Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, June 17, 1854, Image 2

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    risallnurns, int* vat Valitial VAL
Prom Waihingtoa.
Washington, June 8, 1864
A few days4iince I informed your readers that
official intelligence Lad been received at Wash
ington of a joint demand made by France and
Great Brttair up , st the Spanish government for
a contingent fif 24,000 troops, to be employed in
this war against Russia. The intelligence came
through Mr. llison, and was derived incidental
ly from the Count Viflannel, at Paris. This
littleiliplottiatio episode throws some light upon
the secret history of the war in the NAM said
upon the policy of the Western powers in rela
tion to American. affairs. These troops were
needed to occupy Greece, and to garrison Jeru
salem and other points in Palestipe, from which
it is oontemplated to withdraw all the Turkish
forces for active service on the Danube. France
insists upon the occupation of,,Palestine, and the
guardianship of the H.)ly places by a Catholic
army. England Would regard their exclusive
POSS43iOn by—France, even during the war, with
jealodsy, while fully concurring in the practical
Impulsion of the Turks.
Spain refused comp.iance on two grounds.—
The first was, that she bad not been consulted
in the measures vla;ch preceded the war—and
secondly, if ahe furnished the troops, she would
be drawn into complications that -would oblige
her to act a subordinate part, and would be em
ploying her soldiers in a quarrel not her own,
and fir the solu:ion of questions it which she
etnii4 have no voice.
The rcsrusit,ie ministers of the British Queen
have offlui , o this government that
they stdial'pledircl to furnish aid to Spain in re
sistlug tuc designs of the T:nited States upon
Cub,t—but the instituted through our
Minister have nit been successful in discovering
the exact atti+ude of France in ttutt regard
That is, 1t has nut ben officlally ascertained
whether Franc:_ , has formed a secret treaty with
Spain guarantaLin,z,a or not.
It is presumed, Lowcrer, that negotiations for
the cot:Curl s ...lva: fd;:ed upon the point of the equiv
alent to rend.:r , d She doubtless de-
manded a:2., in th: sh , ro of men, money and
abips in ti:. intended attack of the 'Cal
ted S - at..2s Cuba. England, certainly,
y, n r.ic i that sue could not af
ford, c..t :in , to ).irvak with the American
Union la the rights of an old ally.—
Thus it is pr tb it the f Lmota tripartrite
alliance the p- !ec inn ~ f Cuba, has run upon
i hidden rock, au t) pieces.
Thi first cons y kucc-f this frustrated nego
tiation is seen is r • cif French troops for
the occup it: , 1:1 of - K ng Ot'uo is almost
as sick as the S.u.•an Hi, Loa:Dion, and his
dynia:y h.oe • al fallen into a stato
of .yn...-)ov, ft !Ilk W5l lot ,rtunately, it is nu
body', iut, t ) r s'uo them. We may p:e•
'mine r:i; CT, ivernment will be annihi
lated, au I La: k 0 will be set upon his
travels ID blz. , 0:1 a,;) In regard to Pakesticie,
an Aui:rfin th,2. j•lnction o' that
p isr,r •a,,y -übstitute a French
corps as ‘lll t 5 places,
The q Gf the coalition
..cszi,n of Auitria and
Prussia, 1.:1'2 on, be:u e ; Pc.)t..,taut and the other
Roman C.ttL.tie
THAD?. WITH JAPAN —The London Times
publ!sh,3 a Ictt r him fling Kong, under date
of April 1: - ?e, it is positively asserted
that C , mm )..lore Perry had been completely suc
cessful in ha n-g , tiAons with the authorities of
Japsci. The wr,ter adds—‘.tht re isogrrat rea
son for brlievinz that we may shortly have par•
titulars of the treaty and the ports to be opened,
as on t f M.irch C mm , d-re Perry was
to have a gr. r. f rn et.u ; ! near Joldo with the
P nw s , al/ i 6 ti.e Emperor of Japan,
app f r toe msiderati,n and
conc.a, u, an )-: I,rouably the ratification of
the tn..: v F leAru, titre can be n
doubt that J wil; be opened tol ail nucleus,
and ea.. 4 of making a treaty.—
The Uti,t.-1 S:ltes -Lip S tramp was G be dis
patchee • 27th fsr P.,ntma to con
17,3, to
Mi.: , I Su•quebauu in, arrived
her : at: 2? , h,ring left the B v -if J. 2,1-
do 0:1 u t..) lieid at the ser
vice. f S o,intrii , zsi..ner, Mr M . -
L^n,. f p ••c said to be Ozaka,
84 -15 uvu u .li'LLle and 135 deg. 25
mw ,i,• 31.,:stnai, in the Straits
The wirer thv the rumor of a treaty
h tiv ; ng b e , r, n ;T:th l iapan by the Ad
miral in C 7:„ L. 4 ;Li. Russian squadron in
0 1 , 5 , sc , , as .ny f uiriatir , n We hop(
acc l'! n r. say the same thine
respect.ui4 C r- P .rry's sucecss.
. tp.tue of Lywan Sut
liff, - An.? 1 4 1 Jefferlon, Ashta
bula ,runt:, Nctl,
.1Z in the world,
had a fine f.,rins wo:1 stocked, lived in his house
alone, ,nd ~ arr.ed on iarin himself About
four week-. ago .11, i I man was missing, and his
house eloscd u,,..t heating anything from
him, the nt.ighl..-r , g. .t alarmed, broke into his
house, fuuu , i en awfu arising from meat,
maggotty-tutik, ah.l t dea I pet Porcupine. The
alarm became g• ner.,i, and the whole county
turned out on the Ist .sat , to look fir the miss
ing man, Burp tours, red and his body
ooncealed .N:ar Co' , f th._ f.nces running across
his back i .i, i. vr..s f 'and buried in the
grounl, ,; back and so near
the surfecc t.,at I:nets protruded out.
The nalit,.o IL v.• ea ;ed t.,,zetiaer around the
nitur,ifrea r:. r , •xcitement became in
tense ill. tc and it appeared
a rifle bat Lai a; a• his vital parts
The cor- r- 1r) uui that the deceased
qua° by . whien passed in im
mediate y ,b.Te hip ~n the left side, and
lodged in the indicating that be
was shit wh,,, un This seems not to
have kill dLtu, f f was bruised and head
beaten in, a, c .:u dub.
