyery article, Cbt4DICIII , Nfitieral mai Friar. .ern „ r a , ~ • ,
the Old debroi, Er ieeties,lkrtros ies, and Th Anosort I an.. ie,,,n,.,
a ith a general .ursortment of Shaker Herbs and en Tar •• In tin'
Oar lint in tOnellensive to en •luernue. tg (two, r, 1 , ••• • ,
trans that ar reliable and truly 0nJ0,,b1..,
0.,„ ‘,l
which has become rotabl stied by vertr.ol ray. 1,1 4 • ',4
adaptatiOn ILO filo cartoon down nes lob rb, bey sre n000mpo• n••
ed had aerator.. filled fact.
Wisest end wit!
1 1 U
re of beta. mss . pateckami amg ke p t f' Ittrotrei pv&VOSIII
SIN. and Irani aged to t* repveremed. to the
Grocery Department
We are outeiteusive. hat debal ha* , arDi .3 , .•t . • •,
sf the ebotteat tad Neat. Persona parlieulartv du , - my (hymn
Matt" ennadd Did being PtlitPli with Our noloc los In tltr 1)1 , 41
Our otOCK aver) lattlllol7*. e;rsticac mg not Onto fkil , ,n 1 1.••111-
plebe stock of material %taw to House Outuony. blr .61.- r 'let!.
vartety of article required to l 'hat, arid Oise h .. " , u - et
o rs:We
for Portraits. me. lillessoarnto anu ttn. Ilt ..),.. 11. , . .r
fancy Parry •
la WITIIOO tldt.,Aiis out %tuck is nectstarll. 3.`gr. rir 1 's•
we are exismslrety mimed in Me mauI:IV:WIC 01 :.•• A.III
DOORS and 131.11,r 08, consequent' . art ,o, ',,, . •. lity; , t , lute.'
at all times from tee refire Mortared hozro. u. • .te ...r•1•,• 1 •TV
of net lees than fifty 1117.1111, 01 V an , /u. , • , ' ''
'l ' ''' 3 ` , !' •
French. English and Ansetlean anions write!) • ' •-•
double thick. eartabee for Ohms IVintiowo,. k• af . I• ' 1 rtes.
Oosehasorare, Boats. Lantern. A., , we
As to Wittlati U. curl, ••t• r•el •M. kt !,,, V.'u.h Ile ..,
rSe rubbinc Stove. taboo. sloth kc. .we has • , r.,. , „
nerlred In the ratios. detutroorp , 0, u ',... ', ~,«
And as to PERFUME:RI% .r....' ~ r .t,',. 1 , • r N., , 411 .
booth Brushes. Pane y. Tod,. t, t•.,. ~ •, •r ~inoo, - , 11,,:..... vi.
Imre sank lent to meet the reaeonable went... ‘'... m.t.r, e.uu •
As to oar abil it) tO make suet, ..ei5,.•.t...,,, a. A , ~,, •I,'l t h e ., ~..
end views 0(Otlf eol.l.oloSta,bolo la .04111} .14)d 1 , r,..., V, • • 1•••
for Willi to decide- Yet we %titbit or riper it .cr 44 v 0....... r ~, . ,
ty years Is Mite betimes*. with a reascn.ade 0•L/,'...t, of ~... .z.
*bk.* u. •In make OUT pure Mows ill , *LAC It A •n0i11 , ,-; ... , , u•,.,:e
oat Meath' that we will mot he. unit rr .4419 d I , 1,1,11 , 11 If •i •••• r
this etty I ttil A. 11:L..1W-it
Rrlft, Sep 111, l* 3, • -
~+' ~ : 1
Peckham'. Doable Pointed .Polimbed Steel
t'LTIVATOR TEETH,—The forth of +Dew •••oth al . . ...cif
V; that %hen oneerid is worn dull, they rag res f-rwe fat,.
getting doothts Wolf 'gibe common (min Tfte t tw
dewed at a *mall elven*, aa the etandard rearm
good. Por sale '<Hit cheap Hardware owe of
Ent, March 25, 1 1 '154-45 s
S ILK' MLA" !E LK' —BP% it
Brocade e okuld, ehaugmbe, strir4, y' 111 p'a Ik•
Lagas wiil Awl that they CAA procure good haru asl
April 1414-47 14
i)ATH 1. eiiia - aiways be had m
O Meath 11, 195{. TANMI R ik 1 114Gfi,:
Z . Vairrenni
0 Match 14.1864.
C'INTERN PUMP—The largest variety
Mined, Pampa bested and warranted I r ir A . 61 .1-
tow patees, by c.NN
CANAL ao - Aa Pumps. ch.sipts then eva4
March 11, MM. •r&NNI,n & ,
MIK DILLA W Malt eltA I. t• t, t I
ARE door dollibustaessoa tfe Miumai pia h.:. n,
oared a partielpatnaa mine prciltaotttyr4 ,•rii
liability beyond the premium paid.
Risks upon the Larlasaandeasalinatiti ,, Mt it r..ti
terms. Losses will bei tborally sad p KM], is A. el
rift(titil au isefehaadise, autktina* cs.t qtts.• .s
tow, oreolantry.for a hauled term ys..riao
_ .
Joseph H. Seat, James C. Hand.
TheopbtrusPtuldtbs. John C
Robert Burton, John Garrett.
H Ohl Craig, Ismael Edlirare ,
Henry Lawrence David B. dump.
(Imam )(env', lease R. Day lA.
Witham Porkett, Witham Hay.
Dr R Thomas. D,. K. M. Hitt, •
Roaster WI k
atchart2 Nr.1,11,3,04,
L.l" IppiteltiOn cantsinhde
Erni. Pbb 654
'he Late- 42 yle«.
lE Lathe* welt 1.• et I ••• • •• •••*.
1 meat of Dre., ~,•• '• -1, , ,g
' , tette') ou, Perati.etif,
Wooten Mids. t layrqa .
Sorabeeibee tt woe+ le Pei 3 re
Wbieb cannot be surpaered n,.. Of no, •
steed' quality bed ebesvneft.
The Mallard Powder Company.
NTINOIK to fnrtchat Gunpow Jet Of fit am
Cbrands. viz —Kentucky Ride, ••••• , ./4 Ahte•tate.". • .{ lner
can Sprang," "Inchon Ride. ' • t• hoot +4 , ..
I. kick lealfasd quarter Itese.aad catheter, of one pound reed
Alio, a Nil seedrueeitt of Powder foe bl ,, skuti,,
poea,ndOßszion. Therelwutwuoftheft Goo pot. je, 4.
.1101 kacene to megrim.. creadoent. For oak by the ,rior
deibeen is this ;dace, and at the thee at the t oar p: .S all
street. 1 1 1. Y. Mr. 1 fiefiAZAKtt, Pro..fell
A'. F. tioust.ime. eiletetary
Apcdh, Lali4.-41847
Vizor two Carpenters or Warm M tro•ro W‘ii And
V went at the roundly of the tkar, r,tera I no -e ••
arms aspartame' In arOadius rlaWil pilau red. N.. , • l_eoC4
workmen aced apply. et" , oo P. • I
VT*. WILI.IIIIO respite thhe anunereartn tile friends in vb.
ere that be has rearward hi. ertahllehme , a I.) Ow "pp
InnaerTrbecapied by John A(kinnoni`ry., Ftter.where 1..•
wilt continue to keep an hind a save? th.etst of I'4 uv
with Wee and Calnpailta A tu- lane nts, Iron, ~,,n rased ma
ufsttories of Raabe& artery ilurker int n.nsn & G
Alp Melodeons man oflawed by Illohvi &
Ca., and ter, of the halm and moo I to swored
Chstiars: glib* ilLears, Plonk, some.. ifearitsaat.
