Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, March 11, 1854, Image 3

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    c c . t , tors, altbeeigli L set opposed to literary *
and further than that, las opposed to the
slarety into oar oiiir:tatritaries—but I COP
,t the bill now before Coarse* known u Sea
bill, to referent* to tie Stersike territory
that idect I did noiltatirtat to partieipate
di^eting at the Court Bum. I happened, in
and woo celled on to take a seat as Vice
;rt. sad did oo withoat knowing what the oldiont or
the meeting woe. aad for that I do Out bolleve
0. The Watt/NOT Star aye that the three
o f Washington, who were persuaded
mauve• of humanity, to home sureties for
hate been sued, judgement obtained
execution Maned and levy made.
heard of vontributions solicited by
I . a rt sad of money paid in Scotland and
(1 , 6 „,, for the Chaplin fund, and mks: Whe .
Selby Parker, David A. Hall
icanchard, of Washington city, are
above alluded to. It asserla that
Gooey raised north and abroad has
,' n. ak
, authorised to aosoonsoo JOHN SHELVE!
" r-,rJartioo of the Nave for the West Ward
elet ott.
Yir . r. 1
e,E.thorited to state that lOSNIIIBLEIMR
candidate for Constable in the East
o;.• election.
gr-..h 11. 13A.
--: L. Portico will deliver a loeuire on the
Lord Byron, on Toledo evening next,
Ro"rsoot the Presbyteries Church. Eft are
zAtreA it:4. .
Rees of le.dvertistag.
pnPr 'bet&ri W NW , ?aPors Pub/ 14 '-
6e cite pf Erse, hare axed tip* the following rates
vett/smear:et ' , Tanury, 1854:
Lees, s3—orers ce til ander 8, 18 5 ,
wertion. 75 a, 3 months, $3, 6
-s. $5,4 months, $4 74 1 year, $B.
!loathe. 15, 6 mouths. $B, 9 months,
r) co jl4.
; i lo,rtisere—Not to exceed (with card,) 2 equates
, paper, $2.5.
or 10 Ntuires—Otat year, $66. 6 mouths;
: Sts.
AL-K,, c e notice 25 nests each.
;obrert,, etc- .5411 per eent it atiditioh to the
F.l.rorod notices, 10 cents a line.
Fire Company and other notices, half
•^.t advertisements to be paid for in ad-
,f 10 per twin wilt be made coal
- vlrertiwneata, whet paid in:advasee.
SAMUEL PERLEY—filoweide.
STERRETT k GARA—thiertre.
DURLIN k SLOAY—Obeerywr.
-MOORE k COMPTON—row Awrierna.
J. B. JOIINBON--Coustitrtioft,
BENSON—NeesC. Welt.
rlsmoiLieftSo COILDIAZ.--The only Naze, yet discoverer:L.ler mend debility, phis
irratabdity, and all tire various train of
: also remove depression, exciter
inespaeity for study or isesiness,
ry. menul debility, de., ito.--See advertise
, Stan.
GARD. • •
osottlanits.—Mrs. Wisps%ow. kpid weld el
: ..r.4e lnd female physician, would Call the attention
her Soothing Syrup for children teething. II
reitese them from pain. allay all spasmodic
• ipo curs.. reduce indarnation, and a sure to relto -
I , Don it Notberz. it Will rive teat 10
and ttcattnin ourebildret, Prieet3etete
large quantities of Mrs YEinslow's Rooth-
Past sis sear,. over 10.000 boob, the last
the best medicine in the world tor Ciiildren
• a tll.l ruff. of Dysentery and Diarrhea in Cliildnest
• ises r”ra teeth ngor any °thereat's! It giveiani•
. et heard a complaint (rpm say one Using
. .1; 3 .1 universally aucceoftli in relieving
cures In all cases above stated if taken is
..sai nr Tr od sisoCTTIGT etRT•11111
- ii.RK I N Drue,es.u+, formerly of Balms*. Nte.—
, Irilandt .treet. New York. Agents are now
. i• • si:l ate Veintitsekt toms+ 111 the mate of New
; • PAIN 1i1E14.3t The weird is ashboish.
eve-, icrformed by Om Cramp and Pain Eli
',•tin3 Perkins. its equal bas never been
•-s. ink pain .0 enemies:for tbe career spinal COM
-at. es she 51subst and stomach. rheumatism in all lie
chills and (ever burns. sore throat, and
I.r .eslip use beet remedy in the world. Evidence
riire4 ever performed by any medicine are
• it ads of Agents—you mar be positively
N,llsonsof bottle. of this aucheine
- - Npse En.liand the past six Or right years.—it
••• -se .nric introduced into nil theprine i pal towns
-2 • • a I :of CURTIS dr. PERKINS' ("ramp and
—+',e - tr or this name are base imitations.—
.•, . per bottle according tolige. Also for
- lIERRY BITTERS. for the cure of Bil
' - ,, nplainta. and general detility. They
- 1 e t e clew life and ertergy ti. t ow wbot it .. ) ,
• it in Pint Bottles. Boyd & Paul, N 0.46
- 'cft York, whole...Met:gents for all the iCoore
•-; • ' 41tOn for agenciesocorderzfor the aberetarreti
. to C 4 rt is & Perkins. No. 40 Courtlatuit
for rate by the following agents
I - II iforton t l'o.S.rie. Pa.: Parsrms& Warit
• - fc , Bog., nunkirk; .. Sexton. Porrestvllle
1... r & rO,. AbIILILUIrt. Lewitt H. Kelly, Pninsvine. •
1 A at . Cleveland. Ohio 1).43 •
"rdt: - ..ary care. fog' alt 'abeam and Rey.
sipolaa zotabined. .
Mattrua's,Vssiractu, Maw , Mai kb. 10:1.
I \V ..fese—Dear dlr.—Tiara may certify that for sew
• ;fast. I have been afllicfed w th a ittitatir whreh result
evireine .orni of the Erycipelas. About two yeah
.enn with the usual hurting nod quittetnx ventation.
eared in different pirt• et the body. but boa been most
y free. once producing blingloess front ettreme greet
ed with great soreness and pain; at the.sonae time
~n, A I became swollen and et entually a raw note.
the enure (lot. discharging:l watery subdtanee
, e scalding sensation. For six monthe c Zwas tin
t er•eph with great min, even with Iwo tchea
tA , deed that both Salt Rheum and. Eryeinelite
, • Illy ease Aunng OP nett stages of the die
r - - doe teri , porare tt.litt from us+ n; Neeaa warilta.
a , al, return with more force and the same
r J .1.1 to girt relief SOD!e lime in bee. mgt. my
• e • our morning. as be was got ttg from home.
" that I can get for you that you taw earl help
I 0 a about discouraged and (eel that I must
- , •„Pet rie lan fur help and ruhrort w his nail. tot'
m..liediee bare utterly failed. My busband
• Iwtrned from one of your agents that a
• of neon discovered and prebared eapectally
_ n Ile returned and brought me one of your
I read with great interest because it described
.• my ow it which bad been cured. 11y f.tith
r f,l lour Ine.lie Ines as providentially made
• •I I feel pretend to the Great Physician sad
lopes have been wonderfully reakzed. 1
4outinenee4 owe your Canker and Ban
• " fo' rerate,.trretly efeoMint to direction., aud
fee' it. healing effects. and .enie time since
• - •- ird am able to %slit about awl attend
• • Tau, without pain except what results from
• er , •DrNone from the Ankle, which is, bora.
-^orertnr, ittreeeth t feel the bigbeet cone.
-' :Ines led cheerfully recommend theM to es , -
" • rirnilar digitate,, and would gladly an
- 11 such sufferers verbally, wiggle mince(
MA &GAR frr
• fe a csect 1.4 Cottle. Of Chit:nary. %law
• Prudence benaisoa. and Mrs. Aura:
rnild ?Unties say that bet general health
WWI before taking the medicine.
Fel,tuary. at Cambridge city La., Ma-
Geo. ff. and Maria D. Bowman, for
t 7 a v, aged 20 mouths.
1 - • , 'Elkhart. /a., Mrs. ElliMA 211. wife
, formerlyalMlleaa, aged 15 years.
• Mr•-. SARAH A. consort &Charier P.
I , :theer f the late C. Keck: Esq., aged ta
i of tho family are ialtitid to atteud the fa.
arte n iaos at Paolo* at their Teal
AilbtrtiandS*. -
PAligions Notice.
P; , trcster, of Verraont , btu been enVird
:n.r , rJa!itt Society of Erie, for the enstung
4 4 : on the Id of April next. It is also
will preach at their Church on next Sob
.• at the anal tint*.
plem -
Com e atery aloe
1.4, , Fire Department acknowledge the re
ty aullikro from J. Cook, Feb. 15,ISSe:
wrcern Insurance Company. tWei=
iet rrottl C. MeSplPTell ifteen .1011 ant.
return their ;sincere theaka The a."
, ntemplativa the eitabliahnient oft Died ;
A Frvmen that may receive inferior in the
, iuti-a at Ara*. The above &matinee
•n? -nay he received hentafter) wilt be appro.
sorad also return their compliments to
' • Ety, Surma k Gray, and either*, for the
' /' by them for the firemen at the time
rc Street. G. A. BENNETT, •
Chief E n gin ear,
Presque Isle Fire Depart. ,
Patent Paperr Pifer for 761d0d 4 - apors..
v „," har,o f how. litte,pts or other valuable Pa
„try preveevr, visaed peaclene wan or
' o , ‘ not oull reader them nosh more rowan,
'' Pbeveet them from dostonnage.
” •'. Pelleet cteanlitiese sod order—made ,a
-"'• • te /Wrier dozen, by
• N MAGILL. Sole Maaatecturerb
"-• f.
ooro , and %Ism oa 'bort ootioc. at ;
can it
I i. 164.
ways d• hscl at
witbe mace to .ult cuitoftera bY
• , iSad. TANKKIL & MAGILL ,
P.,a,, , ,,0e.atcs tad warraated to draw at uninaaallY
• TANnit & MAGILL.
tbellper Utast, er
! 144 T ATM FS Iic , MAC:ILI.9I
*fear and Ito tasses..
iot 1.4. cler , el fess Neve °eines, ger sale by
at Neer fork peke*. Merebeetv are re.
a . ... 41. 41.mai5te samples. J
MU 11,11324
Publle Deek.
I end other Trattw. Amurads satitt.
4, 4 4, 15244.-42. JACINGII
InnW es * algae utadletibe lime Li+
A- ifeir l = bi k Co., M I i AIRY balloirbol by abbabl possess..
The bialgawo will be boattbauf u WNW 1114114 r MK NM law
flae etreetleesest. . W. J. P. LIDDELL.
Erie. March U. Mit-43.
