RIJN it SLOAN, PITBLISHERS. OLUME 24. ;7511E 58 DIRECTORY 1 FOX sr .!, Dentist. i f.w 41..4. t ..r A filer a DE EMERY I'.i,■ 'a . IN ..: Amen t; ‘V TODD fry Cargill. Terry. & DOM Jobber_ in Entitsb. t.t.ruLa (tuns, Platol-. Waittlt 4th And Phr.latie tat. F,11(1 . 1.)N tt . SINCLAIR „.•.v. r, J. II 1117RT.e. A ou .n bruin., Meib. Paaut. , 7t.tffs, P.roshe,, Perfutoer ”; F No 11.• i Ikui • inlorr 1r - Ltt, Pa*- * •if• BROW NEL ,41. 4 Pub) UM au, Erie Pii. , , (it. I PO/. Ut i d- ELL ~, tr. • .• ' 'lv :tar: -1 y •r_ ..r. t stir rat, 221311 U ,i I.IiK SNU.. 1 . 1 \ :- I :. . . [:ndz• • PT, Pl:triter, uolr lift, r 1.... =MI at /. Ni , kßsi ),•,\ 1. RA HAM. , •r. LIR al LAN. Om— t s - - ;,• 1 \'\ 1 100111., r •• l'EN'l 110111011 , 1 / 4 • H low 11 dr. - Lt 11 ' 1 1 01.1! , )1 AUSTIN. =I =I 'o.,w her •;..n• Mu.l , f ur„al• .r.:torpe• L.rpi : FAD , y * .r w, •it I r.. 1.111. U • .1 A Iti:CK I 116•` • r ro • 'MC WALK Lk A TIBP., ••• aliki M , r .1.•&; . ..r, R 1 ft Water 'Arne P Lrus. Fh P lA'rn.l—i ! r v!- .•4•-• =BUM .41; NNis(lN 4 tati• n_:, 51 • •tl- , t rwr‘pap. , -..1 A I .7. P -1; , Fir , t duo; wt..l f the horn 11 , AiT H S 81' EIVART nr. nuni -Nip,. Dry M I It., 4.10 &ad ...I' ELL. KEPLER a: CO . Ik ,, ❑ Fence, Railing, Ttaam Ilenivra •, F r Pr • , f Shuttera, and all kimii .I,ol.set . Co.tanzo. ta , clooe to ‘.rrter ' I, kRK NJ ETC ALF, , Melon in Dry tiN , 4., Carrrt a nd No I heed ueuot AMIN H. COOK. & Fancy Dr} 4 , ..d5. and the t.vreateat va- etty. ("Leap Enn. Y. -IYRRETT & GRAY, v .t t;vn • ordure. yorv.xr. 1) )111”01.) , •itnno Warr., Fl•mr, Ft.h.S3l(.. 4. Cap,. t•sfety Fuvv, •tc P. P.veu H ,ta,v.. En«, l'a :• LANE, •-• 4ELLOP BA /44V. .Vt.r e•,rr.er tit( ruHl —.1.- 1)R - 1 . 311..kNDE:-.•:. • •• . Rip ?MN - ( )E. , a: hlr ros•Jeu• ••• n Freorh and Holland, Late PA. M SANFORD & ('() , 21n1d. N.t•. Dritttl, Cr.•lhr,t,,„ Ate. S.ght V,:rhuhg..n pro ripwl os.tir• 0, 1-r sal. 015 r N itrr.: II T 11EitoN ;TI .1 r.Y.ICTA -r,l.id-7 :.A Arv.thecard . 11 ril 111 - I.l's REF:ft .1 ,“ A •0. Nall. A• ~• r ItEN1.1"1. ketal, ti:3—whre, r.s:. I,n, r r 'artre• ••••.• * I . • br. , rri'• II I. Er e Ph • . -pr 4 rkti , l "1r.., r. • )lERVIN SMITH Juettr., .f Pe.. Itutqal L untr et En..., P. E II CUTLET Er . t. rat• 11. - • y 4 .1 h 111 .KELL(..)6I, =EMI 'lO.l White Fi•h. .•••n•ucN fi Rt)TH Eft ,r(1.1 deal, .n Urne M-d+••n.. PKI" I.IMPS, Hvu . .1 AM 1"1' 1., F. T•l3/..r. •6. puLT), " En• JUHS ff BURTON A (Ci • th EMU : , 1 !{l,:e'N & ;:.L(IAN, •.' ar ! Mi,nl'ar, • .1. r• an 1 Pr.r.ter' , Nr 4 =I • r r!`"'TEll - .kli'l • -!Tr. /.• • •••rirtr,..r.• ()Eke •n 4 kr••• it r. an 1 -.a pr•tfra..• r"rr , ...t• 4 ral 7 r.„ A "M. Itr 2. k r r JiltlN c(► r.'hant •, 71 Ir. l'rott t rrt •11,1 y ..1 l'pr..r In k grp-. ‘N EXPRES!? CWIPANY v.. ••, N. 5 R.,•,1 ,rn,t 114 n. 1.4•1,,. A M u P M. E J Mt iIiTON, h - vA i , rnrni.*lon Merchant. Puhlt.• 1.- 4 Fr • .Nit, Ft•h, Flour snit Pirs(er I ItOZENSIVEIG trTALL bicAUCRYI in F , ,reNtrn and Dom, rewly u•Adv Lawrie. livuta and eihums, e lit .•a. 5(;.r•• \ 1;:•11 LI. A, VINCENT. s' a 1 .tart , an Tniumen) Rail • Prt. ol,, nntary ., •lll.-0. Y.nr Tltt li 11.5, A 11 .11 ES, bry r. Dry ( k.ry. Diird X 1 lir..wn'o New JACKSON & 4)N, Ury iiirucmenew. tutniwate. QC er DP War,. /Le., Chasjohia, W Tiit)RNTON IIIOTAILT PUBLIC. toremerdo., Et.nis and Murtign.e•. 1.01%116.0, .fiad earelully dr4wl3. Delft, Vingfie. Stasis Par the rs root Trask 1 ITO THI POWERS THAT IE -40 INCE the agitation of the public oiled enseopeest wpm the 17 necul sheave 4/ grows mairwhat who dada ad the pow pd. ;woad la thaeoriessouvoew of roetttude, have returned to twir various, etwatdos, wilt the loviwaible illeewrietwalloo of rearetrap lbw aircrew wpm it or camoraiy b tbt Wet finp, we beg leave to Inter theta that we too have pose to wort again w Ithertoewed energy. sad vas wry Weigh them any title* we have at Easily reduced rare,, ta proapecla the 'en; woe cowing aid though ready at all uses to do betrW 01 - theirieserity stare Moped sky. 70 whoa awls we ens elwa)• be band at hone let roar ear Meade w wallow •lattges, and thehieh des Silk *Mb netpatibee ta ehltheetie etbatutt heath ethee ear ieheltaltulart. We bare STOVES tliebrity style he Parlor, Clete and Watch . ; rut W Ail( to esidleee warily I Orden Xenon and 4.1*- per hollers, Lead Pipe sad Woe Metaled, Coal Hods aid Ewes Fl ooo lto God illaaveta. fataseto aunt ?cep aad Emu caindleotickv. Belaimsia Waft sad eh/dares,' Toys. Port Pore* aid peewit dual sem aid a variety of weasels oreatlal to the etinsary depedowalt, dale &lima he Or nd u the Nam hr ' stably awabdaleasur of TA31411111 ac MAGILL. I lee. 17,41. envoy. Mon, aide the Open now, Mir, Pa. WM A GALBRAITH " it „ L igitW ta r ad OP - 1,• -• ni 40/13C6.—Just received. Ude Chem &atm „ppod, the r sereiet, asaliarlatairt, alla lamailleasoa, abc"l".lll."g enar ".” lirderaL Tl VO I LV e Sephee. .11. Q LiiAPLY. DPVINT- -Other in , be F:topirg o.rbor of Ntak•ould Filth 141 : 4 t , ••••• • ut •L re Pr. , -“ r. rran Int CIi:AUNCY h Irun'orridt. itantutiton and rloyd. %ha hniefia. healer? )11 F0r...4“) and Dom))/ + 1) ~ 152 parka otreet. • J W 1)(11:G1.AS5, L.,. lls .uur, at William', Block,A " E FIE WEEKLY OBSERVER nava cis. Oaileolars sod lbsiert bt geld and WWI 011124 •antrrent hooey, Lead Warrants sod Cerfidastra D epoi d te . ALo . Bien Drafts on ills principal akin of the Galen , and all min at the Old Coeuitry for sale °ace, Williams' Block, corner of State Street Rod Pleb. Slew c P. 111061 T. _ WEBB k TUX - ft* M_Auirracraszas and Titoism/1i Design in wary de*erip u ■ of Stone Ware ire Briek ir ks Olay and Ars fiend inanatietory, betireon &emit spa /knots up the ansL Erie, Is r KENNEDY & GUILD aur.iui.z A fistan. r dealen fa hiss, Giase, Crockery, Brittasiin A Bohm:nibs Ware. Lampe, Domes, Wicks, klirrurs, Vases lc. ke. China nail, Nu. tl, Bonne! Black .:sty Erie Pa., . 