Sho4ll snui Asetruagois Saab
is 'eery loge nod coaspininesi the latest and wsow approved Ifs go
sad myies. Ineasvetibes ill Vocal and bartrlndeatal Mu
We an meat flaws tunedlipid trod clad Kann. / ben I
nh rj ltTprialo mo t
Now &Nagai Cle•ba =map Cash iitore. '
eta rinsehripag Woof now and inab inviable
*IN be odd for Co* at late %bat no untear
Goads Weaver at* ladadalag chili, Led of the lalew taoyarify
tines. if yon %num ipod awl makes. mit sr
grro, Now Lootok-45. 4:4 tolL•ti MAI p Carl, ;Auer
•ay ot,
anweanuierout China, Giallo, or Cfor Noe to Lbr time
to a. ID al II hespis VO4 will pies.* pour.el v,. bent ~t
China Hall. April 4141--411.
E% partairship hstesskee wt.'s' between Si ....Millet,
le*today dissolved by MIAMI essvest Kip ini.
be essuatied b)• {mo w p or •
M od e r
ia l i t tr aerfits i orth jtd m int, a
rererve a r n i. • r
f t 4 t:s y l
an delft abaft Atm Alf vvlso are isstatti.d to them, sit*, be
mu 92r%* seeiscrst. ITe tfturtard to evil and seille I inuoviiivii
-1&.4011 cubtosent are incited to victim:. :bet^ pawaSessi in
111/111ar, aft, wilt spire so pants to plavme all who nw y
eV" Ms a era.
Ma.lBftakol4,M. ss
Mapidll ROL -
AEI'A yin swede
laTmanicliekar "Mbload-ra.ti..(
adlaftbia, 6 imiali raoral47 - Swaattl i tti. ow ' -
ahem will ow please can sad Italia ar JIHILICOMP
nay aft pot aadcaegb 1 aban
*pea aftlimaftt ••••?viraw .teth
.Iftta4slBlllll • -
eitaTh eine —, sod Portrait Praises, moans-1r ries pl.,
ur awl plala Gilt lOssiktisio on Sand aid Eratnes matmilke
need to wanly Art? til. TM. AUSTIN
.e Z. tr";*
„slut .
Patent ledieine Department
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 4Scc
tnadeioTeu'i r)) , 10 - Tno'r•) )
TANNER k. Mio;tl.!
Neehaairs Wasted
Taw dc /rot door dad* gjErie Bawl*.
Tht.. Ix-ant/sc. , ton Town axtd Country;
11).}, I , , .ty Mal 14. 1.1.41.nct clilimmees.
•, '',...,2•0,2,22 231 ornyrtly 212 Towel
lotv r%leg a. art Co ..letent
, !re , ,ntr) t rti riasorl, arrnerE WhNtla
„ toped, a.O dWrl ,t ,e, 1 1, :eel or uvar MAU
a.ut the , N Luca all kind.
134 . Via , 2 . 1 . .2 r , 2 p,,tptent are . not
I) I ft k. t
);portyl2. Nitric;
4 vi . a, i- itork , Al•
r , 4 , .1/11 Iv ttlla'
It t f I Kt-plest.
.tFit lef:R.
y• • rt...., M. Tt•thst.sit. 1•., . •• %ratios. Orr,
• i...t.vtt • .tt. c•ra)., c lora t I
• 15' 4
- .
Nails aa4. Iron,
. tf.(St'l'dC7' /11PC. , PRILI
hat ,- Pike 4 .ure or' a, wnenithel
I •npety ot • line .11 fferett indsand in- I
Tike, and also" • f r , Ptcl-vorl,kon, o f Nails. lit ••• ta,- 1 12 railway do not
• t'1.1. , Leuvract taw eaurelorwhert
•• —I
The Greateq 111. edical Discovery of the Age.
, ,v(v4 to oika of our ,
. I ..alart 11 rt•Jts„ a v Oka• rates ever) , kind
rola the asovia ccrafala ,ra a • custAllii POWs. Ile
•. In.: rnever fled ei=
, . ' II 019/1191•• 919.999 9 He tuts now in his
• ~., r- I I rattle, Gal Itillilll
• t a ,11,1 r ,. - • 9, 9.11' (9 I g moms
•. v• v.. 11 tUre the tt.rat hull ofpttopie. oft the,
i ;' ~,.,
1.r.. - r ; • hit+ ever lean rr
" •., 4 .1,0 e or. D.r•
;.d ..n.• rept NJ). ft:o2
h 1 • ab.etti tur ,
111,10, 1411. , 1 141 11 j,,,l),mbe, pos .
- 11101 1 (At .., oz. •i do
"1..1 e01.14v to bit{ the( e
..n• • . r ,111 L. r Win what
ata.1.0.; ; ityy ateord,ngly
r crrty varlet) 01 1,144,- 4 l' 11., Nay It great
, 1% • . 1 1460 .4 Mk V Iwl.ll luk/ 1.,1 that I g
• 1 rs:0 , •111, of utikON , yeassivillatt,ling, that Wl.illotut4l
• hate heen veretknetiv eacet
I k n IT ito. t‘., titre' botrlo. :tooth
n no. no . ..Kate? ka n 7 b... -the venerable
+inc. r robun, nt Pt...ton
, hr LIP/ I , it n 'pee tlic. I know several with
• ! the body emnetatoertod the mind
tnri, %obi, • r.y a le,* Moths
t •PN l••.t i)rlldlA,tintiohe gimlet/1.20y bad. A
,roa!i to Ira., her hottei fur the law t welve
gar n It• - o tt . 4 1 ,•13" MI rt-ddel d etrrumferettee
~:r irlendi w reterai TlOlghbollol
1• Ihr her !ot ter. an Wall unable
•• r..• .11 w art en.riafali mar, at
n4:4 i 'II t' :If 4 t,"!. wto, h , ouLd not he ?we?t,l;.
, p , .r.z two bor_s uf omtmeot Noe v.
.h..,1C make .00.le rat and o.ber• r
' * 4— lleYrntnithnois elated by it. it
bpar , "• nrour.t. metiorit. I could tFll
,1 .4; 0.,e,1LYP14 iaat wouid wake
• .4 .1 , 111X111 , 1111V
turn br
• 1 to r , Ure 1)1' l'aelama
•..uuenful put tie the nt tuo hour.
tln, krsocher saute home to Are, and was in
ii Ti ree,`,,T:' (.14 cured boo.
r • cn 11 We. .I,lArr3 11adr it fa* ,
L.. 04 for a years. the can
1 Stew
Il r
t • t
11. •
t tar, .iot the qiie .1 her Al ',de by the Eq.
toe sue hi olt.c out in Lint mass Of 11,1
tt.or 1. 1,14.71 In 31 lt•W .14). the am v , •11
It 1 , 4 s i„6,..) ate !1•111114 .• tx equlklly good far hamar outside
gi• the u 41.11.11118. Cur Lry•welee.