'rife eutueribm havi Oo dd brined d eopartoership under the
d- cameo( Lidded, Kepler k Co, would inform the people
that they are prepared to execute orders tbr Pawns. Uddirdhd•
gleam gaga nes dr 80i ters, Machinery, Iron rem' add Iddilidi•
Illaekrasittuag. Waggons, gosa k c ul l H a rrows the • ke.
W. J. F. Lica:etc. wet. a. JOHNSON.
Erre. Mateh It, tm-43.
rArza UAuGz t 111
WE are now receiving the locirare Meek N paper afmeat •
foe our Spry . 4 ow e e v er wage oft wed Inib II market Our
*mit ealataces Ewe
SOO Dasahrlnal AMA likaaliti es,
Nos 00Manosi to aka Bade. Oak Marble, Velvet and GM p a -
Plea, Prices ranging. according to gale 1 1 Y. from f CM , TS s r . sr 1,70
Per piece. Also: a snieadta assortment of Window Shatleai
Lor4 end Tames, Curial n Fixtures, &c .
Housekeepers who intend papering their homes this Spring
Mould mil and examine our mock Wore purebasing elsewhere.
5E.1.44:14 ELY,
Eras. March IL Mat, Chcapeade.
Be sure you are Right, then Go Ahead,
ra a eayiacold and Nem bie,aud as we are begi o nine to receive
1, our Spring Illtnelt, we take sheerly oetaloon buy to the pati
ne and private. that we are t'sure we are right," and intend to
.asa-heed." The peat increase ofout trade, fertile past twelve
tonaths. has induced ea to Increase oar tee 'titles for the purchase
of Goods, and we can now assure our customers, (headband the
pnbile generally, that we ran rurrnsh them with any ankle in
oar lice at better CUM than any other shop west of Philadelphia
Attention la caked; to examine Costs matting. 6 91 Misr moved
Ia a dollar earned " Particular" by and bye.
March I. MSC tITWICTOPII t rutuat.
Home ~aatofactcres,' ` V
k FULLER are nor Prepared to mats to order,
Silver Hpoona.Toran,PlTelit:ita.Tea Sete, Cups, and la hid
any article of Silver GOods, at as good rates, and in as pot, style
as It can be bad In Eastern Cities.
Eavaring done In the neatest manner, Haetas a estaitsaodi
gas 4, and two good workmen. One of whoa •-can't *heat"
this side at ?Ws elph ilk, We are coniktent we tin {ire wotodte•
don to alt. Ord frown cl:staDee promptly attended to. The
trade supplied at ern priors. Please call mime bow wit do
Pa ow. a ha , doors east of Brown's Hotel,
March It. 1811
vela pas. We Wakin gn Itairat,
D IEA altered. Envelope, stamped w ad a
cards. ith business vi
ena.pattrie' gasempe. selAsealed and printed. Paper Bap
fa/spatula/0 up ihrdes had Flower aided". with printed dilata
tions, at 63 Ilmith Thank' Street. Philadelphia. by
N. B. Orders pia iiiikisseraidy sayeses sr at pre arrimaitat.
March 11. Idil.
A Tor near the Depot. on Saturday. March as oldish
1- 1 Cada' a Wean, coatis slag athuren dollaryle paper mos
ey, three Eve dollar lulls and ova t dollar bill. and other valua
ble pipers of no use 10 any one except the owner. 'Whom! .
will revue said pocket book with the contents to the Owen al
Lackpoth,ga., shah be liberely rewtrded. JOHN BOYMIT.
March. M lall4. ave.
Our mild address, in pane obonndlag,
And free from every cause of mounding,
Hsi been attacked in rnlsan liaLtil3o2 .
And modest form with tongs and hawser,
Our neighbor hints, in terms quite haughty.
To boast and vaunt is very naughty;
The fact is plain, the Mot L aaPie%
He shows it by a fair entrap/et
The boy that stole the cheese and pie
Is theßrsttoayitwas'nt L
The fashions which one neighbor "leads,"
The oldest fogy only heeds;
They're easy led, they're old and tame,
Ris predecessors led the seine.
And what he says of hat that sits,
We own is feet beyond our wits.
Bet when be comes to change his metre,
lie gives it so abstruse a feature,
Oar Intellect at once takes spasm
In depths we wholly fail to fathom,
The rhyming art is not degraded
Where common sense is thus Invaded.
We'll tell- the people far and wide
• Thames% why Carton left Cbeapside.
For one so honest and so trusting,
Be found his lance ass too disgusting,
'Our neighbor boasts bf one more tasty—
To give his name ilt'S tint so hasty.
Now let WI caution you to care, .
When you approach the "Mr." beware
' For poisonous moats are sometimes found
And stings the innocent to wound.
Yet with thte fact yon may be Uttered,
The& leader's gone, the workers scattered.
And though they hum in holdestlones, •
There's nothing left but bussing drones.
P. IL—Our ramting friend again appears,
And fairly shows his full length ears,
Were drawn him out, his tones are ill*
The Bars stink out at every line. 'W. IN.
Irby Illarelt 7, 1854. No. to; Brawn's task.
Boots and Shoos
oginoiebor, in for fame and glory,
His told a sorry son of a nary,
And 'tie a most /uprising thing
To me how stupid drones can sting,
Poking his long stick in our hire,
fbund the busy mass alive,
And in his vain attempts for honey,
NM met a fate that's sot so funny.
Defeated in his purpose foul, •
The Bees bare made old Brain &tied.
And picking up this "feet that sits,"
11. rube the place whore should be wit..
The truth's as old ee Noah's ark,
The smallest puppies loudest barki
And "tables of the smallest size,"
Will often raise ferocious vies.
Well—ebould tits, little babies snsual
Another sad another peal,
Jost pat them gently on the
(live them a little liobensaek,
Or leather tea is very rod,
For those ion out of baby/Red
The people ery—Dereau's! Dereso sJ '
That is the place for Boots and Shoes'
This rut is stranger tut Lissa Hatton,
And will not miler contradiction,
Add now onr neighbor's intisithret.
Will "take a spasm" *Pe tinspeet.
Smug the Bear whewin a spasm;
Re tells us that he oft"ct has 'tin,
And if yon would not meet your rain. _
. -. For merey's sake, don't go near Bruin.
Brie, March 9, 1554. .9, ram' r,
- Wo. 5, Cheapsido.
. .
Boots out shoed.
Again we come in measersd rhymes.
Out change the theme atichanee the times.
The Erie Railroad war has ended
And peace bar to her throoe ascended:
1 Auld quietly witheepeeping peace
Let evert bitte asilton cease.
L And cultivate it kind.
iHo malice moves hie min&
Throw by th e boots by service battered.
A little old and somewhat sitahlseed,
r And colt again at number ten.
You know the plate you'll Sod themes:'
, Wilcox wilt wait on You with pleasure.
• And Cotter's there to mite your measure.
lie left Cheap side,—no matter when.
And stop at Brow es Rork number tea,
And when he's fairly sized your feet,
Dell make a boot that can't be beat.
He need. in verse no fame or glory,
To rail hunt Cotter, tells Ih.: story.
Young men with inteticett expandivg,
eroter.t with Boots your undkaratandiolt
Or if the Gaiters better Please.
Consult your tastes. consul t your Ms
Tbe4Congeeas forms with vartatioas
Xilventified in the: r relatione;
Nay better meet emir expectations,
And satisfy your inch natiops.
COMe Ladies come, or send your waiters.
And And at nice a pair or Gaiters
As ever grated a Lady 'a feet.
Cf texture Any or fashion neat,
adonaeco Bootees. Buskins Slips,
Some plain, some patent leather tips,
Enameled work v, ith stitches laid.
And Nome of the finest of French Kid.
The Mimes tod st rib modest pride.
Will find the means their feet to bide.
la fancy rotors., free from harm,
Without 'oppressing even a cheese.
We've Shoe. which Boys and Girumadie, -
And Bah iesof the smallest size,
The mods we've bad to order made.
Designed for our specific trade,
In ponderous pilot approach our doors.
In heap, on heaps and scores ou scores,
Doubt not the choicest nods are there.
They open rich and even rare,
And though our speech rosy seem quite bold.
U 4241 And the Mil( bat not been told.
No.lo Brown', Bldek.b tale st.
Erie. Pets. U. /551-4 t
BOOTS & 8,11028.
Although the "Erie war bas ended,
And pease has to her throne ascended,"
You'll lad that rhyming without reaufs.
Is not befitting any season; :
To boast sad vaunt is not our part,
And thus degrade the rhyming art;
We only tell you what is true
About the firm of S. Decree.
We kad the fashions all must know,
While others follow, sore bet slow.
"Cotter" 'tis true, boa left "oheepsida,"
But still his piles be wall Rtlppl,OCl
By one more tasty and mere neat,.
Wbo's always ready at his sear,
And when yourfeet to measure sits,
lon may be mire he'll "wire them its'
While mingling elegance with ease.
We know he cannot fail to please..
Igo more to Philadelphia go.
To Lynn, New York. or Boffin'',
Nor yet In "Brown's Block number ten.'
To find why totter left, or when,"
For here at Cheat:wide, another Eve,
liou7l find an active henry hive
Of workmen skilled, of workmen ilk ) ,
Who never. fail to fit the feet.
At leisure you our stock an view
Of every quality and hoe,
And gratify the ruling patsies,
Of always 'being in the fashion;
For when a pretty foot you slaw,
The reason is ('twist toe and oto.
- Not. "in your eye" bat is Um ate, •
So neatly made by S. Dessau.
Hoping kind Nen& that we may was,
In boots and 'hoes we'll sot your plat surf'
' And though our measures fail in feet,
Tour feet shall never fail in measure ;
Coate on, we say, come one and all,
And give your friend D • call.
Ism, Xarelt 4, 1854—tf-42. St. DSVEATi.
V .11 II
WArm to are ram (be first or AR - it or Kay for foe or
owe airs a comfortable bass. sum ba kw $ wan
lusty, rae with • bars ordered. Address dad. Pat Or.
am or lamina the Eta Ina Pae wry
Ede, !e►. a. 1864-0.41. JERILISLIA El NOONAN.
*Ol To asipd I
IN order so sale rows Ibr say itions4 .task , Mtl asq ibe
mot Mary wooer thalami as tan. Cuw aad examia• bad
dlr plane win tad salt Ism Woad as wii.Das% Lu
bi lira . .evek7 Med eau% addXlid
Itessiiisees bibs 0111001Amilimrhillie Tessa
ivariCS ex" dist of set of
1111 Gemend daislday uf (Pam
sytrasels, PUMA
the 13th day of March, 1 titled "Aw
act to amend as act dietetic the mode ed . Unseated
Load fee Tws," Isc. * and the several inebssquenst acts
suppley thereto; and an act entitled " An act to
crime the County gates and Levies for the nee of the
Comnothedalth , " passed the %tit day of Moral, Mg, and
aereesably to the provisions of the 41.1 section of an act en
titled "An net to reduce the State Debt and email/orate
the Pennsylvania Itaihood Company," passed the 29dt day
of April, 1844, and " An set in relation to the mkt of Un
seated Lusa in the several Counties of this Common
wealth," passed the 9th day of Much, 1847, the following
Tracts and LOCI of Untested lands in the County of Erie,
(or so touch thereof as will pair the ansiarmes of Taxa
and Costs maenad thersetta will be exposed to sale, at the
Court House in the City oflErie, ms the 2d Monday of June
nest, and be continued by adjournmast from day to day, if
it *hail be found necessary so to do.