6 xrlmrDY,- - TANNER & MAGLLL iALER, .12 9.tovne, Tin, Copper, Bran, end Sh"es fron Ware Reatty'F Blo,n, pear the Court WAIPP, Eno Perms.. .1. 1. Taerxtta S 0 MAGDA ow. tA --- Wcar aidaae. ERIE CITY 111L8,41 WATER PRIVILEGE, W,rit f. c Land between at Railroad crud Tnriipike Streets. 'r HL' Mitt to in the moot perfeet Flooring and Custom Mill west of Albany, (w) acknowledged by experienced \Liters, and being located near the Railroad Depot, is well adopted for Merchant hominess. The undersigned will or. terms of payment that will be advantageous to the treht.er. Erie, Sep. 24.-11 1 , C. IrSFARREN i% rr. n- . `-, pc At Nov 9, Aced Notate. I AM n , ow receiving my Fail Goode, all mlected from .ate lLaportaaltili, , onseguently the 3tjia- are new, and !wart ,Lay ecru attractive. Designing greatly P. extend the tostono brinep of our lonainees, which t; hereafter to e a larg. share of our attention, we liar" taken par tirt,lar pvne in selecting the-goods .toted to the trade, and :11,3 Atli le cut And made top by workmen experience rot ' , aet-, an 1 warranted t.. git e lotilsiseti. , n. A, tirreto illre the ev..tem of low prices for good pay, gill ba main , it.••.l, arid we are , iolerUlArled lto pare n. re - r. make ti,e popular clothing establishm , nt th- city ,eo , V. :0 now , ery 'tarp and complete—All qualitiee of Cli , th old extra ruptifinos Fr. n and `kin., French many .otre Ter heaty,fut, e•uttorotdered Silk Velvet and :ilk V.,ong,, plain .1 :Igor new tzbirt , 4 of which at. open to the public f mape,..ion OM 1!IMI:1 Sams...we to , SIIIPith Wholesale Grocers, No. 7, Donnell Block, Erie THE aubserihrry having ?liken the %tore 1-ru.drly ford h . ) J JI Smith C.,.. have aol .r•• Cr. ~t from Now York. a large and vv. II sela..te Stook of Groceries. tour Itt,tr bought for Cash, birt tn,r•l -1 term per t t.o• to the late advance: we would theref , re rerpeetfull c‘.te merchants and other• wanturz e•-• ith n I,ur Itne t , Xauttur our stock h.q.•rr going to 1; , New 1,,r1e. V. w •sh it to be understood that 1.. r r •;111 cotnt, torn 1~ at , has , ' as cheap L, re I. 11. !see wt. ah Jatil , l t tt Tut !nth - wing wall comprise • .In. .4 the a•-tid,.. in our ;lot —N. U. Pulverised. t ruttie.: :t.l Grim/lilted Mucnsa lo P K , Coffee Sugar- P Nimetkrend , and N. 0 . Molasses, Suward's Fyrup. Fro,e, Breen and Black Teas of all grades; Rio, La _:uarta and .tayst Coffee Tobacco from 100 to 6s. peep...land Fruits. Nuts. Prune., Pepper Pimen to, Cassia, Nutmoi•.., 2 v.5.10d40. Istee. White Fuu, 3lackarel. Cod au i Herrin Prrwder, Shot, Lead, Cape, Safety Fust . .. Ar , tr,. to addition to our Stock we have a large stork of Pure Wines and Liquors, wiivq, will he sold at pncee that will defy eompetition London and Philadelphia Porter. Scotch Ale. Ac We are ales Apretta far Itiolliet's Betalo Ale. Please give us a rail and we will Fahlfv r.,u that there is no humbug 113 what wa pay Nov. .5 —25 CLAIWENs CAUGHEY Books and Stationary, Very Cheap. £t No. 9 lircrwtes (ATE have just ref-COIN! our full stock of Book.. .ktatiamary. VV Bled Books. If 'Mac livid, Pyle* lakaad. , 3, d the' itwasaJed °INA Art.: yea bolotwor lt u r take. all a w 6. n a. ar• totinons fu sell •n, fbr the emit they eon tr tottuto trey ciuur 1 bow to tract will do wei, call bon t lorgel Iht p?.l V. I-kW/vit . . BIOL."' • Why Don't Yon Rood! Jt•. r al. Milos :of tNf t Loot. 0 %.14n11.t Sroat. 80. 10. Bit ten • Block The Slobber. W man Ael\fr n • • 'O. 'rite Mystic Vl4l. 14rt Ltevii k Maier IS e'en , laet •nd 114,014 Bean. Captain Yod. N, Tnretentier• Jae t sane Amon. Latin". r • rl "itot! witnefo.soiller load thrrp. oitrk , i. nor. t art Arr. offer.: p REM \ •.I , l' • ina n VlorS much ersazoore.. ,toll Stir + 41) U suer i..• •I•••,11, I r n•re,!; , ..31. he elllee L. II lit,. •1,1 lit .•• Witi•e ^ ,••ii Iry o Iwo Au-vv 1 hove rho an •or --,•1 ran L.. I I We have a ?eft , 141Ve. MO ul I Sr -awe • r• A • Op.ev R 4 ,40 8ee1.14011 Deerragette keeerief Bev,' , I,e re . rar.)it Out—a, Arran/Fre to Rnl a [(Ar e tiveKl llfiK3 , :t the 1 ••pril,rerly appi,rd. To Or bind at N..s fir Kli wK. wherr.ty e PK' fOtlil.l I. ;art. " ;;; ; ;;;;, Y ..wko 14,King i'apef,M . l( eca , luf F.nvolopr, 1,.1 ft • II AN In pattern pap. vrl - new article. never kept in the rlt tartc•rt 0' w.. a; 4 SO it arm I 1 h i a roo .I.N . a F..K111 314.0 f rhntory R.orrapb% Blank IkQnk. rr , nwe• Ink. O, ..,t+ t.l. , loe X r,er NM L OALL.IW ELL d. , Philadelt.bia Hai' me , I rilnove,l ,no V.elr rpieudid new waretoitee, entraut - ee Marael, and No It No,th remind street, are open Ink • • itigirniv an arsoroue , a and Piny Goods, t4.lt er•-•1 mind irIV will soy 'dock ever offered .n In..t ' I , i:outing into thee new Moe,. yl , hech as One of the Largest it America, w r• , „„.„. e ... of an tint...wit a woost already ermsbi 'shed. 'r I .Cite larerty to .herein" it. eapeetalle with 'Wire who . an.: net let .ng that the fa.triot 'poem an tubbing coo t 13., ,n,torm pt.ces the) w all be Compelled to sell at a m , - la rboaller mot* t has can possibly be aebrded where tong eeed.u. are Caller sties rash 504 shon credit system we neeew .11- for r naming twee prelim, does not vital. and by n g their fwds al a very aoell6Ce Ots the foretign cost. they Meta m ose the .nterret of every Judge of good-. by t.puu tine TILOKS; •• r.crooe a di...count of eii per rent, .1 the nonev be wool in nar land., wlthis 10 days from ,late or hill neart , at IYolllyy w,u OW) be takes al to mule( value on the .• reee,ved. To merebants of undoubted *mamas a ere.l. stz ,sambv visit he given if daareg. Where mosey a mon: , e4.t .4 advance cd suaturitl a demount at tie tate ol twelve per rrrt per teas% will be allowed. They ask from merchants )I.ltta, use Emmet. cakes. the besot at as imagination of their, •ke.ck, ..rAng Wit the) will lat convinced that .t tneir interact lo pay the tariteimmilits ilia, are a aentetris a. tu there wboLive Wag crediu, *mai m 1 1. 