Suspicluoi 13.1.1 t ty f. :I upon one of his
wn • ploughing with
den elaet.i's ;wise ua.vidling with
his prvp rty T.,. Acd ituculi.itely surround.
ed his 'u a c and de:I:Lolled, Uls surrender. He
wag arre,te 1, L.t t j it:, au I was t.) be exam
, ined
, land
mornings since, s-.we :ittle acitement WaS ,'ren
ted atu,.ing the ladies atLichel to Franconi's Hip
podrome, stopping at the Ylerehant's Hotel, Cin
cinnati, by t h.. :ult.:El arrest of a young girl be
longing I.) tbctr tr ape, who had arrived from
New. York the evenniz previ ,, us It appears that
on Wednesday a tele-graphic de , parch had been
received fr-no a very re:Tectible gentleman of
Westfield, N y , his , hughter had been
enticed ir r , an l lulucod to join the
Hippodrome tr , upo by two females belonging to
the estabiitincL., ial , l at the same time urging
that sh e sh-mid Le taken into custody and re
tained until he sm,uid arrive here Two police
mat were despatched to meet the down train last
night, who g t board tti. car at Pendleton,
mad there saw tb, three fa;r ones, carefully stow
ed away. On arriviog in toe city the ladn..v,prv
eeeded to the )lee, ;,.,tit's II tet . (followed by the,
asSoers,) and re tiering their names put up fur
the night. The (deers ; being to gallant to disturb
them at such a late n ,ur, waited until morning,
wh en a poileeman 11114 an interview with the fair
runaway, told her L. errand, au •.1 finally told her
to accompany him up t.l the Mayor's office, where
she weut together with the other two ladies who
were her travellim; companions The young
who is notyet ‘ixt,en years of age, is beau
tiful and prepo•i_&••sink in appearance, of fine form
and cotutuaulng f.,:ure, and withal such a Per.
son as would nu ,l•L a . hippodrome attractive.
She seemed di,p-c,a to follow the strange and
hanardous life for which she had deserted home
and relatives, and •hed tears copiously when she
found she had to be separated from her eew-fortei
ed friends. Mayor Surlbaker deemed it adviser
ble to commit her to the House of Refuge until
the arrival of her falba,. which was dam.
DISIODVIIIT 01 as Irrrsassnuo Rusic.-4
very valuable and interesting relic of olden tuna, I
was *shunted from the ruins of the mashie, ei
the obi French Fort, on moodily evenieg. 'Au
article found is the outside cue of an old Froze
gold watch, with many evidences on its mese*
of having been in use, and has on its back the ,
following inscription, engraved in rougliand UM
symetrioal characters:
"Presented to James Weikel...ll. by his friend, !
Ilearge Washington, May 8, 1755."
This date corresponds witbtbe time that Brad
dock set out with his ill-fated expedition for the
conquest of Fort Duquesne. It was about the
lit of May of that year that he crossed the Poto
au river, on his road to the Ohio, and as is well
known, Gouge Washington was with him. On ,
the 19th of July following, they arrived within
12 miles of the Fort, at a pointon the Mononga
hela river where the terribbie defeat and mama-
oni took Owe. The supposition,
therefore, is ,
that this watch wu presented by Washington to
some one of the name of Wetherell, in Braddock's
army, and that during that murderous fight, he
was either killed or made prisoner, and this",
watch along with other property taken from him,
and afterwards lost at the Fort, where it has re
mained undiscovered until the present time.
The case bears indubitable evidence of being
in ancient piece of workmanship, and should be
prized as en invaluable memento of Washington. ,
—Pittsburgh Post.
Bursas.Los.—A member of Governor Ste
ven's northern route exploring party, ;a a long
communication to the, St Louis Repidil.icaa,
written from the head of Yellow Stone River,
says of the "sights and incidents" of, the party
thus far:
"On Sunday, after a march of some ten miles
the Buffalos were reached. They were before
and on each side of the train. Fur miles ahead
it seemed one vast drove yard. They wero esti
mated by some as high as five hundred tJanuaand
—two hundred thousand is considered a very
low estimate. Drawing up the train at our usu
al halt at noon, a large herd were about half a
mile ahead. The hunters, six in number, were
immediately despatched, well mounted, on spare
horses reserved for that especial purpose, and the
whole train bad an opportunity to witness a buf•
falo hut. The hunters dashed in among the
herd; pieiFed out the fattest of the crowd, and
then separating the selelted ,nes from the herd,
soon despatched them. Iu less tiviu an hour the
wagons were seat but a smail oistanee from the
route to rJoeive the choicest pieces of Lila .ilouf
In the next two days' march the hunters were
kept some dhtance ahead, to keep (if toe Buffa
los; it was the only way the sal. "pa,sagu of the
train could be insured thougli .ate sea of flesh
The pack mules and spare ank mak f,howing on in
the train, too numerous to cc sep irately led,
were hard to control; and despite every precan.
tion and care, one horse and tour ruu,e-, wer:
lost, they getting mingled %it:, a ,ori f Buff.*-
loes. Every effirt was made ID I. CiA.M
hours were spent in their attempted rec,avery.—
The efforts were entirely us,l.,s
It is said that the people of \Vot a ••-•_r unite .1
to a man against the fugitive-a:ay,: 1. w, co :t
undoubtedly true that they see' man, hnnlrcds
of their strongest and b01,1•2,r in , n t) )1 la,t
week to aid in the rescue rf Atoll:ay Burns.
It is likewise true that on PI , y huti , z
in effigy the commissioner an 1 ha 1
been engaged in duly aimlui•••L; . 1 ..1,• law
But it is also true that u-, co:_r-'gin u,vev
er respectable, can hire a dwe: , an)
locality in that city converw.nt t bti, and
considered decent and‘r.2pui,abl,. of
philanthropy is that which res,N, n rt'al vi)-
iente for the purposse of ald.og
of our c fired p)palut. n an 1 . I.n • t:•1. •
will all v t ictu u 0•11,..r IL 1 u.. • • . .!,.
sinks of rice, s )cial thIg•r•••.11. ,u, 1. a , qu ..1
cry?—Boston Post.