I. A
t {Le, , ' ' Irly cruylrnn 01 the Nun
1.. ....V., • 110,; ser, 4)14: VO.l 1.1,1 .(
' Johtllol.
4%.0:11, IR 1 , 61
1 ft•,
rf, , Tf• • r
1 • • I 14 •
.g, h. tql tv
al P l•. • lltt .111.‘.. itUlp • 40,10 1 .1 , 1% ', .. •
N r • •
1.311 -
I'" ' ' l't , tmtwlt hlt 1 warrant a rII rt. of • n Clioee
• I rw I. rnerel, iSit you what it haw door, bo
,f •• t itt Ido rlot 111,17a111 I tare Marty ,•A Ler, i,e,{ .1. , For for her portieu
•a.c b 1 4 , 43 e
St, i't -1 eVi•T r.. 11 CCI gel.
I 1 11!% , .. 1 ii . 111 r1 , . 111/fit .4 in o ; UP, r. alter. eeriattliijait
ewPIIII V , 11. 1 1 1 C OM r.".• ryn i'rle,,P ui per tvz.
1 1 14 kW, our t.11.•/e etetooOtl pet 43 ) rbl!"
i tiltdrii.n Prom live to
•,oht , ~,•. t.t u.p oaf 11 , illl4rllllllrail hr 1111/plieelfie to
' l3 '" ' , ` 4^ etch t vette...oft the bowrilr (retie, a
all •.4 1 lot o/uo :S \ALti ENN.I.DV,
%t't rep. itoetor - • Prot. *I.W
• .2 xi , tl , 3• write , th , "Gou^ , 'a , " 3 `"' n •
J•tit tltn.u. llet.ry A. ;o3iwir., Tat.e.n. Lieu.
Vet. a, t .t lira,.. - tort. anl It 6
11 1 -,, N Ain * & Pe( . Nu 1 4 Wiato •trret. a ttullr the
44111..0 3/1 " Cellt,al Agents bribe Afar ot L'oriftectottat.
AMIE. s et Abell, dlvRtL4 abd deafen to (11.4, Pliata
ButL6 "'l.' re alivu 6 101 tbe,..+Jawr .Ird:cm( fur FAA. Cou
, hot, or RioulA Ue ?.14,11.tat.'.
i and Fis ,, luce+, cma li 4 ,da n Tbio • 1.70 n f
•It err!, tr , - and , A pa Clitt3
Apc L Coo
J.awno M4,0,10:4010
Jaill :In. and enihrolinted Ml2 , 4law,ltiat renetved at
pH! s,--47 4 . 1"
11 1-1: " I :I 10# Linen. tst rreelied
I A, hl
rho /now tkat boat. the Worl
• ..6,cr,b6re :it •io , Prepared la t ruit , h the.
1 ;Atli Owe ta Ltre telel , rater R ,11) .' 6
rrier ,, rz note The., N!ovt rt hat, striol Maar.
(lisp alurrotett WeuniN trey a oft n n wanaoted to pee
~,. .ttleeet Gt.c iron pmern. a , tr a toed to thtse
• .itoral tiil4O“sei ts , l t i t "'
r,g6l ha r osn,. Liao (f s h4al. ram; htt4
I 01 1.•1)1. 1110 djp4 pam4ggne j, the F:r Vattlt t.t 11.4 We pave:tit, liuuto . r.
,rrar,e,J ',opt ruj , roYed rittrhur s h and other
• rrnuTlete .I* . ellederkt tall awl eee
pH: 6, P•e4-17
Another Arrival ai Dry t
h nLre 311;', •M OR 11 CZVltillied • MI
nnr Agit el Uri 1:603-. yr Opal' a* to ry
r.tottyl M beeratt eta of l'ltllatiett hta, 110 ••
pie or rep.... I tits tiae et roesoneede orm *UM
thearo4 yrs eau be the best judipu bP eolilo
n , k.on d nit rl.atnolltiny •uods
Wt v. , .0.ta "iv tote %W,* Ijoys 001 r
been 11nted teal care Mt' ft rompt: we Of le
?Him, 0;4441 reverie, Ttipott and trey wear,
esr. P , I) i" Of Which are ere' and d 1 of
We 41,.1 haw, tbs. *on, eheapett.llAd
t rw4Sois l d ewla Ohio Irving and end • at- •
this esp.
trAVIINE: the r
assiviat at, my e
he.% Patteuts from towu
without uutteees , hry
Sea wean* Sui.p.a la the I
us* pear thee the &pith
iorbeu etoth Ipt 4'P
corer, tur eonst
'in II 1 i
e, Feb. 116111
C . ** kAGIE
Ar urtst: rATP—AI
Marcb 11. /a I 4
Jr. C.
t a t e 4 t
vir , ~ept r -t .411 r it 41 al dir,itsUili
l Wail dear • Irtll ul bill..
s. o'r;..utPd W f , o• 'lr %,4to CalAef tll lOC
ff.,. • ALMA,
•tt ar mote , f ^1.1..)f in tie !TOIL
• • t•tt. ^I 16 A tuwasug of Ott rare ut
,J. corrupt and ruttntryi
it W.l ,
rt. • toOtt,•• so \Sart 41,
-ar , SW( AtUfit.
•urt• mrotst 11 , 41. wrolll/a
the fir•t kV*, Ind it
war ra I." I WPM , 4 , " . 1 quargety platen
• lc ,Gave aU 1.4112 bled•
• ,1 (10 1 , 041 r,itupon we ed.
...le. and abbe ` , ,nv , 9Ca!I•. vh,oo rare
01, .rt ”.y.t • tiVP4II fart It you
1 , , .tort ir • tO, , G end soda. Ituree
, a• t)
but n, V(rWra• Veddiod
•- • • ,tm :1 , 14151. 01 fton 'W.
l know
",ID.' Or the
; OPT ROf•
f , V, , e,to •ed
•1 . 11" t
II \~ If.l •x•
it '103,, ~.n
••• ..• c• •• • . • (De (wile* viva. ot
,••••• • , :f •t'si.ut. , L'' yuu nau.t nut be
61i 44pocar to A MreL
ha.] ft ad, Irum it_•l A
1 c 4 lurla 1/3/ki
get! 4 1, •t a IleW IM . r . t' 44
•_t , 'l,4 3[4141 Min". cttt 011 •r.,
% C 11,
1% • I, • n t ,tb. a "plc, 10; ••••.1K
Isr 4411dr , I: I UM ti qtr •isi
(11riat tuy 0,0,, St .• •• I rou 1 a•,
• .411.. it, u; ,t r'lllll.' col.llar I.lllo' •- $ • I
1 . . nr t'T (11 ,. 1 VV . bornor , ll* , 'Tr.* , mint Ny
.••••• o 111,1 roftri•ATTe Ell I. lib;
.7, - 4 ,IMfr'''.`K
for Slow Oros hire •
asimArtorstvtirrieleit jegititabla
II tot the alteeelestleeei ; S I F
- -
. . _ .... —_
liestall'av 41•4Iso. i
f tin %lII= mons& wr i t. both otiglitirloated ,
* &mix I'M tonvenntlO saatiKviuMthairote‘ I
wowed adeSetl warm WWII te= l lamillajA ll '
moos ay** to tooker locottoos nod r call Obi
xituKtris /pox. Oaf sloes. Joe mon pisitocootaistas *boot .