11..t.,0wru., T. W Sirz•t T k Lirrut. E. i livirrunwro. a A 11 - D1 - _ _ Er A LL wbt. want Ase , of the real Cullias & Co. makt.shogid Il itaructi la rto notice the stamps, m there are ,a nuts t - oun sernifte and imhattons stamped Cothata and labelled much like ours. utlit , h are fraudulently sold in some parts of the Untied stifle. as our manufacture. They aye made in different pans of Ir/economy by %Annus aie-malierNand eta leserally of very In terior gusto) The genuine Colitis o WS. which 11.ane sequined •oeb sit estimate, repanaton. are hrifielably stamped ...COL -1.1:1111 4 (.(1. HAILTPOILD." and ealth MO has a printed label with stspature It Is nor unite than TWI NTT PIVI tips *lntegra estaitsseneed She Mosinee" with the asap ed "Cantos h Haiti...lrd." and I du not know al any other ale-maker by ow ,une off:loll, P. ft the United fltetes CM. Vir Crll.l.lYfis ,t• IL Itit lyl7. see sow swam' ti 101.1 f IP* (sled, l e b,eb we wilt be Vv pleased w show oar friends r ELDEN as ELY b/e. ►e►. Ir. WM. Some italuifsatares. ` track - r( ix & • LEX art now prepared lo roue un order. 6.7 S. RpOOftgA. Porks.PlTl ft Eltlit.Tes Seta, Cote. and In (act awy ante* of miler( goods. u as 10; 0 0 4 raids. and In a" r°°d s Y le aa it can be hod in eaautra A hrir note ni Forks. Spathe. Caps. sod 'helmet 6t alp." coastawily or. head Paper in` dose in the neatest mar. 'ter. Having a cornmodl. os. *bun 004 rare pod Wartime's. nue M Weep tatan't best hi. •,de of Philadelphia. we spread: Want we tan (Ire eatiathe uon to all. Orders froth n &Malice promptly attended to. The trade au petted's towers prices. Teems tan sod see bow re do .1 Pest Row. a kw looters Of Brnw lea Motet 101 l 11. C. It WRIGHT & Co., r. P. laiLlrf FALL CINPAION OPENING jAeoft KOCH, 'Su Hee.l II • Sept. 2. I S 5 CLEXENS & CAUGHEY "It Saved His Life 1!E=11 1 0 1 L.,•• t'ia• Cookery Without A luster To Tailor's and Clothier's IL/KOVAL AND,CHAbIUE Immense imd Atttattive tlhock. ming New Goods from Philadelphia. - _ it_ _ _ __- 12131:11EZEM Oita.). C. THATIIII.. I:= TRAVELING IN RUSSIA 1' W 3 • • , 1 , • 11l \ v. niug in the alum!, et v, nib. r th .t Riksian gentleman. eall.l Jar o -11. , hi 4 wile, and their littlo daughter Helena, unu their faithful seriant, in a homy traveling chariot and tour, driven by two po-firooni, drew up at tin ttnl:, inn ..t . the little town of li thria, which lie. th. 1.4 , 1e1er , of Ituissia ale' P. 1.0 1 ,1 They Siert. rt turning from their tray, k in Europe and /01illi? Baron had already overstayed the tun , ' kie had intended to he abstmt trout lump azad th. wetalaer eft ry day growing w trse and wore, he WA, anxious ft pre-, forwirtf with all the .tpe , sl pos , ible Tin- fur tap, of Bi lions, the long mane, and tails of th. tr bore, and c•en the rough leather portmanteaus were whiot with In,t, clouli• of steam ro,e from the wary bea , t•, a, the landlord edruing tip to the door of the chariot, observed that hi• honor a.. 111 0 -1 not think of proceeding 'further nNot if t were at liberty to follow my .t•t‘u in clinations," sail the baron, '•left a i; t- 1 am pressed for time, and we mu-t over aliother stage to-might '•lt is a long one, sir, - said the -thir ty versts at least, and you have the it.re,t of Ito-- ter to pass. The road is bad, 31/.1 I dart saN the snow is deep. and the solve, .• hun gry " ,I 3 not afraid ~1 a crle‘i ii.• fiarnu.-they w,,uld not k L•arria ! _. .4 , , early in th, year have four good Lorser and we :nay b, in by nine, for it pi not na ,, r, than t, dni,a-• -ix " mu.t 11.4 v. wst • • •t ' - tornt.tritioti II dlrectly, NICh(I,I, Llia% pIUI latl‘ wilt ••,..I,,i'hiro.." h .., ua wul Ilt•0 1 ,t I. J.... I:thi,v, a .up %cal, traveler', awl Erie); had a wrapt up in a hu;2. • !lir ~ n •.t s I,x in trAtit, • '!.• Bar ,arri ••, rn 1 , 1 I.l.4litoneti. had bi • ti k•attt ct , n..nnnt4 Oft th •ii wcr • 1 rt, it w'T ; ; l ).. r L r,, Inu of the 1.1n , 1:-r I MEM ttj • 1.311-.1.1t. lit , J. t,...kr., (it:. r') b.i.trltl,•••-, I • Ni• U;:,•1 a 1•11•• Ar....1t, I , sr 1 t Ittt:. II ,•tta r la! 1,1—• r': ~.1 f•artui bight": trav(l -Wirt% l'atharine,_4 u•-42u, aril Net tiro i .4 tittle ,n(ta 11 rtlL 'noon an but break th. .•i !., trying t 4 •.;-• zit iH I..ve a I;:i.v.aa: rble ),•, repliti the t•Woll. 1 ant a 1 cr. ...law in, tit , ,' -aid Olt •t p:ea•••lnt to think that every mile Nke travi I, brine., n nearer honi". unil my dear iittb Niaittlaa and Frudera,a CM They won Ok oVa a will Wi r,Juri trri . driving cha.-..iLg the now befort it, f, r it we., Fnowinv heal, u j l'he glare of the imp ea.t kind of a ghastly haze ,m the immediate nenghtair b,,,,i of 11. e carriage, and :•••ecii.,,Al to make ih li-tanee -nil darksr "(), mamma' erpA 'Mli e n a , •. i..t . me tnc elo-t r \ afra•A Ir,olt ..ut the winti-w ‘•11'11v, what should volt be ...ifrald of 1:101 lovely OD( ' 'On( i= alwayh afrahi in th , Jgrk, v .0 mamma; and then ju4 t 4. the , Aiu.l h'usr it tv)vrlp' ' The clouds passed off, the moon wa, walking in brightness, the wheels rolletl noiselessly along over the snow, and a far as the eyt could Ira , one glittering whit!' On pa. , e1.1 thy. uarnage "What Erick looking at:'' asked the baron e-.. for the box was so low that it 4 occupant might he seen from the window cannot tell," said her hin.band, "but lit mast have good eyes if be can 3.. f. anything "Hark' what i 4 that?" tried hi' wife, as a long low, melancholy howl, different from the wind and yet like it. was heard for a moment and then died away. It ia replitat the baron, —till+ weather mime them reKtless " "There it is again, it is