City of 18•34.
Reputed Owsers. No. Let. Years.
Adam 41xletn, i2B in out lot 286 102, 1853
Frederick Robbins, " " 286 • " "'
Martin liodia. "" r. Petlty, 30 " " 286 13SL"
Lucinda Baud, 33 ketlog i n
David Duinand, -
Julia Purger, 567
33 feat of kie 568
Sarah Heron, 33 feet of lot 565
John Hurts, 7in Krum 35
Jane Hay, bone, 33 hot ne lot 565
It 571
Jahn Shiuldnek, •
Eliztbetit Tewksbury,
" 33 ft. is lets 31 6 6.1
Canal Csespasy,
John 1.60 t Ist SIS
Charity A, 3GO 15t331
Michas' Cowes 33S: 11151
Pirter Christie,
• Mt
Alias Dens,.
Fuller & Usi.astktili St a S li g
“ 44
M tg
44 44 li a 44
Clinton Geary, seated, 11371
A, Miaow, 1,2, 3,13, id, 35, 16 amp% "
T. Musk ' . iMI
James Duncan, 301
Ai lii . int 04
'4 n W.liddsll,
by 1 45 b4O IV R. S
15ent kit 40 "
" 211 tt 5,6, " 405 "
Sad 114101 04 0 Bab
GoarP Ballo& bara, INV
'William Banea's bits, 1335 . W
1397. . "
" 0 ill 1014
David Christie, - UN .
James Handles, ' 16 7 6 103
u " 1004 /1011,1103
latitreer Relnan, 542 '
W. A. V. Warm, 320
John H.Millar, ohl fort, 2 arms.
Proles Isle Cant/any, 266 6
•• • 3292
Giles Sanford, k wave lots 59, GO
Adam Sheridan, 26C1
Walt= B. Swan, 1-0 56
Wm. A. Bean, 58, 60, 62, 64
Peter Brubaker, 12, 14, 16 out lot 919
Brews, Mcapanen. Scott &
Gunnisonorat. 100121 2,3, 4 1 5, 6, 7 , 3 , 9 , 30 "
Andrew Leery, I 1312
James Manta.; 50,52 oat tot 981
' John Adams Sheer, 23,85 out lot 381
T. Ic W. Stephens, i out lot VS )
suis.dis. 40 O. 33 5
J. Ic 3. Williams, . 3885
i William M. Wallace, 1 673
" north 676
Massey Hanitely 13illilellell
Reposed Chreml. No. Aessa. Yews.
11esokiait Bates, 350 77 1852
Franklin Canal Company,lol u
Hat. Ic Presque We Co. 519 "
Thome Stewart, out lot 20 "
Andrew Melntyre's bobs, 30 200 1892, UV
T. Moorhead, water 1014 130, 131,132 " "
William Wallace, 212 6llll "
9e2 15 " "
• - u 44 141 75 ' '
Charles Duos, • 40 " «.
Thomas C. 'Hardy, o
16 " "
10 bet .
Walker Loomis' heirs, V 21 7: 144 1 1 9158", 103
Lorena Merrick. 75 30 " "
A. W. Winer, 93 100 "
Hiram Slocum, • 179 0 "
u ,c 10 1 ..
Oreadail Torambip.
. B
los. Id. Stamm, 116 17 " "
S. Benson, • 190 50 " "
Daniel Berry 33 V
A. I. Pickett, 13 100 "
. . ....or mo rmabit. ,
John Beam' 0 .
.' Wollasaldlloran, IC 51 " A."
• 44 . 04 16 10 " "
Oa 44 441 47 50 " tr'
Jobe Rouse, 4 76 '
Wm. A. Galbraith. 98 32 "
Luny Isersoldp.
Wiliam Gray, 186 • 948 '
Nathan Beech, 190 300 " ' "
Seri hlc Kennedy. 1957 50 - "
William Bally, 190 70 " .
John,Deren. 1973 100 "
Levi Maker, 1998 200 " "
James ht. Stumm. 1975 90
C. Emermih or Vincent. 106 70 ' ..
Ways* llermillip.
Simeon Adams, 91 15
John Q. Adams, 94 25
Adam Hollida:k 1029 100 " "
1 Homer Higgins; 101 75 "
Adalias klimas, 198 25 4 ..
, Edwia Smath, 198 59 • .
• Pries at Fewness, 32 ' 180 •,.. ..
- P. 8. V. Hillitlell Imes, 91 17 " "
James W. Ekssett, 2057 990 " ..
Elijah Smith, 96 58 . .
' Joseph Wilson, 2018 200 * . -
.IL 1. Wilcox, 210 SO " ''
• Ctrid Massy • 2029 100 " *
M. 14 ' 00 NV I. "
JoimComplon, MO SO " "
Adam Flolliday, NW fife . ..
Robert Pottery 200 Zr . ..,
g Oesssed ,
.11sIdsts Ic Barlow. - ZIP " 4 "
4I . - 387 150 “ ••
S. IA e.
aa N 46
IA 44 IN
. 0 N
•. 0 4.4
293 21
51 s "
50 190 •
41 41 "
Wind Land Company, 82. SO "
- a 54 M"
IA 66 55
Pries* Air 'Boa,
Alio Chose, 511 111 S. " "
..610.1 & /oho Gates, 130 130 ' 8, 4
Janos & King. 35 100 "
..Isoss, (Wattsburn,jl69 air MD no - 0
Owners. No Atria. Yaws
joist% Keith's iteirs. 06 36 "
Edunkno Dillon, i T 41 "
Itsrorsor Treviso's', 436 3 "
Morrison. 366 106. "
Emerson McWilliams.' ar 50 "
Robert Reed. 84 25 "
Jona Elositb, 43 34 4
'Watson Wilier, 4 13t 4
Thomas Samna, 317 75 4
D. G. Brown is Roe, XV e fIS its 4
Jefedith Mather, MI 114
N u 53 MI
Josiah Richardson, 51 1
M u MI , 5
Cabin Smith ! 53 00
Zlilair P. ikatth, 41 1
Amen Mtehoock Ir sell it
lambed Doom D 11 "
Stephen Neva, N 100 "
John Warren, 3t r pa
Solomon Bartlett, 138 50 "
Warren Briers, 138 50
Is Bast %g raft.
A. W. Brewster's heirs, 06 115
Jay W
r Kingsley, B B 50 -
ight, Z 15
Nathan Bllekensderter, M G 656 "
William Colt, U 10
Oliver Dean, BB SD, C 30
Tomas King's Lam D D 94
Teter Mileben, K QO
..Areldbeld Tlrespeon, / 60
44 44 C 76
NI. D. Walbeet, C 100
Watselled Tresildp.
&E. Ihdiekuper, 306 100 "
16111issi Bestow Jr. 90051 900
James Barran, 2015 156 "
James Ketidoli, A 30
Witirereil, 2013 1 "
Barton'. beim 100 6
*seas 100ssks.
10iMaer R. Dewitt, 125 1 0"
~ 1 119 SW "
<Sloe Sanford, 379 47 -
Wm. Wallace's Mira, (lore 30 4 '
11,4 1 =n Wallace ' al 319 "
Wallace, - 9 1 91 t4O • "
Ire% U. Wallace. ' 141 360 "
W. 11. Wallace, 909 95 .
Unknown, US 390 "
Philip Gregory, . -IF 87 "
Wyo. Hluiro4 A Ca, 157 64 "
Geo.licotwell & others, 906 SO "
Ales: Malkee's heirs, 399 10 0 ` 1
1 1 Ira Parker, 997 111/ "
Jewel Stewart, 1113 .109 "
Peter Slawatar, OS 30 "
Jai* Shaw, 181 IA "
1 t. 84 119. 10 "
11. C. 2006 . "
FroiePials, 908 10 "
J. Bbdftlammier,l62, MAIM 87
64 es 938 100
D 140 "
William Mead, 188 60 ~
Charley Dying, 971 90 "
Riddle's Seim 931 100 "
41, 1,4 262 NO "
Peter Dogma, ' 178 SO "
David Da key, - *I 96
Joint Iliataa, 126 102
Mama litassi, ter so
J. W. A.. 11Equa. ' 504 119
WMLaii I Soak WO SO
Fredudsialamet *I II
1 48
2 15
1 it
1 03
• 2 75
2 /5
• 60 p• 9
• 176
• 60
• 2 25
• 2 01
" 1 14
114 1 96
_ 2 38
• 1 55
• 96
1 55
3 Sr
3 10
3 10
• 310
1 63
• 3 V
1 66
3 40
3 10
10 85
• 1 66
• 3 10
4 65
1 73
3 00
6 75
5 25
3 75
2 25
6 97
3 8e
4 60
4.4 04 729
00 7 62
60Y 399
" 51 75
1802 225
1851 3 10
7 75
- 100
1 10
3 95
V 10
8 70
10 91
5 25
1 fe
2 20
2 55
1 11
3 46
9 30
7 34
30 03
4 32
14 61
16 21
8 04
6 12
13 75
1 92
17 46
27 24
1 37
7 10
1 82
1 36
6 19
3 36
15 95
R V/
6 16
3 06
2 60
2 39
E 31
1 14
" i 35
" Ibl2
6. 3 co
•• 194
•• 4 14
" 1 51
" 140
1 80
4 40
2 53
l' 730
~ 53
~ 83
iawe* ars. 110 90
0 . C. Sturtevant, '.
370 50
I Jail /4. Buckley, 935 400 "
: 236 184 -*I
" ' 263 900 0
4 "
' 230 149 "
im folitialf.
John licFadyen, McK 408 100 0
Win- & Jobe Graham, 393 43 "
John Spires, 373 10 "
1 Thomas Henderson, 91 30
Amender Hide, 3 ' 15
Wm A. Galbraith, 409 /00
Waainten tetiuseip.
Solomon B. Williams, 441 le) "
Stephen Leak 443 AN "
Dennis Lu s h, 443 iOll "
kielk.isir, 0 140 "
Errs Olipha I 444 60 "
Dante Mart in, 493 0 7 1 "
Urn* el 1111101000.