30 spot lie Isom* to RIB sorbs toomotleix.
CPA polj !IN. ,Bounty land wstranta or tamed ter la•
Welitalleftling", Stir 004. Pll .. Nay Mt 101. til
L iras&Ow Taw ,
Irlengilltli SIOI.DIIIIII.
sga. IMMO OMB VI if lloarimpliepamodoikio steam th
sromptitriAboons, and to the truelneeeeffMlarrin k ret.
timocatatiet Steam tie beetetee bettedatte combated
tbealatirlecto reekaa Beacom how l ea
aLL 'lace au the m • i
Immo itute , of ISMIL
razanshtamaxnr _
3.orti sumo coo Lam DROPS. ihr ibi
raft of . wetterr. Oros, NOM stows . Peden '
a s .ll{l4ool •Colist aro. jaatlkUo4 , 4.• II coovesitat
Tiseelet's Poole (Mopes o. acid fovehte PAM MY atm
Gun I. k ii. Aakallen.prellikis. Cluttatlclota) • **We wer
ar out It week lei Wit /Allied IMO 011114 MUM 10 potions time;
go who bare tees I odueele to try armature , tbrod them join whet
they art recostowswild." The iitittor tithe Sogi ft Twaspwasses
ottyo.--Thewe Droptase cue of tire really rol uabte restoratives
tro gees might but 'Woes found.' ewe Owe the owthooothio to
the Modem' totems. thatibratatto %id Wanes' Traveler* should
not fro without then). One (Sow wlll wewertity ears the oversew
ease. • deruieratuot tweet Grecuttly to bit wished. ,
ostRTE,It so 6 ROTH REt ,
W hottwate lad ltetutt he't litor Zs ir
__ Mo.
Etta. Julia.
'VIES Triirsir Otiiiiis - -
wA 101 ... Wwwbes,elocka and Time Keepers. (142 u MS)"
bare reed about thew.) have been sad wlll be
'sold attehlallaill lOW aor PoiVieso we e d. bd Jeweir y
tie, Om W. _
. - _.. .- -... .
Spring Skytoo of ambroideries. .
I d er"gel , * "tIY sxpreva,': latalirottieted Swiss sad haus
ss liu CoUars. Cadet iftmaterebieft. ulcetT inabtoldersh
darters. Lace acid MUIVIta, gathrpidered Li Oren ellkiElle hand
Immolate. a 1004 tine el Emb ro idered *Mlle and Canar•i ,
itdiging• a nd ntertlne, Linea .'ambric. Linen Lasso, att..
&c.. which lIIIIIIg be toM at the very lowest rep, 14
};r t e, Match 11. tutM TIBP LS at SI M
No. 1 Brawn's Biota
IL ILL And at 'BURTON'S Atlas fiuffalo od Urnesi Waite
Lead, ilry and to Vehtl.thh Rea. tet4 , b ("Now Paso.,
Chruche and I uiper tat Greens, Prut,,inn Btue, dry and ground kh
o i l, (Trott Voila*. Vernalitton, Lamp Stant, Red Lead Zinc
Paint, Poremata du dr)ed a.. 1 DeWisi V2lOlO. Linde:ad Ur:,
word end •ti .she, 1 urpeetine,4emila Iles COtnbciltheh
to 01 all k ;pill. Ace ihe
%vi; find Haet,hhh. PhAint. Oattlarne* rr h'" • I,
iti,r► ~• nig ttllialtesihnhLairib
Will dad pure Modicines bed Chemical, of all 10 na,,
e t i lnstruments, Abdtkainal etuppoeteraaaarrymans of all Kind s
and prices. mu* Wine* and Ltipum*. Latter' 1141 (~11,1k.r -
dery 61ird and warrantedio give sattafec;ton.
Will And Joe's. %Vein' k tkr• Twat, tkAltl and 'I
in too,
Ker n' s 1 natio/menu (lot stogiesi and gle,riauical dentistry,' et
ro' .ads. and manufacturrr. heft's • also, viletere Improved
imprimator bannAttut &titer.
LAloi Le AND I.f LEMEN.:- lei, fancy and
common 'roller and rthavtitg Soon& seses Oth Phil 'COML . Eau
tostrata, roma6e. Lttoret Clair Miteas c a , 'Ji l t Twit'
POwier.i•qba)..V KaLlo.,,lqles Hatiel's anti Ilarrison's Eltrtets -
for the tandketeßler, consisting In part of Dwane Tan, the
Jenny Lind, Bose Gomm in,. Yale liedytisruia. Mac -
Dot la, Ver,rena, RA/ft, Tea, Meu Mown flay, Violet, Jeseani. , ...
M Meaner*. lieitiet rope. Musk, Magnet Ur Caroline ..nd
iJrv, per,
tal Drop.. Heil, I. wilt and Nut lfru.l i. Adaniandine era
utile:ram for ahapped bands, Lin Haim t *chain, Aromatiee, n ‘ c.
Root. Almond and Ambrinital errant and Military Soaps fur ~
the heard, and all other neciassaty :true tea 1..4 Latter tied iten
• ... 11 iterrett.
R (soak,
1119.. NOcorliend•)r
Will find rotract. Vanilla, Almond. Permit and Rose. Roar
stet .Vanilla Bran, n ice 011, Claret, to tiger, Jut ncga.Cin
namon, •itra ground Nutmegs. Corn r wren. Gellatint. Irian
Mond Trench Chocolate.. Cocoa.roma and Ai was r d
1 II HI:RTON c.)
+ rte. Dee. teth,--58. . Pro 5 Reed Nods*
. valus.Lie medic;aelt,•beve re..-etved
?eh 19,134 - 40. rARTEIt. & Bitt(i•
-- - -
1,000.000 Feet Cherry 'Number,
W E gram to boy one naitlron feet of (*neer , ' 1-umber
tbllowing dew r ption.
30e,ton 4-4 Board" Pit ft Ion;
'ONO 5 .4 , do P R
VO,Ole) eol $ $ 6-14 7-7 ..e! in *colt. ••
1110.00 0 lac settling 3- 3 '.ll . 34 4-4
For "'Mel we will par air market pate ,h,
I.ciaihermer hitinneherry to sell or ,I 1 do well to call on
Ihre malt tne eon:ract. etwwhere & I
Erie., Feb. 11th. 1 6 54. o.Tee ;rupe rtc7r 6tvteje .; all
nature) lest Tokocco.4Qm sete.Lvod
Eno. May STER RETT &
TACE. Loveawi tisane Veils, Silk Rarefies. Pic
V NIA giovea, Kid„Silk and Lisle glom °fall e at
a pad assortment of Velvet and any el
the ink* .ryte or we.i rcilirtriß at , o the heat
Nonnrt rha
u .amenea in the Sir. Cap. TatibLl. aad
10 , mot, r‘q• Ott Itt h - b,
" Trze ws to Nature' I.e
I R. J C At'RIP'PURE te; 1 ,..." . " L r kl
_1 1 ow. and t,ent,eneett of Late
that he 1.14 fille.l al, a (In g uerrean C A'h" ' s
other 111,110.1 a n. • ninrot mew • h stn 4l: ! C
where I , l* a I , ll±iliard
,114106 01 all .e.1.11.yr.
aoh, I:,c ' P i't e', • 11.11,. ,
!a , 1,00:hoit oh ~t r..l •;.1• I. 11 I n
oil fee a pleiu
Lathe. I`,R l * "
No I LY.r 1 , 1 1.1
/hr. -
isle wont esw of
AFOI , II C tor of
re dte deKie'"
• , (tit W I.