York Cuur;er, the d •potiv, n S • Tit (
of :net City arr ne•ir;y iw• ut - ~ ~f
dollar-! When r_n • ..7 ,
posits of fives and ten-, up v
shows what a very lar d uuy:b
in the practice o p
and thrift ar2 virtu v wore x'vu, y
that pe-pl© general) , lin ,;z iu t ,e
grants ludustrill • , /11' , 20
1.19 t, year was 8730,390 Y. i• Pry In En , ,11
to denounce all etni,tnintq as “f •r•• "
There is a flow of cap tui 'n•o ti , . 12•ry tv
means of emitTation, of w p• r--
awartb. There is no recoru of ,r• .-• -,ns;
but they unquestionably rit , r , :l-•‘! , nci I,r
years past, a powerful innl ,u o,e bu , :
ncss of this country, throueh . u t
ditions to our active nvan• R'p
.. Says the Waahing.,Pn corr , sru_icnt
the Baltimore Sun
The amount of tab ,, r perf)rrne t Gene
ral Post Office for April and Mix rtained
to have nearly doubled Ow_ , f in two months
since the organization of L, .kp,,rtment Its
business, generally, is supp,;-?,l to he up closer
than at any former rri l T, accomp,ish all
this, the bead f the department and his assist
ants have beeu unr.,mittiu,:ly employed, and
clerks have tiled at their desks from early morn
ing until dark
"Tern WAY tr wAs DONE "—Yesterday mor
ning an honest .5 , J3 of the Etrier,:d Isle was
brought before th, Court of Quarter Sessions on
the charge of vot,ng twice at the late tlection
Poor Pat frankly acknowledged the crime, say
ing, "May it plerso your hour, I wa.iha little iu
for it, and that's the reason." Than brighten
ing up, he 4d•led—"But I toted both times for
Judge Conrad." —Penn
corespondent of the New York Tribune, writes
"Gen Sam Houston, has just return( d from
Texas, 'Looking hale and h'earty, and, denouncing
the Nebraska bill He says the pe )p,- of the
South care nothing for it, and that it is the worst
thing fir the South which has ever transpired
since the [anion was first formed "
The same Tribune has all along c.nntentied
that the Nebraska bill was a southern measure—
introduced and passed by sougvni Influence, au
for the sole benefit of the Sizeh Havthz
to induce the people of the North to h e li ev p thi s .
a change of tactics is indicated. The g tuv , now
is to discredit she measure with the S•qvh Tho
consistency of the thing i‘ not lc•si.•
than the transition of the Tribune. iv .udden
Detroit Free Press.
ley, The Galveston, Texas, Journal, in allud
ing to thefnumerotts Indian dtpreda•itins on the
frontier, skys: "The opinion prevails that the
Indians have commenced a general war, AS far as
their numbers and mean+ aro capable. So me of
the tribes are at peace and manifest the most
friendly feeling towards the whites; but, like
those now in arms, they may only be cl , ,ing so
from policy, with a view to obtaining the requi,
ite equipments. It is singular that In ail the re
cent cases of attacks from Indians, the latter
have been well armed with knives, rifles,
stir The Native Amemaw el.Aiui the ref.ult
of the PlAlatielphia election Ai a e . , :orioa. r.etory
The Liquor prohibitionists say it i. r tritimptl
peculiarly theirs. The abolitionists glorify it a.,
the effects of the Nebraska bill, and the Whip
are singing hosannas over the success of qteir
Be wide awake for same thunder,
At the sharing of the plunder —Trenton
Trig Anuoictur
stir According to the Richmond Bulletin.
(sod it says its authority is reitahle,) Mr. Wm.
11. Cole, of Caroline county, Va., heels , killed in
his field a huge black enakc, and upon cutting
the reptile open, found snugly stowed away in
the stomach five young hints. But the most
wonderful part of the story yet remains to be told.
One of the harm, which must. have been but re-+
neatly swallowed, ,revived shortly after it was to
ken front the body of the make, and rwe alwal
isk the bogs.
--+---- - -- - - _
*VIIIILOORMIG CUTS lieffilfiAT/01111.
"Timms is Woitictie."—The smoke of the
recent contest in Philadelphia, wheroin the Dent
ocracy were rimed up to the higbefft uavigable
point of Salt River, has scarcely paAs. , I t hin gs
begin to work not at all pleasant to tug victors.
The division of the spoils must be attended to,
and yet, and yet—there is the rub! Who shall,
and who sheet, be the lack/ones Speaking ^f
this, the Pentuyibasiart remarks that it is begin
ning to be understood. that the spirit of "office 1 1
hunting" is not altogether confined to the Dem
°critic party, but that on the contrary, quite a
considerable number of patrioti in the opposition
ranks are already on the tlp-toe of hope and ex
pectation. Things is vrorkire!
IT WON'T BD SOLD.—The Main Line of our
Public improvements,' it is conceded, will not be
sold this year. The Committee of Twen•y-on^,
appointed at a late meeting of the Stockh , lltrs
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, bare re
ported against the purchase of the Co:um bia .:1- .
road at the price and on the. time propossd iu
the bill authorizing the sale The reprrt a Am-sr
:edges the great importance of eons:jilt:rig pgr
allel and proximate lines of transportation, but
thinks the conditions and rastrietirslis iniposci
such as to render it impolitic to make the pur
purchase on the present offer The r , p•-•rt
accepted, and the Committee, after'soui , _ debate,
discharged. The rumors rf other which
we noticed last week are unfit:m.3,d The Cam
den and Amboy Company cannot berm , .I.c
purchasers, even if so disposed, ir....l;c'z d;
as the law excludes Corpnrations of otn Szat ,
from bidding; and the Company with ez-Goe:
nor Johnston at itsbead, has naelliten. , e exc.
in the imagination of the individual who stait..i.,
the rumor.
as. An experiment 17.111r,c‘n :y Lri.‘d by Cr.('
New Jersey Transyrt Ai CALl:tiny, a-1,1 pr
mists to be of great imp , r no-e tin M F.,r
Mail bags wcrf. cliang tr.:n•
were st tbo speed f fif.y m b c;.. ig
beinc planed upon a post and ft Jl,
i: If this plan proves pracucabie, t114:1s y
be transported on express train, f,r way stat:iat
in. The Grand Jury 01 , 1hana K
arc investigating thecharge a t .7.1in,... a ny , .- 1
Amur and hishwife, fur tt, nrarkicr o f
child. They will, iu all pr
uieml. Ind a 9 thr murder A • nn '1,1:
up , n •Irchz , o/ tnlFt r, and a: f''
'y, it wsluid argu, from p
wi.. go to Frank'
ter Thy
t un!o Com
firthi tL.! ueirs!