Susan *inter, 50
James Compton, . - . 1
Gilbert Perry, 3
Samuel Stoke, Lot
David Slocum. 70
I. E. Taylor, 10
Itsaldia 7 01 r 019 4
Washington Napes , 47 35 "
Willem Burt, 75 &06 100 "
Samuel Harrington, es 100 ' 0
Stephen Lusk, 57 140 "
Persona eolith, eo be 83 196 "
Baur Webster, 58 314 "
David Foster, 48 60 "
J..C. Wheeler, , 79 . 100
Iliiumli l P ,
Rant Chamberli32ltereehn, 69 100 "
Silas Pratt, 011 50 "
Jereeniali Shay, 455 SOO "
John McClure, Jr. 477 23 "
Ossarint ButilliNik
PhlladelphiaCity, OH' 179
.. . SO
803 300 •
604 400
50540 0 "
" " 657 3 5 "
46 14 613 50 "
Luke E. bath, 519 sill. lot "
Burley, Gore 10000 ..
yse&E.Bennett, 648 9
Ziba Hebert?, 608 *OO "
James Outline, 519 2 val. lota "
Jonathan Moultrop. Gore 80 "
William Milliken, 616 100 "
Lewis Pitney, 5199 vill. Ms °
Asa Spicer, 1 rill. Jot "
Elijah Thomas, 1 rill. lot "
John Tyler, 616 204 "
Patrick 0 Brion, . fas 68 "
George H. Barrett, 617 .60 "
Laurette Leave% Gore 60 "
Philadelphia City, 606 200
John W. Clark, Gore 50 "
Lyman Hannan, 607 100
Zibit B. Joslin. 515 26
John Newton, 602 60
John Warren, 519 nilage lot
William Yates, 619 2 Till. lots
Benjamin Derail% 602 10U
Henry Bliss' heirs, Timinua lllBsl, I/9. 13 64
Silas Pratt, 27 1 " " " 175
Id • * 4
56 26 " " " 176
Nancy Kirkpbtrick, *9 100 " c! . , "96 98
Thomas Sterrett's heirs, 30 7 " .3 01
Isabella Nicholson, 903 113 " - 936
Ju. O'Harrs's heirs, t,b33 80 " •. 576
John E. Nicholson.. 238 70 " 885
Erie, March 9, 1854. Tragartarof Eris Co.
rtfo?d Plse Sellerlelo4 l Goes Z artferd. Coati
Ad Agentof the move Cotonou!. it beataky duty la era
publicity to the fedlowieg letter received Rom the Predated
of said eompany, In order that those having Polit ins beet said
company through me. as agent. may endemismd their trill! TOW-
Ws. thonett the capital and luatioess ban been withdrawn
from iths State. ihe temple/ is awl Liebe at Ware, until the
expiration of all tbe Policies issued, and a. ibt be am f haws
made arrawgeinebui with and re' e ised the appointment or agen
cy of the Prestrike Insurance Company of Philadelphia. so that
when mewing are elided for, I can aceamwodate all with a re-
Itabte 'ad ime Home ecamony in place of the Hartford Inf. Co.
I have taken Into precaution for the mie purpose of proteetieg
my pillion. or those !united by me as agent of tire said Wat
ford Ineurancet'ompariy.
H.avroan Ina. Orrice. Dec. 31. 1953.
J. J. Urfa. F.sq.--Inir•—.l our. of the Ilith and rid areal hand.
We are certainly gratified to hear that your citizens malls* the
old Hartford is A. No I . arid we are nary they are to be disap
pointed in not has 1 nit their Pot lc its renewed, not it %Wald teach
than to adopt a more liberal course to regard to foreiga J.
ranee capital. and not drive it from the dm te by an onerous and
Mineral taxation. In regard to your own dhlappoinumenl al the
action of the Huard, I re 'et it. but you are only to sighifn 10
any good Co/nosey. that ynu will areept their agency. and my
word for it. ycu Will bare Ott no competent to Maim"
but doh,. well, neat not fear but he eau take his pick among Om
best companies. Our Board null adhere to the resolution.—
Please make a package of all oar boners and book. and retain
them for the liftlient, and if you are COtilillif to New York Mid
them up by exerted. ehauld any of the ouunanding Folic leg get
scorched before explrauon, witty ou please are proper etteelloll
to them and write us. lam iorry to saw. good bye. but call If
you come this way. holy weft. ISt:TON, Predt.
Feb. I Lila Tri. Agent, Er i e, pa
CAPITAL 61.600 000.
"TIRANKLI2I Pier tesuaArict colirwror OP PHILA.
DP.L.PHlA.e—llleasessaill of Uie Assam a the Oompaary.
lanoory published in contorawar with the provisions
or sixth section of the Act o ORTt:A11 1.2. f Assewilitt of April ah. trek.
fieWiLfirst mortgages on fe• I m ale, le ow i
city and county u. Philadelphia. &scent 31.inteowery, Bucks. rc bu) t. .
kin. Nue Alletheoy countles s Peunsyl
t twit.. 81.1911.01414.4
Purchased at überit's corn.. un•ler stoops,:
claims. Wig:—
Eighth houses slid iCt. 11) h) Lail feet, on the 1
eiouth.wert cower of Chestnut sad !wren. I
weans streets.
A home and lot, 27 by 71 teet. on North side of t
truce et. West of hi.erenth street.
A haute and lot,Z I-1 by 109 feet.on West aide of 1
Peat lightlfe.liCiiith .rue of dipb greet.
Two houses houses awl lots. earn le 'lt bil lett. un
oath side of dpruce street. near St steenth at.. •2
Flee houses and low. each 17 9by 911 feet, Nos. L
101.18/, 183. 163. and 267 Otlwyn street. •
how boners and lot. 49 by 34 left, on East side 1 t
of Ifesenteen tb street. South of Pine street.
A kit of ground, 17 by .17 feel. un the Norb-Eart f
t le
corner offwe to t -second and Spruc e streets. M enge,
A house and lot. 1.1 by Wit feet, on month side of ) mpg et
Facet street. West of hixteentb street,
1100 1 sad lot, So by el feet. on the houth-east a
comer of Che.inuL and teach sheets. 0 _
Five houses and tot, 49 by 9) feet. on the North I =
ride of George Wert, Westof A•htoo street. r.
Sewn [louses sod lot, i 0 by .17 wet. on the wort I,
side of Beach street. south of Chestnut street. •
A himive and lot ; l+ by '.#9 feet. No 98 Fitzwater
sweet. Fast of Ninth street
A trotted rent of 930. Issuing ant ore lot 134 by
(0 feet. on north side of liner sweet. 48 feet
west of Leopard street, 1
Temporary Loans, on Stocks. as Collateral Be-
Nitwit Y. 1911,474 99
.16,8 1 10 Alma /Posse Loan. S pee east. OM co)
Ile M ares Bank of Kent tic ikey.
47 " Nonhern Book l et Rentockey. R.
100 's Union Rank of Tentless's'.
CI " Ineurance company of the Male Of R.
Penosyt vaults.
910 " Notonwark Railroad Company. 1, .11Corl
1 sr " con.eireim and **Prow! Mask of( 1411.891 1 1011
VA ..., Peonvettrartla Railroad Cottonton w
91 s. Franklan Fire Insurance Compesy. .1
1•* Mereantile Library COmpiny. .._.
M .• Union Canal Cornrow. ii
10 . tehttylkill Railroad Company.
Noma and Bilis receive*
Unsettled Polities.
Marritaad Ise.
Cuk es band.
•• to btu& of swift
11ii,,111100 II
Chas. N. tanlurr, • Thome Mad.
Tobias Wavier. Mos'i. Grant.
Jacob R. Breith. Geo. W. Mastic.
Mordecai D. Lewis., ' Adotpn Z. Rorie.
David B..lleme. $5llll B. Padatooe,
Sy Order of the loud.
' • CIiAILE3 K. BANCKEM. ?mildest.
Mow. QUALM& G. E•Accsa: Secretary.
No. le!. it. J. J. !AMTS. Arm. grid. Pa.
SEPHEAD DIVMAII, ha ring procured the furriest
of a superior workman in the place of Mr. Corder, will
hostler manufacture sore ostensively than orw. AIl
kinds access work ;node to order. in the nostent sin
ner and latest style, and at the shortest nodes.
_Erie, March ;No. 5, Cheispoide, Brio, PS.
Midiii4Mlir's Notice
T ETTER of administration °nth* estate of Henry 0.
LA Tanner. late of Bloomersrille Kentuekey, and for
of Washington townehlp in this county haring been
granted to the eubseriber, notice to hereby Oren to an
persons indebted to said estate to lake immediate pay
ment, and those haring claims against maid estate will
please present them duly authenticated for nettles/mt.
Erie, March 4,-4t42.. JOSEPH L TANNER, AWL
8 8 ACRES of Land, situated in lerillereek township,
and adjoining the sonthwest, corner of the Erns
Reserve, about six wiles front Brie, belonging to the estate
of tilt late Joseph 13, McCreary. dee'd, are offered for Ids,
the whets together or in pure& Inquire of the subscri
bers. GEO. A. ELLIOT,
A. H. CAUGHEY,llsoeutors.
ALarch, 4.-42.
• Nei_Spring Goods.
rims day received by express new Spring myles ill
wool Laines, eotton and wool plain and pleaded
Do Leine?, French, English and American Dinfshams,
teat Spring style of printa de., Trish Linens, Bleretied
shirting*, erhSeh will be sold at prices that defy oompsti
lifareb,4, 1.94--ez No. 1, Drowns Block.
_ _
I BUSHELSLei;ver seed just received at
Marcb 4-42. TtSBALfi I HAY/S.
NNW Geode rseeived direettrow amid real
be void low for cash
March 4, 1844-42.
ratscrawzgon oonrawit.
( P
A, at etaw delsabusinesson the Mutual platiogivtut the I.'
fur( 44 parbeipauott in the profiteattattanwpaay.wieboat
liability berts4tbe premium pat 4.
Waits oboe tbe Lakes 04 Canalleisueett oath* Dloestairetabte
twos. Wages will beliberallyan4 prOtopUy aillastett.
trtreetsita we merchandise. in:Wings sad Gael PPOPIPrIy,i
town OTC Oillatty.rOf F Hotted term pereaseetly
AWN d. Seat. Julies C. find. telishorul A. audit ,
Via C. DevD. H. Jones firooke.
Rogow Iterias. JORn Garrett. Joao B. Petrol*.
1406Cralf, ilaMild Edwards, Dears* lerindt,
=slakirteree David B. Biseci Edward Dadisinen
SAW. base R. Writ. J. G. Mmes.
WiDli Folvelt. W$ thasu say. AAA J. Mortis-
Dr. 8.1114m5. Dr. 4. M.IJUMoa. Job. Taller..b.
*plum Mellvest.
liciald a. Prorbould. lisrUil
Alibbeldiss es. he side to
J.grzwec. Sas Mss
et* re. is. we.