V ' , H.. ~t4.:4401.tt1e511
~~•f: I ~~' ~,~ :iii
iept 1,,L.441,-4. t
• . I
'pit men.. I t'rer ~i , f rt • h ~ ,11,! fr s rem ',Plow the
ally l'w grllleell ill gods Is Nil ~K HAT' 1 ,, 11
ttedisi prises tits 11 , 10 , 1$ colts tat ill '''''''''h a+ '
Aelllll OW au . U.p In the re K l'Ll'e.ll
bt. sold am cheap ss the -hs , at... ( I) , '
cape Ka 0 ,. 7 . - - 3 " ' ', t,r /*lr, rUf, flitrk.kii, lin'
am $ Saucy Hats an ' I • ads , FJlolTallo Hoar, .ome .44
%%rooter% litn‘e.etrof Vliltons•s tosholl bats, L'ulurePaa,
low Ulla .1 , 1 • rood SO•orLsoe Is, 'err cheat' Geh
Trunks. Trajeltng' Bar an 4 L lets, Wynn. t • ravatk
Iltenett's Plrenrshiseg Goads .1 tw wet ne•y ches,
itandk,,a 4 e6, &c., kr . all - these will Olt lose re
fut Cash Person. a .0111,6r'' 'V/ : 4 CU' tp lit.or,
mrutb.r 'C Brat, 1, . Hole , Err.
It, 'K Mixt!), 111.,c6, , I Ile ' , '•-r YlOll,
..1 , lc —Cap. 1/14,' ' ,oruel
Jai/ (4, 1.04
1 - 111:.tiU.' Dr C ~.,-,
s.r I r MT ;POP Al
. .. - ..c,_
Mr -
! tat ' :
flit KINIS Trimming*,
I F (let In
R O4 K1N1.14 Vol e.
,se it Iwe do PRI .Its thousand, tan bear 'lnt
has. e l Quill. tt1 . 1,41 the, never fail in eurang the
i t a ,n, erectimina ilium. sorb a. sclarifit I . iLA
ea ir forms, VA ,lati biR.OAL Y alit CM, ER Y •
. q
~M E ji r til r L r • r T t a r ...I:3IV. a L e ITYR Primp, 4 pirr. ft
, an r column rt.iteror nu tram .71101, Who have
,li j i . medves
Net , Of 111 P 'love article, are genuine wlthtiut ,he
reef Iv EA ER A. CO., or, the (inlaid& tura Karr
r„, at New London. l'i ,by N I Weaver k (,:o .
all rinut-t he ladrftred
1 ..M..Ci0t ast+. get.e:al whotesski agents tor
~,b 4 . em. had ta Brie by J. N. BUR Toy.; kr,
stn s.
iftt etywbae. _
__ _ _ _ tii 1
VIII rictsui Insurance Company.
ED t". 4 rrr4 L.
Ass CiPV7-41... 831)0,flon
o , Polieler for Ptre and Marine Insurinee. at their
arm o r ,corner of 3th and Plate Streets. Lei,. Pa
0 li• litllsli . Artaar).
7 G Bractataraat
Geo', ' apt. Arm
irt t i Ides that me - A 7 ' e7l ` an In. 4 , '.8 " nave "nrc‘nnea
with.( 1 ( j ai law, or t h ,,, b 7monwes th sna are duly au
thors lame Fire sad ma 1.. lIP I' .iitil
IA NILS fHA MI4ER:, Treaa T ''''' '',,,,1 _.•
WM I f . TR/ maLt; ii,i,," Rev '''"c' I Read this leaer from Alderman RinF
;0 - CF - PY la i il. iir D ---- S HER -- T IRON .
at,. bevinc—sir ; , Your Loultiage yell+ v.. li an„ g Ives Q.- .'l ,
...i.e...,,,,,t0r5t, y,,,:tropa.ley eosintsint• In far i. t hit,: • .
N MURPHY woe Id re. ur N u . ft , , know of a east ~g 'erg it bas bin weed. but what ii has perturia•
todatioribtawliestblbiltatcrifffe:;w:dtbe:ett tw asmo tta ri s ni loms e)D. :i f l T " lt in t i a c e t o se p o d l a t I this ilifireeauurtutrraea6ftdre,:peivrArrthe ItQballiarritle/traltisaubrlttripe%anine)ig«l.
at th e old stabil - of Mlatilelon ik- \Jur ph on t h e Park
stiouid be made known
a.,. ilf 1
f ( Pl ai beel e Moa t 41" 1. re W aso m na r. P n le 'i r n a U tea ti ( c w in no i l a lt i e t . , Zir ai r ti ti o a h n o ." r oo : 1 I)eceln fr b" CD l° R4 lBll4 s HARD COLD., on , ToLe Lt....V6..
Armies of all prl , re and adst tufa nonstrucued with refer. New York. ocN. t
MF teusedialness MU eaksenleeree, and or the mrist durable ma • lit 15 ' 77 'nes - " el " nit ' II I • . 7 lft , ;Fie AI Y hPIII Ea I I Ill" 3 1, r I
I. Also witerrepiPtattd elbow. and •n•ssortinent of . Inlbriu eau trot y our Cot:spasm! Pitch Loseadehaaent rel+ e 7, '
-.. ,
.IAPAY lir a* or i the cos very bard cold I bare bad on my tones t..,r i.,,u. , ~ .
refine otterstrium•br••inereetled. iftriaale.l, ,a th Ise fly Pelt tt" °rt.°
1" ilrelnItl:11111A7 re'rWrifh.eb*nra
V. prie d of al 101 a.% and Corpse rat* of evert .I•meriation, of T. A. R. - ---- • • esolial. 4.15 e d , osau t. t
P 8 . -1 hstlte reeowtheeded 'Our Lotentre to a e•iiebe , • i
net or. hand Ileseerso ne d Idi par•da tbe buslll... WIl h ug er
1 01 dnininc o ,,,,,,,, nd (0 tooto no 4 ,, r ,.., to rood "
, a , hahmoh. h
..., frle . n .... da
. wha. slime theri,daso awl 11 and 'peak of tt I re .% :PT i ft
pee to receive a Ild nier it a: i hers I share of /ramie purami e • - -
art. ErieMaY 1 IVtel•
3 i SUillgtBl laN , RZ4I 7 rim . rou.owt.Nt.
Navin( add Devisee , Coaapoithad Nei, Lazetide far the 4.1
id lerrAtd, threeolOatht. We hereby can't) , that they meet w,tti a read, •ai,
E bare just opentid a cho i c e lot arom a, sad aeht ., a cou sad Judging from Mt representations of those 1r ka Ilia % e nse t ~,,
I W *Mat all persons wishivirtet meet's * , ha h .. ~.„„ „,.