certainly nearer "Erick," said his master, letting down the front window, "toll the boys to drive on. we nittAt keep out of the way nf the wolves." "On with you men," shouted Erick; and then in a low voice he said, "I doubt whether we eau altogether get out of the way Air." "How is that?" asked the Baron much alarm ed. "There is a large pack of them, and they arc in scent of " —There they are not more than half a mile ~f 1 ••What are we.to do'" asked the baron, -I know you are a Centland man and moi e um.,l t., those things than I am " "Why sir," said the servant, "if they mime up with us we will take no notice of them unless they attack us. As they are very timid crest" tures, the glare of the lamp€ and the sight of us will keep them off, and in an hour we shalije ins But I would advise you to draw the bulleftom your large pistols, and load them with Awau shot as it would be more to the purpose ti wound a good many than to kill one or two "0, pa:" cried Bekaa, as the bairn took. hi , pistols from the top of the carriage , "We shall do what we can, my dear child, and God will do the rest for us. There is no great danger from these wolves except in the very depth of winter, and if there were, He who de. livered David from the paw of the lieu and the paw of the bear, and Daniel from the seven hun gry lions, can deliver us also " "They are coming," mid Erick. The lama looked, and about a hatodtexi yeade 141 rigin l ai VatirD. Eat the r-rie Wenn PI THE SABBATH BELLS I:ME:=Elttl Pert nut sweet both., your • deism sham dear! back my ip.a.rt tr. bryhuud'r tus When firm l herrl y , vto ruu...ic flow tu thorr. hio.t long ag,, And when In) h ,, - ,, m pur end :err. Heaved with r 4hrtll of et-rwr At .Nary deep toned iK,"thtnir 49hud tiwli hill ari,i gItT. r•. •111. l ti I. K t U.. 110 ' of rr By 11.114 un , rring wort i• bleat I That Man, from all laie.r, Iry Might hntuare psy the Deity. For angith in thee high tboJe Perpetual humage +-lag to i.rod Ant myryssi• , n the earth rejwca, :went Fat,hath hear your Pral b.!l. V ..ver) t Wlth Ih,ught, in•ptree the -Pl ',watts deroty,r, to the Ineeet And halts the troubled heart to 1.•: , t, while deep , ttllnere rr; t 3nl emnind Art .1 tinue.t I.llt +A. • ,I, mn --4 r, Res erbat.oir ,•n att. Accept. 0 tin.d 4r hattable pray,:' (thoict Misctilann A TOUCHING STORY 81 50 A YEAR, Ili ADVANCE. ERIE, SATURDAY. APRIL 29 , 1854. heck. w the nght, ia the 41$/sfii he °odd kart toakt• ”ut d mass eacmng *rough the trees ynd It aping into the *wk. They did not hca-1. bayed fearflTh', Ireieed ~ 9 tiv earriag o . , The drivers plied both whip rut spur. ;lad the horses themselves, in an agony of Lar, br.k , oat.l a muter, despite the depth of the •thrw pgi think there 14 any dfingr, m; dear huqben‘P" A.keli the baroness." "I cannot 111 i, • Said her husband, "they do tiLit •eeui kit:,p4mti 14, attack us yet, but they are o.rtaital) -avagt It is for the horses We have to fear hrst ' th(•j voling 141 IMF" k lo.tle but they an not patting un their thi.v would la• up with us in a moment if they " Thu• the eirnage rolled on; for about two minute , Eri c k never wok his eyes off the pack, and the harm thrusting hineelf out from the left window. watching them carefally "Are your ptytvls•loaded, sir?' "All with swan ,hot " I hay two loaded with hall, and two with -hall dr, 'Lot, Sc The pick: was 1,,,a , not more than can yards I,ehiu , l OA ~.*rriage; there nal& be abo u t two hunir:.l In it At de o beniAPPAD 44 4 . 0 0 Nigg , grey-headei willf. The ieeder sprang (fa one of l i the wltc• I-horses, an et tke same time Ireceived a bullet through hit, sad from Erick svho was prepar,‘ i f,r him • Now. •ir. if yot:vill let mr . have a pike of -trinq. sc. arty bo able to traikevomething Al it, - -al,l I.:ri,k " 1 ri. of striae" cued 6u mast,r ••y es h-r•• IT t.. what purpose . "' ••Why, said he, "wolves are cow:irtily ttur , thy 1r , .: always suspecting a trap; -. I wil, ju-t tio the atring to this stick, and let it .I.r‘v_ behind th. e.irriago It will keep them Ifn it " Er. , k w,. right; the stick wa., dragged along •),.. ,h-tance of ten fcrt behind it, and they, wen. p;1:111:, afraid of it kt last they began to -row holler, they .seemed to have dipeoverecl the 'tick, and were again making up tit, C. 14 will 1.• upon n- in moment, - cried P.H.J„ • IVben I rry new, 4ir, be ready to fire up•nu them fr..n, (.no id« snei 40 I will upon the Helena ..kat with her han4,,to her mother's, lonking up to her fat.*. Her mother looked had, but very e,tlm: she was evidently praying Now, erieil Erick 1T1.0..r and *.rvant fired at the .aine moment; Owl-. Rao a -al aze yell from the foremost of the fi-rer paok, Arid three or fain fell " atrain, cried Erick, .• ; will want a.ll your pistols cf, lfte- they had fired once the wolves n I , •tigcr frightened the fire and flash; and tli, hypo to surround the coaeh on every -id • ch. re but one thin:: ! , -t•t ' ,1,A.1 Erick, Wt tric,e , of oio !.1 the' leaders and turn h•n dtv , rt them for a-little him , n i ih ,, ti :rifted luimal strartell off right t ,runt, tremendonq y.. 11 the n-Ick rtish..i after ,him. ' t , i . tirirttliat'," Ptitlitimed the b3r... r. 1 ..0 lick) be F,lft iftf:r 1. tr., I uit please, Him, - rertit,l the ~ •it will r.. .t 1.a.-T 1 mg, 4nd :1 o- • i• •1., :Ain ui i : on.• po are from tho post a ft Hy Intimred thi bamn. ir• Erick, "hut tbej( the d • T I nevi r know bay, got 1, •1 , . k 'her.- L•nrir a realm, nr rather a -hr... h hie in IN sotupl that once heard it '141.1 r b torvltell kielets au.; her Imo- =I h. , I th, n,, ):%1 • I our lies t ‘s 1 . • I,e,•am, dry.per And the road vro r is rr• F10m.