" 2 40
- 17 60
" 96 40
- 11 58
- 17 SO
/Alai IL Zeo, W. B. /Whir ad AO N. lardiese
Dionathsys 4V dot her mad lows di iiropky~ 4 304 .
h.Mu7 I Ti Cook la Tram* pa Aantors report
ads 414 r STO 33
46 id tea arms
fob. osoody:Amadasiosers
pot corololtkok SOO 00
II " do do do 500 ,00
ti *0 took fres J. Totowa 4 Co, for
wltost sold loot year 64 00
25 " cook boo Clinton Norio far i mp _
Yrs. Thom.
AprApril,s " slob lse
from X M. lEoho for irltoot, 25 00
sad temp sold him
" one toes Ws. B. Hoye I Ca., for
Shoop Petty dd
" rash trots lIm.E. McNair for Shoop
4 40
10 IT
16 21
u 76
3 36
Nay 3 " mob bout Tomlissom, Yale, I C 0..,
tot wheat sold them 165 01
oasis from musty Commissioners on
requisition 1000 00
Asmant 1 " am& from S. iinteltins & Sorts for
am pact male sold them 12.5 00
" *ash from Wm. IL Seliair fAr
laid warrant riot 160 sersa' dr,
proprty of Atria Doyle y s pan
par is Poor Haase - 18.! 00
Oet. 4 " emit hoe S. Smyth for Sheep Pelts
mid him
" east boas J. Y. T. Don't on account
• oi t loose sold him
16 " sash from county Commissioners in
thU of requisition ;
34k emit from C. lieSseirrit a Brother
• for wheat sold theta 123 70.
21 " loth from Conrad Breen Jr. in hill
" rash from Wm. 2. Melfair for 7
" ash from Thomas Johnsoo,i Lima-
6 76
11 21
4 64
11 06
1 72
Ir 3
1 45
" 6 36
" " b 011
" 874
to a
" 1669
" 12.21
". 7
as 9 06
19 65
19 O.
" 796
" 15 73
" 92
II 471
1 36
el 98
2 80
" 17
" 393
9 7 lob Pkid, MAI bilis sa per volicburs on es
tar Justices angers fa remote peepers lb 40
M *ippon of out door Pupas , .4¢2 37
Hoepespeases 9 14
" bills Tin ware 18 09
" tratebering 2 00
. " Illiseksialthing . 40 97
" Calve for out door Pspiper. 29 04
" Callas for in door Paupers 14 00
" laker on farm 142 84
" ' Materials sad repairs on Poor Haw' 10 35
" , Maintainanee of Pondniing 68 10
" Agrien/tdral implements 22 82
" wood and co al removing Paupers to Poor Boußoost,
66 50
28 50
" Leather and shoemaking 45 17
g Stewards salary 425 04
" Physician misty 165 00
" • Drugs and Medicines 68 61
conveying 'Amalie. to and their ex-
Jenne to Harrisburg 361 42
" Physisinas to oat door Paupers 72 14
" Groceries and provisions 467 78
" labor in hem 72 50
" Printing and stationery 37 69
" merchandise 333 94
- " Professional services sad office fees
In procuring Lend warrant for a •
Pauper 2O SO
" Morse, Sheep, Cows and Os 218 75
O Hearse hire 13 30
" Sherif fora lot sold to Directors as
' the property of ft Pauper 297 31
• " Harness 713
irandries far holm* arparara • 52 72
• Directors 'allay 90 00
" Clerks salary 50 00
- Treasurers fee ' 67 56
We the undersigned Auditors A Erie county harinz
met together at the Ake of the oonnty Cosomiailopers a
said county and having carefully ezarniaed the - seccunts
Of the Directors of the Poor and Eons* of employment of
said county, do report that we and thma cornett as above
stated. Given Rader our hands and seals this seventeenth
day of January; A. D.. 16St.
fooKrEL REEDER. [scat.]
OBEN REED.iI 11.42. .
ROBERT GRAY. taud...i
Proehaeat of t*. Poor Holum Fens, for the year 1)353.
372 Bushels Wheat
356 dc Oats
4 71 du Barley
1000 do Corn
100 do Turnips
• 7 du Onions
656 do Potatoes
S6O do Carrots
17 Tons Her
4 Basinds Clover mood
IWO bomb Cabbage
11116 Poelt
M rig Rost
1400 lbs. Sutton
on the TOMS.
I nom', s Cows, I Ox, 2 head yoeux raft* 27 mock
Kneen if Thom • per is ripen Man► 1853. a
Admitted dazing U►e yftr 94
Whole number of in door Penmen et this date 73, males '
46, Gunaies 25.
Aons.—Prom 1 to 5 years 10, from 10 to 15 years 1,
from 16 to 25 years 10, from 2.1a0 35 yew 11, from 35 to
45 years 12. from 45 to 60 years 14, from 60 is 75 pare 13,
over 75 years 1.
Where boro.—Lower Canada 1, Germany 16, Ireland 16,
&Weed 1, Southold 1, State of New York 11, Erie county
15, other eoseties s Pent4lrenia 5, North Carolina 1,
Conweetic' ut 2, New Jersey 1, Vermont 1.
Prigrie* at and mental coadities.—Blind 2, eripple 11,.
healthy; 32. feeble 24. deaf and dumb 2.
Mewed contiitieta.—ldiots 7, partially imams 3, insane 6. -
Out door Pauper%
Weekly alumna have been punted. to 36 out door
Paupers. Temporary relief lure been granted to 105 per
sons who were not registered on the books as sustained by
weekly allevrestees.
Round out during the Year.
Name. To whom bound.
J•111111Pa Weed To Wands M. Wagner
Prweess Pam " Joseph A. Preach
Emily Morton " Christina Raeder
Jesob Lois " James Stewart
John Censuses " James Moore
An of whisk is respectfully submitted.
W3l. E. McNAIR. Directors.
MOW MoorLatd, ?martyr, tat weasel with the Directors
tie the Peer E. Noose of Setioloyateat of Erie antotir,
mg es
Atom 6 To cub in Trenetn7 per Andiron re
25 " nub from °minty Commissioner' on
reqslOtion 500 00
Yeh 12 " do • do de 500 00
22 • " - mall from J. Towner 15 Co., for -
14/2/ 7t
-...-•-- 12-", GSM IS
whom sold last year 50 00 -
2$ " rash from Clinton George for keep
ing, 2frs. Thomas 25 00
April, 5 '• oath from U. M. Kelso for school
sad Sheep 35 50
6 " Muth from Wm. B. Hays et Co. for -
Sheep Pelts, dike. S 40
S '• sash from Win. E. Afelgair for Sheep
• Pelts sold 5 00
May '• rub from T'ornlinson, Kelley * CO.
for wheat sold them 105 91
•• emit from musty Commissioners on
rogaisition 1000 00
4r6ast:l rash from S. Boteblos it Sons for 1
pair cattle sold them 123 00
,1 cash from Wm. E. McNair for land
warrant said, the property of a.
Pieper 182 DO -
Bet. 4 •• cash Prom S. Smyth for Sheep Pelts
sold him 20 00
•• cash from J. K. T. bums on account
of a house *old him IS SO
16 •' ask from county Commissioners in
Bill of requisition SOO 00
34 •• rash from McSparren it Brother for
wheat said theta 122' 70
31 " cash fru. Conrad Brown Jr. in fall .
*Note 11 60
'cash from Wa. B. McNair for 7
lambs sold
" cash from Thomas Johnson, a Lu
By Pear Mame iretreata redeemed said reameled 3443 69
$6445 69
We the Emden_ • d Auditors of Erie mante, baring otlet
topther a t the Othee of mutat, themmissioners of said
county mud ethos hexing carefutly examined the seconnts
of the she ve Tisane:yr of the Direedere of the Poor and
Home of onuptoyment of Ikrte county far the year A. D.
ISA do 'Report them correct as above elated, and that we
tad that ti ten is due said Mummer • balance of one hun
dred &lin re and twenty fee cants. Given under our
hands and ands this seventeenth day of January A. D.
talking, Ewes sad Rubbers at Cwt.
Li 61 tais td to go oat Of tbla breech of bosinear—ef di men L
-11 ion and Citilittene Moe at ego. Hove a very
pod worse wet ow co hood. Atte a lam quantity of Mena
Lailleosodb dim* lubber'. which will be !old at coo to close
Ot dot aedb . feb.ll 4 -11. JOHN B. COOK.
\l ira. happy to miaow= to our customers dist we base
Wird ay oppose oar Ara Invoke Goods riots the en
which is E. sissueally these awl we bad of e
to sett Om rapidly )
lodt les land tradit i onal Philadelphia this sesses.
A as rd PA • sad Teseil mu the Tom Mks, die sower ems
Mw is by minims es sekssifors sad }what's ilds
sartimous*. TWOS SISS-ntist. CAME. a. IMO.
To mount of woeroot. to 800
$3814 42
By aliment of - warrants in circulation at
bist settlement 532 35
Diefiesed daring the year
Beat to State Lunatic Hospital
Deaths daring thit year
In the hoarse at this date
Te Wows. Midi moist am paid by
arid Tzesimer 1N 25
limasese atei Atilniative ittbek.
ThArolltiti L. iIIALLOWLLL tCo . PlikadeiplOh. US• 0 11
/ meowed 1643 rpfendid sew. ewirsheee
No. 147 blaster. and No. Si North Pooh sera. hre ofsehill
ibr the lipriroi toile an neeoriniwer origins and Fancy Goods. that
f or e irm sad news will au nab , any stock ever offered to that
waritete thearists Imo their weer store. which le
one,of the Largest in America,
with a baseness of an unusual amount alegned7 intabiniered, and
intending largely to t [Miran' R. etPeellgly with RIOSe who bus.
for cash. and bettering that the 'Wren argent In yegrahre good, Ii
to base uniform prices. they will be compelled to sell at trench
smaller profit than can possibly be afforded where bang credits
ire gotta. Under their cash and abort Credit Byrum me bees.
.ity for clarion( large modut don not ersat,isind by ago 't ee t h e i r
goods at a very mail adragee on the foreign cog. they Wes
to make It the interest of every judge or goods. to by upon the
115 SO
CAA buyers will receive & discount or sit per anat. if the
mom* be pa id to par funds. within IP days from dole of bill
17swerreat money writ only be taken at Oa market value on the
da y," le received. To mere honor of undoubted standing a credit
of s in wombs win be glees it desired. Where money is molt.
ted In advises of maturity a discount at the rate dustiest Pee
cent per annum will be allowed. They ask than merchants
Patine the Elam ernes, the fat or of an e.vuotriation admit
*lock. hetet venlvikst that they Will be convinced that tt la lb*
/bs. their inter" to pay the hate profits tbstare absoititedY ilium •
Rat to those wbo gore. lona credits. tea.