, h ,
,alealeile. we believe ills he a valuable remedy ter fa, . , ~,. .
a hest aseorieseat of the imam style, ew er ftty„,„4 as r till 1 so r which it is teeeqmasended. and entitled to 'lie r. e, 1., -.
city ,
1 April /6-4 s Jtrimm & Arnr , the ruthlie MOORS at SMITH )1 , •"" N.., ,
-' - - -- - ----i•-•-•-4-- ____ _, i - thwtWid, Maas. Jan. id, Ism.
fletneirs.l....atew 000441 'lieu's of Carisuroption, use my rta 1* .ii •,1 r. ir fir i r
WE have removed our mock of Dry Goods and MillOwri to draftßik. (Bates,
tad a wn,
the well k haws, maiwo sim ayr i y fte y aft i r .4 b y m erne‘ a III _ or _k . . This Lawn, sets beneficially C on t e rn p a n of
I the armless. and makes vigor andstrenttb take lb, a:a - e,i ‘,..%/„.
Naar on Park Row. MtlYway between the Reed House sa d
nrowl . . Hole!. where it Is reer.,y l , l I ft ray . be y ft . y , ftfty til nese and debility. tareettorta Amore on emelt box
. 1 from tatikdelp6l4, tuber, am r foods have tem outer led with Care 81. D. PI'LLER A CO., Prwieto,..
No a Trernant Temple, Houton
tad .furerimioation and putt haura at price* unwept' low
To whom under, elimald be addressed Circulars awl i a 'as
I Platterini OUraeltr a that oil, mock will e Pdre ? f* hl
l leap any in ear rrifi. lor dltearress. variety arid ',Ewa "ra 7 rent with orders, to Agents.
0 1 a,• Pollak Ma mamas er narehrtaors. ,
~ e" °I style l emit i= k BROTHER dole Avow aw Erie
i..4 Erle. April Litinitilak
r _ iiier t f r o o r T r ill i s TedgirawApers,ry , i
it A ',re --A. a MOOSE. Wheseeate Arai tor Antic. an i
Y. hilt. 111. tlll3. lift
E ivgr Javier ?Form Receipts or valaalde Pa- I -- - - lie koid
Natio* to TY 7-
dettre to preserve, phoc hrh hon e or , T HE Datelrets attire Erse Market base resolved I 1 at aster the
those Fibers, as tw awl lead er th em , 1 4 6e b ', ere goine ni • let day of May sea(. they will veil *o MEAT % ,00 .1 , fl ,
eHt 11 0 11100 diei but Om nEettnall Wag dirrusearm e , CAM, , sad keep no *rearm whatever. without miff.;•l WI, t.o• re
..• keePtair telholli pellet and
ay . " el of "we,. Tual. price of Cattle awl the Iliffietilt. ire
. "” 10 1 1P aRAPrir.igala id IA r dvna,by ,MA consul* what le due a, easaiatia ha to air teat!, :tar , ltia
- TANXIII4 it. NAG LL. 6111e,dannfife toren ; *WM llE(/. 1 , rrrn EIIELA r e,
- "ww.iilgaer.
Mirth 11. 1M34
43 J.* it te&cwnrAzy, . . JOHN A B ELLA,
AIRD - Oft, by the barrel - orpdkin. of - a
rapers,' r quality. for ADAM WILL/. • F. EICHENLACR,
aaa *lmp by May le, 'W
-It J. ti BUNTON a CO. Eric Mani 1111. wit
1 . . . .1, Bran
K V 1.1.1" ,, u , .
, .4T I'.\
r, •
\1 , E:
. a . afsi 01) s
i i 9 10'.0 1
1, T tie corn tato
APalilliGlaXON is MOdiellialk Oltedlillelle Ig II 111 . 1 1 .4 ,
tie. nix*, et latettgß Ma Alia
World. The Iniettitnf laihde Old I. twegtee;t l
ligsekke peat ebeeitlet.
°gm ?'
taw ittsd treed!
rrSemi Yea iee Awe iml• Serb. fret btel
hoes the feentleserte et hathie him* by that Mists , Phl
011100 f. .w it beget esillarved by the soft& etargell o
dm caste ow Maiggogagge bog p l agnamaJeta slant thr,
MAE Or Naltlfoll DlBll4llO.
NO Isaptage eon attoray ea essearate Nee of the itmarf
sad Moon eilease' - o b to Ina
tieeed„dobilissett :,_
hes dews by neva.
Lk usarsag sad
vivified. sad bill
pervon• disease'
abet tempera:Y.
the weevil WIWI
sett, sad restore r
tastes be oe/Aed
It la, as the firr
that attract. ,
toes. A attey ,
expended, as
and all other
welt be maid
without a el
sal 11 Its la
as worm than
sad the troth
ache. vanilla.
austoltat or act
MI WINS abort
cloak. ale MONO
beam, dultie a'
WaeregarY , c Oaf
menu{ death
tretteat, 'met
plata'. boat .
of the propadat
rots. taill/tIll"
tati.d.c.. ha'
any reitamv
privets sad
ewe relic(
t, I mpotenck
power goalie
loon.. teak at
too apt:to cot
shat elects
t o in the tat
abuse of the
that 1.1114 , T 111
of planerento
the *WIWI .
linnOttneet I.
cal and went
rest eac illelOel
Married 1'
vier taut*,
& thorough
la a regret
The tall
ly such sat&
non, or Mae a
rive tent mon
nOt aCc tdentll‘ly Ot
and apparently ra'
bound the happy
have been so but
equally potent V
Thousands of y
la a tangle mat
roe hapett
great sneers*
Wu of wuteb
MCI, or an y
dulgenee o'
hie prepay
at ro
vutueo to lit direm,one are tt,
I of health> otraprthg, an° wo..i.t not
enraordinary rearate And ,•
rotators for which it to oetounuende.l
bias been reovtree by fini n g, At
it ratted t benefit theti•
NlLttelit Iterciarteo• a r e fir
-MO ittleadreil t. 04 i n ei,ettlei owe f
phioteal and geoerit' root; a
laturequenees of youthrtil itat.,teriston or lo
tion to riper avant. rentlera it the
daeoeered , in Net, lie 'it remedy for the
it sands uncleared and alone. here a no
e g if e•
. or an y
_ that be, autbenti , reer,
dietil Taretvs;
oa.ivrz - ost.
meliorating Ceariltai ha, beet cuuntertele4 a)
,let: tenon.
the genuine Zordial twill nave titor predcrtemr•
ted over the cork prefab bottte and ,uct rat k; ;
-e to the eage—
ill to put up nighty contentraten, t'
.3.000 per bottle two for *SAO for 4112.46
r H. 'R MG Proprietor liel itrose tea. , V , r
!Nuevo(' throughout the United Stable. ( Ina ia- a. •
• lea.
Burtou Erie, 1 11 (Wecuan FtAl!
P. WINE 8--Old purl. purr juice 'lien
slags, Claret and flock wines• palt and ,IL.rk I •aril
..n. istualea and Si Crou Rein a)
a aed warranted pure
r. Sept. 3. 1E33-16
1./aaT—Lard Oil. Solar ralltr,:se 1,.'