F'-'F"" an; "h. ,'
evidem rh. Glintner,wl tAce..lllc: s u-•,
to mode a WATC of pubic. sentiment , cur M
acci . cintta/ at it cata'
di%est itself of the night-mare that fact brotignt
upon Lt.!
Gov. BIGLEIL—The B , 4i nn Po.t, pr-hibl)
the ablest paper in Hassachus.ti , , takes the
eaaion of the recent opening ~f the Hol.L.c f R
fuge in Philadelphia, to pay the f , l'owin; !
deserved compliment to the G9v:.rti , i;
old Commonwealth. W. copy It r. rto
our readers may see what is thoupf.:. L,m
the Athens of America, as the 80Ft0L1.61)4 de
light to have their city called •
- •
The new House of Refuge wij •intag Glrard
College, in Philadelphia, wz,- orp•u , 1
ted on Thursday of last week Owing t. , -1•!-
den indisposition, Gov Bigler w•i, n pr 1.1
as had been expected, but an a
bad prepared fur the occasion, w t , .t.1 Mr
}flick and Mr. Hughes 1,
with pleasure, as we do Gov. 13 _.'
perk generally. In the first i :V; to
Governor of a State - wh., with ; •3.2: a la'i
finds time to devote to obj&-.... ilea'. in
which the public arc interes:•• ;; I ittiF•r - v , _
cessions to address his coast: " ther..up
serves commendation; for th , acts. 'apart and
distinct from the poorly,: r f
Gee, prove that ha is nu: n t, • ;C m
which concerns Cie cs, :he aa I :1 - .4
he is willing t -11.1 l.ahur in d , 5 au-I
generation lur the improv,m tit th
Lions to ba trunsnattted to suce.•ed•u t ; B,u •
should it be said that the aff ct i u - f
an' interest in philanthropic pr-j et- •- are Ids
means of acqw.rin4 p 'polarity, it in if
at once that the peopls are sufficiently
to detect affectation and (an: s.. ,
and if a candidate for their f.iv.'r i:. 4CI
from no higher motive than a desire to w.n
st an election, he is more to be =1
than trusted. These remarks ar-2. •rt a
by any imputations which his opp outs .te
made upon tile-author of the allr,ts iu Liu
for we have seen none. Th,ir r,i,y,tiey a to
found in reflecting how often men in *;if_
are called upon to perform gratuit rviee..;
how they are sometimes eciasur,d f,,r
and how often their bestyudeavois
Are requited by ill-nattml fr
not capable of doing the task h.t:l ..vda
if awl indolence did not pris tit thew Crim un
dertaking' it
as, The Whigs of St. Louis have winainatA
Luther M Kennett as their C .n
-grew,. Mr. Ilentou will be a r ,•.
eleekion, and the anti-Bentoniter io
the field. The oou;eit will be an Li.. • .11,;
and the airiaiou iu the (.Ik.awcratie pal ty wi,
probably secure the eleouuu of Mr KAlutt;
Pita Journal.
It will, will it Why tow 1 , .• St* ,,
tbought, after the &dog es•you, and your •t 1
bad bestowed upon 'lo',d Bunion,' • you oul.!
the tiros to etiad by Lim We thrltl;ll' 'bat
henceforth all 'thaw who help pass Nebraska
were to be ostracised. and per tAxi lave c e all %silo
opposed Nebraska were to be Deifi , A Col B. ti
ton has been one of your m 017effoit.I. helborb.
and it is now mean in you to descrt him! But
thee such is the fate ,d----Menton:
mg. It, is said that in the Pis ireer
which Lord Elgin has negotiated with Mr M4r
ey, it is stipulated that sova Szotia Coal
be admitted isle the United Statesfcee of duty.
tad ;is the whig candidate for CoLgrefa in the
1 Sir The State debt of Nov Hampilaire, senor
!Fifth District of klissoualo Express
Her mu s h sickness prevails On tau river be• , thug to the inaugural of_ Gov. B4tdr, available : Mr Miller voted for the Nebraska bid. Is it
twsen New Orleans and Lewisville, and a few , Nods, ou the lat. inst., was 1140,96 45, l '--i n —gipossible that the Ezprarit should recognise him
dip age there were nits daubs in one beet i a deesesee of 08,41011_/A la a sus* year. iam a wilig.--absres.
Ott._ 144'1 saber.
Of Clearfield County
Of Sontonet County .
Of Pike County .
A. 1 t)., • '
tkiss i
Meeting a friend the othertfiy, he reworked i A A t it s reoent , d m n w as hi ng u mg , Ph il .