% "OM '41110114 Or fatigue ill p! to, nt four fresh ones On the 11..nd,tbc 44d :hinut,l a littlt., ,pening in , a Kt....t• t h e c. utre ut Which wx- h frc , zen 1-01. • :tt, , its !cr. pas.,t-.1 it, the wolvo, ap. I the. valley. and thi• jaws and ~f m , n) ,vero steeped in blood. -1‘", 1ur. , 4 I. t another horse cried ••.•r ih• w.ii be too much fur us; but we must c.al what w, rt abodt You and I, sir, tir :• “net: and then d- yuu. Peter, - he ad ,1,1 the f.rreriost poit boy. "cut the tr, bore, jump down, and leap up Lon , by Inc Thim IT douc, and the pack were again 'irawu Tht remaining two horses strained rneir awl travelers intently listened for '4IJT '•; , :n of the appearance of their enemies Th, bar -poke to Erick, but received no an sw,.r, t,c ~ . .tuned taken up by his thoughts. At leu,rth carriage reachud the top of the hill, :end a , distance of apparently two miles be fr,re it. -loar study light was to be Reen -Th'ink God' there is Boliva," exclaimed Erhk Now, then, sir, I believe that you are safe A! , L• the wokrnti met. again heard in the taner. and though the pot light grew lighter ..nd larger every moment, the pack ginn ed nn them, and at last atturrounded them. "it must eome at last, my dear mew," said Erick have served you and your father the'.e twenty years, but I never did you better -erv).-c. than I now jttend to do. If we all re- i main t.gether we shall torn to joieoes. I shall get down and with my pistols I shall, I trust, ' be ahl , to keep them at bay a few minutes. You g with all speed possible, and leave me here. 1 know you will e care of my wife and child " Erick," the baroness," we will 41 b.. saied .1- all rich together. I could not , bear t t escape at the price of Tour blood. - "No, indeed, Erick," said little Heleni. Tbc heron looked at his wife and child, and i said nothing. "Besides, I will try to climb a tree," said , F;rick, "may be they will give me time. But if I delay a moment longer we shall all be lost to_ I . getter " "Grid Mess you, Frick," said his mister.— ' ; r od bless you, and he will bless you. If you perish I will look t,n your wife se a sister and bring up your child as my own." "Thank you, sir," mid Mak, alemilY• "Now God be with you sit tire, air, two pistols at once " .dud the baron tired: Erick leaped to the ground On dashed the horses, the back terri fied for a moment, stood still and bayed. A/- most instantly they heard the report of a pistol, and about a minute or two close together But they herd no more. • k nil now they were within a hundred yards of I the strong built inn; the pick are closed behind them; the poet bby cranks his whip; the baron i and the whole party shout, and is the carriage dashed up to the door, and a fresh light pours ; into the road, the wolves turn and the kron and family are safe. Of Erick do tract was 'fogad. Him pistols i were dinewered wit easing, where he had ..-. :.f~~ ... • t tp •f or .hoy he d i meted ~1 his horsu• The rnan BM 1, what ran 1' be oxclaituoki th, ••-c,t_ him to pieces " '4 thy• mast hornblr• all , h. , 014.1 Erick, — --— been left, three discharged, mis still loaded; it is i The Stoles Bales. Dent Speak Ifsarably. ,• , , ,b e had n o t ti me to Ilse it before he was 1 ~_ ~, i es .„..._.....,,ai........... ____ - • • • down. I need not tell you how nobly the I "I"' nosey, an mailing preacher among "She is the greatest liar I " T e r knew ''' • • • fulfilled his promise to his wife and child the Quakers, war a tanner by trade, and known Tide was uttered by a little girl, to another On the sacred spot stands a monument, hear • iby as "one who walketh brambly with his God." walking with her, of one whom they had just Mg on one side of its pedestal the name and sto. f One night a quantity of hides was stolen from met. Being a woman, you may easily know my t3 t o f E r i c k, oh th e oth er _—uo reu s er love b at h his tannery, and be had reason to believe that =laity was excited; so quickening my stops, no man than—that a man may lav down his , the thief was a quarrelsome, drunken neighbor soon overtook the subject of what I thought, an own life for his friend." • whom I shall gill John Smith Th e nes t wee k unjust, re m a rk. / Raising her rsfee tio she Answer j• the following advertisement appeared in theed , AO' my A Jew Way of Zeeping a Eleoset, County newspaper: tears. - salutation, I noticed they were filled with 1 "Whoever stole a quantity of hider, on the "Whit, my dear child„ said I taking her tit- An amusing inatanoe of Ilibenaiin simplicity I fifth of the present month, 6 hereby informed tic hand in mine," "what make:- you weep An is_ afforded-by the following little story told usi that the owner has a sincere wish to be his friend. sadly " by a friend, in whose words we give it: j (If prorrty tempted him to this false step, the Neve.. shall I forget her answer, and the look "Molly, our housemaid, is a model one, wh,, ' owner will keep the whole tranuestion secret, and which amompanied it handles the broomstick like a sceptre, and who I will gladly put him in the way of obtaining moo- "They call obe a little liar - has an abhorrence for dirt and a sympathy for l eY by means more likely t bring him peace of ,'And why do they call you oor soap suds, that amounts to passion. She is a I mind " With a downcast gook, she replied, '•1 told a bustling, busy, rosy-eheeked, bright-eyed blue-This singular advertisement attracted coasel- story one day, a time ago, and mother said, tiering Hibernian, who hovers above our book- 1 erable attentiou, but the culprit alone knew who she wouldnever bel eve rue again, for I was I" shelves, makes war upon our love-papers, and had made the kind offer When be read it his ar,„and now every body calls me so " goes about thirsting for new worlds to conquer,' heart melted kithin hint, and he MLA filled with Now this little girl's mother was at bean, u' cried Erick. in the shape of unsimeted an d uns i g ht e d c orners _ sorrow for 'what he had done A few nights ef- doubt, an excellent woman, but in this instance, "One day she entered our library in a confus e d terward, as the tanner\ family were about re- instead of pointing out the sir, in an affectionate and uncertain manner, quite different from her tiring to rest, they beard a timid knock; and, manner to her daughter, she denounced her at usual bustling way. She stood at the door with when the door way opened, there stood John once as unworthy of auy confidence On my a letter between her thumb and finger, which Smith, with a laid of hides on his shoulder way home my thought.