M. L. J Ha ta4bWILL, T.W.Sworn.
Shams Mt. A. W._ Urn& • Z. R. tit-rostosort,
_ _
5 00
1,000.000 Feet:them bunter,
w E wave 0 bur one Mill4oll feet of Cheery Lumber of the
46 following , dererumceu.
58%W 44 Boards 11 ft long
WONG SA do aft
' 900.00 Col. 5 56474 9... e in equate
100.048 Scantling 2g-la >3 h 3/44
Fee wbkb we will nay the Mabee market rice la SAFE.
Lutobefiben having Cherry to sell will do well to call on an be.
fore utaltiogeoutraets elsewhere. PELDF.I4 i Ir. ELY.
En., Feb. nth, ISM.
15 '2O
.500 00
21 $0
Baywhen yon can get Great . Bargains.
WILL Bell W INTER GOODS at prime Near Yost emi.ecia
-a. "alai ar a torte quantity of Plaid Shama:, laeriaose aad
other Goode Now la the time to save money.
Erie, Pee 1E 1644-09. - /NO B. COOS.
T 110
$3343 44
City Lots near the Ragroad.
OSVERAL City Lota, eligibly located on State, French,
Peach end Beffslo streets, for sale no easy terms, by
the undersigned. Sept. 2449. C. M'SPARREN.
Great Sale of Sky Goods.
w Z kite now tot hand a large and well noiected ADO of
Goods.of about staty thousand dollars worth pritchaubd
in New Tort cod the raatern markets at real ha - Mania. Fear
ing oar cuirtemiers will soon relttidlate the pure:wing of New
York goods, we theretbre offer the alcove stock of goods at prime
con fur cash. Such en upponundy for purchasing ea larp a
rock of rich rod unorird g r dx was never aefote clamed to
any aosamunlty,
Jan , thh. 1%4 CAVWELL 4k BENNETT.
$43441 77
Shaw= Shawls!: %bawls! 3!
AND a dew vanes of wine Just race iced and for sale at the
vleineve Store by WM. WILLIMI).
Erie. Feb.l". 0.
rotIMFORTEIti Victorinet. Sleeves. scarf*, ()nye% Map and
elnaarla of al) kinds at ROOTti.E. STEMMATA.
IL" L ANNEUI, Fringe* and Flo - ini—Call and exattitaa. Po
charge Ibr showing goods. FIENMETT & (JO. •
Erie. May*, fes3.
GLOVES. Gingham. and Gimlets. at the in tbe Seams
SW,. as cheap as the cheapen. May IR. taitt—g
27P Lemke. and G 0114.111 reedlike lr miff utterat rim off.
back Wag and prime,
- DROP WOOD offers for sale en attic le containing no afrallat-
X. Wind spirit/. no esrential oil, nor one unhealthy mug,
which will restore gray haw permanently to its original color, in
• very abort lime. render it soft end doggy in appearance, more
/*even man under the indutoce of of ninny desert ptxm. and If
the Bair is Roue it will soon brine it out as abundant and been
clot as before, and if it is unhealthy, and failingoer, 0 win ar
rest this tendency at unee, and restore it perfectly. It will re
move all dandruff from the wain, as well as all disagreeable
itching. It will remove any cutaneous eruptions, such as staid
Head, Ate. It supplies nutriment and coloring matter to the on.
pan whose office it to to nil ppty these secretions, and n et . ...
tonic., and thus restores them to the. r coal nal rigor and anength.
fa short. it is precisely what has been PO long sought in ma i n_ i
viz i a perfect hair agvieorauar and tunic , for both old and young '
for it will in a s try short time make tne hatr of any one, no mat- j
ter how aged. 1t.101.1,1111a1 color, and us soft and h esta sad .. ;
when they were not eighteen, and aunty occasionally applied i t ,
will render the hair c( the puling touch inner beautiful than un- . - 141iiCe tolfa - riers - an a il — fleasys.
der the induence of oil of 3.• y erierrptioc. and irnspeitted orea- CURTER fr. BR OTII ER base etre; ied direel from the.Asatir.
atonally it will arrest all tendency to Leconte oral-, and the pro- 1 %.,.„i icon Seed Store" at Rochester . , a coat assortment of PILO
prielor is perfectly satisfied f•oin its e ff eets upon Moser, (for at ; Pled. Plower and Garden Steeds. pal up US Millet. qUaneni NW
37 his head wan elide sa the man 31 Vt, and now no one mold pound packages, and to to bad at the prOprietOrs' prices. lir-
Jinni ne be ever had a Pray hair.) that If ibis preparation am kept I arms retina ring seeds the taming sea-on had better call early eye
on band. and used Once ur tw ler a a eek, that person will never amine °arta% and Mani n their i• a , -Ay. Feb. Si, 1E34-41
have a 102 Y WWII the d .
nuilemn i rl.sity shouid lire to ben huo-_,I . - - - • -
O cram rd vee old. This roeparation rs no humbug, nor the result 1 COLORED DAGITERREO ' •TY-- --,---.
of mental hallucination &tithe writer ; it has been submitted to - "True to nature."
t h e moot (borough 'at,, Ind upon the most reopremble and In
mitigent. I may say wmmMc,mwemen mR. J. C genteTUßv. wool] re-,ectfully Inform ibe La
ity, and gentlemen known for their great talents end atrtetinteg- ) , dies and Gentlemen Of rr,e rod ti e ell! t0:10 1 3 Mt =oily
rlrY. the proprietor will at Present only select from the many in, that be has fitted up a Dagur r reap irallet) •ii ith icy It& sea
his passemion the toll owing rem:hews. as they are nearly al . other important nutiroventents.on S ta l e 5 rect. oppOstle Woman
k not: nto rust' c aof I.t Louis. Hotel, where he is pre•, , red to fake. :toted Dag,erreotype Mks.
skeirr or Itt.tiuts, ; iatures in all kinds • ot 'a n, I :f:` , ..1 I.:`C.l`l 11l Frames. CM
-C&l"Tur• innel 7 . ( 512 S i seg. Lockets. Breast Pin. ur Finer? Winps, in - a style. wilde.h,,
I have used Prof. 0.3. Wood's Hairß.N.. I
--..--rlit•%e. and had ad- I for beauty Of (Mist' and I del , ire all Para nce cannot be anranseed
mired lot wonderful effert• My hair wee. beeofiliLlf. AS I thought, an this Country. Call and sit fur .i picture and judge Pit Sle,
prematurely gray, but by the use otitis "Restorative." it has re- self. No Muria foe satire. Picture/ put up tot those mbs
mimed imoriginal color, oil I have no doubt permanent!) so, want 1 1 / 4 10 . at Fria" car) •I c, fritn one fifteen dollars S. I
SIDN EY BREESE:. Ladies should avoid Itont drea•es. ,lark collars are bees Pie a
: ra , SekslOr Gutted thates, good t Sect. Feb. 4 . lye
' %•!..diser• lie! June 13 1833. 11 v --- l; % Iwith ."rotkt - n - kPuller and
. .\, , v - .. not -rate your sate des 0
PVC O. J. Wenti-Dear &lc • rola are abOui to manufbe-' nave them pill an No. larder by a tip iolr nOrkkaari '
ti s sis,alsosisely an i vend eip.r rerebila dia,overed flair &eaptr- Ilse . c, .._oi yrucK ruN it. FULLER.
atter, I will state, Mr whoinwieier • t tiny concern, that f na me • --..• • • .---•••
used and known others to use it. TIM, 1-tta ve for emend yearn ; et 1 50 PRYMulvni• - A ''''''‘ IVry" for
Stachaa". 'a
other bees in the habit of using Hair Besamitives, and thin I • , V .1. Make all persons in or out o f badness,-
dad yours mtstly superior to ace other t o kninir. It entirety , lio capital needed attebut little expense aneurred ft re dollel
cleanses the heed ofdandruff. and With one month's proper use ' no traveling. no pedl i rig. but Site. 'ell Vie tOnr.' , " 6( 1 .,,,1 400 ,_
will restore an, persow• hair to the minim) louthruf co:oral:id with the chance to enaWrow titan to 6•:ull Pm - month. /let . 4 to
feature, giving ht a healthy. soft and &lousy appearance, and all no receipt. of any kind or Boon ace i t , , Ais something Musty
this without dtscntoring either the hands which apply it, or the new and worthy of all Per ... 0 1. rie." lc 't 1 r' enirice°ll and g m '
derma% which if - drops I would. theretsre, recommend its use teel employment. The right and knowledge I ill le tent %OA'',
Weyer: ane desirests of harms a fine eats and Tiesaanrus hair. , person upon the recelPl of -Si (n0.11,414', addressed fe
tVllArrlf KING. of Erin, Isa . • E., s. SHIPLEY. Ringenti. air% C0..01d0.
—, hts, 17th. 16 .. !
54. ,NOP
Sr. Lore.. June MI, HQ. OILY PM taPi i iNti.uf the unit quality . also. Jewtdrg Muir
Pref. Wools -tboßrehr i As you are about to preps , eaad rend c"." t • oetti ,4 i.,, I )......,oser i iiec. at h•s•st ira an eqnie street.
year sweetly doesirwied Halt Reatorar 'Vt. And as moo request e r ,, , ,f oe. tp, 1.,13-1-4 T. kl. AUASTIN..
anymore:ou of it, twill wan . that Ivy hair was a few months - - - --- -- - -
since very ers.e. I. nd a OP , Jilt,. fse botT'es or IOU: ;fair Resior• For Sent or for Sale.
acme ii iasusned its original coior, and Paler ai tare 'cation all rrifF, Sul•wrifer offers to tent or iell the Putt lc House ant
dandrutbasdisappeared from my bead. and I have berm trot- A Store Room situated in G•rnrciVillage. and now ottunseel
Mad with no disarm. able itch re Li' thesertip i sal satisfied by j Vence as a Pahlic 110,,..e. tau the oreinnes Is the IMO
those who use it will not regret it.aslt giVPS toe hair Mg ora) hard In ibe V.: lace Pos:e-don Ow firer a , April nest. Apply
its original color. ha , it given it the appearance of bat tug been t o t• Zinn (lirlra MU Ir. for t If:Cur pa meal cis.
recentiy oiled. lam hrenmed. there'd's , , to recommend its use Girard. Dec 31. 1433.-1,1 I'CI- ' C. ZINX. .
to a ll a tho are dart rousofhavang a beautiful bead of hair. - sr= %if to it. tr a frrosizs.
-- .sErrikD AM) sArray
• eT. Lotw.lupw 12, Ma& DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES!!