that, the Admiletration war receiving some hart ' adelphis h ave dessonstrited that
i mid elsewhere,
knocks from thtwhigs—ao bard, he said * that he ttas secret orgsaisatioab a "power in the fitate," .,
WAS sometimes wldelace as Rawer te all the that it Vickie , for well or ill, the destines of some
allegations. Or friend's case ill not peculiar; and, if all we bear and
neither is
an *ack
of the
A.a. I : mi l' ourbep,itrai4ncipaial
destinedcities, urruie
ministration peculiar; tbe, nor their manner of I tainly the duty of the press to endeavor to post
condUcting their warfare peculiar. The tarter 1 the public in regtrd to its objects and aims. But
they have pursued from time out of mind; and little, we apprehend, is really known to the pub
is for their attacks upon .. Demoeratie Adminis- lie abo* this mysterious body, bat what little is
trstions, why that certainly is nothing newt We known is certainly not at all to its credit. Vie
all recollect hely Jacks" was Ill 'ilie l l" . " 1 " the sea all of nine what the "Know Nothing,' do not
Whigs framed a "kitchen cabinet" for his, and ado, and wo. can see with equal dearness what they
how, let the measure be what it might, its Pew- , accuspfish; but howthey do it lithe query. They
b't3' was 'scribed to that all" "kitchen oebi• I do no not nominate men for office as other poll
net." How different is Gen. Fierce's eau from , ti na l parties do; that is clear! They do not ped
that of Gen. Jackson's? None at all! Theo, die tickets; that is alto clear, They do - not hold
did not these same men who now howl at the : public meetings, arid Advocate men and measures;
heels of Gen Pierce,
,howl oven worse at the I They do not "ride the cowry," or "take the
heels of Gen Jackson? Certainly' Then, the , stump," or, in short, do any thing as any body
ordeal the Nebraska bill has had to go through else would; bat when the votes come to be count
ih nothing in comparison to that which the great rd, presto change, the "Know Nothings" have
measures that SO pre-eminently 4 J-rtiblifolehi-the either elected their own men, on, have been the
A.dmintstrations of Gen. Jackson, Mr. Van 'Bu- "balance of power" that has decided the contest
I ren rand col Polk, were subjected to. Who '
f ain favor of the candidate of some other party
-1 does not reco!lect how the removal of the depos- I generally the whiyi, as in Philadelphia and
lits and the Veto'
of the Bank were denounced, 'Washingmn. This being the case it is evident
and by these same men, too! Who has forgot the "Know Nothings" is not a party with Dem
the ordeal the Independent Treasury scheme was '1 oerstio proclivities On the contrary, all we hear,
compelled to run, and the abuse and falshood ; and all we see, leades us to the inevitable con-
these wh o now malign Gen. Pierce, and sneer at i elusion that it is diametrically opposed to Dem-
titsAtitu,nistration, heaped upon the Democracy , o - i-ratie principles and Democratic practices F r
for urging its passage. That was during Mr.; , l instance, the Syracuse Standard says that it is
Van Buren's 'Adtaitistration. Then came the charged the objects of the "Know Nothings" is
tariff of '46, t le war 'with Mexico, the annexe- : to wage * special warfare against foreigners, _by
dm of Texas, and the acquisition of California; denying them the political privileges vouchsafed
every one of which received the anathemas of the to "natives," namely: that of voting, and being
. eirde eho now pursue Gen. Pierre. Time has I voted for, at trir popular elections. It is said
proved toe Administrations of Gen Jackson, Mr. • that they carry this principle to the extent of not
Van Bur-n, and C.d. Polk, to have. been wise' only excluding all persons of foreign birth from
pitrio ic The same sure righter of ail their organization, but all persons otiose fathers
wron.:-, Lia.. h. 19 again proved thst their seas- - or grandfathers, whose mothers or grandmothers,
ems were just and righo and the same sure his- were brn on the other side of the Acidotic
rorian cell V. sorely place Gen Pierce and his ' This however, is probablyan exaggeration Such
Aiiniu•stratlea :n :Ire same category i a rule, strictly enforced, would proscribe the great
. N • olthstoolog these facts the calm observer mass of our people, and leave few to rightfully
of events—cue man who has his eyes about him claim membership with the order But this is a
and Les the "piecing shadows as they flit" point about which the unitiated public "know
:creel the politoal sic-y--canna escape the con- nothing," and must be settled hereafter. Alio
vivioe that a , w, as heretcf i re, the wLigs sue- ;her principle is said to be at the 1 / 5 1.t3172 of this
cued, in a measure, in weakening the faith of a "Know Nothing" organization. It is claimed
portion of the Dcrnocrat.e ITty in the integrity that it not only aims to exclude foreigners and
Jai pool e. sm of the almioistration How is i their descendants to the third generation, from
;Les ace , me:ohed? To those who stop to think the enjoyment of political rights, but that it wae
, thoo. whi di nit forge( the past—the rea- I established to make war on Roil:anise:l This
-ou is piale. Niw, as in times past, bold riser- view is sustained by strong evidence now lying
:leo, lni ti c'aot mor -presentatioo, are the before us, in the comma of the Boston "Know
ive - e - pins u-ol by the opponents of the Democrat- Nothing," a paper recently established in that
B. ; ~ , tic'..i they have a' 'different times, i city After asserting that R onaolon an I Fet.
oloorilairati .n named, succeeded in : estantisea are antagouisqo, and can
winning a few fo:lowers from the Democratic i not exist on the same soil, the "Know Notlat,,2'
ranks, L.rid o f the some means they still hope to '
recruit shattered ranks When Jackson
r oc .v•: •s,e depo , ios, and followed ap his war
upon Lo _, I,limit Oy a veto, these same men tO)d
to: plopie (11.,' toe country would be riiinel—
-=*. -=
,Lllll 4
LOat •v.ll a 4 4 %00 1 3d •'Ner.)," vripl,e great 1: 'xis d,•tres3 >f liircountry
ul war: Laud 11.1 , 2 i ,; in "Jur tansy
..151 f nutted
th :r f r.n !t r i ies n r the
Dnr , `,...
- Tu ),0 wh I_l ',hem astray
upon p s:age--elill seeking to
decoy the unwary from their allegiance—but
t.:;•.ir dupes, where are they? Fbryotten. The
may be sold of those who deserted our
different periods since that time As
for t:one of our political readers have
ty_ band of oonservataves that went off
tcL n to.; ini-pendeet Treasury scheme was
f,rcar.: by Mr Vara Buren: The meas ugll: to defeat is now a part of
, hey of the country; but they,
wlzere dre •,.,,o‘? T:iey beileve the bid assert. ins,
the ft 17r .at '-'.i - apresentations of our enemies—
sll y idea that ;be Democratic
n~rry w:l5 All ) 1.1 , ) .rretrievably wrecked—
'y ~f :hints was about to take the
, e• tue old party lanes would be'
d tww ones take their place; aryl
astrly, they acted up to their
o, used oy :beat h enemies, and now,
a, u.t r reura/ 'I: , 1, where are they? theme is
N T;tuad_; , e nd «m C Rives?
ry ~f the Wirg's war upon
tL- Ann.'xf.:on ~f rez_as, the acquisition of Cal-
Ik.raia, and tce Tariff of '46, should be a useful
, les*on to th,so, wit.) now find fault with the tnea
' ur:s of Plerc2 What three measures were
e • tTo-5,..1 deu.,uro,d by the enemies of the De
than Au.] mliat thre , :b.tve prey
:cu I VISLIC and I.ll , ,,ehki‘ici of their opponents
so effeetuaiiy And as it has been, so will it ever
Is rue of the measures of Gen. Jack-
r. , •••iv a" 0,,
•• • 7, 11,,1.c
sca, Mr. Vd3 Buren ani Col. Polk, add of those
wb ..ts&Li!e I t„ea2, be true of tad measures
ssi..ilauts G:a. Pierce's Adinioi.stretion.