-' went back to my own she held a t arm's len g th, as If she had a gun- Without looking up, he said— childhood. I had always been a child of truth, powder plot in her grasp 'ln answer to our in- "I have brought there hark. Mr Revery 'till one day I• was teft, to take cart: of my ' little quirts as to her business, she answered: Where shall I put them'" sisters; upon the return of my mother, it answer "'An' it plase yer honor, I'm a poor girl, an d "Wsit till I get a lantern, and I will g , to the to some question, I gave a reply not k.xaetly true han't muc h t arn i n. , an d ye sees, r o am yer h ew . , barn with thel'," hs replied; "then, perhaps, In the course of the aftsrnaw she ascertained Paddy O'Reilly, and the Leather thushimdoean't i thou wilt come in and tell how this happened; the fact, sad told me -he should never trust m. brathe in tali In land, has been writin' of me 3 we will See what e.ll - 1 be done for thee." again Thin her a person. who regardef lether—a love letther, place yer honor; an'—' As soon as they were gone out, his wife pre- her word, I o6nelioled to tell her just such so, —We guessed at the embarrassment, and of- pared some hot er , ffet . , and placed pies and meat ries as suited 'my awn fancy; fir I tii,ught i• fered to relieve it by reading the letter to her.— on the t a ble Wh..n they returned from the would do just as well, aud lei ye n• convenisnt Still she hesitated, while she twisted a bit of raw barn she said — What was the consequence' why, I beesru• an cotton in her fingers. "Neighbor Smith, I thought some hot supper inveterate liar, as tnight ts- esti...el.-II •• 'Shure,' she resumed, 'an' that's list what 1 would los s good for thee •' • Whenever 1 hour a chill reprimault S tease want, but it isn't a gentleman like yerself that He turned his back toward her, and he did I ly for ,i, fault. it makes in, -o.d. to' I rses tuber would he likin' to know ov the secrets between not speak After leaning against the tireplaoe my own early days - us, and so (here she twisted the cotton quite in ,slew' .a few moment's h.. "aid, in choked Parents, especially mode is. -hoiill b e , :- nervously) if it 'ill only plan yer honor, while V..)ieV-- ' tremely cautious, how they , •irns, I 1 bear eliiith eo yer radeing it, so that ye may not hear it yerself, I when overtaken in fault They Uhl) , ru.,h a if yell fat put this hit of elgiOlifn yer ear,: rue. I sensitive spirit. or rouse all the pare.ion. of fiery stop up Fr hearin' t an' thin the snorts 'it/ tm temper, without aroomplishiee any real z ,,, ,,.1 unbeknown to yer.' Ohre Bre noir Aual Niter "We hadn't the heart to refuse her, and with - es the gravest fee& possible, complied with her re-' ;quest; but often Since, we have laughed heartily ' as we have related the incident —.V 1' .lour. letl Let u- make on excursion down the .:treet 4f . 4• what we can ham Yonder is the wreck of a rich man's son Ili w,A permitted toe-row- up without employment, went and came as he ploased, and -pent his , titn, in the gratitleatt•in of spontaneous 11,715bi. , 11., dtrsire9 and inelivations t with no one to cheek him when his course ws , evil, or encourage him in the ways ot VeLtodi int His father w.ay rr. li, and for that reason the rob thought he had nothing to .10, do part di hone,t labor to perform. Well, the father died, and .o u portion of his abundant wealth, awl having u-v -er earned money by hone,: Le ku. w nor thl' value of it, and having no !:it d 4. oi la.it:. you he knew not bow to use it, • 1, • gat. h. , . 'ems *to his appetites and peseta', and ern it r tint! pace down -the h toad to di , ..ipatt, , ti N , ,w behold him a broken-down wan, boaeo with in tirmaiy, a acre wreck of what it, War tooth phyu. wally and mentally His money is 2 . ‘.tie ati,i h. live.. on the charity of those ib-art ono open with pity Such is the fate,o,f 'Cr.'o , . and hundred• and thousands that are born of fort un. And thcre, on the opposite aide, iu that tu fortable mansion, lives the son of a poor cobid,r Fifteen years ago he left the bumble room of hi. parent, and went forth into the broad world .; to seek his fortune. All his treasures c ,,ia 3l ,i e .i of his kit of tools, a good knowledge of his trail , hinest principles, industrious habits, and twenty five copper.. Now he is the owner of that ele gant mansion, is doing a thriving business, pa— .esses an unbroken constitution, and bids fair to arrive at a good old age. Such is the lot of scores, hundreds and thousands who never boast ed of wealthy parentage, Go into any city, and you will almost in-vari ably find that the most enterprising men are of poor parentage--mien who have had to row against wind and tide• while nn the other hand, a majority of the descendants of rich families . are below mediocrity in talents, live a short time like drones, on the'labor of others, and then go down to untimely graves. \That a lemon should this be to those who are by all means, either fair or foul, accumulating treasures for their children! If the rich would train their children to regu lar habita of industry, very many of them would be saved from intemperance, misery