Fluid. Sur Candles by
ni. Sept.
1.1.V0.R tilre Ir. Cu . and Wm Row :111.1. r- I r
MU), 64 and 7 fret sssb, rtitquttr. X l'ofe •ot
annel. Rac tc. Compass, Wood and Web nave. For .‘if u!
, e( 29.-21 :OA
lICPT awp in alid examine .he tarrst Ivorin
1 , L.1 and ~q unte .hawse Pref Indef.; - •
, 4 , 11 /rebate at , 1 tier
urk rust at )et.
Modiaisies which atom fail to rive SatiAl.%::.-
DR J ROSE, la an honorary mensto, .ca .r.„
MAriststi doesety. and sre.d4anAisa from :Ix enc...r.l
fly of Pennrytearsta.. antltr the gutdas , ,ce of he tt y
Prof...sore Physink, Chapman. GI ham.. r ,t,' I,m, - t
DR J A 608 !:.9 51 ERVIDUaI ANI) ts v tr,( , H.% t I
zrmttebt Ileovery to medical or 1
ihavatation (or rasaing up a aeah Collate-rt.
cate. , abor. atudy, or disease. all. Ilk. II 'lll.^. t.
Ant) 4 n'orth and appetite and possrsots err j., - 1 tz. r . - op
and erties.
ass,. I'o' I kart direare. O. ~,p„.a a, „ i, 11, ~,,,,
Nara," . • Num6 :Nra, hleuralca. r . c —r
Ca a ra: 4,1 .112 yroet to the *PO,
t SO tents. a halt.
tar CoatgAa. Cnnjf .`" 4 io.o,ior.a , •
71" 14 Custek us taa W „ irld -
t'olJan Vyrup. Alves storned,sitt rt t ,r
tt **WEN' COMIUMptiVe pnweedspll ;
tiyoo of the Luaga ,, an r d Lori ,tirl
"Lae craayri,-1 fl. , • ,
Aleit 4 r. Fil•d Ilr
couith s). -up . It ar.ail ttlY r,
la.mtwiti and °E ' 1‘ •
• )./1
*l.**. 1111* tort,
ACti.l it i :„
• , 1 - I,llmn. are also/ lahle • - rAti
, Cl :• t P ,i • i•
_ I, r), J. 1" Attoie
DK FtOki:' ,,, GIRKAT 1' ‘!, t k
b.-p.m.:v. silk GAY pasta —I uo .wl 6
.te rP , ler nv tl4lTr Dr Rote+ Milt' ewer t; •rie ; ; r•
r44or• with cures. simost
"OM 1. 0 1, 111. PAITIS In the 2 , , ae. RAC k, r • 1 cri' • l•-••••
Vooth tene, diuretic it or howeis, Rae k ; • t e•S.
Br tr tvei. Corns. and Chtlartins. Where; r 14 • , •• •
ih; Pain Corer. Filifetto at' acts, pr re 1•24. 40' r' •
'Thou sards have been rated of the atost , osnt./s/ni•
of thousands more can be comet. /I tbe) tt../
Ruse'. Pyspeptie compound. And `lo An , R .or r • ,
Plnee. The Drehtspitt corals:rand aril /Lrced
sttomach, whilst the Pills taro pea /. •
Bowels open and envier. Also gi ! , •,L • • - -
These toed/eines/contain no t'..ll.,nset rr Idr -r ors
but poeseas great tome. alterative, monist/la,, •• -
Whirl. never ,more. bat alssays rmprcre e , fr
!bousanns can {Pr/ I)
F OF THE. KITINrI'- d'';l l I.'lo P
J Casyseitrad Fhstd &men,/ nl Naas
'cc.dedly one ale nest true .•
ea•ea a , the kio.e.s Ice . snd . _ .••• r•
deny! reet. rtimended b) late it/ Pnt,
tar shed medlea. men /Oho.,
AU Of the above Pee parations. sr , en De Fit , •1 a:k
•4•1 1,9 preach]. 10 e witness Rua' iu heal•h, n. t o n ta • • 11: I.
& RR , Erie ,R. & L. T 01,1".• Nor , n I , '
LENI/F:R. Meadville .of Deattees eeorr al 11 .• ans .
al. I throtuthoul the dime.
liecember.l4, Idds:
. _
a Da,
4+ , 4,4.1
I'riMl'()( - ND PlToff
GREAT ftEmErw 1.., tie( diseoser,t. 'in t
destroyer of human him:omen at !clb!, a cot , re,
Consumption shall no longer 1.01) Our fire.l,le,
ornaments. and sine many a/elate spirit to an unitrne s Gni v,
Consumption du be ruled. Aettle.., u i , t n ft..
That were: and roughs and Colds the parents nt
that so utter, brings woe 40 that hOdses of mi • in, •
I , i mat te. both re this SOVF.RIGN ,
Thr,, pleasant an.: safe remedy tot C , qlh4. oid , %sum's
Costiveness lnd Consumption. is beyond , toLut.i t^.re hest I
moateme l entme d ic lbee v esofferedtothepuht, e ,anc
~,,,12.0y kepton sand by every fatally, eepetvail r.,ret, ,met,
to use tor colds eauett*. ate. Oberman fetn , niter .avint
been aryl aWake sit night with Dt• children. en, I.r
with colds, that "t%a Jr* bongs he awl 'on rulli firr c'4"
try/ to km." and, readier. it only eom bitty '1.4 rents n id
.41 , -
would buy 9$ bones or more
121.411 LTTER
VP Nein!". Sit'. helifttly ne S
eOlorneqd ),o$ I Lune , on , !
pit;h Law.enife w the attention at the 'Arc
need s,ligge,.
ion of Mr uncles Boatecou. of Latie , u/ra. u
pent with inc heather, at the Po4rikteoete Hotel.' I tif.i :lee 1
the Lotenge f 'lr a enush and pain in the 0.
The ;thrift itillealled it ah•eesa of the 1 ,, nee , • , ",
me altonat uentedlarely. It ha• also e redloe ~t tu4 $ ath
fa/eartirtnes• 1 comaider 11 the bent r tne,t, -
ever brow ht to the attention Nt Ic pohl u.
Poreghkeeptie. N.Y. Dee. 1:t„ Indere W. E RI - 1Z t.,R
FROM MR BROW'S', OF LEE, .11/.4•
Thu cettilhee that I have made tune Iteortuee' t:tat
Pitch Lorenzo for cold and cough. and found tomedJater,utet
Therefore I would recommend it to thepubtle as a rare :to !
rie4gn remedy.
Lee. Oct *. 1141
crirsttri Ir. sriaia & 00..
100 1,1 Street N Yott
ruk Aoents In the Osltert Aut..
asetaratt's •uperlar hap set*"
Mina Celebrated VitAtaate,,,..
" repenter
Genesee " PT it , llll,
ka halos t Noes' Laitilmb 'room,
t•ua abaalaty (Altana, oat tn..
aloe Avast for the prittrapat Pasta
, ,b,•COJntry. &tad o%er for rale ay far the
I eatable sue: u t P a. aper deal paper adirreafargare 1 1 .4
Or fruAnd an th 0,%,,...