Prof. Woos-Dear dir : Since I bare used pour recently dis
covered Hair Restorative. and you redness my opinion of it, IT_Il AVE constantly on band a large and well Yetected miaMtill '
w 111 state. for all • nom It may coneern, that at the age of thirty Li choice Lrugs and Medicines for ntruliy nee, to virllgt
eight Was gray as tin man e(serenty, and my hair hills', of and retail, which they respect hilly recolomend to the pablea.
so that I was almost rnmpletely hrAti. besitlft, I was much troop- and beg a dilate of their parronate• 1 1. , P , 14t ilnies are nigh
led with dantiriidalkd iniolemtile denier. but after using several that they cave afford and no 1 Prot a• olcap If not ea...spier than
bottles of node wondeiful Itesioratase ml hai• resumedilsofigi- ,jay other home wen c: N. •w York ur l lola ,i•.lptua• Yaw wilt
o af color, the dandruf disappeared entirely, as if h e r magic. and - here had annexed a fewer rieir ', - Win.• urt.eles
all Delving. and to hair became soft sad Chesty in appearance; Acids. all funds. Cauintior Gum Arable. .
and all this I feel lam under °Micelle/a .0 S/13 it view of the • Alcohol castor iii. ••• • Opium.
nenellor reeetved — I would not omit to state that I now hare a , Aloes. I ("ream Tartar, indigo,
new trop of hair. and no person could even imagine that I was Ammonia, earl: Dover, Pi-,...e,,. Qt 'nine Fan%
ever gray. S. G. Mi.ftW IN. " Liquid. E mery al
rnies, MoSpitserra,
Arrow Resat. halts Garb :ads,
Calomel, Fde•tiners all kinds, PIA BMW,
Cayenne Pepper. Glue no 111 c 3. teams.
einrilunosi. Godfrey. cordial, 'Sulphari
' pF.lllFt;` , ll'.ltY h. F.XTRACTIf
I.uhins Must. Sweet Pal :IT . tr. TAMINI.,
~ Magnolia. Jockey irio , . Vanilla.
lillgnoneide. Patehoul , ). " Meemill.
fiste)assaes. ettrubP it. - 3111111011116
PAINTS AND 011. s.
Purr white Lead, Cho:Hite Yell-.w. Yellow °ChM
Red " Fianna , Blue Lamp Black I
Lithium.. Tifton:so ine. opts Tentardea
Para Greta. , Vermin nu. Waimea. '
e •- Yen Bed. Las 011:-
DYR WOODS .b. lil'T iiTrFFel
I. weed.
oud. Madder
Alamo. rueibrar.
Indigo gemmed.
ood. '
Marta* of Tut,
• nowt! Llcirnits Full MEDIrli AI. CAR.
Brandy._ Gill. sherry Wine
Runt, Port Witte. Mnarla Wine. •
-eitilittibentiend Bening Fluid kept ronotanil) on dead
PHs , . Dec. i7,-41 4 I,s'filllll'. Stork. Fri era.
s4SUI 77
Prof.""croii—fret• go. IPOuPpt We to (ITC you
' gatemen, of stsp.frepo, nryntsr w [Werth/ Restorative upon roe.
1 ebeerfullt mate in reply. that 1 hare nose used three bottles of
it and nithOmth melts,/ when I commenced its use was a id
aerr,arhtte (Inc ape bMnit sixty four) in one month', yore It had
monnorbd preentelv ill , original color. and PO perfect that my
friends all 'bought I looked twenty year, younger Was, uaual.
and scarcely knew, what to make of %hat Olt y comodered a per
fect miracle. until 1 informed them if war but the result of an
isventron of yours called flair Restorative. 1 wlllabiostate that
lara i i ninth troubled with dandruff and itching, riannulgriy
whet peroiration ; buts rot:tutted only three or tour &apt'.
cattp• to remove all dandruff and itchant ; and although my.'
hair d alien kid' ULU I pan rurannhat 14114,1 now have
d o , it h ea d nom, e I.o i n i n color. eraftneas and lustre. as 1 had;
when but • youth. mud q u rte as abundant. It n proper for me to
state that 1 COnitne. ,, e.4 Its pre .ri Aupvi hart. and used bane
nine, January. 1 i,axe ue doubt therefore tisi what the than .
lan perrlaiteut on. chit therefore recommend el an Me mo t
WOCldetfOl4treaves, s I the :lac in *loch ne urre.
leader. if ?mate ars, if lour hair is falling Of.
SOU nicely have the mean • tvlthni )(ha reach or reigariD4 the ;
eatot. as wail as resnarieg the groath,lina int% loo.lltilhallt Illii. teat gmeitenseatn•
plying a dye. ear it dors IRA COka 11. int arts up • the wetetise , RAILROADS Lt . WATCHES 4.TVATLILY.
organs. and restore• them their 0 , ..:•na. %tam •11+4,;41r11101. Ho
you nisi, to pre...erre those leant idil lock. and es ininers.of Whieb Frni a fere weeks Pal ( ill , dOr 'ill tO SaY,llll 4 'lSh ha , been the
you are so justly email l 4 ben rah at Ne. V. 15 Market street. ea r areaf tee ereaic ^4 oniouoiii- 1 . Lin al PIP. date diming*
& Putters new stock of Ws-miles. Jet.. Irv. Meer %Van% Fumy
istime..s Fourth and Fifth. Si. Louis, Ho . and posses* yourself
or a twit, or u l t. wonderful rt.sit.illtivt. Many have Illa,t tht Goods. to , are attracting int a Pent , i2l) of 'be pohlie. (Lad OA
remark that live Maimed dolt , r• nook' Dee
, o tetoptalion to 1 hei . le' , of the eilitvol.. , to it , a , . tiv , . thlt the'verse fee
. 110 W;
to be placed where they were ref ••••.. it. ore and you will say ro to hardly Token of flow could ale ';',14. 1 , t ,e r we away*
atter usina it. The material •‘,l which nis composed are pea relrodOurtne the rant week. d v,•ry 1,,,, 0 „,, o gli g kog e ..
rant Jdwelry. embrac t ug all anted, c ye ' 'or. llid we *Aga
racily hralthyand Imo igoral Int. Tilsit. ems arcs° pronounced
by one of the helot Practical elienti.i• in tali Enlifii fttIIIPS. VII.— °..,""e 1 7 410 "L" them "" '''' s "" lie eau Li' euychased west of
Prot Charles G. Page. of VF2/4»nalOti City. who bag a bottle to- , ~.,es Y or k . We ia..1.4
root h"sh ' ,4 1 , i'v ' 'en - laulleged l W lo, ll
pettier with specimens of all the dal - trent i tiered to talon peered. Aesn , e s rni and will root et in ce/Zn 'or panic friars eat/ at
'ration at the Patent Office. in January to i Dee. 17.41. AT' 11 ,t'ii iN k rui.t.ra.
Prepared only by the proprietor. at the above named piece.—
a Tes to DPII2 6 s *II B. — SI D.
Orders from any part of the Coned Stales filled promptly. AO-
dren 0, J. WOOd, di.. Lou ichto. toeing tbe Hair ou Heeds assivie...te Lad. and top:event OW
Carter & Brother.B Reed ileum% Agtiii?g - for Erie Crawl,. flair from telling. is SI Illaint Inft.`.` , . opinion, of pervom who
Sept S. ISliZt. _ 4in . l6 I are Ming It. This is a new ankle. recently int ro du '
ced le a
LOCKS. Latches. Rutts.l3crewt:aa.—kimieessorussent of , Sure tbii for Raldnees. •nd will stand the tent oft a i s ti ,4 :,is
the above articles received direct from tile manufatuwt and eublie The Proprietor,' na we au.h ..:Ithdrair C. in ,t that Mellow .
will be•old on usually low by Oct. ttl. riELHEN & r.i.t thorim their Arms intake Nall; ii.P.• on glearistnee. ems us ha
-- agreed upon between the Parties.' J. li:IIIIRTON & CO.
Stray liadfar. , Agent•. No. 5 Reed Rome, Beet.
( - mat so the premises of the subscriber in Sliikreek Twee. , I• E Fltafirr. & CO.. NON' Miura. o 7 8.4 peruo . -IL. Glevillassi
1 .... i ship, about the Ist tam.. • dark red Heiler. suppoied to be . I thin.' Nov. dl. 111161-411 L
two years Old neat Spring. .be has a crop off tumor and a sin . Skim*" E.-:oct
la the other. The owner is teguemed to roam. prove property .
ows. and take her away. - t . NM :111MAX. OP FILL AND Wf."S I ER DRE!•R GoOpc
AI illereela, Feb. IS, isss-atse. _ _ a. oohs:tem and Plait Woe; Lone and Lynn 19butillan
, to B OV4r.Tibbals has just. gepirned from New l'Ork With 0
Protection% i , ge pply of Pall and Winter MI GOOdt.bouelt Rath midi
rioutra 4 and 3 lath Revolver". certain in their aim aM sere I a e great strisi.h-down in pmts. 4istang oar Goats may
C seen the best Pocam Weapon order , Vol We at Ws ' be foiled Preach Slerinory at Evart' ! nil, fine Enirlisb do.. at 4$
/eatery Store of T , M. AUSTIN. iW. Pa emit* I 4 ft ide at as. Coborge double width tine goilig
Erie. Leh. le. NM. A. 1 Sad Haat. Putte'lle,al 121 eta., lair • t SiV.e dtagonal Idahs Da.
rrstiE NEW LIQUOR LAW of Vermont, as it now stands lames plaid l'uhenteres. &c., at the t ery I...tre.d possible prhesta,..
l'llltl ALS le ilaystr. -
a with all Its amendment", is mare stringent than the ortg.n. a' ,. 6 . Dec. it an
al Ma intlaw. and will, no doubt . operate widl the the supple,- . all
Mon of tge tragic. whenever promptlyenatreed. tenons doing 1 that Interests Ali that aris Is yrus
business to the liquor line can Sad at CHINA lIALI., all kinds I I err Das* G OOD-3.
Or Ser. Eft. Ale and Wine Tumblers.
Erie. FO. W. led!.
- IL
L would giro notice to ti.i. Citizens of 'Elia and eau
• - "THOSE HAND CIIPPS" 'rat 'fig eopnay, that I rite", ci or my Store on &Min
u ARE a ntee.d. They are IflatlnSe • ekont and warranted . the
toe 4th i daiy and of the m s.o ort ,ll ti a i , . ln l a or r :ii . , r s ret p ti u , rp ,de
Li to lb., Imported eternal, for the people of Erie. The La- i me
dies, espeelatly. are desired to call and examine. at
Erie. Dec. VI, 1e33-31. STOCKTON & irral,tit'S . .l el l t m in ced
&c.—('ash --- i ---- C --- ur Y
1311.AUil, Correa, mid for old rano, opoer an d ' a, that I. will give them better bargains diem we...
Ilrittensta by May gti.'33-2 J. If. aus.ros I, pi t i r ,er before offered in the city of Erie.