and untime ly end During the war of 1812, it was the mudortune of many American officers to be prisoners in Can ada, and not always to meet with the best of treatment. True, they were ph cally well at tended to, and generally messed with their cap tors; but they were subject to jibes and mortify ing remarks, which not infrequently called forth a Roland for an Oliver. On one of these occa sions, f it was just after the flight of the Presi dent, from Washington, and before the news of his safety had reached Quebec,) and English officer gave the insulting toast under the oircumstanee: "Mr. Madison, dead or alive:' . Words cauuot express the imilination of the American officers, nor their surprise when they saw a prisoner rise from his chair returning thanks for this recollection of his country's 'chief magis trate, and is the blandest voice call on all to fill, as he was about to make a return. There was a peculiar something visible,. however, which led his companions to think they might follow his example, which they accordingly did En a calm unmoved voice, he gave the toast— " His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, drunk or sobrr!" Had a shell exploded on the table, the amaze ment could not have been greater, and the per son who had given the first blast, said— " That, sir, is an insult." "No," replied the American, " it is a reply to one, t h at is all." He continued— " If it be an insult, resent It !" The English are in the main a chivalrous rsoe, and the commencer of the Wordy dispute was in duoed to explain, and the party dispersed. This retort is sometimes attributed to the late Major General Kearney, and at others to the late Major Lomax, of the artillery ; both were asps ble of it, for they were men of quick wit, and serve and txourage to sustain what they thought cireurnstanees demanded on all occasions. air Whether you are playing on the stage, or the world, your character should be well dressed. Broadcloth is generally received with a smile though covering a muesli while linsey woolsey is rather run upon, though covering a patriot. mar The great race between a aigkittnare and a clothes home caste cd a short tame awe. The am who catered the mane wasn't wide awake, so the horse took the prise. tar Why is s watch dog Larger at night than he le in the =Grain? Because he is let cat in the night sad takes is is the mars*. Life as it L. A Retort. --4 , - , -- ••It is•th.• fir., time I ever anything, and I have felt very had about it lam sure 'I didn't once think that I should ever tome to what lam But I took to drinking, and then quarreling Sitio , I began to go down hill, ev erybody give. me a kick. You are the first man th a t has offered me a helping hand My wife is -ickly awl my ehildren are -tarring You have ,ent me many a meal—Gkxl bles, you, and yet. I stole the hides. But I tell you the truth, when I Qay it i. di, tiro time 1 wa.s ever a thief •• Let it In la-i my replied Save rs ••Ipe .-ecrot reruatmi between ourselves.— Tt i o u .rt young. ..ml 1, in thy power to mal.i• up for the la,t time Priimist• rue that tht•it wilt not drink at.s .0 acing liquor for a year, in;i I wal .• on good pun ap , toneA But .t t.. now and drink :vim. hot coffee Per h:;p-, it will keep r'n‘in raying anything %tronger to-night l t iuutli ro., thou wilt find it hard 1 , . .in . but kei p up Si brave lii art ~1 th. wit. and children, and it beck•iti u thou litmt need of •• will alwar give it p 7 I. !: , 'N t,, ~ it 411 d drink. but 7h. fu,,d choke. him. After vainly trying to compose hi.: f~.;lings, hi• bowed his heed th, tebl.. and a i•hild After a a 4,1 ! lc :tie d.nd ,hank, an I ht.- , hot parted with hull th, night. wit!) to • fit, ndly t,, (1.) always fit,.l " ntered into thi•ni.xt day, and r. main.l with him luauy a - ,D4T, honest, u,i fait httil man Th , - -erryt the theft was kf.pr n them. but -`...er .),)hn tiled, Wit ham Savcry di, %wry, I. might l.i i•otuc with mirk! THE Ho ALTZ The following remarL , letter from an .‘u inrautrav”l;..r in Italy a i copied from th Anthology, then puhli:h I',,Stoll, giving account of the orifin ~f NV tltz, and ex prevong tears that it b•• Introuucod among us at future i. ;co . r ~übiication at this time. 'Atuong otht r --erupting fa.-iiion,‘, whieb have been introduced here by th. Fr. nch , ‘flicere, is a lasniviotas dance called h. 'l t iga:tally learned by thorn its Germany, which is xas t ly adapted to the taste , of Lne young Frtmeh offi cers, who are in quarter- to tali of pretty women, whose nie.rd:i:co• cn , , ugh t,. permit them to join to au, Wine.. 1- y probably have never seen it, ..u.l for thc sake .1 your teel- Inge I pray you Uert , r .. I *.z1.1 )..0 a short description of it,.to r f,rtn some opinion of th. I . ni,orals on the continent of Et.r. In the first place, tlc. - -.• -see' hi GrePijozv; that is to itiy, attire, leaving a little r nt f.r as possible, the bre ao. nit : vat- , •xpesed or covered only with gala; • crap. , 'flan , pre pared for thin embra dance, the gentleman clasps with both arms t. firmly round the waist, while she gently }.O.- •,f 11• r. route 1, his body, and softly s tte, ht r opin him neck You will probably elpt - et lion of an elegant figure, ex. cuted atiti, taste, and affording variety and atuu.s. incur. N.., the •,.