The', uretaiaa the tugs and tosouterlaose Kanarese
C4tfrhreet, 6M Cliff Street, So 1 , -4 rbr,b(p a „„
cite Lofts oser the jar fie Iron Mores. 7 arts 9 LA
Their Ovalness a. atrial, wholesale. so,: A a ft:
Oa the rase bale •,
het? esusetthntly fsrillUra rastv there 4.6
otc and fkatuestar, at Lase
l'aoer made to order, toy sake or •
made or, enosognisents of taper, rapp• *.
ni•teilandttoe 4
l'hr• haitteti market prate paid r • ..t r t ,
aaa.a 145.3
. . _
% 1,,•A RI; i: ,n• 1 • Irk , : ~,,eourithenl ..• i
„."1 ,ne 141 , , ~, piktirrfn.,lnneG ?,
"• 0 br - ProPerl • ~r4J It rcit,i,re4 Mt j:: , -.., ~
r;••• ri'an t V.l;q« Of villyuus l I. .. 4
_'lt MU 1,.:.0 N , ry lark rca.."yr.c et 1.,41 1
I tit , abr. , . e art tete. .7, sPy :I or,1! '..•, , e 4.—.:3 •
to,(,(0 bU Y ,r lC . 1 , , - . ..: :-.21 .
, 'ARTiR dr. VII , rti
• ,•••!1
i. Art • - 4
~Artists, and Dr
, t% :•,
n, , 1 4 ' , J a•O 'iL. ,
tl • yr PAT. I. o I'
Jewelry, Watches & Y.-.NEEO
(st: ‘l.
i ' i
al • ,
`.. .xlhat at)
41)11() 'Or •411,0 b' oh h
-11.1... b , ll pure
En, 'Joy 11. ';
qn.l NV Olt” ,
Hoo.c 1.1
`2 :;..
BR 11 N
;t ; ; ;+' tt • ' •
n•cr.„ •
V•-• •
U. 1
Or ~ a t Exc:tPm*
I .%'....1..1, .;.,: I
, I`. If • t •.
11 4.. V.
Ntr,‘ .
1)l "P 1 ‘[l.
I .htt ert
• •
rlr4 , I . • •• •• ,
1111: v
y , tnLL )1 1
r. r. t r it
t ;is
tultthe thr• Pr.•pr•rtnr+nn
tnanir t'•rit gem:, iv t4kr t.
reed s. jqu Let,. ("en 111..1,,r•
L.YlStfl B. 11 1 , co
/this Way' to: .Y‘ ) rt'
\‘ r now taro a t %T r - .• • ••• -• ,
'th• • a.w:u, t.
I Ittact 4 out! - ,
tow ottlbr ?Dv at t•rtotr t't •
:tr,t 14. 1-44-4,
'PAY Burr t. an.; tuts ••,,, •
JUN 4,1 a
OW sHP.ft, paint, wirn ~ b du•l•ht. !A • r„,„-
1) c wort., ac rah, wr..ourtnit, tda-a.,,,f,, %., ~ 'a
rant ,e • !tud hair, ponc il, e1en;1;•! .10 - ,.. a ~, ..
, ;;1 , 1; ; a ' rdahe* of drat goal; t) rt.; -: ima a,.,
ave tit a aleatioarn in. Elm Dee i 1-d.: _ ~,,
. .
I ' 0 ' 4 K+.-Kennard lima day, t, , , ~.._,, 1 ,
‘ , ,0, deu la, le, a moat bead , .f ~ ~,,„ to ,
~ al. /as IS-,111. 'I" ii AtAil IN. , ~,,,,,
.. ".-
y:,„ , atteasoe ma!! Prilfla rAt CV f , 1.,,, ...
I 'II i eatnerther relatifs thanks t,
./ the liberal patrons,. recooved. tan ••
•.c....uarnu. noar ofet%l .. ~,,,vaill I,e ~ r.., t,
t, ~,,,, rr,r,vr.ifrond quar , er• ~ v.,.
, di. I, ne ~i trade, boost,' at tbe ~v er, 4 .
i t
~,, alt•L ~ a, sr ranked gtx.l antferp •, ~
, :dv.t • iberal terms. All •• ,nr r ,
$ .I. euyo, a CIPIIIOIIe , SO. pat ltlll •,
C Ail .noes al to* pr we*
it .r . `4lv 17 I -*I
11101"11 I DON'T ZNTE
J. Y . JUSTIci
it LLmost terve tally beg 1,4). ,
al./I:.Rt tc ferrrts. r • • .,.
• ~ 4 r* pattanOr ber.tofor, rs -
r 'or if th•ni tnat ha* mar ree* , ...-tr
Lasgeat and Ned Stack L.
,• ; I •'•! t hal b.• rye?' teen otter..o • L‘
(./.(/7/f.c, 4" SiNSII.I %. a ••/,
144. , hohttal which tbe .. 4 4k•
" ag ta..r t..3thtnit :amide to r,r
1., , e• ',a,• ay d !wharf trrarle,aud if
I•e• aaas4 to take ;, ,
• • arm. aad well made an ,••
Lhaitl.ta,we eton..ellat 4
•., Byer Aso Net Cam.- 1,
I f , d , 11 , 01f . 11 G , oves. s ,
aro , he .1:1 at the vole! lowest prleos t.
FWel, . 0 aroto,nit OUT are iu%
, the uses, a
" • Pr; ..;31.4.:
•tY Iv , M; of CI Eel at, as
1 . r,i w •.!I Le soc at it ern...! 20' •
gnitrement. fvr octrchase. tr.) !rut •, IV I
F.rte, Dee t 1-a1
B AN t, 1.1
••: ;fur.
•rf..ccnr!, mittirlet
nosensweig It Co's Cheap Co
ln Wright's Block, State Tim'
'pi c.clh, ea r.; .
trrit 'hey hare vow fru 1 a lazrz ‘.• •
spßnid eVD sumin cr
wh , cil , hey miwz , ibt aur• „
•tsle• and hno.h * ., cat r
0,0 Milo% .ng. z
11 *lrks 4f c'. in..l , •
..,er I 0111 hllanew it,) , C aria
'1^:1 Uvn Le3t.,.1 a.• • •
Lrr 'der
• t•rce.l.eL: es.•
• I •; , tai• lUi 0 , 1141 ,
Boy■' Clott.z t
%,•1 cic vl titA and low t• •
• • Me al.. Crv• u: a
/Ilk r.N'
"'IIIK 7'.~
, Rct {. II 11,,r) v'd
11,1 4 . el, ell
Of. •I' A II i . 4rl
4.. —F'd3e dorm
t; kxot P. A set r wlke. shot Pa.
A ugu.l
Important to Milers and
L • • r :11.• har, ' a
, • F ., -rmr4 Purr ,( 0% ., -
t fIdA
ii -y I-
•.• ..H 7 I :h
4' V,-
Fresh Grocerles, ➢luxe, L.;
f . . . f fib
I f ra c, A ..s v. aI , hen
, • 1., H. :s‘ •
."'r u , •4. F..,
.. r,
~,., „
. ,
'," ,l , r
Wa tC h•
I 2 Sewall—,
t e
, r l
t ^ rt. • 1
J ` lf' NIS, r
ek. 11 etc—, T:
R. 041
fiAP/•41, I t
-.11 -