M for a while lead the mas•
as . ray; bat ‘lt 13 short live.l, and tie reacLiou
3Lral—when our Democratic reatiers• hear
vrJiga, or tuar.naturai coadjutors, the Abp. ,
denounce the Nebraska bill as a "swin
th.y hear tuena proclaim the bold,
lio, that :t extends slavery into territories
now free, or leg,sliies upon slavery at ail, would
:t not oe we'll for them to pause before believing
tlieir old enemies, to consult their old friends:—
IV llt ur.t he well to take a retrospective view
of the phi, and see if the history of other DL -
lcratic measures, anti the denunciatioas heaped
up ,n tuem by t.iese same men who now &Dowse ,
'l4 : - "- does not etitifle theiravertiqns
''uargcts iz'nA,.l,lation
Areh'nlzhop Hughes has written long
latter in reply t) Gen. Cass' speech about the
r. 11.1 t.; )usclence We have not yit , read it ,
but sh 1 re.;r.2t r find in it any dissent crow
•L• crea' pt4icipie which Gen Cai.3.cont , nis,
...1.1.1L every twin hLouli he allowed in:all noun
•' :r. • b G• , l p loc.,rding to the dictates of
h. , oats Religious liberty is mc of
d, t t& the human
bboa,i ho every where respec tad and
AST' Mrs. :vicCaure, wife of Mr. Waiiam Mc-
Clure, of MillENba;e, Holmes county, Ohio, was
:Latattly kill I by liOrtning, about 11 o'clock
WvtiL. la,: It appears that 'the
u:og accue.:an :bppi. 'Lue la the immediate
:tc of a small MPH .hing-t&Onse- wi .re Mrs. ,McC
Wl l a at the titno, and pasgkeil from ttetuee thro4gla
t;1,: %ticl down a past near 'belie she was
The Pali la Put.
Kozel I
goes on to remark
"Tbe thing to bse settled in the minds of the
American people is, shall Republimuism or Ro
manian be triumphant? Shall the republic, with
all its blessings, do - preserved; or shall that sev
enty-times-seven kiecurstd an 1 t.ecursiuz institu
tion, the Rpman'Citholic Church, be allow--. 1
creep over us, serpent-iike, and p,,,,0n and de
strc.y all that we possess? We oaunut bye Re.-
paticauistii au; R01111111:,:11 Ti , tri — )
rims cannot hie th 11 . 1/1. uh : • T:.t.
000,13 a ;treat. i frt.-, a ulbie f , ovs. zov
cirnincnt au I Institutions, :tilt Pipes free tar - AL:lit,
free 7neetb, free re.i,„ri.m, t
dom of a.: l aim is cod. Th. other s notortou.i
ly in opposilion • ) ail this. R onae,sin does not
tolerate the edu&ti in of the people Ita:y—ts
whule history—prove. it The v 'ten of the nr
reflects this sentiment It is tiugr.t :n the B
t Ptiloti in the Stypherct of the Valley, in the
American Celt, and by that lenegadc -and ars
tate wive) is base enough to d. vend anywhere and
do ani work, Orestes A. 13 rJsrus,m. R 31123.13
does Out tolerate a man to be a man He 1 - 011..:.1
crouib and (sringc beneath the weight of
siou'and suporstitiou If he asserts his Juan
ho4d—if he puts on the garb and manner ‘f
freeman—his liberty and his free may ply f)r
Let a man to-lay preach Protestan,sm in
triad - tilt.. prism would be the emsequenee RD
Maoism is not the frif•nd rf pogress I: ehaars
,the world down to the past, in its ignorative, its
degre.latinn, and its darkne&s. Its a•m, hope,
prayer, pttrpase, and strue,:z:e are to It EXP DowN
TUE NiAsetEs This it as±erts without any qua,.
tication "
It not ii:fficu:, ta nalbuni , ?ratand nalsin
,crprct this,uge Le , p, - )or fAnatie who at•
terei it, must he decoii of all chanty- fur his
fellow-men, as Cl is the sense to see that when
be tallo about "free speech,' -n-1 "free mil.
gion," and at the same tarn_ c... 113 up_n Protes
tants to proscribe the Catholic church, he is talk
ing an absurdity Frei, speech, fro schools,
and free religion, is the very thing that will ccr.
rect any errors, if errors 'her be, in t'ic church.
no matter whether it be ruled by a .P)p.: or Sr.
nod. Catholicism may be wrong—its practic.2-.
may be bail--its teachings corrupt, and its
subversive of the rights of c , nsc;er,v; b u t if it
is all this, give it to us ten thousand ful I fare
such sectarian fanaticism a.s is displayed in the
above extract, backed up by a secret orizonlza
tion late the "Know .Nothings " From .10
e vidence before us, then. it is probably safe t.)
conclude that the order` of "Knew Nothingi'
an organization batted on ilati.,nal and r lig, us
prejudices, and the fruit of the same spirit that
originated the Native American party, wlaela
"died and made n 4 sign." Such organiza
tion cannot long survive in a country where the
people are possessed of that degree of Intelligence
and liberality which is charact , ristic of uur own
They make Doctors to Phi:au—phi/ fas
ter than in any otter city in the Tnion," or at
kilt, they make more of them. Thai, the num
'kr fur 1853-4 was: Students, 1418; Graduatett,
545 Just think of it: Firf hula, ed and for
. /f ye men commissioned in one season, to ad
minister physic! Whether Quakerdom dose es
the blessings or curses of mankind for this "turn
out," is a debatable question
MORE MOB LAW —.I uegro committed a bar
! glary in Elmira, some weeks since, and Ras
rested in Jersey City He effected hi 4 escape
from the jail, and was again arregiteJ in Otsego
c, -, uniy The negrc claimed that he wa; a fugi.
:iv. slave, whereupon sumo twenty-Light Limbo
crate, armed with pistols, Sc , entercd the room
; where he was impnsoned, under the charge of
the officers, and set him at liberty
TheGovernot of Massachusetts, we should
have state , ' last week, haw appointed Hon Julius
R ekweli, of Pittsfield, United States Senator,
I n the place of Hon Edward Everett, resigned
Mr. Rockwell has been a representative in Con
gress from Berkshire county, and Speaker of the
Masvaelausetts House of Representatives He is
a "fu,-,g..-ensive
sir Boa. John G 13w , beet oomina-
So :lbw
land xak .it Outten:
!",:q+ , •erpowiove .1 rk. 4.,,, r.o ,
Nrw y„,...
The+ellts o! the put wess .. s, ..
, senechiat modicum of eat; ost, I L ..., .