- t ids vonstituum all the ple-L-ure anti all the u.t velty of the dance. The dancer• thus cuibraciug and embraced, begin to turn most turiously pr, vainly like our shaiatig Quakers, and as the mo tion would make them dizzy they lid not keep their eyes fixed upon some object %Lodi turns as rapidly as themselves, they have dpology for the most languishing gaze upon each other. In this, state of painful revolution they continue, till nature is exhausted, when the lady is exactly prepared to repose herself, which she - does iu the arms of her companion. The dance is s oon re newed, and as it has no other object than a lan guishing embrace, it generally continues for sev eral hours, exhibiting neither variety, nor grace ful motion. Ido not think that it is, more jade cent to act than it is to see it. The lady or the gentleman, who could de either without a blush, may rely upon it that they are halt corrupted AN HDITOR's - VINDICATION OP A FkleND. An editor in vindicating the private character of a friend, who had been nailed for the crime of sheep-stealing, thus defends him: • I , We have known Mr. Thomas for twelve years. Our acquaintance commenced with the great equi noxial storm which blew down our grandfather's barn. At that time he was a young man in the prime of life, and we think raised the best mar rowfat peas we ever eat. Ile was aood mathe matician, kind to the poor and troub led with Ma. In all the relations of a husband, father, uncle and trustee of common lands, he has foliaged the direct standard of duty. Mr. Thomas is at this time forty-three years of age, slichtly marked ;with the small-pox, an estimable citizen, • church member, and a man of known integrity for ten years. And as to sheep stealing, that he would have done it if he could get an opportunity ie . without foundation in point of fact. Mr. Thu was oonld have stolen, our lead peneilsveed 1611111114 but be didn't do it." . A air A very henget chap .in Bake, wish es to .dl his hese, with witness none in sedi tion, end very fond of traveller-44ft ran away lbw time within a week." -AIIIIIIII.----- ---- -- B. P. SLOAN, EDITOR. NUMBER 50, St o LEPPiti Lt!.. St VUAI —A tinui%ter tb• "Kirk," in grifyl S t .:,ti.tri.l. ”ric , 1113 wife fallen to ,:leep in the unibt of big. 11..tu ily on the Sabbath' So, p.i.ti l sing in the Ytem anti possibly tuonotonott.4 tiow of bit. oratory. b. broke forth with this per , u,na! "harp an clear but very deliberate, "Susan l" SWIM opened her eye=. au,l Itr, i u a * Walk ling, as dui all other dren.tr- .ch.• ther asleep or awake 'Susan. I dinna marr) f,ir your wealth sin, ye ‘hae'd none: And 1 thnua marry ye fur your beauty, thr hail congregatn.o eau ,ee. And f ye hae nu grace, I have made a .4.ir bargain:" 511.13.11'M slumbers were effectually hrokeu up for that Sabbath at lust.—l .4 1. Mrr,n- Ns. A lady entered a Nlioto t sdme 14- back enquiring for an article •Ahe 114,(1 forgotten The fractiou4 proprietor asked her if ph, had anything eLse, and upon' reeeiiug repl) 11, the negative, he reminded her t had /Kmaet behiaut. ma. Happiness is not to be fauna ,e 8) Cita OAS, nor in the fe.itive sll, nnr in the hi larities of the ball room, o r :lie gaining cable, nor in thr pursuit of weai'iz. wnridiy f.tme hon,,r; bur it may be found in fining g.ond PET If you ask me witieh the real heretitta r) gin of human nature, do you imagnie 1 my pride, or luxury, or tint-Atom or (.4.itiou' N.-. I shall ratty indolence Wll,.., , out i at ra indoieuce will conquer all the re:t I 11 , 111.9.1, all gout' prin ciple must stagnate without uient.t: aetivity sot- An aneednte rebth .1 4 . an "Id L i ly vrhl entertained traveller% tief.n. t , , r gu..st• ..,m -tneneed 'a meal it wa- cu 4 n sing She alwar. delivvrad herselt 4ise "() Lord, make to truly th.utefnl ...r ih (''od before rt.s. Nancy, hanl r unkl th. to bread tint. and then tit, Liwtett.- ft..rwanh, Amen " We" Every p.cb v.l biy k , yr. that a kit w.mi not fly unleam it hid a V.l 40.1 : 14111 A; 90 in life. Tlio tu.oi half II dOLIAI bbN wing rvipi 'WI 1)1 I Mt, An i their mother. will make a -ir .ti and 1-rgh•-r tlighf th a n tb, bachelor, wii !laving a ih ug keep him ,:via) • In lb- Mud If pu wan: I •li , , 1 :• purielt 111 4101110behly 10 POT "Sammy, have y. , e -et t 2 . 1, •'Ye,i' grandma " “Fixt.td the next up ••Mighty fine, grindloa " ...flow many egg. did %.,01 l er ;to 1. r he' One hundred Ind twenr:...ziottu " oWhy , Sartllll Wil3; li,i y. - et pa , so Luau) under her for' ••14 / oeN, ; e. „ 4„,/. lift. A ebiu. n-r 1111-1,..rt I. ty t- i f , rmed to) 111 1111r•r h t.l promised n..: m irry tz un whit , . ;rive rvinain,4l damp, um! Thu , it very ‘aw n hum in .I,:stlug the prnee4. I:==1 . "Seventy five o. , nt • x , •ianne,i l'nrtingt.n. on lookinc ~vor tem - risint —lVhy Me,. me, wh t in the wirl.l com ing when the gal, an ',Alit • -.t nt.'" The olit la ly , iff her -peotaitleh, threw down ht r paper, an.' w, ut Imo lirown SW dy on the want if A pr r appr, iat ot, of the trui vain , ' of the letniniiir g nJer Evenings at home an. the :ightfal and the most valuable privileges t and wor king man can rnj•.y, if tie.) .ir provided fur. A frolic with the liable.—a quiet chat with the wife—l-au agn eat& look —uuta and apples, may be all around a bright tire in a cozy room. On that ''bill ..f fare" let the bachekr consider, and resolve to "mend him was." ----.......111,,._. -,,-......---. - --- air A man who would fear ad ...I, 0 1 . well, should have as little to do with groggerit as possible. Remember this and stop at home with your wife; and if you have not. one, Rh} go and court some smart girl that is willnig be one in. Let a man have wealth, di , ,ttnett , .n ..r Aiming, without religion he will be unhappy ' MT Kuala mute in possession of h. r terri to riea in north America by right ,4 •loso.vtiry. is the sixteenth century. Mir There is a boy in Chicago, fifteen year, of age, who measures in his boots (low heeled,' oh feet eight inches. His name is Lot/ Last yellf there were couveyed between 'hr I' B. mid Europe, by the British sad American Tagil steamers, 4800,00(1 letters, and 1,*00,000 Istramoven. is . The prettied lining fors bonnet is a sweet faoe. es. Sous men think chomped's.+ invited, wham they tart ally inflated. 4 , 1116 .6.-- , ME CE