---------- ' _— Erie, Jan. 14, 1554-45. A. C. STIIIMOS,
Protect Your "Home" Interest'. . , Boston tbeap Store No. 2 WrighFs Bi ,ek.
RaOTWITOSTANUiNG the war with which our usually ' " num a iry eim ,.. m0A . 0 ..... -- ---
ix peaceful city ins been visited, lute mane ribers Juice in-_ ~, ~.,___ •
creased their facilities for manufacturing the much admired '
njac 9... '''' ,,y o ea ii i i & A me n 111.°°,4 ili a 1 irialhaths e l T n ie l Tf: ) ", J aa a n i g m a d e o • olo , o
Hong Natoli STOVE, and they are now mewing' to et haul io
customers either 'wholesale or retail, a complete asoonmern of 4 zota i tid,Ra ilr oo, d (extent foulliihing tur Iron) and mitedee is
this beautilul article. We offer an assortment comprising elec. ra.s,,,___Y•w°"°l°°°..,,ihe (tore of "id l'oinirilli. , . viva
en different style*, aud also two size+ of Nome Parlor Cob may i tin In the i tn % a da r nag ° , ii . ll :• n i ‘i i , f t " o il u r t rit i Y , l 4 p , T , a h r . dZl i T he tii
, n,.. om f pa i rt 4 4 o olo. o.
be found in addition w the labor ' making a complete assortment i
of tbe most beautiful and attractive Parlor Stot es ever offered in We as tbe aiumel3lloll are anxious to im.rra.t. their niatobae.o6.
this market. , laid additional aid, and of hay ins Me cutlers:l-ovally NEMO*
We also continue to manufacture the favorite of all who have "'Welted to the gala Railroad. Tnerribre.
listed Its qualities. The May Pion/ea. Tins iv an Air Tight Resolved. that the parties iutere..te4 in the contraet fee %SW
cooking Stove noaaesing and containing all of the modern ha- teethe Erie City Railroad hereby agree ti re; i r anion a ponies
movements, The oven is capactou•aud a perfect baker. This of itieir latcreal in said contract. and here` , ealte.t air Oda"
stove has been itt use hilt city ye ar. and the unparelieted sue- person or persons to take an intrw , d in Mi. tie nn Maid fart*
cues which has attended its sale and the perfect satisfaction wi,l 2llll elatelleii."
which it has given love encouraged us to increase its mainifac- '
Ro r e a r 1701 'i :1 4 1f upon wish th tA ri a S i t i • t e r a cta kui ry . n e t ee i . P ' e "., ::li n' c c e r oTos e ld hl *la"
ture, We bare it fine AbliOfftiltUl 04 hand And 1.0 thObe lattO•art •
unacquainted ft an the anicle we would say Oa i the 'dose Is a i
, i elt ri %T e e d C ‘
D i
I t o ,' ,a . te a i
i r o e n t o b b e ti sa th i ,a d m_ukt rt ra r c . i. , e;
r o om ; e tu ena m tu .tho ined C = .
combination to the (1411” t extent of the useful with the beautiful i
and so great is out confidence in it that we wilt naermd it to i 0 1 4 e Erie City Railroad,
'Loam to every respect. In addition to the Stoves above noticed Erie, Feb. LA, ISM-attn. j
we ban a great variety of cooking Stoves among which we i f
mention the Enema MITI/MT. a new and very atuamive"ele. ; ) exmattar's ItiotiCs.
vaned oven," and one which universal!) , Pleases. The Eagle ; UTTAR Tertameritatv i•, - i.t i,.c been ranted oft the wane
Sallee-tor which Ms bees estensiveiy sold. and the Pennett. the ii of Joan Brown. late Of Gree , ” Tow n*hi p. Orreries& AO
Bang Up. the Beauty af Ste West. and Premiums of various at. j its Indebted to said Estate e,equested to mate alawardwas
sea. Aheo Grecian, Floral and Italian, Parlors Lady Franklin, yment. and those hav ri,r, c , ions aratinn said evaale WM
slide dear and cylinder coal glove*, together with a large num- 1 p 1 them for rettteluet.'- g• 0 . l' INN ICI• 11seentae
her ofother k tech too lintnerous to Melft.lo4. WewlU take great ' 4re en °, f
- l t o • w• 1-54 . - "' W
pleasure in showing them to all who wish to purchase.
Tie Copperand betel Iron ware od glover ipe constantly - 0a i r
band and jobbing done to order
Erie. Dee .11.--.11. SENNETT & CO.
70 23
2 00
$3345 44
$3446 69
A 1864. Spring Style of Hsu 3864
UsT received at WAlLlteadli the Philo&%pat&
Spring fkile at Kau. Please WI mid lack at thee.
Brie. Feb. IS, 1964-41.
gn OMR Tisaotlry asd Clone Seed. Ns, 1 ankle,
aria als Feb .w-u. TISIMAJP IfAYIIII,
Jewekvill'ettime * Inks, Motion, Tenni ,
oLunTsz amse It. 110/3101110, world Ire leave tars
/1 their elootee thank, to their friernigs, and the ;rehire ahilaß•
ib r th e ir m ie n' persoroge bektorote emended to dreara. sea
woeld'also inform their customer , that rhey are ea. powered
Wet 'mutt oserraceareeOls than Mt, la the shape of
- Watches.
Gold had elleur twat Lever!.
Mr stoat comprises a tun vatreky et
filmed Clatiaa.
Vela mi.
Terrell Came.
Goltreseim. , ,a*
in our 'Seek of Silver Ware we defy all easareatiOa 1•1111110-
4, r , and in those who purchase silver Ware of any aCM Intill•
int *eats amaaped,"t Hollister ours- coin" we goaralela
fame to be pogo r degeto. To Merchants and ham walnelt
oder as art;l Matted a *lock of Yankee Notions and
eel be found west of New York city. and aupf,era that
beat Fmgrarlag k Watch mat r, rye done in the neatest reeek•
hie manner. The eabserrbers will also Myr ernoloyrnitat Wm.
r e d oenk youn g
f tr.= Lubin 10. et'
iooda Maim
Erie, rob NO 9, tlaebe. Block. Er M. PI.
Vestristri-..-Now Arranteimaatil
HAYING seemed the rerr.eee of Mr. W. H Luce, a make
wit i a . imm. my o fb ee concantly open fur MN. ,
was. Patients from town ur ,7 , ,,entY wallet u;,)n at an ilemar
er !Moat rsamecesnary delay. For presert nuaral Teak*"
best. Ideal* known to the prole,- n,r, rri Ü tbla hi Me
true oruiriote Of the dentist. tLir rb'e is to extract mak OW
whes ambles better can bI done Excellent faCil ities seam
come lbecookruettag tegLisi n‘. %One 1 ~ .‘epartmem we
realeadenvor to introduce bOtb Ott 11 3r.d . glod taste Wks/ la
Beatty's Mock, North aide of trlc t 1, 1 / L. MA 1 416.
Erie. Feb. 18, ied4-40. Nowt.
- VET ILL cid at RURTOX4I haanuc. Blifralo and Coma vnito
v Lead. dry and cll. Ven • c Red. Fre'ne.l Yeilear NIA&
Ceretve and lieperlal Gretna. rru,tia - ft 13Iqe. dry and visaed la
ettomi Yellow, Vertadlion. Lamp Black. tied Lead Vac
Paint. Porcelain .J 4 Dtu,Jr Varnish, Linseed OU.
nulled aed raw. Varwobet, Turpnnt;•lC. olatCombl.inglfr
ar of al{tinda, ar.c.. hat
wltt isod eltettaaw. Patent. Common and Pare Mat O.
Blacktop and lacewing enuhes and La mp frame..
Win and pore Medicines nod Chem tr.a/a etau, Nada,
Cal fn,ttumrnU. Abdominal 3an`artenandTruanofalt klub
and prices. pure Waned and 1.5U0f,. Eannentani etlaalce. °o
der, Gated and warranted to Pi , ' ; , lantlon.
%VIII dad Jones, While ic Co's Teeth, Gold and TM Pet
Sera's Instrumenu. 4:for surgical and wechan,eal destined.) it
all kind., and manufacturers prices , aho. Water's ktasearend
impnession tuna. a beautiful article.
POP. LADIES ASO GLATI.EME.S'ci Toilet. Caney sad
common Toilet and Phasing Soar., Hearts Ott, Phtheousil
Lostrate, Pomade, Rouge, !laic Die'. Mactiscar Oil. Tomtit
Powder,Lubla's itazin's,Juies ilauci's and Darriann's Lantractii_
Ibrthe bandnerelnef, cc:maiming in part or Upper Ten. JIMMW
Club. Jenny 4tad, Rose G eran u in. Pa ic houly. IliedPOsanla./14*
naffs, Verbena, Rom, Tea, New dawn Hay. Violet, Jesnagalin,
Milledners. Dellimeope. Murk, Sciquet De Caroline sod tOrloo
tat Drops: flair. Tooth aid Mil 'inhales. Adimasdlan lsd
Cold Cream forchapped hands, I.ip lati‘ln enchant, Anmantlllll.
Rom, Almond and Ambrosial cre irn and !tillrael Soap& OM
tbetteard, and another nee, ...sary art idea kar Ladies; and am
t/Morn's toilet.
Will find estraeur Vanilla. Altoona. reaell and tow. Liu
Wort. Vasitia Bon. Olive OIL Clover. Ginter. Ntuinep. Oka
unman. eau& ground Norturv. Corn Btnreb. Gollupoo. Itiri
alas, ?tenth Chocolate. Cocoa, Brorna and Muatatd
, lU. BURT ON *CO. •
Ire. Dec Nkti,—ao. No. S Reed
New Trade. '
frr nee Iv tug tram Plotadel Ala a large Stock of Del/ Gash
va be add lkt a reduced nriec. Those Ilarborcheet Gel
now be aceornioodated with a new Philadelphia Coat at ant.
New Goods fram
Vile me DOM °Mein II lot of Nov (1,700 wbleb wt will be
IF • pleased to ehow our Mends. SELDEti &ELY.
Erie. Feb. IE , , 1n34.
thz..rtel D. June In. 1n33
Du Drop.
nips Ittizo
1 R. R. ft Al/WA Y'S R[: km( vta44 - kt.r ENT. A amiablilly
s of this valuatAe medicine bait been received by
Feb. W,l-I:4—eo. CMITII2k 2110'.
Inn SOU At 004.
001) & CO. No.?, Brown'. Bloch. haft diAtreftell ♦
leave the 4est of Cane V. sr," on ihe /xi of Apt% sag
thertfere see their entire mac ..teicLhing at Wet. Thee le
neeopponnbilr,sadtbwh waatofciotblhdtasialb tdF
that tall and see whit bartaini there Is in stags Au MW--
-'tfts_get the phire; Wsa Cci N 0.7, Btoors'elhster
Ibis. nth 18, leis—s.
0 SPENCER. Sec',