"L i ll/ C. lll TO Jumairm.— An Hon. Mr Smith,
of Mty, Tbs. puhito Leeds re.,.. i ' 1'
osier the Jestices of the Supreme Court of Wibcoraln, wis 1 .. ,,mtkv0
at , / the meet ki ,.. t., :"
daaided the Nagitly• Slave Lama to kie eaconsuuttional:— , eeg v. ies
bioitementlovm. - ra. J..
Alasender Is not the only genies in the Smith family. i Hisiokerhocker ;and LoCifiat 14.1 ay
r- - The Buffalo Coeimereie/ thinks that, opon the "lowest ' ota gootivalan in' man 01 - the. ,•„. i
calculations, MAW* MRS* nom oontaln SO,OOO people."— 1 dle begs over his arm, whom sss .Is,
Doubtful, we think.
iSkswinfriu have lisle tit* &prance, lE. our
auelutt. laud ' with also trash !ram sad what, Sags:,
tb o 7 In 'not boil to toko.“' Tbses our opinion'
emt,iltnect r.,1 old Umtata= 7 , 4 --, ..
:i *b. They've got apoteet wash tub to kranitlin; en the Stf•ph. I.).Aii as hors, *Jul a seremaulv-••:,
Advocate sap; sad the Edttor ostrocsaw Its claim c , noirg but report. Says that SlAph f.PLI Le et, i:
the "ewe this; needihr right eloquently Re pronto., iin the crowd of berrying treats, tad ~.,
of eottrse, that he "tried it Da." ICOM Vothlngs tv sere Mittel' 3 4
;qu • ,
-----.- a runt has been here for loa m iiy :
Or The Itsgiseers to decide upon the rout* of t. , lft ' ~.,„
• • .
here ti-day have tri.l a canrelet two, at.'
Banbury asid Eno road, it Is expected.
They aril owning through from Williamsport on the Vine of of (Amer mumesinaii‘ag, but tie?
Us* toad. L we have had a rarfelt, of ea:; 4c-,
is/ Lag tat lan lax mooch., gat, tzt
£.l.tors and p•
gr.',l, act wbob way the preset:
npin tan will point, mad therefore
bette: to catch the first -f
a: - range their wind nettle aew. , A
a:'l nom'o.natione and interests LA
at, and scattered, fat.nct u
w...d °octagon, that there ts on azeig, :i .
the gale wtli settle.
VS. The people of H►rborereek heid a rneet:l,;.:
Monday night ISA ►ad ►Reed to take c future genus::
regard to the Railroad nuisances in tbst township, un'
the &moisten of the Supreme Court. That decicon tAry
aspect—and they hare a right to expect—lel:l be rendered
at the time so by the Court—on the 25th of July
;rm. The Common Sehool Itotri of tvm, es ty, wa, --•
suited, in obedience to the requireinente :to now . 9 w
on the 6th init. James D. Donlan, Esq., Inn chokes
President, and C. W. Kelso. Esq.. Secretary. The sala
ries of the principal teachere was deed at $75 per month.
A Eizsrsicona OAT—Wee" - , Saes& Esq , Ba- xsf of
Cincinnati, Onto, bac suit to the Hon.
general tent of the Waahington I:Cowin:Ant Ace0c...a . ,, , ,u,
hie chock for oaa thoneand dollars, in behalf of iliac nob e
on tarprise.
The "Washington Notmement Assoessitiot' has 'set tb.s
story going the rounds of th• press about twice a yea•, far
Ere years past, at least. The gift was r. ) doubt ..gazir
ous" but ibeo way it has bassi published Is quite as gene:.
The St. Louis Bresoki, of Wed6enday lest. says: It
Is said "Old Bullion" has had to knot* under. and receive ,
aa well as send letters, through the Post Oftee Depar:•
meat. Boyhood is not the on:iperiod when weak tends.:
end wain f.lliss are commuted.
atay, of the Cle•elana .P/G1 , 44010• w am> his ^a:uc.•
abater' that if they deo% want t- see d•o' Douglas "-s
eezt Proudest, mad himself ;re ne:• P .•. , uts , or Ochen.`
ihej had better step their abuse t i e ".tom .r
eour.t" is the peas,lty, wt beseech ''zalar..t:atcrs"
Tha Jantostoern Dawswerat hu got s new E.1,
name u Porker, and by the way he rs•e3 ver :;e''.-
ruka" one waald think Le was tn. •ar•.sowa Rev Tar ,•
Dolts PiRSZIL hlossell",
G-s•ernor Big:er has Issaei +h-r•-• f - r
the axe:a:p.m of Courtla.ed Caar:es Jo :,
the laat *piston of the Dauphth
N Lthanlel P Cu'yer The exsou•..,:. F... 1
Friday, the 25th of Aug.“..
Ne-r Riven bas ejected a w:'g This
every where, fluato t. We t,sc.-
ouiinour tat Ofwerver nut to feel b.)l nn,..• •
we dtra't in the least; on the contrary we
rx4 about it Out ntb.ghbct has been
a year or a , that we are wtliing the P. - 4 '
tt.L..p" sha. I tarry a. few 'Nor ' 1!.
wale RvAard huasarf again."
—"Susie Brown," aitae, "pert;," !t - F:e."
man watt, for really we haer.; a •q7e,
weer thls rreee " We .Lave ee•❑
b g mkao.4" her'', a , “.1 rte te
Q -o prove. f4ta," ' Stns," is r;_••
►nd you aMU see bow your ' narr., wo
The Goaope rejotoos over the Phi>le.'po i c
and predicts from it the ii.rett. G. Blgter
tiourae the Oaeette know. the th i s e•,- we• e.„
means .r a "Name poLlical orgen:sm.:on,
Snows tast it used to be the orrik-. o: , :ppor.en•l .r :t
"secret 'moues." TIM, has made ma.:-,y a w :
Luldisitkes, hut tu,s
s': a , of toe= en' Who vivo I bzre _2
set:a—the aAtl-staioni_ Gaseva—Le er
ei tr. howl so piter.olly over the
rlpea —of p&23 wgrtis and r ca gr
_ot.cty, yr Fito:e
Nkrgo.r, rc toe face o' r ,rr
7 , 1 T OUCZ Z vrcory Li tit:, ty er;..7;
swtmc oath bound allies. the 'lino* "
'4s.. Persona cannot be t:.o ca.-efa, tba'
dr.nk than war= weather 11,2 t.
:ngs to be seen to a toe cleanatnr a al: ys , •1;-2,=
, of all alt', that may
:.e CO , are u3aatltakible a.. w.
f,..r any ler.uh w:! create d .”3.0
Forewarned, forear=ed," at d a c nc•
ME 0
:1 ICI IhAI If cOce.sary I.) enure' i;t::
of! -ease We Atli in name of ,-uman
of the F.rz.Te-.ts tz.,e eay—tlal tto
3hek... pr, mpty /114 clvir
—We 1.1-.%* -- a!waye contended that r:rl cg A—er7
and goallei•lat V dri•L to wn• Morzaavi s.l
wouli be 11 - p-oe...tied and meet t.;cr rows...!
axon; th Ale vf u. or bostness aten p0.,A,••• •-•
tu an etateeat _tem*, wo eaur..,t help I:ove,: 3 .3' LI -
ren, our Dextd.,Dr net3bb,,r NN:iat be 21-r...; 1 ,r• _
Hat Ime, there .1 u• - ) use other: . - ytogY T.:, • '-,
p aw I la n reoeivlig the :arteet st , be C^; -t
ever saw br.u,;bt to Er:e •ve •
beads a tu,ni", f-,m to f.., Lze t• d -•r ‘r , .• •
re , ,,e,11.1; a fresa supy. y and e.r. r.; •- e•-1 '
Nc,v , tog" L ad "Wzie awake
pleasant bead dres> 1 - 4: etl , 1 /: y.. 0 wa,• ag, '.l
.;.re u'
,ie at a r r
The Bt!
the ftri.,oiel4g r 7
.g that it a
tabu," t :
+e , 1142 . re t • :OCAr. :At zit,
- The nee 3f -.;es , e z
Yeuroa t"ey ten
iervlCel of mrc 1
. 1 n 7 I r •••v_; i:•r.
d veto fl the 71.: :Lap<
ca,d adopt.
Wes are not to tha hamor to attempt pl. vg 7 • ' •
cur.mon of tb. much handled tQpica, ce• A
Ic.; a word or two, hower, on tte
Times' paragraph, To dieturi, tt,o qtlie:
.essly ts an act of the most unpuri,‘ Inh:.
parucularly I.) when a once fri , nd -
The good old ooetrtne of pet,te toe ''‘e say
gone. ; his been c0mf,rta'..r..!e0:,....i h ci f.:
• six' or Est,: years, a-A lee •ed that , t w.
mated a pe oefui s,nmher b..r.tath , ac.e -ut
covers its "o u,:ete" asea.tatet. To reso-ztto:
for the sc,:e ke of !Ouse, we prrstest a;ein..l
ly, even ough the act of a paper of the oc.c.naat•
part.rracter a: tae T..te,. Waco tae la,ll of
comer the antlso-try'a privi:cge, yie
wr!l look quietly on. " art)olei 11:1'11: be
forded cheaper and cheaper.' The si,al.! and !was a:..,
of a thousand spindles u,' C AU
once the rinkeet heresy .0 • -•1 /artorsr‘et.c,
I%Ow' The cry was., tat. 4.. Ce are
the want of protect.nn xna COCS 4 ,l•Et.•
wh3le country was to Lave eer. irr :r tan y
store, if high tawit via, cot t; run up t. st
of fo'reiz r u and dome.t.c war-p.c.-lo*,
feared tu dunht, that too much money Was coil , re...hg in t_i•
"rural dairies." and that pulley dent suede a,
tiun of the — dimes." The 'Exprare, to c , rnciuding, Its ---
marks, facetiously throws off the I.llowing.
"No tntuaation is given. by the editor of the Time
regard to the time. manner, dc., of tho. diseoverv. It
ipver us %Poly the bare anooaneetnent tae fact, but •
its "et tae changes It .s w. r -
Dr,ctical truth glad have beer. uncg
it 1.....;00r tLAt wP i,haN not be I,ng tl,u, rr , i r.
s i kr v i {h.-'e cl ere trust the AIMS of the 1, ,
nut be w Lael4. as to too frequently the car). un 1 , 17!/
I.: C'reOLOSLOOCIBB Until some mental poacher .f r
tut shall have perfected ha frikoluivut e:atto to aria'
not Lis own. end BO BOCUTIO to inmiwit the granule' w•.4r,...
of right, wall belong only to another.'
By the by, will the izpreee tell as what difference sh ore
is taorten the doctrine it rid/tale* Tionus, ucd Lc. '
held by , Itself, and other proteett!e Jboraals--k. e
as a rfiele is taxed tAe tea is coos the coaeuev.-F pe• so•N
fr en answer!
tts. It to /aid that a eeneett:tn or ••treelg ollact'ece
boys and glr.e wal soon be called to Luke alto Coorworn
ltOri the propriety of reventag the "Ten - ,• "
Partieulerly the fifth. ?kat, it is prop , sed to amend -.1.
laytus—"Patehta, obery your ththleett." Di Goer:4.a a,e
modern p hil,,,, r hen will be there'
Ax Oweza WArrzo.—lf the pereoarerh,) enelowed toi
dollars is a letter, to which be did not See it'e
t o o tos 1)11 4 ;Ll4ht•re, to ]lre. S. S. 'ILA,
C.t.ic, on the 13th day o(o4:sober wilt, will ca:: at thr Pat
Moe ie and sip • receipt toe the some, he cut
twoeir , ? hii stoney beak. ?hie iettte hoe been to the Dead
Lowe u awl by is retimil br ,10 lad at crime.
f4t . t L'Zr.lCt
-G t .
s raper.;.y.l
.70 ,•
Frnm I •
Iglus itna iitß3l7:t
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hate departed, or en lug ^a the att.'
fatal embrace of unpopular antecede- 1
bone America
Ington' A patnot whoa see mast . 4;
ter Wh.Le Halls of booor--a
entag!:. to embrace the wbc. e •• z
and ee..')ee arm s strong enough
rlgr.t of toe grand 0010010-ttert I.yea WO') be?
ae ever restless spirit of improvr,
of our crov.ntry, to lately stirred ot
to s e.t , fr..= its Rip Vett Wini.e
easy Cumber 14 tbea :+2.!
r.J ac 9 ert:osironess c,•er:,
.e Frofezt.rl of Young Anaer,oo.
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Moe Who knows?
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